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// This file is part of Substrate.

// Copyright (C) 2017-2022 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

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//! Staking FRAME Pallet.

use frame_election_provider_support::{SortedListProvider, VoteWeight};
		Currency, CurrencyToVote, Defensive, DefensiveSaturating, EnsureOrigin,
		EstimateNextNewSession, Get, LockIdentifier, LockableCurrency, OnUnbalanced, UnixTime,
use frame_system::{ensure_root, ensure_signed, pallet_prelude::*};
use sp_runtime::{
	traits::{CheckedSub, SaturatedConversion, StaticLookup, Zero},
Zeke Mostov's avatar
Zeke Mostov committed
	Perbill, Percent,
use sp_staking::{EraIndex, SessionIndex};
use sp_std::{cmp::max, prelude::*};
	slashing, weights::WeightInfo, AccountIdLookupOf, ActiveEraInfo, BalanceOf, EraPayout,
	EraRewardPoints, Exposure, Forcing, MaxUnlockingChunks, NegativeImbalanceOf, Nominations,
	PositiveImbalanceOf, Releases, RewardDestination, SessionInterface, StakingLedger,
	UnappliedSlash, UnlockChunk, ValidatorPrefs,

const STAKING_ID: LockIdentifier = *b"staking ";

pub mod pallet {
	use frame_election_provider_support::ElectionDataProvider;

	use crate::BenchmarkingConfig;

	use super::*;

	#[pallet::generate_store(pub(crate) trait Store)]
	/// Possible operations on the configuration values of this pallet.
	#[derive(TypeInfo, Debug, Clone, Encode, Decode, PartialEq)]
	pub enum ConfigOp<T: Default + Codec> {
		/// Don't change.
		/// Set the given value.
		/// Remove from storage.

	pub trait Config: frame_system::Config {
		type Currency: LockableCurrency<
			Moment = Self::BlockNumber,
			Balance = Self::CurrencyBalance,
		/// Just the `Currency::Balance` type; we have this item to allow us to constrain it to
		/// `From<u64>`.
		type CurrencyBalance: sp_runtime::traits::AtLeast32BitUnsigned
			+ codec::FullCodec
			+ Copy
			+ MaybeSerializeDeserialize
			+ sp_std::fmt::Debug
			+ Default
			+ From<u64>
			+ TypeInfo
			+ MaxEncodedLen;
		/// Time used for computing era duration.
		/// It is guaranteed to start being called from the first `on_finalize`. Thus value at
		/// genesis is not used.
		/// Convert a balance into a number used for election calculation. This must fit into a
		/// `u64` but is allowed to be sensibly lossy. The `u64` is used to communicate with the
thiolliere's avatar
thiolliere committed
		/// [`frame_election_provider_support`] crate which accepts u64 numbers and does operations
		/// in 128.
		/// Consequently, the backward convert is used convert the u128s from sp-elections back to a
		/// [`BalanceOf`].
		type CurrencyToVote: CurrencyToVote<BalanceOf<Self>>;

		/// Something that provides the election functionality.
		type ElectionProvider: frame_election_provider_support::ElectionProvider<
			AccountId = Self::AccountId,
			BlockNumber = Self::BlockNumber,
			// we only accept an election provider that has staking as data provider.
			DataProvider = Pallet<Self>,

		/// Something that provides the election functionality at genesis.
		type GenesisElectionProvider: frame_election_provider_support::ElectionProvider<
			AccountId = Self::AccountId,
			BlockNumber = Self::BlockNumber,
			DataProvider = Pallet<Self>,

		/// Maximum number of nominations per nominator.
		type MaxNominations: Get<u32>;

		/// Tokens have been minted and are unused for validator-reward.
		/// See [Era payout](./index.html#era-payout).
		type RewardRemainder: OnUnbalanced<NegativeImbalanceOf<Self>>;

		/// The overarching event type.
		type Event: From<Event<Self>> + IsType<<Self as frame_system::Config>::Event>;

		/// Handler for the unbalanced reduction when slashing a staker.
		type Slash: OnUnbalanced<NegativeImbalanceOf<Self>>;

		/// Handler for the unbalanced increment when rewarding a staker.
		/// NOTE: in most cases, the implementation of `OnUnbalanced` should modify the total
		/// issuance.
		type Reward: OnUnbalanced<PositiveImbalanceOf<Self>>;

		/// Number of sessions per era.
		type SessionsPerEra: Get<SessionIndex>;

		/// Number of eras that staked funds must remain bonded for.
		type BondingDuration: Get<EraIndex>;

		/// Number of eras that slashes are deferred by, after computation.
		/// This should be less than the bonding duration. Set to 0 if slashes
		/// should be applied immediately, without opportunity for intervention.
		type SlashDeferDuration: Get<EraIndex>;

		/// The origin which can cancel a deferred slash. Root can always do this.
		type SlashCancelOrigin: EnsureOrigin<Self::Origin>;

		/// Interface for interacting with a session pallet.
		type SessionInterface: SessionInterface<Self::AccountId>;

		/// The payout for validators and the system for the current era.
		/// See [Era payout](./index.html#era-payout).
		type EraPayout: EraPayout<BalanceOf<Self>>;

		/// Something that can estimate the next session change, accurately or as a best effort
		/// guess.
		type NextNewSession: EstimateNextNewSession<Self::BlockNumber>;

		/// The maximum number of nominators rewarded for each validator.
		/// For each validator only the `$MaxNominatorRewardedPerValidator` biggest stakers can
		/// claim their reward. This used to limit the i/o cost for the nominator payout.
		type MaxNominatorRewardedPerValidator: Get<u32>;

		/// The fraction of the validator set that is safe to be offending.
		/// After the threshold is reached a new era will be forced.
		type OffendingValidatorsThreshold: Get<Perbill>;

		/// Something that provides a best-effort sorted list of voters aka electing nominators,
		/// used for NPoS election.
		/// The changes to nominators are reported to this. Moreover, each validator's self-vote is
		/// also reported as one independent vote.
		type VoterList: SortedListProvider<Self::AccountId, Score = VoteWeight>;
		/// The maximum number of `unlocking` chunks a [`StakingLedger`] can have. Effectively
		/// determines how many unique eras a staker may be unbonding in.
		type MaxUnlockingChunks: Get<u32>;

		/// A hook called when any staker is slashed. Mostly likely this can be a no-op unless
		/// other pallets exist that are affected by slashing per-staker.
		type OnStakerSlash: sp_staking::OnStakerSlash<Self::AccountId, BalanceOf<Self>>;

		/// Some parameters of the benchmarking.
		type BenchmarkingConfig: BenchmarkingConfig;

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