// Copyright 2019-2021 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any // person obtaining a copy of this software and associated // documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the // Software without restriction, including without // limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, // publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of // the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software // is furnished to do so, subject to the following // conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice // shall be included in all copies or substantial portions // of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF // ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED // TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A // PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT // SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY // CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR // IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER // DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. use crate::transport::{Receiver as WsReceiver, Sender as WsSender, Target, WsTransportClientBuilder}; use crate::types::{ traits::{Client, SubscriptionClient}, v2::{ error::JsonRpcError, params::{Id, JsonRpcParams}, request::{JsonRpcCallSer, JsonRpcNotification, JsonRpcNotificationSer}, response::JsonRpcResponse, }, BatchMessage, Error, FrontToBack, RegisterNotificationMessage, RequestMessage, Subscription, SubscriptionMessage, TEN_MB_SIZE_BYTES, }; use crate::{ helpers::{ build_unsubscribe_message, call_with_timeout, process_batch_response, process_error_response, process_notification, process_single_response, process_subscription_response, stop_subscription, }, manager::RequestManager, transport::CertificateStore, }; use async_trait::async_trait; use futures::{ channel::{mpsc, oneshot}, future::Either, prelude::*, sink::SinkExt, }; use tokio::sync::Mutex; use jsonrpsee_types::v2::params::JsonRpcSubscriptionParams; use jsonrpsee_types::SubscriptionKind; use serde::de::DeserializeOwned; use std::{ borrow::Cow, sync::atomic::{AtomicU64, AtomicUsize, Ordering}, time::Duration, }; /// Wrapper over a [`oneshot::Receiver`](futures::channel::oneshot::Receiver) that reads /// the underlying channel once and then stores the result in String. /// It is possible that the error is read more than once if several calls are made /// when the background thread has been terminated. #[derive(Debug)] enum ErrorFromBack { /// Error message is already read. Read(String), /// Error message is unread. Unread(oneshot::Receiver), } impl ErrorFromBack { async fn read_error(self) -> (Self, Error) { match self { Self::Unread(rx) => { let msg = match rx.await { Ok(msg) => msg.to_string(), // This should never happen because the receiving end is still alive. // Would be a bug in the logic of the background task. Err(_) => "Error reason could not be found. This is a bug. Please open an issue.".to_string(), }; let err = Error::RestartNeeded(msg.clone()); (Self::Read(msg), err) } Self::Read(msg) => (Self::Read(msg.clone()), Error::RestartNeeded(msg)), } } } /// WebSocket client that works by maintaining a background task running in parallel. /// /// It's possible that the background thread is terminated and this makes the client unusable. /// An error [`Error::RestartNeeded`] is returned if this happens and users has to manually /// handle dropping and restarting a new client. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct WsClient { /// Channel to send requests to the background task. to_back: mpsc::Sender, /// If the background thread terminates the error is sent to this channel. // NOTE(niklasad1): This is a Mutex to circumvent that the async fns takes immutable references. error: Mutex, /// Request timeout. Defaults to 60sec. request_timeout: Duration, /// Request ID manager. id_guard: RequestIdGuard, } #[derive(Debug)] struct RequestIdGuard { // Current pending requests. current_pending: AtomicUsize, /// Max concurrent pending requests allowed. max_concurrent_requests: usize, /// Get the next request ID. current_id: AtomicU64, } impl RequestIdGuard { fn new(limit: usize) -> Self { Self { current_pending: AtomicUsize::new(0), max_concurrent_requests: limit, current_id: AtomicU64::new(0) } } fn get_slot(&self) -> Result<(), Error> { self.current_pending .fetch_update(Ordering::SeqCst, Ordering::SeqCst, |val| { if val >= self.max_concurrent_requests { None } else { Some(val + 1) } }) .map(|_| ()) .map_err(|_| Error::MaxSlotsExceeded) } /// Attempts to get the next request ID. /// /// Fails if request limit has been exceeded. fn next_request_id(&self) -> Result { self.get_slot()?; let id = self.current_id.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst); Ok(id) } /// Attempts to get the `n` number next IDs that only counts as one request. /// /// Fails if request limit has been exceeded. fn next_request_ids(&self, len: usize) -> Result, Error> { self.get_slot()?; let mut batch = Vec::with_capacity(len); for _ in 0..len { batch.push(self.current_id.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst)); } Ok(batch) } fn reclaim_request_id(&self) { // NOTE we ignore the error here, since we are simply saturating at 0 let _ = self.current_pending.fetch_update(Ordering::SeqCst, Ordering::SeqCst, |val| { if val > 0 { Some(val - 1) } else { None } }); } } /// Configuration. #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct WsClientBuilder<'a> { certificate_store: CertificateStore, max_request_body_size: u32, request_timeout: Duration, connection_timeout: Duration, origin_header: Option>, max_concurrent_requests: usize, max_notifs_per_subscription: usize, } impl<'a> Default for WsClientBuilder<'a> { fn default() -> Self { Self { certificate_store: CertificateStore::Native, max_request_body_size: TEN_MB_SIZE_BYTES, request_timeout: Duration::from_secs(60), connection_timeout: Duration::from_secs(10), origin_header: None, max_concurrent_requests: 256, max_notifs_per_subscription: 4, } } } impl<'a> WsClientBuilder<'a> { /// Set whether to use system certificates pub fn certificate_store(mut self, certificate_store: CertificateStore) -> Self { self.certificate_store = certificate_store; self } /// Set max request body size. pub fn max_request_body_size(mut self, size: u32) -> Self { self.max_request_body_size = size; self } /// Set request timeout (default is 60 seconds). pub fn request_timeout(mut self, timeout: Duration) -> Self { self.request_timeout = timeout; self } /// Set connection timeout for the handshake. pub fn connection_timeout(mut self, timeout: Duration) -> Self { self.connection_timeout = timeout; self } /// Set origin header to pass during the handshake. pub fn origin_header(mut self, origin: &'a str) -> Self { self.origin_header = Some(Cow::Borrowed(origin)); self } /// Set max concurrent requests. pub fn max_concurrent_requests(mut self, max: usize) -> Self { self.max_concurrent_requests = max; self } /// Set max concurrent notification capacity for each subscription; when the capacity is exceeded the subscription /// will be dropped. /// /// You can also prevent the subscription being dropped by calling /// [`Subscription::next()`](crate::types::Subscription) frequently enough such that the buffer capacity doesn't /// exceeds. /// /// **Note**: The actual capacity is `num_senders + max_subscription_capacity` /// because it is passed to [`futures::channel::mpsc::channel`]. pub fn max_notifs_per_subscription(mut self, max: usize) -> Self { self.max_notifs_per_subscription = max; self } /// Build the client with specified URL to connect to. /// If the port number is missing from the URL, the default port number is used. /// /// /// `ws://host` - port 80 is used /// /// `wss://host` - port 443 is used /// /// ## Panics /// /// Panics if being called outside of `tokio` runtime context. pub async fn build(self, url: &'a str) -> Result { let certificate_store = self.certificate_store; let max_capacity_per_subscription = self.max_notifs_per_subscription; let max_concurrent_requests = self.max_concurrent_requests; let request_timeout = self.request_timeout; let (to_back, from_front) = mpsc::channel(self.max_concurrent_requests); let (err_tx, err_rx) = oneshot::channel(); let builder = WsTransportClientBuilder { certificate_store, target: Target::parse(url).map_err(|e| Error::Transport(e.into()))?, timeout: self.connection_timeout, origin_header: self.origin_header, max_request_body_size: self.max_request_body_size, }; let (sender, receiver) = builder.build().await.map_err(|e| Error::Transport(e.into()))?; tokio::spawn(async move { background_task(sender, receiver, from_front, err_tx, max_capacity_per_subscription).await; }); Ok(WsClient { to_back, request_timeout, error: Mutex::new(ErrorFromBack::Unread(err_rx)), id_guard: RequestIdGuard::new(max_concurrent_requests), }) } } impl WsClient { /// Checks if the client is connected to the target. pub fn is_connected(&self) -> bool { !self.to_back.is_closed() } // Reads the error message from the backend thread. async fn read_error_from_backend(&self) -> Error { let mut err_lock = self.error.lock().await; let from_back = std::mem::replace(&mut *err_lock, ErrorFromBack::Read(String::new())); let (next_state, err) = from_back.read_error().await; *err_lock = next_state; err } } #[async_trait] impl Client for WsClient { async fn notification<'a>(&self, method: &'a str, params: JsonRpcParams<'a>) -> Result<(), Error> { // NOTE: we use this to guard against max number of concurrent requests. let _req_id = self.id_guard.next_request_id()?; let notif = JsonRpcNotificationSer::new(method, params); let raw = serde_json::to_string(¬if).map_err(|e| { self.id_guard.reclaim_request_id(); Error::ParseError(e) })?; log::trace!("[frontend]: send notification: {:?}", raw); let mut sender = self.to_back.clone(); let fut = sender.send(FrontToBack::Notification(raw)); let timeout = tokio::time::sleep(self.request_timeout); let res = tokio::select! { x = fut => x, _ = timeout => return Err(Error::RequestTimeout) }; self.id_guard.reclaim_request_id(); match res { Ok(()) => Ok(()), Err(_) => Err(self.read_error_from_backend().await), } } async fn request<'a, R>(&self, method: &'a str, params: JsonRpcParams<'a>) -> Result where R: DeserializeOwned, { let (send_back_tx, send_back_rx) = oneshot::channel(); let req_id = self.id_guard.next_request_id()?; let raw = serde_json::to_string(&JsonRpcCallSer::new(Id::Number(req_id), method, params)).map_err(|e| { self.id_guard.reclaim_request_id(); Error::ParseError(e) })?; log::trace!("[frontend]: send request: {:?}", raw); if self .to_back .clone() .send(FrontToBack::Request(RequestMessage { raw, id: req_id, send_back: Some(send_back_tx) })) .await .is_err() { self.id_guard.reclaim_request_id(); return Err(self.read_error_from_backend().await); } let res = call_with_timeout(self.request_timeout, send_back_rx).await; self.id_guard.reclaim_request_id(); let json_value = match res { Ok(Ok(v)) => v, Ok(Err(err)) => return Err(err), Err(_) => return Err(self.read_error_from_backend().await), }; serde_json::from_value(json_value).map_err(Error::ParseError) } async fn batch_request<'a, R>(&self, batch: Vec<(&'a str, JsonRpcParams<'a>)>) -> Result, Error> where R: DeserializeOwned + Default + Clone, { let batch_ids = self.id_guard.next_request_ids(batch.len())?; let mut batches = Vec::with_capacity(batch.len()); for (idx, (method, params)) in batch.into_iter().enumerate() { batches.push(JsonRpcCallSer::new(Id::Number(batch_ids[idx]), method, params)); } let (send_back_tx, send_back_rx) = oneshot::channel(); let raw = serde_json::to_string(&batches).map_err(|e| { self.id_guard.reclaim_request_id(); Error::ParseError(e) })?; log::trace!("[frontend]: send batch request: {:?}", raw); if self .to_back .clone() .send(FrontToBack::Batch(BatchMessage { raw, ids: batch_ids, send_back: send_back_tx })) .await .is_err() { self.id_guard.reclaim_request_id(); return Err(self.read_error_from_backend().await); } let res = call_with_timeout(self.request_timeout, send_back_rx).await; self.id_guard.reclaim_request_id(); let json_values = match res { Ok(Ok(v)) => v, Ok(Err(err)) => return Err(err), Err(_) => return Err(self.read_error_from_backend().await), }; let values: Result<_, _> = json_values.into_iter().map(|val| serde_json::from_value(val).map_err(Error::ParseError)).collect(); Ok(values?) } } #[async_trait] impl SubscriptionClient for WsClient { /// Send a subscription request to the server. /// /// The `subscribe_method` and `params` are used to ask for the subscription towards the /// server. The `unsubscribe_method` is used to close the subscription. async fn subscribe<'a, N>( &self, subscribe_method: &'a str, params: JsonRpcParams<'a>, unsubscribe_method: &'a str, ) -> Result, Error> where N: DeserializeOwned, { log::trace!("[frontend]: subscribe: {:?}, unsubscribe: {:?}", subscribe_method, unsubscribe_method); if subscribe_method == unsubscribe_method { return Err(Error::SubscriptionNameConflict(unsubscribe_method.to_owned())); } let ids = self.id_guard.next_request_ids(2)?; let raw = serde_json::to_string(&JsonRpcCallSer::new(Id::Number(ids[0]), subscribe_method, params)).map_err(|e| { self.id_guard.reclaim_request_id(); Error::ParseError(e) })?; let (send_back_tx, send_back_rx) = oneshot::channel(); if self .to_back .clone() .send(FrontToBack::Subscribe(SubscriptionMessage { raw, subscribe_id: ids[0], unsubscribe_id: ids[1], unsubscribe_method: unsubscribe_method.to_owned(), send_back: send_back_tx, })) .await .is_err() { self.id_guard.reclaim_request_id(); return Err(self.read_error_from_backend().await); } let res = call_with_timeout(self.request_timeout, send_back_rx).await; self.id_guard.reclaim_request_id(); let (notifs_rx, id) = match res { Ok(Ok(val)) => val, Ok(Err(err)) => return Err(err), Err(_) => return Err(self.read_error_from_backend().await), }; Ok(Subscription::new(self.to_back.clone(), notifs_rx, SubscriptionKind::Subscription(id))) } /// Subscribe to a specific method. async fn subscribe_to_method<'a, N>(&self, method: &'a str) -> Result, Error> where N: DeserializeOwned, { log::trace!("[frontend]: register_notification: {:?}", method); let (send_back_tx, send_back_rx) = oneshot::channel(); if self .to_back .clone() .send(FrontToBack::RegisterNotification(RegisterNotificationMessage { send_back: send_back_tx, method: method.to_owned(), })) .await .is_err() { return Err(self.read_error_from_backend().await); } let res = call_with_timeout(self.request_timeout, send_back_rx).await; let (notifs_rx, method) = match res { Ok(Ok(val)) => val, Ok(Err(err)) => return Err(err), Err(_) => return Err(self.read_error_from_backend().await), }; Ok(Subscription::new(self.to_back.clone(), notifs_rx, SubscriptionKind::Method(method))) } } /// Function being run in the background that processes messages from the frontend. async fn background_task( mut sender: WsSender, receiver: WsReceiver, mut frontend: mpsc::Receiver, front_error: oneshot::Sender, max_notifs_per_subscription: usize, ) { let mut manager = RequestManager::new(); let backend_event = futures::stream::unfold(receiver, |mut receiver| async { let res = receiver.next_response().await; Some((res, receiver)) }); futures::pin_mut!(backend_event); loop { let next_frontend = frontend.next(); let next_backend = backend_event.next(); futures::pin_mut!(next_frontend, next_backend); match future::select(next_frontend, next_backend).await { // User dropped the sender side of the channel. // There is nothing to do just terminate. Either::Left((None, _)) => { log::trace!("[backend]: frontend dropped; terminate client"); return; } Either::Left((Some(FrontToBack::Batch(batch)), _)) => { log::trace!("[backend]: client prepares to send batch request: {:?}", batch.raw); // NOTE(niklasad1): annoying allocation. if let Err(send_back) = manager.insert_pending_batch(batch.ids.clone(), batch.send_back) { log::warn!("[backend]: batch request: {:?} already pending", batch.ids); let _ = send_back.send(Err(Error::InvalidRequestId)); continue; } if let Err(e) = sender.send(batch.raw).await { log::warn!("[backend]: client batch request failed: {:?}", e); manager.complete_pending_batch(batch.ids); } } // User called `notification` on the front-end Either::Left((Some(FrontToBack::Notification(notif)), _)) => { log::trace!("[backend]: client prepares to send notification: {:?}", notif); if let Err(e) = sender.send(notif).await { log::warn!("[backend]: client notif failed: {:?}", e); } } // User called `request` on the front-end Either::Left((Some(FrontToBack::Request(request)), _)) => { log::trace!("[backend]: client prepares to send request={:?}", request); match sender.send(request.raw).await { Ok(_) => manager .insert_pending_call(request.id, request.send_back) .expect("ID unused checked above; qed"), Err(e) => { log::warn!("[backend]: client request failed: {:?}", e); let _ = request.send_back.map(|s| s.send(Err(Error::Transport(e.into())))); } } } // User called `subscribe` on the front-end. Either::Left((Some(FrontToBack::Subscribe(sub)), _)) => match sender.send(sub.raw).await { Ok(_) => manager .insert_pending_subscription( sub.subscribe_id, sub.unsubscribe_id, sub.send_back, sub.unsubscribe_method, ) .expect("Request ID unused checked above; qed"), Err(e) => { log::warn!("[backend]: client subscription failed: {:?}", e); let _ = sub.send_back.send(Err(Error::Transport(e.into()))); } }, // User dropped a subscription. Either::Left((Some(FrontToBack::SubscriptionClosed(sub_id)), _)) => { log::trace!("Closing subscription: {:?}", sub_id); // NOTE: The subscription may have been closed earlier if // the channel was full or disconnected. if let Some(unsub) = manager .get_request_id_by_subscription_id(&sub_id) .and_then(|req_id| build_unsubscribe_message(&mut manager, req_id, sub_id)) { stop_subscription(&mut sender, &mut manager, unsub).await; } } // User called `register_notification` on the front-end. Either::Left((Some(FrontToBack::RegisterNotification(reg)), _)) => { log::trace!("[backend] registering notification handler: {:?}", reg.method); let (subscribe_tx, subscribe_rx) = mpsc::channel(max_notifs_per_subscription); if manager.insert_notification_handler(®.method, subscribe_tx).is_ok() { let _ = reg.send_back.send(Ok((subscribe_rx, reg.method))); } else { let _ = reg.send_back.send(Err(Error::MethodAlreadyRegistered(reg.method))); } } // User dropped the notificationHandler for this method Either::Left((Some(FrontToBack::UnregisterNotification(method)), _)) => { log::trace!("[backend] unregistering notification handler: {:?}", method); let _ = manager.remove_notification_handler(method); } Either::Right((Some(Ok(raw)), _)) => { // Single response to a request. if let Ok(single) = serde_json::from_slice::>(&raw) { log::debug!("[backend]: recv method_call {:?}", single); match process_single_response(&mut manager, single, max_notifs_per_subscription) { Ok(Some(unsub)) => { stop_subscription(&mut sender, &mut manager, unsub).await; } Ok(None) => (), Err(err) => { let _ = front_error.send(err); return; } } } // Subscription response. else if let Ok(notif) = serde_json::from_slice::>>(&raw) { log::debug!("[backend]: recv subscription {:?}", notif); if let Err(Some(unsub)) = process_subscription_response(&mut manager, notif) { let _ = stop_subscription(&mut sender, &mut manager, unsub).await; } } // Incoming Notification else if let Ok(notif) = serde_json::from_slice::>(&raw) { log::debug!("[backend]: recv notification {:?}", notif); let _ = process_notification(&mut manager, notif); } // Batch response. else if let Ok(batch) = serde_json::from_slice::>>(&raw) { log::debug!("[backend]: recv batch {:?}", batch); if let Err(e) = process_batch_response(&mut manager, batch) { let _ = front_error.send(e); break; } } // Error response else if let Ok(err) = serde_json::from_slice::(&raw) { log::debug!("[backend]: recv error response {:?}", err); if let Err(e) = process_error_response(&mut manager, err) { let _ = front_error.send(e); break; } } // Unparsable response else { log::debug!( "[backend]: recv unparseable message: {:?}", serde_json::from_slice::(&raw) ); let _ = front_error.send(Error::Custom("Unparsable response".into())); return; } } Either::Right((Some(Err(e)), _)) => { log::error!("Error: {:?} terminating client", e); let _ = front_error.send(Error::Transport(e.into())); return; } Either::Right((None, _)) => { log::error!("[backend]: WebSocket receiver dropped; terminate client"); let _ = front_error.send(Error::Custom("WebSocket receiver dropped".into())); return; } } } }