use crate::server::helpers::{send_error, send_response}; use futures_channel::{mpsc, oneshot}; use futures_util::{future::BoxFuture, FutureExt}; use jsonrpsee_types::error::{CallError, Error}; use jsonrpsee_types::v2::error::{JsonRpcErrorCode, JsonRpcErrorObject, CALL_EXECUTION_FAILED_CODE}; use jsonrpsee_types::v2::params::{Id, JsonRpcNotificationParams, OwnedId, OwnedRpcParams, RpcParams, TwoPointZero}; use jsonrpsee_types::v2::request::JsonRpcRequest; use jsonrpsee_types::v2::response::JsonRpcSubscriptionResponse; use parking_lot::Mutex; use rustc_hash::FxHashMap; use serde::Serialize; use serde_json::value::{to_raw_value, RawValue}; use std::fmt::Debug; use std::sync::Arc; /// A `Method` is an RPC endpoint, callable with a standard JSON-RPC request, /// implemented as a function pointer to a `Fn` function taking four arguments: /// the `id`, `params`, a channel the function uses to communicate the result (or error) /// back to `jsonrpsee`, and the connection ID (useful for the websocket transport). pub type SyncMethod = Box Result<(), Error>>; /// Similar to [`SyncMethod`], but represents an asynchronous handler. pub type AsyncMethod = Arc< dyn Send + Sync + Fn(OwnedId, OwnedRpcParams, MethodSink, ConnectionId) -> BoxFuture<'static, Result<(), Error>>, >; /// Connection ID, used for stateful protocol such as WebSockets. /// For stateless protocols such as http it's unused, so feel free to set it some hardcoded value. pub type ConnectionId = usize; /// Subscription ID. pub type SubscriptionId = u64; /// Sink that is used to send back the result to the server for a specific method. pub type MethodSink = mpsc::UnboundedSender; type Subscribers = Arc)>>>; /// Callback wrapper that can be either sync or async. pub enum MethodCallback { /// Synchronous method handler. Sync(SyncMethod), /// Asynchronous method handler. Async(AsyncMethod), } impl MethodCallback { /// Execute the callback, sending the resulting JSON (success or error) to the specified sink. pub async fn execute(&self, tx: &MethodSink, req: JsonRpcRequest<'_>, conn_id: ConnectionId) { let id =; let params = RpcParams::new(|params| params.get())); let result = match self { MethodCallback::Sync(callback) => (callback)(, params, tx, conn_id), MethodCallback::Async(callback) => { let tx = tx.clone(); let params = OwnedRpcParams::from(params); let id = OwnedId::from(; (callback)(id, params, tx, conn_id).await } }; if let Err(err) = result { log::error!("execution of method call '{}' failed: {:?}, request id={:?}", req.method, err, id); send_error(id, &tx, JsonRpcErrorCode::ServerError(-1).into()); } } } impl Debug for MethodCallback { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { match self { Self::Async(_) => write!(f, "Async"), Self::Sync(_) => write!(f, "Sync"), } } } /// Collection of synchronous and asynchronous methods. #[derive(Default, Debug)] pub struct Methods { callbacks: FxHashMap<&'static str, MethodCallback>, } impl Methods { /// Creates a new empty [`Methods`]. pub fn new() -> Self { Self::default() } fn verify_method_name(&mut self, name: &str) -> Result<(), Error> { if self.callbacks.contains_key(name) { return Err(Error::MethodAlreadyRegistered(name.into())); } Ok(()) } /// Merge two [`Methods`]'s by adding all [`MethodCallback`]s from `other` into `self`. /// Fails if any of the methods in `other` is present already. pub fn merge(&mut self, other: Methods) -> Result<(), Error> { for name in other.callbacks.keys() { self.verify_method_name(name)?; } for (name, callback) in other.callbacks { self.callbacks.insert(name, callback); } Ok(()) } /// Returns the method callback. pub fn method(&self, method_name: &str) -> Option<&MethodCallback> { self.callbacks.get(method_name) } /// Attempt to execute a callback, sending the resulting JSON (success or error) to the specified sink. pub async fn execute(&self, tx: &MethodSink, req: JsonRpcRequest<'_>, conn_id: ConnectionId) { match self.callbacks.get(&*req.method) { Some(callback) => callback.execute(tx, req, conn_id).await, None => send_error(, tx, JsonRpcErrorCode::MethodNotFound.into()), } } /// Returns a `Vec` with all the method names registered on this server. pub fn method_names(&self) -> Vec<&'static str> { self.callbacks.keys().copied().collect() } } /// Sets of JSON-RPC methods can be organized into a "module"s that are in turn registered on the server or, /// alternatively, merged with other modules to construct a cohesive API. [`RpcModule`] wraps an additional context /// argument that can be used to access data during call execution. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct RpcModule { ctx: Arc, methods: Methods, subscribers: Subscribers, } impl RpcModule { /// Create a new module with a given shared `Context`. pub fn new(ctx: Context) -> Self { Self { ctx: Arc::new(ctx), methods: Default::default(), subscribers: Default::default() } } /// Register a new synchronous RPC method, which computes the response with the given callback. pub fn register_method(&mut self, method_name: &'static str, callback: F) -> Result<(), Error> where Context: Send + Sync + 'static, R: Serialize, F: Fn(RpcParams, &Context) -> Result + Send + Sync + 'static, { self.methods.verify_method_name(method_name)?; let ctx = self.ctx.clone(); self.methods.callbacks.insert( method_name, MethodCallback::Sync(Box::new(move |id, params, tx, _| { match callback(params, &*ctx) { Ok(res) => send_response(id, tx, res), Err(CallError::InvalidParams) => send_error(id, tx, JsonRpcErrorCode::InvalidParams.into()), Err(CallError::Failed(err)) => { let err = JsonRpcErrorObject { code: JsonRpcErrorCode::ServerError(CALL_EXECUTION_FAILED_CODE), message: &err.to_string(), data: None, }; send_error(id, tx, err) } }; Ok(()) })), ); Ok(()) } /// Register a new asynchronous RPC method, which computes the response with the given callback. pub fn register_async_method(&mut self, method_name: &'static str, callback: F) -> Result<(), Error> where R: Serialize + Send + Sync + 'static, F: Fn(RpcParams, Arc) -> BoxFuture<'static, Result> + Copy + Send + Sync + 'static, { self.methods.verify_method_name(method_name)?; let ctx = self.ctx.clone(); self.methods.callbacks.insert( method_name, MethodCallback::Async(Arc::new(move |id, params, tx, _| { let ctx = ctx.clone(); let future = async move { let params = params.borrowed(); let id = id.borrowed(); match callback(params, ctx).await { Ok(res) => send_response(id, &tx, res), Err(CallError::InvalidParams) => send_error(id, &tx, JsonRpcErrorCode::InvalidParams.into()), Err(CallError::Failed(err)) => { log::error!("Call failed with: {}", err); let err = JsonRpcErrorObject { code: JsonRpcErrorCode::ServerError(CALL_EXECUTION_FAILED_CODE), message: &err.to_string(), data: None, }; send_error(id, &tx, err) } }; Ok(()) }; future.boxed() })), ); Ok(()) } /// Register a new RPC subscription that invokes callback on every subscription request. /// The callback itself takes three parameters: /// - RpcParams: JSONRPC parameters in the subscription request. /// - SubscriptionSink: A sink to send messages to the subscriber. /// - Context: Any type that can be embedded into the RpcContextModule. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// /// use jsonrpsee_utils::server::rpc_module::RpcModule; /// /// let mut ctx = RpcModule::new(99_usize); /// ctx.register_subscription("sub", "unsub", |params, sink, ctx| { /// let x: usize =; /// std::thread::spawn(move || { /// let sum = x + (*ctx); /// sink.send(&sum) /// }); /// Ok(()) /// }); /// ``` pub fn register_subscription( &mut self, subscribe_method_name: &'static str, unsubscribe_method_name: &'static str, callback: F, ) -> Result<(), Error> where Context: Send + Sync + 'static, F: Fn(RpcParams, SubscriptionSink, Arc) -> Result<(), Error> + Send + Sync + 'static, { if subscribe_method_name == unsubscribe_method_name { return Err(Error::SubscriptionNameConflict(subscribe_method_name.into())); } self.methods.verify_method_name(subscribe_method_name)?; self.methods.verify_method_name(unsubscribe_method_name)?; let ctx = self.ctx.clone(); { let subscribers = self.subscribers.clone(); self.methods.callbacks.insert( subscribe_method_name, MethodCallback::Sync(Box::new(move |id, params, method_sink, conn| { let (online_tx, online_rx) = oneshot::channel::<()>(); let sub_id = { const JS_NUM_MASK: SubscriptionId = !0 >> 11; let sub_id = rand::random::() & JS_NUM_MASK; subscribers.lock().insert((conn, sub_id), (method_sink.clone(), online_rx)); sub_id }; send_response(id, method_sink, sub_id); let sink = SubscriptionSink { inner: method_sink.clone(), method: subscribe_method_name, sub_id, is_online: online_tx, }; callback(params, sink, ctx.clone()) })), ); } { let subscribers = self.subscribers.clone(); self.methods.callbacks.insert( unsubscribe_method_name, MethodCallback::Sync(Box::new(move |id, params, tx, conn| { let sub_id =; subscribers.lock().remove(&(conn, sub_id)); send_response(id, tx, "Unsubscribed"); Ok(()) })), ); } Ok(()) } /// Convert a module into methods. Consumes self. pub fn into_methods(self) -> Methods { self.methods } /// Merge two [`RpcModule`]'s by adding all [`Methods`] `other` into `self`. /// Fails if any of the methods in `other` is present already. pub fn merge(&mut self, other: RpcModule) -> Result<(), Error> { self.methods.merge(other.methods)?; Ok(()) } } /// Represents a single subscription. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct SubscriptionSink { /// Sink. inner: mpsc::UnboundedSender, /// Method. method: &'static str, /// SubscriptionID, sub_id: SubscriptionId, /// Whether the subscriber is still alive (to avoid send messages that the subscriber is not interested in). is_online: oneshot::Sender<()>, } impl SubscriptionSink { /// Send message on this subscription. pub fn send(&self, result: &T) -> Result<(), Error> { let result = to_raw_value(result)?; self.send_raw_value(&result) } fn send_raw_value(&self, result: &RawValue) -> Result<(), Error> { let msg = serde_json::to_string(&JsonRpcSubscriptionResponse { jsonrpc: TwoPointZero, method: self.method, params: JsonRpcNotificationParams { subscription: self.sub_id, result: &*result }, })?; self.inner_send(msg).map_err(Into::into) } fn inner_send(&self, msg: String) -> Result<(), Error> { if self.is_online() { self.inner.unbounded_send(msg).map_err(|e| Error::Internal(e.into_send_error())) } else { Err(Error::Custom("Subscription canceled".into())) } } fn is_online(&self) -> bool { !self.is_online.is_canceled() } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn rpc_modules_with_different_contexts_can_be_merged() { let cx = Vec::::new(); let mut mod1 = RpcModule::new(cx); mod1.register_method("bla with Vec context", |_: RpcParams, _| Ok(())).unwrap(); let mut mod2 = RpcModule::new(String::new()); mod2.register_method("bla with String context", |_: RpcParams, _| Ok(())).unwrap(); mod1.merge(mod2).unwrap(); let methods = mod1.into_methods(); assert!(methods.method("bla with Vec context").is_some()); assert!(methods.method("bla with String context").is_some()); } #[test] fn rpc_context_modules_can_register_subscriptions() { let cx = (); let mut cxmodule = RpcModule::new(cx); let _subscription = cxmodule.register_subscription("hi", "goodbye", |_, _, _| Ok(())); let methods = cxmodule.into_methods(); assert!(methods.method("hi").is_some()); assert!(methods.method("goodbye").is_some()); } }