use futures_channel::oneshot; use jsonrpsee::{ http_server::HttpServerBuilder, ws_server::{RpcModule, WsServerBuilder}, }; pub(crate) const SYNC_METHOD_NAME: &str = "say_hello"; pub(crate) const ASYNC_METHOD_NAME: &str = "say_hello_async"; pub(crate) const SUB_METHOD_NAME: &str = "sub"; pub(crate) const UNSUB_METHOD_NAME: &str = "unsub"; /// Run jsonrpsee HTTP server for benchmarks. pub async fn http_server() -> String { let (server_started_tx, server_started_rx) = oneshot::channel(); tokio::spawn(async move { let server = HttpServerBuilder::default().max_request_body_size(u32::MAX).build("".parse().unwrap()).unwrap(); let mut module = RpcModule::new(()); module.register_method(SYNC_METHOD_NAME, |_, _| Ok("lo")).unwrap(); module.register_async_method(ASYNC_METHOD_NAME, |_, _| async { Ok("lo") }).unwrap(); server_started_tx.send(server.local_addr().unwrap()).unwrap(); server.start(module).await }); format!("http://{}", server_started_rx.await.unwrap()) } /// Run jsonrpsee WebSocket server for benchmarks. pub async fn ws_server() -> String { let (server_started_tx, server_started_rx) = oneshot::channel(); tokio::spawn(async move { let server = WsServerBuilder::default().build("").await.unwrap(); let mut module = RpcModule::new(()); module.register_method(SYNC_METHOD_NAME, |_, _| Ok("lo")).unwrap(); module.register_async_method(ASYNC_METHOD_NAME, |_, _| async { Ok("lo") }).unwrap(); module .register_subscription(SUB_METHOD_NAME, UNSUB_METHOD_NAME, |_params, mut sink, _ctx| { let x = "Hello"; tokio::spawn(async move { sink.send(&x) }); Ok(()) }) .unwrap(); server_started_tx.send(server.local_addr().unwrap()).unwrap(); server.start(module).await }); format!("ws://{}", server_started_rx.await.unwrap()) } /// Get number of concurrent tasks based on the num_cpus. pub fn concurrent_tasks() -> Vec { let cores = num_cpus::get(); vec![cores / 4, cores / 2, cores, cores * 2, cores * 4] }