// Copyright 2015-2018 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause import { action, observable } from 'mobx'; import Api from '@parity/api'; import isElectron from 'is-electron'; import light from '@parity/light.js'; import store from 'store'; import { Subject } from 'rxjs'; import Debug from '../utils/debug'; import LS_PREFIX from './utils/lsPrefix'; const debug = Debug('parityStore'); const electron = isElectron() ? window.require('electron') : null; const LS_KEY = `${LS_PREFIX}::secureToken`; export class ParityStore { @observable isApiConnected = false; isApiConnected$ = new Subject(); @observable isParityRunning = false; @observable token = null; constructor () { // Retrieve token from localStorage const token = store.get(LS_KEY); if (token) { debug('Got token from localStorage.'); this.setToken(token); } if (!electron) { debug( 'Not in Electron, ParityStore will only have limited capabilities.' ); return; } this.isApiConnected$.next(false); const { ipcRenderer, remote } = electron; // Check if isParityRunning this.setIsParityRunning(!!remote.getGlobal('isParityRunning')); // We also listen to future changes ipcRenderer.on('parity-running', (_, isParityRunning) => { this.setIsParityRunning(isParityRunning); }); } connectToApi = () => { // Get the provider, optionally from --ws-interface and --ws-port flags const [defaultInterface, defaultPort] = ['', '8546']; let provider = `ws://${defaultInterface}:${defaultPort}`; if (electron) { const { remote } = electron; const wsInterface = remote.getGlobal('wsInterface'); const wsPort = remote.getGlobal('wsPort'); provider = `ws://${wsInterface || defaultInterface}:${wsPort || defaultPort}`; } debug(`Connecting to ${provider}.`); const api = new Api( new Api.Provider.Ws( provider, this.token.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, '') // Sanitize token ) ); // Initialize the light.js lib light.setApi(api); // Also set api as member for React Components to use it if needed this.api = api; // TODO This is not working // api.on('connected', () => this.setIsApiConnected(true)); // api.on('disconnected', () => this.setIsApiConnected(false)); // So instead, we poll every 1s setInterval(() => { this.setIsApiConnected(api.isConnected); }, 1000); }; requestNewToken = () => { const { ipcRenderer } = electron; // Request new token from Electron debug('Requesting new token.'); ipcRenderer.send('asynchronous-message', 'signer-new-token'); ipcRenderer.once('signer-new-token-reply', (_, token) => { if (!token) { return; } // If `parity signer new-token` has successfully given us a token back, // then we submit it debug('Successfully received new token.'); this.setToken(token); }); }; @action setIsApiConnected = isApiConnected => { if (isApiConnected === this.isApiConnected) { return; } debug(`Api is now ${isApiConnected ? 'connected' : 'disconnected'}.`); this.isApiConnected = isApiConnected; this.isApiConnected$.next(isApiConnected); }; @action setIsParityRunning = isParityRunning => { if (isParityRunning === this.isParityRunning) { return; } this.isParityRunning = isParityRunning; // Request new token if parity's running but we still don't have a token if (isParityRunning && !this.token) { this.requestNewToken(); } }; @action setToken = token => { if (token === this.token) { return; } this.token = token; // If we receive a new token, then we try to connect to the Api with this // new token this.connectToApi(); this.updateLS(); }; updateLS = () => store.set(LS_KEY, this.token); } export default new ParityStore();