diff --git a/substrate/core/executor/src/error.rs b/substrate/core/executor/src/error.rs
index 6b3c45ee4948760d4ad883530264dcc41cb15496..e1221bea54aefd7b1bc4a896f082bd170b2fdc44 100644
--- a/substrate/core/executor/src/error.rs
+++ b/substrate/core/executor/src/error.rs
@@ -99,6 +99,12 @@ impl From<String> for Error {
+impl From<WasmError> for Error {
+	fn from(err: WasmError) -> Error {
+		Error::Other(err.to_string())
+	}
 /// Type for errors occurring during Wasm runtime construction.
 #[derive(Debug, derive_more::Display)]
 pub enum WasmError {
diff --git a/substrate/core/executor/src/lib.rs b/substrate/core/executor/src/lib.rs
index ccc78afdb4e547af025dfcd0f065a186ec664583..582ebbca349fe65a27ca3bacf0931c77a168d506 100644
--- a/substrate/core/executor/src/lib.rs
+++ b/substrate/core/executor/src/lib.rs
@@ -50,6 +50,33 @@ pub use primitives::traits::Externalities;
 pub use wasm_interface;
 pub use wasm_runtime::WasmExecutionMethod;
+/// Call the given `function` in the given wasm `code`.
+/// The signature of `function` needs to follow the default Substrate function signature.
+/// - `call_data`: Will be given as input parameters to `function`
+/// - `execution_method`: The execution method to use.
+/// - `ext`: The externalities that should be set while executing the wasm function.
+/// - `heap_pages`: The number of heap pages to allocate.
+/// Returns the `Vec<u8>` that contains the return value of the function.
+pub fn call_in_wasm<E: Externalities>(
+	function: &str,
+	call_data: &[u8],
+	execution_method: WasmExecutionMethod,
+	ext: &mut E,
+	code: &[u8],
+	heap_pages: u64,
+) -> error::Result<Vec<u8>> {
+	let mut instance = wasm_runtime::create_wasm_runtime_with_code(
+		ext,
+		execution_method,
+		heap_pages,
+		code,
+	)?;
+	instance.call(ext, function, call_data)
 /// Provides runtime information.
 pub trait RuntimeInfo {
 	/// Native runtime information.
@@ -61,3 +88,24 @@ pub trait RuntimeInfo {
 		ext: &mut E,
 	) -> Option<RuntimeVersion>;
+mod tests {
+	use super::*;
+	use runtime_test::WASM_BINARY;
+	use runtime_io::TestExternalities;
+	#[test]
+	fn call_in_interpreted_wasm_works() {
+		let mut ext = TestExternalities::default();
+		let res = call_in_wasm(
+			"test_empty_return",
+			&[],
+			WasmExecutionMethod::Interpreted,
+			&mut ext,
+			8,
+		).unwrap();
+		assert_eq!(res, vec![0u8; 0]);
+	}
diff --git a/substrate/core/executor/src/wasm_runtime.rs b/substrate/core/executor/src/wasm_runtime.rs
index d88ae7b9edc21b69db1f092b21f41dee5f07ac05..8d2291fe048932cedf247cf5c05c02a5f8d5a8fd 100644
--- a/substrate/core/executor/src/wasm_runtime.rs
+++ b/substrate/core/executor/src/wasm_runtime.rs
@@ -157,17 +157,27 @@ impl RuntimesCache {
-fn create_wasm_runtime<E: Externalities>(
+/// Create a wasm runtime with the given `code`.
+pub fn create_wasm_runtime_with_code<E: Externalities>(
 	ext: &mut E,
 	wasm_method: WasmExecutionMethod,
 	heap_pages: u64,
+	code: &[u8],
 ) -> Result<Box<dyn WasmRuntime>, WasmError> {
-	let code = ext
-		.original_storage(well_known_keys::CODE)
-		.ok_or(WasmError::CodeNotFound)?;
 	match wasm_method {
 		WasmExecutionMethod::Interpreted =>
-			wasmi_execution::create_instance(ext, &code, heap_pages)
+			wasmi_execution::create_instance(ext, code, heap_pages)
 				.map(|runtime| -> Box<dyn WasmRuntime> { Box::new(runtime) }),
+fn create_wasm_runtime<E: Externalities>(
+	ext: &mut E,
+	wasm_method: WasmExecutionMethod,
+	heap_pages: u64,
+) -> Result<Box<dyn WasmRuntime>, WasmError> {
+	let code = ext
+		.original_storage(well_known_keys::CODE)
+		.ok_or(WasmError::CodeNotFound)?;
+	create_wasm_runtime_with_code(ext, wasm_method, heap_pages, &code)