From f7af45f95bb3e26fdb4622153b6b5bde68014b58 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Gav <>
Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2018 19:36:26 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] remove string constants <-- @rphmeier

 .../demo/runtime/src/runtime/     |   4 +-
 substrate/demo/runtime/src/runtime/ | 105 ++++++++----------
 .../demo/runtime/src/runtime/     |  95 +++++++++-------
 .../demo/runtime/src/runtime/    |  41 ++++---
 substrate/demo/runtime/src/runtime/ |  38 ++++++-
 substrate/demo/runtime/src/runtime/ |  69 ++++++++----
 substrate/demo/runtime/src/runtime/  |  45 ++++----
 .../demo/runtime/src/runtime/     |   2 +-
 8 files changed, 225 insertions(+), 174 deletions(-)

diff --git a/substrate/demo/runtime/src/runtime/ b/substrate/demo/runtime/src/runtime/
index ff313daa036..eca7bd46bb7 100644
--- a/substrate/demo/runtime/src/runtime/
+++ b/substrate/demo/runtime/src/runtime/
@@ -20,10 +20,12 @@ use rstd::prelude::*;
 use runtime_support::storage::unhashed::StorageVec;
 use demo_primitives::SessionKey;
+pub const AUTHORITY_AT: &'static[u8] = b":auth:";
 struct AuthorityStorageVec {}
 impl StorageVec for AuthorityStorageVec {
 	type Item = SessionKey;
-	const PREFIX: &'static[u8] = b":auth:";
+	const PREFIX: &'static[u8] = AUTHORITY_AT;
 /// Get the current set of authorities. These are the session keys.
diff --git a/substrate/demo/runtime/src/runtime/ b/substrate/demo/runtime/src/runtime/
index 07ccb674118..455d919db40 100644
--- a/substrate/demo/runtime/src/runtime/
+++ b/substrate/demo/runtime/src/runtime/
@@ -77,35 +77,35 @@ use runtime::staking::Balance;
 // after each vote as all but K entries are cleared. newly registering candidates must use cleared
 // entries before they increase the capacity.
-type VoteIndex = u32;
+pub type VoteIndex = u32;
 // parameters
-const CANDIDACY_BOND: &[u8] = b"cou:cbo";
-const VOTING_BOND: &[u8] = b"cou:vbo";
-const PRESENT_SLASH_PER_VOTER: &[u8] = b"cou:pss";
-const CARRY_COUNT: &[u8] = b"cou:cco";
-const PRESENTATION_DURATION: &[u8] = b"cou:pdu";
-const INACTIVE_GRACE_PERIOD: &[u8] = b"cou:vgp";
-const VOTING_PERIOD: &[u8] = b"cou:per";
-const TERM_DURATION: &[u8] = b"cou:trm";
-const DESIRED_SEATS: &[u8] = b"cou:sts";
+pub const CANDIDACY_BOND: &[u8] = b"cou:cbo";
+pub const VOTING_BOND: &[u8] = b"cou:vbo";
+pub const PRESENT_SLASH_PER_VOTER: &[u8] = b"cou:pss";
+pub const CARRY_COUNT: &[u8] = b"cou:cco";
+pub const PRESENTATION_DURATION: &[u8] = b"cou:pdu";
+pub const INACTIVE_GRACE_PERIOD: &[u8] = b"cou:vgp";
+pub const VOTING_PERIOD: &[u8] = b"cou:per";
+pub const TERM_DURATION: &[u8] = b"cou:trm";
+pub const DESIRED_SEATS: &[u8] = b"cou:sts";
 // permanent state (always relevant, changes only at the finalisation of voting)
-const ACTIVE_COUNCIL: &[u8] = b"cou:act";
-const VOTE_COUNT: &[u8] = b"cou:vco";
+pub const ACTIVE_COUNCIL: &[u8] = b"cou:act";
+pub const VOTE_COUNT: &[u8] = b"cou:vco";
 // persistent state (always relevant, changes constantly)
-const APPROVALS_OF: &[u8] = b"cou:apr:";		// Vec<bool>
-const REGISTER_INFO_OF: &[u8] = b"cou:reg:";	// Candidate -> (VoteIndex, u32)
-const LAST_ACTIVE_OF: &[u8] = b"cou:lac:";		// Voter -> VoteIndex
-const VOTERS: &[u8] = b"cou:vrs";				// Vec<AccountId>
-const CANDIDATES: &[u8] = b"cou:can";			// Vec<AccountId>, has holes
-const CANDIDATE_COUNT: &[u8] = b"cou:cnc";		// u32
+pub const APPROVALS_OF: &[u8] = b"cou:apr:";		// Vec<bool>
+pub const REGISTER_INFO_OF: &[u8] = b"cou:reg:";	// Candidate -> (VoteIndex, u32)
+pub const LAST_ACTIVE_OF: &[u8] = b"cou:lac:";		// Voter -> VoteIndex
+pub const VOTERS: &[u8] = b"cou:vrs";				// Vec<AccountId>
+pub const CANDIDATES: &[u8] = b"cou:can";			// Vec<AccountId>, has holes
+pub const CANDIDATE_COUNT: &[u8] = b"cou:cnc";		// u32
 // temporary state (only relevant during finalisation/presentation)
-const NEXT_FINALISE: &[u8] = b"cou:nxt";
-const SNAPSHOTED_STAKES: &[u8] = b"cou:sss";		// Vec<Balance>
-const LEADERBOARD: &[u8] = b"cou:win";				// Vec<(Balance, AccountId)> ORDERED low -> high
+pub const NEXT_FINALISE: &[u8] = b"cou:nxt";
+pub const SNAPSHOTED_STAKES: &[u8] = b"cou:sss";		// Vec<Balance>
+pub const LEADERBOARD: &[u8] = b"cou:win";				// Vec<(Balance, AccountId)> ORDERED low -> high
 /// How much should be locked up in order to submit one's candidacy.
 pub fn candidacy_bond() -> Balance {
@@ -552,46 +552,14 @@ fn finalise_tally() {
-mod tests {
+pub mod testing {
 	use super::*;
-	use runtime_io::{with_externalities, twox_128, TestExternalities};
-	use codec::{KeyedVec, Joiner};
-	use keyring::Keyring;
-	use environment::with_env;
-	use demo_primitives::{AccountId, Proposal};
-	use runtime::{staking, session, democracy};
-	fn new_test_ext() -> TestExternalities {
-		let alice = Keyring::Alice.to_raw_public();
-		let bob = Keyring::Bob.to_raw_public();
-		let charlie = Keyring::Charlie.to_raw_public();
-		let dave = Keyring::Dave.to_raw_public();
-		let eve = Keyring::Eve.to_raw_public();
-		let ferdie = Keyring::Ferdie.to_raw_public();
-		let one = Keyring::One.to_raw_public();
-		map![
-			twox_128(b"ses:len").to_vec() => vec![].and(&1u64),
-			twox_128(b"ses:val:len").to_vec() => vec![].and(&3u32),
-			twox_128(&0u32.to_keyed_vec(b"ses:val:")).to_vec() => alice.to_vec(),
-			twox_128(&1u32.to_keyed_vec(b"ses:val:")).to_vec() => bob.to_vec(),
-			twox_128(&2u32.to_keyed_vec(b"ses:val:")).to_vec() => charlie.to_vec(),
-			twox_128(b"sta:wil:len").to_vec() => vec![].and(&3u32),
-			twox_128(&0u32.to_keyed_vec(b"sta:wil:")).to_vec() => alice.to_vec(),
-			twox_128(&1u32.to_keyed_vec(b"sta:wil:")).to_vec() => bob.to_vec(),
-			twox_128(&2u32.to_keyed_vec(b"sta:wil:")).to_vec() => charlie.to_vec(),
-			twox_128(&alice.to_keyed_vec(b"sta:bal:")).to_vec() => vec![].and(&10u64),
-			twox_128(&bob.to_keyed_vec(b"sta:bal:")).to_vec() => vec![].and(&20u64),
-			twox_128(&charlie.to_keyed_vec(b"sta:bal:")).to_vec() => vec![].and(&30u64),
-			twox_128(&dave.to_keyed_vec(b"sta:bal:")).to_vec() => vec![].and(&40u64),
-			twox_128(&eve.to_keyed_vec(b"sta:bal:")).to_vec() => vec![].and(&50u64),
-			twox_128(&ferdie.to_keyed_vec(b"sta:bal:")).to_vec() => vec![].and(&60u64),
-			twox_128(&one.to_keyed_vec(b"sta:bal:")).to_vec() => vec![].and(&1u64),
-			twox_128(b"sta:tot").to_vec() => vec![].and(&210u64),
-			twox_128(b"sta:spe").to_vec() => vec![].and(&1u64),
-			twox_128(b"sta:vac").to_vec() => vec![].and(&3u64),
-			twox_128(b"sta:era").to_vec() => vec![].and(&1u64),
+	use runtime_io::{twox_128, TestExternalities};
+	use codec::Joiner;
+	use runtime::democracy;
+	pub fn externalities() -> TestExternalities {
+		let extras: TestExternalities = map![
 			twox_128(CANDIDACY_BOND).to_vec() => vec![].and(&9u64),
 			twox_128(VOTING_BOND).to_vec() => vec![].and(&3u64),
 			twox_128(PRESENT_SLASH_PER_VOTER).to_vec() => vec![].and(&1u64),
@@ -601,7 +569,24 @@ mod tests {
 			twox_128(TERM_DURATION).to_vec() => vec![].and(&5u64),
 			twox_128(DESIRED_SEATS).to_vec() => vec![].and(&2u64),
 			twox_128(INACTIVE_GRACE_PERIOD).to_vec() => vec![].and(&1u32)
-		]
+		];
+		democracy::testing::externalities()
+			.into_iter().chain(extras.into_iter()).collect()
+	}
+mod tests {
+	use super::*;
+	use runtime_io::{with_externalities, twox_128, TestExternalities};
+	use codec::{KeyedVec, Joiner};
+	use keyring::Keyring;
+	use environment::with_env;
+	use demo_primitives::{AccountId, Proposal};
+	use runtime::{staking, session, democracy};
+	fn new_test_ext() -> TestExternalities {
+		testing::externalities()
diff --git a/substrate/demo/runtime/src/runtime/ b/substrate/demo/runtime/src/runtime/
index af265e79790..36965153498 100644
--- a/substrate/demo/runtime/src/runtime/
+++ b/substrate/demo/runtime/src/runtime/
@@ -70,19 +70,24 @@ impl VoteThreshold {
 // public proposals
-const PUBLIC_PROP_COUNT: &[u8] = b"dem:ppc";	// PropIndex
-const PUBLIC_PROPS: &[u8] = b"dem:pub";			// Vec<(PropIndex, Proposal)>
-const DEPOSIT_OF: &[u8] = b"dem:dep:";			// PropIndex -> (Balance, Vec<AccountId>)
-const LAUNCH_PERIOD: &[u8] = b"dem:lau";		// BlockNumber
-const MINIMUM_DEPOSIT: &[u8] = b"dem:min";		// Balance
+pub const PUBLIC_PROP_COUNT: &[u8] = b"dem:ppc";	// PropIndex
+pub const PUBLIC_PROPS: &[u8] = b"dem:pub";			// Vec<(PropIndex, Proposal)>
+pub const DEPOSIT_OF: &[u8] = b"dem:dep:";			// PropIndex -> (Balance, Vec<AccountId>)
+pub const LAUNCH_PERIOD: &[u8] = b"dem:lau";		// BlockNumber
+pub const MINIMUM_DEPOSIT: &[u8] = b"dem:min";		// Balance
+// council proposals
+pub const COUNCIL_PROPOSAL: &[u8] = b"dem:cou:pro";	// (BlockNumber, Proposal)
+pub const COUNCIL_VOTE_OF: &[u8] = b"dem:cou:vot:";	// AccountId -> CouncilVote
+pub const COUNCIL_VOTERS: &[u8] = b"dem:cou:vts";	// Vec<AccountId>
 // referenda
-const VOTING_PERIOD: &[u8] = b"dem:per";		// BlockNumber
-const REFERENDUM_COUNT: &[u8] = b"dem:rco";		// ReferendumIndex
-const NEXT_TALLY: &[u8] = b"dem:nxt";			// ReferendumIndex
-const REFERENDUM_INFO_OF: &[u8] = b"dem:pro:";	// ReferendumIndex -> (BlockNumber, Proposal, VoteThreshold)
-const VOTERS_FOR: &[u8] = b"dem:vtr:";			// ReferendumIndex -> Vec<AccountId>
-const VOTE_OF: &[u8] = b"dem:vot:";				// (ReferendumIndex, AccountId) -> bool
+pub const VOTING_PERIOD: &[u8] = b"dem:per";		// BlockNumber
+pub const REFERENDUM_COUNT: &[u8] = b"dem:rco";		// ReferendumIndex
+pub const NEXT_TALLY: &[u8] = b"dem:nxt";			// ReferendumIndex
+pub const REFERENDUM_INFO_OF: &[u8] = b"dem:pro:";	// ReferendumIndex -> (BlockNumber, Proposal, VoteThreshold)
+pub const VOTERS_FOR: &[u8] = b"dem:vtr:";			// ReferendumIndex -> Vec<AccountId>
+pub const VOTE_OF: &[u8] = b"dem:vot:";				// (ReferendumIndex, AccountId) -> bool
 /// The minimum amount to be used as a deposit for a public referendum proposal.
 pub fn minimum_deposit() -> Balance {
@@ -289,16 +294,14 @@ fn inject_referendum(
-mod tests {
+pub mod testing {
 	use super::*;
-	use runtime_io::{with_externalities, twox_128, TestExternalities};
-	use codec::{KeyedVec, Joiner};
+	use runtime_io::{twox_128, TestExternalities};
+	use codec::Joiner;
 	use keyring::Keyring;
-	use environment::with_env;
-	use demo_primitives::{AccountId, Proposal};
-	use runtime::{staking, session, democracy};
+	use runtime::{session, staking};
-	fn new_test_ext() -> TestExternalities {
+	pub fn externalities() -> TestExternalities {
 		let alice = Keyring::Alice.to_raw_public();
 		let bob = Keyring::Bob.to_raw_public();
 		let charlie = Keyring::Charlie.to_raw_public();
@@ -308,31 +311,47 @@ mod tests {
 		let one = Keyring::One.to_raw_public();
-			twox_128(b"ses:len").to_vec() => vec![].and(&1u64),
-			twox_128(b"ses:val:len").to_vec() => vec![].and(&3u32),
-			twox_128(&0u32.to_keyed_vec(b"ses:val:")).to_vec() => alice.to_vec(),
-			twox_128(&1u32.to_keyed_vec(b"ses:val:")).to_vec() => bob.to_vec(),
-			twox_128(&2u32.to_keyed_vec(b"ses:val:")).to_vec() => charlie.to_vec(),
-			twox_128(b"sta:wil:len").to_vec() => vec![].and(&3u32),
-			twox_128(&0u32.to_keyed_vec(b"sta:wil:")).to_vec() => alice.to_vec(),
-			twox_128(&1u32.to_keyed_vec(b"sta:wil:")).to_vec() => bob.to_vec(),
-			twox_128(&2u32.to_keyed_vec(b"sta:wil:")).to_vec() => charlie.to_vec(),
-			twox_128(&alice.to_keyed_vec(b"sta:bal:")).to_vec() => vec![].and(&10u64),
-			twox_128(&bob.to_keyed_vec(b"sta:bal:")).to_vec() => vec![].and(&20u64),
-			twox_128(&charlie.to_keyed_vec(b"sta:bal:")).to_vec() => vec![].and(&30u64),
-			twox_128(&dave.to_keyed_vec(b"sta:bal:")).to_vec() => vec![].and(&40u64),
-			twox_128(&eve.to_keyed_vec(b"sta:bal:")).to_vec() => vec![].and(&50u64),
-			twox_128(&ferdie.to_keyed_vec(b"sta:bal:")).to_vec() => vec![].and(&60u64),
-			twox_128(&one.to_keyed_vec(b"sta:bal:")).to_vec() => vec![].and(&1u64),
-			twox_128(b"sta:tot").to_vec() => vec![].and(&210u64),
-			twox_128(b"sta:spe").to_vec() => vec![].and(&1u64),
-			twox_128(b"sta:vac").to_vec() => vec![].and(&3u64),
-			twox_128(b"sta:era").to_vec() => vec![].and(&1u64),
+			twox_128(session::SESSION_LENGTH).to_vec() => vec![].and(&1u64),
+			twox_128(session::VALIDATOR_COUNT).to_vec() => vec![].and(&3u32),
+			twox_128(&0u32.to_keyed_vec(session::VALIDATOR_AT)).to_vec() => alice.to_vec(),
+			twox_128(&1u32.to_keyed_vec(session::VALIDATOR_AT)).to_vec() => bob.to_vec(),
+			twox_128(&2u32.to_keyed_vec(session::VALIDATOR_AT)).to_vec() => charlie.to_vec(),
+			twox_128(staking::INTENTION_COUNT).to_vec() => vec![].and(&3u32),
+			twox_128(&0u32.to_keyed_vec(staking::INTENTION_AT)).to_vec() => alice.to_vec(),
+			twox_128(&1u32.to_keyed_vec(staking::INTENTION_AT)).to_vec() => bob.to_vec(),
+			twox_128(&2u32.to_keyed_vec(staking::INTENTION_AT)).to_vec() => charlie.to_vec(),
+			twox_128(&alice.to_keyed_vec(staking::BALANCE_OF)).to_vec() => vec![].and(&10u64),
+			twox_128(&bob.to_keyed_vec(staking::BALANCE_OF)).to_vec() => vec![].and(&20u64),
+			twox_128(&charlie.to_keyed_vec(staking::BALANCE_OF)).to_vec() => vec![].and(&30u64),
+			twox_128(&dave.to_keyed_vec(staking::BALANCE_OF)).to_vec() => vec![].and(&40u64),
+			twox_128(&eve.to_keyed_vec(staking::BALANCE_OF)).to_vec() => vec![].and(&50u64),
+			twox_128(&ferdie.to_keyed_vec(staking::BALANCE_OF)).to_vec() => vec![].and(&60u64),
+			twox_128(&one.to_keyed_vec(staking::BALANCE_OF)).to_vec() => vec![].and(&1u64),
+			twox_128(staking::TOTAL_STAKE).to_vec() => vec![].and(&210u64),
+			twox_128(staking::SESSIONS_PER_ERA).to_vec() => vec![].and(&1u64),
+			twox_128(staking::VALIDATOR_COUNT).to_vec() => vec![].and(&3u64),
+			twox_128(staking::CURRENT_ERA).to_vec() => vec![].and(&1u64),
 			twox_128(LAUNCH_PERIOD).to_vec() => vec![].and(&1u64),
 			twox_128(VOTING_PERIOD).to_vec() => vec![].and(&1u64),
 			twox_128(MINIMUM_DEPOSIT).to_vec() => vec![].and(&1u64)
+mod tests {
+	use super::*;
+	use runtime_io::{with_externalities, twox_128, TestExternalities};
+	use codec::{KeyedVec, Joiner};
+	use keyring::Keyring;
+	use environment::with_env;
+	use demo_primitives::{AccountId, Proposal};
+	use runtime::{staking, session, democracy};
+	fn new_test_ext() -> TestExternalities {
+		testing::externalities()
+	}
 	fn params_should_work() {
diff --git a/substrate/demo/runtime/src/runtime/ b/substrate/demo/runtime/src/runtime/
index 0db372c4814..4689941de4c 100644
--- a/substrate/demo/runtime/src/runtime/
+++ b/substrate/demo/runtime/src/runtime/
@@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ use demo_primitives::{Proposal, AccountId, Hash, BlockNumber};
 use runtime::{staking, system, session};
 use dispatch::enact_proposal;
-const APPROVALS_REQUIRED: &[u8] = b"gov:apr";
-const CURRENT_PROPOSAL: &[u8] = b"gov:pro";
-const APPROVAL_OF: &[u8] = b"gov:app:";
+pub const APPROVALS_REQUIRED: &[u8] = b"gov:apr";
+pub const CURRENT_PROPOSAL: &[u8] = b"gov:pro";
+pub const APPROVAL_OF: &[u8] = b"gov:app:";
 /// The proportion of validators required for a propsal to be approved measured as the number out
 /// of 1000.
@@ -113,6 +113,21 @@ pub mod internal {
+pub mod testing {
+	use super::*;
+	use runtime_io::{twox_128, TestExternalities};
+	use codec::Joiner;
+	pub fn externalities(session_length: u64, sessions_per_era: u64, current_era: u64) -> TestExternalities {
+		let extras: TestExternalities = map![
+			twox_128(APPROVALS_REQUIRED).to_vec() => vec![].and(&667u32)
+		];
+		staking::testing::externalities(session_length, sessions_per_era, current_era)
+			.into_iter().chain(extras.into_iter()).collect()
+	}
 mod tests {
 	use super::*;
@@ -124,25 +139,7 @@ mod tests {
 	use runtime::{staking, session};
 	fn new_test_ext() -> TestExternalities {
-		let one = Keyring::One.to_raw_public();
-		let two = Keyring::Two.to_raw_public();
-		let three = [3u8; 32];
-		map![
-			twox_128(APPROVALS_REQUIRED).to_vec() => vec![].and(&667u32),
-			twox_128(b"ses:len").to_vec() => vec![].and(&1u64),
-			twox_128(b"ses:val:len").to_vec() => vec![].and(&3u32),
-			twox_128(&0u32.to_keyed_vec(b"ses:val:")).to_vec() => one.to_vec(),
-			twox_128(&1u32.to_keyed_vec(b"ses:val:")).to_vec() => two.to_vec(),
-			twox_128(&2u32.to_keyed_vec(b"ses:val:")).to_vec() => three.to_vec(),
-			twox_128(b"sta:wil:len").to_vec() => vec![].and(&3u32),
-			twox_128(&0u32.to_keyed_vec(b"sta:wil:")).to_vec() => one.to_vec(),
-			twox_128(&1u32.to_keyed_vec(b"sta:wil:")).to_vec() => two.to_vec(),
-			twox_128(&2u32.to_keyed_vec(b"sta:wil:")).to_vec() => three.to_vec(),
-			twox_128(b"sta:spe").to_vec() => vec![].and(&1u64),
-			twox_128(b"sta:vac").to_vec() => vec![].and(&3u64),
-			twox_128(b"sta:era").to_vec() => vec![].and(&1u64)
-		]
+		testing::externalities(1, 1, 1)
diff --git a/substrate/demo/runtime/src/runtime/ b/substrate/demo/runtime/src/runtime/
index b80b5f4e8cc..193274b5682 100644
--- a/substrate/demo/runtime/src/runtime/
+++ b/substrate/demo/runtime/src/runtime/
@@ -23,16 +23,18 @@ use runtime_support::{storage, StorageVec};
 use demo_primitives::{AccountId, SessionKey, BlockNumber};
 use runtime::{system, staking, consensus};
-const SESSION_LENGTH: &[u8] = b"ses:len";
-const CURRENT_INDEX: &[u8] = b"ses:ind";
-const LAST_LENGTH_CHANGE: &[u8] = b"ses:llc";
-const NEXT_KEY_FOR: &[u8] = b"ses:nxt:";
-const NEXT_SESSION_LENGTH: &[u8] = b"ses:nln";
+pub const SESSION_LENGTH: &[u8] = b"ses:len";
+pub const CURRENT_INDEX: &[u8] = b"ses:ind";
+pub const LAST_LENGTH_CHANGE: &[u8] = b"ses:llc";
+pub const NEXT_KEY_FOR: &[u8] = b"ses:nxt:";
+pub const NEXT_SESSION_LENGTH: &[u8] = b"ses:nln";
+pub const VALIDATOR_AT: &[u8] = b"ses:val:";
+pub const VALIDATOR_COUNT: &[u8] = b"ses:val:len";
 struct ValidatorStorageVec {}
 impl StorageVec for ValidatorStorageVec {
 	type Item = AccountId;
-	const PREFIX: &'static[u8] = b"ses:val:";
+	const PREFIX: &'static[u8] = VALIDATOR_AT;
 /// Get the current set of validators.
@@ -131,6 +133,30 @@ fn rotate_session() {
+pub mod testing {
+	use super::*;
+	use runtime_io::{twox_128, TestExternalities};
+	use codec::{Joiner, KeyedVec};
+	use keyring::Keyring;
+	use runtime::system;
+	pub fn externalities(session_length: u64) -> TestExternalities {
+		let one = Keyring::One.to_raw_public();
+		let two = Keyring::Two.to_raw_public();
+		let three = [3u8; 32];
+		let extras: TestExternalities = map![
+			twox_128(SESSION_LENGTH).to_vec() => vec![].and(&session_length),
+			twox_128(VALIDATOR_COUNT).to_vec() => vec![].and(&3u32),
+			twox_128(&0u32.to_keyed_vec(VALIDATOR_AT)).to_vec() => one.to_vec(),
+			twox_128(&1u32.to_keyed_vec(VALIDATOR_AT)).to_vec() => two.to_vec(),
+			twox_128(&2u32.to_keyed_vec(VALIDATOR_AT)).to_vec() => three.to_vec()
+		];
+		system::testing::externalities().into_iter().chain(extras.into_iter()).collect()
+	}
 mod tests {
 	use super::*;
diff --git a/substrate/demo/runtime/src/runtime/ b/substrate/demo/runtime/src/runtime/
index 9acdbb1205f..6d357a52dac 100644
--- a/substrate/demo/runtime/src/runtime/
+++ b/substrate/demo/runtime/src/runtime/
@@ -31,25 +31,27 @@ pub type Balance = u64;
 /// The amount of bonding period left in an account. Measured in eras.
 pub type Bondage = u64;
-struct IntentionStorageVec {}
+pub const BONDING_DURATION: &[u8] = b"sta:loc";
+pub const VALIDATOR_COUNT: &[u8] = b"sta:vac";
+pub const SESSIONS_PER_ERA: &[u8] = b"sta:spe";
+pub const NEXT_SESSIONS_PER_ERA: &[u8] = b"sta:nse";
+pub const CURRENT_ERA: &[u8] = b"sta:era";
+pub const LAST_ERA_LENGTH_CHANGE: &[u8] = b"sta:lec";
+pub const TOTAL_STAKE: &[u8] = b"sta:tot";
+pub const INTENTION_AT: &[u8] = b"sta:wil:";
+pub const INTENTION_COUNT: &[u8] = b"sta:wil:len";
+pub const BALANCE_OF: &[u8] = b"sta:bal:";
+pub const BONDAGE_OF: &[u8] = b"sta:bon:";
+pub const CODE_OF: &[u8] = b"sta:cod:";
+pub const STORAGE_OF: &[u8] = b"sta:sto:";
+pub struct IntentionStorageVec {}
 impl StorageVec for IntentionStorageVec {
 	type Item = AccountId;
-	const PREFIX: &'static[u8] = b"sta:wil:";
+	const PREFIX: &'static[u8] = INTENTION_AT;
-const BONDING_DURATION: &[u8] = b"sta:loc";
-const VALIDATOR_COUNT: &[u8] = b"sta:vac";
-const SESSIONS_PER_ERA: &[u8] = b"sta:spe";
-const NEXT_SESSIONS_PER_ERA: &[u8] = b"sta:nse";
-const CURRENT_ERA: &[u8] = b"sta:era";
-const LAST_ERA_LENGTH_CHANGE: &[u8] = b"sta:lec";
-const TOTAL_STAKE: &[u8] = b"sta:tot";
-const BALANCE_OF: &[u8] = b"sta:bal:";
-const BONDAGE_OF: &[u8] = b"sta:bon:";
-const CODE_OF: &[u8] = b"sta:cod:";
-const STORAGE_OF: &[u8] = b"sta:sto:";
 /// The length of the bonding duration in eras.
 pub fn bonding_duration() -> BlockNumber {
@@ -434,6 +436,33 @@ fn new_era() {
+pub mod testing {
+	use super::*;
+	use runtime_io::{twox_128, TestExternalities};
+	use codec::{Joiner, KeyedVec};
+	use keyring::Keyring;
+	use runtime::session;
+	pub fn externalities(session_length: u64, sessions_per_era: u64, current_era: u64) -> TestExternalities {
+		let one = Keyring::One.to_raw_public();
+		let two = Keyring::Two.to_raw_public();
+		let three = [3u8; 32];
+		let extras: TestExternalities = map![
+			twox_128(INTENTION_COUNT).to_vec() => vec![].and(&3u32),
+			twox_128(&0u32.to_keyed_vec(INTENTION_AT)).to_vec() => one.to_vec(),
+			twox_128(&1u32.to_keyed_vec(INTENTION_AT)).to_vec() => two.to_vec(),
+			twox_128(&2u32.to_keyed_vec(INTENTION_AT)).to_vec() => three.to_vec(),
+			twox_128(SESSIONS_PER_ERA).to_vec() => vec![].and(&sessions_per_era),
+			twox_128(VALIDATOR_COUNT).to_vec() => vec![].and(&3u64),
+			twox_128(CURRENT_ERA).to_vec() => vec![].and(&current_era),
+			twox_128(&one.to_keyed_vec(BALANCE_OF)).to_vec() => vec![111u8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
+		];
+		session::testing::externalities(session_length).into_iter().chain(extras.into_iter()).collect()
+	}
 mod tests {
 	use super::*;
@@ -456,10 +485,10 @@ mod tests {
 		let four = [4u8; 32];
 		let mut t: TestExternalities = map![
-			twox_128(b"ses:len").to_vec() => vec![].and(&1u64),
-			twox_128(b"ses:val:len").to_vec() => vec![].and(&2u32),
-			twox_128(&0u32.to_keyed_vec(b"ses:val:")).to_vec() => vec![10; 32],
-			twox_128(&1u32.to_keyed_vec(b"ses:val:")).to_vec() => vec![20; 32],
+			twox_128(session::SESSION_LENGTH).to_vec() => vec![].and(&1u64),
+			twox_128(session::VALIDATOR_COUNT).to_vec() => vec![].and(&2u32),
+			twox_128(&0u32.to_keyed_vec(session::VALIDATOR_AT)).to_vec() => vec![10; 32],
+			twox_128(&1u32.to_keyed_vec(session::VALIDATOR_AT)).to_vec() => vec![20; 32],
 			twox_128(SESSIONS_PER_ERA).to_vec() => vec![].and(&2u64),
 			twox_128(VALIDATOR_COUNT).to_vec() => vec![].and(&2u32),
 			twox_128(BONDING_DURATION).to_vec() => vec![].and(&3u64),
@@ -526,7 +555,7 @@ mod tests {
 	fn staking_eras_work() {
 		let mut t: TestExternalities = map![
-			twox_128(b"ses:len").to_vec() => vec![].and(&1u64),
+			twox_128(session::SESSION_LENGTH).to_vec() => vec![].and(&1u64),
 			twox_128(SESSIONS_PER_ERA).to_vec() => vec![].and(&2u64)
 		with_externalities(&mut t, || {
diff --git a/substrate/demo/runtime/src/runtime/ b/substrate/demo/runtime/src/runtime/
index b9b546f2f86..009dac82390 100644
--- a/substrate/demo/runtime/src/runtime/
+++ b/substrate/demo/runtime/src/runtime/
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ use demo_primitives::{AccountId, Hash, TxOrder, BlockNumber, Block, Header,
 	UncheckedTransaction, Function, Log};
 use runtime::{staking, session};
-const NONCE_OF: &[u8] = b"sys:non:";
-const BLOCK_HASH_AT: &[u8] = b"sys:old:";
-const CODE: &[u8] = b"sys:cod";
+pub const NONCE_OF: &[u8] = b"sys:non:";
+pub const BLOCK_HASH_AT: &[u8] = b"sys:old:";
+pub const CODE: &[u8] = b"sys:cod";
 /// The current block number being processed. Set by `execute_block`.
 pub fn block_number() -> BlockNumber {
@@ -229,6 +229,19 @@ fn info_expect_equal_hash(given: &Hash, expected: &Hash) {
+pub mod testing {
+	use super::*;
+	use runtime_io::{twox_128, TestExternalities};
+	use codec::Joiner;
+	pub fn externalities() -> TestExternalities {
+		map![
+			twox_128(&0u64.to_keyed_vec(BLOCK_HASH_AT)).to_vec() => [69u8; 32].encode()
+		]
+	}
 mod tests {
 	use super::*;
@@ -240,7 +253,7 @@ mod tests {
 	use environment::with_env;
 	use primitives::hexdisplay::HexDisplay;
 	use demo_primitives::{Header, Digest, UncheckedTransaction, Transaction, Function};
-	use runtime::staking;
+	use runtime::{governance, staking};
 	fn staking_balance_transfer_dispatch_works() {
@@ -248,7 +261,7 @@ mod tests {
 		let two = Keyring::Two.to_raw_public();
 		let mut t: TestExternalities = map![
-			twox_128(&one.to_keyed_vec(b"sta:bal:")).to_vec() => vec![111u8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
+			twox_128(&one.to_keyed_vec(staking::BALANCE_OF)).to_vec() => vec![111u8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
 		let tx = UncheckedTransaction {
@@ -268,27 +281,7 @@ mod tests {
 	fn new_test_ext() -> TestExternalities {
-		let one = Keyring::One.to_raw_public();
-		let two = Keyring::Two.to_raw_public();
-		let three = [3u8; 32];
-		map![
-			twox_128(&0u64.to_keyed_vec(b"sys:old:")).to_vec() => [69u8; 32].encode(),
-			twox_128(b"gov:apr").to_vec() => vec![].and(&667u32),
-			twox_128(b"ses:len").to_vec() => vec![].and(&2u64),
-			twox_128(b"ses:val:len").to_vec() => vec![].and(&3u32),
-			twox_128(&0u32.to_keyed_vec(b"ses:val:")).to_vec() => one.to_vec(),
-			twox_128(&1u32.to_keyed_vec(b"ses:val:")).to_vec() => two.to_vec(),
-			twox_128(&2u32.to_keyed_vec(b"ses:val:")).to_vec() => three.to_vec(),
-			twox_128(b"sta:wil:len").to_vec() => vec![].and(&3u32),
-			twox_128(&0u32.to_keyed_vec(b"sta:wil:")).to_vec() => one.to_vec(),
-			twox_128(&1u32.to_keyed_vec(b"sta:wil:")).to_vec() => two.to_vec(),
-			twox_128(&2u32.to_keyed_vec(b"sta:wil:")).to_vec() => three.to_vec(),
-			twox_128(b"sta:spe").to_vec() => vec![].and(&2u64),
-			twox_128(b"sta:vac").to_vec() => vec![].and(&3u64),
-			twox_128(b"sta:era").to_vec() => vec![].and(&0u64),
-			twox_128(&one.to_keyed_vec(b"sta:bal:")).to_vec() => vec![111u8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
-		]
+		governance::testing::externalities(2, 2, 0)
diff --git a/substrate/demo/runtime/src/runtime/ b/substrate/demo/runtime/src/runtime/
index 89b49b53617..52b6cbe2d7d 100644
--- a/substrate/demo/runtime/src/runtime/
+++ b/substrate/demo/runtime/src/runtime/
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ use runtime_support::storage;
 pub type Timestamp = u64;
-const CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: &[u8] = b"tim:val";
+pub const CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: &[u8] = b"tim:val";
 /// Get the current time.
 pub fn get() -> Timestamp {