extern crate proc_macro; use inflector::Inflector as _; use proc_macro::TokenStream; use quote::quote; mod api_def; /// Wraps around one or more API definitions and generates an enum. /// /// The format within this macro must be: /// /// ```ignore /// rpc_api!{ /// Foo { ... } /// pub(crate) Bar { ... } /// } /// ``` /// /// The `Foo` and `Bar` are identifiers, optionally prefixed with a visibility modifier /// (e.g. `pub`). /// /// The content of the blocks is the same as the content of a trait definition, except that /// default implementations for methods are forbidden. /// /// For each identifier (such as `Foo` and `Bar` in the example above), this macro will generate /// an enum where each variant corresponds to a function of the definition. Function names are /// turned into PascalCase to conform to the Rust style guide. /// /// Each generated enum has a `next_request` method whose signature is: /// /// ```ignore /// async fn next_request(server: &'a mut jsonrpsee::core::Server) -> Result, std::io::Error>; /// ``` /// /// This method lets you grab the next request incoming from a server, and parse it to match of /// the function definitions. Invalid requests are automatically handled. /// /// Additionally, each generated enum has one method per function definition that lets you perform /// the method has a client. /// #[proc_macro] pub fn rpc_api(input_token_stream: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { // Start by parsing the input into what we expect. let defs: api_def::ApiDefinitions = syn::parse(input_token_stream).expect("failed to parse input"); let out: Vec<_> = defs.apis.into_iter().map(build_api).collect(); TokenStream::from(quote! { #(#out)* }) } /// Generates the macro output token stream corresponding to a single API. fn build_api(api: api_def::ApiDefinition) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream { let enum_name = &api.name; let visibility = &api.visibility; let mut variants = Vec::new(); for function in &api.definitions { let variant_name = snake_case_to_camel_case(&function.ident); let ret = match &function.output { syn::ReturnType::Default => quote! {()}, syn::ReturnType::Type(_, ty) => quote! {#ty}, }; variants.push(quote! { #variant_name { respond: jsonrpsee::core::server::TypedResponder<'a, R, I, #ret>, } }); } let next_request = { let mut function_blocks = Vec::new(); for function in &api.definitions { let variant_name = snake_case_to_camel_case(&function.ident); let rpc_method_name = function.ident.to_string(); function_blocks.push(quote! { if method == #rpc_method_name { let request = server.request_by_id(&request_id).unwrap(); /*$( let $pn: $pty = { let raw_val = match request.params().get(stringify!($pn)) { Some(v) => v, None => { request.respond(Err(jsonrpsee::core::common::Error::invalid_params("foo"))).await; // TODO: message continue; } }; match jsonrpsee::core::common::from_value(raw_val.clone()) { Ok(v) => v, Err(_) => { request.respond(Err(jsonrpsee::core::common::Error::invalid_params("foo"))).await; // TODO: message continue; } } }; )**/ let respond = jsonrpsee::core::server::TypedResponder::from(request); return Ok(#enum_name::#variant_name { respond }); } }); } quote! { #visibility async fn next_request(server: &'a mut jsonrpsee::core::Server) -> Result<#enum_name<'a, R, I>, std::io::Error> where R: jsonrpsee::core::RawServer, I: Clone + PartialEq + Eq + std::hash::Hash + Send + Sync, { loop { let (request_id, method) = match server.next_event().await.unwrap() { // TODO: don't unwrap jsonrpsee::core::ServerEvent::Notification(n) => unimplemented!(), // TODO: jsonrpsee::core::ServerEvent::Request(r) => (r.id(), r.method().to_owned()), }; #(#function_blocks)* server.request_by_id(&request_id).unwrap().respond(Err(jsonrpsee::core::common::Error::method_not_found())).await; } } } }; // Builds the functions that allow performing outbound JSON-RPC queries. let mut client_functions = Vec::new(); for function in &api.definitions { let f_name = &function.ident; let ret_ty = &function.output; let rpc_method_name = function.ident.to_string(); let mut params_list = Vec::new(); let mut params_to_json = Vec::new(); for (param_index, input) in function.inputs.iter().enumerate() { let ty = match input { syn::FnArg::Receiver(_) => { panic!("Having `self` is not allowed in RPC queries definitions") } syn::FnArg::Typed(syn::PatType { ty, .. }) => ty, }; let generated_param_name = syn::Ident::new( &format!("param{}", param_index), proc_macro2::Span::call_site(), ); params_list.push(quote! {#generated_param_name: #ty}); params_to_json.push(quote! { let #generated_param_name = jsonrpsee::common::to_value(#generated_param_name).unwrap(); // TODO: don't unwrap }); } client_functions.push(quote!{ // TODO: what if there's a conflict in the param name? #visibility async fn #f_name(client: &mut jsonrpsee::core::Client #(, #params_list)*) #ret_ty { #(#params_to_json)* // TODO: pass params // TODO: don't unwrap client.request(#rpc_method_name, jsonrpsee::core::common::Params::None).await.unwrap() } }); } // Builds the match variants for the implementation of `Debug`. let mut debug_variants = Vec::new(); for function in &api.definitions { let variant_name = snake_case_to_camel_case(&function.ident); debug_variants.push(quote! { #enum_name::#variant_name { /* TODO: params */ .. } => { f.debug_struct(stringify!(#enum_name))/* TODO: params */.finish() } }); } quote! { #visibility enum #enum_name<'a, R, I> { #(#variants),* } impl<'a, R, I> #enum_name<'a, R, I> { #next_request } impl<'a> #enum_name<'a, (), ()> { #(#client_functions)* } impl<'a, R, I> std::fmt::Debug for #enum_name<'a, R, I> { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { match self { #(#debug_variants,)* } } } } } /// Turns a snake case function name into an UpperCamelCase name suitable to be an enum variant. fn snake_case_to_camel_case(snake_case: &syn::Ident) -> syn::Ident { syn::Ident::new(&snake_case.to_string().to_pascal_case(), snake_case.span()) }