diff --git a/substrate/frame/support/src/lib.rs b/substrate/frame/support/src/lib.rs
index 0cdaadbdae3a2441fa4fea73cfe34325e5089970..52b3907f64ced7c29c03ec3dbce563d3eb36153b 100644
--- a/substrate/frame/support/src/lib.rs
+++ b/substrate/frame/support/src/lib.rs
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ macro_rules! generate_storage_alias {
-	($pallet:ident, $name:ident => NMap<$(($key:ty, $hasher:ty),)+ $value:ty>) => {
+	($pallet:ident, $name:ident => NMap<Key<$(($key:ty, $hasher:ty)),+>, $value:ty>) => {
 		$crate::paste::paste! {
 			$crate::generate_storage_alias!(@GENERATE_INSTANCE_STRUCT $pallet, $name);
 			type $name = $crate::storage::types::StorageNMap<
diff --git a/substrate/frame/support/src/storage/generator/double_map.rs b/substrate/frame/support/src/storage/generator/double_map.rs
index 5a775b50b6f5411aa7df686e123d8a5f108d934a..cec5bf57e50ceecd24760972048bbb0042e3eae7 100644
--- a/substrate/frame/support/src/storage/generator/double_map.rs
+++ b/substrate/frame/support/src/storage/generator/double_map.rs
@@ -369,6 +369,15 @@ where
+	fn iter_prefix_from(
+		k1: impl EncodeLike<K1>,
+		starting_raw_key: Vec<u8>,
+	) -> Self::PrefixIterator {
+		let mut iter = Self::iter_prefix(k1);
+		iter.set_last_raw_key(starting_raw_key);
+		iter
+	}
 	fn iter_key_prefix(k1: impl EncodeLike<K1>) -> Self::PartialKeyIterator {
 		let prefix = G::storage_double_map_final_key1(k1);
 		Self::PartialKeyIterator {
@@ -382,6 +391,15 @@ where
+	fn iter_key_prefix_from(
+		k1: impl EncodeLike<K1>,
+		starting_raw_key: Vec<u8>,
+	) -> Self::PartialKeyIterator {
+		let mut iter = Self::iter_key_prefix(k1);
+		iter.set_last_raw_key(starting_raw_key);
+		iter
+	}
 	fn drain_prefix(k1: impl EncodeLike<K1>) -> Self::PrefixIterator {
 		let mut iterator = Self::iter_prefix(k1);
 		iterator.drain = true;
@@ -404,6 +422,12 @@ where
+	fn iter_from(starting_raw_key: Vec<u8>) -> Self::Iterator {
+		let mut iter = Self::iter();
+		iter.set_last_raw_key(starting_raw_key);
+		iter
+	}
 	fn iter_keys() -> Self::FullKeyIterator {
 		let prefix = G::prefix_hash();
 		Self::FullKeyIterator {
@@ -420,6 +444,12 @@ where
+	fn iter_keys_from(starting_raw_key: Vec<u8>) -> Self::FullKeyIterator {
+		let mut iter = Self::iter_keys();
+		iter.set_last_raw_key(starting_raw_key);
+		iter
+	}
 	fn drain() -> Self::Iterator {
 		let mut iterator = Self::iter();
 		iterator.drain = true;
@@ -509,6 +539,42 @@ mod test_iterators {
+	#[test]
+	fn double_map_iter_from() {
+		sp_io::TestExternalities::default().execute_with(|| {
+			use crate::hash::Identity;
+			crate::generate_storage_alias!(
+				MyModule,
+				MyDoubleMap => DoubleMap<(u64, Identity), (u64, Identity), u64>
+			);
+			MyDoubleMap::insert(1, 10, 100);
+			MyDoubleMap::insert(1, 21, 201);
+			MyDoubleMap::insert(1, 31, 301);
+			MyDoubleMap::insert(1, 41, 401);
+			MyDoubleMap::insert(2, 20, 200);
+			MyDoubleMap::insert(3, 30, 300);
+			MyDoubleMap::insert(4, 40, 400);
+			MyDoubleMap::insert(5, 50, 500);
+			let starting_raw_key = MyDoubleMap::storage_double_map_final_key(1, 21);
+			let iter = MyDoubleMap::iter_key_prefix_from(1, starting_raw_key);
+			assert_eq!(iter.collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![31, 41]);
+			let starting_raw_key = MyDoubleMap::storage_double_map_final_key(1, 31);
+			let iter = MyDoubleMap::iter_prefix_from(1, starting_raw_key);
+			assert_eq!(iter.collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![(41, 401)]);
+			let starting_raw_key = MyDoubleMap::storage_double_map_final_key(2, 20);
+			let iter = MyDoubleMap::iter_keys_from(starting_raw_key);
+			assert_eq!(iter.collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![(3, 30), (4, 40), (5, 50)]);
+			let starting_raw_key = MyDoubleMap::storage_double_map_final_key(3, 30);
+			let iter = MyDoubleMap::iter_from(starting_raw_key);
+			assert_eq!(iter.collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![(4, 40, 400), (5, 50, 500)]);
+		});
+	}
 	fn double_map_reversible_reversible_iteration() {
 		sp_io::TestExternalities::default().execute_with(|| {
diff --git a/substrate/frame/support/src/storage/generator/map.rs b/substrate/frame/support/src/storage/generator/map.rs
index 48593dba17bd2b4648239a210cb6373ee3e31630..b78e9f96496faaa91ce3bc39741737415d9a3c09 100644
--- a/substrate/frame/support/src/storage/generator/map.rs
+++ b/substrate/frame/support/src/storage/generator/map.rs
@@ -153,6 +153,13 @@ where
+	/// Enumerate all elements in the map after a given key.
+	fn iter_from(starting_raw_key: Vec<u8>) -> Self::Iterator {
+		let mut iter = Self::iter();
+		iter.set_last_raw_key(starting_raw_key);
+		iter
+	}
 	/// Enumerate all keys in the map.
 	fn iter_keys() -> Self::KeyIterator {
 		let prefix = G::prefix_hash();
@@ -167,6 +174,13 @@ where
+	/// Enumerate all keys in the map after a given key.
+	fn iter_keys_from(starting_raw_key: Vec<u8>) -> Self::KeyIterator {
+		let mut iter = Self::iter_keys();
+		iter.set_last_raw_key(starting_raw_key);
+		iter
+	}
 	/// Enumerate all elements in the map.
 	fn drain() -> Self::Iterator {
 		let mut iterator = Self::iter();
@@ -382,6 +396,28 @@ mod test_iterators {
+	#[test]
+	fn map_iter_from() {
+		sp_io::TestExternalities::default().execute_with(|| {
+			use crate::hash::Identity;
+			crate::generate_storage_alias!(MyModule, MyMap => Map<(u64, Identity), u64>);
+			MyMap::insert(1, 10);
+			MyMap::insert(2, 20);
+			MyMap::insert(3, 30);
+			MyMap::insert(4, 40);
+			MyMap::insert(5, 50);
+			let starting_raw_key = MyMap::storage_map_final_key(3);
+			let iter = MyMap::iter_from(starting_raw_key);
+			assert_eq!(iter.collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![(4, 40), (5, 50)]);
+			let starting_raw_key = MyMap::storage_map_final_key(2);
+			let iter = MyMap::iter_keys_from(starting_raw_key);
+			assert_eq!(iter.collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![3, 4, 5]);
+		});
+	}
 	fn map_reversible_reversible_iteration() {
 		sp_io::TestExternalities::default().execute_with(|| {
diff --git a/substrate/frame/support/src/storage/generator/mod.rs b/substrate/frame/support/src/storage/generator/mod.rs
index 86129091b7ef203d9efd1f73943352cf21a875e1..576bada2e262c89f4afb85341db4684337d616fd 100644
--- a/substrate/frame/support/src/storage/generator/mod.rs
+++ b/substrate/frame/support/src/storage/generator/mod.rs
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 //! This is internal api and is subject to change.
 mod double_map;
-mod map;
+pub(crate) mod map;
 mod nmap;
 mod value;
diff --git a/substrate/frame/support/src/storage/generator/nmap.rs b/substrate/frame/support/src/storage/generator/nmap.rs
index 595c21caf22e5a4c86808a3fc63651052f8b1e10..2ea401f44e96f95822ca728f92042fb22142aec7 100755
--- a/substrate/frame/support/src/storage/generator/nmap.rs
+++ b/substrate/frame/support/src/storage/generator/nmap.rs
@@ -329,6 +329,18 @@ impl<K: ReversibleKeyGenerator, V: FullCodec, G: StorageNMap<K, V>>
+	fn iter_prefix_from<KP>(
+		kp: KP,
+		starting_raw_key: Vec<u8>,
+	) -> PrefixIterator<(<K as HasKeyPrefix<KP>>::Suffix, V)>
+	where
+		K: HasReversibleKeyPrefix<KP>,
+	{
+		let mut iter = Self::iter_prefix(kp);
+		iter.set_last_raw_key(starting_raw_key);
+		iter
+	}
 	fn iter_key_prefix<KP>(kp: KP) -> KeyPrefixIterator<<K as HasKeyPrefix<KP>>::Suffix>
 		K: HasReversibleKeyPrefix<KP>,
@@ -342,6 +354,18 @@ impl<K: ReversibleKeyGenerator, V: FullCodec, G: StorageNMap<K, V>>
+	fn iter_key_prefix_from<KP>(
+		kp: KP,
+		starting_raw_key: Vec<u8>,
+	) -> KeyPrefixIterator<<K as HasKeyPrefix<KP>>::Suffix>
+	where
+		K: HasReversibleKeyPrefix<KP>,
+	{
+		let mut iter = Self::iter_key_prefix(kp);
+		iter.set_last_raw_key(starting_raw_key);
+		iter
+	}
 	fn drain_prefix<KP>(kp: KP) -> PrefixIterator<(<K as HasKeyPrefix<KP>>::Suffix, V)>
 		K: HasReversibleKeyPrefix<KP>,
@@ -352,10 +376,14 @@ impl<K: ReversibleKeyGenerator, V: FullCodec, G: StorageNMap<K, V>>
 	fn iter() -> Self::Iterator {
+		Self::iter_from(G::prefix_hash())
+	}
+	fn iter_from(starting_raw_key: Vec<u8>) -> Self::Iterator {
 		let prefix = G::prefix_hash();
 		Self::Iterator {
-			prefix: prefix.clone(),
-			previous_key: prefix,
+			prefix,
+			previous_key: starting_raw_key,
 			drain: false,
 			closure: |raw_key_without_prefix, mut raw_value| {
 				let (final_key, _) = K::decode_final_key(raw_key_without_prefix)?;
@@ -365,10 +393,14 @@ impl<K: ReversibleKeyGenerator, V: FullCodec, G: StorageNMap<K, V>>
 	fn iter_keys() -> Self::KeyIterator {
+		Self::iter_keys_from(G::prefix_hash())
+	}
+	fn iter_keys_from(starting_raw_key: Vec<u8>) -> Self::KeyIterator {
 		let prefix = G::prefix_hash();
 		Self::KeyIterator {
-			prefix: prefix.clone(),
-			previous_key: prefix,
+			prefix,
+			previous_key: starting_raw_key,
 			drain: false,
 			closure: |raw_key_without_prefix| {
 				let (final_key, _) = K::decode_final_key(raw_key_without_prefix)?;
@@ -457,6 +489,46 @@ mod test_iterators {
+	#[test]
+	fn n_map_iter_from() {
+		sp_io::TestExternalities::default().execute_with(|| {
+			use crate::{hash::Identity, storage::Key as NMapKey};
+			crate::generate_storage_alias!(
+				MyModule,
+				MyNMap => NMap<Key<(u64, Identity), (u64, Identity), (u64, Identity)>, u64>
+			);
+			MyNMap::insert((1, 1, 1), 11);
+			MyNMap::insert((1, 1, 2), 21);
+			MyNMap::insert((1, 1, 3), 31);
+			MyNMap::insert((1, 2, 1), 12);
+			MyNMap::insert((1, 2, 2), 22);
+			MyNMap::insert((1, 2, 3), 32);
+			MyNMap::insert((1, 3, 1), 13);
+			MyNMap::insert((1, 3, 2), 23);
+			MyNMap::insert((1, 3, 3), 33);
+			MyNMap::insert((2, 0, 0), 200);
+			type Key = (NMapKey<Identity, u64>, NMapKey<Identity, u64>, NMapKey<Identity, u64>);
+			let starting_raw_key = MyNMap::storage_n_map_final_key::<Key, _>((1, 2, 2));
+			let iter = MyNMap::iter_key_prefix_from((1,), starting_raw_key);
+			assert_eq!(iter.collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![(2, 3), (3, 1), (3, 2), (3, 3)]);
+			let starting_raw_key = MyNMap::storage_n_map_final_key::<Key, _>((1, 3, 1));
+			let iter = MyNMap::iter_prefix_from((1, 3), starting_raw_key);
+			assert_eq!(iter.collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![(2, 23), (3, 33)]);
+			let starting_raw_key = MyNMap::storage_n_map_final_key::<Key, _>((1, 3, 2));
+			let iter = MyNMap::iter_keys_from(starting_raw_key);
+			assert_eq!(iter.collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![(1, 3, 3), (2, 0, 0)]);
+			let starting_raw_key = MyNMap::storage_n_map_final_key::<Key, _>((1, 3, 3));
+			let iter = MyNMap::iter_from(starting_raw_key);
+			assert_eq!(iter.collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![((2, 0, 0), 200)]);
+		});
+	}
 	fn n_map_double_map_identical_key() {
 		sp_io::TestExternalities::default().execute_with(|| {
diff --git a/substrate/frame/support/src/storage/mod.rs b/substrate/frame/support/src/storage/mod.rs
index 88c8b5a22e78e2e3fe52dcf4abbb5ac7d187529b..57cbc6e31da129a3e68d5b7a1bd1bd2f59c0abc3 100644
--- a/substrate/frame/support/src/storage/mod.rs
+++ b/substrate/frame/support/src/storage/mod.rs
@@ -328,19 +328,29 @@ pub trait IterableStorageMap<K: FullEncode, V: FullCodec>: StorageMap<K, V> {
 	/// The type that itereates over all `key`s.
 	type KeyIterator: Iterator<Item = K>;
-	/// Enumerate all elements in the map in no particular order. If you alter the map while doing
-	/// this, you'll get undefined results.
+	/// Enumerate all elements in the map in lexicographical order of the encoded key. If you
+	/// alter the map while doing this, you'll get undefined results.
 	fn iter() -> Self::Iterator;
-	/// Enumerate all keys in the map in no particular order, skipping over the elements. If you
-	/// alter the map while doing this, you'll get undefined results.
+	/// Enumerate all elements in the map after a specified `starting_raw_key` in lexicographical
+	/// order of the encoded key. If you alter the map while doing this, you'll get undefined
+	/// results.
+	fn iter_from(starting_raw_key: Vec<u8>) -> Self::Iterator;
+	/// Enumerate all keys in the map in lexicographical order of the encoded key, skipping over
+	/// the elements. If you alter the map while doing this, you'll get undefined results.
 	fn iter_keys() -> Self::KeyIterator;
-	/// Remove all elements from the map and iterate through them in no particular order. If you
-	/// add elements to the map while doing this, you'll get undefined results.
+	/// Enumerate all keys in the map after a specified `starting_raw_key` in lexicographical order
+	/// of the encoded key. If you alter the map while doing this, you'll get undefined results.
+	fn iter_keys_from(starting_raw_key: Vec<u8>) -> Self::KeyIterator;
+	/// Remove all elements from the map and iterate through them in lexicographical order of the
+	/// encoded key. If you add elements to the map while doing this, you'll get undefined results.
 	fn drain() -> Self::Iterator;
-	/// Translate the values of all elements by a function `f`, in the map in no particular order.
+	/// Translate the values of all elements by a function `f`, in the map in lexicographical order
+	/// of the encoded key.
 	/// By returning `None` from `f` for an element, you'll remove it from the map.
 	/// NOTE: If a value fail to decode because storage is corrupted then it is skipped.
@@ -363,34 +373,59 @@ pub trait IterableStorageDoubleMap<K1: FullCodec, K2: FullCodec, V: FullCodec>:
 	/// The type that iterates over all `(key1, key2, value)`.
 	type Iterator: Iterator<Item = (K1, K2, V)>;
-	/// Enumerate all elements in the map with first key `k1` in no particular order. If you add or
-	/// remove values whose first key is `k1` to the map while doing this, you'll get undefined
-	/// results.
+	/// Enumerate all elements in the map with first key `k1` in lexicographical order of the
+	/// encoded key. If you add or remove values whose first key is `k1` to the map while doing
+	/// this, you'll get undefined results.
 	fn iter_prefix(k1: impl EncodeLike<K1>) -> Self::PrefixIterator;
-	/// Enumerate all second keys `k2` in the map with the same first key `k1` in no particular
-	/// order. If you add or remove values whose first key is `k1` to the map while doing this,
-	/// you'll get undefined results.
+	/// Enumerate all elements in the map with first key `k1` after a specified `starting_raw_key`
+	/// in lexicographical order of the encoded key. If you add or remove values whose first key is
+	/// `k1` to the map while doing this, you'll get undefined results.
+	fn iter_prefix_from(k1: impl EncodeLike<K1>, starting_raw_key: Vec<u8>)
+		-> Self::PrefixIterator;
+	/// Enumerate all second keys `k2` in the map with the same first key `k1` in lexicographical
+	/// order of the encoded key. If you add or remove values whose first key is `k1` to the map
+	/// while doing this, you'll get undefined results.
 	fn iter_key_prefix(k1: impl EncodeLike<K1>) -> Self::PartialKeyIterator;
-	/// Remove all elements from the map with first key `k1` and iterate through them in no
-	/// particular order. If you add elements with first key `k1` to the map while doing this,
-	/// you'll get undefined results.
+	/// Enumerate all second keys `k2` in the map with the same first key `k1` after a specified
+	/// `starting_raw_key` in lexicographical order of the encoded key. If you add or remove values
+	/// whose first key is `k1` to the map while doing this, you'll get undefined results.
+	fn iter_key_prefix_from(
+		k1: impl EncodeLike<K1>,
+		starting_raw_key: Vec<u8>,
+	) -> Self::PartialKeyIterator;
+	/// Remove all elements from the map with first key `k1` and iterate through them in
+	/// lexicographical order of the encoded key. If you add elements with first key `k1` to the
+	/// map while doing this, you'll get undefined results.
 	fn drain_prefix(k1: impl EncodeLike<K1>) -> Self::PrefixIterator;
-	/// Enumerate all elements in the map in no particular order. If you add or remove values to
-	/// the map while doing this, you'll get undefined results.
+	/// Enumerate all elements in the map in lexicographical order of the encoded key. If you add
+	/// or remove values to the map while doing this, you'll get undefined results.
 	fn iter() -> Self::Iterator;
-	/// Enumerate all keys `k1` and `k2` in the map in no particular order. If you add or remove
-	/// values to the map while doing this, you'll get undefined results.
+	/// Enumerate all elements in the map after a specified `starting_raw_key` in lexicographical
+	/// order of the encoded key. If you add or remove values to the map while doing this, you'll
+	/// get undefined results.
+	fn iter_from(starting_raw_key: Vec<u8>) -> Self::Iterator;
+	/// Enumerate all keys `k1` and `k2` in the map in lexicographical order of the encoded key. If
+	/// you add or remove values to the map while doing this, you'll get undefined results.
 	fn iter_keys() -> Self::FullKeyIterator;
-	/// Remove all elements from the map and iterate through them in no particular order. If you
-	/// add elements to the map while doing this, you'll get undefined results.
+	/// Enumerate all keys `k1` and `k2` in the map after a specified `starting_raw_key` in
+	/// lexicographical order of the encoded key. If you add or remove values to the map while
+	/// doing this, you'll get undefined results.
+	fn iter_keys_from(starting_raw_key: Vec<u8>) -> Self::FullKeyIterator;
+	/// Remove all elements from the map and iterate through them in lexicographical order of the
+	/// encoded key. If you add elements to the map while doing this, you'll get undefined results.
 	fn drain() -> Self::Iterator;
-	/// Translate the values of all elements by a function `f`, in the map in no particular order.
+	/// Translate the values of all elements by a function `f`, in the map in lexicographical order
+	/// of the encoded key.
 	/// By returning `None` from `f` for an element, you'll remove it from the map.
 	/// NOTE: If a value fail to decode because storage is corrupted then it is skipped.
@@ -406,40 +441,71 @@ pub trait IterableStorageNMap<K: ReversibleKeyGenerator, V: FullCodec>: StorageN
 	/// The type that iterates over all `(key1, key2, key3, ... keyN), value)` tuples.
 	type Iterator: Iterator<Item = (K::Key, V)>;
-	/// Enumerate all elements in the map with prefix key `kp` in no particular order. If you add or
-	/// remove values whose prefix is `kp` to the map while doing this, you'll get undefined
-	/// results.
+	/// Enumerate all elements in the map with prefix key `kp` in lexicographical order of the
+	/// encoded key. If you add or remove values whose prefix is `kp` to the map while doing this,
+	/// you'll get undefined results.
 	fn iter_prefix<KP>(kp: KP) -> PrefixIterator<(<K as HasKeyPrefix<KP>>::Suffix, V)>
 		K: HasReversibleKeyPrefix<KP>;
-	/// Enumerate all suffix keys in the map with prefix key `kp` in no particular order. If you
-	/// add or remove values whose prefix is `kp` to the map while doing this, you'll get undefined
-	/// results.
-	fn iter_key_prefix<KP>(kp: KP) -> KeyPrefixIterator<<K as HasKeyPrefix<KP>>::Suffix>
+	/// Enumerate all elements in the map with prefix key `kp` after a specified `starting_raw_key`
+	/// in lexicographical order of the encoded key. If you add or remove values whose prefix is
+	/// `kp` to the map while doing this, you'll get undefined results.
+	fn iter_prefix_from<KP>(
+		kp: KP,
+		starting_raw_key: Vec<u8>,
+	) -> PrefixIterator<(<K as HasKeyPrefix<KP>>::Suffix, V)>
 		K: HasReversibleKeyPrefix<KP>;
-	/// Remove all elements from the map with prefix key `kp` and iterate through them in no
-	/// particular order. If you add elements with prefix key `kp` to the map while doing this,
+	/// Enumerate all suffix keys in the map with prefix key `kp` in lexicographical order of the
+	/// encoded key. If you add or remove values whose prefix is `kp` to the map while doing this,
 	/// you'll get undefined results.
+	fn iter_key_prefix<KP>(kp: KP) -> KeyPrefixIterator<<K as HasKeyPrefix<KP>>::Suffix>
+	where
+		K: HasReversibleKeyPrefix<KP>;
+	/// Enumerate all suffix keys in the map with prefix key `kp` after a specified
+	/// `starting_raw_key` in lexicographical order of the encoded key. If you add or remove values
+	/// whose prefix is `kp` to the map while doing this, you'll get undefined results.
+	fn iter_key_prefix_from<KP>(
+		kp: KP,
+		starting_raw_key: Vec<u8>,
+	) -> KeyPrefixIterator<<K as HasKeyPrefix<KP>>::Suffix>
+	where
+		K: HasReversibleKeyPrefix<KP>;
+	/// Remove all elements from the map with prefix key `kp` and iterate through them in
+	/// lexicographical order of the encoded key. If you add elements with prefix key `kp` to the
+	/// map while doing this, you'll get undefined results.
 	fn drain_prefix<KP>(kp: KP) -> PrefixIterator<(<K as HasKeyPrefix<KP>>::Suffix, V)>
 		K: HasReversibleKeyPrefix<KP>;
-	/// Enumerate all elements in the map in no particular order. If you add or remove values to
-	/// the map while doing this, you'll get undefined results.
+	/// Enumerate all elements in the map in lexicographical order of the encoded key. If you add
+	/// or remove values to the map while doing this, you'll get undefined results.
 	fn iter() -> Self::Iterator;
-	/// Enumerate all keys in the map in no particular order. If you add or remove values to the
-	/// map while doing this, you'll get undefined results.
+	/// Enumerate all elements in the map after a specified `starting_raw_key` in lexicographical
+	/// order of the encoded key. If you add or remove values to the map while doing this, you'll
+	/// get undefined results.
+	fn iter_from(starting_raw_key: Vec<u8>) -> Self::Iterator;
+	/// Enumerate all keys in the map in lexicographical order of the encoded key. If you add or
+	/// remove values to the map while doing this, you'll get undefined results.
 	fn iter_keys() -> Self::KeyIterator;
-	/// Remove all elements from the map and iterate through them in no particular order. If you
-	/// add elements to the map while doing this, you'll get undefined results.
+	/// Enumerate all keys in the map after `starting_raw_key` in lexicographical order of the
+	/// encoded key. If you add or remove values to the map while doing this, you'll get undefined
+	/// results.
+	fn iter_keys_from(starting_raw_key: Vec<u8>) -> Self::KeyIterator;
+	/// Remove all elements from the map and iterate through them in lexicographical order of the
+	/// encoded key. If you add elements to the map while doing this, you'll get undefined results.
 	fn drain() -> Self::Iterator;
-	/// Translate the values of all elements by a function `f`, in the map in no particular order.
+	/// Translate the values of all elements by a function `f`, in the map in lexicographical order
+	/// of the encoded key.
 	/// By returning `None` from `f` for an element, you'll remove it from the map.
 	/// NOTE: If a value fail to decode because storage is corrupted then it is skipped.
@@ -733,6 +799,37 @@ pub struct PrefixIterator<T> {
 impl<T> PrefixIterator<T> {
+	/// Creates a new `PrefixIterator`, iterating after `previous_key` and filtering out keys that
+	/// are not prefixed with `prefix`.
+	///
+	/// A `decode_fn` function must also be supplied, and it takes in two `&[u8]` parameters,
+	/// returning a `Result` containing the decoded type `T` if successful, and a `codec::Error` on
+	/// failure. The first `&[u8]` argument represents the raw, undecoded key without the prefix of
+	/// the current item, while the second `&[u8]` argument denotes the corresponding raw,
+	/// undecoded value.
+	pub fn new(
+		prefix: Vec<u8>,
+		previous_key: Vec<u8>,
+		decode_fn: fn(&[u8], &[u8]) -> Result<T, codec::Error>,
+	) -> Self {
+		PrefixIterator { prefix, previous_key, drain: false, closure: decode_fn }
+	}
+	/// Get the last key that has been iterated upon and return it.
+	pub fn last_raw_key(&self) -> &[u8] {
+		&self.previous_key
+	}
+	/// Get the prefix that is being iterated upon for this iterator and return it.
+	pub fn prefix(&self) -> &[u8] {
+		&self.prefix
+	}
+	/// Set the key that the iterator should start iterating after.
+	pub fn set_last_raw_key(&mut self, previous_key: Vec<u8>) {
+		self.previous_key = previous_key;
+	}
 	/// Mutate this iterator into a draining iterator; items iterated are removed from storage.
 	pub fn drain(mut self) -> Self {
 		self.drain = true;
@@ -798,6 +895,36 @@ pub struct KeyPrefixIterator<T> {
 impl<T> KeyPrefixIterator<T> {
+	/// Creates a new `KeyPrefixIterator`, iterating after `previous_key` and filtering out keys
+	/// that are not prefixed with `prefix`.
+	///
+	/// A `decode_fn` function must also be supplied, and it takes in a `&[u8]` parameter, returning
+	/// a `Result` containing the decoded key type `T` if successful, and a `codec::Error` on
+	/// failure. The `&[u8]` argument represents the raw, undecoded key without the prefix of the
+	/// current item.
+	pub fn new(
+		prefix: Vec<u8>,
+		previous_key: Vec<u8>,
+		decode_fn: fn(&[u8]) -> Result<T, codec::Error>,
+	) -> Self {
+		KeyPrefixIterator { prefix, previous_key, drain: false, closure: decode_fn }
+	}
+	/// Get the last key that has been iterated upon and return it.
+	pub fn last_raw_key(&self) -> &[u8] {
+		&self.previous_key
+	}
+	/// Get the prefix that is being iterated upon for this iterator and return it.
+	pub fn prefix(&self) -> &[u8] {
+		&self.prefix
+	}
+	/// Set the key that the iterator should start iterating after.
+	pub fn set_last_raw_key(&mut self, previous_key: Vec<u8>) {
+		self.previous_key = previous_key;
+	}
 	/// Mutate this iterator into a draining iterator; items iterated are removed from storage.
 	pub fn drain(mut self) -> Self {
 		self.drain = true;
@@ -1429,6 +1556,70 @@ mod test {
+	#[test]
+	fn prefix_iterator_pagination_works() {
+		TestExternalities::default().execute_with(|| {
+			use crate::{hash::Identity, storage::generator::map::StorageMap};
+			crate::generate_storage_alias! {
+				MyModule,
+				MyStorageMap => Map<(u64, Identity), u64>
+			}
+			MyStorageMap::insert(1, 10);
+			MyStorageMap::insert(2, 20);
+			MyStorageMap::insert(3, 30);
+			MyStorageMap::insert(4, 40);
+			MyStorageMap::insert(5, 50);
+			MyStorageMap::insert(6, 60);
+			MyStorageMap::insert(7, 70);
+			MyStorageMap::insert(8, 80);
+			MyStorageMap::insert(9, 90);
+			MyStorageMap::insert(10, 100);
+			let op = |(_, v)| v / 10;
+			let mut final_vec = vec![];
+			let mut iter = MyStorageMap::iter();
+			let elem = iter.next().unwrap();
+			assert_eq!(elem, (1, 10));
+			final_vec.push(op(elem));
+			let elem = iter.next().unwrap();
+			assert_eq!(elem, (2, 20));
+			final_vec.push(op(elem));
+			let stored_key = iter.last_raw_key().to_owned();
+			assert_eq!(stored_key, MyStorageMap::storage_map_final_key(2));
+			let mut iter = MyStorageMap::iter_from(stored_key.clone());
+			final_vec.push(op(iter.next().unwrap()));
+			final_vec.push(op(iter.next().unwrap()));
+			final_vec.push(op(iter.next().unwrap()));
+			assert_eq!(final_vec, vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
+			let mut iter = PrefixIterator::new(
+				iter.prefix().to_vec(),
+				stored_key,
+				|mut raw_key_without_prefix, mut raw_value| {
+					let key = u64::decode(&mut raw_key_without_prefix)?;
+					Ok((key, u64::decode(&mut raw_value)?))
+				},
+			);
+			let previous_key = MyStorageMap::storage_map_final_key(5);
+			iter.set_last_raw_key(previous_key);
+			let remaining = iter.map(op).collect::<Vec<_>>();
+			assert_eq!(remaining.len(), 5);
+			assert_eq!(remaining, vec![6, 7, 8, 9, 10]);
+			final_vec.extend_from_slice(&remaining);
+			assert_eq!(final_vec, vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]);
+		});
+	}
 	fn child_trie_prefixed_map_works() {
 		TestExternalities::default().execute_with(|| {
diff --git a/substrate/frame/support/src/storage/types/double_map.rs b/substrate/frame/support/src/storage/types/double_map.rs
index 1704f8a647cb6e4e8934bc39bc18ad586161075c..2db8a845c568cbfbfd496db7436e6efd3185bb1b 100644
--- a/substrate/frame/support/src/storage/types/double_map.rs
+++ b/substrate/frame/support/src/storage/types/double_map.rs
@@ -406,6 +406,21 @@ where
 		<Self as crate::storage::IterableStorageDoubleMap<Key1, Key2, Value>>::iter_prefix(k1)
+	/// Enumerate all elements in the map with first key `k1` after a specified `starting_raw_key`
+	/// in no particular order.
+	///
+	/// If you add or remove values whose first key is `k1` to the map while doing this, you'll get
+	/// undefined results.
+	pub fn iter_prefix_from(
+		k1: impl EncodeLike<Key1>,
+		starting_raw_key: Vec<u8>,
+	) -> crate::storage::PrefixIterator<(Key2, Value)> {
+		<Self as crate::storage::IterableStorageDoubleMap<Key1, Key2, Value>>::iter_prefix_from(
+			k1,
+			starting_raw_key,
+		)
+	}
 	/// Enumerate all second keys `k2` in the map with the same first key `k1` in no particular
 	/// order.
@@ -415,6 +430,21 @@ where
 		<Self as crate::storage::IterableStorageDoubleMap<Key1, Key2, Value>>::iter_key_prefix(k1)
+	/// Enumerate all second keys `k2` in the map with the same first key `k1` after a specified
+	/// `starting_raw_key` in no particular order.
+	///
+	/// If you add or remove values whose first key is `k1` to the map while doing this, you'll get
+	/// undefined results.
+	pub fn iter_key_prefix_from(
+		k1: impl EncodeLike<Key1>,
+		starting_raw_key: Vec<u8>,
+	) -> crate::storage::KeyPrefixIterator<Key2> {
+		<Self as crate::storage::IterableStorageDoubleMap<Key1, Key2, Value>>::iter_key_prefix_from(
+			k1,
+			starting_raw_key,
+		)
+	}
 	/// Remove all elements from the map with first key `k1` and iterate through them in no
 	/// particular order.
@@ -433,6 +463,18 @@ where
 		<Self as crate::storage::IterableStorageDoubleMap<Key1, Key2, Value>>::iter()
+	/// Enumerate all elements in the map after a specified `starting_raw_key` in no particular
+	/// order.
+	///
+	/// If you add or remove values to the map while doing this, you'll get undefined results.
+	pub fn iter_from(
+		starting_raw_key: Vec<u8>,
+	) -> crate::storage::PrefixIterator<(Key1, Key2, Value)> {
+		<Self as crate::storage::IterableStorageDoubleMap<Key1, Key2, Value>>::iter_from(
+			starting_raw_key,
+		)
+	}
 	/// Enumerate all keys `k1` and `k2` in the map in no particular order.
 	/// If you add or remove values to the map while doing this, you'll get undefined results.
@@ -440,6 +482,18 @@ where
 		<Self as crate::storage::IterableStorageDoubleMap<Key1, Key2, Value>>::iter_keys()
+	/// Enumerate all keys `k1` and `k2` in the map after a specified `starting_raw_key` in no
+	/// particular order.
+	///
+	/// If you add or remove values to the map while doing this, you'll get undefined results.
+	pub fn iter_keys_from(
+		starting_raw_key: Vec<u8>,
+	) -> crate::storage::KeyPrefixIterator<(Key1, Key2)> {
+		<Self as crate::storage::IterableStorageDoubleMap<Key1, Key2, Value>>::iter_keys_from(
+			starting_raw_key,
+		)
+	}
 	/// Remove all elements from the map and iterate through them in no particular order.
 	/// If you add elements to the map while doing this, you'll get undefined results.
diff --git a/substrate/frame/support/src/storage/types/map.rs b/substrate/frame/support/src/storage/types/map.rs
index 00fa3a3b8b40ed3c2d260226dfa5528f97bba76a..6b3cfe64eaec050db52cb92f1ad27d6f0d91a09f 100644
--- a/substrate/frame/support/src/storage/types/map.rs
+++ b/substrate/frame/support/src/storage/types/map.rs
@@ -296,6 +296,14 @@ where
 		<Self as crate::storage::IterableStorageMap<Key, Value>>::iter()
+	/// Enumerate all elements in the map after a specified `starting_raw_key` in no
+	/// particular order.
+	///
+	/// If you alter the map while doing this, you'll get undefined results.
+	pub fn iter_from(starting_raw_key: Vec<u8>) -> crate::storage::PrefixIterator<(Key, Value)> {
+		<Self as crate::storage::IterableStorageMap<Key, Value>>::iter_from(starting_raw_key)
+	}
 	/// Enumerate all keys in the map in no particular order.
 	/// If you alter the map while doing this, you'll get undefined results.
@@ -303,6 +311,14 @@ where
 		<Self as crate::storage::IterableStorageMap<Key, Value>>::iter_keys()
+	/// Enumerate all keys in the map after a specified `starting_raw_key` in no particular
+	/// order.
+	///
+	/// If you alter the map while doing this, you'll get undefined results.
+	pub fn iter_keys_from(starting_raw_key: Vec<u8>) -> crate::storage::KeyPrefixIterator<Key> {
+		<Self as crate::storage::IterableStorageMap<Key, Value>>::iter_keys_from(starting_raw_key)
+	}
 	/// Remove all elements from the map and iterate through them in no particular order.
 	/// If you add elements to the map while doing this, you'll get undefined results.
diff --git a/substrate/frame/support/src/storage/types/nmap.rs b/substrate/frame/support/src/storage/types/nmap.rs
index f62cd1435a2dff6aa71775ab27375c07414534ed..149872ccba9ab5f3ab2ca233338e89074850138a 100755
--- a/substrate/frame/support/src/storage/types/nmap.rs
+++ b/substrate/frame/support/src/storage/types/nmap.rs
@@ -328,6 +328,24 @@ where
 		<Self as crate::storage::IterableStorageNMap<Key, Value>>::iter_prefix(kp)
+	/// Enumerate all elements in the map with prefix key `kp` after a specified `starting_raw_key`
+	/// in no particular order.
+	///
+	/// If you add or remove values whose prefix key is `kp` to the map while doing this, you'll get
+	/// undefined results.
+	pub fn iter_prefix_from<KP>(
+		kp: KP,
+		starting_raw_key: Vec<u8>,
+	) -> crate::storage::PrefixIterator<(<Key as HasKeyPrefix<KP>>::Suffix, Value)>
+	where
+		Key: HasReversibleKeyPrefix<KP>,
+	{
+		<Self as crate::storage::IterableStorageNMap<Key, Value>>::iter_prefix_from(
+			kp,
+			starting_raw_key,
+		)
+	}
 	/// Enumerate all suffix keys in the map with prefix key `kp` in no particular order.
 	/// If you add or remove values whose prefix key is `kp` to the map while doing this, you'll get
@@ -341,6 +359,24 @@ where
 		<Self as crate::storage::IterableStorageNMap<Key, Value>>::iter_key_prefix(kp)
+	/// Enumerate all suffix keys in the map with prefix key `kp` after a specified
+	/// `starting_raw_key` in no particular order.
+	///
+	/// If you add or remove values whose prefix key is `kp` to the map while doing this, you'll get
+	/// undefined results.
+	pub fn iter_key_prefix_from<KP>(
+		kp: KP,
+		starting_raw_key: Vec<u8>,
+	) -> crate::storage::KeyPrefixIterator<<Key as HasKeyPrefix<KP>>::Suffix>
+	where
+		Key: HasReversibleKeyPrefix<KP>,
+	{
+		<Self as crate::storage::IterableStorageNMap<Key, Value>>::iter_key_prefix_from(
+			kp,
+			starting_raw_key,
+		)
+	}
 	/// Remove all elements from the map with prefix key `kp` and iterate through them in no
 	/// particular order.
@@ -362,6 +398,15 @@ where
 		<Self as crate::storage::IterableStorageNMap<Key, Value>>::iter()
+	/// Enumerate all elements in the map after a specified `starting_key` in no particular order.
+	///
+	/// If you add or remove values to the map while doing this, you'll get undefined results.
+	pub fn iter_from(
+		starting_raw_key: Vec<u8>,
+	) -> crate::storage::PrefixIterator<(Key::Key, Value)> {
+		<Self as crate::storage::IterableStorageNMap<Key, Value>>::iter_from(starting_raw_key)
+	}
 	/// Enumerate all keys in the map in no particular order.
 	/// If you add or remove values to the map while doing this, you'll get undefined results.
@@ -369,6 +414,15 @@ where
 		<Self as crate::storage::IterableStorageNMap<Key, Value>>::iter_keys()
+	/// Enumerate all keys in the map after a specified `starting_raw_key` in no particular order.
+	///
+	/// If you add or remove values to the map while doing this, you'll get undefined results.
+	pub fn iter_keys_from(
+		starting_raw_key: Vec<u8>,
+	) -> crate::storage::KeyPrefixIterator<Key::Key> {
+		<Self as crate::storage::IterableStorageNMap<Key, Value>>::iter_keys_from(starting_raw_key)
+	}
 	/// Remove all elements from the map and iterate through them in no particular order.
 	/// If you add elements to the map while doing this, you'll get undefined results.
@@ -511,7 +565,7 @@ mod test {
 				crate::generate_storage_alias!(test, Foo => NMap<
-					(u16, Blake2_128Concat),
+					Key<(u16, Blake2_128Concat)>,