From 4b5c3fd0cbb47f3484671ffce284b7586311126a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alin Dima <>
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2024 10:25:22 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] move fragment_tree module to its own folder (#4148)

Will make easier to
review (the mentioned PR already does this move so the diff will be

Also called out as part of:
 .../}                                   | 1447 +---------------
 .../src/fragment_tree/                | 1451 +++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 1454 insertions(+), 1444 deletions(-)
 rename polkadot/node/core/prospective-parachains/src/{ => fragment_tree/} (50%)
 create mode 100644 polkadot/node/core/prospective-parachains/src/fragment_tree/

diff --git a/polkadot/node/core/prospective-parachains/src/ b/polkadot/node/core/prospective-parachains/src/fragment_tree/
similarity index 50%
rename from polkadot/node/core/prospective-parachains/src/
rename to polkadot/node/core/prospective-parachains/src/fragment_tree/
index 8061dc82d83..86814b976d1 100644
--- a/polkadot/node/core/prospective-parachains/src/
+++ b/polkadot/node/core/prospective-parachains/src/fragment_tree/
@@ -86,6 +86,9 @@
 //! will still perform fairly well under these conditions, despite being somewhat wasteful of
 //! memory.
+mod tests;
 use std::{
@@ -1145,1447 +1148,3 @@ impl FragmentNode {
 		self.children.iter().find(|(_, c)| c == candidate_hash).map(|(p, _)| *p)
-mod tests {
-	use super::*;
-	use assert_matches::assert_matches;
-	use polkadot_node_subsystem_util::inclusion_emulator::InboundHrmpLimitations;
-	use polkadot_primitives::{BlockNumber, CandidateCommitments, CandidateDescriptor, HeadData};
-	use polkadot_primitives_test_helpers as test_helpers;
-	use rstest::rstest;
-	use std::iter;
-	impl NodePointer {
-		fn unwrap_idx(self) -> usize {
-			match self {
-				NodePointer::Root => panic!("Unexpected root"),
-				NodePointer::Storage(index) => index,
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	fn make_constraints(
-		min_relay_parent_number: BlockNumber,
-		valid_watermarks: Vec<BlockNumber>,
-		required_parent: HeadData,
-	) -> Constraints {
-		Constraints {
-			min_relay_parent_number,
-			max_pov_size: 1_000_000,
-			max_code_size: 1_000_000,
-			ump_remaining: 10,
-			ump_remaining_bytes: 1_000,
-			max_ump_num_per_candidate: 10,
-			dmp_remaining_messages: [0; 10].into(),
-			hrmp_inbound: InboundHrmpLimitations { valid_watermarks },
-			hrmp_channels_out: HashMap::new(),
-			max_hrmp_num_per_candidate: 0,
-			required_parent,
-			validation_code_hash: Hash::repeat_byte(42).into(),
-			upgrade_restriction: None,
-			future_validation_code: None,
-		}
-	}
-	fn make_committed_candidate(
-		para_id: ParaId,
-		relay_parent: Hash,
-		relay_parent_number: BlockNumber,
-		parent_head: HeadData,
-		para_head: HeadData,
-		hrmp_watermark: BlockNumber,
-	) -> (PersistedValidationData, CommittedCandidateReceipt) {
-		let persisted_validation_data = PersistedValidationData {
-			parent_head,
-			relay_parent_number,
-			relay_parent_storage_root: Hash::repeat_byte(69),
-			max_pov_size: 1_000_000,
-		};
-		let candidate = CommittedCandidateReceipt {
-			descriptor: CandidateDescriptor {
-				para_id,
-				relay_parent,
-				collator: test_helpers::dummy_collator(),
-				persisted_validation_data_hash: persisted_validation_data.hash(),
-				pov_hash: Hash::repeat_byte(1),
-				erasure_root: Hash::repeat_byte(1),
-				signature: test_helpers::dummy_collator_signature(),
-				para_head: para_head.hash(),
-				validation_code_hash: Hash::repeat_byte(42).into(),
-			},
-			commitments: CandidateCommitments {
-				upward_messages: Default::default(),
-				horizontal_messages: Default::default(),
-				new_validation_code: None,
-				head_data: para_head,
-				processed_downward_messages: 1,
-				hrmp_watermark,
-			},
-		};
-		(persisted_validation_data, candidate)
-	}
-	#[test]
-	fn scope_rejects_ancestors_that_skip_blocks() {
-		let para_id = ParaId::from(5u32);
-		let relay_parent = RelayChainBlockInfo {
-			number: 10,
-			hash: Hash::repeat_byte(10),
-			storage_root: Hash::repeat_byte(69),
-		};
-		let ancestors = vec![RelayChainBlockInfo {
-			number: 8,
-			hash: Hash::repeat_byte(8),
-			storage_root: Hash::repeat_byte(69),
-		}];
-		let max_depth = 2;
-		let base_constraints = make_constraints(8, vec![8, 9], vec![1, 2, 3].into());
-		let pending_availability = Vec::new();
-		assert_matches!(
-			Scope::with_ancestors(
-				para_id,
-				relay_parent,
-				base_constraints,
-				pending_availability,
-				max_depth,
-				ancestors
-			),
-			Err(UnexpectedAncestor { number: 8, prev: 10 })
-		);
-	}
-	#[test]
-	fn scope_rejects_ancestor_for_0_block() {
-		let para_id = ParaId::from(5u32);
-		let relay_parent = RelayChainBlockInfo {
-			number: 0,
-			hash: Hash::repeat_byte(0),
-			storage_root: Hash::repeat_byte(69),
-		};
-		let ancestors = vec![RelayChainBlockInfo {
-			number: 99999,
-			hash: Hash::repeat_byte(99),
-			storage_root: Hash::repeat_byte(69),
-		}];
-		let max_depth = 2;
-		let base_constraints = make_constraints(0, vec![], vec![1, 2, 3].into());
-		let pending_availability = Vec::new();
-		assert_matches!(
-			Scope::with_ancestors(
-				para_id,
-				relay_parent,
-				base_constraints,
-				pending_availability,
-				max_depth,
-				ancestors,
-			),
-			Err(UnexpectedAncestor { number: 99999, prev: 0 })
-		);
-	}
-	#[test]
-	fn scope_only_takes_ancestors_up_to_min() {
-		let para_id = ParaId::from(5u32);
-		let relay_parent = RelayChainBlockInfo {
-			number: 5,
-			hash: Hash::repeat_byte(0),
-			storage_root: Hash::repeat_byte(69),
-		};
-		let ancestors = vec![
-			RelayChainBlockInfo {
-				number: 4,
-				hash: Hash::repeat_byte(4),
-				storage_root: Hash::repeat_byte(69),
-			},
-			RelayChainBlockInfo {
-				number: 3,
-				hash: Hash::repeat_byte(3),
-				storage_root: Hash::repeat_byte(69),
-			},
-			RelayChainBlockInfo {
-				number: 2,
-				hash: Hash::repeat_byte(2),
-				storage_root: Hash::repeat_byte(69),
-			},
-		];
-		let max_depth = 2;
-		let base_constraints = make_constraints(3, vec![2], vec![1, 2, 3].into());
-		let pending_availability = Vec::new();
-		let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
-			para_id,
-			relay_parent,
-			base_constraints,
-			pending_availability,
-			max_depth,
-			ancestors,
-		)
-		.unwrap();
-		assert_eq!(scope.ancestors.len(), 2);
-		assert_eq!(scope.ancestors_by_hash.len(), 2);
-	}
-	#[test]
-	fn storage_add_candidate() {
-		let mut storage = CandidateStorage::new();
-		let relay_parent = Hash::repeat_byte(69);
-		let (pvd, candidate) = make_committed_candidate(
-			ParaId::from(5u32),
-			relay_parent,
-			8,
-			vec![4, 5, 6].into(),
-			vec![1, 2, 3].into(),
-			7,
-		);
-		let candidate_hash = candidate.hash();
-		let parent_head_hash = pvd.parent_head.hash();
-		storage.add_candidate(candidate, pvd).unwrap();
-		assert!(storage.contains(&candidate_hash));
-		assert_eq!(storage.iter_para_children(&parent_head_hash).count(), 1);
-		assert_eq!(storage.relay_parent_by_candidate_hash(&candidate_hash), Some(relay_parent));
-	}
-	#[test]
-	fn storage_retain() {
-		let mut storage = CandidateStorage::new();
-		let (pvd, candidate) = make_committed_candidate(
-			ParaId::from(5u32),
-			Hash::repeat_byte(69),
-			8,
-			vec![4, 5, 6].into(),
-			vec![1, 2, 3].into(),
-			7,
-		);
-		let candidate_hash = candidate.hash();
-		let output_head_hash = candidate.commitments.head_data.hash();
-		let parent_head_hash = pvd.parent_head.hash();
-		storage.add_candidate(candidate, pvd).unwrap();
-		storage.retain(|_| true);
-		assert!(storage.contains(&candidate_hash));
-		assert_eq!(storage.iter_para_children(&parent_head_hash).count(), 1);
-		assert!(storage.head_data_by_hash(&output_head_hash).is_some());
-		storage.retain(|_| false);
-		assert!(!storage.contains(&candidate_hash));
-		assert_eq!(storage.iter_para_children(&parent_head_hash).count(), 0);
-		assert!(storage.head_data_by_hash(&output_head_hash).is_none());
-	}
-	// [`FragmentTree::populate`] should pick up candidates that build on other candidates.
-	#[test]
-	fn populate_works_recursively() {
-		let mut storage = CandidateStorage::new();
-		let para_id = ParaId::from(5u32);
-		let relay_parent_a = Hash::repeat_byte(1);
-		let relay_parent_b = Hash::repeat_byte(2);
-		let (pvd_a, candidate_a) = make_committed_candidate(
-			para_id,
-			relay_parent_a,
-			0,
-			vec![0x0a].into(),
-			vec![0x0b].into(),
-			0,
-		);
-		let candidate_a_hash = candidate_a.hash();
-		let (pvd_b, candidate_b) = make_committed_candidate(
-			para_id,
-			relay_parent_b,
-			1,
-			vec![0x0b].into(),
-			vec![0x0c].into(),
-			1,
-		);
-		let candidate_b_hash = candidate_b.hash();
-		let base_constraints = make_constraints(0, vec![0], vec![0x0a].into());
-		let pending_availability = Vec::new();
-		let ancestors = vec![RelayChainBlockInfo {
-			number: pvd_a.relay_parent_number,
-			hash: relay_parent_a,
-			storage_root: pvd_a.relay_parent_storage_root,
-		}];
-		let relay_parent_b_info = RelayChainBlockInfo {
-			number: pvd_b.relay_parent_number,
-			hash: relay_parent_b,
-			storage_root: pvd_b.relay_parent_storage_root,
-		};
-		storage.add_candidate(candidate_a, pvd_a).unwrap();
-		storage.add_candidate(candidate_b, pvd_b).unwrap();
-		let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
-			para_id,
-			relay_parent_b_info,
-			base_constraints,
-			pending_availability,
-			4,
-			ancestors,
-		)
-		.unwrap();
-		let tree = FragmentTree::populate(scope, &storage);
-		let candidates: Vec<_> = tree.candidates().collect();
-		assert_eq!(candidates.len(), 2);
-		assert!(candidates.contains(&candidate_a_hash));
-		assert!(candidates.contains(&candidate_b_hash));
-		assert_eq!(tree.nodes.len(), 2);
-		assert_eq!(tree.nodes[0].parent, NodePointer::Root);
-		assert_eq!(tree.nodes[0].candidate_hash, candidate_a_hash);
-		assert_eq!(tree.nodes[0].depth, 0);
-		assert_eq!(tree.nodes[1].parent, NodePointer::Storage(0));
-		assert_eq!(tree.nodes[1].candidate_hash, candidate_b_hash);
-		assert_eq!(tree.nodes[1].depth, 1);
-	}
-	#[test]
-	fn children_of_root_are_contiguous() {
-		let mut storage = CandidateStorage::new();
-		let para_id = ParaId::from(5u32);
-		let relay_parent_a = Hash::repeat_byte(1);
-		let relay_parent_b = Hash::repeat_byte(2);
-		let (pvd_a, candidate_a) = make_committed_candidate(
-			para_id,
-			relay_parent_a,
-			0,
-			vec![0x0a].into(),
-			vec![0x0b].into(),
-			0,
-		);
-		let (pvd_b, candidate_b) = make_committed_candidate(
-			para_id,
-			relay_parent_b,
-			1,
-			vec![0x0b].into(),
-			vec![0x0c].into(),
-			1,
-		);
-		let (pvd_a2, candidate_a2) = make_committed_candidate(
-			para_id,
-			relay_parent_a,
-			0,
-			vec![0x0a].into(),
-			vec![0x0b, 1].into(),
-			0,
-		);
-		let candidate_a2_hash = candidate_a2.hash();
-		let base_constraints = make_constraints(0, vec![0], vec![0x0a].into());
-		let pending_availability = Vec::new();
-		let ancestors = vec![RelayChainBlockInfo {
-			number: pvd_a.relay_parent_number,
-			hash: relay_parent_a,
-			storage_root: pvd_a.relay_parent_storage_root,
-		}];
-		let relay_parent_b_info = RelayChainBlockInfo {
-			number: pvd_b.relay_parent_number,
-			hash: relay_parent_b,
-			storage_root: pvd_b.relay_parent_storage_root,
-		};
-		storage.add_candidate(candidate_a, pvd_a).unwrap();
-		storage.add_candidate(candidate_b, pvd_b).unwrap();
-		let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
-			para_id,
-			relay_parent_b_info,
-			base_constraints,
-			pending_availability,
-			4,
-			ancestors,
-		)
-		.unwrap();
-		let mut tree = FragmentTree::populate(scope, &storage);
-		storage.add_candidate(candidate_a2, pvd_a2).unwrap();
-		tree.add_and_populate(candidate_a2_hash, &storage);
-		let candidates: Vec<_> = tree.candidates().collect();
-		assert_eq!(candidates.len(), 3);
-		assert_eq!(tree.nodes[0].parent, NodePointer::Root);
-		assert_eq!(tree.nodes[1].parent, NodePointer::Root);
-		assert_eq!(tree.nodes[2].parent, NodePointer::Storage(0));
-	}
-	#[test]
-	fn add_candidate_child_of_root() {
-		let mut storage = CandidateStorage::new();
-		let para_id = ParaId::from(5u32);
-		let relay_parent_a = Hash::repeat_byte(1);
-		let (pvd_a, candidate_a) = make_committed_candidate(
-			para_id,
-			relay_parent_a,
-			0,
-			vec![0x0a].into(),
-			vec![0x0b].into(),
-			0,
-		);
-		let (pvd_b, candidate_b) = make_committed_candidate(
-			para_id,
-			relay_parent_a,
-			0,
-			vec![0x0a].into(),
-			vec![0x0c].into(),
-			0,
-		);
-		let candidate_b_hash = candidate_b.hash();
-		let base_constraints = make_constraints(0, vec![0], vec![0x0a].into());
-		let pending_availability = Vec::new();
-		let relay_parent_a_info = RelayChainBlockInfo {
-			number: pvd_a.relay_parent_number,
-			hash: relay_parent_a,
-			storage_root: pvd_a.relay_parent_storage_root,
-		};
-		storage.add_candidate(candidate_a, pvd_a).unwrap();
-		let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
-			para_id,
-			relay_parent_a_info,
-			base_constraints,
-			pending_availability,
-			4,
-			vec![],
-		)
-		.unwrap();
-		let mut tree = FragmentTree::populate(scope, &storage);
-		storage.add_candidate(candidate_b, pvd_b).unwrap();
-		tree.add_and_populate(candidate_b_hash, &storage);
-		let candidates: Vec<_> = tree.candidates().collect();
-		assert_eq!(candidates.len(), 2);
-		assert_eq!(tree.nodes[0].parent, NodePointer::Root);
-		assert_eq!(tree.nodes[1].parent, NodePointer::Root);
-	}
-	#[test]
-	fn add_candidate_child_of_non_root() {
-		let mut storage = CandidateStorage::new();
-		let para_id = ParaId::from(5u32);
-		let relay_parent_a = Hash::repeat_byte(1);
-		let (pvd_a, candidate_a) = make_committed_candidate(
-			para_id,
-			relay_parent_a,
-			0,
-			vec![0x0a].into(),
-			vec![0x0b].into(),
-			0,
-		);
-		let (pvd_b, candidate_b) = make_committed_candidate(
-			para_id,
-			relay_parent_a,
-			0,
-			vec![0x0b].into(),
-			vec![0x0c].into(),
-			0,
-		);
-		let candidate_b_hash = candidate_b.hash();
-		let base_constraints = make_constraints(0, vec![0], vec![0x0a].into());
-		let pending_availability = Vec::new();
-		let relay_parent_a_info = RelayChainBlockInfo {
-			number: pvd_a.relay_parent_number,
-			hash: relay_parent_a,
-			storage_root: pvd_a.relay_parent_storage_root,
-		};
-		storage.add_candidate(candidate_a, pvd_a).unwrap();
-		let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
-			para_id,
-			relay_parent_a_info,
-			base_constraints,
-			pending_availability,
-			4,
-			vec![],
-		)
-		.unwrap();
-		let mut tree = FragmentTree::populate(scope, &storage);
-		storage.add_candidate(candidate_b, pvd_b).unwrap();
-		tree.add_and_populate(candidate_b_hash, &storage);
-		let candidates: Vec<_> = tree.candidates().collect();
-		assert_eq!(candidates.len(), 2);
-		assert_eq!(tree.nodes[0].parent, NodePointer::Root);
-		assert_eq!(tree.nodes[1].parent, NodePointer::Storage(0));
-	}
-	#[test]
-	fn test_find_ancestor_path_and_find_backable_chain_empty_tree() {
-		let para_id = ParaId::from(5u32);
-		let relay_parent = Hash::repeat_byte(1);
-		let required_parent: HeadData = vec![0xff].into();
-		let max_depth = 10;
-		// Empty tree
-		let storage = CandidateStorage::new();
-		let base_constraints = make_constraints(0, vec![0], required_parent.clone());
-		let relay_parent_info =
-			RelayChainBlockInfo { number: 0, hash: relay_parent, storage_root: Hash::zero() };
-		let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
-			para_id,
-			relay_parent_info,
-			base_constraints,
-			vec![],
-			max_depth,
-			vec![],
-		)
-		.unwrap();
-		let tree = FragmentTree::populate(scope, &storage);
-		assert_eq!(tree.candidates().collect::<Vec<_>>().len(), 0);
-		assert_eq!(tree.nodes.len(), 0);
-		assert_eq!(tree.find_ancestor_path(Ancestors::new()).unwrap(), NodePointer::Root);
-		assert_eq!(tree.find_backable_chain(Ancestors::new(), 2, |_| true), vec![]);
-		// Invalid candidate.
-		let ancestors: Ancestors = [CandidateHash::default()].into_iter().collect();
-		assert_eq!(tree.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone()), Some(NodePointer::Root));
-		assert_eq!(tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 2, |_| true), vec![]);
-	}
-	#[rstest]
-	#[case(true, 13)]
-	#[case(false, 8)]
-	// The tree with no cycles looks like:
-	// Make a tree that looks like this (note that there's no cycle):
-	//         +-(root)-+
-	//         |        |
-	//    +----0---+    7
-	//    |        |
-	//    1----+   5
-	//    |    |
-	//    |    |
-	//    2    6
-	//    |
-	//    3
-	//    |
-	//    4
-	//
-	// The tree with cycles is the same as the first but has a cycle from 4 back to the state
-	// produced by 0 (It's bounded by the max_depth + 1).
-	//         +-(root)-+
-	//         |        |
-	//    +----0---+    7
-	//    |        |
-	//    1----+   5
-	//    |    |
-	//    |    |
-	//    2    6
-	//    |
-	//    3
-	//    |
-	//    4---+
-	//    |   |
-	//    1   5
-	//    |
-	//    2
-	//    |
-	//    3
-	fn test_find_ancestor_path_and_find_backable_chain(
-		#[case] has_cycle: bool,
-		#[case] expected_node_count: usize,
-	) {
-		let para_id = ParaId::from(5u32);
-		let relay_parent = Hash::repeat_byte(1);
-		let required_parent: HeadData = vec![0xff].into();
-		let max_depth = 7;
-		let relay_parent_number = 0;
-		let relay_parent_storage_root = Hash::repeat_byte(69);
-		let mut candidates = vec![];
-		// Candidate 0
-		candidates.push(make_committed_candidate(
-			para_id,
-			relay_parent,
-			0,
-			required_parent.clone(),
-			vec![0].into(),
-			0,
-		));
-		// Candidate 1
-		candidates.push(make_committed_candidate(
-			para_id,
-			relay_parent,
-			0,
-			vec![0].into(),
-			vec![1].into(),
-			0,
-		));
-		// Candidate 2
-		candidates.push(make_committed_candidate(
-			para_id,
-			relay_parent,
-			0,
-			vec![1].into(),
-			vec![2].into(),
-			0,
-		));
-		// Candidate 3
-		candidates.push(make_committed_candidate(
-			para_id,
-			relay_parent,
-			0,
-			vec![2].into(),
-			vec![3].into(),
-			0,
-		));
-		// Candidate 4
-		candidates.push(make_committed_candidate(
-			para_id,
-			relay_parent,
-			0,
-			vec![3].into(),
-			vec![4].into(),
-			0,
-		));
-		// Candidate 5
-		candidates.push(make_committed_candidate(
-			para_id,
-			relay_parent,
-			0,
-			vec![0].into(),
-			vec![5].into(),
-			0,
-		));
-		// Candidate 6
-		candidates.push(make_committed_candidate(
-			para_id,
-			relay_parent,
-			0,
-			vec![1].into(),
-			vec![6].into(),
-			0,
-		));
-		// Candidate 7
-		candidates.push(make_committed_candidate(
-			para_id,
-			relay_parent,
-			0,
-			required_parent.clone(),
-			vec![7].into(),
-			0,
-		));
-		if has_cycle {
-			candidates[4] = make_committed_candidate(
-				para_id,
-				relay_parent,
-				0,
-				vec![3].into(),
-				vec![0].into(), // put the cycle here back to the output state of 0.
-				0,
-			);
-		}
-		let base_constraints = make_constraints(0, vec![0], required_parent.clone());
-		let mut storage = CandidateStorage::new();
-		let relay_parent_info = RelayChainBlockInfo {
-			number: relay_parent_number,
-			hash: relay_parent,
-			storage_root: relay_parent_storage_root,
-		};
-		for (pvd, candidate) in candidates.iter() {
-			storage.add_candidate(candidate.clone(), pvd.clone()).unwrap();
-		}
-		let candidates =
-			candidates.into_iter().map(|(_pvd, candidate)| candidate).collect::<Vec<_>>();
-		let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
-			para_id,
-			relay_parent_info,
-			base_constraints,
-			vec![],
-			max_depth,
-			vec![],
-		)
-		.unwrap();
-		let tree = FragmentTree::populate(scope, &storage);
-		assert_eq!(tree.candidates().collect::<Vec<_>>().len(), candidates.len());
-		assert_eq!(tree.nodes.len(), expected_node_count);
-		// Do some common tests on both trees.
-		{
-			// No ancestors supplied.
-			assert_eq!(tree.find_ancestor_path(Ancestors::new()).unwrap(), NodePointer::Root);
-			assert_eq!(
-				tree.find_backable_chain(Ancestors::new(), 4, |_| true),
-				[0, 1, 2, 3].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
-			);
-			// Ancestor which is not part of the tree. Will be ignored.
-			let ancestors: Ancestors = [CandidateHash::default()].into_iter().collect();
-			assert_eq!(tree.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone()).unwrap(), NodePointer::Root);
-			assert_eq!(
-				tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 4, |_| true),
-				[0, 1, 2, 3].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
-			);
-			// A chain fork.
-			let ancestors: Ancestors =
-				[(candidates[0].hash()), (candidates[7].hash())].into_iter().collect();
-			assert_eq!(tree.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone()), None);
-			assert_eq!(tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 1, |_| true), vec![]);
-			// Ancestors which are part of the tree but don't form a path. Will be ignored.
-			let ancestors: Ancestors =
-				[candidates[1].hash(), candidates[2].hash()].into_iter().collect();
-			assert_eq!(tree.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone()).unwrap(), NodePointer::Root);
-			assert_eq!(
-				tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 4, |_| true),
-				[0, 1, 2, 3].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
-			);
-			// Valid ancestors.
-			let ancestors: Ancestors = [candidates[7].hash()].into_iter().collect();
-			let res = tree.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone()).unwrap();
-			let candidate = &tree.nodes[res.unwrap_idx()];
-			assert_eq!(candidate.candidate_hash, candidates[7].hash());
-			assert_eq!(tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 1, |_| true), vec![]);
-			let ancestors: Ancestors =
-				[candidates[2].hash(), candidates[0].hash(), candidates[1].hash()]
-					.into_iter()
-					.collect();
-			let res = tree.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone()).unwrap();
-			let candidate = &tree.nodes[res.unwrap_idx()];
-			assert_eq!(candidate.candidate_hash, candidates[2].hash());
-			assert_eq!(
-				tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors.clone(), 2, |_| true),
-				[3, 4].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
-			);
-			// Valid ancestors with candidates which have been omitted due to timeouts
-			let ancestors: Ancestors =
-				[candidates[0].hash(), candidates[2].hash()].into_iter().collect();
-			let res = tree.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone()).unwrap();
-			let candidate = &tree.nodes[res.unwrap_idx()];
-			assert_eq!(candidate.candidate_hash, candidates[0].hash());
-			assert_eq!(
-				tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 3, |_| true),
-				[1, 2, 3].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
-			);
-			let ancestors: Ancestors =
-				[candidates[0].hash(), candidates[1].hash(), candidates[3].hash()]
-					.into_iter()
-					.collect();
-			let res = tree.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone()).unwrap();
-			let candidate = &tree.nodes[res.unwrap_idx()];
-			assert_eq!(candidate.candidate_hash, candidates[1].hash());
-			if has_cycle {
-				assert_eq!(
-					tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 2, |_| true),
-					[2, 3].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
-				);
-			} else {
-				assert_eq!(
-					tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 4, |_| true),
-					[2, 3, 4].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
-				);
-			}
-			let ancestors: Ancestors =
-				[candidates[1].hash(), candidates[2].hash()].into_iter().collect();
-			let res = tree.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone()).unwrap();
-			assert_eq!(res, NodePointer::Root);
-			assert_eq!(
-				tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 4, |_| true),
-				[0, 1, 2, 3].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
-			);
-			// Requested count is 0.
-			assert_eq!(tree.find_backable_chain(Ancestors::new(), 0, |_| true), vec![]);
-			let ancestors: Ancestors =
-				[candidates[2].hash(), candidates[0].hash(), candidates[1].hash()]
-					.into_iter()
-					.collect();
-			assert_eq!(tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 0, |_| true), vec![]);
-			let ancestors: Ancestors =
-				[candidates[2].hash(), candidates[0].hash()].into_iter().collect();
-			assert_eq!(tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 0, |_| true), vec![]);
-		}
-		// Now do some tests only on the tree with cycles
-		if has_cycle {
-			// Exceeds the maximum tree depth. 0-1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4, when the tree stops at
-			// 0-1-2-3-4-1-2-3.
-			let ancestors: Ancestors = [
-				candidates[0].hash(),
-				candidates[1].hash(),
-				candidates[2].hash(),
-				candidates[3].hash(),
-				candidates[4].hash(),
-			]
-			.into_iter()
-			.collect();
-			let res = tree.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone()).unwrap();
-			let candidate = &tree.nodes[res.unwrap_idx()];
-			assert_eq!(candidate.candidate_hash, candidates[4].hash());
-			assert_eq!(
-				tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 4, |_| true),
-				[1, 2, 3].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
-			);
-			// 0-1-2.
-			let ancestors: Ancestors =
-				[candidates[0].hash(), candidates[1].hash(), candidates[2].hash()]
-					.into_iter()
-					.collect();
-			let res = tree.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone()).unwrap();
-			let candidate = &tree.nodes[res.unwrap_idx()];
-			assert_eq!(candidate.candidate_hash, candidates[2].hash());
-			assert_eq!(
-				tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors.clone(), 1, |_| true),
-				[3].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
-			);
-			assert_eq!(
-				tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 5, |_| true),
-				[3, 4, 1, 2, 3].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
-			);
-			// 0-1
-			let ancestors: Ancestors =
-				[candidates[0].hash(), candidates[1].hash()].into_iter().collect();
-			let res = tree.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone()).unwrap();
-			let candidate = &tree.nodes[res.unwrap_idx()];
-			assert_eq!(candidate.candidate_hash, candidates[1].hash());
-			assert_eq!(
-				tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 6, |_| true),
-				[2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>(),
-			);
-			// For 0-1-2-3-4-5, there's more than 1 way of finding this path in
-			// the tree. `None` should be returned. The runtime should not have accepted this.
-			let ancestors: Ancestors = [
-				candidates[0].hash(),
-				candidates[1].hash(),
-				candidates[2].hash(),
-				candidates[3].hash(),
-				candidates[4].hash(),
-				candidates[5].hash(),
-			]
-			.into_iter()
-			.collect();
-			let res = tree.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone());
-			assert_eq!(res, None);
-			assert_eq!(tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 1, |_| true), vec![]);
-		}
-	}
-	#[test]
-	fn graceful_cycle_of_0() {
-		let mut storage = CandidateStorage::new();
-		let para_id = ParaId::from(5u32);
-		let relay_parent_a = Hash::repeat_byte(1);
-		let (pvd_a, candidate_a) = make_committed_candidate(
-			para_id,
-			relay_parent_a,
-			0,
-			vec![0x0a].into(),
-			vec![0x0a].into(), // input same as output
-			0,
-		);
-		let candidate_a_hash = candidate_a.hash();
-		let base_constraints = make_constraints(0, vec![0], vec![0x0a].into());
-		let pending_availability = Vec::new();
-		let relay_parent_a_info = RelayChainBlockInfo {
-			number: pvd_a.relay_parent_number,
-			hash: relay_parent_a,
-			storage_root: pvd_a.relay_parent_storage_root,
-		};
-		let max_depth = 4;
-		storage.add_candidate(candidate_a, pvd_a).unwrap();
-		let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
-			para_id,
-			relay_parent_a_info,
-			base_constraints,
-			pending_availability,
-			max_depth,
-			vec![],
-		)
-		.unwrap();
-		let tree = FragmentTree::populate(scope, &storage);
-		let candidates: Vec<_> = tree.candidates().collect();
-		assert_eq!(candidates.len(), 1);
-		assert_eq!(tree.nodes.len(), max_depth + 1);
-		assert_eq!(tree.nodes[0].parent, NodePointer::Root);
-		assert_eq!(tree.nodes[1].parent, NodePointer::Storage(0));
-		assert_eq!(tree.nodes[2].parent, NodePointer::Storage(1));
-		assert_eq!(tree.nodes[3].parent, NodePointer::Storage(2));
-		assert_eq!(tree.nodes[4].parent, NodePointer::Storage(3));
-		assert_eq!(tree.nodes[0].candidate_hash, candidate_a_hash);
-		assert_eq!(tree.nodes[1].candidate_hash, candidate_a_hash);
-		assert_eq!(tree.nodes[2].candidate_hash, candidate_a_hash);
-		assert_eq!(tree.nodes[3].candidate_hash, candidate_a_hash);
-		assert_eq!(tree.nodes[4].candidate_hash, candidate_a_hash);
-		for count in 1..10 {
-			assert_eq!(
-				tree.find_backable_chain(Ancestors::new(), count, |_| true),
-				iter::repeat(candidate_a_hash)
-					.take(std::cmp::min(count as usize, max_depth + 1))
-					.collect::<Vec<_>>()
-			);
-			assert_eq!(
-				tree.find_backable_chain(
-					[candidate_a_hash].into_iter().collect(),
-					count - 1,
-					|_| true
-				),
-				iter::repeat(candidate_a_hash)
-					.take(std::cmp::min(count as usize - 1, max_depth))
-					.collect::<Vec<_>>()
-			);
-		}
-	}
-	#[test]
-	fn graceful_cycle_of_1() {
-		let mut storage = CandidateStorage::new();
-		let para_id = ParaId::from(5u32);
-		let relay_parent_a = Hash::repeat_byte(1);
-		let (pvd_a, candidate_a) = make_committed_candidate(
-			para_id,
-			relay_parent_a,
-			0,
-			vec![0x0a].into(),
-			vec![0x0b].into(), // input same as output
-			0,
-		);
-		let candidate_a_hash = candidate_a.hash();
-		let (pvd_b, candidate_b) = make_committed_candidate(
-			para_id,
-			relay_parent_a,
-			0,
-			vec![0x0b].into(),
-			vec![0x0a].into(), // input same as output
-			0,
-		);
-		let candidate_b_hash = candidate_b.hash();
-		let base_constraints = make_constraints(0, vec![0], vec![0x0a].into());
-		let pending_availability = Vec::new();
-		let relay_parent_a_info = RelayChainBlockInfo {
-			number: pvd_a.relay_parent_number,
-			hash: relay_parent_a,
-			storage_root: pvd_a.relay_parent_storage_root,
-		};
-		let max_depth = 4;
-		storage.add_candidate(candidate_a, pvd_a).unwrap();
-		storage.add_candidate(candidate_b, pvd_b).unwrap();
-		let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
-			para_id,
-			relay_parent_a_info,
-			base_constraints,
-			pending_availability,
-			max_depth,
-			vec![],
-		)
-		.unwrap();
-		let tree = FragmentTree::populate(scope, &storage);
-		let candidates: Vec<_> = tree.candidates().collect();
-		assert_eq!(candidates.len(), 2);
-		assert_eq!(tree.nodes.len(), max_depth + 1);
-		assert_eq!(tree.nodes[0].parent, NodePointer::Root);
-		assert_eq!(tree.nodes[1].parent, NodePointer::Storage(0));
-		assert_eq!(tree.nodes[2].parent, NodePointer::Storage(1));
-		assert_eq!(tree.nodes[3].parent, NodePointer::Storage(2));
-		assert_eq!(tree.nodes[4].parent, NodePointer::Storage(3));
-		assert_eq!(tree.nodes[0].candidate_hash, candidate_a_hash);
-		assert_eq!(tree.nodes[1].candidate_hash, candidate_b_hash);
-		assert_eq!(tree.nodes[2].candidate_hash, candidate_a_hash);
-		assert_eq!(tree.nodes[3].candidate_hash, candidate_b_hash);
-		assert_eq!(tree.nodes[4].candidate_hash, candidate_a_hash);
-		assert_eq!(tree.find_backable_chain(Ancestors::new(), 1, |_| true), vec![candidate_a_hash],);
-		assert_eq!(
-			tree.find_backable_chain(Ancestors::new(), 2, |_| true),
-			vec![candidate_a_hash, candidate_b_hash],
-		);
-		assert_eq!(
-			tree.find_backable_chain(Ancestors::new(), 3, |_| true),
-			vec![candidate_a_hash, candidate_b_hash, candidate_a_hash],
-		);
-		assert_eq!(
-			tree.find_backable_chain([candidate_a_hash].into_iter().collect(), 2, |_| true),
-			vec![candidate_b_hash, candidate_a_hash],
-		);
-		assert_eq!(
-			tree.find_backable_chain(Ancestors::new(), 6, |_| true),
-			vec![
-				candidate_a_hash,
-				candidate_b_hash,
-				candidate_a_hash,
-				candidate_b_hash,
-				candidate_a_hash
-			],
-		);
-		for count in 3..7 {
-			assert_eq!(
-				tree.find_backable_chain(
-					[candidate_a_hash, candidate_b_hash].into_iter().collect(),
-					count,
-					|_| true
-				),
-				vec![candidate_a_hash, candidate_b_hash, candidate_a_hash],
-			);
-		}
-	}
-	#[test]
-	fn hypothetical_depths_known_and_unknown() {
-		let mut storage = CandidateStorage::new();
-		let para_id = ParaId::from(5u32);
-		let relay_parent_a = Hash::repeat_byte(1);
-		let (pvd_a, candidate_a) = make_committed_candidate(
-			para_id,
-			relay_parent_a,
-			0,
-			vec![0x0a].into(),
-			vec![0x0b].into(), // input same as output
-			0,
-		);
-		let candidate_a_hash = candidate_a.hash();
-		let (pvd_b, candidate_b) = make_committed_candidate(
-			para_id,
-			relay_parent_a,
-			0,
-			vec![0x0b].into(),
-			vec![0x0a].into(), // input same as output
-			0,
-		);
-		let candidate_b_hash = candidate_b.hash();
-		let base_constraints = make_constraints(0, vec![0], vec![0x0a].into());
-		let pending_availability = Vec::new();
-		let relay_parent_a_info = RelayChainBlockInfo {
-			number: pvd_a.relay_parent_number,
-			hash: relay_parent_a,
-			storage_root: pvd_a.relay_parent_storage_root,
-		};
-		let max_depth = 4;
-		storage.add_candidate(candidate_a, pvd_a).unwrap();
-		storage.add_candidate(candidate_b, pvd_b).unwrap();
-		let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
-			para_id,
-			relay_parent_a_info,
-			base_constraints,
-			pending_availability,
-			max_depth,
-			vec![],
-		)
-		.unwrap();
-		let tree = FragmentTree::populate(scope, &storage);
-		let candidates: Vec<_> = tree.candidates().collect();
-		assert_eq!(candidates.len(), 2);
-		assert_eq!(tree.nodes.len(), max_depth + 1);
-		assert_eq!(
-			tree.hypothetical_depths(
-				candidate_a_hash,
-				HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
-					parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0a]).hash(),
-					relay_parent: relay_parent_a,
-				},
-				&storage,
-				false,
-			),
-			vec![0, 2, 4],
-		);
-		assert_eq!(
-			tree.hypothetical_depths(
-				candidate_b_hash,
-				HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
-					parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0b]).hash(),
-					relay_parent: relay_parent_a,
-				},
-				&storage,
-				false,
-			),
-			vec![1, 3],
-		);
-		assert_eq!(
-			tree.hypothetical_depths(
-				CandidateHash(Hash::repeat_byte(21)),
-				HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
-					parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0a]).hash(),
-					relay_parent: relay_parent_a,
-				},
-				&storage,
-				false,
-			),
-			vec![0, 2, 4],
-		);
-		assert_eq!(
-			tree.hypothetical_depths(
-				CandidateHash(Hash::repeat_byte(22)),
-				HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
-					parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0b]).hash(),
-					relay_parent: relay_parent_a,
-				},
-				&storage,
-				false,
-			),
-			vec![1, 3]
-		);
-	}
-	#[test]
-	fn hypothetical_depths_stricter_on_complete() {
-		let storage = CandidateStorage::new();
-		let para_id = ParaId::from(5u32);
-		let relay_parent_a = Hash::repeat_byte(1);
-		let (pvd_a, candidate_a) = make_committed_candidate(
-			para_id,
-			relay_parent_a,
-			0,
-			vec![0x0a].into(),
-			vec![0x0b].into(),
-			1000, // watermark is illegal
-		);
-		let candidate_a_hash = candidate_a.hash();
-		let base_constraints = make_constraints(0, vec![0], vec![0x0a].into());
-		let pending_availability = Vec::new();
-		let relay_parent_a_info = RelayChainBlockInfo {
-			number: pvd_a.relay_parent_number,
-			hash: relay_parent_a,
-			storage_root: pvd_a.relay_parent_storage_root,
-		};
-		let max_depth = 4;
-		let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
-			para_id,
-			relay_parent_a_info,
-			base_constraints,
-			pending_availability,
-			max_depth,
-			vec![],
-		)
-		.unwrap();
-		let tree = FragmentTree::populate(scope, &storage);
-		assert_eq!(
-			tree.hypothetical_depths(
-				candidate_a_hash,
-				HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
-					parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0a]).hash(),
-					relay_parent: relay_parent_a,
-				},
-				&storage,
-				false,
-			),
-			vec![0],
-		);
-		assert!(tree
-			.hypothetical_depths(
-				candidate_a_hash,
-				HypotheticalCandidate::Complete {
-					receipt: Cow::Owned(candidate_a),
-					persisted_validation_data: Cow::Owned(pvd_a),
-				},
-				&storage,
-				false,
-			)
-			.is_empty());
-	}
-	#[test]
-	fn hypothetical_depths_backed_in_path() {
-		let mut storage = CandidateStorage::new();
-		let para_id = ParaId::from(5u32);
-		let relay_parent_a = Hash::repeat_byte(1);
-		let (pvd_a, candidate_a) = make_committed_candidate(
-			para_id,
-			relay_parent_a,
-			0,
-			vec![0x0a].into(),
-			vec![0x0b].into(),
-			0,
-		);
-		let candidate_a_hash = candidate_a.hash();
-		let (pvd_b, candidate_b) = make_committed_candidate(
-			para_id,
-			relay_parent_a,
-			0,
-			vec![0x0b].into(),
-			vec![0x0c].into(),
-			0,
-		);
-		let candidate_b_hash = candidate_b.hash();
-		let (pvd_c, candidate_c) = make_committed_candidate(
-			para_id,
-			relay_parent_a,
-			0,
-			vec![0x0b].into(),
-			vec![0x0d].into(),
-			0,
-		);
-		let base_constraints = make_constraints(0, vec![0], vec![0x0a].into());
-		let pending_availability = Vec::new();
-		let relay_parent_a_info = RelayChainBlockInfo {
-			number: pvd_a.relay_parent_number,
-			hash: relay_parent_a,
-			storage_root: pvd_a.relay_parent_storage_root,
-		};
-		let max_depth = 4;
-		storage.add_candidate(candidate_a, pvd_a).unwrap();
-		storage.add_candidate(candidate_b, pvd_b).unwrap();
-		storage.add_candidate(candidate_c, pvd_c).unwrap();
-		// `A` and `B` are backed, `C` is not.
-		storage.mark_backed(&candidate_a_hash);
-		storage.mark_backed(&candidate_b_hash);
-		let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
-			para_id,
-			relay_parent_a_info,
-			base_constraints,
-			pending_availability,
-			max_depth,
-			vec![],
-		)
-		.unwrap();
-		let tree = FragmentTree::populate(scope, &storage);
-		let candidates: Vec<_> = tree.candidates().collect();
-		assert_eq!(candidates.len(), 3);
-		assert_eq!(tree.nodes.len(), 3);
-		let candidate_d_hash = CandidateHash(Hash::repeat_byte(0xAA));
-		assert_eq!(
-			tree.hypothetical_depths(
-				candidate_d_hash,
-				HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
-					parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0a]).hash(),
-					relay_parent: relay_parent_a,
-				},
-				&storage,
-				true,
-			),
-			vec![0],
-		);
-		assert_eq!(
-			tree.hypothetical_depths(
-				candidate_d_hash,
-				HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
-					parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0c]).hash(),
-					relay_parent: relay_parent_a,
-				},
-				&storage,
-				true,
-			),
-			vec![2],
-		);
-		assert_eq!(
-			tree.hypothetical_depths(
-				candidate_d_hash,
-				HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
-					parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0d]).hash(),
-					relay_parent: relay_parent_a,
-				},
-				&storage,
-				true,
-			),
-			Vec::<usize>::new(),
-		);
-		assert_eq!(
-			tree.hypothetical_depths(
-				candidate_d_hash,
-				HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
-					parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0d]).hash(),
-					relay_parent: relay_parent_a,
-				},
-				&storage,
-				false,
-			),
-			vec![2], // non-empty if `false`.
-		);
-	}
-	#[test]
-	fn pending_availability_in_scope() {
-		let mut storage = CandidateStorage::new();
-		let para_id = ParaId::from(5u32);
-		let relay_parent_a = Hash::repeat_byte(1);
-		let relay_parent_b = Hash::repeat_byte(2);
-		let relay_parent_c = Hash::repeat_byte(3);
-		let (pvd_a, candidate_a) = make_committed_candidate(
-			para_id,
-			relay_parent_a,
-			0,
-			vec![0x0a].into(),
-			vec![0x0b].into(),
-			0,
-		);
-		let candidate_a_hash = candidate_a.hash();
-		let (pvd_b, candidate_b) = make_committed_candidate(
-			para_id,
-			relay_parent_b,
-			1,
-			vec![0x0b].into(),
-			vec![0x0c].into(),
-			1,
-		);
-		// Note that relay parent `a` is not allowed.
-		let base_constraints = make_constraints(1, vec![], vec![0x0a].into());
-		let relay_parent_a_info = RelayChainBlockInfo {
-			number: pvd_a.relay_parent_number,
-			hash: relay_parent_a,
-			storage_root: pvd_a.relay_parent_storage_root,
-		};
-		let pending_availability = vec![PendingAvailability {
-			candidate_hash: candidate_a_hash,
-			relay_parent: relay_parent_a_info,
-		}];
-		let relay_parent_b_info = RelayChainBlockInfo {
-			number: pvd_b.relay_parent_number,
-			hash: relay_parent_b,
-			storage_root: pvd_b.relay_parent_storage_root,
-		};
-		let relay_parent_c_info = RelayChainBlockInfo {
-			number: pvd_b.relay_parent_number + 1,
-			hash: relay_parent_c,
-			storage_root: Hash::zero(),
-		};
-		let max_depth = 4;
-		storage.add_candidate(candidate_a, pvd_a).unwrap();
-		storage.add_candidate(candidate_b, pvd_b).unwrap();
-		storage.mark_backed(&candidate_a_hash);
-		let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
-			para_id,
-			relay_parent_c_info,
-			base_constraints,
-			pending_availability,
-			max_depth,
-			vec![relay_parent_b_info],
-		)
-		.unwrap();
-		let tree = FragmentTree::populate(scope, &storage);
-		let candidates: Vec<_> = tree.candidates().collect();
-		assert_eq!(candidates.len(), 2);
-		assert_eq!(tree.nodes.len(), 2);
-		let candidate_d_hash = CandidateHash(Hash::repeat_byte(0xAA));
-		assert_eq!(
-			tree.hypothetical_depths(
-				candidate_d_hash,
-				HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
-					parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0b]).hash(),
-					relay_parent: relay_parent_c,
-				},
-				&storage,
-				false,
-			),
-			vec![1],
-		);
-		assert_eq!(
-			tree.hypothetical_depths(
-				candidate_d_hash,
-				HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
-					parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0c]).hash(),
-					relay_parent: relay_parent_b,
-				},
-				&storage,
-				false,
-			),
-			vec![2],
-		);
-	}
diff --git a/polkadot/node/core/prospective-parachains/src/fragment_tree/ b/polkadot/node/core/prospective-parachains/src/fragment_tree/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fd41be55f7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polkadot/node/core/prospective-parachains/src/fragment_tree/
@@ -0,0 +1,1451 @@
+// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
+// This file is part of Polkadot.
+// Polkadot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// Polkadot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with Polkadot.  If not, see <>.
+use super::*;
+use assert_matches::assert_matches;
+use polkadot_node_subsystem_util::inclusion_emulator::InboundHrmpLimitations;
+use polkadot_primitives::{BlockNumber, CandidateCommitments, CandidateDescriptor, HeadData};
+use polkadot_primitives_test_helpers as test_helpers;
+use rstest::rstest;
+use std::iter;
+impl NodePointer {
+	fn unwrap_idx(self) -> usize {
+		match self {
+			NodePointer::Root => panic!("Unexpected root"),
+			NodePointer::Storage(index) => index,
+		}
+	}
+fn make_constraints(
+	min_relay_parent_number: BlockNumber,
+	valid_watermarks: Vec<BlockNumber>,
+	required_parent: HeadData,
+) -> Constraints {
+	Constraints {
+		min_relay_parent_number,
+		max_pov_size: 1_000_000,
+		max_code_size: 1_000_000,
+		ump_remaining: 10,
+		ump_remaining_bytes: 1_000,
+		max_ump_num_per_candidate: 10,
+		dmp_remaining_messages: [0; 10].into(),
+		hrmp_inbound: InboundHrmpLimitations { valid_watermarks },
+		hrmp_channels_out: HashMap::new(),
+		max_hrmp_num_per_candidate: 0,
+		required_parent,
+		validation_code_hash: Hash::repeat_byte(42).into(),
+		upgrade_restriction: None,
+		future_validation_code: None,
+	}
+fn make_committed_candidate(
+	para_id: ParaId,
+	relay_parent: Hash,
+	relay_parent_number: BlockNumber,
+	parent_head: HeadData,
+	para_head: HeadData,
+	hrmp_watermark: BlockNumber,
+) -> (PersistedValidationData, CommittedCandidateReceipt) {
+	let persisted_validation_data = PersistedValidationData {
+		parent_head,
+		relay_parent_number,
+		relay_parent_storage_root: Hash::repeat_byte(69),
+		max_pov_size: 1_000_000,
+	};
+	let candidate = CommittedCandidateReceipt {
+		descriptor: CandidateDescriptor {
+			para_id,
+			relay_parent,
+			collator: test_helpers::dummy_collator(),
+			persisted_validation_data_hash: persisted_validation_data.hash(),
+			pov_hash: Hash::repeat_byte(1),
+			erasure_root: Hash::repeat_byte(1),
+			signature: test_helpers::dummy_collator_signature(),
+			para_head: para_head.hash(),
+			validation_code_hash: Hash::repeat_byte(42).into(),
+		},
+		commitments: CandidateCommitments {
+			upward_messages: Default::default(),
+			horizontal_messages: Default::default(),
+			new_validation_code: None,
+			head_data: para_head,
+			processed_downward_messages: 1,
+			hrmp_watermark,
+		},
+	};
+	(persisted_validation_data, candidate)
+fn scope_rejects_ancestors_that_skip_blocks() {
+	let para_id = ParaId::from(5u32);
+	let relay_parent = RelayChainBlockInfo {
+		number: 10,
+		hash: Hash::repeat_byte(10),
+		storage_root: Hash::repeat_byte(69),
+	};
+	let ancestors = vec![RelayChainBlockInfo {
+		number: 8,
+		hash: Hash::repeat_byte(8),
+		storage_root: Hash::repeat_byte(69),
+	}];
+	let max_depth = 2;
+	let base_constraints = make_constraints(8, vec![8, 9], vec![1, 2, 3].into());
+	let pending_availability = Vec::new();
+	assert_matches!(
+		Scope::with_ancestors(
+			para_id,
+			relay_parent,
+			base_constraints,
+			pending_availability,
+			max_depth,
+			ancestors
+		),
+		Err(UnexpectedAncestor { number: 8, prev: 10 })
+	);
+fn scope_rejects_ancestor_for_0_block() {
+	let para_id = ParaId::from(5u32);
+	let relay_parent = RelayChainBlockInfo {
+		number: 0,
+		hash: Hash::repeat_byte(0),
+		storage_root: Hash::repeat_byte(69),
+	};
+	let ancestors = vec![RelayChainBlockInfo {
+		number: 99999,
+		hash: Hash::repeat_byte(99),
+		storage_root: Hash::repeat_byte(69),
+	}];
+	let max_depth = 2;
+	let base_constraints = make_constraints(0, vec![], vec![1, 2, 3].into());
+	let pending_availability = Vec::new();
+	assert_matches!(
+		Scope::with_ancestors(
+			para_id,
+			relay_parent,
+			base_constraints,
+			pending_availability,
+			max_depth,
+			ancestors,
+		),
+		Err(UnexpectedAncestor { number: 99999, prev: 0 })
+	);
+fn scope_only_takes_ancestors_up_to_min() {
+	let para_id = ParaId::from(5u32);
+	let relay_parent = RelayChainBlockInfo {
+		number: 5,
+		hash: Hash::repeat_byte(0),
+		storage_root: Hash::repeat_byte(69),
+	};
+	let ancestors = vec![
+		RelayChainBlockInfo {
+			number: 4,
+			hash: Hash::repeat_byte(4),
+			storage_root: Hash::repeat_byte(69),
+		},
+		RelayChainBlockInfo {
+			number: 3,
+			hash: Hash::repeat_byte(3),
+			storage_root: Hash::repeat_byte(69),
+		},
+		RelayChainBlockInfo {
+			number: 2,
+			hash: Hash::repeat_byte(2),
+			storage_root: Hash::repeat_byte(69),
+		},
+	];
+	let max_depth = 2;
+	let base_constraints = make_constraints(3, vec![2], vec![1, 2, 3].into());
+	let pending_availability = Vec::new();
+	let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
+		para_id,
+		relay_parent,
+		base_constraints,
+		pending_availability,
+		max_depth,
+		ancestors,
+	)
+	.unwrap();
+	assert_eq!(scope.ancestors.len(), 2);
+	assert_eq!(scope.ancestors_by_hash.len(), 2);
+fn storage_add_candidate() {
+	let mut storage = CandidateStorage::new();
+	let relay_parent = Hash::repeat_byte(69);
+	let (pvd, candidate) = make_committed_candidate(
+		ParaId::from(5u32),
+		relay_parent,
+		8,
+		vec![4, 5, 6].into(),
+		vec![1, 2, 3].into(),
+		7,
+	);
+	let candidate_hash = candidate.hash();
+	let parent_head_hash = pvd.parent_head.hash();
+	storage.add_candidate(candidate, pvd).unwrap();
+	assert!(storage.contains(&candidate_hash));
+	assert_eq!(storage.iter_para_children(&parent_head_hash).count(), 1);
+	assert_eq!(storage.relay_parent_by_candidate_hash(&candidate_hash), Some(relay_parent));
+fn storage_retain() {
+	let mut storage = CandidateStorage::new();
+	let (pvd, candidate) = make_committed_candidate(
+		ParaId::from(5u32),
+		Hash::repeat_byte(69),
+		8,
+		vec![4, 5, 6].into(),
+		vec![1, 2, 3].into(),
+		7,
+	);
+	let candidate_hash = candidate.hash();
+	let output_head_hash = candidate.commitments.head_data.hash();
+	let parent_head_hash = pvd.parent_head.hash();
+	storage.add_candidate(candidate, pvd).unwrap();
+	storage.retain(|_| true);
+	assert!(storage.contains(&candidate_hash));
+	assert_eq!(storage.iter_para_children(&parent_head_hash).count(), 1);
+	assert!(storage.head_data_by_hash(&output_head_hash).is_some());
+	storage.retain(|_| false);
+	assert!(!storage.contains(&candidate_hash));
+	assert_eq!(storage.iter_para_children(&parent_head_hash).count(), 0);
+	assert!(storage.head_data_by_hash(&output_head_hash).is_none());
+// [`FragmentTree::populate`] should pick up candidates that build on other candidates.
+fn populate_works_recursively() {
+	let mut storage = CandidateStorage::new();
+	let para_id = ParaId::from(5u32);
+	let relay_parent_a = Hash::repeat_byte(1);
+	let relay_parent_b = Hash::repeat_byte(2);
+	let (pvd_a, candidate_a) = make_committed_candidate(
+		para_id,
+		relay_parent_a,
+		0,
+		vec![0x0a].into(),
+		vec![0x0b].into(),
+		0,
+	);
+	let candidate_a_hash = candidate_a.hash();
+	let (pvd_b, candidate_b) = make_committed_candidate(
+		para_id,
+		relay_parent_b,
+		1,
+		vec![0x0b].into(),
+		vec![0x0c].into(),
+		1,
+	);
+	let candidate_b_hash = candidate_b.hash();
+	let base_constraints = make_constraints(0, vec![0], vec![0x0a].into());
+	let pending_availability = Vec::new();
+	let ancestors = vec![RelayChainBlockInfo {
+		number: pvd_a.relay_parent_number,
+		hash: relay_parent_a,
+		storage_root: pvd_a.relay_parent_storage_root,
+	}];
+	let relay_parent_b_info = RelayChainBlockInfo {
+		number: pvd_b.relay_parent_number,
+		hash: relay_parent_b,
+		storage_root: pvd_b.relay_parent_storage_root,
+	};
+	storage.add_candidate(candidate_a, pvd_a).unwrap();
+	storage.add_candidate(candidate_b, pvd_b).unwrap();
+	let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
+		para_id,
+		relay_parent_b_info,
+		base_constraints,
+		pending_availability,
+		4,
+		ancestors,
+	)
+	.unwrap();
+	let tree = FragmentTree::populate(scope, &storage);
+	let candidates: Vec<_> = tree.candidates().collect();
+	assert_eq!(candidates.len(), 2);
+	assert!(candidates.contains(&candidate_a_hash));
+	assert!(candidates.contains(&candidate_b_hash));
+	assert_eq!(tree.nodes.len(), 2);
+	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[0].parent, NodePointer::Root);
+	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[0].candidate_hash, candidate_a_hash);
+	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[0].depth, 0);
+	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[1].parent, NodePointer::Storage(0));
+	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[1].candidate_hash, candidate_b_hash);
+	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[1].depth, 1);
+fn children_of_root_are_contiguous() {
+	let mut storage = CandidateStorage::new();
+	let para_id = ParaId::from(5u32);
+	let relay_parent_a = Hash::repeat_byte(1);
+	let relay_parent_b = Hash::repeat_byte(2);
+	let (pvd_a, candidate_a) = make_committed_candidate(
+		para_id,
+		relay_parent_a,
+		0,
+		vec![0x0a].into(),
+		vec![0x0b].into(),
+		0,
+	);
+	let (pvd_b, candidate_b) = make_committed_candidate(
+		para_id,
+		relay_parent_b,
+		1,
+		vec![0x0b].into(),
+		vec![0x0c].into(),
+		1,
+	);
+	let (pvd_a2, candidate_a2) = make_committed_candidate(
+		para_id,
+		relay_parent_a,
+		0,
+		vec![0x0a].into(),
+		vec![0x0b, 1].into(),
+		0,
+	);
+	let candidate_a2_hash = candidate_a2.hash();
+	let base_constraints = make_constraints(0, vec![0], vec![0x0a].into());
+	let pending_availability = Vec::new();
+	let ancestors = vec![RelayChainBlockInfo {
+		number: pvd_a.relay_parent_number,
+		hash: relay_parent_a,
+		storage_root: pvd_a.relay_parent_storage_root,
+	}];
+	let relay_parent_b_info = RelayChainBlockInfo {
+		number: pvd_b.relay_parent_number,
+		hash: relay_parent_b,
+		storage_root: pvd_b.relay_parent_storage_root,
+	};
+	storage.add_candidate(candidate_a, pvd_a).unwrap();
+	storage.add_candidate(candidate_b, pvd_b).unwrap();
+	let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
+		para_id,
+		relay_parent_b_info,
+		base_constraints,
+		pending_availability,
+		4,
+		ancestors,
+	)
+	.unwrap();
+	let mut tree = FragmentTree::populate(scope, &storage);
+	storage.add_candidate(candidate_a2, pvd_a2).unwrap();
+	tree.add_and_populate(candidate_a2_hash, &storage);
+	let candidates: Vec<_> = tree.candidates().collect();
+	assert_eq!(candidates.len(), 3);
+	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[0].parent, NodePointer::Root);
+	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[1].parent, NodePointer::Root);
+	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[2].parent, NodePointer::Storage(0));
+fn add_candidate_child_of_root() {
+	let mut storage = CandidateStorage::new();
+	let para_id = ParaId::from(5u32);
+	let relay_parent_a = Hash::repeat_byte(1);
+	let (pvd_a, candidate_a) = make_committed_candidate(
+		para_id,
+		relay_parent_a,
+		0,
+		vec![0x0a].into(),
+		vec![0x0b].into(),
+		0,
+	);
+	let (pvd_b, candidate_b) = make_committed_candidate(
+		para_id,
+		relay_parent_a,
+		0,
+		vec![0x0a].into(),
+		vec![0x0c].into(),
+		0,
+	);
+	let candidate_b_hash = candidate_b.hash();
+	let base_constraints = make_constraints(0, vec![0], vec![0x0a].into());
+	let pending_availability = Vec::new();
+	let relay_parent_a_info = RelayChainBlockInfo {
+		number: pvd_a.relay_parent_number,
+		hash: relay_parent_a,
+		storage_root: pvd_a.relay_parent_storage_root,
+	};
+	storage.add_candidate(candidate_a, pvd_a).unwrap();
+	let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
+		para_id,
+		relay_parent_a_info,
+		base_constraints,
+		pending_availability,
+		4,
+		vec![],
+	)
+	.unwrap();
+	let mut tree = FragmentTree::populate(scope, &storage);
+	storage.add_candidate(candidate_b, pvd_b).unwrap();
+	tree.add_and_populate(candidate_b_hash, &storage);
+	let candidates: Vec<_> = tree.candidates().collect();
+	assert_eq!(candidates.len(), 2);
+	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[0].parent, NodePointer::Root);
+	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[1].parent, NodePointer::Root);
+fn add_candidate_child_of_non_root() {
+	let mut storage = CandidateStorage::new();
+	let para_id = ParaId::from(5u32);
+	let relay_parent_a = Hash::repeat_byte(1);
+	let (pvd_a, candidate_a) = make_committed_candidate(
+		para_id,
+		relay_parent_a,
+		0,
+		vec![0x0a].into(),
+		vec![0x0b].into(),
+		0,
+	);
+	let (pvd_b, candidate_b) = make_committed_candidate(
+		para_id,
+		relay_parent_a,
+		0,
+		vec![0x0b].into(),
+		vec![0x0c].into(),
+		0,
+	);
+	let candidate_b_hash = candidate_b.hash();
+	let base_constraints = make_constraints(0, vec![0], vec![0x0a].into());
+	let pending_availability = Vec::new();
+	let relay_parent_a_info = RelayChainBlockInfo {
+		number: pvd_a.relay_parent_number,
+		hash: relay_parent_a,
+		storage_root: pvd_a.relay_parent_storage_root,
+	};
+	storage.add_candidate(candidate_a, pvd_a).unwrap();
+	let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
+		para_id,
+		relay_parent_a_info,
+		base_constraints,
+		pending_availability,
+		4,
+		vec![],
+	)
+	.unwrap();
+	let mut tree = FragmentTree::populate(scope, &storage);
+	storage.add_candidate(candidate_b, pvd_b).unwrap();
+	tree.add_and_populate(candidate_b_hash, &storage);
+	let candidates: Vec<_> = tree.candidates().collect();
+	assert_eq!(candidates.len(), 2);
+	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[0].parent, NodePointer::Root);
+	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[1].parent, NodePointer::Storage(0));
+fn test_find_ancestor_path_and_find_backable_chain_empty_tree() {
+	let para_id = ParaId::from(5u32);
+	let relay_parent = Hash::repeat_byte(1);
+	let required_parent: HeadData = vec![0xff].into();
+	let max_depth = 10;
+	// Empty tree
+	let storage = CandidateStorage::new();
+	let base_constraints = make_constraints(0, vec![0], required_parent.clone());
+	let relay_parent_info =
+		RelayChainBlockInfo { number: 0, hash: relay_parent, storage_root: Hash::zero() };
+	let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
+		para_id,
+		relay_parent_info,
+		base_constraints,
+		vec![],
+		max_depth,
+		vec![],
+	)
+	.unwrap();
+	let tree = FragmentTree::populate(scope, &storage);
+	assert_eq!(tree.candidates().collect::<Vec<_>>().len(), 0);
+	assert_eq!(tree.nodes.len(), 0);
+	assert_eq!(tree.find_ancestor_path(Ancestors::new()).unwrap(), NodePointer::Root);
+	assert_eq!(tree.find_backable_chain(Ancestors::new(), 2, |_| true), vec![]);
+	// Invalid candidate.
+	let ancestors: Ancestors = [CandidateHash::default()].into_iter().collect();
+	assert_eq!(tree.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone()), Some(NodePointer::Root));
+	assert_eq!(tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 2, |_| true), vec![]);
+#[case(true, 13)]
+#[case(false, 8)]
+// The tree with no cycles looks like:
+// Make a tree that looks like this (note that there's no cycle):
+//         +-(root)-+
+//         |        |
+//    +----0---+    7
+//    |        |
+//    1----+   5
+//    |    |
+//    |    |
+//    2    6
+//    |
+//    3
+//    |
+//    4
+// The tree with cycles is the same as the first but has a cycle from 4 back to the state
+// produced by 0 (It's bounded by the max_depth + 1).
+//         +-(root)-+
+//         |        |
+//    +----0---+    7
+//    |        |
+//    1----+   5
+//    |    |
+//    |    |
+//    2    6
+//    |
+//    3
+//    |
+//    4---+
+//    |   |
+//    1   5
+//    |
+//    2
+//    |
+//    3
+fn test_find_ancestor_path_and_find_backable_chain(
+	#[case] has_cycle: bool,
+	#[case] expected_node_count: usize,
+) {
+	let para_id = ParaId::from(5u32);
+	let relay_parent = Hash::repeat_byte(1);
+	let required_parent: HeadData = vec![0xff].into();
+	let max_depth = 7;
+	let relay_parent_number = 0;
+	let relay_parent_storage_root = Hash::repeat_byte(69);
+	let mut candidates = vec![];
+	// Candidate 0
+	candidates.push(make_committed_candidate(
+		para_id,
+		relay_parent,
+		0,
+		required_parent.clone(),
+		vec![0].into(),
+		0,
+	));
+	// Candidate 1
+	candidates.push(make_committed_candidate(
+		para_id,
+		relay_parent,
+		0,
+		vec![0].into(),
+		vec![1].into(),
+		0,
+	));
+	// Candidate 2
+	candidates.push(make_committed_candidate(
+		para_id,
+		relay_parent,
+		0,
+		vec![1].into(),
+		vec![2].into(),
+		0,
+	));
+	// Candidate 3
+	candidates.push(make_committed_candidate(
+		para_id,
+		relay_parent,
+		0,
+		vec![2].into(),
+		vec![3].into(),
+		0,
+	));
+	// Candidate 4
+	candidates.push(make_committed_candidate(
+		para_id,
+		relay_parent,
+		0,
+		vec![3].into(),
+		vec![4].into(),
+		0,
+	));
+	// Candidate 5
+	candidates.push(make_committed_candidate(
+		para_id,
+		relay_parent,
+		0,
+		vec![0].into(),
+		vec![5].into(),
+		0,
+	));
+	// Candidate 6
+	candidates.push(make_committed_candidate(
+		para_id,
+		relay_parent,
+		0,
+		vec![1].into(),
+		vec![6].into(),
+		0,
+	));
+	// Candidate 7
+	candidates.push(make_committed_candidate(
+		para_id,
+		relay_parent,
+		0,
+		required_parent.clone(),
+		vec![7].into(),
+		0,
+	));
+	if has_cycle {
+		candidates[4] = make_committed_candidate(
+			para_id,
+			relay_parent,
+			0,
+			vec![3].into(),
+			vec![0].into(), // put the cycle here back to the output state of 0.
+			0,
+		);
+	}
+	let base_constraints = make_constraints(0, vec![0], required_parent.clone());
+	let mut storage = CandidateStorage::new();
+	let relay_parent_info = RelayChainBlockInfo {
+		number: relay_parent_number,
+		hash: relay_parent,
+		storage_root: relay_parent_storage_root,
+	};
+	for (pvd, candidate) in candidates.iter() {
+		storage.add_candidate(candidate.clone(), pvd.clone()).unwrap();
+	}
+	let candidates = candidates.into_iter().map(|(_pvd, candidate)| candidate).collect::<Vec<_>>();
+	let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
+		para_id,
+		relay_parent_info,
+		base_constraints,
+		vec![],
+		max_depth,
+		vec![],
+	)
+	.unwrap();
+	let tree = FragmentTree::populate(scope, &storage);
+	assert_eq!(tree.candidates().collect::<Vec<_>>().len(), candidates.len());
+	assert_eq!(tree.nodes.len(), expected_node_count);
+	// Do some common tests on both trees.
+	{
+		// No ancestors supplied.
+		assert_eq!(tree.find_ancestor_path(Ancestors::new()).unwrap(), NodePointer::Root);
+		assert_eq!(
+			tree.find_backable_chain(Ancestors::new(), 4, |_| true),
+			[0, 1, 2, 3].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
+		);
+		// Ancestor which is not part of the tree. Will be ignored.
+		let ancestors: Ancestors = [CandidateHash::default()].into_iter().collect();
+		assert_eq!(tree.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone()).unwrap(), NodePointer::Root);
+		assert_eq!(
+			tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 4, |_| true),
+			[0, 1, 2, 3].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
+		);
+		// A chain fork.
+		let ancestors: Ancestors =
+			[(candidates[0].hash()), (candidates[7].hash())].into_iter().collect();
+		assert_eq!(tree.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone()), None);
+		assert_eq!(tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 1, |_| true), vec![]);
+		// Ancestors which are part of the tree but don't form a path. Will be ignored.
+		let ancestors: Ancestors =
+			[candidates[1].hash(), candidates[2].hash()].into_iter().collect();
+		assert_eq!(tree.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone()).unwrap(), NodePointer::Root);
+		assert_eq!(
+			tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 4, |_| true),
+			[0, 1, 2, 3].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
+		);
+		// Valid ancestors.
+		let ancestors: Ancestors = [candidates[7].hash()].into_iter().collect();
+		let res = tree.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone()).unwrap();
+		let candidate = &tree.nodes[res.unwrap_idx()];
+		assert_eq!(candidate.candidate_hash, candidates[7].hash());
+		assert_eq!(tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 1, |_| true), vec![]);
+		let ancestors: Ancestors =
+			[candidates[2].hash(), candidates[0].hash(), candidates[1].hash()]
+				.into_iter()
+				.collect();
+		let res = tree.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone()).unwrap();
+		let candidate = &tree.nodes[res.unwrap_idx()];
+		assert_eq!(candidate.candidate_hash, candidates[2].hash());
+		assert_eq!(
+			tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors.clone(), 2, |_| true),
+			[3, 4].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
+		);
+		// Valid ancestors with candidates which have been omitted due to timeouts
+		let ancestors: Ancestors =
+			[candidates[0].hash(), candidates[2].hash()].into_iter().collect();
+		let res = tree.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone()).unwrap();
+		let candidate = &tree.nodes[res.unwrap_idx()];
+		assert_eq!(candidate.candidate_hash, candidates[0].hash());
+		assert_eq!(
+			tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 3, |_| true),
+			[1, 2, 3].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
+		);
+		let ancestors: Ancestors =
+			[candidates[0].hash(), candidates[1].hash(), candidates[3].hash()]
+				.into_iter()
+				.collect();
+		let res = tree.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone()).unwrap();
+		let candidate = &tree.nodes[res.unwrap_idx()];
+		assert_eq!(candidate.candidate_hash, candidates[1].hash());
+		if has_cycle {
+			assert_eq!(
+				tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 2, |_| true),
+				[2, 3].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
+			);
+		} else {
+			assert_eq!(
+				tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 4, |_| true),
+				[2, 3, 4].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
+			);
+		}
+		let ancestors: Ancestors =
+			[candidates[1].hash(), candidates[2].hash()].into_iter().collect();
+		let res = tree.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone()).unwrap();
+		assert_eq!(res, NodePointer::Root);
+		assert_eq!(
+			tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 4, |_| true),
+			[0, 1, 2, 3].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
+		);
+		// Requested count is 0.
+		assert_eq!(tree.find_backable_chain(Ancestors::new(), 0, |_| true), vec![]);
+		let ancestors: Ancestors =
+			[candidates[2].hash(), candidates[0].hash(), candidates[1].hash()]
+				.into_iter()
+				.collect();
+		assert_eq!(tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 0, |_| true), vec![]);
+		let ancestors: Ancestors =
+			[candidates[2].hash(), candidates[0].hash()].into_iter().collect();
+		assert_eq!(tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 0, |_| true), vec![]);
+	}
+	// Now do some tests only on the tree with cycles
+	if has_cycle {
+		// Exceeds the maximum tree depth. 0-1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4, when the tree stops at
+		// 0-1-2-3-4-1-2-3.
+		let ancestors: Ancestors = [
+			candidates[0].hash(),
+			candidates[1].hash(),
+			candidates[2].hash(),
+			candidates[3].hash(),
+			candidates[4].hash(),
+		]
+		.into_iter()
+		.collect();
+		let res = tree.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone()).unwrap();
+		let candidate = &tree.nodes[res.unwrap_idx()];
+		assert_eq!(candidate.candidate_hash, candidates[4].hash());
+		assert_eq!(
+			tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 4, |_| true),
+			[1, 2, 3].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
+		);
+		// 0-1-2.
+		let ancestors: Ancestors =
+			[candidates[0].hash(), candidates[1].hash(), candidates[2].hash()]
+				.into_iter()
+				.collect();
+		let res = tree.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone()).unwrap();
+		let candidate = &tree.nodes[res.unwrap_idx()];
+		assert_eq!(candidate.candidate_hash, candidates[2].hash());
+		assert_eq!(
+			tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors.clone(), 1, |_| true),
+			[3].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
+		);
+		assert_eq!(
+			tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 5, |_| true),
+			[3, 4, 1, 2, 3].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>()
+		);
+		// 0-1
+		let ancestors: Ancestors =
+			[candidates[0].hash(), candidates[1].hash()].into_iter().collect();
+		let res = tree.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone()).unwrap();
+		let candidate = &tree.nodes[res.unwrap_idx()];
+		assert_eq!(candidate.candidate_hash, candidates[1].hash());
+		assert_eq!(
+			tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 6, |_| true),
+			[2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3].into_iter().map(|i| candidates[i].hash()).collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+		);
+		// For 0-1-2-3-4-5, there's more than 1 way of finding this path in
+		// the tree. `None` should be returned. The runtime should not have accepted this.
+		let ancestors: Ancestors = [
+			candidates[0].hash(),
+			candidates[1].hash(),
+			candidates[2].hash(),
+			candidates[3].hash(),
+			candidates[4].hash(),
+			candidates[5].hash(),
+		]
+		.into_iter()
+		.collect();
+		let res = tree.find_ancestor_path(ancestors.clone());
+		assert_eq!(res, None);
+		assert_eq!(tree.find_backable_chain(ancestors, 1, |_| true), vec![]);
+	}
+fn graceful_cycle_of_0() {
+	let mut storage = CandidateStorage::new();
+	let para_id = ParaId::from(5u32);
+	let relay_parent_a = Hash::repeat_byte(1);
+	let (pvd_a, candidate_a) = make_committed_candidate(
+		para_id,
+		relay_parent_a,
+		0,
+		vec![0x0a].into(),
+		vec![0x0a].into(), // input same as output
+		0,
+	);
+	let candidate_a_hash = candidate_a.hash();
+	let base_constraints = make_constraints(0, vec![0], vec![0x0a].into());
+	let pending_availability = Vec::new();
+	let relay_parent_a_info = RelayChainBlockInfo {
+		number: pvd_a.relay_parent_number,
+		hash: relay_parent_a,
+		storage_root: pvd_a.relay_parent_storage_root,
+	};
+	let max_depth = 4;
+	storage.add_candidate(candidate_a, pvd_a).unwrap();
+	let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
+		para_id,
+		relay_parent_a_info,
+		base_constraints,
+		pending_availability,
+		max_depth,
+		vec![],
+	)
+	.unwrap();
+	let tree = FragmentTree::populate(scope, &storage);
+	let candidates: Vec<_> = tree.candidates().collect();
+	assert_eq!(candidates.len(), 1);
+	assert_eq!(tree.nodes.len(), max_depth + 1);
+	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[0].parent, NodePointer::Root);
+	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[1].parent, NodePointer::Storage(0));
+	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[2].parent, NodePointer::Storage(1));
+	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[3].parent, NodePointer::Storage(2));
+	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[4].parent, NodePointer::Storage(3));
+	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[0].candidate_hash, candidate_a_hash);
+	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[1].candidate_hash, candidate_a_hash);
+	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[2].candidate_hash, candidate_a_hash);
+	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[3].candidate_hash, candidate_a_hash);
+	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[4].candidate_hash, candidate_a_hash);
+	for count in 1..10 {
+		assert_eq!(
+			tree.find_backable_chain(Ancestors::new(), count, |_| true),
+			iter::repeat(candidate_a_hash)
+				.take(std::cmp::min(count as usize, max_depth + 1))
+				.collect::<Vec<_>>()
+		);
+		assert_eq!(
+			tree.find_backable_chain([candidate_a_hash].into_iter().collect(), count - 1, |_| true),
+			iter::repeat(candidate_a_hash)
+				.take(std::cmp::min(count as usize - 1, max_depth))
+				.collect::<Vec<_>>()
+		);
+	}
+fn graceful_cycle_of_1() {
+	let mut storage = CandidateStorage::new();
+	let para_id = ParaId::from(5u32);
+	let relay_parent_a = Hash::repeat_byte(1);
+	let (pvd_a, candidate_a) = make_committed_candidate(
+		para_id,
+		relay_parent_a,
+		0,
+		vec![0x0a].into(),
+		vec![0x0b].into(), // input same as output
+		0,
+	);
+	let candidate_a_hash = candidate_a.hash();
+	let (pvd_b, candidate_b) = make_committed_candidate(
+		para_id,
+		relay_parent_a,
+		0,
+		vec![0x0b].into(),
+		vec![0x0a].into(), // input same as output
+		0,
+	);
+	let candidate_b_hash = candidate_b.hash();
+	let base_constraints = make_constraints(0, vec![0], vec![0x0a].into());
+	let pending_availability = Vec::new();
+	let relay_parent_a_info = RelayChainBlockInfo {
+		number: pvd_a.relay_parent_number,
+		hash: relay_parent_a,
+		storage_root: pvd_a.relay_parent_storage_root,
+	};
+	let max_depth = 4;
+	storage.add_candidate(candidate_a, pvd_a).unwrap();
+	storage.add_candidate(candidate_b, pvd_b).unwrap();
+	let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
+		para_id,
+		relay_parent_a_info,
+		base_constraints,
+		pending_availability,
+		max_depth,
+		vec![],
+	)
+	.unwrap();
+	let tree = FragmentTree::populate(scope, &storage);
+	let candidates: Vec<_> = tree.candidates().collect();
+	assert_eq!(candidates.len(), 2);
+	assert_eq!(tree.nodes.len(), max_depth + 1);
+	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[0].parent, NodePointer::Root);
+	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[1].parent, NodePointer::Storage(0));
+	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[2].parent, NodePointer::Storage(1));
+	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[3].parent, NodePointer::Storage(2));
+	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[4].parent, NodePointer::Storage(3));
+	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[0].candidate_hash, candidate_a_hash);
+	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[1].candidate_hash, candidate_b_hash);
+	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[2].candidate_hash, candidate_a_hash);
+	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[3].candidate_hash, candidate_b_hash);
+	assert_eq!(tree.nodes[4].candidate_hash, candidate_a_hash);
+	assert_eq!(tree.find_backable_chain(Ancestors::new(), 1, |_| true), vec![candidate_a_hash],);
+	assert_eq!(
+		tree.find_backable_chain(Ancestors::new(), 2, |_| true),
+		vec![candidate_a_hash, candidate_b_hash],
+	);
+	assert_eq!(
+		tree.find_backable_chain(Ancestors::new(), 3, |_| true),
+		vec![candidate_a_hash, candidate_b_hash, candidate_a_hash],
+	);
+	assert_eq!(
+		tree.find_backable_chain([candidate_a_hash].into_iter().collect(), 2, |_| true),
+		vec![candidate_b_hash, candidate_a_hash],
+	);
+	assert_eq!(
+		tree.find_backable_chain(Ancestors::new(), 6, |_| true),
+		vec![
+			candidate_a_hash,
+			candidate_b_hash,
+			candidate_a_hash,
+			candidate_b_hash,
+			candidate_a_hash
+		],
+	);
+	for count in 3..7 {
+		assert_eq!(
+			tree.find_backable_chain(
+				[candidate_a_hash, candidate_b_hash].into_iter().collect(),
+				count,
+				|_| true
+			),
+			vec![candidate_a_hash, candidate_b_hash, candidate_a_hash],
+		);
+	}
+fn hypothetical_depths_known_and_unknown() {
+	let mut storage = CandidateStorage::new();
+	let para_id = ParaId::from(5u32);
+	let relay_parent_a = Hash::repeat_byte(1);
+	let (pvd_a, candidate_a) = make_committed_candidate(
+		para_id,
+		relay_parent_a,
+		0,
+		vec![0x0a].into(),
+		vec![0x0b].into(), // input same as output
+		0,
+	);
+	let candidate_a_hash = candidate_a.hash();
+	let (pvd_b, candidate_b) = make_committed_candidate(
+		para_id,
+		relay_parent_a,
+		0,
+		vec![0x0b].into(),
+		vec![0x0a].into(), // input same as output
+		0,
+	);
+	let candidate_b_hash = candidate_b.hash();
+	let base_constraints = make_constraints(0, vec![0], vec![0x0a].into());
+	let pending_availability = Vec::new();
+	let relay_parent_a_info = RelayChainBlockInfo {
+		number: pvd_a.relay_parent_number,
+		hash: relay_parent_a,
+		storage_root: pvd_a.relay_parent_storage_root,
+	};
+	let max_depth = 4;
+	storage.add_candidate(candidate_a, pvd_a).unwrap();
+	storage.add_candidate(candidate_b, pvd_b).unwrap();
+	let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
+		para_id,
+		relay_parent_a_info,
+		base_constraints,
+		pending_availability,
+		max_depth,
+		vec![],
+	)
+	.unwrap();
+	let tree = FragmentTree::populate(scope, &storage);
+	let candidates: Vec<_> = tree.candidates().collect();
+	assert_eq!(candidates.len(), 2);
+	assert_eq!(tree.nodes.len(), max_depth + 1);
+	assert_eq!(
+		tree.hypothetical_depths(
+			candidate_a_hash,
+			HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
+				parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0a]).hash(),
+				relay_parent: relay_parent_a,
+			},
+			&storage,
+			false,
+		),
+		vec![0, 2, 4],
+	);
+	assert_eq!(
+		tree.hypothetical_depths(
+			candidate_b_hash,
+			HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
+				parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0b]).hash(),
+				relay_parent: relay_parent_a,
+			},
+			&storage,
+			false,
+		),
+		vec![1, 3],
+	);
+	assert_eq!(
+		tree.hypothetical_depths(
+			CandidateHash(Hash::repeat_byte(21)),
+			HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
+				parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0a]).hash(),
+				relay_parent: relay_parent_a,
+			},
+			&storage,
+			false,
+		),
+		vec![0, 2, 4],
+	);
+	assert_eq!(
+		tree.hypothetical_depths(
+			CandidateHash(Hash::repeat_byte(22)),
+			HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
+				parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0b]).hash(),
+				relay_parent: relay_parent_a,
+			},
+			&storage,
+			false,
+		),
+		vec![1, 3]
+	);
+fn hypothetical_depths_stricter_on_complete() {
+	let storage = CandidateStorage::new();
+	let para_id = ParaId::from(5u32);
+	let relay_parent_a = Hash::repeat_byte(1);
+	let (pvd_a, candidate_a) = make_committed_candidate(
+		para_id,
+		relay_parent_a,
+		0,
+		vec![0x0a].into(),
+		vec![0x0b].into(),
+		1000, // watermark is illegal
+	);
+	let candidate_a_hash = candidate_a.hash();
+	let base_constraints = make_constraints(0, vec![0], vec![0x0a].into());
+	let pending_availability = Vec::new();
+	let relay_parent_a_info = RelayChainBlockInfo {
+		number: pvd_a.relay_parent_number,
+		hash: relay_parent_a,
+		storage_root: pvd_a.relay_parent_storage_root,
+	};
+	let max_depth = 4;
+	let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
+		para_id,
+		relay_parent_a_info,
+		base_constraints,
+		pending_availability,
+		max_depth,
+		vec![],
+	)
+	.unwrap();
+	let tree = FragmentTree::populate(scope, &storage);
+	assert_eq!(
+		tree.hypothetical_depths(
+			candidate_a_hash,
+			HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
+				parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0a]).hash(),
+				relay_parent: relay_parent_a,
+			},
+			&storage,
+			false,
+		),
+		vec![0],
+	);
+	assert!(tree
+		.hypothetical_depths(
+			candidate_a_hash,
+			HypotheticalCandidate::Complete {
+				receipt: Cow::Owned(candidate_a),
+				persisted_validation_data: Cow::Owned(pvd_a),
+			},
+			&storage,
+			false,
+		)
+		.is_empty());
+fn hypothetical_depths_backed_in_path() {
+	let mut storage = CandidateStorage::new();
+	let para_id = ParaId::from(5u32);
+	let relay_parent_a = Hash::repeat_byte(1);
+	let (pvd_a, candidate_a) = make_committed_candidate(
+		para_id,
+		relay_parent_a,
+		0,
+		vec![0x0a].into(),
+		vec![0x0b].into(),
+		0,
+	);
+	let candidate_a_hash = candidate_a.hash();
+	let (pvd_b, candidate_b) = make_committed_candidate(
+		para_id,
+		relay_parent_a,
+		0,
+		vec![0x0b].into(),
+		vec![0x0c].into(),
+		0,
+	);
+	let candidate_b_hash = candidate_b.hash();
+	let (pvd_c, candidate_c) = make_committed_candidate(
+		para_id,
+		relay_parent_a,
+		0,
+		vec![0x0b].into(),
+		vec![0x0d].into(),
+		0,
+	);
+	let base_constraints = make_constraints(0, vec![0], vec![0x0a].into());
+	let pending_availability = Vec::new();
+	let relay_parent_a_info = RelayChainBlockInfo {
+		number: pvd_a.relay_parent_number,
+		hash: relay_parent_a,
+		storage_root: pvd_a.relay_parent_storage_root,
+	};
+	let max_depth = 4;
+	storage.add_candidate(candidate_a, pvd_a).unwrap();
+	storage.add_candidate(candidate_b, pvd_b).unwrap();
+	storage.add_candidate(candidate_c, pvd_c).unwrap();
+	// `A` and `B` are backed, `C` is not.
+	storage.mark_backed(&candidate_a_hash);
+	storage.mark_backed(&candidate_b_hash);
+	let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
+		para_id,
+		relay_parent_a_info,
+		base_constraints,
+		pending_availability,
+		max_depth,
+		vec![],
+	)
+	.unwrap();
+	let tree = FragmentTree::populate(scope, &storage);
+	let candidates: Vec<_> = tree.candidates().collect();
+	assert_eq!(candidates.len(), 3);
+	assert_eq!(tree.nodes.len(), 3);
+	let candidate_d_hash = CandidateHash(Hash::repeat_byte(0xAA));
+	assert_eq!(
+		tree.hypothetical_depths(
+			candidate_d_hash,
+			HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
+				parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0a]).hash(),
+				relay_parent: relay_parent_a,
+			},
+			&storage,
+			true,
+		),
+		vec![0],
+	);
+	assert_eq!(
+		tree.hypothetical_depths(
+			candidate_d_hash,
+			HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
+				parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0c]).hash(),
+				relay_parent: relay_parent_a,
+			},
+			&storage,
+			true,
+		),
+		vec![2],
+	);
+	assert_eq!(
+		tree.hypothetical_depths(
+			candidate_d_hash,
+			HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
+				parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0d]).hash(),
+				relay_parent: relay_parent_a,
+			},
+			&storage,
+			true,
+		),
+		Vec::<usize>::new(),
+	);
+	assert_eq!(
+		tree.hypothetical_depths(
+			candidate_d_hash,
+			HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
+				parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0d]).hash(),
+				relay_parent: relay_parent_a,
+			},
+			&storage,
+			false,
+		),
+		vec![2], // non-empty if `false`.
+	);
+fn pending_availability_in_scope() {
+	let mut storage = CandidateStorage::new();
+	let para_id = ParaId::from(5u32);
+	let relay_parent_a = Hash::repeat_byte(1);
+	let relay_parent_b = Hash::repeat_byte(2);
+	let relay_parent_c = Hash::repeat_byte(3);
+	let (pvd_a, candidate_a) = make_committed_candidate(
+		para_id,
+		relay_parent_a,
+		0,
+		vec![0x0a].into(),
+		vec![0x0b].into(),
+		0,
+	);
+	let candidate_a_hash = candidate_a.hash();
+	let (pvd_b, candidate_b) = make_committed_candidate(
+		para_id,
+		relay_parent_b,
+		1,
+		vec![0x0b].into(),
+		vec![0x0c].into(),
+		1,
+	);
+	// Note that relay parent `a` is not allowed.
+	let base_constraints = make_constraints(1, vec![], vec![0x0a].into());
+	let relay_parent_a_info = RelayChainBlockInfo {
+		number: pvd_a.relay_parent_number,
+		hash: relay_parent_a,
+		storage_root: pvd_a.relay_parent_storage_root,
+	};
+	let pending_availability = vec![PendingAvailability {
+		candidate_hash: candidate_a_hash,
+		relay_parent: relay_parent_a_info,
+	}];
+	let relay_parent_b_info = RelayChainBlockInfo {
+		number: pvd_b.relay_parent_number,
+		hash: relay_parent_b,
+		storage_root: pvd_b.relay_parent_storage_root,
+	};
+	let relay_parent_c_info = RelayChainBlockInfo {
+		number: pvd_b.relay_parent_number + 1,
+		hash: relay_parent_c,
+		storage_root: Hash::zero(),
+	};
+	let max_depth = 4;
+	storage.add_candidate(candidate_a, pvd_a).unwrap();
+	storage.add_candidate(candidate_b, pvd_b).unwrap();
+	storage.mark_backed(&candidate_a_hash);
+	let scope = Scope::with_ancestors(
+		para_id,
+		relay_parent_c_info,
+		base_constraints,
+		pending_availability,
+		max_depth,
+		vec![relay_parent_b_info],
+	)
+	.unwrap();
+	let tree = FragmentTree::populate(scope, &storage);
+	let candidates: Vec<_> = tree.candidates().collect();
+	assert_eq!(candidates.len(), 2);
+	assert_eq!(tree.nodes.len(), 2);
+	let candidate_d_hash = CandidateHash(Hash::repeat_byte(0xAA));
+	assert_eq!(
+		tree.hypothetical_depths(
+			candidate_d_hash,
+			HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
+				parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0b]).hash(),
+				relay_parent: relay_parent_c,
+			},
+			&storage,
+			false,
+		),
+		vec![1],
+	);
+	assert_eq!(
+		tree.hypothetical_depths(
+			candidate_d_hash,
+			HypotheticalCandidate::Incomplete {
+				parent_head_data_hash: HeadData::from(vec![0x0c]).hash(),
+				relay_parent: relay_parent_b,
+			},
+			&storage,
+			false,
+		),
+		vec![2],
+	);