#!/usr/bin/env bash # # This script is copied from `https://github.com/paritytech/jsonrpc` with some minor tweaks. set -eu ORDER=(types proc-macros utils http-client http-server ws-client ws-server jsonrpsee) function read_toml () { NAME="" VERSION="" NAME=$(grep "^name" ./Cargo.toml | sed -e 's/.*"\(.*\)"/\1/') VERSION=$(grep "^version" ./Cargo.toml | sed -e 's/.*"\(.*\)"/\1/') } function remote_version () { REMOTE_VERSION="" REMOTE_VERSION=$(cargo search "$NAME" | grep "^$NAME =" | sed -e 's/.*"\(.*\)".*/\1/') } # First display the plan for CRATE_DIR in ${ORDER[@]}; do cd $CRATE_DIR > /dev/null read_toml echo "$NAME@$VERSION" cd - > /dev/null done read -p ">>>> Really publish?. Press [enter] to continue. " set -x cargo clean set +x # Then actually perform publishing. for CRATE_DIR in ${ORDER[@]}; do cd $CRATE_DIR > /dev/null read_toml remote_version # Seems the latest version matches, skip by default. if [ "$REMOTE_VERSION" = "$VERSION" ] || [[ "$REMOTE_VERSION" > "$VERSION" ]]; then RET="" echo "Seems like $NAME@$REMOTE_VERSION is already published. Continuing in 5s. " read -t 5 -p ">>>> Type [r][enter] to retry, or [enter] to continue... " RET || true if [ "$RET" != "r" ]; then echo "Skipping $NAME@$VERSION" cd - > /dev/null continue fi fi # Attempt to publish (allow retries) while : ; do # give the user an opportunity to abort or skip before publishing echo "🚀 Publishing $NAME@$VERSION..." sleep 3 set +e && set -x cargo publish $@ RES=$? set +x && set -e # Check if it succeeded if [ "$RES" != "0" ]; then CHOICE="" echo "##### Publishing $NAME failed" read -p ">>>>> Type [s][enter] to skip, or [enter] to retry.. " CHOICE if [ "$CHOICE" = "s" ]; then break fi else break fi done # Wait again to make sure that the new version is published and available. echo "Waiting for $NAME@$VERSION to become available at the registry..." while : ; do sleep 3 remote_version if [ "$REMOTE_VERSION" = "$VERSION" ]; then echo "🥳 $NAME@$VERSION published succesfully." sleep 3 break else echo "#### Got $NAME@$REMOTE_VERSION but expected $NAME@$VERSION. Retrying..." fi done cd - > /dev/null done echo "Tagging jsonrpsee@$VERSION" set -x git tag -a v$VERSION -m "Version $VERSION" sleep 3 git push --tags