diff --git a/substrate/client/informant/src/lib.rs b/substrate/client/informant/src/lib.rs
index 3daf29a9f78371d58ee34b996a0302a7fb9bd8a8..a1f0ba9ae5fac3cc9dbceb78bd3b22ff32821167 100644
--- a/substrate/client/informant/src/lib.rs
+++ b/substrate/client/informant/src/lib.rs
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ use futures::prelude::*;
 use log::{info, trace, warn};
 use parity_util_mem::MallocSizeOf;
 use sc_client_api::{BlockchainEvents, UsageProvider};
-use sc_network::{network_state::NetworkState, NetworkStatus};
+use sc_network::NetworkStatus;
 use sp_blockchain::HeaderMetadata;
 use sp_runtime::traits::{Block as BlockT, Header};
 use sp_transaction_pool::TransactionPool;
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ impl<T: TransactionPool + MallocSizeOf> TransactionPoolAndMaybeMallogSizeOf for
 /// Builds the informant and returns a `Future` that drives the informant.
 pub fn build<B: BlockT, C>(
 	client: Arc<C>,
-	network_status_sinks: Arc<status_sinks::StatusSinks<(NetworkStatus<B>, NetworkState)>>,
+	network_status_sinks: Arc<status_sinks::StatusSinks<NetworkStatus<B>>>,
 	pool: Arc<impl TransactionPoolAndMaybeMallogSizeOf>,
 	format: OutputFormat,
 ) -> impl futures::Future<Output = ()>
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ where
 	network_status_sinks.push(Duration::from_millis(5000), network_status_sink);
 	let display_notifications = network_status_stream
-		.for_each(move |(net_status, _)| {
+		.for_each(move |net_status| {
 			let info = client_1.usage_info();
 			if let Some(ref usage) = info.usage {
 				trace!(target: "usage", "Usage statistics: {}", usage);
diff --git a/substrate/client/network/src/network_state.rs b/substrate/client/network/src/network_state.rs
index 2e24e9c5a9f58e9ff3fc9d8816f52481b7c3d30e..db2b6429304bb2b7d351725b907f361fa0ed9ef6 100644
--- a/substrate/client/network/src/network_state.rs
+++ b/substrate/client/network/src/network_state.rs
@@ -43,10 +43,6 @@ pub struct NetworkState {
 	pub connected_peers: HashMap<String, Peer>,
 	/// List of node that we know of but that we're not connected to.
 	pub not_connected_peers: HashMap<String, NotConnectedPeer>,
-	/// The total number of bytes received.
-	pub total_bytes_inbound: u64,
-	/// The total number of bytes sent.
-	pub total_bytes_outbound: u64,
 	/// State of the peerset manager.
 	pub peerset: serde_json::Value,
diff --git a/substrate/client/network/src/service.rs b/substrate/client/network/src/service.rs
index 4fa37c64c75e2e6ce0140dd309e192f403aea585..28af928060002e97a4aad83b79807987f6b4ea70 100644
--- a/substrate/client/network/src/service.rs
+++ b/substrate/client/network/src/service.rs
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 //! which is then processed by [`NetworkWorker::poll`].
 use crate::{
-	ExHashT, NetworkStateInfo,
+	ExHashT, NetworkStateInfo, NetworkStatus,
 	behaviour::{self, Behaviour, BehaviourOut},
 	config::{parse_str_addr, NonReservedPeerMode, Params, Role, TransportConfig},
@@ -49,12 +49,8 @@ use libp2p::kad::record;
 use libp2p::ping::handler::PingFailure;
 use libp2p::swarm::{NetworkBehaviour, SwarmBuilder, SwarmEvent, protocols_handler::NodeHandlerWrapperError};
 use log::{error, info, trace, warn};
+use metrics::{Metrics, MetricSources, Histogram, HistogramVec};
 use parking_lot::Mutex;
-use prometheus_endpoint::{
-	register, Counter, CounterVec, Gauge, GaugeVec, Histogram, HistogramOpts, HistogramVec, Opts,
-	PrometheusError, Registry, U64,
-	SourcedCounter, MetricSource
 use sc_peerset::PeersetHandle;
 use sp_consensus::import_queue::{BlockImportError, BlockImportResult, ImportQueue, Link};
 use sp_runtime::{
@@ -80,6 +76,7 @@ use wasm_timer::Instant;
 pub use behaviour::{ResponseFailure, InboundFailure, RequestFailure, OutboundFailure};
+mod metrics;
 mod out_events;
 mod tests;
@@ -365,10 +362,11 @@ impl<B: BlockT + 'static, H: ExHashT> NetworkWorker<B, H> {
 		// Initialize the metrics.
 		let metrics = match &params.metrics_registry {
 			Some(registry) => {
-				// Sourced metrics.
-				BandwidthCounters::register(registry, bandwidth.clone())?;
-				// Other (i.e. new) metrics.
-				Some(Metrics::register(registry)?)
+				Some(metrics::register(registry, MetricSources {
+					bandwidth: bandwidth.clone(),
+					major_syncing: is_major_syncing.clone(),
+					connected_peers: num_connected.clone(),
+				})?)
 			None => None
@@ -423,6 +421,19 @@ impl<B: BlockT + 'static, H: ExHashT> NetworkWorker<B, H> {
+	/// High-level network status information.
+	pub fn status(&self) -> NetworkStatus<B> {
+		NetworkStatus {
+			sync_state: self.sync_state(),
+			best_seen_block: self.best_seen_block(),
+			num_sync_peers: self.num_sync_peers(),
+			num_connected_peers: self.num_connected_peers(),
+			num_active_peers: self.num_active_peers(),
+			total_bytes_inbound: self.total_bytes_inbound(),
+			total_bytes_outbound: self.total_bytes_outbound(),
+		}
+	}
 	/// Returns the total number of bytes received so far.
 	pub fn total_bytes_inbound(&self) -> u64 {
@@ -562,8 +573,6 @@ impl<B: BlockT + 'static, H: ExHashT> NetworkWorker<B, H> {
 			peer_id: Swarm::<B, H>::local_peer_id(&swarm).to_base58(),
 			listened_addresses: Swarm::<B, H>::listeners(&swarm).cloned().collect(),
 			external_addresses: Swarm::<B, H>::external_addresses(&swarm).cloned().collect(),
-			total_bytes_inbound: self.service.bandwidth.total_inbound(),
-			total_bytes_outbound: self.service.bandwidth.total_outbound(),
 			peerset: swarm.user_protocol_mut().peerset_debug_info(),
@@ -1175,265 +1184,6 @@ pub struct NetworkWorker<B: BlockT + 'static, H: ExHashT> {
 	peers_notifications_sinks: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<(PeerId, ConsensusEngineId), NotificationsSink>>>,
-struct Metrics {
-	// This list is ordered alphabetically
-	connections_closed_total: CounterVec<U64>,
-	connections_opened_total: CounterVec<U64>,
-	distinct_peers_connections_closed_total: Counter<U64>,
-	distinct_peers_connections_opened_total: Counter<U64>,
-	import_queue_blocks_submitted: Counter<U64>,
-	import_queue_finality_proofs_submitted: Counter<U64>,
-	import_queue_justifications_submitted: Counter<U64>,
-	incoming_connections_errors_total: CounterVec<U64>,
-	incoming_connections_total: Counter<U64>,
-	is_major_syncing: Gauge<U64>,
-	issued_light_requests: Counter<U64>,
-	kademlia_query_duration: HistogramVec,
-	kademlia_random_queries_total: CounterVec<U64>,
-	kademlia_records_count: GaugeVec<U64>,
-	kademlia_records_sizes_total: GaugeVec<U64>,
-	kbuckets_num_nodes: GaugeVec<U64>,
-	listeners_local_addresses: Gauge<U64>,
-	listeners_errors_total: Counter<U64>,
-	notifications_sizes: HistogramVec,
-	notifications_streams_closed_total: CounterVec<U64>,
-	notifications_streams_opened_total: CounterVec<U64>,
-	peers_count: Gauge<U64>,
-	peerset_num_discovered: Gauge<U64>,
-	peerset_num_requested: Gauge<U64>,
-	pending_connections: Gauge<U64>,
-	pending_connections_errors_total: CounterVec<U64>,
-	requests_in_failure_total: CounterVec<U64>,
-	requests_in_success_total: HistogramVec,
-	requests_out_failure_total: CounterVec<U64>,
-	requests_out_success_total: HistogramVec,
-	requests_out_started_total: CounterVec<U64>,
-/// The source for bandwidth metrics.
-struct BandwidthCounters(Arc<transport::BandwidthSinks>);
-impl BandwidthCounters {
-	fn register(registry: &Registry, sinks: Arc<transport::BandwidthSinks>)
-		-> Result<(), PrometheusError>
-	{
-		register(SourcedCounter::new(
-			&Opts::new(
-				"sub_libp2p_network_bytes_total",
-				"Total bandwidth usage"
-			).variable_label("direction"),
-			BandwidthCounters(sinks),
-		)?, registry)?;
-		Ok(())
-	}
-impl MetricSource for BandwidthCounters {
-	type N = u64;
-	fn collect(&self, mut set: impl FnMut(&[&str], Self::N)) {
-		set(&[&"in"], self.0.total_inbound());
-		set(&[&"out"], self.0.total_outbound());
-	}
-impl Metrics {
-	fn register(registry: &Registry) -> Result<Self, PrometheusError> {
-		Ok(Self {
-			// This list is ordered alphabetically
-			connections_closed_total: register(CounterVec::new(
-				Opts::new(
-					"sub_libp2p_connections_closed_total",
-					"Total number of connections closed, by direction and reason"
-				),
-				&["direction", "reason"]
-			)?, registry)?,
-			connections_opened_total: register(CounterVec::new(
-				Opts::new(
-					"sub_libp2p_connections_opened_total",
-					"Total number of connections opened by direction"
-				),
-				&["direction"]
-			)?, registry)?,
-			distinct_peers_connections_closed_total: register(Counter::new(
-					"sub_libp2p_distinct_peers_connections_closed_total",
-					"Total number of connections closed with distinct peers"
-			)?, registry)?,
-			distinct_peers_connections_opened_total: register(Counter::new(
-					"sub_libp2p_distinct_peers_connections_opened_total",
-					"Total number of connections opened with distinct peers"
-			)?, registry)?,
-			import_queue_blocks_submitted: register(Counter::new(
-				"import_queue_blocks_submitted",
-				"Number of blocks submitted to the import queue.",
-			)?, registry)?,
-			import_queue_finality_proofs_submitted: register(Counter::new(
-				"import_queue_finality_proofs_submitted",
-				"Number of finality proofs submitted to the import queue.",
-			)?, registry)?,
-			import_queue_justifications_submitted: register(Counter::new(
-				"import_queue_justifications_submitted",
-				"Number of justifications submitted to the import queue.",
-			)?, registry)?,
-			incoming_connections_errors_total: register(CounterVec::new(
-				Opts::new(
-					"sub_libp2p_incoming_connections_handshake_errors_total",
-					"Total number of incoming connections that have failed during the \
-					initial handshake"
-				),
-				&["reason"]
-			)?, registry)?,
-			incoming_connections_total: register(Counter::new(
-				"sub_libp2p_incoming_connections_total",
-				"Total number of incoming connections on the listening sockets"
-			)?, registry)?,
-			is_major_syncing: register(Gauge::new(
-				"sub_libp2p_is_major_syncing", "Whether the node is performing a major sync or not.",
-			)?, registry)?,
-			issued_light_requests: register(Counter::new(
-				"issued_light_requests",
-				"Number of light client requests that our node has issued.",
-			)?, registry)?,
-			kademlia_query_duration: register(HistogramVec::new(
-				HistogramOpts {
-					common_opts: Opts::new(
-						"sub_libp2p_kademlia_query_duration",
-						"Duration of Kademlia queries per query type"
-					),
-					buckets: prometheus_endpoint::exponential_buckets(0.5, 2.0, 10)
-						.expect("parameters are always valid values; qed"),
-				},
-				&["type"]
-			)?, registry)?,
-			kademlia_random_queries_total: register(CounterVec::new(
-				Opts::new(
-					"sub_libp2p_kademlia_random_queries_total",
-					"Number of random Kademlia queries started"
-				),
-				&["protocol"]
-			)?, registry)?,
-			kademlia_records_count: register(GaugeVec::new(
-				Opts::new(
-					"sub_libp2p_kademlia_records_count",
-					"Number of records in the Kademlia records store"
-				),
-				&["protocol"]
-			)?, registry)?,
-			kademlia_records_sizes_total: register(GaugeVec::new(
-				Opts::new(
-					"sub_libp2p_kademlia_records_sizes_total",
-					"Total size of all the records in the Kademlia records store"
-				),
-				&["protocol"]
-			)?, registry)?,
-			kbuckets_num_nodes: register(GaugeVec::new(
-				Opts::new(
-					"sub_libp2p_kbuckets_num_nodes",
-					"Number of nodes in the Kademlia k-buckets"
-				),
-				&["protocol"]
-			)?, registry)?,
-			listeners_local_addresses: register(Gauge::new(
-				"sub_libp2p_listeners_local_addresses", "Number of local addresses we're listening on"
-			)?, registry)?,
-			listeners_errors_total: register(Counter::new(
-				"sub_libp2p_listeners_errors_total",
-				"Total number of non-fatal errors reported by a listener"
-			)?, registry)?,
-			notifications_sizes: register(HistogramVec::new(
-				HistogramOpts {
-					common_opts: Opts::new(
-						"sub_libp2p_notifications_sizes",
-						"Sizes of the notifications send to and received from all nodes"
-					),
-					buckets: prometheus_endpoint::exponential_buckets(64.0, 4.0, 8)
-						.expect("parameters are always valid values; qed"),
-				},
-				&["direction", "protocol"]
-			)?, registry)?,
-			notifications_streams_closed_total: register(CounterVec::new(
-				Opts::new(
-					"sub_libp2p_notifications_streams_closed_total",
-					"Total number of notification substreams that have been closed"
-				),
-				&["protocol"]
-			)?, registry)?,
-			notifications_streams_opened_total: register(CounterVec::new(
-				Opts::new(
-					"sub_libp2p_notifications_streams_opened_total",
-					"Total number of notification substreams that have been opened"
-				),
-				&["protocol"]
-			)?, registry)?,
-			peers_count: register(Gauge::new(
-				"sub_libp2p_peers_count", "Number of network gossip peers",
-			)?, registry)?,
-			peerset_num_discovered: register(Gauge::new(
-				"sub_libp2p_peerset_num_discovered", "Number of nodes stored in the peerset manager",
-			)?, registry)?,
-			peerset_num_requested: register(Gauge::new(
-				"sub_libp2p_peerset_num_requested", "Number of nodes that the peerset manager wants us to be connected to",
-			)?, registry)?,
-			pending_connections: register(Gauge::new(
-				"sub_libp2p_pending_connections",
-				"Number of connections in the process of being established",
-			)?, registry)?,
-			pending_connections_errors_total: register(CounterVec::new(
-				Opts::new(
-					"sub_libp2p_pending_connections_errors_total",
-					"Total number of pending connection errors"
-				),
-				&["reason"]
-			)?, registry)?,
-			requests_in_failure_total: register(CounterVec::new(
-				Opts::new(
-					"sub_libp2p_requests_in_failure_total",
-					"Total number of incoming requests that the node has failed to answer"
-				),
-				&["protocol", "reason"]
-			)?, registry)?,
-			requests_in_success_total: register(HistogramVec::new(
-				HistogramOpts {
-					common_opts: Opts::new(
-						"sub_libp2p_requests_in_success_total",
-						"Total number of requests received and answered"
-					),
-					buckets: prometheus_endpoint::exponential_buckets(0.001, 2.0, 16)
-						.expect("parameters are always valid values; qed"),
-				},
-				&["protocol"]
-			)?, registry)?,
-			requests_out_failure_total: register(CounterVec::new(
-				Opts::new(
-					"sub_libp2p_requests_out_failure_total",
-					"Total number of requests that have failed"
-				),
-				&["protocol", "reason"]
-			)?, registry)?,
-			requests_out_success_total: register(HistogramVec::new(
-				HistogramOpts {
-					common_opts: Opts::new(
-						"sub_libp2p_requests_out_success_total",
-						"For successful requests, time between a request's start and finish"
-					),
-					buckets: prometheus_endpoint::exponential_buckets(0.001, 2.0, 16)
-						.expect("parameters are always valid values; qed"),
-				},
-				&["protocol"]
-			)?, registry)?,
-			requests_out_started_total: register(CounterVec::new(
-				Opts::new(
-					"sub_libp2p_requests_out_started_total",
-					"Total number of requests emitted"
-				),
-				&["protocol"]
-			)?, registry)?,
-		})
-	}
 impl<B: BlockT + 'static, H: ExHashT> Future for NetworkWorker<B, H> {
 	type Output = ();
@@ -1902,7 +1652,6 @@ impl<B: BlockT + 'static, H: ExHashT> Future for NetworkWorker<B, H> {
 		this.is_major_syncing.store(is_major_syncing, Ordering::Relaxed);
 		if let Some(metrics) = this.metrics.as_ref() {
-			metrics.is_major_syncing.set(is_major_syncing as u64);
 			for (proto, num_entries) in this.network_service.num_kbuckets_entries() {
 				metrics.kbuckets_num_nodes.with_label_values(&[&proto.as_ref()]).set(num_entries as u64);
@@ -1912,7 +1661,6 @@ impl<B: BlockT + 'static, H: ExHashT> Future for NetworkWorker<B, H> {
 			for (proto, num_entries) in this.network_service.kademlia_records_total_size() {
 				metrics.kademlia_records_sizes_total.with_label_values(&[&proto.as_ref()]).set(num_entries as u64);
-			metrics.peers_count.set(num_connected_peers as u64);
 			metrics.peerset_num_discovered.set(this.network_service.user_protocol().num_discovered_peers() as u64);
 			metrics.peerset_num_requested.set(this.network_service.user_protocol().requested_peers().count() as u64);
 			metrics.pending_connections.set(Swarm::network_info(&this.network_service).num_connections_pending as u64);
diff --git a/substrate/client/network/src/service/metrics.rs b/substrate/client/network/src/service/metrics.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bbb0ba80566152be8016f53db508e4876c230cd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/substrate/client/network/src/service/metrics.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+// This file is part of Substrate.
+// Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later WITH Classpath-exception-2.0
+// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+use crate::transport::BandwidthSinks;
+use prometheus_endpoint::{
+	self as prometheus,
+	Counter, CounterVec, Gauge, GaugeVec, HistogramOpts,
+	PrometheusError, Registry, U64, Opts,
+	SourcedCounter, SourcedGauge, MetricSource,
+use std::{
+	str,
+	sync::{
+		atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicUsize, Ordering},
+		Arc,
+	},
+pub use prometheus_endpoint::{Histogram, HistogramVec};
+/// Registers all networking metrics with the given registry.
+pub fn register(registry: &Registry, sources: MetricSources) -> Result<Metrics, PrometheusError> {
+	BandwidthCounters::register(registry, sources.bandwidth)?;
+	MajorSyncingGauge::register(registry, sources.major_syncing)?;
+	NumConnectedGauge::register(registry, sources.connected_peers)?;
+	Metrics::register(registry)
+/// Predefined metric sources that are fed directly into prometheus.
+pub struct MetricSources {
+	pub bandwidth: Arc<BandwidthSinks>,
+	pub major_syncing: Arc<AtomicBool>,
+	pub connected_peers: Arc<AtomicUsize>,
+/// Dedicated metrics.
+pub struct Metrics {
+	// This list is ordered alphabetically
+	pub connections_closed_total: CounterVec<U64>,
+	pub connections_opened_total: CounterVec<U64>,
+	pub distinct_peers_connections_closed_total: Counter<U64>,
+	pub distinct_peers_connections_opened_total: Counter<U64>,
+	pub import_queue_blocks_submitted: Counter<U64>,
+	pub import_queue_finality_proofs_submitted: Counter<U64>,
+	pub import_queue_justifications_submitted: Counter<U64>,
+	pub incoming_connections_errors_total: CounterVec<U64>,
+	pub incoming_connections_total: Counter<U64>,
+	pub issued_light_requests: Counter<U64>,
+	pub kademlia_query_duration: HistogramVec,
+	pub kademlia_random_queries_total: CounterVec<U64>,
+	pub kademlia_records_count: GaugeVec<U64>,
+	pub kademlia_records_sizes_total: GaugeVec<U64>,
+	pub kbuckets_num_nodes: GaugeVec<U64>,
+	pub listeners_local_addresses: Gauge<U64>,
+	pub listeners_errors_total: Counter<U64>,
+	pub notifications_sizes: HistogramVec,
+	pub notifications_streams_closed_total: CounterVec<U64>,
+	pub notifications_streams_opened_total: CounterVec<U64>,
+	pub peerset_num_discovered: Gauge<U64>,
+	pub peerset_num_requested: Gauge<U64>,
+	pub pending_connections: Gauge<U64>,
+	pub pending_connections_errors_total: CounterVec<U64>,
+	pub requests_in_failure_total: CounterVec<U64>,
+	pub requests_in_success_total: HistogramVec,
+	pub requests_out_failure_total: CounterVec<U64>,
+	pub requests_out_success_total: HistogramVec,
+	pub requests_out_started_total: CounterVec<U64>,
+impl Metrics {
+	fn register(registry: &Registry) -> Result<Self, PrometheusError> {
+		Ok(Self {
+			// This list is ordered alphabetically
+			connections_closed_total: prometheus::register(CounterVec::new(
+				Opts::new(
+					"sub_libp2p_connections_closed_total",
+					"Total number of connections closed, by direction and reason"
+				),
+				&["direction", "reason"]
+			)?, registry)?,
+			connections_opened_total: prometheus::register(CounterVec::new(
+				Opts::new(
+					"sub_libp2p_connections_opened_total",
+					"Total number of connections opened by direction"
+				),
+				&["direction"]
+			)?, registry)?,
+			distinct_peers_connections_closed_total: prometheus::register(Counter::new(
+					"sub_libp2p_distinct_peers_connections_closed_total",
+					"Total number of connections closed with distinct peers"
+			)?, registry)?,
+			distinct_peers_connections_opened_total: prometheus::register(Counter::new(
+					"sub_libp2p_distinct_peers_connections_opened_total",
+					"Total number of connections opened with distinct peers"
+			)?, registry)?,
+			import_queue_blocks_submitted: prometheus::register(Counter::new(
+				"import_queue_blocks_submitted",
+				"Number of blocks submitted to the import queue.",
+			)?, registry)?,
+			import_queue_finality_proofs_submitted: prometheus::register(Counter::new(
+				"import_queue_finality_proofs_submitted",
+				"Number of finality proofs submitted to the import queue.",
+			)?, registry)?,
+			import_queue_justifications_submitted: prometheus::register(Counter::new(
+				"import_queue_justifications_submitted",
+				"Number of justifications submitted to the import queue.",
+			)?, registry)?,
+			incoming_connections_errors_total: prometheus::register(CounterVec::new(
+				Opts::new(
+					"sub_libp2p_incoming_connections_handshake_errors_total",
+					"Total number of incoming connections that have failed during the \
+					initial handshake"
+				),
+				&["reason"]
+			)?, registry)?,
+			incoming_connections_total: prometheus::register(Counter::new(
+				"sub_libp2p_incoming_connections_total",
+				"Total number of incoming connections on the listening sockets"
+			)?, registry)?,
+			issued_light_requests: prometheus::register(Counter::new(
+				"issued_light_requests",
+				"Number of light client requests that our node has issued.",
+			)?, registry)?,
+			kademlia_query_duration: prometheus::register(HistogramVec::new(
+				HistogramOpts {
+					common_opts: Opts::new(
+						"sub_libp2p_kademlia_query_duration",
+						"Duration of Kademlia queries per query type"
+					),
+					buckets: prometheus::exponential_buckets(0.5, 2.0, 10)
+						.expect("parameters are always valid values; qed"),
+				},
+				&["type"]
+			)?, registry)?,
+			kademlia_random_queries_total: prometheus::register(CounterVec::new(
+				Opts::new(
+					"sub_libp2p_kademlia_random_queries_total",
+					"Number of random Kademlia queries started"
+				),
+				&["protocol"]
+			)?, registry)?,
+			kademlia_records_count: prometheus::register(GaugeVec::new(
+				Opts::new(
+					"sub_libp2p_kademlia_records_count",
+					"Number of records in the Kademlia records store"
+				),
+				&["protocol"]
+			)?, registry)?,
+			kademlia_records_sizes_total: prometheus::register(GaugeVec::new(
+				Opts::new(
+					"sub_libp2p_kademlia_records_sizes_total",
+					"Total size of all the records in the Kademlia records store"
+				),
+				&["protocol"]
+			)?, registry)?,
+			kbuckets_num_nodes: prometheus::register(GaugeVec::new(
+				Opts::new(
+					"sub_libp2p_kbuckets_num_nodes",
+					"Number of nodes in the Kademlia k-buckets"
+				),
+				&["protocol"]
+			)?, registry)?,
+			listeners_local_addresses: prometheus::register(Gauge::new(
+				"sub_libp2p_listeners_local_addresses", "Number of local addresses we're listening on"
+			)?, registry)?,
+			listeners_errors_total: prometheus::register(Counter::new(
+				"sub_libp2p_listeners_errors_total",
+				"Total number of non-fatal errors reported by a listener"
+			)?, registry)?,
+			notifications_sizes: prometheus::register(HistogramVec::new(
+				HistogramOpts {
+					common_opts: Opts::new(
+						"sub_libp2p_notifications_sizes",
+						"Sizes of the notifications send to and received from all nodes"
+					),
+					buckets: prometheus::exponential_buckets(64.0, 4.0, 8)
+						.expect("parameters are always valid values; qed"),
+				},
+				&["direction", "protocol"]
+			)?, registry)?,
+			notifications_streams_closed_total: prometheus::register(CounterVec::new(
+				Opts::new(
+					"sub_libp2p_notifications_streams_closed_total",
+					"Total number of notification substreams that have been closed"
+				),
+				&["protocol"]
+			)?, registry)?,
+			notifications_streams_opened_total: prometheus::register(CounterVec::new(
+				Opts::new(
+					"sub_libp2p_notifications_streams_opened_total",
+					"Total number of notification substreams that have been opened"
+				),
+				&["protocol"]
+			)?, registry)?,
+			peerset_num_discovered: prometheus::register(Gauge::new(
+				"sub_libp2p_peerset_num_discovered", "Number of nodes stored in the peerset manager",
+			)?, registry)?,
+			peerset_num_requested: prometheus::register(Gauge::new(
+				"sub_libp2p_peerset_num_requested", "Number of nodes that the peerset manager wants us to be connected to",
+			)?, registry)?,
+			pending_connections: prometheus::register(Gauge::new(
+				"sub_libp2p_pending_connections",
+				"Number of connections in the process of being established",
+			)?, registry)?,
+			pending_connections_errors_total: prometheus::register(CounterVec::new(
+				Opts::new(
+					"sub_libp2p_pending_connections_errors_total",
+					"Total number of pending connection errors"
+				),
+				&["reason"]
+			)?, registry)?,
+			requests_in_failure_total: prometheus::register(CounterVec::new(
+				Opts::new(
+					"sub_libp2p_requests_in_failure_total",
+					"Total number of incoming requests that the node has failed to answer"
+				),
+				&["protocol", "reason"]
+			)?, registry)?,
+			requests_in_success_total: prometheus::register(HistogramVec::new(
+				HistogramOpts {
+					common_opts: Opts::new(
+						"sub_libp2p_requests_in_success_total",
+						"Total number of requests received and answered"
+					),
+					buckets: prometheus::exponential_buckets(0.001, 2.0, 16)
+						.expect("parameters are always valid values; qed"),
+				},
+				&["protocol"]
+			)?, registry)?,
+			requests_out_failure_total: prometheus::register(CounterVec::new(
+				Opts::new(
+					"sub_libp2p_requests_out_failure_total",
+					"Total number of requests that have failed"
+				),
+				&["protocol", "reason"]
+			)?, registry)?,
+			requests_out_success_total: prometheus::register(HistogramVec::new(
+				HistogramOpts {
+					common_opts: Opts::new(
+						"sub_libp2p_requests_out_success_total",
+						"For successful requests, time between a request's start and finish"
+					),
+					buckets: prometheus::exponential_buckets(0.001, 2.0, 16)
+						.expect("parameters are always valid values; qed"),
+				},
+				&["protocol"]
+			)?, registry)?,
+			requests_out_started_total: prometheus::register(CounterVec::new(
+				Opts::new(
+					"sub_libp2p_requests_out_started_total",
+					"Total number of requests emitted"
+				),
+				&["protocol"]
+			)?, registry)?,
+		})
+	}
+/// The bandwidth counter metric.
+pub struct BandwidthCounters(Arc<BandwidthSinks>);
+impl BandwidthCounters {
+	/// Registers the `BandwidthCounters` metric whose values are
+	/// obtained from the given sinks.
+	fn register(registry: &Registry, sinks: Arc<BandwidthSinks>) -> Result<(), PrometheusError> {
+		prometheus::register(SourcedCounter::new(
+			&Opts::new(
+				"sub_libp2p_network_bytes_total",
+				"Total bandwidth usage"
+			).variable_label("direction"),
+			BandwidthCounters(sinks),
+		)?, registry)?;
+		Ok(())
+	}
+impl MetricSource for BandwidthCounters {
+	type N = u64;
+	fn collect(&self, mut set: impl FnMut(&[&str], Self::N)) {
+		set(&[&"in"], self.0.total_inbound());
+		set(&[&"out"], self.0.total_outbound());
+	}
+/// The "major syncing" metric.
+pub struct MajorSyncingGauge(Arc<AtomicBool>);
+impl MajorSyncingGauge {
+	/// Registers the `MajorSyncGauge` metric whose value is
+	/// obtained from the given `AtomicBool`.
+	fn register(registry: &Registry, value: Arc<AtomicBool>) -> Result<(), PrometheusError> {
+		prometheus::register(SourcedGauge::new(
+			&Opts::new(
+				"sub_libp2p_is_major_syncing",
+				"Whether the node is performing a major sync or not.",
+			),
+			MajorSyncingGauge(value),
+		)?, registry)?;
+		Ok(())
+	}
+impl MetricSource for MajorSyncingGauge {
+	type N = u64;
+	fn collect(&self, mut set: impl FnMut(&[&str], Self::N)) {
+		set(&[], self.0.load(Ordering::Relaxed) as u64);
+	}
+/// The connected peers metric.
+pub struct NumConnectedGauge(Arc<AtomicUsize>);
+impl NumConnectedGauge {
+	/// Registers the `MajorSyncingGauge` metric whose value is
+	/// obtained from the given `AtomicUsize`.
+	fn register(registry: &Registry, value: Arc<AtomicUsize>) -> Result<(), PrometheusError> {
+		prometheus::register(SourcedGauge::new(
+			&Opts::new(
+				"sub_libp2p_peers_count",
+				"Number of connected peers",
+			),
+			NumConnectedGauge(value),
+		)?, registry)?;
+		Ok(())
+	}
+impl MetricSource for NumConnectedGauge {
+	type N = u64;
+	fn collect(&self, mut set: impl FnMut(&[&str], Self::N)) {
+		set(&[], self.0.load(Ordering::Relaxed) as u64);
+	}
diff --git a/substrate/client/rpc/src/system/tests.rs b/substrate/client/rpc/src/system/tests.rs
index dfe1fcc415159719ad59ea6a2798be7aa6efcaca..099504bb009e6bc0f3a4c0f58d7e6c4f9efab14f 100644
--- a/substrate/client/rpc/src/system/tests.rs
+++ b/substrate/client/rpc/src/system/tests.rs
@@ -87,8 +87,6 @@ fn api<T: Into<Option<Status>>>(sync: T) -> System<Block> {
 						external_addresses: Default::default(),
 						connected_peers: Default::default(),
 						not_connected_peers: Default::default(),
-						total_bytes_inbound: 0,
-						total_bytes_outbound: 0,
 						peerset: serde_json::Value::Null,
@@ -282,8 +280,6 @@ fn system_network_state() {
 			external_addresses: Default::default(),
 			connected_peers: Default::default(),
 			not_connected_peers: Default::default(),
-			total_bytes_inbound: 0,
-			total_bytes_outbound: 0,
 			peerset: serde_json::Value::Null,
diff --git a/substrate/client/service/src/builder.rs b/substrate/client/service/src/builder.rs
index 5faf0899aa2e3706c3cf4ccfefa1e6d2cafe7567..f4046ab722ba70e289440ba602286c7dcb8aed3c 100644
--- a/substrate/client/service/src/builder.rs
+++ b/substrate/client/service/src/builder.rs
@@ -17,10 +17,10 @@
 // along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 use crate::{
-	NetworkStatus, NetworkState, error::Error, DEFAULT_PROTOCOL_ID, MallocSizeOfWasm,
+	error::Error, DEFAULT_PROTOCOL_ID, MallocSizeOfWasm,
 	TelemetryConnectionSinks, RpcHandlers, NetworkStatusSinks,
 	start_rpc_servers, build_network_future, TransactionPoolAdapter, TaskManager, SpawnTaskHandle,
-	status_sinks, metrics::MetricsService,
+	metrics::MetricsService,
 	client::{light, Client, ClientConfig},
 	config::{Configuration, KeystoreConfig, PrometheusConfig},
@@ -472,7 +472,9 @@ pub fn spawn_tasks<TBl, TBackend, TExPool, TRpc, TCl>(
-		network, network_status_sinks, system_rpc_tx,
+		network,
+		network_status_sinks,
+		system_rpc_tx,
 	} = params;
@@ -521,15 +523,13 @@ pub fn spawn_tasks<TBl, TBackend, TExPool, TRpc, TCl>(
-	// Periodically notify the telemetry.
-	spawn_handle.spawn("telemetry-periodic-send", telemetry_periodic_send(
-		client.clone(), transaction_pool.clone(), metrics_service, network_status_sinks.clone()
-	));
-	// Periodically send the network state to the telemetry.
-	spawn_handle.spawn(
-		"telemetry-periodic-network-state",
-		telemetry_periodic_network_state(network_status_sinks.clone()),
+	// Periodically updated metrics and telemetry updates.
+	spawn_handle.spawn("telemetry-periodic-send",
+		metrics_service.run(
+			client.clone(),
+			transaction_pool.clone(),
+			network_status_sinks.clone()
+		)
 	// RPC
@@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ pub fn spawn_tasks<TBl, TBackend, TExPool, TRpc, TCl>(
 	// Spawn informant task
 	spawn_handle.spawn("informant", sc_informant::build(
-		network_status_sinks.clone().0,
+		network_status_sinks.status.clone(),
@@ -606,47 +606,6 @@ async fn transaction_notifications<TBl, TExPool>(
-// Periodically notify the telemetry.
-async fn telemetry_periodic_send<TBl, TExPool, TCl>(
-	client: Arc<TCl>,
-	transaction_pool: Arc<TExPool>,
-	mut metrics_service: MetricsService,
-	network_status_sinks: NetworkStatusSinks<TBl>,
-	where
-		TBl: BlockT,
-		TCl: ProvideRuntimeApi<TBl> + UsageProvider<TBl>,
-		TExPool: MaintainedTransactionPool<Block=TBl, Hash = <TBl as BlockT>::Hash>,
-	let (state_tx, state_rx) = tracing_unbounded::<(NetworkStatus<_>, NetworkState)>("mpsc_netstat1");
-	network_status_sinks.0.push(std::time::Duration::from_millis(5000), state_tx);
-	state_rx.for_each(move |(net_status, _)| {
-		let info = client.usage_info();
-		metrics_service.tick(
-			&info,
-			&transaction_pool.status(),
-			&net_status,
-		);
-		ready(())
-	}).await;
-async fn telemetry_periodic_network_state<TBl: BlockT>(
-	network_status_sinks: NetworkStatusSinks<TBl>,
-) {
-	// Periodically send the network state to the telemetry.
-	let (netstat_tx, netstat_rx) = tracing_unbounded::<(NetworkStatus<_>, NetworkState)>("mpsc_netstat2");
-	network_status_sinks.0.push(std::time::Duration::from_secs(30), netstat_tx);
-	netstat_rx.for_each(move |(_, network_state)| {
-		telemetry!(
-			"system.network_state";
-			"state" => network_state,
-		);
-		ready(())
-	}).await;
 fn build_telemetry<TBl: BlockT>(
 	config: &mut Configuration,
 	endpoints: sc_telemetry::TelemetryEndpoints,
@@ -887,7 +846,7 @@ pub fn build_network<TBl, TExPool, TImpQu, TCl>(
 	let has_bootnodes = !network_params.network_config.boot_nodes.is_empty();
 	let network_mut = sc_network::NetworkWorker::new(network_params)?;
 	let network = network_mut.service().clone();
-	let network_status_sinks = NetworkStatusSinks::new(Arc::new(status_sinks::StatusSinks::new()));
+	let network_status_sinks = NetworkStatusSinks::new();
 	let (system_rpc_tx, system_rpc_rx) = tracing_unbounded("mpsc_system_rpc");
diff --git a/substrate/client/service/src/lib.rs b/substrate/client/service/src/lib.rs
index d19b9f5ea247d7467ba549a5de8f79287475e611..fac09beb8bd60de8c92f31b1f92993392e3f4bf3 100644
--- a/substrate/client/service/src/lib.rs
+++ b/substrate/client/service/src/lib.rs
@@ -126,24 +126,37 @@ impl RpcHandlers {
 /// Sinks to propagate network status updates.
 /// For each element, every time the `Interval` fires we push an element on the sender.
-pub struct NetworkStatusSinks<Block: BlockT>(
-	Arc<status_sinks::StatusSinks<(NetworkStatus<Block>, NetworkState)>>,
+pub struct NetworkStatusSinks<Block: BlockT> {
+	status: Arc<status_sinks::StatusSinks<NetworkStatus<Block>>>,
+	state: Arc<status_sinks::StatusSinks<NetworkState>>,
 impl<Block: BlockT> NetworkStatusSinks<Block> {
-	fn new(
-		sinks: Arc<status_sinks::StatusSinks<(NetworkStatus<Block>, NetworkState)>>
-	) -> Self {
-		Self(sinks)
+	fn new() -> Self {
+		Self {
+			status: Arc::new(status_sinks::StatusSinks::new()),
+			state: Arc::new(status_sinks::StatusSinks::new()),
+		}
-	/// Returns a receiver that periodically receives a status of the network.
-	pub fn network_status(&self, interval: Duration)
-		-> TracingUnboundedReceiver<(NetworkStatus<Block>, NetworkState)> {
+	/// Returns a receiver that periodically yields a [`NetworkStatus`].
+	pub fn status_stream(&self, interval: Duration)
+		-> TracingUnboundedReceiver<NetworkStatus<Block>>
+	{
 		let (sink, stream) = tracing_unbounded("mpsc_network_status");
-		self.0.push(interval, sink);
+		self.status.push(interval, sink);
+		stream
+	}
+	/// Returns a receiver that periodically yields a [`NetworkState`].
+	pub fn state_stream(&self, interval: Duration)
+		-> TracingUnboundedReceiver<NetworkState>
+	{
+		let (sink, stream) = tracing_unbounded("mpsc_network_state");
+		self.state.push(interval, sink);
 /// Sinks to propagate telemetry connection established events.
@@ -319,20 +332,16 @@ async fn build_network_future<
 			// the network.
 			_ = (&mut network).fuse() => {}
-			// At a regular interval, we send the state of the network on what is called
-			// the "status sinks".
-			ready_sink = status_sinks.0.next().fuse() => {
-				let status = NetworkStatus {
-					sync_state: network.sync_state(),
-					best_seen_block: network.best_seen_block(),
-					num_sync_peers: network.num_sync_peers(),
-					num_connected_peers: network.num_connected_peers(),
-					num_active_peers: network.num_active_peers(),
-					total_bytes_inbound: network.total_bytes_inbound(),
-					total_bytes_outbound: network.total_bytes_outbound(),
-				};
-				let state = network.network_state();
-				ready_sink.send((status, state));
+			// At a regular interval, we send high-level status as well as
+			// detailed state information of the network on what are called
+			// "status sinks".
+			status_sink = status_sinks.status.next().fuse() => {
+				status_sink.send(network.status());
+			}
+			state_sink = status_sinks.state.next().fuse() => {
+				state_sink.send(network.network_state());
diff --git a/substrate/client/service/src/metrics.rs b/substrate/client/service/src/metrics.rs
index 90a77667581bf0b952feec7ea431e08eec319802..0af393b53f5178cf6873aeb126954d0c668a2992 100644
--- a/substrate/client/service/src/metrics.rs
+++ b/substrate/client/service/src/metrics.rs
@@ -18,14 +18,19 @@
 use std::{convert::TryFrom, time::SystemTime};
-use crate::{NetworkStatus, config::Configuration};
+use crate::{NetworkStatus, NetworkState, NetworkStatusSinks, config::Configuration};
+use futures_timer::Delay;
 use prometheus_endpoint::{register, Gauge, U64, Registry, PrometheusError, Opts, GaugeVec};
 use sc_telemetry::{telemetry, SUBSTRATE_INFO};
+use sp_api::ProvideRuntimeApi;
 use sp_runtime::traits::{NumberFor, Block, SaturatedConversion, UniqueSaturatedInto};
-use sp_transaction_pool::PoolStatus;
+use sp_transaction_pool::{PoolStatus, MaintainedTransactionPool};
 use sp_utils::metrics::register_globals;
-use sc_client_api::ClientInfo;
+use sp_utils::mpsc::TracingUnboundedReceiver;
+use sc_client_api::{ClientInfo, UsageProvider};
 use sc_network::config::Role;
+use std::sync::Arc;
+use std::time::Duration;
 use wasm_timer::Instant;
 struct PrometheusMetrics {
@@ -99,6 +104,9 @@ impl PrometheusMetrics {
+/// A `MetricsService` periodically sends general client and
+/// network state to the telemetry as well as (optionally)
+/// a Prometheus endpoint.
 pub struct MetricsService {
 	metrics: Option<PrometheusMetrics>,
 	last_update: Instant,
@@ -107,6 +115,8 @@ pub struct MetricsService {
 impl MetricsService {
+	/// Creates a `MetricsService` that only sends information
+	/// to the telemetry.
 	pub fn new() -> Self {
 		MetricsService {
 			metrics: None,
@@ -116,6 +126,8 @@ impl MetricsService {
+	/// Creates a `MetricsService` that sends metrics
+	/// to prometheus alongside the telemetry.
 	pub fn with_prometheus(
 		registry: &Registry,
 		config: &Configuration,
@@ -141,60 +153,109 @@ impl MetricsService {
-	pub fn tick<T: Block>(
+	/// Returns a never-ending `Future` that performs the
+	/// metric and telemetry updates with information from
+	/// the given sources.
+	pub async fn run<TBl, TExPool, TCl>(
+		mut self,
+		client: Arc<TCl>,
+		transactions: Arc<TExPool>,
+		network: NetworkStatusSinks<TBl>,
+	) where
+		TBl: Block,
+		TCl: ProvideRuntimeApi<TBl> + UsageProvider<TBl>,
+		TExPool: MaintainedTransactionPool<Block = TBl, Hash = <TBl as Block>::Hash>,
+	{
+		let mut timer = Delay::new(Duration::from_secs(0));
+		let timer_interval = Duration::from_secs(5);
+		// Metric and telemetry update interval.
+		let net_status_interval = timer_interval;
+		let net_state_interval = Duration::from_secs(30);
+		// Source of network information.
+		let mut net_status_rx = Some(network.status_stream(net_status_interval));
+		let mut net_state_rx = Some(network.state_stream(net_state_interval));
+		loop {
+			// Wait for the next tick of the timer.
+			(&mut timer).await;
+			// Try to get the latest network information.
+			let mut net_status = None;
+			let mut net_state = None;
+			if let Some(rx) = net_status_rx.as_mut() {
+				match Self::latest(rx) {
+					Ok(status) => { net_status = status; }
+					Err(()) => { net_status_rx = None; }
+				}
+			}
+			if let Some(rx) = net_state_rx.as_mut() {
+				match Self::latest(rx) {
+					Ok(state) => { net_state = state; }
+					Err(()) => { net_state_rx = None; }
+				}
+			}
+			// Update / Send the metrics.
+			self.update(
+				&client.usage_info(),
+				&transactions.status(),
+				net_status,
+				net_state,
+			);
+			// Schedule next tick.
+			timer.reset(timer_interval);
+		}
+	}
+	// Try to get the latest value from a receiver, dropping intermediate values.
+	fn latest<T>(rx: &mut TracingUnboundedReceiver<T>) -> Result<Option<T>, ()> {
+		let mut value = None;
+		while let Ok(next) = rx.try_next() {
+			match next {
+				Some(v) => {
+					value = Some(v)
+				}
+				None => {
+					log::error!("Receiver closed unexpectedly.");
+					return Err(())
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		Ok(value)
+	}
+	fn update<T: Block>(
 		&mut self,
 		info: &ClientInfo<T>,
 		txpool_status: &PoolStatus,
-		net_status: &NetworkStatus<T>,
+		net_status: Option<NetworkStatus<T>>,
+		net_state: Option<NetworkState>,
 	) {
 		let now = Instant::now();
 		let elapsed = (now - self.last_update).as_secs();
+		self.last_update = now;
 		let best_number = info.chain.best_number.saturated_into::<u64>();
 		let best_hash = info.chain.best_hash;
-		let num_peers = net_status.num_connected_peers;
 		let finalized_number: u64 = info.chain.finalized_number.saturated_into::<u64>();
-		let total_bytes_inbound = net_status.total_bytes_inbound;
-		let total_bytes_outbound = net_status.total_bytes_outbound;
-		let best_seen_block = net_status
-			.best_seen_block
-			.map(|num: NumberFor<T>| num.unique_saturated_into() as u64);
-		let diff_bytes_inbound = total_bytes_inbound - self.last_total_bytes_inbound;
-		let diff_bytes_outbound = total_bytes_outbound - self.last_total_bytes_outbound;
-		let (avg_bytes_per_sec_inbound, avg_bytes_per_sec_outbound) =
-			if elapsed > 0 {
-				self.last_total_bytes_inbound = total_bytes_inbound;
-				self.last_total_bytes_outbound = total_bytes_outbound;
-				(diff_bytes_inbound / elapsed, diff_bytes_outbound / elapsed)
-			} else {
-				(diff_bytes_inbound, diff_bytes_outbound)
-			};
-		self.last_update = now;
+		// Update/send metrics that are always available.
-			"peers" => num_peers,
 			"height" => best_number,
 			"best" => ?best_hash,
 			"txcount" => txpool_status.ready,
 			"finalized_height" => finalized_number,
 			"finalized_hash" => ?info.chain.finalized_hash,
-			"bandwidth_download" => avg_bytes_per_sec_inbound,
-			"bandwidth_upload" => avg_bytes_per_sec_outbound,
 			"used_state_cache_size" => info.usage.as_ref()
 				.map(|usage| usage.memory.state_cache.as_bytes())
-			"used_db_cache_size" => info.usage.as_ref()
-				.map(|usage| usage.memory.database_cache.as_bytes())
-				.unwrap_or(0),
-			"disk_read_per_sec" => info.usage.as_ref()
-				.map(|usage| usage.io.bytes_read)
-				.unwrap_or(0),
-			"disk_write_per_sec" => info.usage.as_ref()
-				.map(|usage| usage.io.bytes_written)
-				.unwrap_or(0),
 		if let Some(metrics) = self.metrics.as_ref() {
@@ -213,10 +274,6 @@ impl MetricsService {
 			metrics.ready_transactions_number.set(txpool_status.ready as u64);
-			if let Some(best_seen_block) = best_seen_block {
-				metrics.block_height.with_label_values(&["sync_target"]).set(best_seen_block);
-			}
 			if let Some(info) = info.usage.as_ref() {
 				metrics.database_cache.set(info.memory.database_cache.as_bytes() as u64);
 				metrics.state_cache.set(info.memory.state_cache.as_bytes() as u64);
@@ -232,5 +289,50 @@ impl MetricsService {
+		// Update/send network status information, if any.
+		if let Some(net_status) = net_status {
+			let num_peers = net_status.num_connected_peers;
+			let total_bytes_inbound = net_status.total_bytes_inbound;
+			let total_bytes_outbound = net_status.total_bytes_outbound;
+			let diff_bytes_inbound = total_bytes_inbound - self.last_total_bytes_inbound;
+			let diff_bytes_outbound = total_bytes_outbound - self.last_total_bytes_outbound;
+			let (avg_bytes_per_sec_inbound, avg_bytes_per_sec_outbound) =
+				if elapsed > 0 {
+					self.last_total_bytes_inbound = total_bytes_inbound;
+					self.last_total_bytes_outbound = total_bytes_outbound;
+					(diff_bytes_inbound / elapsed, diff_bytes_outbound / elapsed)
+				} else {
+					(diff_bytes_inbound, diff_bytes_outbound)
+				};
+			telemetry!(
+				"system.interval";
+				"peers" => num_peers,
+				"bandwidth_download" => avg_bytes_per_sec_inbound,
+				"bandwidth_upload" => avg_bytes_per_sec_outbound,
+			);
+			if let Some(metrics) = self.metrics.as_ref() {
+				let best_seen_block = net_status
+					.best_seen_block
+					.map(|num: NumberFor<T>| num.unique_saturated_into() as u64);
+				if let Some(best_seen_block) = best_seen_block {
+					metrics.block_height.with_label_values(&["sync_target"]).set(best_seen_block);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// Send network state information, if any.
+		if let Some(net_state) = net_state {
+			telemetry!(
+				"system.network_state";
+				"state" => net_state,
+			);
+		}