From 92d0c0b769605c7f90308689888729c4d4bf11f2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Shawn Tabrizi <>
Date: Sun, 3 May 2020 10:54:21 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Remove Old Migration Code (#5870)

* remove old migration code

* Remove old staking

* Remove indices migration

* Remove upgrade test in transaction-payment

* oops

* Revert "Remove old staking"

This reverts commit 95262b1ac43c9b5bcf49d2ae80800feabcbbbaa0.

* remove migration test in staking

* fix warnings
 substrate/frame/democracy/src/          |  25 ----
 substrate/frame/indices/src/            |  34 +----
 substrate/frame/offences/src/           |   8 --
 substrate/frame/staking/src/            |  49 -------
 substrate/frame/staking/src/          | 135 ------------------
 .../frame/transaction-payment/src/      |  48 -------
 6 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 298 deletions(-)

diff --git a/substrate/frame/democracy/src/ b/substrate/frame/democracy/src/
index b60d658cde5..ddc3b36f4c8 100644
--- a/substrate/frame/democracy/src/
+++ b/substrate/frame/democracy/src/
@@ -525,12 +525,6 @@ decl_module! {
 		fn deposit_event() = default;
-		fn on_runtime_upgrade() -> Weight {
-			Self::migrate();
-			0
-		}
 		/// Propose a sensitive action to be taken.
 		/// The dispatch origin of this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must
@@ -1268,25 +1262,6 @@ decl_module! {
 impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
-	fn migrate() {
-		use frame_support::{Twox64Concat, migration::{StorageKeyIterator, remove_storage_prefix}};
-		remove_storage_prefix(b"Democracy", b"VotesOf", &[]);
-		remove_storage_prefix(b"Democracy", b"VotersFor", &[]);
-		remove_storage_prefix(b"Democracy", b"Delegations", &[]);
-		for (who, (end, proposal_hash, threshold, delay))
-			in StorageKeyIterator::<
-				ReferendumIndex,
-				(T::BlockNumber, T::Hash, VoteThreshold, T::BlockNumber),
-				Twox64Concat,
-			>::new(b"Democracy", b"ReferendumInfoOf").drain()
-		{
-			let status = ReferendumStatus {
-				end, proposal_hash, threshold, delay, tally: Tally::default()
-			};
-			ReferendumInfoOf::<T>::insert(who, ReferendumInfo::Ongoing(status))
-		}
-	}
 	// exposed immutables.
 	/// Get the amount locked in support of `proposal`; `None` if proposal isn't a valid proposal
diff --git a/substrate/frame/indices/src/ b/substrate/frame/indices/src/
index 4861197eda3..8c17fed5921 100644
--- a/substrate/frame/indices/src/
+++ b/substrate/frame/indices/src/
@@ -22,13 +22,11 @@
 use sp_std::prelude::*;
 use codec::Codec;
 use sp_runtime::traits::{
-	StaticLookup, Member, LookupError, Zero, One, BlakeTwo256, Hash, Saturating, AtLeast32Bit
+	StaticLookup, Member, LookupError, Zero, Saturating, AtLeast32Bit
 use frame_support::{Parameter, decl_module, decl_error, decl_event, decl_storage, ensure};
-use frame_support::weights::Weight;
 use frame_support::dispatch::DispatchResult;
 use frame_support::traits::{Currency, ReservableCurrency, Get, BalanceStatus::Reserved};
-use frame_support::storage::migration::take_storage_value;
 use frame_system::{ensure_signed, ensure_root};
 use self::address::Address as RawAddress;
@@ -99,12 +97,6 @@ decl_module! {
 	pub struct Module<T: Trait> for enum Call where origin: T::Origin, system = frame_system {
 		fn deposit_event() = default;
-		fn on_initialize() -> Weight {
-			Self::migrations();
-			0
-		}
 		/// Assign an previously unassigned index.
 		/// Payment: `Deposit` is reserved from the sender account.
@@ -241,30 +233,6 @@ impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
 			address::Address::Index(i) => Self::lookup_index(i),
-	/// Do any migrations.
-	fn migrations() {
-		if let Some(set_count) = take_storage_value::<T::AccountIndex>(b"Indices", b"NextEnumSet", b"") {
-			// migrations need doing.
-			let set_size: T::AccountIndex = 64.into();
-			let mut set_index: T::AccountIndex = Zero::zero();
-			while set_index < set_count {
-				let maybe_accounts = take_storage_value::<Vec<T::AccountId>>(b"Indices", b"EnumSet", BlakeTwo256::hash_of(&set_index).as_ref());
-				if let Some(accounts) = maybe_accounts {
-					for (item_index, target) in accounts.into_iter().enumerate() {
-						if target != T::AccountId::default() && !T::Currency::total_balance(&target).is_zero() {
-							let index = set_index * set_size + T::AccountIndex::from(item_index as u32);
-							Accounts::<T>::insert(index, (target, BalanceOf::<T>::zero()));
-						}
-					}
-				} else {
-					break;
-				}
-				set_index += One::one();
-			}
-		}
-	}
 impl<T: Trait> StaticLookup for Module<T> {
diff --git a/substrate/frame/offences/src/ b/substrate/frame/offences/src/
index 1ad188a7a83..b877d1e2b20 100644
--- a/substrate/frame/offences/src/
+++ b/substrate/frame/offences/src/
@@ -99,14 +99,6 @@ decl_module! {
 	pub struct Module<T: Trait> for enum Call where origin: T::Origin {
 		fn deposit_event() = default;
-		fn on_runtime_upgrade() -> Weight {
-			Reports::<T>::remove_all();
-			ConcurrentReportsIndex::<T>::remove_all();
-			ReportsByKindIndex::remove_all();
-			0
-		}
 		fn on_initialize(now: T::BlockNumber) -> Weight {
 			// only decode storage if we can actually submit anything again.
 			if T::OnOffenceHandler::can_report() {
diff --git a/substrate/frame/staking/src/ b/substrate/frame/staking/src/
index 67240d8d34b..ca3fb51ecb7 100644
--- a/substrate/frame/staking/src/
+++ b/substrate/frame/staking/src/
@@ -1246,18 +1246,6 @@ decl_module! {
-		fn on_runtime_upgrade() -> Weight {
-			// For Kusama the type hasn't actually changed as Moment was u64 and was the number of
-			// millisecond since unix epoch.
-			StorageVersion::mutate(|v| {
-				if matches!(v, Releases::V2_0_0) {
-					Self::migrate_last_reward_to_claimed_rewards();
-				}
-				*v = Releases::V3_0_0;
-			});
-			0
-		}
 		/// Take the origin account as a stash and lock up `value` of its balance. `controller` will
 		/// be the account that controls it.
@@ -1935,43 +1923,6 @@ decl_module! {
 impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
-	/// Migrate `last_reward` to `claimed_rewards`
-	pub fn migrate_last_reward_to_claimed_rewards() {
-		use frame_support::migration::{StorageIterator, put_storage_value};
-		// Migrate from `last_reward` to `claimed_rewards`.
-		// We will construct a vector from `current_era - history_depth` to `last_reward`
-		// for each validator and nominator.
-		//
-		// Old Staking Ledger
-		#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Encode, Decode, RuntimeDebug)]
-		struct OldStakingLedger<AccountId, Balance: HasCompact> {
-			pub stash: AccountId,
-			#[codec(compact)]
-			pub total: Balance,
-			#[codec(compact)]
-			pub active: Balance,
-			pub unlocking: Vec<UnlockChunk<Balance>>,
-			pub last_reward: Option<EraIndex>,
-		}
-		// Current era and history depth
-		let current_era = Self::current_era().unwrap_or(0);
-		let history_depth = Self::history_depth();
-		let last_payout_era = current_era.saturating_sub(history_depth);
-		// Convert all ledgers to the new format.
-		for (hash, old_ledger) in StorageIterator::<OldStakingLedger<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>>::new(b"Staking", b"Ledger").drain() {
-			let last_reward = old_ledger.last_reward.unwrap_or(0);
-			let new_ledger = StakingLedger {
-				stash: old_ledger.stash,
-				total:,
-				active:,
-				unlocking: old_ledger.unlocking,
-				claimed_rewards: (last_payout_era..=last_reward).collect(),
-			};
-			put_storage_value(b"Staking", b"Ledger", &hash, new_ledger);
-		}
-		MigrateEra::put(current_era);
-	}
 	/// The total balance that can be slashed from a stash account as of right now.
 	pub fn slashable_balance_of(stash: &T::AccountId) -> BalanceOf<T> {
diff --git a/substrate/frame/staking/src/ b/substrate/frame/staking/src/
index 84c937d324c..f3dddc87ed7 100644
--- a/substrate/frame/staking/src/
+++ b/substrate/frame/staking/src/
@@ -4267,141 +4267,6 @@ fn bond_during_era_correctly_populates_claimed_rewards() {
 /* These migration tests below can be removed once migration code is removed */
-fn assert_migration_is_noop() {
-	let kusama_active_era = "4a0200000190e2721171010000";
-	let era = ActiveEraInfo::decode(&mut &hex::decode(kusama_active_era).unwrap()[..]).unwrap();
-	assert_eq!(era.index, 586);
-	assert_eq!(era.start, Some(1585135674000));
-fn test_last_reward_migration() {
-	use sp_storage::Storage;
-	let mut s = Storage::default();
-	#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Encode, Decode, RuntimeDebug)]
-	struct OldStakingLedger<AccountId, Balance: HasCompact> {
-		pub stash: AccountId,
-		#[codec(compact)]
-		pub total: Balance,
-		#[codec(compact)]
-		pub active: Balance,
-		pub unlocking: Vec<UnlockChunk<Balance>>,
-		pub last_reward: Option<EraIndex>,
-	}
-	let old_staking10 = OldStakingLedger::<u64, u64> {
-		stash: 0,
-		total: 10,
-		active: 10,
-		unlocking: vec![UnlockChunk{ value: 1234, era: 56}],
-		last_reward: Some(8),
-	};
-	let old_staking11 = OldStakingLedger::<u64, u64> {
-		stash: 1,
-		total: 0,
-		active: 0,
-		unlocking: vec![],
-		last_reward: None,
-	};
-	let old_staking12 = OldStakingLedger::<u64, u64> {
-		stash: 2,
-		total: 100,
-		active: 100,
-		unlocking: vec![UnlockChunk{ value: 9876, era: 54}, UnlockChunk{ value: 98, era: 76}],
-		last_reward: Some(23),
-	};
-	let old_staking13 = OldStakingLedger::<u64, u64> {
-		stash: 3,
-		total: 100,
-		active: 100,
-		unlocking: vec![],
-		last_reward: Some(23),
-	};
-	let data = vec![
-		(
-			Ledger::<Test>::hashed_key_for(10),
-			old_staking10.encode().to_vec()
-		),
-		(
-			Ledger::<Test>::hashed_key_for(11),
-			old_staking11.encode().to_vec()
-		),
-		(
-			Ledger::<Test>::hashed_key_for(12),
-			old_staking12.encode().to_vec()
-		),
-		(
-			Ledger::<Test>::hashed_key_for(13),
-			old_staking13.encode().to_vec()
-		),
-	];
- = data.into_iter().collect();
-	sp_io::TestExternalities::new(s).execute_with(|| {
-		HistoryDepth::put(84);
-		CurrentEra::put(99);
-		let nominations = Nominations::<AccountId> {
-			targets: vec![],
-			submitted_in: 0,
-			suppressed: false
-		};
-		Nominators::<Test>::insert(3, nominations);
-		Bonded::<Test>::insert(3, 13);
-		Staking::migrate_last_reward_to_claimed_rewards();
-		// Test staker out of range
-		assert_eq!(
-			Ledger::<Test>::get(10),
-			Some(StakingLedger {
-				stash: 0,
-				total: 10,
-				active: 10,
-				unlocking: vec![UnlockChunk{ value: 1234, era: 56}],
-				claimed_rewards: vec![],
-			})
-		);
-		// Test staker none
-		assert_eq!(
-			Ledger::<Test>::get(11),
-			Some(StakingLedger {
-				stash: 1,
-				total: 0,
-				active: 0,
-				unlocking: vec![],
-				claimed_rewards: vec![],
-			})
-		);
-		// Test staker migration
-		assert_eq!(
-			Ledger::<Test>::get(12),
-			Some(StakingLedger {
-				stash: 2,
-				total: 100,
-				active: 100,
-				unlocking: vec![UnlockChunk{ value: 9876, era: 54}, UnlockChunk{ value: 98, era: 76}],
-				claimed_rewards: vec![15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23],
-			})
-		);
-		// Test nominator migration
-		assert_eq!(
-			Ledger::<Test>::get(13),
-			Some(StakingLedger {
-				stash: 3,
-				total: 100,
-				active: 100,
-				unlocking: vec![],
-				claimed_rewards: vec![15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23],
-			})
-		);
-	});
 fn rewards_should_work_before_migration() {
 	// should check that before migration:
diff --git a/substrate/frame/transaction-payment/src/ b/substrate/frame/transaction-payment/src/
index c5992ab1298..fdcb9122a25 100644
--- a/substrate/frame/transaction-payment/src/
+++ b/substrate/frame/transaction-payment/src/
@@ -93,20 +93,6 @@ decl_module! {
 				*fm = T::FeeMultiplierUpdate::convert(*fm)
-		fn on_runtime_upgrade() -> Weight {
-			// TODO: Remove this code after on-chain upgrade from u32 to u64 weights
-			use sp_runtime::Fixed64;
-			use frame_support::migration::take_storage_value;
-			if let Some(old_next_fee_multiplier) = take_storage_value::<Fixed64>(b"TransactionPayment", b"NextFeeMultiplier", &[]) {
-				let raw_multiplier = old_next_fee_multiplier.into_inner() as i128;
-				// Fixed64 used 10^9 precision, where Fixed128 uses 10^18, so we need to add 9 zeros.
-				let new_raw_multiplier: i128 = raw_multiplier.saturating_mul(1_000_000_000);
-				let new_next_fee_multiplier: Fixed128 = Fixed128::from_parts(new_raw_multiplier);
-				NextFeeMultiplier::put(new_next_fee_multiplier);
-			}
-			0
-		}
@@ -844,38 +830,4 @@ mod tests {
 			assert_eq!(Balances::free_balance(2), 200 - 5 - 10 - 100 - 5);
-	// TODO Remove after u32 to u64 weights upgrade
-	#[test]
-	fn upgrade_to_fixed128_works() {
-		// TODO You can remove this from dev-dependencies after removing this test
-		use sp_storage::Storage;
-		use sp_runtime::Fixed64;
-		use frame_support::storage::generator::StorageValue;
-		use frame_support::traits::OnRuntimeUpgrade;
-		use core::num::NonZeroI128;
-		let mut s = Storage::default();
-		let original_multiplier = Fixed64::from_rational(1, 2);
-		let data = vec![
-			(
-				NextFeeMultiplier::storage_value_final_key().to_vec(),
-				original_multiplier.encode().to_vec()
-			),
-		];
- = data.into_iter().collect();
-		sp_io::TestExternalities::new(s).execute_with(|| {
-			let old_value = NextFeeMultiplier::get();
-			assert!(old_value != Fixed128::from_rational(1, NonZeroI128::new(2).unwrap()));
-			// Convert Fixed64(.5) to Fixed128(.5)
-			TransactionPayment::on_runtime_upgrade();
-			let new_value = NextFeeMultiplier::get();
-			assert_eq!(new_value, Fixed128::from_rational(1, NonZeroI128::new(2).unwrap()));
-		});
-	}