// https://vanity-service.parity.io/parity-binaries?version=stable&os=linux&architecture=x86_64 // https://vanity-service.parity.io/parity-binaries?version=beta&os=windows&architecture=x86_64 // https://vanity-service.parity.io/parity-binaries?version=beta&os=darwin&architecture=x86_64 const crypto = require('crypto'); const { chmod, existsSync, writeFile } = require('fs'); const download = require('download'); const fetch = require('node-fetch'); const { promisify } = require('util'); const semver = require('semver'); const { parity: { version: versionRequirement } } = require('../packages/fether-electron/package.json'); const exec = promisify(require('child_process').exec); const fsChmod = promisify(chmod); const fsWriteFile = promisify(writeFile); let os; switch (process.platform) { case 'win32': os = 'windows'; break; case 'darwin': os = 'darwin'; break; default: os = 'linux'; } const ENDPOINT = `https://vanity-service.parity.io/parity-binaries?os=${os}&architecture=x86_64`; const STATIC_DIRECTORY = '../packages/fether-electron/static/'; const foundPath = [ `${STATIC_DIRECTORY}/parity`, `${STATIC_DIRECTORY}/parity.exe` ].find(existsSync); if (foundPath) { // Bundled Parity was found, we check if the version matches the minimum requirements getBinaryVersion(foundPath) .then(version => { if (!semver.satisfies(version, versionRequirement)) { console.log( 'Bundled Parity Ethereum %s is older than required version %s', version, versionRequirement ); return downloadParity(); } else { console.log( 'Bundled Parity Ethereum %s matches required version %s', version, versionRequirement ); } }) .catch(e => { console.error(e); process.exit(1); }); } else { // Bundled Parity wasn't found, we download the latest version downloadParity().catch(e => { console.error(e); process.exit(1); }); } function downloadParity () { return ( fetch(ENDPOINT) .then(r => r.json()) // Find the latest version matching the version requirement // // We use this method rather than downloading the latest beta, because if // somebody checks out a year-old commit, then the latest beta of Parity would // be downloaded, which would most likely not be compatible with the version // requirement (e.g. ~2.4.1) .then(resp => { const latestCompatibleItem = resp .filter(({ version }) => semver.valid(version)) .reduce( (bestItem, item) => semver.gt(item.version, bestItem.version) && semver.satisfies(item.version, versionRequirement) ? item : bestItem, { version: '0.0.0' } ); if (latestCompatibleItem.version === '0.0.0') { throw new Error( `Couldn't find a Parity Ethereum version compatible with ${versionRequirement}` ); } return latestCompatibleItem; }) .then(({ files, version }) => ({ ...files.find(({ name }) => ['parity', 'parity.exe'].includes(name)), version })) .then(({ name, downloadUrl, checksum: expectedChecksum, version }) => { console.log( 'Downloading Parity Ethereum %s... (%s)', version, downloadUrl ); return download(downloadUrl).then(data => { const actualChecksum = crypto .createHash('sha256') .update(data) .digest('hex'); if (expectedChecksum !== actualChecksum) { throw new Error( `Parity Ethereum checksum mismatch: expecting ${expectedChecksum}, got ${actualChecksum}.` ); } // Write to file and set a+x permissions const destinationPath = `${STATIC_DIRECTORY}/${name}`; return fsWriteFile(destinationPath, data) .then(() => fsChmod(destinationPath, 755)) .then(() => destinationPath); }); }) .then(getBinaryVersion) .then(bundledVersion => console.log(`Success: bundled Parity Ethereum ${bundledVersion}`) ) ); } function getBinaryVersion (binaryPath) { return exec(`${binaryPath} --version`).then(({ stdout, stderr }) => { if (stderr) throw new Error(stderr); return stdout.match(/v\d+\.\d+\.\d+/)[0]; }); }