From a84dd0dba58d51503b8942360aa4fb30a5a96af5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alexandru Gheorghe <>
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2023 08:43:15 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Approve multiple candidates with a single signature (#1191)

Initial implementation for the plan discussed here:
Built on top of

## Overall idea

When approval-voting checks a candidate and is ready to advertise the
approval, defer it in a per-relay chain block until we either have
MAX_APPROVAL_COALESCE_COUNT candidates to sign or a candidate has stayed
MAX_APPROVALS_COALESCE_TICKS in the queue, in both cases we sign what
candidates we have available.

This should allow us to reduce the number of approvals messages we have
to create/send/verify. The parameters are configurable, so we should
find some values that balance:

- Security of the network: Delaying broadcasting of an approval
shouldn't but the finality at risk and to make sure that never happens
we won't delay sending a vote if we are past 2/3 from the no-show time.
- Scalability of the network: MAX_APPROVAL_COALESCE_COUNT = 1 &
MAX_APPROVALS_COALESCE_TICKS =0, is what we have now and we know from
the measurements we did on versi, it bottlenecks
approval-distribution/approval-voting when increase significantly the
number of validators and parachains
- Block storage: In case of disputes we have to import this votes on
chain and that increase the necessary storage with
MAX_APPROVAL_COALESCE_COUNT * CandidateHash per vote. Given that
disputes are not the normal way of the network functioning and we will
limit MAX_APPROVAL_COALESCE_COUNT in the single digits numbers, this
should be good enough. Alternatively, we could try to create a better
way to store this on-chain through indirection, if that's needed.

## Other fixes:
- Fixed the fact that we were sending random assignments to
non-validators, that was wrong because those won't do anything with it
and they won't gossip it either because they do not have a grid topology
set, so we would waste the random assignments.
- Added metrics to be able to debug potential no-shows and
mis-processing of approvals/assignments.

## TODO:
- [x] Get feedback, that this is moving in the right direction. @ordian
@sandreim @eskimor @burdges, let me know what you think.
- [x] More and more testing.
- [x]  Test in versi.
MAX_APPROVAL_COALESCE_WAIT_MILLIS a parachain host configuration.
- [x] Make sure the backwards compatibility works correctly
- [x] Make sure this direction is compatible with other streams of work: &
- [x] Final versi burn-in before merging


Signed-off-by: Alexandru Gheorghe <>
 .gitlab/pipeline/zombienet/polkadot.yml       |   8 +
 .../src/              |  14 +-
 .../src/                         |  15 +-
 .../emulated/chains/relays/rococo/src/  |   2 +-
 .../emulated/chains/relays/westend/src/ |   2 +-
 polkadot/Cargo.toml                           |   1 -
 polkadot/cli/Cargo.toml                       |   2 -
 .../approval-voting/src/  | 212 +++--
 .../approval_db/common/   |  39 +
 .../src/approval_db/common/             | 293 ++++++
 .../approval-voting/src/approval_db/    |   2 +
 .../src/approval_db/v1/               |   4 -
 .../src/approval_db/v2/   |  74 +-
 .../approval-voting/src/approval_db/v2/ | 251 +----
 .../src/approval_db/v2/               |  68 +-
 .../src/approval_db/v3/   | 237 +++++
 .../approval-voting/src/approval_db/v3/ | 137 +++
 .../src/approval_db/v3/               | 575 ++++++++++++
 .../node/core/approval-voting/src/  |  18 +-
 .../node/core/approval-voting/src/   |  24 +-
 polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/ | 856 ++++++++++++++----
 polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/ |   2 +-
 .../approval-voting/src/  | 292 +++++-
 .../node/core/approval-voting/src/    | 581 +++++++++++-
 .../node/core/approval-voting/src/     | 165 +++-
 .../core/dispute-coordinator/src/    |  38 +-
 .../dispute-coordinator/src/    |   4 +-
 .../node/core/dispute-coordinator/src/  |   2 +-
 .../core/dispute-coordinator/src/     |  11 +-
 .../src/disputes/prioritized_selection/ |   2 +-
 polkadot/node/core/runtime-api/src/   |  31 +-
 polkadot/node/core/runtime-api/src/     |  13 +
 polkadot/node/core/runtime-api/src/   |  22 +-
 .../network/approval-distribution/src/  | 734 +++++++++------
 .../approval-distribution/src/      | 148 +++
 .../approval-distribution/src/        | 746 ++++++++++++---
 .../network/bitfield-distribution/src/  |  18 +-
 polkadot/node/network/bridge/src/   |  12 +-
 polkadot/node/network/bridge/src/rx/    |  97 +-
 polkadot/node/network/bridge/src/rx/  |  16 +-
 polkadot/node/network/bridge/src/tx/    |  10 +-
 .../src/collator_side/                  |   6 +-
 .../src/validator_side/                 |   6 +-
 .../node/network/gossip-support/src/    |   2 +-
 polkadot/node/network/protocol/Cargo.toml     |   3 -
 .../network/protocol/src/     |  21 +-
 polkadot/node/network/protocol/src/     |  61 +-
 .../node/network/protocol/src/     |  55 +-
 .../src/legacy_v1/                      |  30 +-
 .../network/statement-distribution/src/ |   8 +-
 .../statement-distribution/src/v2/      |  90 +-
 .../src/v2/tests/                      |   2 +-
 polkadot/node/primitives/src/      |  57 +-
 .../node/primitives/src/disputes/   |   2 +-
 polkadot/node/primitives/src/disputes/  |  23 +-
 polkadot/node/service/Cargo.toml              |   4 -
 .../node/service/src/parachains_db/ |  99 +-
 polkadot/node/subsystem-types/src/ |  35 +-
 .../subsystem-types/src/     |  33 +-
 .../undying/collator/Cargo.toml               |   3 -
 polkadot/primitives/src/        |  17 +-
 polkadot/primitives/src/v6/             |  70 +-
 polkadot/primitives/src/vstaging/       |  32 +
 .../src/node/approval/      |  47 +-
 .../src/                  |  12 +
 polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/    |   2 +-
 .../runtime/parachains/src/   |  29 +-
 .../parachains/src/configuration/ |   1 +
 .../src/configuration/migration/        | 110 ++-
 .../src/configuration/migration/        | 329 +++++++
 .../src/configuration/migration/         |   2 +-
 .../parachains/src/configuration/     |   1 +
 polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/   |  34 +-
 .../runtime/parachains/src/disputes/  | 126 ++-
 .../src/runtime_api_impl/          |  11 +-
 polkadot/runtime/rococo/src/            |  20 +-
 polkadot/runtime/westend/src/           |  21 +-
 .../functional/0001-parachains-pvf.zndsl      |   2 +
 .../functional/0002-parachains-disputes.toml  |   4 +
 .../0009-approval-voting-coalescing.toml      | 115 +++
 .../0009-approval-voting-coalescing.zndsl     |  32 +
 prdoc/pr_1191.prdoc                           |  21 +
 82 files changed, 5878 insertions(+), 1478 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/approval_db/common/
 create mode 100644 polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/approval_db/common/
 create mode 100644 polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/approval_db/v3/
 create mode 100644 polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/approval_db/v3/
 create mode 100644 polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/approval_db/v3/
 create mode 100644 polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/configuration/migration/
 create mode 100644 polkadot/zombienet_tests/functional/0009-approval-voting-coalescing.toml
 create mode 100644 polkadot/zombienet_tests/functional/0009-approval-voting-coalescing.zndsl
 create mode 100644 prdoc/pr_1191.prdoc

diff --git a/.gitlab/pipeline/zombienet/polkadot.yml b/.gitlab/pipeline/zombienet/polkadot.yml
index d1f3a201c80..356abaa93cd 100644
--- a/.gitlab/pipeline/zombienet/polkadot.yml
+++ b/.gitlab/pipeline/zombienet/polkadot.yml
@@ -131,6 +131,14 @@ zombienet-polkadot-functional-0008-dispute-old-finalized:
+  extends:
+    - .zombienet-polkadot-common
+  script:
+    - /home/nonroot/zombie-net/scripts/ci/
+      --local-dir="${LOCAL_DIR}/functional"
+      --test="0009-approval-voting-coalescing.zndsl"
     - .zombienet-polkadot-common
diff --git a/cumulus/client/relay-chain-minimal-node/src/ b/cumulus/client/relay-chain-minimal-node/src/
index d9e4155d9c5..ab56b62c4ca 100644
--- a/cumulus/client/relay-chain-minimal-node/src/
+++ b/cumulus/client/relay-chain-minimal-node/src/
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ use polkadot_overseer::{ChainApiBackend, RuntimeApiSubsystemClient};
 use polkadot_primitives::{
 	async_backing::{AsyncBackingParams, BackingState},
-	vstaging::NodeFeatures,
+	vstaging::{ApprovalVotingParams, NodeFeatures},
 use sc_authority_discovery::{AuthorityDiscovery, Error as AuthorityDiscoveryError};
 use sc_client_api::AuxStore;
@@ -427,6 +427,18 @@ impl RuntimeApiSubsystemClient for BlockChainRpcClient {
 		Ok(self.rpc_client.parachain_host_para_backing_state(at, para_id).await?)
+	/// Approval voting configuration parameters
+	async fn approval_voting_params(
+		&self,
+		at: Hash,
+		session_index: polkadot_primitives::SessionIndex,
+	) -> Result<ApprovalVotingParams, ApiError> {
+		Ok(self
+			.rpc_client
+			.parachain_host_staging_approval_voting_params(at, session_index)
+			.await?)
+	}
 	async fn node_features(&self, at: Hash) -> Result<NodeFeatures, ApiError> {
diff --git a/cumulus/client/relay-chain-rpc-interface/src/ b/cumulus/client/relay-chain-rpc-interface/src/
index 8e0d5fae677..c64fff77a29 100644
--- a/cumulus/client/relay-chain-rpc-interface/src/
+++ b/cumulus/client/relay-chain-rpc-interface/src/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ use cumulus_primitives_core::{
 		async_backing::{AsyncBackingParams, BackingState},
-		vstaging::NodeFeatures,
+		vstaging::{ApprovalVotingParams, NodeFeatures},
 		BlockNumber, CandidateCommitments, CandidateEvent, CandidateHash,
 		CommittedCandidateReceipt, CoreState, DisputeState, ExecutorParams, GroupRotationInfo,
 		Hash as RelayHash, Header as RelayHeader, InboundHrmpMessage, OccupiedCoreAssumption,
@@ -625,6 +625,19 @@ impl RelayChainRpcClient {
+	pub async fn parachain_host_staging_approval_voting_params(
+		&self,
+		at: RelayHash,
+		_session_index: SessionIndex,
+	) -> Result<ApprovalVotingParams, RelayChainError> {
+		self.call_remote_runtime_function(
+			"ParachainHost_staging_approval_voting_params",
+			at,
+			None::<()>,
+		)
+		.await
+	}
 	pub async fn parachain_host_para_backing_state(
 		at: RelayHash,
diff --git a/cumulus/parachains/integration-tests/emulated/chains/relays/rococo/src/ b/cumulus/parachains/integration-tests/emulated/chains/relays/rococo/src/
index 7ace9614710..0791f63235f 100644
--- a/cumulus/parachains/integration-tests/emulated/chains/relays/rococo/src/
+++ b/cumulus/parachains/integration-tests/emulated/chains/relays/rococo/src/
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ use emulated_integration_tests_common::{
 // Rococo declaration
 decl_test_relay_chains! {
-	#[api_version(9)]
+	#[api_version(10)]
 	pub struct Rococo {
 		genesis = genesis::genesis(),
 		on_init = (),
diff --git a/cumulus/parachains/integration-tests/emulated/chains/relays/westend/src/ b/cumulus/parachains/integration-tests/emulated/chains/relays/westend/src/
index 2ba47250d56..8a5d4bbf808 100644
--- a/cumulus/parachains/integration-tests/emulated/chains/relays/westend/src/
+++ b/cumulus/parachains/integration-tests/emulated/chains/relays/westend/src/
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ use emulated_integration_tests_common::{
 // Westend declaration
 decl_test_relay_chains! {
-	#[api_version(9)]
+	#[api_version(10)]
 	pub struct Westend {
 		genesis = genesis::genesis(),
 		on_init = (),
diff --git a/polkadot/Cargo.toml b/polkadot/Cargo.toml
index 6896d3c4b22..d8c6cc51bea 100644
--- a/polkadot/Cargo.toml
+++ b/polkadot/Cargo.toml
@@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ jemalloc-allocator = [
-network-protocol-staging = ["polkadot-cli/network-protocol-staging"]
 # Enables timeout-based tests supposed to be run only in CI environment as they may be flaky
diff --git a/polkadot/cli/Cargo.toml b/polkadot/cli/Cargo.toml
index 77f73ead2ed..95b63913ccb 100644
--- a/polkadot/cli/Cargo.toml
+++ b/polkadot/cli/Cargo.toml
@@ -75,5 +75,3 @@ runtime-metrics = [
-network-protocol-staging = ["service/network-protocol-staging"]
diff --git a/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/ b/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/
index 5d24ff16419..0aa6102fbd6 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/
+++ b/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/
@@ -25,6 +25,15 @@ use crate::{
+/// Result of counting the necessary tranches needed for approving a block.
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)]
+pub struct TranchesToApproveResult {
+	/// The required tranches for approving this block
+	pub required_tranches: RequiredTranches,
+	/// The total number of no_shows at the moment we are doing the counting.
+	pub total_observed_no_shows: usize,
 /// The required tranches of assignments needed to determine whether a candidate is approved.
 #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)]
 pub enum RequiredTranches {
@@ -64,7 +73,7 @@ pub enum RequiredTranches {
 /// The result of a check.
-#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
 pub enum Check {
 	/// The candidate is unapproved.
@@ -178,6 +187,7 @@ struct State {
 	next_no_show: Option<Tick>,
 	/// The last tick at which a considered assignment was received.
 	last_assignment_tick: Option<Tick>,
+	total_observed_no_shows: usize,
 impl State {
@@ -187,41 +197,53 @@ impl State {
 		needed_approvals: usize,
 		n_validators: usize,
 		no_show_duration: Tick,
-	) -> RequiredTranches {
+	) -> TranchesToApproveResult {
 		let covering = if self.depth == 0 { 0 } else { self.covering };
 		if self.depth != 0 && self.assignments + covering + self.uncovered >= n_validators {
-			return RequiredTranches::All
+			return TranchesToApproveResult {
+				required_tranches: RequiredTranches::All,
+				total_observed_no_shows: self.total_observed_no_shows,
+			}
 		// If we have enough assignments and all no-shows are covered, we have reached the number
 		// of tranches that we need to have.
 		if self.assignments >= needed_approvals && (covering + self.uncovered) == 0 {
-			return RequiredTranches::Exact {
-				needed: tranche,
-				tolerated_missing: self.covered,
-				next_no_show: self.next_no_show,
-				last_assignment_tick: self.last_assignment_tick,
+			return TranchesToApproveResult {
+				required_tranches: RequiredTranches::Exact {
+					needed: tranche,
+					tolerated_missing: self.covered,
+					next_no_show: self.next_no_show,
+					last_assignment_tick: self.last_assignment_tick,
+				},
+				total_observed_no_shows: self.total_observed_no_shows,
 		// We're pending more assignments and should look at more tranches.
 		let clock_drift = self.clock_drift(no_show_duration);
 		if self.depth == 0 {
-			RequiredTranches::Pending {
-				considered: tranche,
-				next_no_show: self.next_no_show,
-				// during the initial assignment-gathering phase, we want to accept assignments
-				// from any tranche. Note that honest validators will still not broadcast their
-				// assignment until it is time to do so, regardless of this value.
-				maximum_broadcast: DelayTranche::max_value(),
-				clock_drift,
+			TranchesToApproveResult {
+				required_tranches: RequiredTranches::Pending {
+					considered: tranche,
+					next_no_show: self.next_no_show,
+					// during the initial assignment-gathering phase, we want to accept assignments
+					// from any tranche. Note that honest validators will still not broadcast their
+					// assignment until it is time to do so, regardless of this value.
+					maximum_broadcast: DelayTranche::max_value(),
+					clock_drift,
+				},
+				total_observed_no_shows: self.total_observed_no_shows,
 		} else {
-			RequiredTranches::Pending {
-				considered: tranche,
-				next_no_show: self.next_no_show,
-				maximum_broadcast: tranche + (covering + self.uncovered) as DelayTranche,
-				clock_drift,
+			TranchesToApproveResult {
+				required_tranches: RequiredTranches::Pending {
+					considered: tranche,
+					next_no_show: self.next_no_show,
+					maximum_broadcast: tranche + (covering + self.uncovered) as DelayTranche,
+					clock_drift,
+				},
+				total_observed_no_shows: self.total_observed_no_shows,
@@ -276,6 +298,7 @@ impl State {
+			total_observed_no_shows: self.total_observed_no_shows + new_no_shows,
@@ -372,7 +395,7 @@ pub fn tranches_to_approve(
 	block_tick: Tick,
 	no_show_duration: Tick,
 	needed_approvals: usize,
-) -> RequiredTranches {
+) -> TranchesToApproveResult {
 	let tick_now = tranche_now as Tick + block_tick;
 	let n_validators = approval_entry.n_validators();
@@ -384,6 +407,7 @@ pub fn tranches_to_approve(
 		uncovered: 0,
 		next_no_show: None,
 		last_assignment_tick: None,
+		total_observed_no_shows: 0,
 	// The `ApprovalEntry` doesn't have any data for empty tranches. We still want to iterate over
@@ -434,7 +458,7 @@ pub fn tranches_to_approve(
 			let s = s.advance(n_assignments, no_shows, next_no_show, last_assignment_tick);
 			let output = s.output(tranche, needed_approvals, n_validators, no_show_duration);
-			*state = match output {
+			*state = match output.required_tranches {
 				RequiredTranches::Exact { .. } | RequiredTranches::All => {
 					// Wipe the state clean so the next iteration of this closure will terminate
 					// the iterator. This guarantees that we can call `last` further down to see
@@ -464,15 +488,17 @@ mod tests {
 	fn pending_is_not_approved() {
-		let candidate = approval_db::v1::CandidateEntry {
-			candidate: dummy_candidate_receipt(dummy_hash()),
-			session: 0,
-			block_assignments: BTreeMap::default(),
-			approvals: BitVec::default(),
-		}
-		.into();
+		let candidate = CandidateEntry::from_v1(
+			approval_db::v1::CandidateEntry {
+				candidate: dummy_candidate_receipt(dummy_hash()),
+				session: 0,
+				block_assignments: BTreeMap::default(),
+				approvals: BitVec::default(),
+			},
+			0,
+		);
-		let approval_entry = approval_db::v2::ApprovalEntry {
+		let approval_entry = approval_db::v3::ApprovalEntry {
 			tranches: Vec::new(),
 			assigned_validators: BitVec::default(),
 			our_assignment: None,
@@ -497,29 +523,31 @@ mod tests {
 	fn exact_takes_only_assignments_up_to() {
-		let mut candidate: CandidateEntry = approval_db::v1::CandidateEntry {
-			candidate: dummy_candidate_receipt(dummy_hash()),
-			session: 0,
-			block_assignments: BTreeMap::default(),
-			approvals: bitvec![u8, BitOrderLsb0; 0; 10],
-		}
-		.into();
+		let mut candidate: CandidateEntry = CandidateEntry::from_v1(
+			approval_db::v1::CandidateEntry {
+				candidate: dummy_candidate_receipt(dummy_hash()),
+				session: 0,
+				block_assignments: BTreeMap::default(),
+				approvals: bitvec![u8, BitOrderLsb0; 0; 10],
+			},
+			0,
+		);
 		for i in 0..3 {
-		let approval_entry = approval_db::v2::ApprovalEntry {
+		let approval_entry = approval_db::v3::ApprovalEntry {
 			tranches: vec![
-				approval_db::v2::TrancheEntry {
+				approval_db::v3::TrancheEntry {
 					tranche: 0,
 					assignments: (0..2).map(|i| (ValidatorIndex(i), 0.into())).collect(),
-				approval_db::v2::TrancheEntry {
+				approval_db::v3::TrancheEntry {
 					tranche: 1,
 					assignments: (2..5).map(|i| (ValidatorIndex(i), 1.into())).collect(),
-				approval_db::v2::TrancheEntry {
+				approval_db::v3::TrancheEntry {
 					tranche: 2,
 					assignments: (5..10).map(|i| (ValidatorIndex(i), 0.into())).collect(),
@@ -569,29 +597,31 @@ mod tests {
 	fn one_honest_node_always_approves() {
-		let mut candidate: CandidateEntry = approval_db::v1::CandidateEntry {
-			candidate: dummy_candidate_receipt(dummy_hash()),
-			session: 0,
-			block_assignments: BTreeMap::default(),
-			approvals: bitvec![u8, BitOrderLsb0; 0; 10],
-		}
-		.into();
+		let mut candidate: CandidateEntry = CandidateEntry::from_v1(
+			approval_db::v1::CandidateEntry {
+				candidate: dummy_candidate_receipt(dummy_hash()),
+				session: 0,
+				block_assignments: BTreeMap::default(),
+				approvals: bitvec![u8, BitOrderLsb0; 0; 10],
+			},
+			0,
+		);
 		for i in 0..3 {
-		let approval_entry = approval_db::v2::ApprovalEntry {
+		let approval_entry = approval_db::v3::ApprovalEntry {
 			tranches: vec![
-				approval_db::v2::TrancheEntry {
+				approval_db::v3::TrancheEntry {
 					tranche: 0,
 					assignments: (0..4).map(|i| (ValidatorIndex(i), 0.into())).collect(),
-				approval_db::v2::TrancheEntry {
+				approval_db::v3::TrancheEntry {
 					tranche: 1,
 					assignments: (4..6).map(|i| (ValidatorIndex(i), 1.into())).collect(),
-				approval_db::v2::TrancheEntry {
+				approval_db::v3::TrancheEntry {
 					tranche: 2,
 					assignments: (6..10).map(|i| (ValidatorIndex(i), 0.into())).collect(),
@@ -647,7 +677,7 @@ mod tests {
 		let no_show_duration = 10;
 		let needed_approvals = 4;
-		let mut approval_entry: ApprovalEntry = approval_db::v2::ApprovalEntry {
+		let mut approval_entry: ApprovalEntry = approval_db::v3::ApprovalEntry {
 			tranches: Vec::new(),
 			assigned_validators: bitvec![u8, BitOrderLsb0; 0; 5],
 			our_assignment: None,
@@ -675,7 +705,8 @@ mod tests {
-			),
+			)
+			.required_tranches,
 			RequiredTranches::Exact {
 				needed: 1,
 				tolerated_missing: 0,
@@ -691,7 +722,7 @@ mod tests {
 		let no_show_duration = 10;
 		let needed_approvals = 4;
-		let mut approval_entry: ApprovalEntry = approval_db::v2::ApprovalEntry {
+		let mut approval_entry: ApprovalEntry = approval_db::v3::ApprovalEntry {
 			tranches: Vec::new(),
 			assigned_validators: bitvec![u8, BitOrderLsb0; 0; 10],
 			our_assignment: None,
@@ -715,7 +746,8 @@ mod tests {
-			),
+			)
+			.required_tranches,
 			RequiredTranches::Pending {
 				considered: 2,
 				next_no_show: Some(block_tick + no_show_duration),
@@ -731,7 +763,7 @@ mod tests {
 		let no_show_duration = 10;
 		let needed_approvals = 4;
-		let mut approval_entry: ApprovalEntry = approval_db::v2::ApprovalEntry {
+		let mut approval_entry: ApprovalEntry = approval_db::v3::ApprovalEntry {
 			tranches: Vec::new(),
 			assigned_validators: bitvec![u8, BitOrderLsb0; 0; 10],
 			our_assignment: None,
@@ -759,7 +791,8 @@ mod tests {
-			),
+			)
+			.required_tranches,
 			RequiredTranches::Pending {
 				considered: 11,
 				next_no_show: None,
@@ -776,7 +809,7 @@ mod tests {
 		let needed_approvals = 4;
 		let n_validators = 8;
-		let mut approval_entry: ApprovalEntry = approval_db::v2::ApprovalEntry {
+		let mut approval_entry: ApprovalEntry = approval_db::v3::ApprovalEntry {
 			tranches: Vec::new(),
 			assigned_validators: bitvec![u8, BitOrderLsb0; 0; n_validators],
 			our_assignment: None,
@@ -807,7 +840,8 @@ mod tests {
-			),
+			)
+			.required_tranches,
 			RequiredTranches::Pending {
 				considered: 1,
 				next_no_show: None,
@@ -826,7 +860,8 @@ mod tests {
-			),
+			)
+			.required_tranches,
 			RequiredTranches::Pending {
 				considered: 1,
 				next_no_show: None,
@@ -843,7 +878,7 @@ mod tests {
 		let needed_approvals = 4;
 		let n_validators = 8;
-		let mut approval_entry: ApprovalEntry = approval_db::v2::ApprovalEntry {
+		let mut approval_entry: ApprovalEntry = approval_db::v3::ApprovalEntry {
 			tranches: Vec::new(),
 			assigned_validators: bitvec![u8, BitOrderLsb0; 0; n_validators],
 			our_assignment: None,
@@ -879,7 +914,8 @@ mod tests {
-			),
+			)
+			.required_tranches,
 			RequiredTranches::Exact {
 				needed: 1,
 				tolerated_missing: 0,
@@ -898,7 +934,8 @@ mod tests {
-			),
+			)
+			.required_tranches,
 			RequiredTranches::Exact {
 				needed: 2,
 				tolerated_missing: 1,
@@ -917,7 +954,8 @@ mod tests {
-			),
+			)
+			.required_tranches,
 			RequiredTranches::Pending {
 				considered: 2,
 				next_no_show: None,
@@ -934,7 +972,7 @@ mod tests {
 		let needed_approvals = 4;
 		let n_validators = 8;
-		let mut approval_entry: ApprovalEntry = approval_db::v2::ApprovalEntry {
+		let mut approval_entry: ApprovalEntry = approval_db::v3::ApprovalEntry {
 			tranches: Vec::new(),
 			assigned_validators: bitvec![u8, BitOrderLsb0; 0; n_validators],
 			our_assignment: None,
@@ -970,7 +1008,8 @@ mod tests {
-			),
+			)
+			.required_tranches,
 			RequiredTranches::Exact {
 				needed: 2,
 				tolerated_missing: 1,
@@ -992,7 +1031,8 @@ mod tests {
-			),
+			)
+			.required_tranches,
 			RequiredTranches::Pending {
 				considered: 2,
 				next_no_show: None,
@@ -1013,7 +1053,8 @@ mod tests {
-			),
+			)
+			.required_tranches,
 			RequiredTranches::Exact {
 				needed: 3,
 				tolerated_missing: 2,
@@ -1029,22 +1070,24 @@ mod tests {
 		let no_show_duration = 10;
 		let needed_approvals = 3;
-		let mut candidate: CandidateEntry = approval_db::v1::CandidateEntry {
-			candidate: dummy_candidate_receipt(dummy_hash()),
-			session: 0,
-			block_assignments: BTreeMap::default(),
-			approvals: bitvec![u8, BitOrderLsb0; 0; 3],
-		}
-		.into();
+		let mut candidate: CandidateEntry = CandidateEntry::from_v1(
+			approval_db::v1::CandidateEntry {
+				candidate: dummy_candidate_receipt(dummy_hash()),
+				session: 0,
+				block_assignments: BTreeMap::default(),
+				approvals: bitvec![u8, BitOrderLsb0; 0; 3],
+			},
+			0,
+		);
 		for i in 0..3 {
-		let approval_entry = approval_db::v2::ApprovalEntry {
+		let approval_entry = approval_db::v3::ApprovalEntry {
 			tranches: vec![
 				// Assignments with invalid validator indexes.
-				approval_db::v2::TrancheEntry {
+				approval_db::v3::TrancheEntry {
 					tranche: 1,
 					assignments: (2..5).map(|i| (ValidatorIndex(i), 1.into())).collect(),
@@ -1068,7 +1111,8 @@ mod tests {
-			),
+			)
+			.required_tranches,
 			RequiredTranches::Pending {
 				considered: 10,
 				next_no_show: None,
@@ -1094,7 +1138,7 @@ mod tests {
 		for test_tranche in test_tranches {
-			let mut approval_entry: ApprovalEntry = approval_db::v2::ApprovalEntry {
+			let mut approval_entry: ApprovalEntry = approval_db::v3::ApprovalEntry {
 				tranches: Vec::new(),
 				backing_group: GroupIndex(0),
 				our_assignment: None,
@@ -1345,10 +1389,11 @@ mod tests {
 			uncovered: 0,
 			next_no_show: None,
 			last_assignment_tick: None,
+			total_observed_no_shows: 0,
-			state.output(0, 10, 10, 20),
+			state.output(0, 10, 10, 20).required_tranches,
 			RequiredTranches::Pending {
 				considered: 0,
 				next_no_show: None,
@@ -1368,10 +1413,11 @@ mod tests {
 			uncovered: 0,
 			next_no_show: None,
 			last_assignment_tick: None,
+			total_observed_no_shows: 0,
-			state.output(0, 10, 10, 20),
+			state.output(0, 10, 10, 20).required_tranches,
 			RequiredTranches::Exact {
 				needed: 0,
 				tolerated_missing: 0,
diff --git a/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/approval_db/common/ b/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/approval_db/common/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e21c53e4cac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/approval_db/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
+// This file is part of Polkadot.
+// Polkadot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// Polkadot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with Polkadot.  If not, see <>.
+use bitvec::{order::Lsb0 as BitOrderLsb0, vec::BitVec};
+use polkadot_node_primitives::approval::{
+	v1::{AssignmentCert, AssignmentCertKind, VrfProof, VrfSignature, RELAY_VRF_MODULO_CONTEXT},
+	v2::VrfPreOutput,
+pub fn make_bitvec(len: usize) -> BitVec<u8, BitOrderLsb0> {
+	bitvec::bitvec![u8, BitOrderLsb0; 0; len]
+pub fn dummy_assignment_cert(kind: AssignmentCertKind) -> AssignmentCert {
+	let ctx = schnorrkel::signing_context(RELAY_VRF_MODULO_CONTEXT);
+	let msg = b"test-garbage";
+	let mut prng = rand_core::OsRng;
+	let keypair = schnorrkel::Keypair::generate_with(&mut prng);
+	let (inout, proof, _) = keypair.vrf_sign(ctx.bytes(msg));
+	let out = inout.to_output();
+	AssignmentCert {
+		kind,
+		vrf: VrfSignature { pre_output: VrfPreOutput(out), proof: VrfProof(proof) },
+	}
diff --git a/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/approval_db/common/ b/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/approval_db/common/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..249dcf912df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/approval_db/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
+// This file is part of Polkadot.
+// Polkadot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// Polkadot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with Polkadot.  If not, see <>.
+//! Common helper functions for all versions of approval-voting database.
+use std::sync::Arc;
+use parity_scale_codec::{Decode, Encode};
+use polkadot_node_subsystem::{SubsystemError, SubsystemResult};
+use polkadot_node_subsystem_util::database::{DBTransaction, Database};
+use polkadot_primitives::{BlockNumber, CandidateHash, CandidateIndex, Hash};
+use crate::{
+	backend::{Backend, BackendWriteOp, V1ReadBackend, V2ReadBackend},
+	persisted_entries,
+use super::{
+	v2::{load_block_entry_v1, load_candidate_entry_v1},
+	v3::{load_block_entry_v2, load_candidate_entry_v2, BlockEntry, CandidateEntry},
+pub mod migration_helpers;
+const STORED_BLOCKS_KEY: &[u8] = b"Approvals_StoredBlocks";
+/// A range from earliest..last block number stored within the DB.
+#[derive(Encode, Decode, Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
+pub struct StoredBlockRange(pub BlockNumber, pub BlockNumber);
+/// The database config.
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
+pub struct Config {
+	/// The column family in the database where data is stored.
+	pub col_approval_data: u32,
+/// `DbBackend` is a concrete implementation of the higher-level Backend trait
+pub struct DbBackend {
+	inner: Arc<dyn Database>,
+	config: Config,
+impl DbBackend {
+	/// Create a new [`DbBackend`] with the supplied key-value store and
+	/// config.
+	pub fn new(db: Arc<dyn Database>, config: Config) -> Self {
+		DbBackend { inner: db, config }
+	}
+/// Errors while accessing things from the DB.
+#[derive(Debug, derive_more::From, derive_more::Display)]
+pub enum Error {
+	Io(std::io::Error),
+	InvalidDecoding(parity_scale_codec::Error),
+	InternalError(SubsystemError),
+impl std::error::Error for Error {}
+/// Result alias for DB errors.
+pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;
+impl Backend for DbBackend {
+	fn load_block_entry(
+		&self,
+		block_hash: &Hash,
+	) -> SubsystemResult<Option<persisted_entries::BlockEntry>> {
+		load_block_entry(&*self.inner, &self.config, block_hash).map(|e|
+	}
+	fn load_candidate_entry(
+		&self,
+		candidate_hash: &CandidateHash,
+	) -> SubsystemResult<Option<persisted_entries::CandidateEntry>> {
+		load_candidate_entry(&*self.inner, &self.config, candidate_hash).map(|e|
+	}
+	fn load_blocks_at_height(&self, block_height: &BlockNumber) -> SubsystemResult<Vec<Hash>> {
+		load_blocks_at_height(&*self.inner, &self.config, block_height)
+	}
+	fn load_all_blocks(&self) -> SubsystemResult<Vec<Hash>> {
+		load_all_blocks(&*self.inner, &self.config)
+	}
+	fn load_stored_blocks(&self) -> SubsystemResult<Option<StoredBlockRange>> {
+		load_stored_blocks(&*self.inner, &self.config)
+	}
+	/// Atomically write the list of operations, with later operations taking precedence over prior.
+	fn write<I>(&mut self, ops: I) -> SubsystemResult<()>
+	where
+		I: IntoIterator<Item = BackendWriteOp>,
+	{
+		let mut tx = DBTransaction::new();
+		for op in ops {
+			match op {
+				BackendWriteOp::WriteStoredBlockRange(stored_block_range) => {
+					tx.put_vec(
+						self.config.col_approval_data,
+						stored_block_range.encode(),
+					);
+				},
+				BackendWriteOp::DeleteStoredBlockRange => {
+					tx.delete(self.config.col_approval_data, &STORED_BLOCKS_KEY);
+				},
+				BackendWriteOp::WriteBlocksAtHeight(h, blocks) => {
+					tx.put_vec(
+						self.config.col_approval_data,
+						&blocks_at_height_key(h),
+						blocks.encode(),
+					);
+				},
+				BackendWriteOp::DeleteBlocksAtHeight(h) => {
+					tx.delete(self.config.col_approval_data, &blocks_at_height_key(h));
+				},
+				BackendWriteOp::WriteBlockEntry(block_entry) => {
+					let block_entry: BlockEntry = block_entry.into();
+					tx.put_vec(
+						self.config.col_approval_data,
+						&block_entry_key(&block_entry.block_hash),
+						block_entry.encode(),
+					);
+				},
+				BackendWriteOp::DeleteBlockEntry(hash) => {
+					tx.delete(self.config.col_approval_data, &block_entry_key(&hash));
+				},
+				BackendWriteOp::WriteCandidateEntry(candidate_entry) => {
+					let candidate_entry: CandidateEntry = candidate_entry.into();
+					tx.put_vec(
+						self.config.col_approval_data,
+						&candidate_entry_key(&candidate_entry.candidate.hash()),
+						candidate_entry.encode(),
+					);
+				},
+				BackendWriteOp::DeleteCandidateEntry(candidate_hash) => {
+					tx.delete(self.config.col_approval_data, &candidate_entry_key(&candidate_hash));
+				},
+			}
+		}
+		self.inner.write(tx).map_err(|e| e.into())
+	}
+impl V1ReadBackend for DbBackend {
+	fn load_candidate_entry_v1(
+		&self,
+		candidate_hash: &CandidateHash,
+		candidate_index: CandidateIndex,
+	) -> SubsystemResult<Option<persisted_entries::CandidateEntry>> {
+		load_candidate_entry_v1(&*self.inner, &self.config, candidate_hash)
+			.map(|e||e| persisted_entries::CandidateEntry::from_v1(e, candidate_index)))
+	}
+	fn load_block_entry_v1(
+		&self,
+		block_hash: &Hash,
+	) -> SubsystemResult<Option<persisted_entries::BlockEntry>> {
+		load_block_entry_v1(&*self.inner, &self.config, block_hash).map(|e|
+	}
+impl V2ReadBackend for DbBackend {
+	fn load_candidate_entry_v2(
+		&self,
+		candidate_hash: &CandidateHash,
+		candidate_index: CandidateIndex,
+	) -> SubsystemResult<Option<persisted_entries::CandidateEntry>> {
+		load_candidate_entry_v2(&*self.inner, &self.config, candidate_hash)
+			.map(|e||e| persisted_entries::CandidateEntry::from_v2(e, candidate_index)))
+	}
+	fn load_block_entry_v2(
+		&self,
+		block_hash: &Hash,
+	) -> SubsystemResult<Option<persisted_entries::BlockEntry>> {
+		load_block_entry_v2(&*self.inner, &self.config, block_hash).map(|e|
+	}
+pub(crate) fn load_decode<D: Decode>(
+	store: &dyn Database,
+	col_approval_data: u32,
+	key: &[u8],
+) -> Result<Option<D>> {
+	match store.get(col_approval_data, key)? {
+		None => Ok(None),
+		Some(raw) => D::decode(&mut &raw[..]).map(Some).map_err(Into::into),
+	}
+/// The key a given block entry is stored under.
+pub(crate) fn block_entry_key(block_hash: &Hash) -> [u8; 46] {
+	const BLOCK_ENTRY_PREFIX: [u8; 14] = *b"Approvals_blck";
+	let mut key = [0u8; 14 + 32];
+	key[0..14].copy_from_slice(&BLOCK_ENTRY_PREFIX);
+	key[14..][..32].copy_from_slice(block_hash.as_ref());
+	key
+/// The key a given candidate entry is stored under.
+pub(crate) fn candidate_entry_key(candidate_hash: &CandidateHash) -> [u8; 46] {
+	const CANDIDATE_ENTRY_PREFIX: [u8; 14] = *b"Approvals_cand";
+	let mut key = [0u8; 14 + 32];
+	key[0..14].copy_from_slice(&CANDIDATE_ENTRY_PREFIX);
+	key[14..][..32].copy_from_slice(candidate_hash.0.as_ref());
+	key
+/// The key a set of block hashes corresponding to a block number is stored under.
+pub(crate) fn blocks_at_height_key(block_number: BlockNumber) -> [u8; 16] {
+	const BLOCKS_AT_HEIGHT_PREFIX: [u8; 12] = *b"Approvals_at";
+	let mut key = [0u8; 12 + 4];
+	key[0..12].copy_from_slice(&BLOCKS_AT_HEIGHT_PREFIX);
+	block_number.using_encoded(|s| key[12..16].copy_from_slice(s));
+	key
+/// Return all blocks which have entries in the DB, ascending, by height.
+pub fn load_all_blocks(store: &dyn Database, config: &Config) -> SubsystemResult<Vec<Hash>> {
+	let mut hashes = Vec::new();
+	if let Some(stored_blocks) = load_stored_blocks(store, config)? {
+		for height in stored_blocks.0..stored_blocks.1 {
+			let blocks = load_blocks_at_height(store, config, &height)?;
+			hashes.extend(blocks);
+		}
+	}
+	Ok(hashes)
+/// Load the stored-blocks key from the state.
+pub fn load_stored_blocks(
+	store: &dyn Database,
+	config: &Config,
+) -> SubsystemResult<Option<StoredBlockRange>> {
+	load_decode(store, config.col_approval_data, STORED_BLOCKS_KEY)
+		.map_err(|e| SubsystemError::with_origin("approval-voting", e))
+/// Load a blocks-at-height entry for a given block number.
+pub fn load_blocks_at_height(
+	store: &dyn Database,
+	config: &Config,
+	block_number: &BlockNumber,
+) -> SubsystemResult<Vec<Hash>> {
+	load_decode(store, config.col_approval_data, &blocks_at_height_key(*block_number))
+		.map(|x| x.unwrap_or_default())
+		.map_err(|e| SubsystemError::with_origin("approval-voting", e))
+/// Load a block entry from the aux store.
+pub fn load_block_entry(
+	store: &dyn Database,
+	config: &Config,
+	block_hash: &Hash,
+) -> SubsystemResult<Option<BlockEntry>> {
+	load_decode(store, config.col_approval_data, &block_entry_key(block_hash))
+		.map(|u: Option<BlockEntry>||v| v.into()))
+		.map_err(|e| SubsystemError::with_origin("approval-voting", e))
+/// Load a candidate entry from the aux store in current version format.
+pub fn load_candidate_entry(
+	store: &dyn Database,
+	config: &Config,
+	candidate_hash: &CandidateHash,
+) -> SubsystemResult<Option<CandidateEntry>> {
+	load_decode(store, config.col_approval_data, &candidate_entry_key(candidate_hash))
+		.map(|u: Option<CandidateEntry>||v| v.into()))
+		.map_err(|e| SubsystemError::with_origin("approval-voting", e))
diff --git a/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/approval_db/ b/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/approval_db/
index 20fb6aa82d8..78942a507f4 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/approval_db/
+++ b/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/approval_db/
@@ -30,5 +30,7 @@
 //! In the future, we may use a temporary DB which doesn't need to be wiped, but for the
 //! time being we share the same DB with the rest of Substrate.
+pub mod common;
 pub mod v1;
 pub mod v2;
+pub mod v3;
diff --git a/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/approval_db/v1/ b/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/approval_db/v1/
index 07d8242b772..b979cb7ef45 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/approval_db/v1/
+++ b/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/approval_db/v1/
@@ -40,10 +40,6 @@ fn make_db() -> (DbBackend, Arc<dyn Database>) {
 	(DbBackend::new(db_writer.clone(), TEST_CONFIG), db_writer)
-fn make_bitvec(len: usize) -> BitVec<u8, BitOrderLsb0> {
-	bitvec::bitvec![u8, BitOrderLsb0; 0; len]
 fn make_block_entry(
 	block_hash: Hash,
 	parent_hash: Hash,
diff --git a/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/approval_db/v2/ b/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/approval_db/v2/
index efdba41b57a..df6e4754dbd 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/approval_db/v2/
+++ b/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/approval_db/v2/
@@ -16,29 +16,19 @@
 //! Approval DB migration helpers.
 use super::*;
-use crate::backend::Backend;
-use polkadot_node_primitives::approval::v1::{
-	AssignmentCert, AssignmentCertKind, VrfPreOutput, VrfProof, VrfSignature,
+use crate::{
+	approval_db::common::{
+		migration_helpers::{dummy_assignment_cert, make_bitvec},
+		Error, Result, StoredBlockRange,
+	},
+	backend::Backend,
+use polkadot_node_primitives::approval::v1::AssignmentCertKind;
 use polkadot_node_subsystem_util::database::Database;
 use sp_application_crypto::sp_core::H256;
 use std::{collections::HashSet, sync::Arc};
-fn dummy_assignment_cert(kind: AssignmentCertKind) -> AssignmentCert {
-	let ctx = schnorrkel::signing_context(RELAY_VRF_MODULO_CONTEXT);
-	let msg = b"test-garbage";
-	let mut prng = rand_core::OsRng;
-	let keypair = schnorrkel::Keypair::generate_with(&mut prng);
-	let (inout, proof, _) = keypair.vrf_sign(ctx.bytes(msg));
-	let preout = inout.to_output();
-	AssignmentCert {
-		kind,
-		vrf: VrfSignature { pre_output: VrfPreOutput(preout), proof: VrfProof(proof) },
-	}
 fn make_block_entry_v1(
 	block_hash: Hash,
 	parent_hash: Hash,
@@ -58,14 +48,10 @@ fn make_block_entry_v1(
-fn make_bitvec(len: usize) -> BitVec<u8, BitOrderLsb0> {
-	bitvec::bitvec![u8, BitOrderLsb0; 0; len]
 /// Migrates `OurAssignment`, `CandidateEntry` and `ApprovalEntry` to version 2.
 /// Returns on any error.
 /// Must only be used in parachains DB migration code - `polkadot-service` crate.
-pub fn v1_to_v2(db: Arc<dyn Database>, config: Config) -> Result<()> {
+pub fn v1_to_latest(db: Arc<dyn Database>, config: Config) -> Result<()> {
 	let mut backend = crate::DbBackend::new(db, config);
 	let all_blocks = backend
@@ -89,11 +75,13 @@ pub fn v1_to_v2(db: Arc<dyn Database>, config: Config) -> Result<()> {
 	let mut counter = 0;
 	// Get all candidate entries, approval entries and convert each of them.
 	for block in all_blocks {
-		for (_core_index, candidate_hash) in block.candidates() {
+		for (candidate_index, (_core_index, candidate_hash)) in
+			block.candidates().iter().enumerate()
+		{
 			// Loading the candidate will also perform the conversion to the updated format and
 			// return that represantation.
 			if let Some(candidate_entry) = backend
-				.load_candidate_entry_v1(&candidate_hash)
+				.load_candidate_entry_v1(&candidate_hash, candidate_index as CandidateIndex)
 				.map_err(|e| Error::InternalError(e))?
 				// Write the updated representation.
@@ -113,42 +101,8 @@ pub fn v1_to_v2(db: Arc<dyn Database>, config: Config) -> Result<()> {
-// Checks if the migration doesn't leave the DB in an unsane state.
-// This function is to be used in tests.
-pub fn v1_to_v2_sanity_check(
-	db: Arc<dyn Database>,
-	config: Config,
-	expected_candidates: HashSet<CandidateHash>,
-) -> Result<()> {
-	let backend = crate::DbBackend::new(db, config);
-	let all_blocks = backend
-		.load_all_blocks()
-		.unwrap()
-		.iter()
-		.map(|block_hash| backend.load_block_entry(block_hash).unwrap().unwrap())
-		.collect::<Vec<_>>();
-	let mut candidates = HashSet::new();
-	// Iterate all blocks and approval entries.
-	for block in all_blocks {
-		for (_core_index, candidate_hash) in block.candidates() {
-			// Loading the candidate will also perform the conversion to the updated format and
-			// return that represantation.
-			if let Some(candidate_entry) = backend.load_candidate_entry(&candidate_hash).unwrap() {
-				candidates.insert(candidate_entry.candidate.hash());
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	assert_eq!(candidates, expected_candidates);
-	Ok(())
 // Fills the db with dummy data in v1 scheme.
-pub fn v1_to_v2_fill_test_data<F>(
+pub fn v1_fill_test_data<F>(
 	db: Arc<dyn Database>,
 	config: Config,
 	dummy_candidate_create: F,
diff --git a/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/approval_db/v2/ b/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/approval_db/v2/
index 66df6ee8f65..da42fc5be48 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/approval_db/v2/
+++ b/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/approval_db/v2/
@@ -21,145 +21,23 @@ use polkadot_node_primitives::approval::{v1::DelayTranche, v2::AssignmentCertV2}
 use polkadot_node_subsystem::{SubsystemError, SubsystemResult};
 use polkadot_node_subsystem_util::database::{DBTransaction, Database};
 use polkadot_primitives::{
-	BlockNumber, CandidateHash, CandidateReceipt, CoreIndex, GroupIndex, Hash, SessionIndex,
-	ValidatorIndex, ValidatorSignature,
+	BlockNumber, CandidateHash, CandidateIndex, CandidateReceipt, CoreIndex, GroupIndex, Hash,
+	SessionIndex, ValidatorIndex, ValidatorSignature,
 use sp_consensus_slots::Slot;
 use bitvec::{order::Lsb0 as BitOrderLsb0, vec::BitVec};
-use std::{collections::BTreeMap, sync::Arc};
+use std::collections::BTreeMap;
-use crate::{
-	backend::{Backend, BackendWriteOp, V1ReadBackend},
-	persisted_entries,
+use crate::backend::V1ReadBackend;
-const STORED_BLOCKS_KEY: &[u8] = b"Approvals_StoredBlocks";
+use super::common::{block_entry_key, candidate_entry_key, load_decode, Config};
 pub mod migration_helpers;
 pub mod tests;
-/// `DbBackend` is a concrete implementation of the higher-level Backend trait
-pub struct DbBackend {
-	inner: Arc<dyn Database>,
-	config: Config,
-impl DbBackend {
-	/// Create a new [`DbBackend`] with the supplied key-value store and
-	/// config.
-	pub fn new(db: Arc<dyn Database>, config: Config) -> Self {
-		DbBackend { inner: db, config }
-	}
-impl V1ReadBackend for DbBackend {
-	fn load_candidate_entry_v1(
-		&self,
-		candidate_hash: &CandidateHash,
-	) -> SubsystemResult<Option<persisted_entries::CandidateEntry>> {
-		load_candidate_entry_v1(&*self.inner, &self.config, candidate_hash)
-			.map(|e|
-	}
-	fn load_block_entry_v1(
-		&self,
-		block_hash: &Hash,
-	) -> SubsystemResult<Option<persisted_entries::BlockEntry>> {
-		load_block_entry_v1(&*self.inner, &self.config, block_hash).map(|e|
-	}
-impl Backend for DbBackend {
-	fn load_block_entry(
-		&self,
-		block_hash: &Hash,
-	) -> SubsystemResult<Option<persisted_entries::BlockEntry>> {
-		load_block_entry(&*self.inner, &self.config, block_hash).map(|e|
-	}
-	fn load_candidate_entry(
-		&self,
-		candidate_hash: &CandidateHash,
-	) -> SubsystemResult<Option<persisted_entries::CandidateEntry>> {
-		load_candidate_entry(&*self.inner, &self.config, candidate_hash).map(|e|
-	}
-	fn load_blocks_at_height(&self, block_height: &BlockNumber) -> SubsystemResult<Vec<Hash>> {
-		load_blocks_at_height(&*self.inner, &self.config, block_height)
-	}
-	fn load_all_blocks(&self) -> SubsystemResult<Vec<Hash>> {
-		load_all_blocks(&*self.inner, &self.config)
-	}
-	fn load_stored_blocks(&self) -> SubsystemResult<Option<StoredBlockRange>> {
-		load_stored_blocks(&*self.inner, &self.config)
-	}
-	/// Atomically write the list of operations, with later operations taking precedence over prior.
-	fn write<I>(&mut self, ops: I) -> SubsystemResult<()>
-	where
-		I: IntoIterator<Item = BackendWriteOp>,
-	{
-		let mut tx = DBTransaction::new();
-		for op in ops {
-			match op {
-				BackendWriteOp::WriteStoredBlockRange(stored_block_range) => {
-					tx.put_vec(
-						self.config.col_approval_data,
-						stored_block_range.encode(),
-					);
-				},
-				BackendWriteOp::DeleteStoredBlockRange => {
-					tx.delete(self.config.col_approval_data, &STORED_BLOCKS_KEY);
-				},
-				BackendWriteOp::WriteBlocksAtHeight(h, blocks) => {
-					tx.put_vec(
-						self.config.col_approval_data,
-						&blocks_at_height_key(h),
-						blocks.encode(),
-					);
-				},
-				BackendWriteOp::DeleteBlocksAtHeight(h) => {
-					tx.delete(self.config.col_approval_data, &blocks_at_height_key(h));
-				},
-				BackendWriteOp::WriteBlockEntry(block_entry) => {
-					let block_entry: BlockEntry = block_entry.into();
-					tx.put_vec(
-						self.config.col_approval_data,
-						&block_entry_key(&block_entry.block_hash),
-						block_entry.encode(),
-					);
-				},
-				BackendWriteOp::DeleteBlockEntry(hash) => {
-					tx.delete(self.config.col_approval_data, &block_entry_key(&hash));
-				},
-				BackendWriteOp::WriteCandidateEntry(candidate_entry) => {
-					let candidate_entry: CandidateEntry = candidate_entry.into();
-					tx.put_vec(
-						self.config.col_approval_data,
-						&candidate_entry_key(&candidate_entry.candidate.hash()),
-						candidate_entry.encode(),
-					);
-				},
-				BackendWriteOp::DeleteCandidateEntry(candidate_hash) => {
-					tx.delete(self.config.col_approval_data, &candidate_entry_key(&candidate_hash));
-				},
-			}
-		}
-		self.inner.write(tx).map_err(|e| e.into())
-	}
-/// A range from earliest..last block number stored within the DB.
-#[derive(Encode, Decode, Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
-pub struct StoredBlockRange(pub BlockNumber, pub BlockNumber);
 // slot_duration * 2 + DelayTranche gives the number of delay tranches since the
 // unix epoch.
 #[derive(Encode, Decode, Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
@@ -168,13 +46,6 @@ pub struct Tick(u64);
 /// Convenience type definition
 pub type Bitfield = BitVec<u8, BitOrderLsb0>;
-/// The database config.
-#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
-pub struct Config {
-	/// The column family in the database where data is stored.
-	pub col_approval_data: u32,
 /// Details pertaining to our assignment on a block.
 #[derive(Encode, Decode, Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
 pub struct OurAssignment {
@@ -259,118 +130,6 @@ impl From<Tick> for crate::Tick {
-/// Errors while accessing things from the DB.
-#[derive(Debug, derive_more::From, derive_more::Display)]
-pub enum Error {
-	Io(std::io::Error),
-	InvalidDecoding(parity_scale_codec::Error),
-	InternalError(SubsystemError),
-impl std::error::Error for Error {}
-/// Result alias for DB errors.
-pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;
-pub(crate) fn load_decode<D: Decode>(
-	store: &dyn Database,
-	col_approval_data: u32,
-	key: &[u8],
-) -> Result<Option<D>> {
-	match store.get(col_approval_data, key)? {
-		None => Ok(None),
-		Some(raw) => D::decode(&mut &raw[..]).map(Some).map_err(Into::into),
-	}
-/// The key a given block entry is stored under.
-pub(crate) fn block_entry_key(block_hash: &Hash) -> [u8; 46] {
-	const BLOCK_ENTRY_PREFIX: [u8; 14] = *b"Approvals_blck";
-	let mut key = [0u8; 14 + 32];
-	key[0..14].copy_from_slice(&BLOCK_ENTRY_PREFIX);
-	key[14..][..32].copy_from_slice(block_hash.as_ref());
-	key
-/// The key a given candidate entry is stored under.
-pub(crate) fn candidate_entry_key(candidate_hash: &CandidateHash) -> [u8; 46] {
-	const CANDIDATE_ENTRY_PREFIX: [u8; 14] = *b"Approvals_cand";
-	let mut key = [0u8; 14 + 32];
-	key[0..14].copy_from_slice(&CANDIDATE_ENTRY_PREFIX);
-	key[14..][..32].copy_from_slice(candidate_hash.0.as_ref());
-	key
-/// The key a set of block hashes corresponding to a block number is stored under.
-pub(crate) fn blocks_at_height_key(block_number: BlockNumber) -> [u8; 16] {
-	const BLOCKS_AT_HEIGHT_PREFIX: [u8; 12] = *b"Approvals_at";
-	let mut key = [0u8; 12 + 4];
-	key[0..12].copy_from_slice(&BLOCKS_AT_HEIGHT_PREFIX);
-	block_number.using_encoded(|s| key[12..16].copy_from_slice(s));
-	key
-/// Return all blocks which have entries in the DB, ascending, by height.
-pub fn load_all_blocks(store: &dyn Database, config: &Config) -> SubsystemResult<Vec<Hash>> {
-	let mut hashes = Vec::new();
-	if let Some(stored_blocks) = load_stored_blocks(store, config)? {
-		for height in stored_blocks.0..stored_blocks.1 {
-			let blocks = load_blocks_at_height(store, config, &height)?;
-			hashes.extend(blocks);
-		}
-	}
-	Ok(hashes)
-/// Load the stored-blocks key from the state.
-pub fn load_stored_blocks(
-	store: &dyn Database,
-	config: &Config,
-) -> SubsystemResult<Option<StoredBlockRange>> {
-	load_decode(store, config.col_approval_data, STORED_BLOCKS_KEY)
-		.map_err(|e| SubsystemError::with_origin("approval-voting", e))
-/// Load a blocks-at-height entry for a given block number.
-pub fn load_blocks_at_height(
-	store: &dyn Database,
-	config: &Config,
-	block_number: &BlockNumber,
-) -> SubsystemResult<Vec<Hash>> {
-	load_decode(store, config.col_approval_data, &blocks_at_height_key(*block_number))
-		.map(|x| x.unwrap_or_default())
-		.map_err(|e| SubsystemError::with_origin("approval-voting", e))
-/// Load a block entry from the aux store.
-pub fn load_block_entry(
-	store: &dyn Database,
-	config: &Config,
-	block_hash: &Hash,
-) -> SubsystemResult<Option<BlockEntry>> {
-	load_decode(store, config.col_approval_data, &block_entry_key(block_hash))
-		.map(|u: Option<BlockEntry>||v| v.into()))
-		.map_err(|e| SubsystemError::with_origin("approval-voting", e))
-/// Load a candidate entry from the aux store in current version format.
-pub fn load_candidate_entry(
-	store: &dyn Database,
-	config: &Config,
-	candidate_hash: &CandidateHash,
-) -> SubsystemResult<Option<CandidateEntry>> {
-	load_decode(store, config.col_approval_data, &candidate_entry_key(candidate_hash))
-		.map(|u: Option<CandidateEntry>||v| v.into()))
-		.map_err(|e| SubsystemError::with_origin("approval-voting", e))
 /// Load a candidate entry from the aux store in v1 format.
 pub fn load_candidate_entry_v1(
 	store: &dyn Database,
diff --git a/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/approval_db/v2/ b/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/approval_db/v2/
index 50a5a924ca8..6021b44c276 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/approval_db/v2/
+++ b/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/approval_db/v2/
@@ -16,13 +16,22 @@
 //! Tests for the aux-schema of approval voting.
-use super::{DbBackend, StoredBlockRange, *};
 use crate::{
+	approval_db::{
+		common::{migration_helpers::make_bitvec, DbBackend, StoredBlockRange, *},
+		v2::*,
+		v3::{load_block_entry_v2, load_candidate_entry_v2},
+	},
 	backend::{Backend, OverlayedBackend},
 	ops::{add_block_entry, canonicalize, force_approve, NewCandidateInfo},
+use polkadot_primitives::{
+	BlockNumber, CandidateHash, CandidateReceipt, CoreIndex, GroupIndex, Hash,
 use polkadot_node_subsystem_util::database::Database;
 use polkadot_primitives::Id as ParaId;
+use sp_consensus_slots::Slot;
 use std::{collections::HashMap, sync::Arc};
 use ::test_helpers::{dummy_candidate_receipt, dummy_candidate_receipt_bad_sig, dummy_hash};
@@ -60,10 +69,6 @@ fn make_block_entry(
-fn make_bitvec(len: usize) -> BitVec<u8, BitOrderLsb0> {
-	bitvec::bitvec![u8, BitOrderLsb0; 0; len]
 fn make_candidate(para_id: ParaId, relay_parent: Hash) -> CandidateReceipt {
 	let mut c = dummy_candidate_receipt(dummy_hash());
@@ -110,7 +115,10 @@ fn read_write() {
 	overlay_db.write_blocks_at_height(1, at_height.clone());
-	overlay_db.write_candidate_entry(candidate_entry.clone().into());
+	overlay_db.write_candidate_entry(crate::persisted_entries::CandidateEntry::from_v2(
+		candidate_entry.clone(),
+		0,
+	));
 	let write_ops = overlay_db.into_write_ops();
@@ -118,11 +126,11 @@ fn read_write() {
 	assert_eq!(load_stored_blocks(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG).unwrap(), Some(range));
 	assert_eq!(load_blocks_at_height(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &1).unwrap(), at_height);
-		load_block_entry(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &hash_a).unwrap(),
+		load_block_entry_v2(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &hash_a).unwrap(),
-		load_candidate_entry(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &candidate_hash).unwrap(),
+		load_candidate_entry_v2(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &candidate_hash).unwrap(),
@@ -134,8 +142,8 @@ fn read_write() {
 	assert!(load_blocks_at_height(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &1).unwrap().is_empty());
-	assert!(load_block_entry(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &hash_a).unwrap().is_none());
-	assert!(load_candidate_entry(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &candidate_hash)
+	assert!(load_block_entry_v2(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &hash_a).unwrap().is_none());
+	assert!(load_candidate_entry_v2(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &candidate_hash)
@@ -196,25 +204,27 @@ fn add_block_entry_works() {
-		load_block_entry(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &block_hash_a).unwrap(),
+		load_block_entry_v2(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &block_hash_a).unwrap(),
-		load_block_entry(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &block_hash_b).unwrap(),
+		load_block_entry_v2(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &block_hash_b).unwrap(),
-	let candidate_entry_a = load_candidate_entry(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &candidate_hash_a)
-		.unwrap()
-		.unwrap();
+	let candidate_entry_a =
+		load_candidate_entry_v2(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &candidate_hash_a)
+			.unwrap()
+			.unwrap();
 		vec![&block_hash_a, &block_hash_b]
-	let candidate_entry_b = load_candidate_entry(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &candidate_hash_b)
-		.unwrap()
-		.unwrap();
+	let candidate_entry_b =
+		load_candidate_entry_v2(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &candidate_hash_b)
+			.unwrap()
+			.unwrap();
 	assert_eq!(candidate_entry_b.block_assignments.keys().collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![&block_hash_b]);
@@ -243,11 +253,11 @@ fn add_block_entry_adds_child() {
-		load_block_entry(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &block_hash_a).unwrap(),
+		load_block_entry_v2(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &block_hash_a).unwrap(),
-		load_block_entry(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &block_hash_b).unwrap(),
+		load_block_entry_v2(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &block_hash_b).unwrap(),
@@ -365,13 +375,15 @@ fn canonicalize_works() {
 		for (c_hash, in_blocks) in expected {
 			let (entry, in_blocks) = match in_blocks {
 				None => {
-					assert!(load_candidate_entry(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &c_hash)
+					assert!(load_candidate_entry_v2(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &c_hash)
 				Some(i) => (
-					load_candidate_entry(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &c_hash).unwrap().unwrap(),
+					load_candidate_entry_v2(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &c_hash)
+						.unwrap()
+						.unwrap(),
@@ -388,13 +400,13 @@ fn canonicalize_works() {
 		for (hash, with_candidates) in expected {
 			let (entry, with_candidates) = match with_candidates {
 				None => {
-					assert!(load_block_entry(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &hash)
+					assert!(load_block_entry_v2(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &hash)
 				Some(i) =>
-					(load_block_entry(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &hash).unwrap().unwrap(), i),
+					(load_block_entry_v2(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &hash).unwrap().unwrap(), i),
 			assert_eq!(entry.candidates.len(), with_candidates.len());
@@ -510,22 +522,22 @@ fn force_approve_works() {
 	let write_ops = overlay_db.into_write_ops();
-	assert!(load_block_entry(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &block_hash_a,)
+	assert!(load_block_entry_v2(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &block_hash_a,)
-	assert!(load_block_entry(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &block_hash_b,)
+	assert!(load_block_entry_v2(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &block_hash_b,)
-	assert!(load_block_entry(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &block_hash_c,)
+	assert!(load_block_entry_v2(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &block_hash_c,)
-	assert!(load_block_entry(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &block_hash_d,)
+	assert!(load_block_entry_v2(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &block_hash_d,)
diff --git a/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/approval_db/v3/ b/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/approval_db/v3/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ad5e89ef3de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/approval_db/v3/
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
+// This file is part of Polkadot.
+// Polkadot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// Polkadot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with Polkadot.  If not, see <>.
+//! Approval DB migration helpers.
+use super::*;
+use crate::{
+	approval_db::common::{
+		block_entry_key, candidate_entry_key,
+		migration_helpers::{dummy_assignment_cert, make_bitvec},
+		Config, Error, Result, StoredBlockRange,
+	},
+	backend::{Backend, V2ReadBackend},
+use polkadot_node_primitives::approval::v1::AssignmentCertKind;
+use polkadot_node_subsystem_util::database::Database;
+use sp_application_crypto::sp_core::H256;
+use std::{collections::HashSet, sync::Arc};
+/// Migrates `BlockEntry`, `CandidateEntry`, `ApprovalEntry` and `OurApproval` to version 3.
+/// Returns on any error.
+/// Must only be used in parachains DB migration code - `polkadot-service` crate.
+pub fn v2_to_latest(db: Arc<dyn Database>, config: Config) -> Result<()> {
+	let mut backend = crate::DbBackend::new(db, config);
+	let all_blocks = backend
+		.load_all_blocks()
+		.map_err(|e| Error::InternalError(e))?
+		.iter()
+		.filter_map(|block_hash| {
+			backend
+				.load_block_entry_v2(block_hash)
+				.map_err(|e| Error::InternalError(e))
+				.ok()?
+		})
+		.collect::<Vec<_>>();
+	gum::info!(
+		target: crate::LOG_TARGET,
+		"Migrating candidate entries on top of {} blocks",
+		all_blocks.len()
+	);
+	let mut overlay = crate::OverlayedBackend::new(&backend);
+	let mut counter = 0;
+	// Get all candidate entries, approval entries and convert each of them.
+	for block in all_blocks {
+		for (candidate_index, (_core_index, candidate_hash)) in
+			block.candidates().iter().enumerate()
+		{
+			// Loading the candidate will also perform the conversion to the updated format and
+			// return that represantation.
+			if let Some(candidate_entry) = backend
+				.load_candidate_entry_v2(&candidate_hash, candidate_index as CandidateIndex)
+				.map_err(|e| Error::InternalError(e))?
+			{
+				// Write the updated representation.
+				overlay.write_candidate_entry(candidate_entry);
+				counter += 1;
+			}
+		}
+		overlay.write_block_entry(block);
+	}
+	gum::info!(target: crate::LOG_TARGET, "Migrated {} entries", counter);
+	// Commit all changes to DB.
+	let write_ops = overlay.into_write_ops();
+	backend.write(write_ops).unwrap();
+	Ok(())
+// Checks if the migration doesn't leave the DB in an unsane state.
+// This function is to be used in tests.
+pub fn v1_to_latest_sanity_check(
+	db: Arc<dyn Database>,
+	config: Config,
+	expected_candidates: HashSet<CandidateHash>,
+) -> Result<()> {
+	let backend = crate::DbBackend::new(db, config);
+	let all_blocks = backend
+		.load_all_blocks()
+		.unwrap()
+		.iter()
+		.map(|block_hash| backend.load_block_entry(block_hash).unwrap().unwrap())
+		.collect::<Vec<_>>();
+	let mut candidates = HashSet::new();
+	// Iterate all blocks and approval entries.
+	for block in all_blocks {
+		for (_core_index, candidate_hash) in block.candidates() {
+			// Loading the candidate will also perform the conversion to the updated format and
+			// return that represantation.
+			if let Some(candidate_entry) = backend.load_candidate_entry(&candidate_hash).unwrap() {
+				candidates.insert(candidate_entry.candidate.hash());
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	assert_eq!(candidates, expected_candidates);
+	Ok(())
+// Fills the db with dummy data in v2 scheme.
+pub fn v2_fill_test_data<F>(
+	db: Arc<dyn Database>,
+	config: Config,
+	dummy_candidate_create: F,
+) -> Result<HashSet<CandidateHash>>
+	F: Fn(H256) -> CandidateReceipt<H256>,
+	let mut backend = crate::DbBackend::new(db.clone(), config);
+	let mut overlay_db = crate::OverlayedBackend::new(&backend);
+	let mut expected_candidates = HashSet::new();
+	const RELAY_BLOCK_COUNT: u32 = 10;
+	let range = StoredBlockRange(1, 11);
+	overlay_db.write_stored_block_range(range.clone());
+	for relay_number in 1..=RELAY_BLOCK_COUNT {
+		let relay_hash = Hash::repeat_byte(relay_number as u8);
+		let assignment_core_index = CoreIndex(relay_number);
+		let candidate = dummy_candidate_create(relay_hash);
+		let candidate_hash = candidate.hash();
+		let at_height = vec![relay_hash];
+		let block_entry = make_block_entry_v2(
+			relay_hash,
+			Default::default(),
+			relay_number,
+			vec![(assignment_core_index, candidate_hash)],
+		);
+		let dummy_assignment = crate::approval_db::v2::OurAssignment {
+			cert: dummy_assignment_cert(AssignmentCertKind::RelayVRFModulo { sample: 0 }).into(),
+			tranche: 0,
+			validator_index: ValidatorIndex(0),
+			triggered: false,
+		};
+		let candidate_entry = crate::approval_db::v2::CandidateEntry {
+			candidate,
+			session: 123,
+			block_assignments: vec![(
+				relay_hash,
+				crate::approval_db::v2::ApprovalEntry {
+					tranches: Vec::new(),
+					backing_group: GroupIndex(1),
+					our_assignment: Some(dummy_assignment),
+					our_approval_sig: None,
+					approved: false,
+					assigned_validators: make_bitvec(1),
+				},
+			)]
+			.into_iter()
+			.collect(),
+			approvals: Default::default(),
+		};
+		overlay_db.write_blocks_at_height(relay_number, at_height.clone());
+		expected_candidates.insert(candidate_entry.candidate.hash());
+		db.write(write_candidate_entry_v2(candidate_entry, config)).unwrap();
+		db.write(write_block_entry_v2(block_entry, config)).unwrap();
+	}
+	let write_ops = overlay_db.into_write_ops();
+	backend.write(write_ops).unwrap();
+	Ok(expected_candidates)
+fn make_block_entry_v2(
+	block_hash: Hash,
+	parent_hash: Hash,
+	block_number: BlockNumber,
+	candidates: Vec<(CoreIndex, CandidateHash)>,
+) -> crate::approval_db::v2::BlockEntry {
+	crate::approval_db::v2::BlockEntry {
+		block_hash,
+		parent_hash,
+		block_number,
+		session: 1,
+		slot: Slot::from(1),
+		relay_vrf_story: [0u8; 32],
+		approved_bitfield: make_bitvec(candidates.len()),
+		distributed_assignments: make_bitvec(candidates.len()),
+		candidates,
+		children: Vec::new(),
+	}
+// Low level DB helper to write a candidate entry in v1 scheme.
+fn write_candidate_entry_v2(
+	candidate_entry: crate::approval_db::v2::CandidateEntry,
+	config: Config,
+) -> DBTransaction {
+	let mut tx = DBTransaction::new();
+	tx.put_vec(
+		config.col_approval_data,
+		&candidate_entry_key(&candidate_entry.candidate.hash()),
+		candidate_entry.encode(),
+	);
+	tx
+// Low level DB helper to write a block entry in v1 scheme.
+fn write_block_entry_v2(
+	block_entry: crate::approval_db::v2::BlockEntry,
+	config: Config,
+) -> DBTransaction {
+	let mut tx = DBTransaction::new();
+	tx.put_vec(
+		config.col_approval_data,
+		&block_entry_key(&block_entry.block_hash),
+		block_entry.encode(),
+	);
+	tx
diff --git a/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/approval_db/v3/ b/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/approval_db/v3/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3e4f4302195
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/approval_db/v3/
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
+// This file is part of Polkadot.
+// Polkadot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// Polkadot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with Polkadot.  If not, see <>.
+//! Version 3 of the DB schema.
+//! Version 3 modifies the `our_approval` format of `ApprovalEntry`
+//! and adds a new field `pending_signatures` for `BlockEntry`
+use parity_scale_codec::{Decode, Encode};
+use polkadot_node_primitives::approval::v2::CandidateBitfield;
+use polkadot_node_subsystem::SubsystemResult;
+use polkadot_node_subsystem_util::database::{DBTransaction, Database};
+use polkadot_overseer::SubsystemError;
+use polkadot_primitives::{
+	BlockNumber, CandidateHash, CandidateIndex, CandidateReceipt, CoreIndex, GroupIndex, Hash,
+	SessionIndex, ValidatorIndex, ValidatorSignature,
+use sp_consensus_slots::Slot;
+use std::collections::BTreeMap;
+use super::common::{block_entry_key, candidate_entry_key, load_decode, Config};
+/// Re-export this structs as v3 since they did not change between v2 and v3.
+pub use super::v2::{Bitfield, OurAssignment, Tick, TrancheEntry};
+pub mod migration_helpers;
+pub mod tests;
+/// Metadata about our approval signature
+#[derive(Encode, Decode, Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
+pub struct OurApproval {
+	/// The signature for the candidates hashes pointed by indices.
+	pub signature: ValidatorSignature,
+	/// The indices of the candidates signed in this approval.
+	pub signed_candidates_indices: CandidateBitfield,
+/// Metadata regarding approval of a particular candidate within the context of some
+/// particular block.
+#[derive(Encode, Decode, Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
+pub struct ApprovalEntry {
+	pub tranches: Vec<TrancheEntry>,
+	pub backing_group: GroupIndex,
+	pub our_assignment: Option<OurAssignment>,
+	pub our_approval_sig: Option<OurApproval>,
+	// `n_validators` bits.
+	pub assigned_validators: Bitfield,
+	pub approved: bool,
+/// Metadata regarding approval of a particular candidate.
+#[derive(Encode, Decode, Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
+pub struct CandidateEntry {
+	pub candidate: CandidateReceipt,
+	pub session: SessionIndex,
+	// Assignments are based on blocks, so we need to track assignments separately
+	// based on the block we are looking at.
+	pub block_assignments: BTreeMap<Hash, ApprovalEntry>,
+	pub approvals: Bitfield,
+/// Metadata regarding approval of a particular block, by way of approval of the
+/// candidates contained within it.
+#[derive(Encode, Decode, Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
+pub struct BlockEntry {
+	pub block_hash: Hash,
+	pub block_number: BlockNumber,
+	pub parent_hash: Hash,
+	pub session: SessionIndex,
+	pub slot: Slot,
+	/// Random bytes derived from the VRF submitted within the block by the block
+	/// author as a credential and used as input to approval assignment criteria.
+	pub relay_vrf_story: [u8; 32],
+	// The candidates included as-of this block and the index of the core they are
+	// leaving. Sorted ascending by core index.
+	pub candidates: Vec<(CoreIndex, CandidateHash)>,
+	// A bitfield where the i'th bit corresponds to the i'th candidate in `candidates`.
+	// The i'th bit is `true` iff the candidate has been approved in the context of this
+	// block. The block can be considered approved if the bitfield has all bits set to `true`.
+	pub approved_bitfield: Bitfield,
+	pub children: Vec<Hash>,
+	// A list of candidates we have checked, but didn't not sign and
+	// advertise the vote yet.
+	pub candidates_pending_signature: BTreeMap<CandidateIndex, CandidateSigningContext>,
+	// Assignments we already distributed. A 1 bit means the candidate index for which
+	// we already have sent out an assignment. We need this to avoid distributing
+	// multiple core assignments more than once.
+	pub distributed_assignments: Bitfield,
+#[derive(Encode, Decode, Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
+/// Context needed for creating an approval signature for a given candidate.
+pub struct CandidateSigningContext {
+	/// The candidate hash, to be included in the signature.
+	pub candidate_hash: CandidateHash,
+	/// The latest tick we have to create and send the approval.
+	pub sign_no_later_than_tick: Tick,
+/// Load a candidate entry from the aux store in v2 format.
+pub fn load_candidate_entry_v2(
+	store: &dyn Database,
+	config: &Config,
+	candidate_hash: &CandidateHash,
+) -> SubsystemResult<Option<super::v2::CandidateEntry>> {
+	load_decode(store, config.col_approval_data, &candidate_entry_key(candidate_hash))
+		.map(|u: Option<super::v2::CandidateEntry>||v| v.into()))
+		.map_err(|e| SubsystemError::with_origin("approval-voting", e))
+/// Load a block entry from the aux store in v2 format.
+pub fn load_block_entry_v2(
+	store: &dyn Database,
+	config: &Config,
+	block_hash: &Hash,
+) -> SubsystemResult<Option<super::v2::BlockEntry>> {
+	load_decode(store, config.col_approval_data, &block_entry_key(block_hash))
+		.map(|u: Option<super::v2::BlockEntry>||v| v.into()))
+		.map_err(|e| SubsystemError::with_origin("approval-voting", e))
diff --git a/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/approval_db/v3/ b/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/approval_db/v3/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..08c65461bca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/approval_db/v3/
@@ -0,0 +1,575 @@
+// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
+// This file is part of Polkadot.
+// Polkadot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// Polkadot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with Polkadot.  If not, see <>.
+//! Tests for the aux-schema of approval voting.
+use crate::{
+	approval_db::{
+		common::{migration_helpers::make_bitvec, DbBackend, StoredBlockRange, *},
+		v3::*,
+	},
+	backend::{Backend, OverlayedBackend},
+	ops::{add_block_entry, canonicalize, force_approve, NewCandidateInfo},
+use polkadot_primitives::{
+	BlockNumber, CandidateHash, CandidateReceipt, CoreIndex, GroupIndex, Hash,
+use polkadot_node_subsystem_util::database::Database;
+use polkadot_primitives::Id as ParaId;
+use sp_consensus_slots::Slot;
+use std::{collections::HashMap, sync::Arc};
+use ::test_helpers::{dummy_candidate_receipt, dummy_candidate_receipt_bad_sig, dummy_hash};
+const DATA_COL: u32 = 0;
+const NUM_COLUMNS: u32 = 1;
+const TEST_CONFIG: Config = Config { col_approval_data: DATA_COL };
+fn make_db() -> (DbBackend, Arc<dyn Database>) {
+	let db = kvdb_memorydb::create(NUM_COLUMNS);
+	let db = polkadot_node_subsystem_util::database::kvdb_impl::DbAdapter::new(db, &[]);
+	let db_writer: Arc<dyn Database> = Arc::new(db);
+	(DbBackend::new(db_writer.clone(), TEST_CONFIG), db_writer)
+fn make_block_entry(
+	block_hash: Hash,
+	parent_hash: Hash,
+	block_number: BlockNumber,
+	candidates: Vec<(CoreIndex, CandidateHash)>,
+) -> BlockEntry {
+	BlockEntry {
+		block_hash,
+		parent_hash,
+		block_number,
+		session: 1,
+		slot: Slot::from(1),
+		relay_vrf_story: [0u8; 32],
+		approved_bitfield: make_bitvec(candidates.len()),
+		candidates,
+		children: Vec::new(),
+		candidates_pending_signature: Default::default(),
+		distributed_assignments: Default::default(),
+	}
+fn make_candidate(para_id: ParaId, relay_parent: Hash) -> CandidateReceipt {
+	let mut c = dummy_candidate_receipt(dummy_hash());
+	c.descriptor.para_id = para_id;
+	c.descriptor.relay_parent = relay_parent;
+	c
+fn read_write() {
+	let (mut db, store) = make_db();
+	let hash_a = Hash::repeat_byte(1);
+	let hash_b = Hash::repeat_byte(2);
+	let candidate_hash = dummy_candidate_receipt_bad_sig(dummy_hash(), None).hash();
+	let range = StoredBlockRange(10, 20);
+	let at_height = vec![hash_a, hash_b];
+	let block_entry =
+		make_block_entry(hash_a, Default::default(), 1, vec![(CoreIndex(0), candidate_hash)]);
+	let candidate_entry = CandidateEntry {
+		candidate: dummy_candidate_receipt_bad_sig(dummy_hash(), None),
+		session: 5,
+		block_assignments: vec![(
+			hash_a,
+			ApprovalEntry {
+				tranches: Vec::new(),
+				backing_group: GroupIndex(1),
+				our_assignment: None,
+				our_approval_sig: None,
+				assigned_validators: Default::default(),
+				approved: false,
+			},
+		)]
+		.into_iter()
+		.collect(),
+		approvals: Default::default(),
+	};
+	let mut overlay_db = OverlayedBackend::new(&db);
+	overlay_db.write_stored_block_range(range.clone());
+	overlay_db.write_blocks_at_height(1, at_height.clone());
+	overlay_db.write_block_entry(block_entry.clone().into());
+	overlay_db.write_candidate_entry(candidate_entry.clone().into());
+	let write_ops = overlay_db.into_write_ops();
+	db.write(write_ops).unwrap();
+	assert_eq!(load_stored_blocks(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG).unwrap(), Some(range));
+	assert_eq!(load_blocks_at_height(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &1).unwrap(), at_height);
+	assert_eq!(
+		load_block_entry(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &hash_a).unwrap(),
+		Some(block_entry.into())
+	);
+	assert_eq!(
+		load_candidate_entry(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &candidate_hash).unwrap(),
+		Some(candidate_entry.into()),
+	);
+	let mut overlay_db = OverlayedBackend::new(&db);
+	overlay_db.delete_blocks_at_height(1);
+	overlay_db.delete_block_entry(&hash_a);
+	overlay_db.delete_candidate_entry(&candidate_hash);
+	let write_ops = overlay_db.into_write_ops();
+	db.write(write_ops).unwrap();
+	assert!(load_blocks_at_height(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &1).unwrap().is_empty());
+	assert!(load_block_entry(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &hash_a).unwrap().is_none());
+	assert!(load_candidate_entry(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &candidate_hash)
+		.unwrap()
+		.is_none());
+fn add_block_entry_works() {
+	let (mut db, store) = make_db();
+	let parent_hash = Hash::repeat_byte(1);
+	let block_hash_a = Hash::repeat_byte(2);
+	let block_hash_b = Hash::repeat_byte(69);
+	let candidate_receipt_a = make_candidate(ParaId::from(1_u32), parent_hash);
+	let candidate_receipt_b = make_candidate(ParaId::from(2_u32), parent_hash);
+	let candidate_hash_a = candidate_receipt_a.hash();
+	let candidate_hash_b = candidate_receipt_b.hash();
+	let block_number = 10;
+	let block_entry_a = make_block_entry(
+		block_hash_a,
+		parent_hash,
+		block_number,
+		vec![(CoreIndex(0), candidate_hash_a)],
+	);
+	let block_entry_b = make_block_entry(
+		block_hash_b,
+		parent_hash,
+		block_number,
+		vec![(CoreIndex(0), candidate_hash_a), (CoreIndex(1), candidate_hash_b)],
+	);
+	let n_validators = 10;
+	let mut new_candidate_info = HashMap::new();
+	new_candidate_info
+		.insert(candidate_hash_a, NewCandidateInfo::new(candidate_receipt_a, GroupIndex(0), None));
+	let mut overlay_db = OverlayedBackend::new(&db);
+	add_block_entry(&mut overlay_db, block_entry_a.clone().into(), n_validators, |h| {
+		new_candidate_info.get(h).map(|x| x.clone())
+	})
+	.unwrap();
+	let write_ops = overlay_db.into_write_ops();
+	db.write(write_ops).unwrap();
+	new_candidate_info
+		.insert(candidate_hash_b, NewCandidateInfo::new(candidate_receipt_b, GroupIndex(1), None));
+	let mut overlay_db = OverlayedBackend::new(&db);
+	add_block_entry(&mut overlay_db, block_entry_b.clone().into(), n_validators, |h| {
+		new_candidate_info.get(h).map(|x| x.clone())
+	})
+	.unwrap();
+	let write_ops = overlay_db.into_write_ops();
+	db.write(write_ops).unwrap();
+	assert_eq!(
+		load_block_entry(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &block_hash_a).unwrap(),
+		Some(block_entry_a.into())
+	);
+	assert_eq!(
+		load_block_entry(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &block_hash_b).unwrap(),
+		Some(block_entry_b.into())
+	);
+	let candidate_entry_a = load_candidate_entry(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &candidate_hash_a)
+		.unwrap()
+		.unwrap();
+	assert_eq!(
+		candidate_entry_a.block_assignments.keys().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+		vec![&block_hash_a, &block_hash_b]
+	);
+	let candidate_entry_b = load_candidate_entry(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &candidate_hash_b)
+		.unwrap()
+		.unwrap();
+	assert_eq!(candidate_entry_b.block_assignments.keys().collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![&block_hash_b]);
+fn add_block_entry_adds_child() {
+	let (mut db, store) = make_db();
+	let parent_hash = Hash::repeat_byte(1);
+	let block_hash_a = Hash::repeat_byte(2);
+	let block_hash_b = Hash::repeat_byte(69);
+	let mut block_entry_a = make_block_entry(block_hash_a, parent_hash, 1, Vec::new());
+	let block_entry_b = make_block_entry(block_hash_b, block_hash_a, 2, Vec::new());
+	let n_validators = 10;
+	let mut overlay_db = OverlayedBackend::new(&db);
+	add_block_entry(&mut overlay_db, block_entry_a.clone().into(), n_validators, |_| None).unwrap();
+	add_block_entry(&mut overlay_db, block_entry_b.clone().into(), n_validators, |_| None).unwrap();
+	let write_ops = overlay_db.into_write_ops();
+	db.write(write_ops).unwrap();
+	block_entry_a.children.push(block_hash_b);
+	assert_eq!(
+		load_block_entry(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &block_hash_a).unwrap(),
+		Some(block_entry_a.into())
+	);
+	assert_eq!(
+		load_block_entry(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &block_hash_b).unwrap(),
+		Some(block_entry_b.into())
+	);
+fn canonicalize_works() {
+	let (mut db, store) = make_db();
+	//   -> B1 -> C1 -> D1
+	// A -> B2 -> C2 -> D2
+	//
+	// We'll canonicalize C1. Everytning except D1 should disappear.
+	//
+	// Candidates:
+	// Cand1 in B2
+	// Cand2 in C2
+	// Cand3 in C2 and D1
+	// Cand4 in D1
+	// Cand5 in D2
+	// Only Cand3 and Cand4 should remain after canonicalize.
+	let n_validators = 10;
+	let mut overlay_db = OverlayedBackend::new(&db);
+	overlay_db.write_stored_block_range(StoredBlockRange(1, 5));
+	let write_ops = overlay_db.into_write_ops();
+	db.write(write_ops).unwrap();
+	let genesis = Hash::repeat_byte(0);
+	let block_hash_a = Hash::repeat_byte(1);
+	let block_hash_b1 = Hash::repeat_byte(2);
+	let block_hash_b2 = Hash::repeat_byte(3);
+	let block_hash_c1 = Hash::repeat_byte(4);
+	let block_hash_c2 = Hash::repeat_byte(5);
+	let block_hash_d1 = Hash::repeat_byte(6);
+	let block_hash_d2 = Hash::repeat_byte(7);
+	let candidate_receipt_genesis = make_candidate(ParaId::from(1_u32), genesis);
+	let candidate_receipt_a = make_candidate(ParaId::from(2_u32), block_hash_a);
+	let candidate_receipt_b = make_candidate(ParaId::from(3_u32), block_hash_a);
+	let candidate_receipt_b1 = make_candidate(ParaId::from(4_u32), block_hash_b1);
+	let candidate_receipt_c1 = make_candidate(ParaId::from(5_u32), block_hash_c1);
+	let cand_hash_1 = candidate_receipt_genesis.hash();
+	let cand_hash_2 = candidate_receipt_a.hash();
+	let cand_hash_3 = candidate_receipt_b.hash();
+	let cand_hash_4 = candidate_receipt_b1.hash();
+	let cand_hash_5 = candidate_receipt_c1.hash();
+	let block_entry_a = make_block_entry(block_hash_a, genesis, 1, Vec::new());
+	let block_entry_b1 = make_block_entry(block_hash_b1, block_hash_a, 2, Vec::new());
+	let block_entry_b2 =
+		make_block_entry(block_hash_b2, block_hash_a, 2, vec![(CoreIndex(0), cand_hash_1)]);
+	let block_entry_c1 = make_block_entry(block_hash_c1, block_hash_b1, 3, Vec::new());
+	let block_entry_c2 = make_block_entry(
+		block_hash_c2,
+		block_hash_b2,
+		3,
+		vec![(CoreIndex(0), cand_hash_2), (CoreIndex(1), cand_hash_3)],
+	);
+	let block_entry_d1 = make_block_entry(
+		block_hash_d1,
+		block_hash_c1,
+		4,
+		vec![(CoreIndex(0), cand_hash_3), (CoreIndex(1), cand_hash_4)],
+	);
+	let block_entry_d2 =
+		make_block_entry(block_hash_d2, block_hash_c2, 4, vec![(CoreIndex(0), cand_hash_5)]);
+	let candidate_info = {
+		let mut candidate_info = HashMap::new();
+		candidate_info.insert(
+			cand_hash_1,
+			NewCandidateInfo::new(candidate_receipt_genesis, GroupIndex(1), None),
+		);
+		candidate_info
+			.insert(cand_hash_2, NewCandidateInfo::new(candidate_receipt_a, GroupIndex(2), None));
+		candidate_info
+			.insert(cand_hash_3, NewCandidateInfo::new(candidate_receipt_b, GroupIndex(3), None));
+		candidate_info
+			.insert(cand_hash_4, NewCandidateInfo::new(candidate_receipt_b1, GroupIndex(4), None));
+		candidate_info
+			.insert(cand_hash_5, NewCandidateInfo::new(candidate_receipt_c1, GroupIndex(5), None));
+		candidate_info
+	};
+	// now insert all the blocks.
+	let blocks = vec![
+		block_entry_a.clone(),
+		block_entry_b1.clone(),
+		block_entry_b2.clone(),
+		block_entry_c1.clone(),
+		block_entry_c2.clone(),
+		block_entry_d1.clone(),
+		block_entry_d2.clone(),
+	];
+	let mut overlay_db = OverlayedBackend::new(&db);
+	for block_entry in blocks {
+		add_block_entry(&mut overlay_db, block_entry.into(), n_validators, |h| {
+			candidate_info.get(h).map(|x| x.clone())
+		})
+		.unwrap();
+	}
+	let write_ops = overlay_db.into_write_ops();
+	db.write(write_ops).unwrap();
+	let check_candidates_in_store = |expected: Vec<(CandidateHash, Option<Vec<_>>)>| {
+		for (c_hash, in_blocks) in expected {
+			let (entry, in_blocks) = match in_blocks {
+				None => {
+					assert!(load_candidate_entry(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &c_hash)
+						.unwrap()
+						.is_none());
+					continue
+				},
+				Some(i) => (
+					load_candidate_entry(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &c_hash).unwrap().unwrap(),
+					i,
+				),
+			};
+			assert_eq!(entry.block_assignments.len(), in_blocks.len());
+			for x in in_blocks {
+				assert!(entry.block_assignments.contains_key(&x));
+			}
+		}
+	};
+	let check_blocks_in_store = |expected: Vec<(Hash, Option<Vec<_>>)>| {
+		for (hash, with_candidates) in expected {
+			let (entry, with_candidates) = match with_candidates {
+				None => {
+					assert!(load_block_entry(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &hash)
+						.unwrap()
+						.is_none());
+					continue
+				},
+				Some(i) =>
+					(load_block_entry(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &hash).unwrap().unwrap(), i),
+			};
+			assert_eq!(entry.candidates.len(), with_candidates.len());
+			for x in with_candidates {
+				assert!(entry.candidates.iter().any(|(_, c)| c == &x));
+			}
+		}
+	};
+	check_candidates_in_store(vec![
+		(cand_hash_1, Some(vec![block_hash_b2])),
+		(cand_hash_2, Some(vec![block_hash_c2])),
+		(cand_hash_3, Some(vec![block_hash_c2, block_hash_d1])),
+		(cand_hash_4, Some(vec![block_hash_d1])),
+		(cand_hash_5, Some(vec![block_hash_d2])),
+	]);
+	check_blocks_in_store(vec![
+		(block_hash_a, Some(vec![])),
+		(block_hash_b1, Some(vec![])),
+		(block_hash_b2, Some(vec![cand_hash_1])),
+		(block_hash_c1, Some(vec![])),
+		(block_hash_c2, Some(vec![cand_hash_2, cand_hash_3])),
+		(block_hash_d1, Some(vec![cand_hash_3, cand_hash_4])),
+		(block_hash_d2, Some(vec![cand_hash_5])),
+	]);
+	let mut overlay_db = OverlayedBackend::new(&db);
+	canonicalize(&mut overlay_db, 3, block_hash_c1).unwrap();
+	let write_ops = overlay_db.into_write_ops();
+	db.write(write_ops).unwrap();
+	assert_eq!(
+		load_stored_blocks(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG).unwrap().unwrap(),
+		StoredBlockRange(4, 5)
+	);
+	check_candidates_in_store(vec![
+		(cand_hash_1, None),
+		(cand_hash_2, None),
+		(cand_hash_3, Some(vec![block_hash_d1])),
+		(cand_hash_4, Some(vec![block_hash_d1])),
+		(cand_hash_5, None),
+	]);
+	check_blocks_in_store(vec![
+		(block_hash_a, None),
+		(block_hash_b1, None),
+		(block_hash_b2, None),
+		(block_hash_c1, None),
+		(block_hash_c2, None),
+		(block_hash_d1, Some(vec![cand_hash_3, cand_hash_4])),
+		(block_hash_d2, None),
+	]);
+fn force_approve_works() {
+	let (mut db, store) = make_db();
+	let n_validators = 10;
+	let mut overlay_db = OverlayedBackend::new(&db);
+	overlay_db.write_stored_block_range(StoredBlockRange(1, 4));
+	let write_ops = overlay_db.into_write_ops();
+	db.write(write_ops).unwrap();
+	let candidate_hash = CandidateHash(Hash::repeat_byte(42));
+	let single_candidate_vec = vec![(CoreIndex(0), candidate_hash)];
+	let candidate_info = {
+		let mut candidate_info = HashMap::new();
+		candidate_info.insert(
+			candidate_hash,
+			NewCandidateInfo::new(
+				make_candidate(ParaId::from(1_u32), Default::default()),
+				GroupIndex(1),
+				None,
+			),
+		);
+		candidate_info
+	};
+	let block_hash_a = Hash::repeat_byte(1); // 1
+	let block_hash_b = Hash::repeat_byte(2);
+	let block_hash_c = Hash::repeat_byte(3);
+	let block_hash_d = Hash::repeat_byte(4); // 4
+	let block_entry_a =
+		make_block_entry(block_hash_a, Default::default(), 1, single_candidate_vec.clone());
+	let block_entry_b =
+		make_block_entry(block_hash_b, block_hash_a, 2, single_candidate_vec.clone());
+	let block_entry_c =
+		make_block_entry(block_hash_c, block_hash_b, 3, single_candidate_vec.clone());
+	let block_entry_d =
+		make_block_entry(block_hash_d, block_hash_c, 4, single_candidate_vec.clone());
+	let blocks = vec![
+		block_entry_a.clone(),
+		block_entry_b.clone(),
+		block_entry_c.clone(),
+		block_entry_d.clone(),
+	];
+	let mut overlay_db = OverlayedBackend::new(&db);
+	for block_entry in blocks {
+		add_block_entry(&mut overlay_db, block_entry.into(), n_validators, |h| {
+			candidate_info.get(h).map(|x| x.clone())
+		})
+		.unwrap();
+	}
+	let approved_hashes = force_approve(&mut overlay_db, block_hash_d, 2).unwrap();
+	let write_ops = overlay_db.into_write_ops();
+	db.write(write_ops).unwrap();
+	assert!(load_block_entry(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &block_hash_a,)
+		.unwrap()
+		.unwrap()
+		.approved_bitfield
+		.all());
+	assert!(load_block_entry(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &block_hash_b,)
+		.unwrap()
+		.unwrap()
+		.approved_bitfield
+		.all());
+	assert!(load_block_entry(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &block_hash_c,)
+		.unwrap()
+		.unwrap()
+		.approved_bitfield
+		.not_any());
+	assert!(load_block_entry(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &block_hash_d,)
+		.unwrap()
+		.unwrap()
+		.approved_bitfield
+		.not_any());
+	assert_eq!(approved_hashes, vec![block_hash_b, block_hash_a]);
+fn load_all_blocks_works() {
+	let (mut db, store) = make_db();
+	let parent_hash = Hash::repeat_byte(1);
+	let block_hash_a = Hash::repeat_byte(2);
+	let block_hash_b = Hash::repeat_byte(69);
+	let block_hash_c = Hash::repeat_byte(42);
+	let block_number = 10;
+	let block_entry_a = make_block_entry(block_hash_a, parent_hash, block_number, vec![]);
+	let block_entry_b = make_block_entry(block_hash_b, parent_hash, block_number, vec![]);
+	let block_entry_c = make_block_entry(block_hash_c, block_hash_a, block_number + 1, vec![]);
+	let n_validators = 10;
+	let mut overlay_db = OverlayedBackend::new(&db);
+	add_block_entry(&mut overlay_db, block_entry_a.clone().into(), n_validators, |_| None).unwrap();
+	// add C before B to test sorting.
+	add_block_entry(&mut overlay_db, block_entry_c.clone().into(), n_validators, |_| None).unwrap();
+	add_block_entry(&mut overlay_db, block_entry_b.clone().into(), n_validators, |_| None).unwrap();
+	let write_ops = overlay_db.into_write_ops();
+	db.write(write_ops).unwrap();
+	assert_eq!(
+		load_all_blocks(store.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG).unwrap(),
+		vec![block_hash_a, block_hash_b, block_hash_c],
+	)
diff --git a/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/ b/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/
index d98f3c5fd20..9ce25334c0f 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/
+++ b/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/
@@ -22,12 +22,12 @@
 //! before any commit to the underlying storage is made.
 use polkadot_node_subsystem::SubsystemResult;
-use polkadot_primitives::{BlockNumber, CandidateHash, Hash};
+use polkadot_primitives::{BlockNumber, CandidateHash, CandidateIndex, Hash};
 use std::collections::HashMap;
 use super::{
-	approval_db::v2::StoredBlockRange,
+	approval_db::common::StoredBlockRange,
 	persisted_entries::{BlockEntry, CandidateEntry},
@@ -72,12 +72,26 @@ pub trait V1ReadBackend: Backend {
 	fn load_candidate_entry_v1(
 		candidate_hash: &CandidateHash,
+		candidate_index: CandidateIndex,
 	) -> SubsystemResult<Option<CandidateEntry>>;
 	/// Load a block entry from the DB with scheme version 1.
 	fn load_block_entry_v1(&self, block_hash: &Hash) -> SubsystemResult<Option<BlockEntry>>;
+/// A read only backend to enable db migration from version 2 of DB.
+pub trait V2ReadBackend: Backend {
+	/// Load a candidate entry from the DB with scheme version 1.
+	fn load_candidate_entry_v2(
+		&self,
+		candidate_hash: &CandidateHash,
+		candidate_index: CandidateIndex,
+	) -> SubsystemResult<Option<CandidateEntry>>;
+	/// Load a block entry from the DB with scheme version 1.
+	fn load_block_entry_v2(&self, block_hash: &Hash) -> SubsystemResult<Option<BlockEntry>>;
 // Status of block range in the `OverlayedBackend`.
 enum BlockRangeStatus {
diff --git a/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/ b/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/
index a64685326cf..7a56e9fd112 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/
+++ b/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ use futures::{channel::oneshot, prelude::*};
 use std::collections::HashMap;
-use super::approval_db::v2;
+use super::approval_db::v3;
 use crate::{
 	backend::{Backend, OverlayedBackend},
 	criteria::{AssignmentCriteria, OurAssignment},
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ pub(crate) async fn handle_new_head<Context, B: Backend>(
-		let block_entry = v2::BlockEntry {
+		let block_entry = v3::BlockEntry {
 			parent_hash: block_header.parent_hash,
 			block_number: block_header.number,
@@ -525,6 +525,7 @@ pub(crate) async fn handle_new_head<Context, B: Backend>(
 			children: Vec::new(),
+			candidates_pending_signature: Default::default(),
 			distributed_assignments: Default::default(),
@@ -604,7 +605,10 @@ pub(crate) async fn handle_new_head<Context, B: Backend>(
 pub(crate) mod tests {
 	use super::*;
-	use crate::{approval_db::v2::DbBackend, RuntimeInfo, RuntimeInfoConfig};
+	use crate::{
+		approval_db::common::{load_block_entry, DbBackend},
+		RuntimeInfo, RuntimeInfoConfig,
+	};
 	use ::test_helpers::{dummy_candidate_receipt, dummy_hash};
 	use assert_matches::assert_matches;
 	use polkadot_node_primitives::{
@@ -627,7 +631,7 @@ pub(crate) mod tests {
 	pub(crate) use sp_runtime::{Digest, DigestItem};
 	use std::{pin::Pin, sync::Arc};
-	use crate::{approval_db::v2::Config as DatabaseConfig, criteria, BlockEntry};
+	use crate::{approval_db::common::Config as DatabaseConfig, criteria, BlockEntry};
 	const DATA_COL: u32 = 0;
@@ -1347,7 +1351,7 @@ pub(crate) mod tests {
 		let (state, mut session_info_provider) = single_session_state();
-			v2::BlockEntry {
+			v3::BlockEntry {
 				block_hash: parent_hash,
 				parent_hash: Default::default(),
 				block_number: 4,
@@ -1357,6 +1361,7 @@ pub(crate) mod tests {
 				candidates: Vec::new(),
 				approved_bitfield: Default::default(),
 				children: Vec::new(),
+				candidates_pending_signature: Default::default(),
 				distributed_assignments: Default::default(),
@@ -1389,11 +1394,10 @@ pub(crate) mod tests {
 				assert_eq!(candidates[1].1.approvals().len(), 6);
 				// the first candidate should be insta-approved
 				// the second should not
-				let entry: BlockEntry =
-					v2::load_block_entry(db_writer.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &hash)
-						.unwrap()
-						.unwrap()
-						.into();
+				let entry: BlockEntry = load_block_entry(db_writer.as_ref(), &TEST_CONFIG, &hash)
+					.unwrap()
+					.unwrap()
+					.into();
diff --git a/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/ b/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/
index ef01727b7eb..af76b576d7c 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/
+++ b/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/
@@ -21,14 +21,15 @@
 //! of others. It uses this information to determine when candidates and blocks have
 //! been sufficiently approved to finalize.
+use itertools::Itertools;
 use jaeger::{hash_to_trace_identifier, PerLeafSpan};
 use polkadot_node_jaeger as jaeger;
 use polkadot_node_primitives::{
-		v1::{BlockApprovalMeta, DelayTranche, IndirectSignedApprovalVote},
+		v1::{BlockApprovalMeta, DelayTranche},
 			AssignmentCertKindV2, BitfieldError, CandidateBitfield, CoreBitfield,
-			IndirectAssignmentCertV2,
+			IndirectAssignmentCertV2, IndirectSignedApprovalVoteV2,
 	ValidationResult, DISPUTE_WINDOW,
@@ -53,9 +54,10 @@ use polkadot_node_subsystem_util::{
 use polkadot_primitives::{
-	ApprovalVote, BlockNumber, CandidateHash, CandidateIndex, CandidateReceipt, DisputeStatement,
-	ExecutorParams, GroupIndex, Hash, PvfExecKind, SessionIndex, SessionInfo,
-	ValidDisputeStatementKind, ValidatorId, ValidatorIndex, ValidatorPair, ValidatorSignature,
+	vstaging::{ApprovalVoteMultipleCandidates, ApprovalVotingParams},
+	BlockNumber, CandidateHash, CandidateIndex, CandidateReceipt, DisputeStatement, ExecutorParams,
+	GroupIndex, Hash, PvfExecKind, SessionIndex, SessionInfo, ValidDisputeStatementKind,
+	ValidatorId, ValidatorIndex, ValidatorPair, ValidatorSignature,
 use sc_keystore::LocalKeystore;
 use sp_application_crypto::Pair;
@@ -67,9 +69,11 @@ use futures::{
 	future::{BoxFuture, RemoteHandle},
+	StreamExt,
 use std::{
+	cmp::min,
 		btree_map::Entry as BTMEntry, hash_map::Entry as HMEntry, BTreeMap, HashMap, HashSet,
@@ -83,7 +87,7 @@ use approval_checking::RequiredTranches;
 use bitvec::{order::Lsb0, vec::BitVec};
 use criteria::{AssignmentCriteria, RealAssignmentCriteria};
 use persisted_entries::{ApprovalEntry, BlockEntry, CandidateEntry};
-use time::{slot_number_to_tick, Clock, ClockExt, SystemClock, Tick};
+use time::{slot_number_to_tick, Clock, ClockExt, DelayedApprovalTimer, SystemClock, Tick};
 mod approval_checking;
 pub mod approval_db;
@@ -95,9 +99,11 @@ mod persisted_entries;
 mod time;
 use crate::{
-	approval_db::v2::{Config as DatabaseConfig, DbBackend},
+	approval_checking::{Check, TranchesToApproveResult},
+	approval_db::common::{Config as DatabaseConfig, DbBackend},
 	backend::{Backend, OverlayedBackend},
+	persisted_entries::OurApproval,
@@ -115,6 +121,9 @@ const TICK_TOO_FAR_IN_FUTURE: Tick = 20; // 10 seconds.
 const APPROVAL_DELAY: Tick = 2;
 pub(crate) const LOG_TARGET: &str = "parachain::approval-voting";
+// The max number of ticks we delay sending the approval after we are ready to issue the approval
 /// Configuration for the approval voting subsystem
 #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
 pub struct Config {
@@ -158,7 +167,14 @@ struct MetricsInner {
 	assignments_produced: prometheus::Histogram,
 	approvals_produced_total: prometheus::CounterVec<prometheus::U64>,
 	no_shows_total: prometheus::Counter<prometheus::U64>,
+	// The difference from `no_shows_total` is that this counts all observed no-shows at any
+	// moment in time. While `no_shows_total` catches that the no-shows at the moment the candidate
+	// is approved, approvals might arrive late and `no_shows_total` wouldn't catch that number.
+	observed_no_shows: prometheus::Counter<prometheus::U64>,
+	approved_by_one_third: prometheus::Counter<prometheus::U64>,
 	wakeups_triggered_total: prometheus::Counter<prometheus::U64>,
+	coalesced_approvals_buckets: prometheus::Histogram,
+	coalesced_approvals_delay: prometheus::Histogram,
 	candidate_approval_time_ticks: prometheus::Histogram,
 	block_approval_time_ticks: prometheus::Histogram,
 	time_db_transaction: prometheus::Histogram,
@@ -184,6 +200,22 @@ impl Metrics {
+	fn on_approval_coalesce(&self, num_coalesced: u32) {
+		if let Some(metrics) = &self.0 {
+			// Count how many candidates we covered with this coalesced approvals,
+			// so that the heat-map really gives a good understanding of the scales.
+			for _ in 0..num_coalesced {
+				metrics.coalesced_approvals_buckets.observe(num_coalesced as f64)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	fn on_delayed_approval(&self, delayed_ticks: u64) {
+		if let Some(metrics) = &self.0 {
+			metrics.coalesced_approvals_delay.observe(delayed_ticks as f64)
+		}
+	}
 	fn on_approval_stale(&self) {
 		if let Some(metrics) = &self.0 {
@@ -220,6 +252,18 @@ impl Metrics {
+	fn on_observed_no_shows(&self, n: usize) {
+		if let Some(metrics) = &self.0 {
+			metrics.observed_no_shows.inc_by(n as u64);
+		}
+	}
+	fn on_approved_by_one_third(&self) {
+		if let Some(metrics) = &self.0 {
+		}
+	}
 	fn on_wakeup(&self) {
 		if let Some(metrics) = &self.0 {;
@@ -297,6 +341,13 @@ impl metrics::Metrics for Metrics {
+			observed_no_shows: prometheus::register(
+				prometheus::Counter::new(
+					"polkadot_parachain_approvals_observed_no_shows_total",
+					"Number of observed no shows at any moment in time",
+				)?,
+				registry,
+			)?,
 			wakeups_triggered_total: prometheus::register(
@@ -313,6 +364,31 @@ impl metrics::Metrics for Metrics {
+			coalesced_approvals_buckets: prometheus::register(
+				prometheus::Histogram::with_opts(
+					prometheus::HistogramOpts::new(
+						"polkadot_parachain_approvals_coalesced_approvals_buckets",
+						"Number of coalesced approvals.",
+					).buckets(vec![1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5, 7.5, 8.5, 9.5]),
+				)?,
+				registry,
+			)?,
+			coalesced_approvals_delay: prometheus::register(
+				prometheus::Histogram::with_opts(
+					prometheus::HistogramOpts::new(
+						"polkadot_parachain_approvals_coalescing_delay",
+						"Number of ticks we delay the sending of a candidate approval",
+					).buckets(vec![1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, 6.1, 8.1, 12.1, 20.1, 32.1]),
+				)?,
+				registry,
+			)?,
+			approved_by_one_third: prometheus::register(
+				prometheus::Counter::new(
+					"polkadot_parachain_approved_by_one_third",
+					"Number of candidates where more than one third had to vote ",
+				)?,
+				registry,
+			)?,
 			block_approval_time_ticks: prometheus::register(
@@ -383,8 +459,8 @@ impl ApprovalVotingSubsystem {
 	/// The operation is not allowed for blocks older than the last finalized one.
 	pub fn revert_to(&self, hash: Hash) -> Result<(), SubsystemError> {
 		let config =
-			approval_db::v2::Config { col_approval_data: self.db_config.col_approval_data };
-		let mut backend = approval_db::v2::DbBackend::new(self.db.clone(), config);
+			approval_db::common::Config { col_approval_data: self.db_config.col_approval_data };
+		let mut backend = approval_db::common::DbBackend::new(self.db.clone(), config);
 		let mut overlay = OverlayedBackend::new(&backend);
 		ops::revert_to(&mut overlay, hash)?;
@@ -559,6 +635,7 @@ struct ApprovalStatus {
 	required_tranches: RequiredTranches,
 	tranche_now: DelayTranche,
 	block_tick: Tick,
+	last_no_shows: usize,
 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
@@ -733,22 +810,73 @@ impl State {
 		if let Some(approval_entry) = candidate_entry.approval_entry(&block_hash) {
-			let required_tranches = approval_checking::tranches_to_approve(
-				approval_entry,
-				candidate_entry.approvals(),
-				tranche_now,
-				block_tick,
-				no_show_duration,
-				session_info.needed_approvals as _,
-			);
+			let TranchesToApproveResult { required_tranches, total_observed_no_shows } =
+				approval_checking::tranches_to_approve(
+					approval_entry,
+					candidate_entry.approvals(),
+					tranche_now,
+					block_tick,
+					no_show_duration,
+					session_info.needed_approvals as _,
+				);
-			let status = ApprovalStatus { required_tranches, block_tick, tranche_now };
+			let status = ApprovalStatus {
+				required_tranches,
+				block_tick,
+				tranche_now,
+				last_no_shows: total_observed_no_shows,
+			};
 			Some((approval_entry, status))
 		} else {
+	// Returns the approval voting params from the RuntimeApi.
+	#[overseer::contextbounds(ApprovalVoting, prefix = self::overseer)]
+	async fn get_approval_voting_params_or_default<Context>(
+		&self,
+		ctx: &mut Context,
+		session_index: SessionIndex,
+		block_hash: Hash,
+	) -> Option<ApprovalVotingParams> {
+		let (s_tx, s_rx) = oneshot::channel();
+		ctx.send_message(RuntimeApiMessage::Request(
+			block_hash,
+			RuntimeApiRequest::ApprovalVotingParams(session_index, s_tx),
+		))
+		.await;
+		match s_rx.await {
+			Ok(Ok(params)) => {
+				gum::trace!(
+					target: LOG_TARGET,
+					approval_voting_params = ?params,
+					session = ?session_index,
+					"Using the following subsystem params"
+				);
+				Some(params)
+			},
+			Ok(Err(err)) => {
+				gum::debug!(
+					target: LOG_TARGET,
+					?err,
+					"Could not request approval voting params from runtime"
+				);
+				None
+			},
+			Err(err) => {
+				gum::debug!(
+					target: LOG_TARGET,
+					?err,
+					"Could not request approval voting params from runtime"
+				);
+				None
+			},
+		}
+	}
 #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
@@ -807,6 +935,7 @@ where
 	let mut wakeups = Wakeups::default();
 	let mut currently_checking_set = CurrentlyCheckingSet::default();
+	let mut delayed_approvals_timers = DelayedApprovalTimer::default();
 	let mut approvals_cache = LruMap::new(ByLength::new(APPROVAL_CACHE_SIZE));
 	let mut last_finalized_height: Option<BlockNumber> = {
@@ -885,17 +1014,49 @@ where
+			},
+			(block_hash, validator_index) = delayed_approvals_timers.select_next_some() => {
+				gum::debug!(
+					target: LOG_TARGET,
+					?block_hash,
+					?validator_index,
+					"Sign approval for multiple candidates",
+				);
+				match maybe_create_signature(
+					&mut overlayed_db,
+					&mut session_info_provider,
+					&state,
+					&mut ctx,
+					block_hash,
+					validator_index,
+					&subsystem.metrics,
+				).await {
+					Ok(Some(next_wakeup)) => {
+						delayed_approvals_timers.maybe_arm_timer(next_wakeup, state.clock.as_ref(), block_hash, validator_index);
+					},
+					Ok(None) => {}
+					Err(err) => {
+						gum::error!(
+							target: LOG_TARGET,
+							?err,
+							"Failed to create signature",
+						);
+					}
+				}
+				vec![]
 		if handle_actions(
 			&mut ctx,
-			&state,
+			&mut state,
 			&mut overlayed_db,
 			&mut session_info_provider,
 			&mut wakeups,
 			&mut currently_checking_set,
+			&mut delayed_approvals_timers,
 			&mut approvals_cache,
 			&mut subsystem.mode,
@@ -937,12 +1098,13 @@ where
 #[overseer::contextbounds(ApprovalVoting, prefix = self::overseer)]
 async fn handle_actions<Context>(
 	ctx: &mut Context,
-	state: &State,
+	state: &mut State,
 	overlayed_db: &mut OverlayedBackend<'_, impl Backend>,
 	session_info_provider: &mut RuntimeInfo,
 	metrics: &Metrics,
 	wakeups: &mut Wakeups,
 	currently_checking_set: &mut CurrentlyCheckingSet,
+	delayed_approvals_timers: &mut DelayedApprovalTimer,
 	approvals_cache: &mut LruMap<CandidateHash, ApprovalOutcome>,
 	mode: &mut Mode,
 	actions: Vec<Action>,
@@ -973,6 +1135,7 @@ async fn handle_actions<Context>(
+					delayed_approvals_timers,
@@ -1075,7 +1238,11 @@ async fn handle_actions<Context>(
 			Action::BecomeActive => {
 				*mode = Mode::Active;
-				let messages = distribution_messages_for_activation(overlayed_db, state)?;
+				let messages = distribution_messages_for_activation(
+					overlayed_db,
+					state,
+					delayed_approvals_timers,
+				)?;
@@ -1101,7 +1268,7 @@ fn cores_to_candidate_indices(
 			.position(|(core_index, _)| core_index.0 == claimed_core_index as u32)
-			candidate_indices.push(candidate_index as CandidateIndex);
+			candidate_indices.push(candidate_index as _);
@@ -1134,6 +1301,7 @@ fn get_assignment_core_indices(
 fn distribution_messages_for_activation(
 	db: &OverlayedBackend<'_, impl Backend>,
 	state: &State,
+	delayed_approvals_timers: &mut DelayedApprovalTimer,
 ) -> SubsystemResult<Vec<ApprovalDistributionMessage>> {
 	let all_blocks: Vec<Hash> = db.load_all_blocks()?;
@@ -1172,8 +1340,8 @@ fn distribution_messages_for_activation(
 			slot: block_entry.slot(),
 			session: block_entry.session(),
-		for (i, (_, candidate_hash)) in block_entry.candidates().iter().enumerate() {
+		let mut signatures_queued = HashSet::new();
+		for (_, candidate_hash) in block_entry.candidates() {
 			let _candidate_span =
 			let candidate_entry = match db.load_candidate_entry(&candidate_hash)? {
@@ -1200,6 +1368,15 @@ fn distribution_messages_for_activation(
 							) {
+								if block_entry.has_candidates_pending_signature() {
+									delayed_approvals_timers.maybe_arm_timer(
+										state.clock.tick_now(),
+										state.clock.as_ref(),
+										block_entry.block_hash(),
+										assignment.validator_index(),
+									)
+								}
 								match cores_to_candidate_indices(
@@ -1267,15 +1444,19 @@ fn distribution_messages_for_activation(
-								messages.push(ApprovalDistributionMessage::DistributeApproval(
-									IndirectSignedApprovalVote {
-										block_hash,
-										candidate_index: i as _,
-										validator: assignment.validator_index(),
-										signature: approval_sig,
-									},
-								));
+								if signatures_queued
+									.insert(approval_sig.signed_candidates_indices.clone())
+								{
+									messages.push(ApprovalDistributionMessage::DistributeApproval(
+										IndirectSignedApprovalVoteV2 {
+											block_hash,
+											candidate_indices: approval_sig
+												.signed_candidates_indices,
+											validator: assignment.validator_index(),
+											signature: approval_sig.signature,
+										},
+									))
+								};
 							} else {
 									target: LOG_TARGET,
@@ -1481,7 +1662,7 @@ async fn get_approval_signatures_for_candidate<Context>(
 	ctx: &mut Context,
 	db: &OverlayedBackend<'_, impl Backend>,
 	candidate_hash: CandidateHash,
-	tx: oneshot::Sender<HashMap<ValidatorIndex, ValidatorSignature>>,
+	tx: oneshot::Sender<HashMap<ValidatorIndex, (Vec<CandidateHash>, ValidatorSignature)>>,
 ) -> SubsystemResult<()> {
 	let send_votes = |votes| {
 		if let Err(_) = tx.send(votes) {
@@ -1507,6 +1688,11 @@ async fn get_approval_signatures_for_candidate<Context>(
 	let relay_hashes = entry.block_assignments.keys();
 	let mut candidate_indices = HashSet::new();
+	let mut candidate_indices_to_candidate_hashes: HashMap<
+		Hash,
+		HashMap<CandidateIndex, CandidateHash>,
+	> = HashMap::new();
 	// Retrieve `CoreIndices`/`CandidateIndices` as required by approval-distribution:
 	for hash in relay_hashes {
 		let entry = match db.load_block_entry(hash)? {
@@ -1524,8 +1710,11 @@ async fn get_approval_signatures_for_candidate<Context>(
 		for (candidate_index, (_core_index, c_hash)) in entry.candidates().iter().enumerate() {
 			if c_hash == &candidate_hash {
 				candidate_indices.insert((*hash, candidate_index as u32));
-				break
+			candidate_indices_to_candidate_hashes
+				.entry(*hash)
+				.or_default()
+				.insert(candidate_index as _, *c_hash);
@@ -1550,7 +1739,55 @@ async fn get_approval_signatures_for_candidate<Context>(
 				target: LOG_TARGET,
 				"Request for approval signatures got cancelled by `approval-distribution`."
-			Some(Ok(votes)) => send_votes(votes),
+			Some(Ok(votes)) => {
+				let votes = votes
+					.into_iter()
+					.filter_map(|(validator_index, (hash, signed_candidates_indices, signature))| {
+						let candidates_hashes = candidate_indices_to_candidate_hashes.get(&hash);
+						if candidates_hashes.is_none() {
+							gum::warn!(
+								target: LOG_TARGET,
+								?hash,
+								"Possible bug! Could not find map of candidate_hashes for block hash received from approval-distribution"
+							);
+						}
+						let num_signed_candidates = signed_candidates_indices.len();
+						let signed_candidates_hashes: Vec<CandidateHash> =
+							signed_candidates_indices
+								.into_iter()
+								.filter_map(|candidate_index| {
+									candidates_hashes.and_then(|candidate_hashes| {
+										if let Some(candidate_hash) =
+											candidate_hashes.get(&candidate_index)
+										{
+											Some(*candidate_hash)
+										} else {
+											gum::warn!(
+												target: LOG_TARGET,
+												?candidate_index,
+												"Possible bug! Could not find candidate hash for candidate_index coming from approval-distribution"
+											);
+											None
+										}
+									})
+								})
+								.collect();
+						if num_signed_candidates == signed_candidates_hashes.len() {
+							Some((validator_index, (signed_candidates_hashes, signature)))
+						} else {
+							gum::warn!(
+								target: LOG_TARGET,
+								"Possible bug! Could not find all hashes for candidates coming from approval-distribution"
+							);
+							None
+						}
+					})
+					.collect();
+				send_votes(votes)
+			},
@@ -2184,7 +2421,7 @@ async fn check_and_import_approval<T, Sender>(
 	db: &mut OverlayedBackend<'_, impl Backend>,
 	session_info_provider: &mut RuntimeInfo,
 	metrics: &Metrics,
-	approval: IndirectSignedApprovalVote,
+	approval: IndirectSignedApprovalVoteV2,
 	with_response: impl FnOnce(ApprovalCheckResult) -> T,
 ) -> SubsystemResult<(Vec<Action>, T)>
@@ -2196,13 +2433,12 @@ where
 			return Ok((Vec::new(), t))
 	let mut span = state
 		.map(|span| span.child("check-and-import-approval"))
 		.unwrap_or_else(|| jaeger::Span::new(approval.block_hash, "check-and-import-approval"))
-		.with_uint_tag("candidate-index", approval.candidate_index as u64)
+		.with_string_fmt_debug_tag("candidate-index", approval.candidate_indices.clone())
@@ -2215,105 +2451,163 @@ where
-	let session_info = match get_session_info(
-		session_info_provider,
-		sender,
-		approval.block_hash,
-		block_entry.session(),
-	)
-	.await
-	{
-		Some(s) => s,
-		None => {
-			respond_early!(ApprovalCheckResult::Bad(ApprovalCheckError::UnknownSessionIndex(
-				block_entry.session()
-			),))
-		},
-	};
+	let approved_candidates_info: Result<Vec<(CandidateIndex, CandidateHash)>, ApprovalCheckError> =
+		approval
+			.candidate_indices
+			.iter_ones()
+			.map(|candidate_index| {
+				block_entry
+					.candidate(candidate_index)
+					.ok_or(ApprovalCheckError::InvalidCandidateIndex(candidate_index as _))
+					.map(|candidate| (candidate_index as _, candidate.1))
+			})
+			.collect();
-	let approved_candidate_hash = match block_entry.candidate(approval.candidate_index as usize) {
-		Some((_, h)) => *h,
-		None => respond_early!(ApprovalCheckResult::Bad(
-			ApprovalCheckError::InvalidCandidateIndex(approval.candidate_index),
-		)),
+	let approved_candidates_info = match approved_candidates_info {
+		Ok(approved_candidates_info) => approved_candidates_info,
+		Err(err) => {
+			respond_early!(ApprovalCheckResult::Bad(err))
+		},
-	span.add_string_tag("candidate-hash", format!("{:?}", approved_candidate_hash));
+	span.add_string_tag("candidate-hashes", format!("{:?}", approved_candidates_info));
-		"traceID",
-		format!("{:?}", hash_to_trace_identifier(approved_candidate_hash.0)),
+		"traceIDs",
+		format!(
+			"{:?}",
+			approved_candidates_info
+				.iter()
+				.map(|(_, approved_candidate_hash)| hash_to_trace_identifier(
+					approved_candidate_hash.0
+				))
+				.collect_vec()
+		),
-	let pubkey = match session_info.validators.get(approval.validator) {
-		Some(k) => k,
-		None => respond_early!(ApprovalCheckResult::Bad(
-			ApprovalCheckError::InvalidValidatorIndex(approval.validator),
-		)),
-	};
+	{
+		let session_info = match get_session_info(
+			session_info_provider,
+			sender,
+			approval.block_hash,
+			block_entry.session(),
+		)
+		.await
+		{
+			Some(s) => s,
+			None => {
+				respond_early!(ApprovalCheckResult::Bad(ApprovalCheckError::UnknownSessionIndex(
+					block_entry.session()
+				),))
+			},
+		};
-	// Signature check:
-	match DisputeStatement::Valid(ValidDisputeStatementKind::ApprovalChecking).check_signature(
-		&pubkey,
-		approved_candidate_hash,
-		block_entry.session(),
-		&approval.signature,
-	) {
-		Err(_) => respond_early!(ApprovalCheckResult::Bad(ApprovalCheckError::InvalidSignature(
-			approval.validator
-		),)),
-		Ok(()) => {},
-	};
+		let pubkey = match session_info.validators.get(approval.validator) {
+			Some(k) => k,
+			None => respond_early!(ApprovalCheckResult::Bad(
+				ApprovalCheckError::InvalidValidatorIndex(approval.validator),
+			)),
+		};
-	let candidate_entry = match db.load_candidate_entry(&approved_candidate_hash)? {
-		Some(c) => c,
-		None => {
-			respond_early!(ApprovalCheckResult::Bad(ApprovalCheckError::InvalidCandidate(
-				approval.candidate_index,
-				approved_candidate_hash
-			),))
-		},
-	};
+		gum::trace!(
+			target: LOG_TARGET,
+			"Received approval for num_candidates {:}",
+			approval.candidate_indices.count_ones()
+		);
-	// Don't accept approvals until assignment.
-	match candidate_entry.approval_entry(&approval.block_hash) {
-		None => {
-			respond_early!(ApprovalCheckResult::Bad(ApprovalCheckError::Internal(
-				approval.block_hash,
-				approved_candidate_hash
-			),))
-		},
-		Some(e) if !e.is_assigned(approval.validator) => {
-			respond_early!(ApprovalCheckResult::Bad(ApprovalCheckError::NoAssignment(
-				approval.validator
-			),))
-		},
-		_ => {},
+		let candidate_hashes: Vec<CandidateHash> =
+			approved_candidates_info.iter().map(|candidate| candidate.1).collect();
+		// Signature check:
+		match DisputeStatement::Valid(
+			ValidDisputeStatementKind::ApprovalCheckingMultipleCandidates(candidate_hashes.clone()),
+		)
+		.check_signature(
+			&pubkey,
+			if let Some(candidate_hash) = candidate_hashes.first() {
+				*candidate_hash
+			} else {
+				respond_early!(ApprovalCheckResult::Bad(ApprovalCheckError::InvalidValidatorIndex(
+					approval.validator
+				),))
+			},
+			block_entry.session(),
+			&approval.signature,
+		) {
+			Err(_) => {
+				gum::error!(
+					target: LOG_TARGET,
+					"Error while checking signature {:}",
+					approval.candidate_indices.count_ones()
+				);
+				respond_early!(ApprovalCheckResult::Bad(ApprovalCheckError::InvalidSignature(
+					approval.validator
+				),))
+			},
+			Ok(()) => {},
+		};
-	// importing the approval can be heavy as it may trigger acceptance for a series of blocks.
-	let t = with_response(ApprovalCheckResult::Accepted);
+	let mut actions = Vec::new();
+	for (approval_candidate_index, approved_candidate_hash) in approved_candidates_info {
+		let block_entry = match db.load_block_entry(&approval.block_hash)? {
+			Some(b) => b,
+			None => {
+				respond_early!(ApprovalCheckResult::Bad(ApprovalCheckError::UnknownBlock(
+					approval.block_hash
+				),))
+			},
+		};
-	gum::trace!(
-		target: LOG_TARGET,
-		validator_index = approval.validator.0,
-		validator = ?pubkey,
-		candidate_hash = ?approved_candidate_hash,
-		para_id = ?candidate_entry.candidate_receipt().descriptor.para_id,
-		"Importing approval vote",
-	);
+		let candidate_entry = match db.load_candidate_entry(&approved_candidate_hash)? {
+			Some(c) => c,
+			None => {
+				respond_early!(ApprovalCheckResult::Bad(ApprovalCheckError::InvalidCandidate(
+					approval_candidate_index,
+					approved_candidate_hash
+				),))
+			},
+		};
-	let actions = advance_approval_state(
-		sender,
-		state,
-		db,
-		session_info_provider,
-		&metrics,
-		block_entry,
-		approved_candidate_hash,
-		candidate_entry,
-		ApprovalStateTransition::RemoteApproval(approval.validator),
-	)
-	.await;
+		// Don't accept approvals until assignment.
+		match candidate_entry.approval_entry(&approval.block_hash) {
+			None => {
+				respond_early!(ApprovalCheckResult::Bad(ApprovalCheckError::Internal(
+					approval.block_hash,
+					approved_candidate_hash
+				),))
+			},
+			Some(e) if !e.is_assigned(approval.validator) => {
+				respond_early!(ApprovalCheckResult::Bad(ApprovalCheckError::NoAssignment(
+					approval.validator
+				),))
+			},
+			_ => {},
+		}
+		gum::debug!(
+			target: LOG_TARGET,
+			validator_index = approval.validator.0,
+			candidate_hash = ?approved_candidate_hash,
+			para_id = ?candidate_entry.candidate_receipt().descriptor.para_id,
+			"Importing approval vote",
+		);
+		let new_actions = advance_approval_state(
+			sender,
+			state,
+			db,
+			session_info_provider,
+			&metrics,
+			block_entry,
+			approved_candidate_hash,
+			candidate_entry,
+			ApprovalStateTransition::RemoteApproval(approval.validator),
+		)
+		.await;
+		actions.extend(new_actions);
+	}
+	// importing the approval can be heavy as it may trigger acceptance for a series of blocks.
+	let t = with_response(ApprovalCheckResult::Accepted);
 	Ok((actions, t))
@@ -2321,7 +2615,7 @@ where
 enum ApprovalStateTransition {
-	LocalApproval(ValidatorIndex, ValidatorSignature),
+	LocalApproval(ValidatorIndex),
@@ -2329,7 +2623,7 @@ impl ApprovalStateTransition {
 	fn validator_index(&self) -> Option<ValidatorIndex> {
 		match *self {
 			ApprovalStateTransition::RemoteApproval(v) |
-			ApprovalStateTransition::LocalApproval(v, _) => Some(v),
+			ApprovalStateTransition::LocalApproval(v) => Some(v),
 			ApprovalStateTransition::WakeupProcessed => None,
@@ -2337,7 +2631,7 @@ impl ApprovalStateTransition {
 	fn is_local_approval(&self) -> bool {
 		match *self {
 			ApprovalStateTransition::RemoteApproval(_) => false,
-			ApprovalStateTransition::LocalApproval(_, _) => true,
+			ApprovalStateTransition::LocalApproval(_) => true,
 			ApprovalStateTransition::WakeupProcessed => false,
@@ -2404,7 +2698,16 @@ where
 		// assignment tick of `now - APPROVAL_DELAY` - that is, that
 		// all counted assignments are at least `APPROVAL_DELAY` ticks old.
 		let is_approved = check.is_approved(tick_now.saturating_sub(APPROVAL_DELAY));
+		if status.last_no_shows != 0 {
+			metrics.on_observed_no_shows(status.last_no_shows);
+			gum::debug!(
+				target: LOG_TARGET,
+				?candidate_hash,
+				?block_hash,
+				last_no_shows = ?status.last_no_shows,
+				"Observed no_shows",
+			);
+		}
 		if is_approved {
 				target: LOG_TARGET,
@@ -2422,6 +2725,12 @@ where
 			if no_shows != 0 {
+			if check == Check::ApprovedOneThird {
+				// No-shows are not counted when more than one third of validators approve a
+				// candidate, so count candidates where more than one third of validators had to
+				// approve it, this is indicative of something breaking.
+				metrics.on_approved_by_one_third()
+			}
 			metrics.on_candidate_approved(status.tranche_now as _);
@@ -2430,6 +2739,10 @@ where
+			db.write_block_entry(block_entry.into());
+		} else if transition.is_local_approval() {
+			// Local approvals always update the block_entry, so we need to flush it to
+			// the database.
@@ -2458,10 +2771,6 @@ where
-		if let ApprovalStateTransition::LocalApproval(_, ref sig) = transition {
-			approval_entry.import_approval_sig(sig.clone());
-		}
@@ -2599,7 +2908,7 @@ async fn process_wakeup<Context>(
 		let should_trigger = should_trigger_assignment(
-			tranches_to_approve,
+			tranches_to_approve.required_tranches,
@@ -2924,11 +3233,12 @@ async fn launch_approval<Context>(
 #[overseer::contextbounds(ApprovalVoting, prefix = self::overseer)]
 async fn issue_approval<Context>(
 	ctx: &mut Context,
-	state: &State,
+	state: &mut State,
 	db: &mut OverlayedBackend<'_, impl Backend>,
 	session_info_provider: &mut RuntimeInfo,
 	metrics: &Metrics,
 	candidate_hash: CandidateHash,
+	delayed_approvals_timers: &mut DelayedApprovalTimer,
 	ApprovalVoteRequest { validator_index, block_hash }: ApprovalVoteRequest,
 ) -> SubsystemResult<Vec<Action>> {
 	let mut issue_approval_span = state
@@ -2942,7 +3252,7 @@ async fn issue_approval<Context>(
-	let block_entry = match db.load_block_entry(&block_hash)? {
+	let mut block_entry = match db.load_block_entry(&block_hash)? {
 		Some(b) => b,
 		None => {
 			// not a cause for alarm - just lost a race with pruning, most likely.
@@ -2968,21 +3278,6 @@ async fn issue_approval<Context>(
 	issue_approval_span.add_int_tag("candidate_index", candidate_index as i64);
-	let session_info = match get_session_info(
-		session_info_provider,
-		ctx.sender(),
-		block_entry.parent_hash(),
-		block_entry.session(),
-	)
-	.await
-	{
-		Some(s) => s,
-		None => {
-			metrics.on_approval_error();
-			return Ok(Vec::new())
-		},
-	};
 	let candidate_hash = match block_entry.candidate(candidate_index as usize) {
 		Some((_, h)) => *h,
 		None => {
@@ -3013,10 +3308,149 @@ async fn issue_approval<Context>(
+	let session_info = match get_session_info(
+		session_info_provider,
+		ctx.sender(),
+		block_entry.parent_hash(),
+		block_entry.session(),
+	)
+	.await
+	{
+		Some(s) => s,
+		None => return Ok(Vec::new()),
+	};
+	if block_entry
+		.defer_candidate_signature(
+			candidate_index as _,
+			candidate_hash,
+			compute_delayed_approval_sending_tick(
+				state,
+				&block_entry,
+				&candidate_entry,
+				session_info,
+				&metrics,
+			),
+		)
+		.is_some()
+	{
+		gum::error!(
+			target: LOG_TARGET,
+			?candidate_hash,
+			?block_hash,
+			validator_index = validator_index.0,
+			"Possible bug, we shouldn't have to defer a candidate more than once",
+		);
+	}
+	gum::info!(
+		target: LOG_TARGET,
+		?candidate_hash,
+		?block_hash,
+		validator_index = validator_index.0,
+		"Ready to issue approval vote",
+	);
+	let actions = advance_approval_state(
+		ctx.sender(),
+		state,
+		db,
+		session_info_provider,
+		metrics,
+		block_entry,
+		candidate_hash,
+		candidate_entry,
+		ApprovalStateTransition::LocalApproval(validator_index as _),
+	)
+	.await;
+	if let Some(next_wakeup) = maybe_create_signature(
+		db,
+		session_info_provider,
+		state,
+		ctx,
+		block_hash,
+		validator_index,
+		metrics,
+	)
+	.await?
+	{
+		delayed_approvals_timers.maybe_arm_timer(
+			next_wakeup,
+			state.clock.as_ref(),
+			block_hash,
+			validator_index,
+		);
+	}
+	Ok(actions)
+// Create signature for the approved candidates pending signatures
+#[overseer::contextbounds(ApprovalVoting, prefix = self::overseer)]
+async fn maybe_create_signature<Context>(
+	db: &mut OverlayedBackend<'_, impl Backend>,
+	session_info_provider: &mut RuntimeInfo,
+	state: &State,
+	ctx: &mut Context,
+	block_hash: Hash,
+	validator_index: ValidatorIndex,
+	metrics: &Metrics,
+) -> SubsystemResult<Option<Tick>> {
+	let mut block_entry = match db.load_block_entry(&block_hash)? {
+		Some(b) => b,
+		None => {
+			// not a cause for alarm - just lost a race with pruning, most likely.
+			metrics.on_approval_stale();
+			gum::debug!(
+				target: LOG_TARGET,
+				"Could not find block that needs signature {:}", block_hash
+			);
+			return Ok(None)
+		},
+	};
+	let approval_params = state
+		.get_approval_voting_params_or_default(ctx, block_entry.session(), block_hash)
+		.await
+		.unwrap_or_default();
+	gum::trace!(
+		target: LOG_TARGET,
+		"Candidates pending signatures {:}", block_entry.num_candidates_pending_signature()
+	);
+	let tick_now = state.clock.tick_now();
+	let (candidates_to_sign, sign_no_later_then) = block_entry
+		.get_candidates_that_need_signature(tick_now, approval_params.max_approval_coalesce_count);
+	let (candidates_hashes, candidates_indices) = match candidates_to_sign {
+		Some(candidates_to_sign) => candidates_to_sign,
+		None => return Ok(sign_no_later_then),
+	};
+	let session_info = match get_session_info(
+		session_info_provider,
+		ctx.sender(),
+		block_entry.parent_hash(),
+		block_entry.session(),
+	)
+	.await
+	{
+		Some(s) => s,
+		None => {
+			metrics.on_approval_error();
+			gum::error!(
+				target: LOG_TARGET,
+				"Could not retrieve the session"
+			);
+			return Ok(None)
+		},
+	};
 	let validator_pubkey = match session_info.validators.get(validator_index) {
 		Some(p) => p,
 		None => {
-			gum::warn!(
+			gum::error!(
 				target: LOG_TARGET,
 				"Validator index {} out of bounds in session {}",
@@ -3024,72 +3458,89 @@ async fn issue_approval<Context>(
-			return Ok(Vec::new())
+			return Ok(None)
-	let session = block_entry.session();
-	let sig = match sign_approval(&state.keystore, &validator_pubkey, candidate_hash, session) {
+	let signature = match sign_approval(
+		&state.keystore,
+		&validator_pubkey,
+		&candidates_hashes,
+		block_entry.session(),
+	) {
 		Some(sig) => sig,
 		None => {
-			gum::warn!(
+			gum::error!(
 				target: LOG_TARGET,
 				validator_index = ?validator_index,
-				session,
+				session = ?block_entry.session(),
 				"Could not issue approval signature. Assignment key present but not validator key?",
-			return Ok(Vec::new())
+			return Ok(None)
+	metrics.on_approval_coalesce(candidates_hashes.len() as u32);
-	gum::trace!(
-		target: LOG_TARGET,
-		?candidate_hash,
-		?block_hash,
-		validator_index = validator_index.0,
-		"Issuing approval vote",
-	);
+	let candidate_entries = candidates_hashes
+		.iter()
+		.map(|candidate_hash| db.load_candidate_entry(candidate_hash))
+		.collect::<SubsystemResult<Vec<Option<CandidateEntry>>>>()?;
-	let actions = advance_approval_state(
-		ctx.sender(),
-		state,
-		db,
-		session_info_provider,
-		metrics,
-		block_entry,
-		candidate_hash,
-		candidate_entry,
-		ApprovalStateTransition::LocalApproval(validator_index as _, sig.clone()),
-	)
-	.await;
+	for mut candidate_entry in candidate_entries {
+		let approval_entry = candidate_entry.as_mut().and_then(|candidate_entry| {
+			candidate_entry.approval_entry_mut(&block_entry.block_hash())
+		});
+		match approval_entry {
+			Some(approval_entry) => approval_entry.import_approval_sig(OurApproval {
+				signature: signature.clone(),
+				signed_candidates_indices: candidates_indices.clone(),
+			}),
+			None => {
+				gum::error!(
+					target: LOG_TARGET,
+					candidate_entry = ?candidate_entry,
+					"Candidate scheduled for signing approval entry should not be None"
+				);
+			},
+		};
+|candidate_entry| db.write_candidate_entry(candidate_entry));
+	}
-	// dispatch to approval distribution.
-		IndirectSignedApprovalVote {
-			block_hash,
-			candidate_index: candidate_index as _,
+		IndirectSignedApprovalVoteV2 {
+			block_hash: block_entry.block_hash(),
+			candidate_indices: candidates_indices,
 			validator: validator_index,
-			signature: sig,
+			signature,
-	Ok(actions)
+	gum::trace!(
+		target: LOG_TARGET,
+		?block_hash,
+		signed_candidates = ?block_entry.num_candidates_pending_signature(),
+		"Issue approval votes",
+	);
+	block_entry.issued_approval();
+	db.write_block_entry(block_entry.into());
+	Ok(None)
 // Sign an approval vote. Fails if the key isn't present in the store.
 fn sign_approval(
 	keystore: &LocalKeystore,
 	public: &ValidatorId,
-	candidate_hash: CandidateHash,
+	candidate_hashes: &[CandidateHash],
 	session_index: SessionIndex,
 ) -> Option<ValidatorSignature> {
 	let key = keystore.key_pair::<ValidatorPair>(public).ok().flatten()?;
-	let payload = ApprovalVote(candidate_hash).signing_payload(session_index);
+	let payload = ApprovalVoteMultipleCandidates(candidate_hashes).signing_payload(session_index);
@@ -3119,3 +3570,38 @@ fn issue_local_invalid_statement<Sender>(
+// Computes what is the latest tick we can send an approval
+fn compute_delayed_approval_sending_tick(
+	state: &State,
+	block_entry: &BlockEntry,
+	candidate_entry: &CandidateEntry,
+	session_info: &SessionInfo,
+	metrics: &Metrics,
+) -> Tick {
+	let current_block_tick = slot_number_to_tick(state.slot_duration_millis, block_entry.slot());
+	let assignment_tranche = candidate_entry
+		.approval_entry(&block_entry.block_hash())
+		.and_then(|approval_entry| approval_entry.our_assignment())
+		.map(|our_assignment| our_assignment.tranche())
+		.unwrap_or_default();
+	let assignment_triggered_tick = current_block_tick + assignment_tranche as Tick;
+	let no_show_duration_ticks = slot_number_to_tick(
+		state.slot_duration_millis,
+		Slot::from(u64::from(session_info.no_show_slots)),
+	);
+	let tick_now = state.clock.tick_now();
+	let sign_no_later_than = min(
+		// We don't want to accidentally cause no-shows, so if we are past
+		// the second half of the no show time, force the sending of the
+		// approval immediately.
+		assignment_triggered_tick + no_show_duration_ticks / 2,
+	);
+	metrics.on_delayed_approval(sign_no_later_than.checked_sub(tick_now).unwrap_or_default());
+	sign_no_later_than
diff --git a/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/ b/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/
index a6f0ecf9d1f..2a8fdba5aa3 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/
+++ b/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ use polkadot_primitives::{BlockNumber, CandidateHash, CandidateReceipt, GroupInd
 use std::collections::{hash_map::Entry, BTreeMap, HashMap};
 use super::{
-	approval_db::v2::{OurAssignment, StoredBlockRange},
+	approval_db::{common::StoredBlockRange, v2::OurAssignment},
 	backend::{Backend, OverlayedBackend},
 	persisted_entries::{ApprovalEntry, BlockEntry, CandidateEntry},
diff --git a/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/ b/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/
index 9cfe1c4cf8d..ef47bdb2213 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/
+++ b/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/
@@ -20,13 +20,14 @@
 //! Within that context, things are plain-old-data. Within this module,
 //! data and logic are intertwined.
+use itertools::Itertools;
 use polkadot_node_primitives::approval::{
 	v1::{DelayTranche, RelayVRFStory},
 	v2::{AssignmentCertV2, CandidateBitfield},
 use polkadot_primitives::{
-	BlockNumber, CandidateHash, CandidateReceipt, CoreIndex, GroupIndex, Hash, SessionIndex,
-	ValidatorIndex, ValidatorSignature,
+	BlockNumber, CandidateHash, CandidateIndex, CandidateReceipt, CoreIndex, GroupIndex, Hash,
+	SessionIndex, ValidatorIndex, ValidatorSignature,
 use sp_consensus_slots::Slot;
@@ -76,6 +77,45 @@ impl From<TrancheEntry> for crate::approval_db::v2::TrancheEntry {
+impl From<crate::approval_db::v3::OurApproval> for OurApproval {
+	fn from(approval: crate::approval_db::v3::OurApproval) -> Self {
+		Self {
+			signature: approval.signature,
+			signed_candidates_indices: approval.signed_candidates_indices,
+		}
+	}
+impl From<OurApproval> for crate::approval_db::v3::OurApproval {
+	fn from(approval: OurApproval) -> Self {
+		Self {
+			signature: approval.signature,
+			signed_candidates_indices: approval.signed_candidates_indices,
+		}
+	}
+/// Metadata about our approval signature
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
+pub struct OurApproval {
+	/// The signature for the candidates hashes pointed by indices.
+	pub signature: ValidatorSignature,
+	/// The indices of the candidates signed in this approval.
+	pub signed_candidates_indices: CandidateBitfield,
+impl OurApproval {
+	/// Converts a ValidatorSignature to an OurApproval.
+	/// It used in converting the database from v1 to latest.
+	pub fn from_v1(value: ValidatorSignature, candidate_index: CandidateIndex) -> Self {
+		Self { signature: value, signed_candidates_indices: candidate_index.into() }
+	}
+	/// Converts a ValidatorSignature to an OurApproval.
+	/// It used in converting the database from v2 to latest.
+	pub fn from_v2(value: ValidatorSignature, candidate_index: CandidateIndex) -> Self {
+		Self::from_v1(value, candidate_index)
+	}
 /// Metadata regarding approval of a particular candidate within the context of some
 /// particular block.
 #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
@@ -83,7 +123,7 @@ pub struct ApprovalEntry {
 	tranches: Vec<TrancheEntry>,
 	backing_group: GroupIndex,
 	our_assignment: Option<OurAssignment>,
-	our_approval_sig: Option<ValidatorSignature>,
+	our_approval_sig: Option<OurApproval>,
 	// `n_validators` bits.
 	assigned_validators: Bitfield,
 	approved: bool,
@@ -95,7 +135,7 @@ impl ApprovalEntry {
 		tranches: Vec<TrancheEntry>,
 		backing_group: GroupIndex,
 		our_assignment: Option<OurAssignment>,
-		our_approval_sig: Option<ValidatorSignature>,
+		our_approval_sig: Option<OurApproval>,
 		// `n_validators` bits.
 		assigned_validators: Bitfield,
 		approved: bool,
@@ -137,7 +177,7 @@ impl ApprovalEntry {
 	/// Import our local approval vote signature for this candidate.
-	pub fn import_approval_sig(&mut self, approval_sig: ValidatorSignature) {
+	pub fn import_approval_sig(&mut self, approval_sig: OurApproval) {
 		self.our_approval_sig = Some(approval_sig);
@@ -224,7 +264,7 @@ impl ApprovalEntry {
 	/// Get the assignment cert & approval signature.
 	/// The approval signature will only be `Some` if the assignment is too.
-	pub fn local_statements(&self) -> (Option<OurAssignment>, Option<ValidatorSignature>) {
+	pub fn local_statements(&self) -> (Option<OurAssignment>, Option<OurApproval>) {
 		let approval_sig = self.our_approval_sig.clone();
 		if let Some(our_assignment) = self.our_assignment.as_ref().filter(|a| a.triggered()) {
 			(Some(our_assignment.clone()), approval_sig)
@@ -232,10 +272,44 @@ impl ApprovalEntry {
 			(None, None)
+	// Convert an ApprovalEntry from v1 version to latest version
+	pub fn from_v1(
+		value: crate::approval_db::v1::ApprovalEntry,
+		candidate_index: CandidateIndex,
+	) -> Self {
+		ApprovalEntry {
+			tranches: value.tranches.into_iter().map(|tranche| tranche.into()).collect(),
+			backing_group: value.backing_group,
+			our_assignment:|assignment| assignment.into()),
+			our_approval_sig: value
+				.our_approval_sig
+				.map(|sig| OurApproval::from_v1(sig, candidate_index)),
+			assigned_validators: value.assignments,
+			approved: value.approved,
+		}
+	}
+	// Convert an ApprovalEntry from v1 version to latest version
+	pub fn from_v2(
+		value: crate::approval_db::v2::ApprovalEntry,
+		candidate_index: CandidateIndex,
+	) -> Self {
+		ApprovalEntry {
+			tranches: value.tranches.into_iter().map(|tranche| tranche.into()).collect(),
+			backing_group: value.backing_group,
+			our_assignment:|assignment| assignment.into()),
+			our_approval_sig: value
+				.our_approval_sig
+				.map(|sig| OurApproval::from_v2(sig, candidate_index)),
+			assigned_validators: value.assigned_validators,
+			approved: value.approved,
+		}
+	}
-impl From<crate::approval_db::v2::ApprovalEntry> for ApprovalEntry {
-	fn from(entry: crate::approval_db::v2::ApprovalEntry) -> Self {
+impl From<crate::approval_db::v3::ApprovalEntry> for ApprovalEntry {
+	fn from(entry: crate::approval_db::v3::ApprovalEntry) -> Self {
 		ApprovalEntry {
 			tranches: entry.tranches.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect(),
 			backing_group: entry.backing_group,
@@ -247,7 +321,7 @@ impl From<crate::approval_db::v2::ApprovalEntry> for ApprovalEntry {
-impl From<ApprovalEntry> for crate::approval_db::v2::ApprovalEntry {
+impl From<ApprovalEntry> for crate::approval_db::v3::ApprovalEntry {
 	fn from(entry: ApprovalEntry) -> Self {
 		Self {
 			tranches: entry.tranches.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect(),
@@ -303,10 +377,44 @@ impl CandidateEntry {
 	pub fn approval_entry(&self, block_hash: &Hash) -> Option<&ApprovalEntry> {
+	/// Convert a CandidateEntry from a v1 to its latest equivalent.
+	pub fn from_v1(
+		value: crate::approval_db::v1::CandidateEntry,
+		candidate_index: CandidateIndex,
+	) -> Self {
+		Self {
+			approvals: value.approvals,
+			block_assignments: value
+				.block_assignments
+				.into_iter()
+				.map(|(h, ae)| (h, ApprovalEntry::from_v1(ae, candidate_index)))
+				.collect(),
+			candidate: value.candidate,
+			session: value.session,
+		}
+	}
+	/// Convert a CandidateEntry from a v2 to its latest equivalent.
+	pub fn from_v2(
+		value: crate::approval_db::v2::CandidateEntry,
+		candidate_index: CandidateIndex,
+	) -> Self {
+		Self {
+			approvals: value.approvals,
+			block_assignments: value
+				.block_assignments
+				.into_iter()
+				.map(|(h, ae)| (h, ApprovalEntry::from_v2(ae, candidate_index)))
+				.collect(),
+			candidate: value.candidate,
+			session: value.session,
+		}
+	}
-impl From<crate::approval_db::v2::CandidateEntry> for CandidateEntry {
-	fn from(entry: crate::approval_db::v2::CandidateEntry) -> Self {
+impl From<crate::approval_db::v3::CandidateEntry> for CandidateEntry {
+	fn from(entry: crate::approval_db::v3::CandidateEntry) -> Self {
 		CandidateEntry {
 			candidate: entry.candidate,
 			session: entry.session,
@@ -320,7 +428,7 @@ impl From<crate::approval_db::v2::CandidateEntry> for CandidateEntry {
-impl From<CandidateEntry> for crate::approval_db::v2::CandidateEntry {
+impl From<CandidateEntry> for crate::approval_db::v3::CandidateEntry {
 	fn from(entry: CandidateEntry) -> Self {
 		Self {
 			candidate: entry.candidate,
@@ -353,12 +461,21 @@ pub struct BlockEntry {
 	// block. The block can be considered approved if the bitfield has all bits set to `true`.
 	pub approved_bitfield: Bitfield,
 	pub children: Vec<Hash>,
+	// A list of candidates we have checked, but didn't not sign and
+	// advertise the vote yet.
+	candidates_pending_signature: BTreeMap<CandidateIndex, CandidateSigningContext>,
 	// A list of assignments for which we already distributed the assignment.
 	// We use this to ensure we don't distribute multiple core assignments twice as we track
 	// individual wakeups for each core.
 	distributed_assignments: Bitfield,
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
+pub struct CandidateSigningContext {
+	pub candidate_hash: CandidateHash,
+	pub sign_no_later_than_tick: Tick,
 impl BlockEntry {
 	/// Mark a candidate as fully approved in the bitfield.
 	pub fn mark_approved_by_hash(&mut self, candidate_hash: &CandidateHash) {
@@ -447,10 +564,97 @@ impl BlockEntry {
+	/// Defer signing and issuing an approval for a candidate no later than the specified tick
+	pub fn defer_candidate_signature(
+		&mut self,
+		candidate_index: CandidateIndex,
+		candidate_hash: CandidateHash,
+		sign_no_later_than_tick: Tick,
+	) -> Option<CandidateSigningContext> {
+		self.candidates_pending_signature.insert(
+			candidate_index,
+			CandidateSigningContext { candidate_hash, sign_no_later_than_tick },
+		)
+	}
+	/// Returns the number of candidates waiting for an approval to be issued.
+	pub fn num_candidates_pending_signature(&self) -> usize {
+		self.candidates_pending_signature.len()
+	}
+	/// Return if we have candidates waiting for signature to be issued
+	pub fn has_candidates_pending_signature(&self) -> bool {
+		!self.candidates_pending_signature.is_empty()
+	}
+	/// Candidate hashes  for candidates pending signatures
+	fn candidate_hashes_pending_signature(&self) -> Vec<CandidateHash> {
+		self.candidates_pending_signature
+			.values()
+			.map(|unsigned_approval| unsigned_approval.candidate_hash)
+			.collect()
+	}
+	/// Candidate indices for candidates pending signature
+	fn candidate_indices_pending_signature(&self) -> Option<CandidateBitfield> {
+		self.candidates_pending_signature
+			.keys()
+			.map(|val| *val)
+			.collect_vec()
+			.try_into()
+			.ok()
+	}
+	/// Returns a list of candidates hashes that need need signature created at the current tick:
+	/// This might happen in other of the two reasons:
+	/// 1. We queued more than max_approval_coalesce_count candidates.
+	/// 2. We have candidates that waiting in the queue past their `sign_no_later_than_tick`
+	///
+	/// Additionally, we also return the first tick when we will have to create a signature,
+	/// so that the caller can arm the timer if it is not already armed.
+	pub fn get_candidates_that_need_signature(
+		&self,
+		tick_now: Tick,
+		max_approval_coalesce_count: u32,
+	) -> (Option<(Vec<CandidateHash>, CandidateBitfield)>, Option<Tick>) {
+		let sign_no_later_than_tick = self
+			.candidates_pending_signature
+			.values()
+			.min_by(|a, b| a.sign_no_later_than_tick.cmp(&b.sign_no_later_than_tick))
+			.map(|val| val.sign_no_later_than_tick);
+		if let Some(sign_no_later_than_tick) = sign_no_later_than_tick {
+			if sign_no_later_than_tick <= tick_now ||
+				self.num_candidates_pending_signature() >= max_approval_coalesce_count as usize
+			{
+				(
+					self.candidate_indices_pending_signature().and_then(|candidate_indices| {
+						Some((self.candidate_hashes_pending_signature(), candidate_indices))
+					}),
+					Some(sign_no_later_than_tick),
+				)
+			} else {
+				// We can still wait for other candidates to queue in, so just make sure
+				// we wake up at the tick we have to sign the longest waiting candidate.
+				(Default::default(), Some(sign_no_later_than_tick))
+			}
+		} else {
+			// No cached candidates, nothing to do here, this just means the timer fired,
+			// but the signatures were already sent because we gathered more than
+			// max_approval_coalesce_count.
+			(Default::default(), sign_no_later_than_tick)
+		}
+	}
+	/// Clears the candidates pending signature because the approval was issued.
+	pub fn issued_approval(&mut self) {
+		self.candidates_pending_signature.clear();
+	}
-impl From<crate::approval_db::v2::BlockEntry> for BlockEntry {
-	fn from(entry: crate::approval_db::v2::BlockEntry) -> Self {
+impl From<crate::approval_db::v3::BlockEntry> for BlockEntry {
+	fn from(entry: crate::approval_db::v3::BlockEntry) -> Self {
 		BlockEntry {
 			block_hash: entry.block_hash,
 			parent_hash: entry.parent_hash,
@@ -461,6 +665,11 @@ impl From<crate::approval_db::v2::BlockEntry> for BlockEntry {
 			candidates: entry.candidates,
 			approved_bitfield: entry.approved_bitfield,
 			children: entry.children,
+			candidates_pending_signature: entry
+				.candidates_pending_signature
+				.into_iter()
+				.map(|(candidate_index, signing_context)| (candidate_index, signing_context.into()))
+				.collect(),
 			distributed_assignments: entry.distributed_assignments,
@@ -479,11 +688,30 @@ impl From<crate::approval_db::v1::BlockEntry> for BlockEntry {
 			approved_bitfield: entry.approved_bitfield,
 			children: entry.children,
 			distributed_assignments: Default::default(),
+			candidates_pending_signature: Default::default(),
-impl From<BlockEntry> for crate::approval_db::v2::BlockEntry {
+impl From<crate::approval_db::v2::BlockEntry> for BlockEntry {
+	fn from(entry: crate::approval_db::v2::BlockEntry) -> Self {
+		BlockEntry {
+			block_hash: entry.block_hash,
+			parent_hash: entry.parent_hash,
+			block_number: entry.block_number,
+			session: entry.session,
+			slot: entry.slot,
+			relay_vrf_story: RelayVRFStory(entry.relay_vrf_story),
+			candidates: entry.candidates,
+			approved_bitfield: entry.approved_bitfield,
+			children: entry.children,
+			distributed_assignments: entry.distributed_assignments,
+			candidates_pending_signature: Default::default(),
+		}
+	}
+impl From<BlockEntry> for crate::approval_db::v3::BlockEntry {
 	fn from(entry: BlockEntry) -> Self {
 		Self {
 			block_hash: entry.block_hash,
@@ -495,36 +723,30 @@ impl From<BlockEntry> for crate::approval_db::v2::BlockEntry {
 			candidates: entry.candidates,
 			approved_bitfield: entry.approved_bitfield,
 			children: entry.children,
+			candidates_pending_signature: entry
+				.candidates_pending_signature
+				.into_iter()
+				.map(|(candidate_index, signing_context)| (candidate_index, signing_context.into()))
+				.collect(),
 			distributed_assignments: entry.distributed_assignments,
-/// Migration helpers.
-impl From<crate::approval_db::v1::CandidateEntry> for CandidateEntry {
-	fn from(value: crate::approval_db::v1::CandidateEntry) -> Self {
+impl From<crate::approval_db::v3::CandidateSigningContext> for CandidateSigningContext {
+	fn from(signing_context: crate::approval_db::v3::CandidateSigningContext) -> Self {
 		Self {
-			approvals: value.approvals,
-			block_assignments: value
-				.block_assignments
-				.into_iter()
-				.map(|(h, ae)| (h, ae.into()))
-				.collect(),
-			candidate: value.candidate,
-			session: value.session,
+			candidate_hash: signing_context.candidate_hash,
+			sign_no_later_than_tick: signing_context.sign_no_later_than_tick.into(),
-impl From<crate::approval_db::v1::ApprovalEntry> for ApprovalEntry {
-	fn from(value: crate::approval_db::v1::ApprovalEntry) -> Self {
-		ApprovalEntry {
-			tranches: value.tranches.into_iter().map(|tranche| tranche.into()).collect(),
-			backing_group: value.backing_group,
-			our_assignment:|assignment| assignment.into()),
-			our_approval_sig: value.our_approval_sig,
-			assigned_validators: value.assignments,
-			approved: value.approved,
+impl From<CandidateSigningContext> for crate::approval_db::v3::CandidateSigningContext {
+	fn from(signing_context: CandidateSigningContext) -> Self {
+		Self {
+			candidate_hash: signing_context.candidate_hash,
+			sign_no_later_than_tick: signing_context.sign_no_later_than_tick.into(),
diff --git a/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/ b/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/
index cdfc170cd2b..498cf62bb30 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/
+++ b/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ use polkadot_node_subsystem_test_helpers as test_helpers;
 use polkadot_node_subsystem_util::TimeoutExt;
 use polkadot_overseer::HeadSupportsParachains;
 use polkadot_primitives::{
-	vstaging::NodeFeatures, CandidateCommitments, CandidateEvent, CoreIndex, GroupIndex, Header,
-	Id as ParaId, IndexedVec, ValidationCode, ValidatorSignature,
+	vstaging::NodeFeatures, ApprovalVote, CandidateCommitments, CandidateEvent, CoreIndex,
+	GroupIndex, Header, Id as ParaId, IndexedVec, ValidationCode, ValidatorSignature,
 use std::time::Duration;
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ use std::{
 use super::{
-	approval_db::v2::StoredBlockRange,
+	approval_db::common::StoredBlockRange,
 		garbage_vrf_signature, AllowedSlots, BabeEpoch, BabeEpochConfiguration,
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ fn make_sync_oracle(val: bool) -> (Box<dyn SyncOracle + Send>, TestSyncOracleHan
 pub mod test_constants {
-	use crate::approval_db::v2::Config as DatabaseConfig;
+	use crate::approval_db::common::Config as DatabaseConfig;
 	const DATA_COL: u32 = 0;
 	pub(crate) const NUM_COLUMNS: u32 = 1;
@@ -281,6 +281,7 @@ impl V1ReadBackend for TestStoreInner {
 	fn load_candidate_entry_v1(
 		candidate_hash: &CandidateHash,
+		_candidate_index: CandidateIndex,
 	) -> SubsystemResult<Option<CandidateEntry>> {
@@ -364,6 +365,7 @@ impl V1ReadBackend for TestStore {
 	fn load_candidate_entry_v1(
 		candidate_hash: &CandidateHash,
+		_candidate_index: CandidateIndex,
 	) -> SubsystemResult<Option<CandidateEntry>> {
@@ -446,6 +448,15 @@ fn sign_approval(
+fn sign_approval_multiple_candidates(
+	key: Sr25519Keyring,
+	candidate_hashes: Vec<CandidateHash>,
+	session_index: SessionIndex,
+) -> ValidatorSignature {
+	key.sign(&ApprovalVoteMultipleCandidates(&candidate_hashes).signing_payload(session_index))
+		.into()
 type VirtualOverseer = test_helpers::TestSubsystemContextHandle<ApprovalVotingMessage>;
@@ -641,7 +652,12 @@ async fn check_and_import_approval(
 		FromOrchestra::Communication {
 			msg: ApprovalVotingMessage::CheckAndImportApproval(
-				IndirectSignedApprovalVote { block_hash, candidate_index, validator, signature },
+				IndirectSignedApprovalVoteV2 {
+					block_hash,
+					candidate_indices: candidate_index.into(),
+					validator,
+					signature,
+				},
@@ -2014,6 +2030,91 @@ fn forkful_import_at_same_height_act_on_leaf() {
+fn test_signing_a_single_candidate_is_backwards_compatible() {
+	let session_index = 1;
+	let block_hash = Hash::repeat_byte(0x01);
+	let candidate_descriptors = (1..10)
+		.into_iter()
+		.map(|val| make_candidate(ParaId::from(val as u32), &block_hash))
+		.collect::<Vec<CandidateReceipt>>();
+	let candidate_hashes = candidate_descriptors
+		.iter()
+		.map(|candidate_descriptor| candidate_descriptor.hash())
+		.collect_vec();
+	let first_descriptor = candidate_descriptors.first().unwrap();
+	let candidate_hash = first_descriptor.hash();
+	let sig_a = sign_approval(Sr25519Keyring::Alice, candidate_hash, session_index);
+	let sig_b = sign_approval(Sr25519Keyring::Alice, candidate_hash, session_index);
+	assert!(DisputeStatement::Valid(ValidDisputeStatementKind::ApprovalChecking)
+		.check_signature(
+			&Sr25519Keyring::Alice.public().into(),
+			candidate_hash,
+			session_index,
+			&sig_a,
+		)
+		.is_ok());
+	assert!(DisputeStatement::Valid(ValidDisputeStatementKind::ApprovalChecking)
+		.check_signature(
+			&Sr25519Keyring::Alice.public().into(),
+			candidate_hash,
+			session_index,
+			&sig_b,
+		)
+		.is_ok());
+	let sig_c = sign_approval_multiple_candidates(
+		Sr25519Keyring::Alice,
+		vec![candidate_hash],
+		session_index,
+	);
+	assert!(DisputeStatement::Valid(
+		ValidDisputeStatementKind::ApprovalCheckingMultipleCandidates(vec![candidate_hash])
+	)
+	.check_signature(&Sr25519Keyring::Alice.public().into(), candidate_hash, session_index, &sig_c,)
+	.is_ok());
+	assert!(DisputeStatement::Valid(ValidDisputeStatementKind::ApprovalChecking)
+		.check_signature(
+			&Sr25519Keyring::Alice.public().into(),
+			candidate_hash,
+			session_index,
+			&sig_c,
+		)
+		.is_ok());
+	assert!(DisputeStatement::Valid(
+		ValidDisputeStatementKind::ApprovalCheckingMultipleCandidates(vec![candidate_hash])
+	)
+	.check_signature(&Sr25519Keyring::Alice.public().into(), candidate_hash, session_index, &sig_a,)
+	.is_ok());
+	let sig_all = sign_approval_multiple_candidates(
+		Sr25519Keyring::Alice,
+		candidate_hashes.clone(),
+		session_index,
+	);
+	assert!(DisputeStatement::Valid(
+		ValidDisputeStatementKind::ApprovalCheckingMultipleCandidates(candidate_hashes.clone())
+	)
+	.check_signature(
+		&Sr25519Keyring::Alice.public().into(),
+		*candidate_hashes.first().expect("test"),
+		session_index,
+		&sig_all,
+	)
+	.is_ok());
 fn import_checked_approval_updates_entries_and_schedules() {
 	let config = HarnessConfig::default();
@@ -2730,11 +2831,29 @@ async fn handle_double_assignment_import(
+	assert_matches!(
+		overseer_recv(virtual_overseer).await,
+		AllMessages::RuntimeApi(RuntimeApiMessage::Request(_, RuntimeApiRequest::ApprovalVotingParams(_, sender))) => {
+			let _ = sender.send(Ok(ApprovalVotingParams {
+				max_approval_coalesce_count: 1,
+			}));
+		}
+	);
+	assert_matches!(
+		overseer_recv(virtual_overseer).await,
+		AllMessages::RuntimeApi(RuntimeApiMessage::Request(_, RuntimeApiRequest::ApprovalVotingParams(_, sender))) => {
+			let _ = sender.send(Ok(ApprovalVotingParams {
+				max_approval_coalesce_count: 1,
+			}));
+		}
+	);
@@ -3469,3 +3588,455 @@ fn waits_until_approving_assignments_are_old_enough() {
+fn test_approval_is_sent_on_max_approval_coalesce_count() {
+	let assignment_criteria = Box::new(MockAssignmentCriteria(
+		|| {
+			let mut assignments = HashMap::new();
+			let _ = assignments.insert(
+				CoreIndex(0),
+				approval_db::v2::OurAssignment {
+					cert: garbage_assignment_cert(AssignmentCertKind::RelayVRFModulo { sample: 0 })
+						.into(),
+					tranche: 0,
+					validator_index: ValidatorIndex(0),
+					triggered: false,
+				}
+				.into(),
+			);
+			let assignments_cert =
+				garbage_assignment_cert_v2(AssignmentCertKindV2::RelayVRFModuloCompact {
+					core_bitfield: vec![CoreIndex(0), CoreIndex(1), CoreIndex(2)]
+						.try_into()
+						.unwrap(),
+				});
+			let _ = assignments.insert(
+				CoreIndex(0),
+				approval_db::v2::OurAssignment {
+					cert: assignments_cert.clone(),
+					tranche: 0,
+					validator_index: ValidatorIndex(0),
+					triggered: false,
+				}
+				.into(),
+			);
+			let _ = assignments.insert(
+				CoreIndex(1),
+				approval_db::v2::OurAssignment {
+					cert: assignments_cert.clone(),
+					tranche: 0,
+					validator_index: ValidatorIndex(0),
+					triggered: false,
+				}
+				.into(),
+			);
+			assignments
+		},
+		|_| Ok(0),
+	));
+	let config = HarnessConfigBuilder::default().assignment_criteria(assignment_criteria).build();
+	let store = config.backend();
+	test_harness(config, |test_harness| async move {
+		let TestHarness { mut virtual_overseer, clock, sync_oracle_handle: _sync_oracle_handle } =
+			test_harness;
+		assert_matches!(
+			overseer_recv(&mut virtual_overseer).await,
+			AllMessages::ChainApi(ChainApiMessage::FinalizedBlockNumber(rx)) => {
+				rx.send(Ok(0)).unwrap();
+			}
+		);
+		let block_hash = Hash::repeat_byte(0x01);
+		let candidate_commitments = CandidateCommitments::default();
+		let candidate_receipt1 = {
+			let mut receipt = dummy_candidate_receipt(block_hash);
+			receipt.descriptor.para_id = ParaId::from(1_u32);
+			receipt.commitments_hash = candidate_commitments.hash();
+			receipt
+		};
+		let candidate_hash1 = candidate_receipt1.hash();
+		let candidate_receipt2 = {
+			let mut receipt = dummy_candidate_receipt(block_hash);
+			receipt.descriptor.para_id = ParaId::from(2_u32);
+			receipt.commitments_hash = candidate_commitments.hash();
+			receipt
+		};
+		let slot = Slot::from(1);
+		let candidate_index1 = 0;
+		let candidate_index2 = 1;
+		let validators = vec![
+			Sr25519Keyring::Alice,
+			Sr25519Keyring::Bob,
+			Sr25519Keyring::Charlie,
+			Sr25519Keyring::Dave,
+			Sr25519Keyring::Eve,
+		];
+		let session_info = SessionInfo {
+			validator_groups: IndexedVec::<GroupIndex, Vec<ValidatorIndex>>::from(vec![
+				vec![ValidatorIndex(0), ValidatorIndex(1)],
+				vec![ValidatorIndex(2)],
+				vec![ValidatorIndex(3), ValidatorIndex(4)],
+			]),
+			..session_info(&validators)
+		};
+		let candidates = Some(vec![
+			(candidate_receipt1.clone(), CoreIndex(0), GroupIndex(0)),
+			(candidate_receipt2.clone(), CoreIndex(1), GroupIndex(1)),
+		]);
+		ChainBuilder::new()
+			.add_block(
+				block_hash,
+				ChainBuilder::GENESIS_HASH,
+				1,
+				BlockConfig {
+					slot,
+					candidates: candidates.clone(),
+					session_info: Some(session_info.clone()),
+				},
+			)
+			.build(&mut virtual_overseer)
+			.await;
+		assert!(!clock.inner.lock().current_wakeup_is(1));
+		clock.inner.lock().wakeup_all(1);
+		assert!(clock.inner.lock().current_wakeup_is(slot_to_tick(slot)));
+		clock.inner.lock().wakeup_all(slot_to_tick(slot));
+		futures_timer::Delay::new(Duration::from_millis(200)).await;
+		clock.inner.lock().wakeup_all(slot_to_tick(slot + 2));
+		assert_eq!(clock.inner.lock().wakeups.len(), 0);
+		futures_timer::Delay::new(Duration::from_millis(200)).await;
+		let candidate_entry = store.load_candidate_entry(&candidate_hash1).unwrap().unwrap();
+		let our_assignment =
+			candidate_entry.approval_entry(&block_hash).unwrap().our_assignment().unwrap();
+		assert!(our_assignment.triggered());
+		handle_approval_on_max_coalesce_count(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			vec![candidate_index1, candidate_index2],
+		)
+		.await;
+		virtual_overseer
+	});
+async fn handle_approval_on_max_coalesce_count(
+	virtual_overseer: &mut VirtualOverseer,
+	candidate_indicies: Vec<CandidateIndex>,
+) {
+	assert_matches!(
+		overseer_recv(virtual_overseer).await,
+		AllMessages::ApprovalDistribution(ApprovalDistributionMessage::DistributeAssignment(
+			_,
+			c_indices,
+		)) => {
+			assert_eq!(TryInto::<CandidateBitfield>::try_into(candidate_indicies.clone()).unwrap(), c_indices);
+		}
+	);
+	for _ in &candidate_indicies {
+		recover_available_data(virtual_overseer).await;
+		fetch_validation_code(virtual_overseer).await;
+	}
+	for _ in &candidate_indicies {
+		assert_matches!(
+			overseer_recv(virtual_overseer).await,
+			AllMessages::CandidateValidation(CandidateValidationMessage::ValidateFromExhaustive{exec_kind, response_sender, ..}) if exec_kind == PvfExecKind::Approval => {
+				response_sender.send(Ok(ValidationResult::Valid(Default::default(), Default::default())))
+					.unwrap();
+			}
+		);
+	}
+	assert_matches!(
+		overseer_recv(virtual_overseer).await,
+		AllMessages::RuntimeApi(RuntimeApiMessage::Request(_, RuntimeApiRequest::ApprovalVotingParams(_, sender))) => {
+			let _ = sender.send(Ok(ApprovalVotingParams {
+				max_approval_coalesce_count: 2,
+			}));
+		}
+	);
+	assert_matches!(
+		overseer_recv(virtual_overseer).await,
+		AllMessages::RuntimeApi(RuntimeApiMessage::Request(_, RuntimeApiRequest::ApprovalVotingParams(_, sender))) => {
+			let _ = sender.send(Ok(ApprovalVotingParams {
+				max_approval_coalesce_count: 2,
+			}));
+		}
+	);
+	assert_matches!(
+		overseer_recv(virtual_overseer).await,
+		AllMessages::ApprovalDistribution(ApprovalDistributionMessage::DistributeApproval(vote)) => {
+			assert_eq!(TryInto::<CandidateBitfield>::try_into(candidate_indicies).unwrap(), vote.candidate_indices);
+		}
+	);
+	// Assert that there are no more messages being sent by the subsystem
+	assert!(overseer_recv(virtual_overseer).timeout(TIMEOUT / 2).await.is_none());
+async fn handle_approval_on_max_wait_time(
+	virtual_overseer: &mut VirtualOverseer,
+	candidate_indicies: Vec<CandidateIndex>,
+	clock: Box<MockClock>,
+) {
+	const TICK_NOW_BEGIN: u64 = 1;
+	const MAX_COALESCE_COUNT: u32 = 3;
+	clock.inner.lock().set_tick(TICK_NOW_BEGIN);
+	assert_matches!(
+		overseer_recv(virtual_overseer).await,
+		AllMessages::ApprovalDistribution(ApprovalDistributionMessage::DistributeAssignment(
+			_,
+			c_indices,
+		)) => {
+			assert_eq!(TryInto::<CandidateBitfield>::try_into(candidate_indicies.clone()).unwrap(), c_indices);
+		}
+	);
+	for _ in &candidate_indicies {
+		recover_available_data(virtual_overseer).await;
+		fetch_validation_code(virtual_overseer).await;
+	}
+	for _ in &candidate_indicies {
+		assert_matches!(
+			overseer_recv(virtual_overseer).await,
+			AllMessages::CandidateValidation(CandidateValidationMessage::ValidateFromExhaustive{exec_kind, response_sender, ..}) if exec_kind == PvfExecKind::Approval => {
+				response_sender.send(Ok(ValidationResult::Valid(Default::default(), Default::default())))
+					.unwrap();
+			}
+		);
+	}
+	// First time we fetch the configuration when we are ready to approve the first candidate
+	assert_matches!(
+		overseer_recv(virtual_overseer).await,
+		AllMessages::RuntimeApi(RuntimeApiMessage::Request(_, RuntimeApiRequest::ApprovalVotingParams(_, sender))) => {
+			let _ = sender.send(Ok(ApprovalVotingParams {
+				max_approval_coalesce_count: MAX_COALESCE_COUNT,
+			}));
+		}
+	);
+	// Second time we fetch the configuration when we are ready to approve the second candidate
+	assert_matches!(
+		overseer_recv(virtual_overseer).await,
+		AllMessages::RuntimeApi(RuntimeApiMessage::Request(_, RuntimeApiRequest::ApprovalVotingParams(_, sender))) => {
+			let _ = sender.send(Ok(ApprovalVotingParams {
+				max_approval_coalesce_count: MAX_COALESCE_COUNT,
+			}));
+		}
+	);
+	assert!(overseer_recv(virtual_overseer).timeout(TIMEOUT / 2).await.is_none());
+	// Move the clock just before we should send the approval
+	clock
+		.inner
+		.lock()
+	assert!(overseer_recv(virtual_overseer).timeout(TIMEOUT / 2).await.is_none());
+	// Move the clock tick, so we can trigger a force sending of the approvals
+	clock
+		.inner
+		.lock()
+	// Third time we fetch the configuration when timer expires and we are ready to sent the
+	// approval
+	assert_matches!(
+		overseer_recv(virtual_overseer).await,
+		AllMessages::RuntimeApi(RuntimeApiMessage::Request(_, RuntimeApiRequest::ApprovalVotingParams(_, sender))) => {
+			let _ = sender.send(Ok(ApprovalVotingParams {
+				max_approval_coalesce_count: 3,
+			}));
+		}
+	);
+	assert_matches!(
+		overseer_recv(virtual_overseer).await,
+		AllMessages::ApprovalDistribution(ApprovalDistributionMessage::DistributeApproval(vote)) => {
+			assert_eq!(TryInto::<CandidateBitfield>::try_into(candidate_indicies).unwrap(), vote.candidate_indices);
+		}
+	);
+	// Assert that there are no more messages being sent by the subsystem
+	assert!(overseer_recv(virtual_overseer).timeout(TIMEOUT / 2).await.is_none());
+fn test_approval_is_sent_on_max_approval_coalesce_wait() {
+	let assignment_criteria = Box::new(MockAssignmentCriteria(
+		|| {
+			let mut assignments = HashMap::new();
+			let _ = assignments.insert(
+				CoreIndex(0),
+				approval_db::v2::OurAssignment {
+					cert: garbage_assignment_cert(AssignmentCertKind::RelayVRFModulo { sample: 0 })
+						.into(),
+					tranche: 0,
+					validator_index: ValidatorIndex(0),
+					triggered: false,
+				}
+				.into(),
+			);
+			let assignments_cert =
+				garbage_assignment_cert_v2(AssignmentCertKindV2::RelayVRFModuloCompact {
+					core_bitfield: vec![CoreIndex(0), CoreIndex(1), CoreIndex(2)]
+						.try_into()
+						.unwrap(),
+				});
+			let _ = assignments.insert(
+				CoreIndex(0),
+				approval_db::v2::OurAssignment {
+					cert: assignments_cert.clone(),
+					tranche: 0,
+					validator_index: ValidatorIndex(0),
+					triggered: false,
+				}
+				.into(),
+			);
+			let _ = assignments.insert(
+				CoreIndex(1),
+				approval_db::v2::OurAssignment {
+					cert: assignments_cert.clone(),
+					tranche: 0,
+					validator_index: ValidatorIndex(0),
+					triggered: false,
+				}
+				.into(),
+			);
+			assignments
+		},
+		|_| Ok(0),
+	));
+	let config = HarnessConfigBuilder::default().assignment_criteria(assignment_criteria).build();
+	let store = config.backend();
+	test_harness(config, |test_harness| async move {
+		let TestHarness { mut virtual_overseer, clock, sync_oracle_handle: _sync_oracle_handle } =
+			test_harness;
+		assert_matches!(
+			overseer_recv(&mut virtual_overseer).await,
+			AllMessages::ChainApi(ChainApiMessage::FinalizedBlockNumber(rx)) => {
+				rx.send(Ok(0)).unwrap();
+			}
+		);
+		let block_hash = Hash::repeat_byte(0x01);
+		let candidate_commitments = CandidateCommitments::default();
+		let candidate_receipt1 = {
+			let mut receipt = dummy_candidate_receipt(block_hash);
+			receipt.descriptor.para_id = ParaId::from(1_u32);
+			receipt.commitments_hash = candidate_commitments.hash();
+			receipt
+		};
+		let candidate_hash1 = candidate_receipt1.hash();
+		let candidate_receipt2 = {
+			let mut receipt = dummy_candidate_receipt(block_hash);
+			receipt.descriptor.para_id = ParaId::from(2_u32);
+			receipt.commitments_hash = candidate_commitments.hash();
+			receipt
+		};
+		let slot = Slot::from(1);
+		let candidate_index1 = 0;
+		let candidate_index2 = 1;
+		let validators = vec![
+			Sr25519Keyring::Alice,
+			Sr25519Keyring::Bob,
+			Sr25519Keyring::Charlie,
+			Sr25519Keyring::Dave,
+			Sr25519Keyring::Eve,
+		];
+		let session_info = SessionInfo {
+			validator_groups: IndexedVec::<GroupIndex, Vec<ValidatorIndex>>::from(vec![
+				vec![ValidatorIndex(0), ValidatorIndex(1)],
+				vec![ValidatorIndex(2)],
+				vec![ValidatorIndex(3), ValidatorIndex(4)],
+			]),
+			..session_info(&validators)
+		};
+		let candidates = Some(vec![
+			(candidate_receipt1.clone(), CoreIndex(0), GroupIndex(0)),
+			(candidate_receipt2.clone(), CoreIndex(1), GroupIndex(1)),
+		]);
+		ChainBuilder::new()
+			.add_block(
+				block_hash,
+				ChainBuilder::GENESIS_HASH,
+				1,
+				BlockConfig {
+					slot,
+					candidates: candidates.clone(),
+					session_info: Some(session_info.clone()),
+				},
+			)
+			.build(&mut virtual_overseer)
+			.await;
+		assert!(!clock.inner.lock().current_wakeup_is(1));
+		clock.inner.lock().wakeup_all(1);
+		assert!(clock.inner.lock().current_wakeup_is(slot_to_tick(slot)));
+		clock.inner.lock().wakeup_all(slot_to_tick(slot));
+		futures_timer::Delay::new(Duration::from_millis(200)).await;
+		clock.inner.lock().wakeup_all(slot_to_tick(slot + 2));
+		assert_eq!(clock.inner.lock().wakeups.len(), 0);
+		futures_timer::Delay::new(Duration::from_millis(200)).await;
+		let candidate_entry = store.load_candidate_entry(&candidate_hash1).unwrap().unwrap();
+		let our_assignment =
+			candidate_entry.approval_entry(&block_hash).unwrap().our_assignment().unwrap();
+		assert!(our_assignment.triggered());
+		handle_approval_on_max_wait_time(
+			&mut virtual_overseer,
+			vec![candidate_index1, candidate_index2],
+			clock,
+		)
+		.await;
+		virtual_overseer
+	});
diff --git a/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/ b/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/
index a45866402c8..61091f3c34c 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/
+++ b/polkadot/node/core/approval-voting/src/
@@ -16,14 +16,23 @@
 //! Time utilities for approval voting.
-use futures::prelude::*;
+use futures::{
+	future::BoxFuture,
+	prelude::*,
+	stream::{FusedStream, FuturesUnordered},
+	Stream, StreamExt,
 use polkadot_node_primitives::approval::v1::DelayTranche;
 use sp_consensus_slots::Slot;
 use std::{
+	collections::HashSet,
+	task::Poll,
 	time::{Duration, SystemTime},
+use polkadot_primitives::{Hash, ValidatorIndex};
 const TICK_DURATION_MILLIS: u64 = 500;
 /// A base unit of time, starting from the Unix epoch, split into half-second intervals.
@@ -88,3 +97,157 @@ pub(crate) fn slot_number_to_tick(slot_duration_millis: u64, slot: Slot) -> Tick
 	let ticks_per_slot = slot_duration_millis / TICK_DURATION_MILLIS;
 	u64::from(slot) * ticks_per_slot
+/// A list of delayed futures that gets triggered when the waiting time has expired and it is
+/// time to sign the candidate.
+/// We have a timer per relay-chain block.
+pub struct DelayedApprovalTimer {
+	timers: FuturesUnordered<BoxFuture<'static, (Hash, ValidatorIndex)>>,
+	blocks: HashSet<Hash>,
+impl DelayedApprovalTimer {
+	/// Starts a single timer per block hash
+	///
+	/// Guarantees that if a timer already exits for the give block hash,
+	/// no additional timer is started.
+	pub(crate) fn maybe_arm_timer(
+		&mut self,
+		wait_untill: Tick,
+		clock: &dyn Clock,
+		block_hash: Hash,
+		validator_index: ValidatorIndex,
+	) {
+		if self.blocks.insert(block_hash) {
+			let clock_wait = clock.wait(wait_untill);
+			self.timers.push(Box::pin(async move {
+				clock_wait.await;
+				(block_hash, validator_index)
+			}));
+		}
+	}
+impl Stream for DelayedApprovalTimer {
+	type Item = (Hash, ValidatorIndex);
+	fn poll_next(
+		mut self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>,
+		cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>,
+	) -> std::task::Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
+		let poll_result = self.timers.poll_next_unpin(cx);
+		match poll_result {
+			Poll::Ready(Some(result)) => {
+				self.blocks.remove(&result.0);
+				Poll::Ready(Some(result))
+			},
+			_ => poll_result,
+		}
+	}
+impl FusedStream for DelayedApprovalTimer {
+	fn is_terminated(&self) -> bool {
+		self.timers.is_terminated()
+	}
+mod tests {
+	use std::time::Duration;
+	use futures::{executor::block_on, FutureExt, StreamExt};
+	use futures_timer::Delay;
+	use polkadot_primitives::{Hash, ValidatorIndex};
+	use crate::time::{Clock, SystemClock};
+	use super::DelayedApprovalTimer;
+	#[test]
+	fn test_select_empty_timer() {
+		block_on(async move {
+			let mut timer = DelayedApprovalTimer::default();
+			for _ in 1..10 {
+				let result = futures::select!(
+					_ = timer.select_next_some() => {
+						0
+					}
+					// Only this arm should fire
+					_ = Delay::new(Duration::from_millis(100)).fuse() => {
+						1
+					}
+				);
+				assert_eq!(result, 1);
+			}
+		});
+	}
+	#[test]
+	fn test_timer_functionality() {
+		block_on(async move {
+			let mut timer = DelayedApprovalTimer::default();
+			let test_hashes =
+				vec![Hash::repeat_byte(0x01), Hash::repeat_byte(0x02), Hash::repeat_byte(0x03)];
+			for (index, hash) in test_hashes.iter().enumerate() {
+				timer.maybe_arm_timer(
+					SystemClock.tick_now() + index as u64,
+					&SystemClock,
+					*hash,
+					ValidatorIndex::from(2),
+				);
+				timer.maybe_arm_timer(
+					SystemClock.tick_now() + index as u64,
+					&SystemClock,
+					*hash,
+					ValidatorIndex::from(2),
+				);
+			}
+			let timeout_hash = Hash::repeat_byte(0x02);
+			for i in 0..test_hashes.len() * 2 {
+				let result = futures::select!(
+					(hash, _) = timer.select_next_some() => {
+						hash
+					}
+					// Timers should fire only once, so for the rest of the iterations we should timeout through here.
+					_ = Delay::new(Duration::from_secs(2)).fuse() => {
+						timeout_hash
+					}
+				);
+				assert_eq!(test_hashes.get(i).cloned().unwrap_or(timeout_hash), result);
+			}
+			// Now check timer can be restarted if already fired
+			for (index, hash) in test_hashes.iter().enumerate() {
+				timer.maybe_arm_timer(
+					SystemClock.tick_now() + index as u64,
+					&SystemClock,
+					*hash,
+					ValidatorIndex::from(2),
+				);
+				timer.maybe_arm_timer(
+					SystemClock.tick_now() + index as u64,
+					&SystemClock,
+					*hash,
+					ValidatorIndex::from(2),
+				);
+			}
+			for i in 0..test_hashes.len() * 2 {
+				let result = futures::select!(
+					(hash, _) = timer.select_next_some() => {
+						hash
+					}
+					// Timers should fire only once, so for the rest of the iterations we should timeout through here.
+					_ = Delay::new(Duration::from_secs(2)).fuse() => {
+						timeout_hash
+					}
+				);
+				assert_eq!(test_hashes.get(i).cloned().unwrap_or(timeout_hash), result);
+			}
+		});
+	}
diff --git a/polkadot/node/core/dispute-coordinator/src/ b/polkadot/node/core/dispute-coordinator/src/
index 837ad7856e7..98c12bd509b 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/core/dispute-coordinator/src/
+++ b/polkadot/node/core/dispute-coordinator/src/
@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ use polkadot_node_primitives::{
 use polkadot_node_subsystem::overseer;
 use polkadot_node_subsystem_util::runtime::RuntimeInfo;
 use polkadot_primitives::{
-	CandidateReceipt, DisputeStatement, ExecutorParams, Hash, IndexedVec, SessionIndex,
-	SessionInfo, ValidDisputeStatementKind, ValidatorId, ValidatorIndex, ValidatorPair,
-	ValidatorSignature,
+	CandidateHash, CandidateReceipt, DisputeStatement, ExecutorParams, Hash, IndexedVec,
+	SessionIndex, SessionInfo, ValidDisputeStatementKind, ValidatorId, ValidatorIndex,
+	ValidatorPair, ValidatorSignature,
 use sc_keystore::LocalKeystore;
@@ -126,7 +126,9 @@ impl OwnVoteState {
 		let our_valid_votes = controlled_indices
 			.filter_map(|i| votes.valid.raw().get_key_value(i))
-			.map(|(index, (kind, sig))| (*index, (DisputeStatement::Valid(*kind), sig.clone())));
+			.map(|(index, (kind, sig))| {
+				(*index, (DisputeStatement::Valid(kind.clone()), sig.clone()))
+			});
 		let our_invalid_votes = controlled_indices
 			.filter_map(|i| votes.invalid.get_key_value(i))
@@ -305,7 +307,7 @@ impl CandidateVoteState<CandidateVotes> {
 				DisputeStatement::Valid(valid_kind) => {
 					let fresh = votes.valid.insert_vote(
-						*valid_kind,
+						valid_kind.clone(),
 					if fresh {
@@ -511,7 +513,7 @@ impl ImportResult {
 	pub fn import_approval_votes(
 		env: &CandidateEnvironment,
-		approval_votes: HashMap<ValidatorIndex, ValidatorSignature>,
+		approval_votes: HashMap<ValidatorIndex, (Vec<CandidateHash>, ValidatorSignature)>,
 		now: Timestamp,
 	) -> Self {
 		let Self {
@@ -525,19 +527,33 @@ impl ImportResult {
 		let (mut votes, _) = new_state.into_old_state();
-		for (index, sig) in approval_votes.into_iter() {
+		for (index, (candidate_hashes, sig)) in approval_votes.into_iter() {
 					let pub_key = &env.session_info().validators.get(index).expect("indices are validated by approval-voting subsystem; qed");
-					let candidate_hash = votes.candidate_receipt.hash();
 					let session_index = env.session_index();
-					DisputeStatement::Valid(ValidDisputeStatementKind::ApprovalChecking)
-						.check_signature(pub_key, candidate_hash, session_index, &sig)
+					candidate_hashes.contains(&votes.candidate_receipt.hash()) && DisputeStatement::Valid(ValidDisputeStatementKind::ApprovalCheckingMultipleCandidates(candidate_hashes.clone()))
+						.check_signature(pub_key, *candidate_hashes.first().expect("Valid votes have at least one candidate; qed"), session_index, &sig)
 				"Signature check for imported approval votes failed! This is a serious bug. Session: {:?}, candidate hash: {:?}, validator index: {:?}", env.session_index(), votes.candidate_receipt.hash(), index
-			if votes.valid.insert_vote(index, ValidDisputeStatementKind::ApprovalChecking, sig) {
+			if votes.valid.insert_vote(
+				index,
+				// There is a hidden dependency here between approval-voting and this subsystem.
+				// We should be able to start emitting
+				// ValidDisputeStatementKind::ApprovalCheckingMultipleCandidates only after:
+				// 1. Runtime have been upgraded to know about the new format.
+				// 2. All nodes have been upgraded to know about the new format.
+				// Once those two requirements have been met we should be able to increase
+				// max_approval_coalesce_count to values greater than 1.
+				if candidate_hashes.len() > 1 {
+					ValidDisputeStatementKind::ApprovalCheckingMultipleCandidates(candidate_hashes)
+				} else {
+					ValidDisputeStatementKind::ApprovalChecking
+				},
+				sig,
+			) {
 				imported_valid_votes += 1;
 				imported_approval_votes += 1;
diff --git a/polkadot/node/core/dispute-coordinator/src/ b/polkadot/node/core/dispute-coordinator/src/
index e44530b3f1b..d9cd4e39d3c 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/core/dispute-coordinator/src/
+++ b/polkadot/node/core/dispute-coordinator/src/
@@ -642,7 +642,7 @@ impl Initialized {
-							DisputeStatement::Valid(valid_statement_kind),
+							DisputeStatement::Valid(valid_statement_kind.clone()),
@@ -656,7 +656,7 @@ impl Initialized {
 					let signed_dispute_statement =
-							DisputeStatement::Valid(valid_statement_kind),
+							DisputeStatement::Valid(valid_statement_kind.clone()),
diff --git a/polkadot/node/core/dispute-coordinator/src/ b/polkadot/node/core/dispute-coordinator/src/
index e96fee81240..5067d3673da 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/core/dispute-coordinator/src/
+++ b/polkadot/node/core/dispute-coordinator/src/
@@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ pub fn make_dispute_message(
 			let other_vote = SignedDisputeStatement::new_checked(
-				DisputeStatement::Valid(*statement_kind),
+				DisputeStatement::Valid(statement_kind.clone()),
diff --git a/polkadot/node/core/dispute-coordinator/src/ b/polkadot/node/core/dispute-coordinator/src/
index 6912bbf67e1..da449773fe8 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/core/dispute-coordinator/src/
+++ b/polkadot/node/core/dispute-coordinator/src/
@@ -661,7 +661,7 @@ fn make_candidate_included_event(candidate_receipt: CandidateReceipt) -> Candida
 pub async fn handle_approval_vote_request(
 	ctx_handle: &mut VirtualOverseer,
 	expected_hash: &CandidateHash,
-	votes_to_send: HashMap<ValidatorIndex, ValidatorSignature>,
+	votes_to_send: HashMap<ValidatorIndex, (Vec<CandidateHash>, ValidatorSignature)>,
 ) {
@@ -868,9 +868,12 @@ fn approval_vote_import_works() {
 			gum::trace!("After sending `ImportStatements`");
-			let approval_votes = [(ValidatorIndex(4), approval_vote.into_validator_signature())]
-				.into_iter()
-				.collect();
+			let approval_votes = [(
+				ValidatorIndex(4),
+				(vec![candidate_receipt1.hash()], approval_vote.into_validator_signature()),
+			)]
+			.into_iter()
+			.collect();
 			handle_approval_vote_request(&mut virtual_overseer, &candidate_hash1, approval_votes)
diff --git a/polkadot/node/core/provisioner/src/disputes/prioritized_selection/ b/polkadot/node/core/provisioner/src/disputes/prioritized_selection/
index 096b73d271a..cb55ce39bc8 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/core/provisioner/src/disputes/prioritized_selection/
+++ b/polkadot/node/core/provisioner/src/disputes/prioritized_selection/
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ where
 				votes.valid.retain(|validator_idx, (statement_kind, _)| {
-						DisputeStatement::Valid(*statement_kind),
+						DisputeStatement::Valid(statement_kind.clone()),
diff --git a/polkadot/node/core/runtime-api/src/ b/polkadot/node/core/runtime-api/src/
index 8a7a3dc08b8..5eca551db0a 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/core/runtime-api/src/
+++ b/polkadot/node/core/runtime-api/src/
@@ -20,12 +20,13 @@ use schnellru::{ByLength, LruMap};
 use sp_consensus_babe::Epoch;
 use polkadot_primitives::{
-	async_backing, slashing, vstaging, AuthorityDiscoveryId, BlockNumber, CandidateCommitments,
-	CandidateEvent, CandidateHash, CommittedCandidateReceipt, CoreState, DisputeState,
-	ExecutorParams, GroupRotationInfo, Hash, Id as ParaId, InboundDownwardMessage,
-	InboundHrmpMessage, OccupiedCoreAssumption, PersistedValidationData, PvfCheckStatement,
-	ScrapedOnChainVotes, SessionIndex, SessionInfo, ValidationCode, ValidationCodeHash,
-	ValidatorId, ValidatorIndex, ValidatorSignature,
+	async_backing, slashing,
+	vstaging::{self, ApprovalVotingParams},
+	AuthorityDiscoveryId, BlockNumber, CandidateCommitments, CandidateEvent, CandidateHash,
+	CommittedCandidateReceipt, CoreState, DisputeState, ExecutorParams, GroupRotationInfo, Hash,
+	Id as ParaId, InboundDownwardMessage, InboundHrmpMessage, OccupiedCoreAssumption,
+	PersistedValidationData, PvfCheckStatement, ScrapedOnChainVotes, SessionIndex, SessionInfo,
+	ValidationCode, ValidationCodeHash, ValidatorId, ValidatorIndex, ValidatorSignature,
 /// For consistency we have the same capacity for all caches. We use 128 as we'll only need that
@@ -68,6 +69,7 @@ pub(crate) struct RequestResultCache {
 	para_backing_state: LruMap<(Hash, ParaId), Option<async_backing::BackingState>>,
 	async_backing_params: LruMap<Hash, async_backing::AsyncBackingParams>,
 	node_features: LruMap<SessionIndex, vstaging::NodeFeatures>,
+	approval_voting_params: LruMap<SessionIndex, ApprovalVotingParams>,
 impl Default for RequestResultCache {
@@ -98,6 +100,7 @@ impl Default for RequestResultCache {
 			unapplied_slashes: LruMap::new(ByLength::new(DEFAULT_CACHE_CAP)),
 			key_ownership_proof: LruMap::new(ByLength::new(DEFAULT_CACHE_CAP)),
 			minimum_backing_votes: LruMap::new(ByLength::new(DEFAULT_CACHE_CAP)),
+			approval_voting_params: LruMap::new(ByLength::new(DEFAULT_CACHE_CAP)),
 			disabled_validators: LruMap::new(ByLength::new(DEFAULT_CACHE_CAP)),
 			para_backing_state: LruMap::new(ByLength::new(DEFAULT_CACHE_CAP)),
 			async_backing_params: LruMap::new(ByLength::new(DEFAULT_CACHE_CAP)),
@@ -507,6 +510,21 @@ impl RequestResultCache {
 	) {
 		self.async_backing_params.insert(key, value);
+	pub(crate) fn approval_voting_params(
+		&mut self,
+		key: (Hash, SessionIndex),
+	) -> Option<&ApprovalVotingParams> {
+		self.approval_voting_params.get(&key.1).map(|v| &*v)
+	}
+	pub(crate) fn cache_approval_voting_params(
+		&mut self,
+		session_index: SessionIndex,
+		value: ApprovalVotingParams,
+	) {
+		self.approval_voting_params.insert(session_index, value);
+	}
 pub(crate) enum RequestResult {
@@ -554,6 +572,7 @@ pub(crate) enum RequestResult {
+	ApprovalVotingParams(Hash, SessionIndex, ApprovalVotingParams),
 	DisabledValidators(Hash, Vec<ValidatorIndex>),
 	ParaBackingState(Hash, ParaId, Option<async_backing::BackingState>),
 	AsyncBackingParams(Hash, async_backing::AsyncBackingParams),
diff --git a/polkadot/node/core/runtime-api/src/ b/polkadot/node/core/runtime-api/src/
index 8689355c413..4bedfd82734 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/core/runtime-api/src/
+++ b/polkadot/node/core/runtime-api/src/
@@ -165,6 +165,8 @@ where
 			KeyOwnershipProof(relay_parent, validator_id, key_ownership_proof) => self
 				.cache_key_ownership_proof((relay_parent, validator_id), key_ownership_proof),
+			RequestResult::ApprovalVotingParams(_relay_parent, session_index, params) =>
+				self.requests_cache.cache_approval_voting_params(session_index, params),
 			SubmitReportDisputeLost(_, _, _, _) => {},
 			DisabledValidators(relay_parent, disabled_validators) =>
 				self.requests_cache.cache_disabled_validators(relay_parent, disabled_validators),
@@ -300,6 +302,9 @@ where
 						Request::SubmitReportDisputeLost(dispute_proof, key_ownership_proof, sender)
+			Request::ApprovalVotingParams(session_index, sender) =>
+				query!(approval_voting_params(session_index), sender)
+					.map(|sender| Request::ApprovalVotingParams(session_index, sender)),
 			Request::DisabledValidators(sender) => query!(disabled_validators(), sender)
 				.map(|sender| Request::DisabledValidators(sender)),
 			Request::ParaBackingState(para, sender) => query!(para_backing_state(para), sender)
@@ -571,6 +576,14 @@ where
+		Request::ApprovalVotingParams(session_index, sender) => {
+			query!(
+				ApprovalVotingParams,
+				approval_voting_params(session_index),
+				sender
+			)
+		},
 		Request::SubmitReportDisputeLost(dispute_proof, key_ownership_proof, sender) => query!(
 			submit_report_dispute_lost(dispute_proof, key_ownership_proof),
diff --git a/polkadot/node/core/runtime-api/src/ b/polkadot/node/core/runtime-api/src/
index b939bffb0e7..f91723b3d39 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/core/runtime-api/src/
+++ b/polkadot/node/core/runtime-api/src/
@@ -20,12 +20,13 @@ use polkadot_node_primitives::{BabeAllowedSlots, BabeEpoch, BabeEpochConfigurati
 use polkadot_node_subsystem::SpawnGlue;
 use polkadot_node_subsystem_test_helpers::make_subsystem_context;
 use polkadot_primitives::{
-	async_backing, slashing, vstaging::NodeFeatures, AuthorityDiscoveryId, BlockNumber,
-	CandidateCommitments, CandidateEvent, CandidateHash, CommittedCandidateReceipt, CoreState,
-	DisputeState, ExecutorParams, GroupRotationInfo, Id as ParaId, InboundDownwardMessage,
-	InboundHrmpMessage, OccupiedCoreAssumption, PersistedValidationData, PvfCheckStatement,
-	ScrapedOnChainVotes, SessionIndex, SessionInfo, Slot, ValidationCode, ValidationCodeHash,
-	ValidatorId, ValidatorIndex, ValidatorSignature,
+	async_backing, slashing,
+	vstaging::{ApprovalVotingParams, NodeFeatures},
+	AuthorityDiscoveryId, BlockNumber, CandidateCommitments, CandidateEvent, CandidateHash,
+	CommittedCandidateReceipt, CoreState, DisputeState, ExecutorParams, GroupRotationInfo,
+	Id as ParaId, InboundDownwardMessage, InboundHrmpMessage, OccupiedCoreAssumption,
+	PersistedValidationData, PvfCheckStatement, ScrapedOnChainVotes, SessionIndex, SessionInfo,
+	Slot, ValidationCode, ValidationCodeHash, ValidatorId, ValidatorIndex, ValidatorSignature,
 use sp_api::ApiError;
 use sp_core::testing::TaskExecutor;
@@ -242,6 +243,15 @@ impl RuntimeApiSubsystemClient for MockSubsystemClient {
 		todo!("Not required for tests")
+	/// Approval voting configuration parameters
+	async fn approval_voting_params(
+		&self,
+		_: Hash,
+		_: SessionIndex,
+	) -> Result<ApprovalVotingParams, ApiError> {
+		todo!("Not required for tests")
+	}
 	async fn current_epoch(&self, _: Hash) -> Result<sp_consensus_babe::Epoch, ApiError> {
diff --git a/polkadot/node/network/approval-distribution/src/ b/polkadot/node/network/approval-distribution/src/
index 47482eef764..d520febaef5 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/network/approval-distribution/src/
+++ b/polkadot/node/network/approval-distribution/src/
@@ -32,14 +32,15 @@ use polkadot_node_network_protocol::{
 	self as net_protocol, filter_by_peer_version,
 	grid_topology::{RandomRouting, RequiredRouting, SessionGridTopologies, SessionGridTopology},
-	v1 as protocol_v1, v2 as protocol_v2, vstaging as protocol_vstaging, PeerId,
+	v1 as protocol_v1, v2 as protocol_v2, v3 as protocol_v3, PeerId,
 	UnifiedReputationChange as Rep, Versioned, View,
 use polkadot_node_primitives::approval::{
-	v1::{
-		AssignmentCertKind, BlockApprovalMeta, IndirectAssignmentCert, IndirectSignedApprovalVote,
+	v1::{AssignmentCertKind, BlockApprovalMeta, IndirectAssignmentCert},
+	v2::{
+		AsBitIndex, AssignmentCertKindV2, CandidateBitfield, IndirectAssignmentCertV2,
+		IndirectSignedApprovalVoteV2,
-	v2::{AsBitIndex, AssignmentCertKindV2, CandidateBitfield, IndirectAssignmentCertV2},
 use polkadot_node_subsystem::{
@@ -113,6 +114,14 @@ struct ApprovalRouting {
 	required_routing: RequiredRouting,
 	local: bool,
 	random_routing: RandomRouting,
+	peers_randomly_routed: Vec<PeerId>,
+impl ApprovalRouting {
+	fn mark_randomly_sent(&mut self, peer: PeerId) {
+		self.random_routing.inc_sent();
+		self.peers_randomly_routed.push(peer);
+	}
 // This struct is responsible for tracking the full state of an assignment and grid routing
@@ -121,9 +130,9 @@ struct ApprovalEntry {
 	// The assignment certificate.
 	assignment: IndirectAssignmentCertV2,
 	// The candidates claimed by the certificate. A mapping between bit index and candidate index.
-	candidates: CandidateBitfield,
+	assignment_claimed_candidates: CandidateBitfield,
 	// The approval signatures for each `CandidateIndex` claimed by the assignment certificate.
-	approvals: HashMap<CandidateIndex, IndirectSignedApprovalVote>,
+	approvals: HashMap<CandidateBitfield, IndirectSignedApprovalVoteV2>,
 	// The validator index of the assignment signer.
 	validator_index: ValidatorIndex,
 	// Information required for gossiping to other peers using the grid topology.
@@ -136,6 +145,8 @@ enum ApprovalEntryError {
+	UnknownAssignment,
+	AssignmentsFollowedDifferentPaths(RequiredRouting, RequiredRouting),
 impl ApprovalEntry {
@@ -148,7 +159,7 @@ impl ApprovalEntry {
 			validator_index: assignment.validator,
 			approvals: HashMap::with_capacity(candidates.len()),
-			candidates,
+			assignment_claimed_candidates: candidates,
@@ -156,23 +167,15 @@ impl ApprovalEntry {
 	// Create a `MessageSubject` to reference the assignment.
 	pub fn create_assignment_knowledge(&self, block_hash: Hash) -> (MessageSubject, MessageKind) {
-			MessageSubject(block_hash, self.candidates.clone(), self.validator_index),
+			MessageSubject(
+				block_hash,
+				self.assignment_claimed_candidates.clone(),
+				self.validator_index,
+			),
-	// Create a `MessageSubject` to reference the approval.
-	pub fn create_approval_knowledge(
-		&self,
-		block_hash: Hash,
-		candidate_index: CandidateIndex,
-	) -> (MessageSubject, MessageKind) {
-		(
-			MessageSubject(block_hash, candidate_index.into(), self.validator_index),
-			MessageKind::Approval,
-		)
-	}
 	// Updates routing information and returns the previous information if any.
 	pub fn routing_info_mut(&mut self) -> &mut ApprovalRouting {
 		&mut self.routing_info
@@ -188,11 +191,21 @@ impl ApprovalEntry {
 		self.routing_info.required_routing = required_routing;
+	// Tells if this entry assignment covers at least one candidate in the approval
+	pub fn includes_approval_candidates(&self, approval: &IndirectSignedApprovalVoteV2) -> bool {
+		for candidate_index in approval.candidate_indices.iter_ones() {
+			if self.assignment_claimed_candidates.bit_at((candidate_index).as_bit_index()) {
+				return true
+			}
+		}
+		return false
+	}
 	// Records a new approval. Returns error if the claimed candidate is not found or we already
 	// have received the approval.
 	pub fn note_approval(
 		&mut self,
-		approval: IndirectSignedApprovalVote,
+		approval: IndirectSignedApprovalVoteV2,
 	) -> Result<(), ApprovalEntryError> {
 		// First do some sanity checks:
 		// - check validator index matches
@@ -202,37 +215,29 @@ impl ApprovalEntry {
 			return Err(ApprovalEntryError::InvalidValidatorIndex)
-		if self.candidates.len() <= approval.candidate_index as usize {
-			return Err(ApprovalEntryError::CandidateIndexOutOfBounds)
-		}
-		if !self.candidates.bit_at(approval.candidate_index.as_bit_index()) {
+		// We need at least one of the candidates in the approval to be in this assignment
+		if !self.includes_approval_candidates(&approval) {
 			return Err(ApprovalEntryError::InvalidCandidateIndex)
-		if self.approvals.contains_key(&approval.candidate_index) {
+		if self.approvals.contains_key(&approval.candidate_indices) {
 			return Err(ApprovalEntryError::DuplicateApproval)
-		self.approvals.insert(approval.candidate_index, approval);
+		self.approvals.insert(approval.candidate_indices.clone(), approval.clone());
 	// Get the assignment certiticate and claimed candidates.
 	pub fn assignment(&self) -> (IndirectAssignmentCertV2, CandidateBitfield) {
-		(self.assignment.clone(), self.candidates.clone())
+		(self.assignment.clone(), self.assignment_claimed_candidates.clone())
 	// Get all approvals for all candidates claimed by the assignment.
-	pub fn approvals(&self) -> Vec<IndirectSignedApprovalVote> {
+	pub fn approvals(&self) -> Vec<IndirectSignedApprovalVoteV2> {
-	// Get the approval for a specific candidate index.
-	pub fn approval(&self, candidate_index: CandidateIndex) -> Option<IndirectSignedApprovalVote> {
-		self.approvals.get(&candidate_index).cloned()
-	}
 	// Get validator index.
 	pub fn validator_index(&self) -> ValidatorIndex {
@@ -430,6 +435,41 @@ impl PeerKnowledge {
 	fn contains(&self, message: &MessageSubject, kind: MessageKind) -> bool {
 		self.sent.contains(message, kind) || self.received.contains(message, kind)
+	// Generate the knowledge keys for querying if all assignments of an approval are known
+	// by this peer.
+	fn generate_assignments_keys(
+		approval: &IndirectSignedApprovalVoteV2,
+	) -> Vec<(MessageSubject, MessageKind)> {
+		approval
+			.candidate_indices
+			.iter_ones()
+			.map(|candidate_index| {
+				(
+					MessageSubject(
+						approval.block_hash,
+						(candidate_index as CandidateIndex).into(),
+						approval.validator,
+					),
+					MessageKind::Assignment,
+				)
+			})
+			.collect_vec()
+	}
+	// Generate the knowledge keys for querying if an approval is known by peer.
+	fn generate_approval_key(
+		approval: &IndirectSignedApprovalVoteV2,
+	) -> (MessageSubject, MessageKind) {
+		(
+			MessageSubject(
+				approval.block_hash,
+				approval.candidate_indices.clone(),
+				approval.validator,
+			),
+			MessageKind::Approval,
+		)
+	}
 /// Information about blocks in our current view as well as whether peers know of them.
@@ -462,13 +502,13 @@ impl BlockEntry {
 		// First map one entry per candidate to the same key we will use in `approval_entries`.
 		// Key is (Validator_index, CandidateBitfield) that links the `ApprovalEntry` to the (K,V)
 		// entry in `candidate_entry.messages`.
-		for claimed_candidate_index in entry.candidates.iter_ones() {
+		for claimed_candidate_index in entry.assignment_claimed_candidates.iter_ones() {
 			match self.candidates.get_mut(claimed_candidate_index) {
 				Some(candidate_entry) => {
-						.messages
+						.assignments
-						.or_insert(entry.candidates.clone());
+						.or_insert(entry.assignment_claimed_candidates.clone());
 				None => {
 					// This should never happen, but if it happens, it means the subsystem is
@@ -484,50 +524,107 @@ impl BlockEntry {
-			.entry((entry.validator_index, entry.candidates.clone()))
+			.entry((entry.validator_index, entry.assignment_claimed_candidates.clone()))
-	// Returns a mutable reference of `ApprovalEntry` for `candidate_index` from validator
-	// `validator_index`.
-	pub fn approval_entry(
+	// Tels if all candidate_indices are valid candidates
+	pub fn contains_candidates(&self, candidate_indices: &CandidateBitfield) -> bool {
+		candidate_indices
+			.iter_ones()
+			.all(|candidate_index| self.candidates.get(candidate_index as usize).is_some())
+	}
+	// Saves the given approval in all ApprovalEntries that contain an assignment for any of the
+	// candidates in the approval.
+	//
+	// Returns the required routing needed for this approval and the lit of random peers the
+	// covering assignments were sent.
+	pub fn note_approval(
 		&mut self,
-		candidate_index: CandidateIndex,
-		validator_index: ValidatorIndex,
-	) -> Option<&mut ApprovalEntry> {
-		self.candidates
-			.get(candidate_index as usize)
-			.map_or(None, |candidate_entry| candidate_entry.messages.get(&validator_index))
-			.map_or(None, |candidate_indices| {
-				self.approval_entries.get_mut(&(validator_index, candidate_indices.clone()))
+		approval: IndirectSignedApprovalVoteV2,
+	) -> Result<(RequiredRouting, HashSet<PeerId>), ApprovalEntryError> {
+		let mut required_routing = None;
+		let mut peers_randomly_routed_to = HashSet::new();
+		if self.candidates.len() < approval.candidate_indices.len() as usize {
+			return Err(ApprovalEntryError::CandidateIndexOutOfBounds)
+		}
+		// First determine all assignments bitfields that might be covered by this approval
+		let covered_assignments_bitfields: HashSet<CandidateBitfield> = approval
+			.candidate_indices
+			.iter_ones()
+			.filter_map(|candidate_index| {
+				self.candidates.get_mut(candidate_index).map_or(None, |candidate_entry| {
+					candidate_entry.assignments.get(&approval.validator).cloned()
+				})
-	}
+			.collect();
-	// Get all approval entries for a given candidate.
-	pub fn approval_entries(&self, candidate_index: CandidateIndex) -> Vec<&ApprovalEntry> {
-		// Get the keys for fetching `ApprovalEntry` from `self.approval_entries`,
-		let approval_entry_keys = self
-			.candidates
-			.get(candidate_index as usize)
-			.map(|candidate_entry| &candidate_entry.messages);
-		if let Some(approval_entry_keys) = approval_entry_keys {
-			// Ensure no duplicates.
-			let approval_entry_keys = approval_entry_keys.iter().unique().collect::<Vec<_>>();
-			let mut entries = Vec::new();
-			for (validator_index, candidate_indices) in approval_entry_keys {
-				if let Some(entry) =
-					self.approval_entries.get(&(*validator_index, candidate_indices.clone()))
-				{
-					entries.push(entry);
+		// Mark the vote in all approval entries
+		for assignment_bitfield in covered_assignments_bitfields {
+			if let Some(approval_entry) =
+				self.approval_entries.get_mut(&(approval.validator, assignment_bitfield))
+			{
+				approval_entry.note_approval(approval.clone())?;
+				peers_randomly_routed_to
+					.extend(approval_entry.routing_info().peers_randomly_routed.iter());
+				if let Some(required_routing) = required_routing {
+					if required_routing != approval_entry.routing_info().required_routing {
+						// This shouldn't happen since the required routing is computed based on the
+						// validator_index, so two assignments from the same validators will have
+						// the same required routing.
+						return Err(ApprovalEntryError::AssignmentsFollowedDifferentPaths(
+							required_routing,
+							approval_entry.routing_info().required_routing,
+						))
+					}
+				} else {
+					required_routing = Some(approval_entry.routing_info().required_routing)
-			entries
+		}
+		if let Some(required_routing) = required_routing {
+			Ok((required_routing, peers_randomly_routed_to))
 		} else {
-			vec![]
+			Err(ApprovalEntryError::UnknownAssignment)
+	/// Returns the list of approval votes covering this candidate
+	pub fn approval_votes(
+		&self,
+		candidate_index: CandidateIndex,
+	) -> Vec<IndirectSignedApprovalVoteV2> {
+		let result: Option<
+			HashMap<(ValidatorIndex, CandidateBitfield), IndirectSignedApprovalVoteV2>,
+		> = self.candidates.get(candidate_index as usize).map(|candidate_entry| {
+			candidate_entry
+				.assignments
+				.iter()
+				.filter_map(|(validator, assignment_bitfield)| {
+					self.approval_entries.get(&(*validator, assignment_bitfield.clone()))
+				})
+				.flat_map(|approval_entry| {
+					approval_entry
+						.approvals
+						.clone()
+						.into_iter()
+						.filter(|(approved_candidates, _)| {
+							approved_candidates.bit_at(candidate_index.as_bit_index())
+						})
+						.map(|(approved_candidates, vote)| {
+							((approval_entry.validator_index, approved_candidates), vote)
+						})
+				})
+				.collect()
+		});
+|result| result.into_values().collect_vec()).unwrap_or_default()
+	}
 // Information about candidates in the context of a particular block they are included in.
@@ -537,7 +634,7 @@ impl BlockEntry {
 struct CandidateEntry {
 	// The value represents part of the lookup key in `approval_entries` to fetch the assignment
 	// and existing votes.
-	messages: HashMap<ValidatorIndex, CandidateBitfield>,
+	assignments: HashMap<ValidatorIndex, CandidateBitfield>,
 #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
@@ -557,7 +654,7 @@ impl MessageSource {
 enum PendingMessage {
 	Assignment(IndirectAssignmentCertV2, CandidateBitfield),
-	Approval(IndirectSignedApprovalVote),
+	Approval(IndirectSignedApprovalVoteV2),
 #[overseer::contextbounds(ApprovalDistribution, prefix = self::overseer)]
@@ -830,6 +927,49 @@ impl State {
+	// Entry point for processing an approval coming from a peer.
+	async fn process_incoming_approvals<Context>(
+		&mut self,
+		ctx: &mut Context,
+		metrics: &Metrics,
+		peer_id: PeerId,
+		approvals: Vec<IndirectSignedApprovalVoteV2>,
+	) {
+		gum::trace!(
+			target: LOG_TARGET,
+			peer_id = %peer_id,
+			num = approvals.len(),
+			"Processing approvals from a peer",
+		);
+		for approval_vote in approvals.into_iter() {
+			if let Some(pending) = self.pending_known.get_mut(&approval_vote.block_hash) {
+				let block_hash = approval_vote.block_hash;
+				let validator_index = approval_vote.validator;
+				gum::trace!(
+					target: LOG_TARGET,
+					%peer_id,
+					?block_hash,
+					?validator_index,
+					"Pending assignment candidates {:?}",
+					approval_vote.candidate_indices,
+				);
+				pending.push((peer_id, PendingMessage::Approval(approval_vote)));
+				continue
+			}
+			self.import_and_circulate_approval(
+				ctx,
+				metrics,
+				MessageSource::Peer(peer_id),
+				approval_vote,
+			)
+			.await;
+		}
+	}
 	async fn process_incoming_peer_message<Context, R>(
 		&mut self,
 		ctx: &mut Context,
@@ -838,16 +978,14 @@ impl State {
 		msg: Versioned<
-			protocol_vstaging::ApprovalDistributionMessage,
+			protocol_v3::ApprovalDistributionMessage,
 		rng: &mut R,
 	) where
 		R: CryptoRng + Rng,
 		match msg {
-			Versioned::VStaging(protocol_vstaging::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Assignments(
-				assignments,
-			)) => {
+			Versioned::V3(protocol_v3::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Assignments(assignments)) => {
 					target: LOG_TARGET,
 					peer_id = %peer_id,
@@ -887,45 +1025,18 @@ impl State {
-			Versioned::VStaging(protocol_vstaging::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Approvals(
-				approvals,
-			)) |
+			Versioned::V3(protocol_v3::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Approvals(approvals)) => {
+				self.process_incoming_approvals(ctx, metrics, peer_id, approvals).await;
+			},
 			Versioned::V1(protocol_v1::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Approvals(approvals)) |
 			Versioned::V2(protocol_v2::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Approvals(approvals)) => {
-				gum::trace!(
-					target: LOG_TARGET,
-					peer_id = %peer_id,
-					num = approvals.len(),
-					"Processing approvals from a peer",
-				);
-				for approval_vote in approvals.into_iter() {
-					if let Some(pending) = self.pending_known.get_mut(&approval_vote.block_hash) {
-						let block_hash = approval_vote.block_hash;
-						let candidate_index = approval_vote.candidate_index;
-						let validator_index = approval_vote.validator;
-						gum::trace!(
-							target: LOG_TARGET,
-							%peer_id,
-							?block_hash,
-							?candidate_index,
-							?validator_index,
-							"Pending assignment",
-						);
-						pending.push((peer_id, PendingMessage::Approval(approval_vote)));
-						continue
-					}
-					self.import_and_circulate_approval(
-						ctx,
-						metrics,
-						MessageSource::Peer(peer_id),
-						approval_vote,
-					)
-					.await;
-				}
+				self.process_incoming_approvals(
+					ctx,
+					metrics,
+					peer_id,
+					approvals.into_iter().map(|approval| approval.into()).collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+				)
+				.await;
@@ -1071,8 +1182,11 @@ impl State {
+						gum::debug!(target: LOG_TARGET, "Received assignment for invalid block");
+						metrics.on_assignment_recent_outdated();
+				metrics.on_assignment_invalid_block();
@@ -1105,6 +1219,7 @@ impl State {
+							metrics.on_assignment_duplicate();
 						} else {
 								target: LOG_TARGET,
@@ -1132,6 +1247,7 @@ impl State {
+					metrics.on_assignment_out_of_view();
@@ -1148,6 +1264,7 @@ impl State {
 					gum::trace!(target: LOG_TARGET, ?peer_id, ?message_subject, "Known assignment");
 					peer_knowledge.received.insert(message_subject, message_kind);
+				metrics.on_assignment_good_known();
@@ -1204,6 +1321,8 @@ impl State {
 						"Got an `AcceptedDuplicate` assignment",
+					metrics.on_assignment_duplicatevoting();
 				AssignmentCheckResult::TooFarInFuture => {
@@ -1220,6 +1339,8 @@ impl State {
+					metrics.on_assignment_far();
 				AssignmentCheckResult::Bad(error) => {
@@ -1237,6 +1358,7 @@ impl State {
+					metrics.on_assignment_bad();
@@ -1275,7 +1397,12 @@ impl State {
 		let approval_entry = entry.insert_approval_entry(ApprovalEntry::new(
-			ApprovalRouting { required_routing, local, random_routing: Default::default() },
+			ApprovalRouting {
+				required_routing,
+				local,
+				random_routing: Default::default(),
+				peers_randomly_routed: Default::default(),
+			},
 		// Dispatch the message to all peers in the routing set which
@@ -1305,6 +1432,10 @@ impl State {
+			if !|topology| topology.is_validator(&peer)).unwrap_or(false) {
+				continue
+			}
 			// Note: at this point, we haven't received the message from any peers
 			// other than the source peer, and we just got it, so we haven't sent it
 			// to any peers either.
@@ -1312,7 +1443,7 @@ impl State {
 				approval_entry.routing_info().random_routing.sample(n_peers_total, rng);
 			if route_random {
-				approval_entry.routing_info_mut().random_routing.inc_sent();
+				approval_entry.routing_info_mut().mark_randomly_sent(peer);
@@ -1346,12 +1477,94 @@ impl State {
+	// Checks if an approval can be processed.
+	// Returns true if we can continue with processing the approval and false otherwise.
+	async fn check_approval_can_be_processed<Context>(
+		ctx: &mut Context,
+		assignments_knowledge_key: &Vec<(MessageSubject, MessageKind)>,
+		approval_knowledge_key: &(MessageSubject, MessageKind),
+		entry: &mut BlockEntry,
+		reputation: &mut ReputationAggregator,
+		peer_id: PeerId,
+		metrics: &Metrics,
+	) -> bool {
+		for message_subject in assignments_knowledge_key {
+			if !entry.knowledge.contains(&message_subject.0, message_subject.1) {
+				gum::trace!(
+					target: LOG_TARGET,
+					?peer_id,
+					?message_subject,
+					"Unknown approval assignment",
+				);
+				modify_reputation(reputation, ctx.sender(), peer_id, COST_UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE).await;
+				metrics.on_approval_unknown_assignment();
+				return false
+			}
+		}
+		// check if our knowledge of the peer already contains this approval
+		match entry.known_by.entry(peer_id) {
+			hash_map::Entry::Occupied(mut knowledge) => {
+				let peer_knowledge = knowledge.get_mut();
+				if peer_knowledge.contains(&approval_knowledge_key.0, approval_knowledge_key.1) {
+					if !peer_knowledge
+						.received
+						.insert(approval_knowledge_key.0.clone(), approval_knowledge_key.1)
+					{
+						gum::trace!(
+							target: LOG_TARGET,
+							?peer_id,
+							?approval_knowledge_key,
+							"Duplicate approval",
+						);
+						modify_reputation(
+							reputation,
+							ctx.sender(),
+							peer_id,
+						)
+						.await;
+						metrics.on_approval_duplicate();
+					}
+					return false
+				}
+			},
+			hash_map::Entry::Vacant(_) => {
+				gum::debug!(
+					target: LOG_TARGET,
+					?peer_id,
+					?approval_knowledge_key,
+					"Approval from a peer is out of view",
+				);
+				modify_reputation(reputation, ctx.sender(), peer_id, COST_UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE).await;
+				metrics.on_approval_out_of_view();
+			},
+		}
+		if entry.knowledge.contains(&approval_knowledge_key.0, approval_knowledge_key.1) {
+			if let Some(peer_knowledge) = entry.known_by.get_mut(&peer_id) {
+				peer_knowledge
+					.received
+					.insert(approval_knowledge_key.0.clone(), approval_knowledge_key.1);
+			}
+			// We already processed this approval no need to continue.
+			gum::trace!(target: LOG_TARGET, ?peer_id, ?approval_knowledge_key, "Known approval");
+			metrics.on_approval_good_known();
+			modify_reputation(reputation, ctx.sender(), peer_id, BENEFIT_VALID_MESSAGE).await;
+			false
+		} else {
+			true
+		}
+	}
 	async fn import_and_circulate_approval<Context>(
 		&mut self,
 		ctx: &mut Context,
 		metrics: &Metrics,
 		source: MessageSource,
-		vote: IndirectSignedApprovalVote,
+		vote: IndirectSignedApprovalVoteV2,
 	) {
 		let _span = self
@@ -1370,10 +1583,9 @@ impl State {
 		let block_hash = vote.block_hash;
 		let validator_index = vote.validator;
-		let candidate_index = vote.candidate_index;
+		let candidate_indices = &vote.candidate_indices;
 		let entry = match self.blocks.get_mut(&block_hash) {
-			Some(entry) if entry.candidates.get(candidate_index as usize).is_some() => entry,
+			Some(entry) if entry.contains_candidates(&vote.candidate_indices) => entry,
 			_ => {
 				if let Some(peer_id) = source.peer_id() {
 					if !self.recent_outdated_blocks.is_recent_outdated(&block_hash) {
@@ -1382,7 +1594,7 @@ impl State {
-							?candidate_index,
+							?candidate_indices,
 							"Approval from a peer is out of view",
@@ -1392,6 +1604,9 @@ impl State {
+						metrics.on_approval_invalid_block();
+					} else {
+						metrics.on_approval_recent_outdated();
@@ -1399,81 +1614,21 @@ impl State {
 		// compute metadata on the assignment.
-		let message_subject = MessageSubject(block_hash, candidate_index.into(), validator_index);
-		let message_kind = MessageKind::Approval;
+		let assignments_knowledge_keys = PeerKnowledge::generate_assignments_keys(&vote);
+		let approval_knwowledge_key = PeerKnowledge::generate_approval_key(&vote);
 		if let Some(peer_id) = source.peer_id() {
-			if !entry.knowledge.contains(&message_subject, MessageKind::Assignment) {
-				gum::debug!(
-					target: LOG_TARGET,
-					?peer_id,
-					?message_subject,
-					"Unknown approval assignment",
-				);
-				modify_reputation(
-					&mut self.reputation,
-					ctx.sender(),
-					peer_id,
-				)
-				.await;
-				return
-			}
-			// check if our knowledge of the peer already contains this approval
-			match entry.known_by.entry(peer_id) {
-				hash_map::Entry::Occupied(mut knowledge) => {
-					let peer_knowledge = knowledge.get_mut();
-					if peer_knowledge.contains(&message_subject, message_kind) {
-						if !peer_knowledge.received.insert(message_subject.clone(), message_kind) {
-							gum::debug!(
-								target: LOG_TARGET,
-								?peer_id,
-								?message_subject,
-								"Duplicate approval",
-							);
-							modify_reputation(
-								&mut self.reputation,
-								ctx.sender(),
-								peer_id,
-							)
-							.await;
-						}
-						return
-					}
-				},
-				hash_map::Entry::Vacant(_) => {
-					gum::debug!(
-						target: LOG_TARGET,
-						?peer_id,
-						?message_subject,
-						"Approval from a peer is out of view",
-					);
-					modify_reputation(
-						&mut self.reputation,
-						ctx.sender(),
-						peer_id,
-					)
-					.await;
-				},
-			}
-			// if the approval is known to be valid, reward the peer
-			if entry.knowledge.contains(&message_subject, message_kind) {
-				gum::trace!(target: LOG_TARGET, ?peer_id, ?message_subject, "Known approval");
-				modify_reputation(
-					&mut self.reputation,
-					ctx.sender(),
-					peer_id,
-				)
-				.await;
-				if let Some(peer_knowledge) = entry.known_by.get_mut(&peer_id) {
-					peer_knowledge.received.insert(message_subject.clone(), message_kind);
-				}
+			if !Self::check_approval_can_be_processed(
+				ctx,
+				&assignments_knowledge_keys,
+				&approval_knwowledge_key,
+				entry,
+				&mut self.reputation,
+				peer_id,
+				metrics,
+			)
+			.await
+			{
@@ -1495,8 +1650,8 @@ impl State {
 				target: LOG_TARGET,
-				?message_subject,
+				?vote,
 				"Checked approval",
 			match result {
@@ -1509,9 +1664,13 @@ impl State {
-					entry.knowledge.insert(message_subject.clone(), message_kind);
+					entry
+						.knowledge
+						.insert(approval_knwowledge_key.0.clone(), approval_knwowledge_key.1);
 					if let Some(peer_knowledge) = entry.known_by.get_mut(&peer_id) {
-						peer_knowledge.received.insert(message_subject.clone(), message_kind);
+						peer_knowledge
+							.received
+							.insert(approval_knwowledge_key.0.clone(), approval_knwowledge_key.1);
 				ApprovalCheckResult::Bad(error) => {
@@ -1528,74 +1687,55 @@ impl State {
 						"Got a bad approval from peer",
+					metrics.on_approval_bad();
 		} else {
-			if !entry.knowledge.insert(message_subject.clone(), message_kind) {
-				// if we already imported an approval, there is no need to distribute it again
+			if !entry
+				.knowledge
+				.insert(approval_knwowledge_key.0.clone(), approval_knwowledge_key.1)
+			{
+				// if we already imported all approvals, there is no need to distribute it again
 					target: LOG_TARGET,
-					?message_subject,
 					"Importing locally an already known approval",
 			} else {
 					target: LOG_TARGET,
-					?message_subject,
 					"Importing locally a new approval",
-		let required_routing = match entry.approval_entry(candidate_index, validator_index) {
-			Some(approval_entry) => {
-				// Invariant: to our knowledge, none of the peers except for the `source` know about
-				// the approval.
-				metrics.on_approval_imported();
-				if let Err(err) = approval_entry.note_approval(vote.clone()) {
-					// this would indicate a bug in approval-voting:
-					// - validator index mismatch
-					// - candidate index mismatch
-					// - duplicate approval
-					gum::warn!(
-						target: LOG_TARGET,
-						hash = ?block_hash,
-						?candidate_index,
-						?validator_index,
-						?err,
-						"Possible bug: Vote import failed",
-					);
-					return
-				}
-				approval_entry.routing_info().required_routing
-			},
-			None => {
-				let peer_id = source.peer_id();
-				// This indicates a bug in approval-distribution, since we check the knowledge at
-				// the begining of the function.
+		let (required_routing, peers_randomly_routed_to) = match entry.note_approval(vote.clone()) {
+			Ok(required_routing) => required_routing,
+			Err(err) => {
 					target: LOG_TARGET,
-					?peer_id,
-					?message_subject,
-					"Unknown approval assignment",
+					hash = ?block_hash,
+					validator_index = ?vote.validator,
+					candidate_bitfield = ?vote.candidate_indices,
+					?err,
+					"Possible bug: Vote import failed",
-				// No rep change as this is caused by an issue
+				metrics.on_approval_bug();
+		// Invariant: to our knowledge, none of the peers except for the `source` know about the
+		// approval.
+		metrics.on_approval_imported();
 		// Dispatch a ApprovalDistributionV1Message::Approval(vote)
 		// to all peers required by the topology, with the exception of the source peer.
 		let topology = self.topologies.get_topology(entry.session);
 		let source_peer = source.peer_id();
-		let message_subject = &message_subject;
-		let peer_filter = move |peer, knowledge: &PeerKnowledge| {
+		let peer_filter = move |peer| {
 			if Some(peer) == source_peer.as_ref() {
 				return false
@@ -1611,13 +1751,13 @@ impl State {
 			//   3. Any randomly selected peers have been sent the assignment already.
 			let in_topology = topology
 				.map_or(false, |t| t.local_grid_neighbors().route_to_peer(required_routing, peer));
-			in_topology || knowledge.sent.contains(message_subject, MessageKind::Assignment)
+			in_topology || peers_randomly_routed_to.contains(peer)
 		let peers = entry
-			.filter(|(p, k)| peer_filter(p, k))
+			.filter(|(p, _)| peer_filter(p))
 			.filter_map(|(p, _)| self.peer_views.get(p).map(|entry| (*p, entry.version)))
@@ -1625,7 +1765,7 @@ impl State {
 		for peer in peers.iter() {
 			// we already filtered peers above, so this should always be Some
 			if let Some(entry) = entry.known_by.get_mut(&peer.0) {
-				entry.sent.insert(message_subject.clone(), message_kind);
+				entry.sent.insert(approval_knwowledge_key.0.clone(), approval_knwowledge_key.1);
@@ -1634,7 +1774,6 @@ impl State {
 				target: LOG_TARGET,
-				?candidate_index,
 				local = source.peer_id().is_none(),
 				num_peers = peers.len(),
 				"Sending an approval to peers",
@@ -1647,7 +1786,7 @@ impl State {
 	fn get_approval_signatures(
 		&mut self,
 		indices: HashSet<(Hash, CandidateIndex)>,
-	) -> HashMap<ValidatorIndex, ValidatorSignature> {
+	) -> HashMap<ValidatorIndex, (Hash, Vec<CandidateIndex>, ValidatorSignature)> {
 		let mut all_sigs = HashMap::new();
 		for (hash, index) in indices {
 			let _span = self
@@ -1670,11 +1809,20 @@ impl State {
 				Some(e) => e,
-			let sigs = block_entry
-				.approval_entries(index)
-				.into_iter()
-				.filter_map(|approval_entry| approval_entry.approval(index))
-				.map(|approval| (approval.validator, approval.signature));
+			let sigs = block_entry.approval_votes(index).into_iter().map(|approval| {
+				(
+					approval.validator,
+					(
+						hash,
+						approval
+							.candidate_indices
+							.iter_ones()
+							.map(|val| val as CandidateIndex)
+							.collect_vec(),
+						approval.signature,
+					),
+				)
+			});
@@ -1718,23 +1866,31 @@ impl State {
 				let peer_knowledge = entry.known_by.entry(peer_id).or_default();
 				let topology = topologies.get_topology(entry.session);
-				// We want to iterate the `approval_entries` of the block entry as these contain all
-				// assignments that also link all approval votes.
+				// We want to iterate the `approval_entries` of the block entry as these contain
+				// all assignments that also link all approval votes.
 				for approval_entry in entry.approval_entries.values_mut() {
 					// Propagate the message to all peers in the required routing set OR
 					// randomly sample peers.
 						let required_routing = approval_entry.routing_info().required_routing;
-						let random_routing = &mut approval_entry.routing_info_mut().random_routing;
+						let routing_info = &mut approval_entry.routing_info_mut();
 						let rng = &mut *rng;
 						let mut peer_filter = move |peer_id| {
 							let in_topology = topology.as_ref().map_or(false, |t| {
 								t.local_grid_neighbors().route_to_peer(required_routing, peer_id)
 							in_topology || {
-								let route_random = random_routing.sample(total_peers, rng);
+								if !topology
+									.map(|topology| topology.is_validator(peer_id))
+									.unwrap_or(false)
+								{
+									return false
+								}
+								let route_random =
+									routing_info.random_routing.sample(total_peers, rng);
 								if route_random {
-									random_routing.inc_sent();
+									routing_info.mark_randomly_sent(*peer_id);
@@ -1751,7 +1907,8 @@ impl State {
 					let (assignment_knowledge, message_kind) =
-					// Only send stuff a peer doesn't know in the context of a relay chain block.
+					// Only send stuff a peer doesn't know in the context of a relay chain
+					// block.
 					if !peer_knowledge.contains(&assignment_knowledge, message_kind) {
 						peer_knowledge.sent.insert(assignment_knowledge, message_kind);
@@ -1759,12 +1916,12 @@ impl State {
 					// Filter approval votes.
 					for approval_message in approval_messages {
-						let (approval_knowledge, message_kind) = approval_entry
-							.create_approval_knowledge(block, approval_message.candidate_index);
+						let approval_knowledge =
+							PeerKnowledge::generate_approval_key(&approval_message);
-						if !peer_knowledge.contains(&approval_knowledge, message_kind) {
-							peer_knowledge.sent.insert(approval_knowledge, message_kind);
+						if !peer_knowledge.contains(&approval_knowledge.0, approval_knowledge.1) {
+							peer_knowledge.sent.insert(approval_knowledge.0, approval_knowledge.1);
@@ -1937,6 +2094,7 @@ impl State {
 				// Punish the peer for the invalid message.
 				modify_reputation(&mut self.reputation, sender, peer_id, COST_OVERSIZED_BITFIELD)
+				gum::error!(target: LOG_TARGET, block_hash = ?cert.block_hash, ?candidate_index, validator_index = ?cert.validator, kind = ?cert.cert.kind, "Bad assignment v1");
 			} else {
 				sanitized_assignments.push((cert.into(), candidate_index.into()))
@@ -1979,6 +2137,9 @@ impl State {
 				// Punish the peer for the invalid message.
 				modify_reputation(&mut self.reputation, sender, peer_id, COST_OVERSIZED_BITFIELD)
+				for candidate_index in candidate_bitfield.iter_ones() {
+					gum::error!(target: LOG_TARGET, block_hash = ?cert.block_hash, ?candidate_index, validator_index = ?cert.validator, "Bad assignment v2");
+				}
 			} else {
 				sanitized_assignments.push((cert, candidate_bitfield))
@@ -2066,11 +2227,10 @@ async fn adjust_required_routing_and_propagate<Context, BlockFilter, RoutingModi
 				// Filter approval votes.
 				for approval_message in &approval_messages {
-					let (approval_knowledge, message_kind) = approval_entry
-						.create_approval_knowledge(*block_hash, approval_message.candidate_index);
+					let approval_knowledge = PeerKnowledge::generate_approval_key(approval_message);
-					if !peer_knowledge.contains(&approval_knowledge, message_kind) {
-						peer_knowledge.sent.insert(approval_knowledge, message_kind);
+					if !peer_knowledge.contains(&approval_knowledge.0, approval_knowledge.1) {
+						peer_knowledge.sent.insert(approval_knowledge.0, approval_knowledge.1);
@@ -2240,9 +2400,9 @@ impl ApprovalDistribution {
 			ApprovalDistributionMessage::DistributeApproval(vote) => {
 					target: LOG_TARGET,
-					"Distributing our approval vote on candidate (block={}, index={})",
+					"Distributing our approval vote on candidate (block={}, index={:?})",
-					vote.candidate_index,
+					vote.candidate_indices,
@@ -2296,7 +2456,7 @@ pub const MAX_ASSIGNMENT_BATCH_SIZE: usize = ensure_size_not_zero(
 /// The maximum amount of approvals per batch is 33% of maximum allowed by protocol.
 pub const MAX_APPROVAL_BATCH_SIZE: usize = ensure_size_not_zero(
-	MAX_NOTIFICATION_SIZE as usize / std::mem::size_of::<IndirectSignedApprovalVote>() / 3,
+	MAX_NOTIFICATION_SIZE as usize / std::mem::size_of::<IndirectSignedApprovalVoteV2>() / 3,
 // Low level helper for sending assignments.
@@ -2306,12 +2466,12 @@ async fn send_assignments_batched_inner(
 	peers: Vec<PeerId>,
 	peer_version: ValidationVersion,
 ) {
-	if peer_version == ValidationVersion::VStaging {
+	if peer_version == ValidationVersion::V3 {
-				Versioned::VStaging(protocol_vstaging::ValidationProtocol::ApprovalDistribution(
-					protocol_vstaging::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Assignments(
+				Versioned::V3(protocol_v3::ValidationProtocol::ApprovalDistribution(
+					protocol_v3::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Assignments(
@@ -2362,7 +2522,7 @@ pub(crate) async fn send_assignments_batched(
 ) {
 	let v1_peers = filter_by_peer_version(peers, ValidationVersion::V1.into());
 	let v2_peers = filter_by_peer_version(peers, ValidationVersion::V2.into());
-	let vstaging_peers = filter_by_peer_version(peers, ValidationVersion::VStaging.into());
+	let v3_peers = filter_by_peer_version(peers, ValidationVersion::V3.into());
 	// V1 and V2 validation protocol do not have any changes with regard to
 	// ApprovalDistributionMessage so they can be treated the same.
@@ -2400,18 +2560,13 @@ pub(crate) async fn send_assignments_batched(
-	if !vstaging_peers.is_empty() {
-		let mut vstaging = v2_assignments.into_iter().peekable();
+	if !v3_peers.is_empty() {
+		let mut v3 = v2_assignments.into_iter().peekable();
-		while vstaging.peek().is_some() {
-			let batch = vstaging.by_ref().take(MAX_ASSIGNMENT_BATCH_SIZE).collect::<Vec<_>>();
-			send_assignments_batched_inner(
-				sender,
-				batch,
-				vstaging_peers.clone(),
-				ValidationVersion::VStaging,
-			)
-			.await;
+		while v3.peek().is_some() {
+			let batch = v3.by_ref().take(MAX_ASSIGNMENT_BATCH_SIZE).collect::<Vec<_>>();
+			send_assignments_batched_inner(sender, batch, v3_peers.clone(), ValidationVersion::V3)
+				.await;
@@ -2419,15 +2574,20 @@ pub(crate) async fn send_assignments_batched(
 /// Send approvals while honoring the `max_notification_size` of the protocol and peer version.
 pub(crate) async fn send_approvals_batched(
 	sender: &mut impl overseer::ApprovalDistributionSenderTrait,
-	approvals: impl IntoIterator<Item = IndirectSignedApprovalVote> + Clone,
+	approvals: impl IntoIterator<Item = IndirectSignedApprovalVoteV2> + Clone,
 	peers: &[(PeerId, ProtocolVersion)],
 ) {
 	let v1_peers = filter_by_peer_version(peers, ValidationVersion::V1.into());
 	let v2_peers = filter_by_peer_version(peers, ValidationVersion::V2.into());
-	let vstaging_peers = filter_by_peer_version(peers, ValidationVersion::VStaging.into());
+	let v3_peers = filter_by_peer_version(peers, ValidationVersion::V3.into());
 	if !v1_peers.is_empty() || !v2_peers.is_empty() {
-		let mut batches = approvals.clone().into_iter().peekable();
+		let mut batches = approvals
+			.clone()
+			.into_iter()
+			.filter(|approval| approval.candidate_indices.count_ones() == 1)
+			.filter_map(|val| val.try_into().ok())
+			.peekable();
 		while batches.peek().is_some() {
 			let batch: Vec<_> = batches.by_ref().take(MAX_APPROVAL_BATCH_SIZE).collect();
@@ -2456,7 +2616,7 @@ pub(crate) async fn send_approvals_batched(
-	if !vstaging_peers.is_empty() {
+	if !v3_peers.is_empty() {
 		let mut batches = approvals.into_iter().peekable();
 		while batches.peek().is_some() {
@@ -2464,12 +2624,10 @@ pub(crate) async fn send_approvals_batched(
-					vstaging_peers.clone(),
-					Versioned::VStaging(
-						protocol_vstaging::ValidationProtocol::ApprovalDistribution(
-							protocol_vstaging::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Approvals(batch),
-						),
-					),
+					v3_peers.clone(),
+					Versioned::V3(protocol_v3::ValidationProtocol::ApprovalDistribution(
+						protocol_v3::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Approvals(batch),
+					)),
diff --git a/polkadot/node/network/approval-distribution/src/ b/polkadot/node/network/approval-distribution/src/
index 6864259e6fd..0642b1b2e0c 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/network/approval-distribution/src/
+++ b/polkadot/node/network/approval-distribution/src/
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ struct MetricsInner {
 	time_unify_with_peer: prometheus::Histogram,
 	time_import_pending_now_known: prometheus::Histogram,
 	time_awaiting_approval_voting: prometheus::Histogram,
+	assignments_received_result: prometheus::CounterVec<prometheus::U64>,
+	approvals_received_result: prometheus::CounterVec<prometheus::U64>,
 trait AsLabel {
@@ -78,6 +80,132 @@ impl Metrics {
 			.map(|metrics| metrics.time_import_pending_now_known.start_timer())
+	pub fn on_approval_already_known(&self) {
+		if let Some(metrics) = &self.0 {
+			metrics.approvals_received_result.with_label_values(&["known"]).inc()
+		}
+	}
+	pub fn on_approval_entry_not_found(&self) {
+		if let Some(metrics) = &self.0 {
+			metrics.approvals_received_result.with_label_values(&["noapprovalentry"]).inc()
+		}
+	}
+	pub fn on_approval_recent_outdated(&self) {
+		if let Some(metrics) = &self.0 {
+			metrics.approvals_received_result.with_label_values(&["outdated"]).inc()
+		}
+	}
+	pub fn on_approval_invalid_block(&self) {
+		if let Some(metrics) = &self.0 {
+			metrics.approvals_received_result.with_label_values(&["invalidblock"]).inc()
+		}
+	}
+	pub fn on_approval_unknown_assignment(&self) {
+		if let Some(metrics) = &self.0 {
+			metrics
+				.approvals_received_result
+				.with_label_values(&["unknownassignment"])
+				.inc()
+		}
+	}
+	pub fn on_approval_duplicate(&self) {
+		if let Some(metrics) = &self.0 {
+			metrics.approvals_received_result.with_label_values(&["duplicate"]).inc()
+		}
+	}
+	pub fn on_approval_out_of_view(&self) {
+		if let Some(metrics) = &self.0 {
+			metrics.approvals_received_result.with_label_values(&["outofview"]).inc()
+		}
+	}
+	pub fn on_approval_good_known(&self) {
+		if let Some(metrics) = &self.0 {
+			metrics.approvals_received_result.with_label_values(&["goodknown"]).inc()
+		}
+	}
+	pub fn on_approval_bad(&self) {
+		if let Some(metrics) = &self.0 {
+			metrics.approvals_received_result.with_label_values(&["bad"]).inc()
+		}
+	}
+	pub fn on_approval_unexpected(&self) {
+		if let Some(metrics) = &self.0 {
+			metrics.approvals_received_result.with_label_values(&["unexpected"]).inc()
+		}
+	}
+	pub fn on_approval_bug(&self) {
+		if let Some(metrics) = &self.0 {
+			metrics.approvals_received_result.with_label_values(&["bug"]).inc()
+		}
+	}
+	pub fn on_assignment_already_known(&self) {
+		if let Some(metrics) = &self.0 {
+			metrics.assignments_received_result.with_label_values(&["known"]).inc()
+		}
+	}
+	pub fn on_assignment_recent_outdated(&self) {
+		if let Some(metrics) = &self.0 {
+			metrics.assignments_received_result.with_label_values(&["outdated"]).inc()
+		}
+	}
+	pub fn on_assignment_invalid_block(&self) {
+		if let Some(metrics) = &self.0 {
+			metrics.assignments_received_result.with_label_values(&["invalidblock"]).inc()
+		}
+	}
+	pub fn on_assignment_duplicate(&self) {
+		if let Some(metrics) = &self.0 {
+			metrics.assignments_received_result.with_label_values(&["duplicate"]).inc()
+		}
+	}
+	pub fn on_assignment_out_of_view(&self) {
+		if let Some(metrics) = &self.0 {
+			metrics.assignments_received_result.with_label_values(&["outofview"]).inc()
+		}
+	}
+	pub fn on_assignment_good_known(&self) {
+		if let Some(metrics) = &self.0 {
+			metrics.assignments_received_result.with_label_values(&["goodknown"]).inc()
+		}
+	}
+	pub fn on_assignment_bad(&self) {
+		if let Some(metrics) = &self.0 {
+			metrics.assignments_received_result.with_label_values(&["bad"]).inc()
+		}
+	}
+	pub fn on_assignment_duplicatevoting(&self) {
+		if let Some(metrics) = &self.0 {
+			metrics
+				.assignments_received_result
+				.with_label_values(&["duplicatevoting"])
+				.inc()
+		}
+	}
+	pub fn on_assignment_far(&self) {
+		if let Some(metrics) = &self.0 {
+			metrics.assignments_received_result.with_label_values(&["far"]).inc()
+		}
+	}
 	pub(crate) fn time_awaiting_approval_voting(
 	) -> Option<prometheus::prometheus::HistogramTimer> {
@@ -167,6 +295,26 @@ impl MetricsTrait for Metrics {
 				).buckets(vec![0.0001, 0.0004, 0.0016, 0.0064, 0.0256, 0.1024, 0.4096, 1.6384, 3.2768, 4.9152, 6.5536,]))?,
+			assignments_received_result: prometheus::register(
+				prometheus::CounterVec::new(
+					prometheus::Opts::new(
+						"polkadot_parachain_assignments_received_result",
+						"Result of a processed assignement",
+					),
+					&["status"]
+				)?,
+				registry,
+			)?,
+			approvals_received_result: prometheus::register(
+				prometheus::CounterVec::new(
+					prometheus::Opts::new(
+						"polkadot_parachain_approvals_received_result",
+						"Result of a processed approval",
+					),
+					&["status"]
+				)?,
+				registry,
+			)?,
diff --git a/polkadot/node/network/approval-distribution/src/ b/polkadot/node/network/approval-distribution/src/
index 4d272d7af0e..ad5d0bb0a9c 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/network/approval-distribution/src/
+++ b/polkadot/node/network/approval-distribution/src/
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ use polkadot_node_network_protocol::{
 use polkadot_node_primitives::approval::{
-		AssignmentCert, AssignmentCertKind, IndirectAssignmentCert, VrfPreOutput, VrfProof,
-		VrfSignature,
+		AssignmentCert, AssignmentCertKind, IndirectAssignmentCert, IndirectSignedApprovalVote,
+		VrfPreOutput, VrfProof, VrfSignature,
 		AssignmentCertKindV2, AssignmentCertV2, CoreBitfield, IndirectAssignmentCertV2,
@@ -133,14 +133,13 @@ fn make_gossip_topology(
 	all_peers: &[(PeerId, AuthorityDiscoveryId)],
 	neighbors_x: &[usize],
 	neighbors_y: &[usize],
+	local_index: usize,
 ) -> network_bridge_event::NewGossipTopology {
 	// This builds a grid topology which is a square matrix.
 	// The local validator occupies the top left-hand corner.
 	// The X peers occupy the same row and the Y peers occupy
 	// the same column.
-	let local_index = 1;
@@ -277,16 +276,16 @@ async fn send_message_from_peer_v2(
-async fn send_message_from_peer_vstaging(
+async fn send_message_from_peer_v3(
 	virtual_overseer: &mut VirtualOverseer,
 	peer_id: &PeerId,
-	msg: protocol_vstaging::ApprovalDistributionMessage,
+	msg: protocol_v3::ApprovalDistributionMessage,
 ) {
-			Versioned::VStaging(msg),
+			Versioned::V3(msg),
@@ -380,10 +379,11 @@ fn state_with_reputation_delay() -> State {
 /// the new peer sends us the same assignment
 fn try_import_the_same_assignment() {
-	let peer_a = PeerId::random();
-	let peer_b = PeerId::random();
-	let peer_c = PeerId::random();
-	let peer_d = PeerId::random();
+	let peers = make_peers_and_authority_ids(15);
+	let peer_a = peers.get(0).unwrap().0;
+	let peer_b = peers.get(1).unwrap().0;
+	let peer_c = peers.get(2).unwrap().0;
+	let peer_d = peers.get(4).unwrap().0;
 	let parent_hash = Hash::repeat_byte(0xFF);
 	let hash = Hash::repeat_byte(0xAA);
@@ -394,6 +394,10 @@ fn try_import_the_same_assignment() {
 		setup_peer_with_view(overseer, &peer_b, view![hash], ValidationVersion::V1).await;
 		setup_peer_with_view(overseer, &peer_c, view![hash], ValidationVersion::V1).await;
+		// Set up a gossip topology, where a, b, c and d are topology neighboors to the node under
+		// testing.
+		setup_gossip_topology(overseer, make_gossip_topology(1, &peers, &[0, 1], &[2, 4], 3)).await;
 		// new block `hash_a` with 1 candidates
 		let meta = BlockApprovalMeta {
@@ -446,7 +450,7 @@ fn try_import_the_same_assignment() {
 		// setup new peer with V2
-		setup_peer_with_view(overseer, &peer_d, view![], ValidationVersion::VStaging).await;
+		setup_peer_with_view(overseer, &peer_d, view![], ValidationVersion::V3).await;
 		// send the same assignment from peer_d
 		let msg = protocol_v1::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Assignments(assignments);
@@ -464,19 +468,24 @@ fn try_import_the_same_assignment() {
 /// cores.
 fn try_import_the_same_assignment_v2() {
-	let peer_a = PeerId::random();
-	let peer_b = PeerId::random();
-	let peer_c = PeerId::random();
-	let peer_d = PeerId::random();
+	let peers = make_peers_and_authority_ids(15);
+	let peer_a = peers.get(0).unwrap().0;
+	let peer_b = peers.get(1).unwrap().0;
+	let peer_c = peers.get(2).unwrap().0;
+	let peer_d = peers.get(4).unwrap().0;
 	let parent_hash = Hash::repeat_byte(0xFF);
 	let hash = Hash::repeat_byte(0xAA);
 	let _ = test_harness(state_without_reputation_delay(), |mut virtual_overseer| async move {
 		let overseer = &mut virtual_overseer;
 		// setup peers
-		setup_peer_with_view(overseer, &peer_a, view![], ValidationVersion::VStaging).await;
-		setup_peer_with_view(overseer, &peer_b, view![hash], ValidationVersion::VStaging).await;
-		setup_peer_with_view(overseer, &peer_c, view![hash], ValidationVersion::VStaging).await;
+		setup_peer_with_view(overseer, &peer_a, view![], ValidationVersion::V3).await;
+		setup_peer_with_view(overseer, &peer_b, view![hash], ValidationVersion::V3).await;
+		setup_peer_with_view(overseer, &peer_c, view![hash], ValidationVersion::V3).await;
+		// Set up a gossip topology, where a, b, c and d are topology neighboors to the node under
+		// testing.
+		setup_gossip_topology(overseer, make_gossip_topology(1, &peers, &[0, 1], &[2, 4], 3)).await;
 		// new block `hash_a` with 1 candidates
 		let meta = BlockApprovalMeta {
@@ -503,8 +512,8 @@ fn try_import_the_same_assignment_v2() {
 		let cert = fake_assignment_cert_v2(hash, validator_index, core_bitfield.clone());
 		let assignments = vec![(cert.clone(), cores.clone().try_into().unwrap())];
-		let msg = protocol_vstaging::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Assignments(assignments.clone());
-		send_message_from_peer_vstaging(overseer, &peer_a, msg).await;
+		let msg = protocol_v3::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Assignments(assignments.clone());
+		send_message_from_peer_v3(overseer, &peer_a, msg).await;
 		expect_reputation_change(overseer, &peer_a, COST_UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE).await;
@@ -528,8 +537,8 @@ fn try_import_the_same_assignment_v2() {
-				Versioned::VStaging(protocol_vstaging::ValidationProtocol::ApprovalDistribution(
-					protocol_vstaging::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Assignments(assignments)
+				Versioned::V3(protocol_v3::ValidationProtocol::ApprovalDistribution(
+					protocol_v3::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Assignments(assignments)
 			)) => {
 				assert_eq!(peers.len(), 2);
@@ -538,11 +547,11 @@ fn try_import_the_same_assignment_v2() {
 		// setup new peer
-		setup_peer_with_view(overseer, &peer_d, view![], ValidationVersion::VStaging).await;
+		setup_peer_with_view(overseer, &peer_d, view![], ValidationVersion::V3).await;
 		// send the same assignment from peer_d
-		let msg = protocol_vstaging::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Assignments(assignments);
-		send_message_from_peer_vstaging(overseer, &peer_d, msg).await;
+		let msg = protocol_v3::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Assignments(assignments);
+		send_message_from_peer_v3(overseer, &peer_d, msg).await;
 		expect_reputation_change(overseer, &peer_d, COST_UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE).await;
 		expect_reputation_change(overseer, &peer_d, BENEFIT_VALID_MESSAGE).await;
@@ -705,14 +714,19 @@ fn spam_attack_results_in_negative_reputation_change() {
 fn peer_sending_us_the_same_we_just_sent_them_is_ok() {
 	let parent_hash = Hash::repeat_byte(0xFF);
-	let peer_a = PeerId::random();
 	let hash = Hash::repeat_byte(0xAA);
+	let peers = make_peers_and_authority_ids(8);
+	let peer_a = peers.first().unwrap().0;
 	let _ = test_harness(state_without_reputation_delay(), |mut virtual_overseer| async move {
 		let overseer = &mut virtual_overseer;
 		let peer = &peer_a;
 		setup_peer_with_view(overseer, peer, view![], ValidationVersion::V1).await;
+		// Setup a topology where peer_a is neigboor to current node.
+		setup_gossip_topology(overseer, make_gossip_topology(1, &peers, &[0], &[2], 1)).await;
 		// new block `hash` with 1 candidates
 		let meta = BlockApprovalMeta {
@@ -780,10 +794,12 @@ fn peer_sending_us_the_same_we_just_sent_them_is_ok() {
-fn import_approval_happy_path() {
-	let peer_a = PeerId::random();
-	let peer_b = PeerId::random();
-	let peer_c = PeerId::random();
+fn import_approval_happy_path_v1_v2_peers() {
+	let peers = make_peers_and_authority_ids(15);
+	let peer_a = peers.get(0).unwrap().0;
+	let peer_b = peers.get(1).unwrap().0;
+	let peer_c = peers.get(2).unwrap().0;
 	let parent_hash = Hash::repeat_byte(0xFF);
 	let hash = Hash::repeat_byte(0xAA);
@@ -791,7 +807,7 @@ fn import_approval_happy_path() {
 		let overseer = &mut virtual_overseer;
 		// setup peers with V1 and V2 protocol versions
 		setup_peer_with_view(overseer, &peer_a, view![], ValidationVersion::V1).await;
-		setup_peer_with_view(overseer, &peer_b, view![hash], ValidationVersion::VStaging).await;
+		setup_peer_with_view(overseer, &peer_b, view![hash], ValidationVersion::V3).await;
 		setup_peer_with_view(overseer, &peer_c, view![hash], ValidationVersion::V1).await;
 		// new block `hash_a` with 1 candidates
@@ -806,6 +822,9 @@ fn import_approval_happy_path() {
 		let msg = ApprovalDistributionMessage::NewBlocks(vec![meta]);
 		overseer_send(overseer, msg).await;
+		// Set up a gossip topology, where a, b, and c are topology neighboors to the node.
+		setup_gossip_topology(overseer, make_gossip_topology(1, &peers, &[0, 1], &[2, 4], 3)).await;
 		// import an assignment related to `hash` locally
 		let validator_index = ValidatorIndex(0);
 		let candidate_index = 0u32;
@@ -838,8 +857,8 @@ fn import_approval_happy_path() {
-				Versioned::VStaging(protocol_vstaging::ValidationProtocol::ApprovalDistribution(
-					protocol_vstaging::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Assignments(assignments)
+				Versioned::V3(protocol_v3::ValidationProtocol::ApprovalDistribution(
+					protocol_v3::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Assignments(assignments)
 			)) => {
 				assert_eq!(peers.len(), 1);
@@ -848,14 +867,15 @@ fn import_approval_happy_path() {
 		// send the an approval from peer_b
-		let approval = IndirectSignedApprovalVote {
+		let approval = IndirectSignedApprovalVoteV2 {
 			block_hash: hash,
-			candidate_index,
+			candidate_indices: candidate_index.into(),
 			validator: validator_index,
 			signature: dummy_signature(),
-		let msg = protocol_v1::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Approvals(vec![approval.clone()]);
-		send_message_from_peer(overseer, &peer_b, msg).await;
+		let msg: protocol_v3::ApprovalDistributionMessage =
+			protocol_v3::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Approvals(vec![approval.clone()]);
+		send_message_from_peer_v3(overseer, &peer_b, msg).await;
@@ -886,6 +906,474 @@ fn import_approval_happy_path() {
+// Test a v2 approval that signs multiple candidate is correctly processed.
+fn import_approval_happy_path_v2() {
+	let peers = make_peers_and_authority_ids(15);
+	let peer_a = peers.get(0).unwrap().0;
+	let peer_b = peers.get(1).unwrap().0;
+	let peer_c = peers.get(2).unwrap().0;
+	let parent_hash = Hash::repeat_byte(0xFF);
+	let hash = Hash::repeat_byte(0xAA);
+	let _ = test_harness(state_without_reputation_delay(), |mut virtual_overseer| async move {
+		let overseer = &mut virtual_overseer;
+		// setup peers with  V2 protocol versions
+		setup_peer_with_view(overseer, &peer_a, view![], ValidationVersion::V3).await;
+		setup_peer_with_view(overseer, &peer_b, view![hash], ValidationVersion::V3).await;
+		setup_peer_with_view(overseer, &peer_c, view![hash], ValidationVersion::V3).await;
+		// new block `hash_a` with 1 candidates
+		let meta = BlockApprovalMeta {
+			hash,
+			parent_hash,
+			number: 1,
+			candidates: vec![Default::default(); 2],
+			slot: 1.into(),
+			session: 1,
+		};
+		let msg = ApprovalDistributionMessage::NewBlocks(vec![meta]);
+		overseer_send(overseer, msg).await;
+		// Set up a gossip topology, where a, b, and c are topology neighboors to the node.
+		setup_gossip_topology(overseer, make_gossip_topology(1, &peers, &[0, 1], &[2, 4], 3)).await;
+		// import an assignment related to `hash` locally
+		let validator_index = ValidatorIndex(0);
+		let candidate_indices: CandidateBitfield =
+			vec![0 as CandidateIndex, 1 as CandidateIndex].try_into().unwrap();
+		let candidate_bitfields = vec![CoreIndex(0), CoreIndex(1)].try_into().unwrap();
+		let cert = fake_assignment_cert_v2(hash, validator_index, candidate_bitfields);
+		overseer_send(
+			overseer,
+			ApprovalDistributionMessage::DistributeAssignment(
+				cert.clone().into(),
+				candidate_indices.clone(),
+			),
+		)
+		.await;
+		// 1 peer is v2
+		assert_matches!(
+			overseer_recv(overseer).await,
+			AllMessages::NetworkBridgeTx(NetworkBridgeTxMessage::SendValidationMessage(
+				peers,
+				Versioned::V3(protocol_v3::ValidationProtocol::ApprovalDistribution(
+					protocol_v3::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Assignments(assignments)
+				))
+			)) => {
+				assert_eq!(peers.len(), 2);
+				assert_eq!(assignments.len(), 1);
+			}
+		);
+		// send the an approval from peer_b
+		let approval = IndirectSignedApprovalVoteV2 {
+			block_hash: hash,
+			candidate_indices,
+			validator: validator_index,
+			signature: dummy_signature(),
+		};
+		let msg = protocol_v3::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Approvals(vec![approval.clone()]);
+		send_message_from_peer_v3(overseer, &peer_b, msg).await;
+		assert_matches!(
+			overseer_recv(overseer).await,
+			AllMessages::ApprovalVoting(ApprovalVotingMessage::CheckAndImportApproval(
+				vote,
+				tx,
+			)) => {
+				assert_eq!(vote, approval);
+				tx.send(ApprovalCheckResult::Accepted).unwrap();
+			}
+		);
+		expect_reputation_change(overseer, &peer_b, BENEFIT_VALID_MESSAGE_FIRST).await;
+		assert_matches!(
+			overseer_recv(overseer).await,
+			AllMessages::NetworkBridgeTx(NetworkBridgeTxMessage::SendValidationMessage(
+				peers,
+				Versioned::V3(protocol_v3::ValidationProtocol::ApprovalDistribution(
+					protocol_v3::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Approvals(approvals)
+				))
+			)) => {
+				assert_eq!(peers.len(), 1);
+				assert_eq!(approvals.len(), 1);
+			}
+		);
+		virtual_overseer
+	});
+// Tests that votes that cover multiple assignments candidates are correctly processed on importing
+fn multiple_assignments_covered_with_one_approval_vote() {
+	let peers = make_peers_and_authority_ids(15);
+	let peer_a = peers.get(0).unwrap().0;
+	let peer_b = peers.get(1).unwrap().0;
+	let peer_c = peers.get(2).unwrap().0;
+	let peer_d = peers.get(4).unwrap().0;
+	let parent_hash = Hash::repeat_byte(0xFF);
+	let hash = Hash::repeat_byte(0xAA);
+	let _ = test_harness(state_without_reputation_delay(), |mut virtual_overseer| async move {
+		let overseer = &mut virtual_overseer;
+		// setup peers with  V2 protocol versions
+		setup_peer_with_view(overseer, &peer_a, view![hash], ValidationVersion::V3).await;
+		setup_peer_with_view(overseer, &peer_b, view![hash], ValidationVersion::V3).await;
+		setup_peer_with_view(overseer, &peer_c, view![hash], ValidationVersion::V3).await;
+		setup_peer_with_view(overseer, &peer_d, view![hash], ValidationVersion::V3).await;
+		// new block `hash_a` with 1 candidates
+		let meta = BlockApprovalMeta {
+			hash,
+			parent_hash,
+			number: 1,
+			candidates: vec![Default::default(); 2],
+			slot: 1.into(),
+			session: 1,
+		};
+		let msg = ApprovalDistributionMessage::NewBlocks(vec![meta]);
+		overseer_send(overseer, msg).await;
+		// Set up a gossip topology, where a, b, and c, d are topology neighboors to the node.
+		setup_gossip_topology(overseer, make_gossip_topology(1, &peers, &[0, 1], &[2, 4], 3)).await;
+		// import an assignment related to `hash` locally
+		let validator_index = ValidatorIndex(2); // peer_c is the originator
+		let candidate_indices: CandidateBitfield =
+			vec![0 as CandidateIndex, 1 as CandidateIndex].try_into().unwrap();
+		let core_bitfields = vec![CoreIndex(0)].try_into().unwrap();
+		let cert = fake_assignment_cert_v2(hash, validator_index, core_bitfields);
+		// send the candidate 0 assignment from peer_b
+		let assignment = IndirectAssignmentCertV2 {
+			block_hash: hash,
+			validator: validator_index,
+			cert: cert.cert,
+		};
+		let msg = protocol_v3::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Assignments(vec![(
+			assignment,
+			(0 as CandidateIndex).into(),
+		)]);
+		send_message_from_peer_v3(overseer, &peer_d, msg).await;
+		assert_matches!(
+			overseer_recv(overseer).await,
+			AllMessages::ApprovalVoting(ApprovalVotingMessage::CheckAndImportAssignment(
+				_, _,
+				tx,
+			)) => {
+				tx.send(AssignmentCheckResult::Accepted).unwrap();
+			}
+		);
+		expect_reputation_change(overseer, &peer_d, BENEFIT_VALID_MESSAGE_FIRST).await;
+		assert_matches!(
+			overseer_recv(overseer).await,
+			AllMessages::NetworkBridgeTx(NetworkBridgeTxMessage::SendValidationMessage(
+				peers,
+				Versioned::V3(protocol_v3::ValidationProtocol::ApprovalDistribution(
+					protocol_v3::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Assignments(assignments)
+				))
+			)) => {
+				assert!(peers.len() >= 2);
+				assert!(peers.contains(&peer_a));
+				assert!(peers.contains(&peer_b));
+				assert_eq!(assignments.len(), 1);
+			}
+		);
+		let candidate_bitfields = vec![CoreIndex(1)].try_into().unwrap();
+		let cert = fake_assignment_cert_v2(hash, validator_index, candidate_bitfields);
+		// send the candidate 1 assignment from peer_c
+		let assignment = IndirectAssignmentCertV2 {
+			block_hash: hash,
+			validator: validator_index,
+			cert: cert.cert,
+		};
+		let msg = protocol_v3::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Assignments(vec![(
+			assignment,
+			(1 as CandidateIndex).into(),
+		)]);
+		send_message_from_peer_v3(overseer, &peer_c, msg).await;
+		assert_matches!(
+			overseer_recv(overseer).await,
+			AllMessages::ApprovalVoting(ApprovalVotingMessage::CheckAndImportAssignment(
+				_, _,
+				tx,
+			)) => {
+				tx.send(AssignmentCheckResult::Accepted).unwrap();
+			}
+		);
+		expect_reputation_change(overseer, &peer_c, BENEFIT_VALID_MESSAGE_FIRST).await;
+		assert_matches!(
+			overseer_recv(overseer).await,
+			AllMessages::NetworkBridgeTx(NetworkBridgeTxMessage::SendValidationMessage(
+				peers,
+				Versioned::V3(protocol_v3::ValidationProtocol::ApprovalDistribution(
+					protocol_v3::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Assignments(assignments)
+				))
+			)) => {
+				assert!(peers.len() >= 2);
+				assert!(peers.contains(&peer_b));
+				assert!(peers.contains(&peer_a));
+				assert_eq!(assignments.len(), 1);
+			}
+		);
+		// send an approval from peer_b
+		let approval = IndirectSignedApprovalVoteV2 {
+			block_hash: hash,
+			candidate_indices,
+			validator: validator_index,
+			signature: dummy_signature(),
+		};
+		let msg = protocol_v3::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Approvals(vec![approval.clone()]);
+		send_message_from_peer_v3(overseer, &peer_d, msg).await;
+		assert_matches!(
+			overseer_recv(overseer).await,
+			AllMessages::ApprovalVoting(ApprovalVotingMessage::CheckAndImportApproval(
+				vote,
+				tx,
+			)) => {
+				assert_eq!(vote, approval);
+				tx.send(ApprovalCheckResult::Accepted).unwrap();
+			}
+		);
+		expect_reputation_change(overseer, &peer_d, BENEFIT_VALID_MESSAGE_FIRST).await;
+		assert_matches!(
+			overseer_recv(overseer).await,
+			AllMessages::NetworkBridgeTx(NetworkBridgeTxMessage::SendValidationMessage(
+				peers,
+				Versioned::V3(protocol_v3::ValidationProtocol::ApprovalDistribution(
+					protocol_v3::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Approvals(approvals)
+				))
+			)) => {
+				assert!(peers.len() >= 2);
+				assert!(peers.contains(&peer_b));
+				assert!(peers.contains(&peer_a));
+				assert_eq!(approvals.len(), 1);
+			}
+		);
+		for candidate_index in 0..1 {
+			let (tx_distribution, rx_distribution) = oneshot::channel();
+			let mut candidates_requesting_signatures = HashSet::new();
+			candidates_requesting_signatures.insert((hash, candidate_index));
+			overseer_send(
+				overseer,
+				ApprovalDistributionMessage::GetApprovalSignatures(
+					candidates_requesting_signatures,
+					tx_distribution,
+				),
+			)
+			.await;
+			let signatures = rx_distribution.await.unwrap();
+			assert_eq!(signatures.len(), 1);
+			for (signing_validator, signature) in signatures {
+				assert_eq!(validator_index, signing_validator);
+				assert_eq!(signature.0, hash);
+				assert_eq!(signature.2, approval.signature);
+				assert_eq!(signature.1, vec![0, 1]);
+			}
+		}
+		virtual_overseer
+	});
+// Tests that votes that cover multiple assignments candidates are correctly processed when unify
+// with peer view
+fn unify_with_peer_multiple_assignments_covered_with_one_approval_vote() {
+	let peers = make_peers_and_authority_ids(15);
+	let peer_a = peers.get(0).unwrap().0;
+	let peer_b = peers.get(1).unwrap().0;
+	let peer_d = peers.get(4).unwrap().0;
+	let parent_hash = Hash::repeat_byte(0xFF);
+	let hash = Hash::repeat_byte(0xAA);
+	let _ = test_harness(state_without_reputation_delay(), |mut virtual_overseer| async move {
+		let overseer = &mut virtual_overseer;
+		setup_peer_with_view(overseer, &peer_d, view![hash], ValidationVersion::V3).await;
+		// new block `hash_a` with 1 candidates
+		let meta = BlockApprovalMeta {
+			hash,
+			parent_hash,
+			number: 1,
+			candidates: vec![Default::default(); 2],
+			slot: 1.into(),
+			session: 1,
+		};
+		let msg = ApprovalDistributionMessage::NewBlocks(vec![meta]);
+		overseer_send(overseer, msg).await;
+		// Set up a gossip topology, where a, b, and c, d are topology neighboors to the node.
+		setup_gossip_topology(overseer, make_gossip_topology(1, &peers, &[0, 1], &[2, 4], 3)).await;
+		// import an assignment related to `hash` locally
+		let validator_index = ValidatorIndex(2); // peer_c is the originator
+		let candidate_indices: CandidateBitfield =
+			vec![0 as CandidateIndex, 1 as CandidateIndex].try_into().unwrap();
+		let core_bitfields = vec![CoreIndex(0)].try_into().unwrap();
+		let cert = fake_assignment_cert_v2(hash, validator_index, core_bitfields);
+		// send the candidate 0 assignment from peer_b
+		let assignment = IndirectAssignmentCertV2 {
+			block_hash: hash,
+			validator: validator_index,
+			cert: cert.cert,
+		};
+		let msg = protocol_v3::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Assignments(vec![(
+			assignment,
+			(0 as CandidateIndex).into(),
+		)]);
+		send_message_from_peer_v3(overseer, &peer_d, msg).await;
+		assert_matches!(
+			overseer_recv(overseer).await,
+			AllMessages::ApprovalVoting(ApprovalVotingMessage::CheckAndImportAssignment(
+				_, _,
+				tx,
+			)) => {
+				tx.send(AssignmentCheckResult::Accepted).unwrap();
+			}
+		);
+		expect_reputation_change(overseer, &peer_d, BENEFIT_VALID_MESSAGE_FIRST).await;
+		let candidate_bitfields = vec![CoreIndex(1)].try_into().unwrap();
+		let cert = fake_assignment_cert_v2(hash, validator_index, candidate_bitfields);
+		// send the candidate 1 assignment from peer_c
+		let assignment = IndirectAssignmentCertV2 {
+			block_hash: hash,
+			validator: validator_index,
+			cert: cert.cert,
+		};
+		let msg = protocol_v3::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Assignments(vec![(
+			assignment,
+			(1 as CandidateIndex).into(),
+		)]);
+		send_message_from_peer_v3(overseer, &peer_d, msg).await;
+		assert_matches!(
+			overseer_recv(overseer).await,
+			AllMessages::ApprovalVoting(ApprovalVotingMessage::CheckAndImportAssignment(
+				_, _,
+				tx,
+			)) => {
+				tx.send(AssignmentCheckResult::Accepted).unwrap();
+			}
+		);
+		expect_reputation_change(overseer, &peer_d, BENEFIT_VALID_MESSAGE_FIRST).await;
+		// send an approval from peer_b
+		let approval = IndirectSignedApprovalVoteV2 {
+			block_hash: hash,
+			candidate_indices,
+			validator: validator_index,
+			signature: dummy_signature(),
+		};
+		let msg = protocol_v3::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Approvals(vec![approval.clone()]);
+		send_message_from_peer_v3(overseer, &peer_d, msg).await;
+		assert_matches!(
+			overseer_recv(overseer).await,
+			AllMessages::ApprovalVoting(ApprovalVotingMessage::CheckAndImportApproval(
+				vote,
+				tx,
+			)) => {
+				assert_eq!(vote, approval);
+				tx.send(ApprovalCheckResult::Accepted).unwrap();
+			}
+		);
+		expect_reputation_change(overseer, &peer_d, BENEFIT_VALID_MESSAGE_FIRST).await;
+		// setup peers with  V2 protocol versions
+		setup_peer_with_view(overseer, &peer_a, view![hash], ValidationVersion::V3).await;
+		setup_peer_with_view(overseer, &peer_b, view![hash], ValidationVersion::V3).await;
+		let mut expected_peers_assignments = vec![peer_a, peer_b];
+		let mut expected_peers_approvals = vec![peer_a, peer_b];
+		assert_matches!(
+			overseer_recv(overseer).await,
+			AllMessages::NetworkBridgeTx(NetworkBridgeTxMessage::SendValidationMessage(
+				peers,
+				Versioned::V3(protocol_v3::ValidationProtocol::ApprovalDistribution(
+					protocol_v3::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Assignments(assignments)
+				))
+			)) => {
+				assert!(peers.len() == 1);
+				assert!(expected_peers_assignments.contains(peers.first().unwrap()));
+				expected_peers_assignments.retain(|peer| peer != peers.first().unwrap());
+				assert_eq!(assignments.len(), 2);
+			}
+		);
+		assert_matches!(
+			overseer_recv(overseer).await,
+			AllMessages::NetworkBridgeTx(NetworkBridgeTxMessage::SendValidationMessage(
+				peers,
+				Versioned::V3(protocol_v3::ValidationProtocol::ApprovalDistribution(
+					protocol_v3::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Approvals(approvals)
+				))
+			)) => {
+				assert!(peers.len() == 1);
+				assert!(expected_peers_approvals.contains(peers.first().unwrap()));
+				expected_peers_approvals.retain(|peer| peer != peers.first().unwrap());
+				assert_eq!(approvals.len(), 1);
+			}
+		);
+		assert_matches!(
+			overseer_recv(overseer).await,
+			AllMessages::NetworkBridgeTx(NetworkBridgeTxMessage::SendValidationMessage(
+				peers,
+				Versioned::V3(protocol_v3::ValidationProtocol::ApprovalDistribution(
+					protocol_v3::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Assignments(assignments)
+				))
+			)) => {
+				assert!(peers.len() == 1);
+				assert!(expected_peers_assignments.contains(peers.first().unwrap()));
+				expected_peers_assignments.retain(|peer| peer != peers.first().unwrap());
+				assert_eq!(assignments.len(), 2);
+			}
+		);
+		assert_matches!(
+			overseer_recv(overseer).await,
+			AllMessages::NetworkBridgeTx(NetworkBridgeTxMessage::SendValidationMessage(
+				peers,
+				Versioned::V3(protocol_v3::ValidationProtocol::ApprovalDistribution(
+					protocol_v3::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Approvals(approvals)
+				))
+			)) => {
+				assert!(peers.len() == 1);
+				assert!(expected_peers_approvals.contains(peers.first().unwrap()));
+				expected_peers_approvals.retain(|peer| peer != peers.first().unwrap());
+				assert_eq!(approvals.len(), 1);
+			}
+		);
+		virtual_overseer
+	});
 fn import_approval_bad() {
 	let peer_a = PeerId::random();
@@ -916,14 +1404,14 @@ fn import_approval_bad() {
 		let cert = fake_assignment_cert(hash, validator_index);
 		// send the an approval from peer_b, we don't have an assignment yet
-		let approval = IndirectSignedApprovalVote {
+		let approval = IndirectSignedApprovalVoteV2 {
 			block_hash: hash,
-			candidate_index,
+			candidate_indices: candidate_index.into(),
 			validator: validator_index,
 			signature: dummy_signature(),
-		let msg = protocol_v1::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Approvals(vec![approval.clone()]);
-		send_message_from_peer(overseer, &peer_b, msg).await;
+		let msg = protocol_v3::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Approvals(vec![approval.clone()]);
+		send_message_from_peer_v3(overseer, &peer_b, msg).await;
 		expect_reputation_change(overseer, &peer_b, COST_UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE).await;
@@ -948,8 +1436,8 @@ fn import_approval_bad() {
 		expect_reputation_change(overseer, &peer_b, BENEFIT_VALID_MESSAGE_FIRST).await;
 		// and try again
-		let msg = protocol_v1::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Approvals(vec![approval.clone()]);
-		send_message_from_peer(overseer, &peer_b, msg).await;
+		let msg = protocol_v3::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Approvals(vec![approval.clone()]);
+		send_message_from_peer_v3(overseer, &peer_b, msg).await;
@@ -1048,7 +1536,8 @@ fn update_peer_view() {
 	let hash_b = Hash::repeat_byte(0xBB);
 	let hash_c = Hash::repeat_byte(0xCC);
 	let hash_d = Hash::repeat_byte(0xDD);
-	let peer_a = PeerId::random();
+	let peers = make_peers_and_authority_ids(8);
+	let peer_a = peers.first().unwrap().0;
 	let peer = &peer_a;
 	let state = test_harness(State::default(), |mut virtual_overseer| async move {
@@ -1082,6 +1571,9 @@ fn update_peer_view() {
 		let msg = ApprovalDistributionMessage::NewBlocks(vec![meta_a, meta_b, meta_c]);
 		overseer_send(overseer, msg).await;
+		// Setup a topology where peer_a is neigboor to current node.
+		setup_gossip_topology(overseer, make_gossip_topology(1, &peers, &[0], &[2], 1)).await;
 		let cert_a = fake_assignment_cert(hash_a, ValidatorIndex(0));
 		let cert_b = fake_assignment_cert(hash_b, ValidatorIndex(0));
@@ -1264,14 +1756,14 @@ fn import_remotely_then_locally() {
 		assert!(overseer.recv().timeout(TIMEOUT).await.is_none(), "no message should be sent");
 		// send the approval remotely
-		let approval = IndirectSignedApprovalVote {
+		let approval = IndirectSignedApprovalVoteV2 {
 			block_hash: hash,
-			candidate_index,
+			candidate_indices: candidate_index.into(),
 			validator: validator_index,
 			signature: dummy_signature(),
-		let msg = protocol_v1::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Approvals(vec![approval.clone()]);
-		send_message_from_peer(overseer, peer, msg).await;
+		let msg = protocol_v3::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Approvals(vec![approval.clone()]);
+		send_message_from_peer_v3(overseer, peer, msg).await;
@@ -1295,7 +1787,8 @@ fn import_remotely_then_locally() {
 fn sends_assignments_even_when_state_is_approved() {
-	let peer_a = PeerId::random();
+	let peers = make_peers_and_authority_ids(8);
+	let peer_a = peers.first().unwrap().0;
 	let parent_hash = Hash::repeat_byte(0xFF);
 	let hash = Hash::repeat_byte(0xAA);
 	let peer = &peer_a;
@@ -1315,6 +1808,9 @@ fn sends_assignments_even_when_state_is_approved() {
 		let msg = ApprovalDistributionMessage::NewBlocks(vec![meta]);
 		overseer_send(overseer, msg).await;
+		// Setup a topology where peer_a is neigboor to current node.
+		setup_gossip_topology(overseer, make_gossip_topology(1, &peers, &[0], &[2], 1)).await;
 		let validator_index = ValidatorIndex(0);
 		let candidate_index = 0u32;
@@ -1336,8 +1832,11 @@ fn sends_assignments_even_when_state_is_approved() {
-		overseer_send(overseer, ApprovalDistributionMessage::DistributeApproval(approval.clone()))
-			.await;
+		overseer_send(
+			overseer,
+			ApprovalDistributionMessage::DistributeApproval(approval.clone().into()),
+		)
+		.await;
 		// connect the peer.
 		setup_peer_with_view(overseer, peer, view![hash], ValidationVersion::V1).await;
@@ -1380,7 +1879,8 @@ fn sends_assignments_even_when_state_is_approved() {
 /// assignemnts.
 fn sends_assignments_even_when_state_is_approved_v2() {
-	let peer_a = PeerId::random();
+	let peers = make_peers_and_authority_ids(8);
+	let peer_a = peers.first().unwrap().0;
 	let parent_hash = Hash::repeat_byte(0xFF);
 	let hash = Hash::repeat_byte(0xAA);
 	let peer = &peer_a;
@@ -1400,6 +1900,9 @@ fn sends_assignments_even_when_state_is_approved_v2() {
 		let msg = ApprovalDistributionMessage::NewBlocks(vec![meta]);
 		overseer_send(overseer, msg).await;
+		// Setup a topology where peer_a is neigboor to current node.
+		setup_gossip_topology(overseer, make_gossip_topology(1, &peers, &[0], &[2], 1)).await;
 		let validator_index = ValidatorIndex(0);
 		let cores = vec![0, 1, 2, 3];
 		let candidate_bitfield: CandidateBitfield = cores.clone().try_into().unwrap();
@@ -1416,9 +1919,9 @@ fn sends_assignments_even_when_state_is_approved_v2() {
 		// Assumes candidate index == core index.
 		let approvals = cores
-			.map(|core| IndirectSignedApprovalVote {
+			.map(|core| IndirectSignedApprovalVoteV2 {
 				block_hash: hash,
-				candidate_index: *core,
+				candidate_indices: (*core).into(),
 				validator: validator_index,
 				signature: dummy_signature(),
@@ -1442,7 +1945,7 @@ fn sends_assignments_even_when_state_is_approved_v2() {
 		// connect the peer.
-		setup_peer_with_view(overseer, peer, view![hash], ValidationVersion::VStaging).await;
+		setup_peer_with_view(overseer, peer, view![hash], ValidationVersion::V3).await;
 		let assignments = vec![(cert.clone(), candidate_bitfield.clone())];
@@ -1450,8 +1953,8 @@ fn sends_assignments_even_when_state_is_approved_v2() {
-				Versioned::VStaging(protocol_vstaging::ValidationProtocol::ApprovalDistribution(
-					protocol_vstaging::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Assignments(sent_assignments)
+				Versioned::V3(protocol_v3::ValidationProtocol::ApprovalDistribution(
+					protocol_v3::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Assignments(sent_assignments)
 			)) => {
 				assert_eq!(peers, vec![*peer]);
@@ -1463,14 +1966,14 @@ fn sends_assignments_even_when_state_is_approved_v2() {
-				Versioned::VStaging(protocol_vstaging::ValidationProtocol::ApprovalDistribution(
-					protocol_vstaging::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Approvals(sent_approvals)
+				Versioned::V3(protocol_v3::ValidationProtocol::ApprovalDistribution(
+					protocol_v3::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Approvals(sent_approvals)
 			)) => {
 				// Construct a hashmaps of approvals for comparison. Approval distribution reorders messages because they are kept in a
 				// hashmap as well.
-				let sent_approvals = sent_approvals.into_iter().map(|approval| (approval.candidate_index, approval)).collect::<HashMap<_,_>>();
-				let approvals = approvals.into_iter().map(|approval| (approval.candidate_index, approval)).collect::<HashMap<_,_>>();
+				let sent_approvals = sent_approvals.into_iter().map(|approval| (approval.candidate_indices.clone(), approval)).collect::<HashMap<_,_>>();
+				let approvals = approvals.into_iter().map(|approval| (approval.candidate_indices.clone(), approval)).collect::<HashMap<_,_>>();
 				assert_eq!(peers, vec![*peer]);
 				assert_eq!(sent_approvals, approvals);
@@ -1580,13 +2083,19 @@ fn propagates_locally_generated_assignment_to_both_dimensions() {
 		// Set up a gossip topology.
-			make_gossip_topology(1, &peers, &[0, 10, 20, 30], &[50, 51, 52, 53]),
+			make_gossip_topology(
+				1,
+				&peers,
+				&[0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 60, 70, 80],
+				&[50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57],
+				1,
+			),
 		let expected_indices = [
 			// Both dimensions in the gossip topology
-			0, 10, 20, 30, 50, 51, 52, 53,
+			0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 60, 70, 80, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57,
 		// new block `hash_a` with 1 candidates
@@ -1623,8 +2132,11 @@ fn propagates_locally_generated_assignment_to_both_dimensions() {
-		overseer_send(overseer, ApprovalDistributionMessage::DistributeApproval(approval.clone()))
-			.await;
+		overseer_send(
+			overseer,
+			ApprovalDistributionMessage::DistributeApproval(approval.clone().into()),
+		)
+		.await;
 		let assignments = vec![(cert.clone(), candidate_index)];
 		let approvals = vec![approval.clone()];
@@ -1688,7 +2200,7 @@ fn propagates_assignments_along_unshared_dimension() {
 		// Set up a gossip topology.
-			make_gossip_topology(1, &peers, &[0, 10, 20, 30], &[50, 51, 52, 53]),
+			make_gossip_topology(1, &peers, &[0, 10, 20, 30], &[50, 51, 52, 53], 1),
@@ -1831,13 +2343,19 @@ fn propagates_to_required_after_connect() {
 		// Set up a gossip topology.
-			make_gossip_topology(1, &peers, &[0, 10, 20, 30], &[50, 51, 52, 53]),
+			make_gossip_topology(
+				1,
+				&peers,
+				&[0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 60, 70, 80],
+				&[50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57],
+				1,
+			),
 		let expected_indices = [
 			// Both dimensions in the gossip topology, minus omitted.
-			20, 30, 52, 53,
+			20, 30, 40, 60, 70, 80, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57,
 		// new block `hash_a` with 1 candidates
@@ -1874,8 +2392,11 @@ fn propagates_to_required_after_connect() {
-		overseer_send(overseer, ApprovalDistributionMessage::DistributeApproval(approval.clone()))
-			.await;
+		overseer_send(
+			overseer,
+			ApprovalDistributionMessage::DistributeApproval(approval.clone().into()),
+		)
+		.await;
 		let assignments = vec![(cert.clone(), candidate_index)];
 		let approvals = vec![approval.clone()];
@@ -2002,53 +2523,21 @@ fn sends_to_more_peers_after_getting_topology() {
-		overseer_send(overseer, ApprovalDistributionMessage::DistributeApproval(approval.clone()))
-			.await;
+		overseer_send(
+			overseer,
+			ApprovalDistributionMessage::DistributeApproval(approval.clone().into()),
+		)
+		.await;
 		let assignments = vec![(cert.clone(), candidate_index)];
 		let approvals = vec![approval.clone()];
-		let mut expected_indices = vec![0, 10, 20, 30, 50, 51, 52, 53];
-		let assignment_sent_peers = assert_matches!(
-			overseer_recv(overseer).await,
-			AllMessages::NetworkBridgeTx(NetworkBridgeTxMessage::SendValidationMessage(
-				sent_peers,
-				Versioned::V1(protocol_v1::ValidationProtocol::ApprovalDistribution(
-					protocol_v1::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Assignments(sent_assignments)
-				))
-			)) => {
-				// Only sends to random peers.
-				assert_eq!(sent_peers.len(), 4);
-				for peer in &sent_peers {
-					let i = peers.iter().position(|p| peer == &p.0).unwrap();
-					// Random gossip before topology can send to topology-targeted peers.
-					// Remove them from the expected indices so we don't expect
-					// them to get the messages again after the assignment.
-					expected_indices.retain(|&i2| i2 != i);
-				}
-				assert_eq!(sent_assignments, assignments);
-				sent_peers
-			}
-		);
-		assert_matches!(
-			overseer_recv(overseer).await,
-			AllMessages::NetworkBridgeTx(NetworkBridgeTxMessage::SendValidationMessage(
-				sent_peers,
-				Versioned::V1(protocol_v1::ValidationProtocol::ApprovalDistribution(
-					protocol_v1::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Approvals(sent_approvals)
-				))
-			)) => {
-				// Random sampling is reused from the assignment.
-				assert_eq!(sent_peers, assignment_sent_peers);
-				assert_eq!(sent_approvals, approvals);
-			}
-		);
+		let expected_indices = vec![0, 10, 20, 30, 50, 51, 52, 53];
 		// Set up a gossip topology.
-			make_gossip_topology(1, &peers, &[0, 10, 20, 30], &[50, 51, 52, 53]),
+			make_gossip_topology(1, &peers, &[0, 10, 20, 30], &[50, 51, 52, 53], 1),
@@ -2151,7 +2640,7 @@ fn originator_aggression_l1() {
 		// Set up a gossip topology.
-			make_gossip_topology(1, &peers, &[0, 10, 20, 30], &[50, 51, 52, 53]),
+			make_gossip_topology(1, &peers, &[0, 10, 20, 30], &[50, 51, 52, 53], 1),
@@ -2164,8 +2653,11 @@ fn originator_aggression_l1() {
-		overseer_send(overseer, ApprovalDistributionMessage::DistributeApproval(approval.clone()))
-			.await;
+		overseer_send(
+			overseer,
+			ApprovalDistributionMessage::DistributeApproval(approval.clone().into()),
+		)
+		.await;
 		let assignments = vec![(cert.clone(), candidate_index)];
 		let approvals = vec![approval.clone()];
@@ -2307,7 +2799,7 @@ fn non_originator_aggression_l1() {
 		// Set up a gossip topology.
-			make_gossip_topology(1, &peers, &[0, 10, 20, 30], &[50, 51, 52, 53]),
+			make_gossip_topology(1, &peers, &[0, 10, 20, 30], &[50, 51, 52, 53], 1),
@@ -2412,7 +2904,7 @@ fn non_originator_aggression_l2() {
 		// Set up a gossip topology.
-			make_gossip_topology(1, &peers, &[0, 10, 20, 30], &[50, 51, 52, 53]),
+			make_gossip_topology(1, &peers, &[0, 10, 20, 30], &[50, 51, 52, 53], 1),
@@ -2558,7 +3050,7 @@ fn resends_messages_periodically() {
 		// Set up a gossip topology.
-			make_gossip_topology(1, &peers, &[0, 10, 20, 30], &[50, 51, 52, 53]),
+			make_gossip_topology(1, &peers, &[0, 10, 20, 30], &[50, 51, 52, 53], 1),
@@ -2681,12 +3173,13 @@ fn resends_messages_periodically() {
 /// Tests that peers correctly receive versioned messages.
 fn import_versioned_approval() {
-	let peer_a = PeerId::random();
-	let peer_b = PeerId::random();
-	let peer_c = PeerId::random();
+	let peers = make_peers_and_authority_ids(15);
+	let peer_a = peers.get(0).unwrap().0;
+	let peer_b = peers.get(1).unwrap().0;
+	let peer_c = peers.get(2).unwrap().0;
 	let parent_hash = Hash::repeat_byte(0xFF);
 	let hash = Hash::repeat_byte(0xAA);
 	let state = state_without_reputation_delay();
 	let _ = test_harness(state, |mut virtual_overseer| async move {
 		let overseer = &mut virtual_overseer;
@@ -2695,6 +3188,10 @@ fn import_versioned_approval() {
 		setup_peer_with_view(overseer, &peer_b, view![hash], ValidationVersion::V1).await;
 		setup_peer_with_view(overseer, &peer_c, view![hash], ValidationVersion::V2).await;
+		// Set up a gossip topology, where a, b, c and d are topology neighboors to the node under
+		// testing.
+		setup_gossip_topology(overseer, make_gossip_topology(1, &peers, &[0, 1], &[2, 4], 3)).await;
 		// new block `hash_a` with 1 candidates
 		let meta = BlockApprovalMeta {
@@ -2762,7 +3259,7 @@ fn import_versioned_approval() {
 			)) => {
-				assert_eq!(vote, approval);
+				assert_eq!(vote, approval.into());
@@ -2782,6 +3279,7 @@ fn import_versioned_approval() {
 				assert_eq!(approvals.len(), 1);
@@ -2821,9 +3319,9 @@ fn batch_test_round(message_count: usize) {
 		let approvals: Vec<_> = validators
-			.map(|index| IndirectSignedApprovalVote {
+			.map(|index| IndirectSignedApprovalVoteV2 {
 				block_hash: Hash::zero(),
-				candidate_index: 0,
+				candidate_indices: 0u32.into(),
 				validator: ValidatorIndex(index as u32),
 				signature: dummy_signature(),
@@ -2890,7 +3388,7 @@ fn batch_test_round(message_count: usize) {
 					assert_eq!(peers.len(), 1);
 					for (message_index,  approval) in sent_approvals.iter().enumerate() {
-						assert_eq!(approval, &approvals[approval_index + message_index]);
+						assert_eq!(approval, &approvals[approval_index + message_index].clone().try_into().unwrap());
diff --git a/polkadot/node/network/bitfield-distribution/src/ b/polkadot/node/network/bitfield-distribution/src/
index 9cc79aee849..76baf499cad 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/network/bitfield-distribution/src/
+++ b/polkadot/node/network/bitfield-distribution/src/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ use polkadot_node_network_protocol::{
 		GridNeighbors, RandomRouting, RequiredRouting, SessionBoundGridTopologyStorage,
 	peer_set::{ProtocolVersion, ValidationVersion},
-	v1 as protocol_v1, v2 as protocol_v2, vstaging as protocol_vstaging, OurView, PeerId,
+	v1 as protocol_v1, v2 as protocol_v2, v3 as protocol_v3, OurView, PeerId,
 	UnifiedReputationChange as Rep, Versioned, View,
 use polkadot_node_subsystem::{
@@ -102,8 +102,8 @@ impl BitfieldGossipMessage {
-			Some(ValidationVersion::VStaging) =>
-				Versioned::VStaging(protocol_vstaging::BitfieldDistributionMessage::Bitfield(
+			Some(ValidationVersion::V3) =>
+				Versioned::V3(protocol_v3::BitfieldDistributionMessage::Bitfield(
@@ -503,8 +503,8 @@ async fn relay_message<Context>(
 		let v2_interested_peers =
 			filter_by_peer_version(&interested_peers, ValidationVersion::V2.into());
-		let vstaging_interested_peers =
-			filter_by_peer_version(&interested_peers, ValidationVersion::VStaging.into());
+		let v3_interested_peers =
+			filter_by_peer_version(&interested_peers, ValidationVersion::V3.into());
 		if !v1_interested_peers.is_empty() {
@@ -522,10 +522,10 @@ async fn relay_message<Context>(
-		if !vstaging_interested_peers.is_empty() {
+		if !v3_interested_peers.is_empty() {
-				vstaging_interested_peers,
-				message.into_validation_protocol(ValidationVersion::VStaging.into()),
+				v3_interested_peers,
+				message.into_validation_protocol(ValidationVersion::V3.into()),
@@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ async fn process_incoming_peer_message<Context>(
 		)) |
-		Versioned::VStaging(protocol_vstaging::BitfieldDistributionMessage::Bitfield(
+		Versioned::V3(protocol_v3::BitfieldDistributionMessage::Bitfield(
 		)) => (relay_parent, bitfield),
diff --git a/polkadot/node/network/bridge/src/ b/polkadot/node/network/bridge/src/
index a9339a5c443..2fcf5cec489 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/network/bridge/src/
+++ b/polkadot/node/network/bridge/src/
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ use sc_network::{
 use polkadot_node_network_protocol::{
 	peer_set::{CollationVersion, PeerSet, ProtocolVersion, ValidationVersion},
 	request_response::{OutgoingRequest, Recipient, ReqProtocolNames, Requests},
-	v1 as protocol_v1, v2 as protocol_v2, vstaging as protocol_vstaging, PeerId,
+	v1 as protocol_v1, v2 as protocol_v2, v3 as protocol_v3, PeerId,
 use polkadot_primitives::{AuthorityDiscoveryId, Block, Hash};
@@ -62,20 +62,20 @@ pub(crate) fn send_validation_message_v1(
-// Helper function to send a validation vstaging message to a list of peers.
+// Helper function to send a validation v3 message to a list of peers.
 // Messages are always sent via the main protocol, even legacy protocol messages.
-pub(crate) fn send_validation_message_vstaging(
+pub(crate) fn send_validation_message_v3(
 	peers: Vec<PeerId>,
-	message: WireMessage<protocol_vstaging::ValidationProtocol>,
+	message: WireMessage<protocol_v3::ValidationProtocol>,
 	metrics: &Metrics,
 	notification_sinks: &Arc<Mutex<HashMap<(PeerSet, PeerId), Box<dyn MessageSink>>>>,
 ) {
-	gum::trace!(target: LOG_TARGET, ?peers, ?message, "Sending validation vstaging message to peers",);
+	gum::trace!(target: LOG_TARGET, ?peers, ?message, "Sending validation v3 message to peers",);
-		ValidationVersion::VStaging.into(),
+		ValidationVersion::V3.into(),
diff --git a/polkadot/node/network/bridge/src/rx/ b/polkadot/node/network/bridge/src/rx/
index 40cd167a968..49d81aea76a 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/network/bridge/src/rx/
+++ b/polkadot/node/network/bridge/src/rx/
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ use polkadot_node_network_protocol::{
 		CollationVersion, PeerSet, PeerSetProtocolNames, PerPeerSet, ProtocolVersion,
-	v1 as protocol_v1, v2 as protocol_v2, vstaging as protocol_vstaging, ObservedRole, OurView,
-	PeerId, UnifiedReputationChange as Rep, View,
+	v1 as protocol_v1, v2 as protocol_v2, v3 as protocol_v3, ObservedRole, OurView, PeerId,
+	UnifiedReputationChange as Rep, View,
 use polkadot_node_subsystem::{
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ use super::validator_discovery;
 /// Defines the `Network` trait with an implementation for an `Arc<NetworkService>`.
 use crate::network::{
 	send_collation_message_v1, send_collation_message_v2, send_validation_message_v1,
-	send_validation_message_v2, send_validation_message_vstaging, Network,
+	send_validation_message_v2, send_validation_message_v3, Network,
 use crate::{network::get_peer_id_by_authority_id, WireMessage};
@@ -294,9 +294,9 @@ async fn handle_validation_message<AD>(
-				ValidationVersion::VStaging => send_validation_message_vstaging(
+				ValidationVersion::V3 => send_validation_message_v3(
-					WireMessage::<protocol_vstaging::ValidationProtocol>::ViewUpdate(local_view),
+					WireMessage::<protocol_v3::ValidationProtocol>::ViewUpdate(local_view),
@@ -360,48 +360,47 @@ async fn handle_validation_message<AD>(
-			let (events, reports) =
-				if expected_versions[PeerSet::Validation] == Some(ValidationVersion::V1.into()) {
-					handle_peer_messages::<protocol_v1::ValidationProtocol, _>(
-						peer,
-						PeerSet::Validation,
-						&mut shared.0.lock().validation_peers,
-						vec![notification.into()],
-						metrics,
-					)
-				} else if expected_versions[PeerSet::Validation] ==
-					Some(ValidationVersion::V2.into())
-				{
-					handle_peer_messages::<protocol_v2::ValidationProtocol, _>(
-						peer,
-						PeerSet::Validation,
-						&mut shared.0.lock().validation_peers,
-						vec![notification.into()],
-						metrics,
-					)
-				} else if expected_versions[PeerSet::Validation] ==
-					Some(ValidationVersion::VStaging.into())
-				{
-					handle_peer_messages::<protocol_vstaging::ValidationProtocol, _>(
-						peer,
-						PeerSet::Validation,
-						&mut shared.0.lock().validation_peers,
-						vec![notification.into()],
-						metrics,
-					)
-				} else {
-					gum::warn!(
-						target: LOG_TARGET,
-						version = ?expected_versions[PeerSet::Validation],
-						"Major logic bug. Peer somehow has unsupported validation protocol version."
-					);
+			let (events, reports) = if expected_versions[PeerSet::Validation] ==
+				Some(ValidationVersion::V1.into())
+			{
+				handle_peer_messages::<protocol_v1::ValidationProtocol, _>(
+					peer,
+					PeerSet::Validation,
+					&mut shared.0.lock().validation_peers,
+					vec![notification.into()],
+					metrics,
+				)
+			} else if expected_versions[PeerSet::Validation] == Some(ValidationVersion::V2.into()) {
+				handle_peer_messages::<protocol_v2::ValidationProtocol, _>(
+					peer,
+					PeerSet::Validation,
+					&mut shared.0.lock().validation_peers,
+					vec![notification.into()],
+					metrics,
+				)
+			} else if expected_versions[PeerSet::Validation] == Some(ValidationVersion::V3.into()) {
+				handle_peer_messages::<protocol_v3::ValidationProtocol, _>(
+					peer,
+					PeerSet::Validation,
+					&mut shared.0.lock().validation_peers,
+					vec![notification.into()],
+					metrics,
+				)
+			} else {
+				gum::warn!(
+					target: LOG_TARGET,
+					version = ?expected_versions[PeerSet::Validation],
+					"Major logic bug. Peer somehow has unsupported validation protocol version."
+				);
-					never!("Only versions 1 and 2 are supported; peer set connection checked above; qed");
+				never!(
+					"Only versions 1 and 2 are supported; peer set connection checked above; qed"
+				);
-					// If a peer somehow triggers this, we'll disconnect them
-					// eventually.
-					(Vec::new(), vec![UNCONNECTED_PEERSET_COST])
-				};
+				// If a peer somehow triggers this, we'll disconnect them
+				// eventually.
+				(Vec::new(), vec![UNCONNECTED_PEERSET_COST])
+			};
 			for report in reports {
 				network_service.report_peer(peer, report.into());
@@ -980,8 +979,8 @@ fn update_our_view<Context>(
 		filter_by_peer_version(&validation_peers, ValidationVersion::V2.into());
 	let v2_collation_peers = filter_by_peer_version(&collation_peers, CollationVersion::V2.into());
-	let vstaging_validation_peers =
-		filter_by_peer_version(&validation_peers, ValidationVersion::VStaging.into());
+	let v3_validation_peers =
+		filter_by_peer_version(&validation_peers, ValidationVersion::V3.into());
@@ -1011,8 +1010,8 @@ fn update_our_view<Context>(
-	send_validation_message_vstaging(
-		vstaging_validation_peers,
+	send_validation_message_v3(
+		v3_validation_peers,
diff --git a/polkadot/node/network/bridge/src/rx/ b/polkadot/node/network/bridge/src/rx/
index e0b86feb644..6847b8a7e24 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/network/bridge/src/rx/
+++ b/polkadot/node/network/bridge/src/rx/
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ impl TestNetworkHandle {
 				PeerSet::Validation => Some(ProtocolName::from("/polkadot/validation/1")),
 				PeerSet::Collation => Some(ProtocolName::from("/polkadot/collation/1")),
-			ValidationVersion::VStaging => match peer_set {
+			ValidationVersion::V3 => match peer_set {
 				PeerSet::Validation => Some(ProtocolName::from("/polkadot/validation/3")),
 				PeerSet::Collation => unreachable!(),
@@ -1433,8 +1433,8 @@ fn network_protocol_versioning_view_update() {
 				ValidationVersion::V2 =>
-				ValidationVersion::VStaging =>
-					WireMessage::<protocol_vstaging::ValidationProtocol>::ViewUpdate(view.clone())
+				ValidationVersion::V3 =>
+					WireMessage::<protocol_v3::ValidationProtocol>::ViewUpdate(view.clone())
@@ -1469,7 +1469,7 @@ fn network_protocol_versioning_subsystem_msg() {
-					ValidationVersion::V2.into(),
+					ValidationVersion::V3.into(),
 				&mut virtual_overseer,
@@ -1484,9 +1484,9 @@ fn network_protocol_versioning_subsystem_msg() {
 		let approval_distribution_message =
-			protocol_v2::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Approvals(Vec::new());
+			protocol_v3::ApprovalDistributionMessage::Approvals(Vec::new());
-		let msg = protocol_v2::ValidationProtocol::ApprovalDistribution(
+		let msg = protocol_v3::ValidationProtocol::ApprovalDistribution(
@@ -1502,7 +1502,7 @@ fn network_protocol_versioning_subsystem_msg() {
-					NetworkBridgeEvent::PeerMessage(p, Versioned::V2(m))
+					NetworkBridgeEvent::PeerMessage(p, Versioned::V3(m))
 			) => {
 				assert_eq!(p, peer);
@@ -1536,7 +1536,7 @@ fn network_protocol_versioning_subsystem_msg() {
-					NetworkBridgeEvent::PeerMessage(p, Versioned::V2(m))
+					NetworkBridgeEvent::PeerMessage(p, Versioned::V3(m))
 			) => {
 				assert_eq!(p, peer);
diff --git a/polkadot/node/network/bridge/src/tx/ b/polkadot/node/network/bridge/src/tx/
index bdcd1574e33..22802608e1d 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/network/bridge/src/tx/
+++ b/polkadot/node/network/bridge/src/tx/
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ use crate::validator_discovery;
 /// Defines the `Network` trait with an implementation for an `Arc<NetworkService>`.
 use crate::network::{
 	send_collation_message_v1, send_collation_message_v2, send_validation_message_v1,
-	send_validation_message_v2, send_validation_message_vstaging, Network,
+	send_validation_message_v2, send_validation_message_v3, Network,
 use crate::metrics::Metrics;
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ where
-				Versioned::VStaging(msg) => send_validation_message_vstaging(
+				Versioned::V3(msg) => send_validation_message_v3(
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ where
-					Versioned::VStaging(msg) => send_validation_message_vstaging(
+					Versioned::V3(msg) => send_validation_message_v3(
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ where
-				Versioned::V2(msg) | Versioned::VStaging(msg) => send_collation_message_v2(
+				Versioned::V2(msg) | Versioned::V3(msg) => send_collation_message_v2(
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ where
-					Versioned::V2(msg) | Versioned::VStaging(msg) => send_collation_message_v2(
+					Versioned::V2(msg) | Versioned::V3(msg) => send_collation_message_v2(
diff --git a/polkadot/node/network/collator-protocol/src/collator_side/ b/polkadot/node/network/collator-protocol/src/collator_side/
index b3a396e1be3..8fb0bb21544 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/network/collator-protocol/src/collator_side/
+++ b/polkadot/node/network/collator-protocol/src/collator_side/
@@ -882,7 +882,7 @@ async fn handle_incoming_peer_message<Context>(
 	match msg {
 		Versioned::V1(V1::Declare(..)) |
 		Versioned::V2(V2::Declare(..)) |
-		Versioned::VStaging(V2::Declare(..)) => {
+		Versioned::V3(V2::Declare(..)) => {
 				target: LOG_TARGET,
@@ -895,7 +895,7 @@ async fn handle_incoming_peer_message<Context>(
 		Versioned::V1(V1::AdvertiseCollation(_)) |
 		Versioned::V2(V2::AdvertiseCollation { .. }) |
-		Versioned::VStaging(V2::AdvertiseCollation { .. }) => {
+		Versioned::V3(V2::AdvertiseCollation { .. }) => {
 				target: LOG_TARGET,
@@ -911,7 +911,7 @@ async fn handle_incoming_peer_message<Context>(
 		Versioned::V1(V1::CollationSeconded(relay_parent, statement)) |
 		Versioned::V2(V2::CollationSeconded(relay_parent, statement)) |
-		Versioned::VStaging(V2::CollationSeconded(relay_parent, statement)) => {
+		Versioned::V3(V2::CollationSeconded(relay_parent, statement)) => {
 			if !matches!(statement.unchecked_payload(), Statement::Seconded(_)) {
 					target: LOG_TARGET,
diff --git a/polkadot/node/network/collator-protocol/src/validator_side/ b/polkadot/node/network/collator-protocol/src/validator_side/
index 20b3b9ea1d2..48ad3c711a6 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/network/collator-protocol/src/validator_side/
+++ b/polkadot/node/network/collator-protocol/src/validator_side/
@@ -777,7 +777,7 @@ async fn process_incoming_peer_message<Context>(
 	match msg {
 		Versioned::V1(V1::Declare(collator_id, para_id, signature)) |
 		Versioned::V2(V2::Declare(collator_id, para_id, signature)) |
-		Versioned::VStaging(V2::Declare(collator_id, para_id, signature)) => {
+		Versioned::V3(V2::Declare(collator_id, para_id, signature)) => {
 			if collator_peer_id(&state.peer_data, &collator_id).is_some() {
 					&mut state.reputation,
@@ -894,7 +894,7 @@ async fn process_incoming_peer_message<Context>(
 		}) |
-		Versioned::VStaging(V2::AdvertiseCollation {
+		Versioned::V3(V2::AdvertiseCollation {
@@ -923,7 +923,7 @@ async fn process_incoming_peer_message<Context>(
 		Versioned::V1(V1::CollationSeconded(..)) |
 		Versioned::V2(V2::CollationSeconded(..)) |
-		Versioned::VStaging(V2::CollationSeconded(..)) => {
+		Versioned::V3(V2::CollationSeconded(..)) => {
 				target: LOG_TARGET,
 				peer_id = ?origin,
diff --git a/polkadot/node/network/gossip-support/src/ b/polkadot/node/network/gossip-support/src/
index 0d1b04f2ba2..22417795d5e 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/network/gossip-support/src/
+++ b/polkadot/node/network/gossip-support/src/
@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ where
 				match message {
 					Versioned::V1(m) => match m {},
 					Versioned::V2(m) => match m {},
-					Versioned::VStaging(m) => match m {},
+					Versioned::V3(m) => match m {},
diff --git a/polkadot/node/network/protocol/Cargo.toml b/polkadot/node/network/protocol/Cargo.toml
index c33b9eae325..379334ded24 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/network/protocol/Cargo.toml
+++ b/polkadot/node/network/protocol/Cargo.toml
@@ -27,6 +27,3 @@ bitvec = "1"
 rand_chacha = "0.3.1"
-network-protocol-staging = []
diff --git a/polkadot/node/network/protocol/src/ b/polkadot/node/network/protocol/src/
index 99dd513c4d7..8bd9adbc17c 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/network/protocol/src/
+++ b/polkadot/node/network/protocol/src/
@@ -73,12 +73,20 @@ pub struct SessionGridTopology {
 	shuffled_indices: Vec<usize>,
 	/// The canonical shuffling of validators for the session.
 	canonical_shuffling: Vec<TopologyPeerInfo>,
+	/// The list of peer-ids in an efficient way to search.
+	peer_ids: HashSet<PeerId>,
 impl SessionGridTopology {
 	/// Create a new session grid topology.
 	pub fn new(shuffled_indices: Vec<usize>, canonical_shuffling: Vec<TopologyPeerInfo>) -> Self {
-		SessionGridTopology { shuffled_indices, canonical_shuffling }
+		let mut peer_ids = HashSet::new();
+		for peer_info in canonical_shuffling.iter() {
+			for peer_id in peer_info.peer_ids.iter() {
+				peer_ids.insert(*peer_id);
+			}
+		}
+		SessionGridTopology { shuffled_indices, canonical_shuffling, peer_ids }
 	/// Produces the outgoing routing logic for a particular peer.
@@ -111,6 +119,11 @@ impl SessionGridTopology {
+	/// Tells if a given peer id is validator in a session
+	pub fn is_validator(&self, peer: &PeerId) -> bool {
+		self.peer_ids.contains(peer)
+	}
 struct MatrixNeighbors<R, C> {
@@ -273,6 +286,11 @@ impl SessionGridTopologyEntry {
 	pub fn get(&self) -> &SessionGridTopology {
+	/// Tells if a given peer id is validator in a session
+	pub fn is_validator(&self, peer: &PeerId) -> bool {
+		self.topology.is_validator(peer)
+	}
 /// A set of topologies indexed by session
@@ -347,6 +365,7 @@ impl Default for SessionBoundGridTopologyStorage {
 					topology: SessionGridTopology {
 						shuffled_indices: Vec::new(),
 						canonical_shuffling: Vec::new(),
+						peer_ids: Default::default(),
 					local_neighbors: GridNeighbors::empty(),
diff --git a/polkadot/node/network/protocol/src/ b/polkadot/node/network/protocol/src/
index 9aeeb98ea9d..ae72230ee43 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/network/protocol/src/
+++ b/polkadot/node/network/protocol/src/
@@ -253,29 +253,29 @@ impl View {
 /// A protocol-versioned type.
 #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
-pub enum Versioned<V1, V2, VStaging = V2> {
+pub enum Versioned<V1, V2, V3 = V2> {
 	/// V1 type.
 	/// V2 type.
-	/// VStaging type
-	VStaging(VStaging),
+	/// V3 type
+	V3(V3),
-impl<V1: Clone, V2: Clone, VStaging: Clone> Versioned<&'_ V1, &'_ V2, &'_ VStaging> {
+impl<V1: Clone, V2: Clone, V3: Clone> Versioned<&'_ V1, &'_ V2, &'_ V3> {
 	/// Convert to a fully-owned version of the message.
-	pub fn clone_inner(&self) -> Versioned<V1, V2, VStaging> {
+	pub fn clone_inner(&self) -> Versioned<V1, V2, V3> {
 		match *self {
 			Versioned::V1(inner) => Versioned::V1(inner.clone()),
 			Versioned::V2(inner) => Versioned::V2(inner.clone()),
-			Versioned::VStaging(inner) => Versioned::VStaging(inner.clone()),
+			Versioned::V3(inner) => Versioned::V3(inner.clone()),
 /// All supported versions of the validation protocol message.
 pub type VersionedValidationProtocol =
-	Versioned<v1::ValidationProtocol, v2::ValidationProtocol, vstaging::ValidationProtocol>;
+	Versioned<v1::ValidationProtocol, v2::ValidationProtocol, v3::ValidationProtocol>;
 impl From<v1::ValidationProtocol> for VersionedValidationProtocol {
 	fn from(v1: v1::ValidationProtocol) -> Self {
@@ -289,9 +289,9 @@ impl From<v2::ValidationProtocol> for VersionedValidationProtocol {
-impl From<vstaging::ValidationProtocol> for VersionedValidationProtocol {
-	fn from(vstaging: vstaging::ValidationProtocol) -> Self {
-		VersionedValidationProtocol::VStaging(vstaging)
+impl From<v3::ValidationProtocol> for VersionedValidationProtocol {
+	fn from(v3: v3::ValidationProtocol) -> Self {
+		VersionedValidationProtocol::V3(v3)
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ macro_rules! impl_versioned_full_protocol_from {
 				match versioned_from {
 					Versioned::V1(x) => Versioned::V1(x.into()),
 					Versioned::V2(x) => Versioned::V2(x.into()),
-					Versioned::VStaging(x) => Versioned::VStaging(x.into()),
+					Versioned::V3(x) => Versioned::V3(x.into()),
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ macro_rules! impl_versioned_try_from {
 		$v1_pat:pat => $v1_out:expr,
 		$v2_pat:pat => $v2_out:expr,
-		$vstaging_pat:pat => $vstaging_out:expr
+		$v3_pat:pat => $v3_out:expr
 	) => {
 		impl TryFrom<$from> for $out {
 			type Error = crate::WrongVariant;
@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ macro_rules! impl_versioned_try_from {
 				match x {
 					Versioned::V1($v1_pat) => Ok(Versioned::V1($v1_out)),
 					Versioned::V2($v2_pat) => Ok(Versioned::V2($v2_out)),
-					Versioned::VStaging($vstaging_pat) => Ok(Versioned::VStaging($vstaging_out)),
+					Versioned::V3($v3_pat) => Ok(Versioned::V3($v3_out)),
 					_ => Err(crate::WrongVariant),
@@ -355,8 +355,7 @@ macro_rules! impl_versioned_try_from {
 				match x {
 					Versioned::V1($v1_pat) => Ok(Versioned::V1($v1_out.clone())),
 					Versioned::V2($v2_pat) => Ok(Versioned::V2($v2_out.clone())),
-					Versioned::VStaging($vstaging_pat) =>
-						Ok(Versioned::VStaging($vstaging_out.clone())),
+					Versioned::V3($v3_pat) => Ok(Versioned::V3($v3_out.clone())),
 					_ => Err(crate::WrongVariant),
@@ -368,7 +367,7 @@ macro_rules! impl_versioned_try_from {
 pub type BitfieldDistributionMessage = Versioned<
-	vstaging::BitfieldDistributionMessage,
+	v3::BitfieldDistributionMessage,
@@ -380,14 +379,14 @@ impl_versioned_try_from!(
 	v1::ValidationProtocol::BitfieldDistribution(x) => x,
 	v2::ValidationProtocol::BitfieldDistribution(x) => x,
-	vstaging::ValidationProtocol::BitfieldDistribution(x) => x
+	v3::ValidationProtocol::BitfieldDistribution(x) => x
 /// Version-annotated messages used by the statement distribution subsystem.
 pub type StatementDistributionMessage = Versioned<
-	vstaging::StatementDistributionMessage,
+	v3::StatementDistributionMessage,
@@ -399,14 +398,14 @@ impl_versioned_try_from!(
 	v1::ValidationProtocol::StatementDistribution(x) => x,
 	v2::ValidationProtocol::StatementDistribution(x) => x,
-	vstaging::ValidationProtocol::StatementDistribution(x) => x
+	v3::ValidationProtocol::StatementDistribution(x) => x
 /// Version-annotated messages used by the approval distribution subsystem.
 pub type ApprovalDistributionMessage = Versioned<
-	vstaging::ApprovalDistributionMessage,
+	v3::ApprovalDistributionMessage,
@@ -418,7 +417,7 @@ impl_versioned_try_from!(
 	v1::ValidationProtocol::ApprovalDistribution(x) => x,
 	v2::ValidationProtocol::ApprovalDistribution(x) => x,
-	vstaging::ValidationProtocol::ApprovalDistribution(x) => x
+	v3::ValidationProtocol::ApprovalDistribution(x) => x
@@ -426,7 +425,7 @@ impl_versioned_try_from!(
 pub type GossipSupportNetworkMessage = Versioned<
-	vstaging::GossipSupportNetworkMessage,
+	v3::GossipSupportNetworkMessage,
 // This is a void enum placeholder, so never gets sent over the wire.
@@ -871,19 +870,17 @@ pub mod v2 {
-/// vstaging network protocol types, intended to become v3.
-/// Initial purpose is for chaning ApprovalDistributionMessage to
-/// include more than one assignment in the message.
-pub mod vstaging {
+/// v3 network protocol types.
+/// Purpose is for chaning ApprovalDistributionMessage to
+/// include more than one assignment and approval in a message.
+pub mod v3 {
 	use parity_scale_codec::{Decode, Encode};
-	use polkadot_node_primitives::approval::{
-		v1::IndirectSignedApprovalVote,
-		v2::{CandidateBitfield, IndirectAssignmentCertV2},
+	use polkadot_node_primitives::approval::v2::{
+		CandidateBitfield, IndirectAssignmentCertV2, IndirectSignedApprovalVoteV2,
-	/// This parts of the protocol did not change from v2, so just alias them in vstaging,
-	/// no reason why they can't be change untill vstaging becomes v3 and is released.
+	/// This parts of the protocol did not change from v2, so just alias them in v3.
 	pub use super::v2::{
 		declare_signature_payload, BackedCandidateAcknowledgement, BackedCandidateManifest,
 		BitfieldDistributionMessage, GossipSupportNetworkMessage, StatementDistributionMessage,
@@ -903,7 +900,7 @@ pub mod vstaging {
 		Assignments(Vec<(IndirectAssignmentCertV2, CandidateBitfield)>),
 		/// Approvals for candidates in some recent, unfinalized block.
 		#[codec(index = 1)]
-		Approvals(Vec<IndirectSignedApprovalVote>),
+		Approvals(Vec<IndirectSignedApprovalVoteV2>),
 	/// All network messages on the validation peer-set.
diff --git a/polkadot/node/network/protocol/src/ b/polkadot/node/network/protocol/src/
index 7e257d508b5..cb329607ad6 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/network/protocol/src/
+++ b/polkadot/node/network/protocol/src/
@@ -73,7 +73,11 @@ impl PeerSet {
 		// Networking layer relies on `get_main_name()` being the main name of the protocol
 		// for peersets and connection management.
 		let protocol = peerset_protocol_names.get_main_name(self);
-		let fallback_names = PeerSetProtocolNames::get_fallback_names(self);
+		let fallback_names = PeerSetProtocolNames::get_fallback_names(
+			self,
+			&peerset_protocol_names.genesis_hash,
+			peerset_protocol_names.fork_id.as_deref(),
+		);
 		let max_notification_size = self.get_max_notification_size(is_authority);
 		match self {
@@ -127,15 +131,8 @@ impl PeerSet {
 	/// Networking layer relies on `get_main_version()` being the version
 	/// of the main protocol name reported by [`PeerSetProtocolNames::get_main_name()`].
 	pub fn get_main_version(self) -> ProtocolVersion {
-		#[cfg(not(feature = "network-protocol-staging"))]
-		match self {
-			PeerSet::Validation => ValidationVersion::V2.into(),
-			PeerSet::Collation => CollationVersion::V2.into(),
-		}
-		#[cfg(feature = "network-protocol-staging")]
 		match self {
-			PeerSet::Validation => ValidationVersion::VStaging.into(),
+			PeerSet::Validation => ValidationVersion::V3.into(),
 			PeerSet::Collation => CollationVersion::V2.into(),
@@ -163,7 +160,7 @@ impl PeerSet {
 				} else if version == ValidationVersion::V2.into() {
-				} else if version == ValidationVersion::VStaging.into() {
+				} else if version == ValidationVersion::V3.into() {
 				} else {
@@ -236,9 +233,10 @@ pub enum ValidationVersion {
 	V1 = 1,
 	/// The second version.
 	V2 = 2,
-	/// The staging version to gather changes
-	/// that before the release become v3.
-	VStaging = 3,
+	/// The third version where changes to ApprovalDistributionMessage had been made.
+	/// The changes are translatable to V2 format untill assignments v2 and approvals
+	/// coalescing is enabled through a runtime upgrade.
+	V3 = 3,
 /// Supported collation protocol versions. Only versions defined here must be used in the codebase.
@@ -299,6 +297,8 @@ impl From<CollationVersion> for ProtocolVersion {
 pub struct PeerSetProtocolNames {
 	protocols: HashMap<ProtocolName, (PeerSet, ProtocolVersion)>,
 	names: HashMap<(PeerSet, ProtocolVersion), ProtocolName>,
+	genesis_hash: Hash,
+	fork_id: Option<String>,
 impl PeerSetProtocolNames {
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ impl PeerSetProtocolNames {
 			Self::register_legacy_protocol(&mut protocols, protocol);
-		Self { protocols, names }
+		Self { protocols, names, genesis_hash, fork_id:|fork_id| fork_id.into()) }
 	/// Helper function to register main protocol.
@@ -437,9 +437,30 @@ impl PeerSetProtocolNames {
 	/// Get the protocol fallback names. Currently only holds the legacy name
-	fn get_fallback_names(protocol: PeerSet) -> Vec<ProtocolName> {
-		std::iter::once(Self::get_legacy_name(protocol)).collect()
+	/// for `LEGACY_PROTOCOL_VERSION` = 1 and v2 for validation.
+	fn get_fallback_names(
+		protocol: PeerSet,
+		genesis_hash: &Hash,
+		fork_id: Option<&str>,
+	) -> Vec<ProtocolName> {
+		let mut fallbacks = vec![Self::get_legacy_name(protocol)];
+		match protocol {
+			PeerSet::Validation => {
+				// Fallbacks are tried one by one, till one matches so push v2 at the top, so
+				// that it is used ahead of the legacy one(v1).
+				fallbacks.insert(
+					0,
+					Self::generate_name(
+						genesis_hash,
+						fork_id,
+						protocol,
+						ValidationVersion::V2.into(),
+					),
+				)
+			},
+			PeerSet::Collation => {},
+		};
+		fallbacks
diff --git a/polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution/src/legacy_v1/ b/polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution/src/legacy_v1/
index d9866af1ee2..93f97fe1dd6 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution/src/legacy_v1/
+++ b/polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution/src/legacy_v1/
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ use polkadot_node_network_protocol::{
 	grid_topology::{GridNeighbors, RequiredRouting, SessionBoundGridTopologyStorage},
 	peer_set::{IsAuthority, PeerSet, ValidationVersion},
 	v1::{self as protocol_v1, StatementMetadata},
-	v2 as protocol_v2, vstaging as protocol_vstaging, IfDisconnected, PeerId,
-	UnifiedReputationChange as Rep, Versioned, View,
+	v2 as protocol_v2, v3 as protocol_v3, IfDisconnected, PeerId, UnifiedReputationChange as Rep,
+	Versioned, View,
 use polkadot_node_primitives::{
 	SignedFullStatement, Statement, StatementWithPVD, UncheckedSignedFullStatement,
@@ -1075,7 +1075,7 @@ async fn circulate_statement<'a, Context>(
 		.partition::<Vec<_>, _>(|(_, _, version)| match version {
 			ValidationVersion::V1 => true,
-			ValidationVersion::V2 | ValidationVersion::VStaging => false,
+			ValidationVersion::V2 | ValidationVersion::V3 => false,
 		}); // partition is handy here but not if we add more protocol versions
 	let payload = v1_statement_message(relay_parent, stored.statement.clone(), metrics);
@@ -1108,8 +1108,7 @@ async fn circulate_statement<'a, Context>(
 	let v2_peers_to_send = filter_by_peer_version(&peers_to_send, ValidationVersion::V2.into());
-	let vstaging_to_send =
-		filter_by_peer_version(&peers_to_send, ValidationVersion::VStaging.into());
+	let v3_to_send = filter_by_peer_version(&peers_to_send, ValidationVersion::V3.into());
 	if !v2_peers_to_send.is_empty() {
@@ -1126,17 +1125,17 @@ async fn circulate_statement<'a, Context>(
-	if !vstaging_to_send.is_empty() {
+	if !v3_to_send.is_empty() {
 			target: LOG_TARGET,
-			?vstaging_to_send,
+			?v3_to_send,
 			statement = ?stored.statement,
-			"Sending statement to vstaging peers",
+			"Sending statement to v3 peers",
-			vstaging_to_send,
-			compatible_v1_message(ValidationVersion::VStaging, payload.clone()).into(),
+			v3_to_send,
+			compatible_v1_message(ValidationVersion::V3, payload.clone()).into(),
@@ -1472,10 +1471,8 @@ async fn handle_incoming_message<'a, Context>(
 	let message = match message {
 		Versioned::V1(m) => m,
 		Versioned::V2(protocol_v2::StatementDistributionMessage::V1Compatibility(m)) |
-		Versioned::VStaging(protocol_vstaging::StatementDistributionMessage::V1Compatibility(
-			m,
-		)) => m,
-		Versioned::V2(_) | Versioned::VStaging(_) => {
+		Versioned::V3(protocol_v3::StatementDistributionMessage::V1Compatibility(m)) => m,
+		Versioned::V2(_) | Versioned::V3(_) => {
 			// The higher-level subsystem code is supposed to filter out
 			// all non v1 messages.
@@ -2201,8 +2198,7 @@ fn compatible_v1_message(
 		ValidationVersion::V1 => Versioned::V1(message),
 		ValidationVersion::V2 =>
-		ValidationVersion::VStaging => Versioned::VStaging(
-			protocol_vstaging::StatementDistributionMessage::V1Compatibility(message),
-		),
+		ValidationVersion::V3 =>
+			Versioned::V3(protocol_v3::StatementDistributionMessage::V1Compatibility(message)),
diff --git a/polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution/src/ b/polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution/src/
index ef1fc7cd78b..a1ba1137b5a 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution/src/
+++ b/polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution/src/
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ use std::time::Duration;
 use polkadot_node_network_protocol::{
 	request_response::{v1 as request_v1, v2::AttestedCandidateRequest, IncomingRequestReceiver},
-	v2 as protocol_v2, vstaging as protocol_vstaging, Versioned,
+	v2 as protocol_v2, v3 as protocol_v3, Versioned,
 use polkadot_node_primitives::StatementWithPVD;
 use polkadot_node_subsystem::{
@@ -400,11 +400,11 @@ impl<R: rand::Rng> StatementDistributionSubsystem<R> {
 							) |
-							Versioned::VStaging(
-								protocol_vstaging::StatementDistributionMessage::V1Compatibility(_),
+							Versioned::V3(
+								protocol_v3::StatementDistributionMessage::V1Compatibility(_),
 							) => VersionTarget::Legacy,
 							Versioned::V1(_) => VersionTarget::Legacy,
-							Versioned::V2(_) | Versioned::VStaging(_) => VersionTarget::Current,
+							Versioned::V2(_) | Versioned::V3(_) => VersionTarget::Current,
 						_ => VersionTarget::Both,
diff --git a/polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution/src/v2/ b/polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution/src/v2/
index 406f1130590..2f06d3685b8 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution/src/v2/
+++ b/polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution/src/v2/
@@ -29,8 +29,7 @@ use polkadot_node_network_protocol::{
 	v2::{self as protocol_v2, StatementFilter},
-	vstaging as protocol_vstaging, IfDisconnected, PeerId, UnifiedReputationChange as Rep,
-	Versioned, View,
+	v3 as protocol_v3, IfDisconnected, PeerId, UnifiedReputationChange as Rep, Versioned, View,
 use polkadot_node_primitives::{
 	SignedFullStatementWithPVD, StatementWithPVD as FullStatementWithPVD,
@@ -366,7 +365,7 @@ pub(crate) async fn handle_network_update<Context>(
 			gum::trace!(target: LOG_TARGET, ?peer_id, ?role, ?protocol_version, "Peer connected");
 			let versioned_protocol = if protocol_version != ValidationVersion::V2.into() &&
-				protocol_version != ValidationVersion::VStaging.into()
+				protocol_version != ValidationVersion::V3.into()
 			} else {
@@ -432,28 +431,28 @@ pub(crate) async fn handle_network_update<Context>(
 			) |
-			net_protocol::StatementDistributionMessage::VStaging(
-				protocol_vstaging::StatementDistributionMessage::V1Compatibility(_),
+			net_protocol::StatementDistributionMessage::V3(
+				protocol_v3::StatementDistributionMessage::V1Compatibility(_),
 			) => return,
 				protocol_v2::StatementDistributionMessage::Statement(relay_parent, statement),
 			) |
-			net_protocol::StatementDistributionMessage::VStaging(
-				protocol_vstaging::StatementDistributionMessage::Statement(relay_parent, statement),
+			net_protocol::StatementDistributionMessage::V3(
+				protocol_v3::StatementDistributionMessage::Statement(relay_parent, statement),
 			) =>
 				handle_incoming_statement(ctx, state, peer_id, relay_parent, statement, reputation)
 			) |
-			net_protocol::StatementDistributionMessage::VStaging(
-				protocol_vstaging::StatementDistributionMessage::BackedCandidateManifest(inner),
+			net_protocol::StatementDistributionMessage::V3(
+				protocol_v3::StatementDistributionMessage::BackedCandidateManifest(inner),
 			) => handle_incoming_manifest(ctx, state, peer_id, inner, reputation).await,
 			) |
-			net_protocol::StatementDistributionMessage::VStaging(
-				protocol_vstaging::StatementDistributionMessage::BackedCandidateKnown(inner),
+			net_protocol::StatementDistributionMessage::V3(
+				protocol_v3::StatementDistributionMessage::BackedCandidateKnown(inner),
 			) => handle_incoming_acknowledgement(ctx, state, peer_id, inner, reputation).await,
 		NetworkBridgeEvent::PeerViewChange(peer_id, view) =>
@@ -806,13 +805,13 @@ fn pending_statement_network_message(
 				protocol_v2::StatementDistributionMessage::Statement(relay_parent, signed)
 			.map(|msg| (vec![peer.0], Versioned::V2(msg).into())),
-		ValidationVersion::VStaging => statement_store
+		ValidationVersion::V3 => statement_store
 			.validator_statement(originator, compact)
 			.map(|s| s.as_unchecked().clone())
 			.map(|signed| {
-				protocol_vstaging::StatementDistributionMessage::Statement(relay_parent, signed)
+				protocol_v3::StatementDistributionMessage::Statement(relay_parent, signed)
-			.map(|msg| (vec![peer.0], Versioned::VStaging(msg).into())),
+			.map(|msg| (vec![peer.0], Versioned::V3(msg).into())),
 		ValidationVersion::V1 => {
 				target: LOG_TARGET,
@@ -945,10 +944,10 @@ async fn send_pending_grid_messages<Context>(
-					ValidationVersion::VStaging => messages.push((
+					ValidationVersion::V3 => messages.push((
-						Versioned::VStaging(
-							protocol_vstaging::StatementDistributionMessage::BackedCandidateManifest(
+						Versioned::V3(
+							protocol_v3::StatementDistributionMessage::BackedCandidateManifest(
@@ -960,7 +959,7 @@ async fn send_pending_grid_messages<Context>(
 							"Bug ValidationVersion::V1 should not be used in statement-distribution v2,
 							legacy should have handled this"
-					}
+					},
 			grid::ManifestKind::Acknowledgement => {
@@ -1308,8 +1307,8 @@ async fn circulate_statement<Context>(
 	let statement_to_v2_peers =
 		filter_by_peer_version(&statement_to_peers, ValidationVersion::V2.into());
-	let statement_to_vstaging_peers =
-		filter_by_peer_version(&statement_to_peers, ValidationVersion::VStaging.into());
+	let statement_to_v3_peers =
+		filter_by_peer_version(&statement_to_peers, ValidationVersion::V3.into());
 	// ship off the network messages to the network bridge.
 	if !statement_to_v2_peers.is_empty() {
@@ -1331,17 +1330,17 @@ async fn circulate_statement<Context>(
-	if !statement_to_vstaging_peers.is_empty() {
+	if !statement_to_v3_peers.is_empty() {
 			target: LOG_TARGET,
 			n_peers = ?statement_to_peers.len(),
-			"Sending statement to vstaging peers",
+			"Sending statement to v3 peers",
-			statement_to_vstaging_peers,
-			Versioned::VStaging(protocol_vstaging::StatementDistributionMessage::Statement(
+			statement_to_v3_peers,
+			Versioned::V3(protocol_v3::StatementDistributionMessage::Statement(
@@ -1887,8 +1886,7 @@ async fn provide_candidate_to_grid<Context>(
 	let manifest_peers_v2 = filter_by_peer_version(&manifest_peers, ValidationVersion::V2.into());
-	let manifest_peers_vstaging =
-		filter_by_peer_version(&manifest_peers, ValidationVersion::VStaging.into());
+	let manifest_peers_v3 = filter_by_peer_version(&manifest_peers, ValidationVersion::V3.into());
 	if !manifest_peers_v2.is_empty() {
 			target: LOG_TARGET,
@@ -1908,27 +1906,27 @@ async fn provide_candidate_to_grid<Context>(
-	if !manifest_peers_vstaging.is_empty() {
+	if !manifest_peers_v3.is_empty() {
 			target: LOG_TARGET,
 			local_validator = ?per_session.local_validator,
-			n_peers = manifest_peers_vstaging.len(),
-			"Sending manifest to vstaging peers"
+			n_peers = manifest_peers_v3.len(),
+			"Sending manifest to v3 peers"
-			manifest_peers_vstaging,
-			Versioned::VStaging(
-				protocol_vstaging::StatementDistributionMessage::BackedCandidateManifest(manifest),
-			)
+			manifest_peers_v3,
+			Versioned::V3(protocol_v3::StatementDistributionMessage::BackedCandidateManifest(
+				manifest,
+			))
 	let ack_peers_v2 = filter_by_peer_version(&ack_peers, ValidationVersion::V2.into());
-	let ack_peers_vstaging = filter_by_peer_version(&ack_peers, ValidationVersion::VStaging.into());
+	let ack_peers_v3 = filter_by_peer_version(&ack_peers, ValidationVersion::V3.into());
 	if !ack_peers_v2.is_empty() {
 			target: LOG_TARGET,
@@ -1948,22 +1946,20 @@ async fn provide_candidate_to_grid<Context>(
-	if !ack_peers_vstaging.is_empty() {
+	if !ack_peers_v3.is_empty() {
 			target: LOG_TARGET,
 			local_validator = ?per_session.local_validator,
-			n_peers = ack_peers_vstaging.len(),
-			"Sending acknowledgement to vstaging peers"
+			n_peers = ack_peers_v3.len(),
+			"Sending acknowledgement to v3 peers"
-			ack_peers_vstaging,
-			Versioned::VStaging(
-				protocol_vstaging::StatementDistributionMessage::BackedCandidateKnown(
-					acknowledgement,
-				),
-			)
+			ack_peers_v3,
+			Versioned::V3(protocol_v3::StatementDistributionMessage::BackedCandidateKnown(
+				acknowledgement,
+			))
@@ -2293,8 +2289,8 @@ fn post_acknowledgement_statement_messages(
-			ValidationVersion::VStaging => messages.push(Versioned::VStaging(
-				protocol_vstaging::StatementDistributionMessage::Statement(
+			ValidationVersion::V3 => messages.push(Versioned::V3(
+				protocol_v3::StatementDistributionMessage::Statement(
@@ -2441,9 +2437,9 @@ fn acknowledgement_and_statement_messages(
 	let mut messages = match peer.1 {
 		ValidationVersion::V2 => vec![(vec![peer.0], msg_v2.into())],
-		ValidationVersion::VStaging => vec![(
+		ValidationVersion::V3 => vec![(
-			Versioned::VStaging(protocol_v2::StatementDistributionMessage::BackedCandidateKnown(
+			Versioned::V3(protocol_v2::StatementDistributionMessage::BackedCandidateKnown(
diff --git a/polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution/src/v2/tests/ b/polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution/src/v2/tests/
index 116116659cb..aa1a473b833 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution/src/v2/tests/
+++ b/polkadot/node/network/statement-distribution/src/v2/tests/
@@ -2830,7 +2830,7 @@ fn inactive_local_participates_in_grid() {
 			&mut overseer,
-			protocol_vstaging::StatementDistributionMessage::BackedCandidateManifest(manifest),
+			protocol_v3::StatementDistributionMessage::BackedCandidateManifest(manifest),
diff --git a/polkadot/node/primitives/src/ b/polkadot/node/primitives/src/
index cc9136b8ae3..f2a79e025af 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/primitives/src/
+++ b/polkadot/node/primitives/src/
@@ -219,7 +219,9 @@ pub mod v2 {
 	use std::ops::BitOr;
 	use bitvec::{prelude::Lsb0, vec::BitVec};
-	use polkadot_primitives::{CandidateIndex, CoreIndex, Hash, ValidatorIndex};
+	use polkadot_primitives::{
+		CandidateIndex, CoreIndex, Hash, ValidatorIndex, ValidatorSignature,
+	};
 	/// A static context associated with producing randomness for a core.
 	pub const CORE_RANDOMNESS_CONTEXT: &[u8] = b"A&V CORE v2";
@@ -473,6 +475,59 @@ pub mod v2 {
+	impl From<super::v1::IndirectSignedApprovalVote> for IndirectSignedApprovalVoteV2 {
+		fn from(value: super::v1::IndirectSignedApprovalVote) -> Self {
+			Self {
+				block_hash: value.block_hash,
+				validator: value.validator,
+				candidate_indices: value.candidate_index.into(),
+				signature: value.signature,
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/// Errors that can occur when trying to convert to/from approvals v1/v2
+	#[derive(Debug)]
+	pub enum ApprovalConversionError {
+		/// More than one candidate was signed.
+		MoreThanOneCandidate(usize),
+	}
+	impl TryFrom<IndirectSignedApprovalVoteV2> for super::v1::IndirectSignedApprovalVote {
+		type Error = ApprovalConversionError;
+		fn try_from(value: IndirectSignedApprovalVoteV2) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
+			if value.candidate_indices.count_ones() != 1 {
+				return Err(ApprovalConversionError::MoreThanOneCandidate(
+					value.candidate_indices.count_ones(),
+				))
+			}
+			Ok(Self {
+				block_hash: value.block_hash,
+				validator: value.validator,
+				candidate_index: value.candidate_indices.first_one().expect("Qed we checked above")
+					as u32,
+				signature: value.signature,
+			})
+		}
+	}
+	/// A signed approval vote which references the candidate indirectly via the block.
+	///
+	/// In practice, we have a look-up from block hash and candidate index to candidate hash,
+	/// so this can be transformed into a `SignedApprovalVote`.
+	#[derive(Debug, Clone, Encode, Decode, PartialEq, Eq)]
+	pub struct IndirectSignedApprovalVoteV2 {
+		/// A block hash where the candidate appears.
+		pub block_hash: Hash,
+		/// The index of the candidate in the list of candidates fully included as-of the block.
+		pub candidate_indices: CandidateBitfield,
+		/// The validator index.
+		pub validator: ValidatorIndex,
+		/// The signature by the validator.
+		pub signature: ValidatorSignature,
+	}
diff --git a/polkadot/node/primitives/src/disputes/ b/polkadot/node/primitives/src/disputes/
index 89d3ea6c0af..31fe73a7ba1 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/primitives/src/disputes/
+++ b/polkadot/node/primitives/src/disputes/
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ impl DisputeMessage {
 		let valid_vote = ValidDisputeVote {
 			validator_index: valid_index,
 			signature: valid_statement.validator_signature().clone(),
-			kind: *valid_kind,
+			kind: valid_kind.clone(),
 		let invalid_vote = InvalidDisputeVote {
diff --git a/polkadot/node/primitives/src/disputes/ b/polkadot/node/primitives/src/disputes/
index 500b705be95..768b95f6553 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/primitives/src/disputes/
+++ b/polkadot/node/primitives/src/disputes/
@@ -46,6 +46,15 @@ pub struct SignedDisputeStatement {
 	session_index: SessionIndex,
+/// Errors encountered while signing a dispute statement
+pub enum SignedDisputeStatementError {
+	/// Encountered a keystore error while signing
+	KeyStoreError(KeystoreError),
+	/// Could not generate signing payload
+	PayloadError,
 /// Tracked votes on candidates, for the purposes of dispute resolution.
 #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
 pub struct CandidateVotes {
@@ -107,8 +116,9 @@ impl ValidCandidateVotes {
 				ValidDisputeStatementKind::BackingValid(_) |
 				ValidDisputeStatementKind::BackingSeconded(_) => false,
 				ValidDisputeStatementKind::Explicit |
-				ValidDisputeStatementKind::ApprovalChecking => {
-					occupied.insert((kind, sig));
+				ValidDisputeStatementKind::ApprovalChecking |
+				ValidDisputeStatementKind::ApprovalCheckingMultipleCandidates(_) => {
+					occupied.insert((kind.clone(), sig));
 					kind != occupied.get().0
@@ -213,16 +223,19 @@ impl SignedDisputeStatement {
 		candidate_hash: CandidateHash,
 		session_index: SessionIndex,
 		validator_public: ValidatorId,
-	) -> Result<Option<Self>, KeystoreError> {
+	) -> Result<Option<Self>, SignedDisputeStatementError> {
 		let dispute_statement = if valid {
 		} else {
-		let data = dispute_statement.payload_data(candidate_hash, session_index);
+		let data = dispute_statement
+			.payload_data(candidate_hash, session_index)
+			.map_err(|_| SignedDisputeStatementError::PayloadError)?;
 		let signature = keystore
-			.sr25519_sign(ValidatorId::ID, validator_public.as_ref(), &data)?
+			.sr25519_sign(ValidatorId::ID, validator_public.as_ref(), &data)
+			.map_err(SignedDisputeStatementError::KeyStoreError)?
 			.map(|sig| Self {
diff --git a/polkadot/node/service/Cargo.toml b/polkadot/node/service/Cargo.toml
index 448ab605aa9..81eff49ee30 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/service/Cargo.toml
+++ b/polkadot/node/service/Cargo.toml
@@ -225,7 +225,3 @@ runtime-metrics = [
-network-protocol-staging = [
-	"polkadot-node-network-protocol/network-protocol-staging",
diff --git a/polkadot/node/service/src/parachains_db/ b/polkadot/node/service/src/parachains_db/
index 1d76c79d3e3..d22eebb5c8d 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/service/src/parachains_db/
+++ b/polkadot/node/service/src/parachains_db/
@@ -20,10 +20,16 @@ use std::{
 	fs, io,
 	path::{Path, PathBuf},
+	sync::Arc,
-use polkadot_node_core_approval_voting::approval_db::v2::{
-	migration_helpers::v1_to_v2, Config as ApprovalDbConfig,
+use polkadot_node_core_approval_voting::approval_db::{
+	common::{Config as ApprovalDbConfig, Result as ApprovalDbResult},
+	v2::migration_helpers::v1_to_latest,
+	v3::migration_helpers::v2_to_latest,
+use polkadot_node_subsystem_util::database::{
+	kvdb_impl::DbAdapter as RocksDbAdapter, paritydb_impl::DbAdapter as ParityDbAdapter, Database,
 type Version = u32;
@@ -32,7 +38,9 @@ const VERSION_FILE_NAME: &'static str = "parachain_db_version";
 /// Current db version.
 /// Version 4 changes approval db format for `OurAssignment`.
-pub(crate) const CURRENT_VERSION: Version = 4;
+/// Version 5 changes approval db format to hold some additional
+/// information about delayed approvals.
+pub(crate) const CURRENT_VERSION: Version = 5;
 #[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
 pub enum Error {
@@ -101,7 +109,8 @@ pub(crate) fn try_upgrade_db_to_next_version(
 			// 2 -> 3 migration
 			Some(2) => migrate_from_version_2_to_3(db_path, db_kind)?,
 			// 3 -> 4 migration
-			Some(3) => migrate_from_version_3_to_4(db_path, db_kind)?,
+			Some(3) => migrate_from_version_3_or_4_to_5(db_path, db_kind, v1_to_latest)?,
+			Some(4) => migrate_from_version_3_or_4_to_5(db_path, db_kind, v2_to_latest)?,
 			// Already at current version, do nothing.
 			// This is an arbitrary future version, we don't handle it.
@@ -174,14 +183,19 @@ fn migrate_from_version_1_to_2(path: &Path, db_kind: DatabaseKind) -> Result<Ver
-// Migrade approval voting database. `OurAssignment` has been changed to support the v2 assignments.
+// Migrade approval voting database.
+// In 4  `OurAssignment` has been changed to support the v2 assignments.
+// In 5, `BlockEntry` has been changed to store the number of delayed approvals.
 // As these are backwards compatible, we'll convert the old entries in the new format.
-fn migrate_from_version_3_to_4(path: &Path, db_kind: DatabaseKind) -> Result<Version, Error> {
+fn migrate_from_version_3_or_4_to_5<F>(
+	path: &Path,
+	db_kind: DatabaseKind,
+	migration_function: F,
+) -> Result<Version, Error>
+	F: Fn(Arc<dyn Database>, ApprovalDbConfig) -> ApprovalDbResult<()>,
 	gum::info!(target: LOG_TARGET, "Migrating parachains db from version 3 to version 4 ...");
-	use polkadot_node_subsystem_util::database::{
-		kvdb_impl::DbAdapter as RocksDbAdapter, paritydb_impl::DbAdapter as ParityDbAdapter,
-	};
-	use std::sync::Arc;
 	let approval_db_config =
 		ApprovalDbConfig { col_approval_data: super::REAL_COLUMNS.col_approval_data };
@@ -194,7 +208,8 @@ fn migrate_from_version_3_to_4(path: &Path, db_kind: DatabaseKind) -> Result<Ver
-			v1_to_v2(Arc::new(db), approval_db_config).map_err(|_| Error::MigrationFailed)?;
+			migration_function(Arc::new(db), approval_db_config)
+				.map_err(|_| Error::MigrationFailed)?;
 		DatabaseKind::RocksDB => {
 			let db_path = path
@@ -207,7 +222,8 @@ fn migrate_from_version_3_to_4(path: &Path, db_kind: DatabaseKind) -> Result<Ver
-			v1_to_v2(Arc::new(db), approval_db_config).map_err(|_| Error::MigrationFailed)?;
+			migration_function(Arc::new(db), approval_db_config)
+				.map_err(|_| Error::MigrationFailed)?;
@@ -441,7 +457,12 @@ mod tests {
 		columns::{v2::COL_SESSION_WINDOW_DATA, v4::*},
-	use polkadot_node_core_approval_voting::approval_db::v2::migration_helpers::v1_to_v2_fill_test_data;
+	use kvdb_rocksdb::{Database, DatabaseConfig};
+	use polkadot_node_core_approval_voting::approval_db::{
+		v2::migration_helpers::v1_fill_test_data,
+		v3::migration_helpers::{v1_to_latest_sanity_check, v2_fill_test_data},
+	};
+	use polkadot_node_subsystem_util::database::kvdb_impl::DbAdapter;
 	use test_helpers::dummy_candidate_receipt;
@@ -580,11 +601,7 @@ mod tests {
-	fn test_migrate_3_to_4() {
-		use kvdb_rocksdb::{Database, DatabaseConfig};
-		use polkadot_node_core_approval_voting::approval_db::v2::migration_helpers::v1_to_v2_sanity_check;
-		use polkadot_node_subsystem_util::database::kvdb_impl::DbAdapter;
+	fn test_migrate_3_to_5() {
 		let db_dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
 		let db_path = db_dir.path().to_str().unwrap();
 		let db_cfg: DatabaseConfig = DatabaseConfig::with_columns(super::columns::v3::NUM_COLUMNS);
@@ -600,28 +617,60 @@ mod tests {
 			assert_eq!(db.num_columns(), super::columns::v3::NUM_COLUMNS as u32);
 			let db = DbAdapter::new(db, columns::v3::ORDERED_COL);
 			// Fill the approval voting column with test data.
-			v1_to_v2_fill_test_data(std::sync::Arc::new(db), approval_cfg, dummy_candidate_receipt)
+			v1_fill_test_data(std::sync::Arc::new(db), approval_cfg, dummy_candidate_receipt)
-		try_upgrade_db(&db_dir.path(), DatabaseKind::RocksDB, 4).unwrap();
+		try_upgrade_db(&db_dir.path(), DatabaseKind::RocksDB, 5).unwrap();
 		let db_cfg = DatabaseConfig::with_columns(super::columns::v4::NUM_COLUMNS);
 		let db = Database::open(&db_cfg, db_path).unwrap();
 		let db = DbAdapter::new(db, columns::v4::ORDERED_COL);
-		v1_to_v2_sanity_check(std::sync::Arc::new(db), approval_cfg, expected_candidates).unwrap();
+		v1_to_latest_sanity_check(std::sync::Arc::new(db), approval_cfg, expected_candidates)
+			.unwrap();
+	}
+	#[test]
+	fn test_migrate_4_to_5() {
+		let db_dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
+		let db_path = db_dir.path().to_str().unwrap();
+		let db_cfg: DatabaseConfig = DatabaseConfig::with_columns(super::columns::v3::NUM_COLUMNS);
+		let approval_cfg = ApprovalDbConfig {
+			col_approval_data: crate::parachains_db::REAL_COLUMNS.col_approval_data,
+		};
+		// We need to properly set db version for upgrade to work.
+		fs::write(version_file_path(db_dir.path()), "4").expect("Failed to write DB version");
+		let expected_candidates = {
+			let db = Database::open(&db_cfg, db_path).unwrap();
+			assert_eq!(db.num_columns(), super::columns::v3::NUM_COLUMNS as u32);
+			let db = DbAdapter::new(db, columns::v3::ORDERED_COL);
+			// Fill the approval voting column with test data.
+			v2_fill_test_data(std::sync::Arc::new(db), approval_cfg, dummy_candidate_receipt)
+				.unwrap()
+		};
+		try_upgrade_db(&db_dir.path(), DatabaseKind::RocksDB, 5).unwrap();
+		let db_cfg = DatabaseConfig::with_columns(super::columns::v4::NUM_COLUMNS);
+		let db = Database::open(&db_cfg, db_path).unwrap();
+		let db = DbAdapter::new(db, columns::v4::ORDERED_COL);
+		v1_to_latest_sanity_check(std::sync::Arc::new(db), approval_cfg, expected_candidates)
+			.unwrap();
-	fn test_rocksdb_migrate_0_to_4() {
+	fn test_rocksdb_migrate_0_to_5() {
 		use kvdb_rocksdb::{Database, DatabaseConfig};
 		let db_dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
 		let db_path = db_dir.path().to_str().unwrap();
 		fs::write(version_file_path(db_dir.path()), "0").expect("Failed to write DB version");
-		try_upgrade_db(&db_dir.path(), DatabaseKind::RocksDB, 4).unwrap();
+		try_upgrade_db(&db_dir.path(), DatabaseKind::RocksDB, 5).unwrap();
 		let db_cfg = DatabaseConfig::with_columns(super::columns::v4::NUM_COLUMNS);
 		let db = Database::open(&db_cfg, db_path).unwrap();
@@ -630,7 +679,7 @@ mod tests {
-	fn test_paritydb_migrate_0_to_4() {
+	fn test_paritydb_migrate_0_to_5() {
 		use parity_db::Db;
 		let db_dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
@@ -644,7 +693,7 @@ mod tests {
 			assert_eq!(db.num_columns(), columns::v0::NUM_COLUMNS as u8);
-		try_upgrade_db(&path, DatabaseKind::ParityDB, 4).unwrap();
+		try_upgrade_db(&path, DatabaseKind::ParityDB, 5).unwrap();
 		let db = Db::open(&paritydb_version_3_config(&path)).unwrap();
 		assert_eq!(db.num_columns(), columns::v4::NUM_COLUMNS as u8);
diff --git a/polkadot/node/subsystem-types/src/ b/polkadot/node/subsystem-types/src/
index 44c6f27b17c..c7675c84b91 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/subsystem-types/src/
+++ b/polkadot/node/subsystem-types/src/
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ use polkadot_node_network_protocol::{
 use polkadot_node_primitives::{
-		v1::{BlockApprovalMeta, IndirectSignedApprovalVote},
-		v2::{CandidateBitfield, IndirectAssignmentCertV2},
+		v1::BlockApprovalMeta,
+		v2::{CandidateBitfield, IndirectAssignmentCertV2, IndirectSignedApprovalVoteV2},
 	AvailableData, BabeEpoch, BlockWeight, CandidateVotes, CollationGenerationConfig,
 	CollationSecondedSignal, DisputeMessage, DisputeStatus, ErasureChunk, PoV,
@@ -42,14 +42,15 @@ use polkadot_node_primitives::{
 use polkadot_primitives::{
-	async_backing, slashing, vstaging::NodeFeatures, AuthorityDiscoveryId, BackedCandidate,
-	BlockNumber, CandidateEvent, CandidateHash, CandidateIndex, CandidateReceipt, CollatorId,
-	CommittedCandidateReceipt, CoreState, DisputeState, ExecutorParams, GroupIndex,
-	GroupRotationInfo, Hash, Header as BlockHeader, Id as ParaId, InboundDownwardMessage,
-	InboundHrmpMessage, MultiDisputeStatementSet, OccupiedCoreAssumption, PersistedValidationData,
-	PvfCheckStatement, PvfExecKind, SessionIndex, SessionInfo, SignedAvailabilityBitfield,
-	SignedAvailabilityBitfields, ValidationCode, ValidationCodeHash, ValidatorId, ValidatorIndex,
-	ValidatorSignature,
+	async_backing, slashing,
+	vstaging::{ApprovalVotingParams, NodeFeatures},
+	AuthorityDiscoveryId, BackedCandidate, BlockNumber, CandidateEvent, CandidateHash,
+	CandidateIndex, CandidateReceipt, CollatorId, CommittedCandidateReceipt, CoreState,
+	DisputeState, ExecutorParams, GroupIndex, GroupRotationInfo, Hash, Header as BlockHeader,
+	Id as ParaId, InboundDownwardMessage, InboundHrmpMessage, MultiDisputeStatementSet,
+	OccupiedCoreAssumption, PersistedValidationData, PvfCheckStatement, PvfExecKind, SessionIndex,
+	SessionInfo, SignedAvailabilityBitfield, SignedAvailabilityBitfields, ValidationCode,
+	ValidationCodeHash, ValidatorId, ValidatorIndex, ValidatorSignature,
 use polkadot_statement_table::v2::Misbehavior;
 use std::{
@@ -720,6 +721,9 @@ pub enum RuntimeApiRequest {
 	/// Get the node features.
 	NodeFeatures(SessionIndex, RuntimeApiSender<NodeFeatures>),
+	/// Approval voting params
+	/// `V10`
+	ApprovalVotingParams(SessionIndex, RuntimeApiSender<ApprovalVotingParams>),
 impl RuntimeApiRequest {
@@ -751,6 +755,9 @@ impl RuntimeApiRequest {
 	/// `Node features`
+	/// `approval_voting_params`
 /// A message to the Runtime API subsystem.
@@ -936,7 +943,7 @@ pub enum ApprovalVotingMessage {
 	/// protocol.
 	/// Should not be sent unless the block hash within the indirect vote is known.
-	CheckAndImportApproval(IndirectSignedApprovalVote, oneshot::Sender<ApprovalCheckResult>),
+	CheckAndImportApproval(IndirectSignedApprovalVoteV2, oneshot::Sender<ApprovalCheckResult>),
 	/// Returns the highest possible ancestor hash of the provided block hash which is
 	/// acceptable to vote on finality for.
 	/// The `BlockNumber` provided is the number of the block's ancestor which is the
@@ -952,7 +959,7 @@ pub enum ApprovalVotingMessage {
 	/// requires calling into `approval-distribution`: Calls should be infrequent and bounded.
-		oneshot::Sender<HashMap<ValidatorIndex, ValidatorSignature>>,
+		oneshot::Sender<HashMap<ValidatorIndex, (Vec<CandidateHash>, ValidatorSignature)>>,
@@ -968,7 +975,7 @@ pub enum ApprovalDistributionMessage {
 	/// Distribute an approval vote for the local validator. The approval vote is assumed to be
 	/// valid, relevant, and the corresponding approval already issued.
 	/// If not, the subsystem is free to drop the message.
-	DistributeApproval(IndirectSignedApprovalVote),
+	DistributeApproval(IndirectSignedApprovalVoteV2),
 	/// An update from the network bridge.
@@ -976,7 +983,7 @@ pub enum ApprovalDistributionMessage {
 	/// Get all approval signatures for all chains a candidate appeared in.
 		HashSet<(Hash, CandidateIndex)>,
-		oneshot::Sender<HashMap<ValidatorIndex, ValidatorSignature>>,
+		oneshot::Sender<HashMap<ValidatorIndex, (Hash, Vec<CandidateIndex>, ValidatorSignature)>>,
 	/// Approval checking lag update measured in blocks.
diff --git a/polkadot/node/subsystem-types/src/ b/polkadot/node/subsystem-types/src/
index 21df1483b9e..7f618307610 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/subsystem-types/src/
+++ b/polkadot/node/subsystem-types/src/
@@ -16,12 +16,15 @@
 use async_trait::async_trait;
 use polkadot_primitives::{
-	async_backing, runtime_api::ParachainHost, slashing, vstaging, Block, BlockNumber,
-	CandidateCommitments, CandidateEvent, CandidateHash, CommittedCandidateReceipt, CoreState,
-	DisputeState, ExecutorParams, GroupRotationInfo, Hash, Header, Id, InboundDownwardMessage,
-	InboundHrmpMessage, OccupiedCoreAssumption, PersistedValidationData, PvfCheckStatement,
-	ScrapedOnChainVotes, SessionIndex, SessionInfo, ValidationCode, ValidationCodeHash,
-	ValidatorId, ValidatorIndex, ValidatorSignature,
+	async_backing,
+	runtime_api::ParachainHost,
+	slashing,
+	vstaging::{self, ApprovalVotingParams},
+	Block, BlockNumber, CandidateCommitments, CandidateEvent, CandidateHash,
+	CommittedCandidateReceipt, CoreState, DisputeState, ExecutorParams, GroupRotationInfo, Hash,
+	Header, Id, InboundDownwardMessage, InboundHrmpMessage, OccupiedCoreAssumption,
+	PersistedValidationData, PvfCheckStatement, ScrapedOnChainVotes, SessionIndex, SessionInfo,
+	ValidationCode, ValidationCodeHash, ValidatorId, ValidatorIndex, ValidatorSignature,
 use sc_client_api::HeaderBackend;
 use sc_transaction_pool_api::OffchainTransactionPoolFactory;
@@ -316,9 +319,16 @@ pub trait RuntimeApiSubsystemClient {
 	async fn disabled_validators(&self, at: Hash) -> Result<Vec<ValidatorIndex>, ApiError>;
 	// === v9 ===
 	/// Get the node features.
 	async fn node_features(&self, at: Hash) -> Result<vstaging::NodeFeatures, ApiError>;
+	// == v10: Approval voting params ==
+	/// Approval voting configuration parameters
+	async fn approval_voting_params(
+		&self,
+		at: Hash,
+		session_index: SessionIndex,
+	) -> Result<ApprovalVotingParams, ApiError>;
 /// Default implementation of [`RuntimeApiSubsystemClient`] using the client.
@@ -575,4 +585,13 @@ where
 	async fn disabled_validators(&self, at: Hash) -> Result<Vec<ValidatorIndex>, ApiError> {
+	/// Approval voting configuration parameters
+	async fn approval_voting_params(
+		&self,
+		at: Hash,
+		_session_index: SessionIndex,
+	) -> Result<ApprovalVotingParams, ApiError> {
+		self.client.runtime_api().approval_voting_params(at)
+	}
diff --git a/polkadot/parachain/test-parachains/undying/collator/Cargo.toml b/polkadot/parachain/test-parachains/undying/collator/Cargo.toml
index 8e4022a718f..29d36452eee 100644
--- a/polkadot/parachain/test-parachains/undying/collator/Cargo.toml
+++ b/polkadot/parachain/test-parachains/undying/collator/Cargo.toml
@@ -39,6 +39,3 @@ sc-service = { path = "../../../../../substrate/client/service" }
 sp-keyring = { path = "../../../../../substrate/primitives/keyring" }
 tokio = { version = "1.24.2", features = ["macros"] }
-network-protocol-staging = ["polkadot-cli/network-protocol-staging"]
diff --git a/polkadot/primitives/src/ b/polkadot/primitives/src/
index 331728b2590..d661005e32f 100644
--- a/polkadot/primitives/src/
+++ b/polkadot/primitives/src/
@@ -114,12 +114,14 @@
 //! separated from the stable primitives.
 use crate::{
-	async_backing, slashing, vstaging, AsyncBackingParams, BlockNumber, CandidateCommitments,
-	CandidateEvent, CandidateHash, CommittedCandidateReceipt, CoreState, DisputeState,
-	ExecutorParams, GroupRotationInfo, Hash, OccupiedCoreAssumption, PersistedValidationData,
-	PvfCheckStatement, ScrapedOnChainVotes, SessionIndex, SessionInfo, ValidatorId, ValidatorIndex,
-	ValidatorSignature,
+	async_backing, slashing,
+	vstaging::{self, ApprovalVotingParams},
+	AsyncBackingParams, BlockNumber, CandidateCommitments, CandidateEvent, CandidateHash,
+	CommittedCandidateReceipt, CoreState, DisputeState, ExecutorParams, GroupRotationInfo, Hash,
+	OccupiedCoreAssumption, PersistedValidationData, PvfCheckStatement, ScrapedOnChainVotes,
+	SessionIndex, SessionInfo, ValidatorId, ValidatorIndex, ValidatorSignature,
 use polkadot_core_primitives as pcp;
 use polkadot_parachain_primitives::primitives as ppp;
 use sp_std::{collections::btree_map::BTreeMap, prelude::*};
@@ -274,5 +276,10 @@ sp_api::decl_runtime_apis! {
 		/// This is a staging method! Do not use on production runtimes!
 		fn node_features() -> vstaging::NodeFeatures;
+		/***** Added in v10 *****/
+		/// Approval voting configuration parameters
+		#[api_version(10)]
+		fn approval_voting_params() -> ApprovalVotingParams;
diff --git a/polkadot/primitives/src/v6/ b/polkadot/primitives/src/v6/
index 83b590dc320..c3a947644ff 100644
--- a/polkadot/primitives/src/v6/
+++ b/polkadot/primitives/src/v6/
@@ -1070,6 +1070,26 @@ impl ApprovalVote {
+/// A vote of approval for multiple candidates.
+#[derive(Clone, RuntimeDebug)]
+pub struct ApprovalVoteMultipleCandidates<'a>(pub &'a [CandidateHash]);
+impl<'a> ApprovalVoteMultipleCandidates<'a> {
+	/// Yields the signing payload for this approval vote.
+	pub fn signing_payload(&self, session_index: SessionIndex) -> Vec<u8> {
+		const MAGIC: [u8; 4] = *b"APPR";
+		// Make this backwards compatible with `ApprovalVote` so if we have just on candidate the
+		// signature will look the same.
+		// This gives us the nice benefit that old nodes can still check signatures when len is 1
+		// and the new node can check the signature coming from old nodes.
+		if self.0.len() == 1 {
+			(MAGIC, self.0.first().expect("QED: we just checked"), session_index).encode()
+		} else {
+			(MAGIC, &self.0, session_index).encode()
+		}
+	}
 /// Custom validity errors used in Polkadot while validating transactions.
 pub enum ValidityError {
@@ -1246,25 +1266,42 @@ pub enum DisputeStatement {
 impl DisputeStatement {
 	/// Get the payload data for this type of dispute statement.
-	pub fn payload_data(&self, candidate_hash: CandidateHash, session: SessionIndex) -> Vec<u8> {
-		match *self {
+	///
+	/// Returns Error if the candidate_hash is not included in the list of signed
+	/// candidate from ApprovalCheckingMultipleCandidate.
+	pub fn payload_data(
+		&self,
+		candidate_hash: CandidateHash,
+		session: SessionIndex,
+	) -> Result<Vec<u8>, ()> {
+		match self {
 			DisputeStatement::Valid(ValidDisputeStatementKind::Explicit) =>
-				ExplicitDisputeStatement { valid: true, candidate_hash, session }.signing_payload(),
+				Ok(ExplicitDisputeStatement { valid: true, candidate_hash, session }
+					.signing_payload()),
-			)) => CompactStatement::Seconded(candidate_hash).signing_payload(&SigningContext {
+			)) => Ok(CompactStatement::Seconded(candidate_hash).signing_payload(&SigningContext {
 				session_index: session,
-				parent_hash: inclusion_parent,
-			}),
+				parent_hash: *inclusion_parent,
+			})),
 			DisputeStatement::Valid(ValidDisputeStatementKind::BackingValid(inclusion_parent)) =>
-				CompactStatement::Valid(candidate_hash).signing_payload(&SigningContext {
+				Ok(CompactStatement::Valid(candidate_hash).signing_payload(&SigningContext {
 					session_index: session,
-					parent_hash: inclusion_parent,
-				}),
+					parent_hash: *inclusion_parent,
+				})),
 			DisputeStatement::Valid(ValidDisputeStatementKind::ApprovalChecking) =>
-				ApprovalVote(candidate_hash).signing_payload(session),
+				Ok(ApprovalVote(candidate_hash).signing_payload(session)),
+			DisputeStatement::Valid(
+				ValidDisputeStatementKind::ApprovalCheckingMultipleCandidates(candidate_hashes),
+			) =>
+				if candidate_hashes.contains(&candidate_hash) {
+					Ok(ApprovalVoteMultipleCandidates(candidate_hashes).signing_payload(session))
+				} else {
+					Err(())
+				},
 			DisputeStatement::Invalid(InvalidDisputeStatementKind::Explicit) =>
-				ExplicitDisputeStatement { valid: false, candidate_hash, session }.signing_payload(),
+				Ok(ExplicitDisputeStatement { valid: false, candidate_hash, session }
+					.signing_payload()),
@@ -1276,7 +1313,7 @@ impl DisputeStatement {
 		session: SessionIndex,
 		validator_signature: &ValidatorSignature,
 	) -> Result<(), ()> {
-		let payload = self.payload_data(candidate_hash, session);
+		let payload = self.payload_data(candidate_hash, session)?;
 		if validator_signature.verify(&payload[..], &validator_public) {
@@ -1308,13 +1345,14 @@ impl DisputeStatement {
 			Self::Valid(ValidDisputeStatementKind::BackingValid(_)) => true,
 			Self::Valid(ValidDisputeStatementKind::Explicit) |
 			Self::Valid(ValidDisputeStatementKind::ApprovalChecking) |
+			Self::Valid(ValidDisputeStatementKind::ApprovalCheckingMultipleCandidates(_)) |
 			Self::Invalid(_) => false,
 /// Different kinds of statements of validity on  a candidate.
-#[derive(Encode, Decode, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, RuntimeDebug, TypeInfo)]
+#[derive(Encode, Decode, Clone, PartialEq, RuntimeDebug, TypeInfo)]
 pub enum ValidDisputeStatementKind {
 	/// An explicit statement issued as part of a dispute.
 	#[codec(index = 0)]
@@ -1328,6 +1366,12 @@ pub enum ValidDisputeStatementKind {
 	/// An approval vote from the approval checking phase.
 	#[codec(index = 3)]
+	/// An approval vote from the new version.
+	/// We can't create this version untill all nodes
+	/// have been updated to support it and max_approval_coalesce_count
+	/// is set to more than 1.
+	#[codec(index = 4)]
+	ApprovalCheckingMultipleCandidates(Vec<CandidateHash>),
 /// Different kinds of statements of invalidity on a candidate.
diff --git a/polkadot/primitives/src/vstaging/ b/polkadot/primitives/src/vstaging/
index 1639dc15e21..630bcf8679a 100644
--- a/polkadot/primitives/src/vstaging/
+++ b/polkadot/primitives/src/vstaging/
@@ -17,6 +17,38 @@
 //! Staging Primitives.
 // Put any primitives used by staging APIs functions here
+pub use crate::v6::*;
+use sp_std::prelude::*;
+use parity_scale_codec::{Decode, Encode};
+use primitives::RuntimeDebug;
+use scale_info::TypeInfo;
+/// Approval voting configuration parameters
+	RuntimeDebug,
+	Copy,
+	Clone,
+	PartialEq,
+	Encode,
+	Decode,
+	TypeInfo,
+	serde::Serialize,
+	serde::Deserialize,
+pub struct ApprovalVotingParams {
+	/// The maximum number of candidates `approval-voting` can vote for with
+	/// a single signatures.
+	///
+	/// Setting it to 1, means we send the approval as soon as we have it available.
+	pub max_approval_coalesce_count: u32,
+impl Default for ApprovalVotingParams {
+	fn default() -> Self {
+		Self { max_approval_coalesce_count: 1 }
+	}
 use bitvec::vec::BitVec;
diff --git a/polkadot/roadmap/implementers-guide/src/node/approval/ b/polkadot/roadmap/implementers-guide/src/node/approval/
index 1a17f90d9ba..345b3d2e697 100644
--- a/polkadot/roadmap/implementers-guide/src/node/approval/
+++ b/polkadot/roadmap/implementers-guide/src/node/approval/
@@ -4,10 +4,13 @@ Reading the [section on the approval protocol](../../ will
 aims of this subsystem.
 Approval votes are split into two parts: Assignments and Approvals. Validators first broadcast their assignment to
-indicate intent to check a candidate. Upon successfully checking, they broadcast an approval vote. If a validator
-doesn't broadcast their approval vote shortly after issuing an assignment, this is an indication that they are being
-prevented from recovering or validating the block data and that more validators should self-select to check the
-candidate. This is known as a "no-show".
+indicate intent to check a candidate. Upon successfully checking, they don't immediately send the vote instead
+they queue the check for a short period of time `MAX_APPROVAL_COALESCE_WAIT_TICKS` to give the opportunity of the
+validator to vote for more than one candidate. Once MAX_APPROVAL_COALESCE_WAIT_TICKS have passed or at least
+`MAX_APPROVAL_COALESCE_COUNT` are ready they broadcast an approval vote for all candidates. If a validator
+doesn't broadcast their approval vote shortly after issuing an assignment, this is an indication that they are
+being prevented from recovering or validating the block data and that more validators should self-select to
+check the candidate. This is known as a "no-show".
 The core of this subsystem is a Tick-based timer loop, where Ticks are 500ms. We also reason about time in terms of
 `DelayTranche`s, which measure the number of ticks elapsed since a block was produced. We track metadata for all
@@ -120,6 +123,13 @@ struct BlockEntry {
     // this block. The block can be considered approved has all bits set to 1
     approved_bitfield: Bitfield,
     children: Vec<Hash>,
+    // A list of candidates we have checked, but didn't not sign and
+    // advertise the vote yet.
+    candidates_pending_signature: BTreeMap<CandidateIndex, CandidateSigningContext>,
+    // Assignments we already distributed. A 1 bit means the candidate index for which
+    // we already have sent out an assignment. We need this to avoid distributing
+    // multiple core assignments more than once.
+    distributed_assignments: Bitfield,
 // slot_duration * 2 + DelayTranche gives the number of delay tranches since the
@@ -303,12 +313,12 @@ entry. The cert itself contains information necessary to determine the candidate
 On receiving a `CheckAndImportApproval(indirect_approval_vote, response_channel)` message:
   * Fetch the `BlockEntry` from the indirect approval vote's `block_hash`. If none, return `ApprovalCheckResult::Bad`.
-  * Fetch the `CandidateEntry` from the indirect approval vote's `candidate_index`. If the block did not trigger
+  * Fetch all `CandidateEntry` from the indirect approval vote's `candidate_indices`. If the block did not trigger
     inclusion of enough candidates, return `ApprovalCheckResult::Bad`.
-  * Construct a `SignedApprovalVote` using the candidate hash and check against the validator's approval key, based on
-    the session info of the block. If invalid or no such validator, return `ApprovalCheckResult::Bad`.
+  * Construct a `SignedApprovalVote` using the candidates hashes and check against the validator's approval key,
+    based on the session info of the block. If invalid or no such validator, return `ApprovalCheckResult::Bad`.
   * Send `ApprovalCheckResult::Accepted`
-  * [Import the checked approval vote](#import-checked-approval)
+  * [Import the checked approval vote](#import-checked-approval) for all candidates
 #### `ApprovalVotingMessage::ApprovedAncestor`
@@ -402,10 +412,25 @@ On receiving an `ApprovedAncestor(Hash, BlockNumber, response_channel)`:
 #### Issue Approval Vote
   * Fetch the block entry and candidate entry. Ignore if `None` - we've probably just lost a race with finality.
-  * Construct a `SignedApprovalVote` with the validator index for the session.
   * [Import the checked approval vote](#import-checked-approval). It is "checked" as we've just issued the signature.
-  * Construct a `IndirectSignedApprovalVote` using the information about the vote.
-  * Dispatch `ApprovalDistributionMessage::DistributeApproval`.
+  * IF `MAX_APPROVAL_COALESCE_COUNT`  candidates are in the waiting queue
+    * Construct a `SignedApprovalVote` with the validator index for the session and all candidate hashes in the waiting queue.
+    * Construct a `IndirectSignedApprovalVote` using the information about the vote.
+    * Dispatch `ApprovalDistributionMessage::DistributeApproval`.
+  * ELSE
+    * Queue the candidate in the `BlockEntry::candidates_pending_signature`
+    * Arm a per BlockEntry timer with latest tick we can send the vote.
+### Delayed vote distribution
+  * [Issue Approval Vote](#issue-approval-vote) arms once a per block timer if there are no requirements to send the
+    vote immediately.
+  * When the timer wakes up it will either:
+  * IF there is a candidate in the queue past its sending tick:
+    * Construct a `SignedApprovalVote` with the validator index for the session and all candidate hashes in the waiting queue.
+    * Construct a `IndirectSignedApprovalVote` using the information about the vote.
+    * Dispatch `ApprovalDistributionMessage::DistributeApproval`.
+  * ELSE
+    * Re-arm the timer with latest tick we have the send a the vote.
 ### Determining Approval of Candidate
diff --git a/polkadot/roadmap/implementers-guide/src/ b/polkadot/roadmap/implementers-guide/src/
index 70bc0233d65..b6aa16646ad 100644
--- a/polkadot/roadmap/implementers-guide/src/
+++ b/polkadot/roadmap/implementers-guide/src/
@@ -296,6 +296,18 @@ provide somewhat more security.
 TODO: When?  Is this optimal for the network?  etc.
+## Approval coalescing
+To reduce the necessary network bandwidth and cpu time when a validator has more than one candidate to approve we are
+doing our best effort to send a single message that approves all available candidates with a single signature.
+The implemented heuristic, is that each time we are ready to create a signature and send a vote for a candidate we
+delay sending it until one of three things happen:
+- We gathered a maximum of `MAX_APPROVAL_COALESCE_COUNT` candidates that we have already checked and we are
+  ready to sign approval for.
+- `MAX_APPROVAL_COALESCE_WAIT_TICKS` have passed since checking oldest candidate and we were ready to sign
+  and send the approval message.
+- We are already in the last third of the no-show period in order to avoid creating accidental no-shows, which in
+  turn might trigger other assignments.
 ## On-chain verification
 We should verify approval on-chain to reward approval checkers. We therefore require the "no show" timeout to be longer
diff --git a/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/ b/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/
index dced24df0ae..23916bbdc8a 100644
--- a/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/
+++ b/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/
@@ -636,7 +636,7 @@ impl<T: paras_inherent::Config> BenchBuilder<T> {
 						} else {
-						let data = dispute_statement.payload_data(candidate_hash, session);
+						let data = dispute_statement.payload_data(candidate_hash, session).unwrap();
 						let statement_sig = validator_public.sign(&data).unwrap();
 						(dispute_statement, ValidatorIndex(validator_index), statement_sig)
diff --git a/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/ b/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/
index bff9cc34b4f..272c227dfef 100644
--- a/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/
+++ b/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/
@@ -26,8 +26,9 @@ use polkadot_parachain_primitives::primitives::{
 use primitives::{
-	vstaging::NodeFeatures, AsyncBackingParams, Balance, ExecutorParamError, ExecutorParams,
+	vstaging::{ApprovalVotingParams, NodeFeatures},
+	AsyncBackingParams, Balance, ExecutorParamError, ExecutorParams, SessionIndex,
 use sp_runtime::{traits::Zero, Perbill};
@@ -263,6 +264,8 @@ pub struct HostConfiguration<BlockNumber> {
 	pub minimum_backing_votes: u32,
 	/// Node features enablement.
 	pub node_features: NodeFeatures,
+	/// Params used by approval-voting
+	pub approval_voting_params: ApprovalVotingParams,
 impl<BlockNumber: Default + From<u32>> Default for HostConfiguration<BlockNumber> {
@@ -308,6 +311,7 @@ impl<BlockNumber: Default + From<u32>> Default for HostConfiguration<BlockNumber
 			pvf_voting_ttl: 2u32.into(),
 			minimum_validation_upgrade_delay: 2.into(),
 			executor_params: Default::default(),
+			approval_voting_params: ApprovalVotingParams { max_approval_coalesce_count: 1 },
 			on_demand_queue_max_size: ON_DEMAND_DEFAULT_QUEUE_MAX_SIZE,
 			on_demand_base_fee: 10_000_000u128,
 			on_demand_fee_variability: Perbill::from_percent(3),
@@ -515,7 +519,8 @@ pub mod pallet {
 	/// v7-v8:  <>
 	/// v8-v9:  <>
 	/// v9-v10: <>
-	const STORAGE_VERSION: StorageVersion = StorageVersion::new(10);
+	/// v10-11: <>
+	const STORAGE_VERSION: StorageVersion = StorageVersion::new(11);
@@ -1191,6 +1196,7 @@ pub mod pallet {
 				config.on_demand_ttl = new;
 		/// Set the minimum backing votes threshold.
@@ -1203,6 +1209,7 @@ pub mod pallet {
 				config.minimum_backing_votes = new;
 		/// Set/Unset a node feature.
@@ -1220,6 +1227,22 @@ pub mod pallet {
 				config.node_features.set(index, value);
+		/// Set approval-voting-params.
+		#[pallet::call_index(54)]
+		#[pallet::weight((
+			T::WeightInfo::set_config_with_executor_params(),
+			DispatchClass::Operational,
+		))]
+		pub fn set_approval_voting_params(
+			origin: OriginFor<T>,
+			new: ApprovalVotingParams,
+		) -> DispatchResult {
+			ensure_root(origin)?;
+			Self::schedule_config_update(|config| {
+				config.approval_voting_params = new;
+			})
+		}
diff --git a/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/configuration/ b/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/configuration/
index db323d3aad9..2838b73092d 100644
--- a/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/configuration/
+++ b/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/configuration/
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 //! A module that is responsible for migration of storage.
 pub mod v10;
+pub mod v11;
 pub mod v6;
 pub mod v7;
 pub mod v8;
diff --git a/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/configuration/migration/ b/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/configuration/migration/
index 3c934082dc1..cf228610e5c 100644
--- a/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/configuration/migration/
+++ b/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/configuration/migration/
@@ -16,17 +16,121 @@
 //! A module that is responsible for migration of storage.
-use crate::configuration::{self, Config, Pallet};
+use crate::configuration::{Config, Pallet};
 use frame_support::{pallet_prelude::*, traits::Defensive, weights::Weight};
 use frame_system::pallet_prelude::BlockNumberFor;
-use primitives::{vstaging::NodeFeatures, SessionIndex};
+use primitives::{
+	vstaging::NodeFeatures, AsyncBackingParams, Balance, ExecutorParams, SessionIndex,
+use sp_runtime::Perbill;
 use sp_std::vec::Vec;
 use frame_support::traits::OnRuntimeUpgrade;
 use super::v9::V9HostConfiguration;
+// All configuration of the runtime with respect to paras.
+#[derive(Clone, Encode, PartialEq, Decode, Debug)]
+pub struct V10HostConfiguration<BlockNumber> {
+	pub max_code_size: u32,
+	pub max_head_data_size: u32,
+	pub max_upward_queue_count: u32,
+	pub max_upward_queue_size: u32,
+	pub max_upward_message_size: u32,
+	pub max_upward_message_num_per_candidate: u32,
+	pub hrmp_max_message_num_per_candidate: u32,
+	pub validation_upgrade_cooldown: BlockNumber,
+	pub validation_upgrade_delay: BlockNumber,
+	pub async_backing_params: AsyncBackingParams,
+	pub max_pov_size: u32,
+	pub max_downward_message_size: u32,
+	pub hrmp_max_parachain_outbound_channels: u32,
+	pub hrmp_sender_deposit: Balance,
+	pub hrmp_recipient_deposit: Balance,
+	pub hrmp_channel_max_capacity: u32,
+	pub hrmp_channel_max_total_size: u32,
+	pub hrmp_max_parachain_inbound_channels: u32,
+	pub hrmp_channel_max_message_size: u32,
+	pub executor_params: ExecutorParams,
+	pub code_retention_period: BlockNumber,
+	pub on_demand_cores: u32,
+	pub on_demand_retries: u32,
+	pub on_demand_queue_max_size: u32,
+	pub on_demand_target_queue_utilization: Perbill,
+	pub on_demand_fee_variability: Perbill,
+	pub on_demand_base_fee: Balance,
+	pub on_demand_ttl: BlockNumber,
+	pub group_rotation_frequency: BlockNumber,
+	pub paras_availability_period: BlockNumber,
+	pub scheduling_lookahead: u32,
+	pub max_validators_per_core: Option<u32>,
+	pub max_validators: Option<u32>,
+	pub dispute_period: SessionIndex,
+	pub dispute_post_conclusion_acceptance_period: BlockNumber,
+	pub no_show_slots: u32,
+	pub n_delay_tranches: u32,
+	pub zeroth_delay_tranche_width: u32,
+	pub needed_approvals: u32,
+	pub relay_vrf_modulo_samples: u32,
+	pub pvf_voting_ttl: SessionIndex,
+	pub minimum_validation_upgrade_delay: BlockNumber,
+	pub minimum_backing_votes: u32,
+	pub node_features: NodeFeatures,
-type V10HostConfiguration<BlockNumber> = configuration::HostConfiguration<BlockNumber>;
+impl<BlockNumber: Default + From<u32>> Default for V10HostConfiguration<BlockNumber> {
+	fn default() -> Self {
+		Self {
+			async_backing_params: AsyncBackingParams {
+				max_candidate_depth: 0,
+				allowed_ancestry_len: 0,
+			},
+			group_rotation_frequency: 1u32.into(),
+			paras_availability_period: 1u32.into(),
+			no_show_slots: 1u32.into(),
+			validation_upgrade_cooldown: Default::default(),
+			validation_upgrade_delay: 2u32.into(),
+			code_retention_period: Default::default(),
+			max_code_size: Default::default(),
+			max_pov_size: Default::default(),
+			max_head_data_size: Default::default(),
+			on_demand_cores: Default::default(),
+			on_demand_retries: Default::default(),
+			scheduling_lookahead: 1,
+			max_validators_per_core: Default::default(),
+			max_validators: None,
+			dispute_period: 6,
+			dispute_post_conclusion_acceptance_period: 100.into(),
+			n_delay_tranches: Default::default(),
+			zeroth_delay_tranche_width: Default::default(),
+			needed_approvals: Default::default(),
+			relay_vrf_modulo_samples: Default::default(),
+			max_upward_queue_count: Default::default(),
+			max_upward_queue_size: Default::default(),
+			max_downward_message_size: Default::default(),
+			max_upward_message_size: Default::default(),
+			max_upward_message_num_per_candidate: Default::default(),
+			hrmp_sender_deposit: Default::default(),
+			hrmp_recipient_deposit: Default::default(),
+			hrmp_channel_max_capacity: Default::default(),
+			hrmp_channel_max_total_size: Default::default(),
+			hrmp_max_parachain_inbound_channels: Default::default(),
+			hrmp_channel_max_message_size: Default::default(),
+			hrmp_max_parachain_outbound_channels: Default::default(),
+			hrmp_max_message_num_per_candidate: Default::default(),
+			pvf_voting_ttl: 2u32.into(),
+			minimum_validation_upgrade_delay: 2.into(),
+			executor_params: Default::default(),
+			on_demand_queue_max_size: ON_DEMAND_DEFAULT_QUEUE_MAX_SIZE,
+			on_demand_base_fee: 10_000_000u128,
+			on_demand_fee_variability: Perbill::from_percent(3),
+			on_demand_target_queue_utilization: Perbill::from_percent(25),
+			on_demand_ttl: 5u32.into(),
+			minimum_backing_votes: LEGACY_MIN_BACKING_VOTES,
+			node_features: NodeFeatures::EMPTY,
+		}
+	}
 mod v9 {
 	use super::*;
diff --git a/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/configuration/migration/ b/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/configuration/migration/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b7dec7070f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/configuration/migration/
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
+// This file is part of Polkadot.
+// Polkadot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// Polkadot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with Polkadot.  If not, see <>.
+//! A module that is responsible for migration of storage.
+use crate::configuration::{self, Config, Pallet};
+use frame_support::{
+	migrations::VersionedMigration, pallet_prelude::*, traits::Defensive, weights::Weight,
+use frame_system::pallet_prelude::BlockNumberFor;
+use primitives::{vstaging::ApprovalVotingParams, SessionIndex};
+use sp_std::vec::Vec;
+use frame_support::traits::OnRuntimeUpgrade;
+use super::v10::V10HostConfiguration;
+type V11HostConfiguration<BlockNumber> = configuration::HostConfiguration<BlockNumber>;
+mod v10 {
+	use super::*;
+	#[frame_support::storage_alias]
+	pub(crate) type ActiveConfig<T: Config> =
+		StorageValue<Pallet<T>, V10HostConfiguration<BlockNumberFor<T>>, OptionQuery>;
+	#[frame_support::storage_alias]
+	pub(crate) type PendingConfigs<T: Config> = StorageValue<
+		Pallet<T>,
+		Vec<(SessionIndex, V10HostConfiguration<BlockNumberFor<T>>)>,
+		OptionQuery,
+	>;
+mod v11 {
+	use super::*;
+	#[frame_support::storage_alias]
+	pub(crate) type ActiveConfig<T: Config> =
+		StorageValue<Pallet<T>, V11HostConfiguration<BlockNumberFor<T>>, OptionQuery>;
+	#[frame_support::storage_alias]
+	pub(crate) type PendingConfigs<T: Config> = StorageValue<
+		Pallet<T>,
+		Vec<(SessionIndex, V11HostConfiguration<BlockNumberFor<T>>)>,
+		OptionQuery,
+	>;
+pub type MigrateToV11<T> = VersionedMigration<
+	10,
+	11,
+	UncheckedMigrateToV11<T>,
+	Pallet<T>,
+	<T as frame_system::Config>::DbWeight,
+pub struct UncheckedMigrateToV11<T>(sp_std::marker::PhantomData<T>);
+impl<T: Config> OnRuntimeUpgrade for UncheckedMigrateToV11<T> {
+	#[cfg(feature = "try-runtime")]
+	fn pre_upgrade() -> Result<Vec<u8>, sp_runtime::TryRuntimeError> {
+		log::trace!(target: crate::configuration::LOG_TARGET, "Running pre_upgrade() for HostConfiguration MigrateToV11");
+		Ok(Vec::new())
+	}
+	fn on_runtime_upgrade() -> Weight {
+		log::info!(target: configuration::LOG_TARGET, "HostConfiguration MigrateToV11 started");
+		let weight_consumed = migrate_to_v11::<T>();
+		log::info!(target: configuration::LOG_TARGET, "HostConfiguration MigrateToV11 executed successfully");
+		weight_consumed
+	}
+	#[cfg(feature = "try-runtime")]
+	fn post_upgrade(_state: Vec<u8>) -> Result<(), sp_runtime::TryRuntimeError> {
+		log::trace!(target: crate::configuration::LOG_TARGET, "Running post_upgrade() for HostConfiguration MigrateToV11");
+		ensure!(
+			StorageVersion::get::<Pallet<T>>() >= 11,
+			"Storage version should be >= 11 after the migration"
+		);
+		Ok(())
+	}
+fn migrate_to_v11<T: Config>() -> Weight {
+	// Unusual formatting is justified:
+	// - make it easier to verify that fields assign what they supposed to assign.
+	// - this code is transient and will be removed after all migrations are done.
+	// - this code is important enough to optimize for legibility sacrificing consistency.
+	#[rustfmt::skip]
+	let translate =
+		|pre: V10HostConfiguration<BlockNumberFor<T>>| ->
+		V11HostConfiguration<BlockNumberFor<T>>
+	{
+		V11HostConfiguration {
+max_code_size                            : pre.max_code_size,
+max_head_data_size                       : pre.max_head_data_size,
+max_upward_queue_count                   : pre.max_upward_queue_count,
+max_upward_queue_size                    : pre.max_upward_queue_size,
+max_upward_message_size                  : pre.max_upward_message_size,
+max_upward_message_num_per_candidate     : pre.max_upward_message_num_per_candidate,
+hrmp_max_message_num_per_candidate       : pre.hrmp_max_message_num_per_candidate,
+validation_upgrade_cooldown              : pre.validation_upgrade_cooldown,
+validation_upgrade_delay                 : pre.validation_upgrade_delay,
+max_pov_size                             : pre.max_pov_size,
+max_downward_message_size                : pre.max_downward_message_size,
+hrmp_sender_deposit                      : pre.hrmp_sender_deposit,
+hrmp_recipient_deposit                   : pre.hrmp_recipient_deposit,
+hrmp_channel_max_capacity                : pre.hrmp_channel_max_capacity,
+hrmp_channel_max_total_size              : pre.hrmp_channel_max_total_size,
+hrmp_max_parachain_inbound_channels      : pre.hrmp_max_parachain_inbound_channels,
+hrmp_max_parachain_outbound_channels     : pre.hrmp_max_parachain_outbound_channels,
+hrmp_channel_max_message_size            : pre.hrmp_channel_max_message_size,
+code_retention_period                    : pre.code_retention_period,
+on_demand_cores                          : pre.on_demand_cores,
+on_demand_retries                        : pre.on_demand_retries,
+group_rotation_frequency                 : pre.group_rotation_frequency,
+paras_availability_period                : pre.paras_availability_period,
+scheduling_lookahead                     : pre.scheduling_lookahead,
+max_validators_per_core                  : pre.max_validators_per_core,
+max_validators                           : pre.max_validators,
+dispute_period                           : pre.dispute_period,
+dispute_post_conclusion_acceptance_period: pre.dispute_post_conclusion_acceptance_period,
+no_show_slots                            : pre.no_show_slots,
+n_delay_tranches                         : pre.n_delay_tranches,
+zeroth_delay_tranche_width               : pre.zeroth_delay_tranche_width,
+needed_approvals                         : pre.needed_approvals,
+relay_vrf_modulo_samples                 : pre.relay_vrf_modulo_samples,
+pvf_voting_ttl                           : pre.pvf_voting_ttl,
+minimum_validation_upgrade_delay         : pre.minimum_validation_upgrade_delay,
+async_backing_params                     : pre.async_backing_params,
+executor_params                          : pre.executor_params,
+on_demand_queue_max_size                 : pre.on_demand_queue_max_size,
+on_demand_base_fee                       : pre.on_demand_base_fee,
+on_demand_fee_variability                : pre.on_demand_fee_variability,
+on_demand_target_queue_utilization       : pre.on_demand_target_queue_utilization,
+on_demand_ttl                            : pre.on_demand_ttl,
+minimum_backing_votes                    : pre.minimum_backing_votes,
+node_features							 : pre.node_features,
+approval_voting_params                   : ApprovalVotingParams {
+												max_approval_coalesce_count: 1,
+											}
+		}
+	};
+	let v10 = v10::ActiveConfig::<T>::get()
+		.defensive_proof("Could not decode old config")
+		.unwrap_or_default();
+	let v11 = translate(v10);
+	v11::ActiveConfig::<T>::set(Some(v11));
+	// Allowed to be empty.
+	let pending_v9 = v10::PendingConfigs::<T>::get().unwrap_or_default();
+	let mut pending_v10 = Vec::new();
+	for (session, v10) in pending_v9.into_iter() {
+		let v11 = translate(v10);
+		pending_v10.push((session, v11));
+	}
+	v11::PendingConfigs::<T>::set(Some(pending_v10.clone()));
+	let num_configs = (pending_v10.len() + 1) as u64;
+	T::DbWeight::get().reads_writes(num_configs, num_configs)
+mod tests {
+	use primitives::LEGACY_MIN_BACKING_VOTES;
+	use super::*;
+	use crate::mock::{new_test_ext, Test};
+	#[test]
+	fn v11_deserialized_from_actual_data() {
+		// Example how to get new `raw_config`:
+		// We'll obtain the raw_config at a specified a block
+		// Steps:
+		// 1. Go to Polkadot.js -> Developer -> Chain state -> Storage:
+		// 2. Set these parameters:
+		//   2.1. selected state query: configuration; activeConfig():
+		//        PolkadotRuntimeParachainsConfigurationHostConfiguration
+		//   2.2. blockhash to query at:
+		//        0xf89d3ab5312c5f70d396dc59612f0aa65806c798346f9db4b35278baed2e0e53 (the hash of
+		//        the block)
+		//   2.3. Note the value of encoded storage key ->
+		//        0x06de3d8a54d27e44a9d5ce189618f22db4b49d95320d9021994c850f25b8e385 for the
+		// referenced        block.
+		//   2.4. You'll also need the decoded values to update the test.
+		// 3. Go to Polkadot.js -> Developer -> Chain state -> Raw storage
+		//   3.1 Enter the encoded storage key and you get the raw config.
+		// This exceeds the maximal line width length, but that's fine, since this is not code and
+		// doesn't need to be read and also leaving it as one line allows to easily copy it.
+		let raw_config =
+	hex_literal::hex!["
+	0000300000800000080000000000100000c8000005000000050000000200000002000000000000000000000000005000000010000400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000800000000200000040000000000100000b004000000000000000000001027000080b2e60e80c3c9018096980000000000000000000000000005000000140000000400000001000000010100000000060000006400000002000000190000000000000002000000020000000200000005000000020000000001000000"
+	];
+		let v11 =
+			V11HostConfiguration::<primitives::BlockNumber>::decode(&mut &raw_config[..]).unwrap();
+		// We check only a sample of the values here. If we missed any fields or messed up data
+		// types that would skew all the fields coming after.
+		assert_eq!(v11.max_code_size, 3_145_728);
+		assert_eq!(v11.validation_upgrade_cooldown, 2);
+		assert_eq!(v11.max_pov_size, 5_242_880);
+		assert_eq!(v11.hrmp_channel_max_message_size, 1_048_576);
+		assert_eq!(v11.n_delay_tranches, 25);
+		assert_eq!(v11.minimum_validation_upgrade_delay, 5);
+		assert_eq!(v11.group_rotation_frequency, 20);
+		assert_eq!(v11.on_demand_cores, 0);
+		assert_eq!(v11.on_demand_base_fee, 10_000_000);
+		assert_eq!(v11.minimum_backing_votes, LEGACY_MIN_BACKING_VOTES);
+		assert_eq!(v11.approval_voting_params.max_approval_coalesce_count, 1);
+	}
+	#[test]
+	fn test_migrate_to_v11() {
+		// Host configuration has lots of fields. However, in this migration we only add one
+		// field. The most important part to check are a couple of the last fields. We also pick
+		// extra fields to check arbitrarily, e.g. depending on their position (i.e. the middle) and
+		// also their type.
+		//
+		// We specify only the picked fields and the rest should be provided by the `Default`
+		// implementation. That implementation is copied over between the two types and should work
+		// fine.
+		let v10 = V10HostConfiguration::<primitives::BlockNumber> {
+			needed_approvals: 69,
+			paras_availability_period: 55,
+			hrmp_recipient_deposit: 1337,
+			max_pov_size: 1111,
+			minimum_validation_upgrade_delay: 20,
+			..Default::default()
+		};
+		let mut pending_configs = Vec::new();
+		pending_configs.push((100, v10.clone()));
+		pending_configs.push((300, v10.clone()));
+		new_test_ext(Default::default()).execute_with(|| {
+			// Implant the v10 version in the state.
+			v10::ActiveConfig::<Test>::set(Some(v10));
+			v10::PendingConfigs::<Test>::set(Some(pending_configs));
+			migrate_to_v11::<Test>();
+			let v11 = v11::ActiveConfig::<Test>::get().unwrap();
+			assert_eq!(v11.approval_voting_params.max_approval_coalesce_count, 1);
+			let mut configs_to_check = v11::PendingConfigs::<Test>::get().unwrap();
+			configs_to_check.push((0, v11.clone()));
+			for (_, v10) in configs_to_check {
+				#[rustfmt::skip]
+				{
+					assert_eq!(v10.max_code_size                            , v11.max_code_size);
+					assert_eq!(v10.max_head_data_size                       , v11.max_head_data_size);
+					assert_eq!(v10.max_upward_queue_count                   , v11.max_upward_queue_count);
+					assert_eq!(v10.max_upward_queue_size                    , v11.max_upward_queue_size);
+					assert_eq!(v10.max_upward_message_size                  , v11.max_upward_message_size);
+					assert_eq!(v10.max_upward_message_num_per_candidate     , v11.max_upward_message_num_per_candidate);
+					assert_eq!(v10.hrmp_max_message_num_per_candidate       , v11.hrmp_max_message_num_per_candidate);
+					assert_eq!(v10.validation_upgrade_cooldown              , v11.validation_upgrade_cooldown);
+					assert_eq!(v10.validation_upgrade_delay                 , v11.validation_upgrade_delay);
+					assert_eq!(v10.max_pov_size                             , v11.max_pov_size);
+					assert_eq!(v10.max_downward_message_size                , v11.max_downward_message_size);
+					assert_eq!(v10.hrmp_max_parachain_outbound_channels     , v11.hrmp_max_parachain_outbound_channels);
+					assert_eq!(v10.hrmp_sender_deposit                      , v11.hrmp_sender_deposit);
+					assert_eq!(v10.hrmp_recipient_deposit                   , v11.hrmp_recipient_deposit);
+					assert_eq!(v10.hrmp_channel_max_capacity                , v11.hrmp_channel_max_capacity);
+					assert_eq!(v10.hrmp_channel_max_total_size              , v11.hrmp_channel_max_total_size);
+					assert_eq!(v10.hrmp_max_parachain_inbound_channels      , v11.hrmp_max_parachain_inbound_channels);
+					assert_eq!(v10.hrmp_channel_max_message_size            , v11.hrmp_channel_max_message_size);
+					assert_eq!(v10.code_retention_period                    , v11.code_retention_period);
+					assert_eq!(v10.on_demand_cores                          , v11.on_demand_cores);
+					assert_eq!(v10.on_demand_retries                        , v11.on_demand_retries);
+					assert_eq!(v10.group_rotation_frequency                 , v11.group_rotation_frequency);
+					assert_eq!(v10.paras_availability_period                , v11.paras_availability_period);
+					assert_eq!(v10.scheduling_lookahead                     , v11.scheduling_lookahead);
+					assert_eq!(v10.max_validators_per_core                  , v11.max_validators_per_core);
+					assert_eq!(v10.max_validators                           , v11.max_validators);
+					assert_eq!(v10.dispute_period                           , v11.dispute_period);
+					assert_eq!(v10.no_show_slots                            , v11.no_show_slots);
+					assert_eq!(v10.n_delay_tranches                         , v11.n_delay_tranches);
+					assert_eq!(v10.zeroth_delay_tranche_width               , v11.zeroth_delay_tranche_width);
+					assert_eq!(v10.needed_approvals                         , v11.needed_approvals);
+					assert_eq!(v10.relay_vrf_modulo_samples                 , v11.relay_vrf_modulo_samples);
+					assert_eq!(v10.pvf_voting_ttl                           , v11.pvf_voting_ttl);
+					assert_eq!(v10.minimum_validation_upgrade_delay         , v11.minimum_validation_upgrade_delay);
+					assert_eq!(v10.async_backing_params.allowed_ancestry_len, v11.async_backing_params.allowed_ancestry_len);
+					assert_eq!(v10.async_backing_params.max_candidate_depth , v11.async_backing_params.max_candidate_depth);
+					assert_eq!(v10.executor_params						   , v11.executor_params);
+				    assert_eq!(v10.minimum_backing_votes					   , v11.minimum_backing_votes);
+				}; // ; makes this a statement. `rustfmt::skip` cannot be put on an expression.
+			}
+		});
+	}
+	// Test that migration doesn't panic in case there're no pending configurations upgrades in
+	// pallet's storage.
+	#[test]
+	fn test_migrate_to_v11_no_pending() {
+		let v10 = V10HostConfiguration::<primitives::BlockNumber>::default();
+		new_test_ext(Default::default()).execute_with(|| {
+			// Implant the v10 version in the state.
+			v10::ActiveConfig::<Test>::set(Some(v10));
+			// Ensure there're no pending configs.
+			v11::PendingConfigs::<Test>::set(None);
+			// Shouldn't fail.
+			migrate_to_v11::<Test>();
+		});
+	}
diff --git a/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/configuration/migration/ b/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/configuration/migration/
index d1bc9005112..537dfa9abd7 100644
--- a/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/configuration/migration/
+++ b/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/configuration/migration/
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ on_demand_fee_variability                : Perbill::from_percent(3),
 on_demand_target_queue_utilization       : Perbill::from_percent(25),
 on_demand_ttl                            : 5u32.into(),
-	};
 	let v7 = v7::ActiveConfig::<T>::get()
 		.defensive_proof("Could not decode old config")
diff --git a/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/configuration/ b/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/configuration/
index b62a45355e1..d88572d3b55 100644
--- a/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/configuration/
+++ b/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/configuration/
@@ -313,6 +313,7 @@ fn setting_pending_config_members() {
 			pvf_voting_ttl: 3,
 			minimum_validation_upgrade_delay: 20,
 			executor_params: Default::default(),
+			approval_voting_params: ApprovalVotingParams { max_approval_coalesce_count: 1 },
 			on_demand_queue_max_size: 10_000u32,
 			on_demand_base_fee: 10_000_000u128,
 			on_demand_fee_variability: Perbill::from_percent(3),
diff --git a/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/ b/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/
index cf2e99e7359..c2383dad305 100644
--- a/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/
+++ b/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/
@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@ use frame_system::pallet_prelude::*;
 use parity_scale_codec::{Decode, Encode};
 use polkadot_runtime_metrics::get_current_time;
 use primitives::{
-	byzantine_threshold, supermajority_threshold, ApprovalVote, CandidateHash,
-	CheckedDisputeStatementSet, CheckedMultiDisputeStatementSet, CompactStatement, ConsensusLog,
-	DisputeState, DisputeStatement, DisputeStatementSet, ExplicitDisputeStatement,
-	InvalidDisputeStatementKind, MultiDisputeStatementSet, SessionIndex, SigningContext,
-	ValidDisputeStatementKind, ValidatorId, ValidatorIndex, ValidatorSignature,
+	byzantine_threshold, supermajority_threshold, vstaging::ApprovalVoteMultipleCandidates,
+	ApprovalVote, CandidateHash, CheckedDisputeStatementSet, CheckedMultiDisputeStatementSet,
+	CompactStatement, ConsensusLog, DisputeState, DisputeStatement, DisputeStatementSet,
+	ExplicitDisputeStatement, InvalidDisputeStatementKind, MultiDisputeStatementSet, SessionIndex,
+	SigningContext, ValidDisputeStatementKind, ValidatorId, ValidatorIndex, ValidatorSignature,
 use scale_info::TypeInfo;
 use sp_runtime::{
@@ -952,6 +952,8 @@ impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
 			None => return StatementSetFilter::RemoveAll,
+		let config = <configuration::Pallet<T>>::config();
 		let n_validators = session_info.validators.len();
 		// Check for ancient.
@@ -1015,7 +1017,14 @@ impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
+					// This is here to prevent malicious nodes of generating
+					// `ValidDisputeStatementKind::ApprovalCheckingMultipleCandidates` before that
+					// is enabled, via setting `max_approval_coalesce_count` in the parachain host
+					// config.
+					config.approval_voting_params.max_approval_coalesce_count > 1,
 				) {
+					log::warn!("Failed to check dispute signature");
@@ -1260,22 +1269,31 @@ fn check_signature(
 	session: SessionIndex,
 	statement: &DisputeStatement,
 	validator_signature: &ValidatorSignature,
+	approval_multiple_candidates_enabled: bool,
 ) -> Result<(), ()> {
-	let payload = match *statement {
+	let payload = match statement {
 		DisputeStatement::Valid(ValidDisputeStatementKind::Explicit) =>
 			ExplicitDisputeStatement { valid: true, candidate_hash, session }.signing_payload(),
 		DisputeStatement::Valid(ValidDisputeStatementKind::BackingSeconded(inclusion_parent)) =>
 			CompactStatement::Seconded(candidate_hash).signing_payload(&SigningContext {
 				session_index: session,
-				parent_hash: inclusion_parent,
+				parent_hash: *inclusion_parent,
 		DisputeStatement::Valid(ValidDisputeStatementKind::BackingValid(inclusion_parent)) =>
 			CompactStatement::Valid(candidate_hash).signing_payload(&SigningContext {
 				session_index: session,
-				parent_hash: inclusion_parent,
+				parent_hash: *inclusion_parent,
 		DisputeStatement::Valid(ValidDisputeStatementKind::ApprovalChecking) =>
+		DisputeStatement::Valid(ValidDisputeStatementKind::ApprovalCheckingMultipleCandidates(
+			candidates,
+		)) =>
+			if approval_multiple_candidates_enabled && candidates.contains(&candidate_hash) {
+				ApprovalVoteMultipleCandidates(candidates).signing_payload(session)
+			} else {
+				return Err(())
+			},
 		DisputeStatement::Invalid(InvalidDisputeStatementKind::Explicit) =>
 			ExplicitDisputeStatement { valid: false, candidate_hash, session }.signing_payload(),
diff --git a/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/disputes/ b/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/disputes/
index 0757084084f..1f3f00132d6 100644
--- a/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/disputes/
+++ b/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/disputes/
@@ -1500,7 +1500,8 @@ fn test_check_signature() {
-		&signed_1
+		&signed_1,
+		true,
@@ -1508,7 +1509,8 @@ fn test_check_signature() {
-		&signed_1
+		&signed_1,
+		true
@@ -1516,7 +1518,8 @@ fn test_check_signature() {
-		&signed_1
+		&signed_1,
+		true,
@@ -1524,7 +1527,8 @@ fn test_check_signature() {
-		&signed_1
+		&signed_1,
+		true
@@ -1532,7 +1536,8 @@ fn test_check_signature() {
-		&signed_1
+		&signed_1,
+		true,
@@ -1540,7 +1545,8 @@ fn test_check_signature() {
-		&signed_1
+		&signed_1,
+		true
@@ -1548,7 +1554,8 @@ fn test_check_signature() {
-		&signed_1
+		&signed_1,
+		true
@@ -1556,7 +1563,8 @@ fn test_check_signature() {
-		&signed_1
+		&signed_1,
+		true,
@@ -1565,7 +1573,8 @@ fn test_check_signature() {
-		&signed_2
+		&signed_2,
+		true,
@@ -1573,7 +1582,8 @@ fn test_check_signature() {
-		&signed_2
+		&signed_2,
+		true,
@@ -1581,7 +1591,8 @@ fn test_check_signature() {
-		&signed_2
+		&signed_2,
+		true,
@@ -1589,7 +1600,8 @@ fn test_check_signature() {
-		&signed_2
+		&signed_2,
+		true
@@ -1597,7 +1609,8 @@ fn test_check_signature() {
-		&signed_2
+		&signed_2,
+		true,
@@ -1605,7 +1618,8 @@ fn test_check_signature() {
-		&signed_2
+		&signed_2,
+		true,
@@ -1613,7 +1627,8 @@ fn test_check_signature() {
-		&signed_2
+		&signed_2,
+		true,
@@ -1621,7 +1636,8 @@ fn test_check_signature() {
-		&signed_2
+		&signed_2,
+		true,
@@ -1629,7 +1645,8 @@ fn test_check_signature() {
-		&signed_2
+		&signed_2,
+		true,
@@ -1638,7 +1655,8 @@ fn test_check_signature() {
-		&signed_3
+		&signed_3,
+		true,
@@ -1646,7 +1664,8 @@ fn test_check_signature() {
-		&signed_3
+		&signed_3,
+		true,
@@ -1654,7 +1673,8 @@ fn test_check_signature() {
-		&signed_3
+		&signed_3,
+		true,
@@ -1662,7 +1682,8 @@ fn test_check_signature() {
-		&signed_3
+		&signed_3,
+		true,
@@ -1670,7 +1691,8 @@ fn test_check_signature() {
-		&signed_3
+		&signed_3,
+		true,
@@ -1678,7 +1700,8 @@ fn test_check_signature() {
-		&signed_3
+		&signed_3,
+		true,
@@ -1686,7 +1709,8 @@ fn test_check_signature() {
-		&signed_3
+		&signed_3,
+		true
@@ -1694,7 +1718,8 @@ fn test_check_signature() {
-		&signed_3
+		&signed_3,
+		true,
@@ -1702,7 +1727,8 @@ fn test_check_signature() {
-		&signed_3
+		&signed_3,
+		true,
@@ -1711,7 +1737,8 @@ fn test_check_signature() {
-		&signed_4
+		&signed_4,
+		true,
@@ -1719,7 +1746,8 @@ fn test_check_signature() {
-		&signed_4
+		&signed_4,
+		true,
@@ -1727,7 +1755,8 @@ fn test_check_signature() {
-		&signed_4
+		&signed_4,
+		true,
@@ -1735,7 +1764,8 @@ fn test_check_signature() {
-		&signed_4
+		&signed_4,
+		true,
@@ -1743,7 +1773,8 @@ fn test_check_signature() {
-		&signed_4
+		&signed_4,
+		true,
@@ -1751,7 +1782,8 @@ fn test_check_signature() {
-		&signed_4
+		&signed_4,
+		true,
@@ -1759,7 +1791,8 @@ fn test_check_signature() {
-		&signed_4
+		&signed_4,
+		true,
@@ -1767,7 +1800,8 @@ fn test_check_signature() {
-		&signed_4
+		&signed_4,
+		true,
@@ -1776,7 +1810,8 @@ fn test_check_signature() {
-		&signed_5
+		&signed_5,
+		true,
@@ -1784,7 +1819,8 @@ fn test_check_signature() {
-		&signed_5
+		&signed_5,
+		true,
@@ -1792,7 +1828,8 @@ fn test_check_signature() {
-		&signed_5
+		&signed_5,
+		true,
@@ -1800,7 +1837,8 @@ fn test_check_signature() {
-		&signed_5
+		&signed_5,
+		true,
@@ -1808,7 +1846,8 @@ fn test_check_signature() {
-		&signed_5
+		&signed_5,
+		true,
@@ -1816,7 +1855,8 @@ fn test_check_signature() {
-		&signed_5
+		&signed_5,
+		true,
@@ -1824,7 +1864,8 @@ fn test_check_signature() {
-		&signed_5
+		&signed_5,
+		true,
@@ -1832,7 +1873,8 @@ fn test_check_signature() {
-		&signed_5
+		&signed_5,
+		true,
diff --git a/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/runtime_api_impl/ b/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/runtime_api_impl/
index 200fd57915f..0da50f6a537 100644
--- a/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/runtime_api_impl/
+++ b/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/runtime_api_impl/
@@ -17,7 +17,10 @@
 //! Put implementations of functions from staging APIs here.
 use crate::{configuration, initializer, shared};
-use primitives::{vstaging::NodeFeatures, ValidatorIndex};
+use primitives::{
+	vstaging::{ApprovalVotingParams, NodeFeatures},
+	ValidatorIndex,
 use sp_std::{collections::btree_map::BTreeMap, prelude::Vec};
 /// Implementation for `DisabledValidators`
@@ -47,3 +50,9 @@ where
 pub fn node_features<T: initializer::Config>() -> NodeFeatures {
+/// Approval voting subsystem configuration parameteres
+pub fn approval_voting_params<T: initializer::Config>() -> ApprovalVotingParams {
+	let config = <configuration::Pallet<T>>::config();
+	config.approval_voting_params
diff --git a/polkadot/runtime/rococo/src/ b/polkadot/runtime/rococo/src/
index 1e40f14f492..43df232e92a 100644
--- a/polkadot/runtime/rococo/src/
+++ b/polkadot/runtime/rococo/src/
@@ -23,12 +23,13 @@
 use pallet_nis::WithMaximumOf;
 use parity_scale_codec::{Decode, Encode, MaxEncodedLen};
 use primitives::{
-	slashing, vstaging::NodeFeatures, AccountId, AccountIndex, Balance, BlockNumber,
-	CandidateEvent, CandidateHash, CommittedCandidateReceipt, CoreState, DisputeState,
-	ExecutorParams, GroupRotationInfo, Hash, Id as ParaId, InboundDownwardMessage,
-	InboundHrmpMessage, Moment, Nonce, OccupiedCoreAssumption, PersistedValidationData,
-	ScrapedOnChainVotes, SessionInfo, Signature, ValidationCode, ValidationCodeHash, ValidatorId,
-	ValidatorIndex, PARACHAIN_KEY_TYPE_ID,
+	slashing,
+	vstaging::{ApprovalVotingParams, NodeFeatures},
+	AccountId, AccountIndex, Balance, BlockNumber, CandidateEvent, CandidateHash,
+	CommittedCandidateReceipt, CoreState, DisputeState, ExecutorParams, GroupRotationInfo, Hash,
+	Id as ParaId, InboundDownwardMessage, InboundHrmpMessage, Moment, Nonce,
+	OccupiedCoreAssumption, PersistedValidationData, ScrapedOnChainVotes, SessionInfo, Signature,
+	ValidationCode, ValidationCodeHash, ValidatorId, ValidatorIndex, PARACHAIN_KEY_TYPE_ID,
 use runtime_common::{
 	assigned_slots, auctions, claims, crowdloan, identity_migrator, impl_runtime_weights,
@@ -1631,6 +1632,7 @@ pub mod migrations {
 		// Remove `im-online` pallet on-chain storage
 		frame_support::migrations::RemovePallet<ImOnlinePalletName, <Runtime as frame_system::Config>::DbWeight>,
+		parachains_configuration::migration::v11::MigrateToV11<Runtime>,
@@ -1792,7 +1794,7 @@ sp_api::impl_runtime_apis! {
-	#[api_version(9)]
+	#[api_version(10)]
 	impl primitives::runtime_api::ParachainHost<Block> for Runtime {
 		fn validators() -> Vec<ValidatorId> {
@@ -1936,6 +1938,10 @@ sp_api::impl_runtime_apis! {
+		fn approval_voting_params() -> ApprovalVotingParams {
+			parachains_staging_runtime_api_impl::approval_voting_params::<Runtime>()
+		}
 		fn disabled_validators() -> Vec<ValidatorIndex> {
diff --git a/polkadot/runtime/westend/src/ b/polkadot/runtime/westend/src/
index 0a70a493b29..9b8eff480f2 100644
--- a/polkadot/runtime/westend/src/
+++ b/polkadot/runtime/westend/src/
@@ -45,12 +45,14 @@ use pallet_session::historical as session_historical;
 use pallet_transaction_payment::{CurrencyAdapter, FeeDetails, RuntimeDispatchInfo};
 use parity_scale_codec::{Decode, Encode, MaxEncodedLen};
 use primitives::{
-	slashing, vstaging::NodeFeatures, AccountId, AccountIndex, Balance, BlockNumber,
-	CandidateEvent, CandidateHash, CommittedCandidateReceipt, CoreState, DisputeState,
-	ExecutorParams, GroupRotationInfo, Hash, Id as ParaId, InboundDownwardMessage,
-	InboundHrmpMessage, Moment, Nonce, OccupiedCoreAssumption, PersistedValidationData,
-	PvfCheckStatement, ScrapedOnChainVotes, SessionInfo, Signature, ValidationCode,
-	ValidationCodeHash, ValidatorId, ValidatorIndex, ValidatorSignature, PARACHAIN_KEY_TYPE_ID,
+	slashing,
+	vstaging::{ApprovalVotingParams, NodeFeatures},
+	AccountId, AccountIndex, Balance, BlockNumber, CandidateEvent, CandidateHash,
+	CommittedCandidateReceipt, CoreState, DisputeState, ExecutorParams, GroupRotationInfo, Hash,
+	Id as ParaId, InboundDownwardMessage, InboundHrmpMessage, Moment, Nonce,
+	OccupiedCoreAssumption, PersistedValidationData, PvfCheckStatement, ScrapedOnChainVotes,
+	SessionInfo, Signature, ValidationCode, ValidationCodeHash, ValidatorId, ValidatorIndex,
+	ValidatorSignature, PARACHAIN_KEY_TYPE_ID,
 use runtime_common::{
 	assigned_slots, auctions, crowdloan,
@@ -1649,6 +1651,7 @@ pub mod migrations {
 			<Runtime as frame_system::Config>::DbWeight,
+		parachains_configuration::migration::v11::MigrateToV11<Runtime>,
@@ -1789,7 +1792,7 @@ sp_api::impl_runtime_apis! {
-	#[api_version(9)]
+	#[api_version(10)]
 	impl primitives::runtime_api::ParachainHost<Block> for Runtime {
 		fn validators() -> Vec<ValidatorId> {
@@ -1933,6 +1936,10 @@ sp_api::impl_runtime_apis! {
+		fn approval_voting_params() -> ApprovalVotingParams {
+			parachains_staging_runtime_api_impl::approval_voting_params::<Runtime>()
+		}
 		fn disabled_validators() -> Vec<ValidatorIndex> {
diff --git a/polkadot/zombienet_tests/functional/0001-parachains-pvf.zndsl b/polkadot/zombienet_tests/functional/0001-parachains-pvf.zndsl
index 135999a092a..3e1d8ba771c 100644
--- a/polkadot/zombienet_tests/functional/0001-parachains-pvf.zndsl
+++ b/polkadot/zombienet_tests/functional/0001-parachains-pvf.zndsl
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ alice: parachain 2005 block height is at least 10 within 300 seconds
 alice: parachain 2006 block height is at least 10 within 300 seconds
 alice: parachain 2007 block height is at least 10 within 300 seconds
+alice: reports substrate_block_height{status="finalized"} is at least 30 within 400 seconds
 # Check preparation time is under 10s.
 # Check all buckets <= 10.
 alice: reports histogram polkadot_pvf_preparation_time has at least 1 samples in buckets ["0.1", "0.5", "1", "2", "3", "10"] within 10 seconds
diff --git a/polkadot/zombienet_tests/functional/0002-parachains-disputes.toml b/polkadot/zombienet_tests/functional/0002-parachains-disputes.toml
index e70322e13e6..27cd81dface 100644
--- a/polkadot/zombienet_tests/functional/0002-parachains-disputes.toml
+++ b/polkadot/zombienet_tests/functional/0002-parachains-disputes.toml
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@ timeout = 1000
   max_validators_per_core = 5
   needed_approvals = 8
+  max_approval_coalesce_count = 5
 chain = "rococo-local"
diff --git a/polkadot/zombienet_tests/functional/0009-approval-voting-coalescing.toml b/polkadot/zombienet_tests/functional/0009-approval-voting-coalescing.toml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..19c7015403d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polkadot/zombienet_tests/functional/0009-approval-voting-coalescing.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+timeout = 1000
+chain = "rococo-local"
+  needed_approvals = 4
+  relay_vrf_modulo_samples = 6
+  max_approval_coalesce_count = 5
+limits = { memory = "4G", cpu = "2" }
+requests = { memory = "2G", cpu = "1" }
+  [[relaychain.node_groups]]
+  name = "alice"
+  args = [ "-lparachain=trace,runtime=debug" ]
+  count = 13
+id = 2000
+addToGenesis = true
+genesis_state_generator = "undying-collator export-genesis-state --pov-size=100000 --pvf-complexity=1"
+  [parachains.collator]
+  name = "collator01"
+  image = "{{COL_IMAGE}}"
+  command = "undying-collator"
+  args = ["-lparachain=debug", "--pov-size=100000", "--pvf-complexity=1", "--parachain-id=2000"]
+id = 2001
+addToGenesis = true
+genesis_state_generator = "undying-collator export-genesis-state --pov-size=100000 --pvf-complexity=10"
+  [parachains.collator]
+  name = "collator02"
+  image = "{{COL_IMAGE}}"
+  command = "undying-collator"
+  args = ["-lparachain=debug", "--pov-size=100000", "--parachain-id=2001", "--pvf-complexity=10"]
+id = 2002
+addToGenesis = true
+genesis_state_generator = "undying-collator export-genesis-state --pov-size=100000 --pvf-complexity=100"
+  [parachains.collator]
+  name = "collator03"
+  image = "{{COL_IMAGE}}"
+  command = "undying-collator"
+  args = ["-lparachain=debug", "--pov-size=100000", "--parachain-id=2002", "--pvf-complexity=100"]
+id = 2003
+addToGenesis = true
+genesis_state_generator = "undying-collator export-genesis-state --pov-size=20000 --pvf-complexity=300"
+  [parachains.collator]
+  name = "collator04"
+  image = "{{COL_IMAGE}}"
+  command = "undying-collator"
+  args = ["-lparachain=debug", "--pov-size=20000", "--parachain-id=2003", "--pvf-complexity=300"]
+id = 2004
+addToGenesis = true
+genesis_state_generator = "undying-collator export-genesis-state --pov-size=100000 --pvf-complexity=300"
+  [parachains.collator]
+  name = "collator05"
+  image = "{{COL_IMAGE}}"
+  command = "undying-collator"
+  args = ["-lparachain=debug", "--pov-size=100000", "--parachain-id=2004", "--pvf-complexity=300"]
+id = 2005
+addToGenesis = true
+genesis_state_generator = "undying-collator export-genesis-state --pov-size=20000 --pvf-complexity=400"
+  [parachains.collator]
+  name = "collator06"
+  image = "{{COL_IMAGE}}"
+  command = "undying-collator"
+  args = ["-lparachain=debug", "--pov-size=20000",  "--pvf-complexity=400", "--parachain-id=2005"]
+id = 2006
+addToGenesis = true
+genesis_state_generator = "undying-collator export-genesis-state --pov-size=100000 --pvf-complexity=300"
+  [parachains.collator]
+  name = "collator07"
+  image = "{{COL_IMAGE}}"
+  command = "undying-collator"
+  args = ["-lparachain=debug", "--pov-size=100000",  "--pvf-complexity=300", "--parachain-id=2006"]
+id = 2007
+addToGenesis = true
+genesis_state_generator = "undying-collator export-genesis-state --pov-size=100000 --pvf-complexity=300"
+  [parachains.collator]
+  name = "collator08"
+  image = "{{COL_IMAGE}}"
+  command = "undying-collator"
+  args = ["-lparachain=debug", "--pov-size=100000",  "--pvf-complexity=300", "--parachain-id=2007"]
+number = "u64"
+parent_hash = "Hash"
+post_state = "Hash"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/polkadot/zombienet_tests/functional/0009-approval-voting-coalescing.zndsl b/polkadot/zombienet_tests/functional/0009-approval-voting-coalescing.zndsl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1fc4f678446
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polkadot/zombienet_tests/functional/0009-approval-voting-coalescing.zndsl
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+Description: Approval voting coalescing does not lag finality
+Network: ./0009-approval-voting-coalescing.toml
+Creds: config
+# Check authority status.
+alice: reports node_roles is 4
+# Ensure parachains are registered.
+alice: parachain 2000 is registered within 60 seconds
+alice: parachain 2001 is registered within 60 seconds
+alice: parachain 2002 is registered within 60 seconds
+alice: parachain 2003 is registered within 60 seconds
+alice: parachain 2004 is registered within 60 seconds
+alice: parachain 2005 is registered within 60 seconds
+alice: parachain 2006 is registered within 60 seconds
+alice: parachain 2007 is registered within 60 seconds
+# Ensure parachains made progress.
+alice: parachain 2000 block height is at least 10 within 300 seconds
+alice: parachain 2001 block height is at least 10 within 300 seconds
+alice: parachain 2002 block height is at least 10 within 300 seconds
+alice: parachain 2003 block height is at least 10 within 300 seconds
+alice: parachain 2004 block height is at least 10 within 300 seconds
+alice: parachain 2005 block height is at least 10 within 300 seconds
+alice: parachain 2006 block height is at least 10 within 300 seconds
+alice: parachain 2007 block height is at least 10 within 300 seconds
+alice: reports substrate_block_height{status="finalized"} is at least 30 within 400 seconds
+alice: reports polkadot_parachain_approval_checking_finality_lag < 3
+alice: reports polkadot_parachain_approvals_no_shows_total < 3 within 10 seconds
diff --git a/prdoc/pr_1191.prdoc b/prdoc/pr_1191.prdoc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..26626731be4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prdoc/pr_1191.prdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+title: Approve multiple candidates with a single signature
+  - audience: Node Operator
+    description: |
+      Changed approval-voting, approval-distribution to approve multiple candidate with a single message, it adds:
+      * A new parachains_db version.
+      * A new validation protocol to support the new message types.
+      The new logic will be disabled and will be enabled at a later date after all validators have upgraded.
+  db:
+    - name: Parachains database change from v4 to v5.
+      description: |
+        Approval-voting column format has been updated with several new fields. All existing data will be automatically
+        be migrated to the new values.
+  - name: "polkadot"
+host_functions: []