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wait-hrmp-channel-opened.js 834 B
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async function run(nodeName, networkInfo, args) {
    const {wsUri, userDefinedTypes} = networkInfo.nodesByName[nodeName];
    const api = await zombie.connect(wsUri, userDefinedTypes);

    const sibling = args[0];

    while (true) {
        const messagingStateAsObj = await api.query.parachainSystem.relevantMessagingState();
        const messagingState = api.createType("Option<CumulusPalletParachainSystemRelayStateSnapshotMessagingStateSnapshot>", messagingStateAsObj);
        if (messagingState.isSome) {
            const egressChannels = messagingState.unwrap().egressChannels;
            if (egressChannels.find(x => x[0] == sibling)) {

        // else sleep and retry
        await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 12000));

module.exports = { run }