diff --git a/substrate/core/client/src/block_builder/api.rs b/substrate/core/client/src/block_builder/api.rs
index 731f4c86328b637298e53f99d11855bf39137462..8aad26277738152d940810518d3523de71de77cc 100644
--- a/substrate/core/client/src/block_builder/api.rs
+++ b/substrate/core/client/src/block_builder/api.rs
@@ -16,46 +16,10 @@
 //! The runtime api for building blocks.
-use runtime_primitives::{traits::Block as BlockT, ApplyResult, RuntimeString};
+use runtime_primitives::{traits::Block as BlockT, ApplyResult};
 use rstd::vec::Vec;
 use sr_api_macros::decl_runtime_apis;
 pub use inherents::{InherentData, CheckInherentsResult};
-use parity_codec::{Encode, Decode};
-/// The old representation of the inherent data.
-#[derive(Encode, Decode)]
-pub struct OldInherentData {
-	/// Current timestamp.
-	pub timestamp: u64,
-	/// Blank report.
-	pub consensus: (),
-	/// Aura expected slot. Can take any value during block construction.
-	pub aura_expected_slot: u64,
-impl OldInherentData {
-	/// Create a new `BasicInherentData` instance.
-	pub fn new(timestamp: u64, expected_slot: u64) -> Self {
-		Self {
-			timestamp,
-			consensus: (),
-			aura_expected_slot: expected_slot,
-		}
-	}
-/// Error type used while checking inherents.
-#[derive(Encode, PartialEq)]
-#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Decode))]
-pub enum OldCheckInherentError {
-	/// The inherents are generally valid but a delay until the given timestamp
-	/// is required.
-	ValidAtTimestamp(u64),
-	/// Some other error has occurred.
-	Other(RuntimeString),
 decl_runtime_apis! {
 	/// The `BlockBuilder` api trait that provides required functions for building a block for a runtime.
@@ -69,11 +33,6 @@ decl_runtime_apis! {
 		fn inherent_extrinsics(inherent: InherentData) -> Vec<<Block as BlockT>::Extrinsic>;
 		/// Check that the inherents are valid. The inherent data will vary from chain to chain.
 		fn check_inherents(block: Block, data: InherentData) -> CheckInherentsResult;
-		/// Check that the inherents are valid. The inherent data will vary from chain to chain.
-		///
-		/// Old version that is used by the CC network.
-		#[changed_in(2)]
-		fn check_inherents(block: Block, data: OldInherentData) -> ::std::result::Result<(), OldCheckInherentError>;
 		/// Generate a random seed.
 		fn random_seed() -> <Block as BlockT>::Hash;
diff --git a/substrate/core/consensus/aura/src/lib.rs b/substrate/core/consensus/aura/src/lib.rs
index 3990535401bcacd41f54cbdf4bf96d1db021b581..064738216ffb19ba93f82e64b3618bad851fb0af 100644
--- a/substrate/core/consensus/aura/src/lib.rs
+++ b/substrate/core/consensus/aura/src/lib.rs
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ use consensus_common::{
 use consensus_common::import_queue::{Verifier, BasicQueue, SharedBlockImport, SharedJustificationImport};
 use client::ChainHead;
-use client::block_builder::api::{BlockBuilder as BlockBuilderApi, self as block_builder_api};
+use client::block_builder::api::BlockBuilder as BlockBuilderApi;
 use client::runtime_api::ApiExt;
 use consensus_common::{ImportBlock, BlockOrigin};
 use runtime_primitives::{generic, generic::BlockId, Justification};
@@ -497,51 +497,6 @@ impl<C, E> AuraVerifier<C, E>
-	#[allow(deprecated)]
-	fn old_check_inherents<B: Block>(
-		&self,
-		block: B,
-		block_id: BlockId<B>,
-		inherent_data: InherentData,
-		timestamp_now: u64,
-	) -> Result<(), String>
-		where C: ProvideRuntimeApi, C::Api: BlockBuilderApi<B>
-	{
-		use block_builder_api::{OldInherentData, OldCheckInherentError};
-		const MAX_TIMESTAMP_DRIFT_SECS: u64 = 60;
-		let (timestamp, slot) = AuraSlotCompatible::extract_timestamp_and_slot(&inherent_data).map_err(|e| format!("{:?}", e))?;
-		let inherent_data = OldInherentData::new(timestamp, slot);
-		let inherent_res = self.client.runtime_api().check_inherents_before_version_2(
-			&block_id,
-			block,
-			inherent_data,
-		).map_err(|e| format!("{:?}", e))?;
-		match inherent_res {
-			Ok(()) => Ok(()),
-			Err(OldCheckInherentError::ValidAtTimestamp(timestamp)) => {
-				// halt import until timestamp is valid.
-				// reject when too far ahead.
-				if timestamp > timestamp_now + MAX_TIMESTAMP_DRIFT_SECS {
-					return Err("Rejecting block too far in future".into());
-				}
-				let diff = timestamp.saturating_sub(timestamp_now);
-				info!(
-					target: "aura",
-					"halting for block {} seconds in the future",
-					diff
-				);
-				telemetry!(CONSENSUS_INFO; "aura.halting_for_future_block"; "diff" => ?diff);
-				thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(diff));
-				Ok(())
-			},
-			Err(OldCheckInherentError::Other(e)) => Err(e.into())
-		}
-	}
 /// No-op extra verification.
@@ -596,18 +551,12 @@ impl<B: Block, C, E> Verifier<B> for AuraVerifier<C, E> where
 					let block = B::new(pre_header.clone(), inner_body);
+					// skip the inherents verification if the runtime API is old.
 					if self.client
-						.has_api_with::<BlockBuilderApi<B>, _>(&BlockId::Hash(parent_hash), |v| v < 2)
+						.has_api_with::<BlockBuilderApi<B>, _>(&BlockId::Hash(parent_hash), |v| v >= 2)
 						.map_err(|e| format!("{:?}", e))?
-						self.old_check_inherents(
-							block.clone(),
-							BlockId::Hash(parent_hash),
-							inherent_data,
-							timestamp_now,
-						)?;
-					} else {