// Copyright 2019-2021 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any // person obtaining a copy of this software and associated // documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the // Software without restriction, including without // limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, // publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of // the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software // is furnished to do so, subject to the following // conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice // shall be included in all copies or substantial portions // of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF // ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED // TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A // PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. 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Declaration of the JSON RPC generator procedural macros. use std::borrow::Cow; use crate::attributes::{ optional, parse_param_kind, Aliases, Argument, AttributeMeta, MissingArgument, NameMapping, ParamKind, Resource, }; use crate::helpers::extract_doc_comments; use proc_macro2::TokenStream as TokenStream2; use quote::quote; use syn::spanned::Spanned; use syn::{punctuated::Punctuated, Attribute, Token}; #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct RpcMethod { pub name: String, pub blocking: bool, pub docs: TokenStream2, pub deprecated: TokenStream2, pub params: Vec<(syn::PatIdent, syn::Type)>, pub param_kind: ParamKind, pub returns: Option, pub signature: syn::TraitItemMethod, pub aliases: Vec, pub resources: Punctuated, } impl RpcMethod { pub fn from_item(attr: Attribute, mut method: syn::TraitItemMethod) -> syn::Result { let [aliases, blocking, name, param_kind, resources] = AttributeMeta::parse(attr)?.retain(["aliases", "blocking", "name", "param_kind", "resources"])?; let aliases = parse_aliases(aliases)?; let blocking = optional(blocking, Argument::flag)?.is_some(); let name = name?.string()?; let param_kind = parse_param_kind(param_kind)?; let resources = optional(resources, Argument::group)?.unwrap_or_default(); let sig = method.sig.clone(); let docs = extract_doc_comments(&method.attrs); let deprecated = match find_attr(&method.attrs, "deprecated") { Some(attr) => quote!(#attr), None => quote!(), }; if blocking && sig.asyncness.is_some() { return Err(syn::Error::new(sig.span(), "Blocking method must be synchronous")); } let params: Vec<_> = sig .inputs .into_iter() .filter_map(|arg| match arg { syn::FnArg::Receiver(_) => None, syn::FnArg::Typed(arg) => match *arg.pat { syn::Pat::Ident(name) => Some(Ok((name, *arg.ty))), syn::Pat::Wild(wild) => Some(Err(syn::Error::new( wild.underscore_token.span(), "Method argument names must be valid Rust identifiers; got `_` instead", ))), _ => Some(Err(syn::Error::new( arg.span(), format!("Unexpected method signature input; got {:?} ", *arg.pat), ))), }, }) .collect::>()?; let returns = match sig.output { syn::ReturnType::Default => None, syn::ReturnType::Type(_, output) => Some(*output), }; // We've analyzed attributes and don't need them anymore. method.attrs.clear(); Ok(Self { aliases, blocking, name, params, param_kind, returns, signature: method, docs, resources, deprecated, }) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct RpcSubscription { pub name: String, /// When subscribing to an RPC, users can override the content of the `method` field /// in the JSON data sent to subscribers. /// Each subscription thus has one method name to set up the subscription, /// one to unsubscribe and, optionally, a third method name used to describe the /// payload (aka "notification") sent back from the server to subscribers. /// If no override is provided, the subscription method name is used. pub notif_name_override: Option, pub docs: TokenStream2, pub unsubscribe: String, pub params: Vec<(syn::PatIdent, syn::Type)>, pub param_kind: ParamKind, pub item: syn::Type, pub signature: syn::TraitItemMethod, pub aliases: Vec, pub unsubscribe_aliases: Vec, pub resources: Punctuated, } impl RpcSubscription { pub fn from_item(attr: syn::Attribute, mut sub: syn::TraitItemMethod) -> syn::Result { let [aliases, item, name, param_kind, unsubscribe, unsubscribe_aliases, resources] = AttributeMeta::parse(attr)?.retain([ "aliases", "item", "name", "param_kind", "unsubscribe", "unsubscribe_aliases", "resources", ])?; let aliases = parse_aliases(aliases)?; let map = name?.value::()?; let name = map.name; let notif_name_override = map.mapped; let item = item?.value()?; let param_kind = parse_param_kind(param_kind)?; let unsubscribe_aliases = parse_aliases(unsubscribe_aliases)?; let resources = optional(resources, Argument::group)?.unwrap_or_default(); let sig = sub.sig.clone(); let docs = extract_doc_comments(&sub.attrs); let unsubscribe = match parse_subscribe(unsubscribe)? { Some(unsub) => unsub, None => build_unsubscribe_method(&name).unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Could not generate the unsubscribe method with name '{}'. You need to provide the name manually using the `unsubscribe` attribute in your RPC API definition", name), ), }; let params: Vec<_> = sig .inputs .into_iter() .filter_map(|arg| match arg { syn::FnArg::Receiver(_) => None, syn::FnArg::Typed(arg) => match *arg.pat { syn::Pat::Ident(name) => Some((name, *arg.ty)), _ => panic!("Identifier in signature must be an ident"), }, }) .collect(); // We've analyzed attributes and don't need them anymore. sub.attrs.clear(); Ok(Self { name, notif_name_override, unsubscribe, unsubscribe_aliases, params, param_kind, item, signature: sub, aliases, docs, resources, }) } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct RpcDescription { /// Path to the `jsonrpsee` client types part. pub(crate) jsonrpsee_client_path: Option, /// Path to the `jsonrpsee` server types part. pub(crate) jsonrpsee_server_path: Option, /// Switch denoting that server trait must be generated. /// Assuming that trait to which attribute is applied is named `Foo`, the generated /// server trait will have `FooServer` name. pub(crate) needs_server: bool, /// Switch denoting that client extension trait must be generated. /// Assuming that trait to which attribute is applied is named `Foo`, the generated /// client trait will have `FooClient` name. pub(crate) needs_client: bool, /// Optional prefix for RPC namespace. pub(crate) namespace: Option, /// Trait definition in which all the attributes were stripped. pub(crate) trait_def: syn::ItemTrait, /// List of RPC methods defined in the trait. pub(crate) methods: Vec, /// List of RPC subscriptions defined in the trait. pub(crate) subscriptions: Vec, /// Optional user defined trait bounds for the client implementation. pub(crate) client_bounds: Option>, /// Optional user defined trait bounds for the server implementation. pub(crate) server_bounds: Option>, } impl RpcDescription { pub fn from_item(attr: Attribute, mut item: syn::ItemTrait) -> syn::Result { let [client, server, namespace, client_bounds, server_bounds] = AttributeMeta::parse(attr)?.retain(["client", "server", "namespace", "client_bounds", "server_bounds"])?; let needs_server = optional(server, Argument::flag)?.is_some(); let needs_client = optional(client, Argument::flag)?.is_some(); let namespace = optional(namespace, Argument::string)?; let client_bounds = optional(client_bounds, Argument::group)?; let server_bounds = optional(server_bounds, Argument::group)?; if !needs_server && !needs_client { return Err(syn::Error::new_spanned(&item.ident, "Either 'server' or 'client' attribute must be applied")); } if client_bounds.is_some() && !needs_client { return Err(syn::Error::new_spanned( &item.ident, "Attribute 'client' must be specified with 'client_bounds'", )); } if server_bounds.is_some() && !needs_server { return Err(syn::Error::new_spanned( &item.ident, "Attribute 'server' must be specified with 'server_bounds'", )); } let jsonrpsee_client_path = crate::helpers::find_jsonrpsee_client_crate().ok(); let jsonrpsee_server_path = crate::helpers::find_jsonrpsee_server_crate().ok(); if needs_client && jsonrpsee_client_path.is_none() { return Err(syn::Error::new_spanned(&item.ident, "Unable to locate 'jsonrpsee' client dependency")); } if needs_server && jsonrpsee_server_path.is_none() { return Err(syn::Error::new_spanned(&item.ident, "Unable to locate 'jsonrpsee' server dependency")); } item.attrs.clear(); // Remove RPC attributes. let mut methods = Vec::new(); let mut subscriptions = Vec::new(); // Go through all the methods in the trait and collect methods and // subscriptions. for entry in item.items.iter() { if let syn::TraitItem::Method(method) = entry { if method.sig.receiver().is_none() { return Err(syn::Error::new_spanned(&method.sig, "First argument of the trait must be '&self'")); } let mut is_method = false; let mut is_sub = false; if let Some(attr) = find_attr(&method.attrs, "method") { is_method = true; let method_data = RpcMethod::from_item(attr.clone(), method.clone())?; methods.push(method_data); } if let Some(attr) = find_attr(&method.attrs, "subscription") { is_sub = true; if is_method { return Err(syn::Error::new_spanned( method, "Element cannot be both subscription and method at the same time", )); } if !matches!(method.sig.output, syn::ReturnType::Default) { return Err(syn::Error::new_spanned( method, "Subscription methods must not return anything; the error must send via subscription via either `SubscriptionSink::reject` or `SubscriptionSink::close`", )); } if method.sig.asyncness.is_some() { return Err(syn::Error::new_spanned(method, "Subscription methods must not be `async`")); } let sub_data = RpcSubscription::from_item(attr.clone(), method.clone())?; subscriptions.push(sub_data); } if !is_method && !is_sub { return Err(syn::Error::new_spanned( method, "Methods must have either 'method' or 'subscription' attribute", )); } } else { return Err(syn::Error::new_spanned(entry, "Only methods allowed in RPC traits")); } } if methods.is_empty() && subscriptions.is_empty() { return Err(syn::Error::new_spanned(&item, "RPC cannot be empty")); } Ok(Self { jsonrpsee_client_path, jsonrpsee_server_path, needs_server, needs_client, namespace, trait_def: item, methods, subscriptions, client_bounds, server_bounds, }) } pub fn render(self) -> Result { let server_impl = if self.needs_server { self.render_server()? } else { TokenStream2::new() }; let client_impl = if self.needs_client { self.render_client()? } else { TokenStream2::new() }; Ok(quote! { #server_impl #client_impl }) } /// Formats the identifier as a path relative to the resolved /// `jsonrpsee` client path. pub(crate) fn jrps_client_item(&self, item: impl quote::ToTokens) -> TokenStream2 { let jsonrpsee = self.jsonrpsee_client_path.as_ref().unwrap(); quote! { #jsonrpsee::#item } } /// Formats the identifier as a path relative to the resolved /// `jsonrpsee` server path. pub(crate) fn jrps_server_item(&self, item: impl quote::ToTokens) -> TokenStream2 { let jsonrpsee = self.jsonrpsee_server_path.as_ref().unwrap(); quote! { #jsonrpsee::#item } } /// Based on the namespace, renders the full name of the RPC method/subscription. /// Examples: /// For namespace `foo` and method `makeSpam`, result will be `foo_makeSpam`. /// For no namespace and method `makeSpam` it will be just `makeSpam`. pub(crate) fn rpc_identifier<'a>(&self, method: &'a str) -> Cow<'a, str> { if let Some(ns) = &self.namespace { format!("{}_{}", ns, method).into() } else { Cow::Borrowed(method) } } } fn parse_aliases(arg: Result) -> syn::Result> { let aliases = optional(arg, Argument::value::)?; Ok(aliases.map(|a| a.list.into_iter().map(|lit| lit.value()).collect()).unwrap_or_default()) } fn parse_subscribe(arg: Result) -> syn::Result> { let unsub = optional(arg, Argument::string)?; Ok(unsub) } fn find_attr<'a>(attrs: &'a [Attribute], ident: &str) -> Option<&'a Attribute> { attrs.iter().find(|a| a.path.is_ident(ident)) } fn build_unsubscribe_method(method: &str) -> Option { method.strip_prefix("subscribe").map(|s| format!("unsubscribe{}", s)) }