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Maciej Hirsz committed
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::Duration;
use crate::helpers::{ws_handshake, KIB};
use criterion::*;
use futures_util::future::{join_all, FutureExt};
use futures_util::stream::FuturesUnordered;
use helpers::{http_client, ws_client, SUB_METHOD_NAME, UNSUB_METHOD_NAME};
use jsonrpsee::core::client::{ClientT, SubscriptionClientT};
use jsonrpsee::core::params::{ArrayParams, BatchRequestBuilder, ObjectParams};
use jsonrpsee::core::traits::ToRpcParams;
use jsonrpsee::http_client::HeaderMap;
use jsonrpsee::types::{Id, RequestSer};
use pprof::criterion::{Output, PProfProfiler};
use tokio::runtime::Runtime as TokioRuntime;

mod helpers;
fn measurement_time_slow() -> Duration {
	std::env::var("SLOW_MEASUREMENT_TIME").map_or(Duration::from_secs(250), |val| {
		Duration::from_secs(val.parse().expect("SLOW_SAMPLE_TIME must be an integer"))

fn measurement_time() -> Duration {
	std::env::var("MEASUREMENT_TIME").map_or(Duration::from_secs(50), |val| {
		Duration::from_secs(val.parse().expect("SAMPLE_TIME must be an integer"))

	config = Criterion::default().with_profiler(PProfProfiler::new(100, Output::Flamegraph(None))).measurement_time(measurement_time());
	config = Criterion::default().with_profiler(PProfProfiler::new(100, Output::Flamegraph(None))).measurement_time(measurement_time());
	targets = SyncBencher::http_benches, SyncBencher::websocket_benches
	name = sync_slow_benches;
	config = Criterion::default().with_profiler(PProfProfiler::new(100, Output::Flamegraph(None))).measurement_time(measurement_time_slow());
	targets = SyncBencher::http_benches_slow, SyncBencher::websocket_benches_slow
	name = async_benches;
	config = Criterion::default().with_profiler(PProfProfiler::new(100, Output::Flamegraph(None))).measurement_time(measurement_time());
	targets = AsyncBencher::http_benches, AsyncBencher::websocket_benches
	name = async_slow_benches;
	config = Criterion::default().with_profiler(PProfProfiler::new(100, Output::Flamegraph(None))).measurement_time(measurement_time_slow());
	targets = AsyncBencher::http_benches_slow, AsyncBencher::websocket_benches_slow
	name = subscriptions;
	config = Criterion::default().with_profiler(PProfProfiler::new(100, Output::Flamegraph(None))).measurement_time(measurement_time_slow());
	targets = AsyncBencher::subscriptions
criterion_main!(types_benches, sync_benches, sync_slow_benches, async_benches, async_slow_benches, subscriptions);

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
enum RequestType {

impl RequestType {
	fn methods(self) -> [&'static str; 3] {
		match self {
			RequestType::Sync => crate::helpers::SYNC_METHODS,
			RequestType::Async => crate::helpers::ASYNC_METHODS,

	fn group_name(self, name: &str) -> String {
		let request_type_name = match self {
			RequestType::Sync => "sync",
			RequestType::Async => "async",
		format!("{}/{}", request_type_name, name)
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David committed
fn v2_serialize(req: RequestSer<'_>) -> String {

pub fn jsonrpsee_types_v2(crit: &mut Criterion) {
	// Construct the serialized array request using the `RawValue` directly.
	crit.bench_function("jsonrpsee_types_array_params_baseline", |b| {
			let params = serde_json::value::RawValue::from_string("[1, 2]".to_string()).unwrap();

			let request = RequestSer::new(&Id::Number(0), "say_hello", Some(params));
	// Construct the serialized request using the `ArrayParams`.
	crit.bench_function("jsonrpsee_types_array_params", |b| {
		b.iter(|| {
			let mut builder = ArrayParams::new();
			let params = builder.to_rpc_params().expect("Valid params");
			let request = RequestSer::new(&Id::Number(0), "say_hello", params);
	// Construct the serialized object request using the `RawValue` directly.
	crit.bench_function("jsonrpsee_types_object_params_baseline", |b| {
			let params = serde_json::value::RawValue::from_string(r#"{"key": 1}"#.to_string()).unwrap();

			let request = RequestSer::new(&Id::Number(0), "say_hello", Some(params));
	// Construct the serialized request using the `ObjectParams`.
	crit.bench_function("jsonrpsee_types_object_params", |b| {
		b.iter(|| {
			let mut builder = ObjectParams::new();
			builder.insert("key", 1u32).unwrap();
			let params = builder.to_rpc_params().expect("Valid params");
			let request = RequestSer::new(&Id::Number(0), "say_hello", params);
trait RequestBencher {
	const REQUEST_TYPE: RequestType;
	fn http_benches(crit: &mut Criterion) {
		let rt = TokioRuntime::new().unwrap();
		let (url, _server) = rt.block_on(helpers::http_server(rt.handle().clone()));
		let client = Arc::new(http_client(&url, HeaderMap::new()));
		round_trip(&rt, crit, client.clone(), "http_round_trip", Self::REQUEST_TYPE);
		http_custom_headers_round_trip(&rt, crit, &url, "http_custom_headers_round_trip", Self::REQUEST_TYPE);

	fn http_benches_slow(crit: &mut Criterion) {
		let rt = TokioRuntime::new().unwrap();
		let (url, _server) = rt.block_on(helpers::http_server(rt.handle().clone()));
		let client = Arc::new(http_client(&url, HeaderMap::new()));
		http_concurrent_conn_calls(&rt, crit, &url, "http_concurrent_conn_calls", Self::REQUEST_TYPE);
		batch_round_trip(&rt, crit, client, "http_batch_requests", Self::REQUEST_TYPE);
	fn websocket_benches(crit: &mut Criterion) {
		let rt = TokioRuntime::new().unwrap();
		let (url, _server) = rt.block_on(helpers::ws_server(rt.handle().clone()));
		let client = Arc::new(rt.block_on(ws_client(&url)));
		round_trip(&rt, crit, client.clone(), "ws_round_trip", Self::REQUEST_TYPE);
		ws_custom_headers_handshake(&rt, crit, &url, "ws_custom_headers_handshake", Self::REQUEST_TYPE);

	fn websocket_benches_slow(crit: &mut Criterion) {
		let rt = TokioRuntime::new().unwrap();
		let (url, _server) = rt.block_on(helpers::ws_server(rt.handle().clone()));
		let client = Arc::new(rt.block_on(ws_client(&url)));
		ws_concurrent_conn_calls(&rt, crit, &url, "ws_concurrent_conn_calls", Self::REQUEST_TYPE);
		ws_concurrent_conn_subs(&rt, crit, &url, "ws_concurrent_conn_subs", Self::REQUEST_TYPE);
		batch_round_trip(&rt, crit, client, "ws_batch_requests", Self::REQUEST_TYPE);

	fn subscriptions(crit: &mut Criterion) {
		let rt = TokioRuntime::new().unwrap();
		let (url, _server) = rt.block_on(helpers::ws_server(rt.handle().clone()));
		let client = Arc::new(rt.block_on(ws_client(&url)));
		sub_round_trip(&rt, crit, client, "subscriptions");
pub struct SyncBencher;

impl RequestBencher for SyncBencher {
	const REQUEST_TYPE: RequestType = RequestType::Sync;
pub struct AsyncBencher;
impl RequestBencher for AsyncBencher {
	const REQUEST_TYPE: RequestType = RequestType::Async;
fn round_trip(rt: &TokioRuntime, crit: &mut Criterion, client: Arc<impl ClientT>, name: &str, request: RequestType) {
	for method in request.methods() {
		let bench_name = format!("{}/{}", name, method);
		crit.bench_function(&request.group_name(&bench_name), |b| {
			b.to_async(rt).iter(|| async {
				black_box(client.request::<String, ArrayParams>(method, ArrayParams::new()).await.unwrap());
fn sub_round_trip(rt: &TokioRuntime, crit: &mut Criterion, client: Arc<impl SubscriptionClientT>, name: &str) {
	let mut group = crit.benchmark_group(name);
	group.bench_function("subscribe", |b| {
		b.to_async(rt).iter_with_large_drop(|| async {
					.subscribe::<String, ArrayParams>(SUB_METHOD_NAME, ArrayParams::new(), UNSUB_METHOD_NAME)
	group.bench_function("subscribe_response", |b| {
				// We have to use `block_in_place` here since `b.to_async(rt)` automatically enters the
				// runtime context and simply calling `block_on` here will cause the code to panic.
				tokio::task::block_in_place(|| {
					tokio::runtime::Handle::current().block_on(async {
							.subscribe::<String, ArrayParams>(SUB_METHOD_NAME, ArrayParams::new(), UNSUB_METHOD_NAME)
			|mut sub| async move {
				// Note that this benchmark will include costs for measuring `drop` for subscription,
				// since it's not possible to combine both `iter_with_setup` and `iter_with_large_drop`.
				// To estimate pure cost of method, one should subtract the result of `unsub` bench
				// from this one.
	group.bench_function("unsub", |b| {
			|| {
				rt.block_on(async {
						.subscribe::<String, ArrayParams>(SUB_METHOD_NAME, ArrayParams::new(), UNSUB_METHOD_NAME)
			|sub| {
				// Subscription will be closed inside of the drop impl.
				// Actually, it just sends a notification about object being closed,
				// but it's still important to know that drop impl is not too expensive.

/// Benchmark http_batch_requests over batch sizes of 2, 5, 10, 50 and 100 RPCs in each batch.
	rt: &TokioRuntime,
	crit: &mut Criterion,
	client: Arc<impl ClientT>,
	name: &str,
	request: RequestType,
) {
	for method in request.methods() {
		let bench_name = format!("{}/{}", name, method);
		let mut group = crit.benchmark_group(request.group_name(&bench_name));
		for batch_size in [2, 5, 10, 50, 100usize].iter() {
			let mut batch = BatchRequestBuilder::new();
			for _ in 0..*batch_size {
				batch.insert(method, ArrayParams::new()).unwrap();
			group.throughput(Throughput::Elements(*batch_size as u64));
			group.bench_with_input(BenchmarkId::from_parameter(batch_size), batch_size, |b, _| {
				b.to_async(rt).iter(|| async { client.batch_request::<String>(batch.clone()).await.unwrap() })
fn ws_concurrent_conn_calls(rt: &TokioRuntime, crit: &mut Criterion, url: &str, name: &str, request: RequestType) {
	let methods = request.methods();
	let mut group = crit.benchmark_group(request.group_name(name));
	for conns in [2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024] {
		group.bench_function(format!("{}", conns), |b| {
				|| {
					let mut clients = Vec::new();
					// We have to use `block_in_place` here since `b.to_async(rt)` automatically enters the
					// runtime context and simply calling `block_on` here will cause the code to panic.
					tokio::task::block_in_place(|| {
						tokio::runtime::Handle::current().block_on(async {
							for _ in 0..conns {

				|clients| async {
					let tasks = clients.into_iter().map(|client| {
						rt.spawn(async move {
							let futs = FuturesUnordered::new();

							for _ in 0..10 {
								futs.push(client.request::<String, ArrayParams>(methods[0], ArrayParams::new()));
// As this is so slow only fast calls are executed in this benchmark.
fn ws_concurrent_conn_subs(rt: &TokioRuntime, crit: &mut Criterion, url: &str, name: &str, request: RequestType) {
	let mut group = crit.benchmark_group(request.group_name(name));
	for conns in [2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024] {
		group.bench_function(format!("{}", conns), |b| {
				|| {
					let mut clients = Vec::new();
					// We have to use `block_in_place` here since `b.to_async(rt)` automatically enters the
					// runtime context and simply calling `block_on` here will cause the code to panic.
					tokio::task::block_in_place(|| {
						tokio::runtime::Handle::current().block_on(async {
							for _ in 0..conns {

				|clients| async {
					let tasks = clients.into_iter().map(|client| {
						rt.spawn(async move {
							let futs = FuturesUnordered::new();

							for _ in 0..10 {
								let fut = client
									.subscribe::<String, ArrayParams>(
									.then(|sub| async move {
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Alexandru Vasile committed

// As this is so slow only fast calls are executed in this benchmark.
fn http_concurrent_conn_calls(rt: &TokioRuntime, crit: &mut Criterion, url: &str, name: &str, request: RequestType) {
	let method = request.methods()[0];
	let bench_name = format!("{}/{}", name, method);
	let mut group = crit.benchmark_group(request.group_name(&bench_name));
	for conns in [2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024] {
		group.bench_function(format!("{}", conns), |b| {
				|| (0..conns).map(|_| http_client(url, HeaderMap::new())),
				|clients| async {
					let tasks =|client| {
						rt.spawn(async move {
							client.request::<String, ArrayParams>(method, ArrayParams::new()).await.unwrap();

/// Bench `round_trip` with different header sizes.
fn http_custom_headers_round_trip(
	rt: &TokioRuntime,
	crit: &mut Criterion,
	url: &str,
	name: &str,
	request: RequestType,
) {
	let method_name = request.methods()[0];

	for header_size in [0, KIB, 5 * KIB, 25 * KIB, 100 * KIB] {
		let mut headers = HeaderMap::new();
		if header_size != 0 {
			headers.insert("key", "A".repeat(header_size).parse().unwrap());

		let client = Arc::new(http_client(url, headers));
		let bench_name = format!("{}/{}kb", name, header_size / KIB);

		crit.bench_function(&request.group_name(&bench_name), |b| {
			b.to_async(rt).iter(|| async {
				black_box(client.request::<String, ArrayParams>(method_name, ArrayParams::new()).await.unwrap());

/// Bench WS handshake with different header sizes.
fn ws_custom_headers_handshake(rt: &TokioRuntime, crit: &mut Criterion, url: &str, name: &str, request: RequestType) {
	let mut group = crit.benchmark_group(request.group_name(name));
	for header_size in [0, KIB, 2 * KIB, 4 * KIB] {
		group.bench_function(format!("{}kb", header_size / KIB), |b| {
			b.to_async(rt).iter(|| async move {
				let mut headers = HeaderMap::new();
				if header_size != 0 {
					headers.insert("key", "A".repeat(header_size).parse().unwrap());

				ws_handshake(url, headers).await;