// Copyright 2019-2021 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any // person obtaining a copy of this software and associated // documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the // Software without restriction, including without // limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, // publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of // the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software // is furnished to do so, subject to the following // conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice // shall be included in all copies or substantial portions // of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF // ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED // TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A // PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT // SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY // CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR // IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER // DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. use std::future::Future; use std::net::SocketAddr; use std::pin::Pin; use std::sync::Arc; use std::task::{Context, Poll}; use std::time::Duration; use crate::future::{FutureDriver, ServerHandle, StopMonitor}; use crate::types::error::{ErrorCode, ErrorObject, BATCHES_NOT_SUPPORTED_CODE, BATCHES_NOT_SUPPORTED_MSG}; use crate::types::{Id, Request}; use futures_channel::mpsc; use futures_util::future::{Either, FutureExt}; use futures_util::io::{BufReader, BufWriter}; use futures_util::stream::StreamExt; use futures_util::TryStreamExt; use http::header::{HOST, ORIGIN}; use http::{HeaderMap, HeaderValue}; use jsonrpsee_core::id_providers::RandomIntegerIdProvider; use jsonrpsee_core::middleware::WsMiddleware as Middleware; use jsonrpsee_core::server::access_control::AccessControl; use jsonrpsee_core::server::helpers::{ prepare_error, BatchResponse, BatchResponseBuilder, BoundedSubscriptions, MethodResponse, MethodSink, }; use jsonrpsee_core::server::resource_limiting::Resources; use jsonrpsee_core::server::rpc_module::{ConnState, ConnectionId, MethodKind, Methods}; use jsonrpsee_core::tracing::{rx_log_from_json, rx_log_from_str, tx_log_from_str, RpcTracing}; use jsonrpsee_core::traits::IdProvider; use jsonrpsee_core::{Error, TEN_MB_SIZE_BYTES}; use jsonrpsee_types::error::{reject_too_big_request, reject_too_many_subscriptions}; use jsonrpsee_types::Params; use soketto::connection::Error as SokettoError; use soketto::data::ByteSlice125; use soketto::handshake::{server::Response, Server as SokettoServer}; use soketto::Sender; use tokio::net::{TcpListener, TcpStream, ToSocketAddrs}; use tokio_stream::wrappers::IntervalStream; use tokio_util::compat::{Compat, TokioAsyncReadCompatExt}; use tracing_futures::Instrument; /// Default maximum connections allowed. const MAX_CONNECTIONS: u64 = 100; /// A WebSocket JSON RPC server. pub struct Server { listener: TcpListener, cfg: Settings, stop_monitor: StopMonitor, resources: Resources, middleware: M, id_provider: Arc, } impl std::fmt::Debug for Server { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("Server") .field("listener", &self.listener) .field("cfg", &self.cfg) .field("stop_monitor", &self.stop_monitor) .field("id_provider", &self.id_provider) .field("resources", &self.resources) .finish() } } impl Server { /// Returns socket address to which the server is bound. pub fn local_addr(&self) -> Result { self.listener.local_addr().map_err(Into::into) } /// Returns the handle to stop the running server. pub fn server_handle(&self) -> ServerHandle { self.stop_monitor.handle() } /// Start responding to connections requests. This will run on the tokio runtime until the server is stopped. pub fn start(mut self, methods: impl Into) -> Result { let methods = methods.into().initialize_resources(&self.resources)?; let handle = self.server_handle(); match self.cfg.tokio_runtime.take() { Some(rt) => rt.spawn(self.start_inner(methods)), None => tokio::spawn(self.start_inner(methods)), }; Ok(handle) } async fn start_inner(self, methods: Methods) { let stop_monitor = self.stop_monitor; let resources = self.resources; let middleware = self.middleware; let mut id = 0; let mut connections = FutureDriver::default(); let mut incoming = Monitored::new(Incoming(self.listener), &stop_monitor); loop { match connections.select_with(&mut incoming).await { Ok((socket, _addr)) => { if let Err(e) = socket.set_nodelay(true) { tracing::error!("Could not set NODELAY on socket: {:?}", e); continue; } if connections.count() >= self.cfg.max_connections as usize { tracing::warn!("Too many connections. Try again in a while."); connections.add(Box::pin(handshake(socket, HandshakeResponse::Reject { status_code: 429 }))); continue; } let methods = &methods; let cfg = &self.cfg; let id_provider = self.id_provider.clone(); connections.add(Box::pin(handshake( socket, HandshakeResponse::Accept { conn_id: id, methods, resources: &resources, cfg, stop_monitor: &stop_monitor, middleware: middleware.clone(), id_provider, }, ))); tracing::info!("Accepting new connection {}/{}", connections.count(), self.cfg.max_connections); id = id.wrapping_add(1); } Err(MonitoredError::Selector(err)) => { tracing::error!("Error while awaiting a new connection: {:?}", err); } Err(MonitoredError::Shutdown) => break, } } connections.await } } /// This is a glorified select listening for new messages, while also checking the `stop_receiver` signal. struct Monitored<'a, F> { future: F, stop_monitor: &'a StopMonitor, } impl<'a, F> Monitored<'a, F> { fn new(future: F, stop_monitor: &'a StopMonitor) -> Self { Monitored { future, stop_monitor } } } enum MonitoredError { Shutdown, Selector(E), } struct Incoming(TcpListener); impl<'a> Future for Monitored<'a, Incoming> { type Output = Result<(TcpStream, SocketAddr), MonitoredError>; fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context) -> Poll { let this = Pin::into_inner(self); if this.stop_monitor.shutdown_requested() { return Poll::Ready(Err(MonitoredError::Shutdown)); } this.future.0.poll_accept(cx).map_err(MonitoredError::Selector) } } impl<'a, 'f, F, T, E> Future for Monitored<'a, Pin<&'f mut F>> where F: Future>, { type Output = Result>; fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context) -> Poll { let this = Pin::into_inner(self); if this.stop_monitor.shutdown_requested() { return Poll::Ready(Err(MonitoredError::Shutdown)); } this.future.poll_unpin(cx).map_err(MonitoredError::Selector) } } enum HandshakeResponse<'a, M> { Reject { status_code: u16, }, Accept { conn_id: ConnectionId, methods: &'a Methods, resources: &'a Resources, cfg: &'a Settings, stop_monitor: &'a StopMonitor, middleware: M, id_provider: Arc, }, } async fn handshake(socket: tokio::net::TcpStream, mode: HandshakeResponse<'_, M>) -> Result<(), Error> { let remote_addr = socket.peer_addr()?; // For each incoming background_task we perform a handshake. let mut server = SokettoServer::new(BufReader::new(BufWriter::new(socket.compat()))); match mode { HandshakeResponse::Reject { status_code } => { // Forced rejection, don't need to read anything from the socket let reject = Response::Reject { status_code }; server.send_response(&reject).await?; let (mut sender, _) = server.into_builder().finish(); // Gracefully shut down the connection sender.close().await?; Ok(()) } HandshakeResponse::Accept { conn_id, methods, resources, cfg, stop_monitor, middleware, id_provider } => { tracing::debug!("Accepting new connection: {}", conn_id); let key = { let req = server.receive_request().await?; let host = std::str::from_utf8(req.headers().host) .map_err(|_e| Error::HttpHeaderRejected("Host", "Invalid UTF-8".to_string()))?; let origin = req.headers().origin.and_then(|h| { let res = std::str::from_utf8(h).ok(); if res.is_none() { tracing::warn!("Origin header invalid UTF-8; treated as no Origin header"); } res }); let host_check = cfg.access_control.verify_host(host); let origin_check = cfg.access_control.verify_origin(origin, host); let mut headers = HeaderMap::new(); let key = host_check.and(origin_check).map(|()| { let key = req.key(); if let Ok(val) = HeaderValue::from_str(host) { headers.insert(HOST, val); } if let Some(Ok(val)) = origin.map(HeaderValue::from_str) { headers.insert(ORIGIN, val); } key }); middleware.on_connect(remote_addr, &headers); key }; match key { Ok(key) => { let accept = Response::Accept { key, protocol: None }; server.send_response(&accept).await?; } Err(err) => { tracing::warn!("Rejected connection: {:?}", err); let reject = Response::Reject { status_code: 403 }; server.send_response(&reject).await?; return Err(err); } }; let join_result = tokio::spawn(background_task(BackgroundTask { server, conn_id, methods: methods.clone(), resources: resources.clone(), max_request_body_size: cfg.max_request_body_size, max_response_body_size: cfg.max_response_body_size, max_log_length: cfg.max_log_length, batch_requests_supported: cfg.batch_requests_supported, bounded_subscriptions: BoundedSubscriptions::new(cfg.max_subscriptions_per_connection), stop_server: stop_monitor.clone(), middleware, id_provider, ping_interval: cfg.ping_interval, remote_addr, })) .await; match join_result { Err(_) => Err(Error::Custom("Background task was aborted".into())), Ok(result) => result, } } } } struct BackgroundTask<'a, M> { server: SokettoServer<'a, BufReader>>>, conn_id: ConnectionId, methods: Methods, resources: Resources, max_request_body_size: u32, max_response_body_size: u32, max_log_length: u32, batch_requests_supported: bool, bounded_subscriptions: BoundedSubscriptions, stop_server: StopMonitor, middleware: M, id_provider: Arc, ping_interval: Duration, remote_addr: SocketAddr, } async fn background_task(input: BackgroundTask<'_, M>) -> Result<(), Error> { let BackgroundTask { server, conn_id, methods, resources, max_request_body_size, max_response_body_size, max_log_length, batch_requests_supported, bounded_subscriptions, stop_server, middleware, id_provider, ping_interval, remote_addr, } = input; // And we can finally transition to a websocket background_task. let mut builder = server.into_builder(); builder.set_max_message_size(max_request_body_size as usize); let (mut sender, mut receiver) = builder.finish(); let (tx, mut rx) = mpsc::unbounded::(); let bounded_subscriptions2 = bounded_subscriptions.clone(); let stop_server2 = stop_server.clone(); let sink = MethodSink::new_with_limit(tx, max_response_body_size, max_log_length); // Send results back to the client. tokio::spawn(async move { // Received messages from the WebSocket. let mut rx_item = rx.next(); // Interval to send out continuously `pings`. let ping_interval = IntervalStream::new(tokio::time::interval(ping_interval)); tokio::pin!(ping_interval); let mut next_ping = ping_interval.next(); while !stop_server2.shutdown_requested() { // Ensure select is cancel-safe by fetching and storing the `rx_item` that did not finish yet. // Note: Although, this is cancel-safe already, avoid using `select!` macro for future proofing. match futures_util::future::select(rx_item, next_ping).await { Either::Left((Some(response), ping)) => { // If websocket message send fail then terminate the connection. if let Err(err) = send_ws_message(&mut sender, response).await { tracing::warn!("WS send error: {}; terminate connection", err); break; } rx_item = rx.next(); next_ping = ping; } // Nothing else to receive. Either::Left((None, _)) => break, // Handle timer intervals. Either::Right((_, next_rx)) => { if let Err(err) = send_ws_ping(&mut sender).await { tracing::warn!("WS send ping error: {}; terminate connection", err); break; } rx_item = next_rx; next_ping = ping_interval.next(); } } } // Terminate connection and send close message. let _ = sender.close().await; // Notify all listeners and close down associated tasks. bounded_subscriptions2.close(); }); // Buffer for incoming data. let mut data = Vec::with_capacity(100); let mut method_executors = FutureDriver::default(); let middleware = &middleware; let result = loop { data.clear(); { // Need the extra scope to drop this pinned future and reclaim access to `data` let receive = async { // Identical loop to `soketto::receive_data` with debug logs for `Pong` frames. loop { match receiver.receive(&mut data).await? { soketto::Incoming::Data(d) => break Ok(d), soketto::Incoming::Pong(_) => tracing::debug!("recv pong"), _ => continue, } } }; tokio::pin!(receive); if let Err(err) = method_executors.select_with(Monitored::new(receive, &stop_server)).await { match err { MonitoredError::Selector(SokettoError::Closed) => { tracing::debug!("WS transport: remote peer terminated the connection: {}", conn_id); sink.close(); break Ok(()); } MonitoredError::Selector(SokettoError::MessageTooLarge { current, maximum }) => { tracing::warn!( "WS transport error: outgoing message is too big error ({} bytes, max is {})", current, maximum ); sink.send_error(Id::Null, reject_too_big_request(max_request_body_size)); continue; } // These errors can not be gracefully handled, so just log them and terminate the connection. MonitoredError::Selector(err) => { tracing::warn!("WS error: {}; terminate connection {}", err, conn_id); sink.close(); break Err(err.into()); } MonitoredError::Shutdown => break Ok(()), }; }; }; let request_start = middleware.on_request(); let first_non_whitespace = data.iter().find(|byte| !byte.is_ascii_whitespace()); match first_non_whitespace { Some(b'{') => { let data = std::mem::take(&mut data); let sink = sink.clone(); let resources = &resources; let methods = &methods; let bounded_subscriptions = bounded_subscriptions.clone(); let id_provider = &*id_provider; let fut = async move { let call = CallData { conn_id, resources, max_response_body_size, max_log_length, methods, bounded_subscriptions, sink: &sink, id_provider: &*id_provider, middleware, request_start, }; match process_single_request(data, call).await { MethodResult::JustMiddleware(r) => { middleware.on_response(&r.result, request_start); } MethodResult::SendAndMiddleware(r) => { middleware.on_response(&r.result, request_start); let _ = sink.send_raw(r.result); } }; } .boxed(); method_executors.add(fut); } Some(b'[') if !batch_requests_supported => { let response = MethodResponse::error( Id::Null, ErrorObject::borrowed(BATCHES_NOT_SUPPORTED_CODE, &BATCHES_NOT_SUPPORTED_MSG, None), ); middleware.on_response(&response.result, request_start); let _ = sink.send_raw(response.result); } Some(b'[') => { // Make sure the following variables are not moved into async closure below. let resources = &resources; let methods = &methods; let bounded_subscriptions = bounded_subscriptions.clone(); let sink = sink.clone(); let id_provider = id_provider.clone(); let data = std::mem::take(&mut data); let fut = async move { let response = process_batch_request(Batch { data, call: CallData { conn_id, resources, max_response_body_size, max_log_length, methods, bounded_subscriptions, sink: &sink, id_provider: &*id_provider, middleware, request_start, }, }) .await; tx_log_from_str(&response.result, max_log_length); middleware.on_response(&response.result, request_start); let _ = sink.send_raw(response.result); }; method_executors.add(Box::pin(fut)); } _ => { sink.send_error(Id::Null, ErrorCode::ParseError.into()); } } }; middleware.on_disconnect(remote_addr); // Drive all running methods to completion. // **NOTE** Do not return early in this function. This `await` needs to run to guarantee // proper drop behaviour. method_executors.await; result } /// JSON-RPC Websocket server settings. #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct Settings { /// Maximum size in bytes of a request. max_request_body_size: u32, /// Maximum size in bytes of a response. max_response_body_size: u32, /// Maximum number of incoming connections allowed. max_connections: u64, /// Maximum number of subscriptions per connection. max_subscriptions_per_connection: u32, /// Max length for logging for requests and responses /// /// Logs bigger than this limit will be truncated. max_log_length: u32, /// Access control based on HTTP headers access_control: AccessControl, /// Whether batch requests are supported by this server or not. batch_requests_supported: bool, /// Custom tokio runtime to run the server on. tokio_runtime: Option, /// The interval at which `Ping` frames are submitted. ping_interval: Duration, } impl Default for Settings { fn default() -> Self { Self { max_request_body_size: TEN_MB_SIZE_BYTES, max_response_body_size: TEN_MB_SIZE_BYTES, max_log_length: 4096, max_subscriptions_per_connection: 1024, max_connections: MAX_CONNECTIONS, batch_requests_supported: true, access_control: AccessControl::default(), tokio_runtime: None, ping_interval: Duration::from_secs(60), } } } /// Builder to configure and create a JSON-RPC Websocket server #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Builder { settings: Settings, resources: Resources, middleware: M, id_provider: Arc, } impl Default for Builder { fn default() -> Self { Builder { settings: Settings::default(), resources: Resources::default(), middleware: (), id_provider: Arc::new(RandomIntegerIdProvider), } } } impl Builder { /// Create a default server builder. pub fn new() -> Self { Self::default() } } impl Builder { /// Set the maximum size of a request body in bytes. Default is 10 MiB. pub fn max_request_body_size(mut self, size: u32) -> Self { self.settings.max_request_body_size = size; self } /// Set the maximum size of a response body in bytes. Default is 10 MiB. pub fn max_response_body_size(mut self, size: u32) -> Self { self.settings.max_response_body_size = size; self } /// Set the maximum number of connections allowed. Default is 100. pub fn max_connections(mut self, max: u64) -> Self { self.settings.max_connections = max; self } /// Enables or disables support of [batch requests](https://www.jsonrpc.org/specification#batch). /// By default, support is enabled. pub fn batch_requests_supported(mut self, supported: bool) -> Self { self.settings.batch_requests_supported = supported; self } /// Set the maximum number of connections allowed. Default is 1024. pub fn max_subscriptions_per_connection(mut self, max: u32) -> Self { self.settings.max_subscriptions_per_connection = max; self } /// Register a new resource kind. Errors if `label` is already registered, or if the number of /// registered resources on this server instance would exceed 8. /// /// See the module documentation for [`resurce_limiting`](../jsonrpsee_utils/server/resource_limiting/index.html#resource-limiting) /// for details. pub fn register_resource(mut self, label: &'static str, capacity: u16, default: u16) -> Result { self.resources.register(label, capacity, default)?; Ok(self) } /// Add a middleware to the builder [`Middleware`](../jsonrpsee_core/middleware/trait.Middleware.html). /// /// ``` /// use std::{time::Instant, net::SocketAddr}; /// /// use jsonrpsee_core::middleware::{WsMiddleware, Headers, Params}; /// use jsonrpsee_ws_server::WsServerBuilder; /// /// #[derive(Clone)] /// struct MyMiddleware; /// /// impl WsMiddleware for MyMiddleware { /// type Instant = Instant; /// /// fn on_connect(&self, remote_addr: SocketAddr, headers: &Headers) { /// println!("[MyMiddleware::on_call] remote_addr: {}, headers: {:?}", remote_addr, headers); /// } /// /// fn on_request(&self) -> Self::Instant { /// Instant::now() /// } /// /// fn on_call(&self, method_name: &str, params: Params) { /// println!("[MyMiddleware::on_call] method: '{}' params: {:?}", method_name, params); /// } /// /// fn on_result(&self, method_name: &str, success: bool, started_at: Self::Instant) { /// println!("[MyMiddleware::on_result] '{}', worked? {}, time elapsed {:?}", method_name, success, started_at.elapsed()); /// } /// /// fn on_response(&self, result: &str, started_at: Self::Instant) { /// println!("[MyMiddleware::on_response] result: {}, time elapsed {:?}", result, started_at.elapsed()); /// } /// /// fn on_disconnect(&self, remote_addr: SocketAddr) { /// println!("[MyMiddleware::on_disconnect] remote_addr: {}", remote_addr); /// } /// } /// /// let builder = WsServerBuilder::new().set_middleware(MyMiddleware); /// ``` pub fn set_middleware(self, middleware: T) -> Builder { Builder { settings: self.settings, resources: self.resources, middleware, id_provider: self.id_provider } } /// Configure a custom [`tokio::runtime::Handle`] to run the server on. /// /// Default: [`tokio::spawn`] pub fn custom_tokio_runtime(mut self, rt: tokio::runtime::Handle) -> Self { self.settings.tokio_runtime = Some(rt); self } /// Configure the interval at which pings are submitted. /// /// This option is used to keep the connection alive, and is just submitting `Ping` frames, /// without making any assumptions about when a `Pong` frame should be received. /// /// Default: 60 seconds. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```rust /// use std::time::Duration; /// use jsonrpsee_ws_server::WsServerBuilder; /// /// // Set the ping interval to 10 seconds. /// let builder = WsServerBuilder::default().ping_interval(Duration::from_secs(10)); /// ``` pub fn ping_interval(mut self, interval: Duration) -> Self { self.settings.ping_interval = interval; self } /// Configure custom `subscription ID` provider for the server to use /// to when getting new subscription calls. /// /// You may choose static dispatch or dynamic dispatch because /// `IdProvider` is implemented for `Box`. /// /// Default: [`RandomIntegerIdProvider`]. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```rust /// use jsonrpsee_ws_server::{WsServerBuilder, RandomStringIdProvider, IdProvider}; /// /// // static dispatch /// let builder1 = WsServerBuilder::default().set_id_provider(RandomStringIdProvider::new(16)); /// /// // or dynamic dispatch /// let builder2 = WsServerBuilder::default().set_id_provider(Box::new(RandomStringIdProvider::new(16))); /// ``` /// pub fn set_id_provider(mut self, id_provider: I) -> Self { self.id_provider = Arc::new(id_provider); self } /// Sets access control settings. pub fn set_access_control(mut self, acl: AccessControl) -> Self { self.settings.access_control = acl; self } /// Finalize the configuration of the server. Consumes the [`Builder`]. /// /// ```rust /// #[tokio::main] /// async fn main() { /// let listener = std::net::TcpListener::bind("").unwrap(); /// let occupied_addr = listener.local_addr().unwrap(); /// let addrs: &[std::net::SocketAddr] = &[ /// occupied_addr, /// "".parse().unwrap(), /// ]; /// assert!(jsonrpsee_ws_server::WsServerBuilder::default().build(occupied_addr).await.is_err()); /// assert!(jsonrpsee_ws_server::WsServerBuilder::default().build(addrs).await.is_ok()); /// } /// ``` /// pub async fn build(self, addrs: impl ToSocketAddrs) -> Result, Error> { let listener = TcpListener::bind(addrs).await?; let stop_monitor = StopMonitor::new(); let resources = self.resources; Ok(Server { listener, cfg: self.settings, stop_monitor, resources, middleware: self.middleware, id_provider: self.id_provider, }) } } async fn send_ws_message( sender: &mut Sender>>>, response: String, ) -> Result<(), Error> { sender.send_text_owned(response).await?; sender.flush().await.map_err(Into::into) } async fn send_ws_ping(sender: &mut Sender>>>) -> Result<(), Error> { tracing::debug!("send ping"); // Submit empty slice as "optional" parameter. let slice: &[u8] = &[]; // Byte slice fails if the provided slice is larger than 125 bytes. let byte_slice = ByteSlice125::try_from(slice).expect("Empty slice should fit into ByteSlice125"); sender.send_ping(byte_slice).await?; sender.flush().await.map_err(Into::into) } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct Batch<'a, M: Middleware> { data: Vec, call: CallData<'a, M>, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct CallData<'a, M: Middleware> { conn_id: usize, bounded_subscriptions: BoundedSubscriptions, id_provider: &'a dyn IdProvider, middleware: &'a M, methods: &'a Methods, max_response_body_size: u32, max_log_length: u32, resources: &'a Resources, sink: &'a MethodSink, request_start: M::Instant, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct Call<'a, M: Middleware> { params: Params<'a>, name: &'a str, call: CallData<'a, M>, id: Id<'a>, } enum MethodResult { JustMiddleware(MethodResponse), SendAndMiddleware(MethodResponse), } impl MethodResult { fn as_inner(&self) -> &MethodResponse { match &self { Self::JustMiddleware(r) => r, Self::SendAndMiddleware(r) => r, } } } // Batch responses must be sent back as a single message so we read the results from each // request in the batch and read the results off of a new channel, `rx_batch`, and then send the // complete batch response back to the client over `tx`. async fn process_batch_request(b: Batch<'_, M>) -> BatchResponse where M: Middleware, { let Batch { data, call } = b; if let Ok(batch) = serde_json::from_slice::>(&data) { return if !batch.is_empty() { let batch = batch.into_iter().map(|req| Ok((req, call.clone()))); let batch_stream = futures_util::stream::iter(batch); let trace = RpcTracing::batch(); let _enter = trace.span().enter(); let max_response_size = call.max_response_body_size; let batch_response = batch_stream .try_fold( BatchResponseBuilder::new_with_limit(max_response_size as usize), |batch_response, (req, call)| async move { let params = Params::new(req.params.map(|params| params.get())); let response = execute_call(Call { name: &req.method, params, id: req.id, call }).in_current_span().await; batch_response.append(response.as_inner()) }, ) .await; return match batch_response { Ok(batch) => batch.finish(), Err(batch_err) => batch_err, }; } else { BatchResponse::error(Id::Null, ErrorObject::from(ErrorCode::InvalidRequest)) }; } let (id, code) = prepare_error(&data); BatchResponse::error(id, ErrorObject::from(code)) } async fn process_single_request(data: Vec, call: CallData<'_, M>) -> MethodResult { if let Ok(req) = serde_json::from_slice::(&data) { let trace = RpcTracing::method_call(&req.method); let _enter = trace.span().enter(); rx_log_from_json(&req, call.max_log_length); let params = Params::new(req.params.map(|params| params.get())); let name = &req.method; let id = req.id; execute_call(Call { name, params, id, call }).in_current_span().await } else { let (id, code) = prepare_error(&data); MethodResult::SendAndMiddleware(MethodResponse::error(id, ErrorObject::from(code))) } } /// Execute a call which returns result of the call with a additional sink /// to fire a signal once the subscription call has been answered. /// /// Returns `(MethodResponse, None)` on every call that isn't a subscription /// Otherwise `(MethodResponse, Some(PendingSubscriptionCallTx)`. async fn execute_call(c: Call<'_, M>) -> MethodResult { let Call { name, id, params, call } = c; let CallData { resources, methods, middleware, max_response_body_size, max_log_length, conn_id, bounded_subscriptions, id_provider, sink, request_start, } = call; middleware.on_call(name, params.clone()); let response = match methods.method_with_name(name) { None => { let response = MethodResponse::error(id, ErrorObject::from(ErrorCode::MethodNotFound)); MethodResult::SendAndMiddleware(response) } Some((name, method)) => match &method.inner() { MethodKind::Sync(callback) => match method.claim(name, resources) { Ok(guard) => { let r = (callback)(id, params, max_response_body_size as usize); drop(guard); MethodResult::SendAndMiddleware(r) } Err(err) => { tracing::error!("[Methods::execute_with_resources] failed to lock resources: {:?}", err); let response = MethodResponse::error(id, ErrorObject::from(ErrorCode::ServerIsBusy)); MethodResult::SendAndMiddleware(response) } }, MethodKind::Async(callback) => match method.claim(name, resources) { Ok(guard) => { let id = id.into_owned(); let params = params.into_owned(); let response = (callback)(id, params, conn_id, max_response_body_size as usize, Some(guard)).await; MethodResult::SendAndMiddleware(response) } Err(err) => { tracing::error!("[Methods::execute_with_resources] failed to lock resources: {:?}", err); let response = MethodResponse::error(id, ErrorObject::from(ErrorCode::ServerIsBusy)); MethodResult::SendAndMiddleware(response) } }, MethodKind::Subscription(callback) => match method.claim(name, resources) { Ok(guard) => { if let Some(cn) = bounded_subscriptions.acquire() { let conn_state = ConnState { conn_id, close_notify: cn, id_provider }; let response = callback(id.clone(), params, sink.clone(), conn_state, Some(guard)).await; MethodResult::JustMiddleware(response) } else { let response = MethodResponse::error(id, reject_too_many_subscriptions(bounded_subscriptions.max())); MethodResult::SendAndMiddleware(response) } } Err(err) => { tracing::error!("[Methods::execute_with_resources] failed to lock resources: {:?}", err); let response = MethodResponse::error(id, ErrorObject::from(ErrorCode::ServerIsBusy)); MethodResult::SendAndMiddleware(response) } }, MethodKind::Unsubscription(callback) => { // Don't adhere to any resource or subscription limits; always let unsubscribing happen! let result = callback(id, params, conn_id, max_response_body_size as usize); MethodResult::SendAndMiddleware(result) } }, }; let r = response.as_inner(); rx_log_from_str(&r.result, max_log_length); middleware.on_result(name, r.success, request_start); response }