// Copyright 2015-2018 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { chainName$, withoutLoading } from '@parity/light.js'; import { inject, observer } from 'mobx-react'; import light from '@parity/light.js-react'; import { withProps } from 'recompose'; import check from '../../assets/img/icons/check.svg'; import loading from '../../assets/img/icons/loading.svg'; import withTokens from '../../utils/withTokens'; import { blockscoutTxUrl } from '../../utils/blockscout'; // Number of confirmations to consider a transaction successful const MIN_CONFIRMATIONS = 6; @light({ chainName: () => chainName$().pipe(withoutLoading()) }) @inject('sendStore') @withTokens @withProps(({ match: { params: { tokenAddress } }, tokens }) => ({ token: tokens[tokenAddress] })) @observer class Sent extends Component { componentWillMount () { // If we refresh on this page, return to homepage if (!this.props.sendStore.txStatus) { this.handleGoToHomepage(); } } handleGoToHomepage = () => { const { history, sendStore } = this.props; sendStore.clear(); history.push('/'); }; render () { const { sendStore: { confirmations } } = this.props; return (




{confirmations >= MIN_CONFIRMATIONS && ( )}
); } renderDescription = () => { const { sendStore: { confirmations, txStatus } } = this.props; if (!txStatus) { return ''; } if (confirmations >= MIN_CONFIRMATIONS) { return null; } if (confirmations > 0) { return `Waiting ${confirmations}/${MIN_CONFIRMATIONS} confirmations`; } if (txStatus.confirmed) { return 'Waiting for confirmations...'; } if (txStatus.failed) { return JSON.stringify(txStatus.failed); } return null; }; renderIcon = () => { const { sendStore: { confirmations } } = this.props; if (confirmations >= MIN_CONFIRMATIONS) { return check; } return loading; }; renderTitle = () => { const { sendStore: { confirmations, txStatus } } = this.props; if (!txStatus) { return ''; } if (txStatus.confirmed) { return ( {confirmations >= MIN_CONFIRMATIONS ? 'Transaction confirmed' : 'Submitted'} ); } if (txStatus.failed) { return 'Error'; } return 'Sending your transaction...'; }; renderLink = () => { const { chainName, sendStore: { confirmations, txStatus }, token } = this.props; if (confirmations >= 0) { return ( See it on BlockScout ); } return null; }; } export default Sent;