diff --git a/substrate/bin/node/runtime/src/lib.rs b/substrate/bin/node/runtime/src/lib.rs
index 2ce19483e5539e972fe5a345cd51994e570688c4..fd7fd4213366f74b752fdd0ba5a3da348747519c 100644
--- a/substrate/bin/node/runtime/src/lib.rs
+++ b/substrate/bin/node/runtime/src/lib.rs
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ use pallet_session::{historical as pallet_session_historical};
 use sp_inherents::{InherentData, CheckInherentsResult};
 use static_assertions::const_assert;
 use pallet_contracts::weights::WeightInfo;
+use pallet_election_provider_multi_phase::FallbackStrategy;
 #[cfg(any(feature = "std", test))]
 pub use sp_runtime::BuildStorage;
@@ -516,9 +517,14 @@ parameter_types! {
 	pub const SignedPhase: u32 = EPOCH_DURATION_IN_BLOCKS / 4;
 	pub const UnsignedPhase: u32 = EPOCH_DURATION_IN_BLOCKS / 4;
-	// fallback: no need to do on-chain phragmen initially.
-	pub const Fallback: pallet_election_provider_multi_phase::FallbackStrategy =
-		pallet_election_provider_multi_phase::FallbackStrategy::Nothing;
+	// signed config
+	pub const SignedMaxSubmissions: u32 = 10;
+	pub const SignedRewardBase: Balance = 1 * DOLLARS;
+	pub const SignedDepositBase: Balance = 1 * DOLLARS;
+	pub const SignedDepositByte: Balance = 1 * CENTS;
+	// fallback: no on-chain fallback.
+	pub const Fallback: FallbackStrategy = FallbackStrategy::Nothing;
 	pub SolutionImprovementThreshold: Perbill = Perbill::from_rational(1u32, 10_000);
@@ -559,6 +565,14 @@ impl pallet_election_provider_multi_phase::Config for Runtime {
 	type MinerMaxWeight = MinerMaxWeight;
 	type MinerMaxLength = MinerMaxLength;
 	type MinerTxPriority = MultiPhaseUnsignedPriority;
+	type SignedMaxSubmissions = SignedMaxSubmissions;
+	type SignedRewardBase = SignedRewardBase;
+	type SignedDepositBase = SignedDepositBase;
+	type SignedDepositByte = SignedDepositByte;
+	type SignedDepositWeight = ();
+	type SignedMaxWeight = MinerMaxWeight;
+	type SlashHandler = (); // burn slashes
+	type RewardHandler = (); // nothing to do upon rewards
 	type DataProvider = Staking;
 	type OnChainAccuracy = Perbill;
 	type CompactSolution = NposCompactSolution16;
@@ -1556,6 +1570,7 @@ impl_runtime_apis! {
 			add_benchmark!(params, batches, pallet_uniques, Uniques);
 			add_benchmark!(params, batches, pallet_utility, Utility);
 			add_benchmark!(params, batches, pallet_vesting, Vesting);
+			add_benchmark!(params, batches, pallet_election_provider_multi_phase, ElectionProviderMultiPhase);
 			if batches.is_empty() { return Err("Benchmark not found for this pallet.".into()) }
diff --git a/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-phase/src/benchmarking.rs b/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-phase/src/benchmarking.rs
index 4eade8e184e75e60a8726a8b0d360a34abbe8855..7988163e98f65bad603ad3c3c70dc82b48f43e47 100644
--- a/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-phase/src/benchmarking.rs
+++ b/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-phase/src/benchmarking.rs
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 use super::*;
 use crate::{Pallet as MultiPhase, unsigned::IndexAssignmentOf};
-use frame_benchmarking::impl_benchmark_test_suite;
+use frame_benchmarking::{account, impl_benchmark_test_suite};
 use frame_support::{assert_ok, traits::OnInitialize};
 use frame_system::RawOrigin;
 use rand::{prelude::SliceRandom, rngs::SmallRng, SeedableRng};
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ fn solution_with_size<T: Config>(
 	let targets: Vec<T::AccountId> =
 		(0..size.targets).map(|i| frame_benchmarking::account("Targets", i, SEED)).collect();
-	let mut rng = SmallRng::seed_from_u64(SEED as u64);
+	let mut rng = SmallRng::seed_from_u64(SEED.into());
 	// decide who are the winners.
 	let winners = targets
@@ -176,6 +176,39 @@ frame_benchmarking::benchmarks! {
+	finalize_signed_phase_accept_solution {
+		let receiver = account("receiver", 0, SEED);
+		let initial_balance = T::Currency::minimum_balance() * 10u32.into();
+		T::Currency::make_free_balance_be(&receiver, initial_balance);
+		let ready: ReadySolution<T::AccountId> = Default::default();
+		let deposit: BalanceOf<T> = 10u32.into();
+		let reward: BalanceOf<T> = 20u32.into();
+		assert_ok!(T::Currency::reserve(&receiver, deposit));
+		assert_eq!(T::Currency::free_balance(&receiver), initial_balance - 10u32.into());
+	}: {
+		<MultiPhase<T>>::finalize_signed_phase_accept_solution(ready, &receiver, deposit, reward)
+	} verify {
+		assert_eq!(T::Currency::free_balance(&receiver), initial_balance + 20u32.into());
+		assert_eq!(T::Currency::reserved_balance(&receiver), 0u32.into());
+	}
+	finalize_signed_phase_reject_solution {
+		let receiver = account("receiver", 0, SEED);
+		let initial_balance = T::Currency::minimum_balance().max(One::one()) * 10u32.into();
+		let deposit: BalanceOf<T> = 10u32.into();
+		T::Currency::make_free_balance_be(&receiver, initial_balance);
+		assert_ok!(T::Currency::reserve(&receiver, deposit));
+		assert_eq!(T::Currency::free_balance(&receiver), initial_balance - 10u32.into());
+		assert_eq!(T::Currency::reserved_balance(&receiver), 10u32.into());
+	}: {
+		<MultiPhase<T>>::finalize_signed_phase_reject_solution(&receiver, deposit)
+	} verify {
+		assert_eq!(T::Currency::free_balance(&receiver), initial_balance - 10u32.into());
+		assert_eq!(T::Currency::reserved_balance(&receiver), 0u32.into());
+	}
 	on_initialize_open_unsigned_without_snapshot {
 		// need to assume signed phase was open before
@@ -227,6 +260,38 @@ frame_benchmarking::benchmarks! {
+	submit {
+		let c in 1 .. (T::SignedMaxSubmissions::get() - 1);
+		// the solution will be worse than all of them meaning the score need to be checked against
+		// ~ log2(c)
+		let solution = RawSolution {
+			score: [(10_000_000u128 - 1).into(), 0, 0],
+			..Default::default()
+		};
+		MultiPhase::<T>::on_initialize_open_signed().expect("should be ok to start signed phase");
+		<Round<T>>::put(1);
+		let mut signed_submissions = SignedSubmissions::<T>::get();
+		for i in 0..c {
+			let solution = RawSolution {
+				score: [(10_000_000 + i).into(), 0, 0],
+				..Default::default()
+			};
+			let signed_submission = SignedSubmission { solution, ..Default::default() };
+			signed_submissions.insert(signed_submission);
+		}
+		signed_submissions.put();
+		let caller = frame_benchmarking::whitelisted_caller();
+		T::Currency::make_free_balance_be(&caller,  T::Currency::minimum_balance() * 10u32.into());
+	}: _(RawOrigin::Signed(caller), solution, c)
+	verify {
+		assert!(<MultiPhase<T>>::signed_submissions().len() as u32 == c + 1);
+	}
 	submit_unsigned {
 		// number of votes in snapshot.
 		let v in (T::BenchmarkingConfig::VOTERS[0]) .. T::BenchmarkingConfig::VOTERS[1];
@@ -234,9 +299,12 @@ frame_benchmarking::benchmarks! {
 		let t in (T::BenchmarkingConfig::TARGETS[0]) .. T::BenchmarkingConfig::TARGETS[1];
 		// number of assignments, i.e. compact.len(). This means the active nominators, thus must be
 		// a subset of `v` component.
-		let a in (T::BenchmarkingConfig::ACTIVE_VOTERS[0]) .. T::BenchmarkingConfig::ACTIVE_VOTERS[1];
+		let a in
+			(T::BenchmarkingConfig::ACTIVE_VOTERS[0]) .. T::BenchmarkingConfig::ACTIVE_VOTERS[1];
 		// number of desired targets. Must be a subset of `t` component.
-		let d in (T::BenchmarkingConfig::DESIRED_TARGETS[0]) .. T::BenchmarkingConfig::DESIRED_TARGETS[1];
+		let d in
+			(T::BenchmarkingConfig::DESIRED_TARGETS[0]) ..
+			T::BenchmarkingConfig::DESIRED_TARGETS[1];
 		let witness = SolutionOrSnapshotSize { voters: v, targets: t };
 		let raw_solution = solution_with_size::<T>(witness, a, d);
@@ -249,7 +317,8 @@ frame_benchmarking::benchmarks! {
 		let encoded_call = <Call<T>>::submit_unsigned(raw_solution.clone(), witness).encode();
 	}: {
 		assert_ok!(<MultiPhase<T>>::submit_unsigned(RawOrigin::None.into(), raw_solution, witness));
-		let _decoded_snap = <RoundSnapshot<T::AccountId> as Decode>::decode(&mut &*encoded_snapshot).unwrap();
+		let _decoded_snap = <RoundSnapshot<T::AccountId> as Decode>::decode(&mut &*encoded_snapshot)
+			.unwrap();
 		let _decoded_call = <Call<T> as Decode>::decode(&mut &*encoded_call).unwrap();
 	} verify {
@@ -263,13 +332,17 @@ frame_benchmarking::benchmarks! {
 		let t in (T::BenchmarkingConfig::TARGETS[0]) .. T::BenchmarkingConfig::TARGETS[1];
 		// number of assignments, i.e. compact.len(). This means the active nominators, thus must be
 		// a subset of `v` component.
-		let a in (T::BenchmarkingConfig::ACTIVE_VOTERS[0]) .. T::BenchmarkingConfig::ACTIVE_VOTERS[1];
+		let a in
+			(T::BenchmarkingConfig::ACTIVE_VOTERS[0]) .. T::BenchmarkingConfig::ACTIVE_VOTERS[1];
 		// number of desired targets. Must be a subset of `t` component.
-		let d in (T::BenchmarkingConfig::DESIRED_TARGETS[0]) .. T::BenchmarkingConfig::DESIRED_TARGETS[1];
+		let d in
+			(T::BenchmarkingConfig::DESIRED_TARGETS[0]) ..
+			T::BenchmarkingConfig::DESIRED_TARGETS[1];
 		// Subtract this percentage from the actual encoded size
 		let f in 0 .. 95;
-		// Compute a random solution, then work backwards to get the lists of voters, targets, and assignments
+		// Compute a random solution, then work backwards to get the lists of voters, targets, and
+		// assignments
 		let witness = SolutionOrSnapshotSize { voters: v, targets: t };
 		let RawSolution { compact, .. } = solution_with_size::<T>(witness, a, d);
 		let RoundSnapshot { voters, targets } = MultiPhase::<T>::snapshot().unwrap();
@@ -313,7 +386,11 @@ frame_benchmarking::benchmarks! {
 	} verify {
 		let compact = CompactOf::<T>::try_from(index_assignments.as_slice()).unwrap();
 		let encoding = compact.encode();
-		log!(trace, "encoded size prediction = {}", encoded_size_of(index_assignments.as_slice()).unwrap());
+		log!(
+			trace,
+			"encoded size prediction = {}",
+			encoded_size_of(index_assignments.as_slice()).unwrap(),
+		);
 		log!(trace, "actual encoded size = {}", encoding.len());
 		assert!(encoding.len() <= desired_size);
@@ -326,9 +403,12 @@ frame_benchmarking::benchmarks! {
 		let t in (T::BenchmarkingConfig::TARGETS[0]) .. T::BenchmarkingConfig::TARGETS[1];
 		// number of assignments, i.e. compact.len(). This means the active nominators, thus must be
 		// a subset of `v` component.
-		let a in (T::BenchmarkingConfig::ACTIVE_VOTERS[0]) .. T::BenchmarkingConfig::ACTIVE_VOTERS[1];
+		let a in
+			(T::BenchmarkingConfig::ACTIVE_VOTERS[0]) .. T::BenchmarkingConfig::ACTIVE_VOTERS[1];
 		// number of desired targets. Must be a subset of `t` component.
-		let d in (T::BenchmarkingConfig::DESIRED_TARGETS[0]) .. T::BenchmarkingConfig::DESIRED_TARGETS[1];
+		let d in
+			(T::BenchmarkingConfig::DESIRED_TARGETS[0]) ..
+			T::BenchmarkingConfig::DESIRED_TARGETS[1];
 		let size = SolutionOrSnapshotSize { voters: v, targets: t };
 		let raw_solution = solution_with_size::<T>(size, a, d);
@@ -340,7 +420,8 @@ frame_benchmarking::benchmarks! {
 		let encoded_snapshot = <MultiPhase<T>>::snapshot().unwrap().encode();
 	}: {
 		assert_ok!(<MultiPhase<T>>::feasibility_check(raw_solution, ElectionCompute::Unsigned));
-		let _decoded_snap = <RoundSnapshot<T::AccountId> as Decode>::decode(&mut &*encoded_snapshot).unwrap();
+		let _decoded_snap = <RoundSnapshot<T::AccountId> as Decode>::decode(&mut &*encoded_snapshot)
+			.unwrap();
diff --git a/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-phase/src/helpers.rs b/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-phase/src/helpers.rs
index bf5b360499cb404ab92c04fecfd9e6efafa641d7..46eeef0a6bf73800e6db878d48f295a59483d108 100644
--- a/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-phase/src/helpers.rs
+++ b/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-phase/src/helpers.rs
@@ -47,13 +47,13 @@ pub fn generate_voter_cache<T: Config>(
-/// Create a function the returns the index a voter in the snapshot.
+/// Create a function that returns the index of a voter in the snapshot.
 /// The returning index type is the same as the one defined in `T::CompactSolution::Voter`.
 /// ## Warning
-/// The snapshot must be the same is the one used to create `cache`.
+/// Note that this will represent the snapshot data from which the `cache` is generated.
 pub fn voter_index_fn<T: Config>(
 	cache: &BTreeMap<T::AccountId, usize>,
 ) -> impl Fn(&T::AccountId) -> Option<CompactVoterIndexOf<T>> + '_ {
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ pub fn voter_index_fn_owned<T: Config>(
 /// ## Warning
-/// The snapshot must be the same is the one used to create `cache`.
+/// Note that this will represent the snapshot data from which the `cache` is generated.
 pub fn voter_index_fn_usize<T: Config>(
 	cache: &BTreeMap<T::AccountId, usize>,
 ) -> impl Fn(&T::AccountId) -> Option<usize> + '_ {
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ pub fn voter_index_fn_linear<T: Config>(
-/// Create a function the returns the index to a target in the snapshot.
+/// Create a function that returns the index of a target in the snapshot.
 /// The returned index type is the same as the one defined in `T::CompactSolution::Target`.
diff --git a/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-phase/src/lib.rs b/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-phase/src/lib.rs
index 2864ca518d0687e5a0c5e55ea050445210146d62..45e04a757f0b38bc11ff03c2663f860871027d71 100644
--- a/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-phase/src/lib.rs
+++ b/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-phase/src/lib.rs
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ use codec::{Decode, Encode};
 use frame_support::{
-	traits::{Currency, Get, ReservableCurrency},
+	traits::{Currency, Get, ReservableCurrency, OnUnbalanced},
 use frame_system::{ensure_none, offchain::SendTransactionTypes};
@@ -266,10 +266,14 @@ pub mod helpers;
 const LOG_TARGET: &'static str = "runtime::election-provider";
+pub mod signed;
 pub mod unsigned;
 pub mod weights;
-/// The weight declaration of the pallet.
+pub use signed::{
+	BalanceOf, NegativeImbalanceOf, PositiveImbalanceOf, SignedSubmission, SignedSubmissionOf,
+	SignedSubmissions, SubmissionIndicesOf,
 pub use weights::WeightInfo;
 /// The compact solution type used by this crate.
@@ -411,7 +415,7 @@ impl Default for ElectionCompute {
 /// Such a solution should never become effective in anyway before being checked by the
 /// `Pallet::feasibility_check`
-#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Encode, Decode, RuntimeDebug)]
+#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Encode, Decode, RuntimeDebug, PartialOrd, Ord)]
 pub struct RawSolution<C> {
 	/// Compact election edges.
 	pub compact: C,
@@ -583,6 +587,44 @@ pub mod pallet {
 		/// this value, based on [`WeightInfo::submit_unsigned`].
 		type MinerMaxWeight: Get<Weight>;
+		/// Maximum number of signed submissions that can be queued.
+		///
+		/// It is best to avoid adjusting this during an election, as it impacts downstream data
+		/// structures. In particular, `SignedSubmissionIndices<T>` is bounded on this value. If you
+		/// update this value during an election, you _must_ ensure that
+		/// `SignedSubmissionIndices.len()` is less than or equal to the new value. Otherwise,
+		/// attempts to submit new solutions may cause a runtime panic.
+		#[pallet::constant]
+		type SignedMaxSubmissions: Get<u32>;
+		/// Maximum weight of a signed solution.
+		///
+		/// This should probably be similar to [`Config::MinerMaxWeight`].
+		#[pallet::constant]
+		type SignedMaxWeight: Get<Weight>;
+		/// Base reward for a signed solution
+		#[pallet::constant]
+		type SignedRewardBase: Get<BalanceOf<Self>>;
+		/// Base deposit for a signed solution.
+		#[pallet::constant]
+		type SignedDepositBase: Get<BalanceOf<Self>>;
+		/// Per-byte deposit for a signed solution.
+		#[pallet::constant]
+		type SignedDepositByte: Get<BalanceOf<Self>>;
+		/// Per-weight deposit for a signed solution.
+		#[pallet::constant]
+		type SignedDepositWeight: Get<BalanceOf<Self>>;
+		/// Handler for the slashed deposits.
+		type SlashHandler: OnUnbalanced<NegativeImbalanceOf<Self>>;
+		/// Handler for the rewards.
+		type RewardHandler: OnUnbalanced<PositiveImbalanceOf<Self>>;
 		/// Maximum length (bytes) that the mined solution should consume.
 		/// The miner will ensure that the total length of the unsigned solution will not exceed
@@ -599,6 +641,7 @@ pub mod pallet {
 			+ Eq
 			+ Clone
 			+ sp_std::fmt::Debug
+			+ Ord
 			+ CompactSolution;
 		/// Accuracy used for fallback on-chain election.
@@ -656,11 +699,20 @@ pub mod pallet {
 				Phase::Signed | Phase::Off
 					if remaining <= unsigned_deadline && remaining > Zero::zero() =>
-					// Determine if followed by signed or not.
+					// our needs vary according to whether or not the unsigned phase follows a signed phase
 					let (need_snapshot, enabled, signed_weight) = if current_phase == Phase::Signed {
-						// Followed by a signed phase: close the signed phase, no need for snapshot.
-						// TODO: proper weight https://github.com/paritytech/substrate/pull/7910.
-						(false, true, Weight::zero())
+						// there was previously a signed phase: close the signed phase, no need for snapshot.
+						//
+						// Notes:
+						//
+						//   - `Self::finalize_signed_phase()` also appears in `fn do_elect`. This is
+						//     a guard against the case that `elect` is called prematurely. This adds
+						//     a small amount of overhead, but that is unfortunately unavoidable.
+						let (_success, weight) = Self::finalize_signed_phase();
+						// In the future we can consider disabling the unsigned phase if the signed
+						// phase completes successfully, but for now we're enabling it unconditionally
+						// as a defensive measure.
+						(false, true, weight)
 					} else {
 						// No signed phase: create a new snapshot, definitely `enable` the unsigned
 						// phase.
@@ -807,8 +859,12 @@ pub mod pallet {
 			// Store the newly received solution.
 			log!(info, "queued unsigned solution with score {:?}", ready.score);
+			let ejected_a_solution = <QueuedSolution<T>>::exists();
-			Self::deposit_event(Event::SolutionStored(ElectionCompute::Unsigned));
+			Self::deposit_event(Event::SolutionStored(
+				ElectionCompute::Unsigned,
+				ejected_a_solution,
+			));
@@ -828,6 +884,79 @@ pub mod pallet {
+		/// Submit a solution for the signed phase.
+		///
+		/// The dispatch origin fo this call must be __signed__.
+		///
+		/// The solution is potentially queued, based on the claimed score and processed at the end
+		/// of the signed phase.
+		///
+		/// A deposit is reserved and recorded for the solution. Based on the outcome, the solution
+		/// might be rewarded, slashed, or get all or a part of the deposit back.
+		///
+		/// # <weight>
+		/// Queue size must be provided as witness data.
+		/// # </weight>
+		#[pallet::weight(T::WeightInfo::submit(*num_signed_submissions))]
+		pub fn submit(
+			origin: OriginFor<T>,
+			solution: RawSolution<CompactOf<T>>,
+			num_signed_submissions: u32,
+		) -> DispatchResult {
+			let who = ensure_signed(origin)?;
+			// ensure witness data is correct.
+			ensure!(
+				num_signed_submissions >= <SignedSubmissions<T>>::decode_len().unwrap_or_default() as u32,
+				Error::<T>::SignedInvalidWitness,
+			);
+			// ensure solution is timely.
+			ensure!(Self::current_phase().is_signed(), Error::<T>::PreDispatchEarlySubmission);
+			// NOTE: this is the only case where having separate snapshot would have been better
+			// because could do just decode_len. But we can create abstractions to do this.
+			// build size. Note: this is not needed for weight calc, thus not input.
+			// unlikely to ever return an error: if phase is signed, snapshot will exist.
+			let size = Self::snapshot_metadata().ok_or(Error::<T>::MissingSnapshotMetadata)?;
+			ensure!(
+				Self::feasibility_weight_of(&solution, size) < T::SignedMaxWeight::get(),
+				Error::<T>::SignedTooMuchWeight,
+			);
+			// create the submission
+			let deposit = Self::deposit_for(&solution, size);
+			let submission = SignedSubmission { who: who.clone(), deposit, solution };
+			// insert the submission if the queue has space or it's better than the weakest
+			// eject the weakest if the queue was full
+			let mut signed_submissions = Self::signed_submissions();
+			let maybe_removed = match signed_submissions.insert(submission) {
+				// it's an error if we failed to insert a submission: this indicates the queue was
+				// full but our solution had insufficient score to eject any solution
+				signed::InsertResult::NotInserted => return Err(Error::<T>::SignedQueueFull.into()),
+				signed::InsertResult::Inserted => None,
+				signed::InsertResult::InsertedEjecting(weakest) => Some(weakest),
+			};
+			// collect deposit. Thereafter, the function cannot fail.
+			T::Currency::reserve(&who, deposit)
+				.map_err(|_| Error::<T>::SignedCannotPayDeposit)?;
+			let ejected_a_solution = maybe_removed.is_some();
+			// if we had to remove the weakest solution, unreserve its deposit
+			if let Some(removed) = maybe_removed {
+				let _remainder = T::Currency::unreserve(&removed.who, removed.deposit);
+				debug_assert!(_remainder.is_zero());
+			}
+			signed_submissions.put();
+			Self::deposit_event(Event::SolutionStored(ElectionCompute::Signed, ejected_a_solution));
+			Ok(())
+		}
 		/// Set a solution in the queue, to be handed out to the client of this pallet in the next
 		/// call to `ElectionProvider::elect`.
@@ -860,7 +989,9 @@ pub mod pallet {
 		/// If the solution is signed, this means that it hasn't yet been processed. If the
 		/// solution is unsigned, this means that it has also been processed.
-		SolutionStored(ElectionCompute),
+		///
+		/// The `bool` is `true` when a previous solution was ejected to make room for this one.
+		SolutionStored(ElectionCompute, bool),
 		/// The election has been finalized, with `Some` of the given computation, or else if the
 		/// election failed, `None`.
@@ -883,8 +1014,20 @@ pub mod pallet {
 		/// Submission was too weak, score-wise.
+		/// The queue was full, and the solution was not better than any of the existing ones.
+		SignedQueueFull,
+		/// The origin failed to pay the deposit.
+		SignedCannotPayDeposit,
+		/// Witness data to dispatchable is invalid.
+		SignedInvalidWitness,
+		/// The signed submission consumes too much weight
+		SignedTooMuchWeight,
 		/// OCW submitted solution for wrong round
+		/// Snapshot metadata should exist but didn't.
+		MissingSnapshotMetadata,
+		/// `Self::insert_submission` returned an invalid index.
+		InvalidSubmissionIndex,
 		/// The call is not allowed at this point.
@@ -988,6 +1131,45 @@ pub mod pallet {
 	#[pallet::getter(fn snapshot_metadata)]
 	pub type SnapshotMetadata<T: Config> = StorageValue<_, SolutionOrSnapshotSize>;
+	// The following storage items collectively comprise `SignedSubmissions<T>`, and should never be
+	// accessed independently. Instead, get `Self::signed_submissions()`, modify it as desired, and
+	// then do `signed_submissions.put()` when you're done with it.
+	/// The next index to be assigned to an incoming signed submission.
+	///
+	/// Every accepted submission is assigned a unique index; that index is bound to that particular
+	/// submission for the duration of the election. On election finalization, the next index is
+	/// reset to 0.
+	///
+	/// We can't just use `SignedSubmissionIndices.len()`, because that's a bounded set; past its
+	/// capacity, it will simply saturate. We can't just iterate over `SignedSubmissionsMap`,
+	/// because iteration is slow. Instead, we store the value here.
+	#[pallet::storage]
+	pub(crate) type SignedSubmissionNextIndex<T: Config> = StorageValue<_, u32, ValueQuery>;
+	/// A sorted, bounded set of `(score, index)`, where each `index` points to a value in
+	/// `SignedSubmissions`.
+	///
+	/// We never need to process more than a single signed submission at a time. Signed submissions
+	/// can be quite large, so we're willing to pay the cost of multiple database accesses to access
+	/// them one at a time instead of reading and decoding all of them at once.
+	#[pallet::storage]
+	pub(crate) type SignedSubmissionIndices<T: Config> =
+		StorageValue<_, SubmissionIndicesOf<T>, ValueQuery>;
+	/// Unchecked, signed solutions.
+	///
+	/// Together with `SubmissionIndices`, this stores a bounded set of `SignedSubmissions` while
+	/// allowing us to keep only a single one in memory at a time.
+	///
+	/// Twox note: the key of the map is an auto-incrementing index which users cannot inspect or
+	/// affect; we shouldn't need a cryptographically secure hasher.
+	#[pallet::storage]
+	pub(crate) type SignedSubmissionsMap<T: Config> =
+		StorageMap<_, Twox64Concat, u32, SignedSubmissionOf<T>, ValueQuery>;
+	// `SignedSubmissions` items end here.
 	/// The minimum score that each 'untrusted' solution must attain in order to be considered
 	/// feasible.
@@ -1223,7 +1405,7 @@ impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
 	/// 3. Clear all snapshot data.
 	fn rotate_round() {
 		// Inc round.
-		<Round<T>>::mutate(|r| *r = *r + 1);
+		<Round<T>>::mutate(|r| *r += 1);
 		// Phase is off now.
@@ -1242,6 +1424,13 @@ impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
 	fn do_elect() -> Result<(Supports<T::AccountId>, Weight), ElectionError> {
+		// We have to unconditionally try finalizing the signed phase here. There are only two
+		// possibilities:
+		//
+		// - signed phase was open, in which case this is essential for correct functioning of the system
+		// - signed phase was complete or not started, in which case finalization is idempotent and
+		//   inexpensive (1 read of an empty vector).
+		let (_, signed_finalize_weight) = Self::finalize_signed_phase();
 				|| match T::Fallback::get() {
@@ -1261,7 +1450,7 @@ impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
 				if Self::round() != 1 {
 					log!(info, "Finalized election round with compute {:?}.", compute);
-				(supports, weight)
+				(supports, weight.saturating_add(signed_finalize_weight))
 			.map_err(|err| {
@@ -1309,7 +1498,14 @@ mod feasibility_check {
 	//! more. The best way to audit and review these tests is to try and come up with a solution
 	//! that is invalid, but gets through the system as valid.
-	use super::{mock::*, *};
+	use super::*;
+	use crate::{
+		mock::{
+			MultiPhase, Runtime, roll_to, TargetIndex, raw_solution, EpochLength, UnsignedPhase,
+			SignedPhase, VoterIndex, ExtBuilder,
+		},
+	};
+	use frame_support::assert_noop;
 	const COMPUTE: ElectionCompute = ElectionCompute::OnChain;
@@ -1476,16 +1672,24 @@ mod feasibility_check {
 mod tests {
-	use super::{mock::*, Event, *};
+	use super::*;
+	use crate::{
+		Phase,
+		mock::{
+			ExtBuilder, MultiPhase, Runtime, roll_to, MockWeightInfo, AccountId, TargetIndex,
+			Targets, multi_phase_events, System, SignedMaxSubmissions,
+		},
+	};
 	use frame_election_provider_support::ElectionProvider;
+	use frame_support::{assert_noop, assert_ok};
 	use sp_npos_elections::Support;
 	fn phase_rotation_works() {
 		ExtBuilder::default().build_and_execute(|| {
 			// 0 ------- 15 ------- 25 ------- 30 ------- ------- 45 ------- 55 ------- 60
-			//           |           |                            |           |
-			//         Signed      Unsigned                     Signed     Unsigned
+			//           |           |          |                 |           |          |
+			//         Signed      Unsigned   Elect             Signed     Unsigned    Elect
 			assert_eq!(System::block_number(), 0);
 			assert_eq!(MultiPhase::current_phase(), Phase::Off);
@@ -1644,6 +1848,44 @@ mod tests {
+			assert!(MultiPhase::signed_submissions().is_empty());
+		})
+	}
+	#[test]
+	fn early_termination_with_submissions() {
+		// an early termination in the signed phase, with no queued solution.
+		ExtBuilder::default().build_and_execute(|| {
+			// signed phase started at block 15 and will end at 25.
+			roll_to(14);
+			assert_eq!(MultiPhase::current_phase(), Phase::Off);
+			roll_to(15);
+			assert_eq!(multi_phase_events(), vec![Event::SignedPhaseStarted(1)]);
+			assert_eq!(MultiPhase::current_phase(), Phase::Signed);
+			assert_eq!(MultiPhase::round(), 1);
+			// fill the queue with signed submissions
+			for s in 0..SignedMaxSubmissions::get() {
+				let solution = RawSolution { score: [(5 + s).into(), 0, 0], ..Default::default() };
+				assert_ok!(MultiPhase::submit(
+					crate::mock::Origin::signed(99),
+					solution,
+					MultiPhase::signed_submissions().len() as u32
+				));
+			}
+			// an unexpected call to elect.
+			roll_to(20);
+			assert!(MultiPhase::elect().is_ok());
+			// all storage items must be cleared.
+			assert_eq!(MultiPhase::round(), 2);
+			assert!(MultiPhase::snapshot().is_none());
+			assert!(MultiPhase::snapshot_metadata().is_none());
+			assert!(MultiPhase::desired_targets().is_none());
+			assert!(MultiPhase::queued_solution().is_none());
+			assert!(MultiPhase::signed_submissions().is_empty());
diff --git a/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-phase/src/mock.rs b/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-phase/src/mock.rs
index bd035aaf829698a6680748d3884ef433938e9344..8840e2b935d35f89b6dd5652c046969b0337e090 100644
--- a/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-phase/src/mock.rs
+++ b/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-phase/src/mock.rs
@@ -260,8 +260,13 @@ parameter_types! {
 	pub static DesiredTargets: u32 = 2;
 	pub static SignedPhase: u64 = 10;
 	pub static UnsignedPhase: u64 = 5;
-	pub static MaxSignedSubmissions: u32 = 5;
+	pub static SignedMaxSubmissions: u32 = 5;
+	pub static SignedDepositBase: Balance = 5;
+	pub static SignedDepositByte: Balance = 0;
+	pub static SignedDepositWeight: Balance = 0;
+	pub static SignedRewardBase: Balance = 7;
+	pub static SignedRewardMax: Balance = 10;
+	pub static SignedMaxWeight: Weight = BlockWeights::get().max_block;
 	pub static MinerMaxIterations: u32 = 5;
 	pub static MinerTxPriority: u64 = 100;
 	pub static SolutionImprovementThreshold: Perbill = Perbill::zero();
@@ -304,6 +309,27 @@ impl multi_phase::weights::WeightInfo for DualMockWeightInfo {
 			<() as multi_phase::weights::WeightInfo>::on_initialize_open_unsigned_without_snapshot()
+	fn finalize_signed_phase_accept_solution() -> Weight {
+		if MockWeightInfo::get() {
+			Zero::zero()
+		} else {
+			<() as multi_phase::weights::WeightInfo>::finalize_signed_phase_accept_solution()
+		}
+	}
+	fn finalize_signed_phase_reject_solution() -> Weight {
+		if MockWeightInfo::get() {
+			Zero::zero()
+		} else {
+			<() as multi_phase::weights::WeightInfo>::finalize_signed_phase_reject_solution()
+		}
+	}
+	fn submit(c: u32) -> Weight {
+		if MockWeightInfo::get() {
+			Zero::zero()
+		} else {
+			<() as multi_phase::weights::WeightInfo>::submit(c)
+		}
+	}
 	fn elect_queued() -> Weight {
 		if MockWeightInfo::get() {
@@ -342,6 +368,14 @@ impl crate::Config for Runtime {
 	type MinerMaxWeight = MinerMaxWeight;
 	type MinerMaxLength = MinerMaxLength;
 	type MinerTxPriority = MinerTxPriority;
+	type SignedRewardBase = SignedRewardBase;
+	type SignedDepositBase = SignedDepositBase;
+	type SignedDepositByte = ();
+	type SignedDepositWeight = ();
+	type SignedMaxWeight = SignedMaxWeight;
+	type SignedMaxSubmissions = SignedMaxSubmissions;
+	type SlashHandler = ();
+	type RewardHandler = ();
 	type DataProvider = StakingMock;
 	type WeightInfo = DualMockWeightInfo;
 	type BenchmarkingConfig = ();
@@ -440,6 +474,20 @@ impl ExtBuilder {
 		VOTERS.with(|v| v.borrow_mut().push((who, stake, targets)));
+	pub fn signed_max_submission(self, count: u32) -> Self {
+		<SignedMaxSubmissions>::set(count);
+		self
+	}
+	pub fn signed_deposit(self, base: u64, byte: u64, weight: u64) -> Self {
+		<SignedDepositBase>::set(base);
+		<SignedDepositByte>::set(byte);
+		<SignedDepositWeight>::set(weight);
+		self
+	}
+	pub fn signed_weight(self, weight: Weight) -> Self {
+		<SignedMaxWeight>::set(weight);
+		self
+	}
 	pub fn build(self) -> sp_io::TestExternalities {
 		let mut storage =
@@ -481,3 +529,7 @@ impl ExtBuilder {
+pub(crate) fn balances(who: &u64) -> (u64, u64) {
+	(Balances::free_balance(who), Balances::reserved_balance(who))
diff --git a/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-phase/src/signed.rs b/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-phase/src/signed.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ba1123c1331ad586b663801c0f87e8f5674ca4db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-phase/src/signed.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,920 @@
+// This file is part of Substrate.
+// Copyright (C) 2020 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// 	http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+//! The signed phase implementation.
+use crate::{
+	CompactOf, Config, ElectionCompute, Pallet, RawSolution, ReadySolution, SolutionOrSnapshotSize,
+	Weight, WeightInfo, QueuedSolution, SignedSubmissionsMap, SignedSubmissionIndices,
+	SignedSubmissionNextIndex,
+use codec::{Encode, Decode, HasCompact};
+use frame_support::{
+	storage::bounded_btree_map::BoundedBTreeMap,
+	traits::{Currency, Get, OnUnbalanced, ReservableCurrency},
+	DebugNoBound,
+use sp_arithmetic::traits::SaturatedConversion;
+use sp_npos_elections::{is_score_better, CompactSolution, ElectionScore};
+use sp_runtime::{
+	RuntimeDebug,
+	traits::{Saturating, Zero},
+use sp_std::{
+	cmp::Ordering,
+	collections::{btree_map::BTreeMap, btree_set::BTreeSet},
+	ops::Deref,
+/// A raw, unchecked signed submission.
+/// This is just a wrapper around [`RawSolution`] and some additional info.
+#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Encode, Decode, RuntimeDebug, Default)]
+pub struct SignedSubmission<AccountId, Balance: HasCompact, CompactSolution> {
+	/// Who submitted this solution.
+	pub who: AccountId,
+	/// The deposit reserved for storing this solution.
+	pub deposit: Balance,
+	/// The raw solution itself.
+	pub solution: RawSolution<CompactSolution>,
+impl<AccountId, Balance, CompactSolution> Ord
+	for SignedSubmission<AccountId, Balance, CompactSolution>
+	AccountId: Ord,
+	Balance: Ord + HasCompact,
+	CompactSolution: Ord,
+	RawSolution<CompactSolution>: Ord,
+	fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
+		self.solution
+			.score
+			.cmp(&other.solution.score)
+			.then_with(|| self.solution.cmp(&other.solution))
+			.then_with(|| self.deposit.cmp(&other.deposit))
+			.then_with(|| self.who.cmp(&other.who))
+	}
+impl<AccountId, Balance, CompactSolution> PartialOrd
+	for SignedSubmission<AccountId, Balance, CompactSolution>
+	AccountId: Ord,
+	Balance: Ord + HasCompact,
+	CompactSolution: Ord,
+	RawSolution<CompactSolution>: Ord,
+	fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
+		Some(self.cmp(other))
+	}
+pub type BalanceOf<T> =
+	<<T as Config>::Currency as Currency<<T as frame_system::Config>::AccountId>>::Balance;
+pub type PositiveImbalanceOf<T> = <<T as Config>::Currency as Currency<
+	<T as frame_system::Config>::AccountId,
+pub type NegativeImbalanceOf<T> = <<T as Config>::Currency as Currency<
+	<T as frame_system::Config>::AccountId,
+pub type SignedSubmissionOf<T> =
+	SignedSubmission<<T as frame_system::Config>::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>, CompactOf<T>>;
+pub type SubmissionIndicesOf<T> =
+	BoundedBTreeMap<ElectionScore, u32, <T as Config>::SignedMaxSubmissions>;
+/// Outcome of [`SignedSubmissions::insert`].
+pub enum InsertResult<T: Config> {
+	/// The submission was not inserted because the queue was full and the submission had
+	/// insufficient score to eject a prior solution from the queue.
+	NotInserted,
+	/// The submission was inserted successfully without ejecting a solution.
+	Inserted,
+	/// The submission was inserted successfully. As the queue was full, this operation ejected a
+	/// prior solution, contained in this variant.
+	InsertedEjecting(SignedSubmissionOf<T>),
+/// Mask type which pretends to be a set of `SignedSubmissionOf<T>`, while in fact delegating to the
+/// actual implementations in `SignedSubmissionIndices<T>`, `SignedSubmissionsMap<T>`, and
+/// `SignedSubmissionNextIndex<T>`.
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(DebugNoBound))]
+pub struct SignedSubmissions<T: Config> {
+	indices: SubmissionIndicesOf<T>,
+	next_idx: u32,
+	insertion_overlay: BTreeMap<u32, SignedSubmissionOf<T>>,
+	deletion_overlay: BTreeSet<u32>,
+impl<T: Config> SignedSubmissions<T> {
+	/// Get the signed submissions from storage.
+	pub fn get() -> Self {
+		let submissions = SignedSubmissions {
+			indices: SignedSubmissionIndices::<T>::get(),
+			next_idx: SignedSubmissionNextIndex::<T>::get(),
+			insertion_overlay: BTreeMap::new(),
+			deletion_overlay: BTreeSet::new(),
+		};
+		// validate that the stored state is sane
+		debug_assert!(submissions.indices.values().copied().max().map_or(
+			true,
+			|max_idx| submissions.next_idx > max_idx,
+		));
+		submissions
+	}
+	/// Put the signed submissions back into storage.
+	pub fn put(mut self) {
+		// validate that we're going to write only sane things to storage
+		debug_assert!(self.insertion_overlay.keys().copied().max().map_or(
+			true,
+			|max_idx| self.next_idx > max_idx,
+		));
+		debug_assert!(self.indices.values().copied().max().map_or(
+			true,
+			|max_idx| self.next_idx > max_idx,
+		));
+		SignedSubmissionIndices::<T>::put(self.indices);
+		SignedSubmissionNextIndex::<T>::put(self.next_idx);
+		for key in self.deletion_overlay {
+			self.insertion_overlay.remove(&key);
+			SignedSubmissionsMap::<T>::remove(key);
+		}
+		for (key, value) in self.insertion_overlay {
+			SignedSubmissionsMap::<T>::insert(key, value);
+		}
+	}
+	/// Get the submission at a particular index.
+	fn get_submission(&self, idx: u32) -> Option<SignedSubmissionOf<T>> {
+		if self.deletion_overlay.contains(&idx) {
+			// Note: can't actually remove the item from the insertion overlay (if present)
+			// because we don't want to use `&mut self` here. There may be some kind of
+			// `RefCell` optimization possible here in the future.
+			None
+		} else {
+			self.insertion_overlay
+				.get(&idx)
+				.cloned()
+				.or_else(|| SignedSubmissionsMap::<T>::try_get(idx).ok())
+		}
+	}
+	/// Perform three operations:
+	///
+	/// - Remove a submission (identified by score)
+	/// - Insert a new submission (identified by score and insertion index)
+	/// - Return the submission which was removed.
+	///
+	/// Note: in the case that `weakest_score` is not present in `self.indices`, this will return
+	/// `None` without inserting the new submission and without further notice.
+	///
+	/// Note: this does not enforce any ordering relation between the submission removed and that
+	/// inserted.
+	///
+	/// Note: this doesn't insert into `insertion_overlay`, the optional new insertion must be
+	/// inserted into  `insertion_overlay` to keep the variable `self` in a valid state.
+	fn swap_out_submission(
+		&mut self,
+		remove_score: ElectionScore,
+		insert: Option<(ElectionScore, u32)>,
+	) -> Option<SignedSubmissionOf<T>> {
+		let remove_idx = self.indices.remove(&remove_score)?;
+		if let Some((insert_score, insert_idx)) = insert {
+			self.indices
+				.try_insert(insert_score, insert_idx)
+				.expect("just removed an item, we must be under capacity; qed");
+		}
+		self.insertion_overlay.remove(&remove_idx).or_else(|| {
+			(!self.deletion_overlay.contains(&remove_idx)).then(|| {
+				self.deletion_overlay.insert(remove_idx);
+				SignedSubmissionsMap::<T>::try_get(remove_idx).ok()
+			}).flatten()
+		})
+	}
+	/// Iterate through the set of signed submissions in order of increasing score.
+	pub fn iter(&self) -> impl '_ + Iterator<Item = SignedSubmissionOf<T>> {
+		self.indices.iter().filter_map(move |(_score, &idx)| {
+			let maybe_submission = self.get_submission(idx);
+			if maybe_submission.is_none() {
+				log!(
+					error,
+					"SignedSubmissions internal state is invalid (idx {}); \
+					there is a logic error in code handling signed solution submissions",
+					idx,
+				)
+			}
+			maybe_submission
+		})
+	}
+	/// Empty the set of signed submissions, returning an iterator of signed submissions in
+	/// arbitrary order.
+	///
+	/// Note that if the iterator is dropped without consuming all elements, not all may be removed
+	/// from the underlying `SignedSubmissionsMap`, putting the storages into an invalid state.
+	///
+	/// Note that, like `put`, this function consumes `Self` and modifies storage.
+	fn drain(mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = SignedSubmissionOf<T>> {
+		SignedSubmissionIndices::<T>::kill();
+		SignedSubmissionNextIndex::<T>::kill();
+		let insertion_overlay = sp_std::mem::take(&mut self.insertion_overlay);
+		SignedSubmissionsMap::<T>::drain()
+			.filter(move |(k, _v)| !self.deletion_overlay.contains(k))
+			.map(|(_k, v)| v)
+			.chain(insertion_overlay.into_iter().map(|(_k, v)| v))
+	}
+	/// Decode the length of the signed submissions without actually reading the entire struct into
+	/// memory.
+	///
+	/// Note that if you hold an instance of `SignedSubmissions`, this function does _not_
+	/// track its current length. This only decodes what is currently stored in memory.
+	pub fn decode_len() -> Option<usize> {
+		SignedSubmissionIndices::<T>::decode_len()
+	}
+	/// Insert a new signed submission into the set.
+	///
+	/// In the event that the new submission is not better than the current weakest according
+	/// to `is_score_better`, we do not change anything.
+	pub fn insert(
+		&mut self,
+		submission: SignedSubmissionOf<T>,
+	) -> InsertResult<T> {
+		// verify the expectation that we never reuse an index
+		debug_assert!(!self.indices.values().any(|&idx| idx == self.next_idx));
+		let weakest = match self.indices.try_insert(submission.solution.score, self.next_idx) {
+			Ok(Some(prev_idx)) => {
+				// a submission of equal score was already present in the set;
+				// no point editing the actual backing map as we know that the newer solution can't
+				// be better than the old. However, we do need to put the old value back.
+				self.indices
+					.try_insert(submission.solution.score, prev_idx)
+					.expect("didn't change the map size; qed");
+				return InsertResult::NotInserted;
+			}
+			Ok(None) => {
+				// successfully inserted into the set; no need to take out weakest member
+				None
+			}
+			Err((insert_score, insert_idx)) => {
+				// could not insert into the set because it is full.
+				// note that we short-circuit return here in case the iteration produces `None`.
+				// If there wasn't a weakest entry to remove, then there must be a capacity of 0,
+				// which means that we can't meaningfully proceed.
+				let weakest_score = match self.indices.iter().next() {
+					None => return InsertResult::NotInserted,
+					Some((score, _)) => *score,
+				};
+				let threshold = T::SolutionImprovementThreshold::get();
+				// if we haven't improved on the weakest score, don't change anything.
+				if !is_score_better(insert_score, weakest_score, threshold) {
+					return InsertResult::NotInserted;
+				}
+				self.swap_out_submission(weakest_score, Some((insert_score, insert_idx)))
+			}
+		};
+		// we've taken out the weakest, so update the storage map and the next index
+		debug_assert!(!self.insertion_overlay.contains_key(&self.next_idx));
+		self.insertion_overlay.insert(self.next_idx, submission);
+		debug_assert!(!self.deletion_overlay.contains(&self.next_idx));
+		self.next_idx += 1;
+		match weakest {
+			Some(weakest) => InsertResult::InsertedEjecting(weakest),
+			None => InsertResult::Inserted,
+		}
+	}
+	/// Remove the signed submission with the highest score from the set.
+	pub fn pop_last(&mut self) -> Option<SignedSubmissionOf<T>> {
+		let (score, _) = self.indices.iter().rev().next()?;
+		// deref in advance to prevent mutable-immutable borrow conflict
+		let score = *score;
+		self.swap_out_submission(score, None)
+	}
+impl<T: Config> Deref for SignedSubmissions<T> {
+	type Target = SubmissionIndicesOf<T>;
+	fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
+		&self.indices
+	}
+impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
+	/// `Self` accessor for `SignedSubmission<T>`.
+	pub fn signed_submissions() -> SignedSubmissions<T> {
+		SignedSubmissions::<T>::get()
+	}
+	/// Finish the signed phase. Process the signed submissions from best to worse until a valid one
+	/// is found, rewarding the best one and slashing the invalid ones along the way.
+	///
+	/// Returns true if we have a good solution in the signed phase.
+	///
+	/// This drains the [`SignedSubmissions`], potentially storing the best valid one in
+	/// [`QueuedSolution`].
+	pub fn finalize_signed_phase() -> (bool, Weight) {
+		let mut all_submissions = Self::signed_submissions();
+		let mut found_solution = false;
+		let mut weight = T::DbWeight::get().reads(1);
+		let SolutionOrSnapshotSize { voters, targets } =
+			Self::snapshot_metadata().unwrap_or_default();
+		let reward = T::SignedRewardBase::get();
+		while let Some(best) = all_submissions.pop_last() {
+			let SignedSubmission { solution, who, deposit} = best;
+			let active_voters = solution.compact.voter_count() as u32;
+			let feasibility_weight = {
+				// defensive only: at the end of signed phase, snapshot will exits.
+				let desired_targets = Self::desired_targets().unwrap_or_default();
+				T::WeightInfo::feasibility_check(
+					voters,
+					targets,
+					active_voters,
+					desired_targets,
+				)
+			};
+			// the feasibility check itself has some weight
+			weight = weight.saturating_add(feasibility_weight);
+			match Self::feasibility_check(solution, ElectionCompute::Signed) {
+				Ok(ready_solution) => {
+					Self::finalize_signed_phase_accept_solution(
+						ready_solution,
+						&who,
+						deposit,
+						reward,
+					);
+					found_solution = true;
+					weight = weight
+						.saturating_add(T::WeightInfo::finalize_signed_phase_accept_solution());
+					break;
+				}
+				Err(_) => {
+					Self::finalize_signed_phase_reject_solution(&who, deposit);
+					weight = weight
+						.saturating_add(T::WeightInfo::finalize_signed_phase_reject_solution());
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// Any unprocessed solution is pointless to even consider. Feasible or malicious,
+		// they didn't end up being used. Unreserve the bonds.
+		let discarded = all_submissions.len();
+		for SignedSubmission { who, deposit, .. } in all_submissions.drain() {
+			let _remaining = T::Currency::unreserve(&who, deposit);
+			weight = weight.saturating_add(T::DbWeight::get().writes(1));
+			debug_assert!(_remaining.is_zero());
+		}
+		debug_assert!(!SignedSubmissionIndices::<T>::exists());
+		debug_assert!(!SignedSubmissionNextIndex::<T>::exists());
+		debug_assert!(SignedSubmissionsMap::<T>::iter().next().is_none());
+		log!(debug, "closed signed phase, found solution? {}, discarded {}", found_solution, discarded);
+		(found_solution, weight)
+	}
+	/// Helper function for the case where a solution is accepted in the signed phase.
+	///
+	/// Extracted to facilitate with weight calculation.
+	///
+	/// Infallible
+	pub fn finalize_signed_phase_accept_solution(
+		ready_solution: ReadySolution<T::AccountId>,
+		who: &T::AccountId,
+		deposit: BalanceOf<T>,
+		reward: BalanceOf<T>,
+	) {
+		// write this ready solution.
+		<QueuedSolution<T>>::put(ready_solution);
+		// emit reward event
+		Self::deposit_event(crate::Event::Rewarded(who.clone()));
+		// unreserve deposit.
+		let _remaining = T::Currency::unreserve(who, deposit);
+		debug_assert!(_remaining.is_zero());
+		// Reward.
+		let positive_imbalance = T::Currency::deposit_creating(who, reward);
+		T::RewardHandler::on_unbalanced(positive_imbalance);
+	}
+	/// Helper function for the case where a solution is accepted in the rejected phase.
+	///
+	/// Extracted to facilitate with weight calculation.
+	///
+	/// Infallible
+	pub fn finalize_signed_phase_reject_solution(who: &T::AccountId, deposit: BalanceOf<T>) {
+		Self::deposit_event(crate::Event::Slashed(who.clone()));
+		let (negative_imbalance, _remaining) = T::Currency::slash_reserved(who, deposit);
+		debug_assert!(_remaining.is_zero());
+		T::SlashHandler::on_unbalanced(negative_imbalance);
+	}
+	/// The feasibility weight of the given raw solution.
+	pub fn feasibility_weight_of(
+		solution: &RawSolution<CompactOf<T>>,
+		size: SolutionOrSnapshotSize,
+	) -> Weight {
+		T::WeightInfo::feasibility_check(
+			size.voters,
+			size.targets,
+			solution.compact.voter_count() as u32,
+			solution.compact.unique_targets().len() as u32,
+		)
+	}
+	/// Collect a sufficient deposit to store this solution.
+	///
+	/// The deposit is composed of 3 main elements:
+	///
+	/// 1. base deposit, fixed for all submissions.
+	/// 2. a per-byte deposit, for renting the state usage.
+	/// 3. a per-weight deposit, for the potential weight usage in an upcoming on_initialize
+	pub fn deposit_for(
+		solution: &RawSolution<CompactOf<T>>,
+		size: SolutionOrSnapshotSize,
+	) -> BalanceOf<T> {
+		let encoded_len: u32 = solution.encoded_size().saturated_into();
+		let encoded_len: BalanceOf<T> = encoded_len.into();
+		let feasibility_weight = Self::feasibility_weight_of(solution, size);
+		let len_deposit = T::SignedDepositByte::get().saturating_mul(encoded_len);
+		let weight_deposit = T::SignedDepositWeight::get().saturating_mul(feasibility_weight.saturated_into());
+		T::SignedDepositBase::get().saturating_add(len_deposit).saturating_add(weight_deposit)
+	}
+mod tests {
+	use super::*;
+	use crate::{
+		Phase, Error,
+		mock::{
+			balances, ExtBuilder, MultiPhase, Origin, raw_solution, roll_to, Runtime,
+			SignedMaxSubmissions, SignedMaxWeight,
+		},
+	};
+	use frame_support::{dispatch::DispatchResult, assert_noop, assert_storage_noop, assert_ok};
+	fn submit_with_witness(
+		origin: Origin,
+		solution: RawSolution<CompactOf<Runtime>>,
+	) -> DispatchResult {
+		MultiPhase::submit(origin, solution, MultiPhase::signed_submissions().len() as u32)
+	}
+	#[test]
+	fn cannot_submit_too_early() {
+		ExtBuilder::default().build_and_execute(|| {
+			roll_to(2);
+			assert_eq!(MultiPhase::current_phase(), Phase::Off);
+			// create a temp snapshot only for this test.
+			MultiPhase::create_snapshot().unwrap();
+			let solution = raw_solution();
+			assert_noop!(
+				submit_with_witness(Origin::signed(10), solution),
+				Error::<Runtime>::PreDispatchEarlySubmission,
+			);
+		})
+	}
+	#[test]
+	fn wrong_witness_fails() {
+		ExtBuilder::default().build_and_execute(|| {
+			roll_to(15);
+			assert!(MultiPhase::current_phase().is_signed());
+			let solution = raw_solution();
+			// submit this once correctly
+			assert_ok!(submit_with_witness(Origin::signed(99), solution.clone()));
+			assert_eq!(MultiPhase::signed_submissions().len(), 1);
+			// now try and cheat by passing a lower queue length
+			assert_noop!(
+				MultiPhase::submit(Origin::signed(99), solution, 0),
+				Error::<Runtime>::SignedInvalidWitness,
+			);
+		})
+	}
+	#[test]
+	fn should_pay_deposit() {
+		ExtBuilder::default().build_and_execute(|| {
+			roll_to(15);
+			assert!(MultiPhase::current_phase().is_signed());
+			let solution = raw_solution();
+			assert_eq!(balances(&99), (100, 0));
+			assert_ok!(submit_with_witness(Origin::signed(99), solution));
+			assert_eq!(balances(&99), (95, 5));
+			assert_eq!(MultiPhase::signed_submissions().iter().next().unwrap().deposit, 5);
+		})
+	}
+	#[test]
+	fn good_solution_is_rewarded() {
+		ExtBuilder::default().build_and_execute(|| {
+			roll_to(15);
+			assert!(MultiPhase::current_phase().is_signed());
+			let solution = raw_solution();
+			assert_eq!(balances(&99), (100, 0));
+			assert_ok!(submit_with_witness(Origin::signed(99), solution));
+			assert_eq!(balances(&99), (95, 5));
+			assert!(MultiPhase::finalize_signed_phase().0);
+			assert_eq!(balances(&99), (100 + 7, 0));
+		})
+	}
+	#[test]
+	fn bad_solution_is_slashed() {
+		ExtBuilder::default().build_and_execute(|| {
+			roll_to(15);
+			assert!(MultiPhase::current_phase().is_signed());
+			let mut solution = raw_solution();
+			assert_eq!(balances(&99), (100, 0));
+			// make the solution invalid.
+			solution.score[0] += 1;
+			assert_ok!(submit_with_witness(Origin::signed(99), solution));
+			assert_eq!(balances(&99), (95, 5));
+			// no good solution was stored.
+			assert!(!MultiPhase::finalize_signed_phase().0);
+			// and the bond is gone.
+			assert_eq!(balances(&99), (95, 0));
+		})
+	}
+	#[test]
+	fn suppressed_solution_gets_bond_back() {
+		ExtBuilder::default().build_and_execute(|| {
+			roll_to(15);
+			assert!(MultiPhase::current_phase().is_signed());
+			let mut solution = raw_solution();
+			assert_eq!(balances(&99), (100, 0));
+			assert_eq!(balances(&999), (100, 0));
+			// submit as correct.
+			assert_ok!(submit_with_witness(Origin::signed(99), solution.clone()));
+			// make the solution invalid and weaker.
+			solution.score[0] -= 1;
+			assert_ok!(submit_with_witness(Origin::signed(999), solution));
+			assert_eq!(balances(&99), (95, 5));
+			assert_eq!(balances(&999), (95, 5));
+			// _some_ good solution was stored.
+			assert!(MultiPhase::finalize_signed_phase().0);
+			// 99 is rewarded.
+			assert_eq!(balances(&99), (100 + 7, 0));
+			// 999 gets everything back.
+			assert_eq!(balances(&999), (100, 0));
+		})
+	}
+	#[test]
+	fn cannot_submit_worse_with_full_queue() {
+		ExtBuilder::default().build_and_execute(|| {
+			roll_to(15);
+			assert!(MultiPhase::current_phase().is_signed());
+			for s in 0..SignedMaxSubmissions::get() {
+				// score is always getting better
+				let solution = RawSolution { score: [(5 + s).into(), 0, 0], ..Default::default() };
+				assert_ok!(submit_with_witness(Origin::signed(99), solution));
+			}
+			// weaker.
+			let solution = RawSolution { score: [4, 0, 0], ..Default::default() };
+			assert_noop!(
+				submit_with_witness(Origin::signed(99), solution),
+				Error::<Runtime>::SignedQueueFull,
+			);
+		})
+	}
+	#[test]
+	fn weakest_is_removed_if_better_provided() {
+		ExtBuilder::default().build_and_execute(|| {
+			roll_to(15);
+			assert!(MultiPhase::current_phase().is_signed());
+			for s in 0..SignedMaxSubmissions::get() {
+				// score is always getting better
+				let solution = RawSolution { score: [(5 + s).into(), 0, 0], ..Default::default() };
+				assert_ok!(submit_with_witness(Origin::signed(99), solution));
+			}
+			assert_eq!(
+				MultiPhase::signed_submissions()
+					.iter()
+					.map(|s| s.solution.score[0])
+					.collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+				vec![5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
+			);
+			// better.
+			let solution = RawSolution { score: [20, 0, 0], ..Default::default() };
+			assert_ok!(submit_with_witness(Origin::signed(99), solution));
+			// the one with score 5 was rejected, the new one inserted.
+			assert_eq!(
+				MultiPhase::signed_submissions()
+					.iter()
+					.map(|s| s.solution.score[0])
+					.collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+				vec![6, 7, 8, 9, 20]
+			);
+		})
+	}
+	#[test]
+	fn replace_weakest_works() {
+		ExtBuilder::default().build_and_execute(|| {
+			roll_to(15);
+			assert!(MultiPhase::current_phase().is_signed());
+			for s in 1..SignedMaxSubmissions::get() {
+				// score is always getting better
+				let solution = RawSolution { score: [(5 + s).into(), 0, 0], ..Default::default() };
+				assert_ok!(submit_with_witness(Origin::signed(99), solution));
+			}
+			let solution = RawSolution { score: [4, 0, 0], ..Default::default() };
+			assert_ok!(submit_with_witness(Origin::signed(99), solution));
+			assert_eq!(
+				MultiPhase::signed_submissions()
+					.iter()
+					.map(|s| s.solution.score[0])
+					.collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+				vec![4, 6, 7, 8, 9],
+			);
+			// better.
+			let solution = RawSolution { score: [5, 0, 0], ..Default::default() };
+			assert_ok!(submit_with_witness(Origin::signed(99), solution));
+			// the one with score 5 was rejected, the new one inserted.
+			assert_eq!(
+				MultiPhase::signed_submissions()
+					.iter()
+					.map(|s| s.solution.score[0])
+					.collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+				vec![5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
+			);
+		})
+	}
+	#[test]
+	fn early_ejected_solution_gets_bond_back() {
+		ExtBuilder::default().signed_deposit(2, 0, 0).build_and_execute(|| {
+			roll_to(15);
+			assert!(MultiPhase::current_phase().is_signed());
+			for s in 0..SignedMaxSubmissions::get() {
+				// score is always getting better
+				let solution = RawSolution { score: [(5 + s).into(), 0, 0], ..Default::default() };
+				assert_ok!(submit_with_witness(Origin::signed(99), solution));
+			}
+			assert_eq!(balances(&99).1, 2 * 5);
+			assert_eq!(balances(&999).1, 0);
+			// better.
+			let solution = RawSolution { score: [20, 0, 0], ..Default::default() };
+			assert_ok!(submit_with_witness(Origin::signed(999), solution));
+			// got one bond back.
+			assert_eq!(balances(&99).1, 2 * 4);
+			assert_eq!(balances(&999).1, 2);
+		})
+	}
+	#[test]
+	fn equally_good_solution_is_not_accepted() {
+		ExtBuilder::default().signed_max_submission(3).build_and_execute(|| {
+			roll_to(15);
+			assert!(MultiPhase::current_phase().is_signed());
+			for i in 0..SignedMaxSubmissions::get() {
+				let solution = RawSolution { score: [(5 + i).into(), 0, 0], ..Default::default() };
+				assert_ok!(submit_with_witness(Origin::signed(99), solution));
+			}
+			assert_eq!(
+				MultiPhase::signed_submissions()
+					.iter()
+					.map(|s| s.solution.score[0])
+					.collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+				vec![5, 6, 7]
+			);
+			// 5 is not accepted. This will only cause processing with no benefit.
+			let solution = RawSolution { score: [5, 0, 0], ..Default::default() };
+			assert_noop!(
+				submit_with_witness(Origin::signed(99), solution),
+				Error::<Runtime>::SignedQueueFull,
+			);
+		})
+	}
+	#[test]
+	fn all_in_one_signed_submission_scenario() {
+		// a combination of:
+		// - good_solution_is_rewarded
+		// - bad_solution_is_slashed
+		// - suppressed_solution_gets_bond_back
+		ExtBuilder::default().build_and_execute(|| {
+			roll_to(15);
+			assert!(MultiPhase::current_phase().is_signed());
+			assert_eq!(balances(&99), (100, 0));
+			assert_eq!(balances(&999), (100, 0));
+			assert_eq!(balances(&9999), (100, 0));
+			let solution = raw_solution();
+			// submit a correct one.
+			assert_ok!(submit_with_witness(Origin::signed(99), solution.clone()));
+			// make the solution invalidly better and submit. This ought to be slashed.
+			let mut solution_999 = solution.clone();
+			solution_999.score[0] += 1;
+			assert_ok!(submit_with_witness(Origin::signed(999), solution_999));
+			// make the solution invalidly worse and submit. This ought to be suppressed and
+			// returned.
+			let mut solution_9999 = solution.clone();
+			solution_9999.score[0] -= 1;
+			assert_ok!(submit_with_witness(Origin::signed(9999), solution_9999));
+			assert_eq!(
+				MultiPhase::signed_submissions().iter().map(|x| x.who).collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+				vec![9999, 99, 999]
+			);
+			// _some_ good solution was stored.
+			assert!(MultiPhase::finalize_signed_phase().0);
+			// 99 is rewarded.
+			assert_eq!(balances(&99), (100 + 7, 0));
+			// 999 is slashed.
+			assert_eq!(balances(&999), (95, 0));
+			// 9999 gets everything back.
+			assert_eq!(balances(&9999), (100, 0));
+		})
+	}
+	#[test]
+	fn cannot_consume_too_much_future_weight() {
+		ExtBuilder::default().signed_weight(40).mock_weight_info(true).build_and_execute(|| {
+			roll_to(15);
+			assert!(MultiPhase::current_phase().is_signed());
+			let (solution, witness) = MultiPhase::mine_solution(2).unwrap();
+			let solution_weight = <Runtime as Config>::WeightInfo::feasibility_check(
+				witness.voters,
+				witness.targets,
+				solution.compact.voter_count() as u32,
+				solution.compact.unique_targets().len() as u32,
+			);
+			// default solution will have 5 edges (5 * 5 + 10)
+			assert_eq!(solution_weight, 35);
+			assert_eq!(solution.compact.voter_count(), 5);
+			assert_eq!(<Runtime as Config>::SignedMaxWeight::get(), 40);
+			assert_ok!(submit_with_witness(Origin::signed(99), solution.clone()));
+			<SignedMaxWeight>::set(30);
+			// note: resubmitting the same solution is technically okay as long as the queue has
+			// space.
+			assert_noop!(
+				submit_with_witness(Origin::signed(99), solution),
+				Error::<Runtime>::SignedTooMuchWeight,
+			);
+		})
+	}
+	#[test]
+	fn insufficient_deposit_doesnt_store_submission() {
+		ExtBuilder::default().build_and_execute(|| {
+			roll_to(15);
+			assert!(MultiPhase::current_phase().is_signed());
+			let solution = raw_solution();
+			assert_eq!(balances(&123), (0, 0));
+			assert_noop!(
+				submit_with_witness(Origin::signed(123), solution),
+				Error::<Runtime>::SignedCannotPayDeposit,
+			);
+			assert_eq!(balances(&123), (0, 0));
+		})
+	}
+	// given a full queue, and a solution which _should_ be allowed in, but the proposer of this
+	// new solution has insufficient deposit, we should not modify storage at all
+	#[test]
+	fn insufficient_deposit_with_full_queue_works_properly() {
+		ExtBuilder::default().build_and_execute(|| {
+			roll_to(15);
+			assert!(MultiPhase::current_phase().is_signed());
+			for s in 0..SignedMaxSubmissions::get() {
+				// score is always getting better
+				let solution = RawSolution { score: [(5 + s).into(), 0, 0], ..Default::default() };
+				assert_ok!(submit_with_witness(Origin::signed(99), solution));
+			}
+			// this solution has a higher score than any in the queue
+			let solution = RawSolution {
+				score: [(5 + SignedMaxSubmissions::get()).into(), 0, 0],
+				..Default::default()
+			};
+			assert_eq!(balances(&123), (0, 0));
+			assert_noop!(
+				submit_with_witness(Origin::signed(123), solution),
+				Error::<Runtime>::SignedCannotPayDeposit,
+			);
+			assert_eq!(balances(&123), (0, 0));
+		})
+	}
+	#[test]
+	fn finalize_signed_phase_is_idempotent_given_no_submissions() {
+		ExtBuilder::default().build_and_execute(|| {
+			for block_number in 0..25 {
+				roll_to(block_number);
+				assert_eq!(SignedSubmissions::<Runtime>::decode_len().unwrap_or_default(), 0);
+				assert_storage_noop!(MultiPhase::finalize_signed_phase());
+			}
+		})
+	}
+	#[test]
+	fn finalize_signed_phase_is_idempotent_given_submissions() {
+		ExtBuilder::default().build_and_execute(|| {
+			roll_to(15);
+			assert!(MultiPhase::current_phase().is_signed());
+			let solution = raw_solution();
+			// submit a correct one.
+			assert_ok!(submit_with_witness(Origin::signed(99), solution.clone()));
+			// _some_ good solution was stored.
+			assert!(MultiPhase::finalize_signed_phase().0);
+			// calling it again doesn't change anything
+			assert_storage_noop!(MultiPhase::finalize_signed_phase());
+		})
+	}
diff --git a/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-phase/src/unsigned.rs b/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-phase/src/unsigned.rs
index 543883fc035c500daedd7412a3924d7f3b970b1d..52ecae7afa5fc6431e5081fa64777c82f5675fea 100644
--- a/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-phase/src/unsigned.rs
+++ b/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-phase/src/unsigned.rs
@@ -30,8 +30,10 @@ use sp_npos_elections::{
 	assignment_staked_to_ratio_normalized, is_score_better, seq_phragmen,
 use sp_runtime::{
+	DispatchError,
+	SaturatedConversion,
 	offchain::storage::{MutateStorageError, StorageValueRef},
-	traits::TrailingZeroInput, SaturatedConversion
+	traits::TrailingZeroInput,
 use sp_std::{cmp::Ordering, convert::TryFrom, vec::Vec};
@@ -57,7 +59,8 @@ pub type Assignment<T> = sp_npos_elections::Assignment<
-/// The [`IndexAssignment`][sp_npos_elections::IndexAssignment] type specialized for a particular runtime `T`.
+/// The [`IndexAssignment`][sp_npos_elections::IndexAssignment] type specialized for a particular
+/// runtime `T`.
 pub type IndexAssignmentOf<T> = sp_npos_elections::IndexAssignmentOf<CompactOf<T>>;
 #[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
@@ -69,7 +72,7 @@ pub enum MinerError {
 	/// Submitting a transaction to the pool failed.
 	/// The pre-dispatch checks failed for the mined solution.
-	PreDispatchChecksFailed,
+	PreDispatchChecksFailed(DispatchError),
 	/// The solution generated from the miner is not feasible.
 	/// Something went wrong fetching the lock.
@@ -234,7 +237,7 @@ impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
 	) -> Result<(), MinerError> {
 		Self::unsigned_pre_dispatch_checks(raw_solution).map_err(|err| {
 			log!(debug, "pre-dispatch checks failed for {} solution: {:?}", solution_type, err);
-			MinerError::PreDispatchChecksFailed
+			MinerError::PreDispatchChecksFailed(err)
 		Self::feasibility_check(raw_solution.clone(), ElectionCompute::Unsigned).map_err(|err| {
@@ -344,7 +347,11 @@ impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
 		// converting to `Compact`.
 		let mut index_assignments = sorted_assignments
-			.map(|assignment| IndexAssignmentOf::<T>::new(&assignment, &voter_index, &target_index))
+			.map(|assignment| IndexAssignmentOf::<T>::new(
+				&assignment,
+				&voter_index,
+				&target_index,
+			))
 			.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?;
 		// trim assignments list for weight and length.
@@ -416,7 +423,9 @@ impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
-		let removing: usize = assignments.len().saturating_sub(maximum_allowed_voters.saturated_into());
+		let removing: usize = assignments.len().saturating_sub(
+			maximum_allowed_voters.saturated_into(),
+		);
 			"from {} assignments, truncating to {} for weight, removing {}",
@@ -464,7 +473,9 @@ impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
 		let maximum_allowed_voters =
-			if low < assignments.len() && encoded_size_of(&assignments[..low + 1])? <= max_allowed_length {
+			if low < assignments.len() &&
+				encoded_size_of(&assignments[..low + 1])? <= max_allowed_length
+			{
 				low + 1
 			} else {
@@ -674,6 +685,15 @@ mod max_weight {
 		fn on_initialize_open_unsigned_without_snapshot() -> Weight {
+		fn finalize_signed_phase_accept_solution() -> Weight {
+			unreachable!()
+		}
+		fn finalize_signed_phase_reject_solution() -> Weight {
+			unreachable!()
+		}
+		fn submit(c: u32) -> Weight {
+			unreachable!()
+		}
 		fn submit_unsigned(v: u32, t: u32, a: u32, d: u32) -> Weight {
 			(0 * v + 0 * t + 1000 * a + 0 * d) as Weight
@@ -994,7 +1014,11 @@ mod tests {
-				MinerError::PreDispatchChecksFailed,
+				MinerError::PreDispatchChecksFailed(DispatchError::Module{
+					index: 2,
+					error: 1,
+					message: Some("PreDispatchWrongWinnerCount"),
+				}),
@@ -1199,11 +1223,17 @@ mod tests {
 			let mut storage = StorageValueRef::persistent(&OFFCHAIN_LAST_BLOCK);
-			assert!(!ocw_solution_exists::<Runtime>(), "no solution should be present before we mine one");
+			assert!(
+				!ocw_solution_exists::<Runtime>(),
+				"no solution should be present before we mine one",
+			);
 			// creates and cache a solution
-			assert!(ocw_solution_exists::<Runtime>(), "a solution must be cached after running the worker");
+			assert!(
+				ocw_solution_exists::<Runtime>(),
+				"a solution must be cached after running the worker",
+			);
 			// after an election, the solution must be cleared
 			// we don't actually care about the result of the election
@@ -1329,10 +1359,15 @@ mod tests {
 				_ => panic!("bad call: unexpected submission"),
-			// Custom(3) maps to PreDispatchChecksFailed
-			let pre_dispatch_check_error = TransactionValidityError::Invalid(InvalidTransaction::Custom(3));
+			// Custom(7) maps to PreDispatchChecksFailed
+			let pre_dispatch_check_error = TransactionValidityError::Invalid(
+				InvalidTransaction::Custom(7),
+			);
-				<MultiPhase as ValidateUnsigned>::validate_unsigned(TransactionSource::Local, &call)
+				<MultiPhase as ValidateUnsigned>::validate_unsigned(
+					TransactionSource::Local,
+					&call,
+				)
@@ -1359,7 +1394,11 @@ mod tests {
 			let compact_clone = compact.clone();
 			// when
-			MultiPhase::trim_assignments_length(encoded_len, &mut assignments, encoded_size_of).unwrap();
+			MultiPhase::trim_assignments_length(
+				encoded_len,
+				&mut assignments,
+				encoded_size_of,
+			).unwrap();
 			// then
 			let compact = CompactOf::<Runtime>::try_from(assignments.as_slice()).unwrap();
@@ -1383,7 +1422,11 @@ mod tests {
 			let compact_clone = compact.clone();
 			// when
-			MultiPhase::trim_assignments_length(encoded_len as u32 - 1, &mut assignments, encoded_size_of).unwrap();
+			MultiPhase::trim_assignments_length(
+				encoded_len as u32 - 1,
+				&mut assignments,
+				encoded_size_of,
+			).unwrap();
 			// then
 			let compact = CompactOf::<Runtime>::try_from(assignments.as_slice()).unwrap();
@@ -1414,7 +1457,11 @@ mod tests {
 			// when
-			MultiPhase::trim_assignments_length(encoded_len - 1, &mut assignments, encoded_size_of).unwrap();
+			MultiPhase::trim_assignments_length(
+				encoded_len - 1,
+				&mut assignments,
+				encoded_size_of,
+			).unwrap();
 			// then
 			assert_eq!(assignments.len(), count - 1, "we must have removed exactly one assignment");
diff --git a/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-phase/src/weights.rs b/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-phase/src/weights.rs
index 51b99bc962d43d3c711e92b8427281a861595a4c..6a245ebb512545b4194ed39c6d106c36c47a3aa4 100644
--- a/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-phase/src/weights.rs
+++ b/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-phase/src/weights.rs
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 //! Autogenerated weights for pallet_election_provider_multi_phase
-//! DATE: 2021-06-19, STEPS: `[50, ]`, REPEAT: 20, LOW RANGE: `[]`, HIGH RANGE: `[]`
+//! DATE: 2021-06-20, STEPS: `[50, ]`, REPEAT: 20, LOW RANGE: `[]`, HIGH RANGE: `[]`
 //! EXECUTION: Some(Wasm), WASM-EXECUTION: Compiled, CHAIN: Some("dev"), DB CACHE: 128
 // Executed Command:
@@ -47,8 +47,11 @@ pub trait WeightInfo {
 	fn on_initialize_nothing() -> Weight;
 	fn on_initialize_open_signed() -> Weight;
 	fn on_initialize_open_unsigned_with_snapshot() -> Weight;
+	fn finalize_signed_phase_accept_solution() -> Weight;
+	fn finalize_signed_phase_reject_solution() -> Weight;
 	fn on_initialize_open_unsigned_without_snapshot() -> Weight;
 	fn elect_queued() -> Weight;
+	fn submit(c: u32, ) -> Weight;
 	fn submit_unsigned(v: u32, t: u32, a: u32, d: u32, ) -> Weight;
 	fn feasibility_check(v: u32, t: u32, a: u32, d: u32, ) -> Weight;
@@ -57,52 +60,69 @@ pub trait WeightInfo {
 pub struct SubstrateWeight<T>(PhantomData<T>);
 impl<T: frame_system::Config> WeightInfo for SubstrateWeight<T> {
 	fn on_initialize_nothing() -> Weight {
-		(24_579_000 as Weight)
+		(33_392_000 as Weight)
 			.saturating_add(T::DbWeight::get().reads(8 as Weight))
 	fn on_initialize_open_signed() -> Weight {
-		(87_463_000 as Weight)
+		(115_659_000 as Weight)
 			.saturating_add(T::DbWeight::get().reads(10 as Weight))
 			.saturating_add(T::DbWeight::get().writes(4 as Weight))
 	fn on_initialize_open_unsigned_with_snapshot() -> Weight {
-		(87_381_000 as Weight)
+		(114_970_000 as Weight)
 			.saturating_add(T::DbWeight::get().reads(10 as Weight))
 			.saturating_add(T::DbWeight::get().writes(4 as Weight))
+	fn finalize_signed_phase_accept_solution() -> Weight {
+		(51_442_000 as Weight)
+			.saturating_add(T::DbWeight::get().reads(1 as Weight))
+			.saturating_add(T::DbWeight::get().writes(2 as Weight))
+	}
+	fn finalize_signed_phase_reject_solution() -> Weight {
+		(23_160_000 as Weight)
+			.saturating_add(T::DbWeight::get().reads(1 as Weight))
+			.saturating_add(T::DbWeight::get().writes(1 as Weight))
+	}
 	fn on_initialize_open_unsigned_without_snapshot() -> Weight {
-		(18_489_000 as Weight)
+		(24_101_000 as Weight)
 			.saturating_add(T::DbWeight::get().reads(1 as Weight))
 			.saturating_add(T::DbWeight::get().writes(1 as Weight))
 	fn elect_queued() -> Weight {
-		(6_038_989_000 as Weight)
-			.saturating_add(T::DbWeight::get().reads(2 as Weight))
-			.saturating_add(T::DbWeight::get().writes(6 as Weight))
+		(6_153_604_000 as Weight)
+			.saturating_add(T::DbWeight::get().reads(5 as Weight))
+			.saturating_add(T::DbWeight::get().writes(8 as Weight))
+	}
+	fn submit(c: u32, ) -> Weight {
+		(78_972_000 as Weight)
+			// Standard Error: 16_000
+			.saturating_add((308_000 as Weight).saturating_mul(c as Weight))
+			.saturating_add(T::DbWeight::get().reads(4 as Weight))
+			.saturating_add(T::DbWeight::get().writes(3 as Weight))
 	fn submit_unsigned(v: u32, t: u32, a: u32, d: u32, ) -> Weight {
 		(0 as Weight)
 			// Standard Error: 12_000
-			.saturating_add((3_480_000 as Weight).saturating_mul(v as Weight))
+			.saturating_add((3_572_000 as Weight).saturating_mul(v as Weight))
 			// Standard Error: 42_000
-			.saturating_add((194_000 as Weight).saturating_mul(t as Weight))
+			.saturating_add((23_000 as Weight).saturating_mul(t as Weight))
 			// Standard Error: 12_000
-			.saturating_add((10_498_000 as Weight).saturating_mul(a as Weight))
+			.saturating_add((11_529_000 as Weight).saturating_mul(a as Weight))
 			// Standard Error: 63_000
-			.saturating_add((3_074_000 as Weight).saturating_mul(d as Weight))
+			.saturating_add((3_333_000 as Weight).saturating_mul(d as Weight))
 			.saturating_add(T::DbWeight::get().reads(7 as Weight))
 			.saturating_add(T::DbWeight::get().writes(1 as Weight))
 	fn feasibility_check(v: u32, t: u32, a: u32, d: u32, ) -> Weight {
 		(0 as Weight)
 			// Standard Error: 7_000
-			.saturating_add((3_481_000 as Weight).saturating_mul(v as Weight))
-			// Standard Error: 24_000
-			.saturating_add((385_000 as Weight).saturating_mul(t as Weight))
+			.saturating_add((3_647_000 as Weight).saturating_mul(v as Weight))
+			// Standard Error: 23_000
+			.saturating_add((390_000 as Weight).saturating_mul(t as Weight))
 			// Standard Error: 7_000
-			.saturating_add((8_538_000 as Weight).saturating_mul(a as Weight))
-			// Standard Error: 36_000
-			.saturating_add((3_322_000 as Weight).saturating_mul(d as Weight))
+			.saturating_add((9_614_000 as Weight).saturating_mul(a as Weight))
+			// Standard Error: 35_000
+			.saturating_add((3_405_000 as Weight).saturating_mul(d as Weight))
 			.saturating_add(T::DbWeight::get().reads(4 as Weight))
@@ -110,52 +130,69 @@ impl<T: frame_system::Config> WeightInfo for SubstrateWeight<T> {
 // For backwards compatibility and tests
 impl WeightInfo for () {
 	fn on_initialize_nothing() -> Weight {
-		(24_579_000 as Weight)
+		(33_392_000 as Weight)
 			.saturating_add(RocksDbWeight::get().reads(8 as Weight))
 	fn on_initialize_open_signed() -> Weight {
-		(87_463_000 as Weight)
+		(115_659_000 as Weight)
 			.saturating_add(RocksDbWeight::get().reads(10 as Weight))
 			.saturating_add(RocksDbWeight::get().writes(4 as Weight))
 	fn on_initialize_open_unsigned_with_snapshot() -> Weight {
-		(87_381_000 as Weight)
+		(114_970_000 as Weight)
 			.saturating_add(RocksDbWeight::get().reads(10 as Weight))
 			.saturating_add(RocksDbWeight::get().writes(4 as Weight))
+	fn finalize_signed_phase_accept_solution() -> Weight {
+		(51_442_000 as Weight)
+			.saturating_add(RocksDbWeight::get().reads(1 as Weight))
+			.saturating_add(RocksDbWeight::get().writes(2 as Weight))
+	}
+	fn finalize_signed_phase_reject_solution() -> Weight {
+		(23_160_000 as Weight)
+			.saturating_add(RocksDbWeight::get().reads(1 as Weight))
+			.saturating_add(RocksDbWeight::get().writes(1 as Weight))
+	}
 	fn on_initialize_open_unsigned_without_snapshot() -> Weight {
-		(18_489_000 as Weight)
+		(24_101_000 as Weight)
 			.saturating_add(RocksDbWeight::get().reads(1 as Weight))
 			.saturating_add(RocksDbWeight::get().writes(1 as Weight))
 	fn elect_queued() -> Weight {
-		(6_038_989_000 as Weight)
-			.saturating_add(RocksDbWeight::get().reads(2 as Weight))
-			.saturating_add(RocksDbWeight::get().writes(6 as Weight))
+		(6_153_604_000 as Weight)
+			.saturating_add(RocksDbWeight::get().reads(5 as Weight))
+			.saturating_add(RocksDbWeight::get().writes(8 as Weight))
+	}
+	fn submit(c: u32, ) -> Weight {
+		(78_972_000 as Weight)
+			// Standard Error: 16_000
+			.saturating_add((308_000 as Weight).saturating_mul(c as Weight))
+			.saturating_add(RocksDbWeight::get().reads(4 as Weight))
+			.saturating_add(RocksDbWeight::get().writes(3 as Weight))
 	fn submit_unsigned(v: u32, t: u32, a: u32, d: u32, ) -> Weight {
 		(0 as Weight)
 			// Standard Error: 12_000
-			.saturating_add((3_480_000 as Weight).saturating_mul(v as Weight))
+			.saturating_add((3_572_000 as Weight).saturating_mul(v as Weight))
 			// Standard Error: 42_000
-			.saturating_add((194_000 as Weight).saturating_mul(t as Weight))
+			.saturating_add((23_000 as Weight).saturating_mul(t as Weight))
 			// Standard Error: 12_000
-			.saturating_add((10_498_000 as Weight).saturating_mul(a as Weight))
+			.saturating_add((11_529_000 as Weight).saturating_mul(a as Weight))
 			// Standard Error: 63_000
-			.saturating_add((3_074_000 as Weight).saturating_mul(d as Weight))
+			.saturating_add((3_333_000 as Weight).saturating_mul(d as Weight))
 			.saturating_add(RocksDbWeight::get().reads(7 as Weight))
 			.saturating_add(RocksDbWeight::get().writes(1 as Weight))
 	fn feasibility_check(v: u32, t: u32, a: u32, d: u32, ) -> Weight {
 		(0 as Weight)
 			// Standard Error: 7_000
-			.saturating_add((3_481_000 as Weight).saturating_mul(v as Weight))
-			// Standard Error: 24_000
-			.saturating_add((385_000 as Weight).saturating_mul(t as Weight))
+			.saturating_add((3_647_000 as Weight).saturating_mul(v as Weight))
+			// Standard Error: 23_000
+			.saturating_add((390_000 as Weight).saturating_mul(t as Weight))
 			// Standard Error: 7_000
-			.saturating_add((8_538_000 as Weight).saturating_mul(a as Weight))
-			// Standard Error: 36_000
-			.saturating_add((3_322_000 as Weight).saturating_mul(d as Weight))
+			.saturating_add((9_614_000 as Weight).saturating_mul(a as Weight))
+			// Standard Error: 35_000
+			.saturating_add((3_405_000 as Weight).saturating_mul(d as Weight))
 			.saturating_add(RocksDbWeight::get().reads(4 as Weight))
diff --git a/substrate/frame/support/src/storage/bounded_btree_map.rs b/substrate/frame/support/src/storage/bounded_btree_map.rs
index 8c50557618eec9551075a2f4e30eee04aa441e00..0c1994d63a35da0f630346f92fe687891456cba1 100644
--- a/substrate/frame/support/src/storage/bounded_btree_map.rs
+++ b/substrate/frame/support/src/storage/bounded_btree_map.rs
@@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ pub struct BoundedBTreeMap<K, V, S>(BTreeMap<K, V>, PhantomData<S>);
 impl<K, V, S> Decode for BoundedBTreeMap<K, V, S>
-	BTreeMap<K, V>: Decode,
+	K: Decode + Ord,
+	V: Decode,
 	S: Get<u32>,
 	fn decode<I: codec::Input>(input: &mut I) -> Result<Self, codec::Error> {
@@ -115,14 +116,15 @@ where
-	/// Exactly the same semantics as [`BTreeMap::insert`], but returns an `Err` (and is a noop) if the
-	/// new length of the map exceeds `S`.
-	pub fn try_insert(&mut self, key: K, value: V) -> Result<(), ()> {
-		if self.len() < Self::bound() {
-			self.0.insert(key, value);
-			Ok(())
+	/// Exactly the same semantics as [`BTreeMap::insert`], but returns an `Err` (and is a noop) if
+	/// the new length of the map exceeds `S`.
+	///
+	/// In the `Err` case, returns the inserted pair so it can be further used without cloning.
+	pub fn try_insert(&mut self, key: K, value: V) -> Result<Option<V>, (K, V)> {
+		if self.len() < Self::bound() || self.0.contains_key(&key) {
+			Ok(self.0.insert(key, value))
 		} else {
-			Err(())
+			Err((key, value))
@@ -407,4 +409,50 @@ pub mod test {
 			Err("BoundedBTreeMap exceeds its limit".into()),
+	#[test]
+	fn unequal_eq_impl_insert_works() {
+		// given a struct with a strange notion of equality
+		#[derive(Debug)]
+		struct Unequal(u32, bool);
+		impl PartialEq for Unequal {
+			fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
+				self.0 == other.0
+			}
+		}
+		impl Eq for Unequal {}
+		impl Ord for Unequal {
+			fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> std::cmp::Ordering {
+				self.0.cmp(&other.0)
+			}
+		}
+		impl PartialOrd for Unequal {
+			fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {
+				Some(self.cmp(other))
+			}
+		}
+		let mut map = BoundedBTreeMap::<Unequal, u32, Four>::new();
+		// when the set is full
+		for i in 0..4 {
+			map.try_insert(Unequal(i, false), i).unwrap();
+		}
+		// can't insert a new distinct member
+		map.try_insert(Unequal(5, false), 5).unwrap_err();
+		// but _can_ insert a distinct member which compares equal, though per the documentation,
+		// neither the set length nor the actual member are changed, but the value is
+		map.try_insert(Unequal(0, true), 6).unwrap();
+		assert_eq!(map.len(), 4);
+		let (zero_key, zero_value) = map.get_key_value(&Unequal(0, true)).unwrap();
+		assert_eq!(zero_key.0, 0);
+		assert_eq!(zero_key.1, false);
+		assert_eq!(*zero_value, 6);
+	}
diff --git a/substrate/frame/support/src/storage/bounded_btree_set.rs b/substrate/frame/support/src/storage/bounded_btree_set.rs
index f551a3cbfa38e2c823794b240f315478272af763..10c2300a08a09fa343da909a1b23652e2fd8118a 100644
--- a/substrate/frame/support/src/storage/bounded_btree_set.rs
+++ b/substrate/frame/support/src/storage/bounded_btree_set.rs
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ pub struct BoundedBTreeSet<T, S>(BTreeSet<T>, PhantomData<S>);
 impl<T, S> Decode for BoundedBTreeSet<T, S>
-	BTreeSet<T>: Decode,
+	T: Decode + Ord,
 	S: Get<u32>,
 	fn decode<I: codec::Input>(input: &mut I) -> Result<Self, codec::Error> {
@@ -103,14 +103,15 @@ where
-	/// Exactly the same semantics as [`BTreeSet::insert`], but returns an `Err` (and is a noop) if the
-	/// new length of the set exceeds `S`.
-	pub fn try_insert(&mut self, item: T) -> Result<(), ()> {
-		if self.len() < Self::bound() {
-			self.0.insert(item);
-			Ok(())
+	/// Exactly the same semantics as [`BTreeSet::insert`], but returns an `Err` (and is a noop) if
+	/// the new length of the set exceeds `S`.
+	///
+	/// In the `Err` case, returns the inserted item so it can be further used without cloning.
+	pub fn try_insert(&mut self, item: T) -> Result<bool, T> {
+		if self.len() < Self::bound() || self.0.contains(&item) {
+			Ok(self.0.insert(item))
 		} else {
-			Err(())
+			Err(item)
@@ -393,4 +394,49 @@ pub mod test {
 			Err("BoundedBTreeSet exceeds its limit".into()),
+	#[test]
+	fn unequal_eq_impl_insert_works() {
+		// given a struct with a strange notion of equality
+		#[derive(Debug)]
+		struct Unequal(u32, bool);
+		impl PartialEq for Unequal {
+			fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
+				self.0 == other.0
+			}
+		}
+		impl Eq for Unequal {}
+		impl Ord for Unequal {
+			fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> std::cmp::Ordering {
+				self.0.cmp(&other.0)
+			}
+		}
+		impl PartialOrd for Unequal {
+			fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {
+				Some(self.cmp(other))
+			}
+		}
+		let mut set = BoundedBTreeSet::<Unequal, Four>::new();
+		// when the set is full
+		for i in 0..4 {
+			set.try_insert(Unequal(i, false)).unwrap();
+		}
+		// can't insert a new distinct member
+		set.try_insert(Unequal(5, false)).unwrap_err();
+		// but _can_ insert a distinct member which compares equal, though per the documentation,
+		// neither the set length nor the actual member are changed
+		set.try_insert(Unequal(0, true)).unwrap();
+		assert_eq!(set.len(), 4);
+		let zero_item = set.get(&Unequal(0, true)).unwrap();
+		assert_eq!(zero_item.0, 0);
+		assert_eq!(zero_item.1, false);
+	}
diff --git a/substrate/primitives/npos-elections/compact/src/lib.rs b/substrate/primitives/npos-elections/compact/src/lib.rs
index e8cde87744539b77c696385fad91c0d231c592a2..0e9fbb34eea17d0518758e7571563862449989de 100644
--- a/substrate/primitives/npos-elections/compact/src/lib.rs
+++ b/substrate/primitives/npos-elections/compact/src/lib.rs
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ fn struct_def(
-			#[derive(Default, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug)]
+			#[derive(Default, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug, PartialOrd, Ord)]
 	} else {
 		// automatically derived.