From 1d5cd20c44bb10cb5e14c4f3b23ea17d0a035586 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Arkadiy Paronyan <>
Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2019 23:07:57 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Synchronize state cache on finalization (#3246)
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* Reorg test

* Fixed informant misreporting reorgs

* Update cache when reorg is caused by applying finality

* Test for finality reorg

* Simplified test

* Typo

Co-Authored-By: André Silva <>
 substrate/Cargo.lock                          |   1 +
 substrate/core/cli/src/           |  10 +-
 substrate/core/client/Cargo.toml              |   1 +
 substrate/core/client/db/src/           |  13 +-
 substrate/core/client/db/src/ | 117 ++++++++++--------
 substrate/core/client/src/           |  85 +++++++++++++
 substrate/core/state-db/src/            |   7 +-
 substrate/core/test-client/src/  |  22 ++++
 8 files changed, 195 insertions(+), 61 deletions(-)

diff --git a/substrate/Cargo.lock b/substrate/Cargo.lock
index eb7a89e78c5..191b3087545 100644
--- a/substrate/Cargo.lock
+++ b/substrate/Cargo.lock
@@ -4225,6 +4225,7 @@ name = "substrate-client"
 version = "2.0.0"
 dependencies = [
  "derive_more 0.14.1 (registry+",
+ "env_logger 0.6.2 (registry+",
  "fnv 1.0.6 (registry+",
  "futures-preview 0.3.0-alpha.17 (registry+",
  "hash-db 0.14.0 (registry+",
diff --git a/substrate/core/cli/src/ b/substrate/core/cli/src/
index e5e46ed17f5..b5a2f03d795 100644
--- a/substrate/core/cli/src/
+++ b/substrate/core/cli/src/
@@ -48,15 +48,15 @@ where C: Components {
 	let client = service.client();
-	let mut last = {
+	let mut last_best = {
 		let info =;
 		Some((info.chain.best_number, info.chain.best_hash))
 	let display_block_import = client.import_notification_stream().map(|v| Ok::<_, ()>(v)).compat().for_each(move |n| {
 		// detect and log reorganizations.
-		if let Some((ref last_num, ref last_hash)) = last {
-			if n.header.parent_hash() != last_hash {
+		if let Some((ref last_num, ref last_hash)) = last_best {
+			if n.header.parent_hash() != last_hash && n.is_new_best  {
 				let tree_route = ::client::blockchain::tree_route(
@@ -77,7 +77,9 @@ where C: Components {
-		last = Some((n.header.number().clone(), n.hash.clone()));
+		if n.is_new_best {
+			last_best = Some((n.header.number().clone(), n.hash.clone()));
+		}
 		info!(target: "substrate", "Imported #{} ({})", n.header.number(), n.hash);
diff --git a/substrate/core/client/Cargo.toml b/substrate/core/client/Cargo.toml
index 80a3b3d99a0..704f1ebccb5 100644
--- a/substrate/core/client/Cargo.toml
+++ b/substrate/core/client/Cargo.toml
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ inherents = { package = "substrate-inherents", path = "../inherents", default-fe
 sr-api-macros = { path = "../sr-api-macros" }
+env_logger = "0.6"
 test-client = { package = "substrate-test-runtime-client", path = "../test-runtime/client" }
 kvdb-memorydb = { git = "", rev="b0317f649ab2c665b7987b8475878fc4d2e1f81d" }
diff --git a/substrate/core/client/db/src/ b/substrate/core/client/db/src/
index e2472f1138f..906404e8fcb 100644
--- a/substrate/core/client/db/src/
+++ b/substrate/core/client/db/src/
@@ -1108,21 +1108,24 @@ impl<Block: BlockT<Hash=H256>> Backend<Block> {
-		if let Some(set_head) = operation.set_head {
+		let cache_update = if let Some(set_head) = operation.set_head {
 			if let Some(header) = ::client::blockchain::HeaderBackend::header(&self.blockchain, set_head)? {
 				let number = header.number();
 				let hash = header.hash();
-				self.set_head_with_transaction(
+				let (enacted, retracted) = self.set_head_with_transaction(
 					&mut transaction,
 					(number.clone(), hash.clone())
 				meta_updates.push((hash, *number, true, false));
+				Some((enacted, retracted))
 			} else {
 				return Err(client::error::Error::UnknownBlock(format!("Cannot set head {:?}", set_head)))
-		}
+		} else {
+			None
+		};
 		let write_result =;
@@ -1152,6 +1155,10 @@ impl<Block: BlockT<Hash=H256>> Backend<Block> {
+		if let Some((enacted, retracted)) = cache_update {
+			self.shared_cache.lock().sync(&enacted, &retracted);
+		}
 		for (hash, number, is_best, is_finalized) in meta_updates {
 			self.blockchain.update_meta(hash, number, is_best, is_finalized);
diff --git a/substrate/core/client/db/src/ b/substrate/core/client/db/src/
index 61376bd9bd8..f6277747d8e 100644
--- a/substrate/core/client/db/src/
+++ b/substrate/core/client/db/src/
@@ -151,6 +151,65 @@ impl<B: BlockT, H: Hasher> Cache<B, H> {
 			+ self.lru_child_storage.used_size()
 			//  ignore small hashes storage and self.lru_hashes.used_size()
+	/// Synchronize the shared cache with the best block state.
+	/// This function updates the shared cache by removing entries
+	/// that are invalidated by chain reorganization. It should be
+	/// be called when chain reorg happens without importing a new block.
+	pub fn sync(&mut self, enacted: &[B::Hash], retracted: &[B::Hash]) {
+		trace!("Syncing shared cache, enacted = {:?}, retracted = {:?}", enacted, retracted);
+		// Purge changes from re-enacted and retracted blocks.
+		// Filter out commiting block if any.
+		let mut clear = false;
+		for block in enacted {
+			clear = clear || {
+				if let Some(ref mut m) = self.modifications.iter_mut().find(|m| &m.hash == block) {
+					trace!("Reverting enacted block {:?}", block);
+					m.is_canon = true;
+					for a in & {
+						trace!("Reverting enacted key {:?}", a);
+						self.lru_storage.remove(a);
+					}
+					for a in &m.child_storage {
+						trace!("Reverting enacted child key {:?}", a);
+						self.lru_child_storage.remove(a);
+					}
+					false
+				} else {
+					true
+				}
+			};
+		}
+		for block in retracted {
+			clear = clear || {
+				if let Some(ref mut m) = self.modifications.iter_mut().find(|m| &m.hash == block) {
+					trace!("Retracting block {:?}", block);
+					m.is_canon = false;
+					for a in & {
+						trace!("Retracted key {:?}", a);
+						self.lru_storage.remove(a);
+					}
+					for a in &m.child_storage {
+						trace!("Retracted child key {:?}", a);
+						self.lru_child_storage.remove(a);
+					}
+					false
+				} else {
+					true
+				}
+			};
+		}
+		if clear {
+			// We don't know anything about the block; clear everything
+			trace!("Wiping cache");
+			self.lru_storage.clear();
+			self.lru_child_storage.clear();
+			self.lru_hashes.clear();
+			self.modifications.clear();
+		}
+	}
 pub type SharedCache<B, H> = Arc<Mutex<Cache<B, H>>>;
@@ -247,58 +306,12 @@ impl<H: Hasher, B: BlockT> CacheChanges<H, B> {
 		let is_best = is_best();
 		trace!("Syncing cache, id = (#{:?}, {:?}), parent={:?}, best={}", commit_number, commit_hash, self.parent_hash, is_best);
 		let cache = &mut *cache;
-		// Purge changes from re-enacted and retracted blocks.
-		// Filter out commiting block if any.
-		let mut clear = false;
-		for block in enacted.iter().filter(|h| commit_hash.as_ref().map_or(true, |p| *h != p)) {
-			clear = clear || {
-				if let Some(ref mut m) = cache.modifications.iter_mut().find(|m| &m.hash == block) {
-					trace!("Reverting enacted block {:?}", block);
-					m.is_canon = true;
-					for a in & {
-						trace!("Reverting enacted key {:?}", a);
-						cache.lru_storage.remove(a);
-					}
-					for a in &m.child_storage {
-						trace!("Reverting enacted child key {:?}", a);
-						cache.lru_child_storage.remove(a);
-					}
-					false
-				} else {
-					true
-				}
-			};
-		}
-		for block in retracted {
-			clear = clear || {
-				if let Some(ref mut m) = cache.modifications.iter_mut().find(|m| &m.hash == block) {
-					trace!("Retracting block {:?}", block);
-					m.is_canon = false;
-					for a in & {
-						trace!("Retracted key {:?}", a);
-						cache.lru_storage.remove(a);
-					}
-					for a in &m.child_storage {
-						trace!("Retracted child key {:?}", a);
-						cache.lru_child_storage.remove(a);
-					}
-					false
-				} else {
-					true
-				}
-			};
-		}
-		if clear {
-			// We don't know anything about the block; clear everything
-			trace!("Wiping cache");
-			cache.lru_storage.clear();
-			cache.lru_child_storage.clear();
-			cache.lru_hashes.clear();
-			cache.modifications.clear();
-		}
+		let enacted: Vec<_> = enacted
+			.iter()
+			.filter(|h| commit_hash.as_ref().map_or(true, |p| *h != p))
+			.cloned()
+			.collect();
+		cache.sync(&enacted, retracted);
 		// Propagate cache only if committing on top of the latest canonical state
 		// blocks are ordered by number and only one block with a given number is marked as canonical
 		// (contributed to canonical state cache)
diff --git a/substrate/core/client/src/ b/substrate/core/client/src/
index 683b07dd70a..444344c4fd0 100644
--- a/substrate/core/client/src/
+++ b/substrate/core/client/src/
@@ -2690,4 +2690,89 @@ pub(crate) mod tests {
 		let id = BlockId::<Block>::Number(72340207214430721);
 		client.header(&id).expect_err("invalid block number overflows u32");
+	#[test]
+	fn state_reverted_on_reorg() {
+		let _ = env_logger::try_init();
+		let client = test_client::new();
+		let current_balance = ||
+			client.runtime_api().balance_of(
+				&BlockId::number(client.current_height()), AccountKeyring::Alice.into()
+			).unwrap();
+		// G -> A1 -> A2
+		//   \
+		//    -> B1
+		let mut a1 = client.new_block_at(&BlockId::Number(0), Default::default()).unwrap();
+		a1.push_transfer(Transfer {
+			from: AccountKeyring::Alice.into(),
+			to: AccountKeyring::Bob.into(),
+			amount: 10,
+			nonce: 0,
+		}).unwrap();
+		let a1 = a1.bake().unwrap();
+		client.import(BlockOrigin::Own, a1.clone()).unwrap();
+		let mut b1 = client.new_block_at(&BlockId::Number(0), Default::default()).unwrap();
+		b1.push_transfer(Transfer {
+			from: AccountKeyring::Alice.into(),
+			to: AccountKeyring::Ferdie.into(),
+			amount: 50,
+			nonce: 0,
+		}).unwrap();
+		let b1 = b1.bake().unwrap();
+		// Reorg to B1
+		client.import_as_best(BlockOrigin::Own, b1.clone()).unwrap();
+		assert_eq!(950, current_balance());
+		let mut a2 = client.new_block_at(&BlockId::Hash(a1.hash()), Default::default()).unwrap();
+		a2.push_transfer(Transfer {
+			from: AccountKeyring::Alice.into(),
+			to: AccountKeyring::Charlie.into(),
+			amount: 10,
+			nonce: 1,
+		}).unwrap();
+		// Re-org to A2
+		client.import_as_best(BlockOrigin::Own, a2.bake().unwrap()).unwrap();
+		assert_eq!(980, current_balance());
+	}
+	#[test]
+	fn state_reverted_on_set_head() {
+		let _ = env_logger::try_init();
+		let client = test_client::new();
+		let current_balance = ||
+			client.runtime_api().balance_of(
+				&BlockId::number(client.current_height()), AccountKeyring::Alice.into()
+			).unwrap();
+		// G -> A1
+		//   \
+		//    -> B1
+		let mut a1 = client.new_block_at(&BlockId::Number(0), Default::default()).unwrap();
+		a1.push_transfer(Transfer {
+			from: AccountKeyring::Alice.into(),
+			to: AccountKeyring::Bob.into(),
+			amount: 10,
+			nonce: 0,
+		}).unwrap();
+		let a1 = a1.bake().unwrap();
+		client.import(BlockOrigin::Own, a1.clone()).unwrap();
+		let mut b1 = client.new_block_at(&BlockId::Number(0), Default::default()).unwrap();
+		b1.push_transfer(Transfer {
+			from: AccountKeyring::Alice.into(),
+			to: AccountKeyring::Ferdie.into(),
+			amount: 50,
+			nonce: 0,
+		}).unwrap();
+		let b1 = b1.bake().unwrap();
+		client.import(BlockOrigin::Own, b1.clone()).unwrap();
+		assert_eq!(990, current_balance());
+		// Set B1 as new best
+		client.set_head(BlockId::hash(b1.hash())).unwrap();
+		assert_eq!(950, current_balance());
+	}
diff --git a/substrate/core/state-db/src/ b/substrate/core/state-db/src/
index 8986dda32d7..4434fa4ef62 100644
--- a/substrate/core/state-db/src/
+++ b/substrate/core/state-db/src/
@@ -292,8 +292,11 @@ impl<BlockHash: Hash, Key: Hash> StateDbSync<BlockHash, Key> {
 	pub fn pin(&mut self, hash: &BlockHash) {
-		trace!(target: "state-db", "Pinned block: {:?}", hash);
-		*self.pinned.entry(hash.clone()).or_default() += 1;
+		let refs = self.pinned.entry(hash.clone()).or_default();
+		if *refs == 0 {
+			trace!(target: "state-db", "Pinned block: {:?}", hash);
+		}
+		*refs += 1
 	pub fn unpin(&mut self, hash: &BlockHash) {
diff --git a/substrate/core/test-client/src/ b/substrate/core/test-client/src/
index e8fe0a1f8bb..a256dd8be5c 100644
--- a/substrate/core/test-client/src/
+++ b/substrate/core/test-client/src/
@@ -34,6 +34,10 @@ pub trait ClientExt<Block: BlockT>: Sized {
 	fn import(&self, origin: BlockOrigin, block: Block)
 		-> Result<(), ConsensusError>;
+	/// Import a block and make it our best block if possible.
+	fn import_as_best(&self, origin: BlockOrigin, block: Block)
+		-> Result<(), ConsensusError>;
 	/// Import block with justification, finalizes block.
 	fn import_justified(
@@ -78,6 +82,24 @@ impl<B, E, RA, Block> ClientExt<Block> for Client<B, E, Block, RA>
 		BlockImport::import_block(&mut (&*self), import, HashMap::new()).map(|_| ())
+	fn import_as_best(&self, origin: BlockOrigin, block: Block)
+		-> Result<(), ConsensusError>
+	{
+		let (header, extrinsics) = block.deconstruct();
+		let import = BlockImportParams {
+			origin,
+			header,
+			justification: None,
+			post_digests: vec![],
+			body: Some(extrinsics),
+			finalized: false,
+			auxiliary: Vec::new(),
+			fork_choice: ForkChoiceStrategy::Custom(true),
+		};
+		BlockImport::import_block(&mut (&*self), import, HashMap::new()).map(|_| ())
+	}
 	fn import_justified(
 		origin: BlockOrigin,