From 8af45d24ce10af123f59e66c0c235c698ac67d54 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Bastian=20K=C3=B6cher?= <>
Date: Mon, 8 Jul 2024 16:02:48 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] sp-core: Improve docs generated by
 `generate_feature_enabled_macro` (#4968)





We sadly can not remove the `_macro_name`, but this way we at least show
the correct macro plus docs.
 substrate/primitives/core/src/ | 27 +++++++++------------------
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/substrate/primitives/core/src/ b/substrate/primitives/core/src/
index 098bd135bfe..78ec92e4be9 100644
--- a/substrate/primitives/core/src/
+++ b/substrate/primitives/core/src/
@@ -430,16 +430,7 @@ pub const MAX_POSSIBLE_ALLOCATION: u32 = 33554432; // 2^25 bytes, 32 MiB
 macro_rules! generate_feature_enabled_macro {
 	( $macro_name:ident, $feature_name:meta, $d:tt ) => {
-			/// Enable/disable the given code depending on
-			#[doc = concat!("`", stringify!($feature_name), "`")]
-			/// being enabled for the crate or not.
-			///
-			/// # Example
-			/// ```nocompile
-			/// // Will add the code depending on the feature being enabled or not.
-			#[doc = concat!(stringify!($macro_name), "!( println!(\"Hello\") )")]
-			/// ```
 			macro_rules! [<_ $macro_name>] {
@@ -448,6 +439,13 @@ macro_rules! generate_feature_enabled_macro {
+			///
+ 			#[cfg(not($feature_name))]
+			#[macro_export]
+			macro_rules! [<_ $macro_name>] {
+				( $d ( $d input:tt )* ) => {};
+			}
 			/// Enable/disable the given code depending on
 			#[doc = concat!("`", stringify!($feature_name), "`")]
 			/// being enabled for the crate or not.
@@ -458,15 +456,8 @@ macro_rules! generate_feature_enabled_macro {
 			/// // Will add the code depending on the feature being enabled or not.
 			#[doc = concat!(stringify!($macro_name), "!( println!(\"Hello\") )")]
 			/// ```
-			#[cfg(not($feature_name))]
-			#[macro_export]
-			macro_rules! [<_ $macro_name>] {
-				( $d ( $d input:tt )* ) => {};
-			}
-			// Work around for: <>
-			#[doc(hidden)]
-			pub use [<_ $macro_name>] as $macro_name;
+			//			
+ 			pub use [<_ $macro_name>] as $macro_name;