// Copyright 2019-2021 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any // person obtaining a copy of this software and associated // documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the // Software without restriction, including without // limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, // publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of // the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software // is furnished to do so, subject to the following // conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice // shall be included in all copies or substantial portions // of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF // ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED // TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A // PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT // SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY // CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR // IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER // DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. #![cfg(test)] #![allow(clippy::blacklisted_name)] use std::sync::Arc; use std::time::Duration; use futures::{channel::mpsc, StreamExt, TryStreamExt}; use helpers::{http_server, http_server_with_access_control, websocket_server, websocket_server_with_subscription}; use jsonrpsee::core::client::{ClientT, IdKind, Subscription, SubscriptionClientT}; use jsonrpsee::core::error::SubscriptionClosed; use jsonrpsee::core::{Error, JsonValue}; use jsonrpsee::http_client::HttpClientBuilder; use jsonrpsee::rpc_params; use jsonrpsee::types::error::ErrorObject; use jsonrpsee::ws_client::WsClientBuilder; use tokio::time::interval; use tokio_stream::wrappers::IntervalStream; mod helpers; #[tokio::test] async fn ws_subscription_works() { let (server_addr, _) = websocket_server_with_subscription().await; let server_url = format!("ws://{}", server_addr); let client = WsClientBuilder::default().build(&server_url).await.unwrap(); let mut hello_sub: Subscription = client.subscribe("subscribe_hello", None, "unsubscribe_hello").await.unwrap(); let mut foo_sub: Subscription = client.subscribe("subscribe_foo", None, "unsubscribe_foo").await.unwrap(); for _ in 0..10 { let hello = hello_sub.next().await.unwrap().unwrap(); let foo = foo_sub.next().await.unwrap().unwrap(); assert_eq!(hello, "hello from subscription".to_string()); assert_eq!(foo, 1337); } } #[tokio::test] async fn ws_subscription_with_input_works() { let (server_addr, _) = websocket_server_with_subscription().await; let server_url = format!("ws://{}", server_addr); let client = WsClientBuilder::default().build(&server_url).await.unwrap(); let mut add_one: Subscription = client.subscribe("subscribe_add_one", rpc_params![1], "unsubscribe_add_one").await.unwrap(); for i in 2..4 { let next = add_one.next().await.unwrap().unwrap(); assert_eq!(next, i); } } #[tokio::test] async fn ws_method_call_works() { let server_addr = websocket_server().await; let server_url = format!("ws://{}", server_addr); let client = WsClientBuilder::default().build(&server_url).await.unwrap(); let response: String = client.request("say_hello", None).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(&response, "hello"); } #[tokio::test] async fn ws_method_call_str_id_works() { let server_addr = websocket_server().await; let server_url = format!("ws://{}", server_addr); let client = WsClientBuilder::default().id_format(IdKind::String).build(&server_url).await.unwrap(); let response: String = client.request("say_hello", None).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(&response, "hello"); } #[tokio::test] async fn http_method_call_works() { let (server_addr, _handle) = http_server().await; let uri = format!("http://{}", server_addr); let client = HttpClientBuilder::default().build(&uri).unwrap(); let response: String = client.request("say_hello", None).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(&response, "hello"); } #[tokio::test] async fn http_method_call_str_id_works() { let (server_addr, _handle) = http_server().await; let uri = format!("http://{}", server_addr); let client = HttpClientBuilder::default().id_format(IdKind::String).build(&uri).unwrap(); let response: String = client.request("say_hello", None).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(&response, "hello"); } #[tokio::test] async fn http_concurrent_method_call_limits_works() { let (server_addr, _handle) = http_server().await; let uri = format!("http://{}", server_addr); let client = HttpClientBuilder::default().max_concurrent_requests(1).build(&uri).unwrap(); let (first, second) = tokio::join!(client.request::("say_hello", None), client.request::("say_hello", None),); assert!(first.is_ok()); assert!(matches!(second, Err(Error::MaxSlotsExceeded))); } #[tokio::test] async fn ws_subscription_several_clients() { let (server_addr, _) = websocket_server_with_subscription().await; let server_url = format!("ws://{}", server_addr); let mut clients = Vec::with_capacity(10); for _ in 0..10 { let client = WsClientBuilder::default().build(&server_url).await.unwrap(); let hello_sub: Subscription = client.subscribe("subscribe_hello", None, "unsubscribe_hello").await.unwrap(); let foo_sub: Subscription = client.subscribe("subscribe_foo", None, "unsubscribe_foo").await.unwrap(); clients.push((client, hello_sub, foo_sub)) } } #[tokio::test] async fn ws_subscription_several_clients_with_drop() { let (server_addr, _) = websocket_server_with_subscription().await; let server_url = format!("ws://{}", server_addr); let mut clients = Vec::with_capacity(10); for _ in 0..10 { let client = WsClientBuilder::default().max_notifs_per_subscription(u32::MAX as usize).build(&server_url).await.unwrap(); let hello_sub: Subscription = client.subscribe("subscribe_hello", None, "unsubscribe_hello").await.unwrap(); let foo_sub: Subscription = client.subscribe("subscribe_foo", None, "unsubscribe_foo").await.unwrap(); clients.push((client, hello_sub, foo_sub)) } for _ in 0..10 { for (_client, hello_sub, foo_sub) in &mut clients { let hello = hello_sub.next().await.unwrap().unwrap(); let foo = foo_sub.next().await.unwrap().unwrap(); assert_eq!(&hello, "hello from subscription"); assert_eq!(foo, 1337); } } for i in 0..5 { let (client, hello_sub, foo_sub) = clients.remove(i); drop(hello_sub); drop(foo_sub); assert!(client.is_connected()); drop(client); } // make sure nothing weird happened after dropping half of the clients (should be `unsubscribed` in the server) // would be good to know that subscriptions actually were removed but not possible to verify at // this layer. for _ in 0..10 { for (client, hello_sub, foo_sub) in &mut clients { assert!(client.is_connected()); let hello = hello_sub.next().await.unwrap().unwrap(); let foo = foo_sub.next().await.unwrap().unwrap(); assert_eq!(&hello, "hello from subscription"); assert_eq!(foo, 1337); } } } #[tokio::test] async fn ws_subscription_without_polling_doesnt_make_client_unuseable() { let (server_addr, _) = websocket_server_with_subscription().await; let server_url = format!("ws://{}", server_addr); let client = WsClientBuilder::default().max_notifs_per_subscription(4).build(&server_url).await.unwrap(); let mut hello_sub: Subscription = client.subscribe("subscribe_hello", None, "unsubscribe_hello").await.unwrap(); // don't poll the subscription stream for 2 seconds, should be full now. tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(2)).await; // Capacity is `num_sender` + `capacity` for _ in 0..5 { assert!(hello_sub.next().await.unwrap().is_ok()); } // NOTE: this is now unuseable and unregistered. assert!(hello_sub.next().await.is_none()); // The client should still be useable => make sure it still works. let _hello_req: JsonValue = client.request("say_hello", None).await.unwrap(); // The same subscription should be possible to register again. let mut other_sub: Subscription = client.subscribe("subscribe_hello", None, "unsubscribe_hello").await.unwrap(); other_sub.next().await.unwrap().unwrap(); } #[tokio::test] async fn ws_making_more_requests_than_allowed_should_not_deadlock() { let server_addr = websocket_server().await; let server_url = format!("ws://{}", server_addr); let client = Arc::new(WsClientBuilder::default().max_concurrent_requests(2).build(&server_url).await.unwrap()); let mut requests = Vec::new(); for _ in 0..6 { let c = client.clone(); requests.push(tokio::spawn(async move { c.request::("say_hello", None).await })); } for req in requests { let _ = req.await.unwrap(); } } #[tokio::test] async fn http_making_more_requests_than_allowed_should_not_deadlock() { let (server_addr, _handle) = http_server().await; let server_url = format!("http://{}", server_addr); let client = HttpClientBuilder::default().max_concurrent_requests(2).build(&server_url).unwrap(); let client = Arc::new(client); let mut requests = Vec::new(); for _ in 0..6 { let c = client.clone(); requests.push(tokio::spawn(async move { c.request::("say_hello", None).await })); } for req in requests { let _ = req.await.unwrap(); } } #[tokio::test] async fn https_works() { let client = HttpClientBuilder::default().build("https://kusama-rpc.polkadot.io:443").unwrap(); let response: String = client.request("system_chain", None).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(&response, "Kusama"); } #[tokio::test] async fn wss_works() { let client = WsClientBuilder::default().build("wss://kusama-rpc.polkadot.io:443").await.unwrap(); let response: String = client.request("system_chain", None).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(&response, "Kusama"); } #[tokio::test] async fn ws_with_non_ascii_url_doesnt_hang_or_panic() { let err = WsClientBuilder::default().build("wss://♥♥♥♥♥♥∀∂").await; assert!(matches!(err, Err(Error::Transport(_)))); } #[tokio::test] async fn http_with_non_ascii_url_doesnt_hang_or_panic() { let err = HttpClientBuilder::default().build("http://♥♥♥♥♥♥∀∂"); assert!(matches!(err, Err(Error::Transport(_)))); } #[tokio::test] async fn ws_unsubscribe_releases_request_slots() { let (server_addr, _) = websocket_server_with_subscription().await; let server_url = format!("ws://{}", server_addr); let client = WsClientBuilder::default().max_concurrent_requests(1).build(&server_url).await.unwrap(); let sub1: Subscription = client.subscribe("subscribe_hello", None, "unsubscribe_hello").await.unwrap(); drop(sub1); let _: Subscription = client.subscribe("subscribe_hello", None, "unsubscribe_hello").await.unwrap(); } #[tokio::test] async fn server_should_be_able_to_close_subscriptions() { tracing_subscriber::FmtSubscriber::builder() .with_env_filter(tracing_subscriber::EnvFilter::from_default_env()) .try_init() .expect("setting default subscriber failed"); let (server_addr, _) = websocket_server_with_subscription().await; let server_url = format!("ws://{}", server_addr); let client = WsClientBuilder::default().build(&server_url).await.unwrap(); let mut sub: Subscription = client.subscribe("subscribe_noop", None, "unsubscribe_noop").await.unwrap(); assert!(sub.next().await.is_none()); } #[tokio::test] async fn ws_close_pending_subscription_when_server_terminated() { let (server_addr, handle) = websocket_server_with_subscription().await; let server_url = format!("ws://{}", server_addr); let c1 = WsClientBuilder::default().build(&server_url).await.unwrap(); let mut sub: Subscription = c1.subscribe("subscribe_hello", None, "unsubscribe_hello").await.unwrap(); assert!(matches!(sub.next().await, Some(Ok(_)))); handle.stop().unwrap().await; let sub2: Result, _> = c1.subscribe("subscribe_hello", None, "unsubscribe_hello").await; // no new request should be accepted. assert!(matches!(sub2, Err(_))); // consume final message for _ in 0..2 { match sub.next().await { // All good, exit test None => return, // Try again _ => continue, } } panic!("subscription keeps sending messages after server shutdown"); } #[tokio::test] async fn ws_server_should_stop_subscription_after_client_drop() { use futures::{channel::mpsc, SinkExt, StreamExt}; use jsonrpsee::{ws_server::WsServerBuilder, RpcModule}; let server = WsServerBuilder::default().build("").await.unwrap(); let server_url = format!("ws://{}", server.local_addr().unwrap()); let (tx, mut rx) = mpsc::channel(1); let mut module = RpcModule::new(tx); module .register_subscription("subscribe_hello", "subscribe_hello", "unsubscribe_hello", |_, pending, mut tx| { let mut sink = pending.accept().unwrap(); tokio::spawn(async move { let close_err = loop { if !sink.send(&1_usize).expect("usize can be serialized; qed") { break ErrorObject::borrowed(0, &"Subscription terminated successfully", None); } tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)).await; }; let send_back = Arc::make_mut(&mut tx); send_back.feed(close_err).await.unwrap(); }); }) .unwrap(); server.start(module).unwrap(); let client = WsClientBuilder::default().build(&server_url).await.unwrap(); let mut sub: Subscription = client.subscribe("subscribe_hello", None, "unsubscribe_hello").await.unwrap(); let res = sub.next().await.unwrap().unwrap(); assert_eq!(res, 1); drop(client); let close_err = rx.next().await.unwrap(); // assert that the server received `SubscriptionClosed` after the client was dropped. assert_eq!(close_err, ErrorObject::borrowed(0, &"Subscription terminated successfully", None)); } #[tokio::test] async fn ws_server_cancels_subscriptions_on_reset_conn() { let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(1); let server_url = format!("ws://{}", helpers::websocket_server_with_sleeping_subscription(tx).await); let client = WsClientBuilder::default().build(&server_url).await.unwrap(); let mut subs = Vec::new(); for _ in 0..10 { subs.push(client.subscribe::("subscribe_sleep", None, "unsubscribe_sleep").await.unwrap()); } // terminate connection. drop(client); let rx_len = rx.take(10).fold(0, |acc, _| async move { acc + 1 }).await; assert_eq!(rx_len, 10); } #[tokio::test] async fn ws_server_cancels_sub_stream_after_err() { let (addr, _handle) = websocket_server_with_subscription().await; let server_url = format!("ws://{}", addr); let client = WsClientBuilder::default().build(&server_url).await.unwrap(); let mut sub: Subscription = client.subscribe("subscribe_with_err_on_stream", None, "unsubscribe_with_err_on_stream").await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(sub.next().await.unwrap().unwrap(), 1); // The server closed down the subscription with the underlying error from the stream. assert!(sub.next().await.is_none()); } #[tokio::test] async fn ws_server_subscribe_with_stream() { let (addr, _handle) = websocket_server_with_subscription().await; let server_url = format!("ws://{}", addr); let client = WsClientBuilder::default().build(&server_url).await.unwrap(); let mut sub1: Subscription = client.subscribe("subscribe_5_ints", None, "unsubscribe_5_ints").await.unwrap(); let mut sub2: Subscription = client.subscribe("subscribe_5_ints", None, "unsubscribe_5_ints").await.unwrap(); let (r1, r2) = futures::future::try_join( sub1.by_ref().take(2).try_collect::>(), sub2.by_ref().take(3).try_collect::>(), ) .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!(r1, vec![1, 2]); assert_eq!(r2, vec![1, 2, 3]); // Be rude, don't run the destructor std::mem::forget(sub2); // sub1 is still in business, read remaining items. assert_eq!(sub1.by_ref().take(3).try_collect::>().await.unwrap(), vec![3, 4, 5]); assert!(sub1.next().await.is_none()); } #[tokio::test] async fn ws_server_pipe_from_stream_should_cancel_tasks_immediately() { let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(1); let server_url = format!("ws://{}", helpers::websocket_server_with_sleeping_subscription(tx).await); let client = WsClientBuilder::default().build(&server_url).await.unwrap(); let mut subs = Vec::new(); for _ in 0..10 { subs.push(client.subscribe::("subscribe_sleep", None, "unsubscribe_sleep").await.unwrap()) } // This will call the `unsubscribe method`. drop(subs); let rx_len = rx.take(10).fold(0, |acc, _| async move { acc + 1 }).await; assert_eq!(rx_len, 10); } #[tokio::test] async fn ws_server_pipe_from_stream_can_be_reused() { let (addr, _handle) = websocket_server_with_subscription().await; let client = WsClientBuilder::default().build(&format!("ws://{}", addr)).await.unwrap(); let sub = client.subscribe::("can_reuse_subscription", None, "u_can_reuse_subscription").await.unwrap(); let items = sub.fold(0, |acc, _| async move { acc + 1 }).await; assert_eq!(items, 10); } #[tokio::test] async fn ws_batch_works() { let server_addr = websocket_server().await; let server_url = format!("ws://{}", server_addr); let client = WsClientBuilder::default().build(&server_url).await.unwrap(); let mut batch = Vec::new(); batch.push(("say_hello", rpc_params![])); batch.push(("slow_hello", rpc_params![])); let responses: Vec = client.batch_request(batch).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(responses, vec!["hello".to_string(), "hello".to_string()]); } #[tokio::test] async fn ws_server_limit_subs_per_conn_works() { use futures::StreamExt; use jsonrpsee::types::error::{CallError, SERVER_IS_BUSY_CODE, SERVER_IS_BUSY_MSG}; use jsonrpsee::{ws_server::WsServerBuilder, RpcModule}; let server = WsServerBuilder::default().max_subscriptions_per_connection(10).build("").await.unwrap(); let server_url = format!("ws://{}", server.local_addr().unwrap()); let mut module = RpcModule::new(()); module .register_subscription("subscribe_forever", "n", "unsubscribe_forever", |_, pending, _| { let mut sink = match pending.accept() { Some(sink) => sink, _ => return, }; tokio::spawn(async move { let interval = interval(Duration::from_millis(50)); let stream = IntervalStream::new(interval).map(move |_| 0_usize); match sink.pipe_from_stream(stream).await { SubscriptionClosed::Success => { sink.close(SubscriptionClosed::Success); } _ => unreachable!(), }; }); }) .unwrap(); server.start(module).unwrap(); let c1 = WsClientBuilder::default().build(&server_url).await.unwrap(); let c2 = WsClientBuilder::default().build(&server_url).await.unwrap(); let mut subs1 = Vec::new(); let mut subs2 = Vec::new(); for _ in 0..10 { subs1.push(c1.subscribe::("subscribe_forever", None, "unsubscribe_forever").await.unwrap()); subs2.push(c2.subscribe::("subscribe_forever", None, "unsubscribe_forever").await.unwrap()); } let err1 = c1.subscribe::("subscribe_forever", None, "unsubscribe_forever").await; let err2 = c1.subscribe::("subscribe_forever", None, "unsubscribe_forever").await; assert!( matches!(err1, Err(Error::Call(CallError::Custom(err))) if err.code() == SERVER_IS_BUSY_CODE && err.message() == SERVER_IS_BUSY_MSG) ); assert!( matches!(err2, Err(Error::Call(CallError::Custom(err))) if err.code() == SERVER_IS_BUSY_CODE && err.message() == SERVER_IS_BUSY_MSG) ); } #[tokio::test] async fn ws_server_unsub_methods_should_ignore_sub_limit() { use futures::StreamExt; use jsonrpsee::core::client::SubscriptionKind; use jsonrpsee::{ws_server::WsServerBuilder, RpcModule}; let server = WsServerBuilder::default().max_subscriptions_per_connection(10).build("").await.unwrap(); let server_url = format!("ws://{}", server.local_addr().unwrap()); let mut module = RpcModule::new(()); module .register_subscription("subscribe_forever", "n", "unsubscribe_forever", |_, pending, _| { let mut sink = match pending.accept() { Some(sink) => sink, _ => return, }; tokio::spawn(async move { let interval = interval(Duration::from_millis(50)); let stream = IntervalStream::new(interval).map(move |_| 0_usize); match sink.pipe_from_stream(stream).await { SubscriptionClosed::RemotePeerAborted => { sink.close(SubscriptionClosed::RemotePeerAborted); } _ => unreachable!(), }; }); }) .unwrap(); server.start(module).unwrap(); let client = WsClientBuilder::default().build(&server_url).await.unwrap(); // Add 10 subscriptions (this should fill our subscrition limit for this connection): let mut subs = Vec::new(); for _ in 0..10 { subs.push(client.subscribe::("subscribe_forever", None, "unsubscribe_forever").await.unwrap()); } // Get the ID of one of them: let last_sub = subs.pop().unwrap(); let last_sub_id = match last_sub.kind() { SubscriptionKind::Subscription(id) => id.clone(), _ => panic!("Expected a subscription Id to be present"), }; // Manually call the unsubscribe function for this subscription: let res: Result = client.request("unsubscribe_forever", rpc_params![last_sub_id]).await; // This should not hit any limits, and unsubscription should have worked: assert!(res.is_ok(), "Unsubscription method was successfully called"); assert_eq!(res.unwrap(), true, "Unsubscription was successful"); } #[tokio::test] async fn http_unsupported_methods_dont_work() { use hyper::{Body, Client, Method, Request}; let (server_addr, _handle) = http_server().await; let http_client = Client::new(); let uri = format!("http://{}", server_addr); let req_is_client_error = |method| async { let req = Request::builder() .method(method) .uri(&uri) .header("content-type", "application/json") .body(Body::from(r#"{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", method: "say_hello", "id": 1 }"#)) .expect("request builder"); let res = http_client.request(req).await.unwrap(); res.status().is_client_error() }; for verb in [Method::GET, Method::PUT, Method::PATCH, Method::DELETE] { assert!(req_is_client_error(verb).await); } for verb in [Method::POST] { assert!(!req_is_client_error(verb).await); } } #[tokio::test] async fn http_correct_content_type_required() { use hyper::{Body, Client, Method, Request}; let (server_addr, _handle) = http_server().await; let http_client = Client::new(); let uri = format!("http://{}", server_addr); // We don't set content-type at all let req = Request::builder() .method(Method::POST) .uri(&uri) .body(Body::from(r#"{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", method: "say_hello", "id": 1 }"#)) .expect("request builder"); let res = http_client.request(req).await.unwrap(); assert!(res.status().is_client_error()); // We use the wrong content-type let req = Request::builder() .method(Method::POST) .uri(&uri) .header("content-type", "application/text") .body(Body::from(r#"{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", method: "say_hello", "id": 1 }"#)) .expect("request builder"); let res = http_client.request(req).await.unwrap(); assert!(res.status().is_client_error()); // We use the correct content-type let req = Request::builder() .method(Method::POST) .uri(&uri) .header("content-type", "application/json") .body(Body::from(r#"{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", method: "say_hello", "id": 1 }"#)) .expect("request builder"); let res = http_client.request(req).await.unwrap(); assert!(res.status().is_success()); } #[tokio::test] async fn http_cors_preflight_works() { use hyper::{Body, Client, Method, Request}; use jsonrpsee::http_server::AccessControlBuilder; let acl = AccessControlBuilder::new().set_allowed_origins(vec!["https://foo.com"]).unwrap().build(); let (server_addr, _handle) = http_server_with_access_control(acl).await; let http_client = Client::new(); let uri = format!("http://{}", server_addr); // First, make a preflight request. // See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS#preflighted_requests for examples. // See https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#http-cors-protocol for the spec. let preflight_req = Request::builder() .method(Method::OPTIONS) .uri(&uri) .header("host", "bar.com") // <- host that request is being sent _to_ .header("origin", "https://foo.com") // <- where request is being sent _from_ .header("access-control-request-method", "POST") .header("access-control-request-headers", "content-type") .body(Body::empty()) .expect("preflight request builder"); let has = |v: &[String], s| v.iter().any(|v| v == s); let preflight_res = http_client.request(preflight_req).await.unwrap(); let preflight_headers = preflight_res.headers(); let allow_origins = comma_separated_header_values(preflight_headers, "access-control-allow-origin"); let allow_methods = comma_separated_header_values(preflight_headers, "access-control-allow-methods"); let allow_headers = comma_separated_header_values(preflight_headers, "access-control-allow-headers"); // We expect the preflight response to tell us that our origin, methods and headers are all OK to use. // If they aren't, the browser will not make the actual request. Note that if these `access-control-*` // headers aren't return, the default is that the origin/method/headers are not allowed, I think. assert!(preflight_res.status().is_success()); assert!(has(&allow_origins, "https://foo.com") || has(&allow_origins, "*")); assert!(has(&allow_methods, "post") || has(&allow_methods, "*")); assert!(has(&allow_headers, "content-type") || has(&allow_headers, "*")); // Assuming that that was successful, we now make the actual request. No CORS headers are needed here // as the browser checked their validity in the preflight request. let req = Request::builder() .method(Method::POST) .uri(&uri) .header("host", "bar.com") .header("origin", "https://foo.com") .header("content-type", "application/json") .body(Body::from(r#"{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", method: "say_hello", "id": 1 }"#)) .expect("actual request builder"); let res = http_client.request(req).await.unwrap(); assert!(res.status().is_success()); assert!(has(&allow_origins, "https://foo.com") || has(&allow_origins, "*")); } fn comma_separated_header_values(headers: &hyper::HeaderMap, header: &str) -> Vec { headers .get_all(header) .into_iter() .flat_map(|value| value.to_str().unwrap().split(',').map(|val| val.trim())) .map(|header| header.to_ascii_lowercase()) .collect() } #[tokio::test] async fn ws_subscribe_with_bad_params() { let (server_addr, _handle) = websocket_server_with_subscription().await; let server_url = format!("ws://{}", server_addr); let client = WsClientBuilder::default().build(&server_url).await.unwrap(); let err = client .subscribe::("subscribe_add_one", rpc_params!["0x0"], "unsubscribe_add_one") .await .unwrap_err(); assert!(matches!(err, Error::Call(_))); }