diff --git a/bridges/bin/runtime-common/src/extensions/check_obsolete_extension.rs b/bridges/bin/runtime-common/src/extensions/check_obsolete_extension.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4b0c052df8008410cb531c21d173ead2c4fdd450
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bridges/bin/runtime-common/src/extensions/check_obsolete_extension.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
+// This file is part of Parity Bridges Common.
+// Parity Bridges Common is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// Parity Bridges Common is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with Parity Bridges Common.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! Transaction extension that rejects bridge-related transactions, that include
+//! obsolete (duplicated) data or do not pass some additional pallet-specific
+//! checks.
+use crate::messages_call_ext::MessagesCallSubType;
+use pallet_bridge_grandpa::CallSubType as GrandpaCallSubType;
+use pallet_bridge_parachains::CallSubType as ParachainsCallSubtype;
+use sp_runtime::transaction_validity::TransactionValidity;
+/// A duplication of the `FilterCall` trait.
+/// We need this trait in order to be able to implement it for the messages pallet,
+/// since the implementation is done outside of the pallet crate.
+pub trait BridgeRuntimeFilterCall<Call> {
+	/// Checks if a runtime call is valid.
+	fn validate(call: &Call) -> TransactionValidity;
+impl<T, I: 'static> BridgeRuntimeFilterCall<T::RuntimeCall> for pallet_bridge_grandpa::Pallet<T, I>
+	T: pallet_bridge_grandpa::Config<I>,
+	T::RuntimeCall: GrandpaCallSubType<T, I>,
+	fn validate(call: &T::RuntimeCall) -> TransactionValidity {
+		GrandpaCallSubType::<T, I>::check_obsolete_submit_finality_proof(call)
+	}
+impl<T, I: 'static> BridgeRuntimeFilterCall<T::RuntimeCall>
+	for pallet_bridge_parachains::Pallet<T, I>
+	T: pallet_bridge_parachains::Config<I>,
+	T::RuntimeCall: ParachainsCallSubtype<T, I>,
+	fn validate(call: &T::RuntimeCall) -> TransactionValidity {
+		ParachainsCallSubtype::<T, I>::check_obsolete_submit_parachain_heads(call)
+	}
+impl<T: pallet_bridge_messages::Config<I>, I: 'static> BridgeRuntimeFilterCall<T::RuntimeCall>
+	for pallet_bridge_messages::Pallet<T, I>
+	T::RuntimeCall: MessagesCallSubType<T, I>,
+	/// Validate messages in order to avoid "mining" messages delivery and delivery confirmation
+	/// transactions, that are delivering outdated messages/confirmations. Without this validation,
+	/// even honest relayers may lose their funds if there are multiple relays running and
+	/// submitting the same messages/confirmations.
+	fn validate(call: &T::RuntimeCall) -> TransactionValidity {
+		call.check_obsolete_call()
+	}
+/// Declares a runtime-specific `BridgeRejectObsoleteHeadersAndMessages` signed extension.
+/// ## Example
+/// ```nocompile
+/// generate_bridge_reject_obsolete_headers_and_messages!{
+///     Call, AccountId
+///     BridgeRococoGrandpa, BridgeRococoMessages,
+///     BridgeRococoParachains
+/// }
+/// ```
+/// The goal of this extension is to avoid "mining" transactions that provide outdated bridged
+/// headers and messages. Without that extension, even honest relayers may lose their funds if
+/// there are multiple relays running and submitting the same information.
+macro_rules! generate_bridge_reject_obsolete_headers_and_messages {
+	($call:ty, $account_id:ty, $($filter_call:ty),*) => {
+		#[derive(Clone, codec::Decode, Default, codec::Encode, Eq, PartialEq, sp_runtime::RuntimeDebug, scale_info::TypeInfo)]
+		pub struct BridgeRejectObsoleteHeadersAndMessages;
+		impl sp_runtime::traits::SignedExtension for BridgeRejectObsoleteHeadersAndMessages {
+			const IDENTIFIER: &'static str = "BridgeRejectObsoleteHeadersAndMessages";
+			type AccountId = $account_id;
+			type Call = $call;
+			type AdditionalSigned = ();
+			type Pre = ();
+			fn additional_signed(&self) -> sp_std::result::Result<
+				(),
+				sp_runtime::transaction_validity::TransactionValidityError,
+			> {
+				Ok(())
+			}
+			fn validate(
+				&self,
+				_who: &Self::AccountId,
+				call: &Self::Call,
+				_info: &sp_runtime::traits::DispatchInfoOf<Self::Call>,
+				_len: usize,
+			) -> sp_runtime::transaction_validity::TransactionValidity {
+				let valid = sp_runtime::transaction_validity::ValidTransaction::default();
+				$(
+					let valid = valid
+						.combine_with(<$filter_call as $crate::extensions::check_obsolete_extension::BridgeRuntimeFilterCall<$call>>::validate(call)?);
+				)*
+				Ok(valid)
+			}
+			fn pre_dispatch(
+				self,
+				who: &Self::AccountId,
+				call: &Self::Call,
+				info: &sp_runtime::traits::DispatchInfoOf<Self::Call>,
+				len: usize,
+			) -> Result<Self::Pre, sp_runtime::transaction_validity::TransactionValidityError> {
+				self.validate(who, call, info, len).map(drop)
+			}
+		}
+	};
+mod tests {
+	use super::*;
+	use frame_support::{assert_err, assert_ok};
+	use sp_runtime::{
+		traits::SignedExtension,
+		transaction_validity::{InvalidTransaction, TransactionValidity, ValidTransaction},
+	};
+	pub struct MockCall {
+		data: u32,
+	}
+	impl sp_runtime::traits::Dispatchable for MockCall {
+		type RuntimeOrigin = ();
+		type Config = ();
+		type Info = ();
+		type PostInfo = ();
+		fn dispatch(
+			self,
+			_origin: Self::RuntimeOrigin,
+		) -> sp_runtime::DispatchResultWithInfo<Self::PostInfo> {
+			unimplemented!()
+		}
+	}
+	struct FirstFilterCall;
+	impl BridgeRuntimeFilterCall<MockCall> for FirstFilterCall {
+		fn validate(call: &MockCall) -> TransactionValidity {
+			if call.data <= 1 {
+				return InvalidTransaction::Custom(1).into()
+			}
+			Ok(ValidTransaction { priority: 1, ..Default::default() })
+		}
+	}
+	struct SecondFilterCall;
+	impl BridgeRuntimeFilterCall<MockCall> for SecondFilterCall {
+		fn validate(call: &MockCall) -> TransactionValidity {
+			if call.data <= 2 {
+				return InvalidTransaction::Custom(2).into()
+			}
+			Ok(ValidTransaction { priority: 2, ..Default::default() })
+		}
+	}
+	#[test]
+	fn test() {
+		generate_bridge_reject_obsolete_headers_and_messages!(
+			MockCall,
+			(),
+			FirstFilterCall,
+			SecondFilterCall
+		);
+		assert_err!(
+			BridgeRejectObsoleteHeadersAndMessages.validate(&(), &MockCall { data: 1 }, &(), 0),
+			InvalidTransaction::Custom(1)
+		);
+		assert_err!(
+			BridgeRejectObsoleteHeadersAndMessages.validate(&(), &MockCall { data: 2 }, &(), 0),
+			InvalidTransaction::Custom(2)
+		);
+		assert_ok!(
+			BridgeRejectObsoleteHeadersAndMessages.validate(&(), &MockCall { data: 3 }, &(), 0),
+			ValidTransaction { priority: 3, ..Default::default() }
+		)
+	}
diff --git a/bridges/bin/runtime-common/src/extensions/mod.rs b/bridges/bin/runtime-common/src/extensions/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3f1b506aaae3ef66fe6f44379258356a2074464c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bridges/bin/runtime-common/src/extensions/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
+// This file is part of Parity Bridges Common.
+// Parity Bridges Common is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// Parity Bridges Common is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with Parity Bridges Common.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! Bridge-specific transaction extensions.
+pub mod check_obsolete_extension;
+pub mod priority_calculator;
+pub mod refund_relayer_extension;
diff --git a/bridges/bin/runtime-common/src/priority_calculator.rs b/bridges/bin/runtime-common/src/extensions/priority_calculator.rs
similarity index 100%
rename from bridges/bin/runtime-common/src/priority_calculator.rs
rename to bridges/bin/runtime-common/src/extensions/priority_calculator.rs
diff --git a/bridges/bin/runtime-common/src/refund_relayer_extension.rs b/bridges/bin/runtime-common/src/extensions/refund_relayer_extension.rs
similarity index 99%
rename from bridges/bin/runtime-common/src/refund_relayer_extension.rs
rename to bridges/bin/runtime-common/src/extensions/refund_relayer_extension.rs
index 455392a0a277f3520cd7f58150f12e7420d36014..f97b23ecaaa99fdaed0a54d00b2b89c14847750a 100644
--- a/bridges/bin/runtime-common/src/refund_relayer_extension.rs
+++ b/bridges/bin/runtime-common/src/extensions/refund_relayer_extension.rs
@@ -520,8 +520,9 @@ where
 		// compute priority boost
-		let priority_boost =
-			crate::priority_calculator::compute_priority_boost::<T::Priority>(bundled_messages);
+		let priority_boost = crate::extensions::priority_calculator::compute_priority_boost::<
+			T::Priority,
+		>(bundled_messages);
 		let valid_transaction = ValidTransactionBuilder::default().priority(priority_boost);
diff --git a/bridges/bin/runtime-common/src/lib.rs b/bridges/bin/runtime-common/src/lib.rs
index 2722f6f1c6d14f09ab215f8f020f2c449eda4d4b..5679acd6006ccb8540f940f0f90363f902d643f7 100644
--- a/bridges/bin/runtime-common/src/lib.rs
+++ b/bridges/bin/runtime-common/src/lib.rs
@@ -19,11 +19,7 @@
 #![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
-use crate::messages_call_ext::MessagesCallSubType;
-use pallet_bridge_grandpa::CallSubType as GrandpaCallSubType;
-use pallet_bridge_parachains::CallSubType as ParachainsCallSubtype;
-use sp_runtime::transaction_validity::TransactionValidity;
+pub mod extensions;
 pub mod messages;
 pub mod messages_api;
 pub mod messages_benchmarking;
@@ -31,8 +27,6 @@ pub mod messages_call_ext;
 pub mod messages_generation;
 pub mod messages_xcm_extension;
 pub mod parachains_benchmarking;
-pub mod priority_calculator;
-pub mod refund_relayer_extension;
 mod mock;
@@ -40,184 +34,3 @@ mod mock;
 pub mod integrity;
 const LOG_TARGET_BRIDGE_DISPATCH: &str = "runtime::bridge-dispatch";
-/// A duplication of the `FilterCall` trait.
-/// We need this trait in order to be able to implement it for the messages pallet,
-/// since the implementation is done outside of the pallet crate.
-pub trait BridgeRuntimeFilterCall<Call> {
-	/// Checks if a runtime call is valid.
-	fn validate(call: &Call) -> TransactionValidity;
-impl<T, I: 'static> BridgeRuntimeFilterCall<T::RuntimeCall> for pallet_bridge_grandpa::Pallet<T, I>
-	T: pallet_bridge_grandpa::Config<I>,
-	T::RuntimeCall: GrandpaCallSubType<T, I>,
-	fn validate(call: &T::RuntimeCall) -> TransactionValidity {
-		GrandpaCallSubType::<T, I>::check_obsolete_submit_finality_proof(call)
-	}
-impl<T, I: 'static> BridgeRuntimeFilterCall<T::RuntimeCall>
-	for pallet_bridge_parachains::Pallet<T, I>
-	T: pallet_bridge_parachains::Config<I>,
-	T::RuntimeCall: ParachainsCallSubtype<T, I>,
-	fn validate(call: &T::RuntimeCall) -> TransactionValidity {
-		ParachainsCallSubtype::<T, I>::check_obsolete_submit_parachain_heads(call)
-	}
-impl<T: pallet_bridge_messages::Config<I>, I: 'static> BridgeRuntimeFilterCall<T::RuntimeCall>
-	for pallet_bridge_messages::Pallet<T, I>
-	T::RuntimeCall: MessagesCallSubType<T, I>,
-	/// Validate messages in order to avoid "mining" messages delivery and delivery confirmation
-	/// transactions, that are delivering outdated messages/confirmations. Without this validation,
-	/// even honest relayers may lose their funds if there are multiple relays running and
-	/// submitting the same messages/confirmations.
-	fn validate(call: &T::RuntimeCall) -> TransactionValidity {
-		call.check_obsolete_call()
-	}
-/// Declares a runtime-specific `BridgeRejectObsoleteHeadersAndMessages` signed extension.
-/// ## Example
-/// ```nocompile
-/// generate_bridge_reject_obsolete_headers_and_messages!{
-///     Call, AccountId
-///     BridgeRococoGrandpa, BridgeRococoMessages,
-///     BridgeRococoParachains
-/// }
-/// ```
-/// The goal of this extension is to avoid "mining" transactions that provide outdated bridged
-/// headers and messages. Without that extension, even honest relayers may lose their funds if
-/// there are multiple relays running and submitting the same information.
-macro_rules! generate_bridge_reject_obsolete_headers_and_messages {
-	($call:ty, $account_id:ty, $($filter_call:ty),*) => {
-		#[derive(Clone, codec::Decode, Default, codec::Encode, Eq, PartialEq, sp_runtime::RuntimeDebug, scale_info::TypeInfo)]
-		pub struct BridgeRejectObsoleteHeadersAndMessages;
-		impl sp_runtime::traits::SignedExtension for BridgeRejectObsoleteHeadersAndMessages {
-			const IDENTIFIER: &'static str = "BridgeRejectObsoleteHeadersAndMessages";
-			type AccountId = $account_id;
-			type Call = $call;
-			type AdditionalSigned = ();
-			type Pre = ();
-			fn additional_signed(&self) -> sp_std::result::Result<
-				(),
-				sp_runtime::transaction_validity::TransactionValidityError,
-			> {
-				Ok(())
-			}
-			fn validate(
-				&self,
-				_who: &Self::AccountId,
-				call: &Self::Call,
-				_info: &sp_runtime::traits::DispatchInfoOf<Self::Call>,
-				_len: usize,
-			) -> sp_runtime::transaction_validity::TransactionValidity {
-				let valid = sp_runtime::transaction_validity::ValidTransaction::default();
-				$(
-					let valid = valid
-						.combine_with(<$filter_call as $crate::BridgeRuntimeFilterCall<$call>>::validate(call)?);
-				)*
-				Ok(valid)
-			}
-			fn pre_dispatch(
-				self,
-				who: &Self::AccountId,
-				call: &Self::Call,
-				info: &sp_runtime::traits::DispatchInfoOf<Self::Call>,
-				len: usize,
-			) -> Result<Self::Pre, sp_runtime::transaction_validity::TransactionValidityError> {
-				self.validate(who, call, info, len).map(drop)
-			}
-		}
-	};
-mod tests {
-	use crate::BridgeRuntimeFilterCall;
-	use frame_support::{assert_err, assert_ok};
-	use sp_runtime::{
-		traits::SignedExtension,
-		transaction_validity::{InvalidTransaction, TransactionValidity, ValidTransaction},
-	};
-	pub struct MockCall {
-		data: u32,
-	}
-	impl sp_runtime::traits::Dispatchable for MockCall {
-		type RuntimeOrigin = ();
-		type Config = ();
-		type Info = ();
-		type PostInfo = ();
-		fn dispatch(
-			self,
-			_origin: Self::RuntimeOrigin,
-		) -> sp_runtime::DispatchResultWithInfo<Self::PostInfo> {
-			unimplemented!()
-		}
-	}
-	struct FirstFilterCall;
-	impl BridgeRuntimeFilterCall<MockCall> for FirstFilterCall {
-		fn validate(call: &MockCall) -> TransactionValidity {
-			if call.data <= 1 {
-				return InvalidTransaction::Custom(1).into()
-			}
-			Ok(ValidTransaction { priority: 1, ..Default::default() })
-		}
-	}
-	struct SecondFilterCall;
-	impl BridgeRuntimeFilterCall<MockCall> for SecondFilterCall {
-		fn validate(call: &MockCall) -> TransactionValidity {
-			if call.data <= 2 {
-				return InvalidTransaction::Custom(2).into()
-			}
-			Ok(ValidTransaction { priority: 2, ..Default::default() })
-		}
-	}
-	#[test]
-	fn test() {
-		generate_bridge_reject_obsolete_headers_and_messages!(
-			MockCall,
-			(),
-			FirstFilterCall,
-			SecondFilterCall
-		);
-		assert_err!(
-			BridgeRejectObsoleteHeadersAndMessages.validate(&(), &MockCall { data: 1 }, &(), 0),
-			InvalidTransaction::Custom(1)
-		);
-		assert_err!(
-			BridgeRejectObsoleteHeadersAndMessages.validate(&(), &MockCall { data: 2 }, &(), 0),
-			InvalidTransaction::Custom(2)
-		);
-		assert_ok!(
-			BridgeRejectObsoleteHeadersAndMessages.validate(&(), &MockCall { data: 3 }, &(), 0),
-			ValidTransaction { priority: 3, ..Default::default() }
-		)
-	}
diff --git a/bridges/primitives/relayers/src/registration.rs b/bridges/primitives/relayers/src/registration.rs
index bc2d0d127aefec3c6982b17915202cc0f87984f2..38fa7c2d9075b7e84986eb4ff173cdb24db5610f 100644
--- a/bridges/primitives/relayers/src/registration.rs
+++ b/bridges/primitives/relayers/src/registration.rs
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 //! required finality proofs). This extension boosts priority of message delivery
 //! transactions, based on the number of bundled messages. So transaction with more
 //! messages has larger priority than the transaction with less messages.
-//! See `bridge_runtime_common::priority_calculator` for details;
+//! See `bridge_runtime_common::extensions::priority_calculator` for details;
 //! This encourages relayers to include more messages to their delivery transactions.
 //! At the same time, we are not verifying storage proofs before boosting
diff --git a/cumulus/parachains/runtimes/bridge-hubs/bridge-hub-rococo/src/bridge_to_bulletin_config.rs b/cumulus/parachains/runtimes/bridge-hubs/bridge-hub-rococo/src/bridge_to_bulletin_config.rs
index 6dbf96edc2ab0360385b8e04bf1dc52732abd9ca..8845f0538b5c828f459431f1a01b54fefc98e9dc 100644
--- a/cumulus/parachains/runtimes/bridge-hubs/bridge-hub-rococo/src/bridge_to_bulletin_config.rs
+++ b/cumulus/parachains/runtimes/bridge-hubs/bridge-hub-rococo/src/bridge_to_bulletin_config.rs
@@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ use crate::{
 use bp_messages::LaneId;
 use bp_runtime::Chain;
 use bridge_runtime_common::{
+	extensions::refund_relayer_extension::{
+		ActualFeeRefund, RefundBridgedGrandpaMessages, RefundSignedExtensionAdapter,
+		RefundableMessagesLane,
+	},
 		source::{FromBridgedChainMessagesDeliveryProof, TargetHeaderChainAdapter},
@@ -39,10 +43,6 @@ use bridge_runtime_common::{
 		SenderAndLane, XcmAsPlainPayload, XcmBlobHauler, XcmBlobHaulerAdapter,
 		XcmBlobMessageDispatch, XcmVersionOfDestAndRemoteBridge,
-	refund_relayer_extension::{
-		ActualFeeRefund, RefundBridgedGrandpaMessages, RefundSignedExtensionAdapter,
-		RefundableMessagesLane,
-	},
 use frame_support::{parameter_types, traits::PalletInfoAccess};
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ mod tests {
 		// Bulletin chain - it has the same (almost) runtime for Polkadot Bulletin and Rococo
 		// Bulletin, so we have to adhere Polkadot names here
-		bridge_runtime_common::priority_calculator::ensure_priority_boost_is_sane::<
+		bridge_runtime_common::extensions::priority_calculator::ensure_priority_boost_is_sane::<
diff --git a/cumulus/parachains/runtimes/bridge-hubs/bridge-hub-rococo/src/bridge_to_westend_config.rs b/cumulus/parachains/runtimes/bridge-hubs/bridge-hub-rococo/src/bridge_to_westend_config.rs
index 5d55d7afbacfdb22f6939c88e87eaf64321945ff..e5a00073407f8f754f58ef88e825ca598b7bde94 100644
--- a/cumulus/parachains/runtimes/bridge-hubs/bridge-hub-rococo/src/bridge_to_westend_config.rs
+++ b/cumulus/parachains/runtimes/bridge-hubs/bridge-hub-rococo/src/bridge_to_westend_config.rs
@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@ use crate::{
 use bp_messages::LaneId;
 use bp_runtime::Chain;
 use bridge_runtime_common::{
+	extensions::refund_relayer_extension::{
+		ActualFeeRefund, RefundBridgedParachainMessages, RefundSignedExtensionAdapter,
+		RefundableMessagesLane, RefundableParachain,
+	},
 		source::{FromBridgedChainMessagesDeliveryProof, TargetHeaderChainAdapter},
@@ -38,10 +42,6 @@ use bridge_runtime_common::{
 		SenderAndLane, XcmAsPlainPayload, XcmBlobHauler, XcmBlobHaulerAdapter,
 		XcmBlobMessageDispatch, XcmVersionOfDestAndRemoteBridge,
-	refund_relayer_extension::{
-		ActualFeeRefund, RefundBridgedParachainMessages, RefundSignedExtensionAdapter,
-		RefundableMessagesLane, RefundableParachain,
-	},
 use codec::Encode;
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ mod tests {
-		bridge_runtime_common::priority_calculator::ensure_priority_boost_is_sane::<
+		bridge_runtime_common::extensions::priority_calculator::ensure_priority_boost_is_sane::<
diff --git a/cumulus/parachains/runtimes/bridge-hubs/bridge-hub-westend/src/bridge_to_rococo_config.rs b/cumulus/parachains/runtimes/bridge-hubs/bridge-hub-westend/src/bridge_to_rococo_config.rs
index bce722aa5f87d006af0ec71429d6c84eeab4972d..d5da41cce2860c8b12db49f1defc5a6764bc6535 100644
--- a/cumulus/parachains/runtimes/bridge-hubs/bridge-hub-westend/src/bridge_to_rococo_config.rs
+++ b/cumulus/parachains/runtimes/bridge-hubs/bridge-hub-westend/src/bridge_to_rococo_config.rs
@@ -25,6 +25,10 @@ use bp_messages::LaneId;
 use bp_parachains::SingleParaStoredHeaderDataBuilder;
 use bp_runtime::Chain;
 use bridge_runtime_common::{
+	extensions::refund_relayer_extension::{
+		ActualFeeRefund, RefundBridgedParachainMessages, RefundSignedExtensionAdapter,
+		RefundableMessagesLane, RefundableParachain,
+	},
 		source::{FromBridgedChainMessagesDeliveryProof, TargetHeaderChainAdapter},
@@ -35,10 +39,6 @@ use bridge_runtime_common::{
 		SenderAndLane, XcmAsPlainPayload, XcmBlobHauler, XcmBlobHaulerAdapter,
 		XcmBlobMessageDispatch, XcmVersionOfDestAndRemoteBridge,
-	refund_relayer_extension::{
-		ActualFeeRefund, RefundBridgedParachainMessages, RefundSignedExtensionAdapter,
-		RefundableMessagesLane, RefundableParachain,
-	},
 use codec::Encode;
 use frame_support::{
@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ mod tests {
-		bridge_runtime_common::priority_calculator::ensure_priority_boost_is_sane::<
+		bridge_runtime_common::extensions::priority_calculator::ensure_priority_boost_is_sane::<