diff --git a/substrate/client/consensus/aura/src/import_queue.rs b/substrate/client/consensus/aura/src/import_queue.rs
index 46e0ccb4e302a6fa1039c07414dceb45b3841206..ef7a2a1cc865b33ba32de081baf2e9dd16c5a7cd 100644
--- a/substrate/client/consensus/aura/src/import_queue.rs
+++ b/substrate/client/consensus/aura/src/import_queue.rs
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 //! Module implementing the logic for verifying and importing AuRa blocks.
 use crate::{
-	aura_err, authorities, find_pre_digest, slot_author, AuthorityId, CompatibilityMode, Error,
+	authorities, standalone::SealVerificationError, AuthorityId, CompatibilityMode, Error,
 use codec::{Codec, Decode, Encode};
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ use sp_api::{ApiExt, ProvideRuntimeApi};
 use sp_block_builder::BlockBuilder as BlockBuilderApi;
 use sp_blockchain::HeaderBackend;
 use sp_consensus::Error as ConsensusError;
-use sp_consensus_aura::{digests::CompatibleDigestItem, inherents::AuraInherentData, AuraApi};
+use sp_consensus_aura::{inherents::AuraInherentData, AuraApi};
 use sp_consensus_slots::Slot;
 use sp_core::{crypto::Pair, ExecutionContext};
 use sp_inherents::{CreateInherentDataProviders, InherentDataProvider as _};
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ use std::{fmt::Debug, hash::Hash, marker::PhantomData, sync::Arc};
 fn check_header<C, B: BlockT, P: Pair>(
 	client: &C,
 	slot_now: Slot,
-	mut header: B::Header,
+	header: B::Header,
 	hash: B::Hash,
 	authorities: &[AuthorityId<P>],
 	check_for_equivocation: CheckForEquivocation,
@@ -64,27 +64,16 @@ where
 	C: sc_client_api::backend::AuxStore,
 	P::Public: Encode + Decode + PartialEq + Clone,
-	let seal = header.digest_mut().pop().ok_or(Error::HeaderUnsealed(hash))?;
-	let sig = seal.as_aura_seal().ok_or_else(|| aura_err(Error::HeaderBadSeal(hash)))?;
-	let slot = find_pre_digest::<B, P::Signature>(&header)?;
-	if slot > slot_now {
-		header.digest_mut().push(seal);
-		Ok(CheckedHeader::Deferred(header, slot))
-	} else {
-		// check the signature is valid under the expected authority and
-		// chain state.
-		let expected_author =
-			slot_author::<P>(slot, authorities).ok_or(Error::SlotAuthorNotFound)?;
-		let pre_hash = header.hash();
-		if P::verify(&sig, pre_hash.as_ref(), expected_author) {
-			if check_for_equivocation.check_for_equivocation() {
+	let check_result =
+		crate::standalone::check_header_slot_and_seal::<B, P>(slot_now, header, authorities);
+	match check_result {
+		Ok((header, slot, seal)) => {
+			let expected_author = crate::standalone::slot_author::<P>(slot, &authorities);
+			let should_equiv_check = check_for_equivocation.check_for_equivocation();
+			if let (true, Some(expected)) = (should_equiv_check, expected_author) {
 				if let Some(equivocation_proof) =
-					check_equivocation(client, slot_now, slot, &header, expected_author)
+					check_equivocation(client, slot_now, slot, &header, expected)
@@ -98,9 +87,14 @@ where
 			Ok(CheckedHeader::Checked(header, (slot, seal)))
-		} else {
-			Err(Error::BadSignature(hash))
-		}
+		},
+		Err(SealVerificationError::Deferred(header, slot)) =>
+			Ok(CheckedHeader::Deferred(header, slot)),
+		Err(SealVerificationError::Unsealed) => Err(Error::HeaderUnsealed(hash)),
+		Err(SealVerificationError::BadSeal) => Err(Error::HeaderBadSeal(hash)),
+		Err(SealVerificationError::BadSignature) => Err(Error::BadSignature(hash)),
+		Err(SealVerificationError::SlotAuthorNotFound) => Err(Error::SlotAuthorNotFound),
+		Err(SealVerificationError::InvalidPreDigest(e)) => Err(Error::from(e)),
diff --git a/substrate/client/consensus/aura/src/lib.rs b/substrate/client/consensus/aura/src/lib.rs
index a48eeac5ce8b27d40fd9530e1060fd550cc37019..1dc364283d5b6155f65d57496868192336c422e2 100644
--- a/substrate/client/consensus/aura/src/lib.rs
+++ b/substrate/client/consensus/aura/src/lib.rs
@@ -33,11 +33,10 @@
 use std::{fmt::Debug, hash::Hash, marker::PhantomData, pin::Pin, sync::Arc};
 use futures::prelude::*;
-use log::{debug, trace};
 use codec::{Codec, Decode, Encode};
-use sc_client_api::{backend::AuxStore, BlockOf, UsageProvider};
+use sc_client_api::{backend::AuxStore, BlockOf};
 use sc_consensus::{BlockImport, BlockImportParams, ForkChoiceStrategy, StateAction};
 use sc_consensus_slots::{
 	BackoffAuthoringBlocksStrategy, InherentDataProviderExt, SimpleSlotWorkerToSlotWorker,
@@ -45,20 +44,19 @@ use sc_consensus_slots::{
 use sc_telemetry::TelemetryHandle;
 use sp_api::{Core, ProvideRuntimeApi};
-use sp_application_crypto::{AppCrypto, AppPublic};
-use sp_blockchain::{HeaderBackend, Result as CResult};
+use sp_application_crypto::AppPublic;
+use sp_blockchain::HeaderBackend;
 use sp_consensus::{BlockOrigin, Environment, Error as ConsensusError, Proposer, SelectChain};
 use sp_consensus_slots::Slot;
-use sp_core::crypto::{ByteArray, Pair, Public};
+use sp_core::crypto::{Pair, Public};
 use sp_inherents::CreateInherentDataProviders;
 use sp_keystore::KeystorePtr;
-use sp_runtime::{
-	traits::{Block as BlockT, Header, Member, NumberFor, Zero},
-	DigestItem,
+use sp_runtime::traits::{Block as BlockT, Header, Member, NumberFor};
 mod import_queue;
+pub mod standalone;
+pub use crate::standalone::{find_pre_digest, slot_duration};
 pub use import_queue::{
 	build_verifier, import_queue, AuraVerifier, BuildVerifierParams, CheckForEquivocation,
@@ -112,39 +110,6 @@ impl<N> Default for CompatibilityMode<N> {
-/// Get the slot duration for Aura.
-pub fn slot_duration<A, B, C>(client: &C) -> CResult<SlotDuration>
-	A: Codec,
-	B: BlockT,
-	C: AuxStore + ProvideRuntimeApi<B> + UsageProvider<B>,
-	C::Api: AuraApi<B, A>,
-	client
-		.runtime_api()
-		.slot_duration(client.usage_info().chain.best_hash)
-		.map_err(|err| err.into())
-/// Get slot author for given block along with authorities.
-fn slot_author<P: Pair>(slot: Slot, authorities: &[AuthorityId<P>]) -> Option<&AuthorityId<P>> {
-	if authorities.is_empty() {
-		return None
-	}
-	let idx = *slot % (authorities.len() as u64);
-	assert!(
-		idx <= usize::MAX as u64,
-		"It is impossible to have a vector with length beyond the address space; qed",
-	);
-	let current_author = authorities.get(idx as usize).expect(
-		"authorities not empty; index constrained to list length;this is a valid index; qed",
-	);
-	Some(current_author)
 /// Parameters of [`start_aura`].
 pub struct StartAuraParams<C, SC, I, PF, SO, L, CIDP, BS, N> {
 	/// The duration of a slot.
@@ -412,21 +377,11 @@ where
 		slot: Slot,
 		authorities: &Self::AuxData,
 	) -> Option<Self::Claim> {
-		let expected_author = slot_author::<P>(slot, authorities);
-		expected_author.and_then(|p| {
-			if self
-				.keystore
-				.has_keys(&[(p.to_raw_vec(), sp_application_crypto::key_types::AURA)])
-			{
-				Some(p.clone())
-			} else {
-				None
-			}
-		})
+		crate::standalone::claim_slot::<P>(slot, authorities, &self.keystore).await
 	fn pre_digest_data(&self, slot: Slot, _claim: &Self::Claim) -> Vec<sp_runtime::DigestItem> {
-		vec![<DigestItem as CompatibleDigestItem<P::Signature>>::aura_pre_digest(slot)]
+		vec![crate::standalone::pre_digest::<P>(slot)]
 	async fn block_import_params(
@@ -441,28 +396,8 @@ where
 		sc_consensus::BlockImportParams<B, <Self::BlockImport as BlockImport<B>>::Transaction>,
 	> {
-		let signature = self
-			.keystore
-			.sign_with(
-				<AuthorityId<P> as AppCrypto>::ID,
-				<AuthorityId<P> as AppCrypto>::CRYPTO_ID,
-				public.as_slice(),
-				header_hash.as_ref(),
-			)
-			.map_err(|e| ConsensusError::CannotSign(format!("{}. Key: {:?}", e, public)))?
-			.ok_or_else(|| {
-				ConsensusError::CannotSign(format!(
-					"Could not find key in keystore. Key: {:?}",
-					public
-				))
-			})?;
-		let signature = signature
-			.clone()
-			.try_into()
-			.map_err(|_| ConsensusError::InvalidSignature(signature, public.to_raw_vec()))?;
 		let signature_digest_item =
-			<DigestItem as CompatibleDigestItem<P::Signature>>::aura_seal(signature);
+			crate::standalone::seal::<_, P>(header_hash, &public, &self.keystore)?;
 		let mut import_block = BlockImportParams::new(BlockOrigin::Own, header);
@@ -526,11 +461,6 @@ where
-fn aura_err<B: BlockT>(error: Error<B>) -> Error<B> {
-	debug!(target: LOG_TARGET, "{}", error);
-	error
 /// Aura Errors
 #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
 pub enum Error<B: BlockT> {
@@ -569,22 +499,13 @@ impl<B: BlockT> From<Error<B>> for String {
-/// Get pre-digests from the header
-pub fn find_pre_digest<B: BlockT, Signature: Codec>(header: &B::Header) -> Result<Slot, Error<B>> {
-	if header.number().is_zero() {
-		return Ok(0.into())
-	}
-	let mut pre_digest: Option<Slot> = None;
-	for log in header.digest().logs() {
-		trace!(target: LOG_TARGET, "Checking log {:?}", log);
-		match (CompatibleDigestItem::<Signature>::as_aura_pre_digest(log), pre_digest.is_some()) {
-			(Some(_), true) => return Err(aura_err(Error::MultipleHeaders)),
-			(None, _) => trace!(target: LOG_TARGET, "Ignoring digest not meant for us"),
-			(s, false) => pre_digest = s,
+impl<B: BlockT> From<crate::standalone::PreDigestLookupError> for Error<B> {
+	fn from(e: crate::standalone::PreDigestLookupError) -> Self {
+		match e {
+			crate::standalone::PreDigestLookupError::MultipleHeaders => Error::MultipleHeaders,
+			crate::standalone::PreDigestLookupError::NoDigestFound => Error::NoDigestFound,
-	pre_digest.ok_or_else(|| aura_err(Error::NoDigestFound))
 fn authorities<A, B, C>(
@@ -637,7 +558,7 @@ mod tests {
 	use sc_consensus_slots::{BackoffAuthoringOnFinalizedHeadLagging, SimpleSlotWorker};
 	use sc_keystore::LocalKeystore;
 	use sc_network_test::{Block as TestBlock, *};
-	use sp_application_crypto::key_types::AURA;
+	use sp_application_crypto::{key_types::AURA, AppCrypto};
 	use sp_consensus::{DisableProofRecording, NoNetwork as DummyOracle, Proposal};
 	use sp_consensus_aura::sr25519::AuthorityPair;
 	use sp_inherents::InherentData;
@@ -851,22 +772,6 @@ mod tests {
-	#[test]
-	fn authorities_call_works() {
-		let client = substrate_test_runtime_client::new();
-		assert_eq!(client.chain_info().best_number, 0);
-		assert_eq!(
-			authorities(&client, client.chain_info().best_hash, 1, &CompatibilityMode::None)
-				.unwrap(),
-			vec![
-				Keyring::Alice.public().into(),
-				Keyring::Bob.public().into(),
-				Keyring::Charlie.public().into()
-			]
-		);
-	}
 	async fn current_node_authority_should_claim_slot() {
 		let net = AuraTestNet::new(4);
diff --git a/substrate/client/consensus/aura/src/standalone.rs b/substrate/client/consensus/aura/src/standalone.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0f9b8668d4478bfe4dedfc56e234b79acdf14674
--- /dev/null
+++ b/substrate/client/consensus/aura/src/standalone.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+// This file is part of Substrate.
+// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later WITH Classpath-exception-2.0
+// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! Standalone functions used within the implementation of Aura.
+use std::fmt::Debug;
+use log::trace;
+use codec::Codec;
+use sc_client_api::{backend::AuxStore, UsageProvider};
+use sp_api::{Core, ProvideRuntimeApi};
+use sp_application_crypto::{AppCrypto, AppPublic};
+use sp_blockchain::Result as CResult;
+use sp_consensus::Error as ConsensusError;
+use sp_consensus_slots::Slot;
+use sp_core::crypto::{ByteArray, Pair};
+use sp_keystore::KeystorePtr;
+use sp_runtime::{
+	traits::{Block as BlockT, Header, NumberFor, Zero},
+	DigestItem,
+pub use sc_consensus_slots::check_equivocation;
+use super::{
+	AuraApi, AuthorityId, CompatibilityMode, CompatibleDigestItem, SlotDuration, LOG_TARGET,
+/// Get the slot duration for Aura by reading from a runtime API at the best block's state.
+pub fn slot_duration<A, B, C>(client: &C) -> CResult<SlotDuration>
+	A: Codec,
+	B: BlockT,
+	C: AuxStore + ProvideRuntimeApi<B> + UsageProvider<B>,
+	C::Api: AuraApi<B, A>,
+	slot_duration_at(client, client.usage_info().chain.best_hash)
+/// Get the slot duration for Aura by reading from a runtime API at a given block's state.
+pub fn slot_duration_at<A, B, C>(client: &C, block_hash: B::Hash) -> CResult<SlotDuration>
+	A: Codec,
+	B: BlockT,
+	C: AuxStore + ProvideRuntimeApi<B>,
+	C::Api: AuraApi<B, A>,
+	client.runtime_api().slot_duration(block_hash).map_err(|err| err.into())
+/// Get the slot author for given block along with authorities.
+pub fn slot_author<P: Pair>(slot: Slot, authorities: &[AuthorityId<P>]) -> Option<&AuthorityId<P>> {
+	if authorities.is_empty() {
+		return None
+	}
+	let idx = *slot % (authorities.len() as u64);
+	assert!(
+		idx <= usize::MAX as u64,
+		"It is impossible to have a vector with length beyond the address space; qed",
+	);
+	let current_author = authorities.get(idx as usize).expect(
+		"authorities not empty; index constrained to list length;this is a valid index; qed",
+	);
+	Some(current_author)
+/// Attempt to claim a slot using a keystore.
+/// This returns `None` if the slot author is not locally controlled, and `Some` if it is,
+/// with the public key of the slot author.
+pub async fn claim_slot<P: Pair>(
+	slot: Slot,
+	authorities: &[AuthorityId<P>],
+	keystore: &KeystorePtr,
+) -> Option<P::Public> {
+	let expected_author = slot_author::<P>(slot, authorities);
+	expected_author.and_then(|p| {
+		if keystore.has_keys(&[(p.to_raw_vec(), sp_application_crypto::key_types::AURA)]) {
+			Some(p.clone())
+		} else {
+			None
+		}
+	})
+/// Produce the pre-runtime digest containing the slot info.
+/// This is intended to be put into the block header prior to runtime execution,
+/// so the runtime can read the slot in this way.
+pub fn pre_digest<P: Pair>(slot: Slot) -> sp_runtime::DigestItem
+	P::Signature: Codec,
+	<DigestItem as CompatibleDigestItem<P::Signature>>::aura_pre_digest(slot)
+/// Produce the seal digest item by signing the hash of a block.
+/// Note that after this is added to a block header, the hash of the block will change.
+pub fn seal<Hash, P>(
+	header_hash: &Hash,
+	public: &P::Public,
+	keystore: &KeystorePtr,
+) -> Result<sp_runtime::DigestItem, ConsensusError>
+	Hash: AsRef<[u8]>,
+	P: Pair,
+	P::Signature: Codec + TryFrom<Vec<u8>>,
+	P::Public: AppPublic,
+	let signature = keystore
+		.sign_with(
+			<AuthorityId<P> as AppCrypto>::ID,
+			<AuthorityId<P> as AppCrypto>::CRYPTO_ID,
+			public.as_slice(),
+			header_hash.as_ref(),
+		)
+		.map_err(|e| ConsensusError::CannotSign(format!("{}. Key: {:?}", e, public)))?
+		.ok_or_else(|| {
+			ConsensusError::CannotSign(format!("Could not find key in keystore. Key: {:?}", public))
+		})?;
+	let signature = signature
+		.clone()
+		.try_into()
+		.map_err(|_| ConsensusError::InvalidSignature(signature, public.to_raw_vec()))?;
+	let signature_digest_item =
+		<DigestItem as CompatibleDigestItem<P::Signature>>::aura_seal(signature);
+	Ok(signature_digest_item)
+/// Errors in pre-digest lookup.
+#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
+pub enum PreDigestLookupError {
+	/// Multiple Aura pre-runtime headers
+	#[error("Multiple Aura pre-runtime headers")]
+	MultipleHeaders,
+	/// No Aura pre-runtime digest found
+	#[error("No Aura pre-runtime digest found")]
+	NoDigestFound,
+/// Extract a pre-digest from a block header.
+/// This fails if there is no pre-digest or there are multiple.
+/// Returns the `slot` stored in the pre-digest or an error if no pre-digest was found.
+pub fn find_pre_digest<B: BlockT, Signature: Codec>(
+	header: &B::Header,
+) -> Result<Slot, PreDigestLookupError> {
+	if header.number().is_zero() {
+		return Ok(0.into())
+	}
+	let mut pre_digest: Option<Slot> = None;
+	for log in header.digest().logs() {
+		trace!(target: LOG_TARGET, "Checking log {:?}", log);
+		match (CompatibleDigestItem::<Signature>::as_aura_pre_digest(log), pre_digest.is_some()) {
+			(Some(_), true) => return Err(PreDigestLookupError::MultipleHeaders),
+			(None, _) => trace!(target: LOG_TARGET, "Ignoring digest not meant for us"),
+			(s, false) => pre_digest = s,
+		}
+	}
+	pre_digest.ok_or_else(|| PreDigestLookupError::NoDigestFound)
+/// Fetch the current set of authorities from the runtime at a specific block.
+/// The compatibility mode and context block number informs this function whether
+/// to initialize the hypothetical block created by the runtime API as backwards compatibility
+/// for older chains.
+pub fn fetch_authorities_with_compatibility_mode<A, B, C>(
+	client: &C,
+	parent_hash: B::Hash,
+	context_block_number: NumberFor<B>,
+	compatibility_mode: &CompatibilityMode<NumberFor<B>>,
+) -> Result<Vec<A>, ConsensusError>
+	A: Codec + Debug,
+	B: BlockT,
+	C: ProvideRuntimeApi<B>,
+	C::Api: AuraApi<B, A>,
+	let runtime_api = client.runtime_api();
+	match compatibility_mode {
+		CompatibilityMode::None => {},
+		// Use `initialize_block` until we hit the block that should disable the mode.
+		CompatibilityMode::UseInitializeBlock { until } =>
+			if *until > context_block_number {
+				runtime_api
+					.initialize_block(
+						parent_hash,
+						&B::Header::new(
+							context_block_number,
+							Default::default(),
+							Default::default(),
+							parent_hash,
+							Default::default(),
+						),
+					)
+					.map_err(|_| ConsensusError::InvalidAuthoritiesSet)?;
+			},
+	}
+	runtime_api
+		.authorities(parent_hash)
+		.ok()
+		.ok_or(ConsensusError::InvalidAuthoritiesSet)
+/// Load the current set of authorities from a runtime at a specific block.
+pub fn fetch_authorities<A, B, C>(
+	client: &C,
+	parent_hash: B::Hash,
+) -> Result<Vec<A>, ConsensusError>
+	A: Codec + Debug,
+	B: BlockT,
+	C: ProvideRuntimeApi<B>,
+	C::Api: AuraApi<B, A>,
+	client
+		.runtime_api()
+		.authorities(parent_hash)
+		.ok()
+		.ok_or(ConsensusError::InvalidAuthoritiesSet)
+/// Errors in slot and seal verification.
+#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
+pub enum SealVerificationError<Header> {
+	/// Header is deferred to the future.
+	#[error("Header slot is in the future")]
+	Deferred(Header, Slot),
+	/// The header has no seal digest.
+	#[error("Header is unsealed.")]
+	Unsealed,
+	/// The header has a malformed seal.
+	#[error("Header has a malformed seal")]
+	BadSeal,
+	/// The header has a bad signature.
+	#[error("Header has a bad signature")]
+	BadSignature,
+	/// No slot author found.
+	#[error("No slot author for provided slot")]
+	SlotAuthorNotFound,
+	/// Header has no valid slot pre-digest.
+	#[error("Header has no valid slot pre-digest")]
+	InvalidPreDigest(PreDigestLookupError),
+/// Check a header has been signed by the right key. If the slot is too far in the future, an error
+/// will be returned. If it's successful, returns the pre-header (i.e. without the seal),
+/// the slot, and the digest item containing the seal.
+/// Note that this does not check for equivocations, and [`check_equivocation`] is recommended
+/// for that purpose.
+/// This digest item will always return `Some` when used with `as_aura_seal`.
+pub fn check_header_slot_and_seal<B: BlockT, P: Pair>(
+	slot_now: Slot,
+	mut header: B::Header,
+	authorities: &[AuthorityId<P>],
+) -> Result<(B::Header, Slot, DigestItem), SealVerificationError<B::Header>>
+	P::Signature: Codec,
+	P::Public: Codec + PartialEq + Clone,
+	let seal = header.digest_mut().pop().ok_or(SealVerificationError::Unsealed)?;
+	let sig = seal.as_aura_seal().ok_or(SealVerificationError::BadSeal)?;
+	let slot = find_pre_digest::<B, P::Signature>(&header)
+		.map_err(SealVerificationError::InvalidPreDigest)?;
+	if slot > slot_now {
+		header.digest_mut().push(seal);
+		return Err(SealVerificationError::Deferred(header, slot))
+	} else {
+		// check the signature is valid under the expected authority and
+		// chain state.
+		let expected_author =
+			slot_author::<P>(slot, authorities).ok_or(SealVerificationError::SlotAuthorNotFound)?;
+		let pre_hash = header.hash();
+		if P::verify(&sig, pre_hash.as_ref(), expected_author) {
+			Ok((header, slot, seal))
+		} else {
+			Err(SealVerificationError::BadSignature)
+		}
+	}
+mod tests {
+	use super::*;
+	use sp_keyring::sr25519::Keyring;
+	#[test]
+	fn authorities_call_works() {
+		let client = substrate_test_runtime_client::new();
+		assert_eq!(client.chain_info().best_number, 0);
+		assert_eq!(
+			fetch_authorities_with_compatibility_mode(
+				&client,
+				client.chain_info().best_hash,
+				1,
+				&CompatibilityMode::None
+			)
+			.unwrap(),
+			vec![
+				Keyring::Alice.public().into(),
+				Keyring::Bob.public().into(),
+				Keyring::Charlie.public().into()
+			]
+		);
+		assert_eq!(
+			fetch_authorities(&client, client.chain_info().best_hash).unwrap(),
+			vec![
+				Keyring::Alice.public().into(),
+				Keyring::Bob.public().into(),
+				Keyring::Charlie.public().into()
+			]
+		);
+	}