// Copyright 2015-2018 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause /* global __static */ import electron from 'electron'; import path from 'path'; import url from 'url'; import { doesParityExist } from './operations/doesParityExist'; import fetchParity from './operations/fetchParity'; import handleError from './operations/handleError'; import Mb from 'menubar'; import messages from './messages'; import { productName } from '../../electron-builder.json'; import Pino from './utils/pino'; import { runParity, killParity } from './operations/runParity'; const { ipcMain, Menu, session } = electron; const pino = Pino(); const menubar = Mb({ height: 640, index: // Opens file:///path/to/build/index.html in prod mode, or whatever is // passed to ELECTRON_START_URL process.env.ELECTRON_START_URL || url.format({ pathname: path.join(__static, 'build', 'index.html'), protocol: 'file:', slashes: true }), preloadWindow: true, resizable: false, transparent: true, webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true }, width: 360 }); function createWindow () { pino.info(`Starting ${productName}...`); doesParityExist() .catch(() => fetchParity(menubar.window)) // Install parity if not present .then(() => runParity(menubar.window)) .catch(handleError); // Errors should be handled before, this is really just in case // Listen to messages from renderer process ipcMain.on('asynchronous-message', messages); // WS calls have Origin `file://` by default, which is not trusted. // We override Origin header on all WS connections with an authorized one. session.defaultSession.webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders( { urls: ['ws://*/*', 'wss://*/*'] }, (details, callback) => { if (!menubar.window) { // There might be a split second where the user closes the app, so // menubar.window is null, but there is still a network request done. return; } details.requestHeaders.Origin = `parity://${menubar.window.id}.ui.parity`; callback({ requestHeaders: details.requestHeaders }); // eslint-disable-line } ); // Open external links in browser menubar.window.webContents.on('new-window', function (event, url) { event.preventDefault(); electron.shell.openExternal(url); }); } // Right click menu for Tray menubar.on('after-create-window', () => { const contextMenu = Menu.buildFromTemplate([ { role: 'about' }, { type: 'separator' }, { label: 'Restart', click: () => { menubar.app.relaunch(); menubar.app.exit(); } }, { label: 'Quit', click: () => { menubar.app.quit(); } } ]); menubar.tray.on('right-click', () => { menubar.tray.popUpContextMenu(contextMenu); }); }); // Make sure parity stops when UI stops menubar.app.on('before-quit', killParity); menubar.app.on('will-quit', killParity); menubar.app.on('quit', killParity); menubar.on('ready', createWindow);