use super::{RpcDescription, RpcMethod, RpcSubscription}; use proc_macro2::TokenStream as TokenStream2; use quote::quote; impl RpcDescription { pub(super) fn render_client(&self) -> Result { let jsonrpsee = self.jsonrpsee_client_path.as_ref().unwrap(); let trait_name = quote::format_ident!("{}Client", &self.trait_def.ident); let super_trait = if self.subscriptions.is_empty() { quote! { #jsonrpsee::types::traits::Client } } else { quote! { #jsonrpsee::types::traits::SubscriptionClient } }; let method_impls = self.methods.iter().map(|method| self.render_method(method)).collect::, _>>()?; let sub_impls = self.subscriptions.iter().map(|sub| self.render_sub(sub)).collect::, _>>()?; let async_trait = self.jrps_client_item(quote! { types::__reexports::async_trait }); // Doc-comment to be associated with the client. let doc_comment = format!("Client implementation for the `{}` RPC API.", &self.trait_def.ident); let trait_impl = quote! { #[#async_trait] #[doc = #doc_comment] pub trait #trait_name: #super_trait { #(#method_impls)* #(#sub_impls)* } impl #trait_name for T where T: #super_trait {} }; Ok(trait_impl) } fn render_method(&self, method: &RpcMethod) -> Result { // `jsonrpsee::Error` let jrps_error = self.jrps_client_item(quote! { types::Error }); // Rust method to invoke (e.g. `self.(...)`). let rust_method_name = &method.signature.sig.ident; // List of inputs to put into `JsonRpcParams` (e.g. `<12, "baz">)`). // Includes `&self` receiver. let rust_method_params = &method.signature.sig.inputs; // Name of the RPC method (e.g. `foo_makeSpam`). let rpc_method_name = self.rpc_identifier(&; // Called method is either `request` or `notification`. // `returns` represent the return type of the *rust method* (`Result< <..>, jsonrpsee::Error`). let (called_method, returns) = if let Some(returns) = &method.returns { let called_method = quote::format_ident!("request"); let returns = quote! { #returns }; (called_method, returns) } else { let called_method = quote::format_ident!("notification"); let returns = quote! { Result<(), #jrps_error> }; (called_method, returns) }; // Encoded parameters for the request. let parameters = if !method.params.is_empty() { let serde_json = self.jrps_client_item(quote! { types::__reexports::serde_json }); let params = method.params.iter().map(|(param, _param_type)| { quote! { #serde_json::to_value(&#param)? } }); quote! { vec![ #(#params),* ].into() } } else { self.jrps_client_item(quote! { types::v2::params::JsonRpcParams::NoParams }) }; // Doc-comment to be associated with the method. let doc_comment = format!("Invokes the RPC method `{}`.", rpc_method_name); let method = quote! { #[doc = #doc_comment] async fn #rust_method_name(#rust_method_params) -> #returns { self.#called_method(#rpc_method_name, #parameters).await } }; Ok(method) } fn render_sub(&self, sub: &RpcSubscription) -> Result { // `jsonrpsee::Error` let jrps_error = self.jrps_client_item(quote! { types::Error }); // Rust method to invoke (e.g. `self.(...)`). let rust_method_name = &sub.signature.sig.ident; // List of inputs to put into `JsonRpcParams` (e.g. `<12, "baz">)`). let rust_method_params = &sub.signature.sig.inputs; // Name of the RPC subscription (e.g. `foo_sub`). let rpc_sub_name = self.rpc_identifier(&; // Name of the RPC method to unsubscribe (e.g. `foo_unsub`). let rpc_unsub_name = self.rpc_identifier(&sub.unsub_method); // `returns` represent the return type of the *rust method*, which is wrapped // into the `Subscription` object. let sub_type = self.jrps_client_item(quote! { types::Subscription }); let item = &sub.item; let returns = quote! { Result<#sub_type<#item>, #jrps_error> }; // Encoded parameters for the request. let parameters = if !sub.params.is_empty() { let serde_json = self.jrps_client_item(quote! { types::__reexports::serde_json }); let params = sub.params.iter().map(|(param, _param_type)| { quote! { #serde_json::to_value(&#param)? } }); quote! { vec![ #(#params),* ].into() } } else { self.jrps_client_item(quote! { types::v2::params::JsonRpcParams::NoParams }) }; // Doc-comment to be associated with the method. let doc_comment = format!("Subscribes to the RPC method `{}`.", rpc_sub_name); let method = quote! { #[doc = #doc_comment] async fn #rust_method_name(#rust_method_params) -> #returns { self.subscribe(#rpc_sub_name, #parameters, #rpc_unsub_name).await } }; Ok(method) } }