// Copyright 2015-2019 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { addressShort, Card, Form as FetherForm } from 'fether-ui'; import { inject, observer } from 'mobx-react'; import RequireHealthOverlay from '../../../RequireHealthOverlay'; import Scanner from '../../../Scanner'; import withAccountsInfo from '../../../utils/withAccountsInfo'; import i18n, { packageNS } from '../../../i18n'; @withAccountsInfo @inject('createAccountStore') @observer class AccountImportOptions extends Component { state = { error: '', isLoading: false, phrase: '', importingFromSigner: false }; handleNextStep = async () => { const { history, location: { pathname } } = this.props; const currentStep = pathname.slice(-1); history.push(`/accounts/new/${+currentStep + 1}`); }; handlePhraseChange = ({ target: { value: phrase } }) => { this.setState({ phrase }); }; handleSubmitPhrase = async () => { const phrase = this.state.phrase.trim(); const { createAccountStore, createAccountStore: { setPhrase } } = this.props; this.setState({ isLoading: true, phrase }); try { await setPhrase(phrase); if (this.hasExistingAddressForImport(createAccountStore.address)) { return; } this.handleNextStep(); } catch (error) { this.setState({ isLoading: false, error: i18n.t( `${packageNS}:account.import.phrase.error_msg_submit_phrase` ) }); console.error(error); } }; handleChangeFile = async jsonString => { const { createAccountStore, createAccountStore: { setJsonString } } = this.props; this.setState({ isLoading: true }); try { await setJsonString(jsonString); if (this.hasExistingAddressForImport(createAccountStore.address)) { return; } this.handleNextStep(); } catch (error) { this.setState({ isLoading: false, error: i18n.t(`${packageNS}:account.import.error_msg_change_json_file`) }); console.error(error); } }; handleSignerImported = async ({ address, chainId: chainIdString }) => { const { createAccountStore: { importFromSigner } } = this.props; if (!address || !chainIdString) { this.setState({ error: i18n.t( `${packageNS}:account.import.signer.error_msg_signer_imported` ) }); return; } const chainId = parseInt(chainIdString); if (this.hasExistingAddressForImport(address, chainId)) { return; } await importFromSigner({ address, chainId }); this.handleNextStep(); }; handleSignerImport = () => { this.setState({ importingFromSigner: true }); }; hasExistingAddressForImport = (addressForImport, chainId) => { const { accountsInfo } = this.props; const isExistingAddress = Object.keys(accountsInfo).some( key => key.toLowerCase() === addressForImport.toLowerCase() && (!accountsInfo[key].chainId || !chainId || accountsInfo[key].chainId === chainId) ); if (isExistingAddress) { this.setState({ isLoading: false, error: i18n.t( `${packageNS}:account.import.error_msg_existing_address`, { address: addressShort(addressForImport) } ) }); } return isExistingAddress; }; render () { const { history, location: { pathname } } = this.props; const { error, importingFromSigner, phrase } = this.state; const currentStep = pathname.slice(-1); const jsonCard = (

{i18n.t( `${packageNS}:account.import.json.label_msg_recover_json` )}

); const signerCard = (

{i18n.t( `${packageNS}:account.import.signer.label_msg_recover_signer` )}

{importingFromSigner ? ( ) : ( )}
); const phraseCard = (

{i18n.t( `${packageNS}:account.import.phrase.label_msg_recover_phrase` )}

); const spacer =
; return (
{!importingFromSigner && jsonCard} {spacer} {signerCard} {spacer} {!importingFromSigner && phraseCard}


{currentStep > 1 && ( )}
); } renderButton = () => { const { isLoading, json, phrase } = this.state; // If we are importing an existing account, the button goes to the next step return ( ); }; } export default AccountImportOptions;