diff --git a/substrate/client/network-gossip/src/bridge.rs b/substrate/client/network-gossip/src/bridge.rs
index a15195111e800d5b42ac91a4521e2a9437eed8e3..26e49fce8a820e4d5525154fce74d81cac1887d4 100644
--- a/substrate/client/network-gossip/src/bridge.rs
+++ b/substrate/client/network-gossip/src/bridge.rs
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ impl<B: BlockT> Future for GossipEngine<B> {
-						for (topic, notification) in to_forward.into_iter() {
+						for (topic, notification) in to_forward {
 							if let Entry::Occupied(mut entry) = this.message_sinks.entry(topic) {
 									target: "gossip",
diff --git a/substrate/client/network-gossip/src/state_machine.rs b/substrate/client/network-gossip/src/state_machine.rs
index 53b5b98245a4181aa331f2d2fd749939b2b0b4fc..433457afe748e422c78c0a2d5bde7c2af54c173c 100644
--- a/substrate/client/network-gossip/src/state_machine.rs
+++ b/substrate/client/network-gossip/src/state_machine.rs
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
 use std::sync::Arc;
 use std::iter;
 use std::time;
-use log::trace;
+use log::{error, trace};
 use lru::LruCache;
 use libp2p::PeerId;
 use sp_runtime::traits::{Block as BlockT, Hash, HashFor};
@@ -41,8 +41,6 @@ mod rep {
 	pub const GOSSIP_SUCCESS: Rep = Rep::new(1 << 4, "Successfull gossip");
 	/// Reputation change when a peer sends us a gossip message that we already knew about.
 	pub const DUPLICATE_GOSSIP: Rep = Rep::new(-(1 << 2), "Duplicate gossip");
-	/// Reputation change when a peer sends a message from a topic it isn't registered on.
-	pub const UNREGISTERED_TOPIC: Rep = Rep::new(-(1 << 10), "Unregistered gossip message topic");
 struct PeerConsensus<H> {
@@ -308,36 +306,37 @@ impl<B: BlockT> ConsensusGossip<B> {
 				validator.validate(&mut context, &who, &message)
-			let validation_result = match validation {
-				ValidationResult::ProcessAndKeep(topic) => Some((topic, true)),
-				ValidationResult::ProcessAndDiscard(topic) => Some((topic, false)),
-				ValidationResult::Discard => None,
+			let (topic, keep) = match validation {
+				ValidationResult::ProcessAndKeep(topic) => (topic, true),
+				ValidationResult::ProcessAndDiscard(topic) => (topic, false),
+				ValidationResult::Discard => {
+					trace!(target:"gossip", "Discard message from peer {}", who);
+					continue;
+				},
-			if let Some((topic, keep)) = validation_result {
-				network.report_peer(who.clone(), rep::GOSSIP_SUCCESS);
-				if let Some(ref mut peer) = self.peers.get_mut(&who) {
-					peer.known_messages.insert(message_hash);
-					to_forward.push((topic, TopicNotification {
-						message: message.clone(),
-						sender: Some(who.clone())
-					}));
-					if keep {
-						self.register_message_hashed(
-							message_hash,
-							topic,
-							message,
-							Some(who.clone()),
-						);
-					}
-				} else {
-					trace!(target:"gossip", "Ignored statement from unregistered peer {}", who);
-					network.report_peer(who.clone(), rep::UNREGISTERED_TOPIC);
+			let peer = match self.peers.get_mut(&who) {
+				Some(peer) => peer,
+				None => {
+					error!(target:"gossip", "Got message from unregistered peer {}", who);
+					continue;
-			} else {
-				trace!(target:"gossip", "Discard message from peer {}", who);
+			};
+			network.report_peer(who.clone(), rep::GOSSIP_SUCCESS);
+			peer.known_messages.insert(message_hash);
+			to_forward.push((topic, TopicNotification {
+				message: message.clone(),
+				sender: Some(who.clone())
+			}));
+			if keep {
+				self.register_message_hashed(
+					message_hash,
+					topic,
+					message,
+					Some(who.clone()),
+				);
@@ -416,9 +415,10 @@ impl<B: BlockT> ConsensusGossip<B> {
 mod tests {
-	use std::sync::Arc;
+	use futures::prelude::*;
+	use sc_network::{Event, ReputationChange};
 	use sp_runtime::testing::{H256, Block as RawBlock, ExtrinsicWrapper};
+	use std::{borrow::Cow, pin::Pin, sync::{Arc, Mutex}};
 	use super::*;
 	type Block = RawBlock<ExtrinsicWrapper<u64>>;
@@ -448,6 +448,52 @@ mod tests {
+	struct DiscardAll;
+	impl Validator<Block> for DiscardAll{
+		fn validate(
+			&self,
+			_context: &mut dyn ValidatorContext<Block>,
+			_sender: &PeerId,
+			_data: &[u8],
+		) -> ValidationResult<H256> {
+			ValidationResult::Discard
+		}
+	}
+	#[derive(Clone, Default)]
+	struct NoOpNetwork {
+		inner: Arc<Mutex<NoOpNetworkInner>>,
+	}
+	#[derive(Clone, Default)]
+	struct NoOpNetworkInner {
+		peer_reports: Vec<(PeerId, ReputationChange)>,
+	}
+	impl<B: BlockT> Network<B> for NoOpNetwork {
+		fn event_stream(&self) -> Pin<Box<dyn Stream<Item = Event> + Send>> {
+			unimplemented!();
+		}
+		fn report_peer(&self, peer_id: PeerId, reputation_change: ReputationChange) {
+			self.inner.lock().unwrap().peer_reports.push((peer_id, reputation_change));
+		}
+		fn disconnect_peer(&self, _: PeerId) {
+			unimplemented!();
+		}
+		fn write_notification(&self, _: PeerId, _: ConsensusEngineId, _: Vec<u8>) {
+			unimplemented!();
+		}
+		fn register_notifications_protocol(&self, _: ConsensusEngineId, _: Cow<'static, [u8]>) {}
+		fn announce(&self, _: B::Hash, _: Vec<u8>) {
+			unimplemented!();
+		}
+	}
 	fn collects_garbage() {
 		struct AllowOne;
@@ -528,42 +574,9 @@ mod tests {
 	fn peer_is_removed_on_disconnect() {
-		struct TestNetwork;
-		impl Network<Block> for TestNetwork {
-			fn event_stream(
-				&self,
-			) -> std::pin::Pin<Box<dyn futures::Stream<Item = crate::Event> + Send>> {
-				unimplemented!("Not required in tests")
-			}
-			fn report_peer(&self, _: PeerId, _: crate::ReputationChange) {
-				unimplemented!("Not required in tests")
-			}
-			fn disconnect_peer(&self, _: PeerId) {
-				unimplemented!("Not required in tests")
-			}
-			fn write_notification(&self, _: PeerId, _: crate::ConsensusEngineId, _: Vec<u8>) {
-				unimplemented!("Not required in tests")
-			}
-			fn register_notifications_protocol(
-				&self,
-				_: ConsensusEngineId,
-				_: std::borrow::Cow<'static, [u8]>,
-			) {
-				unimplemented!("Not required in tests")
-			}
-			fn announce(&self, _: H256, _: Vec<u8>) {
-				unimplemented!("Not required in tests")
-			}
-		}
 		let mut consensus = ConsensusGossip::<Block>::new(Arc::new(AllowAll), [0, 0, 0, 0]);
-		let mut network = TestNetwork;
+		let mut network = NoOpNetwork::default();
 		let peer_id = PeerId::random();
 		consensus.new_peer(&mut network, peer_id.clone(), ObservedRole::Full);
@@ -572,4 +585,43 @@ mod tests {
 		consensus.peer_disconnected(&mut network, peer_id.clone());
+	#[test]
+	fn on_incoming_ignores_discarded_messages() {
+		let to_forward = ConsensusGossip::<Block>::new(
+			Arc::new(DiscardAll),
+			[0, 0, 0, 0],
+		).on_incoming(
+			&mut NoOpNetwork::default(),
+			PeerId::random(),
+			vec![vec![1, 2, 3]],
+		);
+		assert!(
+			to_forward.is_empty(),
+			"Expected `on_incoming` to ignore discarded message but got {:?}", to_forward,
+		);
+	}
+	#[test]
+	fn on_incoming_ignores_unregistered_peer() {
+		let mut network = NoOpNetwork::default();
+		let remote = PeerId::random();
+		let to_forward = ConsensusGossip::<Block>::new(
+			Arc::new(AllowAll),
+			[0, 0, 0, 0],
+		).on_incoming(
+			&mut network,
+			// Unregistered peer.
+			remote.clone(),
+			vec![vec![1, 2, 3]],
+		);
+		assert!(
+			to_forward.is_empty(),
+			"Expected `on_incoming` to ignore message from unregistered peer but got {:?}",
+			to_forward,
+		);
+	}