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// Copyright 2022 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Polkadot.

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// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.

// Polkadot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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//! # Generalized Message Queue Pallet
//! Provides generalized message queuing and processing capabilities on a per-queue basis for
//! arbitrary use-cases.
//! # Design Goals
//! 1. Minimal assumptions about `Message`s and `MessageOrigin`s. Both should be MEL bounded blobs.
//!  This ensures the generality and reusability of the pallet.
//! 2. Well known and tightly limited pre-dispatch PoV weights, especially for message execution.
//!  This is paramount for the success of the pallet since message execution is done in
//!  `on_initialize` which must _never_ under-estimate its PoV weight. It also needs a frugal PoV
//!  footprint since PoV is scarce and this is (possibly) done in every block. This must also hold
//! in  the presence of unpredictable message size distributions.
//! 3. Usable as XCMP, DMP and UMP message/dispatch queue - possibly through adapter types.
//! # Design
//! The pallet has means to enqueue, store and process messages. This is implemented by having
//! *queues* which store enqueued messages and can be *served* to process said messages. A queue is
//! identified by its origin in the `BookStateFor`. Each message has an origin which defines into
//! which queue it will be stored. Messages are stored by being appended to the last [`Page`] of a
//! book. Each book keeps track of its pages by indexing `Pages`. The `ReadyRing` contains all
//! queues which hold at least one unprocessed message and are thereby *ready* to be serviced. The
//! `ServiceHead` indicates which *ready* queue is the next to be serviced.  
//! The pallet implements [`frame_support::traits::EnqueueMessage`],
//! [`frame_support::traits::ServiceQueues`] and has [`frame_support::traits::ProcessMessage`] and
//! [`OnQueueChanged`] hooks to communicate with the outside world.
//! NOTE: The storage items are not linked since they are not public.
//! **Message Execution**
//! Executing a message is offloaded to the [`Config::MessageProcessor`] which contains the actual
//! logic of how to handle the message since they are blobs. A message can be temporarily or
//! permanently overweight. The pallet will perpetually try to execute a temporarily overweight
//! message. A permanently overweight message is skipped and must be executed manually.
//! **Pagination**
//! Queues are stored in a *paged* manner by splitting their messages into [`Page`]s. This results
//! in a lot of complexity when implementing the pallet but is completely necessary to archive the
//! second #[Design Goal](design-goals). The problem comes from the fact a message can *possibly* be
//! quite large, lets say 64KiB. This then results in a *MEL* of at least 64KiB which results in a
//! PoV of at least 64KiB. Now we have the assumption that most messages are much shorter than their
//! maximum allowed length. This would result in most messages having a pre-dispatch PoV size which
//! is much larger than their post-dispatch PoV size, possibly by a factor of thousand. Disregarding
//! this observation would cripple the processing power of the pallet since it cannot straighten out
//! this discrepancy at runtime. Conceptually, the implementation is packing as many messages into a
//! single bounded vec, as actually fit into the bounds. This reduces the wasted PoV.
//! **Page Data Layout**
//! A Page contains a heap which holds all its messages. The heap is built by concatenating
//! `(ItemHeader, Message)` pairs. The [`ItemHeader`] contains the length of the message which is
//! needed for retrieving it. This layout allows for constant access time of the next message and
//! linear access time for any message in the page. The header must remain minimal to reduce its PoV
//! impact.
//! **Weight Metering**
//! The pallet utilizes the [`sp_weights::WeightMeter`] to manually track its consumption to always
//! stay within the required limit. This implies that the message processor hook can calculate the
//! weight of a message without executing it. This restricts the possible use-cases but is necessary
//! since the pallet runs in `on_initialize` which has a hard weight limit. The weight meter is used
//! in a way that `can_accrue` and `check_accrue` are always used to check the remaining weight of
//! an operation before committing to it. The process of exiting due to insufficient weight is
//! termed "bailing".
//! # Scenario: Message enqueuing
//! A message `m` is enqueued for origin `o` into queue `Q[o]` through
//! [`frame_support::traits::EnqueueMessage::enqueue_message`]`(m, o)`.
//! First the queue is either loaded if it exists or otherwise created with empty default values.
//! The message is then inserted to the queue by appended it into its last `Page` or by creating a
//! new `Page` just for `m` if it does not fit in there. The number of messages in the `Book` is
//! incremented.
//! `Q[o]` is now *ready* which will eventually result in `m` being processed.
//! # Scenario: Message processing
//! The pallet runs each block in `on_initialize` or when being manually called through
//! [`frame_support::traits::ServiceQueues::service_queues`].
//! First it tries to "rotate" the `ReadyRing` by one through advancing the `ServiceHead` to the
//! next *ready* queue. It then starts to service this queue by servicing as many pages of it as
//! possible. Servicing a page means to execute as many message of it as possible. Each executed
//! message is marked as *processed* if the [`Config::MessageProcessor`] return Ok. An event
//! [`Event::Processed`] is emitted afterwards. It is possible that the weight limit of the pallet
//! will never allow a specific message to be executed. In this case it remains as unprocessed and
//! is skipped. This process stops if either there are no more messages in the queue or the
//! remaining weight became insufficient to service this queue. If there is enough weight it tries
//! to advance to the next *ready* queue and service it. This continues until there are no more
//! queues on which it can make progress or not enough weight to check that.
//! # Scenario: Overweight execution
//! A permanently over-weight message which was skipped by the message processing will never be
//! executed automatically through `on_initialize` nor by calling
//! [`frame_support::traits::ServiceQueues::service_queues`].
//! Manual intervention in the form of
//! [`frame_support::traits::ServiceQueues::execute_overweight`] is necessary. Overweight messages
//! emit an [`Event::OverweightEnqueued`] event which can be used to extract the arguments for
//! manual execution. This only works on permanently overweight messages. There is no guarantee that
//! this will work since the message could be part of a stale page and be reaped before execution
//! commences.
//! # Terminology
//! - `Message`: A blob of data into which the pallet has no introspection, defined as
//! [`BoundedSlice<u8, MaxMessageLenOf<T>>`]. The message length is limited by [`MaxMessageLenOf`]
//! which is calculated from [`Config::HeapSize`] and [`ItemHeader::max_encoded_len()`].
//! - `MessageOrigin`: A generic *origin* of a message, defined as [`MessageOriginOf`]. The
//! requirements for it are kept minimal to remain as generic as possible. The type is defined in
//! [`frame_support::traits::ProcessMessage::Origin`].
//! - `Page`: An array of `Message`s, see [`Page`]. Can never be empty.
//! - `Book`: A list of `Page`s, see [`BookState`]. Can be empty.
//! - `Queue`: A `Book` together with an `MessageOrigin` which can be part of the `ReadyRing`. Can
//!   be empty.
//! - `ReadyRing`: A double-linked list which contains all *ready* `Queue`s. It chains together the
//!   queues via their `ready_neighbours` fields. A `Queue` is *ready* if it contains at least one
//!   `Message` which can be processed. Can be empty.
//! - `ServiceHead`: A pointer into the `ReadyRing` to the next `Queue` to be serviced.
//! - (`un`)`processed`: A message is marked as *processed* after it was executed by the pallet. A
//!   message which was either: not yet executed or could not be executed remains as `unprocessed`
//!   which is the default state for a message after being enqueued.
//! - `knitting`/`unknitting`: The means of adding or removing a `Queue` from the `ReadyRing`.
//! - `MEL`: The Max Encoded Length of a type, see [`codec::MaxEncodedLen`].
//! # Properties
//! **Liveness - Enqueueing**
//! It is always possible to enqueue any message for any `MessageOrigin`.
//! **Liveness - Processing**
//! `on_initialize` always respects its finite weight-limit.
//! **Progress - Enqueueing**
//! An enqueued message immediately becomes *unprocessed* and thereby eligible for execution.
//! **Progress - Processing**
//! The pallet will execute at least one unprocessed message per block, if there is any. Ensuring
//! this property needs careful consideration of the concrete weights, since it is possible that the
//! weight limit of `on_initialize` never allows for the execution of even one message; trivially if
//! the limit is set to zero. `integrity_test` can be used to ensure that this property holds.
//! **Fairness - Enqueuing**
//! Enqueueing a message for a specific `MessageOrigin` does not influence the ability to enqueue a
//! message for the same of any other `MessageOrigin`; guaranteed by **Liveness - Enqueueing**.
//! **Fairness - Processing**
//! The average amount of weight available for message processing is the same for each queue if the
//! number of queues is constant. Creating a new queue must therefore be, possibly economically,
//! expensive. Currently this is archived by having one queue per para-chain/thread, which keeps the
//! number of queues within `O(n)` and should be "good enough".

#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]

mod benchmarking;
mod integration_test;
mod mock;
pub mod mock_helpers;
mod tests;
pub mod weights;

use codec::{Codec, Decode, Encode, MaxEncodedLen};
use frame_support::{
		DefensiveTruncateFrom, EnqueueMessage, ExecuteOverweightError, Footprint, ProcessMessage,
		ProcessMessageError, ServiceQueues,
	BoundedSlice, CloneNoBound, DefaultNoBound,
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