diff --git a/polkadot/node/network/availability-recovery/Cargo.toml b/polkadot/node/network/availability-recovery/Cargo.toml
index 2d3c68753d77348d583578af6d0659c2b3e27966..a28611dc67f9a58dd60bcbb702f0c3e422713726 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/network/availability-recovery/Cargo.toml
+++ b/polkadot/node/network/availability-recovery/Cargo.toml
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ polkadot-subsystem = { package = "polkadot-node-subsystem", path = "../../subsys
 polkadot-node-subsystem-util = { path = "../../subsystem-util" }
 polkadot-node-network-protocol = { path = "../../network/protocol" }
 parity-scale-codec = { version = "2.0.0", default-features = false, features = ["derive"] }
+sc-network = { git = "https://github.com/paritytech/substrate", branch = "master" }
 assert_matches = "1.4.0"
diff --git a/polkadot/node/network/availability-recovery/src/futures_undead.rs b/polkadot/node/network/availability-recovery/src/futures_undead.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9715916590a600a4c2c003f058f5ac24200ba427
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polkadot/node/network/availability-recovery/src/futures_undead.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+// Copyright 2021 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
+// This file is part of Polkadot.
+// Polkadot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// Polkadot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with Polkadot.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! FuturesUndead: A `FuturesUnordered` with support for semi canceled futures. Those undead
+//! futures will still get polled, but will not count towards length. So length will only count
+//! futures, which are still considered live.
+//! Usecase: If futures take longer than we would like them too, we maybe able to request the data
+//! from somewhere else as well. We don't really want to cancel the old future, because maybe it
+//! was almost done, thus we would have wasted time with our impatience. By simply making them
+//! not count towards length, we can make sure to have enough "live" requests ongoing, while at the
+//! same time taking advantage of some maybe "late" response from the undead.
+use std::{
+	pin::Pin,
+	task::{Context, Poll},
+	time::Duration,
+use futures::{future::BoxFuture, stream::FuturesUnordered, Future, Stream, StreamExt};
+use polkadot_node_subsystem_util::TimeoutExt;
+/// FuturesUndead - `FuturesUnordered` with semi canceled (undead) futures.
+/// Limitations: Keeps track of undead futures by means of a counter, which is limited to 64
+/// bits, so after `1.8*10^19` pushed futures, this implementation will panic.
+pub struct FuturesUndead<Output> {
+	/// Actual `FuturesUnordered`.
+	inner: FuturesUnordered<Undead<Output>>,
+	/// Next sequence number to assign to the next future that gets pushed.
+	next_sequence: SequenceNumber,
+	/// Sequence number of first future considered live.
+	first_live: Option<SequenceNumber>,
+	/// How many undead are there right now.
+	undead: usize,
+/// All futures get a number, to determine which are live.
+#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialOrd)]
+struct SequenceNumber(usize);
+struct Undead<Output> {
+	inner: BoxFuture<'static, Output>,
+	our_sequence: SequenceNumber,
+impl<Output> FuturesUndead<Output> {
+	pub fn new() -> Self {
+		Self {
+			inner: FuturesUnordered::new(),
+			next_sequence: SequenceNumber(0),
+			first_live: None,
+			undead: 0,
+		}
+	}
+	pub fn push(&mut self, f: BoxFuture<'static, Output>) {
+		self.inner.push(Undead { inner: f, our_sequence: self.next_sequence });
+		self.next_sequence.inc();
+	}
+	/// Make all contained futures undead.
+	///
+	/// They will no longer be counted on a call to `len`.
+	pub fn soft_cancel(&mut self) {
+		self.undead = self.inner.len();
+		self.first_live = Some(self.next_sequence);
+	}
+	/// Number of contained futures minus undead.
+	pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
+		self.inner.len() - self.undead
+	}
+	/// Total number of futures, including undead.
+	pub fn total_len(&self) -> usize {
+		self.inner.len()
+	}
+	/// Wait for next future to return with timeout.
+	///
+	/// When timeout passes, return `None` and make all currently contained futures undead.
+	pub async fn next_with_timeout(&mut self, timeout: Duration) -> Option<Output> {
+		match self.next().timeout(timeout).await {
+			// Timeout:
+			None => {
+				self.soft_cancel();
+				None
+			},
+			Some(inner) => inner,
+		}
+	}
+impl<Output> Stream for FuturesUndead<Output> {
+	type Item = Output;
+	fn poll_next(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
+		match self.inner.poll_next_unpin(cx) {
+			Poll::Pending => Poll::Pending,
+			Poll::Ready(None) => Poll::Ready(None),
+			Poll::Ready(Some((sequence, v))) => {
+				// Cleanup in case we became completely empty:
+				if self.inner.len() == 0 {
+					*self = Self::new();
+					return Poll::Ready(Some(v))
+				}
+				let first_live = match self.first_live {
+					None => return Poll::Ready(Some(v)),
+					Some(first_live) => first_live,
+				};
+				// An undead came back:
+				if sequence < first_live {
+					self.undead = self.undead.saturating_sub(1);
+				}
+				Poll::Ready(Some(v))
+			},
+		}
+	}
+impl SequenceNumber {
+	pub fn inc(&mut self) {
+		self.0 = self.0.checked_add(1).expect(
+			"We don't expect an `UndeadFuture` to live long enough for 2^64 entries ever getting inserted."
+		);
+	}
+impl<T> Future for Undead<T> {
+	type Output = (SequenceNumber, T);
+	fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
+		match self.inner.as_mut().poll(cx) {
+			Poll::Pending => Poll::Pending,
+			Poll::Ready(v) => Poll::Ready((self.our_sequence, v)),
+		}
+	}
+mod tests {
+	use super::*;
+	use futures::{executor, pending, FutureExt};
+	#[test]
+	fn cancel_sets_len_to_zero() {
+		let mut undead = FuturesUndead::new();
+		undead.push((async { () }).boxed());
+		assert_eq!(undead.len(), 1);
+		undead.soft_cancel();
+		assert_eq!(undead.len(), 0);
+	}
+	#[test]
+	fn finished_undead_does_not_change_len() {
+		executor::block_on(async {
+			let mut undead = FuturesUndead::new();
+			undead.push(async { 1_i32 }.boxed());
+			undead.push(async { 2_i32 }.boxed());
+			assert_eq!(undead.len(), 2);
+			undead.soft_cancel();
+			assert_eq!(undead.len(), 0);
+			undead.push(
+				async {
+					pending!();
+					0_i32
+				}
+				.boxed(),
+			);
+			undead.next().await;
+			assert_eq!(undead.len(), 1);
+			undead.push(async { 9_i32 }.boxed());
+			undead.soft_cancel();
+			assert_eq!(undead.len(), 0);
+		});
+	}
+	#[test]
+	fn len_stays_correct_when_live_future_ends() {
+		executor::block_on(async {
+			let mut undead = FuturesUndead::new();
+			undead.push(
+				async {
+					pending!();
+					1_i32
+				}
+				.boxed(),
+			);
+			undead.push(
+				async {
+					pending!();
+					2_i32
+				}
+				.boxed(),
+			);
+			assert_eq!(undead.len(), 2);
+			undead.soft_cancel();
+			assert_eq!(undead.len(), 0);
+			undead.push(async { 0_i32 }.boxed());
+			undead.push(async { 1_i32 }.boxed());
+			undead.next().await;
+			assert_eq!(undead.len(), 1);
+			undead.next().await;
+			assert_eq!(undead.len(), 0);
+			undead.push(async { 9_i32 }.boxed());
+			assert_eq!(undead.len(), 1);
+		});
+	}
+	#[test]
+	fn cleanup_works() {
+		executor::block_on(async {
+			let mut undead = FuturesUndead::new();
+			undead.push(async { 1_i32 }.boxed());
+			undead.soft_cancel();
+			undead.push(async { 2_i32 }.boxed());
+			undead.next().await;
+			undead.next().await;
+			assert_eq!(undead.first_live, None);
+		});
+	}
diff --git a/polkadot/node/network/availability-recovery/src/lib.rs b/polkadot/node/network/availability-recovery/src/lib.rs
index 732bb373f1f44977afa3d7a2955694f774c4dae9..1e1f6af1132d6a573c46d72dede416b834019ff8 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/network/availability-recovery/src/lib.rs
+++ b/polkadot/node/network/availability-recovery/src/lib.rs
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ use std::{
 use futures::{
-	future::{BoxFuture, FutureExt, RemoteHandle},
+	future::{FutureExt, RemoteHandle},
@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ use lru::LruCache;
 use rand::seq::SliceRandom;
 use polkadot_erasure_coding::{branch_hash, branches, obtain_chunks_v1, recovery_threshold};
+use polkadot_node_network_protocol::request_response::CHUNK_REQUEST_TIMEOUT;
 use polkadot_node_network_protocol::{
 		self as req_res, incoming, outgoing::RequestError, v1 as request_v1,
@@ -44,7 +46,7 @@ use polkadot_node_network_protocol::{
 	IfDisconnected, UnifiedReputationChange as Rep,
 use polkadot_node_primitives::{AvailableData, ErasureChunk};
-use polkadot_node_subsystem_util::{request_session_info, TimeoutExt};
+use polkadot_node_subsystem_util::request_session_info;
 use polkadot_primitives::v1::{
 	AuthorityDiscoveryId, BlakeTwo256, BlockNumber, CandidateHash, CandidateReceipt, GroupIndex,
 	Hash, HashT, SessionIndex, SessionInfo, ValidatorId, ValidatorIndex,
@@ -59,6 +61,12 @@ use polkadot_subsystem::{
 mod error;
+mod futures_undead;
+mod metrics;
+use metrics::Metrics;
+use futures_undead::FuturesUndead;
+use sc_network::{OutboundFailure, RequestFailure};
 mod tests;
@@ -73,15 +81,27 @@ const LRU_SIZE: usize = 16;
 const COST_INVALID_REQUEST: Rep = Rep::CostMajor("Peer sent unparsable request");
-/// Max time we want to wait for responses, before calling `launch_parallel_requests` again to fill
-/// up slots.
-const MAX_CHUNK_WAIT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(1);
+/// Time after which we consider a request to have failed
+/// and we should try more peers. Note in theory the request times out at the network level,
+/// measurements have shown, that in practice requests might actually take longer to fail in
+/// certain occasions. (The very least, authority discovery is not part of the timeout.)
+/// For the time being this value is the same as the timeout on the networking layer, but as this
+/// timeout is more soft than the networking one, it might make sense to pick different values as
+/// well.
+const TIMEOUT_START_NEW_REQUESTS: Duration = Duration::from_millis(4);
 /// The Availability Recovery Subsystem.
 pub struct AvailabilityRecoverySubsystem {
 	fast_path: bool,
 	/// Receiver for available data requests.
 	req_receiver: IncomingRequestReceiver<request_v1::AvailableDataFetchingRequest>,
+	/// Metrics for this subsystem.
+	metrics: Metrics,
 struct RequestFromBackersPhase {
@@ -91,13 +111,18 @@ struct RequestFromBackersPhase {
 struct RequestChunksPhase {
-	// a random shuffling of the validators which indicates the order in which we connect to the validators and
-	// request the chunk from them.
+	/// How many request have been unsuccessful so far.
+	error_count: usize,
+	/// Total number of responses that have been received.
+	///
+	/// including failed ones.
+	total_received_responses: usize,
+	/// a random shuffling of the validators which indicates the order in which we connect to the validators and
+	/// request the chunk from them.
 	shuffling: VecDeque<ValidatorIndex>,
 	received_chunks: HashMap<ValidatorIndex, ErasureChunk>,
-	requesting_chunks: FuturesUnordered<
-		BoxFuture<'static, Result<Option<ErasureChunk>, (ValidatorIndex, RequestError)>>,
-	>,
+	/// Pending chunk requests with soft timeout.
+	requesting_chunks: FuturesUndead<Result<Option<ErasureChunk>, (ValidatorIndex, RequestError)>>,
 struct InteractionParams {
@@ -115,6 +140,9 @@ struct InteractionParams {
 	/// The root of the erasure encoding of the para block.
 	erasure_root: Hash,
+	/// Metrics to report
+	metrics: Metrics,
 enum InteractionPhase {
@@ -219,16 +247,18 @@ impl RequestChunksPhase {
 		shuffling.shuffle(&mut rand::thread_rng());
 		RequestChunksPhase {
+			error_count: 0,
+			total_received_responses: 0,
 			shuffling: shuffling.into(),
 			received_chunks: HashMap::new(),
-			requesting_chunks: FuturesUnordered::new(),
+			requesting_chunks: FuturesUndead::new(),
 	fn is_unavailable(&self, params: &InteractionParams) -> bool {
-			self.requesting_chunks.len(),
+			self.requesting_chunks.total_len(),
@@ -238,13 +268,40 @@ impl RequestChunksPhase {
 		self.received_chunks.len() >= params.threshold || self.is_unavailable(params)
+	/// Desired number of parallel requests.
+	///
+	/// For the given threshold (total required number of chunks) get the desired number of
+	/// requests we want to have running in parallel at this time.
+	fn get_desired_request_count(&self, threshold: usize) -> usize {
+		// Upper bound for parallel requests.
+		// We want to limit this, so requests can be processed within the timeout and we limit the
+		// following feedback loop:
+		// 1. Requests fail due to timeout
+		// 2. We request more chunks to make up for it
+		// 3. Bandwidth is spread out even more, so we get even more timeouts
+		// 4. We request more chunks to make up for it ...
+		let max_requests_boundary = std::cmp::min(N_PARALLEL, threshold);
+		// How many chunks are still needed?
+		let remaining_chunks = threshold.saturating_sub(self.received_chunks.len());
+		// What is the current error rate, so we can make up for it?
+		let inv_error_rate =
+			self.total_received_responses.checked_div(self.error_count).unwrap_or(0);
+		// Actual number of requests we want to have in flight in parallel:
+		std::cmp::min(
+			max_requests_boundary,
+			remaining_chunks + remaining_chunks.checked_div(inv_error_rate).unwrap_or(0),
+		)
+	}
 	async fn launch_parallel_requests(
 		&mut self,
 		params: &InteractionParams,
 		sender: &mut impl SubsystemSender,
 	) {
-		let max_requests = std::cmp::min(N_PARALLEL, params.threshold);
-		while self.requesting_chunks.len() < max_requests {
+		let num_requests = self.get_desired_request_count(params.threshold);
+		let mut requests = Vec::with_capacity(num_requests - self.requesting_chunks.len());
+		while self.requesting_chunks.len() < num_requests {
 			if let Some(validator_index) = self.shuffling.pop_back() {
 				let validator = params.validator_authority_keys[validator_index.0 as usize].clone();
@@ -263,18 +320,13 @@ impl RequestChunksPhase {
 				let (req, res) =
 					OutgoingRequest::new(Recipient::Authority(validator), raw_request.clone());
+				requests.push(Requests::ChunkFetching(req));
-				sender
-					.send_message(
-						NetworkBridgeMessage::SendRequests(
-							vec![Requests::ChunkFetching(req)],
-							IfDisconnected::TryConnect,
-						)
-						.into(),
-					)
-					.await;
+				params.metrics.on_chunk_request_issued();
+				let timer = params.metrics.time_chunk_request();
 				self.requesting_chunks.push(Box::pin(async move {
+					let _timer = timer;
 					match res.await {
 						Ok(req_res::v1::ChunkFetchingResponse::Chunk(chunk)) =>
@@ -286,15 +338,25 @@ impl RequestChunksPhase {
+		sender
+			.send_message(
+				NetworkBridgeMessage::SendRequests(requests, IfDisconnected::TryConnect).into(),
+			)
+			.await;
 	async fn wait_for_chunks(&mut self, params: &InteractionParams) {
+		let metrics = &params.metrics;
 		// Wait for all current requests to conclude or time-out, or until we reach enough chunks.
-		// We will also stop, if there has not been a response for `MAX_CHUNK_WAIT`, so
-		// `launch_parallel_requests` cann fill up slots again.
+		// We also declare requests undead, once `TIMEOUT_START_NEW_REQUESTS` is reached and will
+		// return in that case for `launch_parallel_requests` to fill up slots again.
 		while let Some(request_result) =
-			self.requesting_chunks.next().timeout(MAX_CHUNK_WAIT).await.flatten()
+			self.requesting_chunks.next_with_timeout(TIMEOUT_START_NEW_REQUESTS).await
+			self.total_received_responses += 1;
 			match request_result {
 				Ok(Some(chunk)) => {
 					// Check merkle proofs of any received chunks.
@@ -309,6 +371,9 @@ impl RequestChunksPhase {
 						let erasure_chunk_hash = BlakeTwo256::hash(&chunk.chunk);
 						if erasure_chunk_hash != anticipated_hash {
+							metrics.on_chunk_request_invalid();
+							self.error_count += 1;
 								target: LOG_TARGET,
 								candidate_hash = ?params.candidate_hash,
@@ -316,6 +381,8 @@ impl RequestChunksPhase {
 								"Merkle proof mismatch",
 						} else {
+							metrics.on_chunk_request_succeeded();
 								target: LOG_TARGET,
 								candidate_hash = ?params.candidate_hash,
@@ -325,6 +392,9 @@ impl RequestChunksPhase {
 							self.received_chunks.insert(validator_index, chunk);
 					} else {
+						metrics.on_chunk_request_invalid();
+						self.error_count += 1;
 							target: LOG_TARGET,
 							candidate_hash = ?params.candidate_hash,
@@ -333,8 +403,13 @@ impl RequestChunksPhase {
-				Ok(None) => {},
+				Ok(None) => {
+					metrics.on_chunk_request_no_such_chunk();
+					self.error_count += 1;
+				},
 				Err((validator_index, e)) => {
+					self.error_count += 1;
 						target: LOG_TARGET,
 						candidate_hash= ?params.candidate_hash,
@@ -344,8 +419,21 @@ impl RequestChunksPhase {
 					match e {
-						RequestError::InvalidResponse(_) => {},
-						RequestError::NetworkError(_) | RequestError::Canceled(_) => {
+						RequestError::InvalidResponse(_) => {
+							metrics.on_chunk_request_invalid();
+						},
+						RequestError::NetworkError(err) => {
+							if let RequestFailure::Network(OutboundFailure::Timeout) = err {
+								metrics.on_chunk_request_timeout();
+							} else {
+								metrics.on_chunk_request_error();
+							}
+							self.shuffling.push_front(validator_index);
+						},
+						RequestError::Canceled(_) => {
+							metrics.on_chunk_request_error();
@@ -403,6 +491,7 @@ impl RequestChunksPhase {
 					erasure_root = ?params.erasure_root,
 					received = %self.received_chunks.len(),
 					requesting = %self.requesting_chunks.len(),
+					total_requesting = %self.requesting_chunks.total_len(),
 					n_validators = %params.validators.len(),
 					"Data recovery is not possible",
@@ -653,6 +742,7 @@ async fn launch_interaction<Context>(
 	receipt: CandidateReceipt,
 	backing_group: Option<GroupIndex>,
 	response_sender: oneshot::Sender<Result<AvailableData, RecoveryError>>,
+	metrics: &Metrics,
 ) -> error::Result<()>
 	Context: SubsystemContext<Message = AvailabilityRecoveryMessage>,
@@ -666,6 +756,7 @@ where
 		threshold: recovery_threshold(session_info.validators.len())?,
 		erasure_root: receipt.descriptor.erasure_root,
+		metrics: metrics.clone(),
 	let phase = backing_group
@@ -706,6 +797,7 @@ async fn handle_recover<Context>(
 	session_index: SessionIndex,
 	backing_group: Option<GroupIndex>,
 	response_sender: oneshot::Sender<Result<AvailableData, RecoveryError>>,
+	metrics: &Metrics,
 ) -> error::Result<()>
 	Context: SubsystemContext<Message = AvailabilityRecoveryMessage>,
@@ -741,8 +833,16 @@ where
 	let _span = span.child("session-info-ctx-received");
 	match session_info {
 		Some(session_info) =>
-			launch_interaction(state, ctx, session_info, receipt, backing_group, response_sender)
-				.await,
+			launch_interaction(
+				state,
+				ctx,
+				session_info,
+				receipt,
+				backing_group,
+				response_sender,
+				metrics,
+			)
+			.await,
 		None => {
 			tracing::warn!(target: LOG_TARGET, "SessionInfo is `None` at {:?}", state.live_block);
@@ -770,18 +870,21 @@ where
 impl AvailabilityRecoverySubsystem {
-	/// Create a new instance of `AvailabilityRecoverySubsystem` which starts with a fast path to request data from backers.
+	/// Create a new instance of `AvailabilityRecoverySubsystem` which starts with a fast path to
+	/// request data from backers.
 	pub fn with_fast_path(
 		req_receiver: IncomingRequestReceiver<request_v1::AvailableDataFetchingRequest>,
+		metrics: Metrics,
 	) -> Self {
-		Self { fast_path: true, req_receiver }
+		Self { fast_path: true, req_receiver, metrics }
 	/// Create a new instance of `AvailabilityRecoverySubsystem` which requests only chunks
 	pub fn with_chunks_only(
 		req_receiver: IncomingRequestReceiver<request_v1::AvailableDataFetchingRequest>,
+		metrics: Metrics,
 	) -> Self {
-		Self { fast_path: false, req_receiver }
+		Self { fast_path: false, req_receiver, metrics }
 	async fn run<Context>(self, mut ctx: Context) -> SubsystemResult<()>
@@ -790,7 +893,7 @@ impl AvailabilityRecoverySubsystem {
 		Context: overseer::SubsystemContext<Message = AvailabilityRecoveryMessage>,
 		let mut state = State::default();
-		let Self { fast_path, mut req_receiver } = self;
+		let Self { fast_path, mut req_receiver, metrics } = self;
 		loop {
 			let recv_req = req_receiver.recv(|| vec![COST_INVALID_REQUEST]).fuse();
@@ -819,6 +922,7 @@ impl AvailabilityRecoverySubsystem {
 										maybe_backing_group.filter(|_| fast_path),
+										&metrics,
 									).await {
 											target: LOG_TARGET,
diff --git a/polkadot/node/network/availability-recovery/src/metrics.rs b/polkadot/node/network/availability-recovery/src/metrics.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2461d6cff7541348a47dc1f0c81af7486b024da9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polkadot/node/network/availability-recovery/src/metrics.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+// Copyright 2021 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
+// This file is part of Polkadot.
+// Polkadot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// Polkadot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with Polkadot.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+use polkadot_node_subsystem_util::{
+	metrics,
+	metrics::{
+		prometheus,
+		prometheus::{Counter, CounterVec, Opts, PrometheusError, Registry, U64},
+	},
+/// Availability Distribution metrics.
+#[derive(Clone, Default)]
+pub struct Metrics(Option<MetricsInner>);
+struct MetricsInner {
+	/// Number of sent chunk requests.
+	///
+	/// Gets incremented on each sent chunk requests.
+	chunk_requests_issued: Counter<U64>,
+	/// A counter for finished chunk requests.
+	///
+	/// Split by result:
+	/// - `no_such_chunk` ... peer did not have the requested chunk
+	/// - `timeout` ... request timed out.
+	/// - `network_error` ... Some networking issue except timeout
+	/// - `invalid` ... Chunk was received, but not valid.
+	/// - `success`
+	chunk_requests_finished: CounterVec<U64>,
+	/// The duration of request to response.
+	time_chunk_request: prometheus::Histogram,
+impl Metrics {
+	/// Create new dummy metrics, not reporting anything.
+	pub fn new_dummy() -> Self {
+		Metrics(None)
+	}
+	/// Increment counter on fetched labels.
+	pub fn on_chunk_request_issued(&self) {
+		if let Some(metrics) = &self.0 {
+			metrics.chunk_requests_issued.inc()
+		}
+	}
+	/// A chunk request timed out.
+	pub fn on_chunk_request_timeout(&self) {
+		if let Some(metrics) = &self.0 {
+			metrics.chunk_requests_finished.with_label_values(&["timeout"]).inc()
+		}
+	}
+	/// A chunk request failed because validator did not have its chunk.
+	pub fn on_chunk_request_no_such_chunk(&self) {
+		if let Some(metrics) = &self.0 {
+			metrics.chunk_requests_finished.with_label_values(&["no_such_chunk"]).inc()
+		}
+	}
+	/// A chunk request failed for some non timeout related network error.
+	pub fn on_chunk_request_error(&self) {
+		if let Some(metrics) = &self.0 {
+			metrics.chunk_requests_finished.with_label_values(&["error"]).inc()
+		}
+	}
+	/// A chunk request succeeded, but was not valid.
+	pub fn on_chunk_request_invalid(&self) {
+		if let Some(metrics) = &self.0 {
+			metrics.chunk_requests_finished.with_label_values(&["invalid"]).inc()
+		}
+	}
+	/// A chunk request succeeded.
+	pub fn on_chunk_request_succeeded(&self) {
+		if let Some(metrics) = &self.0 {
+			metrics.chunk_requests_finished.with_label_values(&["success"]).inc()
+		}
+	}
+	/// Get a timer to time request/response duration.
+	pub fn time_chunk_request(&self) -> Option<metrics::prometheus::prometheus::HistogramTimer> {
+		self.0.as_ref().map(|metrics| metrics.time_chunk_request.start_timer())
+	}
+impl metrics::Metrics for Metrics {
+	fn try_register(registry: &Registry) -> Result<Self, PrometheusError> {
+		let metrics = MetricsInner {
+			chunk_requests_issued: prometheus::register(
+				Counter::new(
+					"parachain_availability_recovery_chunk_requests_issued",
+					"Total number of issued chunk requests.",
+				)?,
+				registry,
+			)?,
+			chunk_requests_finished: prometheus::register(
+				CounterVec::new(
+					Opts::new(
+						"parachain_availability_recovery_chunk_requests_finished",
+						"Total number of chunk requests finished.",
+					),
+					&["result"],
+				)?,
+				registry,
+			)?,
+			time_chunk_request: prometheus::register(
+				prometheus::Histogram::with_opts(prometheus::HistogramOpts::new(
+					"parachain_availability_recovery_time_chunk_request",
+					"Time spent waiting for a response to a chunk request",
+				))?,
+				registry,
+			)?,
+		};
+		Ok(Metrics(Some(metrics)))
+	}
diff --git a/polkadot/node/network/availability-recovery/src/tests.rs b/polkadot/node/network/availability-recovery/src/tests.rs
index ed9b5b7ebaa1f967bda15a06f3fc1638e2893771..e31a4f436043c287479faae6d329db08b50265bc 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/network/availability-recovery/src/tests.rs
+++ b/polkadot/node/network/availability-recovery/src/tests.rs
@@ -53,7 +53,8 @@ fn test_harness_fast_path<T: Future<Output = (VirtualOverseer, RequestResponseCo
 	let (context, virtual_overseer) = test_helpers::make_subsystem_context(pool.clone());
 	let (collation_req_receiver, req_cfg) = IncomingRequest::get_config_receiver();
-	let subsystem = AvailabilityRecoverySubsystem::with_fast_path(collation_req_receiver);
+	let subsystem =
+		AvailabilityRecoverySubsystem::with_fast_path(collation_req_receiver, Metrics::new_dummy());
 	let subsystem = async {
@@ -86,7 +87,10 @@ fn test_harness_chunks_only<T: Future<Output = (VirtualOverseer, RequestResponse
 	let (context, virtual_overseer) = test_helpers::make_subsystem_context(pool.clone());
 	let (collation_req_receiver, req_cfg) = IncomingRequest::get_config_receiver();
-	let subsystem = AvailabilityRecoverySubsystem::with_chunks_only(collation_req_receiver);
+	let subsystem = AvailabilityRecoverySubsystem::with_chunks_only(
+		collation_req_receiver,
+		Metrics::new_dummy(),
+	);
 	let subsystem = subsystem.run(context);
 	let test_fut = test(virtual_overseer, req_cfg);
@@ -153,6 +157,11 @@ enum Has {
+	/// Make request not return at all, instead the sender is returned from the function.
+	///
+	/// Note, if you use `DoesNotReturn` you have to keep the returned senders alive, otherwise the
+	/// subsystem will receive a cancel event and the request actually does return.
+	DoesNotReturn,
 impl Has {
@@ -255,42 +264,50 @@ impl TestState {
 		virtual_overseer: &mut VirtualOverseer,
 		n: usize,
 		who_has: impl Fn(usize) -> Has,
-	) {
+	) -> Vec<oneshot::Sender<std::result::Result<Vec<u8>, RequestFailure>>> {
 		// arbitrary order.
-		for _ in 0..n {
+		let mut i = 0;
+		let mut senders = Vec::new();
+		while i < n {
 			// Receive a request for a chunk.
-						mut requests,
+						requests,
 				) => {
-					assert_eq!(requests.len(), 1);
-					assert_matches!(
-						requests.pop().unwrap(),
-						Requests::ChunkFetching(req) => {
-							assert_eq!(req.payload.candidate_hash, candidate_hash);
-							let validator_index = req.payload.index.0 as usize;
-							let available_data = match who_has(validator_index) {
-								Has::No => Ok(None),
-								Has::Yes => Ok(Some(self.chunks[validator_index].clone().into())),
-								Has::NetworkError(e) => Err(e),
-							};
-							let _ = req.pending_response.send(
-								available_data.map(|r|
-									req_res::v1::ChunkFetchingResponse::from(r).encode()
-								)
-							);
-						}
-					)
+					for req in requests {
+						i += 1;
+						assert_matches!(
+							req,
+							Requests::ChunkFetching(req) => {
+								assert_eq!(req.payload.candidate_hash, candidate_hash);
+								let validator_index = req.payload.index.0 as usize;
+								let available_data = match who_has(validator_index) {
+									Has::No => Ok(None),
+									Has::Yes => Ok(Some(self.chunks[validator_index].clone().into())),
+									Has::NetworkError(e) => Err(e),
+									Has::DoesNotReturn => {
+										senders.push(req.pending_response);
+										continue
+									}
+								};
+								let _ = req.pending_response.send(
+									available_data.map(|r|
+										req_res::v1::ChunkFetchingResponse::from(r).encode()
+									)
+								);
+							}
+						)
+					}
+		senders
 	async fn test_full_data_requests(
@@ -298,7 +315,8 @@ impl TestState {
 		candidate_hash: CandidateHash,
 		virtual_overseer: &mut VirtualOverseer,
 		who_has: impl Fn(usize) -> Has,
-	) {
+	) -> Vec<oneshot::Sender<std::result::Result<Vec<u8>, sc_network::RequestFailure>>> {
+		let mut senders = Vec::new();
 		for _ in 0..self.validators.len() {
 			// Receive a request for a chunk.
@@ -324,6 +342,10 @@ impl TestState {
 								Has::No => Ok(None),
 								Has::Yes => Ok(Some(self.available_data.clone())),
 								Has::NetworkError(e) => Err(e),
+								Has::DoesNotReturn => {
+									senders.push(req.pending_response);
+									continue
+								}
 							let done = available_data.as_ref().ok().map_or(false, |x| x.is_some());
@@ -340,6 +362,7 @@ impl TestState {
+		senders
@@ -980,13 +1003,12 @@ fn chunks_retry_until_all_nodes_respond() {
 				&mut virtual_overseer,
-				test_state.validators.len(),
+				test_state.validators.len() - test_state.threshold(),
 				|_| Has::timeout(),
 		// we get to go another round!
@@ -1002,6 +1024,155 @@ fn chunks_retry_until_all_nodes_respond() {
+fn not_returning_requests_wont_stall_retrieval() {
+	let test_state = TestState::default();
+	test_harness_chunks_only(|mut virtual_overseer, req_cfg| async move {
+		overseer_signal(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			OverseerSignal::ActiveLeaves(ActiveLeavesUpdate::start_work(ActivatedLeaf {
+				hash: test_state.current.clone(),
+				number: 1,
+				status: LeafStatus::Fresh,
+				span: Arc::new(jaeger::Span::Disabled),
+			})),
+		)
+		.await;
+		let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
+		overseer_send(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			AvailabilityRecoveryMessage::RecoverAvailableData(
+				test_state.candidate.clone(),
+				test_state.session_index,
+				Some(GroupIndex(0)),
+				tx,
+			),
+		)
+		.await;
+		test_state.test_runtime_api(&mut virtual_overseer).await;
+		let candidate_hash = test_state.candidate.hash();
+		test_state.respond_to_available_data_query(&mut virtual_overseer, false).await;
+		test_state.respond_to_query_all_request(&mut virtual_overseer, |_| false).await;
+		// How many validators should not respond at all:
+		let not_returning_count = 1;
+		// Not returning senders won't cause the retrieval to stall:
+		let _senders = test_state
+			.test_chunk_requests(candidate_hash, &mut virtual_overseer, not_returning_count, |_| {
+				Has::DoesNotReturn
+			})
+			.await;
+		test_state
+			.test_chunk_requests(
+				candidate_hash,
+				&mut virtual_overseer,
+				// Should start over:
+				test_state.validators.len() + 3,
+				|_| Has::timeout(),
+			)
+			.await;
+		// we get to go another round!
+		test_state
+			.test_chunk_requests(
+				candidate_hash,
+				&mut virtual_overseer,
+				test_state.threshold(),
+				|_| Has::Yes,
+			)
+			.await;
+		// Recovered data should match the original one:
+		assert_eq!(rx.await.unwrap().unwrap(), test_state.available_data);
+		(virtual_overseer, req_cfg)
+	});
+fn all_not_returning_requests_still_recovers_on_return() {
+	let test_state = TestState::default();
+	test_harness_chunks_only(|mut virtual_overseer, req_cfg| async move {
+		overseer_signal(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			OverseerSignal::ActiveLeaves(ActiveLeavesUpdate::start_work(ActivatedLeaf {
+				hash: test_state.current.clone(),
+				number: 1,
+				status: LeafStatus::Fresh,
+				span: Arc::new(jaeger::Span::Disabled),
+			})),
+		)
+		.await;
+		let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
+		overseer_send(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			AvailabilityRecoveryMessage::RecoverAvailableData(
+				test_state.candidate.clone(),
+				test_state.session_index,
+				Some(GroupIndex(0)),
+				tx,
+			),
+		)
+		.await;
+		test_state.test_runtime_api(&mut virtual_overseer).await;
+		let candidate_hash = test_state.candidate.hash();
+		test_state.respond_to_available_data_query(&mut virtual_overseer, false).await;
+		test_state.respond_to_query_all_request(&mut virtual_overseer, |_| false).await;
+		let senders = test_state
+			.test_chunk_requests(
+				candidate_hash,
+				&mut virtual_overseer,
+				test_state.validators.len(),
+				|_| Has::DoesNotReturn,
+			)
+			.await;
+		future::join(
+			async {
+				Delay::new(Duration::from_millis(10)).await;
+				// Now retrieval should be able to recover.
+				std::mem::drop(senders);
+			},
+			test_state.test_chunk_requests(
+				candidate_hash,
+				&mut virtual_overseer,
+				// Should start over:
+				test_state.validators.len() + 3,
+				|_| Has::timeout(),
+			),
+		)
+		.await;
+		// we get to go another round!
+		test_state
+			.test_chunk_requests(
+				candidate_hash,
+				&mut virtual_overseer,
+				test_state.threshold(),
+				|_| Has::Yes,
+			)
+			.await;
+		// Recovered data should match the original one:
+		assert_eq!(rx.await.unwrap().unwrap(), test_state.available_data);
+		(virtual_overseer, req_cfg)
+	});
 fn returns_early_if_we_have_the_data() {
 	let test_state = TestState::default();
@@ -1097,3 +1268,34 @@ fn does_not_query_local_validator() {
 		(virtual_overseer, req_cfg)
+fn parallel_request_calculation_works_as_expected() {
+	let num_validators = 100;
+	let threshold = recovery_threshold(num_validators).unwrap();
+	let mut phase = RequestChunksPhase::new(100);
+	assert_eq!(phase.get_desired_request_count(threshold), threshold);
+	phase.error_count = 1;
+	phase.total_received_responses = 1;
+	// We saturate at threshold (34):
+	assert_eq!(phase.get_desired_request_count(threshold), threshold);
+	let dummy_chunk =
+		ErasureChunk { chunk: Vec::new(), index: ValidatorIndex(0), proof: Proof::dummy_proof() };
+	phase.received_chunks.insert(ValidatorIndex(0), dummy_chunk.clone());
+	phase.total_received_responses = 2;
+	// With given error rate - still saturating:
+	assert_eq!(phase.get_desired_request_count(threshold), threshold);
+	for i in 1..9 {
+		phase.received_chunks.insert(ValidatorIndex(i), dummy_chunk.clone());
+	}
+	phase.total_received_responses += 8;
+	// error rate: 1/10
+	// remaining chunks needed: threshold (34) - 9
+	// expected: 24 * (1+ 1/10) = (next greater integer) = 27
+	assert_eq!(phase.get_desired_request_count(threshold), 27);
+	phase.received_chunks.insert(ValidatorIndex(9), dummy_chunk.clone());
+	phase.error_count = 0;
+	// With error count zero - we should fetch exactly as needed:
+	assert_eq!(phase.get_desired_request_count(threshold), threshold - phase.received_chunks.len());
diff --git a/polkadot/node/network/protocol/src/request_response/mod.rs b/polkadot/node/network/protocol/src/request_response/mod.rs
index 4f922f553993cb39c93fbcb713cb81d5e2246a72..3d5e445e26ae9dea92d5733f55da845a65932a76 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/network/protocol/src/request_response/mod.rs
+++ b/polkadot/node/network/protocol/src/request_response/mod.rs
@@ -89,6 +89,9 @@ const DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(3);
 /// peer set as well).
 const DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_CONNECTED: Duration = Duration::from_secs(1);
+/// Timeout for requesting availability chunks.
 /// This timeout is based on what seems sensible from a time budget perspective, considering 6
 /// second block time. This is going to be tough, if we have multiple forks and large PoVs, but we
 /// only have so much time.
@@ -132,7 +135,7 @@ impl Protocol {
 				max_request_size: 1_000,
 				max_response_size: POV_RESPONSE_SIZE as u64 / 10,
 				// We are connected to all validators:
+				request_timeout: CHUNK_REQUEST_TIMEOUT,
 				inbound_queue: Some(tx),
 			Protocol::CollationFetching => RequestResponseConfig {
diff --git a/polkadot/node/primitives/src/lib.rs b/polkadot/node/primitives/src/lib.rs
index 6aabb93d763cbc6f6526a502c88b4843c7f3694f..7503874796d6a16e947347d7c5a2f540d062ef45 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/primitives/src/lib.rs
+++ b/polkadot/node/primitives/src/lib.rs
@@ -304,6 +304,13 @@ impl Proof {
 	pub fn as_vec(&self) -> Vec<Vec<u8>> {
 		self.0.as_vec().iter().map(|v| v.as_vec().clone()).collect()
+	/// Construct an invalid dummy proof
+	///
+	/// Useful for testing, should absolutely not be used in production.
+	pub fn dummy_proof() -> Proof {
+		Proof(BoundedVec::from_vec(vec![BoundedVec::from_vec(vec![0]).unwrap()]).unwrap())
+	}
 #[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
diff --git a/polkadot/node/service/src/overseer.rs b/polkadot/node/service/src/overseer.rs
index fc82b7cf308a9e4762a1688d45bf1083761762a2..280187f977b0af4c5626571a0b7cdd7c0e2d1071 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/service/src/overseer.rs
+++ b/polkadot/node/service/src/overseer.rs
@@ -170,6 +170,7 @@ where
 		availability_recovery: AvailabilityRecoverySubsystem::with_chunks_only(
+			Metrics::register(registry)?,
 		availability_store: AvailabilityStoreSubsystem::new(