// Copyright 2019-2021 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any // person obtaining a copy of this software and associated // documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the // Software without restriction, including without // limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, // publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of // the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software // is furnished to do so, subject to the following // conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice // shall be included in all copies or substantial portions // of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF // ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED // TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A // PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT // SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY // CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR // IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER // DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use serde_json::value::RawValue; use std::fmt; /// Convenience type for displaying errors. #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct Mismatch { /// Expected value. pub expected: T, /// Actual value. pub got: T, } impl fmt::Display for Mismatch { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { f.write_fmt(format_args!("Expected: {}, Got: {}", self.expected, self.got)) } } /// Error that occurs when a call failed. #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] pub enum CallError { /// Invalid params in the call. #[error("Invalid params in the call: {0}")] InvalidParams(#[source] anyhow::Error), /// The call failed (let jsonrpsee assign default error code and error message). #[error("RPC Call failed: {0}")] Failed(#[from] anyhow::Error), /// Custom error with specific JSON-RPC error code, message and data. #[error("RPC Call failed: code: {code}, message: {message}, data: {data:?}")] Custom { /// JSON-RPC error code code: i32, /// Short description of the error. message: String, /// A primitive or structured value that contains additional information about the error. data: Option>, }, } impl CallError { /// Create `CallError` from a generic error. pub fn from_std_error(err: E) -> Self where E: std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static, { CallError::Failed(err.into()) } } // NOTE(niklasad1): this `From` impl is a bit opinionated to regard all generic errors as `CallError`. // In practice this should be the most common use case for users of this library. impl From for Error { fn from(err: anyhow::Error) -> Self { Error::Call(CallError::Failed(err)) } } /// Error type. #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] pub enum Error { /// Error that occurs when a call failed. #[error("Server call failed: {0}")] Call(#[from] CallError), /// Networking error or error on the low-level protocol layer. #[error("Networking or low-level protocol error: {0}")] Transport(#[source] anyhow::Error), /// JSON-RPC request error. #[error("JSON-RPC request error: {0:?}")] Request(String), /// Frontend/backend channel error. #[error("Frontend/backend channel error: {0}")] Internal(#[from] futures_channel::mpsc::SendError), /// Invalid response, #[error("Invalid response: {0}")] InvalidResponse(Mismatch), /// The background task has been terminated. #[error("The background task been terminated because: {0}; restart required")] RestartNeeded(String), /// Failed to parse the data. #[error("Parse error: {0}")] ParseError(#[from] serde_json::Error), /// Invalid subscription ID. #[error("Invalid subscription ID")] InvalidSubscriptionId, /// Invalid request ID. #[error("Invalid request ID")] InvalidRequestId, /// Client received a notification with an unregistered method #[error("Unregistered notification method")] UnregisteredNotification(String), /// A request with the same request ID has already been registered. #[error("A request with the same request ID has already been registered")] DuplicateRequestId, /// Method was already registered. #[error("Method: {0} was already registered")] MethodAlreadyRegistered(String), /// Method with that name has not yet been registered. #[error("Method: {0} has not yet been registered")] MethodNotFound(String), /// Subscribe and unsubscribe method names are the same. #[error("Cannot use the same method name for subscribe and unsubscribe, used: {0}")] SubscriptionNameConflict(String), /// Subscription got closed. #[error("Subscription closed: {0:?}")] SubscriptionClosed(SubscriptionClosedError), /// Request timeout #[error("Request timeout")] RequestTimeout, /// Configured max number of request slots exceeded. #[error("Configured max number of request slots exceeded")] MaxSlotsExceeded, /// Attempted to stop server that is already stopped. #[error("Attempted to stop server that is already stopped")] AlreadyStopped, /// List passed into `set_allowed_origins` was empty #[error("Must set at least one allowed value for the {0} header")] EmptyAllowList(&'static str), /// Failed to execute a method because a resource was already at capacity #[error("Resource at capacity: {0}")] ResourceAtCapacity(&'static str), /// Failed to register a resource due to a name conflict #[error("Resource name already taken: {0}")] ResourceNameAlreadyTaken(&'static str), /// Failed to initialize resources for a method at startup #[error("Resource name `{0}` not found for method `{1}`")] ResourceNameNotFoundForMethod(&'static str, &'static str), /// Trying to claim resources for a method execution, but the method resources have not been initialized #[error("Method `{0}` has uninitialized resources")] UninitializedMethod(Box), /// Failed to register a resource due to a maximum number of resources already registered #[error("Maximum number of resources reached")] MaxResourcesReached, /// Custom error. #[error("Custom error: {0}")] Custom(String), } impl Error { /// Create `Error::CallError` from a generic error. /// Useful if you don't care about specific JSON-RPC error code and /// just wants to return your custom error type. pub fn to_call_error(err: E) -> Self where E: std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static, { Error::Call(CallError::from_std_error(err)) } } /// Error type with a special `subscription_closed` field to detect that /// a subscription has been closed to distinguish valid items produced /// by the server on the subscription stream from an error. #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct SubscriptionClosedError { subscription_closed: String, id: u64, } impl SubscriptionClosedError { /// Create a new subscription closed error. pub fn new(reason: impl Into, id: u64) -> Self { Self { subscription_closed: reason.into(), id } } /// Get the reason why the subscription was closed. pub fn close_reason(&self) -> &str { &self.subscription_closed } /// Get the subscription ID. pub fn subscription_id(&self) -> u64 { self.id } } /// Generic transport error. #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] pub enum GenericTransportError { /// Request was too large. #[error("The request was too big")] TooLarge, /// Malformed request #[error("Malformed request")] Malformed, /// Concrete transport error. #[error("Transport error: {0}")] Inner(T), } impl From for Error { fn from(io_err: std::io::Error) -> Error { Error::Transport(io_err.into()) } } impl From for Error { fn from(handshake_err: soketto::handshake::Error) -> Error { Error::Transport(handshake_err.into()) } } impl From for Error { fn from(conn_err: soketto::connection::Error) -> Error { Error::Transport(conn_err.into()) } } impl From for Error { fn from(hyper_err: hyper::Error) -> Error { Error::Transport(hyper_err.into()) } }