From afbe00db75a0fc19ec63c5c12bd7ea79b2eb5beb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Robert Habermeier <>
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2018 17:05:42 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] extract out tests to file

 substrate/core/finality-grandpa/src/   | 248 +------------------
 substrate/core/finality-grandpa/src/ | 241 ++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 244 insertions(+), 245 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 substrate/core/finality-grandpa/src/

diff --git a/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/src/ b/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/src/
index d8fe874a5e9..21d5c054fb5 100644
--- a/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/src/
+++ b/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/src/
@@ -70,6 +70,9 @@ pub use fg_primitives::ScheduledChange;
 mod authorities;
+mod tests;
 const LAST_COMPLETED_KEY: &[u8] = b"grandpa_completed_round";
 const AUTHORITY_SET_KEY: &[u8] = b"grandpa_voters";
@@ -890,248 +893,3 @@ pub fn run_grandpa<B, E, Block: BlockT, N>(
 	Ok(work.map_err(|e| warn!("GRANDPA Voter failed: {:?}", e)))
-mod tests {
-	use super::*;
-	use network::test::{Block, Hash, TestNetFactory, Peer, PeersClient};
-	use network::import_queue::{PassThroughVerifier};
-	use network::ProtocolConfig;
-	use parking_lot::Mutex;
-	use tokio::runtime::current_thread;
-	use keyring::Keyring;
-	use client::BlockchainEvents;
-	use test_client;
-	type PeerData = Mutex<Option<LinkHalf<test_client::Backend, test_client::Executor, Block>>>;
-	type GrandpaPeer = Peer<PassThroughVerifier, PeerData>;
-	struct GrandpaTestNet {
-		peers: Vec<Arc<GrandpaPeer>>,
-		started: bool
-	}
-	impl TestNetFactory for GrandpaTestNet {
-		type Verifier = PassThroughVerifier;
-		type PeerData = PeerData;
-		/// Create new test network with peers and given config.
-		fn from_config(_config: &ProtocolConfig) -> Self {
-			GrandpaTestNet {
-				peers: Vec::new(),
-				started: false
-			}
-		}
-		fn make_verifier(&self, _client: Arc<PeersClient>, _cfg: &ProtocolConfig)
-			-> Arc<Self::Verifier>
-		{
-			Arc::new(PassThroughVerifier(false)) // use non-instant finality.
-		}
-		fn make_block_import(&self, client: Arc<PeersClient>)
-			-> (Arc<BlockImport<Block,Error=ClientError> + Send + Sync>, PeerData)
-		{
-			let (import, link) = block_import(client).expect("Could not create block import for fresh peer.");
-			(Arc::new(import), Mutex::new(Some(link)))
-		}
-		fn peer(&self, i: usize) -> &GrandpaPeer {
-			&self.peers[i]
-		}
-		fn peers(&self) -> &Vec<Arc<GrandpaPeer>> {
-			&self.peers
-		}
-		fn mut_peers<F: Fn(&mut Vec<Arc<GrandpaPeer>>)>(&mut self, closure: F) {
-			closure(&mut self.peers);
-		}
-		fn started(&self) -> bool {
-			self.started
-		}
-		fn set_started(&mut self, new: bool) {
-			self.started = new;
-		}
-	}
-	#[derive(Clone)]
-	struct MessageRouting {
-		inner: Arc<Mutex<GrandpaTestNet>>,
-		peer_id: usize,
-	}
-	impl MessageRouting {
-		fn new(inner: Arc<Mutex<GrandpaTestNet>>, peer_id: usize,) -> Self {
-			MessageRouting {
-				inner,
-				peer_id,
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	fn round_to_topic(round: u64) -> Hash {
-		let mut hash = Hash::default();
-		round.using_encoded(|s| {
-			let raw = hash.as_mut();
-			raw[..8].copy_from_slice(s);
-		});
-		hash
-	}
-	impl Network for MessageRouting {
-		type In = Box<Stream<Item=Vec<u8>,Error=()>>;
-		fn messages_for(&self, round: u64) -> Self::In {
-			let messages = self.inner.lock().peer(self.peer_id)
-				.with_spec(|spec, _| spec.gossip.messages_for(round_to_topic(round)));
-			let messages = messages.map_err(
-				move |_| panic!("Messages for round {} dropped too early", round)
-			);
-			Box::new(messages)
-		}
-		fn send_message(&self, round: u64, message: Vec<u8>) {
-			let mut inner = self.inner.lock();
-			inner.peer(self.peer_id).gossip_message(round_to_topic(round), message);
-			inner.route();
-		}
-		fn drop_messages(&self, round: u64) {
-			let topic = round_to_topic(round);
-			self.inner.lock().peer(self.peer_id)
-				.with_spec(|spec, _| spec.gossip.collect_garbage(|t| t == &topic));
-		}
-	}
-	const TEST_GOSSIP_DURATION: Duration = Duration::from_millis(500);
-	const TEST_ROUTING_INTERVAL: Duration = Duration::from_millis(50);
-	#[test]
-	fn finalize_20_unanimous_3_peers() {
-		let mut net = GrandpaTestNet::new(3);
-		net.peer(0).push_blocks(20, false);
-		net.sync();
-		let net = Arc::new(Mutex::new(net));
-		let peers = &[
-			(0, Keyring::Alice),
-			(1, Keyring::Bob),
-			(2, Keyring::Charlie),
-		];
-		let voters: Vec<_> = peers.iter()
-			.map(|&(_, ref key)| AuthorityId(key.to_raw_public()))
-			.collect();
-		let mut finality_notifications = Vec::new();
-		let mut runtime = current_thread::Runtime::new().unwrap();
-		for (peer_id, key) in peers {
-			let (client, link) = {
-				let mut net = net.lock();
-				// temporary needed for some reason
-				let link = net.peers[*peer_id].data.lock().take().expect("link initialized at startup; qed");
-				(
-					net.peers[*peer_id].client().clone(),
-					link,
-				)
-			};
-			finality_notifications.push(
-				client.finality_notification_stream()
-					.take_while(|n| Ok(n.header.number() < &20))
-					.for_each(move |_| Ok(()))
-			);
-			let voter = run_grandpa(
-				Config {
-					gossip_duration: TEST_GOSSIP_DURATION,
-					local_key: Some(Arc::new(key.clone().into())),
-				},
-				link,
-				MessageRouting::new(net.clone(), *peer_id),
-			).expect("all in order with client and network");
-			runtime.spawn(voter);
-		}
-		// wait for all finalized on each.
-		let wait_for = ::futures::future::join_all(finality_notifications)
-			.map(|_| ())
-			.map_err(|_| ());
-		let drive_to_completion = ::tokio::timer::Interval::new_interval(TEST_ROUTING_INTERVAL)
-			.for_each(move |_| { net.lock().route_until_complete(); Ok(()) })
-			.map(|_| ())
-			.map_err(|_| ());
-		runtime.block_on(|_| ())).unwrap();
-	}
-	#[test]
-	fn observer_can_finalize() {
-		let mut net = GrandpaTestNet::new(4);
-		net.peer(0).push_blocks(20, false);
-		net.sync();
-		let net = Arc::new(Mutex::new(net));
-		let peers = &[
-			(0, Keyring::Alice),
-			(1, Keyring::Bob),
-			(2, Keyring::Charlie),
-		];
-		let voters: HashMap<_, _> = peers.iter()
-			.map(|&(_, ref key)| (AuthorityId(key.to_raw_public()), 1))
-			.collect();
-		let mut finality_notifications = Vec::new();
-		let mut runtime = current_thread::Runtime::new().unwrap();
-		let all_peers = peers.iter()
-			.cloned()
-			.map(|(id, key)| (id, Some(Arc::new(key.into()))))
-			.chain(::std::iter::once((3, None)));
-		for (peer_id, local_key) in all_peers {
-			let (client, link) = {
-				let mut net = net.lock();
-				let link = net.peers[peer_id].data.lock().take().expect("link initialized at startup; qed");
-				(
-					net.peers[peer_id].client().clone(),
-					link,
-				)
-			};
-			finality_notifications.push(
-				client.finality_notification_stream()
-					.take_while(|n| Ok(n.header.number() < &20))
-					.for_each(move |_| Ok(()))
-			);
-			let voter = run_grandpa(
-				Config {
-					gossip_duration: TEST_GOSSIP_DURATION,
-					local_key,
-				},
-				link,
-				MessageRouting::new(net.clone(), peer_id),
-			).expect("all in order with client and network");
-			runtime.spawn(voter);
-		}
-		// wait for all finalized on each.
-		let wait_for = ::futures::future::join_all(finality_notifications)
-			.map(|_| ())
-			.map_err(|_| ());
-		let drive_to_completion = ::tokio::timer::Interval::new_interval(TEST_ROUTING_INTERVAL)
-			.for_each(move |_| { net.lock().route_until_complete(); Ok(()) })
-			.map(|_| ())
-			.map_err(|_| ());
-		runtime.block_on(|_| ())).unwrap();
-	}
diff --git a/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/src/ b/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7b3c6a39bf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+use super::*;
+use network::test::{Block, Hash, TestNetFactory, Peer, PeersClient};
+use network::import_queue::{PassThroughVerifier};
+use network::ProtocolConfig;
+use parking_lot::Mutex;
+use tokio::runtime::current_thread;
+use keyring::Keyring;
+use client::BlockchainEvents;
+use test_client;
+type PeerData = Mutex<Option<LinkHalf<test_client::Backend, test_client::Executor, Block>>>;
+type GrandpaPeer = Peer<PassThroughVerifier, PeerData>;
+struct GrandpaTestNet {
+	peers: Vec<Arc<GrandpaPeer>>,
+	started: bool
+impl TestNetFactory for GrandpaTestNet {
+	type Verifier = PassThroughVerifier;
+	type PeerData = PeerData;
+	/// Create new test network with peers and given config.
+	fn from_config(_config: &ProtocolConfig) -> Self {
+		GrandpaTestNet {
+			peers: Vec::new(),
+			started: false
+		}
+	}
+	fn make_verifier(&self, _client: Arc<PeersClient>, _cfg: &ProtocolConfig)
+		-> Arc<Self::Verifier>
+	{
+		Arc::new(PassThroughVerifier(false)) // use non-instant finality.
+	}
+	fn make_block_import(&self, client: Arc<PeersClient>)
+		-> (Arc<BlockImport<Block,Error=ClientError> + Send + Sync>, PeerData)
+	{
+		let (import, link) = block_import(client).expect("Could not create block import for fresh peer.");
+		(Arc::new(import), Mutex::new(Some(link)))
+	}
+	fn peer(&self, i: usize) -> &GrandpaPeer {
+		&self.peers[i]
+	}
+	fn peers(&self) -> &Vec<Arc<GrandpaPeer>> {
+		&self.peers
+	}
+	fn mut_peers<F: Fn(&mut Vec<Arc<GrandpaPeer>>)>(&mut self, closure: F) {
+		closure(&mut self.peers);
+	}
+	fn started(&self) -> bool {
+		self.started
+	}
+	fn set_started(&mut self, new: bool) {
+		self.started = new;
+	}
+struct MessageRouting {
+	inner: Arc<Mutex<GrandpaTestNet>>,
+	peer_id: usize,
+impl MessageRouting {
+	fn new(inner: Arc<Mutex<GrandpaTestNet>>, peer_id: usize,) -> Self {
+		MessageRouting {
+			inner,
+			peer_id,
+		}
+	}
+fn round_to_topic(round: u64) -> Hash {
+	let mut hash = Hash::default();
+	round.using_encoded(|s| {
+		let raw = hash.as_mut();
+		raw[..8].copy_from_slice(s);
+	});
+	hash
+impl Network for MessageRouting {
+	type In = Box<Stream<Item=Vec<u8>,Error=()>>;
+	fn messages_for(&self, round: u64) -> Self::In {
+		let messages = self.inner.lock().peer(self.peer_id)
+			.with_spec(|spec, _| spec.gossip.messages_for(round_to_topic(round)));
+		let messages = messages.map_err(
+			move |_| panic!("Messages for round {} dropped too early", round)
+		);
+		Box::new(messages)
+	}
+	fn send_message(&self, round: u64, message: Vec<u8>) {
+		let mut inner = self.inner.lock();
+		inner.peer(self.peer_id).gossip_message(round_to_topic(round), message);
+		inner.route();
+	}
+	fn drop_messages(&self, round: u64) {
+		let topic = round_to_topic(round);
+		self.inner.lock().peer(self.peer_id)
+			.with_spec(|spec, _| spec.gossip.collect_garbage(|t| t == &topic));
+	}
+const TEST_GOSSIP_DURATION: Duration = Duration::from_millis(500);
+const TEST_ROUTING_INTERVAL: Duration = Duration::from_millis(50);
+fn finalize_20_unanimous_3_peers() {
+	let mut net = GrandpaTestNet::new(3);
+	net.peer(0).push_blocks(20, false);
+	net.sync();
+	let net = Arc::new(Mutex::new(net));
+	let peers = &[
+		(0, Keyring::Alice),
+		(1, Keyring::Bob),
+		(2, Keyring::Charlie),
+	];
+	let voters: Vec<_> = peers.iter()
+		.map(|&(_, ref key)| AuthorityId(key.to_raw_public()))
+		.collect();
+	let mut finality_notifications = Vec::new();
+	let mut runtime = current_thread::Runtime::new().unwrap();
+	for (peer_id, key) in peers {
+		let (client, link) = {
+			let mut net = net.lock();
+			// temporary needed for some reason
+			let link = net.peers[*peer_id].data.lock().take().expect("link initialized at startup; qed");
+			(
+				net.peers[*peer_id].client().clone(),
+				link,
+			)
+		};
+		finality_notifications.push(
+			client.finality_notification_stream()
+				.take_while(|n| Ok(n.header.number() < &20))
+				.for_each(move |_| Ok(()))
+		);
+		let voter = run_grandpa(
+			Config {
+				gossip_duration: TEST_GOSSIP_DURATION,
+				local_key: Some(Arc::new(key.clone().into())),
+			},
+			link,
+			MessageRouting::new(net.clone(), *peer_id),
+		).expect("all in order with client and network");
+		runtime.spawn(voter);
+	}
+	// wait for all finalized on each.
+	let wait_for = ::futures::future::join_all(finality_notifications)
+		.map(|_| ())
+		.map_err(|_| ());
+	let drive_to_completion = ::tokio::timer::Interval::new_interval(TEST_ROUTING_INTERVAL)
+		.for_each(move |_| { net.lock().route_until_complete(); Ok(()) })
+		.map(|_| ())
+		.map_err(|_| ());
+	runtime.block_on(|_| ())).unwrap();
+fn observer_can_finalize() {
+	let mut net = GrandpaTestNet::new(4);
+	net.peer(0).push_blocks(20, false);
+	net.sync();
+	let net = Arc::new(Mutex::new(net));
+	let peers = &[
+		(0, Keyring::Alice),
+		(1, Keyring::Bob),
+		(2, Keyring::Charlie),
+	];
+	let voters: HashMap<_, _> = peers.iter()
+		.map(|&(_, ref key)| (AuthorityId(key.to_raw_public()), 1))
+		.collect();
+	let mut finality_notifications = Vec::new();
+	let mut runtime = current_thread::Runtime::new().unwrap();
+	let all_peers = peers.iter()
+		.cloned()
+		.map(|(id, key)| (id, Some(Arc::new(key.into()))))
+		.chain(::std::iter::once((3, None)));
+	for (peer_id, local_key) in all_peers {
+		let (client, link) = {
+			let mut net = net.lock();
+			let link = net.peers[peer_id].data.lock().take().expect("link initialized at startup; qed");
+			(
+				net.peers[peer_id].client().clone(),
+				link,
+			)
+		};
+		finality_notifications.push(
+			client.finality_notification_stream()
+				.take_while(|n| Ok(n.header.number() < &20))
+				.for_each(move |_| Ok(()))
+		);
+		let voter = run_grandpa(
+			Config {
+				gossip_duration: TEST_GOSSIP_DURATION,
+				local_key,
+			},
+			link,
+			MessageRouting::new(net.clone(), peer_id),
+		).expect("all in order with client and network");
+		runtime.spawn(voter);
+	}
+	// wait for all finalized on each.
+	let wait_for = ::futures::future::join_all(finality_notifications)
+		.map(|_| ())
+		.map_err(|_| ());
+	let drive_to_completion = ::tokio::timer::Interval::new_interval(TEST_ROUTING_INTERVAL)
+		.for_each(move |_| { net.lock().route_until_complete(); Ok(()) })
+		.map(|_| ())
+		.map_err(|_| ());
+	runtime.block_on(|_| ())).unwrap();