diff --git a/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/src/lib.rs b/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/src/lib.rs
index 5c6835e3bb4df92a0082d0e6327c164eeb49c398..46b561906837c8ee9f7ed68188e328cd918025b3 100644
--- a/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/src/lib.rs
+++ b/substrate/core/finality-grandpa/src/lib.rs
@@ -512,8 +512,6 @@ pub fn run_grandpa_voter<B, E, Block: BlockT<Hash=H256>, N, RA, SC, X>(
 	} = grandpa_params;
-	use futures::future::{self, Loop as FutureLoop};
 	let LinkHalf {
@@ -521,19 +519,17 @@ pub fn run_grandpa_voter<B, E, Block: BlockT<Hash=H256>, N, RA, SC, X>(
 	} = link;
-	let PersistentData { authority_set, set_state, consensus_changes } = persistent_data;
 	let (network, network_startup) = NetworkBridge::new(
-		set_state.clone(),
+		persistent_data.set_state.clone(),
 	register_finality_tracker_inherent_data_provider(client.clone(), &inherent_data_providers)?;
 	let telemetry_task = if let Some(telemetry_on_connect) = telemetry_on_connect {
-		let authorities = authority_set.clone();
+		let authorities = persistent_data.authority_set.clone();
 		let events = telemetry_on_connect.telemetry_connection_sinks
 			.for_each(move |_| {
 				telemetry!(CONSENSUS_INFO; "afg.authority_set";
@@ -555,30 +551,95 @@ pub fn run_grandpa_voter<B, E, Block: BlockT<Hash=H256>, N, RA, SC, X>(
-	let voters = authority_set.current_authorities();
-	let initial_environment = Arc::new(Environment {
-		inner: client.clone(),
-		config: config.clone(),
-		select_chain: select_chain.clone(),
-		voters: Arc::new(voters),
-		network: network.clone(),
-		set_id: authority_set.set_id(),
-		authority_set: authority_set.clone(),
-		consensus_changes: consensus_changes.clone(),
-		voter_set_state: set_state.clone(),
-	});
-	let initial_state = (initial_environment, voter_commands_rx.into_future());
-	let voter_work = future::loop_fn(initial_state, move |params| {
-		let (env, voter_commands_rx) = params;
-		debug!(target: "afg", "{}: Starting new voter with set ID {}", config.name(), env.set_id);
+	let voter_work = VoterWork::new(
+		client,
+		config,
+		network,
+		select_chain,
+		persistent_data,
+		voter_commands_rx
+	);
+	let voter_work = voter_work
+		.map(|_| ())
+		.map_err(|e| {
+			error!("GRANDPA Voter failed: {:?}", e);
+			telemetry!(CONSENSUS_WARN; "afg.voter_failed"; "e" => ?e);
+		});
+	let voter_work = network_startup.and_then(move |()| voter_work);
+	// Make sure that `telemetry_task` doesn't accidentally finish and kill grandpa.
+	let telemetry_task = telemetry_task
+		.then(|_| futures::future::empty::<(), ()>());
+	Ok(voter_work.select(on_exit).select2(telemetry_task).then(|_| Ok(())))
+/// Future that powers the voter.
+struct VoterWork<B, E, Block: BlockT, N: Network<Block>, RA, SC> {
+	voter: Box<dyn Future<Item = (), Error = CommandOrError<Block::Hash, NumberFor<Block>>> + Send>,
+	env: Arc<Environment<B, E, Block, N, RA, SC>>,
+	voter_commands_rx: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<VoterCommand<Block::Hash, NumberFor<Block>>>,
+impl<B, E, Block, N, RA, SC> VoterWork<B, E, Block, N, RA, SC>
+	Block: BlockT<Hash=H256>,
+	N: Network<Block> + Sync,
+	N::In: Send + 'static,
+	NumberFor<Block>: BlockNumberOps,
+	RA: 'static + Send + Sync,
+	E: CallExecutor<Block, Blake2Hasher> + Send + Sync + 'static,
+	B: Backend<Block, Blake2Hasher> + 'static,
+	SC: SelectChain<Block> + 'static,
+	fn new(
+		client: Arc<Client<B, E, Block, RA>>,
+		config: Config,
+		network: NetworkBridge<Block, N>,
+		select_chain: SC,
+		persistent_data: PersistentData<Block>,
+		voter_commands_rx: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<VoterCommand<Block::Hash, NumberFor<Block>>>,
+	) -> Self {
+		let voters = persistent_data.authority_set.current_authorities();
+		let env = Arc::new(Environment {
+			inner: client,
+			select_chain,
+			voters: Arc::new(voters),
+			config,
+			network,
+			set_id: persistent_data.authority_set.set_id(),
+			authority_set: persistent_data.authority_set.clone(),
+			consensus_changes: persistent_data.consensus_changes.clone(),
+			voter_set_state: persistent_data.set_state.clone(),
+		});
+		let mut work = VoterWork {
+			// `voter` is set to a temporary value and replaced below when
+			// calling `rebuild_voter`.
+			voter: Box::new(futures::empty()) as Box<_>,
+			env,
+			voter_commands_rx,
+		};
+		work.rebuild_voter();
+		work
+	}
+	/// Rebuilds the `self.voter` field using the current authority set
+	/// state. This method should be called when we know that the authority set
+	/// has changed (e.g. as signalled by a voter command).
+	fn rebuild_voter(&mut self) {
+		debug!(target: "afg", "{}: Starting new voter with set ID {}", self.env.config.name(), self.env.set_id);
 		telemetry!(CONSENSUS_DEBUG; "afg.starting_new_voter";
-			"name" => ?config.name(), "set_id" => ?env.set_id
+			"name" => ?self.env.config.name(), "set_id" => ?self.env.set_id
-		let mut maybe_voter = match &*env.voter_set_state.read() {
+		match &*self.env.voter_set_state.read() {
 			VoterSetState::Live { completed_rounds, .. } => {
-				let chain_info = client.info();
+				let chain_info = self.env.inner.info();
 				let last_finalized = (
@@ -586,140 +647,147 @@ pub fn run_grandpa_voter<B, E, Block: BlockT<Hash=H256>, N, RA, SC, X>(
 				let global_comms = global_communication(
-					env.set_id,
-					&env.voters,
-					&client,
-					&network,
-					&config.keystore,
+					self.env.set_id,
+					&self.env.voters,
+					&self.env.inner,
+					&self.env.network,
+					&self.env.config.keystore,
 				let last_completed_round = completed_rounds.last();
-				Some(voter::Voter::new(
-					env.clone(),
-					(*env.voters).clone(),
+				let voter = voter::Voter::new(
+					self.env.clone(),
+					(*self.env.voters).clone(),
-				))
+				);
+				self.voter = Box::new(voter);
-			VoterSetState::Paused { .. } => None,
+			VoterSetState::Paused { .. } =>
+				self.voter = Box::new(futures::empty()),
+	}
-		// needs to be combined with another future otherwise it can deadlock.
-		let poll_voter = future::poll_fn(move || match maybe_voter {
-			Some(ref mut voter) => voter.poll(),
-			None => Ok(Async::NotReady),
-		});
+	fn handle_voter_command(
+		&mut self,
+		command: VoterCommand<Block::Hash, NumberFor<Block>>
+	) -> Result<(), Error> {
+		match command {
+			VoterCommand::ChangeAuthorities(new) => {
+				let voters: Vec<String> = new.authorities.iter().map(move |(a, _)| {
+					format!("{}", a)
+				}).collect();
+				telemetry!(CONSENSUS_INFO; "afg.voter_command_change_authorities";
+					"number" => ?new.canon_number,
+					"hash" => ?new.canon_hash,
+					"voters" => ?voters,
+					"set_id" => ?new.set_id,
+				);
-		let client = client.clone();
-		let config = config.clone();
-		let network = network.clone();
-		let select_chain = select_chain.clone();
-		let authority_set = authority_set.clone();
-		let consensus_changes = consensus_changes.clone();
-		let handle_voter_command = move |command: VoterCommand<_, _>, voter_commands_rx| {
-			match command {
-				VoterCommand::ChangeAuthorities(new) => {
-					let voters: Vec<String> = new.authorities.iter().map(move |(a, _)| {
-						format!("{}", a)
-					}).collect();
-					telemetry!(CONSENSUS_INFO; "afg.voter_command_change_authorities";
-						"number" => ?new.canon_number,
-						"hash" => ?new.canon_hash,
-						"voters" => ?voters,
-						"set_id" => ?new.set_id,
-					);
+				// start the new authority set using the block where the
+				// set changed (not where the signal happened!) as the base.
+				let set_state = VoterSetState::live(
+					new.set_id,
+					&*self.env.authority_set.inner().read(),
+					(new.canon_hash, new.canon_number),
+				);
-					// start the new authority set using the block where the
-					// set changed (not where the signal happened!) as the base.
-					let set_state = VoterSetState::live(
-						new.set_id,
-						&*authority_set.inner().read(),
-						(new.canon_hash, new.canon_number),
-					);
+				#[allow(deprecated)]
+				aux_schema::write_voter_set_state(&**self.env.inner.backend(), &set_state)?;
+				let set_state: SharedVoterSetState<_> = set_state.into();
+				self.env = Arc::new(Environment {
+					voters: Arc::new(new.authorities.into_iter().collect()),
+					set_id: new.set_id,
+					voter_set_state: set_state,
+					// Fields below are simply transferred and not updated.
+					inner: self.env.inner.clone(),
+					select_chain: self.env.select_chain.clone(),
+					config: self.env.config.clone(),
+					authority_set: self.env.authority_set.clone(),
+					consensus_changes: self.env.consensus_changes.clone(),
+					network: self.env.network.clone(),
+				});
+				self.rebuild_voter();
+				Ok(())
+			}
+			VoterCommand::Pause(reason) => {
+				info!(target: "afg", "Pausing old validator set: {}", reason);
+				// not racing because old voter is shut down.
+				self.env.update_voter_set_state(|voter_set_state| {
+					let completed_rounds = voter_set_state.completed_rounds();
+					let set_state = VoterSetState::Paused { completed_rounds };
-					aux_schema::write_voter_set_state(&**client.backend(), &set_state)?;
-					let set_state: SharedVoterSetState<_> = set_state.into();
-					let env = Arc::new(Environment {
-						inner: client,
-						select_chain,
-						config,
-						voters: Arc::new(new.authorities.into_iter().collect()),
-						set_id: new.set_id,
-						network,
-						authority_set,
-						consensus_changes,
-						voter_set_state: set_state,
-					});
-					Ok(FutureLoop::Continue((env, voter_commands_rx)))
-				}
-				VoterCommand::Pause(reason) => {
-					info!(target: "afg", "Pausing old validator set: {}", reason);
+					aux_schema::write_voter_set_state(&**self.env.inner.backend(), &set_state)?;
+					Ok(Some(set_state))
+				})?;
-					// not racing because old voter is shut down.
-					env.update_voter_set_state(|voter_set_state| {
-						let completed_rounds = voter_set_state.completed_rounds();
-						let set_state = VoterSetState::Paused { completed_rounds };
+				self.rebuild_voter();
+				Ok(())
+			}
+		}
+	}
-						#[allow(deprecated)]
-						aux_schema::write_voter_set_state(&**client.backend(), &set_state)?;
-						Ok(Some(set_state))
-					})?;
+impl<B, E, Block, N, RA, SC> Future for VoterWork<B, E, Block, N, RA, SC>
+	Block: BlockT<Hash=H256>,
+	N: Network<Block> + Sync,
+	N::In: Send + 'static,
+	NumberFor<Block>: BlockNumberOps,
+	RA: 'static + Send + Sync,
+	E: CallExecutor<Block, Blake2Hasher> + Send + Sync + 'static,
+	B: Backend<Block, Blake2Hasher> + 'static,
+	SC: SelectChain<Block> + 'static,
+	type Item = ();
+	type Error = Error;
-					Ok(FutureLoop::Continue((env, voter_commands_rx)))
-				},
+	fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<Self::Item, Self::Error> {
+		match self.voter.poll() {
+			Ok(Async::NotReady) => {}
+			Ok(Async::Ready(())) => {
+				// voters don't conclude naturally
+				return Err(Error::Safety("GRANDPA voter has concluded.".into()))
-		};
+			Err(CommandOrError::Error(e)) => {
+				// return inner observer error
+				return Err(e)
+			}
+			Err(CommandOrError::VoterCommand(command)) => {
+				// some command issued internally
+				self.handle_voter_command(command)?;
+				futures::task::current().notify();
+			}
+		}
-		poll_voter.select2(voter_commands_rx).then(move |res| match res {
-			Ok(future::Either::A(((), _))) => {
-				// voters don't conclude naturally
-				Err(Error::Safety("GRANDPA voter has concluded.".into()))
-			},
-			Err(future::Either::B(_)) => {
+		match self.voter_commands_rx.poll() {
+			Ok(Async::NotReady) => {}
+			Err(_) => {
 				// the `voter_commands_rx` stream should not fail.
-				Ok(FutureLoop::Break(()))
-			},
-			Ok(future::Either::B(((None, _), _))) => {
+				return Ok(Async::Ready(()))
+			}
+			Ok(Async::Ready(None)) => {
 				// the `voter_commands_rx` stream should never conclude since it's never closed.
-				Ok(FutureLoop::Break(()))
-			},
-			Err(future::Either::A((CommandOrError::Error(e), _))) => {
-				// return inner voter error
-				Err(e)
+				return Ok(Async::Ready(()))
-			Ok(future::Either::B(((Some(command), voter_commands_rx), _))) => {
-				// some command issued externally.
-				handle_voter_command(command, voter_commands_rx.into_future())
+			Ok(Async::Ready(Some(command))) => {
+				// some command issued externally
+				self.handle_voter_command(command)?;
+				futures::task::current().notify();
-			Err(future::Either::A((CommandOrError::VoterCommand(command), voter_commands_rx))) => {
-				// some command issued internally.
-				handle_voter_command(command, voter_commands_rx)
-			},
-		})
-	});
-	let voter_work = voter_work
-		.map(|_| ())
-		.map_err(|e| {
-			error!("GRANDPA Voter failed: {:?}", e);
-			telemetry!(CONSENSUS_WARN; "afg.voter_failed"; "e" => ?e);
-		});
-	let voter_work = network_startup.and_then(move |()| voter_work);
-	// Make sure that `telemetry_task` doesn't accidentally finish and kill grandpa.
-	let telemetry_task = telemetry_task
-		.then(|_| futures::future::empty::<(), ()>());
+		}
-	Ok(voter_work.select(on_exit).select2(telemetry_task).then(|_| Ok(())))
+		Ok(Async::NotReady)
+	}
 #[deprecated(since = "1.1", note = "Please switch to run_grandpa_voter.")]