1. Aug 24, 2022
  2. Jun 22, 2022
  3. Jun 21, 2022
    • Niklas Adolfsson's avatar
      feat(logging): add `tracing span` per JSON-RPC call (#722) · 00c2ce65
      Niklas Adolfsson authored
      * less verbose logging + tracing based on method name
      * add tracing per rpc call
      * fix nits
      * remove unsed feature
      * fix build
      * http make logging more human friendly
      * unify logging format
      * deps: make tracing hard dependency
      * fix tests
      * fix nit
      * fix build
      * fix nits
      * Update core/src/client/async_client/mod.rs
      * Update core/Cargo.toml
      * Update core/src/lib.rs
  4. Jan 21, 2022
    • Niklas Adolfsson's avatar
      feat(client): support request id as Strings. (#659) · 708d4213
      Niklas Adolfsson authored
      * feat(client): support request id as Strings.
      * add tests for Id::String
      * address grumbles: move id_kind to RequestManager
      * Update client/http-client/src/client.rs
      * types: take ref to `ID` get rid of some `Clone`
      * remove more clone
      * grumbles: rename tests
  5. Dec 17, 2021
    • Maciej Hirsz's avatar
      Crate restructuring (#590) · e159c449
      Maciej Hirsz authored
      * Nuke V2
      * fmt
      * Formatting and imports
      * Updated benches
      * Fix doc comment link
      * Brace imports in ws-server
      * Reworking imports
      * std first
      * fmt
      * std on top
      * Update to match changed line numbers
      * Rename jsonrpsee_utils -> jsonrpsee_core
      * Migrating things types -> core
      * RpcError -> ErrorResponse
      * Merge types::client into core::client
      * Continued move types -> core
      * Removing features to make checks pass
      * Move rpc_module tests to tests crate
      * Fixed doc comment links
      * Add futures-util dependency for client
      * Remove dead code
      Co-authored-by: default avatarNiklas Adolfsson <[email protected]>
      * fmt
      * Feature gate the Client trait
      * Move `Client` traits to `client` module
      Co-authored-by: default avatarNiklas Adolfsson <[email protected]>
  6. Dec 06, 2021
  7. Nov 30, 2021
  8. Oct 11, 2021
    • Niklas Adolfsson's avatar
      remove `ParamsSer::NoParams` (#501) · b3e4297b
      Niklas Adolfsson authored
      * fix(ParamsSer): serialize to empty array
      Serialize `ParamsSer::NoParams` to an empty array inorder to comply with the jsonrpc v2 spec.
      * fix tests
      * remove ParamsSer::NoParams
      * address grumbles: adjust rpc params macro
  9. Sep 15, 2021
    • David's avatar
      Rename and reorg types (#462) · 635142e3
      David authored
      * Renames
      * More renames
      * fmt
      * s/RpcParams/Params/
      * Add a type alias `SubscriptionResponse` to `Notification` which is parametrized to `SubscriptionPayload`
      Move `SubscriptionResponse` to the `response` module
      * Fix doc links
      * Cleanup and some docs
      * Review feedback
      * cleanup
  10. Aug 25, 2021
  11. Jun 24, 2021
  12. Jun 02, 2021
  13. Jun 01, 2021
  14. May 19, 2021
  15. Apr 20, 2021
    • Niklas Adolfsson's avatar
      [client] use types v2 (less alloc) (#269) · 31153ac7
      Niklas Adolfsson authored
      * rewrite me
      * v2
      * PoC works without batch request
      * remove `PartialEq` bounds
      * add naive benches types
      * misc
      * remove useless lifetime
      * [ws client]: move request ID generation to client
      * make tests compile again
      * [client transport]: kill leaky abstractions.
      * [http client transport]: minor changes in the API.
      * [ws client]: fix batch requests.
      * fix nits
      * [ws client]: generate two request IDs for subscrib
      * fix tests
      * remove unused types + less alloc for params.
      * fix nits
      * more tweaks.
      * remove unused code
      * fix more nits
      * remove unused legacy types
      * reorg types_v2 mod
      * port macros to new types
      * fix tests again; more jsonvalue
      * [proc macros]: bring back impl Into for params.
      * fix build
      * [proc macros]: make it work for external crates.
      * [types]: remove weird From<Option<T>> to impl.
      * cleanup again
      * [examples]: remove unused async-std dep
      * Update types/src/v2/mod.rs
      * [types]: remove unsed dep smallvec
      * rewrite me
      * [types]: error code impl ser/deser
      Manual implementation of serialize/deserialize to get rid of duplicated message string
      * [types v2]: re-org with explicit mods
      * fix faulty test
      * add missed files
      * [ws client]: req_manager reserve unsubscribe slot.
      * simplify test code
      * add tracking issue for TODO
      * remove unused deps