1. Sep 13, 2022
    • Niklas Adolfsson's avatar
      replace `WS and HTTP servers` with a server that supports both `WS and HTTP` (#863) · bf73876d
      Niklas Adolfsson authored
      * ws server: support both http and ws
      * clean things up
      * ws server: add http logger and ws logger
      * more cleanup
      * fix nits
      * middleware example
      * remove http and ws server crates
      * move things around
      * some minor fixes
      * fix stop in http context
      * fix tests
      * fix features
      * use header constants
      * remove access_control & expose only host filtering
      CORS has been removed to tower middleware and doesn't need to supported anymore
      * fix merge logging traits + move to server
      * supress warnings faulty dead code
      * remove unwrap
      * support http2
      * doesnt work
      * feat: simpler stop handling
      * Update server/src/future.rs
      * some cleanup
      * Update server/src/future.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAlexandru Vasile <[email protected]>
      * Update server/src/future.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAlexandru Vasile <[email protected]>
      * fix nits
      * address grumbles
      * commit examples and nits
      * clarify comment
      * remove noise
      * remove impl Future for ServerHandle
      * remove needless async {}
      * add http2 test
      * add ServerBuilder::build_from_tcp
      * fix super nit: no more Option<SocketAddr>
      * fix Option<SocketAddr>
      * Update server/src/future.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAlexandru Vasile <[email protected]>
      * Update server/src/future.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAlexandru Vasile <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAlexandru Vasile <[email protected]>
  2. Jun 13, 2022
  3. Dec 17, 2021
    • Maciej Hirsz's avatar
      Crate restructuring (#590) · e159c449
      Maciej Hirsz authored
      * Nuke V2
      * fmt
      * Formatting and imports
      * Updated benches
      * Fix doc comment link
      * Brace imports in ws-server
      * Reworking imports
      * std first
      * fmt
      * std on top
      * Update to match changed line numbers
      * Rename jsonrpsee_utils -> jsonrpsee_core
      * Migrating things types -> core
      * RpcError -> ErrorResponse
      * Merge types::client into core::client
      * Continued move types -> core
      * Removing features to make checks pass
      * Move rpc_module tests to tests crate
      * Fixed doc comment links
      * Add futures-util dependency for client
      * Remove dead code
      Co-authored-by: default avatarNiklas Adolfsson <[email protected]>
      * fmt
      * Feature gate the Client trait
      * Move `Client` traits to `client` module
      Co-authored-by: default avatarNiklas Adolfsson <[email protected]>
  4. Oct 12, 2021
  5. Oct 11, 2021
    • Maciej Hirsz's avatar
      Resource Limiting (#500) · 518a6155
      Maciej Hirsz authored
      * Squash post merge
      * RAII claims and some comments
      * Adding resources to Methods
      * Use arrays for claiming all resources at once
      * Register resources on ws-server
      * Return MethodResourcesBuilder from register_method
      * Return MethodResourcesBuilder from register_async_method
      * fmt and comments
      * Add `verify_and_insert` to get rid of `or_insert` in order to get mut ref to value
      * Resources initialization
      * No need for ResourceBuilder
      * Comment all the things
      * Handle errors on ws-server `start` method
      * Passing ResourceGuard to method execution
      * Start ws-server in background, simplify all the tests!
      * Claiming resources on runtime
      * Do checked math on resource claiming
      * Clearer error path for resources at limit
      * Resource limiting tests WIP
      * Unbox async futures
      * fmt
      * Cleaner proc macro
      * Fix lifetime issues with ResourceGuard with internal Arc
      * Remove unnecessary lifetime generic
      * Working tests
      * Use turbofish in tests
      * fmt
      * Fixed (?) benches
      * Apply suggestions from code review
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      * Tweak more grumbles
      * Adding a test for resource limiting with proc macros (WIP)
      * Reworking attribute macros for resource limiting (#507)
      * Squashed macros WIP
      * bae-less macros!
      * Make things simpler and more readable
      * Some comments and DRY aliases parsing
      * Naming things is hard
      * Respan is no longer needed
      * Simpler Arguments
      * Remove stale code
      * Apply suggestions from code review
      Co-authored-by: default avatarNiklas Adolfsson <[email protected]>
      * syn-up all the things, handle resources on methods
      Co-authored-by: default avatarNiklas Adolfsson <[email protected]>
      * Resource limiting on the http server
      * Test two resources at once
      * Test the HTTP server for resource limiting
      * Apply suggestions from code review
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarNiklas Adolfsson <[email protected]>
      * Comment tweaks
      * More explicit error type for `AttributeMeta::retain`
      * Remove generic from ResourceTable; derive Default on ws Builder
      * Make the macros shorter
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarNiklas Adolfsson <[email protected]>
  6. Aug 25, 2021
  7. May 18, 2021