diff --git a/substrate/core/network/src/consensus_gossip.rs b/substrate/core/network/src/consensus_gossip.rs
index b078d3bfd5558e6e1a58c272834479e3bff8d042..e4ec0e94b1baea74fb3f6da155b5a3c88591d51f 100644
--- a/substrate/core/network/src/consensus_gossip.rs
+++ b/substrate/core/network/src/consensus_gossip.rs
@@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ use runtime_primitives::generic::BlockId;
 use message::{self, generic::Message as GenericMessage};
 use protocol::Context;
 use service::Roles;
+use specialization::Specialization;
+use StatusMessage;
+use generic_message;
 // TODO: Add additional spam/DoS attack protection.
 const MESSAGE_LIFETIME: Duration = Duration::from_secs(600);
@@ -57,6 +60,7 @@ pub struct ConsensusGossip<B: BlockT> {
 	live_message_sinks: HashMap<B::Hash, mpsc::UnboundedSender<ConsensusMessage<B>>>,
 	messages: Vec<MessageEntry<B>>,
 	message_hashes: HashSet<B::Hash>,
+	session_start: Option<B::Hash>,
 impl<B: BlockT> ConsensusGossip<B> where B::Header: HeaderT<Number=u64> {
@@ -67,6 +71,7 @@ impl<B: BlockT> ConsensusGossip<B> where B::Header: HeaderT<Number=u64> {
 			live_message_sinks: HashMap::new(),
 			messages: Default::default(),
 			message_hashes: Default::default(),
+			session_start: None
@@ -300,6 +305,55 @@ impl<B: BlockT> ConsensusGossip<B> where B::Header: HeaderT<Number=u64> {
 		self.register_message(hash, message);
 		self.propagate(protocol, generic, hash);
+	/// Note new consensus session.
+	pub fn new_session(&mut self, parent_hash: B::Hash) {
+		let old_session = self.session_start.take();
+		self.session_start = Some(parent_hash);
+		self.collect_garbage(|topic| old_session.as_ref().map_or(true, |h| topic != h));
+	}
+impl<Block: BlockT> Specialization<Block> for ConsensusGossip<Block> where
+	Block::Header: HeaderT<Number=u64>
+	fn status(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
+		Vec::new()
+	}
+	fn on_connect(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context<Block>, who: NodeIndex, status: StatusMessage<Block>) {
+		self.new_peer(ctx, who, status.roles);
+	}
+	fn on_disconnect(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context<Block>, who: NodeIndex) {
+		self.peer_disconnected(ctx, who);
+	}
+	fn on_message(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context<Block>, who: NodeIndex, message: &mut Option<message::Message<Block>>) {
+		match message.take() {
+			Some(generic_message::Message::BftMessage(msg)) => {
+				trace!(target: "gossip", "BFT message from {}: {:?}", who, msg);
+				// TODO: check signature here? what if relevant block is unknown?
+				self.on_bft_message(ctx, who, msg)
+			}
+			r => *message = r,
+		}
+	}
+	fn on_abort(&mut self) {
+		self.abort();
+	}
+	fn maintain_peers(&mut self, _ctx: &mut Context<Block>) {
+		self.collect_garbage(|_| true);
+	}
+	fn on_block_imported(
+		&mut self,
+		_ctx: &mut Context<Block>,
+		_hash: <Block as BlockT>::Hash,
+		_header: &<Block as BlockT>::Header)
+	{}
diff --git a/substrate/core/network/src/lib.rs b/substrate/core/network/src/lib.rs
index 12d14b8e4739bf2c58065f8eee3674b0817bb577..1061d241a58d6f7f0cd69e5d754f3b1f2733360b 100644
--- a/substrate/core/network/src/lib.rs
+++ b/substrate/core/network/src/lib.rs
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ extern crate substrate_test_client as test_client;
 mod service;
 mod sync;
 mod protocol;
 mod io;
 mod config;
@@ -74,3 +75,5 @@ pub use message::{generic as generic_message, RequestId, BftMessage, LocalizedBf
 pub use error::Error;
 pub use config::{Roles, ProtocolConfig};
 pub use on_demand::{OnDemand, OnDemandService, RemoteResponse};
+pub use runtime_primitives::traits::Block as BlockT;
diff --git a/substrate/core/network/src/protocol.rs b/substrate/core/network/src/protocol.rs
index 1bf96c3744812e82f72e6faaf83954b068afc122..be62717618777c864b15d408b58499977b5167fa 100644
--- a/substrate/core/network/src/protocol.rs
+++ b/substrate/core/network/src/protocol.rs
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ impl<B: BlockT, S: Specialization<B>, H: ExHashT> Protocol<B, S, H> {
 			GenericMessage::RemoteHeaderResponse(response) => self.on_remote_header_response(io, who, response),
 			GenericMessage::RemoteChangesRequest(request) => self.on_remote_changes_request(io, who, request),
 			GenericMessage::RemoteChangesResponse(response) => self.on_remote_changes_response(io, who, response),
-			other => self.specialization.write().on_message(&mut ProtocolContext::new(&self.context_data, io), who, other),
+			other => self.specialization.write().on_message(&mut ProtocolContext::new(&self.context_data, io), who, &mut Some(other)),
@@ -709,3 +709,102 @@ pub(crate) fn hash_message<B: BlockT>(message: &Message<B>) -> B::Hash {
 	let data = message.encode();
+/// Construct a simple protocol that is composed of several sub protocols.
+/// Each "sub protocol" needs to implement `Specialization` and needs to provide a `new()` function.
+/// For more fine grained implementations, this macro is not usable.
+/// # Example
+/// ```nocompile
+/// construct_simple_protocol! {
+///     pub struct MyProtocol where Block = MyBlock {
+///         consensus_gossip: ConsensusGossip<MyBlock>,
+///         other_protocol: MyCoolStuff,
+///     }
+/// }
+/// ```
+/// You can also provide an optional parameter after `where Block = MyBlock`, so it looks like
+/// `where Block = MyBlock, Status = consensus_gossip`. This will instruct the implementation to
+/// use the `status()` function from the `ConsensusGossip` protocol. By default, `status()` returns
+/// an empty vector.
+macro_rules! construct_simple_protocol {
+	(
+		$( #[ $attr:meta ] )*
+		pub struct $protocol:ident where
+			Block = $block:ident
+			$( , Status = $status_protocol_name:ident )*
+		{
+			$( $sub_protocol_name:ident : $sub_protocol:ident $( <$protocol_block:ty> )*, )*
+		}
+	) => {
+		$( #[$attr] )*
+		pub struct $protocol {
+			$( $sub_protocol_name: $sub_protocol $( <$protocol_block> )*, )*
+		}
+		impl $protocol {
+			/// Instantiate a node protocol handler.
+			pub fn new() -> Self {
+				Self {
+					$( $sub_protocol_name: $sub_protocol::new(), )*
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		impl $crate::specialization::Specialization<$block> for $protocol {
+			fn status(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
+				$(
+					let status = self.$status_protocol_name.status();
+					if !status.is_empty() {
+						return status;
+					}
+				)*
+				Vec::new()
+			}
+			fn on_connect(
+				&mut self,
+				ctx: &mut $crate::Context<$block>,
+				who: $crate::NodeIndex,
+				status: $crate::StatusMessage<$block>
+			) {
+				$( self.$sub_protocol_name.on_connect(ctx, who, status); )*
+			}
+			fn on_disconnect(&mut self, ctx: &mut $crate::Context<$block>, who: $crate::NodeIndex) {
+				$( self.$sub_protocol_name.on_disconnect(ctx, who); )*
+			}
+			fn on_message(
+				&mut self,
+				ctx: &mut $crate::Context<$block>,
+				who: $crate::NodeIndex,
+				message: &mut Option<$crate::message::Message<$block>>
+			) {
+				$( self.$sub_protocol_name.on_message(ctx, who, message); )*
+			}
+			fn on_abort(&mut self) {
+				$( self.$sub_protocol_name.on_abort(); )*
+			}
+			fn maintain_peers(&mut self, ctx: &mut $crate::Context<$block>) {
+				$( self.$sub_protocol_name.maintain_peers(ctx); )*
+			}
+			fn on_block_imported(
+				&mut self,
+				ctx: &mut $crate::Context<$block>,
+				hash: <$block as $crate::BlockT>::Hash,
+				header: &<$block as $crate::BlockT>::Header
+			) {
+				$( self.$sub_protocol_name.on_block_imported(ctx, hash, header); )*
+			}
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/substrate/core/network/src/specialization.rs b/substrate/core/network/src/specialization.rs
index 6fe3289330ae4b3fd9613c7feb514d93074fba16..ccd1071adb4cef806ca97a1d307a795fe7be8a4e 100644
--- a/substrate/core/network/src/specialization.rs
+++ b/substrate/core/network/src/specialization.rs
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ pub trait Specialization<B: BlockT>: Send + Sync + 'static {
 	fn on_disconnect(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context<B>, who: NodeIndex);
 	/// Called when a network-specific message arrives.
-	fn on_message(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context<B>, who: NodeIndex, message: ::message::Message<B>);
+	fn on_message(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context<B>, who: NodeIndex, message: &mut Option<::message::Message<B>>);
 	/// Called on abort.
 	fn on_abort(&mut self) { }
diff --git a/substrate/core/network/src/test/mod.rs b/substrate/core/network/src/test/mod.rs
index 6f4e1b1818fd5f745f016f6ab3b8f11880561fc9..606b82d8ff8f18a446c2d69e9f2bd8b89ab7a0f1 100644
--- a/substrate/core/network/src/test/mod.rs
+++ b/substrate/core/network/src/test/mod.rs
@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ impl Specialization<Block> for DummySpecialization {
 		self.gossip.peer_disconnected(ctx, peer_id);
-	fn on_message(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context<Block>, peer_id: NodeIndex, message: ::message::Message<Block>) {
-		if let ::message::generic::Message::ChainSpecific(data) = message {
+	fn on_message(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context<Block>, peer_id: NodeIndex, message: &mut Option<::message::Message<Block>>) {
+		if let Some(::message::generic::Message::ChainSpecific(data)) = message.take() {
 			let gossip_message = GossipMessage::decode(&mut &data[..])
 				.expect("gossip messages all in known format; qed");
 			self.gossip.on_chain_specific(ctx, peer_id, data, gossip_message.topic)
diff --git a/substrate/node/network/src/consensus.rs b/substrate/node/network/src/consensus.rs
index e4c111d625f97a4fd428d8f9a9e9f4adc8597be7..44d338d3303982206179c3f7fc5e716125b0a53c 100644
--- a/substrate/node/network/src/consensus.rs
+++ b/substrate/node/network/src/consensus.rs
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ impl<P: AuthoringApi + Send + Sync + 'static> Network for ConsensusNetwork<P> {
 		// spin up a task in the background that processes all incoming statements
 		// TODO: propagate statements on a timer?
 		let process_task = self.network.with_spec(|spec, _ctx| {
-			spec.new_consensus(parent_hash);
+			spec.consensus_gossip.new_session(parent_hash);
 			MessageProcessTask {
 				inner_stream: spec.consensus_gossip.messages_for(parent_hash),
 				bft_messages: bft_send,
diff --git a/substrate/node/network/src/lib.rs b/substrate/node/network/src/lib.rs
index b205da06524ffc872ad87be1716f6075a55fc31e..109e53616d9a16a215646d4f0bfa924698b1e616 100644
--- a/substrate/node/network/src/lib.rs
+++ b/substrate/node/network/src/lib.rs
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 extern crate substrate_bft as bft;
 extern crate substrate_network;
 extern crate substrate_primitives;
@@ -36,79 +37,15 @@ extern crate log;
 pub mod consensus;
-use node_primitives::{Block, Hash, Header};
-use substrate_network::{NodeIndex, Context, Severity};
+use node_primitives::{Block, Hash};
 use substrate_network::consensus_gossip::ConsensusGossip;
-use substrate_network::{message, generic_message};
-use substrate_network::specialization::Specialization;
-use substrate_network::StatusMessage as GenericFullStatus;
-type FullStatus = GenericFullStatus<Block>;
 /// Specialization of the network service for the node protocol.
 pub type NetworkService = ::substrate_network::Service<Block, Protocol, Hash>;
-/// Demo protocol attachment for substrate.
-pub struct Protocol {
-	consensus_gossip: ConsensusGossip<Block>,
-	live_consensus: Option<Hash>,
-impl Protocol {
-	/// Instantiate a node protocol handler.
-	pub fn new() -> Self {
-		Protocol {
-			consensus_gossip: ConsensusGossip::new(),
-			live_consensus: None,
-		}
-	}
-	/// Note new consensus session.
-	fn new_consensus(&mut self, parent_hash: Hash) {
-		let old_consensus = self.live_consensus.take();
-		self.live_consensus = Some(parent_hash);
-		self.consensus_gossip
-			.collect_garbage(|topic| old_consensus.as_ref().map_or(true, |h| topic != h));
-	}
-impl Specialization<Block> for Protocol {
-	fn status(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
-		Vec::new()
-	}
-	fn on_connect(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context<Block>, who: NodeIndex, status: FullStatus) {
-		self.consensus_gossip.new_peer(ctx, who, status.roles);
-	}
-	fn on_disconnect(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context<Block>, who: NodeIndex) {
-		self.consensus_gossip.peer_disconnected(ctx, who);
-	}
-	fn on_message(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context<Block>, who: NodeIndex, message: message::Message<Block>) {
-		match message {
-			generic_message::Message::BftMessage(msg) => {
-				trace!(target: "node-network", "BFT message from {}: {:?}", who, msg);
-				// TODO: check signature here? what if relevant block is unknown?
-				self.consensus_gossip.on_bft_message(ctx, who, msg)
-			}
-			generic_message::Message::ChainSpecific(_) => {
-				trace!(target: "node-network", "Bad message from {}", who);
-				ctx.report_peer(who, Severity::Bad("Invalid node protocol message format"));
-			}
-			_ => {}
-		}
-	}
-	fn on_abort(&mut self) {
-		self.consensus_gossip.abort();
-	}
-	fn maintain_peers(&mut self, _ctx: &mut Context<Block>) {
-		self.consensus_gossip.collect_garbage(|_| true);
-	}
-	fn on_block_imported(&mut self, _ctx: &mut Context<Block>, _hash: Hash, _header: &Header) {
+construct_simple_protocol! {
+	/// Demo protocol attachment for substrate.
+	pub struct Protocol where Block = Block {
+		consensus_gossip: ConsensusGossip<Block>,