use criterion::*; use futures_util::future::join_all; use helpers::{SUB_METHOD_NAME, UNSUB_METHOD_NAME}; use jsonrpsee::{ http_client::{ traits::Client, v2::params::{Id, JsonRpcParams}, v2::request::JsonRpcCallSer, HttpClientBuilder, }, types::traits::SubscriptionClient, ws_client::WsClientBuilder, }; use std::sync::Arc; use tokio::runtime::Runtime as TokioRuntime; mod helpers; criterion_group!(types_benches, jsonrpsee_types_v2); criterion_group!( sync_benches, SyncBencher::http_requests, SyncBencher::batched_http_requests, SyncBencher::websocket_requests ); criterion_group!( async_benches, AsyncBencher::http_requests, AsyncBencher::batched_http_requests, AsyncBencher::websocket_requests ); criterion_group!(subscriptions, AsyncBencher::subscriptions); criterion_main!(types_benches, sync_benches, async_benches, subscriptions); #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] enum RequestType { Sync, Async, } impl RequestType { fn method_name(self) -> &'static str { match self { RequestType::Sync => crate::helpers::SYNC_METHOD_NAME, RequestType::Async => crate::helpers::ASYNC_METHOD_NAME, } } fn group_name(self, name: &str) -> String { let request_type_name = match self { RequestType::Sync => "sync", RequestType::Async => "async", }; format!("{}/{}", request_type_name, name) } } fn v2_serialize(req: JsonRpcCallSer<'_>) -> String { serde_json::to_string(&req).unwrap() } pub fn jsonrpsee_types_v2(crit: &mut Criterion) { crit.bench_function("jsonrpsee_types_v2_array_ref", |b| { b.iter(|| { let params = &[1_u64.into(), 2_u32.into()]; let params = JsonRpcParams::ArrayRef(params); let request = JsonRpcCallSer::new(Id::Number(0), "say_hello", params); v2_serialize(request); }) }); crit.bench_function("jsonrpsee_types_v2_vec", |b| { b.iter(|| { let params = JsonRpcParams::Array(vec![1_u64.into(), 2_u32.into()]); let request = JsonRpcCallSer::new(Id::Number(0), "say_hello", params); v2_serialize(request); }) }); } trait RequestBencher { const REQUEST_TYPE: RequestType; fn http_requests(crit: &mut Criterion) { let rt = TokioRuntime::new().unwrap(); let url = rt.block_on(helpers::http_server()); let client = Arc::new(HttpClientBuilder::default().build(&url).unwrap()); run_round_trip(&rt, crit, client.clone(), "http_round_trip", Self::REQUEST_TYPE); run_concurrent_round_trip(&rt, crit, client, "http_concurrent_round_trip", Self::REQUEST_TYPE); } fn batched_http_requests(crit: &mut Criterion) { let rt = TokioRuntime::new().unwrap(); let url = rt.block_on(helpers::http_server()); let client = Arc::new(HttpClientBuilder::default().build(&url).unwrap()); run_round_trip_with_batch(&rt, crit, client, "http batch requests", Self::REQUEST_TYPE); } fn websocket_requests(crit: &mut Criterion) { let rt = TokioRuntime::new().unwrap(); let url = rt.block_on(helpers::ws_server()); let client = Arc::new(rt.block_on(WsClientBuilder::default().max_concurrent_requests(1024 * 1024).build(&url)).unwrap()); run_round_trip(&rt, crit, client.clone(), "ws_round_trip", Self::REQUEST_TYPE); run_concurrent_round_trip(&rt, crit, client, "ws_concurrent_round_trip", Self::REQUEST_TYPE); } fn batched_ws_requests(crit: &mut Criterion) { let rt = TokioRuntime::new().unwrap(); let url = rt.block_on(helpers::ws_server()); let client = Arc::new(rt.block_on(WsClientBuilder::default().max_concurrent_requests(1024 * 1024).build(&url)).unwrap()); run_round_trip_with_batch(&rt, crit, client, "ws batch requests", Self::REQUEST_TYPE); } fn subscriptions(crit: &mut Criterion) { let rt = TokioRuntime::new().unwrap(); let url = rt.block_on(helpers::ws_server()); let client = Arc::new(rt.block_on(WsClientBuilder::default().max_concurrent_requests(1024 * 1024).build(&url)).unwrap()); run_sub_round_trip(&rt, crit, client, "subscriptions"); } } pub struct SyncBencher; impl RequestBencher for SyncBencher { const REQUEST_TYPE: RequestType = RequestType::Sync; } pub struct AsyncBencher; impl RequestBencher for AsyncBencher { const REQUEST_TYPE: RequestType = RequestType::Async; } fn run_round_trip(rt: &TokioRuntime, crit: &mut Criterion, client: Arc, name: &str, request: RequestType) { crit.bench_function(&request.group_name(name), |b| { b.to_async(rt).iter(|| async { black_box(client.request::(request.method_name(), JsonRpcParams::NoParams).await.unwrap()); }) }); } fn run_sub_round_trip(rt: &TokioRuntime, crit: &mut Criterion, client: Arc, name: &str) { let mut group = crit.benchmark_group(name); group.bench_function("subscribe", |b| { b.to_async(rt).iter_with_large_drop(|| async { black_box( client.subscribe::(SUB_METHOD_NAME, JsonRpcParams::NoParams, UNSUB_METHOD_NAME).await.unwrap(), ); }) }); group.bench_function("subscribe_response", |b| { b.to_async(rt).iter_with_setup( || { // We have to use `block_in_place` here since `b.to_async(rt)` automatically enters the // runtime context and simply calling `block_on` here will cause the code to panic. tokio::task::block_in_place(|| { tokio::runtime::Handle::current().block_on(async { client .subscribe::(SUB_METHOD_NAME, JsonRpcParams::NoParams, UNSUB_METHOD_NAME) .await .unwrap() }) }) }, |mut sub| async move { black_box(; // Note that this benchmark will include costs for measuring `drop` for subscription, // since it's not possible to combine both `iter_with_setup` and `iter_with_large_drop`. // To estimate pure cost of method, one should subtract the result of `unsub` bench // from this one. }, ) }); group.bench_function("unsub", |b| { b.iter_with_setup( || { rt.block_on(async { client .subscribe::(SUB_METHOD_NAME, JsonRpcParams::NoParams, UNSUB_METHOD_NAME) .await .unwrap() }) }, |sub| { // Subscription will be closed inside of the drop impl. // Actually, it just sends a notification about object being closed, // but it's still important to know that drop impl is not too expensive. drop(black_box(sub)); }, ) }); } /// Benchmark http batch requests over batch sizes of 2, 5, 10, 50 and 100 RPCs in each batch. fn run_round_trip_with_batch( rt: &TokioRuntime, crit: &mut Criterion, client: Arc, name: &str, request: RequestType, ) { let mut group = crit.benchmark_group(request.group_name(name)); for batch_size in [2, 5, 10, 50, 100usize].iter() { let batch = vec![(request.method_name(), JsonRpcParams::NoParams); *batch_size]; group.throughput(Throughput::Elements(*batch_size as u64)); group.bench_with_input(BenchmarkId::from_parameter(batch_size), batch_size, |b, _| { b.to_async(rt).iter(|| async { client.batch_request::(batch.clone()).await.unwrap() }) }); } group.finish(); } fn run_concurrent_round_trip( rt: &TokioRuntime, crit: &mut Criterion, client: Arc, name: &str, request: RequestType, ) { let mut group = crit.benchmark_group(request.group_name(name)); for num_concurrent_tasks in helpers::concurrent_tasks() { group.bench_function(format!("{}", num_concurrent_tasks), |b| { b.to_async(rt).iter_with_setup( || (0..num_concurrent_tasks).map(|_| client.clone()), |clients| async { let tasks =|client| { rt.spawn(async move { let _ = black_box( client.request::(request.method_name(), JsonRpcParams::NoParams).await.unwrap(), ); }) }); join_all(tasks).await; }, ) }); } group.finish(); }