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		<title>Polkadot &lt;&gt; Kusama Bridge</title>
		<h1>Polkadot &lt;&gt; Kusama Bridge</h1>
			Our bridge connects two parachains - Kusama Bridge Hub and Polkadot Bridge Hub. Messages that
			are sent over bridge have XCM format and we are using existing architecture to dispatch them.
			Since both Polkadot, Kusama and their parachains already have means to exchange XCM messages
			within the same consensus system (HRMP, VMP, ...), it means that we are able to connect all those
			chains with our bridge.
			In our architecture, the lane that is used to relay messages over the bridge is determined by
			the XCM source and destinations. So e.g. bridge between Statemint and Statemine (and opposite direction)
			will use the lane 00000000, bridge between some other Polkadot Parachain and some other Kusama Parachain
			will use the lane 00000001 and so on.
		<div class="mermaid">
			flowchart LR
				subgraph Polkadot Consensus
					polkadot_bh(((Polkadot Bridge Hub)))


					statemint-->|Send Message Using HRMP|polkadot_bh

					polkadot_bh-->|Send Message Using HRMP|statemint
					statemint-->|Dispatch the Message|statemint
				subgraph Kusama Consensus
					kusama_bh(((Kusama Bridge Hub)))


					kusama_bh-->|Send Message Using HRMP|statemine
					statemine-->|Dispatch the Message|statemine

					statemine-->|Send Message Using HRMP|kusama_bh

				polkadot_bh&lt;===&gt;|Message is relayed to the Bridged Chain using lane 00000000|kusama_bh
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		<script type="module">
			import mermaid from '';
			mermaid.initialize({ startOnLoad: true });