diff --git a/substrate/environmental/src/lib.rs b/substrate/environmental/src/lib.rs
index 2556b437ae934c81f302f0664014836a8f5cb2a4..0c389e13dc5921073a6d645e77bc9d22f0cc3a8a 100644
--- a/substrate/environmental/src/lib.rs
+++ b/substrate/environmental/src/lib.rs
@@ -16,35 +16,36 @@
 //! Safe global references to stack variables.
-//! Set up a global reference with declare_simple_environment! macro giving it a name and type.
+//! Set up a global reference with declare_simple! macro giving it a name and type.
 //! Use the `using` function scoped under its name to name a reference and call a function that
-//! takes no parameters yet can access said reference through the similarly place `with` function.
+//! takes no parameters yet can access said reference through the similarly placed `with` function.
 //! # Examples
 //! ```
 //! #[macro_use] extern crate environmental;
 //! // create a place for the global reference to exist.
-//! declare_simple_environment!(counter: u32);
+//! declare_simple!(counter: u32);
 //! fn stuff() {
 //!   // do some stuff, accessing the named reference as desired.
-//!   counter::with(|value| *value += 1);
+//!   counter::with(|i| *i += 1);
 //! }
 //! fn main() {
 //!   // declare a stack variable of the same type as our global declaration.
-//!   let mut local = 41u32;
-//!   // call stuff, setting up our `counter` environment as a refrence to our local counter var.
-//!   counter::using(&mut local, stuff);
-//!   println!("The answer is {:?}", local); // will print 42!
+//!   let mut counter_value = 41u32;
+//!   // call stuff, setting up our `counter` environment as a refrence to our counter_value var.
+//!   counter::using(&mut counter_value, stuff);
+//!   println!("The answer is {:?}", counter_value); // will print 42!
 //!   stuff();	// safe! doesn't do anything.
 //! }
 //! ```
 pub use std::cell::RefCell;
 use std::thread::LocalKey;
-pub fn using_environment<'a, T: 'a, R, S, F: FnOnce() -> R>(
+pub fn using<'a, T: 'a, R, S, F: FnOnce() -> R>(
 	global: &'static LocalKey<RefCell<*mut S>>,
 	protected: &'a mut T,
 	f: F
@@ -67,14 +68,15 @@ pub fn using_environment<'a, T: 'a, R, S, F: FnOnce() -> R>(
-pub fn with_environment<'r, R, S, T: 'r, F: FnOnce(&'r mut T) -> R>(
+pub fn with<'r, R, S, T: 'r, F: FnOnce(&'r mut T) -> R>(
 	global: &'static LocalKey<RefCell<*mut S>>,
 	mutator: F,
 ) -> Option<R> {
 	global.with(|r| {
 		let br = r.borrow_mut();
 		if *br != 0 as *mut S {
-			// safe because it's only non-zero when it's being called from using_environment, which
+			// safe because it's only non-zero when it's being called from using, which
 			// is holding on to the underlying reference (and not using it itself) safely.
 			unsafe {
 				Some(mutator(&mut *(*br as *mut S as *mut T)))
@@ -85,8 +87,9 @@ pub fn with_environment<'r, R, S, T: 'r, F: FnOnce(&'r mut T) -> R>(
-macro_rules! decl_environment {
+macro_rules! decl {
 	($name:ident : $t:ty) => {
 		thread_local! {
 			static $name: $crate::RefCell<*mut $t> = $crate::RefCell::new(0 as *mut $t);
@@ -94,67 +97,131 @@ macro_rules! decl_environment {
+/// Declare a new global reference module whose underlying value does not contain references.
+/// Will create a module of a given name that contains two functions:
+/// - `pub fn using<'a: 'b, 'b, R, F: FnOnce() -> R, T: 'a>(protected: &'b mut T, f: F) -> R`
+///   This executes `f`, returning its value. During the call, the module's reference is set to
+///   be equal to `protected`.
+/// - `pub fn with<R, F: for<'r, 't: 'r> FnOnce(&'r mut $t<'t>) -> R>(f: F) -> Option<R>`
+///   This executes `f`, returning its value if called from code that is being executed as part of
+///   a `using` call. The function takes one argument: the same reference as provided to the most
+///   recent `using` call.
+/// # Examples
+/// ```
+/// #[macro_use] extern crate environmental;
+/// declare_simple!(counter: u32);
+/// fn main() {
+///   let mut counter_value = 41u32;
+///   counter::using(&mut counter_value, || {
+///     let odd = counter::with(|value|
+///       if *value % 2 == 1 {
+///         *value += 1; true
+///       } else {
+///         *value -= 3; false
+///       }).unwrap();	// safe because we're inside a counter::using
+///     println!("counter was {}", match odd { true => "odd", _ => "even" });
+///   });
+///   println!("The answer is {:?}", counter_value); // 42
+/// }
+/// ```
-macro_rules! declare_generic_environment {
+macro_rules! declare_simple {
 	($name:ident : $t:tt) => {
 		mod $name {
 			use super::*;
-			decl_environment!(GLOBAL: $t<'static> );
+			decl!(GLOBAL: $t);
 			pub fn using<'a: 'b, 'b, R, F: FnOnce() -> R, T: 'a>(
 				protected: &'b mut T,
 				f: F
 			) -> R {
-				$crate::using_environment(&GLOBAL, protected, f)
+				$crate::using(&GLOBAL, protected, f)
-			pub fn with<R, F: for<'r, 't: 'r> FnOnce(&'r mut $t<'t>) -> R>(
+			pub fn with<R, F: for<'r> FnOnce(&'r mut $t) -> R>(
 				f: F
 			) -> Option<R> {
 				let dummy = ();
 				with_closed(f, &dummy)
-			fn with_closed<'d: 't, 't: 'r, 'r, R, F: FnOnce(&'r mut $t<'t>) -> R>(
+			fn with_closed<'d: 'r, 'r, R, F: FnOnce(&'r mut $t) -> R>(
 				f: F,
 				_dummy: &'d (),
 			) -> Option<R> {
-				$crate::with_environment(&GLOBAL, f)
+				$crate::with(&GLOBAL, f)
+/// Declare a new global reference module whose underlying value is generic over a reference.
+/// Will create a module of a given name that contains two functions:
+/// - `pub fn using<'a: 'b, 'b, R, F: FnOnce() -> R, T: 'a>(protected: &'b mut T, f: F) -> R`
+///   This executes `f`, returning its value. During the call, the module's reference is set to
+///   be equal to `protected`.
+/// - `pub fn with<R, F: for<'r, 't: 'r> FnOnce(&'r mut $t<'t>) -> R>(f: F) -> Option<R>`
+///   This executes `f`, returning its value if called from code that is being executed as part of
+///   a `using` call. The function takes one argument: the same reference as provided to the most
+///   recent `using` call.
+/// # Examples
+/// ```
+/// #[macro_use] extern crate environmental;
+/// // a type that we want to reference from a temp global; it has a reference in it.
+/// struct WithReference<'a> { answer_ref: &'a mut u32, }
+/// // create a place for the global reference to exist.
+/// declare_generic!(counter: WithReference);
+/// fn stuff() {
+///   // do some stuff, accessing the named reference as desired.
+///   counter::with(|i| *i.answer_ref += 1);
+/// }
+/// fn main() {
+///   // declare a stack variable of the same type as our global declaration.
+///   let mut answer = 41u32;
+///   {
+///     let mut ref_struct = WithReference { answer_ref: &mut answer, };
+///     counter::using(&mut ref_struct, stuff);
+///   }
+///   println!("The answer is {:?}", answer); // will print 42!
+/// }
+/// ```
-macro_rules! declare_simple_environment {
+macro_rules! declare_generic {
 	($name:ident : $t:tt) => {
 		mod $name {
 			use super::*;
-			decl_environment!(GLOBAL: $t);
+			decl!(GLOBAL: $t<'static> );
 			pub fn using<'a: 'b, 'b, R, F: FnOnce() -> R, T: 'a>(
 				protected: &'b mut T,
 				f: F
 			) -> R {
-				$crate::using_environment(&GLOBAL, protected, f)
+				$crate::using(&GLOBAL, protected, f)
-			pub fn with<R, F: for<'r> FnOnce(&'r mut $t) -> R>(
+			pub fn with<R, F: for<'r, 't: 'r> FnOnce(&'r mut $t<'t>) -> R>(
 				f: F
 			) -> Option<R> {
 				let dummy = ();
 				with_closed(f, &dummy)
-			fn with_closed<'d: 'r, 'r, R, F: FnOnce(&'r mut $t) -> R>(
+			fn with_closed<'d: 't, 't: 'r, 'r, R, F: FnOnce(&'r mut $t<'t>) -> R>(
 				f: F,
 				_dummy: &'d (),
 			) -> Option<R> {
-				$crate::with_environment(&GLOBAL, f)
+				$crate::with(&GLOBAL, f)
@@ -166,7 +233,7 @@ macro_rules! declare_simple_environment {
 mod tests {
-	declare_simple_environment!(counter: u32);
+	declare_simple!(counter: u32);
 	fn stuff() {
 		// do some stuff, accessing the named reference as desired.
@@ -174,7 +241,7 @@ mod tests {
-	fn simple_environment_works() {
+	fn simple_works() {
 		// declare a stack variable of the same type as our global declaration.
 		let mut local = 41u32;
 		// call stuff, setting up our `counter` environment as a refrence to our local counter var.
diff --git a/substrate/native-runtime/support/src/lib.rs b/substrate/native-runtime/support/src/lib.rs
index 2926a2089165674e65c0edfe94253aad3dfcd223..93947dde681f8b311ff80a42b36a3eb227900eff 100644
--- a/substrate/native-runtime/support/src/lib.rs
+++ b/substrate/native-runtime/support/src/lib.rs
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ pub struct ExternalitiesHolder<'a> {
 	ext: &'a mut Externalities<Error=NoError>,
-declare_generic_environment!(ext : ExternalitiesHolder);
+declare_generic!(ext : ExternalitiesHolder);
 pub fn storage(_key: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> {
 	ext::with(|holder| holder.ext.storage(_key).ok().map(|s| s.to_vec()))