diff --git a/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/lib.rs b/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/lib.rs
index 375030eedc485e012e00aea517d2f14c51eb7cab..e1e3d23c79b5ed28de810edc5c81cec37950e32f 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/lib.rs
+++ b/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/lib.rs
@@ -134,6 +134,16 @@ pub(crate) const LOG_TARGET: &str = "parachain::approval-voting";
 // The max number of ticks we delay sending the approval after we are ready to issue the approval
+// If the node restarted and the tranche has passed without the assignment
+// being trigger, we won't trigger the assignment at restart because we don't have
+// an wakeup schedule for it.
+// The solution, is to always schedule a wake up after the restart and let the
+// process_wakeup to decide if the assignment needs to be triggered.
+// We need to have a delay after restart to give time to the node to catch up with
+// messages and not trigger its assignment unnecessarily, because it hasn't seen
+// the assignments from the other validators.
+const RESTART_WAKEUP_DELAY: Tick = 12;
 /// Configuration for the approval voting subsystem
 #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
 pub struct Config {
@@ -1765,7 +1775,20 @@ async fn distribution_messages_for_activation<Context>(
 			match candidate_entry.approval_entry(&block_hash) {
 				Some(approval_entry) => {
 					match approval_entry.local_statements() {
-						(None, None) | (None, Some(_)) => {}, // second is impossible case.
+						(None, None) =>
+							if approval_entry
+								.our_assignment()
+								.map(|assignment| !assignment.triggered())
+								.unwrap_or(false)
+							{
+								actions.push(Action::ScheduleWakeup {
+									block_hash,
+									block_number: block_entry.block_number(),
+									candidate_hash: *candidate_hash,
+									tick: state.clock.tick_now() + RESTART_WAKEUP_DELAY,
+								})
+							},
+						(None, Some(_)) => {}, // second is impossible case.
 						(Some(assignment), None) => {
 							let claimed_core_indices =
 								get_core_indices_on_startup(&assignment.cert().kind, *core_index);
diff --git a/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/tests.rs b/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/tests.rs
index 65334b71580af2268511b59934fbe4ab2a6adb2c..e8bdbc9bd0fa9b54b4ac9c0f93a3751f42dd99d5 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/tests.rs
+++ b/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/tests.rs
@@ -5381,6 +5381,252 @@ fn subsystem_sends_assignment_approval_in_correct_order_on_approval_restart() {
+// Test that if the subsystem missed the triggering of some tranches because it was not running
+// it launches the missed assignements on restart.
+fn subsystem_launches_missed_assignments_on_restart() {
+	let test_tranche = 20;
+	let assignment_criteria = Box::new(MockAssignmentCriteria(
+		move || {
+			let mut assignments = HashMap::new();
+			let _ = assignments.insert(
+				CoreIndex(0),
+				approval_db::v2::OurAssignment {
+					cert: garbage_assignment_cert_v2(AssignmentCertKindV2::RelayVRFDelay {
+						core_index: CoreIndex(0),
+					}),
+					tranche: test_tranche,
+					validator_index: ValidatorIndex(0),
+					triggered: false,
+				}
+				.into(),
+			);
+			assignments
+		},
+		|_| Ok(0),
+	));
+	let config = HarnessConfigBuilder::default().assignment_criteria(assignment_criteria).build();
+	let store = config.backend();
+	let store_clone = config.backend();
+	test_harness(config, |test_harness| async move {
+		let TestHarness { mut virtual_overseer, clock, sync_oracle_handle } = test_harness;
+		assert_matches!(
+			overseer_recv(&mut virtual_overseer).await,
+			AllMessages::ChainApi(ChainApiMessage::FinalizedBlockNumber(rx)) => {
+				rx.send(Ok(0)).unwrap();
+			}
+		);
+		let block_hash = Hash::repeat_byte(0x01);
+		let fork_block_hash = Hash::repeat_byte(0x02);
+		let candidate_commitments = CandidateCommitments::default();
+		let mut candidate_receipt = dummy_candidate_receipt(block_hash);
+		candidate_receipt.commitments_hash = candidate_commitments.hash();
+		let candidate_hash = candidate_receipt.hash();
+		let slot = Slot::from(1);
+		let (chain_builder, _session_info) = build_chain_with_two_blocks_with_one_candidate_each(
+			block_hash,
+			fork_block_hash,
+			slot,
+			sync_oracle_handle,
+			candidate_receipt,
+		)
+		.await;
+		chain_builder.build(&mut virtual_overseer).await;
+		assert!(!clock.inner.lock().current_wakeup_is(1));
+		clock.inner.lock().wakeup_all(1);
+		assert!(clock.inner.lock().current_wakeup_is(slot_to_tick(slot) + test_tranche as u64));
+		clock.inner.lock().wakeup_all(slot_to_tick(slot));
+		futures_timer::Delay::new(Duration::from_millis(200)).await;
+		clock.inner.lock().wakeup_all(slot_to_tick(slot + 2));
+		assert_eq!(clock.inner.lock().wakeups.len(), 0);
+		futures_timer::Delay::new(Duration::from_millis(200)).await;
+		let candidate_entry = store.load_candidate_entry(&candidate_hash).unwrap().unwrap();
+		let our_assignment =
+			candidate_entry.approval_entry(&block_hash).unwrap().our_assignment().unwrap();
+		assert!(!our_assignment.triggered());
+		// Assignment is not triggered because its tranches has not been reached.
+		virtual_overseer
+	});
+	// Restart a new approval voting subsystem with the same database and major syncing true until
+	// the last leaf.
+	let config = HarnessConfigBuilder::default().backend(store_clone).major_syncing(true).build();
+	test_harness(config, |test_harness| async move {
+		let TestHarness { mut virtual_overseer, clock, sync_oracle_handle } = test_harness;
+		let slot = Slot::from(1);
+		// 1. Set the clock to the to a tick past the tranche where the assignment should be
+		//    triggered.
+		clock.inner.lock().set_tick(slot_to_tick(slot) + 2 * test_tranche as u64);
+		assert_matches!(
+			overseer_recv(&mut virtual_overseer).await,
+			AllMessages::ChainApi(ChainApiMessage::FinalizedBlockNumber(rx)) => {
+				rx.send(Ok(0)).unwrap();
+			}
+		);
+		let block_hash = Hash::repeat_byte(0x01);
+		let fork_block_hash = Hash::repeat_byte(0x02);
+		let candidate_commitments = CandidateCommitments::default();
+		let mut candidate_receipt = dummy_candidate_receipt(block_hash);
+		candidate_receipt.commitments_hash = candidate_commitments.hash();
+		let (chain_builder, session_info) = build_chain_with_two_blocks_with_one_candidate_each(
+			block_hash,
+			fork_block_hash,
+			slot,
+			sync_oracle_handle,
+			candidate_receipt,
+		)
+		.await;
+		chain_builder.build(&mut virtual_overseer).await;
+		futures_timer::Delay::new(Duration::from_millis(2000)).await;
+		// On major syncing ending Approval voting should send all the necessary messages for a
+		// candidate to be approved.
+		assert_matches!(
+			overseer_recv(&mut virtual_overseer).await,
+			AllMessages::ApprovalDistribution(ApprovalDistributionMessage::NewBlocks(
+				_,
+			)) => {
+			}
+		);
+		clock
+			.inner
+			.lock()
+			.wakeup_all(slot_to_tick(slot) + 2 * test_tranche as u64 + RESTART_WAKEUP_DELAY - 1);
+		// Subsystem should not send any messages because the assignment is not triggered yet.
+		assert!(overseer_recv(&mut virtual_overseer).timeout(TIMEOUT / 2).await.is_none());
+		// Set the clock to the tick where the assignment should be triggered.
+		clock
+			.inner
+			.lock()
+			.wakeup_all(slot_to_tick(slot) + 2 * test_tranche as u64 + RESTART_WAKEUP_DELAY);
+		assert_matches!(
+			overseer_recv(&mut virtual_overseer).await,
+			AllMessages::RuntimeApi(
+				RuntimeApiMessage::Request(
+					_,
+					RuntimeApiRequest::SessionInfo(_, si_tx),
+				)
+			) => {
+				si_tx.send(Ok(Some(session_info.clone()))).unwrap();
+			}
+		);
+		assert_matches!(
+			overseer_recv(&mut virtual_overseer).await,
+			AllMessages::RuntimeApi(
+				RuntimeApiMessage::Request(
+					_,
+					RuntimeApiRequest::SessionExecutorParams(_, si_tx),
+				)
+			) => {
+				// Make sure all SessionExecutorParams calls are not made for the leaf (but for its relay parent)
+				si_tx.send(Ok(Some(ExecutorParams::default()))).unwrap();
+			}
+		);
+		assert_matches!(
+			overseer_recv(&mut virtual_overseer).await,
+			AllMessages::RuntimeApi(
+				RuntimeApiMessage::Request(_, RuntimeApiRequest::NodeFeatures(_, si_tx), )
+			) => {
+				si_tx.send(Ok(NodeFeatures::EMPTY)).unwrap();
+			}
+		);
+		assert_matches!(
+			overseer_recv(&mut virtual_overseer).await,
+			AllMessages::ApprovalDistribution(ApprovalDistributionMessage::DistributeAssignment(
+				_,
+				_,
+			)) => {
+			}
+		);
+		// Guarantees the approval work has been relaunched.
+		recover_available_data(&mut virtual_overseer).await;
+		fetch_validation_code(&mut virtual_overseer).await;
+		assert_matches!(
+			overseer_recv(&mut virtual_overseer).await,
+			AllMessages::CandidateValidation(CandidateValidationMessage::ValidateFromExhaustive {
+				exec_kind,
+				response_sender,
+				..
+			}) if exec_kind == PvfExecKind::Approval => {
+				response_sender.send(Ok(ValidationResult::Valid(Default::default(), Default::default())))
+					.unwrap();
+			}
+		);
+		assert_matches!(
+			overseer_recv(&mut virtual_overseer).await,
+			AllMessages::RuntimeApi(RuntimeApiMessage::Request(_, RuntimeApiRequest::ApprovalVotingParams(_, sender))) => {
+				let _ = sender.send(Ok(ApprovalVotingParams {
+					max_approval_coalesce_count: 1,
+				}));
+			}
+		);
+		assert_matches!(
+			overseer_recv(&mut virtual_overseer).await,
+			AllMessages::ApprovalDistribution(ApprovalDistributionMessage::DistributeApproval(_))
+		);
+		clock
+			.inner
+			.lock()
+			.wakeup_all(slot_to_tick(slot) + 2 * test_tranche as u64 + RESTART_WAKEUP_DELAY);
+		assert_matches!(
+			overseer_recv(&mut virtual_overseer).await,
+			AllMessages::ApprovalDistribution(ApprovalDistributionMessage::DistributeAssignment(
+				_,
+				_,
+			)) => {
+			}
+		);
+		assert_matches!(
+			overseer_recv(&mut virtual_overseer).await,
+			AllMessages::RuntimeApi(RuntimeApiMessage::Request(_, RuntimeApiRequest::ApprovalVotingParams(_, sender))) => {
+				let _ = sender.send(Ok(ApprovalVotingParams {
+					max_approval_coalesce_count: 1,
+				}));
+			}
+		);
+		assert_matches!(
+			overseer_recv(&mut virtual_overseer).await,
+			AllMessages::ApprovalDistribution(ApprovalDistributionMessage::DistributeApproval(_))
+		);
+		// Assert that there are no more messages being sent by the subsystem
+		assert!(overseer_recv(&mut virtual_overseer).timeout(TIMEOUT / 2).await.is_none());
+		virtual_overseer
+	});
 // Test we correctly update the timer when we mark the beginning of gathering assignments.
 fn test_gathering_assignments_statements() {
diff --git a/prdoc/pr_6973.prdoc b/prdoc/pr_6973.prdoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..416789b9171ad3ad779e36add96158731ee22eb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prdoc/pr_6973.prdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Schema: Polkadot SDK PRDoc Schema (prdoc) v1.0.0
+# See doc at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/master/prdoc/schema_user.json
+title: approval-voting fix sending of assignments after restart
+  - audience: Node Dev
+    description: |
+      There is a problem on restart where nodes will not trigger their needed assignment if 
+      they were offline and the time of the assignment passed, so after restart always 
+      schedule a wakeup so that nodes a have the opportunity of triggering their assignments
+      if they are still needed.
+  - name: polkadot-node-core-approval-voting
+    bump: minor