From 15552cc58d71874906cb5ce281c8e0d5891ccd89 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Branislav Kontur <>
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2025 16:26:09 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Revert and simplify

 .../parachains/src/paras/      |  26 +--
 polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/paras/  | 204 ++++++------------
 .../runtime/parachains/src/paras/     | 200 +++++++----------
 .../      |   4 +-
 .../      |   4 +-
 prdoc/pr_7592.prdoc                           |   2 +-
 6 files changed, 155 insertions(+), 285 deletions(-)

diff --git a/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/paras/ b/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/paras/
index ff322d3ea59..7a832b0312b 100644
--- a/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/paras/
+++ b/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/paras/
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ const SAMPLE_SIZE: u32 = 1024;
 fn assert_last_event<T: Config>(generic_event: <T as Config>::RuntimeEvent) {
 	let events = frame_system::Pallet::<T>::events();
+	println!("{:?}", events);
 	let system_event: <T as frame_system::Config>::RuntimeEvent = generic_event.into();
 	// compare to the last event record
 	let frame_system::EventRecord { event, .. } = &events[events.len() - 1];
@@ -250,32 +251,33 @@ mod benchmarks {
-	fn authorize_code_hash() {
+	fn authorize_force_set_current_code_hash() {
 		let para_id = ParaId::from(1000);
-		let authorization =
-			CodeHashAuthorization::ForceSetCurrentCode { para_id, code_hash: [0; 32].into() };
-		let expire_at = frame_system::Pallet::<T>::block_number()
-			.saturating_add(BlockNumberFor::<T>::from(1_000_000_u32));
+		let code = ValidationCode(vec![0; 32]);
+		let new_code_hash = code.hash();
+		let valid_period = BlockNumberFor::<T>::from(1_000_000_u32);
-		_(RawOrigin::Root, authorization.clone(), expire_at);
+		_(RawOrigin::Root, para_id, new_code_hash, valid_period);
-		assert_last_event::<T>(Event::CodeAuthorized { authorization, expire_at }.into());
+		assert_last_event::<T>(Event::CodeAuthorized {
+			para_id,
+			code_hash: new_code_hash,
+			expire_at: frame_system::Pallet::<T>::block_number().saturating_add(valid_period)
+		}.into());
-	fn apply_authorized_code(c: Linear<MIN_CODE_SIZE, MAX_CODE_SIZE>) {
+	fn apply_authorized_force_set_current_code(c: Linear<MIN_CODE_SIZE, MAX_CODE_SIZE>) {
 		let code = ValidationCode(vec![0; c as usize]);
 		let para_id = ParaId::from(1000);
-		let authorization =
-			CodeHashAuthorization::ForceSetCurrentCode { para_id, code_hash: code.hash() };
 		let expire_at =
-		AuthorizedCodeHash::<T>::set(vec![(authorization.clone(), expire_at)]);
+		AuthorizedCodeHash::<T>::insert(&para_id, (code.hash(), expire_at));
-		_(RawOrigin::Root, authorization, code);
+		_(RawOrigin::Root, para_id, code);
diff --git a/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/paras/ b/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/paras/
index 3fbb34cffbc..4608fddba90 100644
--- a/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/paras/
+++ b/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/paras/
@@ -550,73 +550,6 @@ impl AssignCoretime for () {
-/// Represents different types of authorization for handling code hashes.
-/// This enum defines various actions related to validation code management.
-#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Encode, Decode, DecodeWithMemTracking, RuntimeDebug, TypeInfo)]
-#[cfg_attr(test, derive(Ord, PartialOrd))]
-pub enum CodeHashAuthorization<N> {
-	/// Forces the current validation code for a parachain to be set.
-	ForceSetCurrentCode {
-		/// The ID of the parachain.
-		para_id: ParaId,
-		/// The validation code hash.
-		code_hash: ValidationCodeHash,
-	},
-	/// Forces a scheduled code upgrade for a parachain.
-	ForceScheduleCodeUpgrade {
-		/// The ID of the parachain.
-		para_id: ParaId,
-		/// The validation code hash.
-		code_hash: ValidationCodeHash,
-		/// The relay parent block number at which the upgrade should be applied.
-		relay_parent_number: N,
-	},
-	/// Adds a trusted validation code hash to the system.
-	AddTrustedValidationCode {
-		/// The validation code hash
-		code_hash: ValidationCodeHash,
-	},
-impl<N> CodeHashAuthorization<N> {
-	/// Determines if the current authorization should be replaced by another.
-	///
-	/// # Returns
-	/// - `true` if `other` should replace `self`
-	/// - `false` otherwise
-	fn should_be_replaced_by(&self, other: &CodeHashAuthorization<N>) -> bool {
-		use CodeHashAuthorization::*;
-		match (self, other) {
-			(ForceSetCurrentCode { para_id: a, .. }, ForceSetCurrentCode { para_id: b, .. }) |
-			(
-				ForceScheduleCodeUpgrade { para_id: a, .. },
-				ForceScheduleCodeUpgrade { para_id: b, .. },
-			) if a == b => true,
-			(
-				AddTrustedValidationCode { code_hash: a },
-				AddTrustedValidationCode { code_hash: b },
-			) if a == b => true,
-			_ => false,
-		}
-	}
-	/// Compares the stored `code_hash` with the hash of the provided validation code.
-	fn code_matches(&self, code: &ValidationCode) -> bool {
-		let code_hash = match self {
-			CodeHashAuthorization::ForceSetCurrentCode { code_hash, .. } |
-			CodeHashAuthorization::ForceScheduleCodeUpgrade { code_hash, .. } |
-			CodeHashAuthorization::AddTrustedValidationCode { code_hash } => code_hash,
-		};
-		code_hash == &code.hash()
-	}
 pub trait WeightInfo {
 	fn force_set_current_code(c: u32) -> Weight;
 	fn force_set_current_head(s: u32) -> Weight;
@@ -632,8 +565,8 @@ pub trait WeightInfo {
 	fn include_pvf_check_statement_finalize_onboarding_accept() -> Weight;
 	fn include_pvf_check_statement_finalize_onboarding_reject() -> Weight;
 	fn include_pvf_check_statement() -> Weight;
-	fn authorize_code_hash() -> Weight;
-	fn apply_authorized_code(c: u32) -> Weight;
+	fn authorize_force_set_current_code_hash() -> Weight;
+	fn apply_authorized_force_set_current_code(c: u32) -> Weight;
 pub struct TestWeightInfo;
@@ -679,10 +612,10 @@ impl WeightInfo for TestWeightInfo {
 		// This special value is to distinguish from the finalizing variants above in tests.
 		Weight::MAX - Weight::from_parts(1, 1)
-	fn authorize_code_hash() -> Weight {
+	fn authorize_force_set_current_code_hash() -> Weight {
-	fn apply_authorized_code(_c: u32) -> Weight {
+	fn apply_authorized_force_set_current_code(_c: u32) -> Weight {
@@ -757,8 +690,10 @@ pub mod pallet {
 		PvfCheckRejected(ValidationCodeHash, ParaId),
 		/// New code hash has been authorized for a Para.
 		CodeAuthorized {
-			/// CodeHash authorization request.
-			authorization: CodeHashAuthorization<BlockNumberFor<T>>,
+			// Para
+			para_id: ParaId,
+			/// Authorized code hash.
+			code_hash: ValidationCodeHash,
 			/// Block at which authorization expires and will be removed.
 			expire_at: BlockNumberFor<T>,
@@ -893,13 +828,10 @@ pub mod pallet {
 	pub type FutureCodeHash<T: Config> = StorageMap<_, Twox64Concat, ParaId, ValidationCodeHash>;
-	/// The code hash authorizations which will expire `expire_at` `BlockNumberFor<T>`.
+	/// The code hash authorizations for a para which will expire `expire_at` `BlockNumberFor<T>`.
-	pub(super) type AuthorizedCodeHash<T: Config> = StorageValue<
-		_,
-		Vec<(CodeHashAuthorization<BlockNumberFor<T>>, BlockNumberFor<T>)>,
-		ValueQuery,
-	>;
+	pub type AuthorizedCodeHash<T: Config> =
+		StorageMap<_, Twox64Concat, ParaId, (ValidationCodeHash, BlockNumberFor<T>)>;
 	/// This is used by the relay-chain to communicate to a parachain a go-ahead with in the upgrade
 	/// procedure.
@@ -1258,40 +1190,34 @@ pub mod pallet {
 		/// Sets the storage for the authorized current code hash of the parachain.
-		/// If not applied, it will be removed at the `expire_at` block.
+		/// If not applied, it will be removed at the `System::block_number() + valid_period` block.
-		/// This can be useful, for example, when triggering `Paras::force_set_current_code(para,
-		/// code)` from a different chain than the one where the `Paras` pallet is deployed.
+		/// This can be useful, when triggering `Paras::force_set_current_code(para, code)`
+		/// from a different chain than the one where the `Paras` pallet is deployed.
 		/// The main purpose is to avoid transferring the entire `code` Wasm blob between chains.
 		/// Instead, we authorize `code_hash` with `root`, which can later be applied by
-		/// `Paras::apply_authorized_code(authorization, code)` by anyone.
+		/// `Paras::apply_authorized_force_set_current_code(para, code)` by anyone.
-		/// Authorizations are stored in an **overwriting manner**,
-		/// for exampe we won't store multiple `ForceSetCurrentCode` for one parachain.
+		/// Authorizations are stored in an **overwriting manner**.
-		#[pallet::weight(<T as Config>::WeightInfo::authorize_code_hash())]
-		pub fn authorize_code_hash(
+		#[pallet::weight(<T as Config>::WeightInfo::authorize_force_set_current_code_hash())]
+		pub fn authorize_force_set_current_code_hash(
 			origin: OriginFor<T>,
-			new_authorization: CodeHashAuthorization<BlockNumberFor<T>>,
-			expire_at: BlockNumberFor<T>,
+			para: ParaId,
+			new_code_hash: ValidationCodeHash,
+			valid_period: BlockNumberFor<T>,
 		) -> DispatchResult {
-			ensure!(
-				expire_at > frame_system::Pallet::<T>::block_number(),
-				Error::<T>::InvalidBlockNumber
-			);
-			// insert authorized code hash and make sure to overwrite existing variant
-			// `CodeHashAuthorization` for `para_id`.
-			AuthorizedCodeHash::<T>::mutate(|authorizations| {
-				authorizations.retain(|(authorization, _)| {
-					!authorization.should_be_replaced_by(&new_authorization)
-				});
-				authorizations.push((new_authorization.clone(), expire_at));
-			});
+			let now = frame_system::Pallet::<T>::block_number();
+			let expire_at = now.saturating_add(valid_period);
+			// insert authorized code hash and make sure to overwrite existing one for a para.
+			AuthorizedCodeHash::<T>::insert(&para, (new_code_hash, expire_at));
 			Self::deposit_event(Event::CodeAuthorized {
-				authorization: new_authorization,
+				para_id: para,
+				code_hash: new_code_hash,
@@ -1301,33 +1227,21 @@ pub mod pallet {
 		/// Applies the already authorized current code for the parachain,
 		/// triggering the same functionality as `force_set_current_code`.
-		#[pallet::weight(<T as Config>::WeightInfo::apply_authorized_code(code.0.len() as u32))]
-		pub fn apply_authorized_code(
+		#[pallet::weight(<T as Config>::WeightInfo::apply_authorized_force_set_current_code(new_code.0.len() as u32))]
+		pub fn apply_authorized_force_set_current_code(
 			_origin: OriginFor<T>,
-			authorization: CodeHashAuthorization<BlockNumberFor<T>>,
-			code: ValidationCode,
+			para: ParaId,
+			new_code: ValidationCode,
 		) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo {
 			// no need to ensure, anybody can do this
 			// Ensure `new_code` is authorized
-			let (authorized_code_hash, _) = Self::validate_authorization(authorization, &code)?;
-			// remove
-			AuthorizedCodeHash::<T>::mutate(|authorizations| {
-				authorizations.retain(|(auth, _)| auth != &authorized_code_hash);
-			});
+			let _ = Self::validate_authorization_for(&para, &new_code)?;
+			// Remove authorization
+			AuthorizedCodeHash::<T>::remove(para);
 			// apply/dispatch
-			match authorized_code_hash {
-				CodeHashAuthorization::ForceSetCurrentCode { para_id, .. } =>
-					Self::do_force_set_current_code_update(para_id, code),
-				CodeHashAuthorization::AddTrustedValidationCode { .. } =>
-					Self::do_add_trusted_validation_code(code),
-				CodeHashAuthorization::ForceScheduleCodeUpgrade {
-					para_id,
-					relay_parent_number,
-					..
-				} => Self::do_force_schedule_code_upgrade(para_id, code, relay_parent_number),
-			}
+			Self::do_force_set_current_code_update(para, new_code);
 			// if ok, then allows "for free"
 			let post = PostDispatchInfo {
@@ -1392,22 +1306,22 @@ pub mod pallet {
-				Call::apply_authorized_code { authorization, code } => {
-					match Self::validate_authorization(authorization.clone(), &code) {
-						Ok((authorization, expire_at)) => {
+				Call::apply_authorized_force_set_current_code { para, new_code } => {
+					match Self::validate_authorization_for(para, new_code) {
+						Ok((authorized_code_hash, expire_at)) => {
 							let now = frame_system::Pallet::<T>::block_number();
 							if expire_at < now {
-								// this should not happen, because `validate_authorization`
-								// validates `expire_at`
+								// this should not happen, because `Self::validate_authorization_for`
+								// validates `expire_at`.
 								return InvalidTransaction::Stale.into();
 							let longevity =
-							ValidTransaction::with_tag_prefix("ApplyAuthorizedCode")
+							ValidTransaction::with_tag_prefix("ApplyAuthorizedForceSetCurrentCode")
-								.and_provides(authorization)
+								.and_provides((para, authorized_code_hash))
@@ -1700,11 +1614,18 @@ impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
 	/// This function removes authorizations that have expired,
 	/// meaning their `expire_at` block is less than or equal to the current block (`now`).
 	fn prune_expired_authorizations(now: BlockNumberFor<T>) -> Weight {
-		AuthorizedCodeHash::<T>::mutate(|authorizations: &mut Vec<(_, BlockNumberFor<T>)>| {
-			authorizations.retain(|(_, expire_at)| expire_at > &now);
+		let mut weight = T::DbWeight::get().reads(1);
+		let to_remove = AuthorizedCodeHash::<T>::iter().filter_map(|(para, (_, expire_at))| if expire_at <= now {
+			Some(para)
+		} else {
+			None
+		for para in to_remove {
+			AuthorizedCodeHash::<T>::remove(&para);
+			weight.saturating_accrue(T::DbWeight::get().writes(1));
+		}
-		T::DbWeight::get().reads_writes(1, 1)
+		weight
 	/// Process the future code upgrades that should be applied directly.
@@ -2562,20 +2483,17 @@ impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
-	/// This function checks whether the given `requested_authorization` exists in the list of
-	/// authorized code hashes. If found, it verifies that the associated code matches the provided
-	/// `code`. If the validation is successful, it returns the authorized `CodeHashAuthorization`.
-	pub(crate) fn validate_authorization(
-		requested_authorization: CodeHashAuthorization<BlockNumberFor<T>>,
+	/// This function checks whether the given `code.hash()` exists in the `AuthorizedCodeHash` map of
+	/// authorized code hashes for a para. If found, it verifies that the associated code matches the provided
+	/// `code`. If the validation is successful, it returns tuple as the authorized `ValidationCodeHash` with `expire_at`.
+	pub(crate) fn validate_authorization_for(
+		para: &ParaId,
 		code: &ValidationCode,
-	) -> Result<(CodeHashAuthorization<BlockNumberFor<T>>, BlockNumberFor<T>), Error<T>> {
-		let Some((authorized_code_hash, expire_at)) = AuthorizedCodeHash::<T>::get()
-			.into_iter()
-			.find(|(a, _)| a == &requested_authorization)
-		else {
+	) -> Result<(ValidationCodeHash, BlockNumberFor<T>), Error<T>> {
+		let Some((authorized_code_hash, expire_at)) = AuthorizedCodeHash::<T>::get(para) else {
 			return Err(Error::<T>::NothingAuthorized);
-		ensure!(authorized_code_hash.code_matches(code), Error::<T>::Unauthorized);
+		ensure!(authorized_code_hash == code.hash(), Error::<T>::Unauthorized);
 			expire_at > frame_system::Pallet::<T>::block_number(),
diff --git a/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/paras/ b/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/paras/
index 2b429acb452..e6d2525c21b 100644
--- a/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/paras/
+++ b/polkadot/runtime/parachains/src/paras/
@@ -2040,7 +2040,7 @@ fn force_set_current_code_works() {
-fn authorize_code_hash_works() {
+fn authorize_force_set_current_code_hash_works() {
 	new_test_ext(MockGenesisConfig::default()).execute_with(|| {
 		let para_a = ParaId::from(111);
 		let para_b = ParaId::from(222);
@@ -2048,111 +2048,83 @@ fn authorize_code_hash_works() {
 		let code_2 = ValidationCode(vec![2]);
 		let code_1_hash = code_1.hash();
 		let code_2_hash = code_2.hash();
-		let authorize_force_set_current_code_1_for_para_a =
-			CodeHashAuthorization::ForceSetCurrentCode { para_id: para_a, code_hash: code_1_hash };
-		let authorize_force_set_current_code_1_for_para_b =
-			CodeHashAuthorization::ForceSetCurrentCode { para_id: para_b, code_hash: code_1_hash };
-		let authorize_force_set_current_code_2_for_para_a =
-			CodeHashAuthorization::ForceSetCurrentCode { para_id: para_a, code_hash: code_2_hash };
-		let add_trusted_validation_code_1 =
-			CodeHashAuthorization::AddTrustedValidationCode { code_hash: code_1_hash };
-		let expire_at = 143;
+		let valid_period = 143;
 		// check before
-		assert!(AuthorizedCodeHash::<Test>::get().is_empty());
+		assert_eq!(AuthorizedCodeHash::<Test>::iter().count(), 0);
 		// non-root user cannot authorize
-			Paras::authorize_code_hash(
+			Paras::authorize_force_set_current_code_hash(
-				authorize_force_set_current_code_1_for_para_a.clone(),
-				expire_at
+				para_a,
+				code_1_hash,
+				valid_period,
-		// cannot authorize when `expire_at` is in the past
-		System::set_block_number(expire_at + 1);
-		assert_err!(
-			Paras::authorize_code_hash(
-				RuntimeOrigin::root(),
-				authorize_force_set_current_code_1_for_para_a.clone(),
-				expire_at
-			),
-			Error::<Test>::InvalidBlockNumber,
-		);
-		let expire_at = expire_at + 2;
 		// root can authorize
-		assert_ok!(Paras::authorize_code_hash(
-			RuntimeOrigin::root(),
-			authorize_force_set_current_code_1_for_para_a.clone(),
-			expire_at
-		));
-		assert_ok!(Paras::authorize_code_hash(
+		System::set_block_number(1);
+		assert_ok!(Paras::authorize_force_set_current_code_hash(
-			authorize_force_set_current_code_1_for_para_b.clone(),
-			expire_at
+			para_a,
+			code_1_hash,
+			valid_period
-		assert_ok!(Paras::authorize_code_hash(
+		assert_eq!(
+			AuthorizedCodeHash::<Test>::get(&para_a),
+			Some((code_1_hash, 1 + valid_period))
+		);
+		System::set_block_number(5);
+		assert_ok!(Paras::authorize_force_set_current_code_hash(
-			add_trusted_validation_code_1.clone(),
-			expire_at
+			para_b,
+			code_2_hash,
+			valid_period,
-			AuthorizedCodeHash::<Test>::get(),
-			vec![
-				(authorize_force_set_current_code_1_for_para_a, expire_at),
-				(authorize_force_set_current_code_1_for_para_b.clone(), expire_at),
-				(add_trusted_validation_code_1.clone(), expire_at),
-			]
+			AuthorizedCodeHash::<Test>::get(&para_b),
+			Some((code_2_hash, 5 + valid_period))
+		assert_eq!(AuthorizedCodeHash::<Test>::iter().count(), 2);
-		// the same authorization variant is overwritten
-		assert_ok!(Paras::authorize_code_hash(
+		// request for the same para is overwritten
+		assert_ok!(Paras::authorize_force_set_current_code_hash(
-			authorize_force_set_current_code_2_for_para_a.clone(),
-			expire_at
+			para_a,
+			code_1_hash,
+			valid_period
-		assert_ok!(Paras::authorize_code_hash(
+		assert_eq!(
+			AuthorizedCodeHash::<Test>::get(&para_a),
+			Some((code_1_hash, 5 + valid_period))
+		);
+		assert_ok!(Paras::authorize_force_set_current_code_hash(
-			add_trusted_validation_code_1.clone(),
-			expire_at + 5
+			para_a,
+			code_2_hash,
+			valid_period
-			{
-				let mut sorted = AuthorizedCodeHash::<Test>::get();
-				sorted.sort();
-				sorted
-			},
-			{
-				let mut sorted = vec![
-					(authorize_force_set_current_code_2_for_para_a, expire_at), // changed code
-					(authorize_force_set_current_code_1_for_para_b, expire_at), // no change
-					(add_trusted_validation_code_1, expire_at + 5),             /* changed expire_at */
-				];
-				sorted.sort();
-				sorted
-			}
+			AuthorizedCodeHash::<Test>::get(&para_a),
+			Some((code_2_hash, 5 + valid_period))
-fn apply_authorized_code_works() {
-	let apply_code = |origin,
-	                  authorization: CodeHashAuthorization<_>,
-	                  code: ValidationCode|
-	 -> (Result<_, _>, DispatchResultWithPostInfo) {
-		let call = Call::apply_authorized_code {
-			authorization: authorization.clone(),
-			code: code.clone(),
+fn apply_authorized_force_set_current_code_works() {
+	let apply_code = |origin, para: ParaId, code: ValidationCode|	-> (Result<_, _>, DispatchResultWithPostInfo) {
+		let call = Call::apply_authorized_force_set_current_code {
+			para,
+			new_code: code.clone(),
 		let validate_unsigned =
 			<Paras as ValidateUnsigned>::validate_unsigned(TransactionSource::InBlock, &call)
 				.map(|_| ());
-		let dispatch_result = Paras::apply_authorized_code(origin, authorization, code);
+		let dispatch_result = Paras::apply_authorized_force_set_current_code(origin, para, code);
 		(validate_unsigned, dispatch_result)
@@ -2162,21 +2134,16 @@ fn apply_authorized_code_works() {
 		let code_1 = ValidationCode(vec![1]);
 		let code_2 = ValidationCode(vec![2]);
 		let code_1_hash = code_1.hash();
-		let code_2_hash = code_2.hash();
-		let authorize_force_set_current_code_1_for_para_a =
-			CodeHashAuthorization::ForceSetCurrentCode { para_id: para_a, code_hash: code_1_hash };
-		let add_trusted_validation_code_2 =
-			CodeHashAuthorization::AddTrustedValidationCode { code_hash: code_2_hash };
-		let expire_at = 143;
+		let valid_period = 143;
 		// check before
-		assert!(AuthorizedCodeHash::<Test>::get().is_empty());
+		assert_eq!(AuthorizedCodeHash::<Test>::iter().count(), 0);
 		// cannot apply code when nothing authorized
-				authorize_force_set_current_code_1_for_para_a.clone(),
+				para_a,
@@ -2184,29 +2151,16 @@ fn apply_authorized_code_works() {
-		assert_eq!(
-			apply_code(
-				RuntimeOrigin::signed(1),
-				add_trusted_validation_code_2.clone(),
-				code_2.clone()
-			),
-			(
-				Err(InvalidTransaction::Custom(INVALID_TX_UNAUTHORIZED_CODE).into()),
-				Err(Error::<Test>::NothingAuthorized.into())
-			),
-		);
 		// authorize
-		AuthorizedCodeHash::<Test>::set(vec![
-			(authorize_force_set_current_code_1_for_para_a.clone(), expire_at),
-			(add_trusted_validation_code_2.clone(), expire_at),
-		]);
+		System::set_block_number(5);
+		AuthorizedCodeHash::<Test>::insert(&para_a, (code_1_hash, valid_period + 5));
 		// cannot apply unauthorized code_2
-				authorize_force_set_current_code_1_for_para_a.clone(),
+				para_a,
@@ -2216,11 +2170,11 @@ fn apply_authorized_code_works() {
 		// cannot apply obsolete authorization
-		frame_system::Pallet::<Test>::set_block_number(expire_at + 1);
+		frame_system::Pallet::<Test>::set_block_number(valid_period + 5 + 10);
-				authorize_force_set_current_code_1_for_para_a.clone(),
+				para_a,
@@ -2228,27 +2182,25 @@ fn apply_authorized_code_works() {
-		frame_system::Pallet::<Test>::set_block_number(expire_at - 1);
+		frame_system::Pallet::<Test>::set_block_number(5 );
 		// ok - can apply authorized code
 		let (validate_unsigned, dispatch_result) = apply_code(
-			authorize_force_set_current_code_1_for_para_a.clone(),
+			para_a,
-		assert_eq!(
-			AuthorizedCodeHash::<Test>::get(),
-			vec![(add_trusted_validation_code_2.clone(), expire_at),]
-		);
+		// check for removed
+		assert!(AuthorizedCodeHash::<Test>::get(&para_a).is_none());
 		// cannot apply previously authorized code again
-				authorize_force_set_current_code_1_for_para_a,
+				para_a,
@@ -2263,38 +2215,36 @@ fn apply_authorized_code_works() {
 fn prune_expired_authorizations_works() {
 	new_test_ext(MockGenesisConfig::default()).execute_with(|| {
 		let para_a = ParaId::from(111);
+		let para_b = ParaId::from(123);
 		let code_1 = ValidationCode(vec![1]);
 		let code_1_hash = code_1.hash();
-		let authorize_force_set_current_code_1_for_para_a =
-			CodeHashAuthorization::ForceSetCurrentCode { para_id: para_a, code_hash: code_1_hash };
-		let add_trusted_validation_code_1 =
-			CodeHashAuthorization::AddTrustedValidationCode { code_hash: code_1_hash };
 		// add authorizations
-		AuthorizedCodeHash::<Test>::set(vec![
-			(authorize_force_set_current_code_1_for_para_a.clone(), 201),
-			(add_trusted_validation_code_1.clone(), 202),
-		]);
+		AuthorizedCodeHash::<Test>::insert(&para_a, (code_1_hash, 201));
+		AuthorizedCodeHash::<Test>::insert(&para_b, (code_1_hash, 202));
-		// nothing
+		// nothing prunned at 200
 		let _ = Paras::prune_expired_authorizations(200);
-			AuthorizedCodeHash::<Test>::get(),
-			vec![
-				(authorize_force_set_current_code_1_for_para_a.clone(), 201),
-				(add_trusted_validation_code_1.clone(), 202),
-			]
+			AuthorizedCodeHash::<Test>::get(&para_a),
+			Some((code_1_hash, 201))
+		);
+		assert_eq!(
+			AuthorizedCodeHash::<Test>::get(&para_b),
+			Some((code_1_hash, 202))
-		// pruned 201
+		// pruned at 201
 		let _ = Paras::prune_expired_authorizations(201);
+		assert!(AuthorizedCodeHash::<Test>::get(&para_a).is_none());
-			AuthorizedCodeHash::<Test>::get(),
-			vec![(add_trusted_validation_code_1.clone(), 202),]
+			AuthorizedCodeHash::<Test>::get(&para_b),
+			Some((code_1_hash, 202))
-		// pruned 202
+		// pruned at 203
 		let _ = Paras::prune_expired_authorizations(203);
-		assert_eq!(AuthorizedCodeHash::<Test>::get(), vec![]);
+		assert!(AuthorizedCodeHash::<Test>::get(&para_a).is_none());
+		assert!(AuthorizedCodeHash::<Test>::get(&para_b).is_none());
diff --git a/polkadot/runtime/rococo/src/weights/ b/polkadot/runtime/rococo/src/weights/
index 1d404a96f6f..f67329755c8 100644
--- a/polkadot/runtime/rococo/src/weights/
+++ b/polkadot/runtime/rococo/src/weights/
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ impl<T: frame_system::Config> polkadot_runtime_parachains::paras::WeightInfo for
 	/// Storage: `Paras::AuthorizedCodeHash` (r:1 w:1)
 	/// Proof: `Paras::AuthorizedCodeHash` (`max_values`: Some(1), `max_size`: None, mode: `Measured`)
-	fn authorize_code_hash() -> Weight {
+	fn authorize_force_set_current_code_hash() -> Weight {
 		// Proof Size summary in bytes:
 		//  Measured:  `28`
 		//  Estimated: `1513`
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ impl<T: frame_system::Config> polkadot_runtime_parachains::paras::WeightInfo for
 	/// Storage: `Paras::CodeByHash` (r:0 w:1)
 	/// Proof: `Paras::CodeByHash` (`max_values`: None, `max_size`: None, mode: `Measured`)
 	/// The range of component `c` is `[9, 3145728]`.
-	fn apply_authorized_code(c: u32, ) -> Weight {
+	fn apply_authorized_force_set_current_code(c: u32, ) -> Weight {
 		// Proof Size summary in bytes:
 		//  Measured:  `126`
 		//  Estimated: `3591`
diff --git a/polkadot/runtime/westend/src/weights/ b/polkadot/runtime/westend/src/weights/
index 7700f4b37ef..66ca0d2465c 100644
--- a/polkadot/runtime/westend/src/weights/
+++ b/polkadot/runtime/westend/src/weights/
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ impl<T: frame_system::Config> polkadot_runtime_parachains::paras::WeightInfo for
 	/// Storage: `Paras::AuthorizedCodeHash` (r:1 w:1)
 	/// Proof: `Paras::AuthorizedCodeHash` (`max_values`: Some(1), `max_size`: None, mode: `Measured`)
-	fn authorize_code_hash() -> Weight {
+	fn authorize_force_set_current_code_hash() -> Weight {
 		// Proof Size summary in bytes:
 		//  Measured:  `28`
 		//  Estimated: `1513`
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ impl<T: frame_system::Config> polkadot_runtime_parachains::paras::WeightInfo for
 	/// Storage: `Paras::CodeByHash` (r:0 w:1)
 	/// Proof: `Paras::CodeByHash` (`max_values`: None, `max_size`: None, mode: `Measured`)
 	/// The range of component `c` is `[9, 3145728]`.
-	fn apply_authorized_code(c: u32, ) -> Weight {
+	fn apply_authorized_force_set_current_code(c: u32, ) -> Weight {
 		// Proof Size summary in bytes:
 		//  Measured:  `126`
 		//  Estimated: `3591`
diff --git a/prdoc/pr_7592.prdoc b/prdoc/pr_7592.prdoc
index f358ffee9bc..d78697ef61b 100644
--- a/prdoc/pr_7592.prdoc
+++ b/prdoc/pr_7592.prdoc
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ doc:
     This feature can be useful when we want to trigger for example `Paras::force_set_current_code(para, code)` from a different chain than the one where the `Paras` pallet is deployed.
     The main reason is to avoid transferring the entire `new_code` wasm blob between chains.
-    Instead, we authorize `code_hash` with `root`, which can later be applied by `Paras::apply_authorized_code(para, authorization)` by anyone.
+    Instead, we authorize `code_hash` by `root` with `Paras::authorize_force_set_current_code_hash(para, code)`, which can later be applied by `Paras::apply_authorized_force_set_current_code(para, code)` by anyone.
 - name: polkadot-runtime-parachains
   bump: major