diff --git a/substrate/Cargo.lock b/substrate/Cargo.lock
index 00d2eb47ef505b378bf5612901fad19c2e05ef5e..7b7cdd902113b6ede422005384128f8bc6840338 100644
--- a/substrate/Cargo.lock
+++ b/substrate/Cargo.lock
@@ -1940,6 +1940,7 @@ dependencies = [
  "srml-democracy 0.1.0",
  "srml-executive 0.1.0",
  "srml-fees 0.1.0",
+ "srml-finality-tracker 0.1.0",
  "srml-grandpa 0.1.0",
  "srml-indices 0.1.0",
  "srml-session 0.1.0",
@@ -3212,6 +3213,27 @@ dependencies = [
  "substrate-primitives 0.1.0",
+name = "srml-finality-tracker"
+version = "0.1.0"
+dependencies = [
+ "hex-literal 0.1.2 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)",
+ "lazy_static 1.2.0 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)",
+ "parity-codec 3.1.0 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)",
+ "parity-codec-derive 3.1.0 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)",
+ "parking_lot 0.7.1 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)",
+ "serde 1.0.87 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)",
+ "serde_derive 1.0.87 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)",
+ "sr-io 0.1.0",
+ "sr-primitives 0.1.0",
+ "sr-std 0.1.0",
+ "srml-session 0.1.0",
+ "srml-support 0.1.0",
+ "srml-system 0.1.0",
+ "substrate-inherents 0.1.0",
+ "substrate-primitives 0.1.0",
 name = "srml-grandpa"
 version = "0.1.0"
@@ -3222,6 +3244,7 @@ dependencies = [
  "sr-io 0.1.0",
  "sr-primitives 0.1.0",
  "sr-std 0.1.0",
+ "srml-finality-tracker 0.1.0",
  "srml-session 0.1.0",
  "srml-support 0.1.0",
  "srml-system 0.1.0",
@@ -3786,9 +3809,11 @@ dependencies = [
  "parking_lot 0.7.1 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)",
  "rand 0.6.5 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)",
  "sr-primitives 0.1.0",
+ "srml-finality-tracker 0.1.0",
  "substrate-client 0.1.0",
  "substrate-consensus-common 0.1.0",
  "substrate-finality-grandpa-primitives 0.1.0",
+ "substrate-inherents 0.1.0",
  "substrate-keyring 0.1.0",
  "substrate-network 0.1.0",
  "substrate-primitives 0.1.0",
diff --git a/substrate/Cargo.toml b/substrate/Cargo.toml
index e6e6921e15fd9d8c82a49ddf6ad42730dff1be15..699f9a158981f0b98c9e511cb81b95892343da1b 100644
--- a/substrate/Cargo.toml
+++ b/substrate/Cargo.toml
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ members = [
+	"srml/finality-tracker",
diff --git a/substrate/core/client/src/client.rs b/substrate/core/client/src/client.rs
index 8936477e40f2f100b78255d30001233cf81b1315..a170c7e202609a241c326f56a261724d6d8368e8 100644
--- a/substrate/core/client/src/client.rs
+++ b/substrate/core/client/src/client.rs
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ use runtime_primitives::{
 use consensus::{
 	Error as ConsensusError, ErrorKind as ConsensusErrorKind, ImportBlock, ImportResult,
-	BlockOrigin, ForkChoiceStrategy
+	BlockOrigin, ForkChoiceStrategy,
 use runtime_primitives::traits::{
 	Block as BlockT, Header as HeaderT, Zero, As, NumberFor, CurrentHeight, BlockNumberToHash,
@@ -619,9 +619,10 @@ impl<B, E, Block, RA> Client<B, E, Block, RA> where
 	/// Lock the import lock, and run operations inside.
-	pub fn lock_import_and_run<R, F: FnOnce(&mut ClientImportOperation<Block, Blake2Hasher, B>) -> error::Result<R>>(
-		&self, f: F
-	) -> error::Result<R> {
+	pub fn lock_import_and_run<R, Err, F>(&self, f: F) -> Result<R, Err> where
+		F: FnOnce(&mut ClientImportOperation<Block, Blake2Hasher, B>) -> Result<R, Err>,
+		Err: From<error::Error>,
+	{
 		let inner = || {
 			let _import_lock = self.import_lock.lock();
@@ -827,7 +828,7 @@ impl<B, E, Block, RA> Client<B, E, Block, RA> where
 			operation.notify_imported = Some((hash, origin, import_headers.into_post(), is_new_best, storage_changes));
-		Ok(ImportResult::Queued)
+		Ok(ImportResult::imported())
 	fn block_execution(
@@ -1391,13 +1392,15 @@ impl<B, E, Block, RA> consensus::BlockImport<Block> for Client<B, E, Block, RA>
 			blockchain::BlockStatus::InChain => {},
 			blockchain::BlockStatus::Unknown => return Ok(ImportResult::UnknownParent),
 		match self.backend.blockchain().status(BlockId::Hash(hash))
 			.map_err(|e| ConsensusError::from(ConsensusErrorKind::ClientImport(e.to_string())))?
 			blockchain::BlockStatus::InChain => return Ok(ImportResult::AlreadyInChain),
 			blockchain::BlockStatus::Unknown => {},
-		Ok(ImportResult::Queued)
+		Ok(ImportResult::imported())
@@ -1414,7 +1417,7 @@ impl<B, E, Block, RA> consensus::Authorities<Block> for Client<B, E, Block, RA>
 impl<B, E, Block, RA> CurrentHeight for Client<B, E, Block, RA> where
 	B: backend::Backend<Block, Blake2Hasher>,
-	E: CallExecutor<Block, Blake2Hasher> + Clone,
+	E: CallExecutor<Block, Blake2Hasher>,
 	Block: BlockT<Hash=H256>,
 	type BlockNumber = <Block::Header as HeaderT>::Number;
@@ -1425,7 +1428,7 @@ impl<B, E, Block, RA> CurrentHeight for Client<B, E, Block, RA> where
 impl<B, E, Block, RA> BlockNumberToHash for Client<B, E, Block, RA> where
 	B: backend::Backend<Block, Blake2Hasher>,
-	E: CallExecutor<Block, Blake2Hasher> + Clone,
+	E: CallExecutor<Block, Blake2Hasher>,
 	Block: BlockT<Hash=H256>,
 	type BlockNumber = <Block::Header as HeaderT>::Number;
diff --git a/substrate/core/consensus/common/src/block_import.rs b/substrate/core/consensus/common/src/block_import.rs
index 6cc5b329be9dee38b115a1a9782924e8dc2cac6e..0c2b5330b415d0686ebd06f3c6a584dd271874b0 100644
--- a/substrate/core/consensus/common/src/block_import.rs
+++ b/substrate/core/consensus/common/src/block_import.rs
@@ -23,19 +23,40 @@ use std::borrow::Cow;
 /// Block import result.
 #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
 pub enum ImportResult {
-	/// Added to the import queue.
-	Queued,
-	/// Already in the import queue.
-	AlreadyQueued,
+	/// Block imported.
+	Imported(ImportedAux),
 	/// Already in the blockchain.
 	/// Block or parent is known to be bad.
 	/// Block parent is not in the chain.
-	/// Added to the import queue but must be justified
-	/// (usually required to safely enact consensus changes).
-	NeedsJustification,
+/// Auxiliary data associated with an imported block result.
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub struct ImportedAux {
+	/// Clear all pending justification requests.
+	pub clear_justification_requests: bool,
+	/// Request a justification for the given block.
+	pub needs_justification: bool,
+impl Default for ImportedAux {
+	fn default() -> ImportedAux {
+		ImportedAux {
+			clear_justification_requests: false,
+			needs_justification: false,
+		}
+	}
+impl ImportResult {
+	/// Returns default value for `ImportResult::Imported` with both
+	/// `clear_justification_requests` and `needs_justification` set to false.
+	pub fn imported() -> ImportResult {
+		ImportResult::Imported(ImportedAux::default())
+	}
 /// Block data origin.
diff --git a/substrate/core/consensus/common/src/import_queue.rs b/substrate/core/consensus/common/src/import_queue.rs
index 38f79804358b4cc8a866e70dc6356a7e6196f597..882fd7228401b64907b4affc2585b6a206fb3af4 100644
--- a/substrate/core/consensus/common/src/import_queue.rs
+++ b/substrate/core/consensus/common/src/import_queue.rs
@@ -24,7 +24,9 @@
 //! The `BasicQueue` and `BasicVerifier` traits allow serial queues to be
 //! instantiated simply.
-use crate::block_import::{ImportBlock, BlockImport, JustificationImport, ImportResult, BlockOrigin};
+use crate::block_import::{
+	BlockImport, BlockOrigin, ImportBlock, ImportedAux, ImportResult, JustificationImport,
 use crossbeam_channel::{self as channel, Receiver, Sender};
 use std::sync::Arc;
@@ -307,31 +309,37 @@ impl<B: BlockT> BlockImporter<B> {
 			match result {
 				Ok(BlockImportResult::ImportedKnown(number)) => link.block_imported(&hash, number),
-				Ok(BlockImportResult::ImportedUnknown(number)) => {
-					link.block_imported(&hash, number)
-				}
-				Ok(BlockImportResult::ImportedUnjustified(number)) => {
+				Ok(BlockImportResult::ImportedUnknown(number, aux)) => {
 					link.block_imported(&hash, number);
-					link.request_justification(&hash, number);
+					if aux.clear_justification_requests {
+						trace!(target: "sync", "Block imported clears all pending justification requests {}: {:?}", number, hash);
+						link.clear_justification_requests();
+					}
+					if aux.needs_justification {
+						trace!(target: "sync", "Block imported but requires justification {}: {:?}", number, hash);
+						link.request_justification(&hash, number);
+					}
 				Err(BlockImportError::IncompleteHeader(who)) => {
 					if let Some(peer) = who {
 						link.note_useless_and_restart_sync(peer, "Sent block with incomplete header to import");
-				}
+				},
 				Err(BlockImportError::VerificationFailed(who, e)) => {
 					if let Some(peer) = who {
 						link.note_useless_and_restart_sync(peer, &format!("Verification failed: {}", e));
-				}
+				},
 				Err(BlockImportError::BadBlock(who)) => {
 					if let Some(peer) = who {
 						link.note_useless_and_restart_sync(peer, "Sent us a bad block");
-				}
+				},
 				Err(BlockImportError::UnknownParent) | Err(BlockImportError::Error) => {
-					link.restart()
-				}
+					link.restart();
+				},
 		if let Some(link) = self.link.as_ref() {
@@ -448,13 +456,15 @@ impl<B: BlockT, V: 'static + Verifier<B>> BlockImportWorker<B, V> {
 /// algorithm.
 pub trait Link<B: BlockT>: Send {
 	/// Block imported.
-	fn block_imported(&self, _hash: &B::Hash, _number: NumberFor<B>) { }
+	fn block_imported(&self, _hash: &B::Hash, _number: NumberFor<B>) {}
 	/// Batch of blocks imported, with or without error.
 	fn blocks_processed(&self, _processed_blocks: Vec<B::Hash>, _has_error: bool) {}
 	/// Justification import result.
-	fn justification_imported(&self, _who: Origin, _hash: &B::Hash, _number: NumberFor<B>, _success: bool) { }
+	fn justification_imported(&self, _who: Origin, _hash: &B::Hash, _number: NumberFor<B>, _success: bool) {}
+	/// Clear all pending justification requests.
+	fn clear_justification_requests(&self) {}
 	/// Request a justification for the given block.
-	fn request_justification(&self, _hash: &B::Hash, _number: NumberFor<B>) { }
+	fn request_justification(&self, _hash: &B::Hash, _number: NumberFor<B>) {}
 	/// Disconnect from peer.
 	fn useless_peer(&self, _who: Origin, _reason: &str) {}
 	/// Disconnect from peer and restart sync.
@@ -469,9 +479,7 @@ pub enum BlockImportResult<N: ::std::fmt::Debug + PartialEq> {
 	/// Imported known block.
 	/// Imported unknown block.
-	ImportedUnknown(N),
-	/// Imported unjustified block that requires one.
-	ImportedUnjustified(N),
+	ImportedUnknown(N, ImportedAux),
 /// Block import error.
@@ -520,17 +528,7 @@ pub fn import_single_block<B: BlockT, V: Verifier<B>>(
 				trace!(target: "sync", "Block already in chain {}: {:?}", number, hash);
-			Ok(ImportResult::AlreadyQueued) => {
-				trace!(target: "sync", "Block already queued {}: {:?}", number, hash);
-				Ok(BlockImportResult::ImportedKnown(number))
-			},
-			Ok(ImportResult::Queued) => {
-				Ok(BlockImportResult::ImportedUnknown(number))
-			},
-			Ok(ImportResult::NeedsJustification) => {
-				trace!(target: "sync", "Block queued but requires justification {}: {:?}", number, hash);
-				Ok(BlockImportResult::ImportedUnjustified(number))
-			},
+			Ok(ImportResult::Imported(aux)) => Ok(BlockImportResult::ImportedUnknown(number, aux)),
 			Ok(ImportResult::UnknownParent) => {
 				debug!(target: "sync", "Block with unknown parent {}: {:?}, parent: {:?}", number, hash, parent);
@@ -547,7 +545,7 @@ pub fn import_single_block<B: BlockT, V: Verifier<B>>(
 	match import_error(import_handle.check_block(hash, parent))? {
-		BlockImportResult::ImportedUnknown(_) => (),
+		BlockImportResult::ImportedUnknown { .. } => (),
 		r @ _ => return Ok(r), // Any other successfull result means that the block is already imported.
@@ -629,7 +627,7 @@ mod tests {
 		assert_eq!(link_port.recv(), Ok(LinkMsg::BlockImported));
 		// Send an unknown
-		let results = vec![(Ok(BlockImportResult::ImportedUnknown(Default::default())), Default::default())];
+		let results = vec![(Ok(BlockImportResult::ImportedUnknown(Default::default(), Default::default())), Default::default())];
 		let _ = result_sender.send(BlockImportWorkerMsg::Imported(results)).ok().unwrap();
 		assert_eq!(link_port.recv(), Ok(LinkMsg::BlockImported));
diff --git a/substrate/core/consensus/common/src/lib.rs b/substrate/core/consensus/common/src/lib.rs
index 53ffe1fec3e4dd36083c83043f362bba11cee3cd..fb777b837a6a6b5ba0ccf87ea36d3fc1cf12b2f5 100644
--- a/substrate/core/consensus/common/src/lib.rs
+++ b/substrate/core/consensus/common/src/lib.rs
@@ -47,7 +47,9 @@ pub mod evaluation;
 const MAX_BLOCK_SIZE: usize = 4 * 1024 * 1024 + 512;
 pub use self::error::{Error, ErrorKind};
-pub use block_import::{BlockImport, JustificationImport, ImportBlock, BlockOrigin, ImportResult, ForkChoiceStrategy};
+pub use block_import::{
+	BlockImport, BlockOrigin, ForkChoiceStrategy, ImportedAux, ImportBlock, ImportResult, JustificationImport,
 /// Trait for getting the authorities at a given block.
 pub trait Authorities<B: Block> {
diff --git a/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/Cargo.toml b/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/Cargo.toml
index 9c17a5a77054efd51d88c5ac0dedb0ca66dd53d7..c84e798fe739206a0775bc1d5896c7a49cb21569 100644
--- a/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/Cargo.toml
+++ b/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/Cargo.toml
@@ -17,8 +17,10 @@ consensus_common = { package = "substrate-consensus-common", path = "../consensu
 substrate-primitives = { path = "../primitives" }
 substrate-telemetry = { path = "../telemetry" }
 client = { package = "substrate-client", path = "../client" }
+inherents = { package = "substrate-inherents", path = "../../core/inherents" }
 network = { package = "substrate-network", path = "../network" }
 service = { package = "substrate-service", path = "../service", optional = true }
+srml-finality-tracker = { path = "../../srml/finality-tracker" }
 fg_primitives = { package = "substrate-finality-grandpa-primitives", path = "primitives" }
 grandpa = { package = "finality-grandpa", version = "0.6.0", features = ["derive-codec"] }
diff --git a/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/primitives/src/lib.rs b/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/primitives/src/lib.rs
index 4878b79efb9a8640805bfa2a667300b58f648b15..1069647f69ca07a487b67fd76a9f94bb68706919 100644
--- a/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/primitives/src/lib.rs
+++ b/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/primitives/src/lib.rs
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ decl_runtime_apis! {
 	/// applied in the runtime after those N blocks have passed.
 	/// The consensus protocol will coordinate the handoff externally.
+	#[api_version(2)]
 	pub trait GrandpaApi {
 		/// Check a digest for pending changes.
 		/// Return `None` if there are no pending changes.
@@ -77,6 +78,28 @@ decl_runtime_apis! {
 		fn grandpa_pending_change(digest: &DigestFor<Block>)
 			-> Option<ScheduledChange<NumberFor<Block>>>;
+		/// Check a digest for forced changes.
+		/// Return `None` if there are no forced changes. Otherwise, return a
+		/// tuple containing the pending change and the median last finalized
+		/// block number at the time the change was signalled.
+		///
+		/// Added in version 2.
+		///
+		/// Forced changes are applied after a delay of _imported_ blocks,
+		/// while pending changes are applied after a delay of _finalized_ blocks.
+		///
+		/// Precedence towards earlier or later digest items can be given
+		/// based on the rules of the chain.
+		///
+		/// No change should be scheduled if one is already and the delay has not
+		/// passed completely.
+		///
+		/// This should be a pure function: i.e. as long as the runtime can interpret
+		/// the digest type it should return the same result regardless of the current
+		/// state.
+		fn grandpa_forced_change(digest: &DigestFor<Block>)
+			-> Option<(NumberFor<Block>, ScheduledChange<NumberFor<Block>>)>;
 		/// Get the current GRANDPA authorities and weights. This should not change except
 		/// for when changes are scheduled and the corresponding delay has passed.
diff --git a/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/src/authorities.rs b/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/src/authorities.rs
index b6cc1baed3ee0ec63ad6be529c5cce3b4bf3d810..bb4992ef1d74ecbb2f4640fdff0dda71050cd620 100644
--- a/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/src/authorities.rs
+++ b/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/src/authorities.rs
@@ -39,17 +39,7 @@ impl<H, N> Clone for SharedAuthoritySet<H, N> {
-impl<H, N> SharedAuthoritySet<H, N>
-where H: PartialEq,
-	  N: Ord,
-	/// The genesis authority set.
-	pub(crate) fn genesis(initial: Vec<(Ed25519AuthorityId, u64)>) -> Self {
-		SharedAuthoritySet {
-			inner: Arc::new(RwLock::new(AuthoritySet::genesis(initial)))
-		}
-	}
+impl<H, N> SharedAuthoritySet<H, N> {
 	/// Acquire a reference to the inner read-write lock.
 	pub(crate) fn inner(&self) -> &RwLock<AuthoritySet<H, N>> {
@@ -93,11 +83,18 @@ pub(crate) struct Status<H, N> {
 /// A set of authorities.
-#[derive(Debug, Clone, Encode, Decode)]
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Encode, Decode, PartialEq)]
 pub(crate) struct AuthoritySet<H, N> {
-	current_authorities: Vec<(Ed25519AuthorityId, u64)>,
-	set_id: u64,
-	pending_changes: ForkTree<H, N, PendingChange<H, N>>,
+	pub(crate) current_authorities: Vec<(Ed25519AuthorityId, u64)>,
+	pub(crate) set_id: u64,
+	// Tree of pending standard changes across forks. Standard changes are
+	// enacted on finality and must be enacted (i.e. finalized) in-order across
+	// a given branch
+	pub(crate) pending_standard_changes: ForkTree<H, N, PendingChange<H, N>>,
+	// Pending forced changes across different forks (at most one per fork).
+	// Forced changes are enacted on block depth (not finality), for this reason
+	// only one forced change should exist per fork.
+	pub(crate) pending_forced_changes: Vec<PendingChange<H, N>>,
 impl<H, N> AuthoritySet<H, N>
@@ -109,7 +106,8 @@ where H: PartialEq,
 		AuthoritySet {
 			current_authorities: initial,
 			set_id: 0,
-			pending_changes: ForkTree::new(),
+			pending_standard_changes: ForkTree::new(),
+			pending_forced_changes: Vec::new(),
@@ -124,12 +122,7 @@ where
 	N: Add<Output=N> + Ord + Clone + Debug,
 	H: Clone + Debug
-	/// Note an upcoming pending transition. Multiple pending changes on the
-	/// same branch can be added as long as they don't overlap. This method
-	/// assumes that changes on the same branch will be added in-order. The
-	/// given function `is_descendent_of` should return `true` if the second
-	/// hash (target) is a descendent of the first hash (base).
-	pub(crate) fn add_pending_change<F, E>(
+	fn add_standard_change<F, E>(
 		&mut self,
 		pending: PendingChange<H, N>,
 		is_descendent_of: &F,
@@ -140,65 +133,180 @@ where
 		let hash = pending.canon_hash.clone();
 		let number = pending.canon_height.clone();
-		debug!(target: "afg", "Inserting potential set change signalled at block {:?} \
+		debug!(target: "afg", "Inserting potential standard set change signalled at block {:?} \
 							   (delayed by {:?} blocks).",
-			   (&number, &hash), pending.finalization_depth);
+			   (&number, &hash), pending.delay);
-		self.pending_changes.import(
+		self.pending_standard_changes.import(
-		debug!(target: "afg", "There are now {} alternatives for the next pending change (roots), \
-							   and a total of {} pending changes (across all forks).",
-			self.pending_changes.roots().count(),
-			self.pending_changes.iter().count(),
+		debug!(target: "afg", "There are now {} alternatives for the next pending standard change (roots), \
+							   and a total of {} pending standard changes (across all forks).",
+			self.pending_standard_changes.roots().count(),
+			self.pending_standard_changes.iter().count(),
-	/// Inspect pending changes. Pending changes in the tree are traversed in pre-order.
+	fn add_forced_change<F, E>(
+		&mut self,
+		pending: PendingChange<H, N>,
+		is_descendent_of: &F,
+	) -> Result<(), fork_tree::Error<E>> where
+		F: Fn(&H, &H) -> Result<bool, E>,
+		E:  std::error::Error,
+	{
+		for change in self.pending_forced_changes.iter() {
+			if change.canon_hash == pending.canon_hash ||
+				is_descendent_of(&change.canon_hash, &pending.canon_hash)?
+			{
+				return Err(fork_tree::Error::UnfinalizedAncestor);
+			}
+		}
+		// ordered first by effective number and then by signal-block number.
+		let key = (pending.effective_number(), pending.canon_height.clone());
+		let idx = self.pending_forced_changes
+			.binary_search_by_key(&key, |change| (
+				change.effective_number(),
+				change.canon_height.clone(),
+			))
+			.unwrap_or_else(|i| i);
+		debug!(target: "afg", "Inserting potential forced set change at block {:?} \
+							   (delayed by {:?} blocks).",
+			   (&pending.canon_height, &pending.canon_hash), pending.delay);
+		self.pending_forced_changes.insert(idx, pending);
+		debug!(target: "afg", "There are now {} pending forced changes.", self.pending_forced_changes.len());
+		Ok(())
+	}
+	/// Note an upcoming pending transition. Multiple pending standard changes
+	/// on the same branch can be added as long as they don't overlap. Forced
+	/// changes are restricted to one per fork. This method assumes that changes
+	/// on the same branch will be added in-order. The given function
+	/// `is_descendent_of` should return `true` if the second hash (target) is a
+	/// descendent of the first hash (base).
+	pub(crate) fn add_pending_change<F, E>(
+		&mut self,
+		pending: PendingChange<H, N>,
+		is_descendent_of: &F,
+	) -> Result<(), fork_tree::Error<E>> where
+		F: Fn(&H, &H) -> Result<bool, E>,
+		E:  std::error::Error,
+	{
+		match pending.delay_kind {
+			DelayKind::Best { .. } => {
+				self.add_forced_change(pending, is_descendent_of)
+			},
+			DelayKind::Finalized => {
+				self.add_standard_change(pending, is_descendent_of)
+			},
+		}
+	}
+	/// Inspect pending changes. Standard pending changes are iterated first,
+	/// and the changes in the tree are traversed in pre-order, afterwards all
+	/// forced changes are iterated.
 	pub(crate) fn pending_changes(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item=&PendingChange<H, N>> {
-		self.pending_changes.iter().map(|(_, _, c)| c)
+		self.pending_standard_changes.iter().map(|(_, _, c)| c)
+			.chain(self.pending_forced_changes.iter())
-	/// Get the earliest limit-block number, if any. If there are pending
-	/// changes across different forks, this method will return the earliest
-	/// effective number (across the different branches).
+	/// Get the earliest limit-block number, if any. If there are pending changes across
+	/// different forks, this method will return the earliest effective number (across the
+	/// different branches). Only standard changes are taken into account for the current
+	/// limit, since any existing forced change should preclude the voter from voting.
 	pub(crate) fn current_limit(&self) -> Option<N> {
-		self.pending_changes.roots()
+		self.pending_standard_changes.roots()
 			.min_by_key(|&(_, _, c)| c.effective_number())
 			.map(|(_, _, c)| c.effective_number())
-	/// Apply or prune any pending transitions. This method ensures that if
-	/// there are multiple changes in the same branch, finalizing this block
-	/// won't finalize past multiple transitions (i.e. transitions must be
-	/// finalized in-order). The given function `is_descendent_of` should return
-	/// `true` if the second hash (target) is a descendent of the first hash
-	/// (base).
+	/// Apply or prune any pending transitions based on a best-block trigger.
+	///
+	/// Returns `Ok((median, new_set))` when a forced change has occurred. The
+	/// median represents the median last finalized block at the time the change
+	/// was signaled, and it should be used as the canon block when starting the
+	/// new grandpa voter. Only alters the internal state in this case.
+	///
+	/// These transitions are always forced and do not lead to justifications
+	/// which light clients can follow.
+	pub(crate) fn apply_forced_changes<F, E>(
+		&self,
+		best_hash: H,
+		best_number: N,
+		is_descendent_of: &F,
+	) -> Result<Option<(N, Self)>, E>
+		where F: Fn(&H, &H) -> Result<bool, E>,
+	{
+		let mut new_set = None;
+		for change in self.pending_forced_changes.iter()
+			.take_while(|c| c.effective_number() <= best_number) // to prevent iterating too far
+			.filter(|c| c.effective_number() == best_number)
+		{
+			// check if the given best block is in the same branch as the block that signalled the change.
+			if is_descendent_of(&change.canon_hash, &best_hash)? {
+				// apply this change: make the set canonical
+				info!(target: "finality", "Applying authority set change forced at block #{:?}",
+					  change.canon_height);
+				let median_last_finalized = match change.delay_kind {
+					DelayKind::Best { ref median_last_finalized } => median_last_finalized.clone(),
+					_ => unreachable!("pending_forced_changes only contains forced changes; forced changes have delay kind Best; qed."),
+				};
+				new_set = Some((median_last_finalized, AuthoritySet {
+					current_authorities: change.next_authorities.clone(),
+					set_id: self.set_id + 1,
+					pending_standard_changes: ForkTree::new(), // new set, new changes.
+					pending_forced_changes: Vec::new(),
+				}));
+				break;
+			}
+			// we don't wipe forced changes until another change is
+			// applied
+		}
+		Ok(new_set)
+	}
+	/// Apply or prune any pending transitions based on a finality trigger. This
+	/// method ensures that if there are multiple changes in the same branch,
+	/// finalizing this block won't finalize past multiple transitions (i.e.
+	/// transitions must be finalized in-order). The given function
+	/// `is_descendent_of` should return `true` if the second hash (target) is a
+	/// descendent of the first hash (base).
 	/// When the set has changed, the return value will be `Ok(Some((H, N)))`
 	/// which is the canonical block where the set last changed (i.e. the given
 	/// hash and number).
-	pub(crate) fn apply_changes<F, E>(
+	pub(crate) fn apply_standard_changes<F, E>(
 		&mut self,
 		finalized_hash: H,
 		finalized_number: N,
 		is_descendent_of: &F,
 	) -> Result<Status<H, N>, fork_tree::Error<E>>
-	where F: Fn(&H, &H) -> Result<bool, E>,
-		  E: std::error::Error,
+		where F: Fn(&H, &H) -> Result<bool, E>,
+			  E: std::error::Error,
 		let mut status = Status {
 			changed: false,
 			new_set_block: None,
-		match self.pending_changes.finalize_with_descendent_if(
+		match self.pending_standard_changes.finalize_with_descendent_if(
@@ -207,6 +315,10 @@ where
 			fork_tree::FinalizationResult::Changed(change) => {
 				status.changed = true;
+				// if we are able to finalize any standard change then we can
+				// discard all pending forced changes (on different forks)
+				self.pending_forced_changes.clear();
 				if let Some(change) = change {
 					info!(target: "finality", "Applying authority set change scheduled at block #{:?}",
@@ -226,13 +338,13 @@ where
-	/// Check whether the given finalized block number enacts any authority set
-	/// change (without triggering it), ensuring that if there are multiple
-	/// changes in the same branch, finalizing this block won't finalize past
-	/// multiple transitions (i.e. transitions must be finalized in-order). The
-	/// given function `is_descendent_of` should return `true` if the second
-	/// hash (target) is a descendent of the first hash (base).
-	pub fn enacts_change<F, E>(
+	/// Check whether the given finalized block number enacts any standard
+	/// authority set change (without triggering it), ensuring that if there are
+	/// multiple changes in the same branch, finalizing this block won't
+	/// finalize past multiple transitions (i.e. transitions must be finalized
+	/// in-order). The given function `is_descendent_of` should return `true` if
+	/// the second hash (target) is a descendent of the first hash (base).
+	pub fn enacts_standard_change<F, E>(
 		finalized_hash: H,
 		finalized_number: N,
@@ -241,7 +353,7 @@ where
 	where F: Fn(&H, &H) -> Result<bool, E>,
 		  E: std::error::Error,
-		self.pending_changes.finalizes_any_with_descendent_if(
+		self.pending_standard_changes.finalizes_any_with_descendent_if(
@@ -250,27 +362,58 @@ where
+/// Kinds of delays for pending changes.
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Encode, Decode, PartialEq)]
+pub(crate) enum DelayKind<N> {
+	/// Depth in finalized chain.
+	Finalized,
+	/// Depth in best chain. The median last finalized block is calculated at the time the
+	/// change was signalled.
+	Best { median_last_finalized: N },
 /// A pending change to the authority set.
 /// This will be applied when the announcing block is at some depth within
-/// the finalized chain.
-#[derive(Debug, Clone, Encode, Decode, PartialEq)]
+/// the finalized or unfinalized chain.
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Encode, PartialEq)]
 pub(crate) struct PendingChange<H, N> {
 	/// The new authorities and weights to apply.
 	pub(crate) next_authorities: Vec<(Ed25519AuthorityId, u64)>,
-	/// How deep in the finalized chain the announcing block must be
+	/// How deep in the chain the announcing block must be
 	/// before the change is applied.
-	pub(crate) finalization_depth: N,
+	pub(crate) delay: N,
 	/// The announcing block's height.
 	pub(crate) canon_height: N,
 	/// The announcing block's hash.
 	pub(crate) canon_hash: H,
+	/// The delay kind.
+	pub(crate) delay_kind: DelayKind<N>,
+impl<H: Decode, N: Decode> Decode for PendingChange<H, N> {
+	fn decode<I: parity_codec::Input>(value: &mut I) -> Option<Self> {
+		let next_authorities = Decode::decode(value)?;
+		let delay = Decode::decode(value)?;
+		let canon_height = Decode::decode(value)?;
+		let canon_hash = Decode::decode(value)?;
+		let delay_kind = DelayKind::decode(value).unwrap_or(DelayKind::Finalized);
+		Some(PendingChange {
+			next_authorities,
+			delay,
+			canon_height,
+			canon_hash,
+			delay_kind,
+		})
+	}
 impl<H, N: Add<Output=N> + Clone> PendingChange<H, N> {
 	/// Returns the effective number this change will be applied at.
 	pub fn effective_number(&self) -> N {
-		self.canon_height.clone() + self.finalization_depth.clone()
+		self.canon_height.clone() + self.delay.clone()
@@ -295,28 +438,32 @@ mod tests {
 		let mut authorities = AuthoritySet {
 			current_authorities: Vec::new(),
 			set_id: 0,
-			pending_changes: ForkTree::new(),
+			pending_standard_changes: ForkTree::new(),
+			pending_forced_changes: Vec::new(),
 		let change_a = PendingChange {
 			next_authorities: Vec::new(),
-			finalization_depth: 10,
+			delay: 10,
 			canon_height: 5,
 			canon_hash: "hash_a",
+			delay_kind: DelayKind::Finalized,
 		let change_b = PendingChange {
 			next_authorities: Vec::new(),
-			finalization_depth: 0,
+			delay: 0,
 			canon_height: 5,
 			canon_hash: "hash_b",
+			delay_kind: DelayKind::Finalized,
 		let change_c = PendingChange {
 			next_authorities: Vec::new(),
-			finalization_depth: 5,
+			delay: 5,
 			canon_height: 10,
 			canon_hash: "hash_c",
+			delay_kind: DelayKind::Finalized,
 		authorities.add_pending_change(change_a.clone(), &static_is_descendent_of(false)).unwrap();
@@ -327,9 +474,29 @@ mod tests {
 			_ => unreachable!(),
+		// forced changes are iterated last
+		let change_d = PendingChange {
+			next_authorities: Vec::new(),
+			delay: 2,
+			canon_height: 1,
+			canon_hash: "hash_d",
+			delay_kind: DelayKind::Best { median_last_finalized: 0 },
+		};
+		let change_e = PendingChange {
+			next_authorities: Vec::new(),
+			delay: 2,
+			canon_height: 0,
+			canon_hash: "hash_e",
+			delay_kind: DelayKind::Best { median_last_finalized: 0 },
+		};
+		authorities.add_pending_change(change_d.clone(), &static_is_descendent_of(false)).unwrap();
+		authorities.add_pending_change(change_e.clone(), &static_is_descendent_of(false)).unwrap();
-			vec![&change_b, &change_a, &change_c],
+			vec![&change_b, &change_a, &change_c, &change_e, &change_d],
@@ -338,7 +505,8 @@ mod tests {
 		let mut authorities = AuthoritySet {
 			current_authorities: Vec::new(),
 			set_id: 0,
-			pending_changes: ForkTree::new(),
+			pending_standard_changes: ForkTree::new(),
+			pending_forced_changes: Vec::new(),
 		let set_a = vec![([1; 32].into(), 5)];
@@ -347,16 +515,18 @@ mod tests {
 		// two competing changes at the same height on different forks
 		let change_a = PendingChange {
 			next_authorities: set_a.clone(),
-			finalization_depth: 10,
+			delay: 10,
 			canon_height: 5,
 			canon_hash: "hash_a",
+			delay_kind: DelayKind::Finalized,
 		let change_b = PendingChange {
 			next_authorities: set_b.clone(),
-			finalization_depth: 10,
+			delay: 10,
 			canon_height: 5,
 			canon_hash: "hash_b",
+			delay_kind: DelayKind::Finalized,
 		authorities.add_pending_change(change_a.clone(), &static_is_descendent_of(true)).unwrap();
@@ -368,7 +538,7 @@ mod tests {
 		// finalizing "hash_c" won't enact the change signalled at "hash_a" but it will prune out "hash_b"
-		let status = authorities.apply_changes("hash_c", 11, &is_descendent_of(|base, hash| match (*base, *hash) {
+		let status = authorities.apply_standard_changes("hash_c", 11, &is_descendent_of(|base, hash| match (*base, *hash) {
 			("hash_a", "hash_c") => true,
 			("hash_b", "hash_c") => false,
 			_ => unreachable!(),
@@ -382,7 +552,7 @@ mod tests {
 		// finalizing "hash_d" will enact the change signalled at "hash_a"
-		let status = authorities.apply_changes("hash_d", 15, &is_descendent_of(|base, hash| match (*base, *hash) {
+		let status = authorities.apply_standard_changes("hash_d", 15, &is_descendent_of(|base, hash| match (*base, *hash) {
 			("hash_a", "hash_d") => true,
 			_ => unreachable!(),
@@ -400,7 +570,8 @@ mod tests {
 		let mut authorities = AuthoritySet {
 			current_authorities: Vec::new(),
 			set_id: 0,
-			pending_changes: ForkTree::new(),
+			pending_standard_changes: ForkTree::new(),
+			pending_forced_changes: Vec::new(),
 		let set_a = vec![([1; 32].into(), 5)];
@@ -409,16 +580,18 @@ mod tests {
 		// two competing changes at the same height on different forks
 		let change_a = PendingChange {
 			next_authorities: set_a.clone(),
-			finalization_depth: 10,
+			delay: 10,
 			canon_height: 5,
 			canon_hash: "hash_a",
+			delay_kind: DelayKind::Finalized,
 		let change_c = PendingChange {
 			next_authorities: set_c.clone(),
-			finalization_depth: 10,
+			delay: 10,
 			canon_height: 30,
 			canon_hash: "hash_c",
+			delay_kind: DelayKind::Finalized,
 		authorities.add_pending_change(change_a.clone(), &static_is_descendent_of(true)).unwrap();
@@ -437,12 +610,12 @@ mod tests {
 		// trying to finalize past `change_c` without finalizing `change_a` first
-		match authorities.apply_changes("hash_d", 40, &is_descendent_of) {
+		match authorities.apply_standard_changes("hash_d", 40, &is_descendent_of) {
 			Err(fork_tree::Error::UnfinalizedAncestor) => {},
 			_ => unreachable!(),
-		let status = authorities.apply_changes("hash_b", 15, &is_descendent_of).unwrap();
+		let status = authorities.apply_standard_changes("hash_b", 15, &is_descendent_of).unwrap();
 		assert_eq!(status.new_set_block, Some(("hash_b", 15)));
@@ -450,7 +623,7 @@ mod tests {
 		assert_eq!(authorities.set_id, 1);
 		// after finalizing `change_a` it should be possible to finalize `change_c`
-		let status = authorities.apply_changes("hash_d", 40, &is_descendent_of).unwrap();
+		let status = authorities.apply_standard_changes("hash_d", 40, &is_descendent_of).unwrap();
 		assert_eq!(status.new_set_block, Some(("hash_d", 40)));
@@ -459,20 +632,22 @@ mod tests {
-	fn enacts_change_works() {
+	fn enacts_standard_change_works() {
 		let mut authorities = AuthoritySet {
 			current_authorities: Vec::new(),
 			set_id: 0,
-			pending_changes: ForkTree::new(),
+			pending_standard_changes: ForkTree::new(),
+			pending_forced_changes: Vec::new(),
 		let set_a = vec![([1; 32].into(), 5)];
 		let change_a = PendingChange {
 			next_authorities: set_a.clone(),
-			finalization_depth: 10,
+			delay: 10,
 			canon_height: 5,
 			canon_hash: "hash_a",
+			delay_kind: DelayKind::Finalized,
 		authorities.add_pending_change(change_a.clone(), &static_is_descendent_of(false)).unwrap();
@@ -484,12 +659,84 @@ mod tests {
 		// "hash_c" won't finalize the existing change since it isn't a descendent
-		assert!(!authorities.enacts_change("hash_c", 15, &is_descendent_of).unwrap());
+		assert!(!authorities.enacts_standard_change("hash_c", 15, &is_descendent_of).unwrap());
 		// "hash_b" at depth 14 won't work either
-		assert!(!authorities.enacts_change("hash_b", 14, &is_descendent_of).unwrap());
+		assert!(!authorities.enacts_standard_change("hash_b", 14, &is_descendent_of).unwrap());
 		// but it should work at depth 15 (change height + depth)
-		assert!(authorities.enacts_change("hash_b", 15, &is_descendent_of).unwrap());
+		assert!(authorities.enacts_standard_change("hash_b", 15, &is_descendent_of).unwrap());
+	}
+	#[test]
+	fn forced_changes() {
+		let mut authorities = AuthoritySet {
+			current_authorities: Vec::new(),
+			set_id: 0,
+			pending_standard_changes: ForkTree::new(),
+			pending_forced_changes: Vec::new(),
+		};
+		let set_a = vec![([1; 32].into(), 5)];
+		let set_b = vec![([2; 32].into(), 5)];
+		let change_a = PendingChange {
+			next_authorities: set_a.clone(),
+			delay: 10,
+			canon_height: 5,
+			canon_hash: "hash_a",
+			delay_kind: DelayKind::Best { median_last_finalized: 42 },
+		};
+		let change_b = PendingChange {
+			next_authorities: set_b.clone(),
+			delay: 10,
+			canon_height: 5,
+			canon_hash: "hash_b",
+			delay_kind: DelayKind::Best { median_last_finalized: 0 },
+		};
+		authorities.add_pending_change(change_a, &static_is_descendent_of(false)).unwrap();
+		authorities.add_pending_change(change_b, &static_is_descendent_of(false)).unwrap();
+		// there's an effective change triggered at block 15 but not a standard one.
+		// so this should do nothing.
+		assert!(!authorities.enacts_standard_change("hash_c", 15, &static_is_descendent_of(true)).unwrap());
+		// throw a standard change into the mix to prove that it's discarded
+		// for being on the same fork.
+		//
+		// NOTE: after https://github.com/paritytech/substrate/issues/1861
+		// this should still be rejected based on the "span" rule -- it overlaps
+		// with another change on the same fork.
+		let change_c = PendingChange {
+			next_authorities: set_b.clone(),
+			delay: 3,
+			canon_height: 8,
+			canon_hash: "hash_a8",
+			delay_kind: DelayKind::Best { median_last_finalized: 0 },
+		};
+		let is_descendent_of_a = is_descendent_of(|base: &&str, _| {
+			base.starts_with("hash_a")
+		});
+		assert!(authorities.add_pending_change(change_c, &is_descendent_of_a).is_err());
+		// too early.
+		assert!(authorities.apply_forced_changes("hash_a10", 10, &static_is_descendent_of(true)).unwrap().is_none());
+		// too late.
+		assert!(authorities.apply_forced_changes("hash_a16", 16, &static_is_descendent_of(true)).unwrap().is_none());
+		// on time -- chooses the right change.
+		assert_eq!(
+			authorities.apply_forced_changes("hash_a15", 15, &is_descendent_of_a).unwrap().unwrap(),
+			(42, AuthoritySet {
+				current_authorities: set_a,
+				set_id: 1,
+				pending_standard_changes: ForkTree::new(),
+				pending_forced_changes: Vec::new(),
+			})
+		);
diff --git a/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/src/aux_schema.rs b/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/src/aux_schema.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..930329344b8fb4a3413bed94116f887fcb10293f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/src/aux_schema.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+// Copyright 2019 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
+// This file is part of Substrate.
+// Substrate is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// Substrate is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with Substrate.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! Schema for stuff in the aux-db.
+use parity_codec::{Encode, Decode};
+use client::backend::AuxStore;
+use client::error::{Result as ClientResult, Error as ClientError, ErrorKind as ClientErrorKind};
+use fork_tree::ForkTree;
+use grandpa::round::State as RoundState;
+use substrate_primitives::Ed25519AuthorityId;
+use log::{info, warn};
+use crate::authorities::{AuthoritySet, SharedAuthoritySet, PendingChange, DelayKind};
+use crate::consensus_changes::{SharedConsensusChanges, ConsensusChanges};
+use crate::NewAuthoritySet;
+use std::fmt::Debug;
+use std::sync::Arc;
+const VERSION_KEY: &[u8] = b"grandpa_schema_version";
+const SET_STATE_KEY: &[u8] = b"grandpa_completed_round";
+const AUTHORITY_SET_KEY: &[u8] = b"grandpa_voters";
+const CONSENSUS_CHANGES_KEY: &[u8] = b"grandpa_consensus_changes";
+const CURRENT_VERSION: u32 = 1;
+/// The voter set state.
+#[derive(Clone, Encode, Decode)]
+pub enum VoterSetState<H, N> {
+	/// The voter set state, currently paused.
+	Paused(u64, RoundState<H, N>),
+	/// The voter set state, currently live.
+	Live(u64, RoundState<H, N>),
+impl<H: Clone, N: Clone> VoterSetState<H, N> {
+	/// Yields the current state.
+	pub(crate) fn round(&self) -> (u64, RoundState<H, N>) {
+		match *self {
+			VoterSetState::Paused(n, ref s) => (n, s.clone()),
+			VoterSetState::Live(n, ref s) => (n, s.clone()),
+		}
+	}
+type V0VoterSetState<H, N> = (u64, RoundState<H, N>);
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Encode, Decode, PartialEq)]
+struct V0PendingChange<H, N> {
+	next_authorities: Vec<(Ed25519AuthorityId, u64)>,
+	delay: N,
+	canon_height: N,
+	canon_hash: H,
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Encode, Decode, PartialEq)]
+struct V0AuthoritySet<H, N> {
+	current_authorities: Vec<(Ed25519AuthorityId, u64)>,
+	set_id: u64,
+	pending_changes: Vec<V0PendingChange<H, N>>,
+impl<H, N> Into<AuthoritySet<H, N>> for V0AuthoritySet<H, N>
+where H: Clone + Debug + PartialEq,
+	  N: Clone + Debug + Ord,
+	fn into(self) -> AuthoritySet<H, N> {
+		let mut pending_standard_changes = ForkTree::new();
+		for old_change in self.pending_changes {
+			let new_change = PendingChange {
+				next_authorities: old_change.next_authorities,
+				delay: old_change.delay,
+				canon_height: old_change.canon_height,
+				canon_hash: old_change.canon_hash,
+				delay_kind: DelayKind::Finalized,
+			};
+			if let Err(err) = pending_standard_changes.import::<_, ClientError>(
+				new_change.canon_hash.clone(),
+				new_change.canon_height.clone(),
+				new_change,
+				// previously we only supported at most one pending change per fork
+				&|_, _| Ok(false),
+			) {
+				warn!(target: "afg", "Error migrating pending authority set change: {:?}.", err);
+				warn!(target: "afg", "Node is in a potentially inconsistent state.");
+			}
+		}
+		AuthoritySet {
+			current_authorities: self.current_authorities,
+			set_id: self.set_id,
+			pending_forced_changes: Vec::new(),
+			pending_standard_changes
+		}
+	}
+fn load_decode<B: AuxStore, T: Decode>(backend: &B, key: &[u8]) -> ClientResult<Option<T>> {
+	match backend.get_aux(key)? {
+		None => Ok(None),
+		Some(t) => T::decode(&mut &t[..])
+			.ok_or_else(
+				|| ClientErrorKind::Backend(format!("GRANDPA DB is corrupted.")).into(),
+			)
+			.map(Some)
+	}
+/// Persistent data kept between runs.
+pub(crate) struct PersistentData<H, N> {
+	pub(crate) authority_set: SharedAuthoritySet<H, N>,
+	pub(crate) consensus_changes: SharedConsensusChanges<H, N>,
+	pub(crate) set_state: VoterSetState<H, N>,
+/// Load or initialize persistent data from backend.
+pub(crate) fn load_persistent<B, H, N, G>(
+	backend: &B,
+	genesis_hash: H,
+	genesis_number: N,
+	genesis_authorities: G,
+	-> ClientResult<PersistentData<H, N>>
+	where
+		B: AuxStore,
+		H: Debug + Decode + Encode + Clone + PartialEq,
+		N: Debug + Decode + Encode + Clone + Ord,
+		G: FnOnce() -> ClientResult<Vec<(Ed25519AuthorityId, u64)>>
+	let version: Option<u32> = load_decode(backend, VERSION_KEY)?;
+	let consensus_changes = load_decode(backend, CONSENSUS_CHANGES_KEY)?
+		.unwrap_or_else(ConsensusChanges::<H, N>::empty);
+	let make_genesis_round = move || RoundState::genesis((genesis_hash, genesis_number));
+	match version {
+		None => {
+			CURRENT_VERSION.using_encoded(|s|
+				backend.insert_aux(&[(VERSION_KEY, s)], &[])
+			)?;
+			if let Some(old_set) = load_decode::<_, V0AuthoritySet<H, N>>(backend, AUTHORITY_SET_KEY)? {
+				let new_set: AuthoritySet<H, N> = old_set.into();
+				backend.insert_aux(&[(AUTHORITY_SET_KEY, new_set.encode().as_slice())], &[])?;
+				let set_state = match load_decode::<_, V0VoterSetState<H, N>>(backend, SET_STATE_KEY)? {
+					Some((number, state)) => VoterSetState::Live(number, state),
+					None => VoterSetState::Live(0, make_genesis_round()),
+				};
+				return Ok(PersistentData {
+					authority_set: new_set.into(),
+					consensus_changes: Arc::new(consensus_changes.into()),
+					set_state,
+				});
+			}
+		}
+		Some(1) => {
+			if let Some(set) = load_decode::<_, AuthoritySet<H, N>>(backend, AUTHORITY_SET_KEY)? {
+				let set_state = match load_decode::<_, VoterSetState<H, N>>(backend, SET_STATE_KEY)? {
+					Some(state) => state,
+					None => VoterSetState::Live(0, make_genesis_round()),
+				};
+				return Ok(PersistentData {
+					authority_set: set.into(),
+					consensus_changes: Arc::new(consensus_changes.into()),
+					set_state,
+				});
+			}
+		}
+		Some(other) => return Err(ClientErrorKind::Backend(
+			format!("Unsupported GRANDPA DB version: {:?}", other)
+		).into()),
+	}
+	// genesis.
+	info!(target: "afg", "Loading GRANDPA authority set \
+		from genesis on what appears to be first startup.");
+	let genesis_set = AuthoritySet::genesis(genesis_authorities()?);
+	let genesis_state = VoterSetState::Live(0, make_genesis_round());
+	backend.insert_aux(
+		&[
+			(AUTHORITY_SET_KEY, genesis_set.encode().as_slice()),
+			(SET_STATE_KEY, genesis_state.encode().as_slice()),
+		],
+		&[],
+	)?;
+	Ok(PersistentData {
+		authority_set: genesis_set.into(),
+		set_state: genesis_state,
+		consensus_changes: Arc::new(consensus_changes.into()),
+	})
+/// Update the authority set on disk after a change.
+pub(crate) fn update_authority_set<H, N, F, R>(
+	set: &AuthoritySet<H, N>,
+	new_set: Option<&NewAuthoritySet<H, N>>,
+	write_aux: F
+) -> R where
+	H: Encode + Clone,
+	N: Encode + Clone,
+	F: FnOnce(&[(&'static [u8], &[u8])]) -> R,
+	// write new authority set state to disk.
+	let encoded_set = set.encode();
+	if let Some(new_set) = new_set {
+		// we also overwrite the "last completed round" entry with a blank slate
+		// because from the perspective of the finality gadget, the chain has
+		// reset.
+		let round_state = RoundState::genesis((
+			new_set.canon_hash.clone(),
+			new_set.canon_number.clone(),
+		));
+		let set_state = VoterSetState::Live(0, round_state);
+		let encoded = set_state.encode();
+		write_aux(&[
+			(AUTHORITY_SET_KEY, &encoded_set[..]),
+			(SET_STATE_KEY, &encoded[..]),
+		])
+	} else {
+		write_aux(&[(AUTHORITY_SET_KEY, &encoded_set[..])])
+	}
+/// Write voter set state.
+pub(crate) fn write_voter_set_state<B, H, N>(backend: &B, state: &VoterSetState<H, N>)
+	-> ClientResult<()>
+	where B: AuxStore, H: Encode, N: Encode
+	backend.insert_aux(
+		&[(SET_STATE_KEY, state.encode().as_slice())],
+		&[]
+	)
+/// Update the consensus changes.
+pub(crate) fn update_consensus_changes<H, N, F, R>(
+	set: &ConsensusChanges<H, N>,
+	write_aux: F
+) -> R where
+	H: Encode + Clone,
+	N: Encode + Clone,
+	F: FnOnce(&[(&'static [u8], &[u8])]) -> R,
+	write_aux(&[(CONSENSUS_CHANGES_KEY, set.encode().as_slice())])
+pub(crate) fn load_authorities<B: AuxStore, H: Decode, N: Decode>(backend: &B)
+	-> Option<AuthoritySet<H, N>> {
+	load_decode::<_, AuthoritySet<H, N>>(backend, AUTHORITY_SET_KEY)
+		.expect("backend error")
diff --git a/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/src/consensus_changes.rs b/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/src/consensus_changes.rs
index 9d701152dd7deda53203b4cf1e60c8ff33cc9231..cbd7b30f8e7a5ebcb2883baf4ea0be20683357d6 100644
--- a/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/src/consensus_changes.rs
+++ b/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/src/consensus_changes.rs
@@ -23,11 +23,14 @@ pub(crate) struct ConsensusChanges<H, N> {
 	pending_changes: Vec<(N, H)>,
-impl<H: Copy + PartialEq, N: Copy + Ord> ConsensusChanges<H, N> {
+impl<H, N> ConsensusChanges<H, N> {
 	/// Create empty consensus changes.
 	pub(crate) fn empty() -> Self {
 		ConsensusChanges { pending_changes: Vec::new(), }
+impl<H: Copy + PartialEq, N: Copy + Ord> ConsensusChanges<H, N> {
 	/// Note unfinalized change of consensus-related data.
 	pub(crate) fn note_change(&mut self, at: (N, H)) {
diff --git a/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/src/environment.rs b/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/src/environment.rs
index 71424e8be9161089355263d97c8a9e59f9d78496..857d6eafd711326d7d7f8367b0e8decadb3a0fe6 100644
--- a/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/src/environment.rs
+++ b/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/src/environment.rs
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 // along with Substrate.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-use std::fmt;
 use std::sync::Arc;
 use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
@@ -22,6 +21,7 @@ use log::{debug, warn, info};
 use parity_codec::Encode;
 use futures::prelude::*;
 use tokio::timer::Delay;
+use parking_lot::RwLock;
 use client::{
 	backend::Backend, BlockchainEvents, CallExecutor, Client, error::Error as ClientError
@@ -36,14 +36,42 @@ use runtime_primitives::traits::{
 use substrate_primitives::{Blake2Hasher, ed25519,Ed25519AuthorityId, H256};
 use crate::{
-	Commit, Config, Error, Network, Precommit, Prevote, LastCompleted,
+	Commit, Config, Error, Network, Precommit, Prevote,
+	CommandOrError, NewAuthoritySet, VoterCommand,
-use crate::authorities::{AuthoritySet, SharedAuthoritySet};
+use crate::authorities::SharedAuthoritySet;
 use crate::consensus_changes::SharedConsensusChanges;
 use crate::justification::GrandpaJustification;
 use crate::until_imported::UntilVoteTargetImported;
+/// Data about a completed round.
+pub(crate) type CompletedRound<H, N> = (u64, RoundState<H, N>);
+/// A read-only view of the last completed round.
+pub(crate) struct LastCompletedRound<H, N> {
+	inner: RwLock<CompletedRound<H, N>>,
+impl<H: Clone, N: Clone> LastCompletedRound<H, N> {
+	/// Create a new tracker based on some starting last-completed round.
+	pub(crate) fn new(round: CompletedRound<H, N>) -> Self {
+		LastCompletedRound { inner: RwLock::new(round) }
+	}
+	/// Read the last completed round.
+	pub(crate) fn read(&self) -> CompletedRound<H, N> {
+		self.inner.read().clone()
+	}
+	// NOTE: not exposed outside of this module intentionally.
+	fn with<F, R>(&self, f: F) -> R
+		where F: FnOnce(&mut CompletedRound<H, N>) -> R
+	{
+		f(&mut *self.inner.write())
+	}
 /// The environment we run GRANDPA in.
 pub(crate) struct Environment<B, E, Block: BlockT, N: Network<Block>, RA> {
 	pub(crate) inner: Arc<Client<B, E, Block, RA>>,
@@ -53,6 +81,7 @@ pub(crate) struct Environment<B, E, Block: BlockT, N: Network<Block>, RA> {
 	pub(crate) consensus_changes: SharedConsensusChanges<Block::Hash, NumberFor<Block>>,
 	pub(crate) network: N,
 	pub(crate) set_id: u64,
+	pub(crate) last_completed: LastCompletedRound<Block::Hash, NumberFor<Block>>,
 impl<Block: BlockT<Hash=H256>, B, E, N, RA> grandpa::Chain<Block::Hash, NumberFor<Block>> for Environment<B, E, Block, N, RA> where
@@ -166,54 +195,6 @@ impl<Block: BlockT<Hash=H256>, B, E, N, RA> grandpa::Chain<Block::Hash, NumberFo
-/// A new authority set along with the canonical block it changed at.
-pub(crate) struct NewAuthoritySet<H, N> {
-	pub(crate) canon_number: N,
-	pub(crate) canon_hash: H,
-	pub(crate) set_id: u64,
-	pub(crate) authorities: Vec<(Ed25519AuthorityId, u64)>,
-/// Signals either an early exit of a voter or an error.
-pub(crate) enum ExitOrError<H, N> {
-	/// An error occurred.
-	Error(Error),
-	/// Early exit of the voter: the new set ID and the new authorities along with respective weights.
-	AuthoritiesChanged(NewAuthoritySet<H, N>),
-impl<H, N> From<Error> for ExitOrError<H, N> {
-	fn from(e: Error) -> Self {
-		ExitOrError::Error(e)
-	}
-impl<H, N> From<ClientError> for ExitOrError<H, N> {
-	fn from(e: ClientError) -> Self {
-		ExitOrError::Error(Error::Client(e))
-	}
-impl<H, N> From<grandpa::Error> for ExitOrError<H, N> {
-	fn from(e: grandpa::Error) -> Self {
-		ExitOrError::Error(Error::from(e))
-	}
-impl<H: fmt::Debug, N: fmt::Debug> ::std::error::Error for ExitOrError<H, N> { }
-impl<H, N> fmt::Display for ExitOrError<H, N> {
-	fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
-		match *self {
-			ExitOrError::Error(ref e) => write!(f, "{:?}", e),
-			ExitOrError::AuthoritiesChanged(_) => write!(f, "restarting voter on new authorities"),
-		}
-	}
 impl<B, E, Block: BlockT<Hash=H256>, N, RA> voter::Environment<Block::Hash, NumberFor<Block>> for Environment<B, E, Block, N, RA> where
 	Block: 'static,
 	B: Backend<Block, Blake2Hasher> + 'static,
@@ -237,7 +218,7 @@ impl<B, E, Block: BlockT<Hash=H256>, N, RA> voter::Environment<Block::Hash, Numb
 		SinkError = Self::Error,
 	> + Send>;
-	type Error = ExitOrError<Block::Hash, NumberFor<Block>>;
+	type Error = CommandOrError<Block::Hash, NumberFor<Block>>;
 	fn round_data(
@@ -295,17 +276,32 @@ impl<B, E, Block: BlockT<Hash=H256>, N, RA> voter::Environment<Block::Hash, Numb
 			state.finalized.as_ref().map(|e| e.1),
-		let encoded_state = (round, state).encode();
-		let res = Backend::insert_aux(&**self.inner.backend(), &[(LAST_COMPLETED_KEY, &encoded_state[..])], &[]);
-		if let Err(e) = res {
-			warn!(target: "afg", "Shutting down voter due to error bookkeeping last completed round in DB: {:?}", e);
-			Err(Error::Client(e).into())
-		} else {
+		self.last_completed.with(|last_completed| {
+			let set_state = crate::aux_schema::VoterSetState::Live(round, state.clone());
+			crate::aux_schema::write_voter_set_state(&**self.inner.backend(), &set_state)?;
+			*last_completed = (round, state); // after writing to DB successfully.
-		}
+		})
 	fn finalize_block(&self, hash: Block::Hash, number: NumberFor<Block>, round: u64, commit: Commit<Block>) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
+		use client::blockchain::HeaderBackend;
+		let status = self.inner.backend().blockchain().info()?;
+		if number <= status.finalized_number && self.inner.backend().blockchain().hash(number)? == Some(hash) {
+			// This can happen after a forced change (triggered by the finality tracker when finality is stalled), since
+			// the voter will be restarted at the median last finalized block, which can be lower than the local best
+			// finalized block.
+			warn!(target: "afg", "Re-finalized block #{:?} ({:?}) in the canonical chain, current best finalized is #{:?}",
+				  hash,
+				  number,
+				  status.finalized_number,
+			);
+			return Ok(());
+		}
@@ -375,7 +371,7 @@ pub(crate) fn finalize_block<B, Block: BlockT<Hash=H256>, E, RA>(
 	hash: Block::Hash,
 	number: NumberFor<Block>,
 	justification_or_commit: JustificationOrCommit<Block>,
-) -> Result<(), ExitOrError<Block::Hash, NumberFor<Block>>> where
+) -> Result<(), CommandOrError<Block::Hash, NumberFor<Block>>> where
 	B: Backend<Block, Blake2Hasher>,
 	E: CallExecutor<Block, Blake2Hasher> + Send + Sync,
 	RA: Send + Sync,
@@ -385,72 +381,43 @@ pub(crate) fn finalize_block<B, Block: BlockT<Hash=H256>, E, RA>(
 	// FIXME #1483: clone only when changed
 	let old_authority_set = authority_set.clone();
-	// needed in case there is an authority set change, used for reverting in
-	// case of error
-	let mut old_last_completed = None;
+	// holds the old consensus changes in case it is changed below, needed for
+	// reverting in case of failure
+	let mut old_consensus_changes = None;
 	let mut consensus_changes = consensus_changes.lock();
-	let status = authority_set.apply_changes(
-		hash,
-		number,
-		&is_descendent_of(client, None),
-	).map_err(|e| Error::Safety(e.to_string()))?;
-	if status.changed {
-		// write new authority set state to disk.
-		let encoded_set = authority_set.encode();
-		let write_result = if let Some((ref canon_hash, ref canon_number)) = status.new_set_block {
-			// we also overwrite the "last completed round" entry with a blank slate
-			// because from the perspective of the finality gadget, the chain has
-			// reset.
-			let round_state = RoundState::genesis((*canon_hash, *canon_number));
-			let last_completed: LastCompleted<_, _> = (0, round_state);
-			let encoded = last_completed.encode();
-			old_last_completed = Backend::get_aux(&**client.backend(), LAST_COMPLETED_KEY)?;
-			Backend::insert_aux(
-				&**client.backend(),
-				&[
-					(AUTHORITY_SET_KEY, &encoded_set[..]),
-					(LAST_COMPLETED_KEY, &encoded[..]),
-				],
-				&[]
-			)
-		} else {
-			Backend::insert_aux(&**client.backend(), &[(AUTHORITY_SET_KEY, &encoded_set[..])], &[])
-		};
+	let canon_at_height = |canon_number| {
+		// "true" because the block is finalized
+		canonical_at_height(client, (hash, number), true, canon_number)
+	};
-		if let Err(e) = write_result {
-			warn!(target: "finality", "Failed to write updated authority set to disk. Bailing.");
-			warn!(target: "finality", "Node is in a potentially inconsistent state.");
+	let update_res: Result<_, Error> = client.lock_import_and_run(|import_op| {
+		let status = authority_set.apply_standard_changes(
+			hash,
+			number,
+			&is_descendent_of(client, None),
+		).map_err(|e| Error::Safety(e.to_string()))?;
-			return Err(e.into());
-		}
-	}
+		// check if this is this is the first finalization of some consensus changes
+		let (alters_consensus_changes, finalizes_consensus_changes) = consensus_changes
+			.finalize((number, hash), &canon_at_height)?;
-	// check if this is this is the first finalization of some consensus changes
-	let (alters_consensus_changes, finalizes_consensus_changes) = consensus_changes
-		.finalize((number, hash), |at_height| canonical_at_height(client, (hash, number), at_height))?;
+		if alters_consensus_changes {
+			old_consensus_changes = Some(consensus_changes.clone());
-	// holds the old consensus changes in case it is changed below, needed for
-	// reverting in case of failure
-	let mut old_consensus_changes = None;
-	if alters_consensus_changes {
-		old_consensus_changes = Some(consensus_changes.clone());
+			let write_result = crate::aux_schema::update_consensus_changes(
+				&*consensus_changes,
+				|insert| client.apply_aux(import_op, insert, &[]),
+			);
-		let encoded = consensus_changes.encode();
-		let write_result = Backend::insert_aux(&**client.backend(), &[(CONSENSUS_CHANGES_KEY, &encoded[..])], &[]);
-		if let Err(e) = write_result {
-			warn!(target: "finality", "Failed to write updated consensus changes to disk. Bailing.");
-			warn!(target: "finality", "Node is in a potentially inconsistent state.");
+			if let Err(e) = write_result {
+				warn!(target: "finality", "Failed to write updated consensus changes to disk. Bailing.");
+				warn!(target: "finality", "Node is in a potentially inconsistent state.");
-			return Err(e.into());
+				return Err(e.into());
+			}
-	}
-	let aux = |authority_set: &AuthoritySet<Block::Hash, NumberFor<Block>>| {
 		// NOTE: this code assumes that honest voters will never vote past a
 		// transition block, thus we don't have to worry about the case where
 		// we have a transition with `effective_block = N`, but we finalize
@@ -496,12 +463,12 @@ pub(crate) fn finalize_block<B, Block: BlockT<Hash=H256>, E, RA>(
 		// ideally some handle to a synchronization oracle would be used
 		// to avoid unconditionally notifying.
-		client.finalize_block(BlockId::Hash(hash), justification, true).map_err(|e| {
+		client.apply_finality(import_op, BlockId::Hash(hash), justification, true).map_err(|e| {
 			warn!(target: "finality", "Error applying finality to block {:?}: {:?}", (hash, number), e);
-		if let Some((canon_hash, canon_number)) = status.new_set_block {
+		let new_authorities = if let Some((canon_hash, canon_number)) = status.new_set_block {
 			// the authority set has changed.
 			let (new_id, set_ref) = authority_set.current();
@@ -511,54 +478,46 @@ pub(crate) fn finalize_block<B, Block: BlockT<Hash=H256>, E, RA>(
 				info!("Applying GRANDPA set change to new set {:?}", set_ref);
-			Err(ExitOrError::AuthoritiesChanged(NewAuthoritySet {
+			Some(NewAuthoritySet {
 				set_id: new_id,
 				authorities: set_ref.to_vec(),
-			}))
+			})
 		} else {
-			Ok(())
-		}
-	};
-	match aux(&authority_set) {
-		Err(ExitOrError::Error(err)) => {
-			debug!(target: "afg", "Reverting authority set and/or consensus changes after block finalization error: {:?}", err);
-			let mut revert_aux = Vec::new();
-			if status.changed {
-				revert_aux.push((AUTHORITY_SET_KEY, old_authority_set.encode()));
-				if let Some(old_last_completed) = old_last_completed {
-					revert_aux.push((LAST_COMPLETED_KEY, old_last_completed));
-				}
-				*authority_set = old_authority_set.clone();
-			}
-			if let Some(old_consensus_changes) = old_consensus_changes {
-				revert_aux.push((CONSENSUS_CHANGES_KEY, old_consensus_changes.encode()));
-				*consensus_changes = old_consensus_changes;
-			}
+			None
+		};
-			let write_result = Backend::insert_aux(
-				&**client.backend(),
-				revert_aux.iter().map(|(k, v)| (*k, &**v)).collect::<Vec<_>>().iter(),
-				&[],
+		if status.changed {
+			let write_result = crate::aux_schema::update_authority_set(
+				&authority_set,
+				new_authorities.as_ref(),
+				|insert| client.apply_aux(import_op, insert, &[]),
 			if let Err(e) = write_result {
-				warn!(target: "finality", "Failed to revert consensus changes to disk. Bailing.");
+				warn!(target: "finality", "Failed to write updated authority set to disk. Bailing.");
 				warn!(target: "finality", "Node is in a potentially inconsistent state.");
 				return Err(e.into());
+		}
+		Ok(new_authorities.map(VoterCommand::ChangeAuthorities))
+	});
+	match update_res {
+		Ok(Some(command)) => Err(CommandOrError::VoterCommand(command)),
+		Ok(None) => Ok(()),
+		Err(e) => {
+			*authority_set = old_authority_set;
+			if let Some(old_consensus_changes) = old_consensus_changes {
+				*consensus_changes = old_consensus_changes;
+			}
-			Err(ExitOrError::Error(err))
-		},
-		res => res,
+			Err(CommandOrError::Error(e))
+		}
@@ -567,27 +526,39 @@ pub(crate) fn finalize_block<B, Block: BlockT<Hash=H256>, E, RA>(
 pub(crate) fn canonical_at_height<B, E, Block: BlockT<Hash=H256>, RA>(
 	client: &Client<B, E, Block, RA>,
 	base: (Block::Hash, NumberFor<Block>),
+	base_is_canonical: bool,
 	height: NumberFor<Block>,
 ) -> Result<Option<Block::Hash>, ClientError> where
 	B: Backend<Block, Blake2Hasher>,
 	E: CallExecutor<Block, Blake2Hasher> + Send + Sync,
-	use runtime_primitives::traits::{One, Zero};
+	use runtime_primitives::traits::{One, Zero, BlockNumberToHash};
 	if height > base.1 {
 		return Ok(None);
 	if height == base.1 {
-		return Ok(Some(base.0));
+		if base_is_canonical {
+			return Ok(Some(base.0));
+		} else {
+			return Ok(client.block_number_to_hash(height));
+		}
+	} else if base_is_canonical {
+		return Ok(client.block_number_to_hash(height));
-	let mut current = match client.header(&BlockId::Hash(base.0))? {
+	let one = NumberFor::<Block>::one();
+	// start by getting _canonical_ block with number at parent position and then iterating
+	// backwards by hash.
+	let mut current = match client.header(&BlockId::Number(base.1 - one))? {
 		Some(header) => header,
 		_ => return Ok(None),
-	let mut steps = base.1 - height;
+	// we've already checked that base > height above.
+	let mut steps = base.1 - height - one;
 	while steps > NumberFor::<Block>::zero() {
 		current = match client.header(&BlockId::Hash(*current.parent_hash()))? {
@@ -595,7 +566,7 @@ pub(crate) fn canonical_at_height<B, E, Block: BlockT<Hash=H256>, RA>(
 			_ => return Ok(None),
-		steps -= NumberFor::<Block>::one();
+		steps -= one;
diff --git a/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/src/import.rs b/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/src/import.rs
index 11306f72195c5d614cdb24d8af0e2945efcc1e6a..3f4dbb3650a86eb027d472cfbe88ee851c3663d1 100644
--- a/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/src/import.rs
+++ b/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/src/import.rs
@@ -19,9 +19,12 @@ use std::sync::Arc;
 use log::{debug, trace, info};
 use parity_codec::Encode;
 use futures::sync::mpsc;
+use parking_lot::RwLockWriteGuard;
 use client::{blockchain, CallExecutor, Client};
+use client::blockchain::HeaderBackend;
 use client::backend::Backend;
+use client::runtime_api::ApiExt;
 use consensus_common::{
 	BlockImport, Error as ConsensusError, ErrorKind as ConsensusErrorKind,
 	ImportBlock, ImportResult, JustificationImport,
@@ -35,10 +38,10 @@ use runtime_primitives::traits::{
 use substrate_primitives::{H256, Ed25519AuthorityId, Blake2Hasher};
-use crate::{AUTHORITY_SET_KEY, Error};
-use crate::authorities::SharedAuthoritySet;
+use crate::{Error, CommandOrError, NewAuthoritySet, VoterCommand};
+use crate::authorities::{AuthoritySet, SharedAuthoritySet, DelayKind, PendingChange};
 use crate::consensus_changes::SharedConsensusChanges;
-use crate::environment::{finalize_block, is_descendent_of, ExitOrError, NewAuthoritySet};
+use crate::environment::{finalize_block, is_descendent_of};
 use crate::justification::GrandpaJustification;
 /// A block-import handler for GRANDPA.
@@ -53,7 +56,7 @@ use crate::justification::GrandpaJustification;
 pub struct GrandpaBlockImport<B, E, Block: BlockT<Hash=H256>, RA, PRA> {
 	inner: Arc<Client<B, E, Block, RA>>,
 	authority_set: SharedAuthoritySet<Block::Hash, NumberFor<Block>>,
-	authority_set_change: mpsc::UnboundedSender<NewAuthoritySet<Block::Hash, NumberFor<Block>>>,
+	send_voter_commands: mpsc::UnboundedSender<VoterCommand<Block::Hash, NumberFor<Block>>>,
 	consensus_changes: SharedConsensusChanges<Block::Hash, NumberFor<Block>>,
 	api: Arc<PRA>,
@@ -80,7 +83,8 @@ impl<B, E, Block: BlockT<Hash=H256>, RA, PRA> JustificationImport<Block>
 		// request justifications for all pending changes for which change blocks have already been imported
 		let authorities = self.authority_set.inner().read();
 		for pending_change in authorities.pending_changes() {
-			if pending_change.effective_number() > chain_info.finalized_number &&
+			if pending_change.delay_kind == DelayKind::Finalized &&
+				pending_change.effective_number() > chain_info.finalized_number &&
 				pending_change.effective_number() <= chain_info.best_number
 				let effective_block_hash = self.inner.best_containing(
@@ -109,6 +113,266 @@ impl<B, E, Block: BlockT<Hash=H256>, RA, PRA> JustificationImport<Block>
+enum AppliedChanges<H, N> {
+	Standard,
+	Forced(NewAuthoritySet<H, N>),
+	None,
+impl<H, N> AppliedChanges<H, N> {
+	fn needs_justification(&self) -> bool {
+		match *self {
+			AppliedChanges::Standard => true,
+			AppliedChanges::Forced(_) | AppliedChanges::None => false,
+		}
+	}
+struct PendingSetChanges<'a, Block: 'a + BlockT> {
+	just_in_case: Option<(
+		AuthoritySet<Block::Hash, NumberFor<Block>>,
+		RwLockWriteGuard<'a, AuthoritySet<Block::Hash, NumberFor<Block>>>,
+	)>,
+	applied_changes: AppliedChanges<Block::Hash, NumberFor<Block>>,
+	do_pause: bool,
+impl<'a, Block: 'a + BlockT> PendingSetChanges<'a, Block> {
+	// revert the pending set change explicitly.
+	fn revert(self) { }
+	fn defuse(mut self) -> (AppliedChanges<Block::Hash, NumberFor<Block>>, bool) {
+		self.just_in_case = None;
+		let applied_changes = ::std::mem::replace(&mut self.applied_changes, AppliedChanges::None);
+		(applied_changes, self.do_pause)
+	}
+impl<'a, Block: 'a + BlockT> Drop for PendingSetChanges<'a, Block> {
+	fn drop(&mut self) {
+		if let Some((old_set, mut authorities)) = self.just_in_case.take() {
+			*authorities = old_set;
+		}
+	}
+impl<B, E, Block: BlockT<Hash=H256>, RA, PRA> GrandpaBlockImport<B, E, Block, RA, PRA> where
+	NumberFor<Block>: grandpa::BlockNumberOps,
+	B: Backend<Block, Blake2Hasher> + 'static,
+	E: CallExecutor<Block, Blake2Hasher> + 'static + Clone + Send + Sync,
+	DigestFor<Block>: Encode,
+	DigestItemFor<Block>: DigestItem<AuthorityId=Ed25519AuthorityId>,
+	RA: Send + Sync,
+	PRA: ProvideRuntimeApi,
+	PRA::Api: GrandpaApi<Block>,
+	// check for a new authority set change.
+	fn check_new_change(&self, header: &Block::Header, hash: Block::Hash)
+		-> Result<Option<PendingChange<Block::Hash, NumberFor<Block>>>, ConsensusError>
+	{
+		let at = BlockId::hash(*header.parent_hash());
+		let digest = header.digest();
+		let api = self.api.runtime_api();
+		// check for forced change.
+		{
+			let maybe_change = api.grandpa_forced_change(
+				&at,
+				digest,
+			);
+			match maybe_change {
+				Err(e) => match api.has_api_with::<GrandpaApi<Block>, _>(&at, |v| v >= 2) {
+					Err(e) => return Err(ConsensusErrorKind::ClientImport(e.to_string()).into()),
+					Ok(true) => {
+						// API version is high enough to support forced changes
+						// but got error, so it is legitimate.
+						return Err(ConsensusErrorKind::ClientImport(e.to_string()).into())
+					},
+					Ok(false) => {
+						// API version isn't high enough to support forced changes
+					},
+				},
+				Ok(None) => {},
+				Ok(Some((median_last_finalized, change))) => return Ok(Some(PendingChange {
+					next_authorities: change.next_authorities,
+					delay: change.delay,
+					canon_height: *header.number(),
+					canon_hash: hash,
+					delay_kind: DelayKind::Best { median_last_finalized },
+				})),
+			}
+		}
+		// check normal scheduled change.
+		{
+			let maybe_change = api.grandpa_pending_change(
+				&at,
+				digest,
+			);
+			match maybe_change {
+				Err(e) => Err(ConsensusErrorKind::ClientImport(e.to_string()).into()),
+				Ok(Some(change)) => Ok(Some(PendingChange {
+					next_authorities: change.next_authorities,
+					delay: change.delay,
+					canon_height: *header.number(),
+					canon_hash: hash,
+					delay_kind: DelayKind::Finalized,
+				})),
+				Ok(None) => Ok(None),
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	fn make_authorities_changes<'a>(&'a self, block: &mut ImportBlock<Block>, hash: Block::Hash)
+		-> Result<PendingSetChanges<'a, Block>, ConsensusError>
+	{
+		// when we update the authorities, we need to hold the lock
+		// until the block is written to prevent a race if we need to restore
+		// the old authority set on error or panic.
+		struct InnerGuard<'a, T: 'a> {
+			old: Option<T>,
+			guard: Option<RwLockWriteGuard<'a, T>>,
+		}
+		impl<'a, T: 'a> InnerGuard<'a, T> {
+			fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
+				&mut **self.guard.as_mut().expect("only taken on deconstruction; qed")
+			}
+			fn set_old(&mut self, old: T) {
+				if self.old.is_none() {
+					// ignore "newer" old changes.
+					self.old = Some(old);
+				}
+			}
+			fn consume(mut self) -> Option<(T, RwLockWriteGuard<'a, T>)> {
+				if let Some(old) = self.old.take() {
+					Some((old, self.guard.take().expect("only taken on deconstruction; qed")))
+				} else {
+					None
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		impl<'a, T: 'a> Drop for InnerGuard<'a, T> {
+			fn drop(&mut self) {
+				if let (Some(mut guard), Some(old)) = (self.guard.take(), self.old.take()) {
+					*guard = old;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		let number = block.header.number().clone();
+		let maybe_change = self.check_new_change(
+			&block.header,
+			hash,
+		)?;
+		// returns a function for checking whether a block is a descendent of another
+		// consistent with querying client directly after importing the block.
+		let parent_hash = *block.header.parent_hash();
+		let is_descendent_of = is_descendent_of(&self.inner, Some((&hash, &parent_hash)));
+		let mut guard = InnerGuard {
+			guard: Some(self.authority_set.inner().write()),
+			old: None,
+		};
+		// whether to pause the old authority set -- happens after import
+		// of a forced change block.
+		let mut do_pause = false;
+		// add any pending changes.
+		if let Some(change) = maybe_change {
+			let old = guard.as_mut().clone();
+			guard.set_old(old);
+			if let DelayKind::Best { .. } = change.delay_kind {
+				do_pause = true;
+			}
+			guard.as_mut().add_pending_change(
+				change,
+				&is_descendent_of,
+			).map_err(|e| ConsensusError::from(ConsensusErrorKind::ClientImport(e.to_string())))?;
+		}
+		let applied_changes = {
+			let forced_change_set = guard.as_mut().apply_forced_changes(hash, number, &is_descendent_of)
+				.map_err(|e| ConsensusErrorKind::ClientImport(e.to_string()))
+				.map_err(ConsensusError::from)?;
+			if let Some((median_last_finalized_number, new_set)) = forced_change_set {
+				let new_authorities = {
+					let (set_id, new_authorities) = new_set.current();
+					// we will use the median last finalized number as a hint
+					// for the canon block the new authority set should start
+					// with. we use the minimum between the median and the local
+					// best finalized block.
+					let best_finalized_number = self.inner.backend().blockchain().info()
+						.map_err(|e| ConsensusErrorKind::ClientImport(e.to_string()))?
+						.finalized_number;
+					let canon_number = best_finalized_number.min(median_last_finalized_number);
+					let canon_hash =
+						self.inner.backend().blockchain().header(BlockId::Number(canon_number))
+							.map_err(|e| ConsensusErrorKind::ClientImport(e.to_string()))?
+							.expect("the given block number is less or equal than the current best finalized number; \
+									 current best finalized number must exist in chain; qed.")
+							.hash();
+					NewAuthoritySet {
+						canon_number,
+						canon_hash,
+						set_id,
+						authorities: new_authorities.to_vec(),
+					}
+				};
+				let old = ::std::mem::replace(guard.as_mut(), new_set);
+				guard.set_old(old);
+				AppliedChanges::Forced(new_authorities)
+			} else {
+				let did_standard = guard.as_mut().enacts_standard_change(hash, number, &is_descendent_of)
+					.map_err(|e| ConsensusErrorKind::ClientImport(e.to_string()))
+					.map_err(ConsensusError::from)?;
+				if did_standard {
+					AppliedChanges::Standard
+				} else {
+					AppliedChanges::None
+				}
+			}
+		};
+		// consume the guard safely and write necessary changes.
+		let just_in_case = guard.consume();
+		if let Some((_, ref authorities)) = just_in_case {
+			let authorities_change = match applied_changes {
+				AppliedChanges::Forced(ref new) => Some(new),
+				AppliedChanges::Standard => None, // the change isn't actually applied yet.
+				AppliedChanges::None => None,
+			};
+			crate::aux_schema::update_authority_set(
+				authorities,
+				authorities_change,
+				|insert| block.auxiliary.extend(
+					insert.iter().map(|(k, v)| (k.to_vec(), Some(v.to_vec())))
+				)
+			);
+		}
+		Ok(PendingSetChanges { just_in_case, applied_changes, do_pause })
+	}
 impl<B, E, Block: BlockT<Hash=H256>, RA, PRA> BlockImport<Block>
 	for GrandpaBlockImport<B, E, Block, RA, PRA> where
 		NumberFor<Block>: grandpa::BlockNumberOps,
@@ -125,12 +389,8 @@ impl<B, E, Block: BlockT<Hash=H256>, RA, PRA> BlockImport<Block>
 	fn import_block(&self, mut block: ImportBlock<Block>, new_authorities: Option<Vec<Ed25519AuthorityId>>)
 		-> Result<ImportResult, Self::Error>
-		use crate::authorities::PendingChange;
-		use client::blockchain::HeaderBackend;
 		let hash = block.post_header().hash();
-		let parent_hash = *block.header.parent_hash();
-		let number = *block.header.number();
+		let number = block.header.number().clone();
 		// early exit if block already in chain, otherwise the check for
 		// authority changes will error when trying to re-import a change block
@@ -140,82 +400,68 @@ impl<B, E, Block: BlockT<Hash=H256>, RA, PRA> BlockImport<Block>
 			Err(e) => return Err(ConsensusErrorKind::ClientImport(e.to_string()).into()),
-		let maybe_change = self.api.runtime_api().grandpa_pending_change(
-			&BlockId::hash(parent_hash),
-			&block.header.digest().clone(),
-		);
-		let maybe_change = match maybe_change {
-			Err(e) => return Err(ConsensusErrorKind::ClientImport(e.to_string()).into()),
-			Ok(maybe) => maybe,
-		};
-		// when we update the authorities, we need to hold the lock
-		// until the block is written to prevent a race if we need to restore
-		// the old authority set on error.
-		let is_descendent_of = is_descendent_of(&self.inner, Some((&hash, &parent_hash)));
-		let just_in_case = if let Some(change) = maybe_change {
-			let mut authorities = self.authority_set.inner().write();
-			let old_set = authorities.clone();
-			authorities.add_pending_change(
-				PendingChange {
-					next_authorities: change.next_authorities,
-					finalization_depth: change.delay,
-					canon_height: number,
-					canon_hash: hash,
-				},
-				&is_descendent_of,
-			).map_err(|e| ConsensusError::from(ConsensusErrorKind::ClientImport(e.to_string())))?;
-			block.auxiliary.push((AUTHORITY_SET_KEY.to_vec(), Some(authorities.encode())));
-			Some((old_set, authorities))
-		} else {
-			None
-		};
+		let pending_changes = self.make_authorities_changes(&mut block, hash)?;
 		// we don't want to finalize on `inner.import_block`
 		let justification = block.justification.take();
 		let enacts_consensus_change = new_authorities.is_some();
 		let import_result = self.inner.import_block(block, new_authorities);
-		let import_result = {
-			// we scope this so that `just_in_case` is dropped eagerly and releases the authorities lock
-			let revert_authorities = || if let Some((old_set, mut authorities)) = just_in_case {
-				*authorities = old_set;
-			};
+		let mut imported_aux = {
 			match import_result {
-				Ok(ImportResult::Queued) => ImportResult::Queued,
+				Ok(ImportResult::Imported(aux)) => aux,
 				Ok(r) => {
 					debug!(target: "afg", "Restoring old authority set after block import result: {:?}", r);
-					revert_authorities();
+					pending_changes.revert();
 					return Ok(r);
 				Err(e) => {
 					debug!(target: "afg", "Restoring old authority set after block import error: {:?}", e);
-					revert_authorities();
+					pending_changes.revert();
 					return Err(ConsensusErrorKind::ClientImport(e.to_string()).into());
-		let enacts_change = self.authority_set.inner().read().enacts_change(
-			hash,
-			number,
-			&is_descendent_of,
-		).map_err(|e| ConsensusError::from(ConsensusErrorKind::ClientImport(e.to_string())))?;
+		let (applied_changes, do_pause) = pending_changes.defuse();
+		// Send the pause signal after import but BEFORE sending a `ChangeAuthorities` message.
+		if do_pause {
+			let _ = self.send_voter_commands.unbounded_send(
+				VoterCommand::Pause(format!("Forced change scheduled after inactivity"))
+			);
+		}
-		if !enacts_change && !enacts_consensus_change {
-			return Ok(import_result);
+		let needs_justification = applied_changes.needs_justification();
+		if let AppliedChanges::Forced(new) = applied_changes {
+			// NOTE: when we do a force change we are "discrediting" the old set so we
+			// ignore any justifications from them. this block may contain a justification
+			// which should be checked and imported below against the new authority
+			// triggered by this forced change. the new grandpa voter will start at the
+			// last median finalized block (which is before the block that enacts the
+			// change), full nodes syncing the chain will not be able to successfully
+			// import justifications for those blocks since their local authority set view
+			// is still of the set before the forced change was enacted, still after #1867
+			// they should import the block and discard the justification, and they will
+			// then request a justification from sync if it's necessary (which they should
+			// then be able to successfully validate).
+			let _ = self.send_voter_commands.unbounded_send(VoterCommand::ChangeAuthorities(new));
+			// we must clear all pending justifications requests, presumably they won't be
+			// finalized hence why this forced changes was triggered
+			imported_aux.clear_justification_requests = true;
+		}
+		if !needs_justification && !enacts_consensus_change {
+			return Ok(ImportResult::Imported(imported_aux));
 		match justification {
 			Some(justification) => {
-				self.import_justification(hash, number, justification, enacts_change)?;
+				self.import_justification(hash, number, justification, needs_justification)?;
 			None => {
-				if enacts_change {
+				if needs_justification {
 						target: "finality",
 						"Imported unjustified block #{} that enacts authority set change, waiting for finality for enactment.",
@@ -229,11 +475,11 @@ impl<B, E, Block: BlockT<Hash=H256>, RA, PRA> BlockImport<Block>
 					self.consensus_changes.lock().note_change((number, hash));
-				return Ok(ImportResult::NeedsJustification);
+				imported_aux.needs_justification = true;
-		Ok(import_result)
+		Ok(ImportResult::Imported(imported_aux))
 	fn check_block(
@@ -249,22 +495,22 @@ impl<B, E, Block: BlockT<Hash=H256>, RA, PRA> GrandpaBlockImport<B, E, Block, RA
 	pub(crate) fn new(
 		inner: Arc<Client<B, E, Block, RA>>,
 		authority_set: SharedAuthoritySet<Block::Hash, NumberFor<Block>>,
-		authority_set_change: mpsc::UnboundedSender<NewAuthoritySet<Block::Hash, NumberFor<Block>>>,
+		send_voter_commands: mpsc::UnboundedSender<VoterCommand<Block::Hash, NumberFor<Block>>>,
 		consensus_changes: SharedConsensusChanges<Block::Hash, NumberFor<Block>>,
 		api: Arc<PRA>,
 	) -> GrandpaBlockImport<B, E, Block, RA, PRA> {
 		GrandpaBlockImport {
-			authority_set_change,
+			send_voter_commands,
-impl<B, E, Block: BlockT<Hash=H256>, RA, PRA>
-	GrandpaBlockImport<B, E, Block, RA, PRA> where
+impl<B, E, Block: BlockT<Hash=H256>, RA, PRA> GrandpaBlockImport<B, E, Block, RA, PRA>
+	where
 		NumberFor<Block>: grandpa::BlockNumberOps,
 		B: Backend<Block, Blake2Hasher> + 'static,
 		E: CallExecutor<Block, Blake2Hasher> + 'static + Clone + Send + Sync,
@@ -304,13 +550,15 @@ impl<B, E, Block: BlockT<Hash=H256>, RA, PRA>
 		match result {
-			Err(ExitOrError::AuthoritiesChanged(new)) => {
-				info!(target: "finality", "Imported justification for block #{} that enacts authority set change, signalling voter.", number);
-				if let Err(e) = self.authority_set_change.unbounded_send(new) {
+			Err(CommandOrError::VoterCommand(command)) => {
+				info!(target: "finality", "Imported justification for block #{} that triggers \
+					command {}, signalling voter.", number, command);
+				if let Err(e) = self.send_voter_commands.unbounded_send(command) {
 					return Err(ConsensusErrorKind::ClientImport(e.to_string()).into());
-			Err(ExitOrError::Error(e)) => {
+			Err(CommandOrError::Error(e)) => {
 				return Err(match e {
 					Error::Grandpa(error) => ConsensusErrorKind::ClientImport(error.to_string()),
 					Error::Network(error) => ConsensusErrorKind::ClientImport(error),
diff --git a/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/src/lib.rs b/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/src/lib.rs
index 806fc6cfaafb2e375c3fe9ebce50ac6fb93dcf0a..a6b3df13fc565995fa86081b564f874d74327a8a 100644
--- a/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/src/lib.rs
+++ b/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/src/lib.rs
@@ -66,21 +66,27 @@ use runtime_primitives::traits::{
 	DigestItemFor, DigestItem,
 use fg_primitives::GrandpaApi;
+use inherents::InherentDataProviders;
 use runtime_primitives::generic::BlockId;
 use substrate_primitives::{ed25519, H256, Ed25519AuthorityId, Blake2Hasher};
 use substrate_telemetry::{telemetry, CONSENSUS_TRACE, CONSENSUS_DEBUG, CONSENSUS_WARN};
+use srml_finality_tracker;
 use grandpa::Error as GrandpaError;
 use grandpa::{voter, round::State as RoundState, BlockNumberOps, VoterSet};
 use network::Service as NetworkService;
 use network::consensus_gossip as network_gossip;
+use std::fmt;
 use std::sync::Arc;
 use std::time::Duration;
 pub use fg_primitives::ScheduledChange;
 mod authorities;
+mod aux_schema;
 mod communication;
 mod consensus_changes;
 mod environment;
@@ -94,9 +100,8 @@ mod service_integration;
 pub use service_integration::{LinkHalfForService, BlockImportForService};
-use authorities::SharedAuthoritySet;
-use consensus_changes::{ConsensusChanges, SharedConsensusChanges};
-use environment::{Environment, ExitOrError, NewAuthoritySet};
+use aux_schema::{PersistentData, VoterSetState};
+use environment::Environment;
 pub use finality_proof::{prove_finality, check_finality_proof};
 use import::GrandpaBlockImport;
 use until_imported::UntilCommitBlocksImported;
@@ -104,17 +109,9 @@ use until_imported::UntilCommitBlocksImported;
 mod tests;
-const LAST_COMPLETED_KEY: &[u8] = b"grandpa_completed_round";
-const AUTHORITY_SET_KEY: &[u8] = b"grandpa_voters";
-const CONSENSUS_CHANGES_KEY: &[u8] = b"grandpa_consensus_changes";
 const GRANDPA_ENGINE_ID: network::ConsensusEngineId = [b'a', b'f', b'g', b'1'];
-/// round-number, round-state
-type LastCompleted<H, N> = (u64, RoundState<H, N>);
 /// A GRANDPA message for a substrate chain.
 pub type Message<Block> = grandpa::Message<<Block as BlockT>::Hash, NumberFor<Block>>;
 /// A signed message.
@@ -557,13 +554,81 @@ impl<B, E, Block: BlockT<Hash=H256>, RA> BlockStatus<Block> for Arc<Client<B, E,
-/// Half of a link between a block-import worker and a the background voter.
-// This should remain non-clone.
+/// A new authority set along with the canonical block it changed at.
+pub(crate) struct NewAuthoritySet<H, N> {
+	pub(crate) canon_number: N,
+	pub(crate) canon_hash: H,
+	pub(crate) set_id: u64,
+	pub(crate) authorities: Vec<(Ed25519AuthorityId, u64)>,
+/// Commands issued to the voter.
+pub(crate) enum VoterCommand<H, N> {
+	/// Pause the voter for given reason.
+	Pause(String),
+	/// New authorities.
+	ChangeAuthorities(NewAuthoritySet<H, N>)
+impl<H, N> fmt::Display for VoterCommand<H, N> {
+	fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+		match *self {
+			VoterCommand::Pause(ref reason) => write!(f, "Pausing voter: {}", reason),
+			VoterCommand::ChangeAuthorities(_) => write!(f, "Changing authorities"),
+		}
+	}
+/// Signals either an early exit of a voter or an error.
+pub(crate) enum CommandOrError<H, N> {
+	/// An error occurred.
+	Error(Error),
+	/// A command to the voter.
+	VoterCommand(VoterCommand<H, N>),
+impl<H, N> From<Error> for CommandOrError<H, N> {
+	fn from(e: Error) -> Self {
+		CommandOrError::Error(e)
+	}
+impl<H, N> From<ClientError> for CommandOrError<H, N> {
+	fn from(e: ClientError) -> Self {
+		CommandOrError::Error(Error::Client(e))
+	}
+impl<H, N> From<grandpa::Error> for CommandOrError<H, N> {
+	fn from(e: grandpa::Error) -> Self {
+		CommandOrError::Error(Error::from(e))
+	}
+impl<H, N> From<VoterCommand<H, N>> for CommandOrError<H, N> {
+	fn from(e: VoterCommand<H, N>) -> Self {
+		CommandOrError::VoterCommand(e)
+	}
+impl<H: fmt::Debug, N: fmt::Debug> ::std::error::Error for CommandOrError<H, N> { }
+impl<H, N> fmt::Display for CommandOrError<H, N> {
+	fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+		match *self {
+			CommandOrError::Error(ref e) => write!(f, "{:?}", e),
+			CommandOrError::VoterCommand(ref cmd) => write!(f, "{}", cmd),
+		}
+	}
 pub struct LinkHalf<B, E, Block: BlockT<Hash=H256>, RA> {
 	client: Arc<Client<B, E, Block, RA>>,
-	authority_set: SharedAuthoritySet<Block::Hash, NumberFor<Block>>,
-	authority_set_change: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<NewAuthoritySet<Block::Hash, NumberFor<Block>>>,
-	consensus_changes: SharedConsensusChanges<Block::Hash, NumberFor<Block>>,
+	persistent_data: PersistentData<Block::Hash, NumberFor<Block>>,
+	voter_commands_rx: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<VoterCommand<Block::Hash, NumberFor<Block>>>,
 /// Make block importer and link half necessary to tie the background voter
@@ -577,60 +642,41 @@ pub fn block_import<B, E, Block: BlockT<Hash=H256>, RA, PRA>(
 		E: CallExecutor<Block, Blake2Hasher> + 'static + Clone + Send + Sync,
 		RA: Send + Sync,
 		PRA: ProvideRuntimeApi,
-		PRA::Api: GrandpaApi<Block>
+		PRA::Api: GrandpaApi<Block>,
 	use runtime_primitives::traits::Zero;
-	let authority_set = match Backend::get_aux(&**client.backend(), AUTHORITY_SET_KEY)? {
-		None => {
-			info!(target: "afg", "Loading GRANDPA authorities \
-				from genesis on what appears to be first startup.");
-			// no authority set on disk: fetch authorities from genesis state.
-			// if genesis state is not available, we may be a light client, but these
-			// are unsupported for following GRANDPA directly.
+	let chain_info = client.info()?;
+	let genesis_hash = chain_info.chain.genesis_hash;
+	let persistent_data = aux_schema::load_persistent(
+		&**client.backend(),
+		genesis_hash,
+		<NumberFor<Block>>::zero(),
+		|| {
 			let genesis_authorities = api.runtime_api()
 			telemetry!(CONSENSUS_DEBUG; "afg.loading_authorities";
 				"authorities_len" => ?genesis_authorities.len()
-			let authority_set = SharedAuthoritySet::genesis(genesis_authorities);
-			let encoded = authority_set.inner().read().encode();
-			Backend::insert_aux(&**client.backend(), &[(AUTHORITY_SET_KEY, &encoded[..])], &[])?;
-			authority_set
+			Ok(genesis_authorities)
-		Some(raw) => crate::authorities::AuthoritySet::decode(&mut &raw[..])
-			.ok_or_else(|| ::client::error::ErrorKind::Backend(
-				format!("GRANDPA authority set kept in invalid format")
-			))?
-			.into(),
-	};
-	let consensus_changes = Backend::get_aux(&**client.backend(), CONSENSUS_CHANGES_KEY)?;
-	let consensus_changes = Arc::new(parking_lot::Mutex::new(match consensus_changes {
-		Some(raw) => ConsensusChanges::decode(&mut &raw[..])
-			.ok_or_else(|| ::client::error::ErrorKind::Backend(
-				format!("GRANDPA consensus changes kept in invalid format")
-			))?,
-		None => ConsensusChanges::empty(),
-	}));
-	let (authority_set_change_tx, authority_set_change_rx) = mpsc::unbounded();
+	)?;
+	let (voter_commands_tx, voter_commands_rx) = mpsc::unbounded();
-			authority_set.clone(),
-			authority_set_change_tx,
-			consensus_changes.clone(),
+			persistent_data.authority_set.clone(),
+			voter_commands_tx,
+			persistent_data.consensus_changes.clone(),
 		LinkHalf {
-			authority_set,
-			authority_set_change: authority_set_change_rx,
-			consensus_changes,
+			persistent_data,
+			voter_commands_rx,
@@ -644,11 +690,11 @@ fn committer_communication<Block: BlockT<Hash=H256>, B, E, N, RA>(
 ) -> (
 	impl Stream<
 		Item = (u64, ::grandpa::CompactCommit<H256, NumberFor<Block>, ed25519::Signature, Ed25519AuthorityId>),
-		Error = ExitOrError<H256, NumberFor<Block>>,
+		Error = CommandOrError<H256, NumberFor<Block>>,
 	impl Sink<
 		SinkItem = (u64, ::grandpa::Commit<H256, NumberFor<Block>, ed25519::Signature, Ed25519AuthorityId>),
-		SinkError = ExitOrError<H256, NumberFor<Block>>,
+		SinkError = CommandOrError<H256, NumberFor<Block>>,
 ) where
 	B: Backend<Block, Blake2Hasher>,
@@ -687,12 +733,37 @@ fn committer_communication<Block: BlockT<Hash=H256>, B, E, N, RA>(
 	(commit_in, commit_out)
+/// Register the finality tracker inherent data provider (which is used by
+/// GRANDPA), if not registered already.
+fn register_finality_tracker_inherent_data_provider<B, E, Block: BlockT<Hash=H256>, RA>(
+	client: Arc<Client<B, E, Block, RA>>,
+	inherent_data_providers: &InherentDataProviders,
+) -> Result<(), consensus_common::Error> where
+	B: Backend<Block, Blake2Hasher> + 'static,
+	E: CallExecutor<Block, Blake2Hasher> + Send + Sync + 'static,
+	RA: Send + Sync + 'static,
+	if !inherent_data_providers.has_provider(&srml_finality_tracker::INHERENT_IDENTIFIER) {
+		inherent_data_providers
+			.register_provider(srml_finality_tracker::InherentDataProvider::new(move || {
+				match client.backend().blockchain().info() {
+					Err(e) => Err(std::borrow::Cow::Owned(e.to_string())),
+					Ok(info) => Ok(info.finalized_number),
+				}
+			}))
+			.map_err(|err| consensus_common::ErrorKind::InherentData(err.into()).into())
+	} else {
+		Ok(())
+	}
 /// Run a GRANDPA voter as a task. Provide configuration and a link to a
 /// block import worker that has already been instantiated with `block_import`.
 pub fn run_grandpa<B, E, Block: BlockT<Hash=H256>, N, RA>(
 	config: Config,
 	link: LinkHalf<B, E, Block, RA>,
 	network: N,
+	inherent_data_providers: InherentDataProviders,
 	on_exit: impl Future<Item=(),Error=()> + Send + 'static,
 ) -> ::client::error::Result<impl Future<Item=(),Error=()> + Send + 'static> where
 	Block::Hash: Ord,
@@ -706,29 +777,18 @@ pub fn run_grandpa<B, E, Block: BlockT<Hash=H256>, N, RA>(
 	RA: Send + Sync + 'static,
 	use futures::future::{self, Loop as FutureLoop};
-	use runtime_primitives::traits::Zero;
 	let LinkHalf {
-		authority_set,
-		authority_set_change,
-		consensus_changes,
+		persistent_data,
+		voter_commands_rx,
 	} = link;
-	let chain_info = client.info()?;
-	let genesis_hash = chain_info.chain.genesis_hash;
 	// we shadow network with the wrapping/rebroadcasting network to avoid
 	// accidental reuse.
 	let (broadcast_worker, network) = communication::rebroadcasting_network(network);
+	let PersistentData { authority_set, set_state, consensus_changes } = persistent_data;
-	let (last_round_number, last_state) = match Backend::get_aux(&**client.backend(), LAST_COMPLETED_KEY)? {
-		None => (0, RoundState::genesis((genesis_hash, <NumberFor<Block>>::zero()))),
-		Some(raw) => LastCompleted::decode(&mut &raw[..])
-			.ok_or_else(|| ::client::error::ErrorKind::Backend(
-				format!("Last GRANDPA round state kept in invalid format")
-			))?
-	};
+	register_finality_tracker_inherent_data_provider(client.clone(), &inherent_data_providers)?;
 	let voters = authority_set.current_authorities();
@@ -740,95 +800,131 @@ pub fn run_grandpa<B, E, Block: BlockT<Hash=H256>, N, RA>(
 		set_id: authority_set.set_id(),
 		authority_set: authority_set.clone(),
 		consensus_changes: consensus_changes.clone(),
+		last_completed: environment::LastCompletedRound::new(set_state.round()),
-	let initial_state = (initial_environment, last_round_number, last_state, authority_set_change.into_future());
+	let initial_state = (initial_environment, set_state, voter_commands_rx.into_future());
 	let voter_work = future::loop_fn(initial_state, move |params| {
-		let (env, last_round_number, last_state, authority_set_change) = params;
+		let (env, set_state, voter_commands_rx) = params;
 		debug!(target: "afg", "{}: Starting new voter with set ID {}", config.name(), env.set_id);
 		telemetry!(CONSENSUS_DEBUG; "afg.starting_new_voter";
 			"name" => ?config.name(), "set_id" => ?env.set_id
-		let chain_info = match client.info() {
-			Ok(i) => i,
-			Err(e) => return future::Either::B(future::err(Error::Client(e))),
-		};
+		let mut maybe_voter = match set_state.clone() {
+			VoterSetState::Live(last_round_number, last_round_state) => {
+				let chain_info = match client.info() {
+					Ok(i) => i,
+					Err(e) => return future::Either::B(future::err(Error::Client(e))),
+				};
-		let last_finalized = (
-			chain_info.chain.finalized_hash,
-			chain_info.chain.finalized_number,
-		);
+				let last_finalized = (
+					chain_info.chain.finalized_hash,
+					chain_info.chain.finalized_number,
+				);
-		let committer_data = committer_communication(
-			config.local_key.clone(),
-			env.set_id,
-			&env.voters,
-			&client,
-			&network,
-		);
+				let committer_data = committer_communication(
+					config.local_key.clone(),
+					env.set_id,
+					&env.voters,
+					&client,
+					&network,
+				);
-		let voters = (*env.voters).clone();
+				let voters = (*env.voters).clone();
+				Some(voter::Voter::new(
+					env.clone(),
+					voters,
+					committer_data,
+					last_round_number,
+					last_round_state,
+					last_finalized,
+				))
+			}
+			VoterSetState::Paused(_, _) => None,
+		};
+		// needs to be combined with another future otherwise it can deadlock.
+		let poll_voter = future::poll_fn(move || match maybe_voter {
+			Some(ref mut voter) => voter.poll(),
+			None => Ok(Async::NotReady),
+		});
-		let voter = voter::Voter::new(
-			env,
-			voters,
-			committer_data,
-			last_round_number,
-			last_state,
-			last_finalized,
-		);
 		let client = client.clone();
 		let config = config.clone();
 		let network = network.clone();
 		let authority_set = authority_set.clone();
 		let consensus_changes = consensus_changes.clone();
-		let trigger_authority_set_change = |new: NewAuthoritySet<_, _>, authority_set_change| {
-			let env = Arc::new(Environment {
-				inner: client,
-				config,
-				voters: Arc::new(new.authorities.into_iter().collect()),
-				set_id: new.set_id,
-				network,
-				authority_set,
-				consensus_changes,
-			});
-			// start the new authority set using the block where the
-			// set changed (not where the signal happened!) as the base.
-			Ok(FutureLoop::Continue((
-				env,
-				0, // always start at round 0 when changing sets.
-				RoundState::genesis((new.canon_hash, new.canon_number)),
-				authority_set_change,
-			)))
+		let handle_voter_command = move |command: VoterCommand<_, _>, voter_commands_rx| {
+			match command {
+				VoterCommand::ChangeAuthorities(new) => {
+					// start the new authority set using the block where the
+					// set changed (not where the signal happened!) as the base.
+					let genesis_state = RoundState::genesis((new.canon_hash, new.canon_number));
+					let env = Arc::new(Environment {
+						inner: client,
+						config,
+						voters: Arc::new(new.authorities.into_iter().collect()),
+						set_id: new.set_id,
+						network,
+						authority_set,
+						consensus_changes,
+						last_completed: environment::LastCompletedRound::new(
+							(0, genesis_state.clone())
+						),
+					});
+					let set_state = VoterSetState::Live(
+						0, // always start at round 0 when changing sets.
+						genesis_state,
+					);
+					Ok(FutureLoop::Continue((env, set_state, voter_commands_rx)))
+				}
+				VoterCommand::Pause(reason) => {
+					info!(target: "afg", "Pausing old validator set: {}", reason);
+					// not racing because old voter is shut down.
+					let (last_round_number, last_round_state) = env.last_completed.read();
+					let set_state = VoterSetState::Paused(
+						last_round_number,
+						last_round_state,
+					);
+					aux_schema::write_voter_set_state(&**client.backend(), &set_state)?;
+					Ok(FutureLoop::Continue((env, set_state, voter_commands_rx)))
+				},
+			}
-		future::Either::A(voter.select2(authority_set_change).then(move |res| match res {
+		future::Either::A(poll_voter.select2(voter_commands_rx).then(move |res| match res {
 			Ok(future::Either::A(((), _))) => {
 				// voters don't conclude naturally; this could reasonably be an error.
 			Err(future::Either::B(_)) => {
-				// the `authority_set_change` stream should not fail.
+				// the `voter_commands_rx` stream should not fail.
 			Ok(future::Either::B(((None, _), _))) => {
-				// the `authority_set_change` stream should never conclude since it's never closed.
+				// the `voter_commands_rx` stream should never conclude since it's never closed.
-			Err(future::Either::A((ExitOrError::Error(e), _))) => {
+			Err(future::Either::A((CommandOrError::Error(e), _))) => {
 				// return inner voter error
-			Ok(future::Either::B(((Some(new), authority_set_change), _))) => {
-				// authority set change triggered externally through the channel
-				trigger_authority_set_change(new, authority_set_change.into_future())
+			Ok(future::Either::B(((Some(command), voter_commands_rx), _))) => {
+				// some command issued externally.
+				handle_voter_command(command, voter_commands_rx.into_future())
-			Err(future::Either::A((ExitOrError::AuthoritiesChanged(new), authority_set_change))) => {
-				// authority set change triggered internally by finalizing a change block
-				trigger_authority_set_change(new, authority_set_change)
+			Err(future::Either::A((CommandOrError::VoterCommand(command), voter_commands_rx))) => {
+				// some command issued internally.
+				handle_voter_command(command, voter_commands_rx)
diff --git a/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/src/tests.rs b/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/src/tests.rs
index 4821686f38bea64a0b4f967df89dcd381a7cb947..7fba9b654cbdd2c1569a78ce0164f3d9e2fb3000 100644
--- a/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/src/tests.rs
+++ b/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/src/tests.rs
@@ -29,8 +29,7 @@ use client::{
 	runtime_api::{Core, RuntimeVersion, ApiExt},
 use test_client::{self, runtime::BlockNumber};
-use parity_codec::Decode;
-use consensus_common::{BlockOrigin, ForkChoiceStrategy, ImportBlock, ImportResult};
+use consensus_common::{BlockOrigin, ForkChoiceStrategy, ImportedAux, ImportBlock, ImportResult};
 use consensus_common::import_queue::{SharedBlockImport, SharedJustificationImport};
 use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
 use std::result;
@@ -40,6 +39,7 @@ use runtime_primitives::ExecutionContext;
 use substrate_primitives::NativeOrEncoded;
 use authorities::AuthoritySet;
+use consensus_changes::ConsensusChanges;
 type PeerData =
@@ -240,6 +240,7 @@ impl Network<Block> for MessageRouting {
 struct TestApi {
 	genesis_authorities: Vec<(Ed25519AuthorityId, u64)>,
 	scheduled_changes: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<Hash, ScheduledChange<BlockNumber>>>>,
+	forced_changes: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<Hash, (BlockNumber, ScheduledChange<BlockNumber>)>>>,
 impl TestApi {
@@ -247,6 +248,7 @@ impl TestApi {
 		TestApi {
 			scheduled_changes: Arc::new(Mutex::new(HashMap::new())),
+			forced_changes: Arc::new(Mutex::new(HashMap::new())),
@@ -349,6 +351,24 @@ impl GrandpaApi<Block> for RuntimeApi {
 		// extrinsics.
 		Ok(self.inner.scheduled_changes.lock().get(&parent_hash).map(|c| c.clone())).map(NativeOrEncoded::Native)
+	fn grandpa_forced_change_runtime_api_impl(
+		&self,
+		at: &BlockId<Block>,
+		_: ExecutionContext,
+		_: Option<(&DigestFor<Block>)>,
+		_: Vec<u8>,
+	)
+		-> Result<NativeOrEncoded<Option<(NumberFor<Block>, ScheduledChange<NumberFor<Block>>)>>> {
+		let parent_hash = match at {
+			&BlockId::Hash(at) => at,
+			_ => panic!("not requested by block hash!!"),
+		};
+		// we take only scheduled changes at given block number where there are no
+		// extrinsics.
+		Ok(self.inner.forced_changes.lock().get(&parent_hash).map(|c| c.clone())).map(NativeOrEncoded::Native)
+	}
 const TEST_GOSSIP_DURATION: Duration = Duration::from_millis(500);
@@ -361,7 +381,14 @@ fn make_ids(keys: &[Keyring]) -> Vec<(Ed25519AuthorityId, u64)> {
-fn run_to_completion(blocks: u64, net: Arc<Mutex<GrandpaTestNet>>, peers: &[Keyring]) -> u64 {
+// run the voters to completion. provide a closure to be invoked after
+// the voters are spawned but before blocking on them.
+fn run_to_completion_with<F: FnOnce()>(
+	blocks: u64,
+	net: Arc<Mutex<GrandpaTestNet>>,
+	peers: &[Keyring],
+	before_waiting: F,
+) -> u64 {
 	use parking_lot::RwLock;
 	let mut finality_notifications = Vec::new();
@@ -402,6 +429,7 @@ fn run_to_completion(blocks: u64, net: Arc<Mutex<GrandpaTestNet>>, peers: &[Keyr
 			MessageRouting::new(net.clone(), peer_id),
+			InherentDataProviders::new(),
 		).expect("all in order with client and network");
@@ -425,6 +453,8 @@ fn run_to_completion(blocks: u64, net: Arc<Mutex<GrandpaTestNet>>, peers: &[Keyr
 		.map(|_| ())
 		.map_err(|_| ());
+	(before_waiting)();
 	runtime.block_on(wait_for.select(drive_to_completion).map_err(|_| ())).unwrap();
 	let highest_finalized = *highest_finalized.read();
@@ -432,8 +462,13 @@ fn run_to_completion(blocks: u64, net: Arc<Mutex<GrandpaTestNet>>, peers: &[Keyr
+fn run_to_completion(blocks: u64, net: Arc<Mutex<GrandpaTestNet>>, peers: &[Keyring]) -> u64 {
+	run_to_completion_with(blocks, net, peers, || {})
 fn finalize_3_voters_no_observers() {
+	let _ = env_logger::try_init();
 	let peers = &[Keyring::Alice, Keyring::Bob, Keyring::Charlie];
 	let voters = make_ids(peers);
@@ -495,6 +530,7 @@ fn finalize_3_voters_1_observer() {
 			MessageRouting::new(net.clone(), peer_id),
+			InherentDataProviders::new(),
 		).expect("all in order with client and network");
@@ -552,8 +588,9 @@ fn transition_3_voters_twice_1_observer() {
 		assert_eq!(peer.client().info().unwrap().chain.best_number, 1,
 					"Peer #{} failed to sync", i);
-		let set_raw = peer.client().backend().get_aux(crate::AUTHORITY_SET_KEY).unwrap().unwrap();
-		let set = AuthoritySet::<Hash, BlockNumber>::decode(&mut &set_raw[..]).unwrap();
+		let set: AuthoritySet<Hash, BlockNumber> = crate::aux_schema::load_authorities(
+			&**peer.client().backend()
+		).unwrap();
 		assert_eq!(set.current(), (0, make_ids(peers_a).as_slice()));
 		assert_eq!(set.pending_changes().count(), 0);
@@ -638,8 +675,9 @@ fn transition_3_voters_twice_1_observer() {
 				.take_while(|n| Ok(n.header.number() < &30))
 				.for_each(move |_| Ok(()))
 				.map(move |()| {
-					let set_raw = client.backend().get_aux(crate::AUTHORITY_SET_KEY).unwrap().unwrap();
-					let set = AuthoritySet::<Hash, BlockNumber>::decode(&mut &set_raw[..]).unwrap();
+					let set: AuthoritySet<Hash, BlockNumber> = crate::aux_schema::load_authorities(
+						&**client.backend()
+					).unwrap();
 					assert_eq!(set.current(), (2, make_ids(peers_c).as_slice()));
 					assert_eq!(set.pending_changes().count(), 0);
@@ -654,6 +692,7 @@ fn transition_3_voters_twice_1_observer() {
 			MessageRouting::new(net.clone(), peer_id),
+			InherentDataProviders::new(),
 		).expect("all in order with client and network");
@@ -784,7 +823,7 @@ fn sync_justifications_on_change_blocks() {
 fn finalizes_multiple_pending_changes_in_order() {
-	env_logger::init();
+	let _ = env_logger::try_init();
 	let peers_a = &[Keyring::Alice, Keyring::Bob, Keyring::Charlie];
 	let peers_b = &[Keyring::Dave, Keyring::Eve, Keyring::Ferdie];
@@ -865,6 +904,60 @@ fn doesnt_vote_on_the_tip_of_the_chain() {
 	assert_eq!(highest, 75);
+fn force_change_to_new_set() {
+	// two of these guys are offline.
+	let genesis_authorities = &[Keyring::Alice, Keyring::Bob, Keyring::Charlie, Keyring::One, Keyring::Two];
+	let peers_a = &[Keyring::Alice, Keyring::Bob, Keyring::Charlie];
+	let api = TestApi::new(make_ids(genesis_authorities));
+	let voters = make_ids(peers_a);
+	let normal_transitions = api.scheduled_changes.clone();
+	let forced_transitions = api.forced_changes.clone();
+	let net = GrandpaTestNet::new(api, 3);
+	let net = Arc::new(Mutex::new(net));
+	let runner_net = net.clone();
+	let add_blocks = move || {
+		net.lock().peer(0).push_blocks(1, false);
+		{
+			// add a forced transition at block 12.
+			let parent_hash = net.lock().peer(0).client().info().unwrap().chain.best_hash;
+			forced_transitions.lock().insert(parent_hash, (0, ScheduledChange {
+				next_authorities: voters.clone(),
+				delay: 10,
+			}));
+			// add a normal transition too to ensure that forced changes take priority.
+			normal_transitions.lock().insert(parent_hash, ScheduledChange {
+				next_authorities: make_ids(genesis_authorities),
+				delay: 5,
+			});
+		}
+		net.lock().peer(0).push_blocks(25, false);
+		net.lock().sync();
+		for (i, peer) in net.lock().peers().iter().enumerate() {
+			assert_eq!(peer.client().info().unwrap().chain.best_number, 26,
+					"Peer #{} failed to sync", i);
+			let set: AuthoritySet<Hash, BlockNumber> = crate::aux_schema::load_authorities(
+				&**peer.client().backend()
+			).unwrap();
+			assert_eq!(set.current(), (1, voters.as_slice()));
+			assert_eq!(set.pending_changes().count(), 0);
+		}
+	};
+	// it will only finalize if the forced transition happens.
+	// we add_blocks after the voters are spawned because otherwise
+	// the link-halfs have the wrong AuthoritySet
+	run_to_completion_with(25, runner_net, peers_a, add_blocks);
 fn allows_reimporting_change_blocks() {
 	let peers_a = &[Keyring::Alice, Keyring::Bob, Keyring::Charlie];
@@ -899,7 +992,7 @@ fn allows_reimporting_change_blocks() {
 		block_import.import_block(block(), None).unwrap(),
-		ImportResult::NeedsJustification
+		ImportResult::Imported(ImportedAux { needs_justification: true, clear_justification_requests: false }),
diff --git a/substrate/core/network/src/protocol.rs b/substrate/core/network/src/protocol.rs
index 237e06751e3029be6165610ad7329cc85a59ab5a..7c6e973c6991926d44f8fc025ce325412f313feb 100644
--- a/substrate/core/network/src/protocol.rs
+++ b/substrate/core/network/src/protocol.rs
@@ -223,6 +223,8 @@ pub enum ProtocolMsg<B: BlockT, S: NetworkSpecialization<B>> {
 	/// Tell protocol that a block was imported (sent by the import-queue).
 	BlockImportedSync(B::Hash, NumberFor<B>),
+	/// Tell protocol to clear all pending justification requests.
+	ClearJustificationRequests,
 	/// Tell protocol to request justification for a block.
 	RequestJustification(B::Hash, NumberFor<B>),
 	/// Inform protocol whether a justification was successfully imported.
@@ -394,6 +396,7 @@ impl<B: BlockT, S: NetworkSpecialization<B>, H: ExHashT> Protocol<B, S, H> {
 			ProtocolMsg::AnnounceBlock(hash) => self.announce_block(hash),
 			ProtocolMsg::BlockImportedSync(hash, number) => self.sync.block_imported(&hash, number),
+			ProtocolMsg::ClearJustificationRequests => self.sync.clear_justification_requests(),
 			ProtocolMsg::RequestJustification(hash, number) => {
 				let mut context =
 					ProtocolContext::new(&mut self.context_data, &self.network_chan);
diff --git a/substrate/core/network/src/service.rs b/substrate/core/network/src/service.rs
index 993af60129cb9f147499adb4c99948f26efee1fb..194ea462ab31142542a5df08872d097b900c8738 100644
--- a/substrate/core/network/src/service.rs
+++ b/substrate/core/network/src/service.rs
@@ -101,6 +101,10 @@ impl<B: BlockT, S: NetworkSpecialization<B>> Link<B> for NetworkLink<B, S> {
+	fn clear_justification_requests(&self) {
+		let _ = self.protocol_sender.send(ProtocolMsg::ClearJustificationRequests);
+	}
 	fn request_justification(&self, hash: &B::Hash, number: NumberFor<B>) {
 		let _ = self.protocol_sender.send(ProtocolMsg::RequestJustification(hash.clone(), number));
diff --git a/substrate/core/network/src/sync.rs b/substrate/core/network/src/sync.rs
index 6ba6617d7af1cba1a14f97ab4e59ed7e13182797..abc215a597bb402028b0985c1f9af75f56a8ef7f 100644
--- a/substrate/core/network/src/sync.rs
+++ b/substrate/core/network/src/sync.rs
@@ -293,6 +293,14 @@ impl<B: BlockT> PendingJustifications<B> {
+	/// Clear all data.
+	fn clear(&mut self) {
+		self.justifications = ForkTree::new();
+		self.pending_requests.clear();
+		self.peer_requests.clear();
+		self.previous_requests.clear();
+	}
 /// Relay chain sync strategy.
@@ -691,6 +699,11 @@ impl<B: BlockT> ChainSync<B> {
 		self.justifications.dispatch(&mut self.peers, protocol);
+	/// Clears all pending justification requests.
+	pub fn clear_justification_requests(&mut self) {
+		self.justifications.clear();
+	}
 	pub fn justification_import_result(&mut self, hash: B::Hash, number: NumberFor<B>, success: bool) {
 		self.justifications.justification_import_result(hash, number, success);
diff --git a/substrate/core/network/src/test/block_import.rs b/substrate/core/network/src/test/block_import.rs
index aca789ce2b8608c78d0a8136b937bf0f0d2c3ae6..c8999419aa936b73071f879f5f5ff3642a0a9104 100644
--- a/substrate/core/network/src/test/block_import.rs
+++ b/substrate/core/network/src/test/block_import.rs
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ fn import_single_good_block_works() {
 	let (_, _hash, number, block) = prepare_good_block();
 		import_single_block(&test_client::new(), BlockOrigin::File, block, Arc::new(PassThroughVerifier(true))),
-		Ok(BlockImportResult::ImportedUnknown(number))
+		Ok(BlockImportResult::ImportedUnknown(number, Default::default()))
diff --git a/substrate/core/test-runtime/wasm/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/substrate_test_runtime.compact.wasm b/substrate/core/test-runtime/wasm/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/substrate_test_runtime.compact.wasm
index f4a22553c152bebc5c38eeae6597a2c05a8c76f3..13b55df5d1434798d967fb35a1e13737b982c3fd 100644
Binary files a/substrate/core/test-runtime/wasm/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/substrate_test_runtime.compact.wasm and b/substrate/core/test-runtime/wasm/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/substrate_test_runtime.compact.wasm differ
diff --git a/substrate/core/util/fork-tree/src/lib.rs b/substrate/core/util/fork-tree/src/lib.rs
index caed51adf67b307ea02969515d72bf91131fc9ad..71c83f57ca48791dcf44770886e881daeadb0246 100644
--- a/substrate/core/util/fork-tree/src/lib.rs
+++ b/substrate/core/util/fork-tree/src/lib.rs
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ pub enum FinalizationResult<V> {
 /// in order. Each node is uniquely identified by its hash but can be ordered by
 /// its number. In order to build the tree an external function must be provided
 /// when interacting with the tree to establish a node's ancestry.
-#[derive(Clone, Debug, Decode, Encode)]
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Decode, Encode, PartialEq)]
 pub struct ForkTree<H, N, V> {
 	roots: Vec<Node<H, N, V>>,
 	best_finalized_number: Option<N>,
@@ -353,8 +353,7 @@ impl<H, N, V> ForkTree<H, N, V> where
 mod node_implementation {
 	use super::*;
-	#[derive(Clone, Debug, Decode, Encode)]
-	#[cfg_attr(test, derive(PartialEq))]
+	#[derive(Clone, Debug, Decode, Encode, PartialEq)]
 	pub struct Node<H, N, V> {
 		pub hash: H,
 		pub number: N,
diff --git a/substrate/node/cli/src/service.rs b/substrate/node/cli/src/service.rs
index ff241a4c98a33d4fc1ad676cf0b8dd5f3e6fb465..9b1139f838e1dd02ff419efd3d6c72f6f8846db9 100644
--- a/substrate/node/cli/src/service.rs
+++ b/substrate/node/cli/src/service.rs
@@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ construct_service_factory! {
+					service.config.custom.inherent_data_providers.clone(),
diff --git a/substrate/node/runtime/Cargo.toml b/substrate/node/runtime/Cargo.toml
index ac220ab7a8cfe7258da9d87bfa3796649373bd0f..d009a544d594647837be2c30a6b53c787c1fc52e 100644
--- a/substrate/node/runtime/Cargo.toml
+++ b/substrate/node/runtime/Cargo.toml
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ contract = { package = "srml-contract", path = "../../srml/contract", default-fe
 council = { package = "srml-council", path = "../../srml/council", default-features = false }
 democracy = { package = "srml-democracy", path = "../../srml/democracy", default-features = false }
 executive = { package = "srml-executive", path = "../../srml/executive", default-features = false }
+finality-tracker = { package = "srml-finality-tracker", path = "../../srml/finality-tracker", default-features = false }
 grandpa = { package = "srml-grandpa", path = "../../srml/grandpa", default-features = false }
 indices = { package = "srml-indices", path = "../../srml/indices", default-features = false }
 session = { package = "srml-session", path = "../../srml/session", default-features = false }
diff --git a/substrate/node/runtime/src/lib.rs b/substrate/node/runtime/src/lib.rs
index ecbdbf691e8f5b8bf16eb5a72f0346faf36adc77..d9089f6b0ad5b5cabd50caeb27ab7c47e3725f12 100644
--- a/substrate/node/runtime/src/lib.rs
+++ b/substrate/node/runtime/src/lib.rs
@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ pub const VERSION: RuntimeVersion = RuntimeVersion {
 	spec_name: create_runtime_str!("node"),
 	impl_name: create_runtime_str!("substrate-node"),
 	authoring_version: 10,
-	spec_version: 32,
-	impl_version: 32,
+	spec_version: 33,
+	impl_version: 33,
@@ -192,6 +192,10 @@ impl grandpa::Trait for Runtime {
 	type Event = Event;
+impl finality_tracker::Trait for Runtime {
+	type OnFinalizationStalled = grandpa::SyncedAuthorities<Runtime>;
 	pub enum Runtime with Log(InternalLog: DigestItem<Hash, SessionKey>) where
 		Block = Block,
@@ -211,6 +215,7 @@ construct_runtime!(
 		CouncilVoting: council_voting,
 		CouncilMotions: council_motions::{Module, Call, Storage, Event<T>, Origin},
 		CouncilSeats: council_seats::{Config<T>},
+		FinalityTracker: finality_tracker::{Module, Call, Inherent},
 		Grandpa: grandpa::{Module, Call, Storage, Config<T>, Log(), Event<T>},
 		Treasury: treasury,
 		Contract: contract::{Module, Call, Storage, Config<T>, Event<T>},
@@ -295,7 +300,7 @@ impl_runtime_apis! {
 			for log in digest.logs.iter().filter_map(|l| match l {
 				Log(InternalLog::grandpa(grandpa_signal)) => Some(grandpa_signal),
-				_=> None
+				_ => None
 			}) {
 				if let Some(change) = Grandpa::scrape_digest_change(log) {
 					return Some(change);
@@ -304,6 +309,20 @@ impl_runtime_apis! {
+		fn grandpa_forced_change(digest: &DigestFor<Block>)
+			-> Option<(NumberFor<Block>, ScheduledChange<NumberFor<Block>>)>
+		{
+			for log in digest.logs.iter().filter_map(|l| match l {
+				Log(InternalLog::grandpa(grandpa_signal)) => Some(grandpa_signal),
+				_ => None
+			}) {
+				if let Some(change) = Grandpa::scrape_digest_forced_change(log) {
+					return Some(change);
+				}
+			}
+			None
+		}
 		fn grandpa_authorities() -> Vec<(SessionKey, u64)> {
diff --git a/substrate/node/runtime/wasm/Cargo.lock b/substrate/node/runtime/wasm/Cargo.lock
index c4b1e60dc3705088b12c5c1b4569bd7771325f5a..5bb473efb18409c66a083a563df533be9fa110f0 100644
--- a/substrate/node/runtime/wasm/Cargo.lock
+++ b/substrate/node/runtime/wasm/Cargo.lock
@@ -660,6 +660,7 @@ dependencies = [
  "srml-democracy 0.1.0",
  "srml-executive 0.1.0",
  "srml-fees 0.1.0",
+ "srml-finality-tracker 0.1.0",
  "srml-grandpa 0.1.0",
  "srml-indices 0.1.0",
  "srml-session 0.1.0",
@@ -1424,6 +1425,23 @@ dependencies = [
  "substrate-primitives 0.1.0",
+name = "srml-finality-tracker"
+version = "0.1.0"
+dependencies = [
+ "hex-literal 0.1.1 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)",
+ "parity-codec 3.1.0 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)",
+ "parity-codec-derive 3.1.0 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)",
+ "serde 1.0.81 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)",
+ "serde_derive 1.0.81 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)",
+ "sr-primitives 0.1.0",
+ "sr-std 0.1.0",
+ "srml-session 0.1.0",
+ "srml-support 0.1.0",
+ "srml-system 0.1.0",
+ "substrate-inherents 0.1.0",
 name = "srml-grandpa"
 version = "0.1.0"
@@ -1433,6 +1451,7 @@ dependencies = [
  "serde_derive 1.0.81 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)",
  "sr-primitives 0.1.0",
  "sr-std 0.1.0",
+ "srml-finality-tracker 0.1.0",
  "srml-session 0.1.0",
  "srml-support 0.1.0",
  "srml-system 0.1.0",
diff --git a/substrate/node/runtime/wasm/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/node_runtime.compact.wasm b/substrate/node/runtime/wasm/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/node_runtime.compact.wasm
index b86fbdea66f2b33f8dd92eaf97bf4bed6d301ac8..7c6e43a51622bdd2c89c0dc1f1c19f0efae79cd4 100644
Binary files a/substrate/node/runtime/wasm/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/node_runtime.compact.wasm and b/substrate/node/runtime/wasm/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/node_runtime.compact.wasm differ
diff --git a/substrate/srml/finality-tracker/Cargo.toml b/substrate/srml/finality-tracker/Cargo.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..246d48d01c732e7fbf4360df72703df1dee325e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/substrate/srml/finality-tracker/Cargo.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+name = "srml-finality-tracker"
+version = "0.1.0"
+authors = ["Parity Technologies <admin@parity.io>"]
+edition = "2018"
+hex-literal = "0.1.0"
+serde = { version = "1.0", default-features = false }
+serde_derive = { version = "1.0", optional = true }
+parity-codec = { version = "3.0", default-features = false }
+parity-codec-derive = { version = "3.0", default-features = false }
+substrate-inherents = { path = "../../core/inherents", default-features = false }
+sr-std = { path = "../../core/sr-std", default-features = false }
+sr-primitives = { path = "../../core/sr-primitives", default-features = false }
+srml-support = { path = "../support", default-features = false }
+srml-system = { path = "../system", default-features = false }
+srml-session = { path = "../session", default-features = false }
+substrate-primitives = { path = "../../core/primitives", default-features = false }
+sr-io = { path = "../../core/sr-io", default-features = false }
+lazy_static = "1.0"
+parking_lot = "0.7"
+default = ["std"]
+std = [
+	"serde/std",
+	"serde_derive",
+	"parity-codec/std",
+	"sr-std/std",
+	"srml-support/std",
+	"sr-primitives/std",
+	"srml-system/std",
+	"srml-session/std",
+	"substrate-inherents/std",
diff --git a/substrate/srml/finality-tracker/src/lib.rs b/substrate/srml/finality-tracker/src/lib.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..43e95912cfb2940e235fba2ee66f9bad1cf0f158
--- /dev/null
+++ b/substrate/srml/finality-tracker/src/lib.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+// Copyright 2019 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
+// This file is part of Substrate.
+// Substrate is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// Substrate is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with Substrate.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! SRML module that tracks the last finalized block, as perceived by block authors.
+#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
+extern crate srml_support;
+use substrate_inherents::{
+	RuntimeString, InherentIdentifier, ProvideInherent,
+	InherentData, MakeFatalError,
+use srml_support::StorageValue;
+use sr_primitives::traits::{As, One, Zero};
+use sr_std::{prelude::*, result, cmp, vec};
+use parity_codec::Decode;
+use srml_system::{ensure_inherent, Trait as SystemTrait};
+#[cfg(feature = "std")]
+use parity_codec::Encode;
+const DEFAULT_WINDOW_SIZE: u64 = 101;
+const DEFAULT_DELAY: u64 = 1000;
+/// The identifier for the `finalnum` inherent.
+pub const INHERENT_IDENTIFIER: InherentIdentifier = *b"finalnum";
+/// Auxiliary trait to extract finalized inherent data.
+pub trait FinalizedInherentData<N: Decode> {
+	/// Get finalized inherent data.
+	fn finalized_number(&self) -> Result<N, RuntimeString>;
+impl<N: Decode> FinalizedInherentData<N> for InherentData {
+	fn finalized_number(&self) -> Result<N, RuntimeString> {
+		self.get_data(&INHERENT_IDENTIFIER)
+			.and_then(|r| r.ok_or_else(|| "Finalized number inherent data not found".into()))
+	}
+/// Provider for inherent data.
+#[cfg(feature = "std")]
+pub struct InherentDataProvider<F, N> {
+	inner: F,
+	_marker: std::marker::PhantomData<N>,
+#[cfg(feature = "std")]
+impl<F, N> InherentDataProvider<F, N> {
+	pub fn new(final_oracle: F) -> Self {
+		InherentDataProvider { inner: final_oracle, _marker: Default::default() }
+	}
+#[cfg(feature = "std")]
+impl<F, N: Encode> substrate_inherents::ProvideInherentData for InherentDataProvider<F, N>
+	where F: Fn() -> Result<N, RuntimeString>
+	fn inherent_identifier(&self) -> &'static InherentIdentifier {
+	}
+	fn provide_inherent_data(&self, inherent_data: &mut InherentData) -> Result<(), RuntimeString> {
+		(self.inner)()
+			.and_then(|n| inherent_data.put_data(INHERENT_IDENTIFIER, &n))
+	}
+	fn error_to_string(&self, _error: &[u8]) -> Option<String> {
+		Some(format!("no further information"))
+	}
+pub trait Trait: SystemTrait {
+	/// Something which can be notified when the timestamp is set. Set this to `()` if not needed.
+	type OnFinalizationStalled: OnFinalizationStalled<Self::BlockNumber>;
+decl_storage! {
+	trait Store for Module<T: Trait> as Timestamp {
+		/// Recent hints.
+		RecentHints get(recent_hints) build(|_| vec![T::BlockNumber::zero()]): Vec<T::BlockNumber>;
+		/// Ordered recent hints.
+		OrderedHints get(ordered_hints) build(|_| vec![T::BlockNumber::zero()]): Vec<T::BlockNumber>;
+		/// The median.
+		Median get(median) build(|_| T::BlockNumber::zero()): T::BlockNumber;
+		/// The number of recent samples to keep from this chain. Default is n-100
+		pub WindowSize get(window_size) config(window_size): T::BlockNumber = T::BlockNumber::sa(DEFAULT_WINDOW_SIZE);
+		/// The delay after which point things become suspicious.
+		pub ReportLatency get(report_latency) config(report_latency): T::BlockNumber = T::BlockNumber::sa(DEFAULT_DELAY);
+		/// Final hint to apply in the block. `None` means "same as parent".
+		Update: Option<T::BlockNumber>;
+		// when initialized through config this is set in the beginning.
+		Initialized get(initialized) build(|_| false): bool;
+	}
+decl_module! {
+	pub struct Module<T: Trait> for enum Call where origin: T::Origin {
+		/// Hint that the author of this block thinks the best finalized
+		/// block is the given number.
+		fn final_hint(origin, #[compact] hint: T::BlockNumber) {
+			ensure_inherent(origin)?;
+			assert!(!<Self as Store>::Update::exists(), "Final hint must be updated only once in the block");
+			assert!(
+				srml_system::Module::<T>::block_number() >= hint,
+				"Finalized height above block number",
+			);
+			<Self as Store>::Update::put(hint);
+		}
+		fn on_finalise() {
+			Self::update_hint(<Self as Store>::Update::take())
+		}
+	}
+impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
+	fn update_hint(hint: Option<T::BlockNumber>) {
+		if !Self::initialized() {
+			<Self as Store>::RecentHints::put(vec![T::BlockNumber::zero()]);
+			<Self as Store>::OrderedHints::put(vec![T::BlockNumber::zero()]);
+			<Self as Store>::Median::put(T::BlockNumber::zero());
+			<Self as Store>::Initialized::put(true);
+		}
+		let mut recent = Self::recent_hints();
+		let mut ordered = Self::ordered_hints();
+		let window_size = cmp::max(T::BlockNumber::one(), Self::window_size());
+		let hint = hint.unwrap_or_else(|| recent.last()
+			.expect("always at least one recent sample; qed").clone()
+		);
+		// prune off the front of the list -- typically 1 except for when
+		// the sample size has just been shrunk.
+		{
+			// take into account the item we haven't pushed yet.
+			let to_prune = (recent.len() + 1).saturating_sub(window_size.as_() as usize);
+			for drained in recent.drain(..to_prune) {
+				let idx = ordered.binary_search(&drained)
+					.expect("recent and ordered contain the same items; qed");
+				ordered.remove(idx);
+			}
+		}
+		// find the position in the ordered list where the new item goes.
+		let ordered_idx = ordered.binary_search(&hint)
+			.unwrap_or_else(|idx| idx);
+		ordered.insert(ordered_idx, hint);
+		recent.push(hint);
+		let two = T::BlockNumber::one() + T::BlockNumber::one();
+		let median = {
+			let len = ordered.len();
+			assert!(len > 0, "pruning dictated by window_size which is always saturated at 1; qed");
+			if len % 2 == 0 {
+				let a = ordered[len / 2];
+				let b = ordered[(len / 2) - 1];
+				// compute average.
+				(a + b) / two
+			} else {
+				ordered[len / 2]
+			}
+		};
+		let our_window_size = recent.len();
+		<Self as Store>::RecentHints::put(recent);
+		<Self as Store>::OrderedHints::put(ordered);
+		<Self as Store>::Median::put(median);
+		if T::BlockNumber::sa(our_window_size as u64) == window_size {
+			let now = srml_system::Module::<T>::block_number();
+			let latency = Self::report_latency();
+			// the delay is the latency plus half the window size.
+			let delay = latency + (window_size / two);
+			// median may be at most n - delay
+			if median + delay <= now {
+				T::OnFinalizationStalled::on_stalled(window_size - T::BlockNumber::one());
+			}
+		}
+	}
+/// Called when finalization stalled at a given number.
+pub trait OnFinalizationStalled<N> {
+	/// The parameter here is how many more blocks to wait before applying
+	/// changes triggered by finality stalling.
+	fn on_stalled(further_wait: N);
+macro_rules! impl_on_stalled {
+	() => (
+		impl<N> OnFinalizationStalled<N> for () {
+			fn on_stalled(_: N) {}
+		}
+	);
+	( $($t:ident)* ) => {
+		impl<NUM: Clone, $($t: OnFinalizationStalled<NUM>),*> OnFinalizationStalled<NUM> for ($($t,)*) {
+			fn on_stalled(further_wait: NUM) {
+				$($t::on_stalled(further_wait.clone());)*
+			}
+		}
+	}
+impl<T: Trait> ProvideInherent for Module<T> {
+	type Call = Call<T>;
+	type Error = MakeFatalError<()>;
+	fn create_inherent(data: &InherentData) -> Option<Self::Call> {
+		let final_num =
+			data.finalized_number().expect("Gets and decodes final number inherent data");
+		// make hint only when not same as last to avoid bloat.
+		Self::recent_hints().last().and_then(|last| if last == &final_num {
+			None
+		} else {
+			Some(Call::final_hint(final_num))
+		})
+	}
+	fn check_inherent(_call: &Self::Call, _data: &InherentData) -> result::Result<(), Self::Error> {
+		Ok(())
+	}
+mod tests {
+	use super::*;
+	use sr_io::{with_externalities, TestExternalities};
+	use substrate_primitives::H256;
+	use sr_primitives::BuildStorage;
+	use sr_primitives::traits::{BlakeTwo256, IdentityLookup, OnFinalise, Header as HeaderT};
+	use sr_primitives::testing::{Digest, DigestItem, Header};
+	use srml_support::impl_outer_origin;
+	use srml_system as system;
+	use lazy_static::lazy_static;
+	use parking_lot::Mutex;
+	#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
+	pub struct StallEvent {
+		at: u64,
+		further_wait: u64,
+	}
+	macro_rules! make_test_context {
+		() => {
+			#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
+			pub struct Test;
+			impl_outer_origin! {
+				pub enum Origin for Test {}
+			}
+			impl system::Trait for Test {
+				type Origin = Origin;
+				type Index = u64;
+				type BlockNumber = u64;
+				type Hash = H256;
+				type Hashing = BlakeTwo256;
+				type Digest = Digest;
+				type AccountId = u64;
+				type Lookup = IdentityLookup<u64>;
+				type Header = Header;
+				type Event = ();
+				type Log = DigestItem;
+			}
+			type System = system::Module<Test>;
+			lazy_static! {
+				static ref NOTIFICATIONS: Mutex<Vec<StallEvent>> = Mutex::new(Vec::new());
+			}
+			pub struct StallTracker;
+			impl OnFinalizationStalled<u64> for StallTracker {
+				fn on_stalled(further_wait: u64) {
+					let now = System::block_number();
+					NOTIFICATIONS.lock().push(StallEvent { at: now, further_wait });
+				}
+			}
+			impl Trait for Test {
+				type OnFinalizationStalled = StallTracker;
+			}
+			type FinalityTracker = Module<Test>;
+		}
+	}
+	#[test]
+	fn median_works() {
+		make_test_context!();
+		let t = system::GenesisConfig::<Test>::default().build_storage().unwrap().0;
+		with_externalities(&mut TestExternalities::new(t), || {
+			FinalityTracker::update_hint(Some(500));
+			assert_eq!(FinalityTracker::median(), 250);
+			assert!(NOTIFICATIONS.lock().is_empty());
+		});
+	}
+	#[test]
+	fn notifies_when_stalled() {
+		make_test_context!();
+		let mut t = system::GenesisConfig::<Test>::default().build_storage().unwrap().0;
+		t.extend(GenesisConfig::<Test> {
+			window_size: 11,
+			report_latency: 100
+		}.build_storage().unwrap().0);
+		with_externalities(&mut TestExternalities::new(t), || {
+			let mut parent_hash = System::parent_hash();
+			for i in 2..106 {
+				System::initialise(&i, &parent_hash, &Default::default());
+				FinalityTracker::on_finalise(i);
+				let hdr = System::finalise();
+				parent_hash = hdr.hash();
+			}
+			assert_eq!(
+				NOTIFICATIONS.lock().to_vec(),
+				vec![StallEvent { at: 105, further_wait: 10 }]
+			)
+		});
+	}
+	#[test]
+	fn recent_notifications_prevent_stalling() {
+		make_test_context!();
+		let mut t = system::GenesisConfig::<Test>::default().build_storage().unwrap().0;
+		t.extend(GenesisConfig::<Test> {
+			window_size: 11,
+			report_latency: 100
+		}.build_storage().unwrap().0);
+		with_externalities(&mut TestExternalities::new(t), || {
+			let mut parent_hash = System::parent_hash();
+			for i in 2..106 {
+				System::initialise(&i, &parent_hash, &Default::default());
+				assert_ok!(FinalityTracker::dispatch(
+					Call::final_hint(i-1),
+					Origin::INHERENT,
+				));
+				FinalityTracker::on_finalise(i);
+				let hdr = System::finalise();
+				parent_hash = hdr.hash();
+			}
+			assert!(NOTIFICATIONS.lock().is_empty());
+		});
+	}
diff --git a/substrate/srml/grandpa/Cargo.toml b/substrate/srml/grandpa/Cargo.toml
index c9faeadb5babe973e1458d6987859f9644a43a56..e7a1b701052d333c48813d4b1cdf2343dbc170b1 100644
--- a/substrate/srml/grandpa/Cargo.toml
+++ b/substrate/srml/grandpa/Cargo.toml
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ primitives = { package = "sr-primitives", path = "../../core/sr-primitives", def
 srml-support = { path = "../support", default-features = false }
 system = { package = "srml-system", path = "../system", default-features = false }
 session = { package = "srml-session", path = "../session", default-features = false }
+finality-tracker = { package = "srml-finality-tracker", path = "../finality-tracker", default-features = false }
 runtime_io = { package = "sr-io", path = "../../core/sr-io" }
@@ -33,4 +34,5 @@ std = [
+	"finality-tracker/std",
diff --git a/substrate/srml/grandpa/src/lib.rs b/substrate/srml/grandpa/src/lib.rs
index 16e73540d6aa4a106a61842e4d496857d60547fc..f06c84e23507e942bad6a02d59f75ffb8a453796 100644
--- a/substrate/srml/grandpa/src/lib.rs
+++ b/substrate/srml/grandpa/src/lib.rs
@@ -64,6 +64,8 @@ pub type Log<T> = RawLog<
 pub trait GrandpaChangeSignal<N> {
 	/// Try to cast the log entry as a contained signal.
 	fn as_signal(&self) -> Option<ScheduledChange<N>>;
+	/// Try to cast the log entry as a contained forced signal.
+	fn as_forced_signal(&self) -> Option<(N, ScheduledChange<N>)>;
 /// A logs in this module.
@@ -71,15 +73,28 @@ pub trait GrandpaChangeSignal<N> {
 #[derive(Encode, Decode, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
 pub enum RawLog<N, SessionKey> {
 	/// Authorities set change has been signalled. Contains the new set of authorities
-	/// and the delay in blocks before applying.
+	/// and the delay in blocks _to finalize_ before applying.
 	AuthoritiesChangeSignal(N, Vec<(SessionKey, u64)>),
+	/// A forced authorities set change. Contains in this order: the median last
+	/// finalized block when the change was signaled, the delay in blocks _to import_
+	/// before applying and the new set of authorities.
+	ForcedAuthoritiesChangeSignal(N, N, Vec<(SessionKey, u64)>),
 impl<N: Clone, SessionKey> RawLog<N, SessionKey> {
 	/// Try to cast the log entry as a contained signal.
 	pub fn as_signal(&self) -> Option<(N, &[(SessionKey, u64)])> {
 		match *self {
-			RawLog::AuthoritiesChangeSignal(ref n, ref signal) => Some((n.clone(), signal)),
+			RawLog::AuthoritiesChangeSignal(ref delay, ref signal) => Some((delay.clone(), signal)),
+			RawLog::ForcedAuthoritiesChangeSignal(_, _, _) => None,
+		}
+	}
+	/// Try to cast the log entry as a contained forced signal.
+	pub fn as_forced_signal(&self) -> Option<(N, N, &[(SessionKey, u64)])> {
+		match *self {
+			RawLog::ForcedAuthoritiesChangeSignal(ref median, ref delay, ref signal) => Some((median.clone(), delay.clone(), signal)),
+			RawLog::AuthoritiesChangeSignal(_, _) => None,
@@ -96,6 +111,16 @@ impl<N, SessionKey> GrandpaChangeSignal<N> for RawLog<N, SessionKey>
+	fn as_forced_signal(&self) -> Option<(N, ScheduledChange<N>)> {
+		RawLog::as_forced_signal(self).map(|(median, delay, next_authorities)| (median, ScheduledChange {
+			delay,
+			next_authorities: next_authorities.iter()
+				.cloned()
+				.map(|(k, w)| (k.into(), w))
+				.collect(),
+		}))
+	}
 pub trait Trait: system::Trait {
@@ -109,8 +134,21 @@ pub trait Trait: system::Trait {
 	type Event: From<Event<Self>> + Into<<Self as system::Trait>::Event>;
-/// A stored pending change.
+/// A stored pending change, old format.
+// TODO: remove shim
+// https://github.com/paritytech/substrate/issues/1614
 #[derive(Encode, Decode)]
+pub struct OldStoredPendingChange<N, SessionKey> {
+	/// The block number this was scheduled at.
+	pub scheduled_at: N,
+	/// The delay in blocks until it will be applied.
+	pub delay: N,
+	/// The next authority set.
+	pub next_authorities: Vec<(SessionKey, u64)>,
+/// A stored pending change.
 pub struct StoredPendingChange<N, SessionKey> {
 	/// The block number this was scheduled at.
 	pub scheduled_at: N,
@@ -118,6 +156,23 @@ pub struct StoredPendingChange<N, SessionKey> {
 	pub delay: N,
 	/// The next authority set.
 	pub next_authorities: Vec<(SessionKey, u64)>,
+	/// If defined it means the change was forced and the given block number
+	/// indicates the median last finalized block when the change was signaled.
+	pub forced: Option<N>,
+impl<N: Decode, SessionKey: Decode> Decode for StoredPendingChange<N, SessionKey> {
+	fn decode<I: codec::Input>(value: &mut I) -> Option<Self> {
+		let old = OldStoredPendingChange::decode(value)?;
+		let forced = <Option<N>>::decode(value).unwrap_or(None);
+		Some(StoredPendingChange {
+			scheduled_at: old.scheduled_at,
+			delay: old.delay,
+			next_authorities: old.next_authorities,
+			forced,
+		})
+	}
 /// GRANDPA events.
@@ -132,6 +187,8 @@ decl_storage! {
 	trait Store for Module<T: Trait> as GrandpaFinality {
 		// Pending change: (signalled at, scheduled change).
 		PendingChange get(pending_change): Option<StoredPendingChange<T::BlockNumber, T::SessionKey>>;
+		// next block number where we can force a change.
+		NextForced get(next_forced): Option<T::BlockNumber>;
 	add_extra_genesis {
 		config(authorities): Vec<(T::SessionKey, u64)>;
@@ -167,10 +224,18 @@ decl_module! {
 		fn on_finalise(block_number: T::BlockNumber) {
 			if let Some(pending_change) = <PendingChange<T>>::get() {
 				if block_number == pending_change.scheduled_at {
-					Self::deposit_log(RawLog::AuthoritiesChangeSignal(
-						pending_change.delay,
-						pending_change.next_authorities.clone(),
-					));
+					if let Some(median) = pending_change.forced {
+						Self::deposit_log(RawLog::ForcedAuthoritiesChangeSignal(
+							median,
+							pending_change.delay,
+							pending_change.next_authorities.clone(),
+						));
+					} else {
+						Self::deposit_log(RawLog::AuthoritiesChangeSignal(
+							pending_change.delay,
+							pending_change.next_authorities.clone(),
+						));
+					}
 				if block_number == pending_change.scheduled_at + pending_change.delay {
@@ -197,18 +262,39 @@ impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
 	/// `in_blocks` after the current block. This value may be 0, in which
 	/// case the change is applied at the end of the current block.
+	/// If the `forced` parameter is defined, this indicates that the current
+	/// set has been synchronously determined to be offline and that after
+	/// `in_blocks` the given change should be applied. The given block number
+	/// indicates the median last finalized block number and it should be used
+	/// as the canon block when starting the new grandpa voter.
+	///
 	/// No change should be signalled while any change is pending. Returns
 	/// an error if a change is already pending.
 	pub fn schedule_change(
 		next_authorities: Vec<(T::SessionKey, u64)>,
 		in_blocks: T::BlockNumber,
+		forced: Option<T::BlockNumber>,
 	) -> Result {
+		use primitives::traits::As;
 		if Self::pending_change().is_none() {
 			let scheduled_at = system::ChainContext::<T>::default().current_height();
+			if let Some(_) = forced {
+				if Self::next_forced().map_or(false, |next| next > scheduled_at) {
+					return Err("Cannot signal forced change so soon after last.");
+				}
+				// only allow the next forced change when twice the window has passed since
+				// this one.
+				<NextForced<T>>::put(scheduled_at + in_blocks * T::BlockNumber::sa(2));
+			}
 			<PendingChange<T>>::put(StoredPendingChange {
 				delay: in_blocks,
+				forced,
@@ -224,12 +310,19 @@ impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
 impl<T: Trait> Module<T> where Ed25519AuthorityId: core::convert::From<<T as Trait>::SessionKey> {
-	/// See if the digest contains any scheduled change.
+	/// See if the digest contains any standard scheduled change.
 	pub fn scrape_digest_change(log: &Log<T>)
 		-> Option<ScheduledChange<T::BlockNumber>>
 		<Log<T> as GrandpaChangeSignal<T::BlockNumber>>::as_signal(log)
+	/// See if the digest contains any forced scheduled change.
+	pub fn scrape_digest_forced_change(log: &Log<T>)
+		-> Option<(T::BlockNumber, ScheduledChange<T::BlockNumber>)>
+	{
+		<Log<T> as GrandpaChangeSignal<T::BlockNumber>>::as_forced_signal(log)
+	}
 /// Helper for authorities being synchronized with the general session authorities.
@@ -266,7 +359,34 @@ impl<X, T> session::OnSessionChange<X> for SyncedAuthorities<T> where
 		// instant changes
 		let last_authorities = <Module<T>>::grandpa_authorities();
 		if next_authorities != last_authorities {
-			let _ = <Module<T>>::schedule_change(next_authorities, Zero::zero());
+			let _ = <Module<T>>::schedule_change(next_authorities, Zero::zero(), None);
+impl<T> finality_tracker::OnFinalizationStalled<T::BlockNumber> for SyncedAuthorities<T> where
+	T: Trait,
+	T: session::Trait,
+	T: finality_tracker::Trait,
+	<T as session::Trait>::ConvertAccountIdToSessionKey: Convert<
+		<T as system::Trait>::AccountId,
+		<T as Trait>::SessionKey,
+	>,
+	fn on_stalled(further_wait: T::BlockNumber) {
+		// when we record old authority sets, we can use `finality_tracker::median`
+		// to figure out _who_ failed. until then, we can't meaningfully guard
+		// against `next == last` the way that normal session changes do.
+		let next_authorities = <session::Module<T>>::validators()
+			.into_iter()
+			.map(T::ConvertAccountIdToSessionKey::convert)
+			.map(|key| (key, 1)) // evenly-weighted.
+			.collect::<Vec<(<T as Trait>::SessionKey, u64)>>();
+		let median = <finality_tracker::Module<T>>::median();
+		// schedule a change for `further_wait` blocks.
+		let _ = <Module<T>>::schedule_change(next_authorities, further_wait, Some(median));
+	}
diff --git a/substrate/srml/grandpa/src/tests.rs b/substrate/srml/grandpa/src/tests.rs
index 74c998d873db0375cfb36f6d018da7544be23c24..f7e08a20b3b6f597fafb97a21aceb16f9404493e 100644
--- a/substrate/srml/grandpa/src/tests.rs
+++ b/substrate/srml/grandpa/src/tests.rs
@@ -24,12 +24,14 @@ use runtime_io::with_externalities;
 use crate::mock::{Grandpa, System, new_test_ext};
 use system::{EventRecord, Phase};
 use crate::{RawLog, RawEvent};
+use codec::{Decode, Encode};
+use super::*;
 fn authorities_change_logged() {
 	with_externalities(&mut new_test_ext(vec![(1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1)]), || {
 		System::initialise(&1, &Default::default(), &Default::default());
-		Grandpa::schedule_change(vec![(4, 1), (5, 1), (6, 1)], 0).unwrap();
+		Grandpa::schedule_change(vec![(4, 1), (5, 1), (6, 1)], 0, None).unwrap();
@@ -54,7 +56,7 @@ fn authorities_change_logged() {
 fn authorities_change_logged_after_delay() {
 	with_externalities(&mut new_test_ext(vec![(1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1)]), || {
 		System::initialise(&1, &Default::default(), &Default::default());
-		Grandpa::schedule_change(vec![(4, 1), (5, 1), (6, 1)], 1).unwrap();
+		Grandpa::schedule_change(vec![(4, 1), (5, 1), (6, 1)], 1, None).unwrap();
 		let header = System::finalise();
 		assert_eq!(header.digest, testing::Digest {
@@ -84,25 +86,112 @@ fn authorities_change_logged_after_delay() {
 fn cannot_schedule_change_when_one_pending() {
 	with_externalities(&mut new_test_ext(vec![(1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1)]), || {
 		System::initialise(&1, &Default::default(), &Default::default());
-		Grandpa::schedule_change(vec![(4, 1), (5, 1), (6, 1)], 1).unwrap();
+		Grandpa::schedule_change(vec![(4, 1), (5, 1), (6, 1)], 1, None).unwrap();
-		assert!(Grandpa::schedule_change(vec![(5, 1)], 1).is_err());
+		assert!(Grandpa::schedule_change(vec![(5, 1)], 1, None).is_err());
 		let header = System::finalise();
 		System::initialise(&2, &header.hash(), &Default::default());
-		assert!(Grandpa::schedule_change(vec![(5, 1)], 1).is_err());
+		assert!(Grandpa::schedule_change(vec![(5, 1)], 1, None).is_err());
 		let header = System::finalise();
 		System::initialise(&3, &header.hash(), &Default::default());
-		assert!(Grandpa::schedule_change(vec![(5, 1)], 1).is_ok());
+		assert!(Grandpa::schedule_change(vec![(5, 1)], 1, None).is_ok());
 		let _header = System::finalise();
+fn new_decodes_from_old() {
+	let old = OldStoredPendingChange {
+		scheduled_at: 5u32,
+		delay: 100u32,
+		next_authorities: vec![(1u64, 5), (2u64, 10), (3u64, 2)],
+	};
+	let encoded = old.encode();
+	let new = StoredPendingChange::<u32, u64>::decode(&mut &encoded[..]).unwrap();
+	assert!(new.forced.is_none());
+	assert_eq!(new.scheduled_at, old.scheduled_at);
+	assert_eq!(new.delay, old.delay);
+	assert_eq!(new.next_authorities, old.next_authorities);
+fn dispatch_forced_change() {
+	with_externalities(&mut new_test_ext(vec![(1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1)]), || {
+		System::initialise(&1, &Default::default(), &Default::default());
+		Grandpa::schedule_change(
+			vec![(4, 1), (5, 1), (6, 1)],
+			5,
+			Some(0),
+		).unwrap();
+		assert!(Grandpa::pending_change().is_some());
+		assert!(Grandpa::schedule_change(vec![(5, 1)], 1, Some(0)).is_err());
+		Grandpa::on_finalise(1);
+		let mut header = System::finalise();
+		for i in 2..7 {
+			System::initialise(&i, &header.hash(), &Default::default());
+			assert!(Grandpa::pending_change().unwrap().forced.is_some());
+			assert_eq!(Grandpa::next_forced(), Some(11));
+			assert!(Grandpa::schedule_change(vec![(5, 1)], 1, None).is_err());
+			assert!(Grandpa::schedule_change(vec![(5, 1)], 1, Some(0)).is_err());
+			Grandpa::on_finalise(i);
+			header = System::finalise();
+		}
+		// change has been applied at the end of block 6.
+		// add a normal change.
+		{
+			System::initialise(&7, &header.hash(), &Default::default());
+			assert!(Grandpa::pending_change().is_none());
+			assert_eq!(Grandpa::grandpa_authorities(), vec![(4, 1), (5, 1), (6, 1)]);
+			assert!(Grandpa::schedule_change(vec![(5, 1)], 1, None).is_ok());
+			Grandpa::on_finalise(7);
+			header = System::finalise();
+		}
+		// run the normal change.
+		{
+			System::initialise(&8, &header.hash(), &Default::default());
+			assert!(Grandpa::pending_change().is_some());
+			assert_eq!(Grandpa::grandpa_authorities(), vec![(4, 1), (5, 1), (6, 1)]);
+			assert!(Grandpa::schedule_change(vec![(5, 1)], 1, None).is_err());
+			Grandpa::on_finalise(8);
+			header = System::finalise();
+		}
+		// normal change applied. but we can't apply a new forced change for some
+		// time.
+		for i in 9..11 {
+			System::initialise(&i, &header.hash(), &Default::default());
+			assert!(Grandpa::pending_change().is_none());
+			assert_eq!(Grandpa::grandpa_authorities(), vec![(5, 1)]);
+			assert_eq!(Grandpa::next_forced(), Some(11));
+			assert!(Grandpa::schedule_change(vec![(5, 1), (6, 1)], 5, Some(0)).is_err());
+			Grandpa::on_finalise(i);
+			header = System::finalise();
+		}
+		{
+			System::initialise(&11, &header.hash(), &Default::default());
+			assert!(Grandpa::pending_change().is_none());
+			assert!(Grandpa::schedule_change(vec![(5, 1), (6, 1), (7, 1)], 5, Some(0)).is_ok());
+			assert_eq!(Grandpa::next_forced(), Some(21));
+			Grandpa::on_finalise(11);
+			header = System::finalise();
+		}
+	});