1. Sep 30, 2022
  2. Jul 04, 2022
  3. Jun 29, 2022
  4. Jun 14, 2022
  5. Apr 20, 2022
  6. Feb 22, 2022
  7. Feb 18, 2022
  8. Dec 17, 2021
    • Maciej Hirsz's avatar
      Crate restructuring (#590) · e159c449
      Maciej Hirsz authored
      * Nuke V2
      * fmt
      * Formatting and imports
      * Updated benches
      * Fix doc comment link
      * Brace imports in ws-server
      * Reworking imports
      * std first
      * fmt
      * std on top
      * Update to match changed line numbers
      * Rename jsonrpsee_utils -> jsonrpsee_core
      * Migrating things types -> core
      * RpcError -> ErrorResponse
      * Merge types::client into core::client
      * Continued move types -> core
      * Removing features to make checks pass
      * Move rpc_module tests to tests crate
      * Fixed doc comment links
      * Add futures-util dependency for client
      * Remove dead code
      Co-authored-by: default avatarNiklas Adolfsson <[email protected]>
      * fmt
      * Feature gate the Client trait
      * Move `Client` traits to `client` module
      Co-authored-by: default avatarNiklas Adolfsson <[email protected]>
  9. Dec 15, 2021
  10. Dec 14, 2021
  11. Nov 21, 2021
    • Alexandru Vasile's avatar
      proc-macros: Support deprecated methods for rpc client (#570) · 9a3c1e98
      Alexandru Vasile authored
      * proc-macros: Fix documentation typo of `rpc_identifier`
      * proc-macros: Support deprecated methods for rpc client (#564)
      Calling a deprecated method of the RPC client should warn
      the user at compile-time.
      Extract the `#[deprecated]` macro as is while parsing the
      RpcMethod, and pass through the macro to the RPC client
      * tests/ui: Check deprecated method for rpc client (#564)
      To ensure that the test will fail during compilation,
      warnings are denied.
      Check that the deprecate macro will generate warnings
      just for the methods that are utilized.
  12. Nov 19, 2021
  13. Nov 11, 2021
  14. Nov 03, 2021
    • ¯\_(ツ)_/¯'s avatar
      Proc mac support map param (#544) · ff3337b1
      ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ authored
      * feat(proc_macro): add support for map arguments
      * feat(proc_macro): formatting
      * feat(proc_macro): fix issues with Into trait
      * feat(proc_macro): param_format for methods
      * feat(proc_macro): improve param_format checking
      - Addressed @niklasad1
      's suggestion to use an Option instead of just
      defaulting to "array".
      * feat(proc_macro): apply suggestions, add test case
      - Use enum for param format.
      - Extract parsing logic into separate function.
      - Add ui test.
      * feat(proc_macro): run cargo fmt
      * feat(proc_macro): address suggestions
      * feat(proc_macro): document param_kind argument
      * feat(proc_macro):  consistent spacing
      Apply @maciejhirsz formatting suggestion.
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMaciej Hirsz <[email protected]>
      * feat(proc_macro): apply suggestions
      - make parameter encoding DRY
      - remove strings from param_kind
      - return result from parse_param_kind
      * feat(proc_macro): formatting
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMaciej Hirsz <[email protected]>
  15. Oct 15, 2021
    • Maciej Hirsz's avatar
      `register_blocking_method` (#523) · 50b172e2
      Maciej Hirsz authored
      * register_blocking_method
      * Support `blocking` flag in `#[method]`
      * Macro support and tests
      * MacOS CI fails if there are too many blocking tasks
      * conn_id is never used in async callbacks
      * Dry-run blocking callbacks to maybe satisfy MacOS CI
      * Make tokio optional behind server feature flag
      * Document `blocking` flag use in `#[method]`
      * Comment why the test is disabled on mac
      * Fix warnings on macos tests
  16. Oct 11, 2021
    • Maciej Hirsz's avatar
      Resource Limiting (#500) · 518a6155
      Maciej Hirsz authored
      * Squash post merge
      * RAII claims and some comments
      * Adding resources to Methods
      * Use arrays for claiming all resources at once
      * Register resources on ws-server
      * Return MethodResourcesBuilder from register_method
      * Return MethodResourcesBuilder from register_async_method
      * fmt and comments
      * Add `verify_and_insert` to get rid of `or_insert` in order to get mut ref to value
      * Resources initialization
      * No need for ResourceBuilder
      * Comment all the things
      * Handle errors on ws-server `start` method
      * Passing ResourceGuard to method execution
      * Start ws-server in background, simplify all the tests!
      * Claiming resources on runtime
      * Do checked math on resource claiming
      * Clearer error path for resources at limit
      * Resource limiting tests WIP
      * Unbox async futures
      * fmt
      * Cleaner proc macro
      * Fix lifetime issues with ResourceGuard with internal Arc
      * Remove unnecessary lifetime generic
      * Working tests
      * Use turbofish in tests
      * fmt
      * Fixed (?) benches
      * Apply suggestions from code review
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      * Tweak more grumbles
      * Adding a test for resource limiting with proc macros (WIP)
      * Reworking attribute macros for resource limiting (#507)
      * Squashed macros WIP
      * bae-less macros!
      * Make things simpler and more readable
      * Some comments and DRY aliases parsing
      * Naming things is hard
      * Respan is no longer needed
      * Simpler Arguments
      * Remove stale code
      * Apply suggestions from code review
      Co-authored-by: default avatarNiklas Adolfsson <[email protected]>
      * syn-up all the things, handle resources on methods
      Co-authored-by: default avatarNiklas Adolfsson <[email protected]>
      * Resource limiting on the http server
      * Test two resources at once
      * Test the HTTP server for resource limiting
      * Apply suggestions from code review
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarNiklas Adolfsson <[email protected]>
      * Comment tweaks
      * More explicit error type for `AttributeMeta::retain`
      * Remove generic from ResourceTable; derive Default on ws Builder
      * Make the macros shorter
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarNiklas Adolfsson <[email protected]>
  17. Sep 09, 2021
  18. Sep 08, 2021
  19. Sep 01, 2021
  20. Aug 27, 2021
    • Niklas Adolfsson's avatar
      [proc macros]: support generic type params (#436) · 1045c785
      Niklas Adolfsson authored
      * PoC support generic type params
      * more annoying example
      * add trait bounds for generic params in proc macros
      * add compile-time test for complicated trait
      * smarter trait bounds in proc macros
      * add non-working example for now
      * revert nits
      * Update examples/proc_macro.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      * Update proc-macros/src/helpers.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      * add messy code but works
      * cleanup
      * add some simple compile check in tests
      * fix doc link
      * fix doc link last time
      * address grumbles
      * docs
      * Update proc-macros/src/helpers.rs
      * Update proc-macros/src/helpers.rs
      * Update proc-macros/src/helpers.rs
      * Update proc-macros/src/helpers.rs
      * Update proc-macros/src/visitor.rs
      * fix nit: | -> ||
      * Update proc-macros/src/helpers.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      * Update proc-macros/src/helpers.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      * Update proc-macros/src/helpers.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      * add issues to introduced TODOs
      * generics support where clause on trait
      * Update proc-macros/src/helpers.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      * Update proc-macros/src/helpers.rs
      * address grumbles
      * add more docs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
  21. Aug 25, 2021
  22. Jul 27, 2021
    • Maciej Hirsz's avatar
      Proc macro params optimizations and tests. (#421) · 3d52c6ac
      Maciej Hirsz authored
      * WIP
      * Feature-complete-ish
      * WIP
      * Cleaner replace marker
      * Inject lifetimes in elided `Cow`s
      * Use a single static &str for all injected lifetimes
      * Working lifetimes
      * Add the `call` method to `Methods`
      * Testing proc macro with optional params
      * Remove internal loop
      * fmt
      * Fix grumbles
  23. Jul 01, 2021
    • Igor Aleksanov's avatar
      New proc macro (#387) · ddb50806
      Igor Aleksanov authored
      * Start working on the new proc macro system
      * Add skeleton for rendering
      * Improve error reporting
      * Main part of 'render_client'
      * Implement RPC client generation
      * Client successfully rendered
      * Add doc-comment generation for the API client
      * Check that all the methods have receiver
      * Start working on the server impl
      * Add helper method to find server crate
      * Fix usage of client rpc path
      * Decent progress on the server macro implementation
      * Server macro compiled successfully
      * Remove unneeded re-export
      * Insert SubscriptionSink argument to the subscription server signatures
      * Add basic doc-comment for the macro
      * no_run -> ignore
      * Trait with subscription compiles
      * Extend the example
      * Add integration test for client/server impl
      * Add trybuild setup
      * Set correct span for attribute parsing related errors
      * Add basic set of trybuild tests
      * Add tests for client and server generated separately
      * Improve proc-macro documentation
      * Update proc-macros/src/lib.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarNiklas Adolfsson <[email protected]>
      * Fix a couple of bugs in docs
      * Fix rendering subscription with params
      Co-authored-by: default avatarNiklas Adolfsson <[email protected]>