From 72841b731727e69db38f9bd616190aa8d50a56ba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: kianenigma <>
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2025 15:53:14 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] refactor into MinerConfig

 substrate/bin/node/runtime/src/         |  27 +-
 .../src/                            |  38 +-
 .../election-provider-multi-block/src/  | 121 ++-
 .../src/mock/                           |  44 +-
 .../src/mock/                        |   7 +-
 .../src/signed/                         |  24 +-
 .../src/                              |  93 +-
 .../src/unsigned/                     | 850 +++++++++---------
 .../src/unsigned/                       |  51 +-
 .../src/verifier/                     | 207 +++--
 .../src/verifier/                       |  24 +-
 .../election-provider-support/src/      |  83 +-
 .../election-provider-support/src/  |   9 +-
 .../election-provider-support/src/    |   5 +-
 14 files changed, 834 insertions(+), 749 deletions(-)

diff --git a/substrate/bin/node/runtime/src/ b/substrate/bin/node/runtime/src/
index d844cffd045..e00680d1954 100644
--- a/substrate/bin/node/runtime/src/
+++ b/substrate/bin/node/runtime/src/
@@ -914,14 +914,31 @@ pub(crate) mod multi_block_impls {
 	parameter_types! {
 		pub Pages: u32 = 4;
 		// nominators snapshot size
-		pub VoterSnapshotPerBlock: u32 = 22500 / 4;
+		pub VoterSnapshotPerBlock: u32 = 22500 / Pages::get();
 		// validator snapshot size
 		pub TargetSnapshotPerBlock: u32 = 1000;
 		pub SignedPhase: u32 = EPOCH_DURATION_IN_BLOCKS / 4;
-		pub SignedValidation: u32 = 8;
+		pub SignedValidation: u32 = Pages::get() * 2;
 		pub UnsignedPhase: u32 = EPOCH_DURATION_IN_BLOCKS / 4;
+	impl multi_block::unsigned::miner::MinerConfig for Runtime {
+		type AccountId = AccountId;
+		type Hash = Hash;
+		type MaxBackersPerWinner = <Self as multi_block::verifier::Config>::MaxBackersPerWinner;
+		type MaxBackersPerWinnerFinal =
+			<Self as multi_block::verifier::Config>::MaxBackersPerWinnerFinal;
+		type MaxWinnersPerPage = <Self as multi_block::verifier::Config>::MaxWinnersPerPage;
+		type MaxVotesPerVoter =
+			<<Self as multi_block::Config>::DataProvider as ElectionDataProvider>::MaxVotesPerVoter;
+		type MaxLength = MinerMaxLength;
+		type Solver = <Runtime as multi_block::unsigned::Config>::OffchainSolver;
+		type Pages = Pages;
+		type Solution = NposSolution16;
+		type VoterSnapshotPerBlock = <Runtime as multi_block::Config>::VoterSnapshotPerBlock;
+		type TargetSnapshotPerBlock = <Runtime as multi_block::Config>::TargetSnapshotPerBlock;
+	}
 	impl multi_block::Config for Runtime {
 		type AdminOrigin = EnsureRoot<AccountId>;
 		type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
@@ -939,10 +956,10 @@ pub(crate) mod multi_block_impls {
 		// TODO: sanity check that the length of all phases is within reason.
 		type SignedPhase = SignedPhase;
 		type UnsignedPhase = UnsignedPhase;
-		type Solution = NposSolution16;
 		type TargetSnapshotPerBlock = TargetSnapshotPerBlock;
 		type VoterSnapshotPerBlock = VoterSnapshotPerBlock;
 		type Verifier = MultiBlockVerifier;
+		type MinerConfig = Self;
 		type WeightInfo = ();
@@ -979,8 +996,6 @@ pub(crate) mod multi_block_impls {
 	impl multi_block::unsigned::Config for Runtime {
 		// TODO: split into MinerConfig so the staker miner can easily configure these.
 		// miner configs.
-		type MinerMaxLength = MinerMaxLength;
-		type MinerMaxWeight = MinerMaxWeight;
 		type OffchainSolver = <Runtime as multi_phase::Config>::Solver;
 		// offchain usage of miner configs
@@ -1032,7 +1047,7 @@ parameter_types! {
 	pub ElectionBoundsMultiPhase: ElectionBounds = ElectionBoundsBuilder::default()
 	pub ElectionBoundsOnChain: ElectionBounds = ElectionBoundsBuilder::default()
-		.voters_count(50_000.into()).targets_count(1000.into()).build();
+		.voters_count(1000.into()).targets_count(1000.into()).build();
 	pub MaxNominations: u32 = <NposSolution16 as frame_election_provider_support::NposSolution>::LIMIT as u32;
 	/// The maximum winners that can be elected by the Election pallet which is equivalent to the
diff --git a/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-block/src/ b/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-block/src/
index 68b514145ab..9ff694c97c7 100644
--- a/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-block/src/
+++ b/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-block/src/
@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@
 use crate::{
 	types::{PageIndex, VoterOf},
-	AllVoterPagesOf, Config, SolutionTargetIndexOf, SolutionVoterIndexOf, VoteWeight,
+	unsigned::miner::MinerConfig,
+	AllVoterPagesOf, SolutionTargetIndexOf, SolutionVoterIndexOf, VoteWeight,
 use frame_support::{traits::Get, BoundedVec};
 use sp_runtime::SaturatedConversion;
@@ -35,6 +36,7 @@ macro_rules! log {
 macro_rules! sublog {
 	($level:tt, $sub_pallet:tt, $pattern:expr $(, $values:expr)* $(,)?) => {
 		#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
@@ -47,8 +49,18 @@ macro_rules! sublog {
+macro_rules! miner_log {
+	($level:tt, $pattern:expr $(, $values:expr)* $(,)?) => {
+		log::$level!(
+			target: $crate::LOG_PREFIX,
+			concat!("[⛏️miner] 🗳🗳🗳  ", $pattern) $(, $values)*
+		)
+	};
 /// Generate an `efficient closure of voters and the page in which they live in.
-pub fn generate_voter_page_fn<T: Config>(
+pub fn generate_voter_page_fn<T: MinerConfig>(
 	paged_snapshot: &AllVoterPagesOf<T>,
 ) -> impl Fn(&T::AccountId) -> Option<PageIndex> {
 	let mut cache: BTreeMap<T::AccountId, PageIndex> = BTreeMap::new();
@@ -73,7 +85,7 @@ pub fn generate_voter_page_fn<T: Config>(
 /// voters.
 /// This can be used to efficiently build index getter closures.
-pub fn generate_voter_cache<T: Config, AnyBound: Get<u32>>(
+pub fn generate_voter_cache<T: MinerConfig, AnyBound: Get<u32>>(
 	snapshot: &BoundedVec<VoterOf<T>, AnyBound>,
 ) -> BTreeMap<T::AccountId, usize> {
 	let mut cache: BTreeMap<T::AccountId, usize> = BTreeMap::new();
@@ -94,7 +106,7 @@ pub fn generate_voter_cache<T: Config, AnyBound: Get<u32>>(
 /// ## Warning
 /// Note that this will represent the snapshot data from which the `cache` is generated.
-pub fn voter_index_fn<T: Config>(
+pub fn voter_index_fn<T: MinerConfig>(
 	cache: &BTreeMap<T::AccountId, usize>,
 ) -> impl Fn(&T::AccountId) -> Option<SolutionVoterIndexOf<T>> + '_ {
 	move |who| {
@@ -108,7 +120,7 @@ pub fn voter_index_fn<T: Config>(
 /// Same as [`voter_index_fn`] but the returned function owns all its necessary data; nothing is
 /// borrowed.
-pub fn voter_index_fn_owned<T: Config>(
+pub fn voter_index_fn_owned<T: MinerConfig>(
 	cache: BTreeMap<T::AccountId, usize>,
 ) -> impl Fn(&T::AccountId) -> Option<SolutionVoterIndexOf<T>> {
 	move |who| {
@@ -123,7 +135,7 @@ pub fn voter_index_fn_owned<T: Config>(
 /// ## Warning
 /// Note that this will represent the snapshot data from which the `cache` is generated.
-pub fn voter_index_fn_usize<T: Config>(
+pub fn voter_index_fn_usize<T: MinerConfig>(
 	cache: &BTreeMap<T::AccountId, usize>,
 ) -> impl Fn(&T::AccountId) -> Option<usize> + '_ {
 	move |who| cache.get(who).cloned()
@@ -136,7 +148,7 @@ pub fn voter_index_fn_usize<T: Config>(
 /// Not meant to be used in production.
-pub fn voter_index_fn_linear<T: Config>(
+pub fn voter_index_fn_linear<T: MinerConfig>(
 	snapshot: &Vec<VoterOf<T>>,
 ) -> impl Fn(&T::AccountId) -> Option<SolutionVoterIndexOf<T>> + '_ {
 	move |who| {
@@ -154,7 +166,7 @@ pub fn voter_index_fn_linear<T: Config>(
 /// Note: to the extent possible, the returned function should be cached and reused. Producing that
 /// function requires a `O(n log n)` data transform. Each invocation of that function completes
 /// in `O(log n)`.
-pub fn target_index_fn<T: Config>(
+pub fn target_index_fn<T: MinerConfig>(
 	snapshot: &Vec<T::AccountId>,
 ) -> impl Fn(&T::AccountId) -> Option<SolutionTargetIndexOf<T>> + '_ {
 	let cache: BTreeMap<_, _> =
@@ -174,7 +186,7 @@ pub fn target_index_fn<T: Config>(
 /// Not meant to be used in production.
-pub fn target_index_fn_linear<T: Config>(
+pub fn target_index_fn_linear<T: MinerConfig>(
 	snapshot: &Vec<T::AccountId>,
 ) -> impl Fn(&T::AccountId) -> Option<SolutionTargetIndexOf<T>> + '_ {
 	move |who| {
@@ -187,7 +199,7 @@ pub fn target_index_fn_linear<T: Config>(
 /// Create a function that can map a voter index ([`SolutionVoterIndexOf`]) to the actual voter
 /// account using a linearly indexible snapshot.
-pub fn voter_at_fn<T: Config>(
+pub fn voter_at_fn<T: MinerConfig>(
 	snapshot: &Vec<VoterOf<T>>,
 ) -> impl Fn(SolutionVoterIndexOf<T>) -> Option<T::AccountId> + '_ {
 	move |i| {
@@ -199,7 +211,7 @@ pub fn voter_at_fn<T: Config>(
 /// Create a function that can map a target index ([`SolutionTargetIndexOf`]) to the actual target
 /// account using a linearly indexible snapshot.
-pub fn target_at_fn<T: Config>(
+pub fn target_at_fn<T: MinerConfig>(
 	snapshot: &Vec<T::AccountId>,
 ) -> impl Fn(SolutionTargetIndexOf<T>) -> Option<T::AccountId> + '_ {
 	move |i| {
@@ -213,7 +225,7 @@ pub fn target_at_fn<T: Config>(
 /// This is not optimized and uses a linear search.
-pub fn stake_of_fn_linear<T: Config>(
+pub fn stake_of_fn_linear<T: MinerConfig>(
 	snapshot: &Vec<VoterOf<T>>,
 ) -> impl Fn(&T::AccountId) -> VoteWeight + '_ {
 	move |who| {
@@ -231,7 +243,7 @@ pub fn stake_of_fn_linear<T: Config>(
 /// The cache need must be derived from the same snapshot. Zero is returned if a voter is
 /// non-existent.
-pub fn stake_of_fn<'a, T: Config, AnyBound: Get<u32>>(
+pub fn stake_of_fn<'a, T: MinerConfig, AnyBound: Get<u32>>(
 	snapshot: &'a BoundedVec<VoterOf<T>, AnyBound>,
 	cache: &'a BTreeMap<T::AccountId, usize>,
 ) -> impl Fn(&T::AccountId) -> VoteWeight + 'a {
diff --git a/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-block/src/ b/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-block/src/
index e736d17aaec..e86cf76089e 100644
--- a/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-block/src/
+++ b/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-block/src/
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ impl<T: Config> ElectionProvider for InitiateEmergencyPhase<T> {
 impl<T: Config> InstantElectionProvider for InitiateEmergencyPhase<T> {
 	fn instant_elect(
-		_voters: Vec<VoterOf<T>>,
+		_voters: Vec<VoterOf<T::MinerConfig>>,
 		_targets: Vec<Self::AccountId>,
 		_desired_targets: u32,
 	) -> Result<BoundedSupportsOf<Self>, Self::Error> {
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ impl<T: Config> ElectionProvider for Continue<T> {
 impl<T: Config> InstantElectionProvider for Continue<T> {
 	fn instant_elect(
-		_voters: Vec<VoterOf<T>>,
+		_voters: Vec<VoterOf<T::MinerConfig>>,
 		_targets: Vec<Self::AccountId>,
 		_desired_targets: u32,
 	) -> Result<BoundedSupportsOf<Self>, Self::Error> {
@@ -368,9 +368,11 @@ pub mod pallet {
 		/// The duration of this should not be less than `T::Pages`, and there is no point in it
 		/// being more than `SignedPhase::MaxSubmission::get() * T::Pages`. TODO: integrity test for
 		/// it.
+		#[pallet::constant]
 		type SignedValidationPhase: Get<BlockNumberFor<Self>>;
 		/// The number of snapshot voters to fetch per block.
+		#[pallet::constant]
 		type VoterSnapshotPerBlock: Get<u32>;
 		/// The number of snapshot targets to fetch per block.
@@ -392,17 +394,16 @@ pub mod pallet {
 			BlockNumber = BlockNumberFor<Self>,
-		/// The solution type.
-		type Solution: codec::FullCodec
-			+ Default
-			+ PartialEq
-			+ Eq
-			+ Clone
-			+ sp_std::fmt::Debug
-			+ Ord
-			+ NposSolution
-			+ TypeInfo
-			+ MaxEncodedLen;
+		/// The miner configuration.
+		type MinerConfig: crate::unsigned::miner::MinerConfig<
+			Pages = Self::Pages,
+			AccountId = <Self as frame_system::Config>::AccountId,
+			MaxVotesPerVoter = <Self::DataProvider as ElectionDataProvider>::MaxVotesPerVoter,
+			VoterSnapshotPerBlock = Self::VoterSnapshotPerBlock,
+			TargetSnapshotPerBlock = Self::TargetSnapshotPerBlock,
+			MaxBackersPerWinner = <Self::Verifier as verifier::Verifier>::MaxBackersPerWinner,
+			MaxWinnersPerPage = <Self::Verifier as verifier::Verifier>::MaxWinnersPerPage,
+		>;
 		/// The fallback type used for the election.
@@ -417,8 +418,10 @@ pub mod pallet {
 		/// The verifier pallet's interface.
-		type Verifier: verifier::Verifier<Solution = SolutionOf<Self>, AccountId = Self::AccountId>
-			+ verifier::AsynchronousVerifier;
+		type Verifier: verifier::Verifier<
+				Solution = SolutionOf<Self::MinerConfig>,
+				AccountId = Self::AccountId,
+			> + verifier::AsynchronousVerifier;
 		/// The number of blocks ahead of time to try and have the election results ready by.
 		type Lookahead: Get<BlockNumberFor<Self>>;
@@ -574,13 +577,13 @@ pub mod pallet {
 			use sp_std::mem::size_of;
 			// The index type of both voters and targets need to be smaller than that of usize (very
 			// unlikely to be the case, but anyhow).
-			assert!(size_of::<SolutionVoterIndexOf<T>>() <= size_of::<usize>());
-			assert!(size_of::<SolutionTargetIndexOf<T>>() <= size_of::<usize>());
+			assert!(size_of::<SolutionVoterIndexOf<T::MinerConfig>>() <= size_of::<usize>());
+			assert!(size_of::<SolutionTargetIndexOf<T::MinerConfig>>() <= size_of::<usize>());
 			// also, because `VoterSnapshotPerBlock` and `TargetSnapshotPerBlock` are in u32, we
 			// assert that both of these types are smaller than u32 as well.
-			assert!(size_of::<SolutionVoterIndexOf<T>>() <= size_of::<u32>());
-			assert!(size_of::<SolutionTargetIndexOf<T>>() <= size_of::<u32>());
+			assert!(size_of::<SolutionVoterIndexOf<T::MinerConfig>>() <= size_of::<u32>());
+			assert!(size_of::<SolutionTargetIndexOf<T::MinerConfig>>() <= size_of::<u32>());
 			let pages_bn: BlockNumberFor<T> = T::Pages::get().into();
 			// pages must be at least 1.
@@ -593,17 +596,18 @@ pub mod pallet {
 			assert!(pages_bn + lookahead < T::UnsignedPhase::get());
 			// Based on the requirements of [`sp_npos_elections::Assignment::try_normalize`].
-			let max_vote: usize = <SolutionOf<T> as NposSolution>::LIMIT;
+			let max_vote: usize = <SolutionOf<T::MinerConfig> as NposSolution>::LIMIT;
 			// 2. Maximum sum of [SolutionAccuracy; 16] must fit into `UpperOf<OffchainAccuracy>`.
-			let maximum_chain_accuracy: Vec<UpperOf<SolutionAccuracyOf<T>>> = (0..max_vote)
+			let maximum_chain_accuracy: Vec<UpperOf<SolutionAccuracyOf<T::MinerConfig>>> = (0..
+				max_vote)
 				.map(|_| {
-					<UpperOf<SolutionAccuracyOf<T>>>::from(
-						<SolutionAccuracyOf<T>>::one().deconstruct(),
+					<UpperOf<SolutionAccuracyOf<T::MinerConfig>>>::from(
+						<SolutionAccuracyOf<T::MinerConfig>>::one().deconstruct(),
-			let _: UpperOf<SolutionAccuracyOf<T>> = maximum_chain_accuracy
+			let _: UpperOf<SolutionAccuracyOf<T::MinerConfig>> = maximum_chain_accuracy
 				.fold(Zero::zero(), |acc, x| acc.checked_add(x).unwrap());
@@ -614,7 +618,7 @@ pub mod pallet {
 			// solution cannot represent any voters more than `LIMIT` anyhow.
 				<T::DataProvider as ElectionDataProvider>::MaxVotesPerVoter::get(),
-				<SolutionOf<T> as NposSolution>::LIMIT as u32,
+				<SolutionOf<T::MinerConfig> as NposSolution>::LIMIT as u32,
 			// The duration of the signed validation phase should be such that at least one solution
@@ -637,6 +641,17 @@ pub mod pallet {
 	/// Error of the pallet that can be returned in response to dispatches.
 	pub enum Error<T> {
+		/// Triggering the `Fallback` failed.
+		Fallback,
+		/// Unexpected phase
+		UnexpectedPhase,
+		/// Snapshot was unavailable.
+		Snapshot,
+	}
+	/// Common errors in all sub-pallets and miner.
+	#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Encode, Decode, Debug)]
+	pub enum CommonError {
 		/// Submission is too early (or too late, depending on your point of reference).
 		/// The round counter is wrong.
@@ -649,28 +664,10 @@ pub mod pallet {
 		/// The snapshot fingerprint is not a match. The solution is likely outdated.
-		/// Triggering the `Fallback` failed.
-		Fallback,
-		/// Unexpected phase
-		UnexpectedPhase,
-		/// Snapshot was unavailable.
+		/// Snapshot was not available.
-	impl<T: Config> PartialEq for Error<T> {
-		fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
-			use Error::*;
-			match (self, other) {
-				(EarlySubmission, EarlySubmission) |
-				(WrongRound, WrongRound) |
-				(WeakSubmission, WeakSubmission) |
-				(WrongWinnerCount, WrongWinnerCount) |
-				(WrongPageCount, WrongPageCount) => true,
-				_ => false,
-			}
-		}
-	}
 	/// Internal counter for the number of rounds.
 	/// This is useful for de-duplication of transactions submitted to the pool, and general
@@ -729,7 +726,7 @@ pub mod pallet {
 			PagedTargetSnapshotHash::<T>::insert(Pallet::<T>::msp(), hash);
-		pub(crate) fn set_voters(page: PageIndex, voters: VoterPageOf<T>) {
+		pub(crate) fn set_voters(page: PageIndex, voters: VoterPageOf<T::MinerConfig>) {
 			let hash = Self::write_storage_with_pre_allocate(
@@ -753,7 +750,7 @@ pub mod pallet {
-		pub(crate) fn voters(page: PageIndex) -> Option<VoterPageOf<T>> {
+		pub(crate) fn voters(page: PageIndex) -> Option<VoterPageOf<T::MinerConfig>> {
@@ -901,7 +898,7 @@ pub mod pallet {
-		pub(crate) fn voters_iter_flattened() -> impl Iterator<Item = VoterOf<T>> {
+		pub(crate) fn voters_iter_flattened() -> impl Iterator<Item = VoterOf<T::MinerConfig>> {
 			let key_range =
@@ -943,7 +940,8 @@ pub mod pallet {
 	type DesiredTargets<T> = StorageValue<_, u32>;
 	/// Paginated voter snapshot. At most [`T::Pages`] keys will exist.
-	type PagedVoterSnapshot<T: Config> = StorageMap<_, Twox64Concat, PageIndex, VoterPageOf<T>>;
+	type PagedVoterSnapshot<T: Config> =
+		StorageMap<_, Twox64Concat, PageIndex, VoterPageOf<T::MinerConfig>>;
 	/// Same as [`PagedVoterSnapshot`], but it will store the hash of the snapshot.
 	/// The hash is generated using [`frame_system::Config::Hashing`].
@@ -1002,34 +1000,34 @@ impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
 	/// These compliment a feasibility-check, which is exactly the opposite: snapshot-dependent
 	/// checks.
 	pub(crate) fn snapshot_independent_checks(
-		paged_solution: &PagedRawSolution<T>,
+		paged_solution: &PagedRawSolution<T::MinerConfig>,
 		maybe_snapshot_fingerprint: Option<T::Hash>,
-	) -> Result<(), Error<T>> {
+	) -> Result<(), CommonError> {
 		// Note that the order of these checks are critical for the correctness and performance of
 		// `restore_or_compute_then_maybe_submit`. We want to make sure that we always check round
 		// first, so that if it has a wrong round, we can detect and delete it from the cache right
 		// from the get go.
 		// ensure round is current
-		ensure!(Self::round() == paged_solution.round, Error::<T>::WrongRound);
+		ensure!(Self::round() == paged_solution.round, CommonError::WrongRound);
 		// ensure score is being improved, if the claim is even correct.
 			<T::Verifier as Verifier>::ensure_claimed_score_improves(paged_solution.score),
-			Error::<T>::WeakSubmission,
+			CommonError::WeakSubmission,
 		// ensure solution pages are no more than the snapshot
 			paged_solution.solution_pages.len().saturated_into::<PageIndex>() <= T::Pages::get(),
-			Error::<T>::WrongPageCount
+			CommonError::WrongPageCount
 		// finally, check the winner count being correct.
 		if let Some(desired_targets) = Snapshot::<T>::desired_targets() {
 				desired_targets == paged_solution.winner_count_single_page_target_snapshot() as u32,
-				Error::<T>::WrongWinnerCount
+				CommonError::WrongWinnerCount
@@ -1038,7 +1036,7 @@ impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
 				.map_or(true, |snapshot_fingerprint| Snapshot::<T>::fingerprint() ==
-			Error::<T>::WrongFingerprint
+			CommonError::WrongFingerprint
@@ -1833,7 +1831,7 @@ mod phase_rotation {
 mod election_provider {
 	use super::*;
-	use crate::{mock::*, unsigned::miner::BaseMiner, verifier::Verifier, Phase};
+	use crate::{mock::*, unsigned::miner::OffchainWorkerMiner, verifier::Verifier, Phase};
 	use frame_election_provider_support::{BoundedSupport, BoundedSupports, ElectionProvider};
 	use frame_support::{
 		assert_storage_noop, testing_prelude::bounded_vec, unsigned::ValidateUnsigned,
@@ -1849,7 +1847,7 @@ mod election_provider {
 			assert_eq!(MultiBlock::current_phase(), Phase::Signed);
 			// load a solution into the verifier
-			let paged = BaseMiner::<Runtime>::mine_solution(Pages::get(), false).unwrap();
+			let paged = OffchainWorkerMiner::<Runtime>::mine_solution(Pages::get(), false).unwrap();
 			let score = paged.score.clone();
 			// now let's submit this one by one, into the signed phase.
@@ -1943,7 +1941,7 @@ mod election_provider {
 			assert_eq!(MultiBlock::current_phase(), Phase::Signed);
 			// load a solution into the verifier
-			let paged = BaseMiner::<Runtime>::mine_solution(Pages::get(), false).unwrap();
+			let paged = OffchainWorkerMiner::<Runtime>::mine_solution(Pages::get(), false).unwrap();
 			let score = paged.score.clone();
 			load_signed_for_verification_and_start(99, paged, 0);
@@ -2000,7 +1998,7 @@ mod election_provider {
 			assert_eq!(MultiBlock::current_phase(), Phase::Signed);
 			// load a solution into the verifier
-			let paged = BaseMiner::<Runtime>::mine_solution(Pages::get(), false).unwrap();
+			let paged = OffchainWorkerMiner::<Runtime>::mine_solution(Pages::get(), false).unwrap();
 			let score = paged.score.clone();
 			load_signed_for_verification_and_start(99, paged, 0);
@@ -2070,7 +2068,7 @@ mod election_provider {
 			let round = MultiBlock::round();
 			// load a solution into the verifier
-			let paged = BaseMiner::<Runtime>::mine_solution(Pages::get(), false).unwrap();
+			let paged = OffchainWorkerMiner::<Runtime>::mine_solution(Pages::get(), false).unwrap();
 			load_signed_for_verification_and_start_and_roll_to_verified(99, paged, 0);
@@ -2113,7 +2111,7 @@ mod election_provider {
 			assert_eq!(MultiBlock::current_phase(), Phase::Signed);
 			// load a solution into the verifier
-			let paged = BaseMiner::<Runtime>::mine_solution(Pages::get(), false).unwrap();
+			let paged = OffchainWorkerMiner::<Runtime>::mine_solution(Pages::get(), false).unwrap();
 			load_signed_for_verification_and_start_and_roll_to_verified(99, paged, 0);
 			assert_eq!(MultiBlock::current_phase(), Phase::SignedValidation(20));
@@ -2353,7 +2351,6 @@ mod admin_ops {
 mod snapshot {
-	use super::*;
 	fn fetches_exact_voters() {
diff --git a/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-block/src/mock/ b/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-block/src/mock/
index f7bfa98814f..c5552b5439a 100644
--- a/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-block/src/mock/
+++ b/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-block/src/mock/
@@ -18,13 +18,14 @@
 mod signed;
 mod staking;
 mod weight_info;
 use super::*;
 use crate::{
 	self as multi_block,
 	signed::{self as signed_pallet, HoldReason},
 		self as unsigned_pallet,
-		miner::{BaseMiner, MinerError},
+		miner::{MinerConfig, OffchainMinerError, OffchainWorkerMiner},
 	verifier::{self as verifier_pallet, AsynchronousVerifier, Status},
@@ -35,9 +36,7 @@ use frame_election_provider_support::{
 pub use frame_support::{assert_noop, assert_ok};
 use frame_support::{
-	derive_impl,
-	pallet_prelude::*,
-	parameter_types,
+	derive_impl, parameter_types,
 	traits::{fungible::InspectHold, Hooks},
 	weights::{constants, Weight},
@@ -138,7 +137,6 @@ parameter_types! {
 	pub static MinerTxPriority: u64 = 100;
 	pub static SolutionImprovementThreshold: Perbill = Perbill::zero();
 	pub static OffchainRepeat: BlockNumber = 5;
-	pub static MinerMaxWeight: Weight = BlockWeights::get().max_block;
 	pub static MinerMaxLength: u32 = 256;
 	pub static MaxVotesPerVoter: u32 = <TestNposSolution as NposSolution>::LIMIT as u32;
@@ -177,14 +175,26 @@ impl crate::unsigned::WeightInfo for MockUnsignedWeightInfo {
 impl crate::unsigned::Config for Runtime {
 	type OffchainRepeat = OffchainRepeat;
-	type MinerMaxWeight = MinerMaxWeight;
-	type MinerMaxLength = MinerMaxLength;
 	type MinerTxPriority = MinerTxPriority;
-	type OffchainSolver =
-		frame_election_provider_support::SequentialPhragmen<Self::AccountId, Perbill>;
+	type OffchainSolver = SequentialPhragmen<Self::AccountId, Perbill>;
 	type WeightInfo = MockUnsignedWeightInfo;
+impl MinerConfig for Runtime {
+	type AccountId = AccountId;
+	type Hash = <Runtime as frame_system::Config>::Hash;
+	type MaxLength = MinerMaxLength;
+	type Pages = Pages;
+	type MaxVotesPerVoter = MaxVotesPerVoter;
+	type Solution = TestNposSolution;
+	type Solver = SequentialPhragmen<AccountId, Perbill>;
+	type TargetSnapshotPerBlock = TargetSnapshotPerBlock;
+	type VoterSnapshotPerBlock = VoterSnapshotPerBlock;
+	type MaxBackersPerWinner = MaxBackersPerWinner;
+	type MaxBackersPerWinnerFinal = MaxBackersPerWinnerFinal;
+	type MaxWinnersPerPage = MaxWinnersPerPage;
 impl crate::Config for Runtime {
 	type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
 	type SignedPhase = SignedPhase;
@@ -195,7 +205,7 @@ impl crate::Config for Runtime {
 	type TargetSnapshotPerBlock = TargetSnapshotPerBlock;
 	type VoterSnapshotPerBlock = VoterSnapshotPerBlock;
 	type Lookahead = Lookahead;
-	type Solution = TestNposSolution;
+	type MinerConfig = Self;
 	type WeightInfo = weight_info::DualMockWeightInfo;
 	type Verifier = VerifierPallet;
 	type AdminOrigin = EnsureRoot<AccountId>;
@@ -338,10 +348,6 @@ impl ExtBuilder {
-	pub(crate) fn miner_weight(self, weight: Weight) -> Self {
-		MinerMaxWeight::set(weight);
-		self
-	}
 	pub(crate) fn miner_max_length(self, len: u32) -> Self {
@@ -519,13 +525,15 @@ pub fn assert_none_snapshot() {
 /// changes.
 /// For testing, we never want to do reduce.
-pub fn mine_full_solution() -> Result<PagedRawSolution<Runtime>, MinerError<Runtime>> {
-	BaseMiner::<Runtime>::mine_solution(Pages::get(), false)
+pub fn mine_full_solution() -> Result<PagedRawSolution<Runtime>, OffchainMinerError<Runtime>> {
+	OffchainWorkerMiner::<Runtime>::mine_solution(Pages::get(), false)
 /// Same as [`mine_full_solution`] but with custom pages.
-pub fn mine_solution(pages: PageIndex) -> Result<PagedRawSolution<Runtime>, MinerError<Runtime>> {
-	BaseMiner::<Runtime>::mine_solution(pages, false)
+pub fn mine_solution(
+	pages: PageIndex,
+) -> Result<PagedRawSolution<Runtime>, OffchainMinerError<Runtime>> {
+	OffchainWorkerMiner::<Runtime>::mine_solution(pages, false)
 /// Assert that `count` voters exist across `pages` number of pages.
diff --git a/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-block/src/mock/ b/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-block/src/mock/
index c59648d722b..e6e1b5cf3af 100644
--- a/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-block/src/mock/
+++ b/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-block/src/mock/
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ use crate::{
 		AccountId, RuntimeHoldReason, RuntimeOrigin, VerifierPallet,
 	signed::{self as signed_pallet, Event as SignedEvent, Submissions},
+	unsigned::miner::MinerConfig,
 	verifier::{self, AsynchronousVerifier, SolutionDataProvider, VerificationResult, Verifier},
 	Event, PadSolutionPages, PagedRawSolution, Pagify, Phase, SolutionOf,
@@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ parameter_types! {
 /// Useful for when you don't care too much about the signed phase.
 pub struct MockSignedPhase;
 impl SolutionDataProvider for MockSignedPhase {
-	type Solution = <Runtime as crate::Config>::Solution;
+	type Solution = <Runtime as MinerConfig>::Solution;
 	fn get_page(page: PageIndex) -> Option<Self::Solution> {
 		MockSignedNextSolution::get().map(|i| i.get(page as usize).cloned().unwrap_or_default())
@@ -96,7 +97,7 @@ pub enum SignedSwitch {
 pub struct DualSignedPhase;
 impl SolutionDataProvider for DualSignedPhase {
-	type Solution = <Runtime as crate::Config>::Solution;
+	type Solution = <Runtime as MinerConfig>::Solution;
 	fn get_page(page: PageIndex) -> Option<Self::Solution> {
 		match SignedPhaseSwitch::get() {
 			SignedSwitch::Mock => MockSignedNextSolution::get()
@@ -166,7 +167,7 @@ pub fn load_signed_for_verification(who: AccountId, paged: PagedRawSolution<Runt
 pub fn load_signed_for_verification_and_start(
 	who: AccountId,
 	paged: PagedRawSolution<Runtime>,
-	round: u32,
+	_round: u32,
 ) {
 	load_signed_for_verification(who, paged);
diff --git a/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-block/src/signed/ b/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-block/src/signed/
index 0953957087f..bd762b3f6c5 100644
--- a/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-block/src/signed/
+++ b/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-block/src/signed/
@@ -40,7 +40,10 @@
 //! **Metadata update**: imagine you mis-computed your score.
-use crate::verifier::{AsynchronousVerifier, SolutionDataProvider, Status, VerificationResult};
+use crate::{
+	types::SolutionOf,
+	verifier::{AsynchronousVerifier, SolutionDataProvider, Status, VerificationResult},
 use codec::{Decode, Encode, MaxEncodedLen};
 use frame_election_provider_support::PageIndex;
 use frame_support::{
@@ -93,7 +96,8 @@ pub struct SubmissionMetadata<T: Config> {
 impl<T: Config> SolutionDataProvider for Pallet<T> {
-	type Solution = T::Solution;
+	type Solution = SolutionOf<T::MinerConfig>;
 	fn get_page(page: PageIndex) -> Option<Self::Solution> {
 		// note: a non-existing page will still be treated as merely an empty page. This could be
 		// re-considered.
@@ -268,7 +272,7 @@ pub mod pallet {
 	///       - And the value of `metadata.score` must be equal to the score stored in
 	///         `SortedScores`.
 	/// - And visa versa: for any key existing in `SubmissionMetadataStorage`, an item must exist in
-	///   `SortedScores`. TODO:
+	///   `SortedScores`.
 	/// - For any first key existing in `SubmissionStorage`, a key must exist in
 	///   `SubmissionMetadataStorage`.
 	/// - For any first key in `SubmissionStorage`, the number of second keys existing should be the
@@ -300,7 +304,7 @@ pub mod pallet {
 			NMapKey<Twox64Concat, T::AccountId>,
 			NMapKey<Twox64Concat, PageIndex>,
-		T::Solution,
+		SolutionOf<T::MinerConfig>,
@@ -460,7 +464,7 @@ pub mod pallet {
 			round: u32,
 			who: &T::AccountId,
 			page: PageIndex,
-			maybe_solution: Option<T::Solution>,
+			maybe_solution: Option<SolutionOf<T::MinerConfig>>,
 		) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo {
 			Self::mutate_checked(round, || {
 				Self::try_mutate_page_inner(round, who, page, maybe_solution)
@@ -471,7 +475,7 @@ pub mod pallet {
 			round: u32,
 			who: &T::AccountId,
 			page: PageIndex,
-			maybe_solution: Option<T::Solution>,
+			maybe_solution: Option<SolutionOf<T::MinerConfig>>,
 		) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo {
 			let mut metadata =
 				SubmissionMetadataStorage::<T>::get(round, who).ok_or(Error::<T>::NotRegistered)?;
@@ -527,7 +531,7 @@ pub mod pallet {
 			round: u32,
 			who: &T::AccountId,
 			page: PageIndex,
-		) -> Option<T::Solution> {
+		) -> Option<SolutionOf<T::MinerConfig>> {
 			SubmissionStorage::<T>::get((round, who, &page))
@@ -536,7 +540,7 @@ pub mod pallet {
 	impl<T: Config> Submissions<T> {
 		pub fn submissions_iter(
 			round: u32,
-		) -> impl Iterator<Item = (T::AccountId, PageIndex, T::Solution)> {
+		) -> impl Iterator<Item = (T::AccountId, PageIndex, SolutionOf<T::MinerConfig>)> {
 			SubmissionStorage::<T>::iter_prefix((round,)).map(|((x, y), z)| (x, y, z))
@@ -553,7 +557,7 @@ pub mod pallet {
 		pub fn pages_of(
 			round: u32,
 			who: T::AccountId,
-		) -> impl Iterator<Item = (PageIndex, T::Solution)> {
+		) -> impl Iterator<Item = (PageIndex, SolutionOf<T::MinerConfig>)> {
 			SubmissionStorage::<T>::iter_prefix((round, who))
@@ -700,7 +704,7 @@ pub mod pallet {
 		pub fn submit_page(
 			origin: OriginFor<T>,
 			page: PageIndex,
-			maybe_solution: Option<T::Solution>,
+			maybe_solution: Option<SolutionOf<T::MinerConfig>>,
 		) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo {
 			let who = ensure_signed(origin)?;
 			ensure!(crate::Pallet::<T>::current_phase().is_signed(), Error::<T>::PhaseNotSigned);
diff --git a/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-block/src/ b/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-block/src/
index 6a4e77843dd..2be6705c344 100644
--- a/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-block/src/
+++ b/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-block/src/
@@ -18,30 +18,19 @@
 use frame_support::{
 	BoundedVec, CloneNoBound, DefaultNoBound, EqNoBound, PartialEqNoBound, RuntimeDebugNoBound,
+use sp_core::Get;
 use sp_std::{collections::btree_set::BTreeSet, fmt::Debug, prelude::*};
-use crate::Verifier;
+use crate::unsigned::miner::MinerConfig;
 use codec::{Decode, Encode, MaxEncodedLen};
-use frame_election_provider_support::{BoundedSupports, ElectionProvider};
+use frame_election_provider_support::ElectionProvider;
 pub use frame_election_provider_support::{NposSolution, PageIndex};
 use scale_info::TypeInfo;
 pub use sp_npos_elections::{ElectionResult, ElectionScore};
-use sp_runtime::{
-	traits::{One, Saturating, Zero},
-	SaturatedConversion,
-/// The supports that's returned from a given [`Verifier`].
-/// TODO: rename this
-pub type SupportsOf<V> = BoundedSupports<
-	<V as Verifier>::AccountId,
-	<V as Verifier>::MaxWinnersPerPage,
-	<V as Verifier>::MaxBackersPerWinner,
+use sp_runtime::SaturatedConversion;
 /// The solution type used by this crate.
-pub type SolutionOf<T> = <T as crate::Config>::Solution;
+pub type SolutionOf<T> = <T as MinerConfig>::Solution;
 /// The voter index. Derived from [`SolutionOf`].
 pub type SolutionVoterIndexOf<T> = <SolutionOf<T> as NposSolution>::VoterIndex;
 /// The target index. Derived from [`SolutionOf`].
@@ -53,7 +42,7 @@ pub type FallbackErrorOf<T> = <<T as crate::Config>::Fallback as ElectionProvide
 /// The relative distribution of a voter's stake among the winning targets.
 pub type AssignmentOf<T> =
-	sp_npos_elections::Assignment<<T as frame_system::Config>::AccountId, SolutionAccuracyOf<T>>;
+	sp_npos_elections::Assignment<<T as MinerConfig>::AccountId, SolutionAccuracyOf<T>>;
@@ -68,8 +57,8 @@ pub type AssignmentOf<T> =
 #[codec(mel_bound(T: crate::Config))]
-pub struct PagedRawSolution<T: crate::Config> {
-	pub solution_pages: BoundedVec<SolutionOf<T>, T::Pages>,
+pub struct PagedRawSolution<T: MinerConfig> {
+	pub solution_pages: BoundedVec<SolutionOf<T>, <T as MinerConfig>::Pages>,
 	pub score: ElectionScore,
 	pub round: u32,
@@ -132,7 +121,7 @@ impl<T: Default + Clone + Debug, Bound: frame_support::traits::Get<u32>> PadSolu
-impl<T: crate::Config> PagedRawSolution<T> {
+impl<T: MinerConfig> PagedRawSolution<T> {
 	/// Get the total number of voters, assuming that voters in each page are unique.
 	pub fn voter_count(&self) -> usize {
@@ -163,20 +152,21 @@ impl<T: crate::Config> PagedRawSolution<T> {
 // NOTE on naming conventions: type aliases that end with `Of` should always be `Of<T: Config>`.
-/// Alias for a voter, parameterized by this crate's config.
-pub(crate) type VoterOf<T> =
-	frame_election_provider_support::VoterOf<<T as crate::Config>::DataProvider>;
+/// Alias for a voter, parameterized by the miner config.
+pub(crate) type VoterOf<T> = frame_election_provider_support::Voter<
+	<T as MinerConfig>::AccountId,
+	<T as MinerConfig>::MaxVotesPerVoter,
 /// Alias for a page of voters, parameterized by this crate's config.
-pub(crate) type VoterPageOf<T> =
-	BoundedVec<VoterOf<T>, <T as crate::Config>::VoterSnapshotPerBlock>;
+pub(crate) type VoterPageOf<T> = BoundedVec<VoterOf<T>, <T as MinerConfig>::VoterSnapshotPerBlock>;
 /// Alias for all pages of voters, parameterized by this crate's config.
-pub(crate) type AllVoterPagesOf<T> = BoundedVec<VoterPageOf<T>, <T as crate::Config>::Pages>;
+pub(crate) type AllVoterPagesOf<T> = BoundedVec<VoterPageOf<T>, <T as MinerConfig>::Pages>;
 /// Maximum number of items that [`AllVoterPagesOf`] can contain, when flattened.
-pub(crate) struct MaxFlattenedVoters<T: crate::Config>(sp_std::marker::PhantomData<T>);
-impl<T: crate::Config> frame_support::traits::Get<u32> for MaxFlattenedVoters<T> {
+pub(crate) struct MaxFlattenedVoters<T: MinerConfig>(sp_std::marker::PhantomData<T>);
+impl<T: MinerConfig> Get<u32> for MaxFlattenedVoters<T> {
 	fn get() -> u32 {
@@ -223,53 +213,6 @@ impl Default for ElectionCompute {
-// TODO: maybe use it, else remove it.
-#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy, Encode, Decode, MaxEncodedLen, Debug, TypeInfo)]
-pub enum PhaseExperimental<BlockNumber> {
-	Off,
-	Snapshot(BlockNumber),
-	Signed(BlockNumber),
-	SignedValidation(BlockNumber),
-	Unsigned(BlockNumber),
-	Emergency,
-impl<BlockNumber: Saturating + Zero + One> PhaseExperimental<BlockNumber> {
-	pub fn tick(self, next_phase_len: BlockNumber) -> Self {
-		use PhaseExperimental::*;
-		match self {
-			Off => Snapshot(next_phase_len),
-			Snapshot(x) =>
-				if x.is_zero() {
-					Signed(next_phase_len)
-				} else {
-					Snapshot(x.saturating_sub(One::one()))
-				},
-			Signed(x) =>
-				if x.is_zero() {
-					SignedValidation(next_phase_len)
-				} else {
-					Signed(x.saturating_sub(One::one()))
-				},
-			SignedValidation(x) =>
-				if x.is_zero() {
-					Unsigned(next_phase_len)
-				} else {
-					SignedValidation(x.saturating_sub(One::one()))
-				},
-			Unsigned(x) =>
-				if x.is_zero() {
-					// note this: unsigned phase does not really end, only elect can end it.
-					Unsigned(Zero::zero())
-				} else {
-					Unsigned(x.saturating_sub(One::one()))
-				},
-			Emergency => Emergency,
-		}
-	}
 /// Current phase of the pallet.
 #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy, Encode, Decode, MaxEncodedLen, Debug, TypeInfo)]
 pub enum Phase<Bn> {
diff --git a/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-block/src/unsigned/ b/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-block/src/unsigned/
index b06482b1ba8..4f4ecc27078 100644
--- a/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-block/src/unsigned/
+++ b/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-block/src/unsigned/
@@ -15,21 +15,24 @@
 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 // limitations under the License.
-use super::{Call, Config, Pallet, WeightInfo};
+use super::{Call, Config, Pallet};
 use crate::{
-	types::*,
+	types::{PadSolutionPages, *},
+	CommonError,
 use codec::Encode;
 use frame_election_provider_support::{ExtendedBalance, NposSolver, Support, VoteWeight};
 use frame_support::{traits::Get, BoundedVec};
 use frame_system::pallet_prelude::*;
+use scale_info::TypeInfo;
+use sp_npos_elections::EvaluateSupport;
 use sp_runtime::{
 	offchain::storage::{MutateStorageError, StorageValueRef},
 	traits::{SaturatedConversion, Saturating, Zero},
-use sp_std::prelude::*;
+use sp_std::{collections::btree_map::BTreeMap, prelude::*};
 // TODO: fuzzer for the miner
@@ -49,21 +52,21 @@ pub enum SnapshotType {
 /// Error type of the pallet's [`crate::Config::Solver`].
-pub type OffchainSolverErrorOf<T> = <<T as Config>::OffchainSolver as NposSolver>::Error;
+pub type MinerSolverErrorOf<T> = <<T as MinerConfig>::Solver as NposSolver>::Error;
 /// The errors related to the [`BaseMiner`].
 	frame_support::DebugNoBound, frame_support::EqNoBound, frame_support::PartialEqNoBound,
-pub enum MinerError<T: Config> {
+pub enum MinerError<T: MinerConfig> {
 	/// An internal error in the NPoS elections crate.
 	/// An internal error in the generic solver.
-	Solver(OffchainSolverErrorOf<T>),
+	Solver(MinerSolverErrorOf<T>),
 	/// Snapshot data was unavailable unexpectedly.
-	/// The snapshot-independent checks failed for the mined solution.
-	SnapshotIndependentChecks(crate::Error<T>),
+	/// The base, common errors from the pallet.
+	Common(CommonError),
 	/// The solution generated from the miner is not feasible.
 	/// Some page index has been invalid.
@@ -74,28 +77,33 @@ pub enum MinerError<T: Config> {
 	Defensive(&'static str),
-impl<T: Config> From<sp_npos_elections::Error> for MinerError<T> {
+impl<T: MinerConfig> From<sp_npos_elections::Error> for MinerError<T> {
 	fn from(e: sp_npos_elections::Error) -> Self {
-impl<T: Config> From<crate::verifier::FeasibilityError> for MinerError<T> {
+impl<T: MinerConfig> From<verifier::FeasibilityError> for MinerError<T> {
 	fn from(e: verifier::FeasibilityError) -> Self {
+impl<T: MinerConfig> From<CommonError> for MinerError<T> {
+	fn from(e: CommonError) -> Self {
+		MinerError::Common(e)
+	}
 /// The errors related to the [`OffchainMiner`].
 	frame_support::DebugNoBound, frame_support::EqNoBound, frame_support::PartialEqNoBound,
 pub enum OffchainMinerError<T: Config> {
 	/// An error in the base miner.
-	BaseMiner(MinerError<T>),
-	/// unsigned-specific checks failed.
-	// NOTE: This uses the error type of the parent crate for now. Might be reworked.
-	UnsignedChecks(crate::Error<T>),
+	BaseMiner(MinerError<T::MinerConfig>),
+	/// The base, common errors from the pallet.
+	Common(CommonError),
 	/// Something went wrong fetching the lock.
 	Lock(&'static str),
 	/// Submitting a transaction to the pool failed.
@@ -108,25 +116,120 @@ pub enum OffchainMinerError<T: Config> {
-impl<T: Config> From<MinerError<T>> for OffchainMinerError<T> {
-	fn from(e: MinerError<T>) -> Self {
+impl<T: Config> From<MinerError<T::MinerConfig>> for OffchainMinerError<T> {
+	fn from(e: MinerError<T::MinerConfig>) -> Self {
+impl<T: Config> From<CommonError> for OffchainMinerError<T> {
+	fn from(e: CommonError) -> Self {
+		OffchainMinerError::Common(e)
+	}
+/// Configurations for the miner.
+/// This is extracted from the main crate's config so that an offchain miner can readily use the
+/// [`BaseMiner`] without needing to deal with the rest of the pallet's configuration.
+pub trait MinerConfig {
+	/// The account id type.
+	type AccountId: Ord + Clone + codec::Codec + core::fmt::Debug;
+	/// The solution that the miner is mining.
+	/// The solution type.
+	type Solution: codec::FullCodec
+		+ Default
+		+ PartialEq
+		+ Eq
+		+ Clone
+		+ sp_std::fmt::Debug
+		+ Ord
+		+ NposSolution
+		+ TypeInfo
+		+ codec::MaxEncodedLen;
+	/// The solver type.
+	type Solver: NposSolver<AccountId = Self::AccountId>;
+	/// The maximum length that the miner should use for a solution, per page.
+	type MaxLength: Get<u32>;
+	/// Maximum number of votes per voter.
+	///
+	/// Must be the same as configured in the [`crate::Config::DataProvider`].
+	type MaxVotesPerVoter: Get<u32>;
+	/// Maximum number of winners to select per page.
+	///
+	/// The miner should respect this, it is used for trimming, and bounded data types.
+	///
+	/// Should equal to the onchain value set in `Verifier::Config`.
+	type MaxWinnersPerPage: Get<u32>;
+	/// Maximum number of backers per winner, per page.
+	///
+	/// The miner should respect this, it is used for trimming, and bounded data types.
+	///
+	/// Should equal to the onchain value set in `Verifier::Config`.
+	type MaxBackersPerWinner: Get<u32>;
+	/// Maximum number of backers, per winner, across all pages.
+	///
+	/// The miner should respect this, it is used for trimming, and bounded data types.
+	///
+	/// Should equal to the onchain value set in `Verifier::Config`.
+	type MaxBackersPerWinnerFinal: Get<u32>;
+	/// Maximum number of backers, per winner, per page.
+	/// Maximum number of pages that we may compute.
+	///
+	/// Must be the same as configured in the [`crate::Config`].
+	type Pages: Get<u32>;
+	/// Maximum number of voters per snapshot page.
+	///
+	/// Must be the same as configured in the [`crate::Config`].
+	type VoterSnapshotPerBlock: Get<u32>;
+	/// Maximum number of targets per snapshot page.
+	///
+	/// Must be the same as configured in the [`crate::Config`].
+	type TargetSnapshotPerBlock: Get<u32>;
+	/// The hash type of the runtime.
+	type Hash: Eq + PartialEq;
 /// A base miner that is only capable of mining a new solution and checking it against the state of
 /// this pallet for feasibility, and trimming its length/weight.
 /// The type of solver is generic and can be provided, as long as it has the same error and account
 /// id type as the [`crate::Config::OffchainSolver`]. The default is whatever is fed to
 /// [`crate::unsigned::Config::OffchainSolver`].
-pub struct BaseMiner<T: Config, Solver = <T as Config>::OffchainSolver>(
-	sp_std::marker::PhantomData<(T, Solver)>,
+pub struct BaseMiner<T: MinerConfig>(sp_std::marker::PhantomData<T>);
+/// Parameterized `BoundedSupports` for the miner.
+pub type SupportsOfMiner<T> = frame_election_provider_support::BoundedSupports<
+	<T as MinerConfig>::AccountId,
+	<T as MinerConfig>::MaxWinnersPerPage,
+	<T as MinerConfig>::MaxBackersPerWinner,
+/// Aggregator for inputs to [`BaseMiner`].
+pub struct MineInput<T: MinerConfig> {
+	/// Number of winners to pick.
+	pub desired_targets: u32,
+	/// All of the targets.
+	pub all_targets: BoundedVec<T::AccountId, T::TargetSnapshotPerBlock>,
+	/// Paginated list of voters.
+	///
+	/// Note for staking-miners: How this is calculated is rather delicate, and the order of the
+	/// nested vectors matter. See carefully how [`OffchainWorkerMiner::mine_solution`] is doing
+	/// this.
+	pub voter_pages: AllVoterPagesOf<T>,
+	/// Number of pages to mind.
+	///
+	/// Note for staking-miner: Always use [`MinerConfig::Pages`] unless explicitly wanted
+	/// otherwise.
+	pub pages: PageIndex,
+	/// Whether to reduce the solution. Almost always``
+	pub do_reduce: bool,
+	/// The current round for which the solution is being calculated.
+	pub round: u32,
-impl<T: Config, Solver: NposSolver<AccountId = T::AccountId, Error = OffchainSolverErrorOf<T>>>
-	BaseMiner<T, Solver>
+impl<T: MinerConfig> BaseMiner<T> {
 	/// Mine a new npos solution, with the given number of pages.
 	/// This miner is only capable of mining a solution that either uses all of the pages of the
@@ -134,9 +237,8 @@ impl<T: Config, Solver: NposSolver<AccountId = T::AccountId, Error = OffchainSol
 	/// This always trims the solution to match a few parameters:
-	/// 1. [`crate::verifier::Config::MaxBackersPerWinner`]
-	/// 2. [`crate::unsigned::Config::MinerMaxLength`]
-	/// 3. [`crate::unsigned::Config::MinerMaxWeight`]
+	/// [`MinerConfig::MaxWinnersPerPage`], [`MinerConfig::MaxBackersPerWinner`],
+	/// [`MinerConfig::MaxBackersPerWinnerFinal`] and [`MinerConfig::MaxLength`].
 	/// The order of pages returned is aligned with the snapshot. For example, the index 0 of the
 	/// returning solution pages corresponds to the page 0 of the snapshot.
@@ -144,45 +246,12 @@ impl<T: Config, Solver: NposSolver<AccountId = T::AccountId, Error = OffchainSol
 	/// The only difference is, if the solution is partial, then [`Pagify`] must be used to properly
 	/// pad the results.
 	pub fn mine_solution(
-		mut pages: PageIndex,
-		do_reduce: bool,
+		MineInput { desired_targets, all_targets, voter_pages, mut pages, do_reduce, round }: MineInput<
+			T,
+		>,
 	) -> Result<PagedRawSolution<T>, MinerError<T>> {
 		pages = pages.min(T::Pages::get());
-		// read the appropriate snapshot pages.
-		let desired_targets = crate::Snapshot::<T>::desired_targets()
-			.ok_or(MinerError::SnapshotUnAvailable(SnapshotType::DesiredTargets))?;
-		let all_targets = crate::Snapshot::<T>::targets()
-			.ok_or(MinerError::SnapshotUnAvailable(SnapshotType::Targets))?;
-		// This is the range of voters that we are interested in. Mind the second `.rev`, it is
-		// super critical.
-		let voter_pages_range = (crate::Pallet::<T>::lsp()..crate::Pallet::<T>::msp() + 1)
-			.rev()
-			.take(pages as usize)
-			.rev();
-		sublog!(
-			debug,
-			"unsigned::base-miner",
-			"mining a solution with {} pages, voter snapshot range will be: {:?}",
-			pages,
-			voter_pages_range.clone().collect::<Vec<_>>()
-		);
-		// NOTE: if `pages (2) < T::Pages (3)`, at this point this vector will have length 2, with a
-		// layout of `[snapshot(1), snapshot(2)]`, namely the two most significant pages of the
-		// snapshot.
-		let voter_pages: BoundedVec<_, T::Pages> =
-			voter_pages_range
-				.map(|p| {
-					crate::Snapshot::<T>::voters(p)
-						.ok_or(MinerError::SnapshotUnAvailable(SnapshotType::Voters(p)))
-				})
-				.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?
-				.try_into()
-				.expect("`voter_pages_range` has `.take(pages)`; it must have length less than pages; it must convert to `BoundedVec`; qed");
 		// we also build this closure early, so we can let `targets` be consumed.
 		let voter_page_fn = helpers::generate_voter_page_fn::<T>(&voter_pages);
 		let target_index_fn = helpers::target_index_fn::<T>(&all_targets);
@@ -196,7 +265,7 @@ impl<T: Config, Solver: NposSolver<AccountId = T::AccountId, Error = OffchainSol
 			.expect("Flattening the voters into `AllVoterPagesFlattenedOf` cannot fail; qed");
-		let ElectionResult { winners: _, assignments } = Solver::solve(
+		let ElectionResult { winners: _, assignments } = T::Solver::solve(
 			desired_targets as usize,
@@ -232,29 +301,30 @@ impl<T: Config, Solver: NposSolver<AccountId = T::AccountId, Error = OffchainSol
 			// 2. trim the supports by backing.
-			let (_pre_score, trim_support_count, final_trimmed_assignments) = {
+			let (_pre_score, final_trimmed_assignments, winners_removed, backers_removed) = {
 				// these supports could very well be invalid for SCORE purposes. The reason is that
 				// you might trim out half of an account's stake, but we don't look for this
 				// account's other votes to fix it.
-				let mut supports_invalid_score = to_supports(&staked);
+				let supports_invalid_score = to_supports(&staked);
 				let pre_score = (&supports_invalid_score).evaluate();
-				let num_trimmed = Self::trim_supports(&mut supports_invalid_score);
+				let (bounded_invalid_score, winners_removed, backers_removed) =
+					SupportsOfMiner::<T>::sorted_truncate_from(supports_invalid_score);
 				// now recreated the staked assignments
-				let staked = supports_to_staked_assignment(supports_invalid_score);
+				let staked = supports_to_staked_assignment(bounded_invalid_score.into());
 				let assignments = assignment_staked_to_ratio_normalized(staked)
 					.map_err::<MinerError<T>, _>(Into::into)?;
-				(pre_score, num_trimmed, assignments)
+				(pre_score, assignments, winners_removed, backers_removed)
-			sublog!(
+			miner_log!(
-				"unsigned::base-miner",
-				"initial score = {:?}, reduced {} edges, trimmed {} supports",
+				"initial score = {:?}, reduced {} edges, trimmed {} winners from supports, trimmed {} backers from support",
-				trim_support_count,
+				winners_removed,
+				backers_removed,
@@ -306,27 +376,22 @@ impl<T: Config, Solver: NposSolver<AccountId = T::AccountId, Error = OffchainSol
 		let solution_pages = solution_pages_unbounded
 			.expect("maybe_trim_weight_and_len cannot increase the length of its input; qed.");
-		sublog!(
-			debug,
-			"unsigned::base-miner",
-			"trimmed {} voters due to length/weight restriction.",
-			_trim_length_weight
-		);
+		miner_log!(debug, "trimmed {} voters due to length restriction.", _trim_length_weight);
 		// finally, wrap everything up. Assign a fake score here, since we might need to re-compute
 		// it.
-		let round = crate::Pallet::<T>::round();
 		let mut paged = PagedRawSolution { round, solution_pages, score: Default::default() };
 		// OPTIMIZATION: we do feasibility_check inside `compute_score`, and once later
 		// pre_dispatch. I think it is fine, but maybe we can improve it.
-		let score = Self::compute_score(&paged).map_err::<MinerError<T>, _>(Into::into)?;
+		let score = Self::compute_score(&paged, &voter_pages, &all_targets, desired_targets)
+			.map_err::<MinerError<T>, _>(Into::into)?;
 		paged.score = score.clone();
-		sublog!(
+		miner_log!(
-			"unsigned::base-miner",
-			"mined a solution with score {:?}, {} winners, {} voters, {} edges, and {} bytes",
+			"mined a solution with {} pages, score {:?}, {} winners, {} voters, {} edges, and {} bytes",
+			pages,
@@ -337,82 +402,60 @@ impl<T: Config, Solver: NposSolver<AccountId = T::AccountId, Error = OffchainSol
-	/// Mine a new solution. Performs the feasibility checks on it as well.
-	pub fn mine_checked_solution(
-		pages: PageIndex,
-		reduce: bool,
-	) -> Result<PagedRawSolution<T>, MinerError<T>> {
-		let paged_solution = Self::mine_solution(pages, reduce)?;
-		let _ = Self::check_solution(&paged_solution, None, true, "mined")?;
-		Ok(paged_solution)
-	}
-	/// Check the solution, from the perspective of the base miner:
-	///
-	/// 1. snapshot-independent checks.
-	/// 	- with the fingerprint check being an optional step fo that.
-	/// 2. optionally, feasibility check.
-	///
-	/// In most cases, you should always use this either with `do_feasibility = true` or
-	/// `maybe_snapshot_fingerprint.is_some()`. Doing both could be an overkill. The snapshot
-	/// staying constant (which can be checked via the hash) is a string guarantee that the
-	/// feasibility still holds.
-	pub fn check_solution(
-		paged_solution: &PagedRawSolution<T>,
-		maybe_snapshot_fingerprint: Option<T::Hash>,
-		do_feasibility: bool,
-		solution_type: &str,
-	) -> Result<(), MinerError<T>> {
-		let _ = crate::Pallet::<T>::snapshot_independent_checks(
-			paged_solution,
-			maybe_snapshot_fingerprint,
-		)
-		.map_err(|pe| MinerError::SnapshotIndependentChecks(pe))?;
-		if do_feasibility {
-			let _ = Self::check_feasibility(&paged_solution, solution_type)?;
-		}
-		Ok(())
-	}
 	/// perform the feasibility check on all pages of a solution, returning `Ok(())` if all good and
 	/// the corresponding error otherwise.
 	pub fn check_feasibility(
 		paged_solution: &PagedRawSolution<T>,
+		paged_voters: &AllVoterPagesOf<T>,
+		snapshot_targets: &BoundedVec<T::AccountId, T::TargetSnapshotPerBlock>,
+		desired_targets: u32,
 		solution_type: &str,
-	) -> Result<Vec<SupportsOf<T::Verifier>>, MinerError<T>> {
+	) -> Result<Vec<SupportsOfMiner<T>>, MinerError<T>> {
 		// check every solution page for feasibility.
+		let padded_voters = paged_voters.clone().pad_solution_pages(T::Pages::get());
 			.map(|(page_index, page_solution)| {
-				<T::Verifier as verifier::Verifier>::feasibility_check_page(
+				verifier::feasibility_check_page_inner_with_snapshot::<T>(
-					page_index as PageIndex,
+					&padded_voters[page_index as usize],
+					snapshot_targets,
+					desired_targets,
 			.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()
 			.map_err(|err| {
-				sublog!(
+				miner_log!(
-					"unsigned::base-miner",
 					"feasibility check failed for {} solution at: {:?}",
+			.and_then(|supports| {
+				// TODO: Check `MaxBackersPerWinnerFinal`
+				Ok(supports)
+			})
 	/// Take the given raw paged solution and compute its score. This will replicate what the chain
 	/// would do as closely as possible, and expects all the corresponding snapshot data to be
 	/// available.
-	fn compute_score(paged_solution: &PagedRawSolution<T>) -> Result<ElectionScore, MinerError<T>> {
-		use sp_npos_elections::EvaluateSupport;
-		use sp_std::collections::btree_map::BTreeMap;
-		let all_supports = Self::check_feasibility(paged_solution, "mined")?;
+	fn compute_score(
+		paged_solution: &PagedRawSolution<T>,
+		paged_voters: &AllVoterPagesOf<T>,
+		all_targets: &BoundedVec<T::AccountId, T::TargetSnapshotPerBlock>,
+		desired_targets: u32,
+	) -> Result<ElectionScore, MinerError<T>> {
+		let all_supports = Self::check_feasibility(
+			paged_solution,
+			paged_voters,
+			all_targets,
+			desired_targets,
+			"mined",
+		)?;
 		let mut total_backings: BTreeMap<T::AccountId, ExtendedBalance> = BTreeMap::new();
 		all_supports.into_iter().map(|x| x.0).flatten().for_each(|(who, support)| {
 			let backing = total_backings.entry(who).or_default();
@@ -436,7 +479,7 @@ impl<T: Config, Solver: NposSolver<AccountId = T::AccountId, Error = OffchainSol
 	/// Returns the count of supports trimmed.
 	pub fn trim_supports(supports: &mut sp_npos_elections::Supports<T::AccountId>) -> u32 {
-		let limit = <T::Verifier as crate::verifier::Verifier>::MaxBackersPerWinner::get() as usize;
+		let limit = T::MaxBackersPerWinner::get() as usize;
 		let mut count = 0;
@@ -479,54 +522,13 @@ impl<T: Config, Solver: NposSolver<AccountId = T::AccountId, Error = OffchainSol
 		paged_voters: &AllVoterPagesOf<T>,
 	) -> Result<u32, MinerError<T>> {
 		debug_assert_eq!(solution_pages.len(), paged_voters.len());
-		let size_limit = T::MinerMaxLength::get();
-		let weight_limit = T::MinerMaxWeight::get();
-		let all_voters_count = crate::Snapshot::<T>::voters_decode_len(crate::Pallet::<T>::msp())
-			.ok_or(MinerError::SnapshotUnAvailable(SnapshotType::Voters(
-				crate::Pallet::<T>::msp(),
-			)))? as u32;
-		let all_targets_count = crate::Snapshot::<T>::targets_decode_len()
-			.ok_or(MinerError::SnapshotUnAvailable(SnapshotType::Targets))?
-			as u32;
-		let desired_targets = crate::Snapshot::<T>::desired_targets()
-			.ok_or(MinerError::SnapshotUnAvailable(SnapshotType::DesiredTargets))?;
-		let winner_count_of = |solution_pages: &Vec<SolutionOf<T>>| {
-			solution_pages
-				.iter()
-				.map(|page| page.unique_targets())
-				.flatten()
-				.collect::<sp_std::collections::btree_set::BTreeSet<_>>()
-				.len() as u32
-		};
-		let voter_count_of = |solution_pages: &Vec<SolutionOf<T>>| {
-			solution_pages
-				.iter()
-				.map(|page| page.voter_count())
-				.fold(0, |acc, x| acc.saturating_add(x)) as u32
-		};
+		let size_limit = T::MaxLength::get();
 		let needs_any_trim = |solution_pages: &mut Vec<SolutionOf<T>>| {
 			let size = solution_pages.encoded_size() as u32;
-			let next_active_targets = winner_count_of(solution_pages);
-			if next_active_targets < desired_targets {
-				sublog!(warn, "unsigned::base-miner", "trimming has cause a solution to have less targets than desired, this might fail feasibility");
-			}
-			let weight = <T as Config>::WeightInfo::submit_unsigned(
-				all_voters_count,
-				all_targets_count,
-				// NOTE: we could not re-compute this all the time and instead assume that in each
-				// round, it is the previous value minus one.
-				voter_count_of(solution_pages),
-				next_active_targets,
-			);
-			let needs_weight_trim = weight.any_gt(weight_limit);
 			let needs_len_trim = size > size_limit;
+			// a reminder that we used to have weight trimming here, but not more!
+			let needs_weight_trim = false;
 			needs_weight_trim || needs_len_trim
@@ -573,9 +575,8 @@ impl<T: Config, Solver: NposSolver<AccountId = T::AccountId, Error = OffchainSol
 					let stake_of_fn = current_trimming_page_stake_of(current_trimming_page);
 				}) {
-				sublog!(
+				miner_log!(
-					"unsigned::base-miner",
 					"removed voter at index {:?} of (un-pagified) page {} as the weakest due to weight/length limits.",
@@ -584,9 +585,8 @@ impl<T: Config, Solver: NposSolver<AccountId = T::AccountId, Error = OffchainSol
 			} else {
 				// this page cannot support remove anymore. Try and go to the next page.
-				sublog!(
+				miner_log!(
-					"unsigned::base-miner",
 					"page {} seems to be fully empty now, moving to the next one",
@@ -595,9 +595,8 @@ impl<T: Config, Solver: NposSolver<AccountId = T::AccountId, Error = OffchainSol
 					current_trimming_page = next_page;
 					sort_current_trimming_page(current_trimming_page, solution_pages);
 				} else {
-					sublog!(
+					miner_log!(
-						"unsigned::base-miner",
 						"no more pages to trim from at page {}, already trimmed",
@@ -611,6 +610,8 @@ impl<T: Config, Solver: NposSolver<AccountId = T::AccountId, Error = OffchainSol
 /// A miner that is suited to work inside offchain worker environment.
+/// This is parameterized by [`Config`], rather than [`MinerConfig`].
 pub(crate) struct OffchainWorkerMiner<T: Config>(sp_std::marker::PhantomData<T>);
 impl<T: Config> OffchainWorkerMiner<T> {
@@ -623,6 +624,68 @@ impl<T: Config> OffchainWorkerMiner<T> {
 	/// The number of pages that the offchain worker miner will try and mine.
 	const MINING_PAGES: PageIndex = 1;
+	pub(crate) fn fetch_snapshot(
+		pages: PageIndex,
+	) -> Result<
+		(AllVoterPagesOf<T::MinerConfig>, BoundedVec<T::AccountId, T::TargetSnapshotPerBlock>, u32),
+		OffchainMinerError<T>,
+	> {
+		// read the appropriate snapshot pages.
+		let desired_targets = crate::Snapshot::<T>::desired_targets()
+			.ok_or(MinerError::SnapshotUnAvailable(SnapshotType::DesiredTargets))?;
+		let all_targets = crate::Snapshot::<T>::targets()
+			.ok_or(MinerError::SnapshotUnAvailable(SnapshotType::Targets))?;
+		// This is the range of voters that we are interested in. Mind the second `.rev`, it is
+		// super critical.
+		let voter_pages_range = (crate::Pallet::<T>::lsp()..crate::Pallet::<T>::msp() + 1)
+			.rev()
+			.take(pages as usize)
+			.rev();
+		sublog!(
+			debug,
+			"unsigned::base-miner",
+			"mining a solution with {} pages, voter snapshot range will be: {:?}",
+			pages,
+			voter_pages_range.clone().collect::<Vec<_>>()
+		);
+		// NOTE: if `pages (2) < T::Pages (3)`, at this point this vector will have length 2,
+		// with a layout of `[snapshot(1), snapshot(2)]`, namely the two most significant pages
+		//  of the snapshot.
+		let voter_pages: BoundedVec<_, T::Pages> = voter_pages_range
+			.map(|p| {
+				crate::Snapshot::<T>::voters(p)
+					.ok_or(MinerError::SnapshotUnAvailable(SnapshotType::Voters(p)))
+			})
+			.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?
+			.try_into()
+			.expect(
+				"`voter_pages_range` has `.take(pages)`; it must have length less than pages; it
+		must convert to `BoundedVec`; qed",
+			);
+		Ok((voter_pages, all_targets, desired_targets))
+	}
+	pub(crate) fn mine_solution(
+		pages: PageIndex,
+		do_reduce: bool,
+	) -> Result<PagedRawSolution<T::MinerConfig>, OffchainMinerError<T>> {
+		let (voter_pages, all_targets, desired_targets) = Self::fetch_snapshot(pages)?;
+		let round = crate::Pallet::<T>::round();
+		BaseMiner::<T::MinerConfig>::mine_solution(MineInput {
+			desired_targets,
+			all_targets,
+			voter_pages,
+			pages,
+			do_reduce,
+			round,
+		})
+		.map_err(Into::into)
+	}
 	/// Get a checked solution from the base miner, ensure unsigned-specific checks also pass, then
 	/// return an submittable call.
 	fn mine_checked_call() -> Result<Call<T>, OffchainMinerError<T>> {
@@ -631,9 +694,8 @@ impl<T: Config> OffchainWorkerMiner<T> {
 		// NOTE: we don't run any checks in the base miner, and run all of them via
 		// `Self::full_checks`.
-		let paged_solution =
-			BaseMiner::<T, T::OffchainSolver>::mine_solution(Self::MINING_PAGES, reduce)
-				.map_err::<OffchainMinerError<T>, _>(Into::into)?;
+		let paged_solution = Self::mine_solution(Self::MINING_PAGES, reduce)
+			.map_err::<OffchainMinerError<T>, _>(Into::into)?;
 		// check the call fully, no fingerprinting.
 		let _ = Self::check_solution(&paged_solution, None, true, "mined")?;
@@ -660,23 +722,19 @@ impl<T: Config> OffchainWorkerMiner<T> {
 	/// 	2. snapshot-independent checks.
 	/// 		1. optionally, snapshot fingerprint.
 	pub fn check_solution(
-		paged_solution: &PagedRawSolution<T>,
+		paged_solution: &PagedRawSolution<T::MinerConfig>,
 		maybe_snapshot_fingerprint: Option<T::Hash>,
 		do_feasibility: bool,
 		solution_type: &str,
 	) -> Result<(), OffchainMinerError<T>> {
 		// NOTE: we prefer cheap checks first, so first run unsigned checks.
-		Pallet::unsigned_specific_checks(paged_solution)
-			.map_err(|pe| OffchainMinerError::UnsignedChecks(pe))
-			.and_then(|_| {
-				BaseMiner::<T, T::OffchainSolver>::check_solution(
-					paged_solution,
-					maybe_snapshot_fingerprint,
-					do_feasibility,
-					solution_type,
-				)
-				.map_err(OffchainMinerError::BaseMiner)
-			})
+		Pallet::<T>::unsigned_specific_checks(paged_solution)?;
+		Self::base_check_solution(
+			paged_solution,
+			maybe_snapshot_fingerprint,
+			do_feasibility,
+			solution_type,
+		)
 	fn submit_call(call: Call<T>) -> Result<(), OffchainMinerError<T>> {
@@ -697,6 +755,45 @@ impl<T: Config> OffchainWorkerMiner<T> {
 			.map_err(|_| OffchainMinerError::PoolSubmissionFailed)
+	/// Check the solution, from the perspective of the base miner:
+	///
+	/// 1. snapshot-independent checks.
+	/// 	- with the fingerprint check being an optional step fo that.
+	/// 2. optionally, feasibility check.
+	///
+	/// In most cases, you should always use this either with `do_feasibility = true` or
+	/// `maybe_snapshot_fingerprint.is_some()`. Doing both could be an overkill. The snapshot
+	/// staying constant (which can be checked via the hash) is a string guarantee that the
+	/// feasibility still holds.
+	///
+	/// The difference between this and [`Self::check_solution`] is that this does not run unsigned
+	/// specific checks.
+	pub(crate) fn base_check_solution(
+		paged_solution: &PagedRawSolution<T::MinerConfig>,
+		maybe_snapshot_fingerprint: Option<T::Hash>,
+		do_feasibility: bool,
+		solution_type: &str, // TODO: remove
+	) -> Result<(), OffchainMinerError<T>> {
+		let _ = crate::Pallet::<T>::snapshot_independent_checks(
+			paged_solution,
+			maybe_snapshot_fingerprint,
+		)?;
+		if do_feasibility {
+			let (voter_pages, all_targets, desired_targets) =
+				Self::fetch_snapshot(paged_solution.solution_pages.len() as PageIndex)?;
+			let _ = BaseMiner::<T::MinerConfig>::check_feasibility(
+				&paged_solution,
+				&voter_pages,
+				&all_targets,
+				desired_targets,
+				solution_type,
+			)?;
+		}
+		Ok(())
+	}
 	/// Attempt to restore a solution from cache. Otherwise, compute it fresh. Either way,
 	/// submit if our call's score is greater than that of the cached solution.
 	pub fn restore_or_compute_then_maybe_submit() -> Result<(), OffchainMinerError<T>> {
@@ -723,17 +820,17 @@ impl<T: Config> OffchainWorkerMiner<T> {
 			.or_else::<OffchainMinerError<T>, _>(|error| {
-				use MinerError::*;
-				use OffchainMinerError::*;
+				use OffchainMinerError as OE;
+				use MinerError as ME;
+				use CommonError as CE;
 				match error {
-					NoStoredSolution => {
+					OE::NoStoredSolution => {
 						// IFF, not present regenerate.
 						let call = Self::mine_checked_call()?;
 						Self::save_solution(&call, crate::Snapshot::<T>::fingerprint())?;
-					UnsignedChecks(ref e) => {
+					OE::Common(ref e) => {
@@ -743,9 +840,9 @@ impl<T: Config> OffchainWorkerMiner<T> {
-					BaseMiner(Feasibility(_))
-						| BaseMiner(SnapshotIndependentChecks(crate::Error::<T>::WrongRound))
-						| BaseMiner(SnapshotIndependentChecks(crate::Error::<T>::WrongFingerprint))
+					OE::BaseMiner(ME::Feasibility(_))
+						| OE::BaseMiner(ME::Common(CE::WrongRound))
+						| OE::BaseMiner(ME::Common(CE::WrongFingerprint))
 					=> {
 						// note that failing `Feasibility` can only mean that the solution was
 						// computed over a snapshot that has changed due to a fork.
@@ -865,211 +962,8 @@ mod trim_weight_length {
 	use super::*;
 	use crate::{mock::*, verifier::Verifier};
 	use frame_election_provider_support::TryFromUnboundedPagedSupports;
-	use frame_support::pallet_prelude::*;
 	use sp_npos_elections::Support;
-	#[test]
-	fn trim_weight_basic() {
-		// This is just demonstration to show the normal election result with new votes, without any
-		// trimming.
-		ExtBuilder::unsigned().build_and_execute(|| {
-			let mut current_voters = Voters::get();
-			current_voters.iter_mut().for_each(|(who, stake, ..)| *stake = *who);
-			Voters::set(current_voters);
-			roll_to_snapshot_created();
-			ensure_voters(3, 12);
-			let solution = mine_full_solution().unwrap();
-			// 4 of these will be trimmed.
-			assert_eq!(
-				solution.solution_pages.iter().map(|page| page.voter_count()).sum::<usize>(),
-				8
-			);
-			load_mock_signed_and_start(solution);
-			let supports = roll_to_full_verification();
-			// NOTE: this test is a bit funny because our msp snapshot page actually contains voters
-			// with less stake than lsp.. but that's not relevant here.
-			assert_eq!(
-				supports,
-				vec![
-					// supports from 30, 40, both will be removed.
-					vec![
-						(30, Support { total: 30, voters: vec![(30, 30)] }),
-						(40, Support { total: 40, voters: vec![(40, 40)] })
-					],
-					// supports from 5, 6, 7. 5 and 6 will be removed.
-					vec![
-						(30, Support { total: 11, voters: vec![(7, 7), (5, 2), (6, 2)] }),
-						(40, Support { total: 7, voters: vec![(5, 3), (6, 4)] })
-					],
-					// all will stay
-					vec![(40, Support { total: 9, voters: vec![(2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4)] })]
-				]
-				.try_from_unbounded_paged()
-				.unwrap()
-			);
-		});
-		// now we get to the real test...
-		ExtBuilder::unsigned()
-			.miner_weight(Weight::from_parts(4, u64::MAX))
-			.build_and_execute(|| {
-				// first, replace the stake of all voters with their account id.
-				let mut current_voters = Voters::get();
-				current_voters.iter_mut().for_each(|(who, stake, ..)| *stake = *who);
-				Voters::set(current_voters);
-				// with 1 weight unit per voter, this can only support 4 voters, despite having 12
-				// in the snapshot.
-				roll_to_snapshot_created();
-				ensure_voters(3, 12);
-				let solution = mine_full_solution().unwrap();
-				assert_eq!(
-					solution.solution_pages.iter().map(|page| page.voter_count()).sum::<usize>(),
-					4
-				);
-				load_mock_signed_and_start(solution);
-				let supports = roll_to_full_verification();
-				// a solution is queued.
-				assert!(VerifierPallet::queued_score().is_some());
-				assert_eq!(
-					supports,
-					vec![
-						vec![],
-						vec![(30, Support { total: 7, voters: vec![(7, 7)] })],
-						vec![(40, Support { total: 9, voters: vec![(2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4)] })]
-					]
-					.try_from_unbounded_paged()
-					.unwrap()
-				);
-			})
-	}
-	#[test]
-	fn trim_weight_partial_solution() {
-		// This is just demonstration to show the normal election result with new votes, without any
-		// trimming.
-		ExtBuilder::unsigned().build_and_execute(|| {
-			let mut current_voters = Voters::get();
-			current_voters.iter_mut().for_each(|(who, stake, ..)| *stake = *who);
-			Voters::set(current_voters);
-			roll_to_snapshot_created();
-			ensure_voters(3, 12);
-			let solution = mine_solution(2).unwrap();
-			// 3 of these will be trimmed.
-			assert_eq!(
-				solution.solution_pages.iter().map(|page| page.voter_count()).sum::<usize>(),
-				7
-			);
-			load_mock_signed_and_start(solution);
-			let supports = roll_to_full_verification();
-			// a solution is queued.
-			assert!(VerifierPallet::queued_score().is_some());
-			assert_eq!(
-				supports,
-				vec![
-					vec![],
-					// 5, 6, 7 will be removed in the next test block
-					vec![
-						(10, Support { total: 10, voters: vec![(8, 8), (5, 2)] }),
-						(30, Support { total: 16, voters: vec![(6, 6), (7, 7), (5, 3)] })
-					],
-					vec![
-						(10, Support { total: 5, voters: vec![(1, 1), (4, 4)] }),
-						(30, Support { total: 2, voters: vec![(2, 2)] })
-					]
-				]
-				.try_from_unbounded_paged()
-				.unwrap()
-			);
-		});
-		// now we get to the real test...
-		ExtBuilder::unsigned()
-			.miner_weight(Weight::from_parts(4, u64::MAX))
-			.build_and_execute(|| {
-				// first, replace the stake of all voters with their account id.
-				let mut current_voters = Voters::get();
-				current_voters.iter_mut().for_each(|(who, stake, ..)| *stake = *who);
-				Voters::set(current_voters);
-				roll_to_snapshot_created();
-				ensure_voters(3, 12);
-				let solution = mine_solution(2).unwrap();
-				assert_eq!(
-					solution.solution_pages.iter().map(|page| page.voter_count()).sum::<usize>(),
-					4
-				);
-				load_mock_signed_and_start(solution);
-				let supports = roll_to_full_verification();
-				// a solution is queued.
-				assert!(VerifierPallet::queued_score().is_some());
-				assert_eq!(
-					supports,
-					vec![
-						vec![],
-						vec![(10, Support { total: 8, voters: vec![(8, 8)] })],
-						vec![
-							(10, Support { total: 5, voters: vec![(1, 1), (4, 4)] }),
-							(30, Support { total: 2, voters: vec![(2, 2)] })
-						]
-					]
-					.try_from_unbounded_paged()
-					.unwrap()
-				);
-			})
-	}
-	#[test]
-	fn trim_weight_too_much_makes_solution_invalid() {
-		// with just 1 units, we can support 1 voter. This is not enough to have 2 winner which we
-		// want.
-		ExtBuilder::unsigned()
-			.miner_weight(Weight::from_parts(1, u64::MAX))
-			.build_and_execute(|| {
-				let mut current_voters = Voters::get();
-				current_voters.iter_mut().for_each(|(who, stake, ..)| *stake = *who);
-				Voters::set(current_voters);
-				roll_to_snapshot_created();
-				ensure_voters(3, 12);
-				let solution = mine_full_solution().unwrap();
-				assert_eq!(
-					solution.solution_pages.iter().map(|page| page.voter_count()).sum::<usize>(),
-					1
-				);
-				load_mock_signed_and_start(solution);
-				let supports = roll_to_full_verification();
-				// nothing is queued
-				assert!(VerifierPallet::queued_score().is_none());
-				assert_eq!(
-					supports,
-					vec![vec![], vec![], vec![]].try_from_unbounded_paged().unwrap()
-				);
-			})
-	}
 	fn trim_length() {
 		// This is just demonstration to show the normal election result with new votes, without any
@@ -1159,6 +1053,8 @@ mod trim_weight_length {
 mod base_miner {
+	use std::vec;
 	use super::*;
 	use crate::{mock::*, Snapshot};
 	use frame_election_provider_support::TryFromUnboundedPagedSupports;
@@ -1217,7 +1113,8 @@ mod base_miner {
 			assert_eq!(paged.solution_pages.len(), 1);
 			// this solution must be feasible and submittable.
-			BaseMiner::<Runtime>::check_solution(&paged, None, true, "mined").unwrap();
+			OffchainWorkerMiner::<Runtime>::base_check_solution(&paged, None, true, "mined")
+				.unwrap();
 			// now do a realistic full verification
@@ -1303,7 +1200,8 @@ mod base_miner {
 			// this solution must be feasible and submittable.
-			BaseMiner::<Runtime>::check_solution(&paged, None, false, "mined").unwrap();
+			OffchainWorkerMiner::<Runtime>::base_check_solution(&paged, None, false, "mined")
+				.unwrap();
 			// it must also be verified in the verifier
@@ -1390,7 +1288,8 @@ mod base_miner {
 			// this solution must be feasible and submittable.
-			BaseMiner::<Runtime>::check_solution(&paged, None, true, "mined").unwrap();
+			OffchainWorkerMiner::<Runtime>::base_check_solution(&paged, None, true, "mined")
+				.unwrap();
 			// now do a realistic full verification
 			let supports = roll_to_full_verification();
@@ -1469,7 +1368,8 @@ mod base_miner {
 			// this solution must be feasible and submittable.
-			BaseMiner::<Runtime>::check_solution(&paged, None, true, "mined").unwrap();
+			OffchainWorkerMiner::<Runtime>::base_check_solution(&paged, None, true, "mined")
+				.unwrap();
 			// now do a realistic full verification.
 			let supports = roll_to_full_verification();
@@ -1533,7 +1433,8 @@ mod base_miner {
 			let paged = mine_solution(2).unwrap();
 			// this solution must be feasible and submittable.
-			BaseMiner::<Runtime>::check_solution(&paged, None, true, "mined").unwrap();
+			OffchainWorkerMiner::<Runtime>::base_check_solution(&paged, None, true, "mined")
+				.unwrap();
@@ -1563,7 +1464,8 @@ mod base_miner {
 			// this solution must be feasible and submittable.
-			BaseMiner::<Runtime>::check_solution(&paged, None, true, "mined").unwrap();
+			OffchainWorkerMiner::<Runtime>::base_check_solution(&paged, None, true, "mined")
+				.unwrap();
 			// now do a realistic full verification.
 			let supports = roll_to_full_verification();
@@ -1599,12 +1501,12 @@ mod base_miner {
 	fn can_reduce_solution() {
 		ExtBuilder::unsigned().build_and_execute(|| {
-			let full_edges = BaseMiner::<Runtime>::mine_solution(Pages::get(), false)
+			let full_edges = OffchainWorkerMiner::<Runtime>::mine_solution(Pages::get(), false)
 				.fold(0, |acc, x| acc + x.edge_count());
-			let reduced_edges = BaseMiner::<Runtime>::mine_solution(Pages::get(), true)
+			let reduced_edges = OffchainWorkerMiner::<Runtime>::mine_solution(Pages::get(), true)
@@ -1615,7 +1517,7 @@ mod base_miner {
-	fn trim_backings_works() {
+	fn trim_backers_per_page_works() {
@@ -1654,7 +1556,7 @@ mod base_miner {
 								Support {
 									total: 40,
-									voters: vec![(2, 10), (3, 10), (4, 10), (6, 10)]
+									voters: vec![(2, 10), (3, 10), (5, 10), (6, 10)]
@@ -1664,11 +1566,112 @@ mod base_miner {
+	#[test]
+	fn trim_backers_final_works() {
+		ExtBuilder::unsigned()
+			.max_backers_per_winner_final(3)
+			.pages(3)
+			.build_and_execute(|| {
+				roll_to_snapshot_created();
+				let paged = mine_full_solution().unwrap();
+				load_mock_signed_and_start(paged.clone());
+				// this must be correct
+				let supports = roll_to_full_verification();
+				assert_eq!(
+					verifier_events(),
+					vec![
+						verifier::Event::Verified(2, 2),
+						verifier::Event::Verified(1, 2),
+						verifier::Event::Verified(0, 2),
+						verifier::Event::VerificationFailed(
+							0,
+							verifier::FeasibilityError::FailedToBoundSupport
+						)
+					]
+				);
+				todo!("miner should trim max backers final");
+				assert_eq!(
+					supports,
+					vec![
+						// 1 backing for 10
+						vec![(10, Support { total: 8, voters: vec![(104, 8)] })],
+						// 2 backings for 10
+						vec![
+							(10, Support { total: 17, voters: vec![(10, 10), (103, 7)] }),
+							(40, Support { total: 40, voters: vec![(40, 40)] })
+						],
+						// 20 backings for 10
+						vec![
+							(10, Support { total: 20, voters: vec![(1, 10), (8, 10)] }),
+							(
+								40,
+								Support {
+									total: 40,
+									voters: vec![(2, 10), (3, 10), (4, 10), (6, 10)]
+								}
+							)
+						]
+					]
+					.try_from_unbounded_paged()
+					.unwrap()
+				);
+			});
+	}
+	#[test]
+	fn trim_backers_final_works_2() {
+		ExtBuilder::unsigned()
+			.max_backers_per_winner_final(4)
+			.max_backers_per_winner(2)
+			.pages(3)
+			.build_and_execute(|| {
+				roll_to_snapshot_created();
+				let paged = mine_full_solution().unwrap();
+				load_mock_signed_and_start(paged.clone());
+				// this must be correct
+				let supports = roll_to_full_verification();
+				// 10 has no more than 5 backings, and from the new voters that we added in this
+				// test, the most staked ones stayed (103, 104) and the rest trimmed.
+				assert_eq!(
+					supports,
+					vec![
+						// 1 backing for 10
+						vec![(10, Support { total: 8, voters: vec![(104, 8)] })],
+						// 2 backings for 10
+						vec![
+							(10, Support { total: 17, voters: vec![(10, 10), (103, 7)] }),
+							(40, Support { total: 40, voters: vec![(40, 40)] })
+						],
+						// 20 backings for 10
+						vec![
+							(10, Support { total: 20, voters: vec![(1, 10), (8, 10)] }),
+							(
+								40,
+								Support {
+									total: 40,
+									voters: vec![(2, 10), (3, 10), (4, 10), (6, 10)]
+								}
+							)
+						]
+					]
+					.try_from_unbounded_paged()
+					.unwrap()
+				);
+			});
+	}
 mod offchain_worker_miner {
-	use crate::verifier::Verifier;
+	use crate::{verifier::Verifier, CommonError};
 	use frame_support::traits::Hooks;
 	use sp_runtime::offchain::storage_lock::{BlockAndTime, StorageLock};
@@ -1934,8 +1937,9 @@ mod offchain_worker_miner {
 				vec![vec![(40, Support { total: 10, voters: vec![(3, 10)] })]],
-			let weak_call =
-				crate::unsigned::Call::submit_unsigned { paged_solution: Box::new(weak_solution) };
+			let weak_call = crate::unsigned::Call::<T>::submit_unsigned {
+				paged_solution: Box::new(weak_solution),
+			};
 			// run again
@@ -2012,9 +2016,7 @@ mod offchain_worker_miner {
 			// beautiful errors, isn't it?
-				OffchainMinerError::BaseMiner(MinerError::SnapshotIndependentChecks(
-					crate::Error::<Runtime>::WrongWinnerCount
-				))
+				OffchainMinerError::Common(CommonError::WrongWinnerCount)
diff --git a/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-block/src/unsigned/ b/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-block/src/unsigned/
index 471ee54f942..87d9754b74e 100644
--- a/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-block/src/unsigned/
+++ b/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-block/src/unsigned/
@@ -71,21 +71,18 @@ mod pallet {
+		CommonError,
 	use frame_support::pallet_prelude::*;
 	use frame_system::{offchain::CreateInherent, pallet_prelude::*};
 	use sp_runtime::traits::SaturatedConversion;
 	use sp_std::prelude::*;
-	/// convert a DispatchError to a custom InvalidTransaction with the inner code being the error
-	/// number.
-	fn dispatch_error_to_invalid(error: sp_runtime::DispatchError) -> InvalidTransaction {
-		use sp_runtime::ModuleError;
-		let error_number = match error {
-			DispatchError::Module(ModuleError { error, .. }) => error,
-			_ => [0u8, 0, 0, 0],
-		};
-		InvalidTransaction::Custom(error_number[0] as u8)
+	/// convert a [`crate::CommonError`] to a custom InvalidTransaction with the inner code being
+	/// the index of the variant.
+	fn base_error_to_invalid(error: CommonError) -> InvalidTransaction {
+		let index = error.encode().pop().unwrap_or(0);
+		InvalidTransaction::Custom(index)
 	pub trait WeightInfo {
@@ -114,16 +111,6 @@ mod pallet {
 		/// The priority of the unsigned transaction submitted in the unsigned-phase
 		type MinerTxPriority: Get<TransactionPriority>;
-		/// Maximum weight that the miner should consume.
-		///
-		/// The miner will ensure that the total weight of the unsigned solution will not exceed
-		/// this value, based on [`WeightInfo::submit_unsigned`].
-		type MinerMaxWeight: Get<Weight>;
-		/// Maximum length (bytes) that the mined solution should consume.
-		///
-		/// The miner will ensure that the total length of the unsigned solution will not exceed
-		/// this value.
-		type MinerMaxLength: Get<u32>;
 		type WeightInfo: WeightInfo;
@@ -145,9 +132,10 @@ mod pallet {
 		pub fn submit_unsigned(
 			origin: OriginFor<T>,
-			paged_solution: Box<PagedRawSolution<T>>,
+			paged_solution: Box<PagedRawSolution<T::MinerConfig>>,
 		) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo {
+			// TODO: remove the panic from this function for now.
 			let error_message = "Invalid unsigned submission must produce invalid block and \
 				 deprive validator from their authoring reward.";
@@ -199,7 +187,7 @@ mod pallet {
-					.map_err(dispatch_error_to_invalid)?;
+					.map_err(base_error_to_invalid)?;
 					// The higher the score.minimal_stake, the better a paged_solution is.
@@ -223,7 +211,7 @@ mod pallet {
 		fn pre_dispatch(call: &Self::Call) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError> {
 			if let Call::submit_unsigned { paged_solution, .. } = call {
-					.map_err(dispatch_error_to_invalid)
+					.map_err(base_error_to_invalid)
 			} else {
@@ -233,6 +221,11 @@ mod pallet {
 	impl<T: Config> Hooks<BlockNumberFor<T>> for Pallet<T> {
+		fn integrity_test() {
+			// TODO: weight of a single page verification should be well below what we desire to
+			// have.
+		}
 		fn offchain_worker(now: BlockNumberFor<T>) {
 			use sp_runtime::offchain::storage_lock::{BlockAndTime, StorageLock};
@@ -311,8 +304,8 @@ mod pallet {
 		/// These check both for snapshot independent checks, and some checks that are specific to
 		/// the unsigned phase.
 		pub(crate) fn validate_unsigned_checks(
-			paged_solution: &PagedRawSolution<T>,
-		) -> DispatchResult {
+			paged_solution: &PagedRawSolution<T::MinerConfig>,
+		) -> Result<(), CommonError> {
 				.and(crate::Pallet::<T>::snapshot_independent_checks(paged_solution, None))
@@ -322,20 +315,20 @@ mod pallet {
 		/// ensure solution has the correct phase, and it has only 1 page.
 		pub fn unsigned_specific_checks(
-			paged_solution: &PagedRawSolution<T>,
-		) -> Result<(), crate::Error<T>> {
+			paged_solution: &PagedRawSolution<T::MinerConfig>,
+		) -> Result<(), CommonError> {
-				crate::Error::<T>::EarlySubmission
+				CommonError::EarlySubmission
-			ensure!(paged_solution.solution_pages.len() == 1, crate::Error::<T>::WrongPageCount);
+			ensure!(paged_solution.solution_pages.len() == 1, CommonError::WrongPageCount);
 		pub(crate) fn sanity_check() -> Result<(), &'static str> {
+			// TODO
diff --git a/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-block/src/verifier/ b/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-block/src/verifier/
index ccb923acf16..f1f40c3100f 100644
--- a/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-block/src/verifier/
+++ b/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-block/src/verifier/
@@ -16,13 +16,21 @@
 // limitations under the License.
 use super::*;
-use crate::{helpers, types::SupportsOf, verifier::Verifier, SolutionOf};
+use crate::{
+	helpers,
+	types::VoterOf,
+	unsigned::miner::{MinerConfig, SupportsOfMiner},
+	verifier::Verifier,
+	SolutionOf,
 use codec::{Decode, Encode, MaxEncodedLen};
-use frame_election_provider_support::{ExtendedBalance, NposSolution, PageIndex};
+use frame_election_provider_support::{
+	ExtendedBalance, NposSolution, PageIndex, TryFromOtherBounds,
 use frame_support::{
 	pallet_prelude::{ValueQuery, *},
-	traits::{Defensive, Get},
+	traits::{defensive_prelude::*, Defensive, Get},
 use frame_system::pallet_prelude::*;
 use pallet::*;
@@ -30,6 +38,12 @@ use sp_npos_elections::{evaluate_support, ElectionScore, EvaluateSupport};
 use sp_runtime::{Perbill, RuntimeDebug};
 use sp_std::{collections::btree_map::BTreeMap, prelude::*};
+pub(crate) type SupportsOfVerifier<V> = frame_election_provider_support::BoundedSupports<
+	<V as Verifier>::AccountId,
+	<V as Verifier>::MaxWinnersPerPage,
+	<V as Verifier>::MaxBackersPerWinner,
 /// The status of this pallet.
 #[derive(Encode, Decode, scale_info::TypeInfo, Clone, Copy, MaxEncodedLen, RuntimeDebug)]
 #[cfg_attr(any(test, debug_assertions), derive(PartialEq, Eq))]
@@ -119,7 +133,9 @@ pub(crate) mod pallet {
 		/// Something that can provide the solution data to the verifier.
 		/// In reality, this will be fulfilled by the signed phase.
-		type SolutionDataProvider: crate::verifier::SolutionDataProvider<Solution = Self::Solution>;
+		type SolutionDataProvider: crate::verifier::SolutionDataProvider<
+			Solution = SolutionOf<Self::MinerConfig>,
+		>;
 		/// The weight information of this pallet.
 		type WeightInfo;
@@ -247,14 +263,14 @@ pub(crate) mod pallet {
 		/// known to be valid. At this stage, we write to the invalid variant. Once all pages are
 		/// verified, a call to [`finalize_correct`] will seal the correct pages and flip the
 		/// invalid/valid variants.
-		pub(crate) fn set_invalid_page(page: PageIndex, supports: SupportsOf<Pallet<T>>) {
+		pub(crate) fn set_invalid_page(page: PageIndex, supports: SupportsOfVerifier<Pallet<T>>) {
 			use frame_support::traits::TryCollect;
 			Self::mutate_checked(|| {
 				let backings: BoundedVec<_, _> = supports
 					.map(|(x, s)| (x.clone(), PartialBackings { total:, backers: s.voters.len() as u32 } ))
-					.expect("`SupportsOf` is bounded by <Pallet<T> as Verifier>::MaxWinnersPerPage, which is assured to be the same as `T::MaxWinnersPerPage` in an integrity test");
+					.expect("`SupportsOfVerifier` is bounded by <Pallet<T> as Verifier>::MaxWinnersPerPage, which is assured to be the same as `T::MaxWinnersPerPage` in an integrity test");
 				QueuedSolutionBackings::<T>::insert(page, backings);
 				match Self::invalid() {
@@ -272,7 +288,7 @@ pub(crate) mod pallet {
 		/// solution.
 		pub(crate) fn force_set_single_page_valid(
 			page: PageIndex,
-			supports: SupportsOf<Pallet<T>>,
+			supports: SupportsOfVerifier<Pallet<T>>,
 			score: ElectionScore,
 		) {
 			Self::mutate_checked(|| {
@@ -351,7 +367,9 @@ pub(crate) mod pallet {
 		/// Get a page of the current queued (aka valid) solution.
-		pub(crate) fn get_queued_solution_page(page: PageIndex) -> Option<SupportsOf<Pallet<T>>> {
+		pub(crate) fn get_queued_solution_page(
+			page: PageIndex,
+		) -> Option<SupportsOfVerifier<Pallet<T>>> {
 			match Self::valid() {
 				ValidSolution::X => QueuedSolutionX::<T>::get(page),
 				ValidSolution::Y => QueuedSolutionY::<T>::get(page),
@@ -369,21 +387,23 @@ pub(crate) mod pallet {
 	#[cfg(any(test, debug_assertions))]
 	impl<T: Config> QueuedSolution<T> {
-		pub(crate) fn valid_iter() -> impl Iterator<Item = (PageIndex, SupportsOf<Pallet<T>>)> {
+		pub(crate) fn valid_iter(
+		) -> impl Iterator<Item = (PageIndex, SupportsOfVerifier<Pallet<T>>)> {
 			match Self::valid() {
 				ValidSolution::X => QueuedSolutionX::<T>::iter(),
 				ValidSolution::Y => QueuedSolutionY::<T>::iter(),
-		pub(crate) fn invalid_iter() -> impl Iterator<Item = (PageIndex, SupportsOf<Pallet<T>>)> {
+		pub(crate) fn invalid_iter(
+		) -> impl Iterator<Item = (PageIndex, SupportsOfVerifier<Pallet<T>>)> {
 			match Self::invalid() {
 				ValidSolution::X => QueuedSolutionX::<T>::iter(),
 				ValidSolution::Y => QueuedSolutionY::<T>::iter(),
-		pub(crate) fn get_valid_page(page: PageIndex) -> Option<SupportsOf<Pallet<T>>> {
+		pub(crate) fn get_valid_page(page: PageIndex) -> Option<SupportsOfVerifier<Pallet<T>>> {
 			match Self::valid() {
 				ValidSolution::X => QueuedSolutionX::<T>::get(page),
 				ValidSolution::Y => QueuedSolutionY::<T>::get(page),
@@ -451,10 +471,12 @@ pub(crate) mod pallet {
 	/// Writing them to a bugger and copying at the ned is slightly better, but expensive. This flag
 	/// system is best of both worlds.
-	type QueuedSolutionX<T: Config> = StorageMap<_, Twox64Concat, PageIndex, SupportsOf<Pallet<T>>>;
+	type QueuedSolutionX<T: Config> =
+		StorageMap<_, Twox64Concat, PageIndex, SupportsOfVerifier<Pallet<T>>>;
 	/// The `Y` variant of the current queued solution. Might be the valid one or not.
-	type QueuedSolutionY<T: Config> = StorageMap<_, Twox64Concat, PageIndex, SupportsOf<Pallet<T>>>;
+	type QueuedSolutionY<T: Config> =
+		StorageMap<_, Twox64Concat, PageIndex, SupportsOfVerifier<Pallet<T>>>;
 	/// Pointer to the variant of [`QueuedSolutionX`] or [`QueuedSolutionY`] that is currently
 	/// valid.
@@ -600,10 +622,10 @@ impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
 	fn do_verify_synchronous(
-		partial_solution: T::Solution,
+		partial_solution: SolutionOf<T::MinerConfig>,
 		claimed_score: ElectionScore,
 		page: PageIndex,
-	) -> Result<SupportsOf<Self>, FeasibilityError> {
+	) -> Result<SupportsOfVerifier<Self>, FeasibilityError> {
 		// first, ensure this score will be good enough, even if valid..
 		let _ = Self::ensure_score_quality(claimed_score)?;
@@ -691,75 +713,27 @@ impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
 	/// - checks the number of winners to be less than or equal to `DesiredTargets` IN THIS PAGE
 	///   ONLY.
 	pub(super) fn feasibility_check_page_inner(
-		partial_solution: SolutionOf<T>,
+		partial_solution: SolutionOf<T::MinerConfig>,
 		page: PageIndex,
-	) -> Result<SupportsOf<Self>, FeasibilityError> {
+	) -> Result<SupportsOfVerifier<Self>, FeasibilityError> {
 		// Read the corresponding snapshots.
 		let snapshot_targets =
 		let snapshot_voters =
-		// ----- Start building. First, we need some closures.
-		let cache = helpers::generate_voter_cache::<T, _>(&snapshot_voters);
-		let voter_at = helpers::voter_at_fn::<T>(&snapshot_voters);
-		let target_at = helpers::target_at_fn::<T>(&snapshot_targets);
-		let voter_index = helpers::voter_index_fn_usize::<T>(&cache);
-		// Then convert solution -> assignment. This will fail if any of the indices are
-		// gibberish.
-		let assignments = partial_solution
-			.into_assignment(voter_at, target_at)
-			.map_err::<FeasibilityError, _>(Into::into)?;
-		// Ensure that assignments are all correct.
-		let _ = assignments
-			.iter()
-			.map(|ref assignment| {
-				// Check that assignment.who is actually a voter (defensive-only). NOTE: while
-				// using the index map from `voter_index` is better than a blind linear search,
-				// this *still* has room for optimization. Note that we had the index when we
-				// did `solution -> assignment` and we lost it. Ideal is to keep the index
-				// around.
-				// Defensive-only: must exist in the snapshot.
-				let snapshot_index =
-					voter_index(&assignment.who).ok_or(FeasibilityError::InvalidVoter)?;
-				// Defensive-only: index comes from the snapshot, must exist.
-				let (_voter, _stake, targets) =
-					snapshot_voters.get(snapshot_index).ok_or(FeasibilityError::InvalidVoter)?;
-				debug_assert!(*_voter == assignment.who);
-				// Check that all of the targets are valid based on the snapshot.
-				if assignment.distribution.iter().any(|(t, _)| !targets.contains(t)) {
-					return Err(FeasibilityError::InvalidVote)
-				}
-				Ok(())
-			})
-			.collect::<Result<(), FeasibilityError>>()?;
-		// ----- Start building support. First, we need one more closure.
-		let stake_of = helpers::stake_of_fn::<T, _>(&snapshot_voters, &cache);
-		// This might fail if the normalization fails. Very unlikely. See `integrity_test`.
-		let staked_assignments =
-			sp_npos_elections::assignment_ratio_to_staked_normalized(assignments, stake_of)
-				.map_err::<FeasibilityError, _>(Into::into)?;
-		let supports = sp_npos_elections::to_supports(&staked_assignments);
-		// Ensure some heuristics. These conditions must hold in the **entire** support, this is
-		// just a single page. But, they must hold in a single page as well.
 		let desired_targets =
-		ensure!((supports.len() as u32) <= desired_targets, FeasibilityError::WrongWinnerCount);
-		// almost-defensive-only: `MaxBackersPerWinner` is already checked. A sane value of
-		// `MaxWinnersPerPage` should be more than any possible value of `desired_targets()`, which
-		// is ALSO checked, so this conversion can almost never fail.
-		let bounded_supports =
-			supports.try_into().map_err(|_| FeasibilityError::FailedToBoundSupport)?;
-		Ok(bounded_supports)
+		feasibility_check_page_inner_with_snapshot::<T::MinerConfig>(
+			partial_solution,
+			&snapshot_voters,
+			&snapshot_targets,
+			desired_targets,
+		)
+		.and_then(|miner_supports| {
+			SupportsOfVerifier::<Self>::try_from_other_bounds(miner_supports)
+				.defensive_map_err(|_| FeasibilityError::FailedToBoundSupport)
+		})
@@ -768,11 +742,82 @@ impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
+/// Same as `feasibility_check_page_inner`, but with a snapshot.
+/// This is exported as a standalone function, relying on `MinerConfig` rather than `Config` so that
+/// it can be used in any offchain miner.
+pub fn feasibility_check_page_inner_with_snapshot<T: MinerConfig>(
+	partial_solution: SolutionOf<T>,
+	snapshot_voters: &BoundedVec<VoterOf<T>, T::VoterSnapshotPerBlock>,
+	snapshot_targets: &BoundedVec<T::AccountId, T::TargetSnapshotPerBlock>,
+	desired_targets: u32,
+) -> Result<SupportsOfMiner<T>, FeasibilityError> {
+	// ----- Start building. First, we need some closures.
+	let cache = helpers::generate_voter_cache::<T, _>(snapshot_voters);
+	let voter_at = helpers::voter_at_fn::<T>(snapshot_voters);
+	let target_at = helpers::target_at_fn::<T>(snapshot_targets);
+	let voter_index = helpers::voter_index_fn_usize::<T>(&cache);
+	// Then convert solution -> assignment. This will fail if any of the indices are
+	// gibberish.
+	let assignments = partial_solution
+		.into_assignment(voter_at, target_at)
+		.map_err::<FeasibilityError, _>(Into::into)?;
+	// Ensure that assignments are all correct.
+	let _ = assignments
+		.iter()
+		.map(|ref assignment| {
+			// Check that assignment.who is actually a voter (defensive-only). NOTE: while
+			// using the index map from `voter_index` is better than a blind linear search,
+			// this *still* has room for optimization. Note that we had the index when we
+			// did `solution -> assignment` and we lost it. Ideal is to keep the index
+			// around.
+			// Defensive-only: must exist in the snapshot.
+			let snapshot_index =
+				voter_index(&assignment.who).ok_or(FeasibilityError::InvalidVoter)?;
+			// Defensive-only: index comes from the snapshot, must exist.
+			let (_voter, _stake, targets) =
+				snapshot_voters.get(snapshot_index).ok_or(FeasibilityError::InvalidVoter)?;
+			debug_assert!(*_voter == assignment.who);
+			// Check that all of the targets are valid based on the snapshot.
+			if assignment.distribution.iter().any(|(t, _)| !targets.contains(t)) {
+				return Err(FeasibilityError::InvalidVote)
+			}
+			Ok(())
+		})
+		.collect::<Result<(), FeasibilityError>>()?;
+	// ----- Start building support. First, we need one more closure.
+	let stake_of = helpers::stake_of_fn::<T, _>(&snapshot_voters, &cache);
+	// This might fail if the normalization fails. Very unlikely. See `integrity_test`.
+	let staked_assignments =
+		sp_npos_elections::assignment_ratio_to_staked_normalized(assignments, stake_of)
+			.map_err::<FeasibilityError, _>(Into::into)?;
+	let supports = sp_npos_elections::to_supports(&staked_assignments);
+	// Ensure some heuristics. These conditions must hold in the **entire** support, this is
+	// just a single page. But, they must hold in a single page as well.
+	ensure!((supports.len() as u32) <= desired_targets, FeasibilityError::WrongWinnerCount);
+	// almost-defensive-only: `MaxBackersPerWinner` is already checked. A sane value of
+	// `MaxWinnersPerPage` should be more than any possible value of `desired_targets()`, which
+	// is ALSO checked, so this conversion can almost never fail.
+	let bounded_supports =
+		supports.try_into().map_err(|_| FeasibilityError::FailedToBoundSupport)?;
+	Ok(bounded_supports)
 impl<T: Config> Verifier for Pallet<T> {
 	type AccountId = T::AccountId;
-	type Solution = SolutionOf<T>;
+	type Solution = SolutionOf<T::MinerConfig>;
 	type MaxBackersPerWinner = T::MaxBackersPerWinner;
 	type MaxWinnersPerPage = T::MaxWinnersPerPage;
+	type MaxBackersPerWinnerFinal = T::MaxBackersPerWinnerFinal;
 	fn set_minimum_score(score: ElectionScore) {
@@ -791,7 +836,7 @@ impl<T: Config> Verifier for Pallet<T> {
-	fn get_queued_solution_page(page: PageIndex) -> Option<SupportsOf<Self>> {
+	fn get_queued_solution_page(page: PageIndex) -> Option<SupportsOfVerifier<Self>> {
@@ -799,7 +844,7 @@ impl<T: Config> Verifier for Pallet<T> {
 		partial_solution: Self::Solution,
 		claimed_score: ElectionScore,
 		page: PageIndex,
-	) -> Result<SupportsOf<Self>, FeasibilityError> {
+	) -> Result<SupportsOfVerifier<Self>, FeasibilityError> {
 		let maybe_current_score = Self::queued_score();
 		match Self::do_verify_synchronous(partial_solution, claimed_score, page) {
 			Ok(supports) => {
@@ -831,12 +876,12 @@ impl<T: Config> Verifier for Pallet<T> {
 	fn feasibility_check_page(
 		partial_solution: Self::Solution,
 		page: PageIndex,
-	) -> Result<SupportsOf<Self>, FeasibilityError> {
+	) -> Result<SupportsOfVerifier<Self>, FeasibilityError> {
 		Self::feasibility_check_page_inner(partial_solution, page)
 	fn force_set_single_page_valid(
-		partial_supports: SupportsOf<Self>,
+		partial_supports: SupportsOfVerifier<Self>,
 		page: PageIndex,
 		score: ElectionScore,
 	) {
diff --git a/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-block/src/verifier/ b/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-block/src/verifier/
index f7b9a6100c7..512f37f351c 100644
--- a/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-block/src/verifier/
+++ b/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-block/src/verifier/
@@ -76,9 +76,9 @@ mod impls;
 mod tests;
 // internal imports
-use crate::SupportsOf;
 use frame_election_provider_support::PageIndex;
-pub use impls::{pallet::*, Status};
+use impls::SupportsOfVerifier;
+pub use impls::{feasibility_check_page_inner_with_snapshot, pallet::*, Status};
 use sp_core::Get;
 use sp_npos_elections::ElectionScore;
 use sp_runtime::RuntimeDebug;
@@ -134,17 +134,17 @@ pub trait Verifier {
 	/// The account if type.
 	type AccountId;
-	/// Maximum number of backers that each winner could have.
-	///
-	/// In multi-block verification, this can only be checked after all pages are known to be valid
-	/// and are already checked.
-	type MaxBackersPerWinner: Get<u32>;
 	/// Maximum number of winners that can be represented in each page.
 	/// A reasonable value for this should be the maximum number of winners that the election user
 	/// (e.g. the staking pallet) could ever desire.
 	type MaxWinnersPerPage: Get<u32>;
+	/// Maximum number of backers, per winner, among all pages of an election.
+	///
+	/// This can only be checked at the very final step of verification.
+	type MaxBackersPerWinnerFinal: Get<u32>;
+	/// Maximum number of backers that each winner could have, per page.
+	type MaxBackersPerWinner: Get<u32>;
 	/// Set the minimum score that is acceptable for any solution.
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ pub trait Verifier {
 	/// It is the responsibility of the call site to call this function with all appropriate
 	/// `page` arguments.
-	fn get_queued_solution_page(page: PageIndex) -> Option<SupportsOf<Self>>;
+	fn get_queued_solution_page(page: PageIndex) -> Option<SupportsOfVerifier<Self>>;
 	/// Perform the feasibility check on the given single-page solution.
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ pub trait Verifier {
 		partial_solution: Self::Solution,
 		claimed_score: ElectionScore,
 		page: PageIndex,
-	) -> Result<SupportsOf<Self>, FeasibilityError>;
+	) -> Result<SupportsOfVerifier<Self>, FeasibilityError>;
 	/// Just perform a single-page feasibility-check, based on the standards of this pallet, without
 	/// writing anything to anywhere.
@@ -191,14 +191,14 @@ pub trait Verifier {
 	fn feasibility_check_page(
 		partial_solution: Self::Solution,
 		page: PageIndex,
-	) -> Result<SupportsOf<Self>, FeasibilityError>;
+	) -> Result<SupportsOfVerifier<Self>, FeasibilityError>;
 	/// Force set a single page solution as the valid one.
 	/// Will erase any previous solution. Should only be used in case of emergency fallbacks and
 	/// similar.
 	fn force_set_single_page_valid(
-		partial_supports: SupportsOf<Self>,
+		partial_supports: SupportsOfVerifier<Self>,
 		page: PageIndex,
 		score: ElectionScore,
diff --git a/substrate/frame/election-provider-support/src/ b/substrate/frame/election-provider-support/src/
index 22e83630a6a..99d09f4a9b7 100644
--- a/substrate/frame/election-provider-support/src/
+++ b/substrate/frame/election-provider-support/src/
@@ -201,6 +201,7 @@ extern crate alloc;
 use alloc::{boxed::Box, vec::Vec};
 use core::fmt::Debug;
+use frame_support::traits::{Defensive, DefensiveResult};
 use sp_core::ConstU32;
 use sp_runtime::{
 	traits::{Bounded, Saturating, Zero},
@@ -795,13 +796,16 @@ impl<AccountId, Bound: Get<u32>> TryFrom<sp_npos_elections::Support<AccountId>>
 impl<AccountId: Clone, Bound: Get<u32>> BoundedSupport<AccountId, Bound> {
-	pub fn sorted_truncate_from(mut support: sp_npos_elections::Support<AccountId>) -> Self {
+	pub fn sorted_truncate_from(mut support: sp_npos_elections::Support<AccountId>) -> (Self, u32) {
 		// If bounds meet, then short circuit.
 		if let Ok(bounded) = support.clone().try_into() {
-			return bounded
+			return (bounded, 0)
+		let pre_len = support.voters.len();
 		// sort support based on stake of each backer, low to high.
+		// Note: we don't sort high to low and truncate because we would have to track `total`
+		// updates, so we need one iteration anyhow.
 		support.voters.sort_by(|a, b| a.1.cmp(&b.1));
 		// then do the truncation.
 		let mut bounded = Self { voters: Default::default(), total: 0 };
@@ -811,7 +815,8 @@ impl<AccountId: Clone, Bound: Get<u32>> BoundedSupport<AccountId, Bound> {
 			} += weight;
-		bounded
+		let post_len = bounded.voters.len();
+		(bounded, (pre_len - post_len) as u32)
@@ -829,20 +834,66 @@ pub struct BoundedSupports<AccountId, BOuter: Get<u32>, BInner: Get<u32>>(
 	pub BoundedVec<(AccountId, BoundedSupport<AccountId, BInner>), BOuter>,
+/// Try and build yourself from another `BoundedSupports` with a different set of types.
+pub trait TryFromOtherBounds<AccountId, BOtherOuter: Get<u32>, BOtherInner: Get<u32>> {
+	fn try_from_other_bounds(
+		other: BoundedSupports<AccountId, BOtherOuter, BOtherInner>,
+	) -> Result<Self, crate::Error>
+	where
+		Self: Sized;
+		AccountId,
+		BOuter: Get<u32>,
+		BInner: Get<u32>,
+		BOtherOuter: Get<u32>,
+		BOuterInner: Get<u32>,
+	> TryFromOtherBounds<AccountId, BOtherOuter, BOuterInner>
+	for BoundedSupports<AccountId, BOuter, BInner>
+	fn try_from_other_bounds(
+		other: BoundedSupports<AccountId, BOtherOuter, BOuterInner>,
+	) -> Result<Self, crate::Error> {
+		// TODO: we might as well do this with unsafe rust and do it faster.
+		if BOtherOuter::get() <= BOuter::get() && BInner::get() <= BOuterInner::get() {
+			let supports = other
+				.into_iter()
+				.map(|(acc, b_support)| {
+					b_support
+						.try_into()
+						.defensive_map_err(|_| Error::BoundsExceeded)
+						.map(|b_support| (acc, b_support))
+				})
+				.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()
+				.defensive()?;
+			supports.try_into()
+		} else {
+			Err(crate::Error::BoundsExceeded)
+		}
+	}
 impl<AccountId: Clone, BOuter: Get<u32>, BInner: Get<u32>>
 	BoundedSupports<AccountId, BOuter, BInner>
-	pub fn sorted_truncate_from(supports: Supports<AccountId>) -> Self {
+	/// Two u32s returned are number of winners and backers removed respectively.
+	pub fn sorted_truncate_from(supports: Supports<AccountId>) -> (Self, u32, u32) {
 		// if bounds, meet, short circuit
 		if let Ok(bounded) = supports.clone().try_into() {
-			return bounded
+			return (bounded, 0, 0)
+		let pre_winners = supports.len();
+		let mut backers_removed = 0;
 		// first, convert all inner supports.
 		let mut inner_supports = supports
 			.map(|(account, support)| {
-				(account, BoundedSupport::<AccountId, BInner>::sorted_truncate_from(support))
+				let (bounded, removed) =
+					BoundedSupport::<AccountId, BInner>::sorted_truncate_from(support);
+				backers_removed += removed;
+				(account, bounded)
@@ -850,11 +901,12 @@ impl<AccountId: Clone, BOuter: Get<u32>, BInner: Get<u32>>
 		inner_supports.sort_by(|a, b|;
 		// then take the first slice that can fit.
-		BoundedSupports(
-			BoundedVec::<(AccountId, BoundedSupport<AccountId, BInner>), BOuter>::truncate_from(
-				inner_supports,
-			),
-		)
+		let bounded = BoundedSupports(BoundedVec::<
+			(AccountId, BoundedSupport<AccountId, BInner>),
+			BOuter,
+		>::truncate_from(inner_supports));
+		let post_winners = bounded.len();
+		(bounded, (pre_winners - post_winners) as u32, backers_removed)
 pub trait TryFromUnboundedPagedSupports<AccountId, BOuter: Get<u32>, BInner: Get<u32>> {
@@ -912,6 +964,15 @@ impl<AccountId: PartialEq, BOuter: Get<u32>, BInner: Get<u32>> PartialEq
+impl<AccountId, BOuter: Get<u32>, BInner: Get<u32>> Into<Supports<AccountId>>
+	for BoundedSupports<AccountId, BOuter, BInner>
+	fn into(self) -> Supports<AccountId> {
+		// TODO: can be done faster with unsafe code.
+		self.0.into_iter().map(|(acc, b_support)| (acc, b_support.into())).collect()
+	}
 impl<AccountId, BOuter: Get<u32>, BInner: Get<u32>>
 	From<BoundedVec<(AccountId, BoundedSupport<AccountId, BInner>), BOuter>>
 	for BoundedSupports<AccountId, BOuter, BInner>
diff --git a/substrate/frame/election-provider-support/src/ b/substrate/frame/election-provider-support/src/
index 3fe8f3b4bc3..3478eec6c9d 100644
--- a/substrate/frame/election-provider-support/src/
+++ b/substrate/frame/election-provider-support/src/
@@ -143,7 +143,9 @@ impl<T: Config> OnChainExecution<T> {
 		let unbounded = to_supports(&staked);
 		let bounded = if T::Sort::get() {
-			BoundedSupportsOf::<Self>::sorted_truncate_from(unbounded)
+			let (bounded, _winners_removed, _backers_removed) =
+				BoundedSupportsOf::<Self>::sorted_truncate_from(unbounded);
+			bounded
 		} else {
 			unbounded.try_into().map_err(|_| Error::FailedToBound)?
@@ -282,12 +284,11 @@ mod tests {
 	mod mock_data_provider {
+		use super::*;
+		use crate::{data_provider, DataProviderBounds, PageIndex, VoterOf};
 		use frame_support::traits::ConstU32;
 		use sp_runtime::bounded_vec;
-		use super::*;
-		use crate::{data_provider, PageIndex, VoterOf};
 		pub struct DataProvider;
 		impl ElectionDataProvider for DataProvider {
 			type AccountId = AccountId;
diff --git a/substrate/frame/election-provider-support/src/ b/substrate/frame/election-provider-support/src/
index b2bf223ed2f..de4bac3664b 100644
--- a/substrate/frame/election-provider-support/src/
+++ b/substrate/frame/election-provider-support/src/
@@ -461,7 +461,8 @@ fn sorted_truncate_from_works() {
 		(3, Support { total: 406, voters: vec![(100, 100), (101, 101), (102, 102), (103, 103)] }),
-	let bounded = BoundedSupports::<u32, ConstU32<2>, ConstU32<2>>::sorted_truncate_from(supports);
+	let (bounded, winners_removed, backers_removed) =
+		BoundedSupports::<u32, ConstU32<2>, ConstU32<2>>::sorted_truncate_from(supports);
 	// we trim 2 as it has least total support, and trim backers based on stake.
@@ -474,4 +475,6 @@ fn sorted_truncate_from_works() {
 			(1, Support { total: 203, voters: vec![(102, 102), (101, 101)] })
+	assert_eq!(winners_removed, 1);
+	assert_eq!(backers_removed, 3);