diff --git a/substrate/client/consensus/pow/src/lib.rs b/substrate/client/consensus/pow/src/lib.rs
index 1f5781434ef71042660cc130301e38d2359e68c7..7b1012888e86913f2e490a0000b83effe1accd91 100644
--- a/substrate/client/consensus/pow/src/lib.rs
+++ b/substrate/client/consensus/pow/src/lib.rs
@@ -41,13 +41,12 @@
 mod worker;
-pub use crate::worker::{MiningBuild, MiningMetadata, MiningWorker};
+pub use crate::worker::{MiningBuild, MiningHandle, MiningMetadata};
 use crate::worker::UntilImportedOrTimeout;
 use codec::{Decode, Encode};
 use futures::{Future, StreamExt};
 use log::*;
-use parking_lot::Mutex;
 use prometheus_endpoint::Registry;
 use sc_client_api::{self, backend::AuxStore, BlockOf, BlockchainEvents};
 use sc_consensus::{
@@ -525,7 +524,7 @@ pub fn start_mining_worker<Block, C, S, Algorithm, E, SO, L, CIDP, CAW>(
 	build_time: Duration,
 	can_author_with: CAW,
 ) -> (
-	Arc<Mutex<MiningWorker<Block, Algorithm, C, L, <E::Proposer as Proposer<Block>>::Proof>>>,
+	MiningHandle<Block, Algorithm, C, L, <E::Proposer as Proposer<Block>>::Proof>,
 	impl Future<Output = ()>,
@@ -543,12 +542,7 @@ where
 	CAW: CanAuthorWith<Block> + Clone + Send + 'static,
 	let mut timer = UntilImportedOrTimeout::new(client.import_notification_stream(), timeout);
-	let worker = Arc::new(Mutex::new(MiningWorker {
-		build: None,
-		algorithm: algorithm.clone(),
-		block_import,
-		justification_sync_link,
-	}));
+	let worker = MiningHandle::new(algorithm.clone(), block_import, justification_sync_link);
 	let worker_ret = worker.clone();
 	let task = async move {
@@ -559,7 +553,7 @@ where
 			if sync_oracle.is_major_syncing() {
 				debug!(target: "pow", "Skipping proposal due to sync.");
-				worker.lock().on_major_syncing();
+				worker.on_major_syncing();
@@ -587,7 +581,7 @@ where
-			if worker.lock().best_hash() == Some(best_hash) {
+			if worker.best_hash() == Some(best_hash) {
@@ -682,7 +676,7 @@ where
-			worker.lock().on_build(build);
+			worker.on_build(build);
diff --git a/substrate/client/consensus/pow/src/worker.rs b/substrate/client/consensus/pow/src/worker.rs
index c0ca16ccad3aa3905df1f6855ee06cb5386c9d72..3faa18ece3188bb46c2a9bc605416a72451934ca 100644
--- a/substrate/client/consensus/pow/src/worker.rs
+++ b/substrate/client/consensus/pow/src/worker.rs
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ use futures::{
 use futures_timer::Delay;
 use log::*;
+use parking_lot::Mutex;
 use sc_client_api::ImportNotifications;
 use sc_consensus::{BlockImportParams, BoxBlockImport, StateAction, StorageChanges};
 use sp_consensus::{BlockOrigin, Proposal};
@@ -30,7 +31,16 @@ use sp_runtime::{
 	traits::{Block as BlockT, Header as HeaderT},
-use std::{borrow::Cow, collections::HashMap, pin::Pin, time::Duration};
+use std::{
+	borrow::Cow,
+	collections::HashMap,
+	pin::Pin,
+	sync::{
+		atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering},
+		Arc,
+	},
+	time::Duration,
 use crate::{PowAlgorithm, PowIntermediate, Seal, INTERMEDIATE_KEY, POW_ENGINE_ID};
@@ -60,21 +70,26 @@ pub struct MiningBuild<
 	pub proposal: Proposal<Block, sp_api::TransactionFor<C, Block>, Proof>,
+/// Version of the mining worker.
+#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Clone, Copy)]
+pub struct Version(usize);
 /// Mining worker that exposes structs to query the current mining build and submit mined blocks.
-pub struct MiningWorker<
+pub struct MiningHandle<
 	Block: BlockT,
 	Algorithm: PowAlgorithm<Block>,
 	C: sp_api::ProvideRuntimeApi<Block>,
 	L: sc_consensus::JustificationSyncLink<Block>,
 > {
-	pub(crate) build: Option<MiningBuild<Block, Algorithm, C, Proof>>,
-	pub(crate) algorithm: Algorithm,
-	pub(crate) block_import: BoxBlockImport<Block, sp_api::TransactionFor<C, Block>>,
-	pub(crate) justification_sync_link: L,
+	version: Arc<AtomicUsize>,
+	algorithm: Arc<Algorithm>,
+	justification_sync_link: Arc<L>,
+	build: Arc<Mutex<Option<MiningBuild<Block, Algorithm, C, Proof>>>>,
+	block_import: Arc<Mutex<BoxBlockImport<Block, sp_api::TransactionFor<C, Block>>>>,
-impl<Block, Algorithm, C, L, Proof> MiningWorker<Block, Algorithm, C, L, Proof>
+impl<Block, Algorithm, C, L, Proof> MiningHandle<Block, Algorithm, C, L, Proof>
 	Block: BlockT,
 	C: sp_api::ProvideRuntimeApi<Block>,
@@ -83,35 +98,65 @@ where
 	L: sc_consensus::JustificationSyncLink<Block>,
 	sp_api::TransactionFor<C, Block>: Send + 'static,
-	/// Get the current best hash. `None` if the worker has just started or the client is doing
-	/// major syncing.
-	pub fn best_hash(&self) -> Option<Block::Hash> {
-		self.build.as_ref().map(|b| b.metadata.best_hash)
+	fn increment_version(&self) {
+		self.version.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
-	pub(crate) fn on_major_syncing(&mut self) {
-		self.build = None;
+	pub(crate) fn new(
+		algorithm: Algorithm,
+		block_import: BoxBlockImport<Block, sp_api::TransactionFor<C, Block>>,
+		justification_sync_link: L,
+	) -> Self {
+		Self {
+			version: Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0)),
+			algorithm: Arc::new(algorithm),
+			justification_sync_link: Arc::new(justification_sync_link),
+			build: Arc::new(Mutex::new(None)),
+			block_import: Arc::new(Mutex::new(block_import)),
+		}
-	pub(crate) fn on_build(&mut self, build: MiningBuild<Block, Algorithm, C, Proof>) {
-		self.build = Some(build);
+	pub(crate) fn on_major_syncing(&self) {
+		let mut build = self.build.lock();
+		*build = None;
+		self.increment_version();
+	}
+	pub(crate) fn on_build(&self, value: MiningBuild<Block, Algorithm, C, Proof>) {
+		let mut build = self.build.lock();
+		*build = Some(value);
+		self.increment_version();
+	}
+	/// Get the version of the mining worker.
+	///
+	/// This returns type `Version` which can only compare equality. If `Version` is unchanged, then
+	/// it can be certain that `best_hash` and `metadata` were not changed.
+	pub fn version(&self) -> Version {
+		Version(self.version.load(Ordering::SeqCst))
+	}
+	/// Get the current best hash. `None` if the worker has just started or the client is doing
+	/// major syncing.
+	pub fn best_hash(&self) -> Option<Block::Hash> {
+		self.build.lock().as_ref().map(|b| b.metadata.best_hash)
 	/// Get a copy of the current mining metadata, if available.
 	pub fn metadata(&self) -> Option<MiningMetadata<Block::Hash, Algorithm::Difficulty>> {
-		self.build.as_ref().map(|b| b.metadata.clone())
+		self.build.lock().as_ref().map(|b| b.metadata.clone())
 	/// Submit a mined seal. The seal will be validated again. Returns true if the submission is
 	/// successful.
-	pub async fn submit(&mut self, seal: Seal) -> bool {
-		if let Some(build) = self.build.take() {
+	pub async fn submit(&self, seal: Seal) -> bool {
+		if let Some(metadata) = self.metadata() {
 			match self.algorithm.verify(
-				&BlockId::Hash(build.metadata.best_hash),
-				&build.metadata.pre_hash,
-				build.metadata.pre_runtime.as_ref().map(|v| &v[..]),
+				&BlockId::Hash(metadata.best_hash),
+				&metadata.pre_hash,
+				metadata.pre_runtime.as_ref().map(|v| &v[..]),
-				build.metadata.difficulty,
+				metadata.difficulty,
 			) {
 				Ok(true) => (),
 				Ok(false) => {
@@ -130,55 +175,92 @@ where
 					return false
+		} else {
+			warn!(
+				target: "pow",
+				"Unable to import mined block: metadata does not exist",
+			);
+			return false
+		}
-			let seal = DigestItem::Seal(POW_ENGINE_ID, seal);
-			let (header, body) = build.proposal.block.deconstruct();
-			let mut import_block = BlockImportParams::new(BlockOrigin::Own, header);
-			import_block.post_digests.push(seal);
-			import_block.body = Some(body);
-			import_block.state_action =
-				StateAction::ApplyChanges(StorageChanges::Changes(build.proposal.storage_changes));
-			let intermediate = PowIntermediate::<Algorithm::Difficulty> {
-				difficulty: Some(build.metadata.difficulty),
-			};
-			import_block
-				.intermediates
-				.insert(Cow::from(INTERMEDIATE_KEY), Box::new(intermediate) as Box<_>);
-			let header = import_block.post_header();
-			match self.block_import.import_block(import_block, HashMap::default()).await {
-				Ok(res) => {
-					res.handle_justification(
-						&header.hash(),
-						*header.number(),
-						&mut self.justification_sync_link,
-					);
-					info!(
-						target: "pow",
-						"✅ Successfully mined block on top of: {}",
-						build.metadata.best_hash
-					);
-					true
-				},
-				Err(err) => {
-					warn!(
-						target: "pow",
-						"Unable to import mined block: {:?}",
-						err,
-					);
-					false
-				},
+		let build = if let Some(build) = {
+			let mut build = self.build.lock();
+			let value = build.take();
+			if value.is_some() {
+				self.increment_version();
+			value
+		} {
+			build
 		} else {
 				target: "pow",
 				"Unable to import mined block: build does not exist",
-			false
+			return false
+		};
+		let seal = DigestItem::Seal(POW_ENGINE_ID, seal);
+		let (header, body) = build.proposal.block.deconstruct();
+		let mut import_block = BlockImportParams::new(BlockOrigin::Own, header);
+		import_block.post_digests.push(seal);
+		import_block.body = Some(body);
+		import_block.state_action =
+			StateAction::ApplyChanges(StorageChanges::Changes(build.proposal.storage_changes));
+		let intermediate = PowIntermediate::<Algorithm::Difficulty> {
+			difficulty: Some(build.metadata.difficulty),
+		};
+		import_block
+			.intermediates
+			.insert(Cow::from(INTERMEDIATE_KEY), Box::new(intermediate) as Box<_>);
+		let header = import_block.post_header();
+		let mut block_import = self.block_import.lock();
+		match block_import.import_block(import_block, HashMap::default()).await {
+			Ok(res) => {
+				res.handle_justification(
+					&header.hash(),
+					*header.number(),
+					&self.justification_sync_link,
+				);
+				info!(
+					target: "pow",
+					"✅ Successfully mined block on top of: {}",
+					build.metadata.best_hash
+				);
+				true
+			},
+			Err(err) => {
+				warn!(
+					target: "pow",
+					"Unable to import mined block: {:?}",
+					err,
+				);
+				false
+			},
+		}
+	}
+impl<Block, Algorithm, C, L, Proof> Clone for MiningHandle<Block, Algorithm, C, L, Proof>
+	Block: BlockT,
+	Algorithm: PowAlgorithm<Block>,
+	C: sp_api::ProvideRuntimeApi<Block>,
+	L: sc_consensus::JustificationSyncLink<Block>,
+	fn clone(&self) -> Self {
+		Self {
+			version: self.version.clone(),
+			algorithm: self.algorithm.clone(),
+			justification_sync_link: self.justification_sync_link.clone(),
+			build: self.build.clone(),
+			block_import: self.block_import.clone(),