From d36da12e3c2bc9b4f36233b93a4ab12669b91032 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alin Dima <>
Date: Mon, 13 May 2024 16:23:01 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] prospective-parachains rework (#4035)

Reworks prospective-parachains so that we allow a number of unconnected
candidates (for which we don't know the parent candidate yet). Needed
for elastic scaling: Without this,
candidate B will not be validated and backed until candidate A (its
parent) is validated and a backing statement reaches the validator.

Due to the high complexity of the subsystem, I rewrote parts of it so
that we don't concern ourselves with candidates which form cycles or
which form parachain forks. We now have "Fragment chains" instead of
"Fragment trees". This greatly simplifies some of the code and is a
compromise we can make. We just need to make sure that cycle-producing
parachains don't brick the relay chain and that fork-producing
parachains can still make some progress (on one core at least). The only
forks that are allowed are those on the relay chain, obviously.

Unconnected candidates are kept in the `CandidateStorage` and whenever a
new candidate is introduced, we try to repopulate the chain with as many
candidates as we can.

Also fixes

Guide changes will be done as part of:


- [x] see if we can replace the `Cow` over the candidate commitments
with an `Arc` over the entire `ProspectiveCandidate`. It's only being
overwritten in unit tests. We can work around that.
- [x] finish fragment_chain unit tests
- [x] add more prospective-parachains subsystem tests
- [x] test with zombienet what happens if a parachain is creating cycles
(it should not brick the relay chain).
- [x] test with zombienet a parachain that is creating forks. it should
keep producing blocks from time to time (one bad collator should not DOS
the parachain, even if throughput decreases)
- [x] add some more logs and metrics
- [x] add prdoc and remove the "silent" label


Signed-off-by: Andrei Sandu <>
Co-authored-by: Andrei Sandu <>
 Cargo.lock                                    |    2 +-
 polkadot/node/core/backing/src/         |  290 +--
 .../src/tests/       |  455 ++--
 .../core/prospective-parachains/Cargo.toml    |    1 -
 .../src/fragment_chain/                 | 1206 +++++-----
 .../src/fragment_chain/               | 2020 ++++++++++-------
 .../core/prospective-parachains/src/    |  582 ++---
 .../prospective-parachains/src/     |   69 +-
 .../core/prospective-parachains/src/  | 1661 ++++++++------
 polkadot/node/core/provisioner/src/     |    2 +-
 .../node/network/collator-protocol/Cargo.toml |    1 +
 .../src/collator_side/                  |    6 +-
 .../src/validator_side/           |   22 +-
 .../src/validator_side/                 |  307 +--
 .../tests/           |  440 ++--
 .../src/v2/                      |    4 +-
 .../statement-distribution/src/v2/     |    6 +-
 .../statement-distribution/src/v2/      |   48 +-
 .../src/v2/tests/                   |   24 +-
 .../src/v2/tests/                      |   50 +-
 .../src/v2/tests/                       |   28 +-
 .../src/v2/tests/                  |   36 +-
 polkadot/node/subsystem-types/src/ |   99 +-
 .../src/inclusion_emulator/             |  240 +-
 .../node/backing/    |    6 +-
 .../node/backing/    |    2 +-
 prdoc/pr_4035.prdoc                           |   24 +
 27 files changed, 4130 insertions(+), 3501 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 prdoc/pr_4035.prdoc

diff --git a/Cargo.lock b/Cargo.lock
index d787d2fe08c..d053186970f 100644
--- a/Cargo.lock
+++ b/Cargo.lock
@@ -12727,6 +12727,7 @@ dependencies = [
+ "rstest",
@@ -13123,7 +13124,6 @@ dependencies = [
- "rstest",
diff --git a/polkadot/node/core/backing/src/ b/polkadot/node/core/backing/src/
index 23acb045094..a45edcbef52 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/core/backing/src/
+++ b/polkadot/node/core/backing/src/
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 //! assigned group of validators may be backed on-chain and proceed to the availability
 //! stage.
-//! Depth is a concept relating to asynchronous backing, by which validators
+//! Depth is a concept relating to asynchronous backing, by which
 //! short sub-chains of candidates are backed and extended off-chain, and then placed
 //! asynchronously into blocks of the relay chain as those are authored and as the
 //! relay-chain state becomes ready for them. Asynchronous backing allows parachains to
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
 use std::{
-	collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap, HashSet},
+	collections::{HashMap, HashSet},
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ use polkadot_node_subsystem::{
 		AvailabilityDistributionMessage, AvailabilityStoreMessage, CanSecondRequest,
 		CandidateBackingMessage, CandidateValidationMessage, CollatorProtocolMessage,
-		HypotheticalCandidate, HypotheticalFrontierRequest, IntroduceCandidateRequest,
+		HypotheticalCandidate, HypotheticalMembershipRequest, IntroduceSecondedCandidateRequest,
 		ProspectiveParachainsMessage, ProvisionableData, ProvisionerMessage, RuntimeApiMessage,
 		RuntimeApiRequest, StatementDistributionMessage, StoreAvailableDataError,
@@ -242,20 +242,44 @@ struct PerRelayParentState {
 struct PerCandidateState {
 	persisted_validation_data: PersistedValidationData,
 	seconded_locally: bool,
-	para_id: ParaId,
 	relay_parent: Hash,
-struct ActiveLeafState {
-	prospective_parachains_mode: ProspectiveParachainsMode,
-	/// The candidates seconded at various depths under this active
-	/// leaf with respect to parachain id. A candidate can only be
-	/// seconded when its hypothetical frontier under every active leaf
-	/// has an empty entry in this map.
-	///
-	/// When prospective parachains are disabled, the only depth
-	/// which is allowed is 0.
-	seconded_at_depth: HashMap<ParaId, BTreeMap<usize, CandidateHash>>,
+enum ActiveLeafState {
+	// If prospective-parachains is disabled, one validator may only back one candidate per
+	// paraid.
+	ProspectiveParachainsDisabled { seconded: HashSet<ParaId> },
+	ProspectiveParachainsEnabled { max_candidate_depth: usize, allowed_ancestry_len: usize },
+impl ActiveLeafState {
+	fn new(mode: ProspectiveParachainsMode) -> Self {
+		match mode {
+			ProspectiveParachainsMode::Disabled =>
+				Self::ProspectiveParachainsDisabled { seconded: HashSet::new() },
+			ProspectiveParachainsMode::Enabled { max_candidate_depth, allowed_ancestry_len } =>
+				Self::ProspectiveParachainsEnabled { max_candidate_depth, allowed_ancestry_len },
+		}
+	}
+	fn add_seconded_candidate(&mut self, para_id: ParaId) {
+		if let Self::ProspectiveParachainsDisabled { seconded } = self {
+			seconded.insert(para_id);
+		}
+	}
+impl From<&ActiveLeafState> for ProspectiveParachainsMode {
+	fn from(state: &ActiveLeafState) -> Self {
+		match *state {
+			ActiveLeafState::ProspectiveParachainsDisabled { .. } =>
+				ProspectiveParachainsMode::Disabled,
+			ActiveLeafState::ProspectiveParachainsEnabled {
+				max_candidate_depth,
+				allowed_ancestry_len,
+			} => ProspectiveParachainsMode::Enabled { max_candidate_depth, allowed_ancestry_len },
+		}
+	}
 /// The state of the subsystem.
@@ -277,11 +301,11 @@ struct State {
 	///      parachains.
 	/// Relay-chain blocks which don't support prospective parachains are
-	/// never included in the fragment trees of active leaves which do.
+	/// never included in the fragment chains of active leaves which do.
 	/// While it would be technically possible to support such leaves in
-	/// fragment trees, it only benefits the transition period when asynchronous
-	/// backing is being enabled and complicates code complexity.
+	/// fragment chains, it only benefits the transition period when asynchronous
+	/// backing is being enabled and complicates code.
 	per_relay_parent: HashMap<Hash, PerRelayParentState>,
 	/// State tracked for all candidates relevant to the implicit view.
@@ -864,17 +888,9 @@ async fn handle_active_leaves_update<Context>(
 				return Ok(())
-			state.per_leaf.insert(
-				leaf.hash,
-				ActiveLeafState {
-					prospective_parachains_mode: ProspectiveParachainsMode::Disabled,
-					// This is empty because the only allowed relay-parent and depth
-					// when prospective parachains are disabled is the leaf hash and 0,
-					// respectively. We've just learned about the leaf hash, so we cannot
-					// have any candidates seconded with it as a relay-parent yet.
-					seconded_at_depth: HashMap::new(),
-				},
-			);
+			state
+				.per_leaf
+				.insert(leaf.hash, ActiveLeafState::new(ProspectiveParachainsMode::Disabled));
 			(vec![leaf.hash], ProspectiveParachainsMode::Disabled)
@@ -882,63 +898,9 @@ async fn handle_active_leaves_update<Context>(
 			let fresh_relay_parents =
 				state.implicit_view.known_allowed_relay_parents_under(&leaf.hash, None);
-			// At this point, all candidates outside of the implicit view
-			// have been cleaned up. For all which remain, which we've seconded,
-			// we ask the prospective parachains subsystem where they land in the fragment
-			// tree for the given active leaf. This comprises our `seconded_at_depth`.
-			let remaining_seconded = state
-				.per_candidate
-				.iter()
-				.filter(|(_, cd)| cd.seconded_locally)
-				.map(|(c_hash, cd)| (*c_hash, cd.para_id));
-			// one-to-one correspondence to remaining_seconded
-			let mut membership_answers = FuturesOrdered::new();
-			for (candidate_hash, para_id) in remaining_seconded {
-				let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
-				membership_answers
-					.push_back(rx.map_ok(move |membership| (para_id, candidate_hash, membership)));
-				ctx.send_message(ProspectiveParachainsMessage::GetTreeMembership(
-					para_id,
-					candidate_hash,
-					tx,
-				))
-				.await;
-			}
-			let mut seconded_at_depth = HashMap::new();
-			while let Some(response) = {
-				match response {
-					Err(oneshot::Canceled) => {
-						gum::warn!(
-							target: LOG_TARGET,
-							"Prospective parachains subsystem unreachable for membership request",
-						);
-					},
-					Ok((para_id, candidate_hash, membership)) => {
-						// This request gives membership in all fragment trees. We have some
-						// wasted data here, and it can be optimized if it proves
-						// relevant to performance.
-						if let Some((_, depths)) =
-							membership.into_iter().find(|(leaf_hash, _)| leaf_hash == &leaf.hash)
-						{
-							let para_entry: &mut BTreeMap<usize, CandidateHash> =
-								seconded_at_depth.entry(para_id).or_default();
-							for depth in depths {
-								para_entry.insert(depth, candidate_hash);
-							}
-						}
-					},
-				}
-			}
+			let active_leaf_state = ActiveLeafState::new(prospective_parachains_mode);
-			state.per_leaf.insert(
-				leaf.hash,
-				ActiveLeafState { prospective_parachains_mode, seconded_at_depth },
-			);
+			state.per_leaf.insert(leaf.hash, active_leaf_state);
 			let fresh_relay_parent = match fresh_relay_parents {
 				Some(f) => f.to_vec(),
@@ -981,7 +943,7 @@ async fn handle_active_leaves_update<Context>(
 				// block itself did.
-			Some(l) => l.prospective_parachains_mode,
+			Some(l) => l.into(),
 		// construct a `PerRelayParent` from the runtime API
@@ -1247,20 +1209,20 @@ async fn construct_per_relay_parent_state<Context>(
 enum SecondingAllowed {
-	Yes(Vec<(Hash, Vec<usize>)>),
+	// On which leaves is seconding allowed.
+	Yes(Vec<Hash>),
-/// Checks whether a candidate can be seconded based on its hypothetical frontiers in the fragment
-/// tree and what we've already seconded in all active leaves.
+/// Checks whether a candidate can be seconded based on its hypothetical membership in the fragment
+/// chain.
 #[overseer::contextbounds(CandidateBacking, prefix = self::overseer)]
 async fn seconding_sanity_check<Context>(
 	ctx: &mut Context,
 	active_leaves: &HashMap<Hash, ActiveLeafState>,
 	implicit_view: &ImplicitView,
 	hypothetical_candidate: HypotheticalCandidate,
-	backed_in_path_only: bool,
 ) -> SecondingAllowed {
-	let mut membership = Vec::new();
+	let mut leaves_for_seconding = Vec::new();
 	let mut responses = FuturesOrdered::<BoxFuture<'_, Result<_, oneshot::Canceled>>>::new();
 	let candidate_para = hypothetical_candidate.candidate_para();
@@ -1268,7 +1230,7 @@ async fn seconding_sanity_check<Context>(
 	let candidate_hash = hypothetical_candidate.candidate_hash();
 	for (head, leaf_state) in active_leaves {
-		if leaf_state.prospective_parachains_mode.is_enabled() {
+		if ProspectiveParachainsMode::from(leaf_state).is_enabled() {
 			// Check that the candidate relay parent is allowed for para, skip the
 			// leaf otherwise.
 			let allowed_parents_for_para =
@@ -1278,40 +1240,36 @@ async fn seconding_sanity_check<Context>(
 			let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
-			ctx.send_message(ProspectiveParachainsMessage::GetHypotheticalFrontier(
-				HypotheticalFrontierRequest {
+			ctx.send_message(ProspectiveParachainsMessage::GetHypotheticalMembership(
+				HypotheticalMembershipRequest {
 					candidates: vec![hypothetical_candidate.clone()],
-					fragment_tree_relay_parent: Some(*head),
-					backed_in_path_only,
+					fragment_chain_relay_parent: Some(*head),
-			let response = rx.map_ok(move |frontiers| {
-				let depths: Vec<usize> = frontiers
+			let response = rx.map_ok(move |candidate_memberships| {
+				let is_member_or_potential = candidate_memberships
-					.flat_map(|(candidate, memberships)| {
-						debug_assert_eq!(candidate.candidate_hash(), candidate_hash);
-						memberships.into_iter().flat_map(|(relay_parent, depths)| {
-							debug_assert_eq!(relay_parent, *head);
-							depths
-						})
+					.find_map(|(candidate, leaves)| {
+						(candidate.candidate_hash() == candidate_hash).then_some(leaves)
-					.collect();
-				(depths, head, leaf_state)
+					.and_then(|leaves| leaves.into_iter().find(|leaf| leaf == head))
+					.is_some();
+				(is_member_or_potential, head)
 		} else {
 			if *head == candidate_relay_parent {
-				if leaf_state
-					.seconded_at_depth
-					.get(&candidate_para)
-					.map_or(false, |occupied| occupied.contains_key(&0))
-				{
-					// The leaf is already occupied.
-					return SecondingAllowed::No
+				if let ActiveLeafState::ProspectiveParachainsDisabled { seconded } = leaf_state {
+					if seconded.contains(&candidate_para) {
+						// The leaf is already occupied. For non-prospective parachains, we only
+						// second one candidate.
+						return SecondingAllowed::No
+					}
-				responses.push_back(futures::future::ok((vec![0], head, leaf_state)).boxed());
+				responses.push_back(futures::future::ok((true, head)).boxed());
@@ -1325,38 +1283,32 @@ async fn seconding_sanity_check<Context>(
 			Err(oneshot::Canceled) => {
 					target: LOG_TARGET,
-					"Failed to reach prospective parachains subsystem for hypothetical frontiers",
+					"Failed to reach prospective parachains subsystem for hypothetical membership",
 				return SecondingAllowed::No
-			Ok((depths, head, leaf_state)) => {
-				for depth in &depths {
-					if leaf_state
-						.seconded_at_depth
-						.get(&candidate_para)
-						.map_or(false, |occupied| occupied.contains_key(&depth))
-					{
-						gum::debug!(
-							target: LOG_TARGET,
-							?candidate_hash,
-							depth,
-							leaf_hash = ?head,
-							"Refusing to second candidate at depth - already occupied."
-						);
-						return SecondingAllowed::No
-					}
-				}
-				membership.push((*head, depths));
+			Ok((is_member_or_potential, head)) => match is_member_or_potential {
+				false => {
+					gum::debug!(
+						target: LOG_TARGET,
+						?candidate_hash,
+						leaf_hash = ?head,
+						"Refusing to second candidate at leaf. Is not a potential member.",
+					);
+				},
+				true => {
+					leaves_for_seconding.push(*head);
+				},
-	// At this point we've checked the depths of the candidate against all active
-	// leaves.
-	SecondingAllowed::Yes(membership)
+	if leaves_for_seconding.is_empty() {
+		SecondingAllowed::No
+	} else {
+		SecondingAllowed::Yes(leaves_for_seconding)
+	}
 /// Performs seconding sanity check for an advertisement.
@@ -1385,16 +1337,12 @@ async fn handle_can_second_request<Context>(
-			true,
 		match result {
 			SecondingAllowed::No => false,
-			SecondingAllowed::Yes(membership) => {
-				// Candidate should be recognized by at least some fragment tree.
-				membership.iter().any(|(_, m)| !m.is_empty())
-			},
+			SecondingAllowed::Yes(leaves) => !leaves.is_empty(),
 	} else {
 		// Relay parent is unknown or async backing is disabled.
@@ -1435,20 +1383,6 @@ async fn handle_validated_candidate_command<Context>(
-						let parent_head_data_hash = persisted_validation_data.parent_head.hash();
-						// Note that `GetHypotheticalFrontier` doesn't account for recursion,
-						// i.e. candidates can appear at multiple depths in the tree and in fact
-						// at all depths, and we don't know what depths a candidate will ultimately
-						// occupy because that's dependent on other candidates we haven't yet
-						// received.
-						//
-						// The only way to effectively rule this out is to have candidate receipts
-						// directly commit to the parachain block number or some other incrementing
-						// counter. That requires a major primitives format upgrade, so for now
-						// we just rule out trivial cycles.
-						if parent_head_data_hash == receipt.commitments.head_data.hash() {
-							return Ok(())
-						}
 						let hypothetical_candidate = HypotheticalCandidate::Complete {
 							receipt: Arc::new(receipt.clone()),
@@ -1457,12 +1391,11 @@ async fn handle_validated_candidate_command<Context>(
 						// sanity check that we're allowed to second the candidate
 						// and that it doesn't conflict with other candidates we've
 						// seconded.
-						let fragment_tree_membership = match seconding_sanity_check(
+						let hypothetical_membership = match seconding_sanity_check(
-							false,
@@ -1517,8 +1450,8 @@ async fn handle_validated_candidate_command<Context>(
 								Some(p) => p.seconded_locally = true,
-							// update seconded depths in active leaves.
-							for (leaf, depths) in fragment_tree_membership {
+							// record seconded candidates for non-prospective-parachains mode.
+							for leaf in hypothetical_membership {
 								let leaf_data = match state.per_leaf.get_mut(&leaf) {
 									None => {
@@ -1532,14 +1465,7 @@ async fn handle_validated_candidate_command<Context>(
 									Some(d) => d,
-								let seconded_at_depth = leaf_data
-									.seconded_at_depth
-									.entry(candidate.descriptor().para_id)
-									.or_default();
-								for depth in depths {
-									seconded_at_depth.insert(depth, candidate_hash);
-								}
+								leaf_data.add_seconded_candidate(candidate.descriptor().para_id);
@@ -1650,7 +1576,7 @@ fn sign_statement(
 /// and any of the following are true:
 /// 1. There is no `PersistedValidationData` attached.
 /// 2. Prospective parachains are enabled for the relay parent and the prospective parachains
-///    subsystem returned an empty `FragmentTreeMembership` i.e. did not recognize the candidate as
+///    subsystem returned an empty `HypotheticalMembership` i.e. did not recognize the candidate as
 ///    being applicable to any of the active leaves.
 #[overseer::contextbounds(CandidateBacking, prefix = self::overseer)]
 async fn import_statement<Context>(
@@ -1686,8 +1612,8 @@ async fn import_statement<Context>(
 		if !per_candidate.contains_key(&candidate_hash) {
 			if rp_state.prospective_parachains_mode.is_enabled() {
 				let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
-				ctx.send_message(ProspectiveParachainsMessage::IntroduceCandidate(
-					IntroduceCandidateRequest {
+				ctx.send_message(ProspectiveParachainsMessage::IntroduceSecondedCandidate(
+					IntroduceSecondedCandidateRequest {
 						candidate_para: candidate.descriptor().para_id,
 						candidate_receipt: candidate.clone(),
 						persisted_validation_data: pvd.clone(),
@@ -1705,17 +1631,9 @@ async fn import_statement<Context>(
 						return Err(Error::RejectedByProspectiveParachains)
-					Ok(membership) =>
-						if membership.is_empty() {
-							return Err(Error::RejectedByProspectiveParachains)
-						},
+					Ok(false) => return Err(Error::RejectedByProspectiveParachains),
+					Ok(true) => {},
-				ctx.send_message(ProspectiveParachainsMessage::CandidateSeconded(
-					candidate.descriptor().para_id,
-					candidate_hash,
-				))
-				.await;
 			// Only save the candidate if it was approved by prospective parachains.
@@ -1725,7 +1643,6 @@ async fn import_statement<Context>(
 					persisted_validation_data: pvd.clone(),
 					// This is set after importing when seconding locally.
 					seconded_locally: false,
-					para_id: candidate.descriptor().para_id,
 					relay_parent: candidate.descriptor().relay_parent,
@@ -1786,13 +1703,6 @@ async fn post_import_statement_actions<Context>(
-					// Backed candidate potentially unblocks new advertisements,
-					// notify collator protocol.
-					ctx.send_message(CollatorProtocolMessage::Backed {
-						para_id,
-						para_head: backed.candidate().descriptor.para_head,
-					})
-					.await;
 					// Notify statement distribution of backed candidate.
 				} else {
@@ -2016,7 +1926,7 @@ async fn maybe_validate_and_import<Context>(
 	if let Some(summary) = summary {
 		// import_statement already takes care of communicating with the
 		// prospective parachains subsystem. At this point, the candidate
-		// has already been accepted into the fragment trees.
+		// has already been accepted by the subsystem.
 		let candidate_hash = summary.candidate;
diff --git a/polkadot/node/core/backing/src/tests/ b/polkadot/node/core/backing/src/tests/
index 94310d2aa16..8a72902f081 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/core/backing/src/tests/
+++ b/polkadot/node/core/backing/src/tests/
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 //! Tests for the backing subsystem with enabled prospective parachains.
 use polkadot_node_subsystem::{
-	messages::{ChainApiMessage, FragmentTreeMembership},
+	messages::{ChainApiMessage, HypotheticalMembership},
 	ActivatedLeaf, TimeoutExt,
 use polkadot_primitives::{AsyncBackingParams, BlockNumber, Header, OccupiedCore};
@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ async fn activate_leaf(
 	virtual_overseer: &mut VirtualOverseer,
 	leaf: TestLeaf,
 	test_state: &TestState,
-	seconded_in_view: usize,
 ) {
 	let TestLeaf { activated, min_relay_parents } = leaf;
 	let leaf_hash = activated.hash;
@@ -122,21 +121,6 @@ async fn activate_leaf(
-	for _ in 0..seconded_in_view {
-		let msg = match next_overseer_message.take() {
-			Some(msg) => msg,
-			None => virtual_overseer.recv().await,
-		};
-		assert_matches!(
-			msg,
-			AllMessages::ProspectiveParachains(
-				ProspectiveParachainsMessage::GetTreeMembership(.., tx),
-			) => {
-				tx.send(Vec::new()).unwrap();
-			}
-		);
-	}
 	for (hash, number) in ancestry_iter.take(requested_len) {
 		let msg = match next_overseer_message.take() {
 			Some(msg) => msg,
@@ -297,11 +281,11 @@ async fn assert_validate_seconded_candidate(
-async fn assert_hypothetical_frontier_requests(
+async fn assert_hypothetical_membership_requests(
 	virtual_overseer: &mut VirtualOverseer,
 	mut expected_requests: Vec<(
-		HypotheticalFrontierRequest,
-		Vec<(HypotheticalCandidate, FragmentTreeMembership)>,
+		HypotheticalMembershipRequest,
+		Vec<(HypotheticalCandidate, HypotheticalMembership)>,
 ) {
 	// Requests come with no particular order.
@@ -311,13 +295,13 @@ async fn assert_hypothetical_frontier_requests(
-				ProspectiveParachainsMessage::GetHypotheticalFrontier(request, tx),
+				ProspectiveParachainsMessage::GetHypotheticalMembership(request, tx),
 			) => {
 				let idx = match expected_requests.iter().position(|r| r.0 == request) {
 					Some(idx) => idx,
 					None =>
-						"unexpected hypothetical frontier request, no match found for {:?}",
+						"unexpected hypothetical membership request, no match found for {:?}",
@@ -330,18 +314,17 @@ async fn assert_hypothetical_frontier_requests(
-fn make_hypothetical_frontier_response(
-	depths: Vec<usize>,
+fn make_hypothetical_membership_response(
 	hypothetical_candidate: HypotheticalCandidate,
 	relay_parent_hash: Hash,
-) -> Vec<(HypotheticalCandidate, FragmentTreeMembership)> {
-	vec![(hypothetical_candidate, vec![(relay_parent_hash, depths)])]
+) -> Vec<(HypotheticalCandidate, HypotheticalMembership)> {
+	vec![(hypothetical_candidate, vec![relay_parent_hash])]
 // Test that `seconding_sanity_check` works when a candidate is allowed
 // for all leaves.
-fn seconding_sanity_check_allowed() {
+fn seconding_sanity_check_allowed_on_all() {
 	let test_state = TestState::default();
 	test_harness(test_state.keystore.clone(), |mut virtual_overseer| async move {
 		// Candidate is seconded in a parent of the activated `leaf_a`.
@@ -364,8 +347,8 @@ fn seconding_sanity_check_allowed() {
 		let min_relay_parents = vec![(para_id, LEAF_B_BLOCK_NUMBER - LEAF_B_ANCESTRY_LEN)];
 		let test_leaf_b = TestLeaf { activated, min_relay_parents };
-		activate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, test_leaf_a, &test_state, 0).await;
-		activate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, test_leaf_b, &test_state, 0).await;
+		activate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, test_leaf_a, &test_state).await;
+		activate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, test_leaf_b, &test_state).await;
 		let pov = PoV { block_data: BlockData(vec![42, 43, 44]) };
 		let pvd = dummy_pvd();
@@ -412,24 +395,19 @@ fn seconding_sanity_check_allowed() {
 			receipt: Arc::new(candidate.clone()),
 			persisted_validation_data: pvd.clone(),
-		let expected_request_a = HypotheticalFrontierRequest {
+		let expected_request_a = HypotheticalMembershipRequest {
 			candidates: vec![hypothetical_candidate.clone()],
-			fragment_tree_relay_parent: Some(leaf_a_hash),
-			backed_in_path_only: false,
+			fragment_chain_relay_parent: Some(leaf_a_hash),
-		let expected_response_a = make_hypothetical_frontier_response(
-			vec![0, 1, 2, 3],
-			hypothetical_candidate.clone(),
-			leaf_a_hash,
-		);
-		let expected_request_b = HypotheticalFrontierRequest {
+		let expected_response_a =
+			make_hypothetical_membership_response(hypothetical_candidate.clone(), leaf_a_hash);
+		let expected_request_b = HypotheticalMembershipRequest {
 			candidates: vec![hypothetical_candidate.clone()],
-			fragment_tree_relay_parent: Some(leaf_b_hash),
-			backed_in_path_only: false,
+			fragment_chain_relay_parent: Some(leaf_b_hash),
 		let expected_response_b =
-			make_hypothetical_frontier_response(vec![3], hypothetical_candidate, leaf_b_hash);
-		assert_hypothetical_frontier_requests(
+			make_hypothetical_membership_response(hypothetical_candidate, leaf_b_hash);
+		assert_hypothetical_membership_requests(
 			&mut virtual_overseer,
 				(expected_request_a, expected_response_a),
@@ -441,7 +419,7 @@ fn seconding_sanity_check_allowed() {
-				ProspectiveParachainsMessage::IntroduceCandidate(
+				ProspectiveParachainsMessage::IntroduceSecondedCandidate(
@@ -449,19 +427,10 @@ fn seconding_sanity_check_allowed() {
 				req.candidate_receipt == candidate
 				&& req.candidate_para == para_id
 				&& pvd == req.persisted_validation_data => {
-				// Any non-empty response will do.
-				tx.send(vec![(leaf_a_hash, vec![0, 1, 2, 3])]).unwrap();
+				tx.send(true).unwrap();
-		assert_matches!(
-			virtual_overseer.recv().await,
-			AllMessages::ProspectiveParachains(ProspectiveParachainsMessage::CandidateSeconded(
-				_,
-				_
-			))
-		);
@@ -484,8 +453,8 @@ fn seconding_sanity_check_allowed() {
-// Test that `seconding_sanity_check` works when a candidate is disallowed
-// for at least one leaf.
+// Test that `seconding_sanity_check` disallows seconding when a candidate is disallowed
+// for all leaves.
 fn seconding_sanity_check_disallowed() {
 	let test_state = TestState::default();
@@ -510,7 +479,7 @@ fn seconding_sanity_check_disallowed() {
 		let min_relay_parents = vec![(para_id, LEAF_B_BLOCK_NUMBER - LEAF_B_ANCESTRY_LEN)];
 		let test_leaf_b = TestLeaf { activated, min_relay_parents };
-		activate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, test_leaf_a, &test_state, 0).await;
+		activate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, test_leaf_a, &test_state).await;
 		let pov = PoV { block_data: BlockData(vec![42, 43, 44]) };
 		let pvd = dummy_pvd();
@@ -557,17 +526,13 @@ fn seconding_sanity_check_disallowed() {
 			receipt: Arc::new(candidate.clone()),
 			persisted_validation_data: pvd.clone(),
-		let expected_request_a = HypotheticalFrontierRequest {
+		let expected_request_a = HypotheticalMembershipRequest {
 			candidates: vec![hypothetical_candidate.clone()],
-			fragment_tree_relay_parent: Some(leaf_a_hash),
-			backed_in_path_only: false,
+			fragment_chain_relay_parent: Some(leaf_a_hash),
-		let expected_response_a = make_hypothetical_frontier_response(
-			vec![0, 1, 2, 3],
-			hypothetical_candidate,
-			leaf_a_hash,
-		);
-		assert_hypothetical_frontier_requests(
+		let expected_response_a =
+			make_hypothetical_membership_response(hypothetical_candidate, leaf_a_hash);
+		assert_hypothetical_membership_requests(
 			&mut virtual_overseer,
 			vec![(expected_request_a, expected_response_a)],
@@ -576,7 +541,7 @@ fn seconding_sanity_check_disallowed() {
-				ProspectiveParachainsMessage::IntroduceCandidate(
+				ProspectiveParachainsMessage::IntroduceSecondedCandidate(
@@ -584,19 +549,10 @@ fn seconding_sanity_check_disallowed() {
 				req.candidate_receipt == candidate
 				&& req.candidate_para == para_id
 				&& pvd == req.persisted_validation_data => {
-				// Any non-empty response will do.
-				tx.send(vec![(leaf_a_hash, vec![0, 2, 3])]).unwrap();
+				tx.send(true).unwrap();
-		assert_matches!(
-			virtual_overseer.recv().await,
-			AllMessages::ProspectiveParachains(ProspectiveParachainsMessage::CandidateSeconded(
-				_,
-				_
-			))
-		);
@@ -615,10 +571,7 @@ fn seconding_sanity_check_disallowed() {
-		// A seconded candidate occupies a depth, try to second another one.
-		// It is allowed in a new leaf but not allowed in the old one.
-		// Expect it to be rejected.
-		activate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, test_leaf_b, &test_state, 1).await;
+		activate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, test_leaf_b, &test_state).await;
 		let leaf_a_grandparent = get_parent_hash(leaf_a_parent);
 		let candidate = TestCandidateBuilder {
@@ -659,28 +612,20 @@ fn seconding_sanity_check_disallowed() {
 			receipt: Arc::new(candidate),
 			persisted_validation_data: pvd,
-		let expected_request_a = HypotheticalFrontierRequest {
+		let expected_request_a = HypotheticalMembershipRequest {
 			candidates: vec![hypothetical_candidate.clone()],
-			fragment_tree_relay_parent: Some(leaf_a_hash),
-			backed_in_path_only: false,
+			fragment_chain_relay_parent: Some(leaf_a_hash),
-		let expected_response_a = make_hypothetical_frontier_response(
-			vec![3],
-			hypothetical_candidate.clone(),
-			leaf_a_hash,
-		);
-		let expected_request_b = HypotheticalFrontierRequest {
+		let expected_empty_response = vec![(hypothetical_candidate.clone(), vec![])];
+		let expected_request_b = HypotheticalMembershipRequest {
 			candidates: vec![hypothetical_candidate.clone()],
-			fragment_tree_relay_parent: Some(leaf_b_hash),
-			backed_in_path_only: false,
+			fragment_chain_relay_parent: Some(leaf_b_hash),
-		let expected_response_b =
-			make_hypothetical_frontier_response(vec![1], hypothetical_candidate, leaf_b_hash);
-		assert_hypothetical_frontier_requests(
+		assert_hypothetical_membership_requests(
 			&mut virtual_overseer,
-				(expected_request_a, expected_response_a), // All depths are occupied.
-				(expected_request_b, expected_response_b),
+				(expected_request_a, expected_empty_response.clone()),
+				(expected_request_b, expected_empty_response),
@@ -695,6 +640,137 @@ fn seconding_sanity_check_disallowed() {
+// Test that `seconding_sanity_check` allows seconding a candidate when it's allowed on at least one
+// leaf.
+fn seconding_sanity_check_allowed_on_at_least_one_leaf() {
+	let test_state = TestState::default();
+	test_harness(test_state.keystore.clone(), |mut virtual_overseer| async move {
+		// Candidate is seconded in a parent of the activated `leaf_a`.
+		const LEAF_A_BLOCK_NUMBER: BlockNumber = 100;
+		const LEAF_A_ANCESTRY_LEN: BlockNumber = 3;
+		let para_id = test_state.chain_ids[0];
+		// `a` is grandparent of `b`.
+		let leaf_a_hash = Hash::from_low_u64_be(130);
+		let leaf_a_parent = get_parent_hash(leaf_a_hash);
+		let activated = new_leaf(leaf_a_hash, LEAF_A_BLOCK_NUMBER);
+		let min_relay_parents = vec![(para_id, LEAF_A_BLOCK_NUMBER - LEAF_A_ANCESTRY_LEN)];
+		let test_leaf_a = TestLeaf { activated, min_relay_parents };
+		const LEAF_B_BLOCK_NUMBER: BlockNumber = LEAF_A_BLOCK_NUMBER + 2;
+		const LEAF_B_ANCESTRY_LEN: BlockNumber = 4;
+		let leaf_b_hash = Hash::from_low_u64_be(128);
+		let activated = new_leaf(leaf_b_hash, LEAF_B_BLOCK_NUMBER);
+		let min_relay_parents = vec![(para_id, LEAF_B_BLOCK_NUMBER - LEAF_B_ANCESTRY_LEN)];
+		let test_leaf_b = TestLeaf { activated, min_relay_parents };
+		activate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, test_leaf_a, &test_state).await;
+		activate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, test_leaf_b, &test_state).await;
+		let pov = PoV { block_data: BlockData(vec![42, 43, 44]) };
+		let pvd = dummy_pvd();
+		let validation_code = ValidationCode(vec![1, 2, 3]);
+		let expected_head_data = test_state.head_data.get(&para_id).unwrap();
+		let pov_hash = pov.hash();
+		let candidate = TestCandidateBuilder {
+			para_id,
+			relay_parent: leaf_a_parent,
+			pov_hash,
+			head_data: expected_head_data.clone(),
+			erasure_root: make_erasure_root(&test_state, pov.clone(), pvd.clone()),
+			persisted_validation_data_hash: pvd.hash(),
+			validation_code: validation_code.0.clone(),
+		}
+		.build();
+		let second = CandidateBackingMessage::Second(
+			leaf_a_hash,
+			candidate.to_plain(),
+			pvd.clone(),
+			pov.clone(),
+		);
+		virtual_overseer.send(FromOrchestra::Communication { msg: second }).await;
+		assert_validate_seconded_candidate(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			leaf_a_parent,
+			&candidate,
+			&pov,
+			&pvd,
+			&validation_code,
+			expected_head_data,
+			false,
+		)
+		.await;
+		// `seconding_sanity_check`
+		let hypothetical_candidate = HypotheticalCandidate::Complete {
+			candidate_hash: candidate.hash(),
+			receipt: Arc::new(candidate.clone()),
+			persisted_validation_data: pvd.clone(),
+		};
+		let expected_request_a = HypotheticalMembershipRequest {
+			candidates: vec![hypothetical_candidate.clone()],
+			fragment_chain_relay_parent: Some(leaf_a_hash),
+		};
+		let expected_response_a =
+			make_hypothetical_membership_response(hypothetical_candidate.clone(), leaf_a_hash);
+		let expected_request_b = HypotheticalMembershipRequest {
+			candidates: vec![hypothetical_candidate.clone()],
+			fragment_chain_relay_parent: Some(leaf_b_hash),
+		};
+		let expected_response_b = vec![(hypothetical_candidate.clone(), vec![])];
+		assert_hypothetical_membership_requests(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			vec![
+				(expected_request_a, expected_response_a),
+				(expected_request_b, expected_response_b),
+			],
+		)
+		.await;
+		// Prospective parachains are notified.
+		assert_matches!(
+			virtual_overseer.recv().await,
+			AllMessages::ProspectiveParachains(
+				ProspectiveParachainsMessage::IntroduceSecondedCandidate(
+					req,
+					tx,
+				),
+			) if
+				req.candidate_receipt == candidate
+				&& req.candidate_para == para_id
+				&& pvd == req.persisted_validation_data => {
+				tx.send(true).unwrap();
+			}
+		);
+		assert_matches!(
+			virtual_overseer.recv().await,
+			AllMessages::StatementDistribution(
+				StatementDistributionMessage::Share(
+					parent_hash,
+					_signed_statement,
+				)
+			) if parent_hash == leaf_a_parent => {}
+		);
+		assert_matches!(
+			virtual_overseer.recv().await,
+			AllMessages::CollatorProtocol(CollatorProtocolMessage::Seconded(hash, statement)) => {
+				assert_eq!(leaf_a_parent, hash);
+				assert_matches!(statement.payload(), Statement::Seconded(_));
+			}
+		);
+		virtual_overseer
+	});
 // Test that a seconded candidate which is not approved by prospective parachains
 // subsystem doesn't change the view.
@@ -712,7 +788,7 @@ fn prospective_parachains_reject_candidate() {
 		let min_relay_parents = vec![(para_id, LEAF_A_BLOCK_NUMBER - LEAF_A_ANCESTRY_LEN)];
 		let test_leaf_a = TestLeaf { activated, min_relay_parents };
-		activate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, test_leaf_a, &test_state, 0).await;
+		activate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, test_leaf_a, &test_state).await;
 		let pov = PoV { block_data: BlockData(vec![42, 43, 44]) };
 		let pvd = dummy_pvd();
@@ -760,25 +836,20 @@ fn prospective_parachains_reject_candidate() {
 			persisted_validation_data: pvd.clone(),
 		let expected_request_a = vec![(
-			HypotheticalFrontierRequest {
+			HypotheticalMembershipRequest {
 				candidates: vec![hypothetical_candidate.clone()],
-				fragment_tree_relay_parent: Some(leaf_a_hash),
-				backed_in_path_only: false,
+				fragment_chain_relay_parent: Some(leaf_a_hash),
-			make_hypothetical_frontier_response(
-				vec![0, 1, 2, 3],
-				hypothetical_candidate,
-				leaf_a_hash,
-			),
+			make_hypothetical_membership_response(hypothetical_candidate, leaf_a_hash),
-		assert_hypothetical_frontier_requests(&mut virtual_overseer, expected_request_a.clone())
+		assert_hypothetical_membership_requests(&mut virtual_overseer, expected_request_a.clone())
 		// Prospective parachains are notified.
-				ProspectiveParachainsMessage::IntroduceCandidate(
+				ProspectiveParachainsMessage::IntroduceSecondedCandidate(
@@ -787,7 +858,7 @@ fn prospective_parachains_reject_candidate() {
 				&& req.candidate_para == para_id
 				&& pvd == req.persisted_validation_data => {
 				// Reject it.
-				tx.send(Vec::new()).unwrap();
+				tx.send(false).unwrap();
@@ -825,12 +896,12 @@ fn prospective_parachains_reject_candidate() {
 		// `seconding_sanity_check`
-		assert_hypothetical_frontier_requests(&mut virtual_overseer, expected_request_a).await;
+		assert_hypothetical_membership_requests(&mut virtual_overseer, expected_request_a).await;
 		// Prospective parachains are notified.
-				ProspectiveParachainsMessage::IntroduceCandidate(
+				ProspectiveParachainsMessage::IntroduceSecondedCandidate(
@@ -838,19 +909,10 @@ fn prospective_parachains_reject_candidate() {
 				req.candidate_receipt == candidate
 				&& req.candidate_para == para_id
 				&& pvd == req.persisted_validation_data => {
-				// Any non-empty response will do.
-				tx.send(vec![(leaf_a_hash, vec![0, 2, 3])]).unwrap();
+				tx.send(true).unwrap();
-		assert_matches!(
-			virtual_overseer.recv().await,
-			AllMessages::ProspectiveParachains(ProspectiveParachainsMessage::CandidateSeconded(
-				_,
-				_
-			))
-		);
@@ -890,7 +952,7 @@ fn second_multiple_candidates_per_relay_parent() {
 		let min_relay_parents = vec![(para_id, LEAF_BLOCK_NUMBER - LEAF_ANCESTRY_LEN)];
 		let test_leaf_a = TestLeaf { activated, min_relay_parents };
-		activate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, test_leaf_a, &test_state, 0).await;
+		activate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, test_leaf_a, &test_state).await;
 		let pov = PoV { block_data: BlockData(vec![42, 43, 44]) };
 		let pvd = dummy_pvd();
@@ -911,12 +973,10 @@ fn second_multiple_candidates_per_relay_parent() {
 		let mut candidate_b = candidate_a.clone();
 		candidate_b.relay_parent = leaf_grandparent;
-		// With depths.
-		let candidate_a = (, 1);
-		let candidate_b = (, 2);
+		let candidate_a =;
+		let candidate_b =;
 		for candidate in &[candidate_a, candidate_b] {
-			let (candidate, depth) = candidate;
 			let second = CandidateBackingMessage::Second(
@@ -945,46 +1005,33 @@ fn second_multiple_candidates_per_relay_parent() {
 				persisted_validation_data: pvd.clone(),
 			let expected_request_a = vec![(
-				HypotheticalFrontierRequest {
+				HypotheticalMembershipRequest {
 					candidates: vec![hypothetical_candidate.clone()],
-					fragment_tree_relay_parent: Some(leaf_hash),
-					backed_in_path_only: false,
+					fragment_chain_relay_parent: Some(leaf_hash),
-				make_hypothetical_frontier_response(
-					vec![*depth],
-					hypothetical_candidate,
-					leaf_hash,
-				),
+				make_hypothetical_membership_response(hypothetical_candidate, leaf_hash),
-			assert_hypothetical_frontier_requests(
+			assert_hypothetical_membership_requests(
 				&mut virtual_overseer,
 			// Prospective parachains are notified.
-			assert_matches!(
-						   virtual_overseer.recv().await,
-						   AllMessages::ProspectiveParachains(
-							   ProspectiveParachainsMessage::IntroduceCandidate(
-								   req,
-								   tx,
-							   ),
-						   ) if
-							   &req.candidate_receipt == candidate
-							   && req.candidate_para == para_id
-							   && pvd == req.persisted_validation_data
-			=> {
-							   // Any non-empty response will do.
-							   tx.send(vec![(leaf_hash, vec![0, 2, 3])]).unwrap();
-						   }
-					   );
-					ProspectiveParachainsMessage::CandidateSeconded(_, _)
-				)
+					ProspectiveParachainsMessage::IntroduceSecondedCandidate(
+						req,
+						tx,
+					),
+				) if
+					&req.candidate_receipt == candidate
+					&& req.candidate_para == para_id
+					&& pvd == req.persisted_validation_data
+				=> {
+					tx.send(true).unwrap();
+				}
@@ -1026,7 +1073,7 @@ fn backing_works() {
 		let min_relay_parents = vec![(para_id, LEAF_BLOCK_NUMBER - LEAF_ANCESTRY_LEN)];
 		let test_leaf_a = TestLeaf { activated, min_relay_parents };
-		activate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, test_leaf_a, &test_state, 0).await;
+		activate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, test_leaf_a, &test_state).await;
 		let pov = PoV { block_data: BlockData(vec![42, 43, 44]) };
 		let pvd = dummy_pvd();
@@ -1048,7 +1095,6 @@ fn backing_works() {
 		let candidate_a_hash = candidate_a.hash();
-		let candidate_a_para_head = candidate_a.descriptor().para_head;
 		let public1 = Keystore::sr25519_generate_new(
@@ -1096,7 +1142,7 @@ fn backing_works() {
-				ProspectiveParachainsMessage::IntroduceCandidate(
+				ProspectiveParachainsMessage::IntroduceSecondedCandidate(
@@ -1104,19 +1150,10 @@ fn backing_works() {
 				req.candidate_receipt == candidate_a
 				&& req.candidate_para == para_id
 				&& pvd == req.persisted_validation_data => {
-				// Any non-empty response will do.
-				tx.send(vec![(leaf_hash, vec![0, 2, 3])]).unwrap();
+				tx.send(true).unwrap();
-		assert_matches!(
-			virtual_overseer.recv().await,
-			AllMessages::ProspectiveParachains(ProspectiveParachainsMessage::CandidateSeconded(
-				_,
-				_
-			))
-		);
 			&mut virtual_overseer,
@@ -1147,13 +1184,6 @@ fn backing_works() {
 			) if candidate_a_hash == candidate_hash && candidate_para_id == para_id
-		assert_matches!(
-			virtual_overseer.recv().await,
-			AllMessages::CollatorProtocol(CollatorProtocolMessage::Backed {
-				para_id: _para_id,
-				para_head,
-			}) if para_id == _para_id && candidate_a_para_head == para_head
-		);
 			AllMessages::StatementDistribution(StatementDistributionMessage::Backed (
@@ -1187,7 +1217,7 @@ fn concurrent_dependent_candidates() {
 		let min_relay_parents = vec![(para_id, LEAF_BLOCK_NUMBER - LEAF_ANCESTRY_LEN)];
 		let test_leaf_a = TestLeaf { activated, min_relay_parents };
-		activate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, test_leaf_a, &test_state, 0).await;
+		activate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, test_leaf_a, &test_state).await;
 		let head_data = &[
 			HeadData(vec![10, 20, 30]), // Before `a`.
@@ -1299,13 +1329,10 @@ fn concurrent_dependent_candidates() {
 			// Order is not guaranteed since we have 2 statements being handled concurrently.
 			match msg {
-					ProspectiveParachainsMessage::IntroduceCandidate(_, tx),
+					ProspectiveParachainsMessage::IntroduceSecondedCandidate(_, tx),
 				) => {
-					tx.send(vec![(leaf_hash, vec![0, 2, 3])]).unwrap();
+					tx.send(true).unwrap();
-				AllMessages::ProspectiveParachains(
-					ProspectiveParachainsMessage::CandidateSeconded(_, _),
-				) => {},
 					RuntimeApiRequest::ValidationCodeByHash(_, tx),
@@ -1362,7 +1389,6 @@ fn concurrent_dependent_candidates() {
 				) => {},
-				AllMessages::CollatorProtocol(CollatorProtocolMessage::Backed { .. }) => {},
@@ -1447,7 +1473,7 @@ fn seconding_sanity_check_occupy_same_depth() {
 		let min_relay_parents = vec![(para_id_a, min_block_number), (para_id_b, min_block_number)];
 		let test_leaf_a = TestLeaf { activated, min_relay_parents };
-		activate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, test_leaf_a, &test_state, 0).await;
+		activate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, test_leaf_a, &test_state).await;
 		let pov = PoV { block_data: BlockData(vec![42, 43, 44]) };
 		let pvd = dummy_pvd();
@@ -1506,44 +1532,35 @@ fn seconding_sanity_check_occupy_same_depth() {
 				persisted_validation_data: pvd.clone(),
 			let expected_request_a = vec![(
-				HypotheticalFrontierRequest {
+				HypotheticalMembershipRequest {
 					candidates: vec![hypothetical_candidate.clone()],
-					fragment_tree_relay_parent: Some(leaf_hash),
-					backed_in_path_only: false,
+					fragment_chain_relay_parent: Some(leaf_hash),
 				// Send the same membership for both candidates.
-				make_hypothetical_frontier_response(vec![0, 1], hypothetical_candidate, leaf_hash),
+				make_hypothetical_membership_response(hypothetical_candidate, leaf_hash),
-			assert_hypothetical_frontier_requests(
+			assert_hypothetical_membership_requests(
 				&mut virtual_overseer,
 			// Prospective parachains are notified.
-			assert_matches!(
-						   virtual_overseer.recv().await,
-						   AllMessages::ProspectiveParachains(
-							   ProspectiveParachainsMessage::IntroduceCandidate(
-								   req,
-								   tx,
-							   ),
-						   ) if
-							   &req.candidate_receipt == candidate
-							   && &req.candidate_para == para_id
-							   && pvd == req.persisted_validation_data
-			=> {
-							   // Any non-empty response will do.
-							   tx.send(vec![(leaf_hash, vec![0, 2, 3])]).unwrap();
-						   }
-					   );
-					ProspectiveParachainsMessage::CandidateSeconded(_, _)
-				)
+					ProspectiveParachainsMessage::IntroduceSecondedCandidate(
+						req,
+						tx,
+					),
+				) if
+					&req.candidate_receipt == candidate
+					&& &req.candidate_para == para_id
+					&& pvd == req.persisted_validation_data
+				=> {
+					tx.send(true).unwrap();
+				}
@@ -1600,7 +1617,7 @@ fn occupied_core_assignment() {
 		let min_relay_parents = vec![(para_id, LEAF_A_BLOCK_NUMBER - LEAF_A_ANCESTRY_LEN)];
 		let test_leaf_a = TestLeaf { activated, min_relay_parents };
-		activate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, test_leaf_a, &test_state, 0).await;
+		activate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, test_leaf_a, &test_state).await;
 		let pov = PoV { block_data: BlockData(vec![42, 43, 44]) };
 		let pvd = dummy_pvd();
@@ -1648,23 +1665,18 @@ fn occupied_core_assignment() {
 			persisted_validation_data: pvd.clone(),
 		let expected_request = vec![(
-			HypotheticalFrontierRequest {
+			HypotheticalMembershipRequest {
 				candidates: vec![hypothetical_candidate.clone()],
-				fragment_tree_relay_parent: Some(leaf_a_hash),
-				backed_in_path_only: false,
+				fragment_chain_relay_parent: Some(leaf_a_hash),
-			make_hypothetical_frontier_response(
-				vec![0, 1, 2, 3],
-				hypothetical_candidate,
-				leaf_a_hash,
-			),
+			make_hypothetical_membership_response(hypothetical_candidate, leaf_a_hash),
-		assert_hypothetical_frontier_requests(&mut virtual_overseer, expected_request).await;
+		assert_hypothetical_membership_requests(&mut virtual_overseer, expected_request).await;
 		// Prospective parachains are notified.
-				ProspectiveParachainsMessage::IntroduceCandidate(
+				ProspectiveParachainsMessage::IntroduceSecondedCandidate(
@@ -1673,19 +1685,10 @@ fn occupied_core_assignment() {
 				&& req.candidate_para == para_id
 				&& pvd == req.persisted_validation_data
 			=> {
-				// Any non-empty response will do.
-				tx.send(vec![(leaf_a_hash, vec![0, 1, 2, 3])]).unwrap();
+				tx.send(true).unwrap();
-		assert_matches!(
-			virtual_overseer.recv().await,
-			AllMessages::ProspectiveParachains(ProspectiveParachainsMessage::CandidateSeconded(
-				_,
-				_
-			))
-		);
diff --git a/polkadot/node/core/prospective-parachains/Cargo.toml b/polkadot/node/core/prospective-parachains/Cargo.toml
index ab3cef99e54..80cd384ae0a 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/core/prospective-parachains/Cargo.toml
+++ b/polkadot/node/core/prospective-parachains/Cargo.toml
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ polkadot-node-subsystem = { path = "../../subsystem" }
 polkadot-node-subsystem-util = { path = "../../subsystem-util" }
-rstest = "0.18.2"
 assert_matches = "1"
 polkadot-node-subsystem-test-helpers = { path = "../../subsystem-test-helpers" }
 polkadot-node-subsystem-types = { path = "../../subsystem-types" }
diff --git a/polkadot/node/core/prospective-parachains/src/fragment_chain/ b/polkadot/node/core/prospective-parachains/src/fragment_chain/
index 86814b976d1..f87d4820ff9 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/core/prospective-parachains/src/fragment_chain/
+++ b/polkadot/node/core/prospective-parachains/src/fragment_chain/
@@ -14,35 +14,49 @@
 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 // along with Polkadot.  If not, see <>.
-//! A tree utility for managing parachain fragments not referenced by the relay-chain.
+//! Utility for managing parachain fragments not referenced by the relay-chain.
 //! # Overview
-//! This module exposes two main types: [`FragmentTree`] and [`CandidateStorage`] which are meant to
-//! be used in close conjunction. Each fragment tree is associated with a particular relay-parent
-//! and each node in the tree represents a candidate. Each parachain has a single candidate storage,
-//! but can have multiple trees for each relay chain block in the view.
+//! This module exposes two main types: [`FragmentChain`] and [`CandidateStorage`] which are meant
+//! to be used in close conjunction. Each fragment chain is associated with a particular
+//! relay-parent and each node in the chain represents a candidate. Each parachain has a single
+//! candidate storage, but can have one chain for each relay chain block in the view.
+//! Therefore, the same candidate can be present in multiple fragment chains of a parachain. One of
+//! the purposes of the candidate storage is to deduplicate the large candidate data that is being
+//! referenced from multiple fragment chains.
-//! A tree has an associated [`Scope`] which defines limits on candidates within the tree.
+//! A chain has an associated [`Scope`] which defines limits on candidates within the chain.
 //! Candidates themselves have their own [`Constraints`] which are either the constraints from the
-//! scope, or, if there are previous nodes in the tree, a modified version of the previous
+//! scope, or, if there are previous nodes in the chain, a modified version of the previous
 //! candidate's constraints.
+//! Another use of the `CandidateStorage` is to keep a record of candidates which may not be yet
+//! included in any chain, but which may become part of a chain in the future. This is needed for
+//! elastic scaling, so that we may parallelise the backing process across different groups. As long
+//! as some basic constraints are not violated by an unconnected candidate (like the relay parent
+//! being in scope), we proceed with the backing process, hoping that its predecessors will be
+//! backed soon enough. This is commonly called a potential candidate. Note that not all potential
+//! candidates will be maintained in the CandidateStorage. The total number of connected + potential
+//! candidates will be at most max_candidate_depth + 1.
 //! This module also makes use of types provided by the Inclusion Emulator module, such as
 //! [`Fragment`] and [`Constraints`]. These perform the actual job of checking for validity of
 //! prospective fragments.
-//! # Usage
+//! # Parachain forks
-//! It's expected that higher-level code will have a tree for each relay-chain block which might
-//! reasonably have blocks built upon it.
+//! Parachains are expected to not create forks, hence the use of fragment chains as opposed to
+//! fragment trees. If parachains do create forks, their performance in regards to async backing and
+//! elastic scaling will suffer, because different validators will have different views of the
+//! future.
-//! Because a para only has a single candidate storage, trees only store indices into the storage.
-//! The storage is meant to be pruned when trees are dropped by higher-level code.
+//! This is a compromise we can make - collators which want to use async backing and elastic scaling
+//! need to cooperate for the highest throughput.
-//! # Cycles
+//! # Parachain cycles
-//! Nodes do not uniquely refer to a parachain block for two reasons.
+//! Parachains can create cycles, because:
 //!   1. There's no requirement that head-data is unique for a parachain. Furthermore, a parachain
 //!      is under no obligation to be acyclic, and this is mostly just because it's totally
 //!      inefficient to enforce it. Practical use-cases are acyclic, but there is still more than
@@ -50,34 +64,17 @@
 //!   2. and candidates only refer to their parent by its head-data. This whole issue could be
 //!      resolved by having candidates reference their parent by candidate hash.
-//! The implication is that when we receive a candidate receipt, there are actually multiple
-//! possibilities for any candidates between the para-head recorded in the relay parent's state
-//! and the candidate in question.
-//! This means that our candidates need to handle multiple parents and that depth is an
-//! attribute of a node in a tree, not a candidate. Put another way, the same candidate might
-//! have different depths in different parts of the tree.
+//! However, dealing with cycles increases complexity during the backing/inclusion process for no
+//! practical reason. Therefore, fragment chains will not accept such candidates.
-//! As an extreme example, a candidate which produces head-data which is the same as its parent
-//! can correspond to multiple nodes within the same [`FragmentTree`]. Such cycles are bounded
-//! by the maximum depth allowed by the tree. An example with `max_depth: 4`:
+//! On the other hand, enforcing that a parachain will NEVER be acyclic would be very complicated
+//! (looping through the entire parachain's history on every new candidate or changing the candidate
+//! receipt to reference the parent's candidate hash).
-//! ```text
-//!           committed head
-//!                  |
-//! depth 0:      head_a
-//!                  |
-//! depth 1:      head_b
-//!                  |
-//! depth 2:      head_a
-//!                  |
-//! depth 3:      head_b
-//!                  |
-//! depth 4:      head_a
-//! ```
+//! # Spam protection
 //! As long as the [`CandidateStorage`] has bounded input on the number of candidates supplied,
-//! [`FragmentTree`] complexity is bounded. This means that higher-level code needs to be selective
+//! [`FragmentChain`] complexity is bounded. This means that higher-level code needs to be selective
 //! about limiting the amount of candidates that are considered.
 //! The code in this module is not designed for speed or efficiency, but conceptual simplicity.
@@ -90,16 +87,15 @@
 mod tests;
 use std::{
-	borrow::Cow,
 		hash_map::{Entry, HashMap},
 		BTreeMap, HashSet,
+	sync::Arc,
 use super::LOG_TARGET;
-use bitvec::prelude::*;
-use polkadot_node_subsystem::messages::Ancestors;
+use polkadot_node_subsystem::messages::{Ancestors, HypotheticalCandidate};
 use polkadot_node_subsystem_util::inclusion_emulator::{
 	ConstraintModifications, Constraints, Fragment, ProspectiveCandidate, RelayChainBlockInfo,
@@ -120,11 +116,19 @@ pub enum CandidateStorageInsertionError {
 /// Stores candidates and information about them such as their relay-parents and their backing
 /// states.
+#[derive(Clone, Default)]
 pub(crate) struct CandidateStorage {
-	// Index from head data hash to candidate hashes with that head data as a parent.
+	// Index from head data hash to candidate hashes with that head data as a parent. Purely for
+	// efficiency when responding to `ProspectiveValidationDataRequest`s or when trying to find a
+	// new candidate to push to a chain.
+	// Even though having multiple candidates with same parent would be invalid for a parachain, it
+	// could happen across different relay chain forks, hence the HashSet.
 	by_parent_head: HashMap<Hash, HashSet<CandidateHash>>,
-	// Index from head data hash to candidate hashes outputting that head data.
+	// Index from head data hash to candidate hashes outputting that head data. Purely for
+	// efficiency when responding to `ProspectiveValidationDataRequest`s.
+	// Even though having multiple candidates with same output would be invalid for a parachain,
+	// it could happen across different relay chain forks.
 	by_output_head: HashMap<Hash, HashSet<CandidateHash>>,
 	// Index from candidate hash to fragment node.
@@ -132,23 +136,14 @@ pub(crate) struct CandidateStorage {
 impl CandidateStorage {
-	/// Create a new `CandidateStorage`.
-	pub fn new() -> Self {
-		CandidateStorage {
-			by_parent_head: HashMap::new(),
-			by_output_head: HashMap::new(),
-			by_candidate_hash: HashMap::new(),
-		}
-	}
 	/// Introduce a new candidate.
 	pub fn add_candidate(
 		&mut self,
 		candidate: CommittedCandidateReceipt,
 		persisted_validation_data: PersistedValidationData,
+		state: CandidateState,
 	) -> Result<CandidateHash, CandidateStorageInsertionError> {
 		let candidate_hash = candidate.hash();
 		if self.by_candidate_hash.contains_key(&candidate_hash) {
 			return Err(CandidateStorageInsertionError::CandidateAlreadyKnown(candidate_hash))
@@ -157,24 +152,30 @@ impl CandidateStorage {
 			return Err(CandidateStorageInsertionError::PersistedValidationDataMismatch)
-		let parent_head_hash = persisted_validation_data.parent_head.hash();
-		let output_head_hash = candidate.commitments.head_data.hash();
 		let entry = CandidateEntry {
+			parent_head_data_hash: persisted_validation_data.parent_head.hash(),
+			output_head_data_hash: candidate.commitments.head_data.hash(),
 			relay_parent: candidate.descriptor.relay_parent,
-			state: CandidateState::Introduced,
-			candidate: ProspectiveCandidate {
-				commitments: Cow::Owned(candidate.commitments),
+			state,
+			candidate: Arc::new(ProspectiveCandidate {
+				commitments: candidate.commitments,
 				collator: candidate.descriptor.collator,
 				collator_signature: candidate.descriptor.signature,
 				pov_hash: candidate.descriptor.pov_hash,
 				validation_code_hash: candidate.descriptor.validation_code_hash,
-			},
+			}),
-		self.by_parent_head.entry(parent_head_hash).or_default().insert(candidate_hash);
-		self.by_output_head.entry(output_head_hash).or_default().insert(candidate_hash);
+		self.by_parent_head
+			.entry(entry.parent_head_data_hash())
+			.or_default()
+			.insert(candidate_hash);
+		self.by_output_head
+			.entry(entry.output_head_data_hash())
+			.or_default()
+			.insert(candidate_hash);
 		// sanity-checked already.
 		self.by_candidate_hash.insert(candidate_hash, entry);
@@ -184,21 +185,20 @@ impl CandidateStorage {
 	/// Remove a candidate from the store.
 	pub fn remove_candidate(&mut self, candidate_hash: &CandidateHash) {
 		if let Some(entry) = self.by_candidate_hash.remove(candidate_hash) {
-			let parent_head_hash = entry.candidate.persisted_validation_data.parent_head.hash();
-			if let Entry::Occupied(mut e) = self.by_parent_head.entry(parent_head_hash) {
+			if let Entry::Occupied(mut e) = self.by_parent_head.entry(entry.parent_head_data_hash())
+			{
 				if e.get().is_empty() {
-		}
-	}
-	/// Note that an existing candidate has been seconded.
-	pub fn mark_seconded(&mut self, candidate_hash: &CandidateHash) {
-		if let Some(entry) = self.by_candidate_hash.get_mut(candidate_hash) {
-			if entry.state != CandidateState::Backed {
-				entry.state = CandidateState::Seconded;
+			if let Entry::Occupied(mut e) = self.by_output_head.entry(entry.output_head_data_hash())
+			{
+				e.get_mut().remove(&candidate_hash);
+				if e.get().is_empty() {
+					e.remove();
+				}
@@ -225,6 +225,11 @@ impl CandidateStorage {
+	/// Return an iterator over the stored candidates.
+	pub fn candidates(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &CandidateEntry> {
+		self.by_candidate_hash.values()
+	}
 	/// Retain only candidates which pass the predicate.
 	pub(crate) fn retain(&mut self, pred: impl Fn(&CandidateHash) -> bool) {
 		self.by_candidate_hash.retain(|h, _v| pred(h));
@@ -260,16 +265,17 @@ impl CandidateStorage {
 	/// Returns candidate's relay parent, if present.
-	pub(crate) fn relay_parent_by_candidate_hash(
-		&self,
-		candidate_hash: &CandidateHash,
-	) -> Option<Hash> {
+	pub(crate) fn relay_parent_of_candidate(&self, candidate_hash: &CandidateHash) -> Option<Hash> {
 		self.by_candidate_hash.get(candidate_hash).map(|entry| entry.relay_parent)
-	fn iter_para_children<'a>(
+	/// Returns the candidates which have the given head data hash as parent.
+	/// We don't allow forks in a parachain, but we may have multiple candidates with same parent
+	/// across different relay chain forks. That's why it returns an iterator (but only one will be
+	/// valid and used in the end).
+	fn possible_para_children<'a>(
 		&'a self,
-		parent_head_hash: &Hash,
+		parent_head_hash: &'a Hash,
 	) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'a CandidateEntry> + 'a {
 		let by_candidate_hash = &self.by_candidate_hash;
@@ -279,10 +285,6 @@ impl CandidateStorage {
 			.filter_map(move |h| by_candidate_hash.get(h))
-	fn get(&'_ self, candidate_hash: &CandidateHash) -> Option<&'_ CandidateEntry> {
-		self.by_candidate_hash.get(candidate_hash)
-	}
 	pub fn len(&self) -> (usize, usize) {
 		(self.by_parent_head.len(), self.by_candidate_hash.len())
@@ -292,25 +294,38 @@ impl CandidateStorage {
 /// The state of a candidate.
 /// Candidates aren't even considered until they've at least been seconded.
-#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
-enum CandidateState {
-	/// The candidate has been introduced in a spam-protected way but
-	/// is not necessarily backed.
-	Introduced,
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)]
+pub(crate) enum CandidateState {
 	/// The candidate has been seconded.
 	/// The candidate has been completely backed by the group.
-struct CandidateEntry {
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+pub(crate) struct CandidateEntry {
 	candidate_hash: CandidateHash,
+	parent_head_data_hash: Hash,
+	output_head_data_hash: Hash,
 	relay_parent: Hash,
-	candidate: ProspectiveCandidate<'static>,
+	candidate: Arc<ProspectiveCandidate>,
 	state: CandidateState,
+impl CandidateEntry {
+	pub fn hash(&self) -> CandidateHash {
+		self.candidate_hash
+	}
+	pub fn parent_head_data_hash(&self) -> Hash {
+		self.parent_head_data_hash
+	}
+	pub fn output_head_data_hash(&self) -> Hash {
+		self.output_head_data_hash
+	}
 /// A candidate existing on-chain but pending availability, for special treatment
 /// in the [`Scope`].
 #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
@@ -321,15 +336,22 @@ pub(crate) struct PendingAvailability {
 	pub relay_parent: RelayChainBlockInfo,
-/// The scope of a [`FragmentTree`].
+/// The scope of a [`FragmentChain`].
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
 pub(crate) struct Scope {
+	/// The assigned para id of this `FragmentChain`.
 	para: ParaId,
+	/// The relay parent we're currently building on top of.
 	relay_parent: RelayChainBlockInfo,
+	/// The other relay parents candidates are allowed to build upon, mapped by the block number.
 	ancestors: BTreeMap<BlockNumber, RelayChainBlockInfo>,
+	/// The other relay parents candidates are allowed to build upon, mapped by the block hash.
 	ancestors_by_hash: HashMap<Hash, RelayChainBlockInfo>,
+	/// The candidates pending availability at this block.
 	pending_availability: Vec<PendingAvailability>,
+	/// The base constraints derived from the latest included candidate.
 	base_constraints: Constraints,
+	/// Equal to `max_candidate_depth`.
 	max_depth: usize,
@@ -398,7 +420,7 @@ impl Scope {
-	/// Get the earliest relay-parent allowed in the scope of the fragment tree.
+	/// Get the earliest relay-parent allowed in the scope of the fragment chain.
 	pub fn earliest_relay_parent(&self) -> RelayChainBlockInfo {
@@ -407,8 +429,8 @@ impl Scope {
 			.unwrap_or_else(|| self.relay_parent.clone())
-	/// Get the ancestor of the fragment tree by hash.
-	pub fn ancestor_by_hash(&self, hash: &Hash) -> Option<RelayChainBlockInfo> {
+	/// Get the relay ancestor of the fragment chain by hash.
+	pub fn ancestor(&self, hash: &Hash) -> Option<RelayChainBlockInfo> {
 		if hash == &self.relay_parent.hash {
 			return Some(self.relay_parent.clone())
@@ -430,67 +452,48 @@ impl Scope {
-/// We use indices into a flat vector to refer to nodes in the tree.
-/// Every tree also has an implicit root.
-#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
-enum NodePointer {
-	Root,
-	Storage(usize),
-/// A hypothetical candidate, which may or may not exist in
-/// the fragment tree already.
-pub(crate) enum HypotheticalCandidate<'a> {
-	Complete {
-		receipt: Cow<'a, CommittedCandidateReceipt>,
-		persisted_validation_data: Cow<'a, PersistedValidationData>,
-	},
-	Incomplete {
-		relay_parent: Hash,
-		parent_head_data_hash: Hash,
-	},
+pub struct FragmentNode {
+	fragment: Fragment,
+	candidate_hash: CandidateHash,
+	cumulative_modifications: ConstraintModifications,
-impl<'a> HypotheticalCandidate<'a> {
-	fn parent_head_data_hash(&self) -> Hash {
-		match *self {
-			HypotheticalCandidate::Complete { ref persisted_validation_data, .. } =>
-				persisted_validation_data.as_ref().parent_head.hash(),
-			HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete { ref parent_head_data_hash, .. } =>
-				*parent_head_data_hash,
-		}
-	}
+impl FragmentNode {
 	fn relay_parent(&self) -> Hash {
-		match *self {
-			HypotheticalCandidate::Complete { ref receipt, .. } =>
-				receipt.descriptor().relay_parent,
-			HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete { ref relay_parent, .. } => *relay_parent,
-		}
+		self.fragment.relay_parent().hash
-/// This is a tree of candidates based on some underlying storage of candidates and a scope.
+/// Response given by `can_add_candidate_as_potential`
+#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
+pub enum PotentialAddition {
+	/// Can be added as either connected or unconnected candidate.
+	Anyhow,
+	/// Can only be added as a connected candidate to the chain.
+	IfConnected,
+	/// Cannot be added.
+	None,
+/// This is a chain of candidates based on some underlying storage of candidates and a scope.
-/// All nodes in the tree must be either pending availability or within the scope. Within the scope
+/// All nodes in the chain must be either pending availability or within the scope. Within the scope
 /// means it's built off of the relay-parent or an ancestor.
-pub(crate) struct FragmentTree {
+pub(crate) struct FragmentChain {
 	scope: Scope,
-	// Invariant: a contiguous prefix of the 'nodes' storage will contain
-	// the top-level children.
-	nodes: Vec<FragmentNode>,
+	chain: Vec<FragmentNode>,
+	candidates: HashSet<CandidateHash>,
-	// The candidates stored in this tree, mapped to a bitvec indicating the depths
-	// where the candidate is stored.
-	candidates: HashMap<CandidateHash, BitVec<u16, Msb0>>,
+	// Index from head data hash to candidate hashes with that head data as a parent.
+	by_parent_head: HashMap<Hash, CandidateHash>,
+	// Index from head data hash to candidate hashes outputting that head data.
+	by_output_head: HashMap<Hash, CandidateHash>,
-impl FragmentTree {
-	/// Create a new [`FragmentTree`] with given scope and populated from the storage.
-	///
-	/// Can be populated recursively (i.e. `populate` will pick up candidates that build on other
-	/// candidates).
+impl FragmentChain {
+	/// Create a new [`FragmentChain`] with given scope and populated from the storage.
 	pub fn populate(scope: Scope, storage: &CandidateStorage) -> Self {
 			target: LOG_TARGET,
@@ -498,285 +501,152 @@ impl FragmentTree {
 			relay_parent_num = scope.relay_parent.number,
 			para_id = ?scope.para,
 			ancestors = scope.ancestors.len(),
-			"Instantiating Fragment Tree",
+			"Instantiating Fragment Chain",
-		let mut tree = FragmentTree { scope, nodes: Vec::new(), candidates: HashMap::new() };
+		let mut fragment_chain = Self {
+			scope,
+			chain: Vec::new(),
+			candidates: HashSet::new(),
+			by_parent_head: HashMap::new(),
+			by_output_head: HashMap::new(),
+		};
-		tree.populate_from_bases(storage, vec![NodePointer::Root]);
+		fragment_chain.populate_chain(storage);
-		tree
+		fragment_chain
-	/// Get the scope of the Fragment Tree.
+	/// Get the scope of the Fragment Chain.
 	pub fn scope(&self) -> &Scope {
-	// Inserts a node and updates child references in a non-root parent.
-	fn insert_node(&mut self, node: FragmentNode) {
-		let pointer = NodePointer::Storage(self.nodes.len());
-		let parent_pointer = node.parent;
-		let candidate_hash = node.candidate_hash;
-		let max_depth = self.scope.max_depth;
-		self.candidates
-			.entry(candidate_hash)
-			.or_insert_with(|| bitvec![u16, Msb0; 0; max_depth + 1])
-			.set(node.depth, true);
-		match parent_pointer {
-			NodePointer::Storage(ptr) => {
-				self.nodes.push(node);
-				self.nodes[ptr].children.push((pointer, candidate_hash))
-			},
-			NodePointer::Root => {
-				// Maintain the invariant of node storage beginning with depth-0.
-				if self.nodes.last().map_or(true, |last| last.parent == NodePointer::Root) {
-					self.nodes.push(node);
-				} else {
-					let pos =
-						self.nodes.iter().take_while(|n| n.parent == NodePointer::Root).count();
-					self.nodes.insert(pos, node);
-				}
-			},
-		}
-	}
-	fn node_has_candidate_child(
-		&self,
-		pointer: NodePointer,
-		candidate_hash: &CandidateHash,
-	) -> bool {
-		self.node_candidate_child(pointer, candidate_hash).is_some()
-	}
-	fn node_candidate_child(
-		&self,
-		pointer: NodePointer,
-		candidate_hash: &CandidateHash,
-	) -> Option<NodePointer> {
-		match pointer {
-			NodePointer::Root => self
-				.nodes
-				.iter()
-				.take_while(|n| n.parent == NodePointer::Root)
-				.enumerate()
-				.find(|(_, n)| &n.candidate_hash == candidate_hash)
-				.map(|(i, _)| NodePointer::Storage(i)),
-			NodePointer::Storage(ptr) =>
-				self.nodes.get(ptr).and_then(|n| n.candidate_child(candidate_hash)),
-		}
+	/// Returns the number of candidates in the chain
+	pub(crate) fn len(&self) -> usize {
+		self.candidates.len()
-	/// Returns an O(n) iterator over the hashes of candidates contained in the
-	/// tree.
-	pub(crate) fn candidates(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = CandidateHash> + '_ {
-		self.candidates.keys().cloned()
+	/// Whether the candidate exists.
+	pub(crate) fn contains_candidate(&self, candidate: &CandidateHash) -> bool {
+		self.candidates.contains(candidate)
-	/// Whether the candidate exists and at what depths.
-	pub(crate) fn candidate(&self, candidate: &CandidateHash) -> Option<Vec<usize>> {
-		self.candidates.get(candidate).map(|d| d.iter_ones().collect())
+	/// Return a vector of the chain's candidate hashes, in-order.
+	pub(crate) fn to_vec(&self) -> Vec<CandidateHash> {
+		self.chain.iter().map(|candidate| candidate.candidate_hash).collect()
-	/// Add a candidate and recursively populate from storage.
+	/// Try accumulating more candidates onto the chain.
-	/// Candidates can be added either as children of the root or children of other candidates.
-	pub(crate) fn add_and_populate(&mut self, hash: CandidateHash, storage: &CandidateStorage) {
-		let candidate_entry = match storage.get(&hash) {
-			None => return,
-			Some(e) => e,
-		};
-		let candidate_parent = &candidate_entry.candidate.persisted_validation_data.parent_head;
-		// Select an initial set of bases, whose required relay-parent matches that of the
-		// candidate.
-		let root_base = if &self.scope.base_constraints.required_parent == candidate_parent {
-			Some(NodePointer::Root)
-		} else {
-			None
-		};
-		let non_root_bases = self
-			.nodes
-			.iter()
-			.enumerate()
-			.filter(|(_, n)| {
-				n.cumulative_modifications.required_parent.as_ref() == Some(candidate_parent)
-			})
-			.map(|(i, _)| NodePointer::Storage(i));
-		let bases = root_base.into_iter().chain(non_root_bases).collect();
-		// Pass this into the population function, which will sanity-check stuff like depth,
-		// fragments, etc. and then recursively populate.
-		self.populate_from_bases(storage, bases);
+	/// Candidates can only be added if they build on the already existing chain.
+	pub(crate) fn extend_from_storage(&mut self, storage: &CandidateStorage) {
+		self.populate_chain(storage);
-	/// Returns `true` if the path from the root to the node's parent (inclusive)
-	/// only contains backed candidates, `false` otherwise.
-	fn path_contains_backed_only_candidates(
+	/// Returns the hypothetical state of a candidate with the given hash and parent head data
+	/// in regards to the existing chain.
+	///
+	/// Returns true if either:
+	/// - the candidate is already present
+	/// - the candidate can be added to the chain
+	/// - the candidate could potentially be added to the chain in the future (its ancestors are
+	///   still unknown but it doesn't violate other rules).
+	///
+	/// If this returns false, the candidate could never be added to the current chain (not now, not
+	/// ever)
+	pub(crate) fn hypothetical_membership(
-		mut parent_pointer: NodePointer,
+		candidate: HypotheticalCandidate,
 		candidate_storage: &CandidateStorage,
 	) -> bool {
-		while let NodePointer::Storage(ptr) = parent_pointer {
-			let node = &self.nodes[ptr];
-			let candidate_hash = &node.candidate_hash;
-			if candidate_storage.get(candidate_hash).map_or(true, |candidate_entry| {
-				!matches!(candidate_entry.state, CandidateState::Backed)
-			}) {
-				return false
-			}
-			parent_pointer = node.parent;
+		let candidate_hash = candidate.candidate_hash();
+		// If we've already used this candidate in the chain
+		if self.candidates.contains(&candidate_hash) {
+			return true
-		true
-	}
+		let can_add_as_potential = self.can_add_candidate_as_potential(
+			candidate_storage,
+			&candidate.candidate_hash(),
+			&candidate.relay_parent(),
+			candidate.parent_head_data_hash(),
+			candidate.output_head_data_hash(),
+		);
-	/// Returns the hypothetical depths where a candidate with the given hash and parent head data
-	/// would be added to the tree, without applying other candidates recursively on top of it.
-	///
-	/// If the candidate is already known, this returns the actual depths where this
-	/// candidate is part of the tree.
-	///
-	/// Setting `backed_in_path_only` to `true` ensures this function only returns such membership
-	/// that every candidate in the path from the root is backed.
-	pub(crate) fn hypothetical_depths(
-		&self,
-		hash: CandidateHash,
-		candidate: HypotheticalCandidate,
-		candidate_storage: &CandidateStorage,
-		backed_in_path_only: bool,
-	) -> Vec<usize> {
-		// if `true`, we always have to traverse the tree.
-		if !backed_in_path_only {
-			// if known.
-			if let Some(depths) = self.candidates.get(&hash) {
-				return depths.iter_ones().collect()
-			}
+		if can_add_as_potential == PotentialAddition::None {
+			return false
-		// if out of scope.
-		let candidate_relay_parent = candidate.relay_parent();
-		let candidate_relay_parent = if self.scope.relay_parent.hash == candidate_relay_parent {
-			self.scope.relay_parent.clone()
-		} else if let Some(info) = self.scope.ancestors_by_hash.get(&candidate_relay_parent) {
-			info.clone()
+		let Some(candidate_relay_parent) = self.scope.ancestor(&candidate.relay_parent()) else {
+			// can_add_candidate_as_potential already checked for this, but just to be safe.
+			return false
+		};
+		let identity_modifications = ConstraintModifications::identity();
+		let cumulative_modifications = if let Some(last_candidate) = self.chain.last() {
+			&last_candidate.cumulative_modifications
 		} else {
-			return Vec::new()
+			&identity_modifications
-		let max_depth = self.scope.max_depth;
-		let mut depths = bitvec![u16, Msb0; 0; max_depth + 1];
-		// iterate over all nodes where parent head-data matches,
-		// relay-parent number is <= candidate, and depth < max_depth.
-		let node_pointers = (0..self.nodes.len()).map(NodePointer::Storage);
-		for parent_pointer in std::iter::once(NodePointer::Root).chain(node_pointers) {
-			let (modifications, child_depth, earliest_rp) = match parent_pointer {
-				NodePointer::Root =>
-					(ConstraintModifications::identity(), 0, self.scope.earliest_relay_parent()),
-				NodePointer::Storage(ptr) => {
-					let node = &self.nodes[ptr];
-					let parent_rp = self
-						.scope
-						.ancestor_by_hash(&node.relay_parent())
-						.or_else(|| {
-							self.scope
-								.get_pending_availability(&node.candidate_hash)
-								.map(|_| self.scope.earliest_relay_parent())
-						})
-						.expect("All nodes in tree are either pending availability or within scope; qed");
-					(node.cumulative_modifications.clone(), node.depth + 1, parent_rp)
+		let child_constraints =
+			match self.scope.base_constraints.apply_modifications(&cumulative_modifications) {
+				Err(e) => {
+					gum::debug!(
+						target: LOG_TARGET,
+						new_parent_head = ?cumulative_modifications.required_parent,
+						?candidate_hash,
+						err = ?e,
+						"Failed to apply modifications",
+					);
+					return false
+				Ok(c) => c,
-			if child_depth > max_depth {
-				continue
-			}
-			if earliest_rp.number > candidate_relay_parent.number {
-				continue
-			}
-			let child_constraints =
-				match self.scope.base_constraints.apply_modifications(&modifications) {
-					Err(e) => {
-						gum::debug!(
-							target: LOG_TARGET,
-							new_parent_head = ?modifications.required_parent,
-							err = ?e,
-							"Failed to apply modifications",
-						);
-						continue
-					},
-					Ok(c) => c,
-				};
-			let parent_head_hash = candidate.parent_head_data_hash();
-			if parent_head_hash != child_constraints.required_parent.hash() {
-				continue
-			}
+		let parent_head_hash = candidate.parent_head_data_hash();
+		if parent_head_hash == child_constraints.required_parent.hash() {
 			// We do additional checks for complete candidates.
-			if let HypotheticalCandidate::Complete { ref receipt, ref persisted_validation_data } =
-				candidate
+			if let HypotheticalCandidate::Complete {
+				ref receipt,
+				ref persisted_validation_data,
+				..
+			} = candidate
-				let prospective_candidate = ProspectiveCandidate {
-					commitments: Cow::Borrowed(&receipt.commitments),
-					collator: receipt.descriptor().collator.clone(),
-					collator_signature: receipt.descriptor().signature.clone(),
-					persisted_validation_data: persisted_validation_data.as_ref().clone(),
-					pov_hash: receipt.descriptor().pov_hash,
-					validation_code_hash: receipt.descriptor().validation_code_hash,
-				};
-				if Fragment::new(
-					candidate_relay_parent.clone(),
-					child_constraints,
-					prospective_candidate,
+				if Fragment::check_against_constraints(
+					&candidate_relay_parent,
+					&child_constraints,
+					&receipt.commitments,
+					&receipt.descriptor().validation_code_hash,
+					persisted_validation_data,
-					continue
+					gum::debug!(
+						target: LOG_TARGET,
+						"Fragment::check_against_constraints() returned error",
+					);
+					return false
-			// Check that the path only contains backed candidates, if necessary.
-			if !backed_in_path_only ||
-				self.path_contains_backed_only_candidates(parent_pointer, candidate_storage)
-			{
-				depths.set(child_depth, true);
-			}
+			// If we got this far, it can be added to the chain right now.
+			true
+		} else if can_add_as_potential == PotentialAddition::Anyhow {
+			// Otherwise it is or can be an unconnected candidate, but only if PotentialAddition
+			// does not force us to only add a connected candidate.
+			true
+		} else {
+			false
-		depths.iter_ones().collect()
 	/// Select `count` candidates after the given `ancestors` which pass
 	/// the predicate and have not already been backed on chain.
-	/// Does an exhaustive search into the tree after traversing the ancestors path.
-	/// If the ancestors draw out a path that can be traversed in multiple ways, no
-	/// candidates will be returned.
-	/// If the ancestors do not draw out a full path (the path contains holes), candidates will be
-	/// suggested that may fill these holes.
-	/// If the ancestors don't draw out a valid path, no candidates will be returned. If there are
-	/// multiple possibilities of the same size, this will select the first one. If there is no
-	/// chain of size `count` that matches the criteria, this will return the largest chain it could
-	/// find with the criteria. If there are no candidates meeting those criteria, returns an empty
-	/// `Vec`.
-	/// Cycles are accepted, but this code expects that the runtime will deduplicate
-	/// identical candidates when occupying the cores (when proposing to back A->B->A, only A will
-	/// be backed on chain).
-	///
 	/// The intention of the `ancestors` is to allow queries on the basis of
 	/// one or more candidates which were previously pending availability becoming
 	/// available or candidates timing out.
@@ -789,362 +659,334 @@ impl FragmentTree {
 		if count == 0 {
 			return vec![]
-		// First, we need to order the ancestors.
-		// The node returned is the one from which we can start finding new backable candidates.
-		let Some(base_node) = self.find_ancestor_path(ancestors) else { return vec![] };
-		self.find_backable_chain_inner(
-			base_node,
-			count,
-			count,
-			&pred,
-			&mut Vec::with_capacity(count as usize),
-		)
-	}
+		let base_pos = self.find_ancestor_path(ancestors);
-	// Try finding a candidate chain starting from `base_node` of length `expected_count`.
-	// If not possible, return the longest one we could find.
-	// Does a depth-first search, since we're optimistic that there won't be more than one such
-	// chains (parachains shouldn't usually have forks). So in the usual case, this will conclude
-	// in `O(expected_count)`.
-	// Cycles are accepted, but this doesn't allow for infinite execution time, because the maximum
-	// depth we'll reach is `expected_count`.
-	//
-	// Worst case performance is `O(num_forks ^ expected_count)`, the same as populating the tree.
-	// Although an exponential function, this is actually a constant that can only be altered via
-	// sudo/governance, because:
-	// 1. `num_forks` at a given level is at most `max_candidate_depth * max_validators_per_core`
-	//    (because each validator in the assigned group can second `max_candidate_depth`
-	//    candidates). The prospective-parachains subsystem assumes that the number of para forks is
-	//    limited by collator-protocol and backing subsystems. In practice, this is a constant which
-	//    can only be altered by sudo or governance.
-	// 2. `expected_count` is equal to the number of cores a para is scheduled on (in an elastic
-	//    scaling scenario). For non-elastic-scaling, this is just 1. In practice, this should be a
-	//    small number (1-3), capped by the total number of available cores (a constant alterable
-	//    only via governance/sudo).
-	fn find_backable_chain_inner(
-		&self,
-		base_node: NodePointer,
-		expected_count: u32,
-		remaining_count: u32,
-		pred: &dyn Fn(&CandidateHash) -> bool,
-		accumulator: &mut Vec<CandidateHash>,
-	) -> Vec<CandidateHash> {
-		if remaining_count == 0 {
-			// The best option is the chain we've accumulated so far.
-			return accumulator.to_vec();
+		let actual_end_index = std::cmp::min(base_pos + (count as usize), self.chain.len());
+		let mut res = Vec::with_capacity(actual_end_index - base_pos);
+		for elem in &self.chain[base_pos..actual_end_index] {
+			if self.scope.get_pending_availability(&elem.candidate_hash).is_none() &&
+				pred(&elem.candidate_hash)
+			{
+				res.push(elem.candidate_hash);
+			} else {
+				break
+			}
-		let children: Vec<_> = match base_node {
-			NodePointer::Root => self
-				.nodes
-				.iter()
-				.enumerate()
-				.take_while(|(_, n)| n.parent == NodePointer::Root)
-				.filter(|(_, n)| self.scope.get_pending_availability(&n.candidate_hash).is_none())
-				.filter(|(_, n)| pred(&n.candidate_hash))
-				.map(|(ptr, n)| (NodePointer::Storage(ptr), n.candidate_hash))
-				.collect(),
-			NodePointer::Storage(base_node_ptr) => {
-				let base_node = &self.nodes[base_node_ptr];
-				base_node
-					.children
-					.iter()
-					.filter(|(_, hash)| self.scope.get_pending_availability(&hash).is_none())
-					.filter(|(_, hash)| pred(&hash))
-					.map(|(ptr, hash)| (*ptr, *hash))
-					.collect()
-			},
-		};
+		res
+	}
+	// Tries to orders the ancestors into a viable path from root to the last one.
+	// Stops when the ancestors are all used or when a node in the chain is not present in the
+	// ancestor set. Returns the index in the chain were the search stopped.
+	fn find_ancestor_path(&self, mut ancestors: Ancestors) -> usize {
+		if self.chain.is_empty() {
+			return 0;
+		}
-		let mut best_result = accumulator.clone();
-		for (child_ptr, child_hash) in children {
-			accumulator.push(child_hash);
-			let result = self.find_backable_chain_inner(
-				child_ptr,
-				expected_count,
-				remaining_count - 1,
-				&pred,
-				accumulator,
-			);
-			accumulator.pop();
-			// Short-circuit the search if we've found the right length. Otherwise, we'll
-			// search for a max.
-			// Taking the first best selection doesn't introduce bias or become gameable,
-			// because `find_ancestor_path` uses a `HashSet` to track the ancestors, which
-			// makes the order in which ancestors are visited non-deterministic.
-			if result.len() == expected_count as usize {
-				return result
-			} else if best_result.len() < result.len() {
-				best_result = result;
+		for (index, candidate) in self.chain.iter().enumerate() {
+			if !ancestors.remove(&candidate.candidate_hash) {
+				return index
-		best_result
+		// This means that we found the entire chain in the ancestor set. There won't be anything
+		// left to back.
+		self.chain.len()
+	}
+	// Return the earliest relay parent a new candidate can have in order to be added to the chain.
+	// This is the relay parent of the last candidate in the chain.
+	// The value returned may not be valid if we want to add a candidate pending availability, which
+	// may have a relay parent which is out of scope. Special handling is needed in that case.
+	// `None` is returned if the candidate's relay parent info cannot be found.
+	fn earliest_relay_parent(&self) -> Option<RelayChainBlockInfo> {
+		if let Some(last_candidate) = self.chain.last() {
+			self.scope.ancestor(&last_candidate.relay_parent()).or_else(|| {
+				// if the relay-parent is out of scope _and_ it is in the chain,
+				// it must be a candidate pending availability.
+				self.scope
+					.get_pending_availability(&last_candidate.candidate_hash)
+					.map(|c| c.relay_parent.clone())
+			})
+		} else {
+			Some(self.scope.earliest_relay_parent())
+		}
+	}
+	// Checks if this candidate could be added in the future to this chain.
+	// This assumes that the chain does not already contain this candidate. It may or may not be
+	// present in the `CandidateStorage`.
+	// Even if the candidate is a potential candidate, this function will indicate that it can be
+	// kept only if there's enough room for it.
+	pub(crate) fn can_add_candidate_as_potential(
+		&self,
+		storage: &CandidateStorage,
+		candidate_hash: &CandidateHash,
+		relay_parent: &Hash,
+		parent_head_hash: Hash,
+		output_head_hash: Option<Hash>,
+	) -> PotentialAddition {
+		// If we've got enough candidates for the configured depth, no point in adding more.
+		if self.chain.len() > self.scope.max_depth {
+			return PotentialAddition::None
+		}
+		if !self.check_potential(relay_parent, parent_head_hash, output_head_hash) {
+			return PotentialAddition::None
+		}
+		let present_in_storage = storage.contains(candidate_hash);
+		let unconnected = self
+			.find_unconnected_potential_candidates(
+				storage,
+				present_in_storage.then_some(candidate_hash),
+			)
+			.len();
+		if (self.chain.len() + unconnected) < self.scope.max_depth {
+			PotentialAddition::Anyhow
+		} else if (self.chain.len() + unconnected) == self.scope.max_depth {
+			// If we've only one slot left to fill, it must be filled with a connected candidate.
+			PotentialAddition::IfConnected
+		} else {
+			PotentialAddition::None
+		}
-	// Orders the ancestors into a viable path from root to the last one.
-	// Returns a pointer to the last node in the path.
-	// We assume that the ancestors form a chain (that the
-	// av-cores do not back parachain forks), None is returned otherwise.
-	// If we cannot use all ancestors, stop at the first found hole in the chain. This usually
-	// translates to a timed out candidate.
-	fn find_ancestor_path(&self, mut ancestors: Ancestors) -> Option<NodePointer> {
-		// The number of elements in the path we've processed so far.
-		let mut depth = 0;
-		let mut last_node = NodePointer::Root;
-		let mut next_node: Option<NodePointer> = Some(NodePointer::Root);
-		while let Some(node) = next_node {
-			if depth > self.scope.max_depth {
-				return None;
+	// The candidates which are present in `CandidateStorage`, are not part of this chain but could
+	// become part of this chain in the future. Capped at the max depth minus the existing chain
+	// length.
+	// If `ignore_candidate` is supplied and found in storage, it won't be counted.
+	pub(crate) fn find_unconnected_potential_candidates(
+		&self,
+		storage: &CandidateStorage,
+		ignore_candidate: Option<&CandidateHash>,
+	) -> Vec<CandidateHash> {
+		let mut candidates = vec![];
+		for candidate in storage.candidates() {
+			if let Some(ignore_candidate) = ignore_candidate {
+				if ignore_candidate == &candidate.candidate_hash {
+					continue
+				}
+			}
+			// We stop at max_depth + 1 with the search. There's no point in looping further.
+			if (self.chain.len() + candidates.len()) > self.scope.max_depth {
+				break
+			}
+			if !self.candidates.contains(&candidate.candidate_hash) &&
+				self.check_potential(
+					&candidate.relay_parent,
+					candidate.candidate.persisted_validation_data.parent_head.hash(),
+					Some(candidate.candidate.commitments.head_data.hash()),
+				) {
+				candidates.push(candidate.candidate_hash);
+		}
+		candidates
+	}
-			last_node = node;
+	// Check if adding a candidate which transitions `parent_head_hash` to `output_head_hash` would
+	// introduce a fork or a cycle in the parachain.
+	// `output_head_hash` is optional because we sometimes make this check before retrieving the
+	// collation.
+	fn is_fork_or_cycle(&self, parent_head_hash: Hash, output_head_hash: Option<Hash>) -> bool {
+		if self.by_parent_head.contains_key(&parent_head_hash) {
+			// fork. our parent has another child already
+			return true
+		}
-			next_node = match node {
-				NodePointer::Root => {
-					let children = self
-						.nodes
-						.iter()
-						.enumerate()
-						.take_while(|n| n.1.parent == NodePointer::Root)
-						.map(|(index, node)| (NodePointer::Storage(index), node.candidate_hash))
-						.collect::<Vec<_>>();
+		if let Some(output_head_hash) = output_head_hash {
+			if self.by_output_head.contains_key(&output_head_hash) {
+				// this is not a chain, there are multiple paths to the same state.
+				return true
+			}
-					self.find_valid_child(&mut ancestors, children.iter()).ok()?
-				},
-				NodePointer::Storage(ptr) => {
-					let children = self.nodes.get(ptr).and_then(|n| Some(n.children.iter()));
-					if let Some(children) = children {
-						self.find_valid_child(&mut ancestors, children).ok()?
-					} else {
-						None
-					}
-				},
-			};
+			// trivial 0-length cycle.
+			if parent_head_hash == output_head_hash {
+				return true
+			}
-			depth += 1;
+			// this should catch any other cycles. our output state cannot already be the parent
+			// state of another candidate, unless this is a cycle, since the already added
+			// candidates form a chain.
+			if self.by_parent_head.contains_key(&output_head_hash) {
+				return true
+			}
-		Some(last_node)
+		false
-	// Find a node from the given iterator which is present in the ancestors
-	// collection. If there are multiple such nodes, return an error and log a warning. We don't
-	// accept forks in a parachain to be backed. The supplied ancestors should all form a chain.
-	// If there is no such node, return None.
-	fn find_valid_child<'a>(
+	// Checks the potential of a candidate to be added to the chain in the future.
+	// Verifies that the relay parent is in scope and not moving backwards and that we're not
+	// introducing forks or cycles with other candidates in the chain.
+	// `output_head_hash` is optional because we sometimes make this check before retrieving the
+	// collation.
+	fn check_potential(
-		ancestors: &'a mut Ancestors,
-		nodes: impl Iterator<Item = &'a (NodePointer, CandidateHash)> + 'a,
-	) -> Result<Option<NodePointer>, ()> {
-		let mut possible_children =
-			nodes.filter_map(|(node_ptr, hash)| match ancestors.remove(&hash) {
-				true => Some(node_ptr),
-				false => None,
-			});
-		// We don't accept forks in a parachain to be backed. The supplied ancestors
-		// should all form a chain.
-		let next =;
-		if let Some(second_child) = {
-			if let (Some(NodePointer::Storage(first_child)), NodePointer::Storage(second_child)) =
-				(next, second_child)
-			{
-				gum::error!(
-					target: LOG_TARGET,
-					para_id = ?self.scope.para,
-					relay_parent = ?self.scope.relay_parent,
-					"Trying to find new backable candidates for a parachain for which we've backed a fork.\
-					This is a bug and the runtime should not have allowed it.\n\
-					Backed candidates with the same parent: {}, {}",
-					self.nodes[*first_child].candidate_hash,
-					self.nodes[*second_child].candidate_hash,
-				);
-			}
+		relay_parent: &Hash,
+		parent_head_hash: Hash,
+		output_head_hash: Option<Hash>,
+	) -> bool {
+		if self.is_fork_or_cycle(parent_head_hash, output_head_hash) {
+			return false
+		}
-			Err(())
-		} else {
-			Ok(next.copied())
+		let Some(earliest_rp) = self.earliest_relay_parent() else { return false };
+		let Some(relay_parent) = self.scope.ancestor(relay_parent) else { return false };
+		if relay_parent.number < earliest_rp.number {
+			return false // relay parent moved backwards.
+		true
-	fn populate_from_bases(&mut self, storage: &CandidateStorage, initial_bases: Vec<NodePointer>) {
-		// Populate the tree breadth-first.
-		let mut last_sweep_start = None;
+	// Populate the fragment chain with candidates from CandidateStorage.
+	// Can be called by the constructor or when introducing a new candidate.
+	// If we're introducing a new candidate onto an existing chain, we may introduce more than one,
+	// since we may connect already existing candidates to the chain.
+	fn populate_chain(&mut self, storage: &CandidateStorage) {
+		let mut cumulative_modifications = if let Some(last_candidate) = self.chain.last() {
+			last_candidate.cumulative_modifications.clone()
+		} else {
+			ConstraintModifications::identity()
+		};
+		let Some(mut earliest_rp) = self.earliest_relay_parent() else { return };
 		loop {
-			let sweep_start = self.nodes.len();
-			if Some(sweep_start) == last_sweep_start {
-				break
+			if self.chain.len() > self.scope.max_depth {
+				break;
-			let parents: Vec<NodePointer> = if let Some(last_start) = last_sweep_start {
-				(last_start..self.nodes.len()).map(NodePointer::Storage).collect()
-			} else {
-				initial_bases.clone()
-			};
+			let child_constraints =
+				match self.scope.base_constraints.apply_modifications(&cumulative_modifications) {
+					Err(e) => {
+						gum::debug!(
+							target: LOG_TARGET,
+							new_parent_head = ?cumulative_modifications.required_parent,
+							err = ?e,
+							"Failed to apply modifications",
+						);
-			// 1. get parent head and find constraints
-			// 2. iterate all candidates building on the right head and viable relay parent
-			// 3. add new node
-			for parent_pointer in parents {
-				let (modifications, child_depth, earliest_rp) = match parent_pointer {
-					NodePointer::Root =>
-						(ConstraintModifications::identity(), 0, self.scope.earliest_relay_parent()),
-					NodePointer::Storage(ptr) => {
-						let node = &self.nodes[ptr];
-						let parent_rp = self
-							.scope
-							.ancestor_by_hash(&node.relay_parent())
-							.or_else(|| {
-								// if the relay-parent is out of scope _and_ it is in the tree,
-								// it must be a candidate pending availability.
-								self.scope
-									.get_pending_availability(&node.candidate_hash)
-									.map(|c| c.relay_parent.clone())
-							})
-							.expect("All nodes in tree are either pending availability or within scope; qed");
-						(node.cumulative_modifications.clone(), node.depth + 1, parent_rp)
+						break
+					Ok(c) => c,
-				if child_depth > self.scope.max_depth {
+			let required_head_hash = child_constraints.required_parent.hash();
+			// Even though we don't allow parachain forks under the same active leaf, they may still
+			// appear under different relay chain forks, hence the iterator below.
+			let possible_children = storage.possible_para_children(&required_head_hash);
+			let mut added_child = false;
+			for candidate in possible_children {
+				// Add one node to chain if
+				// 1. it does not introduce a fork or a cycle.
+				// 2. parent hash is correct.
+				// 3. relay-parent does not move backwards.
+				// 4. all non-pending-availability candidates have relay-parent in scope.
+				// 5. candidate outputs fulfill constraints
+				if self.is_fork_or_cycle(
+					candidate.parent_head_data_hash(),
+					Some(candidate.output_head_data_hash()),
+				) {
-				let child_constraints =
-					match self.scope.base_constraints.apply_modifications(&modifications) {
+				let pending = self.scope.get_pending_availability(&candidate.candidate_hash);
+				let Some(relay_parent) = pending
+					.map(|p| p.relay_parent.clone())
+					.or_else(|| self.scope.ancestor(&candidate.relay_parent))
+				else {
+					continue
+				};
+				// require: candidates don't move backwards
+				// and only pending availability candidates can be out-of-scope.
+				//
+				// earliest_rp can be before the earliest relay parent in the scope
+				// when the parent is a pending availability candidate as well, but
+				// only other pending candidates can have a relay parent out of scope.
+				let min_relay_parent_number = pending
+					.map(|p| match self.chain.len() {
+						0 => p.relay_parent.number,
+						_ => earliest_rp.number,
+					})
+					.unwrap_or_else(|| earliest_rp.number);
+				if relay_parent.number < min_relay_parent_number {
+					continue // relay parent moved backwards.
+				}
+				// don't add candidates if they're already present in the chain.
+				// this can never happen, as candidates can only be duplicated if there's a cycle
+				// and we shouldn't have allowed for a cycle to be chained.
+				if self.contains_candidate(&candidate.candidate_hash) {
+					continue
+				}
+				let fragment = {
+					let mut constraints = child_constraints.clone();
+					if let Some(ref p) = pending {
+						// overwrite for candidates pending availability as a special-case.
+						constraints.min_relay_parent_number = p.relay_parent.number;
+					}
+					let f = Fragment::new(
+						relay_parent.clone(),
+						constraints,
+						// It's cheap to clone because it's wrapped in an Arc
+						candidate.candidate.clone(),
+					);
+					match f {
+						Ok(f) => f,
 						Err(e) => {
 								target: LOG_TARGET,
-								new_parent_head = ?modifications.required_parent,
 								err = ?e,
-								"Failed to apply modifications",
+								?relay_parent,
+								candidate_hash = ?candidate.candidate_hash,
+								"Failed to instantiate fragment",
-							continue
+							break
-						Ok(c) => c,
-					};
-				// Add nodes to tree wherever
-				// 1. parent hash is correct
-				// 2. relay-parent does not move backwards.
-				// 3. all non-pending-availability candidates have relay-parent in scope.
-				// 4. candidate outputs fulfill constraints
-				let required_head_hash = child_constraints.required_parent.hash();
-				for candidate in storage.iter_para_children(&required_head_hash) {
-					let pending = self.scope.get_pending_availability(&candidate.candidate_hash);
-					let relay_parent = pending
-						.map(|p| p.relay_parent.clone())
-						.or_else(|| self.scope.ancestor_by_hash(&candidate.relay_parent));
-					let relay_parent = match relay_parent {
-						Some(r) => r,
-						None => continue,
-					};
-					// require: pending availability candidates don't move backwards
-					// and only those can be out-of-scope.
-					//
-					// earliest_rp can be before the earliest relay parent in the scope
-					// when the parent is a pending availability candidate as well, but
-					// only other pending candidates can have a relay parent out of scope.
-					let min_relay_parent_number = pending
-						.map(|p| match parent_pointer {
-							NodePointer::Root => p.relay_parent.number,
-							NodePointer::Storage(_) => earliest_rp.number,
-						})
-						.unwrap_or_else(|| {
-							std::cmp::max(
-								earliest_rp.number,
-								self.scope.earliest_relay_parent().number,
-							)
-						});
-					if relay_parent.number < min_relay_parent_number {
-						continue // relay parent moved backwards.
+				};
-					// don't add candidates where the parent already has it as a child.
-					if self.node_has_candidate_child(parent_pointer, &candidate.candidate_hash) {
-						continue
-					}
+				// Update the cumulative constraint modifications.
+				cumulative_modifications.stack(fragment.constraint_modifications());
+				// Update the earliest rp
+				earliest_rp = relay_parent;
-					let fragment = {
-						let mut constraints = child_constraints.clone();
-						if let Some(ref p) = pending {
-							// overwrite for candidates pending availability as a special-case.
-							constraints.min_relay_parent_number = p.relay_parent.number;
-						}
-						let f = Fragment::new(
-							relay_parent.clone(),
-							constraints,
-							candidate.candidate.partial_clone(),
-						);
+				let node = FragmentNode {
+					fragment,
+					candidate_hash: candidate.candidate_hash,
+					cumulative_modifications: cumulative_modifications.clone(),
+				};
-						match f {
-							Ok(f) => f.into_owned(),
-							Err(e) => {
-								gum::debug!(
-									target: LOG_TARGET,
-									err = ?e,
-									?relay_parent,
-									candidate_hash = ?candidate.candidate_hash,
-									"Failed to instantiate fragment",
-								);
-								continue
-							},
-						}
-					};
-					let mut cumulative_modifications = modifications.clone();
-					cumulative_modifications.stack(fragment.constraint_modifications());
-					let node = FragmentNode {
-						parent: parent_pointer,
-						fragment,
-						candidate_hash: candidate.candidate_hash,
-						depth: child_depth,
-						cumulative_modifications,
-						children: Vec::new(),
-					};
-					self.insert_node(node);
-				}
+				self.chain.push(node);
+				self.candidates.insert(candidate.candidate_hash);
+				// We've already checked for forks and cycles.
+				self.by_parent_head
+					.insert(candidate.parent_head_data_hash(), candidate.candidate_hash);
+				self.by_output_head
+					.insert(candidate.output_head_data_hash(), candidate.candidate_hash);
+				added_child = true;
+				// We can only add one child for a candidate. (it's a chain, not a tree)
+				break;
-			last_sweep_start = Some(sweep_start);
+			if !added_child {
+				break
+			}
-struct FragmentNode {
-	// A pointer to the parent node.
-	parent: NodePointer,
-	fragment: Fragment<'static>,
-	candidate_hash: CandidateHash,
-	depth: usize,
-	cumulative_modifications: ConstraintModifications,
-	children: Vec<(NodePointer, CandidateHash)>,
-impl FragmentNode {
-	fn relay_parent(&self) -> Hash {
-		self.fragment.relay_parent().hash
-	}
-	fn candidate_child(&self, candidate_hash: &CandidateHash) -> Option<NodePointer> {
-		self.children.iter().find(|(_, c)| c == candidate_hash).map(|(p, _)| *p)
-	}
diff --git a/polkadot/node/core/prospective-parachains/src/fragment_chain/ b/polkadot/node/core/prospective-parachains/src/fragment_chain/
index fd41be55f7f..26ee94d59d8 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/core/prospective-parachains/src/fragment_chain/
+++ b/polkadot/node/core/prospective-parachains/src/fragment_chain/
@@ -19,17 +19,6 @@ use assert_matches::assert_matches;
 use polkadot_node_subsystem_util::inclusion_emulator::InboundHrmpLimitations;
 use polkadot_primitives::{BlockNumber, CandidateCommitments, CandidateDescriptor, HeadData};
 use polkadot_primitives_test_helpers as test_helpers;
-use rstest::rstest;
-use std::iter;
-impl NodePointer {
-	fn unwrap_idx(self) -> usize {
-		match self {
-			NodePointer::Root => panic!("Unexpected root"),
-			NodePointer::Storage(index) => index,
-		}
-	}
 fn make_constraints(
 	min_relay_parent_number: BlockNumber,
@@ -204,8 +193,52 @@ fn scope_only_takes_ancestors_up_to_min() {
-fn storage_add_candidate() {
-	let mut storage = CandidateStorage::new();
+fn scope_rejects_unordered_ancestors() {
+	let para_id = ParaId::from(5u32);
+	let relay_parent = RelayChainBlockInfo {
+		number: 5,
+		hash: Hash::repeat_byte(0),
+		storage_root: Hash::repeat_byte(69),
+	};
+	let ancestors = vec![
+		RelayChainBlockInfo {
+			number: 4,
+			hash: Hash::repeat_byte(4),
+			storage_root: Hash::repeat_byte(69),
+		},
+		RelayChainBlockInfo {
+			number: 2,
+			hash: Hash::repeat_byte(2),
+			storage_root: Hash::repeat_byte(69),
+		},
+		RelayChainBlockInfo {
+			number: 3,
+			hash: Hash::repeat_byte(3),
+			storage_root: Hash::repeat_byte(69),
+		},
+	];
+	let max_depth = 2;
+	let base_constraints = make_constraints(0, vec![2], vec![1, 2, 3].into());
+	let pending_availability = Vec::new();
+	assert_matches!(
+		Scope::with_ancestors(
+			para_id,
+			relay_parent,
+			base_constraints,
+			pending_availability,
+			max_depth,
+			ancestors,
+		),
+		Err(UnexpectedAncestor { number: 2, prev: 4 })
+	);
+fn candidate_storage_methods() {
+	let mut storage = CandidateStorage::default();
 	let relay_parent = Hash::repeat_byte(69);
 	let (pvd, candidate) = make_committed_candidate(
@@ -220,50 +253,105 @@ fn storage_add_candidate() {
 	let candidate_hash = candidate.hash();
 	let parent_head_hash = pvd.parent_head.hash();
-	storage.add_candidate(candidate, pvd).unwrap();
+	// Invalid pvd hash
+	let mut wrong_pvd = pvd.clone();
+	wrong_pvd.max_pov_size = 0;
+	assert_matches!(
+		storage.add_candidate(candidate.clone(), wrong_pvd, CandidateState::Seconded),
+		Err(CandidateStorageInsertionError::PersistedValidationDataMismatch)
+	);
+	assert!(!storage.contains(&candidate_hash));
+	assert_eq!(storage.possible_para_children(&parent_head_hash).count(), 0);
+	assert_eq!(storage.relay_parent_of_candidate(&candidate_hash), None);
+	assert_eq!(storage.head_data_by_hash(&candidate.descriptor.para_head), None);
+	assert_eq!(storage.head_data_by_hash(&parent_head_hash), None);
+	assert_eq!(storage.is_backed(&candidate_hash), false);
+	// Add a valid candidate
+	storage
+		.add_candidate(candidate.clone(), pvd.clone(), CandidateState::Seconded)
+		.unwrap();
-	assert_eq!(storage.iter_para_children(&parent_head_hash).count(), 1);
-	assert_eq!(storage.relay_parent_by_candidate_hash(&candidate_hash), Some(relay_parent));
+	assert_eq!(storage.possible_para_children(&parent_head_hash).count(), 1);
+	assert_eq!(storage.possible_para_children(&candidate.descriptor.para_head).count(), 0);
+	assert_eq!(storage.relay_parent_of_candidate(&candidate_hash), Some(relay_parent));
+	assert_eq!(
+		storage.head_data_by_hash(&candidate.descriptor.para_head).unwrap(),
+		&candidate.commitments.head_data
+	);
+	assert_eq!(storage.head_data_by_hash(&parent_head_hash).unwrap(), &pvd.parent_head);
+	assert_eq!(storage.is_backed(&candidate_hash), false);
-fn storage_retain() {
-	let mut storage = CandidateStorage::new();
+	storage.mark_backed(&candidate_hash);
+	assert_eq!(storage.is_backed(&candidate_hash), true);
-	let (pvd, candidate) = make_committed_candidate(
-		ParaId::from(5u32),
-		Hash::repeat_byte(69),
-		8,
-		vec![4, 5, 6].into(),
-		vec![1, 2, 3].into(),
-		7,
+	// Re-adding a candidate fails.
+	assert_matches!(
+		storage.add_candidate(candidate.clone(), pvd.clone(), CandidateState::Seconded),
+		Err(CandidateStorageInsertionError::CandidateAlreadyKnown(hash)) if candidate_hash == hash
-	let candidate_hash = candidate.hash();
-	let output_head_hash = candidate.commitments.head_data.hash();
-	let parent_head_hash = pvd.parent_head.hash();
-	storage.add_candidate(candidate, pvd).unwrap();
+	// Remove candidate and re-add it later in backed state.
+	storage.remove_candidate(&candidate_hash);
+	assert!(!storage.contains(&candidate_hash));
+	assert_eq!(storage.possible_para_children(&parent_head_hash).count(), 0);
+	assert_eq!(storage.relay_parent_of_candidate(&candidate_hash), None);
+	assert_eq!(storage.head_data_by_hash(&candidate.descriptor.para_head), None);
+	assert_eq!(storage.head_data_by_hash(&parent_head_hash), None);
+	assert_eq!(storage.is_backed(&candidate_hash), false);
+	storage
+		.add_candidate(candidate.clone(), pvd.clone(), CandidateState::Backed)
+		.unwrap();
+	assert_eq!(storage.is_backed(&candidate_hash), true);
+	// Test retain
 	storage.retain(|_| true);
-	assert_eq!(storage.iter_para_children(&parent_head_hash).count(), 1);
-	assert!(storage.head_data_by_hash(&output_head_hash).is_some());
 	storage.retain(|_| false);
-	assert_eq!(storage.iter_para_children(&parent_head_hash).count(), 0);
-	assert!(storage.head_data_by_hash(&output_head_hash).is_none());
+	assert_eq!(storage.possible_para_children(&parent_head_hash).count(), 0);
+	assert_eq!(storage.relay_parent_of_candidate(&candidate_hash), None);
+	assert_eq!(storage.head_data_by_hash(&candidate.descriptor.para_head), None);
+	assert_eq!(storage.head_data_by_hash(&parent_head_hash), None);
+	assert_eq!(storage.is_backed(&candidate_hash), false);
-// [`FragmentTree::populate`] should pick up candidates that build on other candidates.
-fn populate_works_recursively() {
-	let mut storage = CandidateStorage::new();
+fn populate_and_extend_from_storage_empty() {
+	// Empty chain and empty storage.
+	let storage = CandidateStorage::default();
+	let base_constraints = make_constraints(0, vec![0], vec![0x0a].into());
+	let pending_availability = Vec::new();
+	let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
+		ParaId::from(2),
+		RelayChainBlockInfo {
+			number: 1,
+			hash: Hash::repeat_byte(1),
+			storage_root: Hash::repeat_byte(2),
+		},
+		base_constraints,
+		pending_availability,
+		4,
+		vec![],
+	)
+	.unwrap();
+	let mut chain = FragmentChain::populate(scope, &storage);
+	assert!(chain.to_vec().is_empty());
+	chain.extend_from_storage(&storage);
+	assert!(chain.to_vec().is_empty());
+fn populate_and_extend_from_storage_with_existing_empty_to_vec() {
+	let mut storage = CandidateStorage::default();
 	let para_id = ParaId::from(5u32);
 	let relay_parent_a = Hash::repeat_byte(1);
 	let relay_parent_b = Hash::repeat_byte(2);
+	let relay_parent_c = Hash::repeat_byte(3);
 	let (pvd_a, candidate_a) = make_committed_candidate(
@@ -285,56 +373,623 @@ fn populate_works_recursively() {
 	let candidate_b_hash = candidate_b.hash();
-	let base_constraints = make_constraints(0, vec![0], vec![0x0a].into());
-	let pending_availability = Vec::new();
+	let (pvd_c, candidate_c) = make_committed_candidate(
+		para_id,
+		relay_parent_c,
+		2,
+		vec![0x0c].into(),
+		vec![0x0d].into(),
+		2,
+	);
+	let candidate_c_hash = candidate_c.hash();
-	let ancestors = vec![RelayChainBlockInfo {
+	let relay_parent_a_info = RelayChainBlockInfo {
 		number: pvd_a.relay_parent_number,
 		hash: relay_parent_a,
 		storage_root: pvd_a.relay_parent_storage_root,
-	}];
+	};
 	let relay_parent_b_info = RelayChainBlockInfo {
 		number: pvd_b.relay_parent_number,
 		hash: relay_parent_b,
 		storage_root: pvd_b.relay_parent_storage_root,
+	let relay_parent_c_info = RelayChainBlockInfo {
+		number: pvd_c.relay_parent_number,
+		hash: relay_parent_c,
+		storage_root: pvd_c.relay_parent_storage_root,
+	};
-	storage.add_candidate(candidate_a, pvd_a).unwrap();
-	storage.add_candidate(candidate_b, pvd_b).unwrap();
-	let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
-		para_id,
-		relay_parent_b_info,
-		base_constraints,
-		pending_availability,
-		4,
-		ancestors,
-	)
-	.unwrap();
-	let tree = FragmentTree::populate(scope, &storage);
+	let base_constraints = make_constraints(0, vec![0], vec![0x0a].into());
+	let pending_availability = Vec::new();
+	let ancestors = vec![
+		// These need to be ordered in reverse.
+		relay_parent_b_info.clone(),
+		relay_parent_a_info.clone(),
+	];
+	storage
+		.add_candidate(candidate_a.clone(), pvd_a.clone(), CandidateState::Seconded)
+		.unwrap();
+	storage
+		.add_candidate(candidate_b.clone(), pvd_b.clone(), CandidateState::Backed)
+		.unwrap();
+	storage
+		.add_candidate(candidate_c.clone(), pvd_c.clone(), CandidateState::Backed)
+		.unwrap();
+	// Candidate A doesn't adhere to the base constraints.
+	{
+		for wrong_constraints in [
+			// Different required parent
+			make_constraints(0, vec![0], vec![0x0e].into()),
+			// Min relay parent number is wrong
+			make_constraints(1, vec![0], vec![0x0a].into()),
+		] {
+			let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
+				para_id,
+				relay_parent_c_info.clone(),
+				wrong_constraints.clone(),
+				pending_availability.clone(),
+				4,
+				ancestors.clone(),
+			)
+			.unwrap();
+			let mut chain = FragmentChain::populate(scope, &storage);
+			assert!(chain.to_vec().is_empty());
+			chain.extend_from_storage(&storage);
+			assert!(chain.to_vec().is_empty());
+			// If the min relay parent number is wrong, candidate A can never become valid.
+			// Otherwise, if only the required parent doesn't match, candidate A is still a
+			// potential candidate.
+			if wrong_constraints.min_relay_parent_number == 1 {
+				assert_eq!(
+					chain.can_add_candidate_as_potential(
+						&storage,
+						&candidate_a.hash(),
+						&candidate_a.descriptor.relay_parent,
+						pvd_a.parent_head.hash(),
+						Some(candidate_a.commitments.head_data.hash()),
+					),
+					PotentialAddition::None
+				);
+			} else {
+				assert_eq!(
+					chain.can_add_candidate_as_potential(
+						&storage,
+						&candidate_a.hash(),
+						&candidate_a.descriptor.relay_parent,
+						pvd_a.parent_head.hash(),
+						Some(candidate_a.commitments.head_data.hash()),
+					),
+					PotentialAddition::Anyhow
+				);
+			}
+			// All other candidates can always be potential candidates.
+			for (candidate, pvd) in
+				[(candidate_b.clone(), pvd_b.clone()), (candidate_c.clone(), pvd_c.clone())]
+			{
+				assert_eq!(
+					chain.can_add_candidate_as_potential(
+						&storage,
+						&candidate.hash(),
+						&candidate.descriptor.relay_parent,
+						pvd.parent_head.hash(),
+						Some(candidate.commitments.head_data.hash()),
+					),
+					PotentialAddition::Anyhow
+				);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// Various max depths.
+	{
+		// depth is 0, will only allow 1 candidate
+		let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
+			para_id,
+			relay_parent_c_info.clone(),
+			base_constraints.clone(),
+			pending_availability.clone(),
+			0,
+			ancestors.clone(),
+		)
+		.unwrap();
+		// Before populating the chain, all candidates are potential candidates. However, they can
+		// only be added as connected candidates, because only one candidates is allowed by max
+		// depth
+		let chain = FragmentChain::populate(scope.clone(), &CandidateStorage::default());
+		for (candidate, pvd) in [
+			(candidate_a.clone(), pvd_a.clone()),
+			(candidate_b.clone(), pvd_b.clone()),
+			(candidate_c.clone(), pvd_c.clone()),
+		] {
+			assert_eq!(
+				chain.can_add_candidate_as_potential(
+					&CandidateStorage::default(),
+					&candidate.hash(),
+					&candidate.descriptor.relay_parent,
+					pvd.parent_head.hash(),
+					Some(candidate.commitments.head_data.hash()),
+				),
+				PotentialAddition::IfConnected
+			);
+		}
+		let mut chain = FragmentChain::populate(scope, &storage);
+		assert_eq!(chain.to_vec(), vec![candidate_a_hash]);
+		chain.extend_from_storage(&storage);
+		assert_eq!(chain.to_vec(), vec![candidate_a_hash]);
+		// since depth is maxed out, we can't add more potential candidates
+		// candidate A is no longer a potential candidate because it's already present.
+		for (candidate, pvd) in [
+			(candidate_a.clone(), pvd_a.clone()),
+			(candidate_b.clone(), pvd_b.clone()),
+			(candidate_c.clone(), pvd_c.clone()),
+		] {
+			assert_eq!(
+				chain.can_add_candidate_as_potential(
+					&storage,
+					&candidate.hash(),
+					&candidate.descriptor.relay_parent,
+					pvd.parent_head.hash(),
+					Some(candidate.commitments.head_data.hash()),
+				),
+				PotentialAddition::None
+			);
+		}
+		// depth is 1, allows two candidates
+		let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
+			para_id,
+			relay_parent_c_info.clone(),
+			base_constraints.clone(),
+			pending_availability.clone(),
+			1,
+			ancestors.clone(),
+		)
+		.unwrap();
+		// Before populating the chain, all candidates can be added as potential.
+		let mut modified_storage = CandidateStorage::default();
+		let chain = FragmentChain::populate(scope.clone(), &modified_storage);
+		for (candidate, pvd) in [
+			(candidate_a.clone(), pvd_a.clone()),
+			(candidate_b.clone(), pvd_b.clone()),
+			(candidate_c.clone(), pvd_c.clone()),
+		] {
+			assert_eq!(
+				chain.can_add_candidate_as_potential(
+					&modified_storage,
+					&candidate.hash(),
+					&candidate.descriptor.relay_parent,
+					pvd.parent_head.hash(),
+					Some(candidate.commitments.head_data.hash()),
+				),
+				PotentialAddition::Anyhow
+			);
+		}
+		// Add an unconnected candidate. We now should only allow a Connected candidate, because max
+		// depth only allows one more candidate.
+		modified_storage
+			.add_candidate(candidate_b.clone(), pvd_b.clone(), CandidateState::Seconded)
+			.unwrap();
+		let chain = FragmentChain::populate(scope.clone(), &modified_storage);
+		for (candidate, pvd) in
+			[(candidate_a.clone(), pvd_a.clone()), (candidate_c.clone(), pvd_c.clone())]
+		{
+			assert_eq!(
+				chain.can_add_candidate_as_potential(
+					&modified_storage,
+					&candidate.hash(),
+					&candidate.descriptor.relay_parent,
+					pvd.parent_head.hash(),
+					Some(candidate.commitments.head_data.hash()),
+				),
+				PotentialAddition::IfConnected
+			);
+		}
+		// Now try populating from all candidates.
+		let mut chain = FragmentChain::populate(scope, &storage);
+		assert_eq!(chain.to_vec(), vec![candidate_a_hash, candidate_b_hash]);
+		chain.extend_from_storage(&storage);
+		assert_eq!(chain.to_vec(), vec![candidate_a_hash, candidate_b_hash]);
+		// since depth is maxed out, we can't add more potential candidates
+		// candidate A and B are no longer a potential candidate because they're already present.
+		for (candidate, pvd) in [
+			(candidate_a.clone(), pvd_a.clone()),
+			(candidate_b.clone(), pvd_b.clone()),
+			(candidate_c.clone(), pvd_c.clone()),
+		] {
+			assert_eq!(
+				chain.can_add_candidate_as_potential(
+					&storage,
+					&candidate.hash(),
+					&candidate.descriptor.relay_parent,
+					pvd.parent_head.hash(),
+					Some(candidate.commitments.head_data.hash()),
+				),
+				PotentialAddition::None
+			);
+		}
+		// depths larger than 2, allows all candidates
+		for depth in 2..6 {
+			let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
+				para_id,
+				relay_parent_c_info.clone(),
+				base_constraints.clone(),
+				pending_availability.clone(),
+				depth,
+				ancestors.clone(),
+			)
+			.unwrap();
+			let mut chain = FragmentChain::populate(scope, &storage);
+			assert_eq!(chain.to_vec(), vec![candidate_a_hash, candidate_b_hash, candidate_c_hash]);
+			chain.extend_from_storage(&storage);
+			assert_eq!(chain.to_vec(), vec![candidate_a_hash, candidate_b_hash, candidate_c_hash]);
+			// Candidates are no longer potential candidates because they're already part of the
+			// chain.
+			for (candidate, pvd) in [
+				(candidate_a.clone(), pvd_a.clone()),
+				(candidate_b.clone(), pvd_b.clone()),
+				(candidate_c.clone(), pvd_c.clone()),
+			] {
+				assert_eq!(
+					chain.can_add_candidate_as_potential(
+						&storage,
+						&candidate.hash(),
+						&candidate.descriptor.relay_parent,
+						pvd.parent_head.hash(),
+						Some(candidate.commitments.head_data.hash()),
+					),
+					PotentialAddition::None
+				);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// Wrong relay parents
+	{
+		// Candidates A has relay parent out of scope.
+		let ancestors_without_a = vec![relay_parent_b_info.clone()];
+		let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
+			para_id,
+			relay_parent_c_info.clone(),
+			base_constraints.clone(),
+			pending_availability.clone(),
+			4,
+			ancestors_without_a,
+		)
+		.unwrap();
+		let mut chain = FragmentChain::populate(scope, &storage);
+		assert!(chain.to_vec().is_empty());
+		chain.extend_from_storage(&storage);
+		assert!(chain.to_vec().is_empty());
+		// Candidate A is not a potential candidate, but candidates B and C still are.
+		assert_eq!(
+			chain.can_add_candidate_as_potential(
+				&storage,
+				&candidate_a.hash(),
+				&candidate_a.descriptor.relay_parent,
+				pvd_a.parent_head.hash(),
+				Some(candidate_a.commitments.head_data.hash()),
+			),
+			PotentialAddition::None
+		);
+		for (candidate, pvd) in
+			[(candidate_b.clone(), pvd_b.clone()), (candidate_c.clone(), pvd_c.clone())]
+		{
+			assert_eq!(
+				chain.can_add_candidate_as_potential(
+					&storage,
+					&candidate.hash(),
+					&candidate.descriptor.relay_parent,
+					pvd.parent_head.hash(),
+					Some(candidate.commitments.head_data.hash()),
+				),
+				PotentialAddition::Anyhow
+			);
+		}
+		// Candidate C has the same relay parent as candidate A's parent. Relay parent not allowed
+		// to move backwards
+		let mut modified_storage = storage.clone();
+		modified_storage.remove_candidate(&candidate_c_hash);
+		let (wrong_pvd_c, wrong_candidate_c) = make_committed_candidate(
+			para_id,
+			relay_parent_a,
+			1,
+			vec![0x0c].into(),
+			vec![0x0d].into(),
+			2,
+		);
+		modified_storage
+			.add_candidate(wrong_candidate_c.clone(), wrong_pvd_c.clone(), CandidateState::Seconded)
+			.unwrap();
+		let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
+			para_id,
+			relay_parent_c_info.clone(),
+			base_constraints.clone(),
+			pending_availability.clone(),
+			4,
+			ancestors.clone(),
+		)
+		.unwrap();
+		let mut chain = FragmentChain::populate(scope, &modified_storage);
+		assert_eq!(chain.to_vec(), vec![candidate_a_hash, candidate_b_hash]);
+		chain.extend_from_storage(&modified_storage);
+		assert_eq!(chain.to_vec(), vec![candidate_a_hash, candidate_b_hash]);
+		// Candidate C is not even a potential candidate.
+		assert_eq!(
+			chain.can_add_candidate_as_potential(
+				&modified_storage,
+				&wrong_candidate_c.hash(),
+				&wrong_candidate_c.descriptor.relay_parent,
+				wrong_pvd_c.parent_head.hash(),
+				Some(wrong_candidate_c.commitments.head_data.hash()),
+			),
+			PotentialAddition::None
+		);
+	}
+	// Parachain fork and cycles are not allowed.
+	{
+		// Candidate C has the same parent as candidate B.
+		let mut modified_storage = storage.clone();
+		modified_storage.remove_candidate(&candidate_c_hash);
+		let (wrong_pvd_c, wrong_candidate_c) = make_committed_candidate(
+			para_id,
+			relay_parent_c,
+			2,
+			vec![0x0b].into(),
+			vec![0x0d].into(),
+			2,
+		);
+		modified_storage
+			.add_candidate(wrong_candidate_c.clone(), wrong_pvd_c.clone(), CandidateState::Seconded)
+			.unwrap();
+		let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
+			para_id,
+			relay_parent_c_info.clone(),
+			base_constraints.clone(),
+			pending_availability.clone(),
+			4,
+			ancestors.clone(),
+		)
+		.unwrap();
+		let mut chain = FragmentChain::populate(scope, &modified_storage);
+		// We'll either have A->B or A->C. It's not deterministic because CandidateStorage uses
+		// HashSets and HashMaps.
+		if chain.to_vec() == vec![candidate_a_hash, candidate_b_hash] {
+			chain.extend_from_storage(&modified_storage);
+			assert_eq!(chain.to_vec(), vec![candidate_a_hash, candidate_b_hash]);
+			// Candidate C is not even a potential candidate.
+			assert_eq!(
+				chain.can_add_candidate_as_potential(
+					&modified_storage,
+					&wrong_candidate_c.hash(),
+					&wrong_candidate_c.descriptor.relay_parent,
+					wrong_pvd_c.parent_head.hash(),
+					Some(wrong_candidate_c.commitments.head_data.hash()),
+				),
+				PotentialAddition::None
+			);
+		} else if chain.to_vec() == vec![candidate_a_hash, wrong_candidate_c.hash()] {
+			chain.extend_from_storage(&modified_storage);
+			assert_eq!(chain.to_vec(), vec![candidate_a_hash, wrong_candidate_c.hash()]);
+			// Candidate B is not even a potential candidate.
+			assert_eq!(
+				chain.can_add_candidate_as_potential(
+					&modified_storage,
+					&candidate_b.hash(),
+					&candidate_b.descriptor.relay_parent,
+					pvd_b.parent_head.hash(),
+					Some(candidate_b.commitments.head_data.hash()),
+				),
+				PotentialAddition::None
+			);
+		} else {
+			panic!("Unexpected chain: {:?}", chain.to_vec());
+		}
+		// Candidate C is a 0-length cycle.
+		// Candidate C has the same parent as candidate B.
+		let mut modified_storage = storage.clone();
+		modified_storage.remove_candidate(&candidate_c_hash);
+		let (wrong_pvd_c, wrong_candidate_c) = make_committed_candidate(
+			para_id,
+			relay_parent_c,
+			2,
+			vec![0x0c].into(),
+			vec![0x0c].into(),
+			2,
+		);
+		modified_storage
+			.add_candidate(wrong_candidate_c.clone(), wrong_pvd_c.clone(), CandidateState::Seconded)
+			.unwrap();
+		let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
+			para_id,
+			relay_parent_c_info.clone(),
+			base_constraints.clone(),
+			pending_availability.clone(),
+			4,
+			ancestors.clone(),
+		)
+		.unwrap();
+		let mut chain = FragmentChain::populate(scope, &modified_storage);
+		assert_eq!(chain.to_vec(), vec![candidate_a_hash, candidate_b_hash]);
+		chain.extend_from_storage(&modified_storage);
+		assert_eq!(chain.to_vec(), vec![candidate_a_hash, candidate_b_hash]);
+		// Candidate C is not even a potential candidate.
+		assert_eq!(
+			chain.can_add_candidate_as_potential(
+				&modified_storage,
+				&wrong_candidate_c.hash(),
+				&wrong_candidate_c.descriptor.relay_parent,
+				wrong_pvd_c.parent_head.hash(),
+				Some(wrong_candidate_c.commitments.head_data.hash()),
+			),
+			PotentialAddition::None
+		);
+		// Candidate C points back to the pre-state of candidate C.
+		let mut modified_storage = storage.clone();
+		modified_storage.remove_candidate(&candidate_c_hash);
+		let (wrong_pvd_c, wrong_candidate_c) = make_committed_candidate(
+			para_id,
+			relay_parent_c,
+			2,
+			vec![0x0c].into(),
+			vec![0x0b].into(),
+			2,
+		);
+		modified_storage
+			.add_candidate(wrong_candidate_c.clone(), wrong_pvd_c.clone(), CandidateState::Seconded)
+			.unwrap();
+		let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
+			para_id,
+			relay_parent_c_info.clone(),
+			base_constraints.clone(),
+			pending_availability.clone(),
+			4,
+			ancestors.clone(),
+		)
+		.unwrap();
+		let mut chain = FragmentChain::populate(scope, &modified_storage);
+		assert_eq!(chain.to_vec(), vec![candidate_a_hash, candidate_b_hash]);
+		chain.extend_from_storage(&modified_storage);
+		assert_eq!(chain.to_vec(), vec![candidate_a_hash, candidate_b_hash]);
+		// Candidate C is not even a potential candidate.
+		assert_eq!(
+			chain.can_add_candidate_as_potential(
+				&modified_storage,
+				&wrong_candidate_c.hash(),
+				&wrong_candidate_c.descriptor.relay_parent,
+				wrong_pvd_c.parent_head.hash(),
+				Some(wrong_candidate_c.commitments.head_data.hash()),
+			),
+			PotentialAddition::None
+		);
+	}
-	let candidates: Vec<_> = tree.candidates().collect();
-	assert_eq!(candidates.len(), 2);
-	assert!(candidates.contains(&candidate_a_hash));
-	assert!(candidates.contains(&candidate_b_hash));
+	// Test with candidates pending availability
+	{
+		// Valid options
+		for pending in [
+			vec![PendingAvailability {
+				candidate_hash: candidate_a_hash,
+				relay_parent: relay_parent_a_info.clone(),
+			}],
+			vec![
+				PendingAvailability {
+					candidate_hash: candidate_a_hash,
+					relay_parent: relay_parent_a_info.clone(),
+				},
+				PendingAvailability {
+					candidate_hash: candidate_b_hash,
+					relay_parent: relay_parent_b_info.clone(),
+				},
+			],
+			vec![
+				PendingAvailability {
+					candidate_hash: candidate_a_hash,
+					relay_parent: relay_parent_a_info.clone(),
+				},
+				PendingAvailability {
+					candidate_hash: candidate_b_hash,
+					relay_parent: relay_parent_b_info.clone(),
+				},
+				PendingAvailability {
+					candidate_hash: candidate_c_hash,
+					relay_parent: relay_parent_c_info.clone(),
+				},
+			],
+		] {
+			let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
+				para_id,
+				relay_parent_c_info.clone(),
+				base_constraints.clone(),
+				pending,
+				3,
+				ancestors.clone(),
+			)
+			.unwrap();
+			let mut chain = FragmentChain::populate(scope, &storage);
+			assert_eq!(chain.to_vec(), vec![candidate_a_hash, candidate_b_hash, candidate_c_hash]);
+			chain.extend_from_storage(&storage);
+			assert_eq!(chain.to_vec(), vec![candidate_a_hash, candidate_b_hash, candidate_c_hash]);
+		}
-	assert_eq!(tree.nodes.len(), 2);
-	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[0].parent, NodePointer::Root);
-	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[0].candidate_hash, candidate_a_hash);
-	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[0].depth, 0);
+		// Relay parents of pending availability candidates can be out of scope
+		// Relay parent of candidate A is out of scope.
+		let ancestors_without_a = vec![relay_parent_b_info.clone()];
+		let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
+			para_id,
+			relay_parent_c_info.clone(),
+			base_constraints.clone(),
+			vec![PendingAvailability {
+				candidate_hash: candidate_a_hash,
+				relay_parent: relay_parent_a_info.clone(),
+			}],
+			4,
+			ancestors_without_a,
+		)
+		.unwrap();
+		let mut chain = FragmentChain::populate(scope, &storage);
+		assert_eq!(chain.to_vec(), vec![candidate_a_hash, candidate_b_hash, candidate_c_hash]);
+		chain.extend_from_storage(&storage);
+		assert_eq!(chain.to_vec(), vec![candidate_a_hash, candidate_b_hash, candidate_c_hash]);
+		// Even relay parents of pending availability candidates which are out of scope cannot move
+		// backwards.
+		let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
+			para_id,
+			relay_parent_c_info.clone(),
+			base_constraints.clone(),
+			vec![
+				PendingAvailability {
+					candidate_hash: candidate_a_hash,
+					relay_parent: RelayChainBlockInfo {
+						hash: relay_parent_a_info.hash,
+						number: 1,
+						storage_root: relay_parent_a_info.storage_root,
+					},
+				},
+				PendingAvailability {
+					candidate_hash: candidate_b_hash,
+					relay_parent: RelayChainBlockInfo {
+						hash: relay_parent_b_info.hash,
+						number: 0,
+						storage_root: relay_parent_b_info.storage_root,
+					},
+				},
+			],
+			4,
+			vec![],
+		)
+		.unwrap();
+		let mut chain = FragmentChain::populate(scope, &storage);
+		assert!(chain.to_vec().is_empty());
-	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[1].parent, NodePointer::Storage(0));
-	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[1].candidate_hash, candidate_b_hash);
-	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[1].depth, 1);
+		chain.extend_from_storage(&storage);
+		assert!(chain.to_vec().is_empty());
+	}
-fn children_of_root_are_contiguous() {
-	let mut storage = CandidateStorage::new();
+fn extend_from_storage_with_existing_to_vec() {
 	let para_id = ParaId::from(5u32);
 	let relay_parent_a = Hash::repeat_byte(1);
 	let relay_parent_b = Hash::repeat_byte(2);
+	let relay_parent_d = Hash::repeat_byte(3);
 	let (pvd_a, candidate_a) = make_committed_candidate(
@@ -344,6 +999,7 @@ fn children_of_root_are_contiguous() {
+	let candidate_a_hash = candidate_a.hash();
 	let (pvd_b, candidate_b) = make_committed_candidate(
@@ -353,182 +1009,136 @@ fn children_of_root_are_contiguous() {
+	let candidate_b_hash = candidate_b.hash();
-	let (pvd_a2, candidate_a2) = make_committed_candidate(
+	let (pvd_c, candidate_c) = make_committed_candidate(
-		relay_parent_a,
-		0,
-		vec![0x0a].into(),
-		vec![0x0b, 1].into(),
-		0,
+		// Use the same relay parent number as B to test that it doesn't need to change between
+		// candidates.
+		relay_parent_b,
+		1,
+		vec![0x0c].into(),
+		vec![0x0d].into(),
+		1,
-	let candidate_a2_hash = candidate_a2.hash();
+	let candidate_c_hash = candidate_c.hash();
-	let base_constraints = make_constraints(0, vec![0], vec![0x0a].into());
-	let pending_availability = Vec::new();
+	// Candidate D will never be added to the chain.
+	let (pvd_d, candidate_d) = make_committed_candidate(
+		para_id,
+		relay_parent_d,
+		2,
+		vec![0x0e].into(),
+		vec![0x0f].into(),
+		1,
+	);
-	let ancestors = vec![RelayChainBlockInfo {
+	let relay_parent_a_info = RelayChainBlockInfo {
 		number: pvd_a.relay_parent_number,
 		hash: relay_parent_a,
 		storage_root: pvd_a.relay_parent_storage_root,
-	}];
+	};
 	let relay_parent_b_info = RelayChainBlockInfo {
 		number: pvd_b.relay_parent_number,
 		hash: relay_parent_b,
 		storage_root: pvd_b.relay_parent_storage_root,
+	let relay_parent_d_info = RelayChainBlockInfo {
+		number: pvd_d.relay_parent_number,
+		hash: relay_parent_d,
+		storage_root: pvd_d.relay_parent_storage_root,
+	};
-	storage.add_candidate(candidate_a, pvd_a).unwrap();
-	storage.add_candidate(candidate_b, pvd_b).unwrap();
-	let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
-		para_id,
-		relay_parent_b_info,
-		base_constraints,
-		pending_availability,
-		4,
-		ancestors,
-	)
-	.unwrap();
-	let mut tree = FragmentTree::populate(scope, &storage);
+	let base_constraints = make_constraints(0, vec![0], vec![0x0a].into());
+	let pending_availability = Vec::new();
+	let ancestors = vec![
+		// These need to be ordered in reverse.
+		relay_parent_b_info.clone(),
+		relay_parent_a_info.clone(),
+	];
-	storage.add_candidate(candidate_a2, pvd_a2).unwrap();
-	tree.add_and_populate(candidate_a2_hash, &storage);
-	let candidates: Vec<_> = tree.candidates().collect();
-	assert_eq!(candidates.len(), 3);
+	// Already had A and C in the storage. Introduce B, which should add both B and C to the chain
+	// now.
+	{
+		let mut storage = CandidateStorage::default();
+		storage
+			.add_candidate(candidate_a.clone(), pvd_a.clone(), CandidateState::Seconded)
+			.unwrap();
+		storage
+			.add_candidate(candidate_c.clone(), pvd_c.clone(), CandidateState::Seconded)
+			.unwrap();
+		storage
+			.add_candidate(candidate_d.clone(), pvd_d.clone(), CandidateState::Seconded)
+			.unwrap();
+		let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
+			para_id,
+			relay_parent_d_info.clone(),
+			base_constraints.clone(),
+			pending_availability.clone(),
+			4,
+			ancestors.clone(),
+		)
+		.unwrap();
+		let mut chain = FragmentChain::populate(scope, &storage);
+		assert_eq!(chain.to_vec(), vec![candidate_a_hash]);
+		storage
+			.add_candidate(candidate_b.clone(), pvd_b.clone(), CandidateState::Seconded)
+			.unwrap();
+		chain.extend_from_storage(&storage);
+		assert_eq!(chain.to_vec(), vec![candidate_a_hash, candidate_b_hash, candidate_c_hash]);
+	}
-	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[0].parent, NodePointer::Root);
-	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[1].parent, NodePointer::Root);
-	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[2].parent, NodePointer::Storage(0));
+	// Already had A and B in the chain. Introduce C.
+	{
+		let mut storage = CandidateStorage::default();
+		storage
+			.add_candidate(candidate_a.clone(), pvd_a.clone(), CandidateState::Seconded)
+			.unwrap();
+		storage
+			.add_candidate(candidate_b.clone(), pvd_b.clone(), CandidateState::Seconded)
+			.unwrap();
+		storage
+			.add_candidate(candidate_d.clone(), pvd_d.clone(), CandidateState::Seconded)
+			.unwrap();
+		let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
+			para_id,
+			relay_parent_d_info.clone(),
+			base_constraints.clone(),
+			pending_availability.clone(),
+			4,
+			ancestors.clone(),
+		)
+		.unwrap();
+		let mut chain = FragmentChain::populate(scope, &storage);
+		assert_eq!(chain.to_vec(), vec![candidate_a_hash, candidate_b_hash]);
+		storage
+			.add_candidate(candidate_c.clone(), pvd_c.clone(), CandidateState::Seconded)
+			.unwrap();
+		chain.extend_from_storage(&storage);
+		assert_eq!(chain.to_vec(), vec![candidate_a_hash, candidate_b_hash, candidate_c_hash]);
+	}
-fn add_candidate_child_of_root() {
-	let mut storage = CandidateStorage::new();
+fn test_find_ancestor_path_and_find_backable_chain_empty_to_vec() {
 	let para_id = ParaId::from(5u32);
-	let relay_parent_a = Hash::repeat_byte(1);
+	let relay_parent = Hash::repeat_byte(1);
+	let required_parent: HeadData = vec![0xff].into();
+	let max_depth = 10;
-	let (pvd_a, candidate_a) = make_committed_candidate(
-		para_id,
-		relay_parent_a,
-		0,
-		vec![0x0a].into(),
-		vec![0x0b].into(),
-		0,
-	);
-	let (pvd_b, candidate_b) = make_committed_candidate(
-		para_id,
-		relay_parent_a,
-		0,
-		vec![0x0a].into(),
-		vec![0x0c].into(),
-		0,
-	);
-	let candidate_b_hash = candidate_b.hash();
-	let base_constraints = make_constraints(0, vec![0], vec![0x0a].into());
-	let pending_availability = Vec::new();
-	let relay_parent_a_info = RelayChainBlockInfo {
-		number: pvd_a.relay_parent_number,
-		hash: relay_parent_a,
-		storage_root: pvd_a.relay_parent_storage_root,
-	};
-	storage.add_candidate(candidate_a, pvd_a).unwrap();
-	let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
-		para_id,
-		relay_parent_a_info,
-		base_constraints,
-		pending_availability,
-		4,
-		vec![],
-	)
-	.unwrap();
-	let mut tree = FragmentTree::populate(scope, &storage);
-	storage.add_candidate(candidate_b, pvd_b).unwrap();
-	tree.add_and_populate(candidate_b_hash, &storage);
-	let candidates: Vec<_> = tree.candidates().collect();
-	assert_eq!(candidates.len(), 2);
-	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[0].parent, NodePointer::Root);
-	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[1].parent, NodePointer::Root);
-fn add_candidate_child_of_non_root() {
-	let mut storage = CandidateStorage::new();
-	let para_id = ParaId::from(5u32);
-	let relay_parent_a = Hash::repeat_byte(1);
-	let (pvd_a, candidate_a) = make_committed_candidate(
-		para_id,
-		relay_parent_a,
-		0,
-		vec![0x0a].into(),
-		vec![0x0b].into(),
-		0,
-	);
-	let (pvd_b, candidate_b) = make_committed_candidate(
-		para_id,
-		relay_parent_a,
-		0,
-		vec![0x0b].into(),
-		vec![0x0c].into(),
-		0,
-	);
-	let candidate_b_hash = candidate_b.hash();
-	let base_constraints = make_constraints(0, vec![0], vec![0x0a].into());
-	let pending_availability = Vec::new();
-	let relay_parent_a_info = RelayChainBlockInfo {
-		number: pvd_a.relay_parent_number,
-		hash: relay_parent_a,
-		storage_root: pvd_a.relay_parent_storage_root,
-	};
-	storage.add_candidate(candidate_a, pvd_a).unwrap();
-	let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
-		para_id,
-		relay_parent_a_info,
-		base_constraints,
-		pending_availability,
-		4,
-		vec![],
-	)
-	.unwrap();
-	let mut tree = FragmentTree::populate(scope, &storage);
-	storage.add_candidate(candidate_b, pvd_b).unwrap();
-	tree.add_and_populate(candidate_b_hash, &storage);
-	let candidates: Vec<_> = tree.candidates().collect();
-	assert_eq!(candidates.len(), 2);
-	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[0].parent, NodePointer::Root);
-	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[1].parent, NodePointer::Storage(0));
-fn test_find_ancestor_path_and_find_backable_chain_empty_tree() {
-	let para_id = ParaId::from(5u32);
-	let relay_parent = Hash::repeat_byte(1);
-	let required_parent: HeadData = vec![0xff].into();
-	let max_depth = 10;
-	// Empty tree
-	let storage = CandidateStorage::new();
-	let base_constraints = make_constraints(0, vec![0], required_parent.clone());
-	let relay_parent_info =
-		RelayChainBlockInfo { number: 0, hash: relay_parent, storage_root: Hash::zero() };
-	let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
+	// Empty chain
+	let storage = CandidateStorage::default();
+	let base_constraints = make_constraints(0, vec![0], required_parent.clone());
+	let relay_parent_info =
+		RelayChainBlockInfo { number: 0, hash: relay_parent, storage_root: Hash::zero() };
+	let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
@@ -537,64 +1147,23 @@ fn test_find_ancestor_path_and_find_backable_chain_empty_tree() {
-	let tree = FragmentTree::populate(scope, &storage);
-	assert_eq!(tree.candidates().collect::<Vec<_>>().len(), 0);
-	assert_eq!(tree.nodes.len(), 0);
+	let chain = FragmentChain::populate(scope, &storage);
+	assert!(chain.to_vec().is_empty());
-	assert_eq!(tree.find_ancestor_path(Ancestors::new()).unwrap(), NodePointer::Root);
-	assert_eq!(tree.find_backable_chain(Ancestors::new(), 2, |_| true), vec![]);
+	assert_eq!(chain.find_ancestor_path(Ancestors::new()), 0);
+	assert_eq!(chain.find_backable_chain(Ancestors::new(), 2, |_| true), vec![]);
 	// Invalid candidate.
 	let ancestors: Ancestors = [CandidateHash::default()].into_iter().collect();
-	assert_eq!(tree.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone()), Some(NodePointer::Root));
-	assert_eq!(tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 2, |_| true), vec![]);
+	assert_eq!(chain.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone()), 0);
+	assert_eq!(chain.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 2, |_| true), vec![]);
-#[case(true, 13)]
-#[case(false, 8)]
-// The tree with no cycles looks like:
-// Make a tree that looks like this (note that there's no cycle):
-//         +-(root)-+
-//         |        |
-//    +----0---+    7
-//    |        |
-//    1----+   5
-//    |    |
-//    |    |
-//    2    6
-//    |
-//    3
-//    |
-//    4
-// The tree with cycles is the same as the first but has a cycle from 4 back to the state
-// produced by 0 (It's bounded by the max_depth + 1).
-//         +-(root)-+
-//         |        |
-//    +----0---+    7
-//    |        |
-//    1----+   5
-//    |    |
-//    |    |
-//    2    6
-//    |
-//    3
-//    |
-//    4---+
-//    |   |
-//    1   5
-//    |
-//    2
-//    |
-//    3
-fn test_find_ancestor_path_and_find_backable_chain(
-	#[case] has_cycle: bool,
-	#[case] expected_node_count: usize,
-) {
+fn test_find_ancestor_path_and_find_backable_to_vec() {
 	let para_id = ParaId::from(5u32);
 	let relay_parent = Hash::repeat_byte(1);
 	let required_parent: HeadData = vec![0xff].into();
-	let max_depth = 7;
+	let max_depth = 5;
 	let relay_parent_number = 0;
 	let relay_parent_storage_root = Hash::repeat_byte(69);
@@ -650,42 +1219,13 @@ fn test_find_ancestor_path_and_find_backable_chain(
-		vec![0].into(),
+		vec![4].into(),
-	// Candidate 6
-	candidates.push(make_committed_candidate(
-		para_id,
-		relay_parent,
-		0,
-		vec![1].into(),
-		vec![6].into(),
-		0,
-	));
-	// Candidate 7
-	candidates.push(make_committed_candidate(
-		para_id,
-		relay_parent,
-		0,
-		required_parent.clone(),
-		vec![7].into(),
-		0,
-	));
-	if has_cycle {
-		candidates[4] = make_committed_candidate(
-			para_id,
-			relay_parent,
-			0,
-			vec![3].into(),
-			vec![0].into(), // put the cycle here back to the output state of 0.
-			0,
-		);
-	}
 	let base_constraints = make_constraints(0, vec![0], required_parent.clone());
-	let mut storage = CandidateStorage::new();
+	let mut storage = CandidateStorage::default();
 	let relay_parent_info = RelayChainBlockInfo {
 		number: relay_parent_number,
@@ -694,265 +1234,175 @@ fn test_find_ancestor_path_and_find_backable_chain(
 	for (pvd, candidate) in candidates.iter() {
-		storage.add_candidate(candidate.clone(), pvd.clone()).unwrap();
+		storage
+			.add_candidate(candidate.clone(), pvd.clone(), CandidateState::Seconded)
+			.unwrap();
 	let candidates = candidates.into_iter().map(|(_pvd, candidate)| candidate).collect::<Vec<_>>();
 	let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
-		relay_parent_info,
-		base_constraints,
+		relay_parent_info.clone(),
+		base_constraints.clone(),
-	let tree = FragmentTree::populate(scope, &storage);
-	assert_eq!(tree.candidates().collect::<Vec<_>>().len(), candidates.len());
-	assert_eq!(tree.nodes.len(), expected_node_count);
-	// Do some common tests on both trees.
-	{
-		// No ancestors supplied.
-		assert_eq!(tree.find_ancestor_path(Ancestors::new()).unwrap(), NodePointer::Root);
-		assert_eq!(
-			tree.find_backable_chain(Ancestors::new(), 4, |_| true),
-			[0, 1, 2, 3].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
-		);
-		// Ancestor which is not part of the tree. Will be ignored.
-		let ancestors: Ancestors = [CandidateHash::default()].into_iter().collect();
-		assert_eq!(tree.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone()).unwrap(), NodePointer::Root);
-		assert_eq!(
-			tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 4, |_| true),
-			[0, 1, 2, 3].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
-		);
-		// A chain fork.
-		let ancestors: Ancestors =
-			[(candidates[0].hash()), (candidates[7].hash())].into_iter().collect();
-		assert_eq!(tree.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone()), None);
-		assert_eq!(tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 1, |_| true), vec![]);
+	let chain = FragmentChain::populate(scope, &storage);
-		// Ancestors which are part of the tree but don't form a path. Will be ignored.
-		let ancestors: Ancestors =
-			[candidates[1].hash(), candidates[2].hash()].into_iter().collect();
-		assert_eq!(tree.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone()).unwrap(), NodePointer::Root);
-		assert_eq!(
-			tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 4, |_| true),
-			[0, 1, 2, 3].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
-		);
-		// Valid ancestors.
-		let ancestors: Ancestors = [candidates[7].hash()].into_iter().collect();
-		let res = tree.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone()).unwrap();
-		let candidate = &tree.nodes[res.unwrap_idx()];
-		assert_eq!(candidate.candidate_hash, candidates[7].hash());
-		assert_eq!(tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 1, |_| true), vec![]);
-		let ancestors: Ancestors =
-			[candidates[2].hash(), candidates[0].hash(), candidates[1].hash()]
-				.into_iter()
-				.collect();
-		let res = tree.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone()).unwrap();
-		let candidate = &tree.nodes[res.unwrap_idx()];
-		assert_eq!(candidate.candidate_hash, candidates[2].hash());
-		assert_eq!(
-			tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors.clone(), 2, |_| true),
-			[3, 4].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
-		);
+	assert_eq!(candidates.len(), 6);
+	assert_eq!(chain.to_vec().len(), 6);
-		// Valid ancestors with candidates which have been omitted due to timeouts
-		let ancestors: Ancestors =
-			[candidates[0].hash(), candidates[2].hash()].into_iter().collect();
-		let res = tree.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone()).unwrap();
-		let candidate = &tree.nodes[res.unwrap_idx()];
-		assert_eq!(candidate.candidate_hash, candidates[0].hash());
-		assert_eq!(
-			tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 3, |_| true),
-			[1, 2, 3].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
-		);
-		let ancestors: Ancestors =
-			[candidates[0].hash(), candidates[1].hash(), candidates[3].hash()]
-				.into_iter()
-				.collect();
-		let res = tree.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone()).unwrap();
-		let candidate = &tree.nodes[res.unwrap_idx()];
-		assert_eq!(candidate.candidate_hash, candidates[1].hash());
-		if has_cycle {
-			assert_eq!(
-				tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 2, |_| true),
-				[2, 3].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
-			);
-		} else {
-			assert_eq!(
-				tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 4, |_| true),
-				[2, 3, 4].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
-			);
-		}
+	// No ancestors supplied.
+	assert_eq!(chain.find_ancestor_path(Ancestors::new()), 0);
+	assert_eq!(chain.find_backable_chain(Ancestors::new(), 0, |_| true), vec![]);
+	assert_eq!(
+		chain.find_backable_chain(Ancestors::new(), 1, |_| true),
+		[0].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
+	);
+	assert_eq!(
+		chain.find_backable_chain(Ancestors::new(), 2, |_| true),
+		[0, 1].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
+	);
+	assert_eq!(
+		chain.find_backable_chain(Ancestors::new(), 5, |_| true),
+		[0, 1, 2, 3, 4].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
+	);
-		let ancestors: Ancestors =
-			[candidates[1].hash(), candidates[2].hash()].into_iter().collect();
-		let res = tree.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone()).unwrap();
-		assert_eq!(res, NodePointer::Root);
+	for count in 6..10 {
-			tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 4, |_| true),
-			[0, 1, 2, 3].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
+			chain.find_backable_chain(Ancestors::new(), count, |_| true),
+			[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
+	}
-		// Requested count is 0.
-		assert_eq!(tree.find_backable_chain(Ancestors::new(), 0, |_| true), vec![]);
+	assert_eq!(
+		chain.find_backable_chain(Ancestors::new(), 7, |_| true),
+		[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
+	);
+	assert_eq!(
+		chain.find_backable_chain(Ancestors::new(), 10, |_| true),
+		[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
+	);
-		let ancestors: Ancestors =
-			[candidates[2].hash(), candidates[0].hash(), candidates[1].hash()]
-				.into_iter()
-				.collect();
-		assert_eq!(tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 0, |_| true), vec![]);
+	// Ancestor which is not part of the chain. Will be ignored.
+	let ancestors: Ancestors = [CandidateHash::default()].into_iter().collect();
+	assert_eq!(chain.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone()), 0);
+	assert_eq!(
+		chain.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 4, |_| true),
+		[0, 1, 2, 3].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
+	);
+	let ancestors: Ancestors =
+		[candidates[1].hash(), CandidateHash::default()].into_iter().collect();
+	assert_eq!(chain.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone()), 0);
+	assert_eq!(
+		chain.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 4, |_| true),
+		[0, 1, 2, 3].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
+	);
+	let ancestors: Ancestors =
+		[candidates[0].hash(), CandidateHash::default()].into_iter().collect();
+	assert_eq!(chain.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone()), 1);
+	assert_eq!(
+		chain.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 4, |_| true),
+		[1, 2, 3, 4].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
+	);
-		let ancestors: Ancestors =
-			[candidates[2].hash(), candidates[0].hash()].into_iter().collect();
-		assert_eq!(tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 0, |_| true), vec![]);
-	}
+	// Ancestors which are part of the chain but don't form a path from root. Will be ignored.
+	let ancestors: Ancestors = [candidates[1].hash(), candidates[2].hash()].into_iter().collect();
+	assert_eq!(chain.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone()), 0);
+	assert_eq!(
+		chain.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 4, |_| true),
+		[0, 1, 2, 3].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
+	);
-	// Now do some tests only on the tree with cycles
-	if has_cycle {
-		// Exceeds the maximum tree depth. 0-1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4, when the tree stops at
-		// 0-1-2-3-4-1-2-3.
-		let ancestors: Ancestors = [
-			candidates[0].hash(),
-			candidates[1].hash(),
-			candidates[2].hash(),
-			candidates[3].hash(),
-			candidates[4].hash(),
-		]
+	// Valid ancestors.
+	let ancestors: Ancestors = [candidates[2].hash(), candidates[0].hash(), candidates[1].hash()]
-		let res = tree.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone()).unwrap();
-		let candidate = &tree.nodes[res.unwrap_idx()];
-		assert_eq!(candidate.candidate_hash, candidates[4].hash());
-		assert_eq!(
-			tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 4, |_| true),
-			[1, 2, 3].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
-		);
-		// 0-1-2.
-		let ancestors: Ancestors =
-			[candidates[0].hash(), candidates[1].hash(), candidates[2].hash()]
-				.into_iter()
-				.collect();
-		let res = tree.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone()).unwrap();
-		let candidate = &tree.nodes[res.unwrap_idx()];
-		assert_eq!(candidate.candidate_hash, candidates[2].hash());
-		assert_eq!(
-			tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors.clone(), 1, |_| true),
-			[3].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
-		);
+	assert_eq!(chain.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone()), 3);
+	assert_eq!(
+		chain.find_backable_chain(ancestors.clone(), 2, |_| true),
+		[3, 4].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
+	);
+	for count in 3..10 {
-			tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 5, |_| true),
-			[3, 4, 1, 2, 3].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
+			chain.find_backable_chain(ancestors.clone(), count, |_| true),
+			[3, 4, 5].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
+	}
-		// 0-1
-		let ancestors: Ancestors =
-			[candidates[0].hash(), candidates[1].hash()].into_iter().collect();
-		let res = tree.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone()).unwrap();
-		let candidate = &tree.nodes[res.unwrap_idx()];
-		assert_eq!(candidate.candidate_hash, candidates[1].hash());
+	// Valid ancestors with candidates which have been omitted due to timeouts
+	let ancestors: Ancestors = [candidates[0].hash(), candidates[2].hash()].into_iter().collect();
+	assert_eq!(chain.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone()), 1);
+	assert_eq!(
+		chain.find_backable_chain(ancestors.clone(), 3, |_| true),
+		[1, 2, 3].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
+	);
+	assert_eq!(
+		chain.find_backable_chain(ancestors.clone(), 4, |_| true),
+		[1, 2, 3, 4].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
+	);
+	for count in 5..10 {
-			tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 6, |_| true),
-			[2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+			chain.find_backable_chain(ancestors.clone(), count, |_| true),
+			[1, 2, 3, 4, 5].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
+	}
-		// For 0-1-2-3-4-5, there's more than 1 way of finding this path in
-		// the tree. `None` should be returned. The runtime should not have accepted this.
-		let ancestors: Ancestors = [
-			candidates[0].hash(),
-			candidates[1].hash(),
-			candidates[2].hash(),
-			candidates[3].hash(),
-			candidates[4].hash(),
-			candidates[5].hash(),
-		]
+	let ancestors: Ancestors = [candidates[0].hash(), candidates[1].hash(), candidates[3].hash()]
-		let res = tree.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone());
-		assert_eq!(res, None);
-		assert_eq!(tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 1, |_| true), vec![]);
-	}
-fn graceful_cycle_of_0() {
-	let mut storage = CandidateStorage::new();
-	let para_id = ParaId::from(5u32);
-	let relay_parent_a = Hash::repeat_byte(1);
-	let (pvd_a, candidate_a) = make_committed_candidate(
-		para_id,
-		relay_parent_a,
-		0,
-		vec![0x0a].into(),
-		vec![0x0a].into(), // input same as output
-		0,
+	assert_eq!(chain.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone()), 2);
+	assert_eq!(
+		chain.find_backable_chain(ancestors.clone(), 4, |_| true),
+		[2, 3, 4, 5].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
-	let candidate_a_hash = candidate_a.hash();
-	let base_constraints = make_constraints(0, vec![0], vec![0x0a].into());
-	let pending_availability = Vec::new();
-	let relay_parent_a_info = RelayChainBlockInfo {
-		number: pvd_a.relay_parent_number,
-		hash: relay_parent_a,
-		storage_root: pvd_a.relay_parent_storage_root,
-	};
-	let max_depth = 4;
-	storage.add_candidate(candidate_a, pvd_a).unwrap();
-	let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
-		para_id,
-		relay_parent_a_info,
-		base_constraints,
-		pending_availability,
-		max_depth,
-		vec![],
-	)
-	.unwrap();
-	let tree = FragmentTree::populate(scope, &storage);
-	let candidates: Vec<_> = tree.candidates().collect();
-	assert_eq!(candidates.len(), 1);
-	assert_eq!(tree.nodes.len(), max_depth + 1);
-	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[0].parent, NodePointer::Root);
-	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[1].parent, NodePointer::Storage(0));
-	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[2].parent, NodePointer::Storage(1));
-	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[3].parent, NodePointer::Storage(2));
-	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[4].parent, NodePointer::Storage(3));
-	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[0].candidate_hash, candidate_a_hash);
-	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[1].candidate_hash, candidate_a_hash);
-	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[2].candidate_hash, candidate_a_hash);
-	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[3].candidate_hash, candidate_a_hash);
-	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[4].candidate_hash, candidate_a_hash);
+	// Requested count is 0.
+	assert_eq!(chain.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 0, |_| true), vec![]);
+	// Stop when we've found a candidate for which pred returns false.
+	let ancestors: Ancestors = [candidates[2].hash(), candidates[0].hash(), candidates[1].hash()]
+		.into_iter()
+		.collect();
 	for count in 1..10 {
-			tree.find_backable_chain(Ancestors::new(), count, |_| true),
-			iter::repeat(candidate_a_hash)
-				.take(std::cmp::min(count as usize, max_depth + 1))
-				.collect::<Vec<_>>()
+			// Stop at 4.
+			chain.find_backable_chain(ancestors.clone(), count, |hash| hash !=
+				&candidates[4].hash()),
+			[3].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
+	}
+	// Stop when we've found a candidate which is pending availability
+	{
+		let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
+			para_id,
+			relay_parent_info.clone(),
+			base_constraints,
+			// Mark the third candidate as pending availability
+			vec![PendingAvailability {
+				candidate_hash: candidates[3].hash(),
+				relay_parent: relay_parent_info,
+			}],
+			max_depth,
+			vec![],
+		)
+		.unwrap();
+		let chain = FragmentChain::populate(scope, &storage);
+		let ancestors: Ancestors =
+			[candidates[0].hash(), candidates[1].hash()].into_iter().collect();
-			tree.find_backable_chain([candidate_a_hash].into_iter().collect(), count - 1, |_| true),
-			iter::repeat(candidate_a_hash)
-				.take(std::cmp::min(count as usize - 1, max_depth))
-				.collect::<Vec<_>>()
+			// Stop at 4.
+			chain.find_backable_chain(ancestors.clone(), 3, |_| true),
+			[2].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
-fn graceful_cycle_of_1() {
-	let mut storage = CandidateStorage::new();
+fn hypothetical_membership() {
+	let mut storage = CandidateStorage::default();
 	let para_id = ParaId::from(5u32);
 	let relay_parent_a = Hash::repeat_byte(1);
@@ -962,7 +1412,7 @@ fn graceful_cycle_of_1() {
-		vec![0x0b].into(), // input same as output
+		vec![0x0b].into(),
 	let candidate_a_hash = candidate_a.hash();
@@ -972,13 +1422,12 @@ fn graceful_cycle_of_1() {
-		vec![0x0a].into(), // input same as output
+		vec![0x0c].into(),
 	let candidate_b_hash = candidate_b.hash();
 	let base_constraints = make_constraints(0, vec![0], vec![0x0a].into());
-	let pending_availability = Vec::new();
 	let relay_parent_a_info = RelayChainBlockInfo {
 		number: pvd_a.relay_parent_number,
@@ -987,182 +1436,153 @@ fn graceful_cycle_of_1() {
 	let max_depth = 4;
-	storage.add_candidate(candidate_a, pvd_a).unwrap();
-	storage.add_candidate(candidate_b, pvd_b).unwrap();
+	storage.add_candidate(candidate_a, pvd_a, CandidateState::Seconded).unwrap();
+	storage.add_candidate(candidate_b, pvd_b, CandidateState::Seconded).unwrap();
 	let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
-		relay_parent_a_info,
-		base_constraints,
-		pending_availability,
+		relay_parent_a_info.clone(),
+		base_constraints.clone(),
+		vec![],
-	let tree = FragmentTree::populate(scope, &storage);
+	let chain = FragmentChain::populate(scope, &storage);
-	let candidates: Vec<_> = tree.candidates().collect();
-	assert_eq!(candidates.len(), 2);
-	assert_eq!(tree.nodes.len(), max_depth + 1);
+	assert_eq!(chain.to_vec().len(), 2);
-	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[0].parent, NodePointer::Root);
-	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[1].parent, NodePointer::Storage(0));
-	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[2].parent, NodePointer::Storage(1));
-	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[3].parent, NodePointer::Storage(2));
-	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[4].parent, NodePointer::Storage(3));
+	// Check candidates which are already present
+	assert!(chain.hypothetical_membership(
+		HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
+			parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0a]).hash(),
+			candidate_relay_parent: relay_parent_a,
+			candidate_para: para_id,
+			candidate_hash: candidate_a_hash,
+		},
+		&storage,
+	));
+	assert!(chain.hypothetical_membership(
+		HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
+			parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0b]).hash(),
+			candidate_relay_parent: relay_parent_a,
+			candidate_para: para_id,
+			candidate_hash: candidate_b_hash,
+		},
+		&storage,
+	));
-	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[0].candidate_hash, candidate_a_hash);
-	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[1].candidate_hash, candidate_b_hash);
-	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[2].candidate_hash, candidate_a_hash);
-	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[3].candidate_hash, candidate_b_hash);
-	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[4].candidate_hash, candidate_a_hash);
+	// Forks not allowed.
+	assert!(!chain.hypothetical_membership(
+		HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
+			parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0a]).hash(),
+			candidate_relay_parent: relay_parent_a,
+			candidate_para: para_id,
+			candidate_hash: CandidateHash(Hash::repeat_byte(21)),
+		},
+		&storage,
+	));
+	assert!(!chain.hypothetical_membership(
+		HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
+			parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0b]).hash(),
+			candidate_relay_parent: relay_parent_a,
+			candidate_para: para_id,
+			candidate_hash: CandidateHash(Hash::repeat_byte(22)),
+		},
+		&storage,
+	));
-	assert_eq!(tree.find_backable_chain(Ancestors::new(), 1, |_| true), vec![candidate_a_hash],);
-	assert_eq!(
-		tree.find_backable_chain(Ancestors::new(), 2, |_| true),
-		vec![candidate_a_hash, candidate_b_hash],
-	);
-	assert_eq!(
-		tree.find_backable_chain(Ancestors::new(), 3, |_| true),
-		vec![candidate_a_hash, candidate_b_hash, candidate_a_hash],
-	);
-	assert_eq!(
-		tree.find_backable_chain([candidate_a_hash].into_iter().collect(), 2, |_| true),
-		vec![candidate_b_hash, candidate_a_hash],
-	);
+	// Unknown candidate which builds on top of the current chain.
+	assert!(chain.hypothetical_membership(
+		HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
+			parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0c]).hash(),
+			candidate_relay_parent: relay_parent_a,
+			candidate_para: para_id,
+			candidate_hash: CandidateHash(Hash::repeat_byte(23)),
+		},
+		&storage,
+	));
-	assert_eq!(
-		tree.find_backable_chain(Ancestors::new(), 6, |_| true),
-		vec![
-			candidate_a_hash,
-			candidate_b_hash,
-			candidate_a_hash,
-			candidate_b_hash,
-			candidate_a_hash
-		],
-	);
+	// Unknown unconnected candidate which may be valid.
+	assert!(chain.hypothetical_membership(
+		HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
+			parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0e]).hash(),
+			candidate_relay_parent: relay_parent_a,
+			candidate_para: para_id,
+			candidate_hash: CandidateHash(Hash::repeat_byte(23)),
+		},
+		&storage,
+	));
-	for count in 3..7 {
-		assert_eq!(
-			tree.find_backable_chain(
-				[candidate_a_hash, candidate_b_hash].into_iter().collect(),
-				count,
-				|_| true
-			),
-			vec![candidate_a_hash, candidate_b_hash, candidate_a_hash],
+	// The number of unconnected candidates is limited (chain.len() + unconnected) <= max_depth
+	{
+		// C will be an unconnected candidate.
+		let (pvd_c, candidate_c) = make_committed_candidate(
+			para_id,
+			relay_parent_a,
+			0,
+			vec![0x0e].into(),
+			vec![0x0f].into(),
+			0,
-	}
+		let candidate_c_hash = candidate_c.hash();
-fn hypothetical_depths_known_and_unknown() {
-	let mut storage = CandidateStorage::new();
-	let para_id = ParaId::from(5u32);
-	let relay_parent_a = Hash::repeat_byte(1);
-	let (pvd_a, candidate_a) = make_committed_candidate(
-		para_id,
-		relay_parent_a,
-		0,
-		vec![0x0a].into(),
-		vec![0x0b].into(), // input same as output
-		0,
-	);
-	let candidate_a_hash = candidate_a.hash();
-	let (pvd_b, candidate_b) = make_committed_candidate(
-		para_id,
-		relay_parent_a,
-		0,
-		vec![0x0b].into(),
-		vec![0x0a].into(), // input same as output
-		0,
-	);
-	let candidate_b_hash = candidate_b.hash();
-	let base_constraints = make_constraints(0, vec![0], vec![0x0a].into());
-	let pending_availability = Vec::new();
-	let relay_parent_a_info = RelayChainBlockInfo {
-		number: pvd_a.relay_parent_number,
-		hash: relay_parent_a,
-		storage_root: pvd_a.relay_parent_storage_root,
-	};
-	let max_depth = 4;
-	storage.add_candidate(candidate_a, pvd_a).unwrap();
-	storage.add_candidate(candidate_b, pvd_b).unwrap();
-	let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
-		para_id,
-		relay_parent_a_info,
-		base_constraints,
-		pending_availability,
-		max_depth,
-		vec![],
-	)
-	.unwrap();
-	let tree = FragmentTree::populate(scope, &storage);
+		// Add an invalid candidate in the storage. This would introduce a fork. Just to test that
+		// it's ignored.
+		let (invalid_pvd, invalid_candidate) = make_committed_candidate(
+			para_id,
+			relay_parent_a,
+			1,
+			vec![0x0a].into(),
+			vec![0x0b].into(),
+			0,
+		);
-	let candidates: Vec<_> = tree.candidates().collect();
-	assert_eq!(candidates.len(), 2);
-	assert_eq!(tree.nodes.len(), max_depth + 1);
+		let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
+			para_id,
+			relay_parent_a_info,
+			base_constraints,
+			vec![],
+			2,
+			vec![],
+		)
+		.unwrap();
+		let mut storage = storage.clone();
+		storage.add_candidate(candidate_c, pvd_c, CandidateState::Seconded).unwrap();
-	assert_eq!(
-		tree.hypothetical_depths(
-			candidate_a_hash,
-			HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
-				parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0a]).hash(),
-				relay_parent: relay_parent_a,
-			},
-			&storage,
-			false,
-		),
-		vec![0, 2, 4],
-	);
+		let chain = FragmentChain::populate(scope, &storage);
+		assert_eq!(chain.to_vec(), vec![candidate_a_hash, candidate_b_hash]);
-	assert_eq!(
-		tree.hypothetical_depths(
-			candidate_b_hash,
-			HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
-				parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0b]).hash(),
-				relay_parent: relay_parent_a,
-			},
-			&storage,
-			false,
-		),
-		vec![1, 3],
-	);
+		storage
+			.add_candidate(invalid_candidate, invalid_pvd, CandidateState::Seconded)
+			.unwrap();
-	assert_eq!(
-		tree.hypothetical_depths(
-			CandidateHash(Hash::repeat_byte(21)),
+		// Check that C is accepted as a potential unconnected candidate.
+		assert!(!chain.hypothetical_membership(
 			HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
-				parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0a]).hash(),
-				relay_parent: relay_parent_a,
+				parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0e]).hash(),
+				candidate_relay_parent: relay_parent_a,
+				candidate_hash: candidate_c_hash,
+				candidate_para: para_id
-			false,
-		),
-		vec![0, 2, 4],
-	);
+		));
-	assert_eq!(
-		tree.hypothetical_depths(
-			CandidateHash(Hash::repeat_byte(22)),
+		// Since C is already an unconnected candidate in the storage.
+		assert!(!chain.hypothetical_membership(
 			HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
-				parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0b]).hash(),
-				relay_parent: relay_parent_a,
+				parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0f]).hash(),
+				candidate_relay_parent: relay_parent_a,
+				candidate_para: para_id,
+				candidate_hash: CandidateHash(Hash::repeat_byte(23)),
-			false,
-		),
-		vec![1, 3]
-	);
+		));
+	}
-fn hypothetical_depths_stricter_on_complete() {
-	let storage = CandidateStorage::new();
+fn hypothetical_membership_stricter_on_complete_candidates() {
+	let storage = CandidateStorage::default();
 	let para_id = ParaId::from(5u32);
 	let relay_parent_a = Hash::repeat_byte(1);
@@ -1197,161 +1617,31 @@ fn hypothetical_depths_stricter_on_complete() {
-	let tree = FragmentTree::populate(scope, &storage);
-	assert_eq!(
-		tree.hypothetical_depths(
-			candidate_a_hash,
-			HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
-				parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0a]).hash(),
-				relay_parent: relay_parent_a,
-			},
-			&storage,
-			false,
-		),
-		vec![0],
-	);
-	assert!(tree
-		.hypothetical_depths(
-			candidate_a_hash,
-			HypotheticalCandidate::Complete {
-				receipt: Cow::Owned(candidate_a),
-				persisted_validation_data: Cow::Owned(pvd_a),
-			},
-			&storage,
-			false,
-		)
-		.is_empty());
-fn hypothetical_depths_backed_in_path() {
-	let mut storage = CandidateStorage::new();
-	let para_id = ParaId::from(5u32);
-	let relay_parent_a = Hash::repeat_byte(1);
-	let (pvd_a, candidate_a) = make_committed_candidate(
-		para_id,
-		relay_parent_a,
-		0,
-		vec![0x0a].into(),
-		vec![0x0b].into(),
-		0,
-	);
-	let candidate_a_hash = candidate_a.hash();
-	let (pvd_b, candidate_b) = make_committed_candidate(
-		para_id,
-		relay_parent_a,
-		0,
-		vec![0x0b].into(),
-		vec![0x0c].into(),
-		0,
-	);
-	let candidate_b_hash = candidate_b.hash();
-	let (pvd_c, candidate_c) = make_committed_candidate(
-		para_id,
-		relay_parent_a,
-		0,
-		vec![0x0b].into(),
-		vec![0x0d].into(),
-		0,
-	);
-	let base_constraints = make_constraints(0, vec![0], vec![0x0a].into());
-	let pending_availability = Vec::new();
-	let relay_parent_a_info = RelayChainBlockInfo {
-		number: pvd_a.relay_parent_number,
-		hash: relay_parent_a,
-		storage_root: pvd_a.relay_parent_storage_root,
-	};
-	let max_depth = 4;
-	storage.add_candidate(candidate_a, pvd_a).unwrap();
-	storage.add_candidate(candidate_b, pvd_b).unwrap();
-	storage.add_candidate(candidate_c, pvd_c).unwrap();
-	// `A` and `B` are backed, `C` is not.
-	storage.mark_backed(&candidate_a_hash);
-	storage.mark_backed(&candidate_b_hash);
-	let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
-		para_id,
-		relay_parent_a_info,
-		base_constraints,
-		pending_availability,
-		max_depth,
-		vec![],
-	)
-	.unwrap();
-	let tree = FragmentTree::populate(scope, &storage);
-	let candidates: Vec<_> = tree.candidates().collect();
-	assert_eq!(candidates.len(), 3);
-	assert_eq!(tree.nodes.len(), 3);
-	let candidate_d_hash = CandidateHash(Hash::repeat_byte(0xAA));
-	assert_eq!(
-		tree.hypothetical_depths(
-			candidate_d_hash,
-			HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
-				parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0a]).hash(),
-				relay_parent: relay_parent_a,
-			},
-			&storage,
-			true,
-		),
-		vec![0],
-	);
-	assert_eq!(
-		tree.hypothetical_depths(
-			candidate_d_hash,
-			HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
-				parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0c]).hash(),
-				relay_parent: relay_parent_a,
-			},
-			&storage,
-			true,
-		),
-		vec![2],
-	);
-	assert_eq!(
-		tree.hypothetical_depths(
-			candidate_d_hash,
-			HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
-				parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0d]).hash(),
-				relay_parent: relay_parent_a,
-			},
-			&storage,
-			true,
-		),
-		Vec::<usize>::new(),
-	);
+	let chain = FragmentChain::populate(scope, &storage);
+	assert!(chain.hypothetical_membership(
+		HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
+			parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0a]).hash(),
+			candidate_relay_parent: relay_parent_a,
+			candidate_para: para_id,
+			candidate_hash: candidate_a_hash,
+		},
+		&storage,
+	));
-	assert_eq!(
-		tree.hypothetical_depths(
-			candidate_d_hash,
-			HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
-				parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0d]).hash(),
-				relay_parent: relay_parent_a,
-			},
-			&storage,
-			false,
-		),
-		vec![2], // non-empty if `false`.
-	);
+	assert!(!chain.hypothetical_membership(
+		HypotheticalCandidate::Complete {
+			receipt: Arc::new(candidate_a),
+			persisted_validation_data: pvd_a,
+			candidate_hash: candidate_a_hash,
+		},
+		&storage,
+	));
-fn pending_availability_in_scope() {
-	let mut storage = CandidateStorage::new();
+fn hypothetical_membership_with_pending_availability_in_scope() {
+	let mut storage = CandidateStorage::default();
 	let para_id = ParaId::from(5u32);
 	let relay_parent_a = Hash::repeat_byte(1);
@@ -1402,8 +1692,8 @@ fn pending_availability_in_scope() {
 	let max_depth = 4;
-	storage.add_candidate(candidate_a, pvd_a).unwrap();
-	storage.add_candidate(candidate_b, pvd_b).unwrap();
+	storage.add_candidate(candidate_a, pvd_a, CandidateState::Seconded).unwrap();
+	storage.add_candidate(candidate_b, pvd_b, CandidateState::Backed).unwrap();
 	let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
@@ -1415,37 +1705,49 @@ fn pending_availability_in_scope() {
-	let tree = FragmentTree::populate(scope, &storage);
+	let chain = FragmentChain::populate(scope, &storage);
-	let candidates: Vec<_> = tree.candidates().collect();
-	assert_eq!(candidates.len(), 2);
-	assert_eq!(tree.nodes.len(), 2);
+	assert_eq!(chain.to_vec().len(), 2);
 	let candidate_d_hash = CandidateHash(Hash::repeat_byte(0xAA));
-	assert_eq!(
-		tree.hypothetical_depths(
-			candidate_d_hash,
-			HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
-				parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0b]).hash(),
-				relay_parent: relay_parent_c,
-			},
-			&storage,
-			false,
-		),
-		vec![1],
-	);
+	assert!(chain.hypothetical_membership(
+		HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
+			parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0a]).hash(),
+			candidate_relay_parent: relay_parent_a,
+			candidate_hash: candidate_a_hash,
+			candidate_para: para_id
+		},
+		&storage,
+	));
-	assert_eq!(
-		tree.hypothetical_depths(
-			candidate_d_hash,
-			HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
-				parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0c]).hash(),
-				relay_parent: relay_parent_b,
-			},
-			&storage,
-			false,
-		),
-		vec![2],
-	);
+	assert!(!chain.hypothetical_membership(
+		HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
+			parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0a]).hash(),
+			candidate_relay_parent: relay_parent_c,
+			candidate_para: para_id,
+			candidate_hash: candidate_d_hash,
+		},
+		&storage,
+	));
+	assert!(!chain.hypothetical_membership(
+		HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
+			parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0b]).hash(),
+			candidate_relay_parent: relay_parent_c,
+			candidate_para: para_id,
+			candidate_hash: candidate_d_hash,
+		},
+		&storage,
+	));
+	assert!(chain.hypothetical_membership(
+		HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
+			parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0c]).hash(),
+			candidate_relay_parent: relay_parent_b,
+			candidate_para: para_id,
+			candidate_hash: candidate_d_hash,
+		},
+		&storage,
+	));
diff --git a/polkadot/node/core/prospective-parachains/src/ b/polkadot/node/core/prospective-parachains/src/
index 0b1a2e034a2..d5bb5ff76ba 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/core/prospective-parachains/src/
+++ b/polkadot/node/core/prospective-parachains/src/
@@ -21,22 +21,20 @@
 //! This is the main coordinator of work within the node for the collation and
 //! backing phases of parachain consensus.
-//! This is primarily an implementation of "Fragment Trees", as described in
+//! This is primarily an implementation of "Fragment Chains", as described in
 //! [`polkadot_node_subsystem_util::inclusion_emulator`].
 //! This subsystem also handles concerns such as the relay-chain being forkful and session changes.
-use std::{
-	borrow::Cow,
-	collections::{HashMap, HashSet},
+use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
+use fragment_chain::{FragmentChain, PotentialAddition};
 use futures::{channel::oneshot, prelude::*};
 use polkadot_node_subsystem::{
-		Ancestors, ChainApiMessage, FragmentTreeMembership, HypotheticalCandidate,
-		HypotheticalFrontierRequest, IntroduceCandidateRequest, ParentHeadData,
+		Ancestors, ChainApiMessage, HypotheticalCandidate, HypotheticalMembership,
+		HypotheticalMembershipRequest, IntroduceSecondedCandidateRequest, ParentHeadData,
 		ProspectiveParachainsMessage, ProspectiveValidationDataRequest, RuntimeApiMessage,
@@ -56,7 +54,8 @@ use polkadot_primitives::{
 use crate::{
 	error::{FatalError, FatalResult, JfyiError, JfyiErrorResult, Result},
-		CandidateStorage, CandidateStorageInsertionError, FragmentTree, Scope as TreeScope,
+		CandidateState, CandidateStorage, CandidateStorageInsertionError,
+		Scope as FragmentChainScope,
@@ -72,7 +71,7 @@ const LOG_TARGET: &str = "parachain::prospective-parachains";
 struct RelayBlockViewData {
 	// Scheduling info for paras and upcoming paras.
-	fragment_trees: HashMap<ParaId, FragmentTree>,
+	fragment_chains: HashMap<ParaId, FragmentChain>,
 	pending_availability: HashSet<CandidateHash>,
@@ -141,12 +140,10 @@ async fn run_iteration<Context>(
 			FromOrchestra::Signal(OverseerSignal::BlockFinalized(..)) => {},
 			FromOrchestra::Communication { msg } => match msg {
-				ProspectiveParachainsMessage::IntroduceCandidate(request, tx) =>
-					handle_candidate_introduced(&mut *ctx, view, request, tx).await?,
-				ProspectiveParachainsMessage::CandidateSeconded(para, candidate_hash) =>
-					handle_candidate_seconded(view, para, candidate_hash),
+				ProspectiveParachainsMessage::IntroduceSecondedCandidate(request, tx) =>
+					handle_introduce_seconded_candidate(&mut *ctx, view, request, tx, metrics).await,
 				ProspectiveParachainsMessage::CandidateBacked(para, candidate_hash) =>
-					handle_candidate_backed(&mut *ctx, view, para, candidate_hash).await?,
+					handle_candidate_backed(&mut *ctx, view, para, candidate_hash).await,
@@ -154,10 +151,8 @@ async fn run_iteration<Context>(
 				) => answer_get_backable_candidates(&view, relay_parent, para, count, ancestors, tx),
-				ProspectiveParachainsMessage::GetHypotheticalFrontier(request, tx) =>
-					answer_hypothetical_frontier_request(&view, request, tx),
-				ProspectiveParachainsMessage::GetTreeMembership(para, candidate, tx) =>
-					answer_tree_membership_request(&view, para, candidate, tx),
+				ProspectiveParachainsMessage::GetHypotheticalMembership(request, tx) =>
+					answer_hypothetical_membership_request(&view, request, tx, metrics),
 				ProspectiveParachainsMessage::GetMinimumRelayParents(relay_parent, tx) =>
 					answer_minimum_relay_parents_request(&view, relay_parent, tx),
 				ProspectiveParachainsMessage::GetProspectiveValidationData(request, tx) =>
@@ -175,8 +170,8 @@ async fn handle_active_leaves_update<Context>(
 	metrics: &Metrics,
 ) -> JfyiErrorResult<()> {
 	// 1. clean up inactive leaves
-	// 2. determine all scheduled para at new block
-	// 3. construct new fragment tree for each para for each new leaf
+	// 2. determine all scheduled paras at the new block
+	// 3. construct new fragment chain for each para for each new leaf
 	// 4. prune candidate storage.
 	for deactivated in &update.deactivated {
@@ -203,9 +198,7 @@ async fn handle_active_leaves_update<Context>(
 			return Ok(())
-		let mut pending_availability = HashSet::new();
-		let scheduled_paras =
-			fetch_upcoming_paras(&mut *ctx, hash, &mut pending_availability).await?;
+		let scheduled_paras = fetch_upcoming_paras(&mut *ctx, hash).await?;
 		let block_info: RelayChainBlockInfo =
 			match fetch_block_info(&mut *ctx, &mut temp_header_cache, hash).await? {
@@ -227,30 +220,30 @@ async fn handle_active_leaves_update<Context>(
 		let ancestry =
 			fetch_ancestry(&mut *ctx, &mut temp_header_cache, hash, allowed_ancestry_len).await?;
+		let mut all_pending_availability = HashSet::new();
 		// Find constraints.
-		let mut fragment_trees = HashMap::new();
+		let mut fragment_chains = HashMap::new();
 		for para in scheduled_paras {
 			let candidate_storage =
-				view.candidate_storage.entry(para).or_insert_with(CandidateStorage::new);
+				view.candidate_storage.entry(para).or_insert_with(CandidateStorage::default);
 			let backing_state = fetch_backing_state(&mut *ctx, hash, para).await?;
-			let (constraints, pending_availability) = match backing_state {
-				Some(c) => c,
-				None => {
-					// This indicates a runtime conflict of some kind.
-					gum::debug!(
-						target: LOG_TARGET,
-						para_id = ?para,
-						relay_parent = ?hash,
-						"Failed to get inclusion backing state."
-					);
+			let Some((constraints, pending_availability)) = backing_state else {
+				// This indicates a runtime conflict of some kind.
+				gum::debug!(
+					target: LOG_TARGET,
+					para_id = ?para,
+					relay_parent = ?hash,
+					"Failed to get inclusion backing state."
+				);
-					continue
-				},
+				continue
+			all_pending_availability.extend(pending_availability.iter().map(|c| c.candidate_hash));
 			let pending_availability = preprocess_candidates_pending_availability(
 				&mut temp_header_cache,
@@ -261,15 +254,15 @@ async fn handle_active_leaves_update<Context>(
 			let mut compact_pending = Vec::with_capacity(pending_availability.len());
 			for c in pending_availability {
-				let res = candidate_storage.add_candidate(c.candidate, c.persisted_validation_data);
+				let res = candidate_storage.add_candidate(
+					c.candidate,
+					c.persisted_validation_data,
+					CandidateState::Backed,
+				);
 				let candidate_hash = c.compact.candidate_hash;
-				compact_pending.push(c.compact);
 				match res {
-					Ok(_) | Err(CandidateStorageInsertionError::CandidateAlreadyKnown(_)) => {
-						// Anything on-chain is guaranteed to be backed.
-						candidate_storage.mark_backed(&candidate_hash);
-					},
+					Ok(_) | Err(CandidateStorageInsertionError::CandidateAlreadyKnown(_)) => {},
 					Err(err) => {
 							target: LOG_TARGET,
@@ -278,11 +271,15 @@ async fn handle_active_leaves_update<Context>(
 							"Scraped invalid candidate pending availability",
+						break
+				compact_pending.push(c.compact);
-			let scope = TreeScope::with_ancestors(
+			let scope = FragmentChainScope::with_ancestors(
@@ -297,16 +294,26 @@ async fn handle_active_leaves_update<Context>(
 				relay_parent = ?hash,
 				min_relay_parent = scope.earliest_relay_parent().number,
 				para_id = ?para,
-				"Creating fragment tree"
+				"Creating fragment chain"
-			let tree = FragmentTree::populate(scope, &*candidate_storage);
+			let chain = FragmentChain::populate(scope, &*candidate_storage);
+			gum::trace!(
+				target: LOG_TARGET,
+				relay_parent = ?hash,
+				para_id = ?para,
+				"Populated fragment chain with {} candidates",
+				chain.len()
+			);
-			fragment_trees.insert(para, tree);
+			fragment_chains.insert(para, chain);
-		view.active_leaves
-			.insert(hash, RelayBlockViewData { fragment_trees, pending_availability });
+		view.active_leaves.insert(
+			hash,
+			RelayBlockViewData { fragment_chains, pending_availability: all_pending_availability },
+		);
 	if !update.deactivated.is_empty() {
@@ -318,18 +325,39 @@ async fn handle_active_leaves_update<Context>(
 fn prune_view_candidate_storage(view: &mut View, metrics: &Metrics) {
-	metrics.time_prune_view_candidate_storage();
+	let _timer = metrics.time_prune_view_candidate_storage();
 	let active_leaves = &view.active_leaves;
 	let mut live_candidates = HashSet::new();
 	let mut live_paras = HashSet::new();
 	for sub_view in active_leaves.values() {
-		for (para_id, fragment_tree) in &sub_view.fragment_trees {
-			live_candidates.extend(fragment_tree.candidates());
+		live_candidates.extend(sub_view.pending_availability.iter().cloned());
+		for (para_id, fragment_chain) in &sub_view.fragment_chains {
+			live_candidates.extend(fragment_chain.to_vec());
+	}
-		live_candidates.extend(sub_view.pending_availability.iter().cloned());
+	let connected_candidates_count = live_candidates.len();
+	for (leaf, sub_view) in active_leaves.iter() {
+		for (para_id, fragment_chain) in &sub_view.fragment_chains {
+			if let Some(storage) = view.candidate_storage.get(para_id) {
+				let unconnected_potential =
+					fragment_chain.find_unconnected_potential_candidates(storage, None);
+				if !unconnected_potential.is_empty() {
+					gum::trace!(
+						target: LOG_TARGET,
+						?leaf,
+						"Keeping {} unconnected candidates for paraid {} in storage: {:?}",
+						unconnected_potential.len(),
+						para_id,
+						unconnected_potential
+					);
+				}
+				live_candidates.extend(unconnected_potential);
+			}
+		}
 	view.candidate_storage.retain(|para_id, storage| {
@@ -343,7 +371,21 @@ fn prune_view_candidate_storage(view: &mut View, metrics: &Metrics) {
 		// This maintains a convenient invariant that para-id storage exists
 		// as long as there's an active head which schedules the para.
-	})
+	});
+	for (para_id, storage) in view.candidate_storage.iter() {
+		gum::trace!(
+			target: LOG_TARGET,
+			"Keeping a total of {} connected candidates for paraid {} in storage",
+			storage.candidates().count(),
+			para_id,
+		);
+	}
+	metrics.record_candidate_storage_size(
+		connected_candidates_count as u64,
+		live_candidates.len().saturating_sub(connected_candidates_count) as u64,
+	);
 struct ImportablePendingAvailability {
@@ -365,22 +407,20 @@ async fn preprocess_candidates_pending_availability<Context>(
 	let expected_count = pending_availability.len();
 	for (i, pending) in pending_availability.into_iter().enumerate() {
-		let relay_parent =
-			match fetch_block_info(ctx, cache, pending.descriptor.relay_parent).await? {
-				None => {
-					gum::debug!(
-						target: LOG_TARGET,
-						?pending.candidate_hash,
-						?pending.descriptor.para_id,
-						index = ?i,
-						?expected_count,
-						"Had to stop processing pending candidates early due to missing info.",
-					);
+		let Some(relay_parent) =
+			fetch_block_info(ctx, cache, pending.descriptor.relay_parent).await?
+		else {
+			gum::debug!(
+				target: LOG_TARGET,
+				?pending.candidate_hash,
+				?pending.descriptor.para_id,
+				index = ?i,
+				?expected_count,
+				"Had to stop processing pending candidates early due to missing info.",
+			);
-					break
-				},
-				Some(b) => b,
-			};
+			break
+		};
 		let next_required_parent = pending.commitments.head_data.clone();
 		importable.push(ImportablePendingAvailability {
@@ -407,104 +447,139 @@ async fn preprocess_candidates_pending_availability<Context>(
 #[overseer::contextbounds(ProspectiveParachains, prefix = self::overseer)]
-async fn handle_candidate_introduced<Context>(
+async fn handle_introduce_seconded_candidate<Context>(
 	_ctx: &mut Context,
 	view: &mut View,
-	request: IntroduceCandidateRequest,
-	tx: oneshot::Sender<FragmentTreeMembership>,
-) -> JfyiErrorResult<()> {
-	let IntroduceCandidateRequest {
+	request: IntroduceSecondedCandidateRequest,
+	tx: oneshot::Sender<bool>,
+	metrics: &Metrics,
+) {
+	let _timer = metrics.time_introduce_seconded_candidate();
+	let IntroduceSecondedCandidateRequest {
 		candidate_para: para,
 		candidate_receipt: candidate,
 		persisted_validation_data: pvd,
 	} = request;
-	// Add the candidate to storage.
-	// Then attempt to add it to all trees.
-	let storage = match view.candidate_storage.get_mut(&para) {
-		None => {
-			gum::warn!(
-				target: LOG_TARGET,
-				para_id = ?para,
-				candidate_hash = ?candidate.hash(),
-				"Received seconded candidate for inactive para",
-			);
+	let Some(storage) = view.candidate_storage.get_mut(&para) else {
+		gum::warn!(
+			target: LOG_TARGET,
+			para_id = ?para,
+			candidate_hash = ?candidate.hash(),
+			"Received seconded candidate for inactive para",
+		);
-			let _ = tx.send(Vec::new());
-			return Ok(())
-		},
-		Some(storage) => storage,
+		let _ = tx.send(false);
+		return
-	let candidate_hash = match storage.add_candidate(candidate, pvd) {
-		Ok(c) => c,
-		Err(CandidateStorageInsertionError::CandidateAlreadyKnown(c)) => {
-			// Candidate known - return existing fragment tree membership.
-			let _ = tx.send(fragment_tree_membership(&view.active_leaves, para, c));
-			return Ok(())
-		},
-		Err(CandidateStorageInsertionError::PersistedValidationDataMismatch) => {
-			// We can't log the candidate hash without either doing more ~expensive
-			// hashing but this branch indicates something is seriously wrong elsewhere
-			// so it's doubtful that it would affect debugging.
+	let parent_head_hash = pvd.parent_head.hash();
+	let output_head_hash = Some(candidate.commitments.head_data.hash());
+	// We first introduce the candidate in the storage and then try to extend the chain.
+	// If the candidate gets included in the chain, we can keep it in storage.
+	// If it doesn't, check that it's still a potential candidate in at least one fragment chain.
+	// If it's not, we can remove it.
+	let candidate_hash =
+		match storage.add_candidate(candidate.clone(), pvd, CandidateState::Seconded) {
+			Ok(c) => c,
+			Err(CandidateStorageInsertionError::CandidateAlreadyKnown(_)) => {
+				gum::debug!(
+					target: LOG_TARGET,
+					para = ?para,
+					"Attempting to introduce an already known candidate: {:?}",
+					candidate.hash()
+				);
+				// Candidate already known.
+				let _ = tx.send(true);
+				return
+			},
+			Err(CandidateStorageInsertionError::PersistedValidationDataMismatch) => {
+				// We can't log the candidate hash without either doing more ~expensive
+				// hashing but this branch indicates something is seriously wrong elsewhere
+				// so it's doubtful that it would affect debugging.
-			gum::warn!(
+				gum::warn!(
+					target: LOG_TARGET,
+					para = ?para,
+					"Received seconded candidate had mismatching validation data",
+				);
+				let _ = tx.send(false);
+				return
+			},
+		};
+	let mut keep_in_storage = false;
+	for (relay_parent, leaf_data) in view.active_leaves.iter_mut() {
+		if let Some(chain) = leaf_data.fragment_chains.get_mut(&para) {
+			gum::trace!(
 				target: LOG_TARGET,
 				para = ?para,
-				"Received seconded candidate had mismatching validation data",
+				?relay_parent,
+				"Candidates in chain before trying to introduce a new one: {:?}",
+				chain.to_vec()
+			chain.extend_from_storage(&*storage);
+			if chain.contains_candidate(&candidate_hash) {
+				keep_in_storage = true;
-			let _ = tx.send(Vec::new());
-			return Ok(())
-		},
-	};
+				gum::trace!(
+					target: LOG_TARGET,
+					?relay_parent,
+					para = ?para,
+					?candidate_hash,
+					"Added candidate to chain.",
+				);
+			} else {
+				match chain.can_add_candidate_as_potential(
+					&storage,
+					&candidate_hash,
+					&candidate.descriptor.relay_parent,
+					parent_head_hash,
+					output_head_hash,
+				) {
+					PotentialAddition::Anyhow => {
+						gum::trace!(
+							target: LOG_TARGET,
+							para = ?para,
+							?relay_parent,
+							?candidate_hash,
+							"Kept candidate as unconnected potential.",
+						);
-	let mut membership = Vec::new();
-	for (relay_parent, leaf_data) in &mut view.active_leaves {
-		if let Some(tree) = leaf_data.fragment_trees.get_mut(&para) {
-			tree.add_and_populate(candidate_hash, &*storage);
-			if let Some(depths) = tree.candidate(&candidate_hash) {
-				membership.push((*relay_parent, depths));
+						keep_in_storage = true;
+					},
+					_ => {
+						gum::trace!(
+							target: LOG_TARGET,
+							para = ?para,
+							?relay_parent,
+							"Not introducing a new candidate: {:?}",
+							candidate_hash
+						);
+					},
+				}
-	if membership.is_empty() {
+	// If there is at least one leaf where this candidate can be added or potentially added in the
+	// future, keep it in storage.
+	if !keep_in_storage {
-	}
-	let _ = tx.send(membership);
-	Ok(())
-fn handle_candidate_seconded(view: &mut View, para: ParaId, candidate_hash: CandidateHash) {
-	let storage = match view.candidate_storage.get_mut(&para) {
-		None => {
-			gum::warn!(
-				target: LOG_TARGET,
-				para_id = ?para,
-				?candidate_hash,
-				"Received instruction to second unknown candidate",
-			);
-			return
-		},
-		Some(storage) => storage,
-	};
-	if !storage.contains(&candidate_hash) {
-		gum::warn!(
+		gum::debug!(
 			target: LOG_TARGET,
-			para_id = ?para,
-			?candidate_hash,
-			"Received instruction to second unknown candidate",
+			para = ?para,
+			candidate = ?candidate_hash,
+			"Newly-seconded candidate cannot be kept under any active leaf",
-		return
-	storage.mark_seconded(&candidate_hash);
+	let _ = tx.send(keep_in_storage);
 #[overseer::contextbounds(ProspectiveParachains, prefix = self::overseer)]
@@ -513,19 +588,16 @@ async fn handle_candidate_backed<Context>(
 	view: &mut View,
 	para: ParaId,
 	candidate_hash: CandidateHash,
-) -> JfyiErrorResult<()> {
-	let storage = match view.candidate_storage.get_mut(&para) {
-		None => {
-			gum::warn!(
-				target: LOG_TARGET,
-				para_id = ?para,
-				?candidate_hash,
-				"Received instruction to back unknown candidate",
-			);
+) {
+	let Some(storage) = view.candidate_storage.get_mut(&para) else {
+		gum::warn!(
+			target: LOG_TARGET,
+			para_id = ?para,
+			?candidate_hash,
+			"Received instruction to back a candidate for unscheduled para",
+		);
-			return Ok(())
-		},
-		Some(storage) => storage,
+		return
 	if !storage.contains(&candidate_hash) {
@@ -536,7 +608,7 @@ async fn handle_candidate_backed<Context>(
 			"Received instruction to back unknown candidate",
-		return Ok(())
+		return
 	if storage.is_backed(&candidate_hash) {
@@ -547,11 +619,10 @@ async fn handle_candidate_backed<Context>(
 			"Received redundant instruction to mark candidate as backed",
-		return Ok(())
+		return
-	Ok(())
 fn answer_get_backable_candidates(
@@ -562,62 +633,71 @@ fn answer_get_backable_candidates(
 	ancestors: Ancestors,
 	tx: oneshot::Sender<Vec<(CandidateHash, Hash)>>,
 ) {
-	let data = match view.active_leaves.get(&relay_parent) {
-		None => {
-			gum::debug!(
-				target: LOG_TARGET,
-				?relay_parent,
-				para_id = ?para,
-				"Requested backable candidate for inactive relay-parent."
-			);
+	let Some(data) = view.active_leaves.get(&relay_parent) else {
+		gum::debug!(
+			target: LOG_TARGET,
+			?relay_parent,
+			para_id = ?para,
+			"Requested backable candidate for inactive relay-parent."
+		);
-			let _ = tx.send(vec![]);
-			return
-		},
-		Some(d) => d,
+		let _ = tx.send(vec![]);
+		return
-	let tree = match data.fragment_trees.get(&para) {
-		None => {
-			gum::debug!(
-				target: LOG_TARGET,
-				?relay_parent,
-				para_id = ?para,
-				"Requested backable candidate for inactive para."
-			);
+	let Some(chain) = data.fragment_chains.get(&para) else {
+		gum::debug!(
+			target: LOG_TARGET,
+			?relay_parent,
+			para_id = ?para,
+			"Requested backable candidate for inactive para."
+		);
-			let _ = tx.send(vec![]);
-			return
-		},
-		Some(tree) => tree,
+		let _ = tx.send(vec![]);
+		return
-	let storage = match view.candidate_storage.get(&para) {
-		None => {
-			gum::warn!(
-				target: LOG_TARGET,
-				?relay_parent,
-				para_id = ?para,
-				"No candidate storage for active para",
-			);
+	let Some(storage) = view.candidate_storage.get(&para) else {
+		gum::warn!(
+			target: LOG_TARGET,
+			?relay_parent,
+			para_id = ?para,
+			"No candidate storage for active para",
+		);
-			let _ = tx.send(vec![]);
-			return
-		},
-		Some(s) => s,
+		let _ = tx.send(vec![]);
+		return
-	let backable_candidates: Vec<_> = tree
+	gum::trace!(
+		target: LOG_TARGET,
+		?relay_parent,
+		para_id = ?para,
+		"Candidate storage for para: {:?}",
+		storage.candidates().map(|candidate| candidate.hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
+	);
+	gum::trace!(
+		target: LOG_TARGET,
+		?relay_parent,
+		para_id = ?para,
+		"Candidate chain for para: {:?}",
+		chain.to_vec()
+	);
+	let backable_candidates: Vec<_> = chain
 		.find_backable_chain(ancestors.clone(), count, |candidate| storage.is_backed(candidate))
 		.filter_map(|child_hash| {
-			storage.relay_parent_by_candidate_hash(&child_hash).map_or_else(
+			storage.relay_parent_of_candidate(&child_hash).map_or_else(
 				|| {
+					// Here, we'd actually need to trim all of the candidates that follow. Or
+					// not, the runtime will do this. Impossible scenario anyway.
 						target: LOG_TARGET,
 						para_id = ?para,
-						"Candidate is present in fragment tree but not in candidate's storage!",
+						"Candidate is present in fragment chain but not in candidate's storage!",
@@ -639,6 +719,7 @@ fn answer_get_backable_candidates(
 			target: LOG_TARGET,
+			?ancestors,
 			"Found backable candidates",
@@ -646,58 +727,32 @@ fn answer_get_backable_candidates(
 	let _ = tx.send(backable_candidates);
-fn answer_hypothetical_frontier_request(
+fn answer_hypothetical_membership_request(
 	view: &View,
-	request: HypotheticalFrontierRequest,
-	tx: oneshot::Sender<Vec<(HypotheticalCandidate, FragmentTreeMembership)>>,
+	request: HypotheticalMembershipRequest,
+	tx: oneshot::Sender<Vec<(HypotheticalCandidate, HypotheticalMembership)>>,
+	metrics: &Metrics,
 ) {
+	let _timer = metrics.time_hypothetical_membership_request();
 	let mut response = Vec::with_capacity(request.candidates.len());
 	for candidate in request.candidates {
-		response.push((candidate, Vec::new()));
+		response.push((candidate, vec![]));
-	let required_active_leaf = request.fragment_tree_relay_parent;
+	let required_active_leaf = request.fragment_chain_relay_parent;
 	for (active_leaf, leaf_view) in view
 		.filter(|(h, _)| required_active_leaf.as_ref().map_or(true, |x| h == &x))
-		for &mut (ref c, ref mut membership) in &mut response {
-			let fragment_tree = match leaf_view.fragment_trees.get(&c.candidate_para()) {
-				None => continue,
-				Some(f) => f,
-			};
-			let candidate_storage = match view.candidate_storage.get(&c.candidate_para()) {
-				None => continue,
-				Some(storage) => storage,
-			};
-			let candidate_hash = c.candidate_hash();
-			let hypothetical = match c {
-				HypotheticalCandidate::Complete { receipt, persisted_validation_data, .. } =>
-					fragment_chain::HypotheticalCandidate::Complete {
-						receipt: Cow::Borrowed(receipt),
-						persisted_validation_data: Cow::Borrowed(persisted_validation_data),
-					},
-				HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
-					parent_head_data_hash,
-					candidate_relay_parent,
-					..
-				} => fragment_chain::HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
-					relay_parent: *candidate_relay_parent,
-					parent_head_data_hash: *parent_head_data_hash,
-				},
-			};
-			let depths = fragment_tree.hypothetical_depths(
-				candidate_hash,
-				hypothetical,
-				candidate_storage,
-				request.backed_in_path_only,
-			);
+		for &mut (ref candidate, ref mut membership) in &mut response {
+			let para_id = &candidate.candidate_para();
+			let Some(fragment_chain) = leaf_view.fragment_chains.get(para_id) else { continue };
+			let Some(candidate_storage) = view.candidate_storage.get(para_id) else { continue };
-			if !depths.is_empty() {
-				membership.push((*active_leaf, depths));
+			if fragment_chain.hypothetical_membership(candidate.clone(), candidate_storage) {
+				membership.push(*active_leaf);
@@ -705,31 +760,6 @@ fn answer_hypothetical_frontier_request(
 	let _ = tx.send(response);
-fn fragment_tree_membership(
-	active_leaves: &HashMap<Hash, RelayBlockViewData>,
-	para: ParaId,
-	candidate: CandidateHash,
-) -> FragmentTreeMembership {
-	let mut membership = Vec::new();
-	for (relay_parent, view_data) in active_leaves {
-		if let Some(tree) = view_data.fragment_trees.get(&para) {
-			if let Some(depths) = tree.candidate(&candidate) {
-				membership.push((*relay_parent, depths));
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	membership
-fn answer_tree_membership_request(
-	view: &View,
-	para: ParaId,
-	candidate: CandidateHash,
-	tx: oneshot::Sender<FragmentTreeMembership>,
-) {
-	let _ = tx.send(fragment_tree_membership(&view.active_leaves, para, candidate));
 fn answer_minimum_relay_parents_request(
 	view: &View,
 	relay_parent: Hash,
@@ -737,8 +767,8 @@ fn answer_minimum_relay_parents_request(
 ) {
 	let mut v = Vec::new();
 	if let Some(leaf_data) = view.active_leaves.get(&relay_parent) {
-		for (para_id, fragment_tree) in &leaf_data.fragment_trees {
-			v.push((*para_id, fragment_tree.scope().earliest_relay_parent().number));
+		for (para_id, fragment_chain) in &leaf_data.fragment_chains {
+			v.push((*para_id, fragment_chain.scope().earliest_relay_parent().number));
@@ -752,9 +782,9 @@ fn answer_prospective_validation_data_request(
 ) {
 	// 1. Try to get the head-data from the candidate store if known.
 	// 2. Otherwise, it might exist as the base in some relay-parent and we can find it by iterating
-	//    fragment trees.
+	//    fragment chains.
 	// 3. Otherwise, it is unknown.
-	// 4. Also try to find the relay parent block info by scanning fragment trees.
+	// 4. Also try to find the relay parent block info by scanning fragment chains.
 	// 5. If head data and relay parent block info are found - success. Otherwise, failure.
 	let storage = match view.candidate_storage.get(&request.para_id) {
@@ -776,35 +806,32 @@ fn answer_prospective_validation_data_request(
 	let mut relay_parent_info = None;
 	let mut max_pov_size = None;
-	for fragment_tree in view
+	for fragment_chain in view
-		.filter_map(|x| x.fragment_trees.get(&request.para_id))
+		.filter_map(|x| x.fragment_chains.get(&request.para_id))
 		if head_data.is_some() && relay_parent_info.is_some() && max_pov_size.is_some() {
 		if relay_parent_info.is_none() {
-			relay_parent_info =
-				fragment_tree.scope().ancestor_by_hash(&request.candidate_relay_parent);
+			relay_parent_info = fragment_chain.scope().ancestor(&request.candidate_relay_parent);
 		if head_data.is_none() {
-			let required_parent = &fragment_tree.scope().base_constraints().required_parent;
+			let required_parent = &fragment_chain.scope().base_constraints().required_parent;
 			if required_parent.hash() == parent_head_data_hash {
 				head_data = Some(required_parent.clone());
 		if max_pov_size.is_none() {
-			let contains_ancestor = fragment_tree
-				.scope()
-				.ancestor_by_hash(&request.candidate_relay_parent)
-				.is_some();
+			let contains_ancestor =
+				fragment_chain.scope().ancestor(&request.candidate_relay_parent).is_some();
 			if contains_ancestor {
 				// We are leaning hard on two assumptions here.
-				// 1. That the fragment tree never contains allowed relay-parents whose session for
+				// 1. That the fragment chain never contains allowed relay-parents whose session for
 				//    children is different from that of the base block's.
 				// 2. That the max_pov_size is only configurable per session.
-				max_pov_size = Some(fragment_tree.scope().base_constraints().max_pov_size);
+				max_pov_size = Some(fragment_chain.scope().base_constraints().max_pov_size);
@@ -843,7 +870,6 @@ async fn fetch_backing_state<Context>(
 async fn fetch_upcoming_paras<Context>(
 	ctx: &mut Context,
 	relay_parent: Hash,
-	pending_availability: &mut HashSet<CandidateHash>,
 ) -> JfyiErrorResult<Vec<ParaId>> {
 	let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
@@ -860,8 +886,6 @@ async fn fetch_upcoming_paras<Context>(
 	for core in cores {
 		match core {
 			CoreState::Occupied(occupied) => {
-				pending_availability.insert(occupied.candidate_hash);
 				if let Some(next_up_on_available) = occupied.next_up_on_available {
diff --git a/polkadot/node/core/prospective-parachains/src/ b/polkadot/node/core/prospective-parachains/src/
index 57061497a1c..5abd9f56f30 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/core/prospective-parachains/src/
+++ b/polkadot/node/core/prospective-parachains/src/
@@ -14,11 +14,18 @@
 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 // along with Polkadot.  If not, see <>.
-use polkadot_node_subsystem_util::metrics::{self, prometheus};
+use polkadot_node_subsystem::prometheus::Opts;
+use polkadot_node_subsystem_util::metrics::{
+	self,
+	prometheus::{self, GaugeVec, U64},
 pub(crate) struct MetricsInner {
-	pub(crate) prune_view_candidate_storage: prometheus::Histogram,
+	prune_view_candidate_storage: prometheus::Histogram,
+	introduce_seconded_candidate: prometheus::Histogram,
+	hypothetical_membership: prometheus::Histogram,
+	candidate_storage_count: prometheus::GaugeVec<U64>,
 /// Candidate backing metrics.
@@ -34,6 +41,40 @@ impl Metrics {
 			.map(|metrics| metrics.prune_view_candidate_storage.start_timer())
+	/// Provide a timer for handling `IntroduceSecondedCandidate` which observes on drop.
+	pub fn time_introduce_seconded_candidate(
+		&self,
+	) -> Option<metrics::prometheus::prometheus::HistogramTimer> {
+		self.0
+			.as_ref()
+			.map(|metrics| metrics.introduce_seconded_candidate.start_timer())
+	}
+	/// Provide a timer for handling `GetHypotheticalMembership` which observes on drop.
+	pub fn time_hypothetical_membership_request(
+		&self,
+	) -> Option<metrics::prometheus::prometheus::HistogramTimer> {
+		self.0.as_ref().map(|metrics| metrics.hypothetical_membership.start_timer())
+	}
+	/// Record the size of the candidate storage. First param is the connected candidates count,
+	/// second param is the unconnected candidates count.
+	pub fn record_candidate_storage_size(&self, connected_count: u64, unconnected_count: u64) {
+		self.0.as_ref().map(|metrics| {
+			metrics
+				.candidate_storage_count
+				.with_label_values(&["connected"])
+				.set(connected_count)
+		});
+		self.0.as_ref().map(|metrics| {
+			metrics
+				.candidate_storage_count
+				.with_label_values(&["unconnected"])
+				.set(unconnected_count)
+		});
+	}
 impl metrics::Metrics for Metrics {
@@ -46,6 +87,30 @@ impl metrics::Metrics for Metrics {
+			introduce_seconded_candidate: prometheus::register(
+				prometheus::Histogram::with_opts(prometheus::HistogramOpts::new(
+					"polkadot_parachain_prospective_parachains_introduce_seconded_candidate",
+					"Time spent within `prospective_parachains::handle_introduce_seconded_candidate`",
+				))?,
+				registry,
+			)?,
+			hypothetical_membership: prometheus::register(
+				prometheus::Histogram::with_opts(prometheus::HistogramOpts::new(
+					"polkadot_parachain_prospective_parachains_hypothetical_membership",
+					"Time spent responding to `GetHypotheticalMembership`",
+				))?,
+				registry,
+			)?,
+			candidate_storage_count: prometheus::register(
+				GaugeVec::new(
+					Opts::new(
+						"polkadot_parachain_prospective_parachains_candidate_storage_count",
+						"Number of candidates present in the candidate storage, split by connected and unconnected"
+					),
+					&["type"],
+				)?,
+				registry,
+			)?,
diff --git a/polkadot/node/core/prospective-parachains/src/ b/polkadot/node/core/prospective-parachains/src/
index 8989911a332..4bc47367278 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/core/prospective-parachains/src/
+++ b/polkadot/node/core/prospective-parachains/src/
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ use assert_matches::assert_matches;
 use polkadot_node_subsystem::{
-		AllMessages, HypotheticalFrontierRequest, ParentHeadData, ProspectiveParachainsMessage,
+		AllMessages, HypotheticalMembershipRequest, ParentHeadData, ProspectiveParachainsMessage,
@@ -340,36 +340,42 @@ async fn deactivate_leaf(virtual_overseer: &mut VirtualOverseer, hash: Hash) {
-async fn introduce_candidate(
+async fn introduce_seconded_candidate(
 	virtual_overseer: &mut VirtualOverseer,
 	candidate: CommittedCandidateReceipt,
 	pvd: PersistedValidationData,
 ) {
-	let req = IntroduceCandidateRequest {
+	let req = IntroduceSecondedCandidateRequest {
 		candidate_para: candidate.descriptor().para_id,
 		candidate_receipt: candidate,
 		persisted_validation_data: pvd,
-	let (tx, _) = oneshot::channel();
+	let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
 		.send(overseer::FromOrchestra::Communication {
-			msg: ProspectiveParachainsMessage::IntroduceCandidate(req, tx),
+			msg: ProspectiveParachainsMessage::IntroduceSecondedCandidate(req, tx),
+	assert!(rx.await.unwrap());
-async fn second_candidate(
+async fn introduce_seconded_candidate_failed(
 	virtual_overseer: &mut VirtualOverseer,
 	candidate: CommittedCandidateReceipt,
+	pvd: PersistedValidationData,
 ) {
+	let req = IntroduceSecondedCandidateRequest {
+		candidate_para: candidate.descriptor().para_id,
+		candidate_receipt: candidate,
+		persisted_validation_data: pvd,
+	};
+	let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
 		.send(overseer::FromOrchestra::Communication {
-			msg: ProspectiveParachainsMessage::CandidateSeconded(
-				candidate.descriptor.para_id,
-				candidate.hash(),
-			),
+			msg: ProspectiveParachainsMessage::IntroduceSecondedCandidate(req, tx),
+	assert!(!rx.await.unwrap());
 async fn back_candidate(
@@ -387,22 +393,6 @@ async fn back_candidate(
-async fn get_membership(
-	virtual_overseer: &mut VirtualOverseer,
-	para_id: ParaId,
-	candidate_hash: CandidateHash,
-	expected_membership_response: Vec<(Hash, Vec<usize>)>,
-) {
-	let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
-	virtual_overseer
-		.send(overseer::FromOrchestra::Communication {
-			msg: ProspectiveParachainsMessage::GetTreeMembership(para_id, candidate_hash, tx),
-		})
-		.await;
-	let resp = rx.await.unwrap();
-	assert_eq!(resp, expected_membership_response);
 async fn get_backable_candidates(
 	virtual_overseer: &mut VirtualOverseer,
 	leaf: &TestLeaf,
@@ -420,42 +410,39 @@ async fn get_backable_candidates(
 	let resp = rx.await.unwrap();
-	assert_eq!(resp.len(), expected_result.len());
 	assert_eq!(resp, expected_result);
-async fn get_hypothetical_frontier(
+async fn get_hypothetical_membership(
 	virtual_overseer: &mut VirtualOverseer,
 	candidate_hash: CandidateHash,
 	receipt: CommittedCandidateReceipt,
 	persisted_validation_data: PersistedValidationData,
-	fragment_tree_relay_parent: Hash,
-	backed_in_path_only: bool,
-	expected_depths: Vec<usize>,
+	expected_membership: Vec<Hash>,
 ) {
 	let hypothetical_candidate = HypotheticalCandidate::Complete {
 		receipt: Arc::new(receipt),
-	let request = HypotheticalFrontierRequest {
+	let request = HypotheticalMembershipRequest {
 		candidates: vec![hypothetical_candidate.clone()],
-		fragment_tree_relay_parent: Some(fragment_tree_relay_parent),
-		backed_in_path_only,
+		fragment_chain_relay_parent: None,
 	let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
 		.send(overseer::FromOrchestra::Communication {
-			msg: ProspectiveParachainsMessage::GetHypotheticalFrontier(request, tx),
+			msg: ProspectiveParachainsMessage::GetHypotheticalMembership(request, tx),
-	let resp = rx.await.unwrap();
-	let expected_frontier = if expected_depths.is_empty() {
-		vec![(hypothetical_candidate, vec![])]
-	} else {
-		vec![(hypothetical_candidate, vec![(fragment_tree_relay_parent, expected_depths)])]
-	};
-	assert_eq!(resp, expected_frontier);
+	let mut resp = rx.await.unwrap();
+	assert_eq!(resp.len(), 1);
+	let (candidate, membership) = resp.remove(0);
+	assert_eq!(candidate, hypothetical_candidate);
+	assert_eq!(
+		membership.into_iter().collect::<HashSet<_>>(),
+		expected_membership.into_iter().collect::<HashSet<_>>()
+	);
 async fn get_pvd(
@@ -513,11 +500,11 @@ fn should_do_no_work_if_async_backing_disabled_for_leaf() {
 // Send some candidates and make sure all are found:
-// - Two for the same leaf A
+// - Two for the same leaf A (one for parachain 1 and one for parachain 2)
 // - One for leaf B on parachain 1
 // - One for leaf C on parachain 2
-fn send_candidates_and_check_if_found() {
+fn introduce_candidates_basic() {
 	let test_state = TestState::default();
 	let view = test_harness(|mut virtual_overseer| async move {
 		// Leaf A
@@ -563,7 +550,7 @@ fn send_candidates_and_check_if_found() {
 		let candidate_hash_a1 = candidate_a1.hash();
-		let response_a1 = vec![(leaf_a.hash, vec![0])];
+		let response_a1 = vec![(candidate_hash_a1, leaf_a.hash)];
 		// Candidate A2
 		let (candidate_a2, pvd_a2) = make_candidate(
@@ -575,7 +562,7 @@ fn send_candidates_and_check_if_found() {
 		let candidate_hash_a2 = candidate_a2.hash();
-		let response_a2 = vec![(leaf_a.hash, vec![0])];
+		let response_a2 = vec![(candidate_hash_a2, leaf_a.hash)];
 		// Candidate B
 		let (candidate_b, pvd_b) = make_candidate(
@@ -587,7 +574,7 @@ fn send_candidates_and_check_if_found() {
 		let candidate_hash_b = candidate_b.hash();
-		let response_b = vec![(leaf_b.hash, vec![0])];
+		let response_b = vec![(candidate_hash_b, leaf_b.hash)];
 		// Candidate C
 		let (candidate_c, pvd_c) = make_candidate(
@@ -599,25 +586,78 @@ fn send_candidates_and_check_if_found() {
 		let candidate_hash_c = candidate_c.hash();
-		let response_c = vec![(leaf_c.hash, vec![0])];
+		let response_c = vec![(candidate_hash_c, leaf_c.hash)];
 		// Introduce candidates.
-		introduce_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_a1, pvd_a1).await;
-		introduce_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_a2, pvd_a2).await;
-		introduce_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_b, pvd_b).await;
-		introduce_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_c, pvd_c).await;
+		introduce_seconded_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_a1.clone(), pvd_a1).await;
+		introduce_seconded_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_a2.clone(), pvd_a2).await;
+		introduce_seconded_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_b.clone(), pvd_b).await;
+		introduce_seconded_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_c.clone(), pvd_c).await;
+		// Back candidates. Otherwise, we cannot check membership with GetBackableCandidates.
+		back_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, &candidate_a1, candidate_hash_a1).await;
+		back_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, &candidate_a2, candidate_hash_a2).await;
+		back_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, &candidate_b, candidate_hash_b).await;
+		back_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, &candidate_c, candidate_hash_c).await;
 		// Check candidate tree membership.
-		get_membership(&mut virtual_overseer, 1.into(), candidate_hash_a1, response_a1).await;
-		get_membership(&mut virtual_overseer, 2.into(), candidate_hash_a2, response_a2).await;
-		get_membership(&mut virtual_overseer, 1.into(), candidate_hash_b, response_b).await;
-		get_membership(&mut virtual_overseer, 2.into(), candidate_hash_c, response_c).await;
+		get_backable_candidates(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			&leaf_a,
+			1.into(),
+			Ancestors::default(),
+			5,
+			response_a1,
+		)
+		.await;
+		get_backable_candidates(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			&leaf_a,
+			2.into(),
+			Ancestors::default(),
+			5,
+			response_a2,
+		)
+		.await;
+		get_backable_candidates(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			&leaf_b,
+			1.into(),
+			Ancestors::default(),
+			5,
+			response_b,
+		)
+		.await;
+		get_backable_candidates(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			&leaf_c,
+			2.into(),
+			Ancestors::default(),
+			5,
+			response_c,
+		)
+		.await;
+		// Check membership on other leaves.
+		get_backable_candidates(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			&leaf_b,
+			2.into(),
+			Ancestors::default(),
+			5,
+			vec![],
+		)
+		.await;
-		// The candidates should not be found on other parachains.
-		get_membership(&mut virtual_overseer, 2.into(), candidate_hash_a1, vec![]).await;
-		get_membership(&mut virtual_overseer, 1.into(), candidate_hash_a2, vec![]).await;
-		get_membership(&mut virtual_overseer, 2.into(), candidate_hash_b, vec![]).await;
-		get_membership(&mut virtual_overseer, 1.into(), candidate_hash_c, vec![]).await;
+		get_backable_candidates(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			&leaf_c,
+			1.into(),
+			Ancestors::default(),
+			5,
+			vec![],
+		)
+		.await;
@@ -629,10 +669,8 @@ fn send_candidates_and_check_if_found() {
 	assert_eq!(view.candidate_storage.get(&2.into()).unwrap().len(), (2, 2));
-// Send some candidates, check if the candidate won't be found once its relay parent leaves the
-// view.
-fn check_candidate_parent_leaving_view() {
+fn introduce_candidate_multiple_times() {
 	let test_state = TestState::default();
 	let view = test_harness(|mut virtual_overseer| async move {
 		// Leaf A
@@ -644,32 +682,11 @@ fn check_candidate_parent_leaving_view() {
 				(2.into(), PerParaData::new(100, HeadData(vec![2, 3, 4]))),
-		// Leaf B
-		let leaf_b = TestLeaf {
-			number: 101,
-			hash: Hash::from_low_u64_be(131),
-			para_data: vec![
-				(1.into(), PerParaData::new(99, HeadData(vec![3, 4, 5]))),
-				(2.into(), PerParaData::new(101, HeadData(vec![4, 5, 6]))),
-			],
-		};
-		// Leaf C
-		let leaf_c = TestLeaf {
-			number: 102,
-			hash: Hash::from_low_u64_be(132),
-			para_data: vec![
-				(1.into(), PerParaData::new(102, HeadData(vec![5, 6, 7]))),
-				(2.into(), PerParaData::new(98, HeadData(vec![6, 7, 8]))),
-			],
-		};
 		// Activate leaves.
 		activate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, &leaf_a, &test_state).await;
-		activate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, &leaf_b, &test_state).await;
-		activate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, &leaf_c, &test_state).await;
-		// Candidate A1
-		let (candidate_a1, pvd_a1) = make_candidate(
+		// Candidate A.
+		let (candidate_a, pvd_a) = make_candidate(
@@ -677,86 +694,45 @@ fn check_candidate_parent_leaving_view() {
-		let candidate_hash_a1 = candidate_a1.hash();
-		// Candidate A2
-		let (candidate_a2, pvd_a2) = make_candidate(
-			leaf_a.hash,
-			leaf_a.number,
-			2.into(),
-			HeadData(vec![2, 3, 4]),
-			HeadData(vec![2]),
-			test_state.validation_code_hash,
-		);
-		let candidate_hash_a2 = candidate_a2.hash();
-		// Candidate B
-		let (candidate_b, pvd_b) = make_candidate(
-			leaf_b.hash,
-			leaf_b.number,
-			1.into(),
-			HeadData(vec![3, 4, 5]),
-			HeadData(vec![3]),
-			test_state.validation_code_hash,
-		);
-		let candidate_hash_b = candidate_b.hash();
-		let response_b = vec![(leaf_b.hash, vec![0])];
-		// Candidate C
-		let (candidate_c, pvd_c) = make_candidate(
-			leaf_c.hash,
-			leaf_c.number,
-			2.into(),
-			HeadData(vec![6, 7, 8]),
-			HeadData(vec![4]),
-			test_state.validation_code_hash,
-		);
-		let candidate_hash_c = candidate_c.hash();
-		let response_c = vec![(leaf_c.hash, vec![0])];
+		let candidate_hash_a = candidate_a.hash();
+		let response_a = vec![(candidate_hash_a, leaf_a.hash)];
 		// Introduce candidates.
-		introduce_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_a1, pvd_a1).await;
-		introduce_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_a2, pvd_a2).await;
-		introduce_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_b, pvd_b).await;
-		introduce_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_c, pvd_c).await;
-		// Deactivate leaf A.
-		deactivate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, leaf_a.hash).await;
-		// Candidates A1 and A2 should be gone. Candidates B and C should remain.
-		get_membership(&mut virtual_overseer, 1.into(), candidate_hash_a1, vec![]).await;
-		get_membership(&mut virtual_overseer, 2.into(), candidate_hash_a2, vec![]).await;
-		get_membership(&mut virtual_overseer, 1.into(), candidate_hash_b, response_b).await;
-		get_membership(&mut virtual_overseer, 2.into(), candidate_hash_c, response_c.clone()).await;
-		// Deactivate leaf B.
-		deactivate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, leaf_b.hash).await;
+		introduce_seconded_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_a.clone(), pvd_a.clone())
+			.await;
-		// Candidate B should be gone, C should remain.
-		get_membership(&mut virtual_overseer, 1.into(), candidate_hash_a1, vec![]).await;
-		get_membership(&mut virtual_overseer, 2.into(), candidate_hash_a2, vec![]).await;
-		get_membership(&mut virtual_overseer, 1.into(), candidate_hash_b, vec![]).await;
-		get_membership(&mut virtual_overseer, 2.into(), candidate_hash_c, response_c).await;
+		// Back candidates. Otherwise, we cannot check membership with GetBackableCandidates.
+		back_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, &candidate_a, candidate_hash_a).await;
-		// Deactivate leaf C.
-		deactivate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, leaf_c.hash).await;
+		// Check candidate tree membership.
+		get_backable_candidates(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			&leaf_a,
+			1.into(),
+			Ancestors::default(),
+			5,
+			response_a,
+		)
+		.await;
-		// Candidate C should be gone.
-		get_membership(&mut virtual_overseer, 1.into(), candidate_hash_a1, vec![]).await;
-		get_membership(&mut virtual_overseer, 2.into(), candidate_hash_a2, vec![]).await;
-		get_membership(&mut virtual_overseer, 1.into(), candidate_hash_b, vec![]).await;
-		get_membership(&mut virtual_overseer, 2.into(), candidate_hash_c, vec![]).await;
+		// Introduce the same candidate multiple times. It'll return true but it won't be added.
+		// We'll check below that the candidate count remains 1.
+		for _ in 0..5 {
+			introduce_seconded_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_a.clone(), pvd_a.clone())
+				.await;
+		}
-	assert_eq!(view.active_leaves.len(), 0);
-	assert_eq!(view.candidate_storage.len(), 0);
+	assert_eq!(view.active_leaves.len(), 1);
+	assert_eq!(view.candidate_storage.len(), 2);
+	assert_eq!(view.candidate_storage.get(&1.into()).unwrap().len(), (1, 1));
+	assert_eq!(view.candidate_storage.get(&2.into()).unwrap().len(), (0, 0));
-// Introduce a candidate to multiple forks, see how the membership is returned.
-fn check_candidate_on_multiple_forks() {
+fn fragment_chain_length_is_bounded() {
 	let test_state = TestState::default();
 	let view = test_harness(|mut virtual_overseer| async move {
 		// Leaf A
@@ -768,31 +744,16 @@ fn check_candidate_on_multiple_forks() {
 				(2.into(), PerParaData::new(100, HeadData(vec![2, 3, 4]))),
-		// Leaf B
-		let leaf_b = TestLeaf {
-			number: 101,
-			hash: Hash::from_low_u64_be(131),
-			para_data: vec![
-				(1.into(), PerParaData::new(99, HeadData(vec![3, 4, 5]))),
-				(2.into(), PerParaData::new(101, HeadData(vec![4, 5, 6]))),
-			],
-		};
-		// Leaf C
-		let leaf_c = TestLeaf {
-			number: 102,
-			hash: Hash::from_low_u64_be(132),
-			para_data: vec![
-				(1.into(), PerParaData::new(102, HeadData(vec![5, 6, 7]))),
-				(2.into(), PerParaData::new(98, HeadData(vec![6, 7, 8]))),
-			],
-		};
 		// Activate leaves.
-		activate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, &leaf_a, &test_state).await;
-		activate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, &leaf_b, &test_state).await;
-		activate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, &leaf_c, &test_state).await;
+		activate_leaf_with_params(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			&leaf_a,
+			&test_state,
+			AsyncBackingParams { max_candidate_depth: 1, allowed_ancestry_len: 3 },
+		)
+		.await;
-		// Candidate on leaf A.
+		// Candidates A, B and C form a chain.
 		let (candidate_a, pvd_a) = make_candidate(
@@ -801,56 +762,59 @@ fn check_candidate_on_multiple_forks() {
-		let candidate_hash_a = candidate_a.hash();
-		let response_a = vec![(leaf_a.hash, vec![0])];
-		// Candidate on leaf B.
 		let (candidate_b, pvd_b) = make_candidate(
-			leaf_b.hash,
-			leaf_b.number,
+			leaf_a.hash,
+			leaf_a.number,
-			HeadData(vec![3, 4, 5]),
+			HeadData(vec![2]),
-		let candidate_hash_b = candidate_b.hash();
-		let response_b = vec![(leaf_b.hash, vec![0])];
-		// Candidate on leaf C.
 		let (candidate_c, pvd_c) = make_candidate(
-			leaf_c.hash,
-			leaf_c.number,
+			leaf_a.hash,
+			leaf_a.number,
-			HeadData(vec![5, 6, 7]),
-			HeadData(vec![1]),
+			HeadData(vec![2]),
+			HeadData(vec![3]),
-		let candidate_hash_c = candidate_c.hash();
-		let response_c = vec![(leaf_c.hash, vec![0])];
-		// Introduce candidates on all three leaves.
-		introduce_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_a.clone(), pvd_a).await;
-		introduce_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_b.clone(), pvd_b).await;
-		introduce_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_c.clone(), pvd_c).await;
+		// Introduce candidates A and B. Since max depth is 1, only these two will be allowed.
+		introduce_seconded_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_a.clone(), pvd_a.clone())
+			.await;
+		introduce_seconded_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_b.clone(), pvd_b.clone())
+			.await;
+		// Back candidates. Otherwise, we cannot check membership with GetBackableCandidates.
+		back_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, &candidate_a, candidate_a.hash()).await;
+		back_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, &candidate_b, candidate_b.hash()).await;
 		// Check candidate tree membership.
-		get_membership(&mut virtual_overseer, 1.into(), candidate_hash_a, response_a).await;
-		get_membership(&mut virtual_overseer, 1.into(), candidate_hash_b, response_b).await;
-		get_membership(&mut virtual_overseer, 1.into(), candidate_hash_c, response_c).await;
+		get_backable_candidates(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			&leaf_a,
+			1.into(),
+			Ancestors::default(),
+			5,
+			vec![(candidate_a.hash(), leaf_a.hash), (candidate_b.hash(), leaf_a.hash)],
+		)
+		.await;
+		// Introducing C will fail.
+		introduce_seconded_candidate_failed(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_c, pvd_c.clone())
+			.await;
-	assert_eq!(view.active_leaves.len(), 3);
+	assert_eq!(view.active_leaves.len(), 1);
 	assert_eq!(view.candidate_storage.len(), 2);
-	// Three parents and three candidates on para 1.
-	assert_eq!(view.candidate_storage.get(&1.into()).unwrap().len(), (3, 3));
+	assert_eq!(view.candidate_storage.get(&1.into()).unwrap().len(), (2, 2));
 	assert_eq!(view.candidate_storage.get(&2.into()).unwrap().len(), (0, 0));
-// Backs some candidates and tests `GetBackableCandidates` when requesting a single candidate.
-fn check_backable_query_single_candidate() {
+fn unconnected_candidate_count_is_bounded() {
 	let test_state = TestState::default();
 	let view = test_harness(|mut virtual_overseer| async move {
 		// Leaf A
@@ -862,54 +826,534 @@ fn check_backable_query_single_candidate() {
 				(2.into(), PerParaData::new(100, HeadData(vec![2, 3, 4]))),
 		// Activate leaves.
-		activate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, &leaf_a, &test_state).await;
+		activate_leaf_with_params(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			&leaf_a,
+			&test_state,
+			AsyncBackingParams { max_candidate_depth: 1, allowed_ancestry_len: 3 },
+		)
+		.await;
-		// Candidate A
+		// Candidates A, B and C are all potential candidates but don't form a chain.
 		let (candidate_a, pvd_a) = make_candidate(
-			HeadData(vec![1, 2, 3]),
+			HeadData(vec![2]),
-		let candidate_hash_a = candidate_a.hash();
-		// Candidate B
-		let (mut candidate_b, pvd_b) = make_candidate(
+		let (candidate_b, pvd_b) = make_candidate(
-			HeadData(vec![1]),
-			HeadData(vec![2]),
+			HeadData(vec![3]),
+			HeadData(vec![4]),
+			test_state.validation_code_hash,
+		);
+		let (candidate_c, pvd_c) = make_candidate(
+			leaf_a.hash,
+			leaf_a.number,
+			1.into(),
+			HeadData(vec![4]),
+			HeadData(vec![5]),
-		// Set a field to make this candidate unique.
-		candidate_b.descriptor.para_head = Hash::from_low_u64_le(1000);
-		let candidate_hash_b = candidate_b.hash();
-		// Introduce candidates.
-		introduce_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_a.clone(), pvd_a).await;
-		introduce_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_b.clone(), pvd_b).await;
-		// Should not get any backable candidates.
-		get_backable_candidates(
+		// Introduce candidates A and B. Although max depth is 1 (which should allow for two
+		// candidates), only 1 is allowed, because the last candidate must be a connected candidate.
+		introduce_seconded_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_a.clone(), pvd_a.clone())
+			.await;
+		introduce_seconded_candidate_failed(
 			&mut virtual_overseer,
-			&leaf_a,
+			candidate_b.clone(),
+			pvd_b.clone(),
+		)
+		.await;
+		// Back candidates. Otherwise, we cannot check membership with GetBackableCandidates.
+		back_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, &candidate_a, candidate_a.hash()).await;
+		// Check candidate tree membership. Should be empty.
+		get_backable_candidates(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			&leaf_a,
+			1.into(),
+			Ancestors::default(),
+			5,
+			vec![],
+		)
+		.await;
+		// Introducing C will also fail.
+		introduce_seconded_candidate_failed(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_c, pvd_c.clone())
+			.await;
+		virtual_overseer
+	});
+	assert_eq!(view.active_leaves.len(), 1);
+	assert_eq!(view.candidate_storage.len(), 2);
+	assert_eq!(view.candidate_storage.get(&1.into()).unwrap().len(), (1, 1));
+	assert_eq!(view.candidate_storage.get(&2.into()).unwrap().len(), (0, 0));
+// Send some candidates, check if the candidate won't be found once its relay parent leaves the
+// view.
+fn introduce_candidate_parent_leaving_view() {
+	let test_state = TestState::default();
+	let view = test_harness(|mut virtual_overseer| async move {
+		// Leaf A
+		let leaf_a = TestLeaf {
+			number: 100,
+			hash: Hash::from_low_u64_be(130),
+			para_data: vec![
+				(1.into(), PerParaData::new(97, HeadData(vec![1, 2, 3]))),
+				(2.into(), PerParaData::new(100, HeadData(vec![2, 3, 4]))),
+			],
+		};
+		// Leaf B
+		let leaf_b = TestLeaf {
+			number: 101,
+			hash: Hash::from_low_u64_be(131),
+			para_data: vec![
+				(1.into(), PerParaData::new(99, HeadData(vec![3, 4, 5]))),
+				(2.into(), PerParaData::new(101, HeadData(vec![4, 5, 6]))),
+			],
+		};
+		// Leaf C
+		let leaf_c = TestLeaf {
+			number: 102,
+			hash: Hash::from_low_u64_be(132),
+			para_data: vec![
+				(1.into(), PerParaData::new(102, HeadData(vec![5, 6, 7]))),
+				(2.into(), PerParaData::new(98, HeadData(vec![6, 7, 8]))),
+			],
+		};
+		// Activate leaves.
+		activate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, &leaf_a, &test_state).await;
+		activate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, &leaf_b, &test_state).await;
+		activate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, &leaf_c, &test_state).await;
+		// Candidate A1
+		let (candidate_a1, pvd_a1) = make_candidate(
+			leaf_a.hash,
+			leaf_a.number,
+			1.into(),
+			HeadData(vec![1, 2, 3]),
+			HeadData(vec![1]),
+			test_state.validation_code_hash,
+		);
+		let candidate_hash_a1 = candidate_a1.hash();
+		// Candidate A2
+		let (candidate_a2, pvd_a2) = make_candidate(
+			leaf_a.hash,
+			leaf_a.number,
+			2.into(),
+			HeadData(vec![2, 3, 4]),
+			HeadData(vec![2]),
+			test_state.validation_code_hash,
+		);
+		let candidate_hash_a2 = candidate_a2.hash();
+		// Candidate B
+		let (candidate_b, pvd_b) = make_candidate(
+			leaf_b.hash,
+			leaf_b.number,
+			1.into(),
+			HeadData(vec![3, 4, 5]),
+			HeadData(vec![3]),
+			test_state.validation_code_hash,
+		);
+		let candidate_hash_b = candidate_b.hash();
+		let response_b = vec![(candidate_hash_b, leaf_b.hash)];
+		// Candidate C
+		let (candidate_c, pvd_c) = make_candidate(
+			leaf_c.hash,
+			leaf_c.number,
+			2.into(),
+			HeadData(vec![6, 7, 8]),
+			HeadData(vec![4]),
+			test_state.validation_code_hash,
+		);
+		let candidate_hash_c = candidate_c.hash();
+		let response_c = vec![(candidate_hash_c, leaf_c.hash)];
+		// Introduce candidates.
+		introduce_seconded_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_a1.clone(), pvd_a1).await;
+		introduce_seconded_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_a2.clone(), pvd_a2).await;
+		introduce_seconded_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_b.clone(), pvd_b).await;
+		introduce_seconded_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_c.clone(), pvd_c).await;
+		// Back candidates. Otherwise, we cannot check membership with GetBackableCandidates.
+		back_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, &candidate_a1, candidate_hash_a1).await;
+		back_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, &candidate_a2, candidate_hash_a2).await;
+		back_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, &candidate_b, candidate_hash_b).await;
+		back_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, &candidate_c, candidate_hash_c).await;
+		// Deactivate leaf A.
+		deactivate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, leaf_a.hash).await;
+		// Candidates A1 and A2 should be gone. Candidates B and C should remain.
+		get_backable_candidates(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			&leaf_a,
+			1.into(),
+			Ancestors::default(),
+			5,
+			vec![],
+		)
+		.await;
+		get_backable_candidates(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			&leaf_a,
+			2.into(),
+			Ancestors::default(),
+			5,
+			vec![],
+		)
+		.await;
+		get_backable_candidates(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			&leaf_b,
+			1.into(),
+			Ancestors::default(),
+			5,
+			response_b,
+		)
+		.await;
+		get_backable_candidates(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			&leaf_c,
+			2.into(),
+			Ancestors::default(),
+			5,
+			response_c.clone(),
+		)
+		.await;
+		// Deactivate leaf B.
+		deactivate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, leaf_b.hash).await;
+		// Candidate B should be gone, C should remain.
+		get_backable_candidates(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			&leaf_a,
+			1.into(),
+			Ancestors::default(),
+			5,
+			vec![],
+		)
+		.await;
+		get_backable_candidates(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			&leaf_a,
+			2.into(),
+			Ancestors::default(),
+			5,
+			vec![],
+		)
+		.await;
+		get_backable_candidates(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			&leaf_b,
+			1.into(),
+			Ancestors::default(),
+			5,
+			vec![],
+		)
+		.await;
+		get_backable_candidates(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			&leaf_c,
+			2.into(),
+			Ancestors::default(),
+			5,
+			response_c,
+		)
+		.await;
+		// Deactivate leaf C.
+		deactivate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, leaf_c.hash).await;
+		// Candidate C should be gone.
+		get_backable_candidates(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			&leaf_a,
+			1.into(),
+			Ancestors::default(),
+			5,
+			vec![],
+		)
+		.await;
+		get_backable_candidates(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			&leaf_a,
+			2.into(),
+			Ancestors::default(),
+			5,
+			vec![],
+		)
+		.await;
+		get_backable_candidates(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			&leaf_b,
+			1.into(),
+			Ancestors::default(),
+			5,
+			vec![],
+		)
+		.await;
+		get_backable_candidates(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			&leaf_c,
+			2.into(),
+			Ancestors::default(),
+			5,
+			vec![],
+		)
+		.await;
+		virtual_overseer
+	});
+	assert_eq!(view.active_leaves.len(), 0);
+	assert_eq!(view.candidate_storage.len(), 0);
+// Introduce a candidate to multiple forks, see how the membership is returned.
+fn introduce_candidate_on_multiple_forks() {
+	let test_state = TestState::default();
+	let view = test_harness(|mut virtual_overseer| async move {
+		// Leaf B
+		let leaf_b = TestLeaf {
+			number: 101,
+			hash: Hash::from_low_u64_be(131),
+			para_data: vec![
+				(1.into(), PerParaData::new(99, HeadData(vec![1, 2, 3]))),
+				(2.into(), PerParaData::new(101, HeadData(vec![4, 5, 6]))),
+			],
+		};
+		// Leaf A
+		let leaf_a = TestLeaf {
+			number: 100,
+			hash: get_parent_hash(leaf_b.hash),
+			para_data: vec![
+				(1.into(), PerParaData::new(97, HeadData(vec![1, 2, 3]))),
+				(2.into(), PerParaData::new(100, HeadData(vec![2, 3, 4]))),
+			],
+		};
+		// Activate leaves.
+		activate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, &leaf_a, &test_state).await;
+		activate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, &leaf_b, &test_state).await;
+		// Candidate built on leaf A.
+		let (candidate_a, pvd_a) = make_candidate(
+			leaf_a.hash,
+			leaf_a.number,
+			1.into(),
+			HeadData(vec![1, 2, 3]),
+			HeadData(vec![1]),
+			test_state.validation_code_hash,
+		);
+		let candidate_hash_a = candidate_a.hash();
+		let response_a = vec![(candidate_hash_a, leaf_a.hash)];
+		// Introduce candidate. Should be present on leaves B and C.
+		introduce_seconded_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_a.clone(), pvd_a).await;
+		back_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, &candidate_a, candidate_hash_a).await;
+		// Check candidate tree membership.
+		get_backable_candidates(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			&leaf_a,
+			1.into(),
+			Ancestors::default(),
+			5,
+			response_a.clone(),
+		)
+		.await;
+		get_backable_candidates(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			&leaf_b,
+			1.into(),
+			Ancestors::default(),
+			5,
+			response_a.clone(),
+		)
+		.await;
+		virtual_overseer
+	});
+	assert_eq!(view.active_leaves.len(), 2);
+	assert_eq!(view.candidate_storage.len(), 2);
+	assert_eq!(view.candidate_storage.get(&1.into()).unwrap().len(), (1, 1));
+	assert_eq!(view.candidate_storage.get(&2.into()).unwrap().len(), (0, 0));
+fn unconnected_candidates_become_connected() {
+	let test_state = TestState::default();
+	let view = test_harness(|mut virtual_overseer| async move {
+		// Leaf A
+		let leaf_a = TestLeaf {
+			number: 100,
+			hash: Hash::from_low_u64_be(130),
+			para_data: vec![
+				(1.into(), PerParaData::new(97, HeadData(vec![1, 2, 3]))),
+				(2.into(), PerParaData::new(100, HeadData(vec![2, 3, 4]))),
+			],
+		};
+		// Activate leaves.
+		activate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, &leaf_a, &test_state).await;
+		// Candidates A, B, C and D all form a chain, but we'll first introduce A, C and D.
+		let (candidate_a, pvd_a) = make_candidate(
+			leaf_a.hash,
+			leaf_a.number,
-			vec![candidate_hash_a].into_iter().collect(),
-			1,
-			vec![],
+			HeadData(vec![1, 2, 3]),
+			HeadData(vec![1]),
+			test_state.validation_code_hash,
+		);
+		let (candidate_b, pvd_b) = make_candidate(
+			leaf_a.hash,
+			leaf_a.number,
+			1.into(),
+			HeadData(vec![1]),
+			HeadData(vec![2]),
+			test_state.validation_code_hash,
+		);
+		let (candidate_c, pvd_c) = make_candidate(
+			leaf_a.hash,
+			leaf_a.number,
+			1.into(),
+			HeadData(vec![2]),
+			HeadData(vec![3]),
+			test_state.validation_code_hash,
+		);
+		let (candidate_d, pvd_d) = make_candidate(
+			leaf_a.hash,
+			leaf_a.number,
+			1.into(),
+			HeadData(vec![3]),
+			HeadData(vec![4]),
+			test_state.validation_code_hash,
+		);
+		// Introduce candidates A, C and D.
+		introduce_seconded_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_a.clone(), pvd_a.clone())
+			.await;
+		introduce_seconded_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_c.clone(), pvd_c.clone())
+			.await;
+		introduce_seconded_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_d.clone(), pvd_d.clone())
+			.await;
+		// Back candidates. Otherwise, we cannot check membership with GetBackableCandidates.
+		back_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, &candidate_a, candidate_a.hash()).await;
+		back_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, &candidate_c, candidate_c.hash()).await;
+		back_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, &candidate_d, candidate_d.hash()).await;
+		// Check candidate tree membership. Only A should be returned.
+		get_backable_candidates(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			&leaf_a,
+			1.into(),
+			Ancestors::default(),
+			5,
+			vec![(candidate_a.hash(), leaf_a.hash)],
+		)
+		.await;
+		// Introduce C and check membership. Full chain should be returned.
+		introduce_seconded_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_b.clone(), pvd_b.clone())
+			.await;
+		back_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, &candidate_b, candidate_b.hash()).await;
+		get_backable_candidates(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			&leaf_a,
+			1.into(),
+			Ancestors::default(),
+			5,
+			vec![
+				(candidate_a.hash(), leaf_a.hash),
+				(candidate_b.hash(), leaf_a.hash),
+				(candidate_c.hash(), leaf_a.hash),
+				(candidate_d.hash(), leaf_a.hash),
+			],
+		virtual_overseer
+	});
+	assert_eq!(view.active_leaves.len(), 1);
+	assert_eq!(view.candidate_storage.len(), 2);
+	assert_eq!(view.candidate_storage.get(&1.into()).unwrap().len(), (4, 4));
+	assert_eq!(view.candidate_storage.get(&2.into()).unwrap().len(), (0, 0));
+// Backs some candidates and tests `GetBackableCandidates` when requesting a single candidate.
+fn check_backable_query_single_candidate() {
+	let test_state = TestState::default();
+	let view = test_harness(|mut virtual_overseer| async move {
+		// Leaf A
+		let leaf_a = TestLeaf {
+			number: 100,
+			hash: Hash::from_low_u64_be(130),
+			para_data: vec![
+				(1.into(), PerParaData::new(97, HeadData(vec![1, 2, 3]))),
+				(2.into(), PerParaData::new(100, HeadData(vec![2, 3, 4]))),
+			],
+		};
+		// Activate leaves.
+		activate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, &leaf_a, &test_state).await;
+		// Candidate A
+		let (candidate_a, pvd_a) = make_candidate(
+			leaf_a.hash,
+			leaf_a.number,
+			1.into(),
+			HeadData(vec![1, 2, 3]),
+			HeadData(vec![1]),
+			test_state.validation_code_hash,
+		);
+		let candidate_hash_a = candidate_a.hash();
+		// Candidate B
+		let (mut candidate_b, pvd_b) = make_candidate(
+			leaf_a.hash,
+			leaf_a.number,
+			1.into(),
+			HeadData(vec![1]),
+			HeadData(vec![2]),
+			test_state.validation_code_hash,
+		);
+		// Set a field to make this candidate unique.
+		candidate_b.descriptor.para_head = Hash::from_low_u64_le(1000);
+		let candidate_hash_b = candidate_b.hash();
+		// Introduce candidates.
+		introduce_seconded_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_a.clone(), pvd_a).await;
+		introduce_seconded_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_b.clone(), pvd_b).await;
+		// Should not get any backable candidates.
 			&mut virtual_overseer,
-			0,
+			1,
@@ -917,23 +1361,17 @@ fn check_backable_query_single_candidate() {
 			&mut virtual_overseer,
-			Ancestors::new(),
+			vec![candidate_hash_a].into_iter().collect(),
-		// Second candidates.
-		second_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_a.clone()).await;
-		second_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_b.clone()).await;
-		// Should not get any backable candidates.
 			&mut virtual_overseer,
-			vec![candidate_hash_a].into_iter().collect(),
-			1,
+			Ancestors::new(),
+			0,
@@ -1019,392 +1457,327 @@ fn check_backable_query_multiple_candidates() {
 			// Set a field to make this candidate unique.
 			candidate.descriptor.para_head = Hash::from_low_u64_le($index);
 			let candidate_hash = candidate.hash();
-			introduce_candidate(&mut $virtual_overseer, candidate.clone(), pvd).await;
-			second_candidate(&mut $virtual_overseer, candidate.clone()).await;
+			introduce_seconded_candidate(&mut $virtual_overseer, candidate.clone(), pvd).await;
 			back_candidate(&mut $virtual_overseer, &candidate, candidate_hash).await;
 			(candidate, candidate_hash)
-	// Parachain 1 looks like this:
-	//          +---A----+
-	//          |        |
-	//     +----B---+    C
-	//     |    |   |    |
-	//     D    E   F    H
-	//              |    |
-	//              G    I
-	//                   |
-	//                   J
-	{
-		let test_state = TestState::default();
-		let view = test_harness(|mut virtual_overseer| async move {
-			// Leaf A
-			let leaf_a = TestLeaf {
-				number: 100,
-				hash: Hash::from_low_u64_be(130),
-				para_data: vec![
-					(1.into(), PerParaData::new(97, HeadData(vec![1, 2, 3]))),
-					(2.into(), PerParaData::new(100, HeadData(vec![2, 3, 4]))),
-				],
-			};
-			// Activate leaves.
-			activate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, &leaf_a, &test_state).await;
-			// Candidate A
-			let (candidate_a, pvd_a) = make_candidate(
-				leaf_a.hash,
-				leaf_a.number,
-				1.into(),
-				HeadData(vec![1, 2, 3]),
-				HeadData(vec![1]),
-				test_state.validation_code_hash,
-			);
-			let candidate_hash_a = candidate_a.hash();
-			introduce_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_a.clone(), pvd_a).await;
-			second_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_a.clone()).await;
-			back_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, &candidate_a, candidate_hash_a).await;
-			let (candidate_b, candidate_hash_b) =
-				make_and_back_candidate!(test_state, virtual_overseer, leaf_a, &candidate_a, 2);
-			let (candidate_c, candidate_hash_c) =
-				make_and_back_candidate!(test_state, virtual_overseer, leaf_a, &candidate_a, 3);
-			let (_candidate_d, candidate_hash_d) =
-				make_and_back_candidate!(test_state, virtual_overseer, leaf_a, &candidate_b, 4);
-			let (_candidate_e, candidate_hash_e) =
-				make_and_back_candidate!(test_state, virtual_overseer, leaf_a, &candidate_b, 5);
-			let (candidate_f, candidate_hash_f) =
-				make_and_back_candidate!(test_state, virtual_overseer, leaf_a, &candidate_b, 6);
-			let (_candidate_g, candidate_hash_g) =
-				make_and_back_candidate!(test_state, virtual_overseer, leaf_a, &candidate_f, 7);
-			let (candidate_h, candidate_hash_h) =
-				make_and_back_candidate!(test_state, virtual_overseer, leaf_a, &candidate_c, 8);
-			let (candidate_i, candidate_hash_i) =
-				make_and_back_candidate!(test_state, virtual_overseer, leaf_a, &candidate_h, 9);
-			let (_candidate_j, candidate_hash_j) =
-				make_and_back_candidate!(test_state, virtual_overseer, leaf_a, &candidate_i, 10);
-			// Should not get any backable candidates for the other para.
-			get_backable_candidates(
-				&mut virtual_overseer,
-				&leaf_a,
-				2.into(),
-				Ancestors::new(),
-				1,
-				vec![],
-			)
-			.await;
-			get_backable_candidates(
-				&mut virtual_overseer,
-				&leaf_a,
-				2.into(),
-				Ancestors::new(),
-				5,
-				vec![],
-			)
-			.await;
-			get_backable_candidates(
-				&mut virtual_overseer,
-				&leaf_a,
-				2.into(),
-				vec![candidate_hash_a].into_iter().collect(),
-				1,
-				vec![],
-			)
-			.await;
-			// Test various scenarios with various counts.
-			// empty required_path
-			{
-				get_backable_candidates(
-					&mut virtual_overseer,
-					&leaf_a,
-					1.into(),
-					Ancestors::new(),
-					1,
-					vec![(candidate_hash_a, leaf_a.hash)],
-				)
-				.await;
-				get_backable_candidates(
-					&mut virtual_overseer,
-					&leaf_a,
-					1.into(),
-					Ancestors::new(),
-					4,
-					vec![
-						(candidate_hash_a, leaf_a.hash),
-						(candidate_hash_b, leaf_a.hash),
-						(candidate_hash_f, leaf_a.hash),
-						(candidate_hash_g, leaf_a.hash),
-					],
-				)
-				.await;
-			}
-			// required path of 1
-			{
-				get_backable_candidates(
-					&mut virtual_overseer,
-					&leaf_a,
-					1.into(),
-					vec![candidate_hash_a].into_iter().collect(),
-					1,
-					vec![(candidate_hash_b, leaf_a.hash)],
-				)
-				.await;
-				get_backable_candidates(
-					&mut virtual_overseer,
-					&leaf_a,
-					1.into(),
-					vec![candidate_hash_a].into_iter().collect(),
-					3,
-					vec![
-						(candidate_hash_b, leaf_a.hash),
-						(candidate_hash_f, leaf_a.hash),
-						(candidate_hash_g, leaf_a.hash),
-					],
-				)
-				.await;
+	let test_state = TestState::default();
+	let view = test_harness(|mut virtual_overseer| async move {
+		// Leaf A
+		let leaf_a = TestLeaf {
+			number: 100,
+			hash: Hash::from_low_u64_be(130),
+			para_data: vec![
+				(1.into(), PerParaData::new(97, HeadData(vec![1, 2, 3]))),
+				(2.into(), PerParaData::new(100, HeadData(vec![2, 3, 4]))),
+			],
+		};
-				// If the requested count exceeds the largest chain, return the longest
-				// chain we can get.
-				for count in 5..10 {
-					get_backable_candidates(
-						&mut virtual_overseer,
-						&leaf_a,
-						1.into(),
-						vec![candidate_hash_a].into_iter().collect(),
-						count,
-						vec![
-							(candidate_hash_c, leaf_a.hash),
-							(candidate_hash_h, leaf_a.hash),
-							(candidate_hash_i, leaf_a.hash),
-							(candidate_hash_j, leaf_a.hash),
-						],
-					)
-					.await;
-				}
-			}
+		// Activate leaves.
+		activate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, &leaf_a, &test_state).await;
-			// required path of 2 and higher
-			{
-				get_backable_candidates(
-					&mut virtual_overseer,
-					&leaf_a,
-					1.into(),
-					vec![candidate_hash_a, candidate_hash_i, candidate_hash_h, candidate_hash_c]
-						.into_iter()
-						.collect(),
-					1,
-					vec![(candidate_hash_j, leaf_a.hash)],
-				)
-				.await;
+		// Candidate A
+		let (candidate_a, pvd_a) = make_candidate(
+			leaf_a.hash,
+			leaf_a.number,
+			1.into(),
+			HeadData(vec![1, 2, 3]),
+			HeadData(vec![1]),
+			test_state.validation_code_hash,
+		);
+		let candidate_hash_a = candidate_a.hash();
+		introduce_seconded_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_a.clone(), pvd_a).await;
+		back_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, &candidate_a, candidate_hash_a).await;
-				get_backable_candidates(
-					&mut virtual_overseer,
-					&leaf_a,
-					1.into(),
-					vec![candidate_hash_a, candidate_hash_b].into_iter().collect(),
-					1,
-					vec![(candidate_hash_d, leaf_a.hash)],
-				)
-				.await;
+		let (candidate_b, candidate_hash_b) =
+			make_and_back_candidate!(test_state, virtual_overseer, leaf_a, &candidate_a, 2);
+		let (candidate_c, candidate_hash_c) =
+			make_and_back_candidate!(test_state, virtual_overseer, leaf_a, &candidate_b, 3);
+		let (_candidate_d, candidate_hash_d) =
+			make_and_back_candidate!(test_state, virtual_overseer, leaf_a, &candidate_c, 4);
-				// If the requested count exceeds the largest chain, return the longest
-				// chain we can get.
-				for count in 4..10 {
-					get_backable_candidates(
-						&mut virtual_overseer,
-						&leaf_a,
-						1.into(),
-						vec![candidate_hash_a, candidate_hash_c].into_iter().collect(),
-						count,
-						vec![
-							(candidate_hash_h, leaf_a.hash),
-							(candidate_hash_i, leaf_a.hash),
-							(candidate_hash_j, leaf_a.hash),
-						],
-					)
-					.await;
-				}
-			}
+		// Should not get any backable candidates for the other para.
+		get_backable_candidates(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			&leaf_a,
+			2.into(),
+			Ancestors::new(),
+			1,
+			vec![],
+		)
+		.await;
+		get_backable_candidates(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			&leaf_a,
+			2.into(),
+			Ancestors::new(),
+			5,
+			vec![],
+		)
+		.await;
+		get_backable_candidates(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			&leaf_a,
+			2.into(),
+			vec![candidate_hash_a].into_iter().collect(),
+			1,
+			vec![],
+		)
+		.await;
-			// No more candidates in any chain.
-			{
-				for count in 1..4 {
-					get_backable_candidates(
-						&mut virtual_overseer,
-						&leaf_a,
-						1.into(),
-						vec![candidate_hash_a, candidate_hash_b, candidate_hash_e]
-							.into_iter()
-							.collect(),
-						count,
-						vec![],
-					)
-					.await;
-					get_backable_candidates(
-						&mut virtual_overseer,
-						&leaf_a,
-						1.into(),
-						vec![
-							candidate_hash_a,
-							candidate_hash_c,
-							candidate_hash_h,
-							candidate_hash_i,
-							candidate_hash_j,
-						]
-						.into_iter()
-						.collect(),
-						count,
-						vec![],
-					)
-					.await;
-				}
-			}
+		// Test various scenarios with various counts.
-			// Wrong paths.
+		// empty ancestors
+		{
 				&mut virtual_overseer,
-				vec![candidate_hash_b].into_iter().collect(),
+				Ancestors::new(),
 				vec![(candidate_hash_a, leaf_a.hash)],
+			for count in 4..10 {
+				get_backable_candidates(
+					&mut virtual_overseer,
+					&leaf_a,
+					1.into(),
+					Ancestors::new(),
+					count,
+					vec![
+						(candidate_hash_a, leaf_a.hash),
+						(candidate_hash_b, leaf_a.hash),
+						(candidate_hash_c, leaf_a.hash),
+						(candidate_hash_d, leaf_a.hash),
+					],
+				)
+				.await;
+			}
+		}
+		// ancestors of size 1
+		{
 				&mut virtual_overseer,
-				vec![candidate_hash_b, candidate_hash_f].into_iter().collect(),
-				3,
-				vec![
-					(candidate_hash_a, leaf_a.hash),
-					(candidate_hash_b, leaf_a.hash),
-					(candidate_hash_d, leaf_a.hash),
-				],
-			)
-			.await;
-			get_backable_candidates(
-				&mut virtual_overseer,
-				&leaf_a,
-				1.into(),
-				vec![candidate_hash_a, candidate_hash_h].into_iter().collect(),
-				4,
-				vec![
-					(candidate_hash_c, leaf_a.hash),
-					(candidate_hash_h, leaf_a.hash),
-					(candidate_hash_i, leaf_a.hash),
-					(candidate_hash_j, leaf_a.hash),
-				],
+				vec![candidate_hash_a].into_iter().collect(),
+				1,
+				vec![(candidate_hash_b, leaf_a.hash)],
 				&mut virtual_overseer,
-				vec![candidate_hash_e, candidate_hash_h].into_iter().collect(),
+				vec![candidate_hash_a].into_iter().collect(),
-				vec![(candidate_hash_a, leaf_a.hash), (candidate_hash_b, leaf_a.hash)],
+				vec![(candidate_hash_b, leaf_a.hash), (candidate_hash_c, leaf_a.hash)],
-			get_backable_candidates(
-				&mut virtual_overseer,
-				&leaf_a,
-				1.into(),
-				vec![candidate_hash_a, candidate_hash_c, candidate_hash_d].into_iter().collect(),
-				2,
-				vec![(candidate_hash_h, leaf_a.hash), (candidate_hash_i, leaf_a.hash)],
-			)
-			.await;
+			// If the requested count exceeds the largest chain, return the longest
+			// chain we can get.
+			for count in 3..10 {
+				get_backable_candidates(
+					&mut virtual_overseer,
+					&leaf_a,
+					1.into(),
+					vec![candidate_hash_a].into_iter().collect(),
+					count,
+					vec![
+						(candidate_hash_b, leaf_a.hash),
+						(candidate_hash_c, leaf_a.hash),
+						(candidate_hash_d, leaf_a.hash),
+					],
+				)
+				.await;
+			}
+		}
-			// Parachain fork.
+		// ancestor count 2 and higher
+		{
 				&mut virtual_overseer,
 				vec![candidate_hash_a, candidate_hash_b, candidate_hash_c].into_iter().collect(),
-				vec![],
+				vec![(candidate_hash_d, leaf_a.hash)],
-			// Non-existent candidate.
 				&mut virtual_overseer,
-				vec![candidate_hash_a, CandidateHash(Hash::from_low_u64_be(100))]
-					.into_iter()
-					.collect(),
-				2,
-				vec![(candidate_hash_b, leaf_a.hash), (candidate_hash_d, leaf_a.hash)],
+				vec![candidate_hash_a, candidate_hash_b].into_iter().collect(),
+				1,
+				vec![(candidate_hash_c, leaf_a.hash)],
-			// Requested count is zero.
-			get_backable_candidates(
-				&mut virtual_overseer,
-				&leaf_a,
-				1.into(),
-				Ancestors::new(),
-				0,
-				vec![],
-			)
-			.await;
-			get_backable_candidates(
-				&mut virtual_overseer,
-				&leaf_a,
-				1.into(),
-				vec![candidate_hash_a].into_iter().collect(),
-				0,
-				vec![],
-			)
-			.await;
+			// If the requested count exceeds the largest chain, return the longest
+			// chain we can get.
+			for count in 3..10 {
+				get_backable_candidates(
+					&mut virtual_overseer,
+					&leaf_a,
+					1.into(),
+					vec![candidate_hash_a, candidate_hash_b].into_iter().collect(),
+					count,
+					vec![(candidate_hash_c, leaf_a.hash), (candidate_hash_d, leaf_a.hash)],
+				)
+				.await;
+			}
+		}
+		// No more candidates in the chain.
+		for count in 1..4 {
 				&mut virtual_overseer,
-				vec![candidate_hash_a, candidate_hash_b].into_iter().collect(),
-				0,
+				vec![candidate_hash_a, candidate_hash_b, candidate_hash_c, candidate_hash_d]
+					.into_iter()
+					.collect(),
+				count,
+		}
+		// Wrong paths.
+		get_backable_candidates(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			&leaf_a,
+			1.into(),
+			vec![candidate_hash_b].into_iter().collect(),
+			1,
+			vec![(candidate_hash_a, leaf_a.hash)],
+		)
+		.await;
+		get_backable_candidates(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			&leaf_a,
+			1.into(),
+			vec![candidate_hash_b, candidate_hash_c].into_iter().collect(),
+			3,
+			vec![
+				(candidate_hash_a, leaf_a.hash),
+				(candidate_hash_b, leaf_a.hash),
+				(candidate_hash_c, leaf_a.hash),
+			],
+		)
+		.await;
+		get_backable_candidates(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			&leaf_a,
+			1.into(),
+			vec![candidate_hash_a, candidate_hash_c, candidate_hash_d].into_iter().collect(),
+			2,
+			vec![(candidate_hash_b, leaf_a.hash), (candidate_hash_c, leaf_a.hash)],
+		)
+		.await;
-			virtual_overseer
-		});
+		// Non-existent candidate.
+		get_backable_candidates(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			&leaf_a,
+			1.into(),
+			vec![candidate_hash_a, CandidateHash(Hash::from_low_u64_be(100))]
+				.into_iter()
+				.collect(),
+			2,
+			vec![(candidate_hash_b, leaf_a.hash), (candidate_hash_c, leaf_a.hash)],
+		)
+		.await;
-		assert_eq!(view.active_leaves.len(), 1);
-		assert_eq!(view.candidate_storage.len(), 2);
-		// 10 candidates and 7 parents on para 1.
-		assert_eq!(view.candidate_storage.get(&1.into()).unwrap().len(), (7, 10));
-		assert_eq!(view.candidate_storage.get(&2.into()).unwrap().len(), (0, 0));
-	}
+		// Requested count is zero.
+		get_backable_candidates(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			&leaf_a,
+			1.into(),
+			Ancestors::new(),
+			0,
+			vec![],
+		)
+		.await;
+		get_backable_candidates(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			&leaf_a,
+			1.into(),
+			vec![candidate_hash_a].into_iter().collect(),
+			0,
+			vec![],
+		)
+		.await;
+		get_backable_candidates(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			&leaf_a,
+			1.into(),
+			vec![candidate_hash_a, candidate_hash_b].into_iter().collect(),
+			0,
+			vec![],
+		)
+		.await;
+		virtual_overseer
+	});
+	assert_eq!(view.active_leaves.len(), 1);
+	assert_eq!(view.candidate_storage.len(), 2);
+	// 4 candidates on para 1.
+	assert_eq!(view.candidate_storage.get(&1.into()).unwrap().len(), (4, 4));
+	assert_eq!(view.candidate_storage.get(&2.into()).unwrap().len(), (0, 0));
-// Test depth query.
+// Test hypothetical membership query.
-fn check_hypothetical_frontier_query() {
+fn check_hypothetical_membership_query() {
 	let test_state = TestState::default();
 	let view = test_harness(|mut virtual_overseer| async move {
+		// Leaf B
+		let leaf_b = TestLeaf {
+			number: 101,
+			hash: Hash::from_low_u64_be(131),
+			para_data: vec![
+				(1.into(), PerParaData::new(97, HeadData(vec![1, 2, 3]))),
+				(2.into(), PerParaData::new(100, HeadData(vec![2, 3, 4]))),
+			],
+		};
 		// Leaf A
 		let leaf_a = TestLeaf {
 			number: 100,
-			hash: Hash::from_low_u64_be(130),
+			hash: get_parent_hash(leaf_b.hash),
 			para_data: vec![
-				(1.into(), PerParaData::new(97, HeadData(vec![1, 2, 3]))),
+				(1.into(), PerParaData::new(98, HeadData(vec![1, 2, 3]))),
 				(2.into(), PerParaData::new(100, HeadData(vec![2, 3, 4]))),
 		// Activate leaves.
-		activate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, &leaf_a, &test_state).await;
+		activate_leaf_with_params(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			&leaf_a,
+			&test_state,
+			AsyncBackingParams { allowed_ancestry_len: 3, max_candidate_depth: 1 },
+		)
+		.await;
+		activate_leaf_with_params(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			&leaf_b,
+			&test_state,
+			AsyncBackingParams { allowed_ancestry_len: 3, max_candidate_depth: 1 },
+		)
+		.await;
+		// Candidates will be valid on both leaves.
 		// Candidate A.
 		let (candidate_a, pvd_a) = make_candidate(
@@ -1415,7 +1788,6 @@ fn check_hypothetical_frontier_query() {
-		let candidate_hash_a = candidate_a.hash();
 		// Candidate B.
 		let (candidate_b, pvd_b) = make_candidate(
@@ -1426,7 +1798,6 @@ fn check_hypothetical_frontier_query() {
-		let candidate_hash_b = candidate_b.hash();
 		// Candidate C.
 		let (candidate_c, pvd_c) = make_candidate(
@@ -1437,127 +1808,99 @@ fn check_hypothetical_frontier_query() {
-		let candidate_hash_c = candidate_c.hash();
-		// Get hypothetical frontier of candidate A before adding it.
-		get_hypothetical_frontier(
-			&mut virtual_overseer,
-			candidate_hash_a,
-			candidate_a.clone(),
-			pvd_a.clone(),
-			leaf_a.hash,
-			false,
-			vec![0],
-		)
-		.await;
-		// Should work with `backed_in_path_only: true`, too.
-		get_hypothetical_frontier(
-			&mut virtual_overseer,
-			candidate_hash_a,
-			candidate_a.clone(),
-			pvd_a.clone(),
-			leaf_a.hash,
-			true,
-			vec![0],
-		)
-		.await;
+		// Get hypothetical membership of candidates before adding candidate A.
+		// Candidate A can be added directly, candidates B and C are potential candidates.
+		for (candidate, pvd) in [
+			(candidate_a.clone(), pvd_a.clone()),
+			(candidate_b.clone(), pvd_b.clone()),
+			(candidate_c.clone(), pvd_c.clone()),
+		] {
+			get_hypothetical_membership(
+				&mut virtual_overseer,
+				candidate.hash(),
+				candidate,
+				pvd,
+				vec![leaf_a.hash, leaf_b.hash],
+			)
+			.await;
+		}
 		// Add candidate A.
-		introduce_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_a.clone(), pvd_a.clone()).await;
-		// Get frontier of candidate A after adding it.
-		get_hypothetical_frontier(
-			&mut virtual_overseer,
-			candidate_hash_a,
-			candidate_a.clone(),
-			pvd_a.clone(),
-			leaf_a.hash,
-			false,
-			vec![0],
-		)
-		.await;
-		// Get hypothetical frontier of candidate B before adding it.
-		get_hypothetical_frontier(
-			&mut virtual_overseer,
-			candidate_hash_b,
-			candidate_b.clone(),
-			pvd_b.clone(),
-			leaf_a.hash,
-			false,
-			vec![1],
-		)
-		.await;
-		// Add candidate B.
-		introduce_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_b.clone(), pvd_b.clone()).await;
+		introduce_seconded_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_a.clone(), pvd_a.clone())
+			.await;
-		// Get frontier of candidate B after adding it.
-		get_hypothetical_frontier(
-			&mut virtual_overseer,
-			candidate_hash_b,
-			candidate_b,
-			pvd_b.clone(),
-			leaf_a.hash,
-			false,
-			vec![1],
-		)
-		.await;
+		// Get membership of candidates after adding A. C is not a potential candidate because we
+		// may only add one more candidate, which must be a connected candidate.
+		for (candidate, pvd) in
+			[(candidate_a.clone(), pvd_a.clone()), (candidate_b.clone(), pvd_b.clone())]
+		{
+			get_hypothetical_membership(
+				&mut virtual_overseer,
+				candidate.hash(),
+				candidate,
+				pvd,
+				vec![leaf_a.hash, leaf_b.hash],
+			)
+			.await;
+		}
-		// Get hypothetical frontier of candidate C before adding it.
-		get_hypothetical_frontier(
-			&mut virtual_overseer,
-			candidate_hash_c,
-			candidate_c.clone(),
-			pvd_c.clone(),
-			leaf_a.hash,
-			false,
-			vec![2],
-		)
-		.await;
-		// Should be empty with `backed_in_path_only` because we haven't backed anything.
-		get_hypothetical_frontier(
+		get_hypothetical_membership(
 			&mut virtual_overseer,
-			candidate_hash_c,
+			candidate_c.hash(),
-			leaf_a.hash,
-			true,
-		// Add candidate C.
-		introduce_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_c.clone(), pvd_c.clone()).await;
+		// Candidate D has invalid relay parent.
+		let (candidate_d, pvd_d) = make_candidate(
+			Hash::from_low_u64_be(200),
+			leaf_a.number,
+			1.into(),
+			HeadData(vec![1]),
+			HeadData(vec![2]),
+			test_state.validation_code_hash,
+		);
+		introduce_seconded_candidate_failed(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_d, pvd_d).await;
-		// Get frontier of candidate C after adding it.
-		get_hypothetical_frontier(
-			&mut virtual_overseer,
-			candidate_hash_c,
-			candidate_c.clone(),
-			pvd_c.clone(),
-			leaf_a.hash,
-			false,
-			vec![2],
-		)
-		.await;
-		// Should be empty with `backed_in_path_only` because we haven't backed anything.
-		get_hypothetical_frontier(
+		// Add candidate B.
+		introduce_seconded_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_b.clone(), pvd_b.clone())
+			.await;
+		// Get membership of candidates after adding B.
+		for (candidate, pvd) in
+			[(candidate_a.clone(), pvd_a.clone()), (candidate_b.clone(), pvd_b.clone())]
+		{
+			get_hypothetical_membership(
+				&mut virtual_overseer,
+				candidate.hash(),
+				candidate,
+				pvd,
+				vec![leaf_a.hash, leaf_b.hash],
+			)
+			.await;
+		}
+		get_hypothetical_membership(
 			&mut virtual_overseer,
-			candidate_hash_c,
+			candidate_c.hash(),
-			leaf_a.hash,
-			true,
+		// Add candidate C. It will fail because we have enough candidates for the configured depth.
+		introduce_seconded_candidate_failed(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_c, pvd_c).await;
-	assert_eq!(view.active_leaves.len(), 1);
+	assert_eq!(view.active_leaves.len(), 2);
 	assert_eq!(view.candidate_storage.len(), 2);
+	assert_eq!(view.candidate_storage.get(&1.into()).unwrap().len(), (2, 2));
@@ -1618,7 +1961,8 @@ fn check_pvd_query() {
 		// Add candidate A.
-		introduce_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_a.clone(), pvd_a.clone()).await;
+		introduce_seconded_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_a.clone(), pvd_a.clone())
+			.await;
 		back_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, &candidate_a, candidate_a.hash()).await;
 		// Get pvd of candidate A after adding it.
@@ -1642,7 +1986,7 @@ fn check_pvd_query() {
 		// Add candidate B.
-		introduce_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_b, pvd_b.clone()).await;
+		introduce_seconded_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_b, pvd_b.clone()).await;
 		// Get pvd of candidate B after adding it.
@@ -1665,7 +2009,7 @@ fn check_pvd_query() {
 		// Add candidate C.
-		introduce_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_c, pvd_c.clone()).await;
+		introduce_seconded_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_c, pvd_c.clone()).await;
 		// Get pvd of candidate C after adding it.
@@ -1849,8 +2193,7 @@ fn persists_pending_availability_candidate() {
 		let candidate_hash_b = candidate_b.hash();
-		introduce_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_a.clone(), pvd_a).await;
-		second_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_a.clone()).await;
+		introduce_seconded_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_a.clone(), pvd_a).await;
 		back_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, &candidate_a, candidate_hash_a).await;
 		let candidate_a_pending_av = CandidatePendingAvailability {
@@ -1874,8 +2217,7 @@ fn persists_pending_availability_candidate() {
 		activate_leaf(&mut virtual_overseer, &leaf_b, &test_state).await;
-		introduce_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_b.clone(), pvd_b).await;
-		second_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_b.clone()).await;
+		introduce_seconded_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_b.clone(), pvd_b).await;
 		back_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, &candidate_b, candidate_hash_b).await;
@@ -1942,8 +2284,7 @@ fn backwards_compatible() {
 		let candidate_hash_a = candidate_a.hash();
-		introduce_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_a.clone(), pvd_a).await;
-		second_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_a.clone()).await;
+		introduce_seconded_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, candidate_a.clone(), pvd_a).await;
 		back_candidate(&mut virtual_overseer, &candidate_a, candidate_hash_a).await;
diff --git a/polkadot/node/core/provisioner/src/ b/polkadot/node/core/provisioner/src/
index 5cfcb96dc2b..fa16b38d28b 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/core/provisioner/src/
+++ b/polkadot/node/core/provisioner/src/
@@ -877,7 +877,7 @@ async fn get_block_number_under_construction(
 /// Requests backable candidates from Prospective Parachains based on
-/// the given ancestors in the fragment tree. The ancestors may not be ordered.
+/// the given ancestors in the fragment chain. The ancestors may not be ordered.
 async fn get_backable_candidates(
 	relay_parent: Hash,
 	para_id: ParaId,
diff --git a/polkadot/node/network/collator-protocol/Cargo.toml b/polkadot/node/network/collator-protocol/Cargo.toml
index 2c7135742f5..398d2783916 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/network/collator-protocol/Cargo.toml
+++ b/polkadot/node/network/collator-protocol/Cargo.toml
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ tokio-util = "0.7.1"
 log = { workspace = true, default-features = true }
 env_logger = "0.11"
 assert_matches = "1.4.0"
+rstest = "0.18.2"
 sp-core = { path = "../../../../substrate/primitives/core", features = ["std"] }
 sp-keyring = { path = "../../../../substrate/primitives/keyring" }
diff --git a/polkadot/node/network/collator-protocol/src/collator_side/ b/polkadot/node/network/collator-protocol/src/collator_side/
index 879caf92328..f227e3855fa 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/network/collator-protocol/src/collator_side/
+++ b/polkadot/node/network/collator-protocol/src/collator_side/
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ struct State {
 	/// `active_leaves`, the opposite doesn't hold true.
 	/// Relay-chain blocks which don't support prospective parachains are
-	/// never included in the fragment trees of active leaves which do. In
+	/// never included in the fragment chains of active leaves which do. In
 	/// particular, this means that if a given relay parent belongs to implicit
 	/// ancestry of some active leaf, then it does support prospective parachains.
 	implicit_view: ImplicitView,
@@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ async fn distribute_collation<Context>(
 	// Otherwise, it should be present in allowed ancestry of some leaf.
 	// It's collation-producer responsibility to verify that there exists
-	// a hypothetical membership in a fragment tree for candidate.
+	// a hypothetical membership in a fragment chain for the candidate.
 	let interested =
@@ -894,7 +894,7 @@ async fn process_msg<Context>(
-		msg @ (ReportCollator(..) | Invalid(..) | Seconded(..) | Backed { .. }) => {
+		msg @ (ReportCollator(..) | Invalid(..) | Seconded(..)) => {
 				target: LOG_TARGET,
 				"{:?} message is not expected on the collator side of the protocol",
diff --git a/polkadot/node/network/collator-protocol/src/validator_side/ b/polkadot/node/network/collator-protocol/src/validator_side/
index 8c3889a3554..001df1fb3da 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/network/collator-protocol/src/validator_side/
+++ b/polkadot/node/network/collator-protocol/src/validator_side/
@@ -121,19 +121,15 @@ impl PendingCollation {
-/// v2 or v3 advertisement that was rejected by the backing
-/// subsystem. Validator may fetch it later if its fragment
-/// membership gets recognized before relay parent goes out of view.
-#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
-pub struct BlockedAdvertisement {
-	/// Peer that advertised the collation.
-	pub peer_id: PeerId,
-	/// Collator id.
-	pub collator_id: CollatorId,
-	/// The relay-parent of the candidate.
-	pub candidate_relay_parent: Hash,
-	/// Hash of the candidate.
-	pub candidate_hash: CandidateHash,
+/// An identifier for a fetched collation that was blocked from being seconded because we don't have
+/// access to the parent's HeadData. Can be retried once the candidate outputting this head data is
+/// seconded.
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
+pub struct BlockedCollationId {
+	/// Para id.
+	pub para_id: ParaId,
+	/// Hash of the parent head data.
+	pub parent_head_data_hash: Hash,
 /// Performs a sanity check between advertised and fetched collations.
diff --git a/polkadot/node/network/collator-protocol/src/validator_side/ b/polkadot/node/network/collator-protocol/src/validator_side/
index ac8c060827f..9f037a983e5 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/network/collator-protocol/src/validator_side/
+++ b/polkadot/node/network/collator-protocol/src/validator_side/
@@ -59,15 +59,17 @@ use polkadot_primitives::{
 use crate::error::{Error, FetchError, Result, SecondingError};
+use self::collation::BlockedCollationId;
 use super::{modify_reputation, tick_stream, LOG_TARGET};
 mod collation;
 mod metrics;
 use collation::{
-	fetched_collation_sanity_check, BlockedAdvertisement, CollationEvent, CollationFetchError,
-	CollationFetchRequest, CollationStatus, Collations, FetchedCollation, PendingCollation,
-	PendingCollationFetch, ProspectiveCandidate,
+	fetched_collation_sanity_check, CollationEvent, CollationFetchError, CollationFetchRequest,
+	CollationStatus, Collations, FetchedCollation, PendingCollation, PendingCollationFetch,
+	ProspectiveCandidate,
@@ -388,7 +390,7 @@ struct State {
 	/// `active_leaves`, the opposite doesn't hold true.
 	/// Relay-chain blocks which don't support prospective parachains are
-	/// never included in the fragment trees of active leaves which do. In
+	/// never included in the fragment chains of active leaves which do. In
 	/// particular, this means that if a given relay parent belongs to implicit
 	/// ancestry of some active leaf, then it does support prospective parachains.
 	implicit_view: ImplicitView,
@@ -421,14 +423,6 @@ struct State {
 	/// Span per relay parent.
 	span_per_relay_parent: HashMap<Hash, PerLeafSpan>,
-	/// Advertisements that were accepted as valid by collator protocol but rejected by backing.
-	///
-	/// It's only legal to fetch collations that are either built on top of the root
-	/// of some fragment tree or have a parent node which represents backed candidate.
-	/// Otherwise, a validator will keep such advertisement in the memory and re-trigger
-	/// requests to backing on new backed candidates and activations.
-	blocked_advertisements: HashMap<(ParaId, Hash), Vec<BlockedAdvertisement>>,
 	/// When a timer in this `FuturesUnordered` triggers, we should dequeue the next request
 	/// attempt in the corresponding `collations_per_relay_parent`.
@@ -441,6 +435,12 @@ struct State {
 	/// on validation.
 	fetched_candidates: HashMap<FetchedCollation, CollationEvent>,
+	/// Collations which we haven't been able to second due to their parent not being known by
+	/// prospective-parachains. Mapped from the paraid and parent_head_hash to the fetched
+	/// collation data. Only needed for async backing. For elastic scaling, the fetched collation
+	/// must contain the full parent head data.
+	blocked_from_seconding: HashMap<BlockedCollationId, Vec<PendingCollationFetch>>,
 	/// Aggregated reputation change
 	reputation: ReputationAggregator,
@@ -953,6 +953,8 @@ enum AdvertisementError {
 	/// Advertisement is invalid.
+	/// Seconding not allowed by backing subsystem
+	BlockedByBacking,
 impl AdvertisementError {
@@ -962,7 +964,7 @@ impl AdvertisementError {
 			InvalidAssignment => Some(COST_WRONG_PARA),
 			ProtocolMisuse => Some(COST_PROTOCOL_MISUSE),
 			RelayParentUnknown | UndeclaredCollator | Invalid(_) => Some(COST_UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE),
-			UnknownPeer | SecondedLimitReached => None,
+			UnknownPeer | SecondedLimitReached | BlockedByBacking => None,
@@ -1001,57 +1003,55 @@ where
-/// Checks whether any of the advertisements are unblocked and attempts to fetch them.
-async fn request_unblocked_collations<Sender, I>(sender: &mut Sender, state: &mut State, blocked: I)
-	Sender: CollatorProtocolSenderTrait,
-	I: IntoIterator<Item = ((ParaId, Hash), Vec<BlockedAdvertisement>)>,
-	let _timer = state.metrics.time_request_unblocked_collations();
+// Try seconding any collations which were waiting on the validation of their parent
+#[overseer::contextbounds(CollatorProtocol, prefix = self::overseer)]
+async fn second_unblocked_collations<Context>(
+	ctx: &mut Context,
+	state: &mut State,
+	para_id: ParaId,
+	head_data: HeadData,
+	head_data_hash: Hash,
+) {
+	if let Some(unblocked_collations) = state
+		.blocked_from_seconding
+		.remove(&BlockedCollationId { para_id, parent_head_data_hash: head_data_hash })
+	{
+		if !unblocked_collations.is_empty() {
+			gum::debug!(
+				target: LOG_TARGET,
+				"Candidate outputting head data with hash {} unblocked {} collations for seconding.",
+				head_data_hash,
+				unblocked_collations.len()
+			);
+		}
-	for (key, mut value) in blocked {
-		let (para_id, para_head) = key;
-		let blocked = std::mem::take(&mut value);
-		for blocked in blocked {
-			let is_seconding_allowed = can_second(
-				sender,
-				para_id,
-				blocked.candidate_relay_parent,
-				blocked.candidate_hash,
-				para_head,
-			)
-			.await;
+		for mut unblocked_collation in unblocked_collations {
+			unblocked_collation.maybe_parent_head_data = Some(head_data.clone());
+			let peer_id = unblocked_collation.collation_event.pending_collation.peer_id;
+			let relay_parent = unblocked_collation.candidate_receipt.descriptor.relay_parent;
-			if is_seconding_allowed {
-				let result = enqueue_collation(
-					sender,
-					state,
-					blocked.candidate_relay_parent,
-					para_id,
-					blocked.peer_id,
-					blocked.collator_id,
-					Some((blocked.candidate_hash, para_head)),
-				)
-				.await;
-				if let Err(fetch_error) = result {
-					gum::debug!(
-						target: LOG_TARGET,
-						relay_parent = ?blocked.candidate_relay_parent,
-						para_id = ?para_id,
-						peer_id = ?blocked.peer_id,
-						error = %fetch_error,
-						"Failed to request unblocked collation",
-					);
+			if let Err(err) = kick_off_seconding(ctx, state, unblocked_collation).await {
+				gum::warn!(
+					target: LOG_TARGET,
+					?relay_parent,
+					?para_id,
+					?peer_id,
+					error = %err,
+					"Seconding aborted due to an error",
+				);
+				if err.is_malicious() {
+					// Report malicious peer.
+					modify_reputation(
+						&mut state.reputation,
+						ctx.sender(),
+						peer_id,
+					)
+					.await;
-			} else {
-				// Keep the advertisement.
-				value.push(blocked);
-		if !value.is_empty() {
-			state.blocked_advertisements.insert(key, value);
-		}
@@ -1110,10 +1110,10 @@ where
 	if let Some((candidate_hash, parent_head_data_hash)) = prospective_candidate {
-		// We need to queue the advertisement if we are not allowed to second it.
+		// Check if backing subsystem allows to second this candidate.
-		// This is also only important when async backing is enabled.
-		let queue_advertisement = relay_parent_mode.is_enabled() &&
+		// This is also only important when async backing or elastic scaling is enabled.
+		let seconding_not_allowed = relay_parent_mode.is_enabled() &&
@@ -1123,26 +1123,8 @@ where
-		if queue_advertisement {
-			gum::debug!(
-				target: LOG_TARGET,
-				relay_parent = ?relay_parent,
-				para_id = ?para_id,
-				?candidate_hash,
-				"Seconding is not allowed by backing, queueing advertisement",
-			);
-			state
-				.blocked_advertisements
-				.entry((collator_para_id, parent_head_data_hash))
-				.or_default()
-				.push(BlockedAdvertisement {
-					peer_id,
-					collator_id: collator_id.clone(),
-					candidate_relay_parent: relay_parent,
-					candidate_hash,
-				});
-			return Ok(())
+		if seconding_not_allowed {
+			return Err(AdvertisementError::BlockedByBacking)
@@ -1358,20 +1340,17 @@ where
-	// Remove blocked advertisements that left the view.
-	state.blocked_advertisements.retain(|_, ads| {
-		ads.retain(|ad| state.per_relay_parent.contains_key(&ad.candidate_relay_parent));
-		!ads.is_empty()
+	// Remove blocked seconding requests that left the view.
+	state.blocked_from_seconding.retain(|_, collations| {
+		collations.retain(|collation| {
+			state
+				.per_relay_parent
+				.contains_key(&collation.candidate_receipt.descriptor.relay_parent)
+		});
+		!collations.is_empty()
-	// Re-trigger previously failed requests again.
-	//
-	// This makes sense for several reasons, one simple example: if a hypothetical depth
-	// for an advertisement initially exceeded the limit and the candidate was included
-	// in a new leaf.
-	let maybe_unblocked = std::mem::take(&mut state.blocked_advertisements);
-	// Could be optimized to only sanity check new leaves.
-	request_unblocked_collations(sender, state, maybe_unblocked).await;
 	for (peer_id, peer_data) in state.peer_data.iter_mut() {
@@ -1508,6 +1487,8 @@ async fn process_msg<Context>(
+			let output_head_data = receipt.commitments.head_data.clone();
+			let output_head_data_hash = receipt.descriptor.para_head;
 			let fetched_collation = FetchedCollation::from(&receipt.to_plain());
 			if let Some(CollationEvent { collator_id, pending_collation, .. }) =
@@ -1536,6 +1517,17 @@ async fn process_msg<Context>(
 					rp_state.collations.status = CollationStatus::Seconded;
+				// See if we've unblocked other collations for seconding.
+				second_unblocked_collations(
+					ctx,
+					state,
+					fetched_collation.para_id,
+					output_head_data,
+					output_head_data_hash,
+				)
+				.await;
 				// If async backing is enabled, make an attempt to fetch next collation.
 				let maybe_candidate_hash =
@@ -1554,11 +1546,13 @@ async fn process_msg<Context>(
-		Backed { para_id, para_head } => {
-			let maybe_unblocked = state.blocked_advertisements.remove_entry(&(para_id, para_head));
-			request_unblocked_collations(ctx.sender(), state, maybe_unblocked).await;
-		},
 		Invalid(parent, candidate_receipt) => {
+			// Remove collations which were blocked from seconding and had this candidate as parent.
+			state.blocked_from_seconding.remove(&BlockedCollationId {
+				para_id: candidate_receipt.descriptor.para_id,
+				parent_head_data_hash: candidate_receipt.descriptor.para_head,
+			});
 			let fetched_collation = FetchedCollation::from(&candidate_receipt);
 			let candidate_hash = fetched_collation.candidate_hash;
 			let id = match state.fetched_candidates.entry(fetched_collation) {
@@ -1668,29 +1662,45 @@ async fn run_inner<Context>(
 				let CollationEvent {collator_id, pending_collation, .. } = res.collation_event.clone();
-				if let Err(err) = kick_off_seconding(&mut ctx, &mut state, res).await {
-					gum::warn!(
-						target: LOG_TARGET,
-						relay_parent = ?pending_collation.relay_parent,
-						para_id = ?pending_collation.para_id,
-						peer_id = ?pending_collation.peer_id,
-						error = %err,
-						"Seconding aborted due to an error",
-					);
-					if err.is_malicious() {
-						// Report malicious peer.
-						modify_reputation(&mut state.reputation, ctx.sender(), pending_collation.peer_id, COST_REPORT_BAD).await;
+				match kick_off_seconding(&mut ctx, &mut state, res).await {
+					Err(err) => {
+						gum::warn!(
+							target: LOG_TARGET,
+							relay_parent = ?pending_collation.relay_parent,
+							para_id = ?pending_collation.para_id,
+							peer_id = ?pending_collation.peer_id,
+							error = %err,
+							"Seconding aborted due to an error",
+						);
+						if err.is_malicious() {
+							// Report malicious peer.
+							modify_reputation(&mut state.reputation, ctx.sender(), pending_collation.peer_id, COST_REPORT_BAD).await;
+						}
+						let maybe_candidate_hash =
+						pending_collation.prospective_candidate.as_ref().map(ProspectiveCandidate::candidate_hash);
+						dequeue_next_collation_and_fetch(
+							&mut ctx,
+							&mut state,
+							pending_collation.relay_parent,
+							(collator_id, maybe_candidate_hash),
+						)
+						.await;
+					},
+					Ok(false) => {
+						// No hard error occurred, but we can try fetching another collation.
+						let maybe_candidate_hash =
+						pending_collation.prospective_candidate.as_ref().map(ProspectiveCandidate::candidate_hash);
+						dequeue_next_collation_and_fetch(
+							&mut ctx,
+							&mut state,
+							pending_collation.relay_parent,
+							(collator_id, maybe_candidate_hash),
+						)
+						.await;
-					let maybe_candidate_hash =
-					pending_collation.prospective_candidate.as_ref().map(ProspectiveCandidate::candidate_hash);
-					dequeue_next_collation_and_fetch(
-						&mut ctx,
-						&mut state,
-						pending_collation.relay_parent,
-						(collator_id, maybe_candidate_hash),
-					)
-					.await;
+					Ok(true) => {}
 			res = state.collation_fetch_timeouts.select_next_some() => {
@@ -1800,12 +1810,13 @@ where
 /// Handle a fetched collation result.
+/// Returns whether or not seconding has begun.
 #[overseer::contextbounds(CollatorProtocol, prefix = self::overseer)]
 async fn kick_off_seconding<Context>(
 	ctx: &mut Context,
 	state: &mut State,
 	PendingCollationFetch { mut collation_event, candidate_receipt, pov, maybe_parent_head_data }: PendingCollationFetch,
-) -> std::result::Result<(), SecondingError> {
+) -> std::result::Result<bool, SecondingError> {
 	let pending_collation = collation_event.pending_collation;
 	let relay_parent = pending_collation.relay_parent;
@@ -1818,7 +1829,7 @@ async fn kick_off_seconding<Context>(
 				relay_parent = ?relay_parent,
 				"Fetched collation for a parent out of view",
-			return Ok(())
+			return Ok(false)
 	let collations = &mut per_relay_parent.collations;
@@ -1828,7 +1839,7 @@ async fn kick_off_seconding<Context>(
 		collation_event.pending_collation.commitments_hash =
-		let (maybe_pvd, maybe_parent_head_and_hash) = match (
+		let (maybe_pvd, maybe_parent_head, maybe_parent_head_hash) = match (
 		) {
@@ -1844,7 +1855,7 @@ async fn kick_off_seconding<Context>(
-				(pvd,|head_data| (head_data, parent_head_data_hash)))
+				(pvd, maybe_parent_head_data, Some(parent_head_data_hash))
 			// Support V2 collators without async backing enabled.
 			(CollationVersion::V2, Some(_)) | (CollationVersion::V1, _) => {
@@ -1854,20 +1865,60 @@ async fn kick_off_seconding<Context>(
-				(pvd, None)
+				(
+					Some(pvd.ok_or(SecondingError::PersistedValidationDataNotFound)?),
+					maybe_parent_head_data,
+					None,
+				)
 			_ => {
 				// `handle_advertisement` checks for protocol mismatch.
-				return Ok(())
+				return Ok(false)
+			},
+		};
+		let pvd = match (maybe_pvd, maybe_parent_head.clone(), maybe_parent_head_hash) {
+			(Some(pvd), _, _) => pvd,
+			(None, None, Some(parent_head_data_hash)) => {
+				// In this case, the collator did not supply the head data and neither could
+				// prospective-parachains. We add this to the blocked_from_seconding collection
+				// until we second its parent.
+				let blocked_collation = PendingCollationFetch {
+					collation_event,
+					candidate_receipt,
+					pov,
+					maybe_parent_head_data: None,
+				};
+				gum::debug!(
+					target: LOG_TARGET,
+					candidate_hash = ?blocked_collation.candidate_receipt.hash(),
+					relay_parent = ?blocked_collation.candidate_receipt.descriptor.relay_parent,
+					"Collation having parent head data hash {} is blocked from seconding. Waiting on its parent to be validated.",
+					parent_head_data_hash
+				);
+				state
+					.blocked_from_seconding
+					.entry(BlockedCollationId {
+						para_id: blocked_collation.candidate_receipt.descriptor.para_id,
+						parent_head_data_hash,
+					})
+					.or_insert_with(Vec::new)
+					.push(blocked_collation);
+				return Ok(false)
+			},
+			(None, _, _) => {
+				// Even though we already have the parent head data, the pvd fetching failed. We
+				// don't need to wait for seconding another collation outputting this head data.
+				return Err(SecondingError::PersistedValidationDataNotFound)
-		let pvd = maybe_pvd.ok_or(SecondingError::PersistedValidationDataNotFound)?;
-			maybe_parent_head_and_hash,
+			maybe_parent_head.and_then(|head||hash| (head, hash))),
@@ -1882,7 +1933,7 @@ async fn kick_off_seconding<Context>(
 		collations.status = CollationStatus::WaitingOnValidation;
-		Ok(())
+		Ok(true)
 	} else {
diff --git a/polkadot/node/network/collator-protocol/src/validator_side/tests/ b/polkadot/node/network/collator-protocol/src/validator_side/tests/
index eaa725f2642..785690121da 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/network/collator-protocol/src/validator_side/tests/
+++ b/polkadot/node/network/collator-protocol/src/validator_side/tests/
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ use polkadot_primitives::{
 	AsyncBackingParams, BlockNumber, CandidateCommitments, CommittedCandidateReceipt, Header,
 	SigningContext, ValidatorId,
+use rstest::rstest;
 const ASYNC_BACKING_PARAMETERS: AsyncBackingParams =
 	AsyncBackingParams { max_candidate_depth: 4, allowed_ancestry_len: 3 };
@@ -262,6 +263,48 @@ async fn assert_collation_seconded(
+/// Assert that the next message is a persisted validation data request and respond with the
+/// supplied PVD.
+async fn assert_persisted_validation_data(
+	virtual_overseer: &mut VirtualOverseer,
+	version: CollationVersion,
+	expected_relay_parent: Hash,
+	expected_para_id: ParaId,
+	expected_parent_head_data_hash: Option<Hash>,
+	pvd: Option<PersistedValidationData>,
+) {
+	// Depending on relay parent mode pvd will be either requested
+	// from the Runtime API or Prospective Parachains.
+	let msg = overseer_recv(virtual_overseer).await;
+	match version {
+		CollationVersion::V1 => assert_matches!(
+			msg,
+			AllMessages::RuntimeApi(RuntimeApiMessage::Request(
+				hash,
+				RuntimeApiRequest::PersistedValidationData(para_id, assumption, tx),
+			)) => {
+				assert_eq!(expected_relay_parent, hash);
+				assert_eq!(expected_para_id, para_id);
+				assert_eq!(OccupiedCoreAssumption::Free, assumption);
+				tx.send(Ok(pvd)).unwrap();
+			}
+		),
+		CollationVersion::V2 => assert_matches!(
+			msg,
+			AllMessages::ProspectiveParachains(
+				ProspectiveParachainsMessage::GetProspectiveValidationData(request, tx),
+			) => {
+				assert_eq!(expected_relay_parent, request.candidate_relay_parent);
+				assert_eq!(expected_para_id, request.para_id);
+				if let Some(expected_parent_head_data_hash) = expected_parent_head_data_hash {
+					assert_eq!(expected_parent_head_data_hash, request.parent_head_data.hash());
+				}
+				tx.send(pvd).unwrap();
+			}
+		),
+	}
 fn v1_advertisement_accepted_and_seconded() {
 	let test_state = TestState::default();
@@ -946,56 +989,73 @@ fn advertisement_spam_protection() {
-fn backed_candidate_unblocks_advertisements() {
+fn child_blocked_from_seconding_by_parent(#[case] valid_parent: bool) {
 	let test_state = TestState::default();
 	test_harness(ReputationAggregator::new(|_| true), |test_harness| async move {
-		let TestHarness { mut virtual_overseer, .. } = test_harness;
+		let TestHarness { mut virtual_overseer, keystore } = test_harness;
-		let pair_a = CollatorPair::generate().0;
-		let pair_b = CollatorPair::generate().0;
+		let pair = CollatorPair::generate().0;
+		// Grandparent of head `a`.
 		let head_b = Hash::from_low_u64_be(128);
 		let head_b_num: u32 = 2;
-		let head_c = get_parent_hash(head_b);
 		// Grandparent of head `b`.
-		// Group rotation frequency is 1 by default, at `d` we're assigned
+		// Group rotation frequency is 1 by default, at `c` we're assigned
 		// to the first para.
-		let head_d = get_parent_hash(head_c);
+		let head_c = Hash::from_low_u64_be(130);
 		// Activated leaf is `b`, but the collation will be based on `c`.
 		update_view(&mut virtual_overseer, &test_state, vec![(head_b, head_b_num)], 1).await;
 		let peer_a = PeerId::random();
-		let peer_b = PeerId::random();
-		// Accept both collators from the implicit view.
 			&mut virtual_overseer,
-			pair_a.clone(),
+			pair.clone(),
-		connect_and_declare_collator(
-			&mut virtual_overseer,
-			peer_b,
-			pair_b.clone(),
-			test_state.chain_ids[1],
-			CollationVersion::V2,
-		)
-		.await;
-		let candidate_hash = CandidateHash::default();
-		let parent_head_data_hash = Hash::zero();
+		// Candidate A transitions from head data 0 to 1.
+		// Candidate B transitions from head data 1 to 2.
+		// Candidate B is advertised and fetched before candidate A.
+		let mut candidate_b = dummy_candidate_receipt_bad_sig(head_c, Some(Default::default()));
+		candidate_b.descriptor.para_id = test_state.chain_ids[0];
+		candidate_b.descriptor.para_head = HeadData(vec![2]).hash();
+		candidate_b.descriptor.persisted_validation_data_hash =
+			PersistedValidationData::<Hash, BlockNumber> {
+				parent_head: HeadData(vec![1]),
+				relay_parent_number: 5,
+				max_pov_size: 1024,
+				relay_parent_storage_root: Default::default(),
+			}
+			.hash();
+		let candidate_b_commitments = CandidateCommitments {
+			head_data: HeadData(vec![2]),
+			horizontal_messages: Default::default(),
+			upward_messages: Default::default(),
+			new_validation_code: None,
+			processed_downward_messages: 0,
+			hrmp_watermark: 0,
+		};
+		candidate_b.commitments_hash = candidate_b_commitments.hash();
+		let candidate_b_hash = candidate_b.hash();
 			&mut virtual_overseer,
-			peer_b,
+			peer_a,
-			Some((candidate_hash, parent_head_data_hash)),
+			Some((candidate_b_hash, HeadData(vec![1]).hash())),
@@ -1003,40 +1063,73 @@ fn backed_candidate_unblocks_advertisements() {
 				CandidateBackingMessage::CanSecond(request, tx),
 			) => {
-				assert_eq!(request.candidate_hash, candidate_hash);
-				assert_eq!(request.candidate_para_id, test_state.chain_ids[1]);
-				assert_eq!(request.parent_head_data_hash, parent_head_data_hash);
-				// Reject it.
-				tx.send(false).expect("receiving side should be alive");
+				assert_eq!(request.candidate_hash, candidate_b_hash);
+				assert_eq!(request.candidate_para_id, test_state.chain_ids[0]);
+				assert_eq!(request.parent_head_data_hash, HeadData(vec![1]).hash());
+				tx.send(true).expect("receiving side should be alive");
-		// Advertise with different para.
-		advertise_collation(
+		let response_channel = assert_fetch_collation_request(
 			&mut virtual_overseer,
-			peer_a,
-			head_d, // Note different relay parent.
-			Some((candidate_hash, parent_head_data_hash)),
+			head_c,
+			test_state.chain_ids[0],
+			Some(candidate_b_hash),
-		assert_matches!(
-			overseer_recv(&mut virtual_overseer).await,
-			AllMessages::CandidateBacking(
-				CandidateBackingMessage::CanSecond(request, tx),
-			) => {
-				assert_eq!(request.candidate_hash, candidate_hash);
-				assert_eq!(request.candidate_para_id, test_state.chain_ids[0]);
-				assert_eq!(request.parent_head_data_hash, parent_head_data_hash);
-				tx.send(false).expect("receiving side should be alive");
+		response_channel
+			.send(Ok((
+				request_v2::CollationFetchingResponse::Collation(
+					candidate_b.clone(),
+					PoV { block_data: BlockData(vec![1]) },
+				)
+				.encode(),
+				ProtocolName::from(""),
+			)))
+			.expect("Sending response should succeed");
+		// Persisted validation data of candidate B is not found.
+		assert_persisted_validation_data(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			CollationVersion::V2,
+			head_c,
+			test_state.chain_ids[0],
+			Some(HeadData(vec![1]).hash()),
+			None,
+		)
+		.await;
+		// Now advertise, fetch and validate candidate A, which is the parent of B.
+		let mut candidate_a = dummy_candidate_receipt_bad_sig(head_c, Some(Default::default()));
+		candidate_a.descriptor.para_id = test_state.chain_ids[0];
+		candidate_a.descriptor.para_head = HeadData(vec![1]).hash();
+		candidate_a.descriptor.persisted_validation_data_hash =
+			PersistedValidationData::<Hash, BlockNumber> {
+				parent_head: HeadData(vec![0]),
+				relay_parent_number: 5,
+				max_pov_size: 1024,
+				relay_parent_storage_root: Default::default(),
-		);
+			.hash();
+		let candidate_a_commitments = CandidateCommitments {
+			head_data: HeadData(vec![1]),
+			horizontal_messages: Default::default(),
+			upward_messages: Default::default(),
+			new_validation_code: None,
+			processed_downward_messages: 0,
+			hrmp_watermark: 0,
+		};
+		candidate_a.commitments_hash = candidate_a_commitments.hash();
+		let candidate_a_hash = candidate_a.hash();
-		overseer_send(
+		advertise_collation(
 			&mut virtual_overseer,
-			CollatorProtocolMessage::Backed {
-				para_id: test_state.chain_ids[0],
-				para_head: parent_head_data_hash,
-			},
+			peer_a,
+			head_c,
+			Some((candidate_a_hash, HeadData(vec![0]).hash())),
@@ -1044,174 +1137,155 @@ fn backed_candidate_unblocks_advertisements() {
 				CandidateBackingMessage::CanSecond(request, tx),
 			) => {
-				assert_eq!(request.candidate_hash, candidate_hash);
+				assert_eq!(request.candidate_hash, candidate_a_hash);
 				assert_eq!(request.candidate_para_id, test_state.chain_ids[0]);
-				assert_eq!(request.parent_head_data_hash, parent_head_data_hash);
+				assert_eq!(request.parent_head_data_hash, HeadData(vec![0]).hash());
 				tx.send(true).expect("receiving side should be alive");
-		assert_fetch_collation_request(
+		let response_channel = assert_fetch_collation_request(
 			&mut virtual_overseer,
-			head_d,
+			head_c,
-			Some(candidate_hash),
+			Some(candidate_a_hash),
-		virtual_overseer
-	});
-fn active_leave_unblocks_advertisements() {
-	let mut test_state = TestState::default();
-	test_state.group_rotation_info.group_rotation_frequency = 100;
+		response_channel
+			.send(Ok((
+				request_v2::CollationFetchingResponse::Collation(
+					candidate_a.clone(),
+					PoV { block_data: BlockData(vec![2]) },
+				)
+				.encode(),
+				ProtocolName::from(""),
+			)))
+			.expect("Sending response should succeed");
-	test_harness(ReputationAggregator::new(|_| true), |test_harness| async move {
-		let TestHarness { mut virtual_overseer, .. } = test_harness;
+		assert_persisted_validation_data(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			CollationVersion::V2,
+			head_c,
+			test_state.chain_ids[0],
+			Some(HeadData(vec![0]).hash()),
+			Some(PersistedValidationData::<Hash, BlockNumber> {
+				parent_head: HeadData(vec![0]),
+				relay_parent_number: 5,
+				max_pov_size: 1024,
+				relay_parent_storage_root: Default::default(),
+			}),
+		)
+		.await;
-		let head_b = Hash::from_low_u64_be(128);
-		let head_b_num: u32 = 0;
+		assert_matches!(
+			overseer_recv(&mut virtual_overseer).await,
+			AllMessages::CandidateBacking(CandidateBackingMessage::Second(
+				relay_parent,
+				candidate_receipt,
+				received_pvd,
+				incoming_pov,
+			)) => {
+				assert_eq!(head_c, relay_parent);
+				assert_eq!(test_state.chain_ids[0], candidate_receipt.descriptor.para_id);
+				assert_eq!(PoV { block_data: BlockData(vec![2]) }, incoming_pov);
+				assert_eq!(PersistedValidationData::<Hash, BlockNumber> {
+					parent_head: HeadData(vec![0]),
+					relay_parent_number: 5,
+					max_pov_size: 1024,
+					relay_parent_storage_root: Default::default(),
+				}, received_pvd);
+				candidate_receipt
+			}
+		);
-		update_view(&mut virtual_overseer, &test_state, vec![(head_b, head_b_num)], 1).await;
+		// If candidate A is valid, proceed with seconding B.
+		if valid_parent {
+			send_seconded_statement(
+				&mut virtual_overseer,
+				keystore.clone(),
+				&CommittedCandidateReceipt {
+					descriptor: candidate_a.descriptor,
+					commitments: candidate_a_commitments,
+				},
+			)
+			.await;
-		let peers: Vec<CollatorPair> = (0..3).map(|_| CollatorPair::generate().0).collect();
-		let peer_ids: Vec<PeerId> = (0..3).map(|_| PeerId::random()).collect();
-		let candidates: Vec<CandidateHash> =
-			(0u8..3).map(|i| CandidateHash(Hash::repeat_byte(i))).collect();
+			assert_collation_seconded(&mut virtual_overseer, head_c, peer_a, CollationVersion::V2)
+				.await;
-		for (peer, peer_id) in peers.iter().zip(&peer_ids) {
-			connect_and_declare_collator(
+			// Now that candidate A has been seconded, candidate B can be seconded as well.
+			assert_persisted_validation_data(
 				&mut virtual_overseer,
-				*peer_id,
-				peer.clone(),
-				test_state.chain_ids[0],
+				head_c,
+				test_state.chain_ids[0],
+				Some(HeadData(vec![1]).hash()),
+				Some(PersistedValidationData::<Hash, BlockNumber> {
+					parent_head: HeadData(vec![1]),
+					relay_parent_number: 5,
+					max_pov_size: 1024,
+					relay_parent_storage_root: Default::default(),
+				}),
-		}
-		let parent_head_data_hash = Hash::zero();
-		for (peer, candidate) in peer_ids.iter().zip(&candidates).take(2) {
-			advertise_collation(
+			assert_matches!(
+				overseer_recv(&mut virtual_overseer).await,
+				AllMessages::CandidateBacking(CandidateBackingMessage::Second(
+					relay_parent,
+					candidate_receipt,
+					received_pvd,
+					incoming_pov,
+				)) => {
+					assert_eq!(head_c, relay_parent);
+					assert_eq!(test_state.chain_ids[0], candidate_receipt.descriptor.para_id);
+					assert_eq!(PoV { block_data: BlockData(vec![1]) }, incoming_pov);
+					assert_eq!(PersistedValidationData::<Hash, BlockNumber> {
+						parent_head: HeadData(vec![1]),
+						relay_parent_number: 5,
+						max_pov_size: 1024,
+						relay_parent_storage_root: Default::default(),
+					}, received_pvd);
+					candidate_receipt
+				}
+			);
+			send_seconded_statement(
 				&mut virtual_overseer,
-				*peer,
-				head_b,
-				Some((*candidate, parent_head_data_hash)),
+				keystore.clone(),
+				&CommittedCandidateReceipt {
+					descriptor: candidate_b.descriptor,
+					commitments: candidate_b_commitments,
+				},
+			)
+			.await;
+			assert_collation_seconded(&mut virtual_overseer, head_c, peer_a, CollationVersion::V2)
+				.await;
+		} else {
+			// If candidate A is invalid, B won't be seconded.
+			overseer_send(
+				&mut virtual_overseer,
+				CollatorProtocolMessage::Invalid(head_c, candidate_a),
 				overseer_recv(&mut virtual_overseer).await,
-				AllMessages::CandidateBacking(
-					CandidateBackingMessage::CanSecond(request, tx),
+				AllMessages::NetworkBridgeTx(
+					NetworkBridgeTxMessage::ReportPeer(ReportPeerMessage::Single(peer, rep)),
 				) => {
-					assert_eq!(request.candidate_hash, *candidate);
-					assert_eq!(request.candidate_para_id, test_state.chain_ids[0]);
-					assert_eq!(request.parent_head_data_hash, parent_head_data_hash);
-					// Send false.
-					tx.send(false).expect("receiving side should be alive");
+					assert_eq!(peer, peer_a);
+					assert_eq!(rep.value, COST_REPORT_BAD.cost_or_benefit());
-		let head_c = Hash::from_low_u64_be(127);
-		let head_c_num: u32 = 1;
-		let next_overseer_message =
-			update_view(&mut virtual_overseer, &test_state, vec![(head_c, head_c_num)], 1)
-				.await
-				.expect("should've sent request to backing");
-		// Unblock first request.
-		assert_matches!(
-			next_overseer_message,
-			AllMessages::CandidateBacking(
-				CandidateBackingMessage::CanSecond(request, tx),
-			) => {
-					assert_eq!(request.candidate_hash, candidates[0]);
-					assert_eq!(request.candidate_para_id, test_state.chain_ids[0]);
-					assert_eq!(request.parent_head_data_hash, parent_head_data_hash);
-					tx.send(true).expect("receiving side should be alive");
-			}
-		);
-		assert_fetch_collation_request(
-			&mut virtual_overseer,
-			head_b,
-			test_state.chain_ids[0],
-			Some(candidates[0]),
-		)
-		.await;
-		assert_matches!(
-			overseer_recv(&mut virtual_overseer).await,
-			AllMessages::CandidateBacking(
-				CandidateBackingMessage::CanSecond(request, tx),
-			) => {
-					assert_eq!(request.candidate_hash, candidates[1]);
-					assert_eq!(request.candidate_para_id, test_state.chain_ids[0]);
-					assert_eq!(request.parent_head_data_hash, parent_head_data_hash);
-					tx.send(false).expect("receiving side should be alive");
-			}
-		);
-		// Collation request was discarded.
 		assert_matches!(virtual_overseer.recv().now_or_never(), None);
-		advertise_collation(
-			&mut virtual_overseer,
-			peer_ids[2],
-			head_c,
-			Some((candidates[2], parent_head_data_hash)),
-		)
-		.await;
-		assert_matches!(
-			overseer_recv(&mut virtual_overseer).await,
-			AllMessages::CandidateBacking(
-				CandidateBackingMessage::CanSecond(request, tx),
-			) => {
-				assert_eq!(request.candidate_hash, candidates[2]);
-				tx.send(false).expect("receiving side should be alive");
-			}
-		);
-		let head_d = Hash::from_low_u64_be(126);
-		let head_d_num: u32 = 2;
-		let next_overseer_message =
-			update_view(&mut virtual_overseer, &test_state, vec![(head_d, head_d_num)], 1)
-				.await
-				.expect("should've sent request to backing");
-		// Reject 2, accept 3.
-		assert_matches!(
-			next_overseer_message,
-			AllMessages::CandidateBacking(
-				CandidateBackingMessage::CanSecond(request, tx),
-			) => {
-				assert_eq!(request.candidate_hash, candidates[1]);
-				tx.send(false).expect("receiving side should be alive");
-			}
-		);
-		assert_matches!(
-			overseer_recv(&mut virtual_overseer).await,
-			AllMessages::CandidateBacking(
-				CandidateBackingMessage::CanSecond(request, tx),
-			) => {
-				assert_eq!(request.candidate_hash, candidates[2]);
-				tx.send(true).expect("receiving side should be alive");
-			}
-		);
-		assert_fetch_collation_request(
-			&mut virtual_overseer,
-			head_c,
-			test_state.chain_ids[0],
-			Some(candidates[2]),
-		)
-		.await;
diff --git a/polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution/src/v2/ b/polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution/src/v2/
index ad56ad4a236..a4f2455c284 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution/src/v2/
+++ b/polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution/src/v2/
@@ -243,12 +243,12 @@ impl Candidates {
 	/// Whether statements from a candidate are importable.
 	/// This is only true when the candidate is known, confirmed,
-	/// and is importable in a fragment tree.
+	/// and is importable in a fragment chain.
 	pub fn is_importable(&self, candidate_hash: &CandidateHash) -> bool {
 		self.get_confirmed(candidate_hash).map_or(false, |c| c.is_importable(None))
-	/// Note that a candidate is importable in a fragment tree indicated by the given
+	/// Note that a candidate is importable in a fragment chain indicated by the given
 	/// leaf hash.
 	pub fn note_importable_under(&mut self, candidate: &HypotheticalCandidate, leaf_hash: Hash) {
 		match candidate {
diff --git a/polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution/src/v2/ b/polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution/src/v2/
index 24d846c840e..b6e4163090c 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution/src/v2/
+++ b/polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution/src/v2/
@@ -46,10 +46,8 @@
 //! - Request/response for the candidate + votes.
 //!   - Ignore if they are inconsistent with the manifest.
 //!   - A malicious backing group is capable of producing an unbounded number of backed candidates.
-//!     - We request the candidate only if the candidate has a hypothetical depth in any of our
-//!       fragment trees, and:
-//!     - the seconding validators have not seconded any other candidates at that depth in any of
-//!       those fragment trees
+//!     - We request the candidate only if the candidate is a hypothetical member in any of our
+//!       fragment chains, and:
 //! - All members of the group attempt to circulate all statements (in compact form) from the rest
 //!   of the group on candidates that have already been backed.
 //!   - They do this via the grid topology.
diff --git a/polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution/src/v2/ b/polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution/src/v2/
index 8579ac15cbc..961ec45bdad 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution/src/v2/
+++ b/polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution/src/v2/
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ use polkadot_node_primitives::{
 use polkadot_node_subsystem::{
 		network_bridge_event::NewGossipTopology, CandidateBackingMessage, HypotheticalCandidate,
-		HypotheticalFrontierRequest, NetworkBridgeEvent, NetworkBridgeTxMessage,
+		HypotheticalMembershipRequest, NetworkBridgeEvent, NetworkBridgeTxMessage,
 	overseer, ActivatedLeaf,
@@ -753,7 +753,7 @@ pub(crate) async fn handle_active_leaves_update<Context>(
-	new_leaf_fragment_tree_updates(ctx, state, activated.hash).await;
+	new_leaf_fragment_chain_updates(ctx, state, activated.hash).await;
@@ -2216,7 +2216,7 @@ async fn determine_groups_per_para(
 #[overseer::contextbounds(StatementDistribution, prefix=self::overseer)]
-async fn fragment_tree_update_inner<Context>(
+async fn fragment_chain_update_inner<Context>(
 	ctx: &mut Context,
 	state: &mut State,
 	active_leaf_hash: Option<Hash>,
@@ -2230,31 +2230,34 @@ async fn fragment_tree_update_inner<Context>(
 	// 2. find out which are in the frontier
-	let frontier = {
+	gum::debug!(
+		target: LOG_TARGET,
+		"Calling getHypotheticalMembership from statement distribution"
+	);
+	let candidate_memberships = {
 		let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
-		ctx.send_message(ProspectiveParachainsMessage::GetHypotheticalFrontier(
-			HypotheticalFrontierRequest {
+		ctx.send_message(ProspectiveParachainsMessage::GetHypotheticalMembership(
+			HypotheticalMembershipRequest {
 				candidates: hypotheticals,
-				fragment_tree_relay_parent: active_leaf_hash,
-				backed_in_path_only: false,
+				fragment_chain_relay_parent: active_leaf_hash,
 		match rx.await {
-			Ok(frontier) => frontier,
+			Ok(candidate_memberships) => candidate_memberships,
 			Err(oneshot::Canceled) => return,
 	// 3. note that they are importable under a given leaf hash.
-	for (hypo, membership) in frontier {
-		// skip parablocks outside of the frontier
+	for (hypo, membership) in candidate_memberships {
+		// skip parablocks which aren't potential candidates
 		if membership.is_empty() {
-		for (leaf_hash, _) in membership {
+		for leaf_hash in membership {
 			state.candidates.note_importable_under(&hypo, leaf_hash);
@@ -2298,31 +2301,31 @@ async fn fragment_tree_update_inner<Context>(
 #[overseer::contextbounds(StatementDistribution, prefix=self::overseer)]
-async fn new_leaf_fragment_tree_updates<Context>(
+async fn new_leaf_fragment_chain_updates<Context>(
 	ctx: &mut Context,
 	state: &mut State,
 	leaf_hash: Hash,
 ) {
-	fragment_tree_update_inner(ctx, state, Some(leaf_hash), None, None).await
+	fragment_chain_update_inner(ctx, state, Some(leaf_hash), None, None).await
 #[overseer::contextbounds(StatementDistribution, prefix=self::overseer)]
-async fn prospective_backed_notification_fragment_tree_updates<Context>(
+async fn prospective_backed_notification_fragment_chain_updates<Context>(
 	ctx: &mut Context,
 	state: &mut State,
 	para_id: ParaId,
 	para_head: Hash,
 ) {
-	fragment_tree_update_inner(ctx, state, None, Some((para_head, para_id)), None).await
+	fragment_chain_update_inner(ctx, state, None, Some((para_head, para_id)), None).await
 #[overseer::contextbounds(StatementDistribution, prefix=self::overseer)]
-async fn new_confirmed_candidate_fragment_tree_updates<Context>(
+async fn new_confirmed_candidate_fragment_chain_updates<Context>(
 	ctx: &mut Context,
 	state: &mut State,
 	candidate: HypotheticalCandidate,
 ) {
-	fragment_tree_update_inner(ctx, state, None, None, Some(vec![candidate])).await
+	fragment_chain_update_inner(ctx, state, None, None, Some(vec![candidate])).await
 struct ManifestImportSuccess<'a> {
@@ -2865,7 +2868,7 @@ pub(crate) async fn handle_backed_candidate_message<Context>(
 	// Search for children of the backed candidate to request.
-	prospective_backed_notification_fragment_tree_updates(
+	prospective_backed_notification_fragment_chain_updates(
@@ -2956,7 +2959,8 @@ async fn apply_post_confirmation<Context>(
-	new_confirmed_candidate_fragment_tree_updates(ctx, state, post_confirmation.hypothetical).await;
+	new_confirmed_candidate_fragment_chain_updates(ctx, state, post_confirmation.hypothetical)
+		.await;
 /// Dispatch pending requests for candidate data & statements.
@@ -3185,8 +3189,8 @@ pub(crate) async fn handle_response<Context>(
 	let confirmed = state.candidates.get_confirmed(&candidate_hash).expect("just confirmed; qed");
-	// Although the candidate is confirmed, it isn't yet on the
-	// hypothetical frontier of the fragment tree. Later, when it is,
+	// Although the candidate is confirmed, it isn't yet a
+	// hypothetical member of the fragment chain. Later, when it is,
 	// we will import statements.
 	if !confirmed.is_importable(None) {
diff --git a/polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution/src/v2/tests/ b/polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution/src/v2/tests/
index 4fb033e08ce..fe51f953e24 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution/src/v2/tests/
+++ b/polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution/src/v2/tests/
@@ -111,8 +111,8 @@ fn share_seconded_circulated_to_cluster() {
 		// sharing a `Seconded` message confirms a candidate, which leads to new
-		// fragment tree updates.
-		answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
+		// fragment chain updates.
+		answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
@@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ fn seconded_statement_leads_to_request() {
 				if p == peer_a && r == BENEFIT_VALID_RESPONSE.into() => { }
-		answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
+		answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
@@ -583,7 +583,7 @@ fn cluster_statements_shared_seconded_first() {
 		// result of new confirmed candidate.
-		answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
+		answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
 			.send(FromOrchestra::Communication {
@@ -717,8 +717,8 @@ fn cluster_accounts_for_implicit_view() {
 		// sharing a `Seconded` message confirms a candidate, which leads to new
-		// fragment tree updates.
-		answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
+		// fragment chain updates.
+		answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
 		// activate new leaf, which has relay-parent in implicit view.
 		let next_relay_parent = Hash::repeat_byte(2);
@@ -855,7 +855,7 @@ fn cluster_messages_imported_after_confirmed_candidate_importable_check() {
-		answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(
+		answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(
 			&mut overseer,
 				HypotheticalCandidate::Complete {
@@ -863,7 +863,7 @@ fn cluster_messages_imported_after_confirmed_candidate_importable_check() {
 					receipt: Arc::new(candidate.clone()),
 					persisted_validation_data: pvd.clone(),
-				vec![(relay_parent, vec![0])],
+				vec![relay_parent],
@@ -978,7 +978,7 @@ fn cluster_messages_imported_after_new_leaf_importable_check() {
-		answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
+		answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
 		let next_relay_parent = Hash::repeat_byte(2);
 		let mut next_test_leaf = state.make_dummy_leaf(next_relay_parent);
@@ -996,7 +996,7 @@ fn cluster_messages_imported_after_new_leaf_importable_check() {
 					receipt: Arc::new(candidate.clone()),
 					persisted_validation_data: pvd.clone(),
-				vec![(relay_parent, vec![0])],
+				vec![relay_parent],
@@ -1113,7 +1113,7 @@ fn ensure_seconding_limit_is_respected() {
 				AllMessages::NetworkBridgeTx(NetworkBridgeTxMessage::SendValidationMessage(peers, _)) if peers == vec![peer_a]
-			answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
+			answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
 		// Candidate 2.
@@ -1139,7 +1139,7 @@ fn ensure_seconding_limit_is_respected() {
 				AllMessages::NetworkBridgeTx(NetworkBridgeTxMessage::SendValidationMessage(peers, _)) if peers == vec![peer_a]
-			answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
+			answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
 		// Send first statement from peer A.
diff --git a/polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution/src/v2/tests/ b/polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution/src/v2/tests/
index 9d00a92e742..d2bf031368c 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution/src/v2/tests/
+++ b/polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution/src/v2/tests/
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ fn backed_candidate_leads_to_advertisement() {
 				AllMessages::NetworkBridgeTx(NetworkBridgeTxMessage::SendValidationMessage(peers, _)) if peers == vec![peer_a]
-			answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
+			answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
 		// Send enough statements to make candidate backable, make sure announcements are sent.
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ fn backed_candidate_leads_to_advertisement() {
-			answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
+			answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ fn received_advertisement_before_confirmation_leads_to_request() {
 					if p == peer_c && r == BENEFIT_VALID_RESPONSE.into() => { }
-			answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
+			answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ fn received_advertisement_after_backing_leads_to_acknowledgement() {
 			assert_peer_reported!(&mut overseer, peer_c, BENEFIT_VALID_STATEMENT);
 			assert_peer_reported!(&mut overseer, peer_c, BENEFIT_VALID_RESPONSE);
-			answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
+			answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
 		// Receive Backed message.
@@ -546,7 +546,7 @@ fn received_advertisement_after_backing_leads_to_acknowledgement() {
-			answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
+			answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
 		// Receive a manifest about the same candidate from peer D.
@@ -720,7 +720,7 @@ fn received_acknowledgements_for_locally_confirmed() {
 				AllMessages::NetworkBridgeTx(NetworkBridgeTxMessage::SendValidationMessage(peers, _)) if peers == vec![peer_a]
-			answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
+			answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
 		// Receive an unexpected acknowledgement from peer D.
@@ -785,7 +785,7 @@ fn received_acknowledgements_for_locally_confirmed() {
-			answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
+			answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
 		// Receive an unexpected acknowledgement from peer D.
@@ -918,7 +918,7 @@ fn received_acknowledgements_for_externally_confirmed() {
 			assert_peer_reported!(&mut overseer, peer_c, BENEFIT_VALID_STATEMENT);
 			assert_peer_reported!(&mut overseer, peer_c, BENEFIT_VALID_RESPONSE);
-			answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
+			answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
 		let ack = BackedCandidateAcknowledgement {
@@ -1101,7 +1101,7 @@ fn received_advertisement_after_confirmation_before_backing() {
 					if p == peer_c && r == BENEFIT_VALID_RESPONSE.into()
-			answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
+			answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
 		// Receive advertisement from peer D (after confirmation but before backing).
@@ -1272,9 +1272,12 @@ fn additional_statements_are_shared_after_manifest_exchange() {
 			receipt: Arc::new(candidate.clone()),
 			persisted_validation_data: pvd.clone(),
-		let membership = vec![(relay_parent, vec![0])];
-		answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(&mut overseer, vec![(hypothetical, membership)])
-			.await;
+		let membership = vec![relay_parent];
+		answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(
+			&mut overseer,
+			vec![(hypothetical, membership)],
+		)
+		.await;
 		// Statements are sent to the Backing subsystem.
@@ -1338,7 +1341,7 @@ fn additional_statements_are_shared_after_manifest_exchange() {
-			answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
+			answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
 		// Receive a manifest about the same candidate from peer D. Contains different statements.
@@ -1507,7 +1510,7 @@ fn advertisement_sent_when_peer_enters_relay_parent_view() {
 				AllMessages::NetworkBridgeTx(NetworkBridgeTxMessage::SendValidationMessage(peers, _)) if peers == vec![peer_a]
-			answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
+			answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
 		// Send enough statements to make candidate backable, make sure announcements are sent.
@@ -1574,7 +1577,7 @@ fn advertisement_sent_when_peer_enters_relay_parent_view() {
-		answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
+		answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
 		// Relay parent enters view of peer C.
@@ -1721,7 +1724,7 @@ fn advertisement_not_re_sent_when_peer_re_enters_view() {
 				AllMessages::NetworkBridgeTx(NetworkBridgeTxMessage::SendValidationMessage(peers, _)) if peers == vec![peer_a]
-			answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
+			answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
 		// Send enough statements to make candidate backable, make sure announcements are sent.
@@ -1816,7 +1819,7 @@ fn advertisement_not_re_sent_when_peer_re_enters_view() {
-			answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
+			answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
 		// Peer leaves view.
@@ -1982,9 +1985,12 @@ fn inner_grid_statements_imported_to_backing(groups_for_first_para: usize) {
 			receipt: Arc::new(candidate.clone()),
 			persisted_validation_data: pvd.clone(),
-		let membership = vec![(relay_parent, vec![0])];
-		answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(&mut overseer, vec![(hypothetical, membership)])
-			.await;
+		let membership = vec![relay_parent];
+		answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(
+			&mut overseer,
+			vec![(hypothetical, membership)],
+		)
+		.await;
 		// Receive messages from Backing subsystem.
@@ -2616,7 +2622,7 @@ fn peer_reported_for_advertisement_conflicting_with_confirmed_candidate() {
 					if p == peer_c && r == BENEFIT_VALID_RESPONSE.into()
-			answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
+			answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
 		// Receive conflicting advertisement from peer C after confirmation.
@@ -2763,7 +2769,7 @@ fn inactive_local_participates_in_grid() {
 			AllMessages::NetworkBridgeTx(NetworkBridgeTxMessage::ReportPeer(ReportPeerMessage::Single(p, r)))
 				if p == peer_a && r == BENEFIT_VALID_RESPONSE.into() => { }
-		answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
+		answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
diff --git a/polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution/src/v2/tests/ b/polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution/src/v2/tests/
index 3d987d3fc43..d32e2323ba3 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution/src/v2/tests/
+++ b/polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution/src/v2/tests/
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ use polkadot_node_network_protocol::{
 use polkadot_node_primitives::Statement;
 use polkadot_node_subsystem::messages::{
-	network_bridge_event::NewGossipTopology, AllMessages, ChainApiMessage, FragmentTreeMembership,
-	HypotheticalCandidate, NetworkBridgeEvent, ProspectiveParachainsMessage, ReportPeerMessage,
+	network_bridge_event::NewGossipTopology, AllMessages, ChainApiMessage, HypotheticalCandidate,
+	HypotheticalMembership, NetworkBridgeEvent, ProspectiveParachainsMessage, ReportPeerMessage,
 	RuntimeApiMessage, RuntimeApiRequest,
 use polkadot_node_subsystem_test_helpers as test_helpers;
@@ -539,7 +539,7 @@ async fn activate_leaf(
 	leaf: &TestLeaf,
 	test_state: &TestState,
 	is_new_session: bool,
-	hypothetical_frontier: Vec<(HypotheticalCandidate, FragmentTreeMembership)>,
+	hypothetical_memberships: Vec<(HypotheticalCandidate, HypotheticalMembership)>,
 ) {
 	let activated = new_leaf(leaf.hash, leaf.number);
@@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ async fn activate_leaf(
-		hypothetical_frontier,
+		hypothetical_memberships,
@@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ async fn handle_leaf_activation(
 	leaf: &TestLeaf,
 	test_state: &TestState,
 	is_new_session: bool,
-	hypothetical_frontier: Vec<(HypotheticalCandidate, FragmentTreeMembership)>,
+	hypothetical_memberships: Vec<(HypotheticalCandidate, HypotheticalMembership)>,
 ) {
 	let TestLeaf {
@@ -674,18 +674,17 @@ async fn handle_leaf_activation(
 				tx.send(Ok((validator_groups, group_rotation_info))).unwrap();
-				ProspectiveParachainsMessage::GetHypotheticalFrontier(req, tx),
+				ProspectiveParachainsMessage::GetHypotheticalMembership(req, tx),
 			) => {
-				assert_eq!(req.fragment_tree_relay_parent, Some(*hash));
-				assert!(!req.backed_in_path_only);
-				for (i, (candidate, _)) in hypothetical_frontier.iter().enumerate() {
+				assert_eq!(req.fragment_chain_relay_parent, Some(*hash));
+				for (i, (candidate, _)) in hypothetical_memberships.iter().enumerate() {
 						req.candidates.iter().any(|c| &c == &candidate),
 						"did not receive request for hypothetical candidate {}",
-				tx.send(hypothetical_frontier).unwrap();
+				tx.send(hypothetical_memberships).unwrap();
 				// this is the last expected runtime api call
@@ -727,17 +726,16 @@ async fn handle_sent_request(
-async fn answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(
+async fn answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(
 	virtual_overseer: &mut VirtualOverseer,
-	responses: Vec<(HypotheticalCandidate, FragmentTreeMembership)>,
+	responses: Vec<(HypotheticalCandidate, HypotheticalMembership)>,
 ) {
-			ProspectiveParachainsMessage::GetHypotheticalFrontier(req, tx)
+			ProspectiveParachainsMessage::GetHypotheticalMembership(req, tx)
 		) => {
-			assert_eq!(req.fragment_tree_relay_parent, None);
-			assert!(!req.backed_in_path_only);
+			assert_eq!(req.fragment_chain_relay_parent, None);
 			for (i, (candidate, _)) in responses.iter().enumerate() {
 					req.candidates.iter().any(|c| &c == &candidate),
diff --git a/polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution/src/v2/tests/ b/polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution/src/v2/tests/
index c9de42d2c46..38d7a10b865 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution/src/v2/tests/
+++ b/polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution/src/v2/tests/
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ fn cluster_peer_allowed_to_send_incomplete_statements() {
-		answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
+		answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ fn peer_reported_for_providing_statements_meant_to_be_masked_out() {
 					if p == peer_c && r == BENEFIT_VALID_RESPONSE.into()
-			answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
+			answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
 		// Peer C advertises candidate 2.
@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ fn peer_reported_for_providing_statements_meant_to_be_masked_out() {
 					if p == peer_c && r == BENEFIT_VALID_RESPONSE.into()
-			answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
+			answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
 		// Peer C sends an announcement for candidate 3. Should hit seconding limit for validator 1.
@@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ fn peer_reported_for_not_enough_statements() {
 					if p == peer_c && r == BENEFIT_VALID_RESPONSE.into()
-			answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
+			answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
@@ -789,7 +789,7 @@ fn peer_reported_for_duplicate_statements() {
-		answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
+		answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
@@ -919,7 +919,7 @@ fn peer_reported_for_providing_statements_with_invalid_signatures() {
 					if p == peer_a && r == BENEFIT_VALID_RESPONSE.into() => { }
-			answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
+			answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
@@ -1049,7 +1049,7 @@ fn peer_reported_for_providing_statements_with_wrong_validator_id() {
 					if p == peer_a && r == BENEFIT_VALID_RESPONSE.into() => { }
-			answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
+			answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
@@ -1215,7 +1215,7 @@ fn disabled_validators_added_to_unwanted_mask() {
 					assert_eq!(statement, seconded_b);
-			answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
+			answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
@@ -1372,7 +1372,7 @@ fn when_validator_disabled_after_sending_the_request() {
 					assert_eq!(statement, seconded_b);
-			answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
+			answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
@@ -1475,7 +1475,7 @@ fn no_response_for_grid_request_not_meeting_quorum() {
 				AllMessages::NetworkBridgeTx(NetworkBridgeTxMessage::SendValidationMessage(peers, _)) if peers == vec![peer_a]
-			answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
+			answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
 		// Send enough statements to make candidate backable, make sure announcements are sent.
@@ -1572,7 +1572,7 @@ fn no_response_for_grid_request_not_meeting_quorum() {
-			answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
+			answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
 		let mask = StatementFilter {
@@ -1720,7 +1720,7 @@ fn disabling_works_from_the_latest_state_not_relay_parent() {
 					if p == peer_disabled && r == BENEFIT_VALID_RESPONSE.into() => { }
-			answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
+			answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
 		activate_leaf(&mut overseer, &leaf_2, &state, false, vec![]).await;
@@ -1862,7 +1862,7 @@ fn local_node_sanity_checks_incoming_requests() {
-			answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
+			answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
 		// Should drop requests from unknown peers.
@@ -2036,7 +2036,7 @@ fn local_node_checks_that_peer_can_request_before_responding() {
-		answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
+		answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
 		// Local node should respond to requests from peers in the same group
 		// which appear to not have already seen the candidate
@@ -2248,7 +2248,7 @@ fn local_node_respects_statement_mask() {
 				AllMessages::NetworkBridgeTx(NetworkBridgeTxMessage::SendValidationMessage(peers, _)) if peers == vec![peer_a]
-			answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
+			answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
 		// Send enough statements to make candidate backable, make sure announcements are sent.
@@ -2347,7 +2347,7 @@ fn local_node_respects_statement_mask() {
-			answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
+			answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
 		// `1` indicates statements NOT to request.
@@ -2600,7 +2600,7 @@ fn should_delay_before_retrying_dropped_requests() {
 					if p == peer_c && r == BENEFIT_VALID_RESPONSE.into()
-			answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
+			answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
 		// Sleep for the given amount of time. This should reset the delay for the first candidate.
@@ -2691,7 +2691,7 @@ fn should_delay_before_retrying_dropped_requests() {
 					if p == peer_c && r == BENEFIT_VALID_RESPONSE.into()
-			answer_expected_hypothetical_depth_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
+			answer_expected_hypothetical_membership_request(&mut overseer, vec![]).await;
diff --git a/polkadot/node/subsystem-types/src/ b/polkadot/node/subsystem-types/src/
index e75d80395c4..2a54b3aed30 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/subsystem-types/src/
+++ b/polkadot/node/subsystem-types/src/
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ pub mod network_bridge_event;
 pub use network_bridge_event::NetworkBridgeEvent;
 /// A request to the candidate backing subsystem to check whether
-/// there exists vacant membership in some fragment tree.
+/// we can second this candidate.
 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
 pub struct CanSecondRequest {
 	/// Para id of the candidate.
@@ -90,10 +90,12 @@ pub enum CandidateBackingMessage {
 		oneshot::Sender<HashMap<ParaId, Vec<BackedCandidate>>>,
 	/// Request the subsystem to check whether it's allowed to second given candidate.
-	/// The rule is to only fetch collations that are either built on top of the root
-	/// of some fragment tree or have a parent node which represents backed candidate.
+	/// The rule is to only fetch collations that can either be directly chained to any
+	/// FragmentChain in the view or there is at least one FragmentChain where this candidate is a
+	/// potentially unconnected candidate (we predict that it may become connected to a
+	/// FragmentChain in the future).
-	/// Always responses with `false` if async backing is disabled for candidate's relay
+	/// Always responds with `false` if async backing is disabled for candidate's relay
 	/// parent.
 	CanSecond(CanSecondRequest, oneshot::Sender<bool>),
 	/// Note that the Candidate Backing subsystem should second the given candidate in the context
@@ -244,13 +246,6 @@ pub enum CollatorProtocolMessage {
 	/// The hash is the relay parent.
 	Seconded(Hash, SignedFullStatement),
-	/// The candidate received enough validity votes from the backing group.
-	Backed {
-		/// Candidate's para id.
-		para_id: ParaId,
-		/// Hash of the para head generated by candidate.
-		para_head: Hash,
-	},
 impl Default for CollatorProtocolMessage {
@@ -1023,9 +1018,9 @@ pub enum GossipSupportMessage {
-/// Request introduction of a candidate into the prospective parachains subsystem.
+/// Request introduction of a seconded candidate into the prospective parachains subsystem.
 #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
-pub struct IntroduceCandidateRequest {
+pub struct IntroduceSecondedCandidateRequest {
 	/// The para-id of the candidate.
 	pub candidate_para: ParaId,
 	/// The candidate receipt itself.
@@ -1034,7 +1029,7 @@ pub struct IntroduceCandidateRequest {
 	pub persisted_validation_data: PersistedValidationData,
-/// A hypothetical candidate to be evaluated for frontier membership
+/// A hypothetical candidate to be evaluated for potential/actual membership
 /// in the prospective parachains subsystem.
 /// Hypothetical candidates are either complete or incomplete.
@@ -1103,21 +1098,27 @@ impl HypotheticalCandidate {
+	/// Get the output head data hash, if the candidate is complete.
+	pub fn output_head_data_hash(&self) -> Option<Hash> {
+		match *self {
+			HypotheticalCandidate::Complete { ref receipt, .. } =>
+				Some(receipt.descriptor.para_head),
+			HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete { .. } => None,
+		}
+	}
 /// Request specifying which candidates are either already included
-/// or might be included in the hypothetical frontier of fragment trees
-/// under a given active leaf.
+/// or might become included in fragment chain under a given active leaf (or any active leaf if
+/// `fragment_chain_relay_parent` is `None`).
 #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
-pub struct HypotheticalFrontierRequest {
+pub struct HypotheticalMembershipRequest {
 	/// Candidates, in arbitrary order, which should be checked for
-	/// possible membership in fragment trees.
+	/// hypothetical/actual membership in fragment chains.
 	pub candidates: Vec<HypotheticalCandidate>,
-	/// Either a specific fragment tree to check, otherwise all.
-	pub fragment_tree_relay_parent: Option<Hash>,
-	/// Only return membership if all candidates in the path from the
-	/// root are backed.
-	pub backed_in_path_only: bool,
+	/// Either a specific fragment chain to check, otherwise all.
+	pub fragment_chain_relay_parent: Option<Hash>,
 /// A request for the persisted validation data stored in the prospective
@@ -1156,9 +1157,9 @@ impl ParentHeadData {
-/// Indicates the relay-parents whose fragment tree a candidate
-/// is present in and the depths of that tree the candidate is present in.
-pub type FragmentTreeMembership = Vec<(Hash, Vec<usize>)>;
+/// Indicates the relay-parents whose fragment chain a candidate
+/// is present in or can be added in (right now or in the future).
+pub type HypotheticalMembership = Vec<Hash>;
 /// A collection of ancestor candidates of a parachain.
 pub type Ancestors = HashSet<CandidateHash>;
@@ -1166,15 +1167,11 @@ pub type Ancestors = HashSet<CandidateHash>;
 /// Messages sent to the Prospective Parachains subsystem.
 pub enum ProspectiveParachainsMessage {
-	/// Inform the Prospective Parachains Subsystem of a new candidate.
+	/// Inform the Prospective Parachains Subsystem of a new seconded candidate.
-	/// The response sender accepts the candidate membership, which is the existing
-	/// membership of the candidate if it was already known.
-	IntroduceCandidate(IntroduceCandidateRequest, oneshot::Sender<FragmentTreeMembership>),
-	/// Inform the Prospective Parachains Subsystem that a previously introduced candidate
-	/// has been seconded. This requires that the candidate was successfully introduced in
-	/// the past.
-	CandidateSeconded(ParaId, CandidateHash),
+	/// The response sender returns false if the candidate was rejected by prospective parachains,
+	/// true otherwise (if it was accepted or already present)
+	IntroduceSecondedCandidate(IntroduceSecondedCandidateRequest, oneshot::Sender<bool>),
 	/// Inform the Prospective Parachains Subsystem that a previously introduced candidate
 	/// has been backed. This requires that the candidate was successfully introduced in
 	/// the past.
@@ -1193,23 +1190,29 @@ pub enum ProspectiveParachainsMessage {
 		oneshot::Sender<Vec<(CandidateHash, Hash)>>,
-	/// Get the hypothetical frontier membership of candidates with the given properties
-	/// under the specified active leaves' fragment trees.
+	/// Get the hypothetical or actual membership of candidates with the given properties
+	/// under the specified active leave's fragment chain.
+	///
+	/// For each candidate, we return a vector of leaves where the candidate is present or could be
+	/// added. "Could be added" either means that the candidate can be added to the chain right now
+	/// or could be added in the future (we may not have its ancestors yet).
+	/// Note that even if we think it could be added in the future, we may find out that it was
+	/// invalid, as time passes.
+	/// If an active leaf is not in the vector, it means that there's no
+	/// chance this candidate will become valid under that leaf in the future.
-	/// For any candidate which is already known, this returns the depths the candidate
-	/// occupies.
-	GetHypotheticalFrontier(
-		HypotheticalFrontierRequest,
-		oneshot::Sender<Vec<(HypotheticalCandidate, FragmentTreeMembership)>>,
+	/// If `fragment_chain_relay_parent` in the request is `Some()`, the return vector can only
+	/// contain this relay parent (or none).
+	GetHypotheticalMembership(
+		HypotheticalMembershipRequest,
+		oneshot::Sender<Vec<(HypotheticalCandidate, HypotheticalMembership)>>,
-	/// Get the membership of the candidate in all fragment trees.
-	GetTreeMembership(ParaId, CandidateHash, oneshot::Sender<FragmentTreeMembership>),
-	/// Get the minimum accepted relay-parent number for each para in the fragment tree
+	/// Get the minimum accepted relay-parent number for each para in the fragment chain
 	/// for the given relay-chain block hash.
 	/// That is, if the block hash is known and is an active leaf, this returns the
 	/// minimum relay-parent block number in the same branch of the relay chain which
-	/// is accepted in the fragment tree for each para-id.
+	/// is accepted in the fragment chain for each para-id.
 	/// If the block hash is not an active leaf, this will return an empty vector.
@@ -1219,8 +1222,10 @@ pub enum ProspectiveParachainsMessage {
 	/// Para-IDs are returned in no particular order.
 	GetMinimumRelayParents(Hash, oneshot::Sender<Vec<(ParaId, BlockNumber)>>),
 	/// Get the validation data of some prospective candidate. The candidate doesn't need
-	/// to be part of any fragment tree, but this only succeeds if the parent head-data and
-	/// relay-parent are part of some fragment tree.
+	/// to be part of any fragment chain, but this only succeeds if the parent head-data and
+	/// relay-parent are part of the `CandidateStorage` (meaning that it's a candidate which is
+	/// part of some fragment chain or which prospective-parachains predicted will become part of
+	/// some fragment chain).
diff --git a/polkadot/node/subsystem-util/src/inclusion_emulator/ b/polkadot/node/subsystem-util/src/inclusion_emulator/
index d38d838fede..b5aef325c8b 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/subsystem-util/src/inclusion_emulator/
+++ b/polkadot/node/subsystem-util/src/inclusion_emulator/
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@
 /// # Usage
-/// It's expected that the users of this module will be building up trees of
-/// [`Fragment`]s and consistently pruning and adding to the tree.
+/// It's expected that the users of this module will be building up chains of
+/// [`Fragment`]s and consistently pruning and adding to the chains.
 /// ## Operating Constraints
@@ -54,60 +54,65 @@
 /// make an intelligent prediction about what might be accepted in the future based on
 /// prior fragments that also exist off-chain.
-/// ## Fragment Trees
+/// ## Fragment Chains
+/// For simplicity and practicality, we expect that collators of the same parachain are
+/// cooperating and don't create parachain forks or cycles on the same relay chain active leaf.
+/// Therefore, higher-level code should maintain one fragment chain for each active leaf (not a
+/// fragment tree). If parachains do create forks, their performance in regards to async
+/// backing and elastic scaling will suffer, because different validators will have different
+/// predictions of the future.
 /// As the relay-chain grows, some predictions come true and others come false.
 /// And new predictions get made. These three changes correspond distinctly to the
-/// 3 primary operations on fragment trees.
-/// A fragment tree is a mental model for thinking about a forking series of predictions
-/// about a single parachain. There may be one or more fragment trees per parachain.
-/// In expectation, most parachains will have a plausibly-unique authorship method which means
-/// that they should really be much closer to fragment-chains, maybe with an occasional fork.
+/// 3 primary operations on fragment chains.
-/// Avoiding fragment-tree blowup is beyond the scope of this module.
+/// Avoiding fragment-chain blowup is beyond the scope of this module. Higher-level must ensure
+/// proper spam protection.
-/// ### Pruning Fragment Trees
+/// ### Pruning Fragment Chains
 /// When the relay-chain advances, we want to compare the new constraints of that relay-parent
-/// to the roots of the fragment trees we have. There are 3 cases:
+/// to the root of the fragment chain we have. There are 3 cases:
 /// 1. The root fragment is still valid under the new constraints. In this case, we do nothing.
-///    This is the "prediction still uncertain" case.
+///    This is the "prediction still uncertain" case. (Corresponds to some candidates still
+///    being pending availability).
-/// 2. The root fragment is invalid under the new constraints because it has been subsumed by
-///    the relay-chain. In this case, we can discard the root and split & re-root the fragment
-///    tree under its descendants and compare to the new constraints again. This is the
-///    "prediction came true" case.
+/// 2. The root fragment (potentially along with a number of descendants) is invalid under the
+///    new constraints because it has been included by the relay-chain. In this case, we can
+///    discard the included chain and split & re-root the chain under its descendants and
+///    compare to the new constraints again. This is the "prediction came true" case.
-/// 3. The root fragment is invalid under the new constraints because a competing parachain
-///    block has been included or it would never be accepted for some other reason. In this
-///    case we can discard the entire fragment tree. This is the "prediction came false" case.
+/// 3. The root fragment becomes invalid under the new constraints for any reason (if for
+///    example the parachain produced a fork and the block producer picked a different
+///    candidate to back). In this case we can discard the entire fragment chain. This is the
+///    "prediction came false" case.
 /// This is all a bit of a simplification because it assumes that the relay-chain advances
-/// without forks and is finalized instantly. In practice, the set of fragment-trees needs to
+/// without forks and is finalized instantly. In practice, the set of fragment-chains needs to
 /// be observable from the perspective of a few different possible forks of the relay-chain and
 /// not pruned too eagerly.
 /// Note that the fragments themselves don't need to change and the only thing we care about
 /// is whether the predictions they represent are still valid.
-/// ### Extending Fragment Trees
+/// ### Extending Fragment Chains
 /// As predictions fade into the past, new ones should be stacked on top.
 /// Every new relay-chain block is an opportunity to make a new prediction about the future.
-/// Higher-level logic should select the leaves of the fragment-trees to build upon or whether
-/// to create a new fragment-tree.
+/// Higher-level logic should decide whether to build upon an existing chain or whether
+/// to create a new fragment-chain.
 /// ### Code Upgrades
 /// Code upgrades are the main place where this emulation fails. The on-chain PVF upgrade
 /// scheduling logic is very path-dependent and intricate so we just assume that code upgrades
-/// can't be initiated and applied within a single fragment-tree. Fragment-trees aren't deep,
-/// in practice and code upgrades are fairly rare. So what's likely to happen around code
-/// upgrades is that the entire fragment-tree has to get discarded at some point.
+/// can't be initiated and applied within a single fragment-chain. Fragment-chains aren't deep,
+/// in practice (bounded by a linear function of the the number of cores assigned to a
+/// parachain) and code upgrades are fairly rare. So what's likely to happen around code
+/// upgrades is that the entire fragment-chain has to get discarded at some point.
 /// That means a few blocks of execution time lost, which is not a big deal for code upgrades
 /// in practice at most once every few weeks.
@@ -116,10 +121,7 @@ use polkadot_primitives::{
 	CollatorId, CollatorSignature, Hash, HeadData, Id as ParaId, PersistedValidationData,
 	UpgradeRestriction, ValidationCodeHash,
-use std::{
-	borrow::{Borrow, Cow},
-	collections::HashMap,
+use std::{collections::HashMap, sync::Arc};
 /// Constraints on inbound HRMP channels.
 #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
@@ -524,9 +526,9 @@ impl ConstraintModifications {
 /// here. But the erasure-root is not. This means that prospective candidates
 /// are not correlated to any session in particular.
 #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
-pub struct ProspectiveCandidate<'a> {
+pub struct ProspectiveCandidate {
 	/// The commitments to the output of the execution.
-	pub commitments: Cow<'a, CandidateCommitments>,
+	pub commitments: CandidateCommitments,
 	/// The collator that created the candidate.
 	pub collator: CollatorId,
 	/// The signature of the collator on the payload.
@@ -539,32 +541,6 @@ pub struct ProspectiveCandidate<'a> {
 	pub validation_code_hash: ValidationCodeHash,
-impl<'a> ProspectiveCandidate<'a> {
-	fn into_owned(self) -> ProspectiveCandidate<'static> {
-		ProspectiveCandidate { commitments: Cow::Owned(self.commitments.into_owned()), ..self }
-	}
-	/// Partially clone the prospective candidate, but borrow the
-	/// parts which are potentially heavy.
-	pub fn partial_clone(&self) -> ProspectiveCandidate {
-		ProspectiveCandidate {
-			commitments: Cow::Borrowed(self.commitments.borrow()),
-			collator: self.collator.clone(),
-			collator_signature: self.collator_signature.clone(),
-			persisted_validation_data: self.persisted_validation_data.clone(),
-			pov_hash: self.pov_hash,
-			validation_code_hash: self.validation_code_hash,
-		}
-	}
-impl ProspectiveCandidate<'static> {
-	fn commitments_mut(&mut self) -> &mut CandidateCommitments {
-		self.commitments.to_mut()
-	}
 /// Kinds of errors with the validity of a fragment.
 #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
 pub enum FragmentValidityError {
@@ -618,19 +594,19 @@ pub enum FragmentValidityError {
 /// This is a type which guarantees that the candidate is valid under the
 /// operating constraints.
 #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
-pub struct Fragment<'a> {
+pub struct Fragment {
 	/// The new relay-parent.
 	relay_parent: RelayChainBlockInfo,
 	/// The constraints this fragment is operating under.
 	operating_constraints: Constraints,
 	/// The core information about the prospective candidate.
-	candidate: ProspectiveCandidate<'a>,
+	candidate: Arc<ProspectiveCandidate>,
 	/// Modifications to the constraints based on the outputs of
 	/// the candidate.
 	modifications: ConstraintModifications,
-impl<'a> Fragment<'a> {
+impl Fragment {
 	/// Create a new fragment.
 	/// This fails if the fragment isn't in line with the operating
@@ -642,10 +618,29 @@ impl<'a> Fragment<'a> {
 	pub fn new(
 		relay_parent: RelayChainBlockInfo,
 		operating_constraints: Constraints,
-		candidate: ProspectiveCandidate<'a>,
+		candidate: Arc<ProspectiveCandidate>,
 	) -> Result<Self, FragmentValidityError> {
+		let modifications = Self::check_against_constraints(
+			&relay_parent,
+			&operating_constraints,
+			&candidate.commitments,
+			&candidate.validation_code_hash,
+			&candidate.persisted_validation_data,
+		)?;
+		Ok(Fragment { relay_parent, operating_constraints, candidate, modifications })
+	}
+	/// Check the candidate against the operating constrains and return the constraint modifications
+	/// made by this candidate.
+	pub fn check_against_constraints(
+		relay_parent: &RelayChainBlockInfo,
+		operating_constraints: &Constraints,
+		commitments: &CandidateCommitments,
+		validation_code_hash: &ValidationCodeHash,
+		persisted_validation_data: &PersistedValidationData,
+	) -> Result<ConstraintModifications, FragmentValidityError> {
 		let modifications = {
-			let commitments = &candidate.commitments;
 			ConstraintModifications {
 				required_parent: Some(commitments.head_data.clone()),
 				hrmp_watermark: Some({
@@ -689,11 +684,13 @@ impl<'a> Fragment<'a> {
-			&candidate,
+			commitments,
+			persisted_validation_data,
+			validation_code_hash,
-		Ok(Fragment { relay_parent, operating_constraints, candidate, modifications })
+		Ok(modifications)
 	/// Access the relay parent information.
@@ -707,7 +704,7 @@ impl<'a> Fragment<'a> {
 	/// Access the underlying prospective candidate.
-	pub fn candidate(&self) -> &ProspectiveCandidate<'a> {
+	pub fn candidate(&self) -> &ProspectiveCandidate {
@@ -715,31 +712,14 @@ impl<'a> Fragment<'a> {
 	pub fn constraint_modifications(&self) -> &ConstraintModifications {
-	/// Convert the fragment into an owned variant.
-	pub fn into_owned(self) -> Fragment<'static> {
-		Fragment { candidate: self.candidate.into_owned(), ..self }
-	}
-	/// Validate this fragment against some set of constraints
-	/// instead of the operating constraints.
-	pub fn validate_against_constraints(
-		&self,
-		constraints: &Constraints,
-	) -> Result<(), FragmentValidityError> {
-		validate_against_constraints(
-			constraints,
-			&self.relay_parent,
-			&self.candidate,
-			&self.modifications,
-		)
-	}
 fn validate_against_constraints(
 	constraints: &Constraints,
 	relay_parent: &RelayChainBlockInfo,
-	candidate: &ProspectiveCandidate,
+	commitments: &CandidateCommitments,
+	persisted_validation_data: &PersistedValidationData,
+	validation_code_hash: &ValidationCodeHash,
 	modifications: &ConstraintModifications,
 ) -> Result<(), FragmentValidityError> {
 	let expected_pvd = PersistedValidationData {
@@ -749,17 +729,17 @@ fn validate_against_constraints(
 		max_pov_size: constraints.max_pov_size as u32,
-	if expected_pvd != candidate.persisted_validation_data {
+	if expected_pvd != *persisted_validation_data {
 		return Err(FragmentValidityError::PersistedValidationDataMismatch(
-			candidate.persisted_validation_data.clone(),
+			persisted_validation_data.clone(),
-	if constraints.validation_code_hash != candidate.validation_code_hash {
+	if constraints.validation_code_hash != *validation_code_hash {
 		return Err(FragmentValidityError::ValidationCodeMismatch(
-			candidate.validation_code_hash,
+			*validation_code_hash,
@@ -770,7 +750,7 @@ fn validate_against_constraints(
-	if candidate.commitments.new_validation_code.is_some() {
+	if commitments.new_validation_code.is_some() {
 		match constraints.upgrade_restriction {
 			None => {},
 			Some(UpgradeRestriction::Present) =>
@@ -778,11 +758,8 @@ fn validate_against_constraints(
-	let announced_code_size = candidate
-		.commitments
-		.new_validation_code
-		.as_ref()
-		.map_or(0, |code| code.0.len());
+	let announced_code_size =
+		commitments.new_validation_code.as_ref().map_or(0, |code| code.0.len());
 	if announced_code_size > constraints.max_code_size {
 		return Err(FragmentValidityError::CodeSizeTooLarge(
@@ -801,17 +778,17 @@ fn validate_against_constraints(
-	if candidate.commitments.horizontal_messages.len() > constraints.max_hrmp_num_per_candidate {
+	if commitments.horizontal_messages.len() > constraints.max_hrmp_num_per_candidate {
 		return Err(FragmentValidityError::HrmpMessagesPerCandidateOverflow {
 			messages_allowed: constraints.max_hrmp_num_per_candidate,
-			messages_submitted: candidate.commitments.horizontal_messages.len(),
+			messages_submitted: commitments.horizontal_messages.len(),
-	if candidate.commitments.upward_messages.len() > constraints.max_ump_num_per_candidate {
+	if commitments.upward_messages.len() > constraints.max_ump_num_per_candidate {
 		return Err(FragmentValidityError::UmpMessagesPerCandidateOverflow {
 			messages_allowed: constraints.max_ump_num_per_candidate,
-			messages_submitted: candidate.commitments.upward_messages.len(),
+			messages_submitted: commitments.upward_messages.len(),
@@ -1184,21 +1161,21 @@ mod tests {
 	fn make_candidate(
 		constraints: &Constraints,
 		relay_parent: &RelayChainBlockInfo,
-	) -> ProspectiveCandidate<'static> {
+	) -> ProspectiveCandidate {
 		let collator_pair = CollatorPair::generate().0;
 		let collator = collator_pair.public();
 		let sig = collator_pair.sign(b"blabla".as_slice());
 		ProspectiveCandidate {
-			commitments: Cow::Owned(CandidateCommitments {
+			commitments: CandidateCommitments {
 				upward_messages: Default::default(),
 				horizontal_messages: Default::default(),
 				new_validation_code: None,
 				head_data: HeadData::from(vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5]),
 				processed_downward_messages: 0,
 				hrmp_watermark: relay_parent.number,
-			}),
+			},
 			collator_signature: sig,
 			persisted_validation_data: PersistedValidationData {
@@ -1229,7 +1206,7 @@ mod tests {
 		candidate.validation_code_hash = got_code;
-			Fragment::new(relay_parent, constraints, candidate),
+			Fragment::new(relay_parent, constraints, Arc::new(candidate.clone())),
 			Err(FragmentValidityError::ValidationCodeMismatch(expected_code, got_code,)),
@@ -1261,7 +1238,7 @@ mod tests {
 		let got_pvd = candidate.persisted_validation_data.clone();
-			Fragment::new(relay_parent_b, constraints, candidate),
+			Fragment::new(relay_parent_b, constraints, Arc::new(candidate.clone())),
 			Err(FragmentValidityError::PersistedValidationDataMismatch(expected_pvd, got_pvd,)),
@@ -1278,10 +1255,10 @@ mod tests {
 		let mut candidate = make_candidate(&constraints, &relay_parent);
 		let max_code_size = constraints.max_code_size;
-		candidate.commitments_mut().new_validation_code = Some(vec![0; max_code_size + 1].into());
+		candidate.commitments.new_validation_code = Some(vec![0; max_code_size + 1].into());
-			Fragment::new(relay_parent, constraints, candidate),
+			Fragment::new(relay_parent, constraints, Arc::new(candidate.clone())),
 			Err(FragmentValidityError::CodeSizeTooLarge(max_code_size, max_code_size + 1,)),
@@ -1298,7 +1275,7 @@ mod tests {
 		let candidate = make_candidate(&constraints, &relay_parent);
-			Fragment::new(relay_parent, constraints, candidate),
+			Fragment::new(relay_parent, constraints, Arc::new(candidate.clone())),
 			Err(FragmentValidityError::RelayParentTooOld(5, 3,)),
@@ -1317,7 +1294,7 @@ mod tests {
 		let max_hrmp = constraints.max_hrmp_num_per_candidate;
-			.commitments_mut()
+			.commitments
 			.try_extend((0..max_hrmp + 1).map(|i| OutboundHrmpMessage {
 				recipient: ParaId::from(i as u32),
@@ -1326,7 +1303,7 @@ mod tests {
-			Fragment::new(relay_parent, constraints, candidate),
+			Fragment::new(relay_parent, constraints, Arc::new(candidate.clone())),
 			Err(FragmentValidityError::HrmpMessagesPerCandidateOverflow {
 				messages_allowed: max_hrmp,
 				messages_submitted: max_hrmp + 1,
@@ -1346,22 +1323,36 @@ mod tests {
 		let mut candidate = make_candidate(&constraints, &relay_parent);
 		// Empty dmp queue is ok.
-		assert!(Fragment::new(relay_parent.clone(), constraints.clone(), candidate.clone()).is_ok());
+		assert!(Fragment::new(
+			relay_parent.clone(),
+			constraints.clone(),
+			Arc::new(candidate.clone())
+		)
+		.is_ok());
 		// Unprocessed message that was sent later is ok.
 		constraints.dmp_remaining_messages = vec![relay_parent.number + 1];
-		assert!(Fragment::new(relay_parent.clone(), constraints.clone(), candidate.clone()).is_ok());
+		assert!(Fragment::new(
+			relay_parent.clone(),
+			constraints.clone(),
+			Arc::new(candidate.clone())
+		)
+		.is_ok());
 		for block_number in 0..=relay_parent.number {
 			constraints.dmp_remaining_messages = vec![block_number];
-				Fragment::new(relay_parent.clone(), constraints.clone(), candidate.clone()),
+				Fragment::new(
+					relay_parent.clone(),
+					constraints.clone(),
+					Arc::new(candidate.clone())
+				),
-		candidate.commitments.to_mut().processed_downward_messages = 1;
-		assert!(Fragment::new(relay_parent, constraints, candidate).is_ok());
+		candidate.commitments.processed_downward_messages = 1;
+		assert!(Fragment::new(relay_parent, constraints, Arc::new(candidate.clone())).is_ok());
@@ -1379,13 +1370,12 @@ mod tests {
-			.to_mut()
 			.try_extend((0..max_ump + 1).map(|i| vec![i as u8]))
-			Fragment::new(relay_parent, constraints, candidate),
+			Fragment::new(relay_parent, constraints, Arc::new(candidate.clone())),
 			Err(FragmentValidityError::UmpMessagesPerCandidateOverflow {
 				messages_allowed: max_ump,
 				messages_submitted: max_ump + 1,
@@ -1405,10 +1395,10 @@ mod tests {
 		let mut candidate = make_candidate(&constraints, &relay_parent);
 		constraints.upgrade_restriction = Some(UpgradeRestriction::Present);
-		candidate.commitments_mut().new_validation_code = Some(ValidationCode(vec![1, 2, 3]));
+		candidate.commitments.new_validation_code = Some(ValidationCode(vec![1, 2, 3]));
-			Fragment::new(relay_parent, constraints, candidate),
+			Fragment::new(relay_parent, constraints, Arc::new(candidate.clone())),
@@ -1424,23 +1414,23 @@ mod tests {
 		let constraints = make_constraints();
 		let mut candidate = make_candidate(&constraints, &relay_parent);
-		candidate.commitments_mut().horizontal_messages = HorizontalMessages::truncate_from(vec![
+		candidate.commitments.horizontal_messages = HorizontalMessages::truncate_from(vec![
 			OutboundHrmpMessage { recipient: ParaId::from(0 as u32), data: vec![1, 2, 3] },
 			OutboundHrmpMessage { recipient: ParaId::from(0 as u32), data: vec![4, 5, 6] },
-			Fragment::new(relay_parent.clone(), constraints.clone(), candidate.clone()),
+			Fragment::new(relay_parent.clone(), constraints.clone(), Arc::new(candidate.clone())),
-		candidate.commitments_mut().horizontal_messages = HorizontalMessages::truncate_from(vec![
+		candidate.commitments.horizontal_messages = HorizontalMessages::truncate_from(vec![
 			OutboundHrmpMessage { recipient: ParaId::from(1 as u32), data: vec![1, 2, 3] },
 			OutboundHrmpMessage { recipient: ParaId::from(0 as u32), data: vec![4, 5, 6] },
-			Fragment::new(relay_parent, constraints, candidate),
+			Fragment::new(relay_parent, constraints, Arc::new(candidate.clone())),
diff --git a/polkadot/roadmap/implementers-guide/src/node/backing/ b/polkadot/roadmap/implementers-guide/src/node/backing/
index 8f00ff08494..701f6c87caf 100644
--- a/polkadot/roadmap/implementers-guide/src/node/backing/
+++ b/polkadot/roadmap/implementers-guide/src/node/backing/
@@ -98,15 +98,11 @@ prospective validation data. This is unlikely to change.
   - Sent by the Provisioner when requesting backable candidates, when
     selecting candidates for a given relay-parent.
-- `ProspectiveParachainsMessage::GetHypotheticalFrontier`
+- `ProspectiveParachainsMessage::GetHypotheticalMembership`
   - Gets the hypothetical frontier membership of candidates with the
     given properties under the specified active leaves' fragment trees.
   - Sent by the Backing Subsystem when sanity-checking whether a candidate can
     be seconded based on its hypothetical frontiers.
-- `ProspectiveParachainsMessage::GetTreeMembership`
-  - Gets the membership of the candidate in all fragment trees.
-  - Sent by the Backing Subsystem when it needs to update the candidates
-    seconded at various depths under new active leaves.
 - `ProspectiveParachainsMessage::GetMinimumRelayParents`
   - Gets the minimum accepted relay-parent number for each para in the
     fragment tree for the given relay-chain block hash.
diff --git a/polkadot/roadmap/implementers-guide/src/node/backing/ b/polkadot/roadmap/implementers-guide/src/node/backing/
index e6e597c5317..e5eb9bd7642 100644
--- a/polkadot/roadmap/implementers-guide/src/node/backing/
+++ b/polkadot/roadmap/implementers-guide/src/node/backing/
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ request). This doesn't fully avoid race conditions, but tries to minimize them.
   - Reports a peer (either good or bad).
 - `CandidateBackingMessage::Statement`
   - Note a validator's statement about a particular candidate.
-- `ProspectiveParachainsMessage::GetHypotheticalFrontier`
+- `ProspectiveParachainsMessage::GetHypotheticalMembership`
   - Gets the hypothetical frontier membership of candidates under active leaves' fragment trees.
 - `NetworkBridgeTxMessage::SendRequests`
   - Sends requests, initiating the request/response protocol.
diff --git a/prdoc/pr_4035.prdoc b/prdoc/pr_4035.prdoc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0617a6a2618
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prdoc/pr_4035.prdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+title: "Prospective parachains rework"
+  - audience: Node Dev
+    description: |
+      Changes prospective-parachains from dealing with trees of unincluded candidates to maintaining only candidate chains
+      and a number of unconnected candidates (for which we don't yet know the parent candidate but which otherwise seem potentially viable).
+      This is needed for elastic scaling, in order to have full throughput even if a candidate is validated by a backing group before the parent candidate
+      is fetched from the other backing group.
+      Also simplifies the subsystem by no longer allowing parachain cycles.
+  - name: polkadot-node-core-prospective-parachains
+    bump: major
+  - name: polkadot-node-core-backing
+    bump: minor
+  - name: polkadot-collator-protocol
+    bump: minor
+  - name: polkadot-statement-distribution
+    bump: minor
+  - name: polkadot-node-subsystem-types
+    bump: major
+  - name: polkadot-node-subsystem-util
+    bump: major