diff --git a/substrate/client/network/src/protocol/sync.rs b/substrate/client/network/src/protocol/sync.rs
index 9866dc0568a8e638ccca69b58a7f402d5ed3c961..03714b05ace0d2f3d51da667c0d20faf67cf41b3 100644
--- a/substrate/client/network/src/protocol/sync.rs
+++ b/substrate/client/network/src/protocol/sync.rs
@@ -1510,8 +1510,13 @@ impl<B: BlockT> ChainSync<B> {
-	/// Restart the sync process.
-	fn restart<'a>(&'a mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = Result<(PeerId, BlockRequest<B>), BadPeer>> + 'a {
+	/// Restart the sync process. This will reset all pending block requests and return an iterator
+	/// of new block requests to make to peers. Peers that were downloading finality data (i.e.
+	/// their state was `DownloadingJustification` or `DownloadingFinalityProof`) are unaffected and
+	/// will stay in the same state.
+	fn restart<'a>(
+		&'a mut self,
+	) -> impl Iterator<Item = Result<(PeerId, BlockRequest<B>), BadPeer>> + 'a {
 		let info = self.client.info();
 		self.best_queued_hash = info.best_hash;
@@ -1519,11 +1524,24 @@ impl<B: BlockT> ChainSync<B> {
 		debug!(target:"sync", "Restarted with {} ({})", self.best_queued_number, self.best_queued_hash);
 		let old_peers = std::mem::take(&mut self.peers);
 		old_peers.into_iter().filter_map(move |(id, p)| {
+			// peers that were downloading justifications or finality proofs
+			// should be kept in that state.
+			match p.state {
+				PeerSyncState::DownloadingJustification(_)
+				| PeerSyncState::DownloadingFinalityProof(_) => {
+					self.peers.insert(id, p);
+					return None;
+				}
+				_ => {}
+			}
+			// handle peers that were in other states.
 			match self.new_peer(id.clone(), p.best_hash, p.best_number) {
 				Ok(None) => None,
 				Ok(Some(x)) => Some(Ok((id, x))),
-				Err(e) => Some(Err(e))
+				Err(e) => Some(Err(e)),
@@ -1792,15 +1810,15 @@ fn validate_blocks<Block: BlockT>(blocks: &Vec<message::BlockData<Block>>, who:
 mod test {
-	use super::*;
 	use super::message::FromBlock;
-	use substrate_test_runtime_client::{
-		runtime::Block,
-		DefaultTestClientBuilderExt, TestClientBuilder, TestClientBuilderExt,
-	};
-	use sp_blockchain::HeaderBackend;
+	use super::*;
 	use sc_block_builder::BlockBuilderProvider;
+	use sp_blockchain::HeaderBackend;
 	use sp_consensus::block_validation::DefaultBlockAnnounceValidator;
+	use substrate_test_runtime_client::{
+		runtime::{Block, Hash},
+		ClientBlockImportExt, DefaultTestClientBuilderExt, TestClientBuilder, TestClientBuilderExt,
+	};
 	fn processes_empty_response_on_justification_request_for_unknown_block() {
@@ -1879,4 +1897,99 @@ mod test {
+	#[test]
+	fn restart_doesnt_affect_peers_downloading_finality_data() {
+		let mut client = Arc::new(TestClientBuilder::new().build());
+		let info = client.info();
+		let mut sync = ChainSync::new(
+			Roles::AUTHORITY,
+			client.clone(),
+			&info,
+			None,
+			Box::new(DefaultBlockAnnounceValidator),
+			1,
+		);
+		let peer_id1 = PeerId::random();
+		let peer_id2 = PeerId::random();
+		let peer_id3 = PeerId::random();
+		let peer_id4 = PeerId::random();
+		let mut new_blocks = |n| {
+			for _ in 0..n {
+				let block = client.new_block(Default::default()).unwrap().build().unwrap().block;
+				client.import(BlockOrigin::Own, block.clone()).unwrap();
+			}
+			let info = client.info();
+			(info.best_hash, info.best_number)
+		};
+		let (b1_hash, b1_number) = new_blocks(50);
+		let (b2_hash, b2_number) = new_blocks(10);
+		// add 2 peers at blocks that we don't have locally
+		sync.new_peer(peer_id1.clone(), Hash::random(), 42).unwrap();
+		sync.new_peer(peer_id2.clone(), Hash::random(), 10).unwrap();
+		// we wil send block requests to these peers
+		// for these blocks we don't know about
+		assert!(sync.block_requests().all(|(p, _)| { *p == peer_id1 || *p == peer_id2 }));
+		// add a new peer at a known block
+		sync.new_peer(peer_id3.clone(), b1_hash, b1_number).unwrap();
+		// we request a justification for a block we have locally
+		sync.request_justification(&b1_hash, b1_number);
+		// the justification request should be scheduled to the
+		// new peer which is at the given block
+		assert!(sync.justification_requests().any(|(p, r)| {
+			p == peer_id3
+				&& r.fields == BlockAttributes::JUSTIFICATION
+				&& r.from == message::FromBlock::Hash(b1_hash)
+				&& r.to == None
+		}));
+		assert_eq!(
+			sync.peers.get(&peer_id3).unwrap().state,
+			PeerSyncState::DownloadingJustification(b1_hash),
+		);
+		// add another peer at a known later block
+		sync.new_peer(peer_id4.clone(), b2_hash, b2_number).unwrap();
+		// we request a finality proof for a block we have locally
+		sync.request_finality_proof(&b2_hash, b2_number);
+		// the finality proof request should be scheduled to peer 4
+		// which is at that block
+		assert!(
+			sync.finality_proof_requests().any(|(p, r)| { p == peer_id4 && r.block == b2_hash })
+		);
+		assert_eq!(
+			sync.peers.get(&peer_id4).unwrap().state,
+			PeerSyncState::DownloadingFinalityProof(b2_hash),
+		);
+		// we restart the sync state
+		let block_requests = sync.restart();
+		// which should make us send out block requests to the first two peers
+		assert!(block_requests.map(|r| r.unwrap()).all(|(p, _)| { p == peer_id1 || p == peer_id2 }));
+		// peer 3 and 4 should be unaffected as they were downloading finality data
+		assert_eq!(
+			sync.peers.get(&peer_id3).unwrap().state,
+			PeerSyncState::DownloadingJustification(b1_hash),
+		);
+		assert_eq!(
+			sync.peers.get(&peer_id4).unwrap().state,
+			PeerSyncState::DownloadingFinalityProof(b2_hash),
+		);
+	}